Department of Electrical Engineering
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Harikrishnan Ramiah is currently a Professor at Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya, working in the area of RFIC/RFEH design. He received his B.Eng(Hons), MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in the field of Analog and Digital IC design from Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2000, 2003 and 2008 respectively. In the year 2003, he was with SiresLabs Sdn. Bhd, CyberJaya, Malaysia. At the year 2002 he was attached to Intel Technology Sdn. Bhd. Harikrishnan was the recipient of Intel Fellowship Grant Award, 2000-2008. Harikrishnan is the Director of the Centre of Industry Research 4.0 (CRI 4.0) and the Head of Analog, Digital & RF Research group at University of Malaya. His work revolves in providing expert solution to industry in the strength of IR 4.0. Through CRI 4.0, he regulates expert collaborative effort of the faculties in University of Malaya outsourcing solution to SME and MNC. He had produced silicon verified IPs in the field of Analog, RF and RFEH Integrated Circuit Design. With a reputable research output and solution, he has secured several international, national and industrial grant from the year 2014 till date. He serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Access in a recognition towards his research credibility. He is a Chartered Engineer and the Fellow of Institute of Electrical Technology (IET). He is also a Professional Engineer registered under the Board of Engineers, Malaysia. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE) and member of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE). His research work has resulted in several reputable technical publications in the field of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. His main research interest includes Analog Integrated Circuit Design, RFIC Design, VLSI system design and RF/Piezoelectric/Thermal/Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Power Management Module Design. |
A 585.9 mu W Complementary VCO with an LC Head-and-Tail Filtering Achieving 196.7 dBc/Hz FoM
High-Performance Multiband Ambient RF Energy Harvesting Front-End System for Sustainable IoT Applications-A Review
A Reconfigurable Hybrid RF Front-End Rectifier for Dynamic PCE Enhancement of Ambient RF Energy Harvesting Systems
Design and Implementation of Hybrid DC-DC Converter: A Review
Power-Efficient RF and mm-Wave VCOs/PLL
CMOS Low Power Current Source based Tunable Inductor for IoT Devices
Analysis of a Single Frequency Multi-Channel Ambient RF Energy Harvesting in CMOS Technology
A Triple Cross Coupled Down-Conversion Mixer in 65 nm CMOS technology
An Inverse-Class-F CMOS VCO with Intrinsic-High-Q 1st- and 2nd-Harmonic Resonances for 1/f2-to-1/f3 Phase-Noise Suppression Achieving 196.2dBc/Hz FOM