Curriculum Vitae


Associate Professor
  • Department of Anatomy
    Faculty of Medicine
  • wkahhui
  • 0379674729


Dr Wong Kah Hui is an Associate Professor at the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya. She received her Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (Honours with Distinction) in 2003, Master of Science (with distinction) in 2007 and Doctor of Philosophy in Human and Animal Physiology in 2011 from Universiti Malaya. She is currently the Academic Editor of PLOS ONE, Review Editor of Frontiers in Pharmacology (former Guest Associate Editor of Frontiers in Pharmacology), Editorial Board Member of BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, Guest Editor of Cells, Subeditor of Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC, Malaysia), Coordinator of Postgraduate Research Programme (Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya) and the life member of Malaysian Anatomical Association (MAA) (former treasurer of MAA, 2015-2021). She was honoured as Outstanding Anatomist (Research)–Established Career Category by MAA on 30 Aug 2023 for her remarkable contributions to anatomical sciences research.

She has published 60 articles in Web of Science (WOS)-indexed journals with an H-index of 21 and total citations of 1222; and four book chapters. Her research focuses on using alternative medicines, in particular the culinary and medicinal mushrooms cultivated in Malaysia for neuroprotection and neuroregeneration in cellular and animal models. She is also engaged with Ganofarm R&D Sdn Bhd through the collaborative planning on Memorandum of Understanding and Memorandum of Agreement; Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine University of Hong Kong as a Visiting Research Fellow; and Corielle Institute for Medical Research, New Jersey, USA to pursuit scientific research leading to treatments for hereditary ataxia, on Material Transfer Agreement. Alternative medicines have the advantages of non-invasive, cost-effective and no adverse reactions for patients which could eventually be a breakthrough in the treatment for hereditary ataxia. She aims to integrate Hericium erinaceus mushroom dietary supplement as a novel treatment strategy in clinical practice at the Traditional and Complementary Medicine units of Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals and its future application in degenerative cerebellar ataxia and movement disorders. The above-mentioned areas are conducted by 7 PhD (3 former and 4 active) candidates who have always been enthusiastic about neuroscience research. A PhD thesis titled Protective Mechanisms of Hericium erinaceus (NevGro®) against Oxidative Stress in in vitro models of Friedreich’s ataxia and Depression was awarded Distinction for Thesis by the University on 27 September 2022. 

As a team leader, her research group was granted with 11 awards (six gold, two special and two silver) at various international invention and innovation exhibitions with Managing Depression with NevGro® being the latest innovation that struck a silver medal at the recently held 35th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition, ITEX 2024 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 16-17 May 2024. She also won gold awards at the ITEX 2023 and 2024, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2020 and 2022, a gold medal at the Creation and Innovation, Technology & Research Exposition (CITREX) 2021, Platinum, Most Outstanding Academician and Gold awards at the Penang International Invention, Innovation and Design (PIID) 2019; a gold award at the Melaka International Intellectual Exposition (MIIEx) 2019, and a silver medal as a co-inventor at the Special Edition 2022-The Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days-Virtual Event). The achievements were featured on Rubrica News Bulletin (2022), The University of Hong Kong Media-Press Releases (2022), pulse@UM (2020-2022), Milestone@UM Newsletter (2019-2020), UM Research Bulletin (2019) and The Petri Dish (2018).

Apart from research, dispensing high-quality teaching and professional education is the primary goal of any university. She teaches human anatomy to the MBBS, BDS, BBiomedSc and Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Teaching Programme students. Her teaching philosophy is to be passionate, enthusiastic and engaging. She was awarded the Best Preclinical Lecturer for MBBS-UMMP Programme of Universiti Malaya in 2017 and 2019. As for the medical education research, her team comprising of fellow colleagues of Department of Anatomy, and Medical Education Research and Development Unit (MERDU) of the Faculty of Medicine won a silver award for a project titled “Bridging The Gap in The Knowledge of Anatomy as a Doctor Journeys Through The Postgraduate Medical Training” at the Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement Research Conference 2017 (UM-LiTeR 2017) and a bronze award for a project titled “Practical Guide to Facilitate Problem-Based Learning Among Novice Medical Students: Eight Top Tips” at the kNOVASI 2020 Teaching and Learning Congress and Innovation Competition. She represented Universiti Malaya to present a status report of Anatomy Resource Centre (ARC) of Faculty of Medicine at the Committee of Museums and Galleries for Malaysian Public Universities (MyMUSE) Conference and Exhibition in 2019 showcasing the anatomical specimens, its primary function in medical education and future development. She was appointed as the Advisor and one of the trainers by the Faculty of Medicine and Medical Society (MEDSOC) of Universiti Malaya to facilitate the selected Stage 1&2 MBBS students in the preparation for various national competitions including the Intervarsity Medical Quiz Challenge (IMQC) and Intervarsity Medical Olympiad (IVMO). In the 10th edition of IMVO held in 2021, the students secured first and second positions in the individual and group categories, defeating 16 public and private universities in Malaysia.


  • PhD, (Human and Animal Physiology)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • M.Sc. (with Distinction), (Science)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • B.Sc. in Biotechnology (Honours with Distinction), (Biotechnology)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • Acting Head of Department
    06 Sep 2024 - 09 Sep 2024 (Department)
    10 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Task Force Member
    29 Mar 2024 - 29 Mar 2024 (National)
  • Coordinator
    01 Nov 2022 - 31 Oct 2023 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    01 Nov 2022 - 31 Oct 2023 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    01 Jul 2021 - 30 Jun 2023 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator
    17 Aug 2021 - 16 Aug 2022 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    17 Aug 2021 - 16 Aug 2022 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    17 Aug 2021 - 16 Aug 2022 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    01 Mar 2021 - 28 Feb 2022 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator
    13 Aug 2020 - 31 Aug 2021 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    13 Aug 2020 - 31 Aug 2021 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    13 Aug 2020 - 31 Aug 2021 (Department)
  • Committee Members
    10 Dec 2019 - 31 Dec 2020 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator
    18 Sep 2019 - 31 Aug 2020 (Department)
  • Committee Members
    02 Oct 2019 - 31 Aug 2020 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    03 Sep 2019 - 31 Aug 2020 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    03 Sep 2019 - 31 Aug 2020 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    03 Sep 2019 - 29 Aug 2020 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Committee Members
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Committee Members
    01 Oct 2015 - 30 Sep 2018 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator
    16 Aug 2016 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    04 Sep 2017 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    29 Aug 2017 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department)
  • Committee Members
    17 Jul 2017 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    16 Aug 2016 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    06 Feb 2018 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    11 Jun 2018 - 19 Jun 2018 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    01 Sep 2015 - 31 Aug 2017 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Acting Head of Department
    29 Dec 2016 - 30 Dec 2016 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    23 Nov 2016 - 25 Nov 2016 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    14 Sep 2016 - 14 Sep 2016 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    17 Jun 2015 - 31 Aug 2016 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    07 Sep 2015 - 31 Aug 2016 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    07 Sep 2015 - 31 Aug 2016 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    04 Jul 2016 - 08 Jul 2016 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    06 Apr 2016 - 08 Apr 2016 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    28 Dec 2015 - 29 Dec 2015 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    09 Nov 2015 - 11 Nov 2015 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator
    12 Aug 2014 - 31 Aug 2015 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    12 Aug 2014 - 31 Aug 2015 (Department)
  • Committee Members
    01 Oct 2013 - 31 Jul 2015 (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Acting Head of Department
    27 Mar 2015 - 27 Mar 2015 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    02 Jan 2015 - 02 Jan 2015 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    19 Nov 2014 - 19 Nov 2014 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    13 Nov 2014 - 13 Nov 2014 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    21 Oct 2014 - 24 Oct 2014 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    18 Sep 2014 - 19 Sep 2014 (Department)
  • Committee Members
    26 Aug 2013 - 31 Aug 2014 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    26 Aug 2013 - 29 Aug 2014 (Department)
  • Committee Members
    26 Aug 2013 - 25 Aug 2014 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    26 Aug 2013 - 31 Jul 2014 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    13 Jun 2014 - 13 Jun 2014 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    07 Apr 2014 - 11 Apr 2014 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    05 Dec 2013 - 06 Dec 2013 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    30 Sep 2013 - 30 Sep 2013 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    10 Sep 2013 - 12 Sep 2013 (Department)
  • Coordinator
    24 Jul 2012 - 30 Aug 2013 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    27 Dec 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 (Department)
  • Acting Head of Department
    22 Aug 2012 - 24 Aug 2012 (Department)


    2023 to 2025 (International)
    Since 2021 (International)
    Since 2020 (National)
    Since 2020 (National)
    2023 to 2024 (International)
    2020 to 2024 (International)
    2020 to 2023 (International)
    2020 to 2022 (International)
    2019 to 2022 (International)
    2021 to 2021 (International)
    2020 to 2021 (University)
    2018 to 2019 (National)
    2017 to 2019 (National)
    2017 to 2018 (National)
    2016 to 2017 (National)
    2015 to 2017 (National)
    2015 to 2016 (National)
    2014 to 2015 (National)
    2013 to 2014 (National)


  • Itex 2024 Silver Medal
    2024, C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd, Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS),  (International)
  • Itex 2024 Gold Medal
    2024, C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd, Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS),  (International)
  • Outstanding Anatomist (Research) Award - Established Career Category
    2023, Malaysian Anatomical Association (MAA),  (National)
  • Perfect Score for Pbl Ummp Facilitation, Block 7 (Neuroscience, Vision and Behaviour) Session 2022/2023
    2023, Medical Education And Research Development Unit (merdu), Faculty Of Medicine, University Of Malaya ,  (University)
  • 2nd Place in Oral Presentation (Category: Natural Products) ? Nur Aina Najihah Rosle (Final Year Project Student) 13th Malaysian Symposium of Biomedical Science 2023
    2023, UTAR,  (National)
  • 2nd Place in Oral Presentation (Category: Others) ? Teh Hao Li (Final Year Project Student) 13th Malaysian Symposium of Biomedical Science 2023
    2023, UTAR,  (National)
  • Itex 2023 Gold Medal
    2023, C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd, Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS),  (International)
  • Best Basic Neuroscience Publication for The Year of Publication in 2020
    2022, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2022, Universiti Malaya
  • Silver Medal
    2022, International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.,  (International)
  • Poster Presentation Merit Award - Lew Sze Yuen (Phd Student)
    2022, Department of Anatomy, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore,  (International)
  • Gold Award, Malaysia Technology Expo 2022 (Mte 2022) - The 21th International Expo On Innovations and Technology
    2022, PROTEMP MALAYSIA,  (International)
  • Perfect Score, Pbl Ummp Facilitation, Block 7 (Neuroscience, Vision and Behaviour) Session 2020/2021
    2021, Medical Education And Research Development Unit (merdu), Faculty Of Medicine, University Of Malaya ,  (University)
  • Gold Award
    2021, Universiti Malaysia Pahang,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2021, Universiti Malaya
  • International Award of Merit in Conjunction With The Malaysia-Croatia Technology Exchange 2020
    2020, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Malaysia,  (International)
  • Perfect Score, Pbl Ummp Facilitation, Block 5 (Respiratory Sciences) Session 2019/2020
    2020, Medical Education and Research Development Unit (MERDU), Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Gold Award, Malaysia Technology Expo 2020 (Mte 2020) - Nevgro? Offers Hope for Treating Inherited Neuromuscular Disorders: Our Understanding of Friedreich's Ataxia
    2020, PROTEMP (Professional Trade Exhibitions & Meeting Planners),  (International)
  • Bronze Award, Practical Guide to Facilitate Problem-Based Learning Among Novice Medical Students: Eight Top Tips, Knovasi 2020 Teaching & Learning Congress & Innovation Competition
    2020, Pusat Pengajaran dan Teknologi Pembelajaran (Pengajaran-UKM) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,  (National)
  • Ilsi Young Researcher Award, Asean Emerging Researchers Conference 2019 - Kogilavani Subermaniam (Phd Student)
    2019, Sunway University and ASEAN Young Scientists Network,  (International)
  • Consolation Prize, Imaging Competition At The Faculty of Medicine Research Carnival
    2019, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Gold Award (Invention), Melaka International Intellectual Exposition 2019 (Miiex 2019) - Nev Gro? - The Secret to Ageing Gracefully
    2019, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Melaka, Malaysia,  (International)
  • Best Pre-Clinical Lecturer MBBS 2014/2019
    2019, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Platinum Award (Best Invention, Innovation and Design), Penang International Invention, Innovation and Design 2019 Piid 2019 - Development of Nevgro Tm for Healthy Gait and Balance
    2019, UiTM Penang,  (International)
  • Most Outstanding (Academician Category) Award, Penang International Invention, Innovation and Design 2019 Piid 2019 - Development of Nevgro Tm for Healthy Gait and Balance
    2019, UiTM Penang,  (International)
  • Gold Award, Penang International Invention, Innovation and Design 2019 Piid 2019 - Development of Nevgro Tm for Healthy Gait and Balance
    2019, UiTM Penang,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2018, Universiti Malaya
  • Perfect Score, Pbl Ummp Facilitation, Block 5 (Respiratory Sciences) Session 2017/2018
    2018, Medical Education and Research Development Unit (MERDU), Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Standardised Extract of Hericium Erinaceus (Bull.:Fr.) Pers, Nevgrotm Protects Against L-Buthionine-Sulfoximine-Induced Cytotoxicity in Fibroblasts from Friedreich 'S Ataxia Patient
    2017, UiTM and Malaysian Anatomical Association ,  (National)
  • Consolation Prize, Faculty of Medicine Imaging Competition 2017
    2017, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Best Lecturer (Preclinical), MBBS 2012/2017
    2017, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing - European Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety
    2017, SCIENCEDOMAIN INTERNATIONAL,  (International)
  • Silver Award, Bridging The Gap in The Knowledge of Anatomy as a Doctor Journeys Through The Postgraduate Medical Training
    2017, Academic Enhancement and Leadership Development Centre (ADe C), Universiti Malaya,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2017, Universiti Malaya
  • Contributor of 2017 Edition of 'Ibidi - Cells in Focus' Calendar
    2016, ibidi GmbH,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2015, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate Grant
    2011, International Society for Mushroom Science and 6th International Medicinal Mushrooms Conference Organizing Committee,  (International)
  • UM Excellence Awards for Outstanding Achievement in The Category of Phd Completion Period More Than 3 Years But Less Than 4 Years
    2011, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Top Six Poster Presentation Award
    2010, 3rd International Conference on Health and Longevity Sciences (ICHALS), University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka, Japan,  (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Zhang J, Tsui KC, Lee HY, Aquili L, Wong KH, Kocabicak E, Temel Y, Lu Z, Fung M-L, Kalueff A, Lim LW. (2025). Data mining approach to melatonin treatment in Alzheimer’s disease: New gene targets MMP2 and NR3C1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 26(1), 338.
