Curriculum Vitae
Dr Zamri Zainal Abidin is a radio astronomy researcher who focuses on exploring the fundamental and applications of deep space astrophysics and solar astronomy sciences. He has been a physicist and lecturer at the Department of Physics, University of Malaya since 2005. After graduating from the Jodrell Bank Centre of Astrophysics at University of Manchester, and together with Dr Zainol Abidin Ibrahim, he established the Radio Cosmology Research Lab Group, which is the first and currently only radio astronomical research group in the country. His PhD thesis won the best publication in astronomy in 2005 awarded by the National Space Agency (ANGKASA). His team of researchers won medals at expos including at the Research, Invention and Innovation Expo (silver medal; awarded by Universiti Malaya in 2006), International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (gold medal; awarded by Ministry Of Science Technology And Innovation Of Malaysia in 2017), Research and Innovation Week Expo (gold medal; awarded by Education, Science, Technology And Transformation of State of Terengganu in 2017) and Seoul International Invention Fair 2017 (2 silver medals; awarded by Korean Invention Promotion Association in 2017). Among his responsibilities are; the chair of the radio astronomy group for the South East Asian Astronomy Network (SEAAN) since 2007, national representative for the Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia-Pacific region (RAFCAP) since 2010, regional advisory committee member for the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) since 2017 and the head of the Malaysia-East Asian Observatory Consortium (MEAsOOC) since 2019. He received numerous fellowships including the Freeman Foundation Fellowship (awarded by the Salzburg Seminar, Austria in 2005), Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Research Fellowship For Developing Countries (awarded by the CAS China in 2013) and President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) for Visiting Scientists (awarded by the CAS China in 2019). For his work with the CAS, he was nominated for The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) "Regional Award for Building Scientific Institutions" in 2020. In 2022, he was invited to make a special extended appearance in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) documentary "Solar Storm: A Warning from Space". In his administrative duty, he held the position of the Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Science in Universiti Malaya between 2017 and 2019. He is currently the Head of Department of Physics, since January 2022. He attended the Executive Education Program on "Innovation in the Digital Age: Entrepreneurship Lessons from Silicon Valley" conducted by the Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley in June 2023. He is also currently the acting director the National Centre of Particple Physics, since November 2024. In 2025, he has 10 ongoing PhD students and 10 ongoing masters students under his supervision. The total number of postgraduate students that have graduated under his supervision stands at 26 (10 PhD and 16 masters). He has also supervised a total number of 83 undergraduate Final Year Project (FYP) students.
- ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICSPhysical Sciences, Physics, Astrophysics
- RADIO ASTRONOMYSpace Sciences, Astronomy, Astronomy And Astronomical Observatory
- AEROSPACE INDUSTRYEconomic Empowerment, Economic Growth
- DPHIL, (Lain-Lain)University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- MSc, (FIZIK)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- BSC, (FIZIK)Universiti Malaya (UM)
Article in Journal
Abidin, Z. Z.; Asmi, N.; Sabri, M. R. Mat; Rohaizi, M. A.; Hashim, N.; Ibrahim, U. F. S. U. (2024). The excess of diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters A4038 and A1664, PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE. 44. doi:10.1016/j.dark.2024.101449
