Curriculum Vitae


Post Doctoral Research Fellow
  • Department of Anesthesiology
    Faculty of Medicine
  • zheng_yii


  • PhD, (Philosophy)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • MSc, (Science)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • BSc, (Dietetik)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)


    2012 to 2023 (National)


  • Rising Star Award
    2024, Malaysian Dietitians' Association,  (National)
  • T. Sachithanandan Best Oral Presentation Award
    2022, Malaysian Society of Intensive Care,  (National)


Article in Journal
  1. Chen, Yizhe; Liu, Zirui; Wang, Qiuhui; Gao, Fei; Xu, Hongyang; Ke, Lu; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Stoppe, Christian; Heyland, Daren K.; Liang, Fengming; Lin, Jiajia (2024). Enhanced exclusive enteral nutrition delivery during the first 7 days is associated with decreased 28-day mortality in critically ill patients with normal lactate level: a post hoc analysis of a multicenter randomized trial, CRITICAL CARE. 28(1). doi:10.1186/s13054-024-04813-6
  2. Halim, Zakiah; Huang, Yingxiao; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Lew, Charles Chin Han (2024). New randomized controlled trials on micronutrients in critical care nutrition: A narrative review, NUTRITION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE. . doi:10.1002/ncp.11195
  3. Hasan, M. Shahnaz; Jamaludin, Muhammad Afif; Mohd Azman, Sarah Aliah; Atan, Rafidah; Yap, Mei Hoon; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Mohd Yunos, Nor'azim (2024). Early experience of using regional citrate anticoagulation for continuous renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients in a resource-limited setting, NEPHROLOGY. . doi:10.1111/nep.14330
  4. Lee, Zheng-Yii; Dresen, Ellen; Lew, Charles Chin Han; Bels, Julia; Hill, Aileen; Hasan, M. Shahnaz; Ke, Lu; van Zanten, Arthur; van de Poll, Marcel C. G.; Heyland, Daren K.; Stoppe, Christian (2024). The effects of higher versus lower protein delivery in critically ill patients: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis, CRITICAL CARE. 28(1). doi:10.1186/s13054-023-04783-1
  5. Lew, Charles Chin Han; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Day, Andrew G.; Jiang, Xuran; Bear, Danielle; Jensen, Gordon L.; Ng, Pauline Y.; Tweel, Lauren; Parillo, Angela; Heyland, Daren K.; Compher, Charlene (2024). The Association Between Malnutrition and High Protein Treatment on Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients A Post Hoc Analysis of the EFFORT Protein Randomized Trial, CHEST. 165(6), 1380-1391
  6. Lv, Cheng; Zhou, Lingliang; Zhou, Yufeng; Lew, Charles Chin Han; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Hasan, M. Shahnaz; Li, Baiqiang; Liu, Yang; Lin, Jiajia; Mao, Wenjian; Stoppe, Christian; van Zanten, Arthur Raymond Hubert; Li, Weiqin; Liu, Yuxiu; Ke, Lu (2024). Early protein delivery in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: post hoc analysis of a multicenter cluster-randomized controlled trial, BURNS & TRAUMA. 12. doi:10.1093/burnst/tkae027
  7. Ott, Sascha; Dresen, Ellen; Lee, Zheng Yii; Mueller-Wirtz, Lukas M.; Procopiuc, Livia; Ekrami, Elyad; Pitts, Leonard; Hellner, Nicolas; Catena, Daniel; Duerr, Georg Daniel; Wittmann, Maria; Waeschle, Reiner M.; Elke, Gunnar; O'Brien, Benjamin; Heyland, Daren K.; Stoppe, Christian (2024). The effect of high-dose selenium on mortality and postoperative organ dysfunction in post-cardiotomy cardiogenic shock patients supported with mechanical circulatory support - A post-hoc analysis of the SUSTAIN CSX trial, JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE. 83. doi:10.1016/j.jcrc.2024.154853
  8. Ott, Sascha; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Mueller-Wirtz, Lukas M.; Cangut, Busra; Roessler, Julian; Patterson, William; Thomas, Christian M.; Bekele, Biniam M.; Windpassinger, Marita; Lobdell, Kevin; Grant, Michael C.; Arora, Rakesh C.; Engelman, Daniel T.; Fremes, Stephen; Velten, Markus; O'Brien, Benjamin; Ruetzler, Kurt; Heyland, Daren K.; Stoppe, Christian (2024). The effect of a selenium-based anti-inflammatory strategy on postoperative functional recovery in high-risk cardiac surgery patients- A nested sub-study of the sustain CSX trial, LIFE SCIENCES. 351. doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2024.122841
