Annual Publications by Category
Summary of Budget vs Expenditure per vote for all research grants
Last 3 Projects
Project Title Progress Status
The Comparison of Predictive Value of pre-operative and immediate post-operative proteinuria For Cardiac Surgery Associated Acute Kidney Injury
Correlation Between Routine Mediastinal Drain Swab Culture and Sternal Wound Infection After Open Heart Surgery : A Prospective Observational Study
Biologic bone cement enhanced sternal closure following sternotomy in open heart surgery patients: A randomized controlled trial
This information is generated from Research Grant Management System
Latest Publication

Transit time flow measurement and outcome in coronary artery bypass grafting for surgeon and trainee


Comparison of diametric and volumetric changes in Stanford type B aortic dissection patients in assessing aortic remodeling post-stent graft treatment


Effect of Vessel Tortuosity on Stress Concentration at the Distal Stent-Vessel Interface: Possible Link With New Entry Formation Through Biomechanical Simulation


Comparison of diametric and volumetric changes in Stanford Type B aortic dissection patients in assessing aortic remodeling post-stent graft treatment