Curriculum Vitae
- PhD, (KIMIA ORGANIK)University of London, UK
- BSc (Hons), (Chemistry)University of East London
- VIP in majlis interaksi Fakulti Sains08 Sep 2015 - present (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- Dean -Penubuhan Centre for Agroscience, Gemas08 Dec 2016 - present (University Malaya)
- Head of Department16 Jan 2020 - 15 Jan 2022 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
- Profesor di lantik bagi JKP Master10 Oct 2019 - 10 Oct 2020 (University Malaya)
- Coordinator08 Oct 2019 - 08 Oct 2020 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
- JK penapisan di F Pergigian26 Sep 2017 - 26 Sep 2020 (University Malaya)
- AJK Tapisan Prof C di Fakulti Pergigian26 Sep 2018 - 25 Sep 2020 (University Malaya)
- penasihat Progm FSUM- FMIPA Universitas Indonesia08 Oct 2019 - 12 Aug 2020 (International)
- AJK JKIK28 Mar 2018 - 27 Mar 2020 (University Malaya)
- commitee member01 Oct 2019 - 31 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
- Dean11 Oct 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- Exercising The Function of Dean01 Jul 2018 - 10 Oct 2018 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- Dean01 Jul 2016 - 30 Jun 2018 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- ahli majlis31 Mar 2017 - 31 Dec 2018 (University Malaya)
- AJK tapisan P{rof MAdya & VK7 Fakulti Kejurutreaan02 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (University Malaya)
- wakil senat26 May 2017 - 20 Dec 2018 (University Malaya)
- member - Deans of Science and Mathematics Council01 Jul 2014 - 30 Jun 2018 (National)
- Dean01 Jul 2014 - 30 Jun 2016 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- Perolehan B board member18 Jun 2015 - 27 May 2016 (University Malaya)
- Commitee member in APM AP promotion exercise15 Jun 2015 - 27 May 2016 (Dean Office, Academy of Malay Studies)
- Committee member-JK Penyiasat UMCCED22 Jan 2016 - 29 Feb 2016 (University Malaya)
- representing UM- Karvival Pendidikan Tinggi di Terengganu13 Feb 2016 - 14 Feb 2016 (University Malaya)
- Commitee member in AP & reader appointment and promotion exercise02 Dec 2014 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
- chairperson- bengkel perancangan dan strategi FS 201604 Dec 2015 - 06 Dec 2015 (Faculty)
- Dean-lead the Fac of Science promotion team07 Oct 2016 - 03 Dec 2015 (Faculty)
- Dean- signing MoA at Graduate School of Science, Osaka University22 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015 (International)
- Dean- meeting & dissussion of MoA at Tokyo Uni of Science, Tokyo25 Nov 2015 - 26 Nov 2015 (International)
- Dean- Viva voce-dual PhD candidate- Ecole Polytechnique- Paris10 Nov 2015 - 13 Nov 2015 (International)
- dean-representing Malaysia in 1st Asian Deans of Science Summit - Yonsei Uni, Seoul05 Nov 2015 - 07 Nov 2015 (International)
- Main commmitee in implementation of Jalinan Masyarakat GXEX 141717 Jul 2013 - 16 Jul 2015 (University Malaya)
- chairperson-BENGKEL PELAN STRATEGIK FAKULTI SAINS 2016-202007 Feb 2015 - 08 Feb 2015 (Faculty)
- Chairman-Preparaton of Faculty of Science Plan Strategic -2016-202002 Jan 2015 - 31 Jan 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- Head25 Mar 2013 - 30 Jun 2014 (Section On Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (Sket), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
- Committee member -Rimba Ilmu Revitalisation project19 Sep 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (University Malaya)
- curriculum review03 Feb 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
- TACKLE -committee member27 Mar 2013 - 30 Jun 2014 (University Malaya)
- Head of SKET25 Mar 2013 - 30 Jun 2014 (University Malaya)
- Chairman- training of trainers kursus for Jalinan Masyarakat course08 May 2013 - 31 May 2014 (University Malaya)
- Head of Department01 Jul 2011 - 01 Jul 2012 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2007 - 30 Jun 2012 (University Malaya)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2009 - 30 Jun 2011 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2008 - 31 Aug 2009 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2008 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
- Division Chairman01 Sep 2006 - 31 Aug 2008 (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science)
- Coordinator for implementation of Pelan Tindakan 5M01 Jan 2002 - 31 Mar 2004 (University Malaya)
- Quality Manager01 Jan 2002 - 28 Feb 2004 (Corporate Planning Division, Chancellory)
- Executive Officer- Department of Corporate Planning01 Nov 1999 - 28 Feb 2004 (University Malaya)
- IKM, ACTIVE MEMBER2021 to 2021 (National)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2021 (University)
- Peer academic - Universitas Airlangga- Universitas Airlangga, 2019 (International)
- Anugerah khas Akademik Jabatan KimiaJabatan Kimia, 2018 (Ptj/ Faculty)
- special recognisionConference series com, 2017 (International)
- FellowAcademy of Science, 2016 (National)
- FellowRoyal Society of Chemistry, UK, 2012 (International)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2011 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2009 (University)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2008 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2007 (University)
- Excellence awardUM, 2007 (University)
- KHIDMAT SETIA 20 AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2006 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2006 (University)
- Excellence awardUM, 2006 (University)
- Anugerah Gemilang Sukan (bola tampar)Pusat Sukan, 2005 (University)
- Anugerah Warna Penghargaan Sukan & RekreasiPusat Sukan, 2004 (University)
- Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (Sukan; bola tampar)Pusat Sukan, 2004 (University)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2003 (University)
- excellence awardUM, 2002 (University)
- Anugerah Khidmat CemerlangUM, 2001 (University)
- Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang dlm Sukan, Pusat Sukan -Bola Tampar, 1999Pusat Sukan, UM, 1999 (University)
- JSPC-VCC Scientific Exchange ProgrammeJSPS, 1995 (International)
- ADB Fellowship Exchange ProgrammeAsian Development Bank, 1995 (International)
- JSPS-VCC Scientific Exchange ProgrammeJSPS, 1991 (International)
Article in Journal
- Adnan, N. E., Mohd Nasuha, N. A., Tajuddin, H. A., Abdullah, Z., and Choo, Y. M., and Haman, M. T. Characterization and Photophysical Properties of Natural Anthraquinone Dyes in Borneo Traditional Pua Kumbu Textile , M. J. Chem., 2020, 22(3), 133-139.
- Norfatirah Muhamad Sarih David Romero-Perez , Behnam Bastani , Monrawat Rauytanapanit , Cedric Boisdon , Thanit Praneenararat , Hairul Anuar Tajuddin , Zanariah Abdullah2 , Abraham K. Badu-Tawiah and Simon Maher *Accelerated Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions of Dansyl Chloride with Aniline under Ambient Conditions via Dual-tip Reactive Paper Spray, Scientific reports, 2020
- Norfatirah Muhamad Sarih, Alexander Ciupa, Stephen Moss, Peter Myers, Anna Grace Slater, Zanariah Abdullah, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin & Simon Maher (2020) 'Furo[3,2-c]coumarin-derived Fe3+ Selective Fluorescence Sensor: Synthesis, Fluorescence Study and Application to Water Analysis' Scientific Reports 10 , 1 11
- Nurul Faiezin Zul, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Noraini Ahmad Noraini Ahmad Bayhaki, Zul Hazrin Zainal Abidin, Zanarian Abdullah, Influence of Hydrogen Bonding on Low Critical Micellar Concentration Value and Formation of Giant Vesicle of Triazole Contained Amphiphile, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, Oct 2020, DOI: 10.1002/jsde.12468
- Hisham, S., Tajuddin, H.A., Fei, C.C., Hasan, Z.A. and Abdullah, Z. (2019) Synthesis and Fluorescence Studies of Selected N-aryl-2-aminoquinolines: Effect of Hydrogen Bonding, Substituents and ESIPT on Their Fluorescence Quantum Yields. Journal of Luminescence. 208, 245-252
- Mehran, F., Hamed, K., Hanita, O., Hairin, T., Arash, K., Behrooz, B., Kamal, A. K. & Zanariah, A. (2019)
- Muhamad Sarih, N.; Myers, P.; Slater, A.; Slater, B.; Abdullah, Z.; Tajuddin, H. A.; Maher, S. White Light Emission from a Simple Mixture of Fluorescent Organic Compounds. Sci Rep 2019, 9 (1), 11834.