Rosli, Zulfazli; Burns, Ross A.; Nazri, Affan Adly; Sugiyama, Koichiro; Hirota, Tomoya; Kim, Kee-Tae; Yonekura, Yoshinori; Tie, Liu; Orosz, Gabor; Chibueze, James Okwe; Sobolev, Andrey M.; Kang, Ji Hyun; Lee, Chang Won; Hwang, Jihye; Mohammad, Hafieduddin; Hashim, Norsiah; Abidin, Zamri Zainal (2024). Limits of water maser kinematics: insights from the high-mass protostar AFGL 5142-MM1, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 527(4), 10031-10037. doi:10.1093/mnras/stad3767
Abidin, Z. Z.; Zulkiplee, A. N.; Epin, V.; Pauzi, F. A. M. (2023). Investigation on the Formation of Herringbone Structure in Type II Solar Radio Bursts, RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS. 23(5). doi:10.1088/1674-4527/acc14e
Sabri, M. R. Mat; Abidin, Z. Z.; Hwang, C. Y.; Kiew, C. Y.; Asmi, N.; Subramaniam, S.; Lee, D. A. A. (2023). The investigation of dark matter density profiles on the neutralino mass and cross-section annihilation (m(chi)-
constraint lines of selected galaxy clusters by considering their synchrotron emission, NEW ASTRONOMY. 102. doi:10.1016/j.newast.2023.102023 -
Abidin, Zamri Zainal; Ramadhani, Farah; Algaba, Juan Carlos; Shah, Noraisyah Mohamed; Dahari, Mahidzal; Mokhtar, Wan Zul Adli Wan (2022). Control system performance of a 7.3-meter radio telescope converted from telecommunication antenna to radio astronomy purposes in Malaysia, JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES INSTRUMENTS AND SYSTEMS. 8(3). doi:10.1117/1.JATIS.8.3.037001
Abidin, Zamri Zainal; Ramadhani, Farah; Shah, Noraisyah Mohamed; Ibrahim, Zainol Abidin; Zhong, Chen; Dahari, Mahidzal; Radzi, Mohd Shazwan Mohd (2022). Optimal performance of data transmission between Malaysia-China for VLBI-based radio astronomy observation using Jive5ab, EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY. . doi:10.1007/s10686-022-09838-9
Ali, Nur Hidayah Mohd; Abidin, Zamri Zainal; Hwang, Chorng-Yuan (2022). Star Formation Rates for Elliptical Galaxies Derived from the WISE 12-and 22- m Emission, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 51(9), 3059-3068. doi:10.17576/jsm-2022-5109-25
Azeez, Jazeel H.; Abidin, Zamri Zainal; Fadhil, Sadeem Abbas; Hwang, Chorng-Yuan (2022). Analyzing Interferometric CO (3-2) Observations of NGC 4039 (Menganalisis Interferometrik CO (3-2) Pemerhatian NGC 4039), SAINS MALAYSIANA. 51(4), 1271-1282. doi:10.17576/jsm-2022-5104-25
Lee, Danial Ahmad Ariffin; Abidin, Zamri Zainal; Jwel, Abdul Kadir Md; Hassan, Mohd Shaiful Rizal (2022). Identifying Merging Galaxies in MaNGA using H-? and Hi Observations, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 51(7), 2187-2196. doi:10.17576/jsm-2022-5107-20
Tan, Wei Shen; Abidin, Z. Z.; Hashim, N. (2022). A comprehensive analysis using 9 dark matter halo models on the spiral galaxy NGC 4321, INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. . doi:10.1007/s12648-021-02027-y
Abidin, Z. Z., Rosli, Z., Radzi, M. S. M., Shah, N. M., Dahari, M., Ramadhani, F., . . . Hashim, N. (2021). Radio quiet and radio notification zones characteristics for radio astronomy in medium densely populated areas and humid tropical countries. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems, 7(2), 17. doi: 10.1117/1.jatis.7.2.027001
Lv, M. S., Chen, Y., Vasanth, V., Radzi, M. S., Abidin, Z. Z., & Monstein, C. (2021). An Observational Revisit of Stationary Type IV Solar Radio Bursts. Solar Physics, 296(2), 24. doi: 10.1007/s11207-021-01769-6
Mokhtar, W., Hamidi, Z. S., Abidin, Z. Z., Ibrahim, Z. A., & Monstein, C. (2021). Data background levels of the metre and decimetre wavelength observations by E-CALLISTO network: the Gauribidanur and Greenland sites. Indian Journal of Physics, 95(6), 1051-1060. doi: 10.1007/s12648-020-01765-9