  2. Mohd Hisam NS & Wong KH (2024). Oxidative stress in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 and its attenuation by herbal remedies in traditional Chinese medicine: A systematic review. Antioxidants, 13(3), 375,
  3. Nyiew KY, Wong KH, Lim LW, Phang SM, Ratnayeke S & Yow YY (2024). Safety profile of subacute oral administration of ethanolic extract of Gracilaria manilaensis Yamamoto & Trono. Journal of Applied Phycology.
  4. Chau SC, Chong PS, Jin H, Tsui KC, Khairuddin S, Tse ACK, Lew SY, Tipoe GL, Lee CW, Fung M-L, Wong KH, Lim LW. (2023). Hericium erinaceus promotes anti-inflammatory effects and regulation of metabolites in an animal model of cerebellar ataxia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24, 7, 6089.
  5. Lew SY, Mohd Hisam NS, Phang MWL, Syed Abdul Rahman SN, Poh RYY, Lim SH, Kamaruzzaman MA, Chau SC, Tsui KC, Lim LW, Wong KH. (2023). Adenosine improves mitochondrial function and biogenesis in Friedreich s ataxia fibroblasts following L-buthionine sulfoximine-induced oxidative stress. Biology, 12, 4, 559.
  6. Subermaniam K, Lew SY, Yow YY, Lim SH, Yu WS, Lim LW, Wong KH (2023). Malaysian brown macroalga Padina australis mitigates lipopolysaccharide-stimulated neuroinflammation in BV2 microglial cells. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 26(6), 669-679.
  7. Wong KH, Lim LW, Mohd Hisam NS, Kamarudin MNA, Lakshmanan H (2023). Editorial: Natural products for neuroprotection and neuroregeneration. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, 1209297. http://doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1209297
  8. Choy Ker Woon, Wong Kah Hui, Razif Abas, Muhammad Huzaimi Haron, Srijit Das and Teoh Seong Lin (2022). Natural product-based nanomedicine: Recent advances and issues for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Current Neuropharmacology, 20(8), 1498 - 1518.
  9. Ee Ling Ngu, Cheng Yau Tan, Nicole Jean Yean Lai, Kah Hui Wong, Siew Huah Lim, Long Chiau Ming, Kuan Onn Tan, Siew Moi Phang, Yoon Yen Yow (2022). Spirulina platensis suppressed iNOS and proinflammatory cytokines in lipopolysaccharide-induced BV2 microglia. Metabolites, 12(11), 1147.
  10. Jaydeep Roy, Wong Kan Yin, Luca Aquili, Md. SahabUddin, Heng Boon Chin, George Lim Tipoe, Wong Kah Hui, Fung Man Lung and Lim Lee Wei (2022). Role of melatonin in Alzheimer s disease: From preclinical studies to novel melatonin-based therapies. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 65, 100986.
  11. Lai NJ-Y, Ngu E-L, Pang J-R, Wong K-H, Ardianto C, Ming LC, Lim S-H, Walvekar SG, Anwar A, Yow Y-Y (2022). Carrageenophyte Kappaphycus malesianus inhibits microglia-mediated neuroinflammation via suppression of AKT/NF-kB and ERK signaling pathways. Marine Drugs, 20, 8, 534.
  12. Lew Sze Yuen, Phang Michael Weng Lok, Chong Pit Shan, Roy Jaydeep, Poon Chi Him, Yu Wing Shan, Lim Lee Wei and Wong Kah Hui (2022). Discovery of therapeutics targeting oxidative stress in autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia: A systematic review. Pharmaceuticals, 15, 1, 764.
  13. Pang JR, How SW, Wong KH, Lim SH, Phang SM, Yow YY. (2022). Cholinesterase inhibitory activities of neuroprotective fraction derived from red alga Gracilaria manilaensis. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 25(2), 49-63.
  14. Tan YH, Lim CSY, Wong KH, Sabaratnam V. (2022). Cytoprotective effects of the tiger's milk mushroom Lignosus rhinocerotis (Agaricomycetes) sclerotia against oxidative stress in PC12 cells. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 24, 12, 1-17.
  15. Tsui Ka Chun, Roy Jaydeep, Chau Sze Chun, Wong Kah Hui, Shi Lei, Poon Chi Him, Wang Yingyi, Strekalova Tatyana, Aquili Luca, Chang Raymond Chuen-Chung, Song You-Qiang, Fung Man-Lung, Lim Lee Wei. (2022). Distribution and inter-regional relationship of amyloid-beta plaque deposition in a 5XFAD mouse model of Alzheimer s disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, 964336.
  16. Wong Kah Hui, Nam Hui Yin, Lew Sze Yuen, Murali Naidu, Pamela David, Tengku Ain Kamalden, Siti Nurma Hanim Hadie and Lim Lee Wei (2022). Discovering the potential of natural antioxidants in age-related macular degeneration: A review. Pharmaceuticals, 15, 1, 101. https://doi.10.3390/ph15010101
  17. Yanshree, Yu Wing Shan, Fung Man-Lung, Lee Chi Wai, Lim Lee Wei, and Wong Kah Hui (2022). The monkey head mushroom and memory enhancement in Alzheimer's disease. Cells, 11, 15, 2284.
  18. Yu Wing Shan, Aquili Luca, Wong Kah Hui, Lo Amy Cheuk Yin, Chan Leanne Lai Hang, Chan Ying-Shing and Lim Lee Wei (2022). Transcorneal electrical stimulation enhances cognitive functions in aged and 5XFAD mouse models. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. https://doi.10.1111/nyas.14850
  19. Chong Pit Shan, Poon Chi Him, Roy Jaydeep, Tsui Ka Chun, Lew Sze Yuen, Phang Michael Weng Lok, Tan Rachael Julia Yuenyinn, Cheng Poh Guat, Fung Man-Lung, Wong Kah Hui and Lim Lee Wei. Neurogenesis-dependent antidepressant-like activity of Hericium erinaceus in an animal model of depression. Chinese Medicine, 16, 132.
  20. Ee-Ling Ngu, Chen-Lin Ko, Cheng-Yau Tan, Kah-Hui Wong, Siew-Moi Phang and Yoon-Yen Yow (2021). Phytochemical profiling and in vitro screening for neuritogenic and antioxidant activities of Spirulina platensis. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 55(3), 812-822.
  21. Kogilavani Subermaniam, Teoh Seong Lin, Yow Yoon Yen, Tang Yin Quan, Lim Lee Wei and Wong Kah Hui (2021). Marine algae as emerging therapeutic alternatives for depression: A review. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 28(8), 997-1013.
  22. Phang Michael Weng Lok, Lew Sze Yuen, Chung Ivy, Lim William Kiong-Seng, Lim Lee Wei and Wong Kah Hui (2021). Therapeutic roles of natural remedies in combating hereditary ataxia: A systematic review. Chinese Medicine, 16, 15.
  23. Poon Chi Him, Tsui Ka Chun, Chau Sze Chun, Chong Pit Shan Chong, Sylvia Lui Wing Yan, Luca Aquili, Wong Kah Hui and Lim Lee Wei (2021). Functional roles of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in neurodegenerative diseases and mood disorders. Current Alzheimer Research, 18(10), 831-840.
  24. Tg Fatimah Murniwati Tg Muda, Madihah Rushaidhi, Choy Ker Woon, Jagadeesh Dhamodharan, Norzana Abdul Ghafar, Wong Kah Hui, Razif Abas, Teoh Seong Lin and Siti Nurma Hanim Hadie (2021). Anatomy teaching and learning in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education in Medicine Journal, 13(2), 71-81.
  25. Wing-Shan Yu, So-Hyun Kwon, Stephen Kugbere Agadagba, Leanne-Lai-Hang Chan, Kah-Hui Wong and Lee-Wei Lim. (2021). Neuroprotective effects and therapeutic potential of transcorneal electrical stimulation for depression. Cells, 10(9), 2492.
  26. Yong-Hui Tan, Crystale Siew-Ying Lim, Kah-Hui Wong and Vikineswary Sabaratnam (2021). Neuritin protein expression is positively correlated with neurite outgrowth induced by the tiger milk mushroom, Lignosus rhinocerotis (Agaricomycetes), in PC12 cells. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 23(6):1 -11.
  27. Yow Yoon Yen, Goh Tiong Keat, Nyiew Ke Ying, Lim Lee Wei, Phang Siew Moi, Lim Siew Huah, Shyamala Ratnayeke and Wong Kah Hui (2021). Therapeutic potential of complementary and alternative medicines in peripheral nerve regeneration: A systematic review. Cells, 10(9), 2194, (ISI-Indexed)
  28. Chong Pit Shan, Fung Man-Lung, Wong Kah Hui and Lim Lee Wei (2020). Therapeutic potential of Hericium erinaceus for depressive disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(1), 163.
  29. Chong Pit Shan, Sharafuddin Khairuddin, Anna Tse Chung Kwan, Hiew Lih Fhung, Lau Chun Lok, George Lim Tipoe, Fung Man-Lung, Wong Kah Hui and Lim Lee Wei (2020). Hericium erinaceus potentially rescues behavioural motor deficits through ERK-CREB-PSD95 neuroprotective mechanisms in rat model of 3-acetylpyridine-induced cerebellar ataxia. Scientific Reports, 10, 14945. https://10.1038/s41598-020-71966-z
  30. Kogilavani Subermaniam, Yow Yoon Yen, Lim Siew Huah, Koh Ong Hui and Wong Kah Hui (2020). Malaysian macroalga Padina australis Hauck attenuates high dose corticosterone-mediated oxidative damage in PC12 cells mimicking the effects of depression. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 27, 6, 1435-1445.
  31. Lew Sze Yuen, Lim Siew Huah, Lim Lee Wei and Wong Kah Hui (2020). Neuroprotective effects of Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. against high-dose corticosterone-induced oxidative stress in PC-12 cells. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 20, 340.
  32. Lew Sze Yuen, Teoh Seong Lin, Lim Siew Huah, Lim Lee Wei and Wong Kah Hui. Discovering the potentials of medicinal mushrooms in combating depression A review. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 20, 15, 1518 - 1531.
  33. Lew Sze Yuen, Yow Yoon Yen, Lim Lee Wei and Wong Kah Hui (2020). Antioxidant-mediated protective role of Hericium erinaceus (Bull.:Fr.) Pers against oxidative damage in fibroblasts from Friedreich's ataxia patient. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 40(Suppl. 1), 264-272.
  34. Sharafuddin Khairuddin, Luca Aquili, Boon Chin Heng, Tze Lok Cecil Ho, Wong Kah Hui and Lim Lee Wei (2020). Dysregulation of the orexinergic system: A potential neuropeptide target in depression. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 118, 384-396.
  35. Farha M, Parkianathan L, Abdul Amir NAI, Sabaratnam V, Wong KH. (2019). Functional recovery enhancement by Lignosus rhinocerotis in a sciatic nerve crush injury model and morphological study of its neurotoxicity. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 29(4), 930-942.
  36. Pang, JR, Goh VMJ, Tan CY, Phang SM, Wong KH, Yow YY. (2018). Neuritogenic and in vitro antioxidant activities of Malaysian Gracilaria manilaensis Yamamoto & Trono. Journal of Applied Phycology, 30, 3253-3260.
  37. Seow SLS, Naidu M, Sabaratnam V, Vidyadaran S, Wong KH. (2017). Tiger s milk medicinal mushroom, Lignosus rhinocerotis (Agaricomycetes) sclerotium inhibits nitric oxide production in LPS-stimulated BV2 microglia. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 19(5), 405 418.
  38. Wong KH, Ng CC, Kanagasabapathy G, Yow YY, Sabaratnam V. (2017). An overview of culinary and medicinal mushrooms in neurodegeneration and neurotrauma research. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 19(3), 191-202.
  39. Lakshmanan H, Raman J, David P, Wong KH, Naidu M, Sabaratnam V. (2016). Haematological, biochemical and histopathological aspects of Hericium erinaceus ingestion in a rodent model: A sub-chronic toxicological assessment. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 194, 1051-1059.
