Curriculum Vitae


  • Department of Political Science, Public Administration and Development Studies
    Faculty of Business and Economics
  • vgrchandran
  • 0379673660


VGR Chandran is Professor of Industrial Development at the Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Business and Economics at University of Malaya. He has also worked as Principal Analyst of Economic and Policy Studies with Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics and his research interests are mainly on innovation, technology development, trade and globalization that relate to industrial development. His field research covers sectors such as electrical and electronics, automotive, food, chemical, oil palm, machinery, iron and steel, ICT, and the newly emerging sector - renewable energy. He had extensive fieldwork covering the Asian region that includes countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, India, China, Thailand, and Malaysia. In recent years, his research interest expanded into investigating newly emerging enterprises within the context of social innovation and social enterprises, as well as open innovation. His interest has also expanded in studying the issues of NTMs, mainly regulatory and procedural requirements that serve as a barrier for firms to integrate into the Global Value Chain. He has also worked as a consultant for international organizations such as UNCTAD, UNIDO, UNESCO, UNEP, ERIA, OECD as well as governmental organizations in Malaysia. He has published articles in international journals - Economics of New Technology and Innovation, Policy Modelling, as well as book chapters and books on industrial development and innovation. He is the recipient of various national and international grants – to name a few - European Union Horizon 2020 and IDR, Canada, among others. His work is widely quoted in government policy documents contributing to numerous policy changes. He has contributed to the Malaysian regulatory reform efforts, STI and Industrial policy development at national as well as state level. His work via Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Economic Planning Unit, Academic of Sciences, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MIGHT, Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysian Productivity Corporation and Institute Darul Ridzuan (state level) was instrumental in making the policy changes. His engagement with the industry are mainly in the form of undertaking studies and providing expert opinions. He has received various awards, e.g., excellence in teaching award and outstanding paper award from Emerald and Elsevier. Details of his current projects as follows: (1) Catching-up along the GVC: (2) Regional Economic Corridors:


  • PhD(UM)(2010)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • M.Sc.(Env.Management)(UKM),(1997)
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
  • BA(Hons)(Economics)(UKM)(1996), (Economics)
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)


  • 10 Sep 2021-
    Profesor Madya
    Jabatan Pengajian Pembangunan, Fakulti Perniagaan dan Ekonomi


  • Deputy Dean (Value Creation and Enterprise)
    01 Aug 2022 - 31 Jan 2024 (Dean Office, Faculty of Business and Economics)
  • Fellow
    01 Aug 2022 - 31 Jul 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Dean
    03 Jan 2023 - 31 Jul 2023 (Dean Office, Faculty of Business and Economics)
  • Head of Department
    20 Sep 2021 - 31 Jul 2022 (Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Business and Economics)
  • Head of Department
    01 Mar 2020 - 09 Sep 2021 (Development Studies, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Head of Department
    01 Aug 2018 - 15 Jan 2019 (Development Studies, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Head of Department
    01 Aug 2016 - 31 Jul 2018 (Development Studies, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Data Manager
    23 Feb 2015 - 23 Feb 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Jul 2016 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Assistant Chief Editor of Institutions & Economics
    15 Apr 2013 - 14 Apr 2016 (National)
  • Editorial, Associate and Advisory Board Member
    01 Jun 2013 - 31 May 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    01 Jul 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    01 Apr 2014 - 30 Jun 2014 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Acting Head
    16 Jun 2013 - 13 Sep 2013 (Development Studies, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Programme Coordinator
    15 Aug 2012 - 15 Jul 2013 (Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Economics & Administration)


    Since 2020 (International)
    Since 2019 (International)
    Since 2016 (International)
    2019 to 2019 (International)
    2013 to 2019 (University)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2021, Universiti Malaya
  • Train The Trainer
    2020, Human Resource Development Fund,  (National)
  • Horizon 2020: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
    2018, European Union,  (International)
  • Best Paper Award
    2017, Emerald,  (International)
  • Highly Cited Paper
    2016, Elsevier,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2016, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2015, Universiti Malaya
  • Best Paper Award
    2014, Asian Society for Innovation and Policy, Korea,  (International)
  • Creative Paper Award
    2014, Asian Society for Innovation and Policy, Korea,  (International)
  • Certificate of Appreciation - Karnival Jom Masuk UM 2013
    2013, Institut Pengajian Siswazah, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Appreciation - Research Gap and Publication
    2013, Faculty of Economics and Administration,  (University)
  • Certificate of Attendance - Panel Cointegration and Application Using Eviews.
    2013, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya,  (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Baskaran, Angathevar; Chandran, V. G. R.; Rajaghantham, Divyaasiny (2023). Exploring SME environmental behaviour and practice: The case of Malaysia, DEVELOPMENT POLICY REVIEW. . doi:10.1111/dpr.12698
  2. Chandran, V. G. R., Nourani, M., Selvarajan, S. K., & Baskaran, A. (2021). Selective research funding policy and catching up the ladder in university research performance in Malaysia. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(3), 539-550. doi: 10.1002/mde.3252
  3. Ahmed, T., Chandran, V. G. R., Klobas, J. E., Linan, F., Kokkalis, P. (2020). Entrepreneurship education programmes: How learning, inspiration and resources affect intentions for new venture creation in a developing economy. International Journal of Management Education, 18(1), 13. doi: 10.1016/j.ijme.2019.100327
  4. Nourani, M., Kweh, Q. L., Devadason, E. S., & Chandran, V. G. R. (2020). A decomposition analysis of managerial efficiency for the insurance companies: A data envelopment analysis approach. Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(6), 885-901. doi: 10.1002/mde.3145
  5. Baskaran, A., Chandran, V. G. R., Ng, B. K. (2019). Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable Growth: Role of Business Incubators, Academia and Social Enterprises in Asia. Science Technology and Society, 24(3), 385-400. doi:10.1177/0971721819873178
  6. Mia, M. A., Lee, H. A., Chandran, V. G. R., Rasiah, R., Rahman, M. (2019). History of microfinance in Bangladesh: A life cycle theory approach. Business History, 61(4), 703-733. doi:10.1080/00076791.2017.1413096
  7. Ng, B. K., Chen, S. H., Wong, C. Y., Chandran, V. (2019). University Incubation System for Research Commercialisation: The Case of Taiwan and Malaysia. Science Technology and Society, 24(3), 465-485. doi:10.1177/0971721819873184
  8. Ng, B. K., Mohamad, Z. F., Chandran, V. G. R., Noor, N. H. M. (2019). Public policy interventions for grassroots innovations: are we getting it right? Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 27(3), 338-358. doi:10.1080/19761597.2019.1678392
  9. Tang, M. F., Li, C. W., Baskaran, A., Cheng, Y., Chandran, V. G. R. (2019). Reshaping the Business Incubator Model: The Case of the Value Chain Model of Innovation Works in China. Science Technology and Society, 24(3), 401-422. doi:10.1177/0971721819873179
  10. Devadason, Evelyn S.; Govindaraju, V. G. R. Chandran; Mubarik, Shujaat (2018). Defining potentials and barriers to trade in the Malaysia-Chile partnership, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING MARKETS. 13(5), 758-779. doi:10.1108/IJoEM-11-2016-0306
  11. Mubarik, Muhammad Shujaat; Chandran, V. G. R.; Devadason, Evelyn S. (2018). Measuring Human Capital in Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises: What Matters?, SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH. 137(2), 605-623. doi:10.1007/s11205-017-1601-9
  12. Nourani, Mohammad; Chandran, V. G. R.; Kweh, Qian Long; Lu, Wen-Min (2018). Measuring Human, Physical and Structural Capital Efficiency Performance of Insurance Companies, SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH. 137(1), 281-315. doi:10.1007/s11205-017-1584-6
