Gender Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Project Title | Progress | Status |
Refugee Women - Key To The Global Compact On Refugees |
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Investigating Indigenous Foodways And Traditional Ecological Knowledge Towards Understanding Food Security And Ecological Changes In The Coastal Sites Of Pulau Carey |
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Beyond Resistance And Acquiescence : Indigenous Rights And Citizenship In Malaysia. |
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This information is generated from Research Grant Management System |
Countering durian plantationocene visuality and the erasure of natureculture histories in Malaysia
Challenges in Agrobiodiversity Maintenance in Southwest Bangladesh: An Intersectional Analysis
Engaged Social Anthropology and Indigenous Land Claims in Malaysia
Orang Asli Community Learning Centers and Indigenous Resurgence
Wanita Orang asli bersuara: Kami pun ada hak bersekolah
Overview of women's and gender studies in Malaysia
Some Orang Asli Still Think Najib Is PM: Representations and Self-Representations of the Orang Asli in the Cameron Highlands By-election. In New Media in the Margins: Lived Realities and Experiences from the Malaysian Peripheries
The Right to Information: COVID-19 Public Health Information for the Orang Asli Community in Peninsular Malaysia
Orang Asli Community Learning Centers and Indigenous Resurgence
Orang Asli Women Negotiating Education and Identity: Creating a Vision of the Self with Socially Available Possibilities.