- Adnan, N. E., Mohd Nasuha, N. A., Abdullah, Z., Tajuddin, H. A. and Choo, Y. M., Isolation and Photophysical Properties of Di- and Tri-substituted Natural Anthraquinones From Malaysian Morinda citrifolia , Sains Malaysiana,47(5)(2018): 903 906
- Hairul Tajudin, Noraini Ahmad, Nurul Faiezin Zul, Zanariah Abdullah, Ahmad Bayhaki Sadidarto, Physicochemical and spectral investigations into self-aggregations of alkylated triazolyl benzoate, Journal of Molecular Liquids - Submitted
- Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Tarmezee Idris, Nurul Faiezin Zul, Ahmad Bayhaki Sadidarto, Zanariah Abdullah, Noraini Ahmad, Self-Aggregation Behavior of Synthetic Amphiphile Derived from Triazolylbenzoic Acid: CMC and Phase Transition, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, 1901, 080002-1 080002-8 (DOI: 10.1063/1.5010517)
- Nazarbahjat N., Ariffin A., Abdullah Z., Abdulla M.A., Shia J.K.S., Leong K.H. (2016) Synthesis, characterization, drug-likeness properties and determination of the in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of new 1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives. Medicinal Chemistry Research. 1: 1-15
- Aina Mardia Akhmad Aznan, Zanariah Abdullah, Chai- Hoon Khoo, Bao-Jing Chen, Tian-Hong See, Jiun-Horng Sim, Yoke-Kqueen Cheah*, Hoi-Ling Seng and Edward R.T. Tiekink* Three ammonium salts of sulfathiazole: crystallography and anti-microbial assay, Z. Kristallogr. 2015; 230(6): 385- 396
- Issha Nadirah Ismail, Nurul Izzatil Aisya Asri, Hairul Anuar Tajudin, Zanariah Abdullah, Solvent and pH effects of Coumarin-Terminated monolayer on silver particles, Journal of Fluorescence, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s10895-105-1587-0
- N. N. Al-Mohammaed, Y. Alias, Z. Abdullah (2015). Bis- imidazolium and benzimidazolium based gemini-type ionic liquids structure: synthesis and antibacterial evaluation. RSC Advances, 5, 92602
- Nabihah Al Muna Mohd Nor, Jimmy Ahmad, Zanariah Abdullah, Siti Nadiah Abdul Halim, Alberto Otero-de- la-Roza, Edward Tiekink. Bipodal beozolthiocarbamic acis ester: crystal and molecular structures of R = Et (a polymorph), and of a binuclear Cu(I) complex, R= iPr,Z. Kristallogr. , 2015, 230(6), 397-405
- Nazarbahjat, N., Abdullah, Z., Abdulla, M. A. & Ariffin, A. (2015). Synthesis and characterization of 2,5-disubstituted-1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives with thioether groups. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 27(7): 2409-2411.
- Aina Mardia Akhmad Aznan, A. P. Safwan, Zanariah Abdullah, Trupta Kaulgud, Hadi D. Arman, Matthew Mahindaratne, L. E. McNeil, and Edward R. T. Tiekink*, , 2014, Postsynthetic Metathesis in an All Organic Two-Dimensional Array Mediated by Hydrogen Bonding, Crystal growth & |
- New Thiosemicarbazides and 1,2,4-Triazolethiones Derived from 2-(Ethylsulfanyl) Benzohydrazide as Potent Antioxidants, Nafal Nazarbahjat 1,3, Nurdiana Nordin 1, Zanariah Abdullah 1,4, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla 2, Wageeh A. Yehye 5, Siti Nadiah Abdul Halim 1, Chin Hui Kee 1 and Azhar Ariffin 1,*Molecules 2014, 19, 11520- 11537;
- Synthesis and Characterization of 2,5-Disubstituted-1,3,4-oxadiazole Derivatives with Thioether Groups, NAFAL NAZARBAHJAT, ZANARIAH ABDULLAH MAHMOOD AMEEN ABDULLA and AZHAR ARIFFIN Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 26, No. 24 (2014), 0000-0000
- Tris-imidazolium and benzimidazolium ionic liquids: A new class of biodegradable surfactants Nassir N. Al- Mohammed, Rusnah Syahila Duali Hussen, Yatimah Alias and Zanariah Abdullah RSC Adv., 2014, Accepted Manuscript DOI: 10.1039/C4RA14027C
- Azila Mohd Idris, Azhar Arifin, Hasna Nadiah Johari, Zanariah Abdullah,2013, Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties 2-N-Piperidinopyrazines, Asian Journal Chemistry, 25, 14
- N. N. Al-Mohammed, Y. Alias, Z. Abdullah, R. M. Shakir, E. M. Taha and A. A. Hamid. Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of some novelimidazole and benzimidazole sulfonamides. Molecules, 2013, 18, 11978- 11995.
- Siew-Huah Lim, Yun-Yee Low , G. Subramaniam, Zanariah Abdullah, Noel F. Thomas, Toh-Seok Kam, Lumusidines A_D and villalstonidine F, macroline macroline and macroline pleiocarpamine bisindole , Phytochemistry 87 (2013) 148 156
- 1-Tosyl-2-[(1-tosyl-1H-benzimidazol-2- yl)methylsulfanyl]-1H-benzimidazole Nassir N. Al-Mohammed, Yatimah Alias, Zanariah Abdullah and Hamid Khaledi*
- Dayang Hazwani Abang Ishak, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zanariah Abdullah, Siti Nadiah Abdul Halim, Edward R.T. Tiekink (2011). 4-(4- Hydroxymethyl-1H- 1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)benzoic acid. Acta Crystallogr. E, 67, o1658.
- Hasan, Z.A., Abdullah, Z., Tajuddin, H.A., Ng, S.W. & Tiekink, E.R.T. 2011. N-(4-Chlorophenyl)quinolin-2- amine. Acta Crystallographica E67:o3176.
- Nasir, S.B., Fairuz, Z.A., Abdullah, Z., Ng, S.W. & Tiekink, E.R.T. 2011. 2-(2-Methoxyphenoxy)pyrazine. Acta Crystallographica E67:o3088.
- Azila Idris, Zanariah Abdullah, Azhar Arifin,, Zainal A. Fairuz Seik Weng Ng and Edward R. T. Tiekink, N-(3- methylphenyl)quinoxalin-2-amine monohydrate, Acta Cryst, 2010, E66, o2276.
- Edura Badaruddin, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, Edward R.T. Tiekink N-(3-methylphenyl) pyrimidin-2-amine, Acta Cryst., 2010, E66, o2446
- Mazlia Aina Azman Akhmad, Zanariah Abdullah, Zainal A. Fairuz, Seik Weng Ng and Edward R. T. Tiekink, N- (4-methylphenyl)-3-nitropyridin-2-amine , Acta Cryst, 2010, E 66, o2400.
- Noor Doha Hassan, Zanariah Abdullah, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zainal A. Fairuz, Seik Weng Ng, Edward R.T. Tiekink 2-(3-nitrophenoxy)quinoxaline, Acta Cryst, 2010, E66, o2429.
- Shah Bakhtiar Nasir. Zanariah Abdullah, Azizah Mainal, Zainal A. Fairuz, Sek Weng Ng and Edward R.T. Tiekink, 2-(4-Methoxyphenoxy)pyrazine, Acta Cryst, 2010, E66, o 2303
- Shah Bakhtiar Nasir. Zanariah Abdullah, Zainal A. Fairuz, Seik Weng Ng and Edward R.T. Tiekink, 2-(4- Methoxyphenoxy)-3-nitropyridine, Acta Cryst, 2010, E66, o2428
- Shah Bakhtiar Nasir. Zanariah Abdullah. Zainal A. Fairuz, Sek Weng Ng and Edward R.T. Tiekink, 2- (Pyrimidin-2-yloxy)phenol, Acta Cryst, 2010, E66, o 2212
- Shah Bakhtiar Nasir. Zanariah Abdullah. Zainal A. Fairuz, Sek Weng Ng and Edward Tiekink, 2-(3- methoxyphenoxy)pyrimidine, Acta Cryst, 2010, E66, o 2187
- Z. A. Fairuz, Z. Aiyub, Z. Abdullah, S. W. Ng, Tetra- {aceto-K8O:O -bis {[4-methyl-2-(m-tolyamino)pyridine- KN]copper (II), Act Cryst, 2010, E66, m165
- Z. A. Fairuz, Z. Aiyub, Z. Abdullah, S. W. Ng, N- (4- methyl-2-pyridyl)-p-toluidine, Acta Cryst, 2010, E66, o371.
