Office of The Executive Director
Centre for Foundation Studies in Science
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Understanding The Effect Of 8-aminoquinoline-triazole Hybrid Molecules As Additive For Photoelectrochemical Cells |
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Castor oil Polyurethane Electrolytes with Enhanced Physicochemical Properties for Application in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Pilot Study: Investigating The Effects of The Low-cost Projectile Launcher Experimental Kit on Student Learning
The Effect of Heat Treatment on Bismuth Oxyiodide Thin Films for Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells
Epoxidized natural rubber-<i>graft</i>-acrylonitrile (ENR-<i>g</i>-ACN)-based solid polymer electrolytes for energy storage application
The development of poly(ethylene oxide) reinforced with a nanocellulose-based nanocomposite polymer electrolyte in dye-sensitized solar cells
Comprehensive College Physics
Physics Laboratory Manual Semester 1
Physics Laboratory Manual Semester 2
Bio-Based Polyurethane Polymer Electrolyte for Dye Solar Cells Application
Deformation of solids and Nuclear Physics
Deformation of solids and Nuclear Physics
Ibrahim, S., Rudhziah, S. & Mohamed, N.S. 2011. PVDF- HFP/PEMA blend based lithium ion conducting polymer electrolytes. Progress in Polymer Research Vol. 1. Malaysia UKM:126-130.