Specialized in teaching mainly for A-level comprehensive Biology and Jati Diri at PASUM. Involved in collaborative research work with Fish Research Institute (FRI Gelami Lemi) and Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia. Generally, I am interested in the study of a sustainable aquaculture products and forest ecology. Despite of Fish Biology as a core subject, research in human science also is part of my projects in recent years which involved the surveillance of hygienic practice in public toilets between Malaysia and Japan. This require international approach by two nationalities.  Future research is based on fish growth and breeding in wild population of Peninsular Malaysia. Some ecological approach will be applied as a basic fundamental knowledge for habitat restoration and preservation.

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Mohd Firrdhaus Mohd Sahabuddin is a Professional Architect registered with the Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM), a member of the education committee for the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) and a graduate member of the Royal Incorporation of Architects Scotland (RIAS). He is also a graduate member of the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). He gained his Master's degree in Advanced Sustainable Design from the University of Edinburgh and was later awarded the ‘Andrew Grant Award’ for the best dissertation in the University for the year. He then pursued his study at a PhD level at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow with the British Government Sponsorship under the Commonwealth Scholarship Tenable in the United Kingdom. He worked with the Public Works Department (PWD) of Malaysia from 2005 to 2021. His last position was as the head of the Architectural Forensic Unit in the Architectural Branch, Public Works Department of Malaysia. Currently, he is holding a position as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya. His research work focuses on the areas of sustainable architecture and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) such as thermal comfort, visual comfort, indoor air quality, and building ventilation.     

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ADIL Johan is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Creative Arts, University of Malaya (UM). His research on music and popular culture intersects with issues of interculturalism, cosmopolitanism, intimacy, affect and gender, focussing on the Malay world and Southeast Asia. He is author of Cosmopolitan Intimacies, a book on Independence-era Malay film music (NUS Press, 2018); was an invited special section editor for the Journal of Intercultural Studies (2019); published a study on Malaysian popular music and social cohesion in Kajian Malaysia (2019); and is co-editor of Made in Nusantara: Studies in popular music (Routledge, 2021). He is the current Chair for the Southeast Asian branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-SEA). As a performing and recording artist he sings and plays saxophone for AYOP, Nadir and the Adil Johan Quintet (AJQ).  ADIL Johan merupakan seorang pensyarah kanan Fakulti Seni Kreatif Universiti Malaya (UM). Penyelidikan beliau mengenai muzik dan budaya popular mendalami isu silang budaya, kosmopolitanisme, keintiman, affect dan gender yang bertumpuan kepada alam Melayu dan Asia Tenggara. Beliau adalah pengarang Cosmopolitan Intimacies, sebuah buku mengenai muzik filem Melayu era Kemerdekaan (NUS Press, 2018); editor undangan bahagian khas untuk Journal of Intercultural Studies (2019); menerbitkan kajian tentang muzik popular Malaysia dan kesepaduan sosial dalam Kajian Malaysia (2019); dan merupakan penyunting bersama buku Made in Nusantara: Studies in popular music (Routledge, 2021). Sejak 2022, beliau memegang jawatan Pengerusi cawangan Asia Tenggara bagi International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-SEA). Sebagai artis rakaman beliau menyanyi dan bermain saksofon untuk AYOP, Nadir dan Adil Johan Quintet (AJQ).

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