- Zaharah Aiyub, Edura Badaruddin, , Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, Edward R.T. Tiekink, Tetra- {acetato- K8O:O -bis [N-ethyl-pyrimidin-2-amine)copper (II)] (Cu- Cu), Acta Cryst, 2010, E66, m1181
- Zainal A. Fairuz, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng and Edward R. T. Tiekink, Tetra- {aceto- K8O:O -bis {[4-methylphenyl)pyridin-2-amine-KN1]copper (II) , Acta Cryst, 2010, E 66, m 1078.
- Zainal A. Fairuz, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng and Edward R. T. Tiekink, Tetra- {aceto- K8O:O -bis {[N-4-chloro-phenyl)-4-methylpyridin-2- amine-KN1]copper (II) , Acta Cryst, 2010, E 66, m 1049.
- Zainal A. Fairuz, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng and Edward R. T. Tiekink, N-(4- chlorophenyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine, Acta Cryst, 2010, E 66, o2186
- A. Bakar Maizathul Akmam, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, 4-chloro-N-(pyrimidin-2-yl)aniline, Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (1)o94.
- Azila Idris, Azhar Arifin, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng Ng, Phenyl pyrzin-2-nyl ether , Acta Cryst, 2009, 65(1), o7
- Edura Badaruddin, Nasir Shah Bakhtiar, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, N-(Pyrimidin-2-yl)aniline, Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (4), o703
- Fluorescence Characteristics of 3-Nitro-2- phenoxypyridine and 3-Nitro-2(4-methyl)phenoxypyridine Z. Abdullah*, Z. I. Abdul Halim, M. A. A. Bakar and A. Mohd Idris, ASM Sci J., 3(1), 39-44
- Kuan-Hon Lim, Noel F. Thomas, Zanariah Abdullah, Toh- Seok Kam, New seco-tebersonic alkaloids from Tabernaemontana corymbosa, Phytochem, 2009, 70, 424- 429.
- Nasir Shah Bakhtiar, Maizatul Akmam Abu Bakar. Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng 2-(2-Naphthyloxy) pyrimidine , Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (8), o1881
- Nasir Shah Bakhtiar, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng 2-(o-Tolyloxy)pyrimidine , Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (8), o1880
- Nasir Shah Bakhtiar, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng 2-(p-Tolyloxy)pyrimidine , Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (8), o1859
- Nasir Shah Bakhtiar, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng 4-Amino-2-phenoxypyrimidine, Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (8), o1858
- Nasir Shah Bakhtiar, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng 3-Nitrophenyl pyrimidin-2-yl ether, Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (4), o704
- Nasir Shah Bakhtiar, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng 2-phenoxypyrimidine , Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (1), 0114
- Noor Doha Hassan, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, 1-H-Benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl phenyl ether , Acta Cryst, 2009, E65 (4), o733.
- Noor Doha Hassan, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, 1-Naphthyl quinoxalin-2-yl ether, Acta Cryst, 2009, E65, o731.
- Noor Doha Hassan, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, 2-Naphthyl quinoxalin-2-yl ether, Acta Cryst, 2009, E65, o732.
- W.A. Wan Saffiee, A. Idris, Z. Aiyub, Z. Abdullah, S. W. Ng N- (quinoxalin-2-yl)-4-toluidine, , Acta Cryst, 2009, 65(1), o93
- Wan Ainna Mardhihah Wan Saffiee, Azila Idris, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng 4-chloro-N- (pyrazin-2-yl)aniline, 2009, Acta Cryst, 65 (1) o113.
- Z. A. Fairuz, Z. Aiyub, Z. Abdullah, S. W. Ng, Tetra- {aceto-K8O:O -bis {[2-m-tolyamino)pyridine-KN]copper (II), Act Cryst, 2009, E65, m1690
- Zainal Abidin Fairuz, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, 2-(3chloroanilino)pyridine , Acta Cryst 2009, E65, o1449
- 1.Wan Ainna Mardhiah Wan Saffiee, Azila Idris, Zanariah Abdullah, Zaharah Aiyub, Seik Weng Ng, N-(pyrazin-2-yl) aniline, Acta Cryst, 2008, E64, o2105
- A. Bakar Maizathul Akmam, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, 4-chloro-N-(pyrimidin-2-yl)aniline, Acta Cryst., 2009, 65 (1)o94.
- A. Idris, W.A. Wan Saffiee, Z. Abdullah, A. Arifin, S. W. Ng, 2-(4-Chloroanilino)quinoxaline, Act Cryst, 2008, E64, o 2443
- Noordini Mohd Salleh, Zanariah Abdullah, Maizatul Akmam A. Bakar, Azila Mohd Idris, and Zaharah Aiyub Fluorescence properties of 2-N-anilino and 2-N-piperidinopyridines: Effect of solvents - Inter. Journal Of Chem. Sciences, 2008, 6(2), 933-941
- Nor Duha Hassan, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, Quinoxalinyl 4-tolyl ether , Acta Cryst, 2008. E64, o1823.
- Nor Duha Hassan, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, Quinoxalinyl 2-tolyl ether , Acta Cryst, 2008. E64, o1821.
- Nor Duha Hassan, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, Quinoxalinyl 3-tolyl ether , Acta Cryst, 2008. E64, o1822
- Nor Duha Hassan, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, Quinoxalinyl 2-phenyl ether , Acta Cryst, 2008. E64, o1820.
- W.A. Wan Saffiee, A. Idris, Z. Aiyub, Z. Abdullah, S. W. Ng, 4-Chloro-N-(2-pyridyl)aniline, Act Cryst, 2008, E64, o 2437
- W.A. Wan Saffiee, A. Idris, Z. Aiyub, Z. Abdullah, S. W. Ng, N-(2-pyrazin-2-yl)-4-toluidine, Act Cryst, 2008, E64, o 2440
- Wan Ainna Mardhiah Wan Saffiee, Azila Idris, Zanariah Abdullah, Zaharah Aiyub, Seik Weng Ng, N-(pyrazin-2- yl) aniline, Acta Cryst, 2008, E64, o2105
- Z. A. Fairuz, Z. Aiyub, Z. Abdullah, S. W. Ng, N-(2- pyridyl)-4-toluidine, Act Cryst, 2008, E64, o 2441
- Zainal Abidin Fairuz, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, 2-(4-chloroanilino)pyridine , Acta Cryst 2008, E64, o1800
- Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, A second monoclinic modification of phenyl quinoxalin-2-yl ether, Acta Cryst, 2008, E64, 02165
- Zanariah Abdullah, Seik Weng Ng, A second monoclinic polymorph of N-(pyrazin-2-yl)aniline, Acta Cryst, 2008, E64, 02106
- Siew Huah Lim, Kooi-Mooi Sim, Zanariah Abdulah, Osamu Hiraku, Masahiko Hayashi, Kanki Komiyama, Toh-Seok Kam, J. Nat. Prod, 2007, 70: 1380-1383
- Z. Abdullah, M. A. A Bakar, Z. Aiyub, R. Yahya. 2-Fluoropyrimidine; A potential fluorogenic reagent, Jour. of Science and Technology in The Tropics, 2007, 3: 39-43
- Z. Aiyub, Z. Abdullah, B.H. Yaacob, M. A. A. Bakar, Fluorescence characteristic of 2-chloropyrazine: Effect of solvents and concentration of Cu(II), Malaysia Journal of Analytical Sciences, 2007, 11(1), 105-109
- Zanariah Abdullah, Maizathul Akmam A. Bakar, Zaharah Aiyub, Mohd Adlan Sharifuddin, Nor Kartini Abu Bakar, Malay. Jour. of Chemistry, 2007, 9:1, 22-28.