  40. Wong KH, Kanagasabapathy G, Naidu M, David P, Sabaratnam V. (2016). Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers., a medicinal mushroom, activates peripheral nerve regeneration. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine. 22, 759-767.
  41. Phan, C.-W., David, P., Naidu, M., Wong, K.-H., & Sabaratnam, V (2015). Uridine from Pleurotus giganteus and its neurite outgrowth stimulatory effects with underlying mechanism. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0143004.
  42. Samberkar, S., Gandhi, S., Naidu, M., Wong, K. H., Raman, J., & Sabaratnam, V. (2015). Lion's mane, Hericium erinaceus and Tiger Milk, Lignosus rhinocerotis (higher basidiomycetes) medicinal mushrooms stimulate neurite outgrowth in dissociated cells of brain, spinal cord, and retina: An in vitro study. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 17(11), 1047 1054.
  43. Seow SLS, Eik LF, Naidu M, David P, Wong KH, Sabaratnam V. (2015). Lignosus rhinocerotis (Cooke) Ryvarden mimics the neuritogenic activity of nerve growth factor via MEK/ERK1/2 signaling pathway in PC-12 cells. Scientific Reports, 5, 16349.
  44. Wong KH, Kanagasabapathy G, Phan CW, Bakar R, Sabaratnam V. (2015). Restoration of sensory dysfunction following peripheral nerve injury by the polysaccharide from culinary and medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. through its neuroregenerative action. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 35(4), 712-721
  45. Phan CW, David P, Tan YS, Naidu M, Wong KH, Kuppusamy UR, Sabaratnam V. (2014). Intrastrain comparison of the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of an edible mushroom, Pleurotus giganteus, and its potent neuritogenic properties. Scientific World Journal, 2014, 378651.
  46. Phan, C.-W., David, P., Naidu, M., Wong, K.-H., & Sabaratnam, V (2014). Therapeutic potential of culinary-medicinal mushrooms for the management of neurodegenerative diseases: Diversity, metabolite, and mechanism. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 35(3):355-368.
  47. John PA, Wong KH, Naidu M, Sabaratnam V, David P. (2013). Combination effects of curcumin and aqueous extract of Lignosus rhinocerotis mycelium on neurite outgrowth stimulation activity in PC-12 cells. Natural Product Communications, 8(6), 711-714.
  48. Lai PL, Naidu M, Sabaratnam V, Wong KH, David P, Kuppusamy UR, Abdullah N, Abdul Malek SN. Neurotrophic properties of the Lion's mane medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 15(6), 539-554.
  49. Phan, C. W., David, P., Naidu, M., Wong, K. H., Sabaratnam, V. (2013). Neurite outgrowth stimulatory effects of culinary-medicinal mushrooms and their toxicity assessment using differentiating Neuro-2a and embryonic fibroblast BALB/3T3. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 13, 261.
  50. Sabaratnam V, Wong KH, Naidu M, David P. (2013). Neuronal health - Can culinary and medicinal mushrooms help? Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 3(1), 62-68.
  51. Seow, SLS, Naidu, M., David, P., Wong, KH & Sabaratnam (2013). Potentiation of neuritogenic activity of medicinal mushrooms in rat pheochromocytoma cells. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 13, 157.
  52. Eik, Lee-Fang, Murali Naidu, Pamela David, Wong, Kah-Hui, Tan Yee-Shin & Vikineswary Sabaratnam, (2012). Lignosus rhinocerus (Cooke) Ryvarden: A medicinal mushroom that stimulates neurite outgrowth in PC-12 Cells. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Article ID 320308, doi:10.1155/2012/320308
  53. Wong K. H., Naidu M., David, P., Bakar, R. & Sabaratnam V. (2012). Neuroregenerative potential of Lion's Mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.:Fr.) Pers., (Higher Basidiomycetes), in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury (Review). International Journal for Medicinal Mushrooms, 14(5), 427-446.
  54. Abdulla MA, Fard AA, Sabaratnam V, Wong KH, Kuppusamy UR, Abdullah, A, Ismail S. (2011). Potential activity of aqueous extract of culinary- medicinal lion's mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae) in accelerating wound healing in rats. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 13(1), 33-39.
  55. Wong KH, Naidu M, David P, Abdulla MA, Abdullah N, Kuppusamy UR, Sabaratnam V. (2011). Peripheral nerve regeneration following crush injury to rat peroneal nerve by aqueous extract of medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae). Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011, 580752.
  56. Wong KH, Naidu M, David P, Abdulla MA, Abdullah N, Kuppusamy UR, Sabaratnam V. (2009). Functional recovery enhancement following Injury to rodent peroneal nerve by lion's mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 11(3), 225-236.
  57. Wong KH, Sabaratnam V, Abdullah N, Kuppusamy UR, Naidu M. (2009). Effects of cultivation techniques and processing on antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. extracts. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 47(1), 47-55.
  58. Abdulla MA, Mohd Noor S, Sabaratnam V, Abdullah N, Wong KH, Mohd Ali H. (2008). Effect of culinary-medicinal lion's mane mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae), on ethanol-induced gastric ulcers in rats. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 10(4), 325-330.
  59. Wong KH, Sabaratnam V, Abdullah N, Naidu M, Keynes R. (2007). Activity of aqueous extracts of lion's mane mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae) on the neural cell line NG108-15. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 9(1), 57-65.
  1. Razif, A.; Aspalilah, A.; Amir, Mohd K.; Wong, K. H.; Hanim, Siti Nurma H.; Choy, K. W.; Farid, Nor M. N.; Hibatullah, Muhammad R. (2022). Is There a Cranial Nerve Other Than the 7th Co-Involved in Bell's Palsy? Answer to the Systematic Review, MEDICINE AND HEALTH. 17(1), 44-61. doi:10.17576/MH.2022.1701.04
  1. Chin, J. H., Wong, K. H., & Yeong, S. O. (2020). Gastroprotective effect of Chinese cabbage (Brassica oleracea l. var. pe-kinensis) juice in sprague dawley rats. Natural Products Journal, 10(5), 587-594. doi: 10.2174/2210315509666190902111029
  1. Wong KH, Foong CC, Amir A. (2021). 8 Top Tips to Facilitate Problem Based Learning Among Novice Medical Students : Practical Guide . 16p
Chapter in Books
  1. Nyiew KY, Ngu EL, Wong KH, Goh BH, Yow YY. (2022). Chapter 26, Neuroprotective potential of marine algal antioxidants. In S-K Kim, K-H Shin, J Venkatesan (Eds.), Marine Antioxidants: Preparations, Syntheses, and Applications. 1st ed. (pp. 341-353). London, UK: Academic Press (an imprint of Elsevier).
  2. Wong, KH & Seow, SLS. (2016). Lion's Mane: The medicinal mushroom that offers new hope for peripheral neuropathy. In R Rajakumari, A George, N Kalarikkal & S Thomas (Eds.), Innovative food science and emerging technologies: The science behind health (pp. 3-24). New Jersey, USA: Apple Academic Press
  3. K.H. Wong, A.P. Gryganskyi, P.G. Cheng, V. Sabaratnam, O.V. Kolotushkina, B. Kirchhoff, G.G. Skibo, P. Pedarzani, K.Y. Voronin, A.A. Grodzinskaya, M.G. Moldavan. (2017). Lion's mane mushroom-the natural healer for nerve damage. In J. Gabriel (Ed.). Macromycetes: Medicinal Properties and Biological Peculiarities (pp. 69-104). Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Evolutionary Ecology.
  4. Vikineswary Sabaratnam, Kah-Hui Wong, Yong-Sien Kho, Noorlidah Abdullah, Murali Naidu and Umah Rani Kuppusamy (2008). Mushrooms in healthy diet: Fresh or processed. In Athanasios Koutinas, Ashok Pandey & Christian Larroche (Ed.). Current Topics on Bioprocess in Food Industry Volume II (pp. 474-480). New Delhi: Asiatech Publishers, Inc.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Wong Kah-Hui, Lim Lee-Wei, Mohamad Azlan Bin Abd Majid, Reena Leeba Anak Richard, Cheng Poh-Guat, & Mong Yih-Kong (2019). Development of NevGro(TM) for healthy gait and balance. eProceeding PIID Penang International Invention Innovation and Design 2019, 440-445. e-ISBN 978-967-0841-53-3
  2. Neeranjini Nallathamby, Murali Naidu,Kah-Hui Wong, Rosie Pamela David, and Vikineswary Sabaratnam. (2013). Cytotoxicity effect of selected medicinal mushrooms on BV2 microglial cells. Proceedings of the 7th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, Beijing, China, August 26-29, 2013.
  3. Phan, C. -W., David, P., Naidu, M., Wong, K.-H., & Sabaratnam, V (2013). Investigation of the role of culinary and medicinal mushrooms in neurodevelopment by using differentiating neuroblastoma-2a cells. Paper presented at the 7th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, Beijing, 26-29 August (pp. 75-76).
  4. Phan, C. -W., Moroney, S., Wong, W.-L., Sabaratnam, V., David, P., Naidu, M., Wong, K.-H., & Tan, Y.-S (2013). Pharmacological potential of an edible mushroom, Pleurotus giganteus (Berk) Karunarathna & K.D. Hyde. Paper presented at the International Functional Food Conference, Cyberjaya, Malaysia, 18-20 August (pp. 5).
  5. Syntyche Ling-Sing Seow, Pamela David, Murali Naidu, Kah-Hui Wong, and Vikineswary Sabaratnam. (2013). Lignosus rhinocerotis (Cooke) Ryvarden induces neuritogenesis via extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway in rat pheochromocytoma cells. Proceedings of the 7th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, Beijing, China, August 26-29, 2013.
  6. Kah-Hui Wong, Murali Naidu, Rosie Pamela David, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla, Noorlidah Abdullah, Umah Rani Kuppusamy, and Vikineswary Sabaratnam. Functional recovery enhancement following injury to rodent peroneal nerve by lion's mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.:Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Medicinal Mushroom, Nantong, China, September 5-8, 2009.