  14. Strong, Derek R.; Chandran, V. G. R.; Hayter, Christopher S. (2018). Great expectations: assessing the impact of commercialization-focused policies among Malaysia's public research institutes, ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY. 27(5-6), 438-453. doi:10.1080/10438599.2017.1374043
  15. Sundram, Veera Pandiyan Kaliani; Bahrin, Atikah Shamsul; Munir, Zarina Binti Abdul; Zolait, Ali Hussein (2018). The effect of supply chain information management and information system infrastructure The mediating role of supply chain integration towards manufacturing performance in Malaysia, JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. 31(5), 751-770. doi:10.1108/JEIM-06-2017-0084
  16. Devadason, Evelyn S.; Chandran, V. G. R.; Mubarik, Shujaat (2017). Sino-LAC Ties: Trade Relationships, Trade Potentials, and Asymmetric Dependency, EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE. 53(6), 1262-1277. doi:10.1080/1540496X.2016.1233103
  17. Ng, Boon-Kwee; Magli, Amirah Shazana; Wong, Chan-Yuan; Chandran, V. G. R. (2017). Localised learning in the Malaysian rice cluster: proximity, social capital and institutional dynamics, INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING REVIEW. 39(2), 163-185. doi:10.3828/idpr.2016.31
  18. Chandran, V. G. R., Rasiah, R. (2013). FIRM SIZE, TECHNOLOGICAL CAPABILITY, EXPORTS AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY IN MALAYSIA, Journal of Business Economics and Management. 14(4), 741-757
  19. Chandran, V. G. R., Tang, C. F. (2013). The impacts of transport energy consumption, foreign direct investment and income on CO2 emissions in ASEAN-5 economies, Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews. 24, 445-453
  20. Govindaraju, V., Tang, C. F. (2013). The dynamic links between CO2 emissions, economic growth and coal consumption in China and India, Applied Energy. 104, 310-318
  21. Santhidran, S., Chandran, V. G. R., Borromeo, J. (2013). ENABLING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE - LEADERSHIP, COMMITMENT TO CHANGE AND THE MEDIATING ROLE OF CHANGE READINESS, Journal of Business Economics and Management. 14(2), 348-363
  22. Wong, C. Y., Govindaraju, V. (2012). TECHNOLOGY STOCKS AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF GOVERNMENT-LINKED COMPANIES: THE CASE OF MALAYSIA, Technological and Economic Development of Economy. 18(2), 248-261
  1. Selvarajan S.K., Chandran V.G.R. (2024). Financial Inclusion Trajectories: Geographical Dispersion, Convergence, and Development Implications, European Journal of Development Research. . doi:10.1057/s41287-023-00616-7
  2. Suresh R.M., Chandran V.G.R., Selvarajan S.K. (2024). Subjective well-being, social network, financial stability and living environment of the displaced community: Implications for an inclusive society, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development. . doi:10.1080/20421338.2024.2317645
  3. Chandran V.G.R., Selvarajan S.K., Wah W.P., Subramaniam S. (2023). Spatial Re-Localisation in Global Value Chains and Global Production Networks: Path Creation Perspective, Institutions and Economies. 15(4), 87-112. doi:10.22452/IJIE.vol15no4.4
  4. Keshminder J.S., Shahabudin S.M., Chuah S.C., Chandran V.G.R. (2023). Ecological Intelligence and E-waste Recycling Behavioural Intentions: A Gendered Perspective, Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics. 31, 428-459. doi:10.60016/majcafe.v31.16
  5. Tang M., Kong L., Chandran V.G.R., Baskaran A. (2023). Upgrading and Reconstruction of Global Value Chain: Case of Chinese Firm s Catching Up Trajectory, Institutions and Economies. 15(4), 63-86. doi:10.22452/IJIE.vol15no4.3
  6. Sarpaneswaran S., Chandran V.G.R., Suntharalingam C., Ng B.-K. (2022). Surviving the storm: Synergistic partnership of knowledge management, marketing and innovation strategies in the cosmetic industry, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development. 14(5), 1215-1226. doi:10.1080/20421338.2021.1943606
  7. Chandran, V. G. R., Nourani, M., Selvarajan, S. K., & Baskaran, A. (2021). Selective research funding policy and catching up the ladder in university research performance in Malaysia. Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(3), 539-550. doi: 10.1002/mde.3252
  8. Ahmed T., Chandran V.G.R., Klobas J. (2017). Specialized entrepreneurship education: does it really matter? Fresh evidence from Pakistan, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 23(1), 4-19. doi:10.1108/IJEBR-01-2016-0005
  9. Ahmed T., Chandran V.G.R., Klobas J.E. (2017). Demographic differences in learner response to entrepreneurial education programmes in Pakistan, Educational Studies. 43(4), 464-483. doi:10.1080/03055698.2017.1293506
  10. Chandran V.G.R., Devadason E.S. (2017). Energizing the manufacturing sector can Malaysia move forward?, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies. 34(3), 523-551. doi:10.1355/ae34-3f
  11. Chandran V.G.R., Gopi Krishnan K.K.V., Devadason E.S. (2017). Value-added performance in malaysian manufacturing: To what extent research and development and human capital matter?, Institutions and Economies. 9(4), 31-52
  12. Devadason E.S., Chandran V.G.R., Mubarik S. (2017). Sino LAC Ties: Trade Relationships, Trade Potentials, and Asymmetric Dependency, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 53(6), 1262-1277. doi:10.1080/1540496X.2016.1233103
  13. Keshminder J.S., Chandran V.G.R. (2017). Eco-innovation in the chemical manufacturing firms: Insights for policy response, Institutions and Economies. 9(1), 21-42
  14. Ng B.-K., Magli A.S., Wong C.-Y., Chandran V.G.R. (2017). Localised learning in the Malaysian rice cluster: Proximity, social capital and institutional dynamics, International Development Planning Review. 39(2), 163-185. doi:10.3828/idpr.2016.31
  15. Singh K., Chandran V.G.R., Ramu S.C. (2017). The mechanisms behind environmental strategies in chemical manufacturing firms, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development. 9(2), 195-205. doi:10.1080/20421338.2017.1305642
  16. Estrada M.A.R., Chandran V., Tahir M. (2016). An introduction to the multidimensional real-time economic modeling, Contemporary Economics. 10(1), 55-70. doi:10.5709/ce.1897-9254.198
  17. Kaliani Sundram V.P., Chandran V.G.R., Awais Bhatti M. (2016). Supply chain practices and performance: the indirect effects of supply chain integration, Benchmarking. 23(6), 1445-1471. doi:10.1108/BIJ-03-2015-0023
  18. Mia M.A., Chandran V.G.R. (2016). Measuring Financial and Social Outreach Productivity of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh, Social Indicators Research. 127(2), 505-527. doi:10.1007/s11205-015-0979-5
  19. Mubarik S., Chandran V.G.R., Devadason E.S. (2016). Relational capital quality and client loyalty: firm-level evidence from pharmaceuticals, Pakistan, Learning Organization. 23(1), 43-60. doi:10.1108/TLO-05-2015-0030
  20. Mubarik S., Devadason E.S., Chandran V. (2016). Theoretical framework to analyze human capital Performance relationship, International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 10(4), 157-165
  21. Ng B.-K., Kanagasundram T., Wong C.-Y., Chandran V.G.R. (2016). Innovation for inclusive development in Southeast Asia: the roles of regional coordination mechanisms, Pacific Review. 29(4), 573-602. doi:10.1080/09512748.2015.1022590
  22. Wong C.-Y., Chandran V.G.R., Ng B.-K. (2016). Technology Diffusion in the Telecommunications Services Industry of Malaysia, Information Technology for Development. 22(4), 562-583. doi:10.1080/02681102.2014.949611
  1. Chandran VGR, Rasiah R & Lim, T.H. (2020) Positioning Firms to Drive Labor Productivity: The Role of Capability and Human Capital, The Singapore Economic Review,
  2. Mubarik, S. Devadason E.S., and Chandran, VGR. (2020). Human Capital and Export Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Pakistan, International Journal of Social Economics, 47(5): 643-662. (SCOPUS)
  3. Nourani, M., Kweh, Q.L., Devadason, E.S. and Chandran, VGR. (2020). A Decomposition Analysis of Managerial Efficiency for the Insurance Companies: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach, Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(6): 885-901. (ISI)
  4. Devadason E.S. and VGR Chandran (2019). Unlocking Trade Potentials in China-ASEAN Relations: The China-Vietnam Context, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 36(3): 380-399. (SCOPUS)
  5. VGR Chandran (2019) Understanding China: Chinese Global Production Networks in ASEAN (Book Review) eds Young-Chan Kim, Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 36(1), 132-134.
  6. Chor Foon Tang and Chandran VGR (2018), Long-run Behaviour of Oil Consumption in the Chinese Economy, The Indian Economic Journal, 66(1-2), 154-169.
  7. Devadason, E.S., VGR Chandran and Shujaat Mubarik (2018). Defining Potentials and Barriers to Trade in the Malaysia-Chile Partnership, International Journal of Emerging Markets 13(5): 758-779. (SCOPUS)
  8. Devadason, E.S., VGR Chandran, Kalirajan, K. (2018). Harmonization of Food Trade Standards and Regulations in ASEAN: The Case of Malaysia s Food Imports, Agricultural Economics, 49(1), 97-109.