  9. Tweel, Lauren E.; Compher, Charlene; Bear, Danielle E.; Gutierrez-Castrellon, Pedro; Leaver, Susannah K.; Maceachern, Kristen; Ortiz-Reyes, Luis; Pooja, Lakhani; Leon, Angelica; Wedemire, Courtney; Lee, Zheng Yii; Day, Andrew G.; Heyland, Daren K. (2024). A Comparison of High and Usual Protein Dosing in Critically Ill Patients With Obesity: A Post Hoc Analysis of an International, Pragmatic, Single-Blinded, Randomized Clinical Trial, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 52(4), 586-595. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000006117
  10. Davies, T. W.; Kelly, E.; van Gassel, R. J. J.; van de Poll, M. C. G.; Gunst, J.; Casaer, M. P.; Christopher, K. B.; Preiser, J. C.; Hill, A.; Gundogan, K.; Reintam-Blaser, A.; Rousseau, A. -f.; Hodgson, C.; Needham, D. M.; Schaller, S. J.; McClelland, T.; Pilkington, J. J.; Sevin, C. M.; Wischmeyer, P. E.; Lee, Z. Y.; Govil, D.; Chapple, L.; Denehy, L.; Montejo-Gonzalez, J. C.; Taylor, B.; Bear, D. E.; Pearse, R. M.; McNelly, A.; Prowle, J.; Puthucheary, Z. A. (2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the clinimetric properties of the core outcome measurement instruments for clinical effectiveness trials of nutritional and metabolic interventions in critical illness (CONCISE), CRITICAL CARE. 27(1). doi:10.1186/s13054-023-04729-7
  11. Dresen, Ellen; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Hill, Aileen; Notz, Quirin; Patel, Jayshil J.; Stoppe, Christian (2023). History of scurvy and use of vitamin C in critical illness: A narrative review, NUTRITION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE. . doi:10.1002/ncp.10914
  12. Hasan, M. Shahnaz; Razak, Norashekeen Abdul; Yip, Hing Wa; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Chan, Chris Yin Wei; Kwan, Mun Keong; Chiu, Chee Kidd; Yunus, Siti Nadzrah; Ng, Ching Choe (2023). Association between intraoperative remifentanil use and postoperative hyperalgesia in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis surgery: a retrospective study, BMC ANESTHESIOLOGY. 23(1). doi:10.1186/s12871-023-02127-8
  13. Heyland, Daren K.; Patel, Jayshil; Compher, Charlene; Rice, Todd W.; Bear, Danielle E.; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Gonzalez, Victoria C.; O'Reilly, Kevin; Regala, Racquel; Wedemire, Courtney; Ibarra-Estrada, Miguel; Stoppe, Christian; Ortiz-Reyes, Luis; Jiang, Xuran; Day, Andrew G. (2023). The effect of higher protein dosing in critically ill patients with high nutritional risk (EFFORT Protein): an international, multicentre, pragmatic, registry-based randomised trial, LANCET. 401(10376), 568-576. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(22)02469-2
  14. Lee, Zheng-Yii; Lew, Charles Chin Han; Ortiz-Reyes, Alfonso; Patel, Jayshil J.; Wong, Yu Jun; Loh, Carolyn Tze Ing; Martindale, Robert G.; Heyland, Daren K. (2023). Benefits and harm of probiotics and synbiotics in adult critically ill patients. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis, CLINICAL NUTRITION. 42(4), 519-531. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2023.01.019
  15. Lee, Zheng-Yii; Ortiz-Reyes, Luis; Lew, Charles Chin Han; Hasan, M. Shahnaz; Ke, Lu; Patel, Jayshil J.; Stoppe, Christian; Heyland, Daren K. (2023). Intravenous vitamin C monotherapy in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis, ANNALS OF INTENSIVE CARE. 13(1). doi:10.1186/s13613-023-01116-x
  16. Patel, Jayshil J.; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Stoppe, Christian; Heyland, Daren K. (2023). EFFORT Protein trial: questions remain Reply, LANCET. 402(10406), 964-964. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01253-9
  17. Patel, Jayshil J.; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Stoppe, Christian; Heyland, Daren K. (2023). Untitled Reply, LANCET. 401(10406), 964-964. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01253-9
  18. Stoppe, Christian; Patel, Jayshil J.; Zarbock, Alex; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Rice, Todd W.; Mafrici, Bruno; Wehner, Rebecca; Chan, Man Hung Manuel; Lai, Peter Chi Keung; MacEachern, Kristen; Myrianthefs, Pavlos; Tsigou, Evdoxia; Ortiz-Reyes, Luis; Jiang, Xuran; Day, Andrew G.; Hasan, M. Shahnaz; Meybohm, Patrick; Ke, Lu; Heyland, Daren K. (2023). The impact of higher protein dosing on outcomes in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: a post hoc analysis of the EFFORT protein trial, CRITICAL CARE. 27(1). doi:10.1186/s13054-023-04663-8