Rabeh, T., Omar, K. A., Fergany, E., & Abidin, Z. Z. (2021). Seismic-Magnetic Effect of Swarms and Strong Earthquakes along Gulf of Aqaba Fault Segments in Egypt. Geotectonics, 55(1), 128-134. doi: 10.1134/s0016852121010106
Huang, J., Liu, Y., Feng, H. Q., Zhao, A., Abidin, Z. Z., Shen, Y. D., Jacob, O. (2020). A Statistical Study of the Plasma and Composition Distribution inside Magnetic Clouds: 1998-2011. Astrophysical Journal, 893(2), 12. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab7a28
Pauzi, F. A. M., Abidin, Z. Z., Guo, S. J., Gao, G. N., Dong, L., Monstein, C. (2020). Investigation into CME Shock Speed Resulting from Type II Solar Radio Bursts A Newly Designed Half-Wave Dipole Antenna (HWDA) Array System. Solar Physics, 295(3), 14. doi: 10.1007/s11207-019-1404-z
Abbas, M., Abidin, Z. Z., Jusoh, M. H., Bolaji, O. S., Yoshikawa, A. (2019). Features of horizontal magnetic field intensity over northern island of Malaysia. Indian Journal of Physics, 93(10), 1247-1257. doi:10.1007/s12648-019-01388-9
Abidin, Z. Z., Jusoh, M. H., Abbas, M., Yoshikawa, A. (2019). Application of solar quiet (Sq) current in determining mantle conductivity-depth structure in Malaysia. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 192, 7. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2018.01.019
Abidin, Z. Z., Jusoh, M. H., Abbas, M., Bolaji, O. S., Yoshikawa, A. (2019). Features of the inter-hemispheric field-aligned current system over Malaysia ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 192, 7. doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2018.01.012
Abidin Z.Z., Ramadhani F., Shah N.M., Ibrahim Z.A., Zhong C., Dahari M., Radzi M.S.M. (2022). Optimal performance of data transmission between Malaysia-China for VLBI-based radio astronomy observation using Jive5ab, Experimental Astronomy. 53(3), 1165-1176. doi:10.1007/s10686-022-09838-9
Azeez J.H., Abidin Z.Z., Fadhil S.A., Hwang C.-Y. (2022). Analyzing Interferometric CO (3-2) Observations of NGC 4039, Sains Malaysiana. 51(4), 1271-1282. doi:10.17576/jsm-2022-5104-25
Lee D.A.A., Abidin Z.Z., Jwel A.K.M., Hassan M.S.R. (2022). Identifying Merging Galaxies in MaNGA using H- and Hi Observations, Sains Malaysiana. 51(7), 2187-2196. doi:10.17576/jsm-2022-5107-20
Tan W.S., Abidin Z.Z., Hashim N. (2022). A comprehensive analysis using 9 dark matter halo models on the spiral galaxy NGC 4321, Indian Journal of Physics. 96(3), 671-687. doi:10.1007/s12648-021-02027-y
Abidin, Z.Z., Asillam, M.F. & Koay, J.Y. (2020) Expanding astronomy research in Malaysia, Nature Astronomy, 4(12), pp 1115-1117
Wan Mokhtar, W.Z.A., Hamidi, Z.S., Abidin, Z.Z., Ibrahim, Z.A. and Monstein, C. (2020), Data background levels of the metre and decimetre wavelength observations by E-CALLISTO network: the Gauribidanur and Greenland sites. Indian Journal of Physics. (In press)
Miao, Y. H., Liu, Y., Shen, Y. D., Li, H. B., Abidin, Z. Z., Elmhamdi, A. and Kordi, A. S. (2019). A Quasi-periodic Propagating Wave and Extreme-ultraviolet Waves Excited Simultaneously in a Solar Eruption Event. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 871 (1) L2, 1-8
Miao, Y., Liu, Y., Shen, Y. D., Elmhamdi, A.), Kordi, A. S., Li, H. B., Abidin, Z. Z. and Tian, Z. J. (2019). A New Small Satellite Sunspot Triggering Recurrent Standard and Blowout Coronal Jets. Astrophysical Journal, 877 (1), 61, 1-10
Miao, YH; Liu, Y; Shen, YD; Elmhamdi, A; Kordi, AS; Li, HB; Abidin, ZZ; Tian, ZJ 2019. A New Small Satellite Sunspot Triggering Recurrent Standard and Blowout Coronal Jets. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Miao, YH; Liu, Y; Shen, YD; Li, HB; Abidin, ZZ; Elmhamdi, A; Kordi, AS 2019. A Quasi-periodic Propagating Wave and Extreme-ultraviolet Waves Excited Simultaneously in a Solar Eruption Event. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS
Abidin, ZZ; Hashim, SJ; Wei, LY; Zhong, C; Rosli, Z 2018. Radio astronomy interferometer network testing for a Malaysia-China real-time e-VLBI. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Ali, IAM; Hashim, N; Abidin, ZZ 2018. The dark matter distribution of NGC 5921. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Ali, IAM; Hwang, CY; Abidin, ZZ; Plunkett, AL 2018. Dark Matter in the Central Region of NGC 3256. SAINS MALAYSIANA
Kiehbadroudinezhad, S; Cada, M; Chen, Z; Shahabi, A; Shortand, I; Abidin, ZZ; Kiehbadroudinezhad, S 2018. Concentric Circles and Spiral Configurations for Large Correlator Arrays in Radio Astronomy. ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL
Miao, Y., Liu, Y., Li, H.B., Shen, Y., Yang, S., Elmhamdi, A., Kordi, A. S. and Abidin, Z. Z. (2018). A Blowout Jet Associated with One Obvious Extreme-ultraviolet Wave and One Complicated Coronal Mass Ejection Event. Astrophysical Journal, 869 (1), 39, 1-12
Miao, Y; Liu, Y; Li, HB; Shen, Y; Yang, S; Elmhamdi, A; Kordi, AS; Abidin, ZZ 2018. A Blowout Jet Associated with One Obvious Extreme-ultraviolet Wave and One Complicated Coronal Mass Ejection Event. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Azeez J. H., Abidin, Z.Z., Hwang C-Y. & Ibrahim Z.A. (2017). Star Formation Law at Sub-kpc Scale in the Elliptical Galaxy Centaurus A as Seen by ALMA. Advances in Astronomy, 2017, 8416945, 1-8
Kiew C-Y, Hwang C-Y, Abidin Z.Z. (2017). Constraints on the dark matter neutralinos from the radio emissions of galaxy clusters. Mon Not R Astron Soc, 467 (3), 2924-2933.
Sukma I. & Abidin Z.Z. (2017) Study of seismic activity during the ascending and descending phases of solar activity. Indian Journal of Physics, 91 (6), 595 606
Umar R, Abidin Z.Z, et al (2017) Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Integrated With GIS For Radio Astronomical Observatory Site Selection In Peninsular Of Malaysia, Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 9, 381-393
Azeez, Jazeel H., Hwang, C-Y., Abidin, Zamri Z. & Ibrahim, Z.A. 2016. Kennicutt-Schmidt Law in the Central Region of NGC 4321 as Seen by ALMA. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6, 26896
Mohd Shaiful Rizal Hassan1, Zamri Zainal Abidin, Ungku Ferwani Salwa Ungku Ibrahim, Norsiah Hashim, Danial Ahmad Ariffin Lee. 2016. Redshifts distribution in A262. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458(1) : 264-269.
Zavvari,A.,Islam, M. T., Anwar, R., Abidin, Z.Z., Asillam, M.F. and Monstein, C. 2016. Analysis of radio astronomy bands using CALLISTO spectrometer at Malaysia-UKM station. Experimental Astronomy, Volume: 41(1), pp. 185-195
N. Hashim, Z.Z. Abidin, U.F.S.U. Ibrahim, M.S.R. Hassan, Z.S. Hamidi, R. Umar & Z.A. Ibrahim. 2015. The Nonlinear Least Square Fitting for Rotation Curve of Orion Dwarf Spiral. Sains Malaysiana 44(3)
Sabri N.H., Umar R., Wan Mokhtar W.Z.A., Abidin Z.Z., Ibrahim Z.A., Azid A., Juahir H., Toriman M.E., Mohd Kamarudin K.A.. 2015. Preliminary Study of Vehicular Traffic Effect on Radio Signal for Radio Astronomy, Jurnal Teknologi 75(1): 313-318
Umar R., Sabri N.H., Abidin Z.Z.,vIbrahim Z.A., Azid A., Juahir H., Toriman M.E., Kamarudin M.K.A. 2015. Preliminary Study Of Radio Astronomical Lines Effect Of Rain Below 2.9 GHz, Jurnal Teknologi 75 (1): 7-11
Zamri Zainal Abidin,Norsuzian Mohd Anim, Zety Sharizat Hamidi, Christian Monstein, Zainol Abidin Ibrahim, Roslan Umar, Nur Nafhatun Md Shariff, Nabilah Ramli, Noor Aqma Iryani Aziz & Indriani Sukma 2015. Radio frequency interference in solar monitoring using CALLISTO. New Astronomy Reviews 67: 18-33
Zavvari, A., Islam, M.T., Anwar, R., Abidin, Z.Z. 2015. Solar flare M-class prediction using artificial intelligence techniques, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 74 (1): 63-67
Kiehbadroudinezhad S., Noordin N.K., Sali A. & Abidin Z.Z. 2014. Optimization of an Antenna Array Using Genetic Algorithms. Astronomical Journal, Vol 147, 6, 147.
