Curriculum Vitae
Professor Dr. Yahaya Ahmad, D.J.N. (Pulau Pinang), MRISM, ICOMOS
PhD (Conservation Mgmt.), Liverpool UK (2004), Master of Architecture, Washington Univ. USA (1988),
Master of Construction Management (1987), BA(Architecture), Washington Univ. USA (1986)
Date of Birth : 19th November 1963
Contact Address : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment
University of Malaya, Lembah Pantai 50603, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Phone/Email : Office: 603-7967-5395; Mobile: 6019-632-4079; E-mail : yahaya@um.edu.my
Current Administrative Appointment:
Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy) (20 Sep 2021 - 19 sep 2023)
University of Malaya
Director (1 Jun 2016 – 31 Dec 2021)
ASEAN University Network-Disability and Public Policy (AUN-DPPnet)
University of Malaya / AUN Bangkok / The Nippon Foundation Japan
Previous Administrative Appointments:
Director, Corporate Strategy Centre, University Malaya (1 Apr -19 Sep 2021)
Dean, Faculty of Built Environment (1 Jul 2014 – 9 Aug 2020)
Deputy Dean, Sustainability Science Research Cluster, UM (Jan 2013 – Jan 2014)
Coordinator, Master of Architecture (Part II) Programme, UM (Oct 2013 – Jun 2014)
Coordinator, Bachelor of Architecture programme, University of Malaya (Apr – Oct 2013)
Deputy Dean (Higher Degrees & Research), Faculty of Built Environment (Sep 2009 – Jun 2011)
Deputy Dean (Undergraduate & Development), Faculty of Built Environment (Jul 2005 - Feb 2007)
Head of Building Surveying Department, Faculty of Built Environment (2000-2001)
Head of Architecture Department, Faculty of Built Environment (1999-2001)
Architecture Course Coordinator, Faculty of Engineering (1997-1999)
Other Key Appointments
i. Council Member, The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM / UNESCO) from 2007-2011, elected by 130 countries during ICCROM 25th General Assembly in Rome
ii. Deputy Heritage Commissioner, Department of National Heritage, Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage Malaysia (secondment as JUSA C) (2007-2009)
One Paragraph CV :
Professor Dr. Yahaya Ahmad started his academic career at the Universiti Teknologi Mara (ITM) in 1989 before joining the University of Malaya in 1995, as one of the pioneering staff to establish the Department of Architecture and the Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya. Currently, is the Director of ASEAN University Network-Disability and Public Policy (AUN-DPPnet) University of Malaya. He held several key administrative posts at the university from Head of Departments to Deputy Deans and recently as Dean of the Faculty of Built Environment for more than 6 years. Specializing on conservation of historic buildings and management of heritage sites, Professor Yahaya was seconded to the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia as Deputy Commissioner of Heritage (Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Warisan). He was the first and the only Malaysian to-date, elected by more than 130 State Party representatives, to serve as Council Member of UNESCO inter-governments organisation, The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM/UNESCO) from 2007-2011. He was tasked by the Government of Malaysia to head team of local and international experts to prepare re-nomination Dossier for Melaka and George Town as World Heritage Site, UNESCO (2004-2007). He involved in the drafting of the National Heritage Act (2005) Malaysia. His restoration and conservation works includes re-construction of Bastion Middlesburg, Melaka Fort (2007-2008). Restoration of Sg Buloh Leprosy Hospital (2010-2011), Restoration scope of Sultan Suleiman Mosque, Klang (2011) and Sultan Alaeddin Mosque, Jugra , Selangor (2011), and consultant for the Restoration of Masjid Jamek Bandaraya KL and more than twenty others. Appointed as Conservation Technical Expert to ThinkCity of Khazanah Nasional since 2009 to evaluate, so far more than 100 conservation grant applications. Appointed by Ahmedabad Municipal Council, India as International Expert to prepare Nomination Dossier for the Historic City of Ahmedabad (2011-2016), by the Government of the Republic of Maldives for nomination of Coral Stones Mosques of Maldives and by Kabupaten Solok Selatan, Indonesia for nomination of Rumah Gadang Solok Selatan. He was the recipient of Malaysia’s Research Star Award (2019) under category Citation Classic by Elsevier and Clarivate Analytics International, recipient of UM Excellent Award (ACUM) 2019 under category Best Academic Administrator and ACUM category Arts & Creativity in 2013, recipient of Highly Commended Award by Structural Survey Emerald Publishing Limited in 2017 and recipient of Anugerah Pemikiran dan Rekabentuk Semula (Kategori Pengalaman Pembelajaran Imersif Bersemuka) by the Ministry of Higher Education, 3rd Place in 2017. He has graduated fifteen PhD students and supervising twelve candidates on different aspects of heritage, conservation and built environment.
Full CV is available upon request.
Accomplishment 01
Appointed by the Government of Malaysia (2004-2007) as Head of Expert Committee to prepare Re-Nomination Dossier for Melaka and George Town as World Heritage Site of UNESCO. My main task was to coordinate input from international and local experts, establish the Outstanding Universal Values (OUV), re-structure the focus of Dossier, draft Conservation Management Plans of both towns, protection measures, management and stakeholders’ support. The Dossier was completed and submitted to the UNESCO in 2007. Melaka dan George Town were inscribed at the 32nd WHC/UNESCO Meeting in Quebec City, Canada in 2008.
Accomplishment 02
Elected as Council Member of ICCROM/UNESCO at the 25th General Assembly of The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) in Rome, Italy in Nov 2007 by more than 130 Member State’s representatives. ICCROM is an intergovernmental organisation established by the UNESCO in 1956 that focuses on conservation training, information, research, cooperation and advocacy of its Members States. As Council Member to this Intergovernmental agency, I worked with experts around the globe on conservation trainings and courses in different regions of the globe, both on tangible and intangible cultural heritage. I was the first and the only Malaysian, so far, appointed to the Council and my association with ICCROM is still strong until present days.
During the Assembly I was also Elected as the Vice-President of 25th ICCROM General Assembly in Rome, to help ensure the smooth running of the General Assembly.
Accomplishment 03
My expertise on the management of World Heritage Sites is recognised internationally. I was invited by a few countries to date, to assist them in the preparation of Nomination Dossier for their heritage cities and sites to the UNESCO World Heritage List. In particular are these towns:
· As International Expert to prepare Draft Nomination Dossier for the Coral Stone Mosques of Maldives to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Appointed by Department of Heritage, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Republic of Maldives, with UNESCO grant. The site is now listed in the UNESCO Tentative List.
· As International Technical Committee to advise on Preparation Nomination Dossier for the Historic City of Ahmedabad, India to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Appointed by Ahmedabad Municipal Council, India. The city was inscribed in 2016.
· As International Expert to help prepare Nomination Dossier for Rumah Gadang Solok Selatan Indonesia to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Appointed by Solok Selatan Municipal Council. At preparation stage.
Accomplishment 04
Appointed by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage as Deputy Commissioner of Heritage (Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Warisan), JUSA C. I was seconded to the Ministry to assist the Commissioner of Heritage on wide scope includes: to establish the Department of National Heritage Malaysia, to implement provisions of National Heritage Act (2005) related to the protection, management and gazetting of heritage sites and objects, to establish conservation standards and procedures, to implement and monitor restoration of heritage buildings and sites, to ensure successful application of Melaka and George Town as UNESCO World Heritage Sites and to represent Malaysia to many international meetings and workshops on cultural heritage.
Accomplishment 05
I have been directly involved in actual restoration of heritage buildings in Malaysia, as main conservation expert. To date there are more than 20 such heritage buildings with different complexities and challenges; and the client ranges from private owners to contractors, architects and government agencies. To some extent, I have paved and established restoration standards and practices in Malaysia. In recent years, consultation includes:
· Heritage Sectorial Studies for Local Planning (Rancangan Tempatan) Kuala Kubu Baru 2025. Client: APUDG-AJM Architect & Planning
· Heritage Sectorial Studies for Local Planning (Rancangan Tempatan) Kuala Kangsar 2035. Client: APUDG-AJM Architect & Planning
· Preparation of UNESCO Nomination Dossier for Niah Cave National Park, Sarawak.
Client: Sarawak MUzium Department and UTM
· Conservation of Masjid Jamek Kuala Lumpur. Client: Pujangga Kreatif Sdn. Bhd.
· Maintenance and Upgrading Report of Sultan Salehuddin Abd. Aziz Shah Mosque, Shah Alam. Client: JKR (Public Works Department), Selangor.
· Conservation Assessment and Statement (CAST), Conservation of Sultan Alaeddin Mosque, Jugra, Malaysia. Client : JKR (Public Works Department), Selangor.
· Conservation Assessment and Statement (CAST), Conservation of Sultan Suleiman Mosque, Klang, Malaysia. Client: JKR (Public Works Department), Selangor.
· Restoration of ‘Hospital Kusta’ Sungai Buloh. Client: Techlab Sdn. Bhd.
Accomplishment 06
I was appointed by Think City Sdn. Bhd., a subsidiary of Khazanah Nasional as Technical Advisory Expert to evaluate conservation applications submitted by the residents, under George Town Grants Programme (GTGP) in Penang and some applications in Kuala Lumpur. I have reviewed, made technical visits, provided suggestions for scope of restoration and gave technical advice. I have recommended more than 100 applications from the residents before being finalised by the Board of Think City. Most of the recipients in the core and buffer zones of George Town have benefited from this grant and have restored their heritage houses. As a result, the heritage streetscapes of George Town, in particular, has improved tremendously.
Accomplishment 07
I was invited to join the academic team of the University of Malaya by the Dean of Engineering in 1995, to help establish the architecture course and the Faculty of Built Environment. As one of the four pioneering staff, I have involved directly in all aspects of course planning and development including course recognition and accreditation, infrastructure, staff development and student’s intake. The architecture programmes, both Part I and II, have received full professional accreditation from Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia; and the first in Malaysia and third in Asia Pacific that received full accreditation from the Royal Institute of British Architect (RIBA).