  9. Derek R. Strong, V. G. R. Chandran & Christopher S. Hayter (2017): Great expectations: assessing the impact of commercialization-focused policies among Malaysia s public research institutes, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2017.1374043
  10. Md Aslam Mia, Hwok-Aun Lee, VGR Chandran, Rajah Rasiah & Mahfuzur Rahman (2017): History of microfinance in Bangladesh: A life cycle theory approach, Business History, DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2017.1413096
  11. VGR Chandran, Evelyn S. Devadason, Lim Hock Eam, (2017) Building a More Resilient and Balanced Economy: Challenges and Lessons for Malaysia, Guest Editors Forward, Institutions and Economies, 9(4), 1-3
  12. Evelyn Devadason, Chandran VGR & Shujaat M. (2016) Sino-LAC Ties: Trade Relationships, Trade Potentials and Asymmetric Dependency, Emerging Market FInance and Trade,
  13. Shujaat Mubarik , Chandran VGR , Evelyn S. Devadason , (2016) "Human capital development for SMEs in Pakistan: is the one-size-fits-all policy adequate?", International Journal of Social Economics, 43(8), pp.804-822
  14. Boon-Kwee Ng, Thiruchelvam Kanagasundram, Chan-Yuan Wong & Chandran V.G.R.(2015): Innovation for inclusive development in Southeast Asia: the roles of regional coordination mechanisms, The Pacific Review, DOI: 10.1080/09512748.2015.1022590
  15. Chandran VGR, Ng Boon Kwee, Wong Chan Yuan & Thiruchelvam K. (2015) Science, technology and innovation for inclusive development: Reorganizing the national and regional systems of innovation, Tech Monitor, Vol. 32 No.1, Asia and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, New Delhi, India United Nations, ESCAP
  16. Rajah Rasiah,Norma Mansor and Chandran VGR. (2015) "Royal Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz: A Key Pillar in Malaysia s Development", Institutions and Economies, Vol. 7, Issue 2, July 2015, pp. 1-19.
  17. Chandran V.G.R, Hayter C.S & Strong D.R. (2014) Personal strategic alliances: enhancing the scientific and technological contributions of university faculty in Malaysia,Economics of Innovation and New Technology,
  18. Rasiah R.,Xiao-Shan Y & Chandran VGR (2014) Crisis Effects on the Electronics Industry in Southeast Asia, Journal of Contemporary Asia, DOI:10.1080/00472336.2014.923637
  19. Wong, C.Y., Chandran VGR & Ng B.K. (2014) Technology Diffusion in the Telecommunications Services Industry of Malaysia, Information Technology for Development, DOI:10.1080/02681102.2014.949611
  20. Chandran VGR & Tang C.F., (2013) The dynamic links between CO2 emissions, economic growth and coal consumption in China and India, Applied Energy,104,310-318
  21. Chandran VGR, Gopi K., Veera P. (2013) Product and process innovation in manufacturing: the role of government and organizational innovation, Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 15(1): 52- 68.
  22. Chandran VGR, Santhidran S. & Veera P. (2013) Innovation systems in Malaysia: a perspective of university industry R&D collaboration, July 2013
  23. Santhidran S., and Chandran VGR (2013) Enabling Organizational Change: Leadership, Commitment to Change and the Mediating role of Change Readiness, Journal of Business Economics and Management,14:2, 348-363
  24. Ng. B., Chandran VGR and Thiruchelvam, (2012) Technological knowledge, learning and linkages in wooden furniture industry in Malaysia: A spatial innovation perspective, Asian Journal of Technological Innovation,20:2, 187-200.
  25. Chandran V.G.R., Ramesh R. & Anwar S (2011) Economic growth and government spending in Malaysia: a re- examination of Wagner and Keynesian views, Economic Change and Restructuring, Springer, Vol. 44(3):203-219.
  26. Chandran VGR, Veera P. (2011)Supply Chain Practices in the electronics industry in Malaysia: Consequences for Supply Chain Performance, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 18 Issue: 6, pp.834 -855.
  27. Rajah Rasiah and Chandran VGR, (2011) Inward FDI in Malaysia and its policy context, Columbia FDI Profiles, August 17, 2010, Columbia University in the City of New York, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment.
  28. Wad, P. & Chandran V.G.R. (2011) Automotive industry in Malaysia: an assessment of its development, International Journal of Automotive Technology & Management, 11(2), pp. 152-171
  29. Chandran VGR & Wong CY. (2010) Patenting Activities by Developing Countries: The Case of Malaysia, World Patent Information 33, 51-57.
  30. Chandran VGR, Commercialization of R&D, (2011) Special Issues of Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor, Asia and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, New Delhi, India United Nations, ESCAP
  31. Zolaite A, Razak A., Chandran VGR, Veera P., (2010) Supply chain integration: an empirical study on manufacturing industry in Malaysia, Journal of Systems and Information Technology,12(3),210-221.
  32. Chandran V.G.R. (2009) Multinationals, Technology and Localization in Automotive Firms in Asia, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 39 (4); 705-708.
  33. Chandran V.G.R. Susan S. and Karunagaran M. (2009) Electricity consumption-growth nexus: The case of Malaysia, Energy Policy, 38(1), 606-612 Elsevier.
  34. Chandran V.G.R. and Munusamy (2009), Trade Openness and Manufacturing Growth in Malaysia, Journal of Policy Modeling, 31, 637-647.
  35. Chandran V.G.R., and Ramesh R. (2009), Stock Interdependencies: The Case Of An Emerging East Asian Economy, ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics, VIII(5), September
  36. Rasiah R. & Chandran V.G.R. (2009) University-Industry Collaboration in the Automotive, Biotechnology and Electronics firms in Malaysia, Seoul Journal of Economics, 22: 529-550.
  37. Chandran V. G. R and Veera P. (2008), Technical Efficiency And Technological Change In Malaysian Service Industries, Applied Economics Letters, 15:8, 655-657.
  38. Chandran V. G. R., Farha A. G. and Veera P. (2008), The Commercialization of Research Results Among Researchers in Public Universities and Research Institutions, Asian Profile, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 235- 250.
  39. Chandran V.G.R and Gopi K. (2008), Foreign Direct Investment and Manufacturing Growth: The Malaysian Experience, International Business Research, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 83-90.
  40. Mahendiran N. and Chandran V. G. R. (2007), Short-Run and Long-Run Dynamics between Exports, Foreign Direct Investment and Output in the Manufacturing Sector: The Case of Malaysia, Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 7 No.1-2, pp. 377-384.
  41. Nair, M., Deviga, V., Karunagaran, M., Chandran VGR., (2007), The rise of China's manufacturing sector: Challenges and opportunities for ASEAN-5, The Philippine Review of Economics, XLIII(1), 169-204.
  42. Chandran VGR, Veera P., Karunagaran M. & Deviga V., (2005), The Competitiveness and Specialization of Manufacturing Export: An Application of the Revealed Comparative Advantage Approach for ASEAN-5, Economic Bulletin, Vol 7, pp. 30-41.
  43. Chandran VGR & Veera P., (2003), Export Specialization, Concentration and Intra-Industry Trade: Evidence from Malaysia, Jurnal Akademik, Issue 3. October, pp. 99-111.
  1. Veera P.K.S., Atikah S.and V G R Chandran G. (2016) Supply Chain Management: Principles, Measurement and Practice, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  2. Malaysia's Quest for Innovation: Prospects and Lessons Learned, Strategic Information and Research Development Center.
  3. Research Methods: A workbook for business undergraduates, UiTM Press.
  4. Research Methods: A Simple Guide for Business Undergraduates, University Publication Centre, UiTM Press.
Chapter in Books
  1. Chandran VGR & Kanagi R. (2024) Transforming the Services Sector As A Driver of Growth in Tun Abdul Razak: Imagining Malaysia's Future Through His Lenses, R, Kamal Salih, Hafriza Burhanudeen & Mohamed Tawfik (eds) Universiti Malaya Press, pp. 165-187.
  2. Chandran, VGR., Baskaran, A., & Selvarajan, S. K. (2023). Building the Solar Energy Market in Malaysia: Role of Public Policy and Institutions. In Swati Mehta & Baldev Singh Shergill (Eds.). Innovation Systems, Economic Development and Public Policy (pp. 336-351). Routledge.