Other Publications
  1. Managing depression with NevGro®. Universiti Malaya Research Bulletin. 7 Nov 2024.; - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  2. ITEX 2023: 2 special awards, 5 gold awards and 2 silver awards. Universiti Malaya Research Bulletin. 25 Jul 2023. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  3. HKU's innovative research projects triumph at Special Edition 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days. Technology Transfer Office, The University of Hong Kong. 29 March 2022. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  4. Wong Kah Hui and Lew Sze Yuen (2022). Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine strikes gold at the Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2022. University-Industry research collaboration in the discovery of therapeutic benefits of NevGro. Rubrica News Bulletin, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, 5. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  5. Awards and Achievements (2021). NevGro for mental and emotional wellbeing. pulse@UM, 1, 31. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  6. MALAYSIA TECHNOLOGY EXPO 2020. (2020). Milestone@UM Newsletter, 8, 1, 3. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  7. Wong Kah Hui, Foong Chan Choong and Amirah Amir (2020). Generating solution for Problem-based Learning (PBL) beginner. pulse@UM, 1, 13-14. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  8. Wong Kah Hui, Lew Sze Yuen and Lim Lee Wei (2020). Discovering the therapeutic benefits of NevGro through private-public collaboration. pulse@UM, 2, 24. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  9. Lew SY, Emran NH, Wong KH, Lim LW, Nam HY, Lim SH, Abd Majid MA, Cheng PG, Mong YK. (2019). NevGro : The secret to ageing gracefully. e-Monograph Humanising Technology: Enable the Disabled , 367-369. eISBN 978-967-0637-76-1. - Monograph
  10. Three Wins: Development of NevGro for healthy gait and balance (2019). Milestone@UM Newsletter, 7, 2, 7. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  11. Wong Kah Hui. Hericium erinaceus, a medicinal mushroom for healthy gait and balance. UM Research Bulletin 2019, Vol 19, No 1, 12-13. Centre for Research Services Institute of Research Management & Services Level 2, Research Management & Innovation Complex, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  12. Wong Kah Hui. The lion's mane mushroom, culinary and curative. The Petri Dish: Where Science Hits the Headlines. Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (MABIC). 8 December 2018. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)


  1. 2020 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Chemopreventive Effect Of Curcuma Purpurascens On 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide Induced Oral Carcinogenesis In Rat Model ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2022 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Elucidation Of The Therapeutic Role Of Medicinal Mushroom, Hericium Erinaceus (bull.: Fr.) Pers. In Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 (sca3) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2019 - 2022, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    Protective Effect Of Culinary And Medicinal Mushrooms, Hericium Erinaceus (bull.:fr) Pers. And Lignosus Rhinocerotis (cooke) Ryvarden Against Oxidative Damage In An In Vitro Model Of Inherited Ataxia - Expanding Our Understanding On Regulation Of Mitochondrial Function ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2013 - 2020, Flagship - SBS (Equitable Society)
    Mushrooms For Health And Wellness Of Humans ( Co-Researcher)
  5. 2016 - 2019, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Investigation Of Neuroanatomical Targets And Cerebellar Circuit Mechanisms Underlying The Beneficial Effects Of Hericium Erinaceus, A Medicinal Mushroom In The Treatment For Cerebellar Ataxia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2016 - 2019, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Flavonoid Derivatives With Insulin-mimic Actions: Exploring Their Influence On Gut Microbiota And Efficacy Against Adiposity And Hyperglycaemia ( Co-Researcher)
  7. 2016 - 2017, RU Geran - ADEC
    Um-liter: Bridging The Gap In The Knowledge Of Anatomy As A Doctor Journeys Through The Postgraduate Medical Training ( Co-Researcher)
  8. 2013 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - AFR (Frontier Science)
    Preventive Activities Of Selected Commercial Hybrids Against Aging And Lifestyle Diseases ( Co-Researcher)
  9. 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG) - AFR (Frontier Science)
    Peripheral Nerve Regeneration by Culinary and Medicinal Mushrooms ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG) - AFR (Frontier Science)
    Studies on the beneficial and/or embryotoxic effects of culinary mushroom on neurodevelopment. ( Co-Researcher)
  11. 2023 - 2025, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Internal Grant
  12. 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Investigation of cellular and molecular mechanisms of Gracilaria manilaensis-mediated functional recovery enhancement following peripheral nerve injury in an in vivo model, Sunway University ( Co-Researcher)
  13. 2018 - 2019, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (Ref:NMRR-17-2801-39102)
    In vivo anti-dengue study of Schizophyllum commune aqueous extract in AG129 mice, Institute for Medical Research (Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan) (IMR) ( Co-Researcher)
  14. 2015 - 2017, ScienceFund (Ref:02-01-09-SF0107)
    5-HT1A receptor signaling in lipid raft impart neuroprotection in stroke, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) ( Co-Researcher)
  15. 2012 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR) (Ref:F000002-21001 Group 6)
    Functional molecules for lifestyle diseases- Nerve regeneration ( Co-Researcher)
  16. 2013 - 2014, Flagship (Ref:FL006-13SBS)
    Mushrooms for Health and Wellness of Humans (PJM-KTP-CITRA Community Project) ( Co-Researcher)
  17. 2013 - 2014, Flagship (Ref:FL006-13SBS)
    Mushrooms for Health and Wellness of Humans (PJM-KTP-CITRA Community Project) ( Co-Researcher)
  18. 2012 - 2013, Bantuan Kecil Penyelidikan (BKP)
    Anti-neuroinflammatory activity of wild mushrooms by suppression of microglial activation ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2020 - 2024, Private Funding
    Protective Effect Of Nevgro Against Oxidative Stress In The Cellular Model Of Friedreich's Ataxia And Depression ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2019 - 2019, Sunway University Internal Grant 2019 (Ref:INT-2019-SST-DBS-04)
    In vitro antidepressant effect of Malaysian brown seaweed Padina australis through its neuroprotective potential, Sunway University ( Co-Researcher)
  3. 2018 - 2018, Sunway University Internal Research Grant Scheme 2018 (Ref: INT-2018-SST-DBS-09)
    Isolation and characterization of NGF- potentiating substances from Gracilaria maniliensis, Sunway University ( Co-Researcher)
  4. 2016 - 2017, UCSI University Pioneer Scientist Incentive Fund (PSIF) (Ref:Proj-in-CELT-001)
    Regulation of neuronal mitochondrial function in neurodegenerative diseases by uridine isolated from higher basidiomycetes, UCSI University ( Co-Researcher)
  5. 2016 - 2017, MAHSA University Internal Grant (Ref:RP84-11/15)
    Protective effects of cabbage juice on experimentally ethanol induced gastric ulcer in rats, Mahsa University ( Co-Researcher)
  6. 2016 - 2016, Sunway University Internal Research Grant Scheme 2016 (Ref:INT-FBS-DBS-2016-01)
    Potential of neuritogenesis stimulatory effect of Malaysian algae for the prevention of neurodegenerative disease , Sunway University ( Co-Researcher)


  1. Preclinical investigation of lion's mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae) on peripheral nerve regeneration, First International Conference on Advances in Food Science and Technology (ICAFST 2015), Institute for Holistic Medical Sciences (IHMS) & Institute of Macromolecular Science and Engineering (IMSE) Chathukulam Buildings, Parumbaikadu P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, India (International) (20 Nov 2015 - 22 Nov 2015)
  1. Protective effects of Hericium erinaceus, the lion's mane mushroom against oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in cerebellar ataxia, 18th International Congress of the Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD), 6th BRaINs (BNC Research and Innovations in Neuroscience), Malaysian Society of Neurosciences, Malaysia Stroke Council, and Asian Society Against Dementia (International) (15 Aug 2024 - 17 Aug 2024)
  2. Cranial nerves I (CN I-IV & VI), Collaborative teaching [Course: Foundation of Medical Sciences (DFM401), Module: Anatomy, Programme: Bachelor of Dental Surgery (DS240)], Faculty of Dentistry, UiTM Sg Buloh (National) (10 Jul 2023 - 10 Jul 2023)
  3. Anatomy of the brain and spinal cord, 7th Ophthalmology Basic Science Examination (BSE) Preparatory Course, Malaysian Universities Conjoint Committee of Ophthalmology (National) (26 Apr 2023 - 28 Apr 2023)
  4. Malaysian macroalga Padina australis Hauck attenuates high dose corticosterone-mediated oxidative damage in PC12 cells mimicking the effects of depression, Live Webinar Series: BREAKFAST@UMHEALTH - FOM Best Neuroscience Publication for the Year of Publication in 2020 (Awarded 2022), Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya (University) (11 Jan 2023 - 11 Jan 2023)
  5. Protective effects of Hericium erinaceus mushroom against oxidative stress in Friedreich s ataxia, Live Webinar Series: BREAKFAST@UMHEALTH, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya (University) (16 Nov 2022 - 16 Nov 2022)
  6. Our 20-year research journey with Hericium erinaceus, a culinary and medicinal mushroom, MAA Anatomy Research Network Series, Malaysian Anatomical Association (MAA) (National) (29 Jul 2022 - 29 Jul 2022)
  7. Neuroprotective and neuroregenerative potential of Hericium erinaceus, a culinary and medicinal mushroom., BRIMS (Brain Research Institute Monash Sunway) Seminar Series 2021, Brain Research Institute Monash Sunway (BRIMS), Monash University Malaysia (National) (26 Mar 2021 - 26 Mar 2021)
  8. Laporan status Pusat Sumber Anatomi Universiti Malaya, Persidangan Muzium dan Galeri Universiti Awam Malaysia, MyMUSE, Jawatankuasa Muzium dan Galeri Universiti Awam Malaysia (National) (22 Apr 2019 - 23 Apr 2019)
  9. Grit: The power of passion and perseverance, ISB Alumni Talk Series - Defining your Journey, Institute of Biological Sciences (University) (15 Aug 2018 - 15 Aug 2018)
  10. Polysaccharides and nerve regeneration, Mushrooms' Polysaccharides : Impacts our Lives, Mushroom Research Centre, UM (University) (09 Dec 2017 - 09 Dec 2017)
  11. Nerve regeneration by medicinal mushrooms, Current Issues & Technologies in Biotechnology under the Master of Biotechnology Programme (SHBG6118), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science.  (University) (10 Mar 2014 - 10 Mar 2014)
  12. Peripheral Nerve Regeneration by Lion's Mane Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae), Current Issues & Technologies in Biotechnology under the Master of Biotechnology Programme (SHBG6118) , Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science (University) (27 Mar 2013 - 27 Mar 2013)
  13. Health Benefits of Monkey's Head Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Cendawan Bunga Kobis), My Biotechnology Carnival 2010 - Promoting Innovation, Careers and Enterpreneurships in Biotechnology, Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre (MABIC)Malaysian Biotechnology Corp (BiotechCorp) (National) (25 Sep 2010 - 27 Sep 2010)
  1. Effects of Hericium erinaceus on traumatic brain injury in adult zebrafish, 13th Malaysian Symposium of Biomedical Science 2023, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (National) (03 Jun 2023 - 04 Jun 2023)
  2. Role of adenosine in traumatic brain injury using a larval zebrafish model , 13th Malaysian Symposium of Biomedical Science 2023, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (National) (03 Jun 2023 - 04 Jun 2023)
  3. Nitric oxide inhibitory activity of Kappaphycus alvarezii in LPS-stimulated BV2 microglia, 2nd Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference (MAAC), Malaysian Anatomical Association (MAA) (International) (02 Nov 2022 - 03 Nov 2022)
  4. Cytoprotective effects of Lignosus rhinocerotis against L-Buthionine-sulfoximine-induced oxidative damage in Friedreich s ataxia fibroblasts, 2nd Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference (MAAC), Malaysian Anatomical Association (MAA) (International) (02 Nov 2022 - 03 Nov 2022)
  5. Mitochondria-targeted compounds derived from Hericium erinaceus as possible therapeutics in Friedreich s ataxia, 2nd Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference (MAAC), Malaysian Anatomical Association (MAA) and Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (International) (02 Nov 2022 - 03 Dec 2022)
  6. Practical guide to facilitate Problem-Based Learning among novice medical students: Eight top tips, kNOVASI 2020 Kongres & Pertandingan Inovasi P&P - Pembelajaran Aktif Futuristik Melangkau 2020 , Pusat Pengajaran & Teknologi Pembelajaran UKM (National) (05 Feb 2020 - 06 Feb 2020)
  7. Protective effects of Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Lion's Mane mushroom or Cendawan Bunga Kobis) in in vitro models of oxidative stress, Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference (MAAC 2019), Malaysian Anatomical Association  (International) (04 Sep 2019 - 05 Sep 2019)
  8. Neuritin abudance in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells upon medicinal mushroom Lignosus rhinocerotis (Cooke) Ryvarden extract treatment, Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference (MAAC 2019), Malaysian Anatomical Association  (International) (04 Sep 2019 - 05 Sep 2019)
  9. Malaysian brown seaweed, Padina australis Hauck inhibits nitric oxide production in LPS-stimulated BV2 microglia, Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference (MAAC 2019), Malaysian Anatomical Association  (International) (04 Sep 2019 - 05 Oct 2019)
  10. Hericium erinaceus rescued motor and Purkinje cell deficits in rat model of 3-acetylpyridine-induced cerebellar ataxia, Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference 2019 (MAAC 2019) , Malaysian Anatomical Association (International) (04 Sep 2019 - 05 Sep 2019)
  11. Ageing gracefully with culinary and medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers., Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference 2019 (MAAC 2019), Malaysian Anatomical Association (International) (04 Sep 2019 - 05 Sep 2019)