As for the establishment of the Faculty of Built Environment, I have the privileged to be the key personnel in developing the Faculty from 4 staff, 26 students in 1995 to what the Faculty is now in 2020 with more than 1,000 students, 5 undergraduate programmes, 6 postgraduate programmes including PhD; and from merely one small classroom in the Faculty of Engineering to 220,000sf of Faculty’s complex - Mercu Alam Bina
Accomplishment 08
I was given due trust and responsibility by the top management of the University of Malaya to hold several important administrative posts from Course Coordinators, to Head of Departments, Deputy Deans, Dean of Faculty and now as Director of UM Strategic Centre and Director of AUN-DPPnet :
· Director,Global Planning & Strategy Centre, UM (1 Apr 2021–current)
· Director AUN-DPPnet University of Malaya (2016- current)
· Dean, Faculty of Built Environment (1 Jul 2014 – 9 Aug 2020)
· Deputy Dean, Sustainability Science Research Cluster, UM (Jan 2013 – Jan 2014)
· Coordinator, Master of Architecture (Part II) Programme, UM (Oct 2013 – Jun 2014)
· Coordinator, Bachelor of Architecture programme, University of Malaya (Apr – Oct 2013)
· Deputy Dean (Higher Degrees & Research), FBE (Sep 2009 – Jun 2011)
· Deputy Dean (Undergraduate & Development), FBE (Jul 2005 - Feb 2007)
· Head of Building Surveying Department, Faculty of Built Environment (2000-2001)
· Head of Architecture Department, Faculty of Built Environment (1999-2001)
· Architecture Course Coordinator, Faculty of Engineering (1997-1999)
Accomplishment 09
I, together with few other UM management staffs, initiated and materialised the transfer of Disability and Public Policy Centre from the American University in Washington D.C. USA to the University of Malaya in 2016; and established the 12th AUN thematic network known as ASEAN University Network-Disability and Public Policy (AUN-DPPnet) at the University of Malaya with the full financial support from the Nippon Foundation of Japan. The Network provides scholarships to students with disability (SWDs) from ASEAN countries to pursue their post-graduate studies in public policy or other fields.
As the first Director of AUN-DPPnet, I manage the Network’s programmes and funding. Financial support receives from the Nippon Foundation Japan of about RM2million/year now amounting to more than RM10million, has supported 52 scholars from ASEAN countries of which 27 have graduated. The fund also uses to support three-weeks Access Audit Training Workshops which so far benefitted another 71 PWDs from ASEAN Countries. AUN-DPPnet operates under UM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) and work very closely with the Office of ASEAN University Network in Bangkok, The Nippon Foundation in Tokyo and partner universities in ASEAN.
Accomplishment 10
Through AUN-DPPnet, I received a project grant of RM467,000 from the Ministry of Higher Education to establish details Guideline for Inclusive Campus for universities in Malaysia and to further develop Inclusive Campus Rating System known as MyU-OKU Rating. As Head of Project, I coordinated research workshop activities that bring together 5 Principal Investigators, 28 Co-Researchers and 92 staff and SWDs from public and private universities. This ten-months project is now completed with these three outcomes:
· Inclusive Campus Guidelines covering four domains: Governance, Teaching & Learning, Support Services and Accessibility and Infrastructure
· Rating System MyU-OKU with 346 criteria of assessment
· Self-audited MyU-OKU rating for all 20 public universities (Universiti Awam)
The Ministry is now trying to find suitable date for the Minister to launch both the Guideline and the System soonest
Accomplishment 11
With the support from the local trustee in Melaka, I managed to procure two-storey shophouse on Heeren Street Melaka for UM use for ten-years period (2020-2030) at nominal cost. This more than 300 years old Dutch style shophouse is located within the Core Zone of UNESCO World Heritage Site and is an ideal station for UM visibility to operate as UM-CHRC@Melaka satellite and to reach local community and international visitors and tourists through heritage and cultural programmes.
At this infant stage, minor restoration is completed, all related licences and approval received from the authorities, working committee consisting researchers from cross faculties is formed and the building is now ready for its operation. The Committee is now working closely with potential industry partner to support its operation through their CSR allocation for the next three years. During the courtesy visit last 21 Sep 2020, Tuan Yang Terutama (TYT) Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Melaka applauds UM for this effort and has agreed verbally to officiate the Centre once its ready and in full operational in 2021.
- MA(Arch)(WASHINGTON)(1988), (Senibina)Washington University, St. Louis, Mo
- MCONSMGT, (PENGURUSAN PEMBINAAN)Washington University, St. Louis, Mo
- BA, (SENIBINA)Washington University, St. Louis, Mo
- 01 Jan 1970 -
01 Jan 1970-Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Warisan
Jabatan Warisan Negara, Kementerian Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan Malaysia.
- Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy)21 Nov 2024 - present (Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy) Office, Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy))
- Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy)19 Nov 2023 - 19 Nov 2024 (Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy) Office, Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy))
- Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy)20 Sep 2023 - 18 Nov 2023 (Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy) Office, Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy))
- Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy)20 Sep 2021 - 19 Sep 2023 (Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy) Office, Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy))
- Committee Members28 Jul 2022 - 31 Dec 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members21 Jan 2022 - 21 Jan 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members01 Aug 2022 - 01 Jan 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members20 Sep 2021 - 01 Jan 2023 (University Malaya)
- Task Force Leader13 Apr 2022 - 01 Jan 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members01 Aug 2022 - 01 Jan 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members15 Feb 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Task Force Leader08 Mar 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members11 Mar 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members15 Mar 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members10 Dec 2021 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members15 Mar 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members15 Mar 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members03 Mar 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Task Force Leader14 Jul 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members29 Apr 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members14 Oct 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members15 Dec 2022 - 15 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members17 Nov 2022 - 17 Nov 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members02 Nov 2022 - 02 Nov 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members06 Jul 2022 - 06 Jul 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members16 Jun 2022 - 16 Jun 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members15 Jun 2022 - 15 Jun 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members26 Apr 2022 - 26 Apr 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members22 Apr 2022 - 22 Apr 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members11 Jan 2022 - 11 Jan 2022 (University Malaya)
- Director01 Apr 2021 - 19 Sep 2021 (Corporate Strategy Centre, Vice-Chancellor)
- Dean10 Aug 2018 - 09 Aug 2020 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Built Environment)
- Senate Representative to IAS Board01 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
- Director AUN-DPPnet01 Jun 2019 - 31 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
- AJK Pengajian Sarjana01 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
- AJK Pengajian Sarjana Muda01 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
- Exercising The Function of Dean01 Jul 2018 - 09 Aug 2018 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Built Environment)
- Dean01 Jul 2016 - 30 Jun 2018 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Built Environment)
- Dean01 Jul 2014 - 30 Jun 2016 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Built Environment)
- Dean, Faculty of Built Environment01 Jun 2014 - 31 May 2016 (University Malaya)
- Deputy Dean02 Jan 2014 - 01 Jul 2014 (Sustainability Science Research Kluster, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Deputy Dean Sustainability Science Research Cluster01 Jan 2014 - 31 May 2014 (University Malaya)
- Deputy Dean01 Sep 2009 - 01 Jul 2011 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Built Environment)
- Deputy Commissioner of Heritage, Malaysia12 Mar 2007 - 11 Mar 2009 (International)
- Deputy Dean (Undergraduate & Development), Faculty of Built Environment, UM01 Jan 2005 - 31 Dec 2007 (University Malaya)
- Head of Architecture Department, UM01 Jan 1999 - 31 Dec 2001 (University Malaya)
- Head of Building Surveying Department, UM01 Jan 2000 - 01 Jan 2001 (University Malaya)
- AHLI SENAT, COMMITTEE MEMBER2021 to 2023 (University)
- AJK TAPISAN PELANTIKAN FAB, MEMBER2021 to 2022 (University)
- Second Prize Best Award Infographic Poster Challenge. E-Polytage : Heritage Digital Archive Using Gis Technology Asia International Innovation Exhibition (Aiinex 2020). Johor Bahru2020, UTM, (International)
- Best Virtual Presentation. E-Polytage : Heritage Digital Archive Using Gis Technology. International Innovation Competition. The Academic International Dialogue Conference July 20202020, The Academic International Dialogue , (International)
- Gold Award. E-Polytage : Heritage Digital Archive Using Gis Technology. International Innovation Competition. The Academic International Dialogue Conference July 20202020, The Academic International Dialogue , (International)
- University of Malaya Excellence Award 2019 Under Category Best Academic Administrator (Academic Responsibility Centre)2019, University of Malaya, (University)
- Malaysia?S Research Star Award 2019 from The Ministry of Education Malaysia Under Category Citation Classic2019, Elsevier Scopus and Clarivate Analytics , (International)
- ?Head of Jury. Diy Made Simple 2018-Rocks Your School With Diy. Diy Sdn Bhd and University of Malaya2018, UM and DIY Sdn Bhd, (National)
- ?Jury Member. Malaysian Institute of Planner (Mip). Category Heritage & Conservation Awards2018, Malaysian Institute of Planner (MIP)., (National)
- ?Jury Member, Anugerah Khas Yb Menteri Pendidikan Malaysia : Rekabentuk Kurikulum dan Penyampaian Inovatif Nov 2018. Ministry of Education Malaysia2018, Ministry of Education Malaysia, (National)
- ?Jury Member-Independent Judge. Malaysia Property Awards 2018. Appointed by International Real Estate Federation (Fiabci)2018, International Real estate Federation (FIABCI), (National)
- Pengerusi (Chairman) Majlis Dekan Alam Bina Universiti Awam2016, Ministry of Higher Education, (National)
- Khidmat Setia 20 Award2015, Universiti Malaya
- Appointed as Independent Judge for Malaysia Property Award 2015 by International Real Estate Federation (Fiabci) Malaysia. Sept 2015.2015, International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI) Malaysia, (National)
- UM Excellence Award2013, Universiti Malaya
- Recipient University Malaya Excellence Award (Category Arts & Creativity) 2013.2013, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2011, Universiti Malaya
- Name Included in The Who's Who in The World 2011 (28th Edition). Marquis Who S. Who, Usa.2010, Marquis Who s. Who, USA., (International)
- Darjah Johan Negeri(D.J.N) by Tyt Pulau Pinang On Its 71st Birthday. 11 July 2009.2009, Penang State, (National)
- Certificate of Appreciation from Hon. Governor of Melaka.2008, Melaka State, (National)
- Excellence Service Award2007, Universiti Malaya
- Elected as Vice-President of The 25th General Assembly of Iccrom/Unesco in Rome from 7th-9th Nov 2007 by 120 State Party.2007, ICCROM/UNESCO, (International)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2006, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2005, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award1995, Universiti Malaya
Article in Journal
- Sabrina, C. Ahmad, Y. (2021). Fronting the back lane of heritage street: Case study of Petaling Street. Vol 19(4), 292-303
- Fahmi, Maha M., Yahaya Ahmad, Hashim, Helena., 2019. Review of Restoration Methods: Pyramids and Temples in Sudan. Journal of Heritage Management. Vol 3 (2), pp 208-221
- Isnen F., Yahaya Ahmad, Nfn Ratna, 2019. Local Community Participation in Establishing the Criteria for Heritage Significance Assessment of the Cultural Heritage in Medan. Kapata Arkeologi. Vol 15, pp1-14
- Mat Radzuan, IS, Yahaya Ahmad, Zainal, R., Shansudin Z., Tan Wee S., Mohamed S., 2019. Conservation of a Cultural Heritage Incentives Programme in a Malay Village: Assessing Its Effectiveness. Journal of Heritage Management. Vol 4 (1), pp 7-21
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan, Mansir Dodo, Yahaya Ahmad, 2018. Exploring Training Factors As Incentive Tools In Safeguarding Cultural Heritage Of Malaysian Traditional Settlements, Journal of Heritage Management, SAGE , 12, 189, ISSN:24559296
- Isnen, F., Yahaya Ahmad, 2018. Local Community Participation in Establishing the Criteria for Heritage Significance Assessment of the Cultural Heritage in Medan. Kapata Arkeologi Vol 14 Issue 2 Dec 2018
- Maha M.F., Yahaya Ahmad, Helena A.H., 2018. Understanding The Values of Forgotten World Heritage Pyramids in Sudan. Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAS) 8(6), 431-434
- Mirasaee, S.M., Yahaya Ahmad (2017). Post-War Tourism as an Urban Reconstruction Strategy: Case Study Khorramshahr. International Journal of Tourism Cities.