  3. Catalysing Regional Cooperation for Seizing the Opportunities, In Anbumozhi V., Kalirajan, K, & Yao X. Rethinking Asia s Low-Carbon Growth in the Post-Covid World: Towards a Net-Zero Economy, pp. 197-254, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
  4. Chandran, V.G.R. (2022). Knowledge Intensive Services. In: Rasiah, R., Salih, K., Kee Cheok, C. (eds) Malaysia s Leap Into the Future. Dynamics of Asian Development. Springer, Pp. 165-182, Singapore.
  5. Chandran VGR (2020) Measuring and Benchmarking of Policy Factors Influencing I4R: A Reality Check for ASEAN, in Anbumozhi V., Wyes, H and Ramanathan K. (eds), Assessing the Readiness for Industry 4.0 and the Circular Economy, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  6. Chandran VGR, Angathevar Baskaran & Mammo Muchie (2020) in Mammo Muchie and Angathevar Baskaran (Eds), Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Lessons from the Development Experience in Africa, (pp.39-72), New Jersey, African World Press.
  7. Devadason, E.S. and VGR Chandran (2019). Regulatory Incoherence in Nutrition Labelling of Prepackaged Food in ASEAN: What Next? In Aida Idris and Nurliana Kamaruddin (eds.), ASEAN Post-50: Emerging Issues and Challenges, (pp.203-229), Palgrave MacMillan: Singapore.
  8. Devadason, E.S., VGR Chandran and Kam, A.J.Y. (2019). Non-Tariff Measures in Malaysia, Ha Thi Thanh Doan and Samuel Rosenow (eds.), Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN An Update, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia: Jakarta, pp.98-119.
  9. Devadason, E.S. and VGR Chandran (2018). Bridging Asia with Africa: the case of Malaysia , in Pedro Miguel Amakasu Raposo de Medeiros Carvalho, David Arase and Scarlett Cornelissen (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Africa-Asia Relations, Routledge: New York, pp.185-201.
  10. VGR Chandran (2017) INDC and Low-Carbon Technology Deployment Scenarios: Malaysia, In Kalirajan K & Anbu V. (eds) Globalization of Low-Carbon Technologies:The Impact of the Paris Agreement, Springer
  11. Chandran VGR (2016) Greening the Economy with Low Carbon Energy System: Developments, Policy Initiatives and Lessons from Malaysia, Kalirajan K & Anbu V. (eds) Investing on Low-Carbon Energy Systems, Springer.
  12. Evelyn S. Devadason, VGR Chandran & Tang Tuck Cheong. 2016. Non-Tariff Measures in Malaysia. In Ing, Lili Yan & Fernandez de Cordoba, S.(Eds.), Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN (pp. 87-101). ERIA and UNCTAD.
  13. VGR Chandran, Hayter C.S & Strong D.R. (2016) Personal Strategic Alliance: Enhancing the Scientific and Technological Contribution of University Faculty in Malaysia in Link A.N. & Antonelli C. (Eds), Strategic Alliances: Leveraging Economic Growth and Development (pp. 64-78). New York: Routledge
  14. Chandran V.G.R., 2015. Crisis, Socioeconomic Development and Car Demand in Malaysia. Global Automobile Demand: Major Trends in Emerging Economies, Vol 2., pp. 185-205.
  15. Malaysia's Manufacturing Innovation Experience (with Rajah Rasiah and Peter Wad): In Rasiah, Lin., Y & Sadoi, Y. (eds) Innovation and Industrialization in Asia, Routledge, 2012.
  16. Thiruchelvam,K., Chandran,VGR., B.K.Ng, C.Y.Wong & K.S.Chee. 2012. Innovation Financing Schemes of Malaysia. In Intarakumnerd, P. & Wonglimpiyarat, J. (eds). Towards Effective Policies for Innovation Financing in Asia: A Comparative Study of Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and Thailand, pp.161-250. Thailand: Thammasat Printing House.
  17. Innovation and Technological Progress in Malaysia: in Rasiah R. (eds.) Malaysian Economy: Unfolding Growth and Social Change, Oxford University Press 2011.
  18. Short-run and long--run dynamics between exports, Foreign Direct Investment and output in the manufacturing sector: the case of Malaysia (with Mahendhiran Nair), Siddhartha Sarkar (ed), Global Economic Integration and Inequality, New Delhi, Serials Pub., 2007.
Other Publications
  1. Chandran VGR, Sarpaneswaran, S. & Keshminder, J.S. (2024) Policy Coordination for Private Sector Engagement in Climate Change Adaptation, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community POLICY BRIEF, ASCC Research and Development Platform, Policy Brief #6, pp. 1-13. - Policy Paper
  2. Chandran, VGR, Fung, H.N., Subramaniam, S., Keshminder, J.S. (2024) Towards Data-driven Climate Change Scenario Planning in ASEAN. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Policy Brief. - Policy Paper
  3. Gopi Krishnan, Sonia Kumari, Chandran VGR & Keshminder J.S. (2024), Strengthening the Climate Financing Ecosystem in ASEAN, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community ASEAN Policy Brief, ASCC Research and Development Platform, Policy Brief #1, pp.1-11 - Policy Paper
  4. Kogila Vani Annammala, Sarpaneswaran, S. & Chandran VGR (2024), Strengthening the Implementation of Nature-based Solutions in ASEAN: Challenges and the Way Forward, ASEAN Socio Cultural Community, ASCC Research and Development Platform, Policy Brief #10, pp.1-9. - Policy Paper
  5. Sarpaneswaran S. & Chandran VGR (2024) Facilitating Private Sector Climate Investment Decision-Making: Leveraging on Data and Regulation in ASEAN, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Policy Brief No. 13 , ASCC Research and Development Platform on Climate Change, pp. 1-5. - Policy Paper
  6. Harnessing technology and data for sustainable urban mobility in Malaysia, GSMA research supported by the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, GSMA, IfM Engage (University of Cambridge) and C&G Analytica. - Case Study
  7. Harnessing technology and data for urban healthcare in Malaysia, GSMA and research supported by the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, GSMA, IfM Engage (University of Cambridge) and C&G Analytica. - Case Study
  8. Malaysian Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 2020, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia - Technical Report
  9. Wong, Chan-Yuan, VGR Chandran and Ng Boon-Kwee (2021). FDI in Industry 4.0: The case of Malaysia, country paper prepared for ASEAN Investment Report 2020 2021: Investing in Industry 4.0, UNCTAD. - Technical Report
  10. Pakej Prihatin PKS (PRIHATIN SME ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE, Selamat Pagi Malaysia, RTM, 9 April 2020 available at - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  11. V G R Chandran (2020) Flattening the recession curve requires more than stimulus packages, The Edge Malaysia Weekly, April 27, 2020 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  12. Policy Brief: Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies Opportunities and Challenges in the ASEAN region - Technical Report
  13. Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies in the ASEAN Region - Technical Report
  14. ASEAN: Its RCEP Role & A Shifting Strategy in Regional Integration, Food Industry Asia, available at - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  15. Nutrition Labelling on Prepackaged Food: Impact on Trade in ASEAN, AFBA, Singapore - Technical Report
  16. Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies Opportunities and Challenges in the ASEAN region, policy paper, 2018, UNEP-DTU. - Monograph
  17. Envisioning Malaysia 2050 Foresight Narrative, - Technical Report
  18. Evelyn D & VGR Chandran (2017) What Does the One Belt, One Road Initiative Mean for ASEAN? Asia Research News. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  19. Evelyn D. and Chandran VGR (2017) Nutrition Labelling and the Prepackaged Food Industry in ASEAN, Asian Reserach News, 14th May 2017. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  20. Politics Trumps Economics, Interface of Economics and Politics in Contemporary India, by Bimal Jalan and Pulapre Balaktishnan (Eds.), New Delhi, India: Rupa Publications, 2014, 211 pp. - Review
  21. 11th Malaysia Plan: How Realistic Are Its Aspirations? Malaysian Digest,11 June 2015. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  22. Rajah Rasiah and V.G.R. Chandran. 2015. Malaysia, Science Report,United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 700-715. - Technical Report
  23. Research, Development and Commercialization, Science Outlook, Academic of Sciences, Malaysia - Technical Report
  24. A Clear Plan Will Settle Fears. The Star, 2 November, 2014. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  25. ASEAN SME Policy Index 2014 Towards Competitive and Innovative ASEAN SMEs, ERIA Research Project Report 2012-8 - Technical Report
  26. Chandran VGR. 2014. World Investment Report 2011: Non- equity Modes of International Production and Development, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva, 2011, 226 pp, Institutions and Economies, 6(1): 153-156. - Review
  27. PRA Performance Evaluation: Unlocking Vast Potentials, Fast-Tracking the Future, National Science and Research Council - Technical Report
  28. Increasing National R&D Expenditure (GERD): New Mechanism to Stimulate Private R&D Investment, National Science and Reserach Council and MIGHT - Technical Report