  12. Standardised extract of Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr) Pers, Nevgro protects against L-Buthionine-sulfoximine-induced cytotoxicity in fibroblasts from Friedreich's ataxia patient, MAA Symposium 2017 - How to Remain Relevant in the Next Decade, Malaysian Anatomical Association and UiTM Sungai Buloh (National) (29 Sep 2017 - 30 Sep 2017)
  13. Bridging the gap in the knowledge of Anatomy as a doctor journeys through the postgraduate medical training, Learning Innovation & Teaching Enhancement Conference 2017, Academic Enhancement and Leadership Development Centre (ADeC), University of Malaya (University) (15 Mar 2017 - 16 Mar 2017)
  14. Research activities at the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Science Cafe, Research Management Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (University) (13 Oct 2016 - 13 Oct 2016)
  15. Culinary medicinal mushroom have potential protective effects against age-related neurodegenerative diseases, BioPharma Asia Convention 2016, Terrapinn Pte Ltd (International) (22 Mar 2016 - 24 Mar 2016)
  16. Medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus promotes nerve regeneration and repair after crush injury to rodent peripheral nerve, 6th International Conference of Medicinal Mushroom, Dr Myko San - Health from Mushrooms Co. (International) (25 Sep 2011 - 29 Sep 2011)
  17. Brain and nerve health: Can culinary and medicinal mushrooms help? , 15th Shizuoka Forum on Health and Longevity, Executive Committee Shizuoka Forum on Health and Longevity(Shizuoka Prefectural Government, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, University of Shizuoka) (International) (15 Oct 2010 - 16 Oct 2010)
  18. Medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus promotes functional recovery, axonal protein synthesis and expression of Akt and MAPK in dorsal root ganglia following crush injury to rodent peripheral nerve, International Conference on Frontiers in Biological Sciences (InCoFIBS-2010), National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela, India (International) (01 Oct 2010 - 03 Oct 2010)
  19. Functional recovery enhancement following injury to rodent peroneal nerve by lion's mane mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae), 5th International Conference of Medicinal Mushroom, Mycological Society of China, China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products, Nantong Municipal People's Government (International) (05 Sep 2009 - 08 Sep 2009)
  1. Cytoprotection property of Tiger Milk Mushroom, Lignosus rhinocerotis on neuronal cell model, NEURO2022, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) (International) (30 Jun 2022 - 03 Jul 2022)
  2. Mitochondria-targeted antioxidants derived from Hericium erinaceus, a culinary and medicinal mushroom attenuate high-dose corticosterone-induced oxidative stress in PC12 cells mimicking the effects of depression, 6th International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference 2022 (Virtual event), Department of Anatomy, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore (International) (21 Mar 2022 - 23 Mar 2022)
  3. Padina australis protects high dose corticosterone-induced damage in PC12 cells by attenuating oxidative stress-mediated ROS production, ASEAN Emerging Researchers Conference 2019 , ASEAN Young Scientists Network and Sunway University (International) (09 Dec 2019 - 10 Dec 2019)
  4. Anti-acetylcholinesterase activity of decanoic acid-rich fraction from Gracilaria manilaensis, ASEAN Emerging Researchers Conference 2019 , ASEAN Young Scientists Network and Sunway University (International) (09 Dec 2019 - 10 Dec 2019)
  5. Anti-neuroinflammatory effect of Spirulina platensis against LPS-induced BV2 microglia, ASEAN Emerging Researchers Conference 2019 , ASEAN Young Scientists Network and Sunway University (International) (09 Dec 2019 - 10 Aug 2022)
  6. Anti-nitric oxide activity of Gracilaria manilaensis Yamamoto & Trono extracts in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated BV2 microglia, Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference (MAAC 2019), Malaysian Anatomical Association  (International) (04 Sep 2019 - 05 Sep 2019)
  7. Development of NevGro(TM) for healthy gait and balance, Penang International Invention Innovation and Design, PIID 2019, UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang (International) (27 Mar 2019 - 28 Mar 2019)
  8. Red cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata f. rubra) juice restores ethanol-induced depletion of antioxidants in rat stomach, MedLab Asia Pacific, Informa PLC, 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG (International) (26 Mar 2019 - 28 Mar 2019)
  9. The pro and con of neuritin gene regulation in mediating neuropathological condition, CDB Symposium 2018 - Dynamic Homeostasis from Development to Aging, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB), Kobe, Japan (International) (26 Mar 2018 - 28 Mar 2018)
  10. Evaluation of subacute toxicity of Lignosus rhinocerotis (Cooke) Ryvarden, tiger's milk mushroom on nervous tissues, MAA Symposium 2017 - How to Remain Relevant in the Next Decade, Malaysian Anatomical Association (National) (29 Sep 2017 - 30 Sep 2017)
  11. Tiger's milk mushroom - nature's hidden treasure that promotes neuro health, BioPharma Asia Convention 2016, Terrapinn Pte Ltd (International) (22 Mar 2016 - 24 Mar 2016)
  12. Lion's mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus - the natural healer for nerve damage, BioPharma Asia Convention 2016, Terrapinn Pte Ltd (International) (22 Mar 2016 - 24 Mar 2016)
  13. Neuroprotective effects of thymoquinone against retinal damage in a rat model of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, ARVO 2015 Powerful connections: Vision research and online networking, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)  (International) (03 May 2015 - 07 May 2015)
  14. Neuroprotective effect of lion's mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus in the management of peripheral nerve injury, International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Meeting-2014 (IASCBC 2014), Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan (International) (11 Dec 2014 - 13 Dec 2014)
  15. Cytotoxicity effects of selected medicinal mushrooms to BV2 microglial cells, 7th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, Chinese Academy EngineeringChina Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce, and Animal By-Products (International) (26 Aug 2013 - 29 Aug 2013)
  16. Lignosus rhinoceratis (Cooke) Ryvarden induces neurotogenesis via extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway in rat pheochromocytoma cells, 7th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, Chinese Academy EngineeringChina Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce, and Animal By-Products (International) (26 Aug 2013 - 29 Aug 2013)
  17. Investigation of the role of edible and medicinal mushrooms in neurodevelopment by using differentiating neuroblastoma-2A cells, 7th International Medicinal Mushroom Conference, Chinese Academy Engineering China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce, and Animal By-Products (International) (26 Aug 2013 - 29 Aug 2013)
  18. Pharmacological potential of an edible mushroom, Pleurotus giganteus (Berk) Karunarathna and K.D. Hyde, International Functional Food Conference, Taylor's School of Biosciences (International) (18 Aug 2013 - 20 Aug 2013)
  19. Tiger's Milk Mushrooms - nature's hidden treasure that promotes neuro health, International Functional Food Conference, Taylor's School of Biosciences (International) (18 Aug 2013 - 20 Aug 2013)
  20. Combination effects on Lignosus rhinocerus (Cooke) Ryvarden mycelium and Ginkgo biloba aqueous extracts on PC-12 cells neurite outgrowth stimulation activity, National Postgraduate Seminar. Microbes: Diversity in Life, Diversity in Learning, Connecting Disciplines, Mushroom Research Centre UMIPPP, UMInstitut Pengajian Siswazah, UM (National) (11 Jul 2012 - 11 Jul 2012)
  21. Neurite stimulation activity in rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC-12Adh) by medicinal mushrooms, National Postgraduate Seminar. Microbes: Diversity in Life, Diversity in Learning, Connecting Disciplines, Mushroom Research Centre UMIPPP, UMInstitut Pengajian Siswazah, UM (National) (11 Jul 2012 - 11 Jul 2012)
  22. Stimulation of neurite outgrowth in PC-12 cells by sclerotium of the national treasure mushroom: Lignosus rhinocerus (Cooke) Ryvarden, International Congress of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology 2011: Leveraging on Microbial Diversity for a Sustainable Future, Malaysian Society for Microbiology (MSM) (International) (08 Dec 2011 - 11 Dec 2011)
  23. Medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus promotes functional recovery, axonal protein synthesis and expression of Akt and MAPK in dorsal root ganglia following crush injury to rodent peripheral nerve, 3rd International Conference on Health and Longevity Sciences (ICHALS), Executive Committee Shizuoka Forum on Health and Longevity(Shizuoka Prefectural Government, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, University of Shizuoka) (International) (16 Oct 2010 - 16 Oct 2010)
  24. Functional recovery enhancement following injury to rodent peroneal nerve by lion's mane mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae) , International Congress of Malaysian Society for Microbiology (ICMSM 2009), Malaysian Society for Microbiology (National) (01 Dec 2009 - 04 Dec 2009)
  25. Does the nature of processing of fresh fruiting bodies or mycelia of mushrooms affect their nutraceutical properties?, 5th International Conference of Medicinal Mushroom , Mycological Society of China, China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products, Nantong Municipal People's Governmen (International) (05 Sep 2009 - 08 Sep 2009)
  26. Stimulation of neurite outgrowth by medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers., Malaysian Mushroom Conference and Foray (MMCF2008), Persatuan Penyelidikan Cendawan Malaysia (International) (27 Nov 2008 - 29 Nov 2008)
  27. Stimulation of neurite outgrowth by medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers., Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other Natural Products (ASOMPS) XIII, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, India (International) (03 Nov 2008 - 06 Nov 2008)
  28. Antioxidant and stimulation of neurite outgrowth activities of Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers., Asian Mycology Congress (AMC 2007) & Xth International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium (IMFMS), University Malaya, Malaysian Society for Microbiology, Asian Mycological Committee, International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Society, Japanese Society for Mycology, Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre. (International) (02 Dec 2007 - 06 Dec 2007)
  29. Antioxidant activities of selected processed mushrooms, Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and Agribiotechnology (APaCPA) 2007, Asian Institute of Medicine, Science & Technology (AIMST) UniversityState Government of Kedah Darul AmanMinistry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry (International) (17 Jun 2007 - 21 Jun 2007)
  30. Mushrooms in healthy diet: Fresh or processed?, 2nd International Congress on Bioprocess in Food Industries (ICBF) , University of Patras, University of Ioannina (International) (18 Jun 2006 - 21 Jun 2006)
  31. Beneficial properties of medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers., Cenar (Centre for Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery)-Herbal Industry: Business Forum & Exhibition 2006, Centre for Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery (CENAR), UM (University) (17 Jan 2006 - 17 Jan 2006)
  32. Beneficial properties of medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers., 27th Symposium of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology, Malaysian Society for Microbiology (National) (24 Nov 2005 - 27 Nov 2005)
  33. Antioxidant activities of medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. extracts, International Science Congress (ISC) 2005, Malaysian Scientific Association (International) (03 Aug 2005 - 06 Aug 2005)
  34. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of extracts of medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. , University of Malaya Graduate Event, Institute of Arts and Social Sciences, Institut Pengajian Siswazah UM, Faculty of Science UM (University) (11 May 2005 - 12 May 2005)


  1. (2024) Panel Reviewer for Umsc-Rg & Mmrg Research Grants 2024, University, (Reviewer)
  2. (2024) Phenylethanol Glycosides from Cistanche Tubulosa Attenuate Bsa-Induced Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats, International, (Reviewer)
  3. (2024) Related Mechanism of Limonene Improves Lps-Induced Neuroinflammation by Remodeling Gut Microbiota, International, (Reviewer)
  4. (2024) Quantification of Satureja Montana Dry Extract, Investigating Its Adaptogenic Activity and Comparing it With Rosmarinic Acid in An Animal Model of Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress, International, (Reviewer)
  5. (2024) Activation of Ampk/Mtor-Driven Autophagy and Suppression of Hmgb1/Tlr4 Pathway With Pentoxifylline Attenuates Doxorubicin-Induced Hepatic Injury in Rats, International, (Reviewer)
  6. (2024) Application of The Hilic-Ms Novel Protocol to Study The Metabolic Heterogeneity of Glioblastoma Cells, International, (Reviewer)
  7. (2024) Erinacines Attenuate Demyelination and Inhibit Microglial Inflammasome Activation, International, (Reviewer)
  8. (2024) Metformin: An Antihyperglycemic Agent Involved in The Pathophysiologic Mechanism of Depression, International, (Reviewer)
  9. (2024) Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Extract Improves Sleep Disturbances in a Rat Model of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease, International, (Reviewer)
  10. (2024) A Comparative Analysis of Quantitative and Antioxidant Activity of Leaf, Stem, and Bark of Gymnosporia Senegalensis (Lam.) Loes., International, (Reviewer)
  11. (2024) Chaperone Signaling in Alzheimer’S Disease, International, (Reviewer)
  12. (2024) A Scoping Review of The Effects of Mushroom and Fungus Extracts in Animal Models of Depression and Tests of Antidepressant Activity, International, (Reviewer)
  13. (2024) Role of Inflammatory Mechanisms in Major Depressive Disorder: from Etiology to Potential Pharmacological Targets, International, (Reviewer)