- Zakaria A.M., Yahaya Ahmad, Anuar A., 2018. Relevance to Post-Disaster Recovery in Undergraduate Architectural Education. Case of Southern Turkish Universities. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH), Pertanika Journal Vol 26 (4). (SCOPUS cited)
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan & Yahaya Ahmad, 2017. Revisiting The Incentives Policy In Safeguarding The Heritage Village: The Case Of Melaka, Malaysia, Advanced Science Letters, American Scientific Publishers , 7, 6213, ISSN:1936-6612
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan & Yahaya Ahmad, 2016. Synthesising An Effective Incentives System In Safeguarding The Heritage Village Of Melaka And George Town, Planning Malaysia: Journal Of The Malaysian Institute Of Planners, Malaysian Institute of Planners , 11, 157, ISSN:16756215 (SCOPUS)
- Indera Syahrul, Yahaya Ahmad, 2016. A dilemma and survival of the heritage villages in Melaka. An interpretation of villagers voices. International Journal of Intangible Heritage. Vol 11. (Accepted for publication) (SCOPUS cited)
- Lim, Y.M., Yahaya, A., Nabavi, F., 2016. Causes of High Variance in Building Conservation Tenders in Malaysia. Structural Survey:Journal of Building Pathology and Refurbishment. Volume 34, Issue 2, 2016
- Nabavi, F., Yahaya Ahmad2016. Is There Any Geometrical Golden Ratio in Traditional Iranian Courtyard Houses? International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR. Vol 10, Issue 1 March 2016 (ISI cited)
- Yong Kuan, Yahaya Ahmad, 2016. Architectural Design Criteria for Multi-Storey Housing Buildings. Open House International. Vol 41, N0.4, 2016. (ISI cited)
- Fazamimah M.A., Anuar A., Yahaya A., 2015. Role of Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Historic Urban Development : Economic Perceptions of Stakeholders (Perceived Value). Jurnal Teknologi, UTM, 75:9 pp51- 55 (Scopus)
- Fazamimah M.A., Yahaya Ahmad, Anuar A., 2015. Importance of Preserving the Non-Use Value of the Cultural Heritage : Case Study of George Town. Applied Mechanics and Materials . Vol 747 (2015) pp 153-156
- Fazamimah M.A., Yahaya Ahmad, Anuar A., 2015. Stakeholders Attitude on the Willingness-to-pay-Value for the Conservation of George Town, Penang World Heritage Site. Journal of Surveying, Construction and Property (JSCP). Vol 6 Issue (1) Jun 2015, pp 14-23
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan, Naoko Fukami & Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Incentives For The Conservation Of Traditional Settlements: Residents' Perception In Ainokura And Kawagoe, Japan, Journal Of Tourism And Cultural Change, Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd , 12, 301, ISSN:17477654
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan, Song Inho, Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. A Rethink of the Incentives Programme in the Conservation of Historic Villages. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. (Scopus)- Accepted for publication
- Indera Syahrul Mat raduan, Naoka Fukami, Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Incentives for the Conservation of Traditional Settlements: Residents Perception inAinolura and Kawagoe, Japan. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Published online-not yet published hard copy (Scopus/ISI?)
- W.S.Wan Mohamad, Yahaya Ahmad,N.F., Nik Mat, A.Azlan , 2015. Prefab Materials For self Build Housing System in Malaysia. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol 747, pp 250-253. (Scopus)
- Z.Shehada, Yahaya Ahmad, N.Yaacob, N. Keumala, 2015. Developing Methodology for Adaptive Re-Use. Case Study of Heritage buildings in Palestine. International Journal of Architectural Research (iJAR), Vol 9 Issue 2 July 2015, pp 216 229 (Scopus) http://archnet-ijar.net/index.php/IJAR/issue/view/31
- Indera Syahrul, Fukami N.,Yahaya Ahmad, 2014. Cultural Heritage, Incentives System and the Sustainable Community: Lessons from Ogimachi Village, Japan. In GEOGRAFIA Malaysian Journal of Society and Space. 10, Issue 1, pp130-146. ISSN : 2180-2491-scopus
- Isnen Fitri, Yahaya Ahmad, Faizah A., 2014. Conservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage in Indonesia: A Review Current National Criteria for Assessing Heritage Value. In Elsevier Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 184 (2015) , pp 71-78
- Kuan, Y., Yahaya Ahmad, 2014. Architectural Design Criteria for Multi-Storey Housing Buildings: Malaysia Perspectives. Open House International (ISI - Accepted)
- Nabavi, F., Yahaya, A., Goh, A.T., 2014 Geometry and Proportion of Traditional Houses in Hot- Arid Region, Iran. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH), Pertanika Journal (SCOPUS Indexed) (Accepted for publication)
- Weebers, R., Yahaya Ahmad(2013). Interpretation of Simon Steven (1548-1620) Ideas on the VOC Settlements in Melaka. Journal of Planning Perspectives. (Accepted for publication)
- Faezeh, N., YAHAYA AHMAD (2013). Analysis of Entering Sequences As Design Principles to Achieve Privacy in Traditional Iranian Houses. International Journal of Architectural Heritage (IJAH). Under Review ID is UARC- 2013-0793
- Nabavi,F., Yahaya Ahmad, Sahaf, KH. Housing Transformation in Iran: Contradiction between Culture and Design. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. ISI Indexed. Accepted for publication, pending page charge.
- Yong Kuan, YAHAYA AHMAD (2013. Framework for Analysing Architectural Design Quality of Multi-Storey Residential Buildings through Practice. Design Studies, Elsevier. Under Review
- Ashkan, M. , YAHAYA AHMAD (2012). Significance of Conical and Polyhedral Domes in Persia and Surrounding Areas : Morphology, Typologies and Geometric Characteristics. Nexus Network Journal, Architecture and Mathametics, Vol. 14 (2), pp 275- 290. [ISI Cited]
- Ashkan, M. and YAHAYA AHMAD, Ezrin Arbi (2012). Pointed Dome Architecture in the Middle East and Central Asia : Evolution, Definitions of Morphology and Typologies. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. Taylor & Francis. Vol 6:1,Oct 2011, pp 46- 61 [ISI Cited]
- Goh Ai Tee, Yahaya A., 2011. Public Low-Cost Housing in Malaysia: Case Studies on Low-Cost Flats in Kuala Lumpur. Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 8 June 2011, pp 1-20. [ISSN 1823-4208].
- Robert C.M.Weebers, YAHAYA AHMAD, Zuraini M.A., 2011. Simon Stevin s Ideas on Settlements. In Chen Dan (ed), International Proceedings of Economic Development and Research: Behavioral, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences, Vol 23 (2011), IACSIT Press Singapore, pp. 177-182.
- Maryam Ashkan, Yahaya Ahmad, 2010. Discontinuous Double-shell Domes through Islamic Eras in the Middle and Central Asia: History, Morphology, Typologies, Geometry, and Construction. Nexus Network Journal, Vol 12(2) July 2010 : 287-319.
- Ashkan, M. , Yahaya Ahmad (2009). Persian Domes: History, Morphology, and Typologies. International Journal of Architectural Research. Archnet-IJAR, Vol 3, Issue 3. Nov 2009, pp.98-115.
- Rosniza O., Nila I., Yahaya Ahmad, 2008. A Typological Study of Mosque Internal Spatial Arrangement a Case Study on Malaysian Mosques (1700-2007). Journal of Design and the Built Environment. Vol 4, No.1 2008, pp 41-54. [ISSN 1823-4208]
- Sumarni I., Yahaya Ahmad, Hasniyati H., 2008. Heritage Conservation for City Marketing: The Imaging of the Historic City of George Town, Penang. Journal of Design and the Built Environment. Vol 4, No.1 2008, pp 27-40. [ISSN 1823-4208]
- Yahaya Ahmad, 2006. The Scope and Definitions of Heritage: From Tangible to Intangible. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS), United Kingdom. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group Vol. 12, No.3, May 2006, pp292-300.