  29. OECD Review of Innovation in South-East Asia: A Country Profile of Malaysia on Innovation, OECD. - Technical Report
  30. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 3, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - Technical Report
  31. Automotive industry in Malaysia: Evolution and impact of global crisis, International Labour Office - Technical Report
  32. Promoting Effective Modes of University-Industry Interaction and their Evolution for Economic Catch-up in Asia, IDRC - Technical Report


  1. 2023 - 2026, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Developing Green Innovation Strategy Framework For Sustainable Innovation: Case Of Malaysian Manufacturing Firms ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2023 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Looking Beyond Digital Adoption Among The Smes In Malaysia: Developing A Framework For Enhancing Digital Utilisation And Resilience ( Co-Researcher)
  3. 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Developing An Environmental Reporting Framework For The Small And Medium Enterprises In Malaysia: Using Q-methodological Approach ( Co-Researcher)
  4. 2016 - 2021, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Malaysia's Inclusive Development Movement: Positioning Science And Technology Policies For Grassroots Innovations ( Co-Researcher)
  5. 2018 - 2021, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    Government Supports And Food Operator's Performance In Klang Valley ( Co-Researcher)
  6. 2017 - 2020, Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) - Research
    Knowledge Flow Across The Incubation System ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2018 - 2020, Bantuan Kecil Penyelidikan (BKP)
    Financial Inclusion and Income Inequality in East Asia Pacific ( Co-Researcher)
  8. 2018 - 2020, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    Exploratory Study Of The Solar Industry Ecosystem In Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  9. 2015 - 2018, Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) - Research
    Institutions, Innovation and Growth ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2015 - 2017, Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) - Research
    Liberalization And Efficiency In Malaysian Insurance Sector ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2015 - 2017, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - SBS (Equitable Society)
    Technology Incubators And Socially Inclusive Growth ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 2013 - 2016, Postgraduate Research Grant (PPP) - Research
    Evaluation Of Entreprerneurship Education And The Role Of Environmental Factors In The Decision Of Self-employment Of University Graduates : A Case Study In Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2013 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - SBS (Equitable Society)
    Economic Dimension - Strengthening Trade And Investment Cooperation ( Co-Researcher)
  14. 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG) - SBS (Equitable Society)
    Measuring Innovation Capability In The Malaysian Hotel Industry ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  15. 2017 - 2021, Grand Challenge
    Sustainable and Equitable Development in Southeast Asia and Latin America: Comparative Perspectives International Trade Sub-Programme ( Consultant)
  16. 2019 - 2021, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Modeling Food Safety Risk Management in Farm to Fork Supply Chain ( Consultant)
  17. 2019 - 2021, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Development of Fuel Subsidy Framework for the Malaysian Road Transport Sector ( Consultant)
  18. 2013 - 2016, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Internal and External Supply Chain Integration: Revisiting Resource Based View Theory ( Consultant)
  19. 2013 - 2016, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Theorizing Profit Maximization Model on Intellectual Property of Malaysian Firm ( Consultant)
  20. 2015 - 2016, International Funding
    Open Economy, Investment & Trade Policies in Southeast Asia Countries. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  21. 2013 - 2014, Private Funding
    Internal Audit and Anti-Competitive Behaviour - A Toolkit for Internal Auditors in Implementing the 2010 Competition Act ( Consultant)
  1. 2018 - 2025, International Funding
    Catching-up Along The Global Value Chain: Models, Determinants And Policy Implications In The Era Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2018 - 2021, International Funding
    Regional Economic Corridors And Global Production Network: Avoiding The Middle Income Trap And Aiming For Inclusive Growth ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2017 - 2021, European Union H2020
    Competing Regional Integrations in Southeast Asia (CRISEA): Work Package 2 on the Economy, European Union H2020 Framework Programme CP-2016 - Grant Agreement N 770562 (1 November 2017 28 February 2021). ( Consultant)
  4. 2015 - 2015, International Funding
    Non-Tariff Measures in Southeast Asia ( Consultant)
  1. 2023 - 2025, University Grant
    Building The Future Of Industry: Technology Development And Innovation In Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2023 - 2025, University Grant
    From Passion To Purpose: The Rise Of Social Enterprises In Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  3. 2017 - 2020, Private Funding - Manage by CPDS
    Labour Demand And Export-oriented Industrialization In Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  4. 2018 - 2020, Private Funding - Manage by CPDS
    Role Of Social Enterprise In Poverty Alleviation And Inclusive Development In Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  5. 2018 - 2020, Private Funding - Manage by CPDS
    Subjective Wellbeing Of Displaced Community: How Much Have The Community Progressed? ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Harmonisation of R&D and C&I Ecosystem in Malaysia Decoding The Ecosystem for Effective Transformation of The Malaysia Economy, Ministry of Economy
    31 Oct 2023 - 30 Apr 2024 (National)
  • Esg Practices and Resilience of Smes in Malaysia, UNGCMYB, Project Leader/Lead Consultant
    01 Mar 2023 - 31 Oct 2023 (National)
  • Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables, Alliance Bank, Project Leader/Lead Consultant
    01 Nov 2021 - 31 Oct 2022 (National)
  • Malaysian Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Report 2020, MOSTI
    20 Jul 2020 - 19 Mar 2021 (National)
  • Macroeconomic Variables Forecasting for The Mfrs 9, Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
    01 Nov 2020 - 01 Nov 2020 (National)
  • Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables for The Mfrs 9, Alliance Bank
    01 Dec 2017 - 01 Dec 2019 (National)
  • Eria-Unctad: Ntms in Asean (Phase III), ERIA-UNCTAD
    01 Nov 2018 - 01 Nov 2019 (International)
  • Macroeconomic Forecasting, Alliance Bank
    01 Jun 2019 - 01 Jun 2019 (National)
  • Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies (Ests): Regional Trade Flows and Implications of The Removal of Trade Barriers in Asean, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
    01 Nov 2017 - 01 Nov 2018 (International)
  • Science, Technology and Innovation Indicator Report 2016, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
    01 Jan 2016 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
  • National Bibliometric Study 2015: Science and Technology Knowledge Productivity in Malaysia, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (National)
  • Kajian Penilaian Pencapaian dan Impak Program R,D&C Di Bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan, Kementerian Sains Teknologi dan Inovasi, Bahagian Perancang, Kementerian Sains Teknologi Dan Inovasi
    01 Aug 2012 - 01 Aug 2013 (National)
  • R&D Evaluation and Impact Study Under Ninth Malaysia Plan, MOSTI
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
  • Regional Coordination Mechanism for Universities and Councils in Inclusive Development: The Case of Southeast Asia Innovation Systems, Ateneo School of Government, Philippines & International Development Research Center, Canada
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2013 (International)
  • Public Research Assets: Transforming The Research Performance, a Joint Study for National Science and Research Council, Malaysia With New York Academy of Sciences. Project Funded by Economic Planning Unit, Malaysia., National Science and Research Council
    01 Oct 2011 - 01 Oct 2012 (National)
  • "Achieving Developed Status by 2020: Perak State", University of Malaya Centre of Regulatory Studies
    01 Aug 2012 - 01 Aug 2012 (National)
  • Towards Effective Policies for Innovation Financing in Asia: Financing Innovation-The Experience of Malaysia, International Development Research Centre, Canada (Idrc) and College of Innovation, Thammasat University, Thailand, IDRC