- M. A. A. Bakar, Z. Abdullah, M. A. Mohd Shariffudin, Z. Aiyub, Effect of solvents on the fluorescence characteristic of 6-anilinopurine and 6-piperidinopurine Ultra Chemistry, 2006, 2(1), 49-54.
- Z. Abdullah, M. A. A. Bakar, Int. Journal of Chem. Sci., 2006, 4(2), 241-247.
- Zanariah Abdullah (2005). Int. Jour. of Chem Sci. 3(1). 9-15
- Zanariah Abdullah, Zaharah Aiyub (2005). Maly. Jour. Anal Sci. 9(2). 319-324.
- Z. Abdullah, N .Mohd Tahir, M.R. Abas,B.K. Low, Z. Aiyub (2004). Molecules 9. 520- 526.
- Zanariah Abdullah, N. M. Waldron (2004). Malays. Jour. of Chem. 16(1). 114-117.
- Zanariah Abdullah, N.M Waldron, Sintesis 5-kloro[1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine Buletin Kimia, 2004, 20(1&2), 1-10.
- Zanariah Abdullah, Zaharah Aiyub, 2-Piperidinoquinoxaline and 2-phenoxyquinoxaline : synthesis and fluorescence studies Jurnal Sains, 2003, 11(1), 49.
- M. Radzi Abas, Ismat Ali Takruni, Zanariah Abdullah, Norhayati Mohd Tahir, On-line pre concentration and determination of trace metals using a flow injection system coupled to ion chromatography, Talanta, 58, 2002, 883-890
- N. Mohd Tahir, M.S Nawawi. M.R Abas, Z. Abdullah and Yeap Ee Beng Quality of leachate from selected municipal landfills in Klang Valley, J. Anal. Sci 2 (2), 1996, 276-288
- Zanariah Abdullah, N.M Waldron, Fluorescence studies of selected 5-X thiazolo [5,4-d]pyrimidines, ACGC Chemical Research Communication, 4, 1996, 67-73
- Zanariah Abdullah, Norhayati Mohd Tahir, M. Radzi Abas dan Low Boon Khoon, Ciri 43.Zanariah Abdullah, Norhayati Mohd Tahir, M. Radzi Abas dan Low Boon Khoon, Ciri Pendafluoran terbitan 2-X pirimidina terpilih, J. Anal. Sains, 4(1), 1996, 417-421
- Zanariah Abdullah, Norhayati Mohd Tahir, M. Radzi Abas dan Azhar Arifin Kajian pendafluoran beberapa sebatian organik terpilih, Malays. J. Anal. Sci. 1(1), (1995), 67-73
- M. Radzi Abas, Norhayati Mohd Tahir, Zanariah Abdullah, Aziah Homsan dan Mardhiah Abdullah, Ciri ciri kimia acar dari tempat pelupusan sampah majlis perbandaran, J. Anal. Sains 2(1), (1994) 164-168
- E.K. Aidam dan Zanariah Abdullah, Chemisorption studies of 2% Pd/SiO2 promoted catalysts,J. Sains, 1:1, 1993,47-50
- Zanariah Abdullah, Noorsaadah Abd.Rahman, Kamaliah Mahmood, Biomolekul, Suatu Pengenalan, Penerbit UM, 2001
- Azizan Baharuddin, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Saadah Abd Rahman and Zanariah Abdullah. 1994. Women's Involvement in Science and Technology in the Universities of Malaysia. Institute for Policy Research, Kuala Lumpur.
- Azizan Baharudin, Duriyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman, Zanariah Abdullah, Women s involvement in science and technology in the universities of Malaysia, IKD, Cetakan Pertama, 1994
- Kamaliah Mahmood, Zanariah Abdullah, Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman, Kimia Beberapa Sebatian Berfungsi, Fajar Bakti, 1994
- Kamaliah Mahmood, Zanariah Abdullah, Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman, Kimia Hidrokarbon Alifatik, Fajar Bakti, 1993
- Kamaliah Mahmood, Zanariah Abdullah, Noorsaadah Abd. Rahman, Kimia Hidrokarbon Aromatik, Fajar Bakti, 1993
Chapter in Books
- Zanariah Abdullah, Ernie Iryana Awang Din, Nadiah Rifhan Abd. Rani, Maizatul Akmam A. Bakar and Zaharah Aiyub, Fluorescence characteristic of 2-N-piperidinopyrazine and 2-N-piperidinoquinoxaline: Solvent Effect , Proc. Annual Fundamental Science Seminar 2006, (AfSS 2006), Samsudi Sakrani, Hadi Nur, Zainal Abdul Aziz, Wan Muhamad Sariman Wan Hassan, Sugeng Triwahyono, Abdul Rahim Yacob (Eds), UTM, 2007, 171-177.
- Zanariah Abdullah, E.K Aidam, P.A Sermon, Preparation and characterisation of supported palladium catalysts, Surface Science & Heterogenous Catalysis, Nordin, M.R .Liew K.K. Zainal A.A (eds), USM, 1993, 153-161
Article in Proceeding
- Noor Doha Hassan, Zanariah Abdullah, Maizathul Akmam A. Bakar and Zaharah Aiyub, Fluorescence characteristic of phenoxy and methylphenoxy derivatives of pyridine - Abstract Book of 12th Asian Chemical Congress, p 445, 23-25 August 2007.
- Zanariah Abdullah, Maizathul Akmam A. Bakar, Ernie Iryana Awang Din, Nadiah Rifhan Abd. Rani, Noordini Mohd Salleh, Goh Poh Leong, Liow Pei Ling and Zaharah Aiyub, Synthesis and fluorescence characteristic of 2- and 6- substituted purines , e-Prosiding Simposium Kimia Analisis Malaysia ke 18, Okt. 2005, 232-237.
- Zanariah Abdullah, Maizathul Akmam A. Bakar, Ernie Iryana Awang Din, Nadiah Rifhan Abd. Rani, Noordini Mohd Salleh, Goh Poh Leong, Liow Pei Ling, Zaharah Aiyub, 2-Fluoropyrimidine: A Potential fluorogenic reagent , -Prod. South East Asia Conference on the Advancement Scientific and Research, Putra Palace, Perlis, Dis 2005, ms 1-10.
- Zanariah Abdullah, Penggunaan beberapa sebatian heterosiklik sebagai reagen fluorogenik dalam pengesanan asid amino: Keputusan awal e-Prosiding Simposium Kimia Analisis Malaysia ke17, Kuantan Pahang, 670-673, Ogos 2004
- Zanariah Abdullah, Zaharah Aiyub, Detection of amines usning fluorescence spectroscopy: 2-Fluoropyrimidine as the fluorogenic reagent , e-Prosiding Simposium Kimia Analisis Malaysia ke 17, Kuantan Pahang, 673-676, Ogos 2004
- Ismat Ali Takruni, M. Radzi Abas, Zanariah Abdullah and Norhayati Mohd Tahir , Prapemekatan dan penentuan on-line logam surih dengan menggunakan suntikan aliran dan 8-hidroksikuinolina immobillised yang dikupel kepada spektrosckopi serapan dan kromatografi ion, Abstrak Simposium Kimia Analisis Kebangsaan Malaysia ke XIV dan Regional Analytical Science Symposium 2001, 11-13 Sept. 2001
- I. Saito, Zanariah Abdullah, Penggunaan sebatian berpendaflour sebagai penambat DNA, Buku Abstrak, Simposium Kimia Analisis Kebangsaan ke 9, 1996, 41.
- Z.Abdullah, N. Mohd Tahir, M.R Abas, and A. Arifin, Synthesis and fluorescence studies of selected p-tolenesulfonyl derivatives, Buku Abstrak 6th Asia Chemical Congress, Manila, 1995, Syn-0-1
- N. Mohd Tahir, M.S Nawawi. M.R Abas, Z. Abdullah, Monitoring of leachate generated from municipal landfills in Klang Valley, Proceeding of International Conference on Enviroment Malaysia 94, KL, Vol 3, 689-698
- Z. Abdullah, N. Mohd Tahir, M.R Abas, and Low Boon Khoon, 2-Chloropyrimidine: A possible fluorogenic reagent for detecting aliphatic amines, Proceeding 5th JSPC-VCC Seminar on Intergrated Engineering, JB, 1994, 60-65.