  19. Davies, T. W.; van Gassel, R. J. J.; van de Poll, M.; Gunst, J.; Casaer, M. P.; Christopher, K. B.; Preiser, J. C.; Hill, A.; Gundogan, K.; Reintam-Blaser, A.; Rousseau, A. F.; Hodgson, C.; Needham, D. M.; Castro, M.; Schaller, S.; McClelland, T.; Pilkington, J. J.; Sevin, C. M.; Wischmeyer, P. E.; Lee, Z. Y.; Govil, D.; Li, A.; Chapple, L.; Denehy, L.; Montejo-Gonzalez, J. C.; Taylor, B.; Bear, D. E.; Pearse, R.; McNelly, A.; Prowle, J.; Puthucheary, Z. A. (2022). Core outcome measures for clinical effectiveness trials of nutritional and metabolic interventions in critical illness: an international modified Delphi consensus study evaluation (CONCISE), CRITICAL CARE. 26(1). doi:10.1186/s13054-022-04113-x
  20. Lee, Zheng-Yii; Hasan, M. Shahnaz; Day, Andrew G.; Ng, Ching Choe; Ong, Su Ping; Yap, Cindy Sing Ling; Engkasan, Julia Patrick; Barakatun-Nisak, Mohd Yusof; Heyland, Daren K. (2022). Initial development and validation of a novel nutrition risk, sarcopenia, and frailty assessment tool in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients: The NUTRIC-SF score, JOURNAL OF PARENTERAL AND ENTERAL NUTRITION. . doi:10.1002/jpen.2194
  21. Lee, Zheng-Yii; Lew, Charles Chin Han; Stoppe, Christian; Hill, Aileen; Ortiz-Reyes, Alfonso; Dhaliwal, Rupinder; Heyland, Daren K.; Patel, Jayshil J. (2022). Fragility Index and Trial Sequential Analysis for Randomized Controlled Studies Testing IV Vitamin C in Critically Ill Patients Reply, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 50(8), E691-E693. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000005573
  22. Lew, Charles Chin Han; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Gluud, Christian (2022). Trial Sequential Analysis in Critical Care Medicine: The Way Forward, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 50(12), E809-E810. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000005634
  23. Menger, Johannes; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Notz, Quirin; Wallqvist, Julia; Hasan, M. Shahnaz; Elke, Gunnar; Dworschak, Martin; Meybohm, Patrick; Heyland, Daren K.; Stoppe, Christian (2022). Administration of vitamin D and its metabolites in critically ill adult patients: an updated systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, CRITICAL CARE. 26(1). doi:10.1186/s13054-022-04139-1
  24. Notz, Quirin; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Menger, Johannes; Elke, Gunnar; Hill, Aileen; Kranke, Peter; Roeder, Daniel; Lotz, Christopher; Meybohm, Patrick; Heyland, Daren K.; Stoppe, Christian (2022). Omega-6 sparing effects of parenteral lipid emulsions-an updated systematic review and meta-analysis on clinical outcomes in critically ill patients, CRITICAL CARE. 26(1). doi:10.1186/s13054-022-03896-3
  25. Patel, Jayshil J.; Hill, Aileen; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Heyland, Daren K.; Stoppe, Christian (2022). Critical Appraisal of a Systematic Review: A Concise Review, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 50(9), 1371-1379. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000005602
  26. Patel, Jayshil J.; Ortiz-Reyes, Alfonso; Dhaliwal, Rupinder; Clarke, John; Hill, Aileen; Stoppe, Christian; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Heyland, Daren K. (2022). IV Vitamin C in Critically Ill Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 50(3), E304-E312. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000005320
  27. Stoppe, Christian; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Lew, Charles Chin Han; Hill, Aileen; Ortiz-Reyes, Alfonso; Heyland, Daren K.; Patel, Jayshil J. (2022). High-Dose Vitamin C: How an Orange Can Be a Lemon Reply, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 50(9), E720-E721. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000005600
  28. Stoppe, Christian; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Ortiz, Luis; Heyland, Daren K.; Patel, Jayshil J. (2022). The potential role of intravenous vitamin C monotherapy in critical illness, JOURNAL OF PARENTERAL AND ENTERAL NUTRITION. . doi:10.1002/jpen.2338