    01 Sep 2011 - 01 Sep 2011 (International)
  • Oecd Review of Innovation in South-East Asia: a Country Profile of Malaysia On Innovation., OECD
    01 Sep 2011 - 01 Sep 2011 (International)
  • National Science and Technology Policy 3 (Stp 3), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation., MOSTI
    01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2011 (National)


  1. Assessing STI capabilities in Asia and the Pacific, Second Regional workshop on Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC (UNESCAP) (International) (02 Nov 2015 - 02 Nov 2015)
  2. A study of supply chain practices in electronics industry in Malaysia, Asialics International Conference (International) (15 Apr 2010 - 17 Apr 2010)
  3. Modularity, absorptive capacity and technological capabilities, International Association of Management of Technology  (International) (07 Mar 2010 - 11 Mar 2010)
  1. Sustainable Trade Financing: Why, How and the Policy Instruments, Financing Sustainable Development, Institute of Capital Market Research  (National) (07 Jul 2020 - 07 Jul 2020)
  2. Modularity, Technology Capability and Firm Performance: The Case of Electronics Industry in Malaysia, International Graduate Theses Conference, International Graduate Theses Conference (04 Mar 2009 - 07 Mar 2009)
  1. The changing structure of Global Value Chain of Solar Industry in Malaysia and its Implications, International Conference Asia Visions and Voices: Geopolitical Consequences of US-China Tensions, Taipei School of Economics and Political Science and Harvard Kennedy School (International) (11 Oct 2024 - 12 Oct 2024)
  2. NEW INDUSTRIAL MASTER PLAN 2030 Overview and Assessment, Yusof Ishak Institute (ISEAS) Webinar: REGIONAL ECONOMIC STUDIES PROGRAMME & MALAYSIA STUDIES PROGRAMME, ISEAS (International) (22 Sep 2023 - 22 Sep 2023)
  3. MALAYSIA S DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE POST-COVID ERA AND GREEN TRANSITION: POTENTIAL ROLE OF CARBON MARKET, 2nd ERIA Study Group Meeting on Carbon Pricing - Revenue Recycling and Competitiveness, ERIA (International) (11 Sep 2023 - 11 Sep 2023)
  4. Solar Value Chain in Malaysia, Second Working Group Meeting on Enabling the Development of Solar PV Supply Chains in ASEAN and NER India, ERIA (International) (08 May 2023 - 09 May 2023)
  5. Climate Change and the Care Economy, Promoting and Implementing the Care Economy In ASEAN, ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (International) (24 May 2022 - 24 May 2022)
  6. Analyzing Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators , Knowledge Transfer Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (National) (17 Jun 2021 - 17 Jun 2021)
  7. Spatial Relocation in Global Production Networks: a Path Creation Perspective of Solar Panel Industry in Malaysia, Business Model and Innovation Analytics, NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY (International) (07 May 2021 - 07 May 2021)
  8. Tourism Impact of Covid 19 on regional economy and recovery trends, Tourism Impact of Covid 19 on regional economy and recovery trends, Webinar, Center of Excellence Travel, Tourism and Hospitality (CETTH) of Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC), Recording available at (International) (16 Oct 2020 - 16 Oct 2020)
  9. Embracing Industry 4.0: Policy and Progress in Malaysia, REGIONAL ECONOMIC STUDIES PROGRAMME WEBINAR, YUSOF ISHAK INSTITUTE, SINGAPORE , ISEAS (International) (13 Oct 2020 - 13 Oct 2020)
  10. COVID 19 and the Low Carbon Economy in Malaysia, What C-19 Means for Financing Low-carbon Economy?, ERIA (International) (01 Oct 2020 - 01 Oct 2020)
  11. Assessing the Impact of Non-Tariff Measures on Trade: Case of ASEAN+6, Economic Impact of Non-Tariff Measures, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (International) (14 Nov 2019 - 15 Nov 2019)
  12. Policy Readiness on Industry 4.0 for Circular Economy, 2nd Workshop on Industry 4.0 for Circular Economy , Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (International) (20 May 2018 - 22 May 2018)
  13. Regional Economic Corridors and Global Production Network: Avoiding the Middle Income Trap and Aiming for Inclusive Growth, Competing Regional Integration in Southeast Asia, Institute for European Studies (International) (28 Mar 2018 - 31 Mar 2018)
  14. Implications of NTMs on Businesses , Analysis of NTMs - Ministry of Agriculture , Malaysian Productivity Corporation (National) (13 Sep 2017 - 14 Sep 2017)
  15. Iron and Steel Industry in Perak: Progress and Challenges, IDR Annual Research Seminar, Institut Darul Ridzuan (National) (17 Apr 2017 - 17 Apr 2017)
  16. NTMs - Classification and Trends, Good Regulatory Practice (GRP): Sharing Session on Non-Tariff Measures, MPC (National) (12 Jan 2017 - 12 Jan 2017)
  17. Evelyn S. Devadason and VGR Chandran, Food Safety Standards and Regulations in Malaysia: Implications for the ASEAN Integrated Region, Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) 21st Biennial Conference, 05 Jul 2016 to 07 Jul 2016, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific, Australian National University,, 21st Biennial Conference, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific, Australian National University (International) (05 Jul 2016 - 07 Jul 2016)
  18. Evelyn Devadason, VGR Chandran and Tang Tuck Cheong, Food safety standards and regulations in Malaysia: implications for the ASEAN integrated region, 5th Global Business and Finance Research Conference, 02 Jun 2016 to 03 Jun 2016, Australian Research Centre for Accounting, Finance and Economics (ARCAFE), Australia, (International), 5th Global Business and Finance Research Conference, Australian Research Centre for Accounting, Finance and Economics (ARCAFE), (International) (02 Jun 2016 - 03 Jun 2016)
  19. Chandran VGR (2016) Malaysia s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs): Transitions, Strategic Technologies and Regional Cooperation, Workshop on ERIA Regional Study on Globalization of Low Carbon Technologies and INDCs, 28-29 March 2016, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia., WG meeting on Globalization of Low-Carbon Technologies, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN (International) (28 Mar 2016 - 29 Mar 2016)
  20. R&D and innovation in Malaysian manufacturing sectors: Progress and challenges, World Innovation Forum, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) (International) (03 Nov 2012 - 07 Nov 2012)
  21. FDI, Environment and Green Economy: The Case of Malaysia, Third High-Level Policy Roundtable on International Investment Policies in Asia: Responsibility and Sustainability, ADBI (International) (07 May 2012 - 10 May 2012)
  1. Environmental, Social and Governance and Net Zero Economy Transition in Malaysia, International Workshop on Impacts and Interlinkages of ESG Investments on Net Zero Economy Transition, ERIA (International) (13 Sep 2024 - 14 Sep 2024)
  2. Reconceptualizing our Understanding on the Motivations of ESG Adoption in SMEs: Lessons for Policy Interventions, Sustainable development for thriving communities 2023, Monash University (National) (13 Dec 2023 - 14 Dec 2023)
  1. Regulatory Distance, Margins of Trade and Regional Integration: The Case of ASEAN+5, Impact of Non-tariff Measures on Trade and Competitiveness in East Asia , ERIA (International) (23 Mar 2020 - 24 Mar 2020)
  2. Presentation on Spatial re-localisation in global production networks: a path creation perspective of Solar Panel Industry in Malaysia , School of Governance Seminar, UNU-MERIT (International) (03 Oct 2019 - 03 Oct 2019)
  3. Managing Productivity Heterogeneity, Capability and Human Capital: Case of Food Manufacturing Firms , UNU-MERIT INTERNAL CONFERENCE, UNU-MERIT (International) (26 Jun 2019 - 27 Jun 2019)
  4. Macroeconomic Variable Outlook 2017-2021, Macroeconomic Variable Forecast Outlook, Alliance Bank (National) (15 Dec 2017 - 15 Dec 2017)
  5. Chandran VGR & Evelyn Devadason (2016) Energizing Manufacturing Sectors: Can Malaysia Move Forward, ISEAS, Yusof Ishak Institute, Conference on The Malaysian Economy Towards 2020: Issues and Challenges, 22-23 March 2016, ISEAS, Singapore., Conference on The Malaysian Economy Towards 2020: Issues and Challenges, Yusof Ishak Institute (International) (22 Mar 2016 - 23 Mar 2016)
  6. "Entrepreneurial intention and behaviour: The role of entrepreneurship education and contextual factors", The 13th GLOBELICS International Conference, GLOBELICS (International) (22 Sep 2015)
  7. Analyzing policy gaps and priorities in harnessing STI for inclusive and sustainable development, Regional workshop on Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC (UNESCAP) ASIA AND PACIFIC CENTRE FOR TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY (APCTT) (International) (06 Aug 2015)
  8. Low Carbon Energy System and Green Growth: Malaysian Case Study, The 2 nd ERIA Workshop, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (International) (11 Jul 2015 - 13 Jul 2015)
  9. Institutional Support and Innovation in SMEs: The case of Malaysia, 11th ASIALICS International Conference, Asialics (International) (24 Sep 2014 - 27 Sep 2014)
