Annual Publications by Category
Summary of Budget vs Expenditure per vote for all research grants
Last 3 Projects
Project Title Progress Status
Isolation And Phenotypic Characterization Of The Eskapee Pathogens From Universiti Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur
on going
Implementation Strategies To Optimize The Management Multidrug-resistant Organisms
on going
Subproject 1: Clinical Characteristics And Risk Factors For Mdro Related Ssi Among Trauma Patients
on going
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System
Latest Publications

Assessment of antimicrobial prescribing patterns, guidelines compliance, and appropriateness of antimicrobial prescribing in surgical-practice units: point prevalence survey in Malaysian teaching hospitals


Study of the Practice of Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis Use for Elective Neurosurgical Cases in a Tertiary Hospital and Understanding the Rationale


HIV treatment outcomes after 10 years on ART in the TREAT Asia Observational Database (TAHOD) and Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD)


A visualized hybrid PCR-LAMP assay for the detection of human Plasmodium species


Principles of infectious diseases: Transmission, Diagnosis, Prevention and Control


Association between severity of COVID-19 pneumonia and vaccination status in a tertiary-care teaching hospital in Malaysia


Risk factors associated with mortality among carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae inpatient in a tertiary-care teaching hospital in Malaysia


The price tag of resistance: Costs of MDR Gram-negative bacteremia at a Malaysian tertiary teaching hospital


Effectiveness of a surgical-site infection bundle in reducing postoperative infection in cesarean deliveries in a tertiary-care teaching hospital in Malaysia