- Chan Yew Lih, Yahaya Ahmad, 2005. Conservation and Adaptive Reuse. Joint Studio University of Malaya and NUS. Singapore Architect No. 228, August 2005, pp.98-109.
- YAHAYA AHMAD, 2005. The Scope and Limitations of Legal Instruments on Cultural Property in Vigan, Philippines. Journal of Design and Built Environment, University of Malaya.(JDBE). Vol. I, No. I 2005, pp 81 -96
Ashkan, M., Ahmad, Y. (2010). Discontinuous double-shell domes through Islamic eras in the Middle East and Central Asia: History, morphology, typologies, geometry, and construction, Nexus Network Journal. 12(2), 287-31915905896
Ahmad, Y. (2006). The scope and definitions of heritage: From tangible to intangible, International Journal of Heritage Studies. 12(3), 292-300
- Md. Dali, M., Ahmad, Y., Mokhtar, M. (2021). The Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework of Inclusive Higher Education in ASEAN Countries. UMPRESS.
- Melasutra M.D., Yahaya Ahmad, Nurussaadah, M., 2020. Inclusive Learning Environment in Higher Education Institutions in ASEAN Countries: An Analysis of Existing Policies and Legal Framework. University Malaya Press.
- Yahaya Ahmad et al, 2020. Garis Panduan Kampus Inklusif Universiti Awam Malaysia : Governance, Teaching and Learning, Support Service and Accessibility and Infrastructure. Government Document. Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia.140 pages. University of Malaya Press (printing stage)
- Official Document. Yahaya Ahmad, Mauroof J., 2012. Coral Stones Mosques of Maldives: Towards World Heritage Nomination. Government Document. Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Republic of Maldives, 149 pages (Document was submitted by the Government of Maldives to UNESCO World Heritage Office, Paris). The Property is now listed in the Tentative List UNESCO.
- Lai C.K., Yahaya Ahmad., 2009 (eds). Re:claiming Heritage. Shophouses and Vernacular Houses in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture, National University of Singapore (NUS). [ISBN : 978-981-08-3498-2]
- Official Document. Yahaya Ahmad et al., 2007. Application Dossier for Registration of Historic Cities of Melaka and George Town to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, Paris. Government Document. 248 pages. (Document was submitted by the Government of Malaysia to UNESCO World Heritage Office, Paris). The Property is now listed in the World Heritage List of UNESCO.
Chapter in Books
- Dali, M. M., Ahmad, Y., & Mokhtar, N. (2021). The Way Forward for ASEAN Inclusive Higher Education. In Dali, M. M., Ahmad, Y., & Mokhtar, N. (Eds.). The Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework of Inclusive Higher Education in ASEAN Countries (pp. 179-186). University of Malaya Press.
- Melasutra M.D., Yahaya Ahmad et al. (2020). The Increasing Need for an Inclusive Malaysian Higher Education. In The Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework of Inclusive Higher Education in ASEAN Countries. University of Malaya Press, pp21-52. ISBN 978-967-488-154-2
- Melasutra Md. Dali, Yahaya Ahmad, Nurussaadah Mokhtar (2020). International and ASEAN Disability Policy and Legal Framework. In The Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework of Inclusive Higher Education in ASEAN Countries. University of Malaya Press, pp1-20. ISBN 978-967-488-154-2
- Melasutra Md. Dali, Yahaya Ahmad, Nurussaadah Mokhtar (2020). Way Forward for ASEAN Inclusive Higher Education. In The Policy, Legal and Institutional Framework of Inclusive Higher Education in ASEAN Countries. University of Malaya Press, pp177-184. ISBN 978-967-488-154-2
- Zakaria A.M., Yahaya Ahmad, Melasutra M.B., Nikmatul A.N., 2019. Environmental Threat to the Performance of Urban Areas in ASEAN Integration. In Aida I., Nurliana K., (eds) ASEAN Post-50: Emerging Issues and Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp 177-201. ISBN 978-981-13-8042-6
- Keumala N., Rosniza, Yahaya A., (2013). Mosque Architecture in Malaysia. In Vernacular Transformations : Architecture, Place and Tradition. Pustaka Larasan Udayana University, Indonesia. Pp.149-167. [ISBN 978-602-1586-02-0]
- Ibrahim Mohd @ Ahmad, Faizah Ahmad, Ezrin Arbi & Yahya Ahmad (2008) Rekabentuk Bandar Dalam Pembangunan Kuala Lumpur, Chapter 13, Asan Ali Golam Hassan Ed (2008) Pembangunan Wilayah dan Alam Sekitar, UUM; p. 211- 224;ISBN 978-983-3827-47-3
- Yahaya Ahmad, Woods P. ,2000. Building Conservation in Malaysia : Current Practice & Challenges" in Ngiom LT. and Lillian T. (Eds), 80 Years of Architecture in Malaysia, Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia Publication, K. Lumpur. [ISBN 983 40493 0 7]
- Yahaya Ahmad, 1998. The Kampong in Chen Voon Fee (Ed), The Encyclopedia of Malaysia, Volume 5 : Architecture , Archipelogo Press, Singapore. [ISBN 981 3018 43 7]
- Yahaya Ahmad, 1998. The Malay House : Materials and Construction in Chen Voon Fee (Ed), The Encyclopedia of Malaysia, Volume 5 : Architecture , Archipelogo Press,
Article in Proceeding
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan, Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Encapsulating Incentives System in Safeguarding Heritage Village: The Case of Melaka and George Town. 9th ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar University Malaya. 8th Dec 2015
- Lim Yoke Mui, Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Barriers to Competitive Tenders in Conservation Works. International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction Engineering. Paris, April 2015.
- Maha Mohani F., Yahaya Ahmad, Helena A.H., 2015. The State of Conservation for Meriotic Ancient Pyramids in Sudan. 9th ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar University Malaya. 8th Dec 2015
- Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Consolidating the Management and Protection of Heritage in Malaysia. Workshop on Heritage Conservation in South East Asia. Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Programme (SEASREP) Foundation. 25-27 July 2015. Siem Reap, Cambodia
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan & Yahaya Ahmad (2014). Listening to the villagers voice: A dilemma and survival of the heritage villages in Melaka, Malaysia. Paper presented at the Contemporary Urban Issues Conference 14. November 13-15. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan, Yahaya Ahmad & Song Inho (2014). Evaluating Incentives Mechanism for the Conservation of Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul: A Residents Perspective. Smart, Sustainable and Healthy Cities Conference 2014. December 14-16. Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates
- Isnen F., Yahaya Ahmad, Faizah A. (2014). Conservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage in Indonesia : A Review of Present National Criteria for Assessing Heritage Value. Arte-Polis 5 International Conference - Reflections on Creativity : Public Engagement and the Making of Place. 8-9 Aug 2014, ITB Bandung, Indonesia
- Noor Fazamimah M.A, Yahaya Ahmad. Importance of Preserving Cultural Heritage : Case Study of George Town, Penang. International Conference on Science, Engineering and Built Environment, Bali Indonesia. 24 Nov 2014
- Faezah Nabavi, Yahaya Ahmad, Ai Tee Goh, 2013. Daylight Design Strategies: A Lesson from Iranian Traditional Houses. In 3rd International Conference on Human & Social Sciences (ICHSS) 2013. Sapienza Univ of Rome and MCSED. Sep. 20-22, Rome Italy. Vol 4 pp97-103
- Helena A. H., Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. Assessing criteria for National Heritage Listing: Case study of traditional Malay houses. Malaysia Japan PhD Conservation Colloquium, Tokyo & Kyoto Japan 20-28 Oct 2013.
- Indera S., Yahaya Ahmad, Naoko, F., 2013. Residents Perception on the Cultural Heritage Conservation and Incentives Programme in the Traditional Settlements : A Case of Japan. International Conference on Tourism and the Shifting Values of Cultural Heritage. Taipei, Taiwan 5-9 April 2013
- Indera S., Yahaya Ahmad, Naoko, F., 2013. The Challenge of Sustainable Communities : Incentives for the Conservation of Historic Village in Japan. Asian Conference of Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (ACSEE). Osaka, Japan 6-9 June 2013.
- Indera Syahrul MR., Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. Engaging Communities for the Sustainable World Heritage Sites of Ainokura and Ogimachi Village in Japan. Malaysia Japan PhD Conservation Colloquium, Tokyo & Kyoto Japan 20-28 Oct 2013.
- Indera Syahrul MR.,Yahaya Ahmad, Song I., 2013. Mainstreaming Local Communities Input for the Incentives Programme: Lessons Learned from the Historic Villages of Hahoe and Yangdong in South Korea. In International Symposium on Revisiting Kathmandu, Safegurding Living Urban Heritage. Kathmandhu Valley, Nepal. 25-29 Nov. 2013.
- Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan, Yahaya Ahmad, Naoko Fukami & Song Inho (2013). Incentives Mechanism for the Conservation of Traditional Villages in Japan and South Korea. 8th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. December 3-5. Putrajaya, Malaysia. In The Sustainable City VIII, Vol. 2. pp. 1213-1224.
- Isnen Fitri, Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. Assessment Criteria for Cultural Significant of Built Heritage in Medan. Malaysia Japan PhD Conservation Colloquium, Tokyo & Kyoto Japan 20-28 Oct 2013.
- Lim YM., Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. A Comparison Analysis of Tender Price for Building Conservation and New Build Project in Malaysia. Malaysia Japan PhD Conservation Colloquium, Tokyo & Kyoto Japan 20-28 Oct 2013.
- Mohamed Mauroof J., Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. A Comparative Analysis of Coral Stone Mosques of Maldives to Determine Its Universal Significance. Malaysia Japan PhD Conservation Colloquium, Tokyo & Kyoto Japan 20-28 Oct 2013.
- Nazli C.D., Nurul A.J, Yahaya A., Rosniza O., 2013. Measurement of the Acoustical Performance of Traditional Vernacular Mosques in Malaysia. Inter- noise Innsbruck, Austria . 15-18 Sep 2013.