  10. Measuring Innovation Capability in service industry: Innovation drivers and firm performance, Asian Society for Innovation and Policy 2014 Malaysian Conference (National) (03 Aug 2014 - 06 Aug 2014)
  11. Low-- Carbon Energy Systems and Green Growth:: Implication for Regional Economic Cooperation and Integratiion, Working Group Meeting, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (International) (14 Mar 2014 - 15 Mar 2014)
  12. Institutional Support and Innovation in SMEs: The case of Malaysia, Research Seminar Series (13 Dec 2013)
  13. Institutional Support and Innovation in SMEs: The case of Malaysia, Research Seminar Series (University) (06 Nov 2013)
  14. Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intentions and Entrepreneurial Behaviour: A Proposed Framework on the Role of Entrepreneurial Education and Contextual Factors- conceptual paper, The 11th GLOBELICS International Conference, GLOBELICS (International) (20 Sep 2013 - 22 Sep 2013)
  15. Research Gap and Publication, Research Gap and Publication (08 Feb 2013)
  16. Communicating Change in Malaysia: Leadership, Commitment to Change, and the Mediating Role of Change Readiness, Transforming Asian Organizations Towards Global Competitiveness and Sustainability,, Asia Organization Development Summit (International) (27 Oct 2010 - 29 Oct 2010)
  17. Innovation Systems in Malaysia: Perspective From the University-Industry Research Collaboration, 7th Asialics International Conference (International) (15 Apr 2010 - 17 Apr 2010)
  18. Process Technology and Performance : A study of supply chain practices in electronics industry in Malaysia, 7th Asialics International Conference (International) (15 Apr 2010 - 17 Apr 2010)
  19. Manufacturing Modularity and Firm Competitiveness: The Case Of Electronics, Penang, Malaysia, Globelics 6th International Conference , Globelics 6th International Conference  (International) (22 Sep 2008 - 24 Sep 2008)
  20. Modular-Based Production Practices, Firm Competitiveness and Technological Capabilities: The Case of Electronics, Graduate Forum on Southeast Asia , Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (University) (27 Jul 2008 - 29 Jul 2008)
  21. Electronics Cluster in Penang, Malaysia: Current Status and Obstacles to Development, The Expert Group Meeting on Industrial Development (International) (29 Oct 2007 - 31 Oct 2007)
  22. The Commercialization of Research Results Among Researchers in Public Universities and Research Institutions, International Conference: Making Innovation Work for Soceity: Experience from Asia, International Conference: Making Innovation Work for Soceity: Experience from Asia (National) (22 Jul 2007 - 24 Jul 2007)
  23. Foreign Direct Investment and Manufacturing Growth: The Malaysian Experience, The Malaysian Experience, URDC Colloquium  (National) (04 Oct 2006)
  24. Trade Dynamics Between China and ASEAN-5: An Empirical Analysis, Asian Institute of Management Conference Centre, Asian Institute of Management Conference Centre (International) (24 Nov 2005 - 25 Nov 2005)
  25. Impediments of Technology Commercialization: Lessons from Universities and Research Institutions in Malaysia, Management of Technology and Technology Entrepreneurship, Putera Pan Pacific , University Technology Malaysia (National) (31 May 2005 - 02 Jun 2005)
  26. Technology and Innovation in Malaysia: What do the key indicators suggest, IRPA Seminar  (National) (27 Feb 2005 - 28 Feb 2005)
  27. Trade Specialization And Competitiveness Of China And ASEAN 5, University International Business Management Conference, University TenagaNasional (National) (06 Dec 2004 - 07 Dec 2004)
  28. Policy Endorsement in High Tech-Export Industries of Malaysia: A Regiocentric Approach,, Second Economic Colloquium, Golden Legacy, Malacca (National) (24 May 2004)
  29. The Trends, Prospects and Challenges of Malaysian Export Market: A Shift-Share Analysis, Scientific and Social Research, IRDC, UiTM Sarawak and Faculty of Applied Sciences, UiTM (National) (19 May 2004 - 21 May 2004)
  30. The Trends, Prospects and Challenges of Malaysian Export Market: A Shift- Share Analysis, 2nd National Conference, URDC, Riviera Bay Resort (National) (12 Feb 2004 - 04 Feb 2004)
  31. Reverse Logistics: A Review of Definitions and Comparison of other related Logistics Concepts, 2nd National Conference on Transportation Management: Issues and Challenges,, by Transportation Management Institute, University Utara Malaysia and Malaysian Center for Transportation Studies, MARA University of Technology.  (National) (21 Oct 2003 - 22 Oct 2003)
  32. ASEAN TRADE: The Relative Revealed Comparative Advantage of ASEAN Manufactured Exports 1996-2000, Innovative Responses to Regional Events International Conference, Auckland University of Technology (National) (21 Jan 2003 - 22 Jan 2003)
  33. ISO 14000 As A Business Strategy for the 21st Century : An Economic Perspective, the Economic Colloquium , MARA University of Technology, Segamat, Johor (National) (29 Oct 2002 - 29 Oct 2002)
  1. EMERGING ENTERPRISES: Positioning Social Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Development, The 3rd Bravo International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity, Universitas Brawijaya (International) (10 Oct 2023 - 10 Oct 2023)
  2. Standards and Labelling and Harmonisation Innovation. Energy as Services and Energy Market Design, Energy Savings with Focus on Demand Side Management Capacity Building , ASEAN Center for Energy (International) (19 Aug 2022 - 19 Aug 2022)
  1. Human Resources, Industrial Relations and Competitiveness, Stronger ASCC, Closer ASEAN - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) (International) (16 Nov 2015 - 16 Nov 2015)
  2. University-Industry R&D Collaboration in the Electronics and Biotechnology firms in Malaysia, Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe , Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe  (International) (10 Dec 2009 - 11 Dec 2009)
  3. University-Industry Collaboration in the Automotive, Biotechnology and Electronics firms in Malaysia , International Conference organized by UNU-MERIT and CRES, UCAD, organized by UNU-MERIT and CRES, UCAD (International) (06 Oct 2009 - 08 Oct 2009)
  4. Supply Chain Integration Capability and Impact on Firms Performance, International Accounting and Business Conference , International Accounting and Business Conference  (International) (18 Aug 2008 - 19 Aug 2008)
  5. The Compounded Role of E-Commerce in Achieving Supply Chain Excellence in Manufacturing Perspective , Seminar on E-Commerce (National) (10 Jan 2005 - 11 Jan 2010)


  1. (2022) Examining The Impact of Ceo Power in The Ownership-Sustainability Nexus: Evidence from Malaysian Public Listed Firms, National, (External Examiner)
  2. (2021) Peer Reviewer for Bumiputera Procurement Research Report, Ideas, National, (Reviewer)
  3. (2021) The Asian Academy of Management Journal, National, (Reviewer)
  4. (2021) Institutions and Economies, University, (Reviewer)
  5. (2021) The Asian Academy of Management Journal, (Reviewer)
  6. (2021) Institutions and Economies, (Reviewer)
  7. (2020) Assessing the Effectiveness of Public Research Institutions in Fostering Knowledge Linkages and Transferring Technology in Malaysia, The Malaysian Development Experience Series Report by World Bank. , (Reviewer)
  8. (2020) African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development , (Reviewer)
  9. (2020) The European Journal of Development Research , (Reviewer)
  10. (2020) Development Policy Review, (Reviewer)
  11. (2018) International Business Review , (Reviewer)
  12. (2018) PhD Thesis Evaluation , (Internal Examiner)
  13. (2018) Master Thesis Examiner , (Internal Examiner)
  14. (2018) Book Review Request , (Reviewer)
  15. (2018) PhD Thesis Evaluation , (Internal Examiner)
  16. (2017) Proposal Evaluation, National Centre of Science and Technology Evaluation, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan , (Scientific Committee)
  17. (2017) Crafting an Inclusive Green Growth Strategy towards a Sustainable Future. , (Associate Journals)
  18. (2017) Third International Conference on Social Protection 2017 "Migration, Development and Social Welfare: Implication & New Insights" , (Conference Moderator)
  19. (2016) Reviewer for conference paper (Centre for Research and Development, Taylor's University), (Advisory Committee)
  20. (2016) Acting as a referee for the Global Network for the Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence BuildingSystems (GLOBELICS) network in 2016., (Reviewer)
  21. (2015) External Promotion Evaluation for Associate Professor, UiTM, 2015
  22. (2015) Promotion Evaluation Panel for Associate Professor, UiTM
  23. (2015) Presenter: China-ASEAN Trade and Investment Relations: Opportunities and Challenges, (Advisory Committee)
  24. (2014) External Examiner for PhD A Human Resource Management Framework for Innovative Capability Development , (External Examiner)