  14. (2024) Increased Cortisol and Antiglucocorticoid Therapy in Mood Disorders: The Hippocampus as a Potential Drug Target, International, (Reviewer)
  15. (2024) Animal Models for Understanding The Mechanisms of Cell Death During Type 2 Diabetes Pathogenesis, International, (Reviewer)
  16. (2024) Adlay (Coix Lacryma-Jobi L.) Extracts for Protecting Oxidative Stress and Enhancing Collagen Synthesis in Skin Fibroblast Cells (Hff-1), International, (Reviewer)
  17. (2024) Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Quality Control and Clinical Studies of Cimicifugae Rhizoma: a Comprehensive Review, International, (Reviewer)
  18. (2023) Neuroprotective Effect of Cerebrolysin and Citicoline Through The Upregulation of Bdnf Expressions in The Affected Neural Cells - a Preliminary in Vitro Study, International, (Reviewer)
  19. (2023) A Polypeptide Derived from Pilose Antler Ameliorates Cums-Induced Depression-Like Behavior by Senp2-Plcβ4 Signaling Axis, International, (Reviewer)
  20. (2023) Antidepressant Effect of Licorice Total Flavonoids and Liquiritin: a Review, International, (Reviewer)
  21. (2023) Polar Lipids With Omega 3 Pufa as Nutraceuticals With Neuroprotective Effect: Phospholipids and Glycolipids of Marine Origin, International, (Reviewer)
  22. (2023) Pregabalin-Tolperisone Combination to Treat Neuropathic Pain: Improved Analgesia and Reduced Side Effects in Rats, International, (Reviewer)
  23. (2023) Scutellaria Baicalensis Attenuated Neurological Impairment by Regulating Programmed Cell Death Pathway in Ischemic Stroke Mice, International, (Reviewer)
  24. (2023) Ginsenoside Rg1 Inhibits Angiogenesis in Diabetic Retinopathy Through Crichipk3/Mir-20a-5p/Vegfa, International, (Reviewer)
  25. (2023) Chitosan-Based Conduits With Different Inner Diameters At Both Ends Combined With Modified Formula Radix Hedysari Promotes Nerve Transposition Repair, International, (Reviewer)
  26. (2023) Overview of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Diabetes, International, (Reviewer)
  27. (2023) Ginseng Total Saponins Rescue Susceptibility to Adult Depression-Like Behaviors in Mice Induced by Early-Life Stress Via Regulating Creb/Bdnf/Trkb, International, (Reviewer)
  28. (2023) Liensinine and Neferine Exert Neuroprotective Effects Via The Autophagy Pathway in Transgenic Caenorhabditis Elegans, International, (Reviewer)
  29. (2023) Neuroprotective Effects of Albizia Lebbeck (L.) Benth. Leaf Extract Against Glutamate-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Apoptosis in Human Microglial Cells, International, (Reviewer)
  30. (2023) A Common Genetic Factor Underlies Genetic Risk for Gynaecological and Reproductive Disorders and is Correlated With Risk to Depression, International, (Reviewer)
  31. (2023) Comparative Analysis of Proteomes and Transcriptomes Revealed The Molecular Mechanism of Development and Nutrition of Pleurotus Giganteus At Different Fruiting Body Development Stages, International, (Reviewer)
  32. (2023) Differences in Mouse Models of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Their Potential to Uncover The Impact of Brain Sexual Differentiation On Gender Bias, International, (Reviewer)
  33. (2023) Interviewer, Program for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2023/2024 Intake, University, (Internal Assessor)
  34. (2023) Peroneus Muscle Activity in Athletes With and Without a History of Ankle Sprain Injury, International, (Reviewer)
  35. (2023) Synergistic Cytotoxicity of Extracts of Chaga Mushroom and Microalgae Against Mammalian Cancer Cells in Vitro, International, (Reviewer)
  36. (2023) Antioxidant Activity of Medicinal Plants and Herbs of North Aegean, Greece: Current Clinical Evidence and Future Perspectives, International, (Reviewer)
  37. (2023) Histological and Immunohistochemical Effects of Intravitreal Injections of Voriconazole and Micafungin On The Brain of New Zealand White Rabbits: An Experimental Study, International, (Reviewer)
  38. (2023) The Functions and Phenotypes of Microglia in Alzheimer S Disease, International, (Reviewer)
  39. (2023) Protective Effect of The Phycobiliproteins from Arthrospira Maxima On Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcer in a Mouse Model, International, (Reviewer)
  40. (2023) Yiwei Decoction Promotes Apoptosis of Gastric Cancer Cells Through Spleen Exosomes, International, (Reviewer)
  41. (2023) Neuroprotective Effects of a Novel Tetrapeptide Sggy from Walnut Against H2o2-Stimulated Oxidative Stress in Sh-Sy5y Cells: Possible Involved Jnk, P38 and Nrf2 Signaling Pathways, International, (Reviewer)
  42. (2023) Clinical Perspectives, Molecular Mechanisms, and Treatment of Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders, International, (Reviewer)
  43. (2023) Effects of Chemotherapy On Aerobic Capacity, Muscle Strength and Autonomic Function in Women With Breast Cancer, International, (Reviewer)
  44. (2023) Differencesin Functional Brain Networks Between Alzheimer's Model (5xfad) Mice and Wild Type (Wt) Mice, International, (Reviewer)
  45. (2023) Interrelationships Between Dietary Intakes, Hospital Readmissions and Length of Stay in Hospitalised Cancer Patients, International, (Reviewer)
  46. (2023) The Anti-Proliferative Role of 15,16-Dihydrotanshinone I Extracted from Salvia Miltiorrhiza in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease, University, (Internal Examiner)
  47. (2023) Targeting Some Key Metalloproteinases by Nano-Naringenin and Amphora Coffeaeformis as a Novel Strategy for Treatment of Osteoarthritis in Rats, International, (Reviewer)
  48. (2023) The Effect of Positive-Emotional Lecture Design On Cognitive Load & Memory Retention in Anatomy Students, University, (Reviewer)
  49. (2023) Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-Treated Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Facilitate Wound Healing and Revascularization in Rats With Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Mellitus, International, (Reviewer)
  50. (2023) Clitoria Ternatea Flower: Bioactive Compounds and Potential as Microencapsulated Ingredient for Functional Food, International, (Reviewer)
  51. (2023) Investigation of Phospholipid Differences in Valproic Acid-Induced Autistic Mouse Model Brain Tissue Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging, International, (Reviewer)
  52. (2023) Benefits of Erinacines in Mice Withtrimethyltin-Induced Neurodegeneration, International, (Reviewer)
  53. (2023) Faculty of Medicine Research Grant Monitoring Committee 2023, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  54. (2023) Guest Editor for Special Issue "Emerging Therapies for Hereditary Ataxia", International, (Reviewer)
  55. (2023) Subeditor of Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (Jummec), National, (Reviewer)
  56. (2022) Lobe X of The Cerebellum: a Natural Neuro-Resistant Region, International, (Reviewer)
  57. (2022) Silencing of Isg15 Attenuates Lps-Induced Acute Pneumonia by Regulating Nf- B Signaling Pathway, International, (Reviewer)
  58. (2022) Understanding The Role of Connectivity Dynamics of Resting-State Functional Mri in The Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Comprehensive Study, International, (Reviewer)
  59. (2022) The Awareness of Covid-19 and The Compliance of Social Distancing Among Medical Students of University of Cyberjaya, National, (Reviewer)
  60. (2022) Wolfberry Water Extract Attenuate Blue Light-Emitting Diode Damage to Arpe-19 Cells and Mice Retina by Activating Nrf2 Signaling Pathway, International, (Reviewer)
  61. (2022) Succinate At The Crossroad of Metabolism and Angiogenesis: Roles of Sdh, Hif1a and Sucnr1, International, (Reviewer)
  62. (2022) Ultrasound-Guided Intervention for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a Systematic Review, International, (Reviewer)
  63. (2022) Efficient Synthesis for Altering Side Chain Length On Cannabinoid Molecules and Their Effects in Chemotherapy, International, (Reviewer)
  64. (2022) Auditor Eksesais Audit Kendiri Fakulti Perubatan, University, (Internal Assessor)
  65. (2022) The Effect of Coping Techniques On Students of Occupational Therapy During The First Visit to The Dissection Room, International, (Reviewer)
  66. (2022) Master by Research Thesis Examination, International, (External Examiner)
  67. (2022) Different Effects of Quercetin Glycosides and Quercetin On Kidney Mitochondrial Function Uncoupling, Cytochrome C Reducing and Antioxidant Activity, International, (Reviewer)
  68. (2022) Anti-Aging and Neuroprotective Roles of Medicinal Mushroom Extracts, International, (Reviewer)
  69. (2022) Alterations of Surface-Based Spontaneous Cortical Activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients With Depression, International, (Reviewer)
  70. (2022) Identifying The Relationship Between The Korean Medicine and Western Medicine in Factors Affecting Medical Service Use, International, (Reviewer)
  71. (2022) Panel for Candidature Defence of Dr Mardhiah Tahir (Mmedsc), University, (Internal Assessor)
  72. (2022) A Microsurgical Study of The Anatomy and Anatomical Variations of The Median Nerve: a Cadaveric Study, International, (Reviewer)
  73. (2022) Gastroprotective Effects of Hexanic Extract of The Leaves of Spondias Purpurea and Its Underlying Mechanism of Action, International, (Reviewer)
  74. (2022) Physical Exercise and Undergraduate Students Subjective Well-Being: Mediating Roles of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Sleep Quality, International, (Reviewer)
  75. (2022) Efficacy and Safety of Chinese Herbal Medicine as An Add-On Therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, International, (Reviewer)
  76. (2022) Umsc C.a.R.E Research Grant 2019, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  77. (2022) Nerve Conduction Studies of Dorsal Sural Nerve: Normative Data and Its Potential Application in Attrv Pre-Symptomatic Subjects, International, (Reviewer)
  78. (2022) Chemical Modulators for Targeting Autism Spectrum Disorders: from Bench to Clinic, International, (Reviewer)
  79. (2022) Controlled Release of Vitamin-U from Microencapsulated Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Capitata Extract for Peptic Ulcer Treatment, International, (Reviewer)
  80. (2022) Potential Psychoactive Effects of Microalgal Bioactive Compounds for The Case of Sleep and Mood Regulation: Opportunities and Challenges, International, (Reviewer)
  81. (2022) Non-Targeted Metabolomics Approach Revealed Significant Changes in Metabolic Pathways in Patients With Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Special Issue: Advances Research in Traumatic Encephalopathy, International, (Reviewer)
  82. (2022) Case Report: Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture Relieved Dysphagia and Sialorrhea and Delayed The Progression of Progressive Bulbar Paralysis, International, (Reviewer)
  83. (2022) Pemeriksa Dalam Bagi Peperiksaan Profesional Tahun Pertama Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pembedahan Pergigian Sesi 2021/2022, University, (Internal Examiner)
  84. (2022) Friedreich Ataxia: Clinical Features and New Developments, International, (Reviewer)
  85. (2022) Effect of Yakae-Prajamduen-Jamod Traditional Thai Remedy On Cognitive Impairment in An Ovariectomized Mouse Model and Its Mechanism of Action, International, (Reviewer)
  86. (2022) Interviewer, Program for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2022/2023 Intake, University, (Internal Assessor)
  87. (2022) The Influence of Depressive Mood On Mortality in Elderly With Different Health Status: Evidence from The Taiwan Longitudinal Study On Aging (Tlsa), International, (Reviewer)
  88. (2022) Topic Editor of Frontiers in Pharmacology.. Research Topic: Natural Products for Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration, International, (Reviewer)
  89. (2022) Panel Reviewer for Umsc C.a.R.E Fund Research Grant 2022, University, (Reviewer)
  90. (2022) Functional Food Bioactives With Promising Potential for Management of Cerebral and Myocardial Ischemia: a Comprehensive Mechanistic Review, International, (Reviewer)
  91. (2022) Anti-Diabetic Potential of Mushrooms: a Review, International, (Reviewer)
  92. (2022) Data-Driven Decision Support for Autism Diagnosis Using Machine Learning, International, (Reviewer)
  93. (2022) Umsc Ca.R.E Fund 2021 Monitoring Session, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  94. (2022) Fom Research Grant Monitoring Committee 2022, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  95. (2022) Bengkel Semakan Kurikulum Bagi Program Sarjana Muda Perubatan dan Sarjana Muda Pembedahan, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  96. (2022) In Vivo Biochemical and Molecular Analyses of Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Properties of Tamarindus Indica Seed Extract, University, (Internal Examiner)
  97. (2022) Immediate Carry-Over Effects of Peroneal Functional Electrical Stimulation Differ Between People With and Without Chronic Ankle Instability, International, (Reviewer)
  98. (2022) Development and Optimization of Blonanserin Loaded Liquid Smedds by Application of D-Optimal Mixture Design, International, (Reviewer)
  99. (2022) Phytochemicals Targeting Toll-Like Receptors 4 (Tlr4) in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, International, (Reviewer)
  100. (2022) External Examiner, Phd Thesis. Antidiabetic Effect of Clerodendrum Paniculatum Flower in High Fat Diet Treated Induced Diabetic Rats (Ms Sincy Varghese), Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, India, International, (External Examiner)
  101. (2022) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa Semester I Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Bioperubatan, University, (Internal Examiner)
  102. (2022) Committee Member of UM Faculty of Medicine Medical Graduate Empowerment Programme (Mgrep), University, (Internal Assessor)
  103. (2022) Ahli Tetap Dalam Seminar Proposal Defence 2020/2022, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  104. (2021) Abnormal Mtor Activity in Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric and Mia-Associated Autism Spectrum Disorders, International, (Reviewer)
  105. (2021) Pedicularis Resupinata Restores Corticosterone-Induced Neurotoxicity in Sh-Sy5y Cells and Attenuates Depressive-Like Behaviors in Mice, International, (Reviewer)
  106. (2021) Effect of Fermented Traditional Chinese Prescription With Lactobacillus Plantarum On Dysbacteriotic Diarrhea Mice Induced by Ceftriaxone Sodium Chinese Medicine, International, (Reviewer)
  107. (2021) Twelves Tips On Master of Science for Malaysian Medical Graduates and Their Supervisors, National, (Reviewer)