- Noor Fazamimah MA., Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. Attitude Between Stakeholders on the Willingness-To-Pay for Conservation of George Town World Heritage Site. Malaysia Japan PhD Conservation Colloquium, Tokyo & Kyoto Japan 20-28 Oct 2013.
- Noor Fazamimah Mohd Ariffin, Yahaya Ahmad and Anuar Alias, 2013. Attitudes of the Tourist Towards Willingness-to-Pay Value of Cultural Heritage for George Town World Heritage Site Conservation In International Conference on Tourism and Culture in Asia (TCASIA2013), Chiang Mai,17 -18 November 2013.
- Wan Zulkifali WM., Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. Causes and Fire Risk Pattern of heritage Buildings in Core Zone of George Town. Malaysia Japan PhD Conservation Colloquium, Tokyo & Kyoto Japan 20-28 Oct 2013.
- Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. Challenges in Managing World Heritage Sites in South East Asia Countries. Malaysia Japan PhD Conservation Colloquium, Tokyo & Kyoto Japan 20-28 Oct 2013.
- Yahaya Ahmad, 2013. Design Analysis of Muslim Mansions in George Town. International Conference on Islam and Multiculturalism : Coexistence and Symbiosis, Waseda University, Tokyo. 20-21 Dec 2013.
- Yahaya Ahmad, Nazli CD., Rosniza O.,2013. Analysis of Mihrab Design and its Acoustic Performance of Traditional Vernacular Mosques in Malaysia. In Islam and Multiculturalism : Islam, Modern Science and Technology. Organised by AEI, University Malaya and JSPS,Waseda University. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 5-6 Jan 2013, pp.72-83.
- Hamzah AR., Yahaya Ahmad, Ali A., 2012. Multiculturalism in Islam : The Case of Ornamentation and Motifs of Mosques in Malaysia. Waseda University, Tokyo, pp. 17 -24.
- Nabavi, F., Yahaya, A., Goh, A.T. Daylight and Openings in Traditional Houses in Yazd, Iran , November 2012, Plea 2012, Conference, Lima, Peru. http://www.plea2012.pe/pdfs/T08-20120129-0036.pdf
- Yahaya Ahmad, Syahrul I., 2012. Sustainability of Islamic Communities Within George Town World Heritage Zone. In Islam and Multiculturalism : Between Norms and Forms, Waseda University, Tokyo, pp. 103-110.
- Yahaya, A., Nabavi, F. Analysis of Entering Sequences in Traditional Iranian House December 2012, ICBED2012 Conference, Adelaide, Australia
- Mohamed Mauroof J., Yahaya Ahmad, 2011. Architectural Heritage of the Maldives : A Study of Coral Stone Mosques. Indian Ocean Heritage Conference, Nov 2-4 2011. Saint-Denis, La Reunion.
- Robert C.M. Weebers, Yahaya Ahmad and Zuraini M.A., 2011, Simon Stevin s ideas on Settlements. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on History and Society Development ICHSD. Maldives
- Robert W., Yahaya Ahmad, 2011. Dutch Settlements Outside the Netherlands and Its Architecture in Melaka. International Conference on History and Society Development, Maldives Nov 25-27, 2011
- Maryam A., , Yahaya A., 2010. Persian Bulbous Domes in the Late Islamic Era: Morphology and Typology. Inventory of Tangible Built Heritage: Current Practices for Inventory in Malaysia. International Conference for Urban and Architecture Heritage in Islamic Countries. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 23-28 May 2010.
- Robert Weebers, Yahaya A., 2010. VOC Heritage Settlements in South East Asia. . International Conference for Urban and Architecture Heritage in Islamic Countries. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 23-28 May 2010.
- Robert C.M. Weebers, Yahaya Ahmad and Zuraini M.A.,2010, Analysis of Facade Typology of Dutch Shophouses in Melaka, Proceeding of 5th ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment
- Robert C.M. Weebers, Yahaya Ahmad and Zuraini M.A.,VOC Heritage Settlements in Southeast Asia. Proceeding of First International Conference for Urban Heritage in the Islamic Countries. Riyadh 23-28 May 2010.
- Rosniza Othman, Yahaya A., 2010. Conservation of Mihrab on Kiblah Wall in Malaysia, Analysis of Significance and Typology of Form. International Conference for Urban and Architecture Heritage in Islamic Countries. Riyard, Saudi Arabia, 23-28 May 2010.
- Wan Zulkifali, Yahaya A., 2010. Fire Risk Preparedness Strategy of Melaka World heritage Site: Review of Current Practice. International Conference for Urban and Architecture Heritage in Islamic Countries. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 23-28 May 2010.
- Robert C.M., Yahaya A., 2009. The Dutch Fort of Melaka. In 4th ASEAN Post Graduate Seminar in Built Environment, University Malaya, 14-16 April 2009
- Sumarni I., Yahaya A., 2009. Conservation Management Plan : Monitoring the Significance of Historic Centre of Macao, SAR. In 4th ASEAN Post Graduate Seminar in Built Environment, University Malaya, 14-16 April 2009
- Sumarni Ismail, Associate Professor Dr. Yahaya Ahmad and Sr Dr. Zulkiflee Abdul-Samad (2009), Monitoring the significance of Historic Centre of Macao, SAR, Proceedings of International Network for Tropical Architecture and International Conference on Sustainable and Green Architecture (iNTA-SEGA) 2009 - Bridging Innovation, Technology and Tradition: Holistic approaches to (rapid) sustainable architecture and environment, Division of Building Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2 - 4.12.2009.
- Wan Srihani, WM., Yahaya A., 2009. The Prospective of Prefabrication System in Self Build Housing in Malaysia. In 4th ASEAN Post Graduate Seminar in Built Environment, University Malaya, 14-16 April 2009
- Wan Z., Robert C., Yahaya A., 2009. International Charters and Guidelines on Risk Preparedness Strategy for Cultural Heritage. In 4th ASEAN Post Graduate Seminar in Built Environment, University Malaya, 14-16 April 2009
- Yahaya A., Farizah I., NurAizah, M, 2009. Risk Preparedness of Heritage Monuments Against Natural Disasters in Malaysia. In Meeting on Cultural Heritage in Asia and the Pacific: Risk Preparedness Against Natural Disasters, Bangkok Thailand, 13-17 Jan 2009
- Yahaya A., 2009. Melaka and George Town, From Venice Charter 1964 to the Inscription as World Heritage Site. In Intellectual Property and Heritage Issues in the Built Environment. Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. 20-21 July 2009
- Maryam A., Yahaya A., 2007. History of Domes: From Sanchi Stupa to Jamek Mosque Kuala Lumpur. In Proceeding of the International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries, USM, Penang, Dec 2007
- Maryam A., Yahaya A., 2007.The Expression of Power : Geometry, Function and Meanings in Military Architecture. In Proceedings of ICAS International Conference : International Convention of Asia Scholars, Kuala Lumpur, August 2007
- Goh Ai Tee, Yahaya Ahmad, 2006. A Study on the Development of Public Low-Cost Housing in Malaysia. In ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment. 4- 6th Dec 2006. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Goh Ai Tee, Yahaya Ahmad, 2006. The Trend of Low-Cost Housing Development in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. In ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment. 4- 6th Dec 2006. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Maryam Ashkan, Yahaya Ahmad, 2006. The Visual Language of Symbolic Forms: A Preliminary Study of Dome in Islamic Architecture. In ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment. 4-6th Dec 2006. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Robert C. M. Weebers, Yahaya Ahmad. The Dutch Settlements in South-East Asia: Historical Background and Planning. In ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment. 4-6th Dec 2006. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Sumarni Ismail, Yahaya Ahmad, 2006. Approach of Conservation Plan in United Kingdom. In ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment. 4-6th Dec 2006. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Wan Sri Hani, Yahaya Ahmad, 2006. The Segal Method. In ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment. 4- 6th Dec 2006. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Yahaya Ahmad, Hasniyati Hamzah, Lee Mei Ming, 2006. Scope and Implementation of Heritage Law in Malaysia. In Asian Approaches to Conservation: UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management. 3-5 October 2006. Bangkok, Thailand
- Akmal N., Ngu NW., Yahaya Ahmad, 2005. Documentation in Conservation Works in Malacca: Review of Current Practice. In 4th MICRA proceedings. 4th -5th May 2005, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Yahaya Ahmad, 2005. Quality and Authenticity in Conservation and Restoration Works. CIOB/MBAM International Construction Conference 2005. 15th -16th Sept. 2005, Kuala Lumpur Covention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur
- Zuraini MA., Yahaya Ahmad, 2002. The Use of Scientific and Traditional Techniques in Achieving Authenticity in the Restoration of Timber Buildings in Malaysia. International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation, Zaqra Jordan. 12th 18th April 2002
- Yahaya Ahmad, Yeomans D., Bandyopadhyay (2001). The Scope of Heritage since the Venice Charter 1964. 2nd Post-Graduate Conference at Salford University, Manchester. [ISBN 1-900491-70-2]
Other Publications
- Yahaya Ahmad (2021). Rancangan Tempatan Kuala Kangsar 2035. Kajian Sektoral Warisan : 11.1 Aset Warisan Inventori Warisan Diraja. Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Malaysia (PLAN Malaysia) & APUDG. - Technical Report
- Yahaya Ahmad (2021). Rancangan Tempatan Kuala Kangsar 2035. Kajian Sektoral Warisan : 11.2 Aset Warisan Inventori Bangunan Warisan. Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Malaysia (PLAN Malaysia) & APUDG. - Technical Report
- Yahaya Ahmad (2021). Rancangan Tempatan Kuala Kangsar 2035. Kajian Sektoral Warisan : 11.3 Aset Warisan Inventori Rumah Kedai Warisan. Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Malaysia (PLAN Malaysia) & APUDG. - Technical Report
- Yahaya Ahmad (2021a). Rancangan Tempatan Kuala Kangsar 2035. Kajian Sektoral Warisan : 11.2 Aset Warisan Inventori Monumen dan Bangunan Warisan. Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Malaysia (PLAN Malaysia) & APUDG. - Technical Report
- Norafida Ad. Ghafar, Mastura Adam & Yahaya Ahmad, 2014. Solar Potential of Atrium Design in Green Energy Office in Malaysia. Journal of Design and the Built Environment. - Review
- 2019 - 2021, IIRGDocumenting the Linguistics, Cultural Heritage and Islamic Practices Amongst the Kerinchi Community. ( Consultant)