- Z. Abdullah, N. Mohd Tahir, M.R Abas, and Low Boon Khoon, Pengesanan fenol menggunakan reagen fluoregenik: Satu kajian, Prosiding Kongres Sains dan Teknologi, 1994, 5, 154-159
- Z. Abdullah, N.M. Waldron, Fluorescence studies of thiazolo and thiazolo pyrimidines derivatives, Prosiding 4th JSPS-VCC Seminar on Integrated Engineering, Kyoto, Japan, 1992, 93-101
- E.K Aidam, P. A. Sermon, Z. Abdullah, Characterisation of paladium promoted catalyst, Prosiding Asia-Pacific Conference, KL, 1991, 252-259
- Zanariah Abdullah, Analisis asid amino, amina dan fenol menggunakan reagen fluorogenik, Prosiding Kimia Analisis Kebangsaan IV, 1990, 266-270.
Other Publications
- 66.Maizathul Akmam A. Bakar, Zaharah Aiyub and Zanariah Abdullah, Synthesis and fuorescence studies of 2-phenoxypyrimidine and 2-(m-methylphenoxy)pyrimidine; Org P2-3, 363, Abstrack Book 2nd International Conference of Young Chemist, 18-20 June 2008, USM - Extended Abstract
- 68.Zanariah Abdullah, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Noor Doha Hassan, Synthesis and fluorescence characteristic of 2-phenoxyquinoxaline and 2-(3-methylphenoxy)quinoxalines, Org P3-2, 396, Abstrack Book 2nd International Conference of Young Chemist, 18-20 June 2008, USM - Extended Abstract
- Azila Mohd Idris, Zanariah Abdullah, Azhar Arifin, ORG P2-5, 369, Fluorescence characteristic of selected quinoxaline derivatives: Effect of substituents, Abstrack Book 2nd International Conference of Young Chemist, 18-20 June 2008, USM - Extended Abstract
- Edura Badaruddin, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Shah Bakhtiar Nasir, Synthesis and fluometric analysis of selected diazines derivatives and their metal complexes Abstract Book, pg 67, Simposium Kimia Analisis Malaysia, ke 21 (SKAM 21). Nov 2008, UMS - Extended Abstract
- Mohd Fairuz Zainal Abidin, Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah Fluorogenic properties of 2-N-(p- chloro_anilinopyridine and 2-N- (p-methyl) anilinopyridine; Effect of metal, Abstract Book, pg 47, Simposium Kimia Analisis Malaysia, ke 21 (SKAM 21). Nov 2008, UMS - Extended Abstract
- Wan Ainna Mardiah Wan Saffiee, Zaharah Aiyub and Zanariah Abdullah, Synthesis and Fluorescence properties of 2-N-anilinopyrazine and 2-p-methylanilinopyrizine and their metal complexes Abstrack Book, International Conference on Molecular Chemistry, pg 44, Nov 2008, UM - Extended Abstract
- Zainal Abidin Hassan, Azila Mohd Idris, Wan Ainna MArdhiah Wan Saffiee, Zanariah Abdullah, Zaharah Aiyub, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Fluorescence properties of selected 6-substituted indoles and 2-substituted quinoxaline derivatives Abstract Book, pg 46, Simposium Kimia Analisis Malaysia, ke 21 (SKAM 21). Nov 2008, UMS - Extended Abstract
- Zainal Abidin Hassan, Zanariah Abdullah, Hairul Anuar tajuddin, Synthesis and fluorescence characteristic of 2-Alkylamino-5-anitropyridine, Org P1-1, 355, Abstrack Book 2nd International Conference of Young Chemist, 18-20 June 2008, USM - Extended Abstract
- Mohd Fairuz Zainal Abidin, Zaharah Aiyub and Zanariah Abdullah, Synthesis and fluorescence properties of complexes of 2-N-methylanilinopyridine and 2-N-ethylpyridine with Mn (II), Cu(II), Zn (II) and Ni (II)- presented at 12th ACC (Inorganic Session), August 2007. - Extended Abstract
- Zaharah Aiyub, B.H. Yaacob, Z. Abdullah, Fluorescence properties of complexes of 2-N-piperidinoquinoxaline and 2-N-qnilinoquinoline: Effect of transitions metals , A078, Abstract Book of International Graduates Conference 2007 (3rd MPSGC), Uni. Malaya 12-14 Dis 2007. - Extended Abstract
- Zaharah Aiyub, Zanariah Abdullah, Mohd Fairuz Zainal Abidin Synthesis and fluorescence characteristic of 2-N-methylanilinopyridine and 2-N-ethylanilinopyridne: Effect of transition metal- presented at International Congress for Heterocyclic Chemistry, Sydney, Australia, 15-20 July 2007. - Extended Abstract
- Noor Doha Hassan, Zanariah Abdullah, Maizathul Akmam A. Bakar and Zaharah Aiyub, 2-phenoxypyridine; Synthesis and fluorescence characteristic -presented at Mathematical & Physical Science Graduate Conference, National University of Singapore, 12-14 Dec. 2006 - Extended Abstract
- Z. Aiyub, B. H. Yaacob, Z. Abdullah, 2-Chloropyrazine with Cu (II)NO3: Fluorescence characteristic- presented at Simposium Kimia Analisis Kebangsaan 19, Riveria Resort, Melaka, 21-24 August 2006 - Extended Abstract
- Zanariah Abdullah, Nordini Mohd Salleh, Maizathul Akmam A. Bakar and Zaharah Aiyub Fluorescence properties of selected 2-X-pyridine presented at 1st Penang International Conference for Young Chemist, 24-27 May 2006 - Extended Abstract
- 86.Zanariah Abdullah, Maizathul Akmam A. Bakar, Ernie Iryana Awang Din, Nadiah Rifhan Abd. Rani, Noordini Mohd Salleh, Goh Poh Leong, Liow Pei Ling, Zaharah Aiyub, 2-Fluoropyrimidine: A Potential fluorogenic reagent , -presented at South East Asia Conference on the Advancement Scientific and Research, Putra Palace, Perlis, Dis 2005. - Extended Abstract
- Noordini Mohd Salleh, Liow Pei Ling, Zanariah Abdullah, Maizatul Akmam A. Bakar, , and Zaharah Aiyub, Synthesis and Fluorescence Characteristic of 2-anilinopyridine and 3-anilinopyridine -presented at Simposium Kimia Analisis Kebangsaan 19, Riveria Resort, Melaka, 21-24 August 2006 - Extended Abstract
- 96.Mohd Zambri Zainudin, Mohd Said Mohd Kadis, Zanariah Abdullah, Mohd Jamil Maah, Mohd Sahar Yahya, Noraini Idris, Pengalaman perlaksanaan projek Siswa Mentor UM, 1997-2000, Abstrak Seminar Kebangsaan Siswa Mentor dalam Pendidikan Sains dan Matematik, 28-29 Julai 2000 - Extended Abstract
- Mohd Riza Wahidin, Duriyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Suzeini Hamzah, Zanariah Abdullah, Lapuran penyelidikan kajian kes masalah bumiputra dalam program matrikulasi (Francais) Universiti Malaya, 1999 - Technical Report
- Synthesis of selected heterocyclic compounds
- 2011 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)High Impact Research Grant MOHE-UM: Molecular Devices for Nanoscales Applications ( Consultant)
- 2010 - 2012, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Chemisorption of Fluorescent Heterocyclic Compounds on Monolayers ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Synthetic approaches to selected fluorogenic heterocylic compounds and their fluorescent ammonium salts and phenolic derivatives ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008Studies of fluorescence characteristics of selected heterocycles ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2005Synthesis of heterocyclic compound-based fluorogenic reagent ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 1993 - 1993, United Nations (Population Studies) GrantPenglibatan Wanita dalam Sains di Universiti Tempatan ( Consultant)
- Graduateship in Chemsitry, Royal Society of Chemistry01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2019 (International)
- Penaksir Bagi Program Matrikulasi/Assesor for Matriculation Programmes, Bahagian Matrikulasi, KPM/ Matriculation Division, Ministry of Education01 Dec 2000 - 01 Dec 2017 (National)
- Faculty of Sceince-way forward, UINnet -UM meeting, UIN UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH, JAKARTA,  (International) (18 Dec 2018 - 19 Dec 2018)
- New thiazoles derivatives: Synthesis and biological studies, Bilateral Symposium on Cutting edge Chemistry between Malaysia and Taiwan, NTHU (International) (14 Jan 2018 - 16 Jan 2018)
- Best practices and sharing of experiences in International Collaboration: University of Maya case, Asia Science Deans Submit, Universitas Indonesia (International) (25 Jul 2017 - 27 Jul 2017)