  108. (2021) Gastroprotective Effects of The Aqueous Extract from Taraxacum Officinale in Rats Using Ultrasound, Histology and Biochemical Analysis, International, (Reviewer)
  109. (2021) Therapeutic Importance and Pharmacological Activities of Karanjin in The Medicine for The Treatment of Human Disorders: An Updated Review Through Scientific Data Analysis, International, (Reviewer)
  110. (2021) Vetting of Orthopaedic Basic Sciences Master Entrance Exam, Selection for Post Graduate Orthopaedic Training (Spot), University, (Internal Assessor)
  111. (2021) Mechanism of Drug-Induced Liver Injury and Hepatoprotective Effects of Natural Drugs, International, (Reviewer)
  112. (2021) Comparative Regulatory Requirements for The Stem Cells and Stem Cells Based Products in India, United States and Europian Union, International, (Reviewer)
  113. (2021) Penasihat Kursus Program Diploma Teknologi Makmal Perubatan, University, (Internal Assessor)
  114. (2021) Interviewer, Program for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2021/2022 Intake, University, (Internal Assessor)
  115. (2021) Cross-Cultural Ethnobotanical Assembly as Anew Tool for Understanding Medicinal and Culinary Values - The Genus Lycium as a Case Study, International, (Reviewer)
  116. (2021) Hericium Erinaceus Mycelium Ameliorate Anxiety Induced by Continuous Sleep Disturbance in Vivo, International, (Reviewer)
  117. (2021) The Rpgrip1l Ciliary Protein: Manifestations and Molecularmechanisms, International, (Reviewer)
  118. (2021) The Rpgrip1l Ciliary Protein: Manifestations and Molecular Mechanisms, International, (Reviewer)
  119. (2021) Effects of Unilateral Osteoarthritis and Its Treatment On Contralateral Knee Using a Rat Anterior Cruciate Ligament Transection Model, University, (Internal Assessor)
  120. (2021) Panel Reviewer for Umsc C.a.R.E Fund Research Grant Cycle 1/2021, University, (Reviewer)
  121. (2021) In Vivo Biochemical and Molecular Analyses of The Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Properties of Tamarindus Indica Seed Extract, University, (Internal Assessor)
  122. (2021) Pharmacological Importance of Peach Gum Polysaccharide: a Review, International, (Reviewer)
  123. (2021) Melittin Administration Ameliorates Motor Function, Prevents Apoptosis-Induced Cell Death and Protects Purkinje Neurons in The Rat Model of Cerebellar Ataxia Induced by 3-Acetylpyridine, International, (Reviewer)
  124. (2021) Biological Activities of Pleurotus Spp Bioactive Polysaccharides: a Review, International, (Reviewer)
  125. (2021) Chemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of The Fruiting Body and Mycelium of Hericium Erinaceus Mushroom Cultivated On Rice Medium, International, (Reviewer)
  126. (2021) Medical Students Perception of Anatomy Education Environment in Universiti Putra Malaysia- it Took Two to Tango, National, (Reviewer)
  127. (2021) Nanoantioxidant/Antioxidant Therapy in 2019-Ncov: a New Approach to Reactive Oxygen Species Mechanisms, International, (Reviewer)
  128. (2021) Editor of Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (Jummec), National, (Reviewer)
  129. (2021) Pemeriksa Dalam Bagi Peperiksaan Profesional Tahun Pertama Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pembedahan Pergigian Sesi 2020/2021, University, (Internal Examiner)
  130. (2020) Agaricus Blazei and Related Medicinal Mushrooms Hericium Erinaceus and Grifola Frondosa May Be Beneficial for Athletes Because of Their Protection Against Inflammation, Infection and Allergy, International, (Reviewer)
  131. (2020) Drug Therapy for Neurological Emergency: Status Epilepticus, International, (Reviewer)
  132. (2020) The Effect of Piper Betel Methanolic Extract On Histological Evaluation of Acanthamoeba Keratitis Induced Rats, National, (Reviewer)
  133. (2020) Therapeutic Applications of Mushrooms and Their Biomolecules Along With Glimpse of in Silico Approach in Neurodegenerative Diseases, International, (Reviewer)
  134. (2020) Mir-20a Promotes The Axon Regeneration of Drg Neurons by Targeting Nr4a3, International, (Reviewer)
  135. (2020) Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domain 9a Knockout Induces Social Anxiety and Impairs Offense Behaviors in Female Mice, International, (Reviewer)
  136. (2020) Integrin-Linked Kinase is a Key Signal Factor Involved in Nogo-66-Induced Inhibition of Neurite Outgrowth, International, (Reviewer)
  137. (2020) Mushrooms-Rich Preparations On Wound Healing: from Nutritional and Medicinal Attributes to Safety and Toxicological Concerns, International, (Reviewer)
  138. (2020) The High Performance Liquid Chromatography: a Review of Recent Updates and Patents, International, (Reviewer)
  139. (2020) Interviewer, Program for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2020/2021 Intake, University, (Internal Assessor)
  140. (2020) Use of Nutraceuticals in Peripheral Compressive Neuropathies: Current Clinical Evidence and Future Perspectives, International, (Reviewer)
  141. (2020) Panel Reviewer for Umsc C.a.R.E Fund Research Grant Cycle 1/2020, University, (Reviewer)
  142. (2020) Mmedsc (Regenerative Medicine) Thesis: Effect of Adiponectin On Cell Proliferation and Collagen Synthesis of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells During Unstrained and Cyclic Mechanical Strain Loading Conditions, University, (Internal Examiner)
  143. (2020) Neuro-Aids: Current Status and Challenges to Antiretroviral Drug Therapy (Art) for Its Treatment, International, (Reviewer)
  144. (2020) Immunotherapeutic Agents as Medicinal Usages of Mushrooms: Regulation of Cellular Functions and Their Immunomodulating Potentials, International, (Reviewer)
  145. (2020) Chemical Compounds and Health Benefits of Tremella, a Valued Mushroom as Both Cuisine and Medicine in Ancient China and Modern Era, International, (Reviewer)
  146. (2019) Ameliorative Activity of The Aqueous Leaves Extract of Madhuca Longifolia Against Diclofenac-Induced Toxicity On Rat Gastric Organ by Regulating Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Cytokine Formation, International, (Reviewer)
  147. (2019) Candidature Defence Seminar - Investigating The Role of Adiponectin as a Growth Factor and Influencing The Expression of Collagen I, Collagen III and Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression During Static and Mechanical Stretching Conditions of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, University, (Internal Assessor)
  148. (2019) Penemuduga MBBS Saluran Terbuka Universiti Malaya Sesi 2019/2020, University, (Internal Assessor)
  149. (2019) Pkn2 Regulates The Survival of Pc12 Cells by Activating The Akt / Mtor Pathway, International, (Reviewer)
  150. (2019) Cognitive-Enhancing Effect of Aqueous Fruit Extract of Ziziphus Jujuba in Animal Model of Parkinson's Disease Induced by 6-Hydroxydopamine: a Behavioral and Biochemical Study, International, (Reviewer)
  151. (2019) Interviewer, 'Multiple Mini Interview' Program for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2019/2020 Intake, University, (Internal Assessor)
  152. (2019) Tyrosine Negatively Affects Flexible-Like Behaviour Under Cognitively Demanding Conditions, International, (Reviewer)
  153. (2019) Penilai Pembentangan Poster Sains Biokesihatan, Biosymposium 2019, University, (Internal Assessor)
  154. (2019) Theoretical Study On The Toxicity of Novichok Agent Candidates, International, (Reviewer)
  155. (2019) The Link Between Estradiol, Brain Structure, and Memory Performance in Transgender Women After Gender-Affirming Surgery, International, (Reviewer)
  156. (2019) Spatiotemporal Expression of Proteins of Interest in The Epha2-Epha4 Spina Bifida Occulta Model by Nur Anis Mohd Joelaira (Mic 4005 Research in Biomedical Science - 2018 - 2019), University, (Internal Examiner)
  157. (2019) In Vitro Screening of Herbal Extract Against Blastocystis Spp by Tang Yee Yan (Mic 4005 Research in Biomedical Science - 2018-2019), University, (Internal Assessor)
  158. (2019) Spatiotemporal Expression of Proteins of Interest in Dietary Rescued Mouse Models of Neural Tube Defects by Turgaa Shini Devaraj (Mic 4005 Research in Biomedical Science - 2018 - 2019), University, (Internal Examiner)
  159. (2019) Cucurbitacin B Supplementation Reduces Inflammatory Responses and Alveolar Bone Loss Via Regulating Rank /Rankl/Opg in Experimental Periodontitis, International, (Reviewer)
  160. (2019) Cell Proliferation and Collagen Expression of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells by Hypoxia Conditioning / Mechanical Stimulation, University, (Internal Assessor)
  161. (2018) Master of Science (Biotechnology) Thesis: Neuroprotective Effect of Selected Nervine Herbs On H2o2-Induced Neuronal Cell Damage in Sh-Sy5y Cells, University, (Internal Examiner)
  162. (2018) Effect of Advanced Glycation On Nf-Kb Signaling Pathway and Its Correlation With Cathepsin L in Rpe Cells, University, (Internal Assessor)
  163. (2018) Auditor/Jawatankuasa Induk Audit Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Fakulti Perubatan, University, (Internal Assessor)
  164. (2018) Effect of Advanced Glycation On Nf-Kb Signaling Pathway and Its Correlation With Cathepsin L in Rpe Cells, University, (Internal Assessor)
  165. (2018) Detection of Mirtazapine and Prasterone in a Nutritional Supplement Containing Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium Erinaceus (Bull.) Person), International, (Reviewer)
  166. (2018) Vetting Committee in Inter-Medical School Clinical Anatomy Workshop/Competition, National, (Internal Assessor)
  167. (2018) The Role of Tissue Biomarker Carbonic Anhydrase Ix (Caix) in The Outcome of Renal Cell Carcinoma Cases Seen in Ummc from 2006 Until 2015 by Dr Snehlata Prashant Samberkar (Mmedsc), University, (Internal Assessor)
  168. (2018) Judge for Poster Competition, Malaysian Anatomical Association Education Symposium (Maaes) 2018, National, (External Assessor)
  169. (2018) Master of Science Thesis: Morphological Characterization of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Immunoreactivity Distribution Across Rostro-Caudal Coronal Axis of Rat Brain, International, (External Examiner)
  170. (2018) Master of Science Thesis: Investigation of Prefrontal Cortical Stimulation-Induced Anti Depressant Effects in Rat Models of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, International, (External Examiner)
  171. (2018) Purification and Characterization of a Novel Gh27 -Galactosidase from Hericium Erinaceus, International, (Reviewer)
  172. (2018) Interviewer , 'Multiple Mini Interview' for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2018/2019 Intake, University, (Internal Assessor)
  173. (2018) Exploring Neuroprotective Properties of Centella Asiatica Extract On Metabolic Change in Chronic Stress-Induced Rats, National, (Reviewer)
  174. (2018) The Role of Osteocalcin and Alkaline Phosphatase Immunohistochemistry in Osteosarcoma Diagnosis, National, (Reviewer)
  175. (2018) The Effects of Different Culture Media, Temperature and Ph Levels On The Growth of Monkey Head Mushroom (Hericium Erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers), International, (Reviewer)
  176. (2018) Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom, Ganoderma Lucidum Mycelium Aqueous Extract Modulates High-Altitude Induced Stress, International, (Reviewer)
  177. (2018) Paeonol Exerts Neuroprotection Against Neonatal Isoflurane Exposure-Induced Neurobehavioral Abnormalities in Rats, International, (Reviewer)
  178. (2018) Phytochemical Analysis and Anticancer Investigation of Phyllanthus Watsonii Airy Shaw On Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines, University, (Internal Assessor)
  179. (2018) The Effects of Mushroom-Derived Ergothioneine On Stress-Induced Premature Senescence in Sh-Sy5y Cells, University, (Internal Assessor)
  180. (2018) Postgraduate Research Fund (Ppp) Cycle 1/2015, University, (Reviewer)
  181. (2017) Effects of Hericium Erinaceus Supplementation in Wild-Type Mice Support a Dual-Process Model of Recognition Memory, International, (Reviewer)
  182. (2017) Isolation, Characterization, Antimicrobial Potential of Endophytic Fungus from Anethum Graveolens and Its Insilico Validation, International, (Reviewer)
  183. (2017) Acute and Developmental Toxicity Assessment of Erincine a-Enriched Hericium Erinaceus Mycelia in Sprague-Dawley Rats, International, (Reviewer)
  184. (2017) Improvement of Nutritional and Bioactive Compound Production of Hericium Erinaceus by Spraying Growth Regulators, International, (Reviewer)
  185. (2017) Evaluation of Various Solvent Extracted Sample of Monotheca Buxifolia and Rumex Hastatus On Fungi and Bacteria, International, (Reviewer)
  186. (2017) Phytochemical Screening and Anti-Nutrient Profile of An Edible Mushroom, Termitomyces Robustus (Beeli) Heim in Kwara State, Nigeria, International, (Reviewer)
  187. (2017) Supplementation Effects During Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury, University, (Internal Assessor)
  188. (2017) Phd Thesis: Effects of Antioxidative and Cholesterol Lowering Capacities of Selected Edible Mushrooms Towards Amelioration of Alzheimer's Disease, University, (Internal Examiner)
  189. (2016) Pharmacognostical Standardisation of Typhonium Roxburghii Schott, National, (Reviewer)
  190. (2016) Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, International, (Reviewer)
  191. (2016) Morphological Changes and Protein Kinases Signalling in The Peripheral Nerves in Aging Rats, University, (Internal Assessor)
  192. (2016) The Role of Inflammatory Markers in Placental Expression of Amino Acids Transporter in Gestational Diabetes, University, (Internal Assessor)
  193. (2016) Protective Effects of Salidroside On Schwann Cells in Vitro, International, (Reviewer)
  194. (2015) Factors Affecting Mushroom Pleurotus Spp., International, (Reviewer)
  195. (2015) Evaluator for Poster Presentation At The First International Conference On Advances in Food Science and Technology (Icafst 2015), November 20-22, Kottayam, Kerala, India, International, (External Assessor)
  196. (2015) Investigation of Anticancer Activity of Phyllanthus Watsonii Airy Shaw On Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines and in Mouse Xenograft Model, University, (Internal Assessor)
  197. (2015) Judge, National Medical Quiz Mmss 2015, National, (Internal Evaluator)
  198. (2015) Pemeriksa Dalam Untuk Peperiksaan Profesional Tahun Pertama Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pembedahan dan Pergigian Sesi 2014/2015, University, (Internal Examiner)
  199. (2015) Cultivation and Nutritional Studies of An Edible Mushroom from North Brazil, International, (Reviewer)
  200. (2014) Panelist, Elective Programme Oral Presentation of Phase Ii MBBS 2012/2017, University, (Internal Assessor)