- 2019 - 2021, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)FRGS-RACER Grant from the Ministry of Education Malaysia. Profiling the Social-Economic Impacts of World Heritage Site Designation on Local Communities in Melaka. RM20k (24 months). As Co-Researcher. ( Consultant)
- 2018 - 2020, Others MOHEDigital Archives of Measured Drawing Database for Heritage Buildings in Melaka Using Web GIS Application. TVET Applied Research Grant Scheme (T-ARGS) ( Consultant)
- 2019 - 2019, Top Down Priority GrantKerangka Kampus Inklusif Untuk Meningkatkan Kemasukan Pelajar OKU ke Universiti Awam Malaysia (MyU-OKU). RM466K (9 months, April Dec 2019) As Principal Researcher (PI). ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2013, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Nor Fazamimah Mohd Ariffin. Assessing The Economic Values of Cultural Heritage For Sustainability of Urban Heritage Conservation : Case Study of Georgetown, Penang UNESCO World Heritage Site. ( PhD Supervisor)
- 2011 - 2013, Humanities & Ethics Cluster (Flagship)Manifestation of the Malay Identity within a Fishermen Resettlement Scheme in Kuala Kedah under the H&E Cluster, IPS Flagship Research Project Malay Identity and Its Manifestation in Malaysia and in the Nusantara Region (MALI) ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2013, Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS)Prototype Development of Ready to Assemble (RTA) Self-build Housing System ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)KL Livable City Programme ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2012, Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS)Prototype Development of Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) Self Build Housing System. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Design and Meanings of Traditional Wakafs in Kelantan and Terengganu. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Thermal Performance of Atrium Buildings in the Tropics. ( Consultant)
- 2006 - 2007, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Study on the Management of Heritage Inventory in Selected Local Authorities in Malaysia. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- UM Masterplan 2050. Campus Planning Blueprint, University Malaya, Project Leader/Lead Consultant01 Apr 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 (National)
- Conservation Expert. Preparation of Nomination Dossier of Niah Cave and National Park to The Unesco World Heritage Site. Client: Sarawak Forestry Department and UTM, Sarawak Forestry Department and UTM01 Dec 2020 - 01 Dec 2021 (National)
- Conservation Expert. Preparation of Rancangan Tempatan Kuala Kangsar 2035 Under Heritage Planning. Client: Ajm-Planning and Urban Design Group (Apudg), APUDG01 Jan 2020 - 01 Jan 2021 (National)
- Garis Panduan Kampus Inklusif Myu-Oku & Sistem Myu-Oku, Ministry of Education01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Aahm /Unesco Mtg. Asian Universities for Cultural Heritage Management Education, AAHM/UNESCO BANGKOK01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (International)
- Rancangan Kawasan Khas (Rkk) Bandar Warisan Kuala Kubu Baru Selangor : Heritage and Conservation Aspect, AJM-Planning and Urban Design Group Sdn. Bhd (APUDG).01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (National)
- Proposal for Redevelopment of Kompleks Pasar Borong Seri Kembangan Selangor. Client : Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Selangor, Perbadanan Kemajuan Pertanian Selangor01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2018 (National)
- Heritage & Conservation Consultant and Expert Advisor. Kajian Pengenalpastian Bandar Kuala Kubu Bharu Sebagai Tapak Warisan. Client : Ajm-Planning and Urban Design Group Sdn. Bhd (Apudg)., AJM-Planning and Urban Design Group Sdn. Bhd (APUDG).01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2018 (National)
- Nomination Dossier for The Coral Stone Mosques of Maldives to The Unesco World Heritage List., Department of Heritage, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Republic of Maldives01 Dec 2011 - 01 Dec 2013 (International)
- Conservation of Masjid Jamek Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Pujangga Kreatif Sdn Bhd01 Dec 2012 - 01 Dec 2013 (National)
- Proposed Scope of Renovation and Upgrading Works of Sultan Salahuddin Abd Aziz Shah, Shah Alam, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Selangor01 Dec 2011 - 01 Dec 2012 (National)
- Nomination Dossier for The Historic City of Ahmedabad, India to The Unesco World Heritage List., Ahmedabad Municipal Council, India.01 Dec 2010 - 01 Dec 2011 (International)
- Conservation Asesssment and Statement (Cast) Masjid Diraja Sultan Suleiman, Klang, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Selangor01 Dec 2011 - 01 Dec 2011 (National)
- Conservation Assessment and Statement (Cast) of Sultan Alaeddin Mosque, Jugra, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Selangor01 Dec 2011 - 01 Dec 2011 (National)
- Restoration of Hospital Kusta Sg. Buloh, TECHLABEL Sdn Bhd01 Nov 2009 - 01 Nov 2011 (National)
- Conservation Expert. Prepared Term of Reference (Tor) for The Restoration, Adaptive Re-Use and Development of Carcosa and Seri Negara Boutique Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Client: Garis Architects., Garis Architects.01 Jun 2010 - 01 Jun 2010 (National)
- Preparation of Nomination Dossier of Melaka & George Town On The World Heritage List, Department of Heritage, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage (KeKKWa)01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2007 (National)
- Identification of Monuments and Buildings to Be On The List of National Heritage, Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage, Malaysia (KeKKWa)01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
- Restoration of Istana Balai Besar, Alor Setar, Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah & Department of Museum and Antiquity01 Nov 1999 - 01 Nov 2001 (National)
- Restoration of Rumah Seri Banai, Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah (UPEN)01 Nov 1998 - 01 Nov 1999 (National)
- Restoration of Rumah Tok Su, Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Kedah (UPEN)01 Nov 1997 - 01 Nov 1998 (National)
- Conservation Incentives for Heritage Settlements in Malaysia, Heritage Coservation inSouth Esat Asia : Issues and Responses, SEASREP and Nippon Foundation (International) (14 Apr 2016 - 18 Apr 2016)
- Consolidating the Management and Protection of Heritage in Malaysia, Workshop on Heritage Conservation in South East Asia. Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Programme (SEASREP) Foundation (25 Jul 2015 - 27 Jul 2015)
- Sustainability of Islamic Communities Within George Town World Heritage Zone. , Islam and Multiculturalism : Between Norms and Forms (International) (26 Nov 2011 - 27 Nov 2011)
- Yahaya Ahmad, Angelyn T.G.L., Zuraini M.A., 2015. Stakeholders Perception on Identity of Petaling Street Neighbourhood, Kuala Lumpur. International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture (EAAC), Gwangju Korea. Nov 10-14, 2015, International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture (EAAC),  (International) (10 Nov 2015 - 14 Nov 2015)
- Assessing the Conservation Tools in Safeguarding the Heritage Village: A Case of Malaysia, Japan and South Korea, 1st International Conference on Urban Planning & Management (06 Oct 2015 - 07 Oct 2015)
- Yahaya Ahmad 2015. Sustainable Management Plan for national heritage Buildings : Masjid Negara. International Seminar on 50th Year of Masjid Negara. Kuala Lumpur 15 Sep 2015, International Seminar on 50th Year of Masjid Negara. Kuala Lumpur (International) (15 Sep 2015)
- Barriers to Competitive Tenders in Conservation Works, International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction Engineering (01 Apr 2015 - 03 Apr 2015)
- Evaluating Incentives Mechanism for the Conservation of Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul: A Residents Perspective. , Smart, Sustainable and Healthy Cities Conference 2014 (14 Dec 2014 - 16 Dec 2014)
- Importance of Preserving Cultural Heritage : Case Study of George Town, Penang., International Conference on Science, Engineering and Built Environment (24 Nov 2014 - 25 Nov 2014)
- Listening to the villagers voice: A dilemma and survival of the heritage villages in Melaka, Malaysia, Contemporary Urban Issues Conference 14 (13 Nov 2014 - 15 Nov 2014)
- Conservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage in Indonesia : A Review of Present National Criteria for Assessing Heritage Value, Arte-Polis 5 International Conference - Reflections on Creativity : Public Engagement and the Making of Place (08 Aug 2014 - 09 Aug 2014)
- Analysis of Mihrab Design and its Acoustic Performance of Traditional Vernacular Mosques in Malaysia , International Conference on Islam and Multiculturalism : Islam, Modern Science and Technology, Asia-Europe Institute, UM and Waseda University Japan (International) (05 Jan 2013 - 06 Jan 2013)
- Sustainability of Islamic Communities Within George Town World Heritage Zone, Islam and Multiculturalism : Between Norms and Forms (01 Apr 2012)
- Zakaria A.M., Yahaya Ahmad, Nila Inagda M.K.D., Ebrahim A.M., 2015. Examining the Walkability of Planned Neighbourhood in Malaysia:Outcome ofa Pilot Study., Zakaria A.M., Yahaya Ahmad, Nila Inagda M.K.D., Ebrahim A.M., 2015. Examining the Walkability of Planned Neighbourhood in Malaysia:Outcome ofa Pilot Study. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) 2015. Jakarta Indonesia. 1-3 Dec 2015, International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) (International) (01 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015)
- Defects of World Heritage Pyramids in Sudan : Conservation Issues., Maha Mohani F., Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Defects of World Heritage Pyramids in Sudan : Conservation Issues. Regional Architectural Research Colloquium (RARC). University Malaya. 25-26 Nov 2015, Regional Architectural Research Colloquium (RARC). University Malaya. 25-26 Nov 2015 (International) (25 Nov 2015 - 26 Nov 2015)
- Ann, W.Y., Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Mapping Art Deco Shop houses on Heritage Streets of Kuala Lumpur. International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture (EAAC), Gwangju Korea. Nov 10-14, 2015, Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture (EAAC), Gwangju Korea. Nov 10-14, 2015 (10 Nov 2015 - 14 Nov 2015)