- Sharing of International initiatives, MDSM-MIPANET workshop cummeeting, MIPANET-MDSM (International) (25 Jan 2019 - 27 Jan 2019)
- nA, International conference on ionic liquids, UM (International) (11 Dec 2013 - 13 Dec 2013)
- Kursus jalinan Masyarakat-Satu Pengenalan, Bengkel pelaksanaan Kursus GXEX 1417-Jalinan Masyarakat, UM (University) (07 Jun 2013 - 08 Jun 2013)
- pelaksanaan KI-model UM, Persidangan kebangsaan pembangunan pelajar holistik 2014, UUM (International) (08 Jun 2014 - 09 Jun 2014)
- comment & recommendation of SSCC, SSCA, MAster programs, BOARD OF STUDY WORKSHOP FAKULTI SAINS,UTM, Fakulti Sains, UTM (National) (10 Dec 2020 - 10 Dec 2020)
- slibus- matrks vs spm (new curr), bengkel silibus KPM, KPM (National) (12 Oct 2020 - 15 Oct 2020)
- Heterocycles:- Fluorogenic to biological active compounds, Meeting woth Postgraduates at Air Langgar Universitas, FST UNAIR (International) (27 Nov 2019 - 27 Nov 2019)
- ucapan perasmian- faculty of Science - way forwards, National Taiwan Uni -Uni Malaya Bilateral Symposium on Earth Observation and Enviromental Challenges, Dpert of Geosceine NTU & Dept of Geology, UM (International) (14 Nov 2018 - 16 Nov 2018)
- Ucapan perasmian, UM & Indonesia Universitas symposium, Faculty of Science (International) (08 Nov 2018 - 09 Nov 2018)
- Faculty of Science UM- Way forward, 'EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER' di UNIVERSITAS AIR LANGGA DAN UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MALANG, INDONESIA, INDONESIA' meeting, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UNILAR (International) (19 Jul 2018 - 21 Jul 2018)
- NA, Bengkel peningkatan komunikasi ke arah penstrukturan semuala Jabatan Kimia, Jabatan Kimia (University) (22 May 2015 - 25 May 2015)
- NA, Bengkel Pemantapan isi kandung pengajaran dan pembelajaran mata pelajaran kimia, Kem Pendidikan (National) (25 Mar 2015 - 27 Mar 2015)
- participant, Leadership : creating a personal revolution in your organisation, UM (University) (27 Oct 2014 - 27 Oct 2014)
- NA, Kursus Pemerkasaan Staf, SKET (University) (13 Mar 2014 - 13 Mar 2014)
- na, bengkel pembangunan dan pemantapan staf, SKET (University) (07 Nov 2013 - 07 Nov 2013)
- NA, bengkel kerja semak semula huraian sukatan pelajaran PDT, Bahagian Matrikulasi, KPM (National) (28 Aug 2013 - 30 Aug 2013)
- NA, Bengkel pelestrian &kecemerlangan jabatan Kimia (University) (29 Jun 2013 - 30 Jun 2013)
- NA, Bengkel training of trainers kejurulatihan kokurikulum berkredit : Teras kebudayaan, JPT, KPM & majilis ko kurikulum APTA (National) (14 Jun 2013 - 16 Jun 2013)
- NA, bengkel training of trainers kejurulatihan ko kurikulum berkredit-Teras Sukan, JPT, KPM & Majilis Ko kurikulum IPTA (National) (17 May 2013 - 19 May 2013)
- NA, Bengkel pendedahan huraian sukan pelajaran Prgm matrikulasi 1 thn, Bahagian Matrikulasi KPM (National) (18 Feb 2013 - 20 Feb 2013)
- (2020) evaluate FRGS projects, (evaluator)
- (2020) review article for Journal of molecular srtucture , (Reviewer)
- (2020) review articles in International organic chemistry conference to be published in Malaysia jour of Chemistry, (Reviewer)
- (2020) reviewing article- journal of Heterocyclic chemistry, (Reviewer)
- (2020) reviewing article- Jour of fluorescence, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Review laboratory suitability for BSc Chemistry at University of Hull, UK, (Reviewer)
- (2019) review abstract for conference acceptance, (Reviewer)
- (2019) review article for publication in chemical Science International Journal, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Revier article for publication in Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Assessing content of BSc Chemistry for Institute of Chemistry, Sri Lanka, (Reviewer)
- (2019) review article in Journal of Heterocyclic chemistry , (Reviewer)
- (2019) Promotion exercise -VK 6, (Reviewer)
- (2019) evaluate geran aplications, (Reviewer)
- (2018) Looking at assesemnt, (chief examiner)
- (2018) evalaute professor application-IMU, (external assesor)
- (2018) Evaluate research proposal, (evaluatiom panel)
- (2018) evaluate manuscrpit, (Reviewer)
- (2018) evaluate exan querstions , (Ketua Panel Petaksir)
- (2018) evaluate manuscript - Journal of fluorescence, (Reviewer)
- (2018) evaluate IMU MSC thesis , (External Examiner)
- (2018) Evauate AP candidate -IIUM, (Penilai luar)
- (2018) Nillai kelayakan naik pangkat AP-UPM, (penilai bebas kenaikan pangkat)
- (2018) evaluate answer skrip, (Ketua Pemriksa)
- (2018) evaluate PhD thesis, (Internal Examiner)
- (2018) Evaluate MRes at XJTLU China, (Reviewer)
- (2017) design and chemical synthesis of fused 5, 6-oxygen or nitrogen containinh heterocycles, (External Examiner)
- (2017) Review exam questions , (External Examiner)
- (2017) MSc Drug discovery - Bath Uni , UK , (RSC assesor)
- (2017) assesing curriclum & provisional accreditation- IMU, (assesor)
- (2017) Promotion exercise, (Penilai luar)
- (2017) BSc Chemistry- Lancaster Uni, UK, (RSC assesor)
- (2017) RSC e-GAP agrant application, (Reviewer)
- (2017) insights on fatty acids in lipophilic progrug srtategy , (Reviewer)
- (2017) journal of fluorescence , (Reviewer)
- (2016) MSc thesis: Sorption studies of chilorpyrifos on selected Terengganu Agricutural Soil ( UMT ) , (External Examiner)
- (2016) Asessing application for promotion exercise at UMT, (External assesor)
- (2016) Evaluate Chemistry based BSc programme for international accreditation by Royal Society of Chemistry (London), worldwide - 2016-2019, (International assesor)
- (2016) evaluating BSc Chemistry program content at Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool Uni, (international assesor-Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool Uni)
- (2016) Evaluating the content of BSc Programme, (international assesor-Nanjing Techno. Uni-China)
- (2016) PhD thesis, (Internal Examiner)
- (2016) Evaluator for FRGS research proposal, (evaluator)
- (2016) reviewing article for Journal of Applied Chemical Science International, (Reviewer)
- (2015) External assesor for promotion exercise at Uni Malaysia Terengganu, (Reviewer)
- (2015) AJK pengajian bagi Sarjana muda TESL & Sarjana Muda Pendidikan (Pengurusan Pendidkan) /Member of TESL & Bachelor of Education (Education Management), (JK Pengajian)
- (2015) Evaluate PhD thesis- Chemical constituents from rhizomes of curcuma zedoaria and curcuma purpurascens and their biological activities - Omer Abdalla Ahmed Hamdi, (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) evaluate manuscript in Journal of Flourescence, (Reviewer)
- (2015) evaluate PhD thesis- Synthetic Studies towarnd the total synthesis of Zopfiellamides A: Nor Saliyana Jumali- UiTM, (External Examiner)
- (2015) To Evaluate course contents and programme structure of BSc (Hons) Major inChemistry, BSc (Hons) Major in Indutsrial Chemistry, BSc(Hons) Major in Petroleum Chemistry and BSc (Hons)with Education major in Chemistry in UPM for RSC Acreditation , (RSC International Assesor)
- (2015) Evaluating reserach proposal- Universty of Sultan Qaboos Uni, (Reviewer)
- (2015) Evaluate program Structure & Course contents for BSc (Hons) Chemistry; BAppSci(Hons) Industrial Chemistry & BAppSci (Hons) Analytical Chemistry in USM, (CAV (RSC) Assesors)
- (2015) Semakan Kurikulum Program Sarjana Muda Kimia UTM, (Panel Penasihat Pengajian Fakulti Sains UTM)
- (2015) promotion Exercise -Associate Professor UPM-2015-2018 , (Assesor)
- (2015) Promotion Exercise: Dr Tan Kar Ban UPM , (Assesor)
- (2015) External Assesor bagi BSc Pharmaceutical Chemistry- IMU, (External Examiner)