  201. (2014) Juri Pameran Poster MBBS Tahap 1, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  202. (2013) Research Progress in Medicinal Fungus, Grifola Frondosa, by Submerged Fermentation, International, (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2024) Guest Editor of Bmc Complementary Medicine and Therapies - Advances in Mycotherapy, International, (Resource Person)
  2. (2024) Visiting Research Fellow, School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, International, (Research Fellow/Associate)
  3. (2024) Visiting Research Fellow, International, (Research Fellow/Associate)
  4. (2023) Guest Lecturer and Member of Collaborative Teaching [Course: Foundation of Medical Sciences (Dfm401), Module: Anatomy, Programme: Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Ds240)], National, (Academic Appointment )
  5. (2023) Material Transfer Agreement With Corielle Institute for Medical Research, International, (Research Fellow/Associate)
  6. (2023) Memorandum of Understanding With Ganofarm R&D Sdn Bhd, National, (Resource Person)
  7. (2022) Scaffolding National Anatomy Curriculum in Malaysian Higher Education: Mapping The Anatomy-Related Competencies With Institutional Practice in Malaysia, National, (Resource Person)
  8. (2022) Memorandum of Agreement With Ganofarm R&D Sdn Bhd, National, (Resource Person)
  9. (2021) International Research Collaboration, International, (Resource Person)
  10. (2017) 5-Ht1a Receptor Signaling Lipid Raft Impart Neuroprotection in Stroke, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, National, (Resource Person)
Contribution to event
  1. (2023) Panel Judge of Research Poster Competition, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
  2. (2023) Committee and Facilitator of Anatomy Exhibition 2023 (National Level), National, (Event Coordinator)
  3. (2022) Protective Effects of Hericium Erinaceus Mushroom Against Oxidative Stress in Friedreich S Ataxia, University, (Panelist/Moderator)
  4. (2022) Organising Committee/Chair for Webinar-Quantitative Image Analysis of Tissue Biomarkers in Basic Sciences Research, University, (Event Coordinator)
  5. (2021) International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (Mds) Virtual Congress 2021, International, (Participant)
  6. (2021) 2021 Virtual Asian and Oceanian Parkinson S Disease and Movement Disorders Congress, International, (Participant)
  7. (2021) 7th Asian and Oceanian Parkinson S Disease and Movement Disorders Congress (Aopmc), International, (Participant)
  8. (2021) Making Your Way to Be a Great Supervisor (Emerald Supervision), University, (Participant)
  9. (2021) Facilitator, Ummp Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) Training Workshop for Students, University, (Course Facilitator)
  10. (2021) Top 12 in Fom Supply Store Research Photo Contest, University, (Participant)
  11. (2020) Moderator for Malaysian Anatomical Association (Maa) Webinar - Transformation of Anatomy Education in Malaysia During Covid Pandemic- Virtual Learning, Teaching & Practical: it Takes Two to Tango, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
  12. (2019) Session Chair for Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference 2019 (Maac 2019), National, (Panelist/Moderator)
  13. (2019) Malaysian Anatomical Association Conference 2019 (Maac 2019), National, (Event Organiser)
  14. (2018) Malaysian Anatomical Education Symposium (Maaes) 2018, National, (Event Organiser)
  15. (2017) Malaysian Anatomical Association (Maa) Symposium 2017, National, (Event Organiser)
  16. (2016) Sakura's Histology Workshop, University, (Event Coordinator)
  17. (2016) Innovation in Anatomy Teaching and Learning Workshop, National, (Event Organiser)
  18. (2016) Elisa Demonstration Workshop, University, (Event Coordinator)
  19. (2012) Organizing Committee for National Postgraduate Seminar 2012, National, (Event Organiser)
Media appearance
  1. (2022) Hku's Innovative Research Projects Triumph At Special Edition 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days, 29 March 2022, International, (Discourse)
  1. (2023) Academic Advisor for Stage 2 MBBS Students 2021/2022, University, (Mentor)
  2. (2022) Advisor and Trainer, Universiti Malaya Team in 11th Inter-Varsity Medical Olympiad (Imvo 2022), University, (Mentor)
  3. (2022) Academic Advisor for Stage 2 MBBS Students 2020/2021, University, (Mentor)
  4. (2021) Advisor and Trainer, Universiti Malaya Team in 10th Inter-Varsity Medical Olympiad (Imvo 2021), University, (Mentor)
  5. (2021) Perfect Score, Pbl Ummp Facilitation, Block 7 (Neuroscience, Vision and Behaviour) Session 2020/2021, University, (Mentor)
  6. (2019) Academic Advisor, Intervarsity Medical Quiz Challenge Imqc- First Runner Up, University, (Academic Advisor)
  7. (2018) Academic Advisor, UM Team in Intervarsity Medic Olympiad 2018- Semi Final, University, (Academic Advisor)
  8. (2018) Academic Advisor for Stage 1 MBBS Students 2017/2018, University, (Academic Advisor)
  9. (2017) Academic Advisor, Intervarsity Medical Quiz Challenge (Imqc)- First Runner Up, University, (Academic Advisor)
  10. (2017) Academic Advisor, Intervarsity Medical Quiz Challenge (Imqc)- Second Runner Up, University, (Academic Advisor)
  11. (2017) Academic Advisor, UiTM Intervarsity Medical Olympiad- First Runner Up, University, (Academic Advisor)
  12. (2016) Academic Advisor for Stage 1 and Stage 2 MBBS Students, 2014/2015 Intake, University, (Academic Advisor)
  13. (2015) Academic Advisor for Stage 1 and Stage 2 MBBS Students, 2013/2014 Intake, University, (Academic Advisor)
  14. (2013) Academic Advisor for Phase 1 MBBS Students 2012/2013, University, (Academic Advisor)


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2024) MIC4001 Research Design in Biomedical Science MIC4005 Research in Biomedical Science
  2. (2023) MIC4001 Research Design in Biomedical Science MIC4005 Research in Biomedical Science
  3. (2022) MIC4001 Research Design in Biomedical Science MIC4005 Research in Biomedical Science
  4. (2020) Rachael Julia Tan Yuenyinn, Morphological study of the brain in an animal model of stress
  5. (2019) Muhd Shafeiq Muhd Asri, 3.1. UMMP Research Elective Posting - Morphological Description of Central Nervous Tissues in Adult Rats
  6. (2019) Gan Xhi Yan, 3.1. UMMP Research Elective Posting - Morphological Description of Peripheral Nervous Tissues in Adult Rats
  7. (2018) Saundarya Kunaratnam, MIC 4005 Research Design in Biomedical Science - Antimicrobial activity of Hericium erinaceus cultivated in Malaysia
  8. (2018) Nurul Asyikin Amran, MIC 4005 Research Design in Biomedical Science - The effects of Lignosus rhinocerotis on human mesenchymal stromal cells proliferation and osteogenic differentiation
  9. (2018) Nor Hasyimah Emran, MIC 4005 Research Design in Biomedical Science - The effects of Hericium erinaceus on human mesenchymal stromal cells proliferation and osteogenic differentiation
  10. (2018) Muhammad Nur Syazwan Md Zin, MIC 4005 Research Design in Biomedical Science - Antimicrobial activity of Lignosus rhinocerotis (Cooke) Ryvarden cultivated in Malaysia
  11. (2018) Intan Afiqah Mohd Ariff, MIC 4005 Research Design in Biomedical Science - The effects of Cordyceps sinensis on human mesenchymal stromal cells proliferation and osteogenic differentiation
  12. (2017) Yeow Ri Qi, Clinical Elective Placement for Stage 3.1 UMMP, 2017/2018
  13. (2016) Shazard Amani Mohamed Zaffian, Phase 3A MBBS Elective Programme 2015/2016 - Perception and awareness of tertiary level students in Malaysia towards sexual orientation
  14. (2016) Melissa Mohd Mokhtar, Phase 3A MBBS Elective Programme 2015/2016 - Perception and awareness of transgender among university students in Malaysia
  15. (2016) Lee Jing Yih, Clinical Elective Placement for Stage 3.1 UMMP, 2016/2017
  16. (2016) Edwin Khoo Yi Way, Clinical Elective Placement for Stage 3.1 UMMP, 2016/2017
  17. (2015) Muhamad Saiful Jamial, Phase 3A MBBS Elective Programme 2015/2016 - To determine the awareness of the dengue patients in Hospital Bukit Mertajam towards the early symptoms of the dengue/ dengue haemorhagic fever.
  18. (2014) Tun Yun Tien, Nurul Shahirah Binti Mohd Shafiai, Yong Pei Yee, Nurulain Binti Amir Nordin, Kelvin Khoo Wei Shen, Nurul Farhana Binti Mohd Amin, Phase II MBBS Elective Programme 2014/2015 - Cultivation of culinary and medicinal mushrooms in Malaysia
  19. (2014) Abdul Mukhlis Bin Ramli, Badran Hamzi Bin Abdul Sahak, Nur Farah Inani Binti Zakaria, Shiu Yong Sheng, Sia Jo Ee, Siti Fatimah Binti Zulkhairi - Phase II MBBS Elective Programme 2013/2014 - Medicinal properties of culinary and medicinal mushrooms grown in Malaysia
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2024) Cytoprotective effects of Lignosus rhinocerotis against L-Buthionine-sulfoximine induced oxidative damage in Friedreich's ataxia fibroblast, MICHAEL WENG LOK PHANG
  4. (2023) Neuroregeneration potential of Gracilaria manilaensis Yamamoto & Trono in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury, Nyiew Ke Ying (Sunway University)
  5. (2022) Protective Mechanisms of Hericium Erinaceus (NevGro®) Against Oxidative Stress in In Vitro Models of Friedreich’s Ataxia and Depression, LEW SZE YUEN
  8. (2018) Neuroprotective and neuritogenic activity of Malaysian macroalgae, Pang Jun Rui (Sunway University)
  9. (2016) Neuroprotective and neuritogenic activity of Malaysian macroalgae, Pang Jun Rui (Sunway University)
  1. (2022) Spirulina platensis Mitigates the Neuroinflammatory Effect of LPS-Induced BV2 Microglia, Ngu Ee Ling (Sunway University)
  2. (2021) Neuroregeneration potential of Gracilaria manilaensis Yamamoto & Trono in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury, Nyiew Ke Ying (Sunway University)
  3. (2019) Anti-neuroinflammatory activity of Malaysian carrageenophyte Kappaphycus species, Nicole Lai Jean Yean (Sunway University)
  4. (2017) Neuritogenesis effect of Superfood: Spirulina platensis, Ngu Ee Ling (Sunway University)


  1. (2024) MSF27100 - Basic Clinical Training
  2. (2023) MSF27100 - Basic Clinical Training
  3. (2022) MSF27100 - Basic Clinical Training
  4. (2021) MSF27130 - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Science Teaching Programme
  5. (2020) - - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Science Teaching Programme
  6. (2019) MSF27130 - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Teaching Programme
  7. (2018) MSF27130 - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Teaching Programme
  8. (2017) MSF27130 - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Teaching Programme
  9. (2016) MSF27130 - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Teaching Programme
  10. (2015) MSF27130 - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Teaching Programme
  11. (2014) - - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Teaching Programme
  12. (2013) - - Postgraduate Basic/Clinical Teaching Programme
  1. (2024) DIA1002 - Anatomy
  2. (2024) MIA - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
  3. (2024) MIA 2001 - Universiti Malaya Medical Programme (Ummp)
  4. (2024) MIC1009 - Human Body Systems I
  5. (2024) MIC1013 - Human Body Systems Ii
  6. (2023) DIA1002 - Anatomy
  7. (2023) MIA - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
  8. (2023) MIA 2001 - Universiti Malaya Medical Programme (Ummp)
  9. (2023) MIC1009 - Human Body Systems I
  10. (2023) MIC1013 - Human Body Systems Ii
  11. (2022) DIA1002 - Anatomy
  12. (2022) MIA - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
  13. (2022) MIA 2001 - Universiti Malaya Medical Programme (Ummp)
  14. (2022) MIC1009 - Human Body Systems I
  15. (2021) DIA1002 - Anatomy
  16. (2021) MIA - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
  17. (2021) MIA 2001 - Universiti Malaya Medical Programme (Ummp)
  18. (2021) MIC1009 - Human Body Systems I
  19. (2020) DIA1002 - Anatomy
  20. (2020) MIA - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
  21. (2020) MIA 2001 - Universiti Malaya Medical Programme (Ummp)
  22. (2020) MIX1001 - Basic Anatomy
  23. (2020) DIA 1002 - Anatomy
  24. (2019) MIA 1001 - Problem-Based Learning -Respiratory Sciences
  25. (2019) MIA 1001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 1
  26. (2019) MIA1001 - Problem-Based Learning - Foundation
  27. (2019) MIA 2001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 2
  28. (2019) MIX 1001 - Basic Anatomy
  29. (2018) DIA 1002 - Anatomy
  30. (2018) MIA 1001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 1
  31. (2018) MIA 2001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 2
  32. (2017) DIA 1002 - Anatomy
  33. (2017) MIA 1001 - Problem-Based Learning - Respiratory Sciences
  34. (2017) MIA 1001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 1
  35. (2017) MIA 2001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 2
  36. (2017) MIX 1001 - Basic Anatomy
  37. (2016) DIA 1002 - Anatomy
  38. (2016) MIA 1001 - Problem-Based Learning - Respiratory Sciences
  39. (2016) MIA 1001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 1
  40. (2016) MIA 2001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 2 Ummp
  41. (2016) MIX 1001 - Basic Anatomy
  42. (2015) DAED1101 - Anatomy
  43. (2015) MIA 1001 - Problem-Based Learning - Foundation
  44. (2015) MIA 1001 - Problem-Based Learning - Respiratory Sciences
  45. (2015) MIA 1001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 1
  46. (2015) MIA 2001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 2
  47. (2015) MIX 1001 - Basic Anatomy
  48. (2014) - - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Phase 2
  49. (2014) DAED1101 - Anatomy
  50. (2014) MBEB1101 - Foundational Anatomy: Intermediate Course
  51. (2014) MIA 1001 - Problem-Based Learning - Foundation and Respiratory Sciences
  52. (2014) MIA 1001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme- Stage 1
  53. (2014) MIA 2001 - Problem-Based Learning - Cardiovascular Sciences
  54. (2014) MIA 2001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 2
  55. (2013) DAED1101 - Anatomy
  56. (2013) MBEB1101 - Foundational Anatomy: Intermediate Course
  57. (2013) MIA 1001 - Problem-Based Learning - Foundation
  58. (2013) MIA 1001 - Problem-Based Learning - Foundation
  59. (2013) MIA 1001 - University of Malaya Medical Programme - Stage 1
  60. (2013) MTEJ2101 - Basic Medical Sciences
  61. (2013) MWEF1111 - Basic Anatomy
  62. (2012) - - Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery - Phase 1
  63. (2012) MBEB1101 - Foundational Anatomy: Intermediate Course
  64. (2012) MTEJ2101 - Basic Medical Sciences
  65. (2012) MWEF1111 - Basic Anatomy


  • Team Empowerment 2022, (30 Sep 2022 - 01 Oct 2022) (University)