- Re-Interpretation of Consolidating Meaning Cultural Values in Dwelling., Samira K., Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Re-Interpretation of Consolidating Meaning Cultural Values in Dwelling. International Conference on East Asia Architectural Culture (EAAC). Gwangju, Korea. 10-14 Nov 2015., International Conference on East Asia Architectural Culture (EAAC). Gwangju, Korea. (International) (10 Nov 2015 - 14 Nov 2015)
- Mauroof J., Yahaya Ahmad, 2015. Architectural Heritage of Maldives and Its Revival through Tourism. International Seminar on Islam and Multiculturalism : Islam in Global Perspectives. Waseda University, Abu Dhabi. 1-4 Nov 2015, pp75-84, International Seminar on Islam and Multiculturalism : Islam in Global Perspectives (01 Nov 2015 - 04 Nov 2015)
- Assessing the Conservation Tools in Safeguarding the Heritage Village: A Case of Malaysia, Japan and South Korea., Indera S., Yahaya Ahmad, Fukami N., Inho S., 2015. Assessing the Conservation Tools in Safeguarding the Heritage Village: A Case of Malaysia, Japan and South Korea. 1st International Conference on Urban Planning & Management. Tehran, Iran 6-7 Oct 2015., 1st International Conference on Urban Planning & Management. Tehran, Iran 6-7 Oct 2015. (International) (06 Oct 2015 - 07 Oct 2015)
- Dutch Settlements Outside the Netherlands and Its Architecture in Melaka. , International Conference on History and Society Development, (25 Nov 2011 - 27 Nov 2011)
- Architectural Heritage of the Maldives : A Study of Coral Stone Mosques. , Indian Ocean Heritage Conference (02 Nov 2011 - 04 Nov 2011)
- Analysis of Facade Typology of Dutch Shophouses in Melaka. , 5th ASEAN PostGraduate Seminar (National) (01 Nov 2010 - 02 Nov 2010)
- Fire Risk Preparedness Strategy of Melaka World heritage Site: Review of Current Practice. , International Conference for Urban and Architecture Heritage in Islamic Countries. (23 May 2010 - 28 May 2010)
- Persian Bulbous Domes in the Late Islamic Era: Morphology and Typology. , International Conference for Urban and Architecture Heritage in Islamic Countries.  (International) (23 May 2010 - 28 May 2010)
- VOC Heritage Settlements in South East Asia, International Conference for Urban and Architecture Heritage in Islamic Countries. (23 May 2010 - 28 May 2010)
- Conservation of Mihrab on Kiblah Wall in Malaysia, Analysis of Significance and Typology of Form., International Conference for Urban and Architecture Heritage in Islamic Countries (International) (23 May 2010 - 28 May 2010)
- (2022) External Phd Examiner Mohadeseh Jeddinia. UPM, National, (External Examiner)
- (2022) Penilai Dana Kt 2021 - 2022, National, (External Assessor)
- (2022) Phd External Examiner Nur Athmar USM, National, (External Examiner)
- (2021) External Assessor, National, (External Examiner)
- (2021) External Assessor Dr Siti Hajar Misnan Ds54 UTM, National, (External Assessor)
- (2021) External Evaluator Dr Siti Uzairah Mohd Tobi UTM, National, (External Evaluator)
- (2021) Penilai Luar Kenaikan Pangkat, National, (External Evaluator)
- (2021) Fiabci Malaysia Property Awards 2021, National, (External Evaluator)
- (2021) Penilai Frgs, National, (External Evaluator)
- (2021) AJK Penilaian Frgs, Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi, National, (Reviewer)
- (2013) PhD External Examiner. University Science of Malaysia. Candidate Shamsu Mohamad, Atap Singgora Penambahbaikan Dari Aspek Bahan dan Reka Bentuk., (External Examiner)
- (2012) External Examiner for Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies (BSc.Arch) PART I, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). 2012-2013 , (External Examiner)
- (2012) MSc External Examiner, MSc in Built Environment, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Candidate Amir Jabeen Fatima, Space Planning of Affordable Housing in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , (External Examiner)
- (2012) MSc External Examiner, Master of Architecture, University Teknology Malaysia (UTM). Candidate Farnaz Haghparast, The Effect of Commercial Activities on Facades of Traditional Shophouses of Malacca , (External Examiner)
- (2012) External Examiner for Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) PART II, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). 2012-2013 , (External Examiner)
- (2011) MSc External Examiner, MSc University Science of Malaysia. Candidate Wee Li Woon, Hidden Cost in Building Conservation Works , (External Examiner)
- (2011) MSc External Examiner, MSc. (CM), Multimedia University. Candidate Avijit Paul, A Study of Suitable Texture and Lighting Techniques to Represent Virtual Heritage , (External Examiner)
- (2011) PhD External Examiner. Multimedia University Malaysia. Candidate Mr Ruzaimi Mat Rani, A Study of Consensus For Visual Impact Assessment of Urban Streetscape , (External Examiner)
- (2010) MSc External Examiner, Master of Architecture, University Technology Malaysia (UTM). Candidate Nor Hayati Ramli, M.Arch. Issues and Challenges in the Development and Conservation of Mosque , (External Examiner)
- (2009) PhD External Examiner. National University of Singapore. Candidate Ngo Minh Hung, Affordances of Heritage Environment: A Conservation Approach to Hanoi Ancient Quarter in Vietnam , (External Examiner)
- (2007) PhD External Examiner. University Science of Malaysia (USM) for candidate Raja Nafidah Raja Shahminan, Kajian Tipologi Seni Bina umah Kedai Aal Era Belanda di Bandar Melaka : Sumbangan Kepada Bidang Konservasi di Malaysia , (External Examiner)
- (2006) PhD External Examiner. University Science of Malaysia (USM) for candidate Aqeil Ahmed Binthabet , (External Examiner)
- (2005) PhD Internal Examiner. University of Malaya for candidate Nor Zaini Ikrom Zakaria , (Internal Examiner)
- PhD External Examiner, University Putra Malaysia. Candidate Sarah Abdul Kareem Salih, (External Examiner)
- International Journal of Sustainable Tropical Design Research and Practice , (Reviewer)
- Master of Science External Examiner, University Putra Malaysia. Candidate Mohadeseh Jeddinia, (External Examiner)
- PhD External Examiner, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Candidate Rami Alafandi, (External Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2022) Expert Advisor to UIAM On Restoration of Bangunan Abdul Samad, National, (Expert Advisor)
- (2021) Expert Advisor Rancangantempatan Kuala Kangsar 2035, National, (Expert Advisor)
- (2016) Conservation of seven heritage buildings of Kwong Hing Enterprise Sdn Bhd. Appointed by ThinkCity. Mac 2016, ThinkCity Khazanah Nasional
- (2016) Restoration of Istana Lama Seri Menanti. Appointed by Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR), Malaysia, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR), Malaysia
- (2016) Restoration of Istana Seri Menanti Kuala Pilah. Appointed by Negeri Sembilan State Government, Negeri Sembilan State Government
- (2011) Board of Advisors, Tun Tan Cheng Lock Conservation Centre (TTCLCC), National University of Singapore, National University of Singapore
- (2011) Technical Committee to advise on Nomination Dossier for the Historic City of Ahmedabad, India to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Appointed by Ahmedabad Municipal Council, India, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Gujerat, India
- (2011) International Expert to prepare Draft Nomination Dossier for The Coral Stone Mosques of Maldives to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Appointed by Department of Heritage, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Republic of Maldives, with UNESCO grant, Department of Heritage, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Republic of Maldives, with UNESCO grant
- (2010) Professional Lecture, invitation by Bogor100, Bogor to give a lecture title Potential of Bogor Botanical Garden as World Heritage Site, UNESCO, Bogor, Indonesia, 6 Jul 2010., Bogor City, Indonesia
- (2010) Professional Lecture, invitation by the Malaysia Assocation of Architect (Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia, PAM) to deliver CPD professional lecture to its members in Kuala Lumpur title Interventions Within Heritage Zones". PAM Centre,KL 17 Jul 2010., Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)
- (2010) Professional Lecture, invitation by the Malaysia Assocation of Architect (Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia, PAM Southern Chapter) to deliver CPD professional lecture to its members in Johor Bahru title Interventions Within Heritage Zones". PAM Centre,KL 20 Sept. 2010, Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)
- (2010) Interview Panel. His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Scholarship Programme, Malaysia [Appointed by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam] , JPA
- (2010) Professional Lecture. The World Heritage Listing and Potential of Heritage Sites in Maldives. Invitation by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Maldives. Male Maldives, 7 Nov 2010, Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Maldives. Male Maldives
- (2010) Professional Lecture, invitation by the Malaysia Assocation of Architect (Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia, PAM) to deliver CPD professional lecture to its members in the North; title Authenticity and Process of Building Conservation". PAM Centre, Penang. 8th May 2010., Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)
- (2010) Unit Master Bogor International Workshop 2010; to initiate Conservation of Bogor Botanical Garden to the World Heritage List, UNESCO. (3-10 Jul 2010, City of Bogor, Indonesia
- (2010) Professional Lecture, invitation by Ahmedabad Municipal, India to deliver a talk on Ahmedabad Towards World Heritage Site , 16-24th April 2010. Ahmedabad, India., Ahmedabadb Municipal Corporation
- (2010) Professional Lecture, The Outstanding Universal Values of (OUV) of Melaka and George Town. 16 June 2010. Taylor s University, KL, Taylor s University, KL
- (2010) Conservation Technical Expert, ThinkCity of Khazanah Nasional Sdn Bhd. Evaluated conservation applications under George Town Grants Programme (GTGP). Have evaluated more than 100 conservation applications of different complexity., Think City Sdn Bhd, Khazanah Nasional.