Umar R., Abidin Z.Z., Ibrahim Z.A., Rosli Z. and Noorazlan N. (2014) Selection of radio astronomical observation sites and its dependence on human generated RFI,Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol. 14 No. 2, 241-248
Abidin Z.Z., Umar R., Ibrahim Z.Z., Rosli Z., Asanok K. and Gasiprong N. (2013) Investigation on the Frequency Allocation for Radio Astronomy at the L Band, PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA,Volume: 30, e047
Abidin, Z. Z.; Ibrahim, Z. A.; Rosli, Z.; et al. (2012). An RFI investigation for setting up a VLBI station below 2.8GHz in Malaysia. New Astronomy Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Pages: 61-64
Abidin, Z.Z. ,Ibrahim, Z.A.,Rosli, Z.,Hassan, S.R.,Malim, S.F.F.,Noorazlan, N.,Aziz, M.A.A.,Suhaimi, A. (2011) Methods and applications of radio frequency interference surveys for radio astronomy in Malaysia. IEEE IconSpace 2011, IEEE Xplore, Article number 6015878, Pages 178-181
Ibrahim, U.F.S.U., Abidin, Z.Z.,Hashim, N., Hassan, M.S.R., Hamidi, Z.S., Ibrahim, Z.A.(2011)Determining the dark matter content of dwarfs and dwarfs spheroidal galaxies in the local group cluster using the CAS parameter. IEEE IconSpace 2011, IEEE Xplore, Article number 6015879, Pages 182-184
Umar, R.; Abidin, Z. Z.; Ibrahim, Z. A. (2011) Implementing the GIS technique for RFI mapping for radio astronomy in Malaysia. IEEE IconSpace 2011, IEEE Xplore. Article number 6015845, Pages 25-27
M. A. Al-Amri, Z. Z. Abidin, and Z. A. Ibrahim (2010). Dynamics of Strong Radio Sources with UMRT-2. AIP Conf. Vol. 1250, pp. 472-475
Zamri Zainal Abidin, Zainol Abidin Ibrahim, Zulfazli Rosli, Siti Fatin Fathinah Malim, and Norsuzian Mohd Anim (2010). Radio Astronomy Working Group for SEAAN and RFI Survey in INSTUN, Perak. AIP Conf. Proc. Vol 1250, pp. 460-463
Abidin Z.Z. and Ibrahim Z.A. (2009) Radio astronomy research in Malaysia: Past, present and future, IEEE International Conference on Space Science and Communication 2009, p. 179 - 181
Abidin Z.Z., Ibrahim Z.A., Syed Adnan S.B.R. and Anuar, N.K. (2009) INVESTIGATION OF RADIO ASTRONOMICAL WINDOWS BETWEEN 1 MHz - 2060 MHz IN UNIVERSITI MALAYA, MALAYSIA, New Astronomy 14 (2009) pp. 579-583
Abidin Z.Z., et al (2008), The Cross Polarization Analysis of the Planck Satellite Main Beam, Jurnal Sains, Vol 16(1) p.23
Zamri Zainal Abidin and Zainol Abidin Ibrahim (2008), Radio Astronomy in Malaysia, Thai Journal of Physics Series 3, p.198
Abidin Z.Z. et al (2006), The First Radio Astronomical Observation of Jupiter Radio Bursts in Malaysia , Jurnal Fizik Malaysia, Vol 27, Number 2, p.99
Abidin, Z.Z., et al. (2003), Synchrotron Polarization at High Galactic Latitude , New Astronomy Review, 47, 1151