- (2015) PhD Thesis: Azeana Zahari, (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) To evaluate the course content & programme structure of BSc (BSc Chemistry & Bsc Chemistry with Industrial Experience) & MSc Chemistry & MSc Chemistry with Industrial Experience- University of Birmingham, (CAV Assesor)
- (2014) reviewing papers presented at NASHDEC 2014, (Reviewer)
- (2014) Evaluate and interview candidates for promotion to AP, (AJK Pemilih (Promotion Exercise commitee)
- (2014) evaluation of Msc Thesis - Chemical Studies of Five membered ring unsdaturated lactam ring systems: Amini Suhaily Saaidin - UiTM, (External Examiner)
- (2014) Evaluate the content of BSc Chemistry, BSc Technological Chemistry, University of Campinas-Unicamp, Brazil for international Accreditation by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, (International Assesor)
- (2014) Evaluate the content of BSc Chemistry, BSc Industrial Chemistry, BSc Teaching of Chemistry from FEderal Universoty of Rio Grande do SUl, UFRGS, Brazil for international Accreditation by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, (international Assesor)
- (2014) review manuscripts of NASHDEC (Persidangan Pembangunan Pelaqjar secara holistik), (Reviewer)
- (2013) Evaluate question papers, method of assessments, etc. related of BSc Pharmaceutical Chemistry at IMU, (External Examiner)
- (2013) Assessing the candidates for promotion to AP and Professor at UMT, (external assesor)
- (2013) Evaluate the content of BSc (Hons), Pharmaceutical Chemistry,at International Medical Uni for international Accreditation by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK , (international Assesor)
- (2013) Evaluate Postgraduate programmes at UTM, (auditor)
- (2013) Internal examiner for PhD thesis Lee Sui Chin (creative adsorption of MS excel in teaching and learning of chemistry in malaysia), (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) Assess the content of chemistry program for Royal Society of Chemistry international acreditation, (International Assesor)
- (2012) Evaluate BSc programme for international accreditation by Royal Society of Chemistry (London), (Royal Society of Chemistry International Assesor)
- (2012) Assess the content of chemistry program for Royal Society of Chemistry international acreditation, (International Assesor)
- (2012) Assess the content of chemistry programme for Royal Society of Chemistry international acreditation, (international assesor)
- (2010) Scientific manuscripts in MOLECULES , (Editor)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2020) TASK FORCE FOR Majlis Dekan Sains dan Matematik, KPT 7 MDSM, National
- (2020) reviewer- Jour. of Het Chem, Jour. of HeterocyclicChemistry, International
- (2020) reviewer- Jour. of Fluorescence, Jour. of Fluorescence, International
- (2020) Penilai sekepakaran luar, UKM, National
- (2020) Special task force for RSC, Royal society of Chemsitry, UK, International
- (2020) reviewer-Jour of Molecular structure, -Jour of Molecular structure, International
- (2020) Prgram Matrikulasi, Matrikulasi KPM, National
- (2020) reviewer- Jour. of Fluorescence, journal of fluorescence, International
- (2020) reviewer-Royal Society of Chemistry Open Science, Royal society of Chemsitry, UK, International
- (2020) evaluate program BSc & Msc at UTM, UTM
- (2020) aAccreditation of BSc and MSc in Chemistry for Uni of Glasgow, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
- (2020) Accreditation for BSc in Chemistry, Uni of Hong Kong, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
- (2020) program Matroikulasi - review syllabus, Bhg Matrikulasi, KPM
- (2019) FRGS, KPM, National
- (2019) Examination, KPM, National
- (2019) International acreditation assesor, Royal Society of Chemsitry, International
- (2019) Hubert -Curien partnership prgm, KPT- Embassy of France, International
- (2019) Pengerusi -stpm Silibus, MPM
- (2019) Panel temuduga mybrain, KPT
- (2019) External assesor-promotion exercise UIAM, International Islamic University
- (2018) Program master Kimia Analisis, UPM, National
- (2018) International Assesor for accredidation of Graduate Chemistry at Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon, Royal Society of Chemstry, International
- (2018) International Assesor for RSC at Institut Teknology Bandung, Royal Socientyof Chemistry, International
- (2018) Program Pasca siswazah Kimia UTM, UTM, National
- (2018) Extenal assesor _Mres In VChemical Sciences, Xian - Jiaotong Liverpool Uni, CVhina, International
- (2018) External Reviewer - BSc Applied Chemistry, Xian Jiatong-Liverpool UNi, Cina, International
- (2018) RSC International Asssessor for BSc Applied Chemistry UTP, Royal Society of Chemsitry UK, International
- (2018) International Assessor of RSCV for Acreditation of BSc Applied Chemistry at UTP, Royal Society of Chemistry, International
- (2018) Pakar bidang -STPM, Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysiaa, National
- (2018) RSC (UK) - assesorfor Uni of College Dublin, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, International
- (2018) Program Pengajin MAster, UPM, National
- (2018) Newton Fund, Akademi Sains Malaysia, National
- (2018) assess grant, Akademi Sains Malaysia
- (2018) UK Royal Society Medal & Awards, Royal Society, UK
- (2018) Penilai Luar Pogram Bsc Kimia & Bsc Kimia Industri UTM, UTM
- (2018) JK Pensijilan Program Matrikulasi, Bahagian Matrikulasi , KPM
- (2018) Panel/Expert to ITB - expert visit, Roptal Society of Chemsiyty
- (2018) assesing the content of Bsc Chemistry of ITB, Royal Society of Chemistry
- (2018) MRSC evaluation, Royal Society of Chemsitry
- (2017) External Panel of assesor, IIUM, National
- (2017) Panel Anugerah Saintis Muda Negara 2017, MOSTI, National
- (2017) RSC (UK) - assesorfor Uni of Lancaster, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, International
- (2017) exrternal assesor - sem 6, IMU, National
- (2017) External Examiner-sem 5 exam, IMU, National
- (2017) chairman- panel of assesor- provional acreditation - MSc of ANalytical & Pharmaceutical Chem, IMU, National
- (2017) Member INSPAC, Institut Kimia Malaysia, International
- (2017) AJK Pengajian Propgram Siswazah , Universiti Putra Malaysia, National
- (2017) Assoicte Editor, Open Acess Journal of Sceince, International
- (2017) Penilai Luar program pasca sisawah Kimia UTM, UTM
- (2017) AHLI UM-Hanyang Uni Bilateral meeeting, UMalaya
- (2016) external examiner, International Medical Uni, National
- (2016) external examiner, IMU, National
- (2016) International Assesor, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, International
- (2016) Reviewer for promotion exercise, Universiti Putra Malaysia, National
- (2016) Faculty of Applied Science - Academic advisor, UiTM, National
- (2016) 24th IUPAC International on Chemiucal Education 2016, Institut Kimia Mlaaysia
- (2015) Chief of Panel-verification of Matriclulation curiculum, KPM
- (2015) Member of STPM reviewer commitee- chemsitry, Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia
- (2014) external assesor for promotion exercise, University Malaydia Terengganu, National
- (2014) Majlis Dekan Sains dan Matematik UA, JPT/KPM, National
- (2014) International asessor for BSc Chemistry accreditation at Federal Uni of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil ; BSc Industrial Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, International
- (2014) International asessor for BSc l Chemistry accreditation at Uni of Campinas, Campinas Brazil; BSc in Technological Chemistry , Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, International