- (2010) Panel of Judges. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Research, Invention and Innovation 2010 on 26-27th Jan 2010, Kuala Lumpur, IIUM
- (2009) Professional Lecture. The Potential of Istana Seri Menanti as World Heritage Site. 2 Mac 2009. Invitation by the State of Negeri Sembilan, Museum Department, N.Sembilan
- (2009) Professional Lecture on Conservation of National Leprosy Control Centre (NLCC), Sg. Buloh to Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) and consultants of the project. University of Malaya. 11 Nov 2009, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR), Malaysia
- (2009) Professional Lecture , invitation by the Malaysia Assocation of Architect (Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia, PAM) to deliver CPD professional lecture to its members in the Klang Valley; title Authenticity in Heritage Reconstruction Works - Middlesburgh Bastion, Malacca Fort. PAM Headquater Kuala Lumpur, 15 Aug 2009., Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)
- (2009) Professional Lecture. Scope and Implementation of National Heritage Act 2005 (Act 645). January 2009. Invitation by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBD) Malaysia., Department of Urban and Regional Planning (JPBD) Malaysia.
- (2009) Professional Lecture. Invitation by the Malaysia Assocation of Architect (Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia, PAM) to deliver CPD professional lecture to its members in the North; title Authenticity in Heritage Reconstruction Works - Middlesburgh Bastion, Malacca Fort. PAM Centre, Penang. 10 Okt 2009, Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM)
- (2009) Professional Lecture, invitation by Malaysia Heritage Trust (Badan Warisan Malaysia, BWM) to deliver professional lecture; title Managing and Sustaining George Town and Melaka as World Heritage Sites . BWM Headquater, Kuala Lumpur. 9 April 2009, Badan Warisan Malaysia
- (2009) Jury Panel. Malaysian Interior Design Awards (MIDA) 2009. Appointed by the Institut Perekabentuk Dalaman Malaysia (IPDM). July 2009., IPDM
- (2009) Session Chairman. Seminar on Melaka The UNESCO World Heritage City. Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka 8-9 July 2009, Melaka Government
- (2009) Invited Conservation Expert for a Meeting on Cultural Heritage in Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand. Sponsored by National Research Institute for Cultural Property (NRICPT), Tokyo, Japan. 13-17 Jan 2009, National Research Institute for Cultural Property (NRICPT), Tokyo, Japan.
- (2009) Chairman, Protem Committee ICOMOS Malaysia. 8th July 2009, ICOMOS Malaysia
- (2009) External Expert to discuss on the formation of Heritage Institute at the University, University Tun Hussain Onn (UTHO), Johor as
- (2008) Review Panel. Bachelor of Technology(Hons) in Building and Infrastructure Maintenance, Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College (KLIUC)., Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College (KLIUC).
- (2008) Malaysia Delegate to the 32nd World Heritage Committee Meeting, UNESCO, Quebec City, Canada. 1-12 July 2008, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia
- (2008) Malaysia Delegate to the 3rd Asia-Europe Ministers Meeting (ASEM) Culture Ministers Meeting (CCM), Kuala Lumpur. 21-24 April, 2008, Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage Malaysia
- (2008) Malaysia Delegate to the Fourth Meeting of the Networking on East Asian Cultural Heritage (NEACH), Kuala Lumpur. 19-22 March 2008, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia
- (2008) Head of Malaysia Delegates to the 14th Quadrennial Conference of National Commissions for UNESCO of Asia and the Pacific Region, Manila Philippines. 18-23 May 2008, Ministry of arts, Culture and Heritage, Government of Malaysia
- (2007) Malaysia Contact Person, World Heritage Committee, UNESCO, Paris, International
- (2007) Council Member, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property , ICCROM/UNESCO, Rome Italy, International
- (2007) Head of Malaysia Delegate to the 31st World Heritage Committee Meeting, UNESCO, Queensland, New Zealand. 23.6.2207 2.7.2007, Misitry of Arts, Culture and Heritage Malaysia
- (2007) Course Leader. Training Module on Conservation of Heritage for Consultants. Kursus Konservasi Monumen & Tapak Tanah Bersejarah. Collaboration between the Department of Heritage, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage (KeKKWa) and the University of Malaya. April 2007. Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Department of Heritage, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage (KeKKWa) and the University of Malaya. April 2007. Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
- (2007) Malaysia Delegate to the Third Meeting of Networking of East Asian Cultural Heritage (NEACH) and Networking on ASEAN Cultural Heritage (NACH). Yangoon and Mandalay, Myanmar. 29.5.2007 2.6.2007, Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage Malaysia
- (2006) Chairman. National Committee to Identify Monuments and Buildings to be on the List of National Heritage. Appointed by The Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage, Malaysia, The Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage, Malaysia
- (2006) Course Leader. Training Module on Conservation of Heritage for contractors. Kursus Konservasi Monumen & Tapak Tanah Bersejarah. Collaboration between the Department of Heritage, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage (KeKKWa) and the University of Malaya. 16-18th Dec 2006. E&O Hotel, Pulau Pinang, Department of Heritage, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage (KeKKWa) and the University of Malaya.
- (2006) Advisor, Preparation and Documentation for RIBA Accreditation Visit to University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), University Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
- (2006) Review panel, Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, Refereed Journal of the University Science of Malaysia (USM), University Science of Malaysia (USM)
- (2005) External Advisor for MSc in Heritage and Conservation Management, University Technology MARA (UiTM), University Technology MARA (UiTM)
- (2005) Assessor, National Accreditation Board (Lembaga Akreditasi Negara-LAN). 18th July 2005 17th July 2007, National Accreditation Board (Lembaga Akreditasi Negara-LAN).
- (2005) Committee Member / Resource Person. As Resource Person for the Drafting of National Heritage Act (2005) Act 645. Appointed by The Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage, Malaysia, Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage, Malaysia
- (2005) Invited Lecture, Representing The Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage, Malaysia. Presentation to the UNESCO and 15 other countries in North-East and South-East Asia on the Status of World Heritage Sites in Malaysia and on the application of Melaka and Penang to be on the UNESCO World Heritage List as : Melaka and Penang - Historic Ports of the Straits of Malacca. 12th 16th Dec. 2005. Renaissance Hotel, Melaka. , Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage Malaysia
Postgraduate Student
(2015) Traditional Construction Techniques and Aesthetic of Coral Stones Mosques of Maldives, Mohamed Mauroof Jameel (Maldives)
(2015) Standard Guidelines for Bill of Quantities Customised for Building Conservation Works., Lim Yoke Mui
(2015) Management Framework for Living Heritage in Malaysia, Noorfathehah Abdulah Sani
(2015) Framework Indicators for Cultural, Image and Identity for Kg Baharu Kuala Lumpur, Linda Shafarina Hassan
(2015) Conservation of Heritage Towns in Iran, Seyed Mehdi Miresaiee (Iran)
(2014) Ready-to-Assemble (RTA) Housing System as Potential Self Build Housing in Malaysia, Wan Srihani Wan Mohamad (Malaysia)
(2014) Design Privacy of Enteruing Sequence in Qajarian Houses and a Framework for Contemporary Houing in Hot-Arid Region of Iran., Faezeh Nabavi
(2013) Traditional Construction Techniques and Aesthetic of Coral Stones Mosques of Maldives, Mohamed Mauroof Jameel
(2012) The Influence of Simon Steven (1548-1620) Principles on Dutch Towns and Buildings Outside The Netherlands : case Study of Melaka, Robert Carel Marie Weebers(Netherland)
(2012) The Determination of Architectural Design Criteria and Their Application for Multi-Storey Residentail Buildings., Yong Kuan
(2012) Sustainable Architecture of Iranian Traditional Buildings., Asmae Rashidi Mohammadi
(2012) Cultural Heritage Incentives for Conservation of Traditional Settelements for Sustainabble Communities : Comparative Studies between Malaysia, Japan and South Korea, Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan
(2012) Assessing the Economic Values of Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Urban Conservation: Case Study of George Town World Heritage Site., Noor Fazamimah Mohd Ariffin
(2009) Sumarni Ismail (Malaysia). Conservation Management Policies and Plans of the World Historic Cities : Historic City of George Town & Melaka (submitted, waiting for viva), Sumarni Ismail (Malaysia)
(2009) Risk Preparedness Plans Against Fire for Heritage Cities in Malaysia, Wan Zulkifali Wan Mohd (Malaysia)
(2009) Mihrab Design and Ornamentation of Selected Mosques in Malaysia, Rosniza Othman (Malaysia)
(2009) Historic Domes in the Middle East and Central Asia: a Study on Pointed Discontinuous Double-Shell Domes., Maryam Ashkan (Iran)
(2009) Documentation and Inventory of Cultural Property in Malaysia, Helena Aman Hashim (Malaysia)
(2009) Conservation Management of Historic Medan, Indonesia, Isnen Fitri (Indonesia)
(2009) Ar Yong Kuan (Malaysia). Architectural Design Criteria and Their Application in Multi-Storey Residential Buildings in Klang Valley. (submitted, waiting for viva), Yong Kuan (Malaysia)
(2015) Revitalizing Waterfront Towns Through Urban Design Elements: Case Study Lumut and Manjung Towns Perak, Malaysia, Mohd Ismail Isa
(2015) Framework for Conservation of Traditional Iranian Houses, Samira Khalili (Iran)
(2009) The Architecture of the Coral Stone Mosques of Maldives, Mohamed Mauroof Jamel(Maldives)
(2006) Study on the Development and Design Quality of Public Low Cost Housing in Kuala Lumpur & Klang Valley, Selangor, Goh Ai Tee
- (2015) BAGS6208 - Architectural Research Ii
- (2013) BAEE4276 - Advanced Architectural Design Ii
- (2012) BAEE4119 - Building Conservation
- (2012) BAEE4175 - Advanced Architectural Design I
- (2012) BAEE4183 - Advanced Topical Study
- (2011) BAEA2273 - Architecture Design III
- (2011) BAEA2278 - Architecture Design Studio Iv
- (2011) BAEE4119 - Building Conservation
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- Measured Drawing of Coliseum TheatreCOPYRIGHT
- Yang Dipertua (Ydp), Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang, (01 Feb 2013 - 31 Jan 2014)
- Penyediaan Garispanduan Senibina Beridentiti Malaysia, (18 Dec 2012 - 19 Dec 2012)