  29. Tah, Pei Chien; Poh, Bee Koon; Kee, Chee Cheong; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Hakumat-Rai, Vineya-Rai; Mat Nor, Mohd Basri; Kamarul Zaman, Mazuin; Majid, Hazreen Abdul; Hasan, M. Shahnaz (2022). Do we need different predictive equations for the acute and late phases of critical illness? A prospective observational study with repeated indirect calorimetry measurements (Aug, 10.1038/s41430-021-01011-3, 2021), EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION. . doi:10.1038/s41430-021-01011-3
  30. Tah, Pei Chien; Poh, Bee Koon; Kee, Chee Cheong; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Hakumat-Rai, Vineya-Rai; Nor, Mohd Basri Mat; Zaman, Mazuin Kamarul; Majid, Hazreen Abdu; Hasan, M. Shahna (2022). Do we need different predictive equations for the acute and late phases of critical illness? A prospective observational study with repeated indirect calorimetry measurements, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION. . doi:10.1038/s41430-021-00999-y
  31. Lee, Z. Y., Ong, S. P., Ng, C. C., Yap, C. S. L., Engkasan, J. P., Barakatun-Nisak, M. Y., . . . Hasan, M. S. (2021). Association between ultrasound quadriceps muscle status with premorbid functional status and 60-day mortality in mechanically ventilated critically ill patient: A single-center prospective observational study. Clinical Nutrition, 40(3), 1338-1347. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2020.08.022
  32. Lee, Z. Y., Yap, C. S. L., Hasan, M. S., Engkasan, J. P., Barakatun-Nisak, M. Y., Day, A. G., . . . Heyland, D. K. (2021). The effect of higher versus lower protein delivery in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Critical Care, 25(1), 15. doi: 10.1186/s13054-021-03693-4
  33. Tah, Pei Chien; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Poh, Bee Koon; Abdul Majid, Hazreen; Hakumat-Rai, Vineya-Rai; Mat Nor, Mohd Basri; Kee, Chee Cheong; Kamarul Zaman, Mazuin; Hasan, M. Shahnaz (2021). Although None of the Resting Energy Expenditure Calculated From Predictive Equations Had Very Good Agreements, the Swinamer Equation Could Be Used to Predict Resting Energy Expenditure When Indirect Calorimetry Is Not Available: We Are Not Sure! reply, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 49(8), E804-E805. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000005082
  34. Ng, C. C., Lee, Z. Y., Chan, W. Y., Jamaluddin, M. F., Tan, L. J., Sitaram, P. N., . . . Hasan, M. S. (2020). Low Muscularity as Assessed by Abdominal Computed Tomography on Intensive Care Unit Admission Is Associated With Mortality in a Critically Ill Asian Population. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 44(3), 425-433. doi: 10.1002/jpen.1666
  35. Tah, Pei Chien; Lee, Zheng-Yii; Poh, Koon; Majid, Hazreen Abdul; Hakumat-Rai, Vineya-Rai; Nor, Mohd Basri Mat; Kee, Chee Cheong; Zaman, Mazuin Kamarul; Hasan, M. Shahnaz (2020). A Single-Center Prospective Observational Study Comparing Resting Energy Expenditure in Different Phases of Critical Illness: Indirect Calorimetry Versus Predictive Equations, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 48(5), E380-E390. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000004282


  • Critical Care Nutrition (Nutrition)


  1. 2024 - 2027, International Funding
    The Effect Of Intravenous Fish Oil Emulsion On Inflammatory Markers, Organ Function, Muscle Mass, Physical Function, And Clinical Outcomes In Critically Ill Patients With High Inflammatory Status. A Phase Ii, Single-blind, Dose-finding, Randomized Controlled Trial (foil-inflame) ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2021 - 2025, NONE
    Critical Care Nutrition Systematic Review ( Co-Researcher)
  3. 2022 - 2023, NONE
    Major mistakes and errors in the use of Trial Sequential Analysis in systematic reviews or meta analyses (METSA), Denmark Technical University, Denmark ( Co-Researcher)


  1. (2023) Research Methodology & Statistics Consultation (Rmsc), University, (Academic Advisor)


Postgraduate Student
  1. (2024) Association between muscle quantity and quality with clinical and functional outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients, CAROLYN LOH TZE ING