- (2014) International asessor for BSc Chemistry accreditation at Federal Uni of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil ; BSc Teaching in Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, International
- (2014) Chief of panel of assessors for STPM questions - Chemistry, Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia
- (2014) Head group of examinersr/Ketua Kumpulan Pemeriksa , Bhg Matrikulasi
- (2014) expert panel for instrument for reseach/panel pakar sesahan alat ukur ujian, UPM
- (2013) Curriculum review-Matriculation (2yr prg), Ministry of Education, National
- (2013) External Examiner, IMU, National
- (2013) Curriculum review-Matriculation (technical prgm), Ministry of Education, National
- (2013) UTM PG curriculum review, UTM, National
- (2013) Pengerusi CAP-Pelan Strategik Pendidikan Tinggi Negara, KPT, National
- (2013) Curriculum review, Jabatan Kimia, University
- (2013) International asessor for BSc Chemistry accreditation at UTAR, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, International
- (2013) International asessor for BSc Pharmaceutical Chemistry accreditation at International Medical Uni, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, International
- (2013) PDT Chemistry Syllabus and lab manual workshop/ Bengkel pendedahan huraian sukatan pelajaran dan buku amali bagi mata pelajaran Kimia-PDT - fasilitator, Bhg Matrikulasi -KPM
- (2013) International Ionic Liquid Conference 2013, Uni of Malaya
- (2013) Matriculation Lab syllabus review, Kementrian Pelajaran Malaysia
- (2013) workshop - implementation of Community Engagement course, SKET UM
- (2012) Fellow -RSC (UK), Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, International
- (2012) International asessor for BSc Chemistry accreditation at Institute Teknologi Bandung, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, International
- (2012) International asessor for BSc Accreditation and Validation, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, International
- (2012) International asessor for BSc Chemistry accreditation at Uni of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, International
- (2012) Co-curriculum Fiesta 2013, SKET
- (2012) Chief examiner for Matriculation Semester 2 examination , Bahagian Matrikulasi
- (2012) Evaluator for matricuation chemistry questions, Bahagian Matrikulasi
- (2006) Head of group of examiners for Matriculation Sem 1 paper-Chemistry, Bahagian Matrikulasi
- (2002) Examiner for Matriculation Sem 1 papers, Bahagian Matrikulasi
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
(2019) Development of Multi-Band Fluorescence Emissions from Heterocylic Monolayers, Nur Fathirah Mohd Sarih
(2014) Design And Study Of Selected Functionalized Monomers For Molecular Sensing Device, Maizathul Akmam A.Bakar
(2012) Synthesis of metabolites and their biological activities, SHAH BAKHTIAR BIN NASIR
(2011) Biologically Active Indole And Bisindole Alkaloids From Alstonia, Tan Shin Jowl
(2009) Synthesis, characterisation and biological properties of suplhonamides of imidazoles and benziimidazoles, Nassir N. N. Hassun Al-Mohammed
(2008) Alkaloids from alstonia Macrophylla, Lim Siew Huah
(2007) Synthesis of chalcone-based six and seven membered heterocyclis compounds and their biological activities agaisnt H1N1 virus, Marzieh Yaeghobi
(2004) Biologically active indole and bisindole alkaloids from Kopsia and tabernaemontana, Lim Kuan Hon
(2012) Fluorescence Investigation of Heterocyclic Monolayer-Protected Silver Particle, Nurul Izzatil Aisya Bt Asri
(2011) Synthesis and Fluorescence studies of oxy derivatives of pyrazines, Hasna Nadiah Binti Johari
(2009) Synthesis and Fluorescence studies of phenoxy derivatives of pyrimidines, Shah Bakhtiar Nasir
(2009) Synthesis and Fluorescence studies of amino derivatives of pyrimidines & pyridines, Zainal Abidin Hassan
(2008) Synthesis, structure elucidation and fluorescence characterisation of selected quinoxalines and benzimidazole derivatives, Noor Doha Hassan
(2007) Synthesis, characterisation and fluorescence studies of copper complexes of selected pyrazine and quinoxaline derivatives, Wan Ainna Mardiah Wan Shaffei
(2007) Synthesis, characterisation and fluorescence properties of metal complexes of pyrimidine derivatives, Edura Badarudin
(2007) Synthesis and fluorescence properties 2-substituted pyrazines and 2- substituted quinoxalines, Azila Mohd Idris (University of Malaya (UM))
(2007) Fluoresence studies of copper complexes of pyridine derivatives, Mohd Fairuz Zainal Abidin (University of Malaya (UM))
(2007) Fluorescence studies of selected derivatives of pyrimidines, Maizathul Akmam A.Bakar (University of Malaya (UM))
(2005) Biologocally active constituents from Kopsia and monocorpia, Lim Siew Huah
(2004) Catalytic hydrogenation of fatty acids to fatty alcohols, Azman Makmoor
(2006) Preparation and characterization of ITQ-2 and modified Ti/TQ-2 catalysts for the epoxidation reactions of trans-4-decene, Chanthiriga a/p Ramasindarum (University of Malaya (UM))
- (2013) SCES3120 - Organic Chemistry III
- (2012) SCES2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2012) SCES3120 - Organic Chemistry III
- (2011) SCES3120 - Organic Chemistry III
- (2010) SCES3190 - Industrial Training
- (2009) SCEP1220 - Organic Chemistry I
- (2009) SCEP3120 - Organic Chemistry III
- (2009) SCES2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2009) SCES3120 - Organic Chemistry III
- (2008) SCEP2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2008) SCEP2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2008) SCES1220 - Organic Chemistry
- (2008) SCES2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2008) SCES2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2007) SCEP2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2007) SCES1220 - Organic Chemistry
- (2007) SCES2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2007) SCES2324 - Petrochemistry
- (2007) SCES3120 - Organic Chemistry III
- (2006) SCEP2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2006) SCES2324 - Petrochemistry
- (2005) SCEP2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2005) SCES1220 - Organic Chemistry
- (2005) SCES2220 - Organic Chemistry Ii
- (2005) SCES2324 - Petrochemistry
- Face Visors to Frontliners Covid-19, (01 Apr 2020 - 22 May 2020)
- Penyelaras-Prgram With School-Sdar, (01 Oct 2019 - 11 Nov 2019)
- Penceramah - Kmns, (24 Jun 2019 - 24 Jun 2019)
- Advosir to Agro Bazar 9, (07 Oct 2018 - 30 Nov 2018)
- Program Bubur Asyura Pds, (04 Sep 2018 - 26 Sep 2018)
- Advisor to Gotong Royong Bangunan Isains, (02 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018)
- Advosir to Agro Bazar 8, (01 Jul 2018 - 02 Oct 2018)
- Advisor to Bubur Lambuk Mega Fsains, (01 Jun 2018 - 30 Jun 2018)
- Advsior to Bengekl Cum Familay Day Pds, (02 Feb 2018 - 20 Apr 2018)
- Advisor to Agro Bazar 7, (01 Jan 2018 - 30 Mar 2018)
- Installation Tube Wells in Rural Area in Sabah (Kundasang & Ranau) Under UM-Cimb Community Link Project -2015-2016., (25 Aug 2016 - 31 Aug 2016)
- Photonic Special Programme With - Sek Imtiaz - Establishment of Photonic Club 2015, (10 Apr 2015 - 12 Apr 2015)
- Installation of Tube Wells-Post -Flood Project in Kelantan-UM-Maa/Maa Takaful, (21 Jan 2015 - 18 Feb 2015)
- Post-Flood Project- Installation of Tube Wells- UM-Media Prima Di Kelantan, (09 Jan 2015 - 15 Feb 2016)
- Establishing Kg Puah Lembah as Adopted Village in Uce Programme With Sket, (15 Mar 2014 - 30 Jun 2014)
- Special Project With Orang Asli At Pos Pantos, Pahang, (17 May 2013 - 30 Jun 2014)
- Special International Year of Chemistry Programme With School and Community in Gerik, Perak, (22 Jul 2011 - 25 Jul 2011)