Annual Publications by Category
Summary of Budget vs Expenditure per vote for all research grants
Last 3 Projects
Project Title Progress Status
Subcutaneous Versus Intra venous Tramodol for Extremities Injuries with Moderate Pain in the Emergency Department : A Randomised Controlled Non-Inferiority Trial
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System
Latest Publication

Subcutaneous versus intravenous tramadol for extremity injury with moderate pain in the emergency department: a randomised controlled noninferiority trial


HACOR Score in Predicting Non-invasive Ventilation Failure in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure and AECOAD Patients


COVID-19 aerosol box as protection from droplet and aerosol contaminations in healthcare workers performing airway intubation: a randomised cross-over simulation study


A Study on the Effectiveness of Video Call Dispatcher-Assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Enhancing the Quality of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Among Laymen Bystanders in Malaysia