  25. (2014) Examination of PhD Thesis , (Internal Examiner)
  26. (2014) Re-Examination of PhD Thesis , (Internal Examiner)
  27. (2014) Internal Examiner for PhD Studies On The Relationship Between Financial Liberalization and Stock Market Efficiency , (Internal Examiner)
  28. (2014) People's Economy-Implication of Budget 2015 to the People's Welfare , (Subject Matter Expert)
  29. (2014) Associate Staff at Centre for Latin American Studies , (Associate Staff)
  30. (2014) Internal Examiner for Master Programme Kesan Program Pameran Perniagaan Ke Atas Pengurusan Inovasi Produk Dan Pemasaran Perusahan Kecil Dan Serderhana (PKS): Kajian Ke Atas Peserta Pameran Pertanian, Hortikultur Dan Agro Pelancongan Malaysia (MAHA) , (Internal Examiner)
  31. (2014) Internal Examiner for PhD Studies On Time Series Properties Of Forward Discount in Foreign Exchange Market , (Internal Examiner)
  32. (2013) Examination of PhD Thesis , (Internal Examiner)
  33. (2013) Bengkel Penarafan Jurnal Ilmiah Malaysia , (Presenter)
  34. (2013) Internal Examiner for PhD Enterprise Finance & Economic Development: A Study of The Fishing Industry in Uganda and The Gambia , (Internal Examiner)
  35. (2013) Internal Examiner for PhD , (Internal Examiner)
  36. Panel Penilai FRGS Fasa 1/2019 Peringkat IPPP , (Panel Penilai FRGS)
  37. Panel Reviewer of the Academic Journal of UiTM Johor Vol 11 Edition 2012 , (Reviewer)
  38. Research, Development & Commercialization (R,D & C) Subject Matter Expert , (Subject Matter Expert)
  39. Technology Building Through Backward Linkages in The Malaysian Petrochemical Industry , (External Examiner)
  40. Urusan Kenaikan Pangkat Staf Akademik ke Jawatan Profesor Madya Gred DM54 , (External Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2024) Capacity Development: Research Collaboration and Expert Mentoring, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation., National, (Expert Advisor)
  2. (2022) Standard Harmonisation and Mutual Recognition of Circular Products and Services Policy Paper for The Implementation Plan of Policy Framework for Circular Economy for The Asean Economic Community., International, (Resource Person)
  3. (2021) Public Procurement Policy and Its Impacts, National, (Technical Advisor)
  4. (2021) Global Innovation Index (Gii) Working Group Committee On Human Capital & Research, National, (Expert Advisor)
  5. (2021) Science, Technology and Innovation Master Plan (Stimp) 2020-2030 Working Group Member for Economics and Finance, National, (Expert Advisor)
  6. (2021) Global Innovation Index (GII) Working Group Committee on Human Capital & Research, MOSTI and Academy of Sciences Malaysia , National
  7. (2021) Public Procurement Policy and its Impacts, Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs, National
  8. (2020) Presenter and Resource Person for Economics for Executive Program, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University
  9. (2020) SME Structural Vulnerabilities: COVID Recovery Strategy for Manufacturing and Retail , IDEAS
  10. (2019) Advisory , Institute for Capital Market Research Malaysia, National
  11. (2019) Assessing the Readiness for Industry 4.0 and the Circular Economy, Assisted in Developing the readiness framework and the self-assessment tool website which is available at, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
  12. (2019) Structural Evolutions, Emerging Disruptions, Institute for Capital Market Research Malaysia
  13. (2018) Industry 4.0, ERIA
  14. (2017) Non-Tariff Measures - Subject Matter Expert, Malaysia Productivity Corporation, National
  15. (2017) Non-Tariff Measures, Malaysia Productivity Corporation
  17. (2016) National Bibliometric Study 2015: Science and Technology Knowledge Productivity in Malaysia, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
  18. (2015) Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development (2nd November 2015), UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC (UNESCAP)ASIAN AND PACIFIC CENTRE FOR TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY (APCTT)
  19. (2015) Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development (6th August 2015), UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC (UNESCAP)ASIA AND PACIFIC CENTRE FOR TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY (APCTT)
  20. (2014) Associate Staff, Center for Latin American Studies, International
  21. (2014) Delivering proposal on the development of Perak as a developed state from economic perspective. , Institut Darul Ridzuan
  22. (2014) Promoting Low-- Carbon Energy Systems and Green Growth: Implication for Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
  23. (2014) Subject Matter Experts - Economic Complexity, Economic Planning Unit and UKM
  24. (2013) Deputy Editor, Institutions and Economies (IE), Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, University
  25. (2013) Delivering the assessment and evaluation of the research proposal, National Centre of Science and Technology Evaluation, Ministry of Education and Science, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  2. (2024) Regulations and digitalization of the Agri-Food Sector in China, LUO YINGJI
  3. (2024) Design thinking and innovation management, SAKTHIASEELAN V KARTHIGASOO
  4. (2024) A Study on Transformation and Application of Innovative Achievements in Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Industry, YANG DUAN
  5. (2024) The Impact of Influencer Characteristics on Purchase Intention in Live Streaming E-commerce, RONG ZHOU
  6. (2024) Evolution of Automation and Bot Economies: Trends and Implications for Future of Work and Public Policy, ASEEM SAXENA
  7. (2024) Dynamic Knowledge Management: A Framework of Knowledge Management and Dynamic Capabilities for Firms in the Digital Economy, BAILU LI
  8. (2024) Artifical Intelligence, Human Capital and Economic Growth, WU AIMEI
  9. (2024) Capital Deepening and Development of Small-Scale Peasant Households in China, DU SHIGUI
  10. (2024) Community Urban Farmers: Self- Sufficiency, Wellbeing, and Transition to Commercial Urban Farming, RASMUNA MAZWAN BINTI MUHAMMAD
  11. (2024) Financial Capacity, Business Performance, and Global Value Chain Participation: Case of SMEs in Selected Southeast Asian Countries, D.KALAIARASI A/P R.DANABALAN
  12. (2023) Coordinated Development of Inward and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: China and the Belt and Road Initiative Countries, LIN XINWEN
  13. (2023) Multilevel Analysis of Innovative Work and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in the Malaysian Public Sector, WAN NOOR AZREEN BTE WAN MOHAMAD NORDIN
  15. (2019) Women's Entrepreneurship in Malaysia - Key Constraints and the Effectiveness of the Malaysian Government Initiatives, ROZIAH BINTI MOHAMED ISA
  16. (2019) Socio-Economic Conditions and Subjective Well-Being: Experience of the Displaced Community In Putrajaya, SURESH A/L RAJA MANICKAM
  17. (2019) School Dropouts and its Contributing Factors, MENEGAA PARAMAN
  18. (2019) Regional Development: Employment, Industrialization and Urbanization, KANAGI A/P RAJANDRAN
  19. (2019) Prospects Of Incubation in Supporting Agro-Based Industry: Evidence from Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Sarpaneswaran Subramaniam
  20. (2019) Greening Global Value Chain: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Consumer Electronics Manufacturing in Klang Valley, Malaysia., MURUGAN A/L KRISNAMOORTHY
  21. (2019) Demographic Divide and Unemployment, NUSRAT JAFRIN
  22. (2018) Firm Characteristics, Capabilities and Productivities: A Study of Malaysian Food Manufacturing Sector, Lim Tien Hong
  23. (2018) Dynamic Link Between Institutions, Innovation and Economic Growth Across the Development Stages, GOPI KRISHNAN A/L K. K. VIJAYARAGHAVAN
  24. (2017) Modelling Electricity Demand: Covariate and Modelling Effects; And Publication Bias, Mohd Azim Bin Sardan
  31. (2010) Tourist's perception towards adopting eco-tourism in Sri Lanka, Sharmini Pereere
  32. (2010) Sri Lankan experience on factors affecting business failures in SME sector, Chamara Bandara
  1. (2022) China’s High-Quality Economic Development: The Industrial Structure And Upgrading Approach, Miaomiao Tao
  2. (2019) Trade Complementary and Competitiveness in Africa, Esther Onanuga
  4. (2019) Fishery Sector Productivity in Malaysia, BOBBY DALLEN ANAK INDOI
  7. (2017) An Exploratory Study of Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia, Theresa Chan Siew Yoong
  8. (2017) Active Commuting to Work: The Role of Attitude, Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioural Control, NOOR AISHAH BINTI HAMBALI


  • Moderator Climate Change Policies, Energy Market, and Effects of Unilateral Coercive Measures in Venezuela, The Embassy of The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and UM, (29 Jun 2022 - 29 Jun 2022) (University)
  • Contribution to 12th Malaysia Plan - Socioeconomic Development, (20 Jul 2020 - 20 Jul 2020)
  • Training for Policymakers: Malaysia Productivity Corporation, (24 Feb 2017 - 24 Feb 2017)