Curriculum Vitae


  • Department of Decision Science
    Faculty of Business and Economics
  • teynp
  • +603-79673667


  • PhD, (Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • MSc (Population Planning), (PENGAJIAN KEPENDUDUKAN)
    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • BEc(Hons)(Statistics), (PERANGKAAN)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • 10 Sep 2021-
    Jabatan Ekonomi, Fakulti Perniagaan dan Ekonomi


  • Internal Auditor UM
    15 Jul 2001 - present (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator, Population Studies Unit
    01 Aug 2012 - 31 Jul 2014 (Faculty)
  • Penyelaras Program Baru Sarjana Muda Ekonometrik
    30 Apr 2012 - 31 Dec 2013 (Faculty)
  • Chairman of FEA Chapter of Alumni
    01 Aug 2009 - 30 Nov 2012 (Faculty)
  • Member, Jawatankuasa kerja Penyelidikan
    02 Jan 2007 - 30 Nov 2012 (Department of Applied Statistics, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Member, Jawatankuasa Kerja Kursi Perlindungan Kewangan Warga Tua
    01 Dec 2010 - 30 Nov 2012 (Faculty)
  • Member, Jawatankuasa Pengajian Ijazah Tinggi
    01 Jun 2008 - 30 Nov 2012 (Faculty)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2010 - 01 Jul 2011 (Applied Statistics, Faculty of Economics & Administration)
  • Coordinator, Population Studies Unit
    01 Mar 2005 - 25 Nov 2006 (Faculty)
  • Organiser of workshop
    01 Mar 2006 - 31 Oct 2006 (Department of Applied Statistics, Faculty of Economics & Administration)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2013, Universiti Malaya
  • UM Excellence Award
    2011, Universiti Malaya
  • Sijil Khidmat Cemerlang 2008
    2008, Faculty of Economics and Administratiion, UM,  (Others)
  • Expo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Innovation, 2008
    2008, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Bronze Medal Expo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Innovation, 2008
    2008, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Poster Presentation. Silver Medal Winner At The Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Inovasi - Population Projection
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Poster Presentation. Gold Medal Winner At The Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Inovasi - Changing Causes of Death Among Malaysians, 1970-2000.
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Sijil Khidmat Cemerlang 2006
    2006, Faculty of Economics and Adminstration, UM,  (Others)
  • Bronze Medal Expo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Innovasi, 2006 - Buku Panduan Untuk Bengkel Mengenai Lelaki Sebagai Rakan Kongsi Dalam Menghentikan Keganasan Terhadap Wanita
    2006, Universiti Malaya,  (National)
  • Silver Medal Expo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Innovasi, 2005 - Analysis of Academic Human Resource in University of Malaya
    2005, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Silver Medal Expo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Innovasi, 2005 - Intergenerational Living Arrangement
    2005, Universiti Malaya,  (National)
  • Bronze Medal Expo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Innovasi, 2005 - Strengthening Partnership and Programme Against Gender Based Violence
    2005, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2004, Universiti Malaya
  • Silver Medal Expo Penyelidikan dan Innovasi, 20045 - Financial Planning Survey in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya
    2004, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Silver Medal Expo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Innovasi, 2004 - Optimising The Potential of Older Persons as Critical Resources for Development
    2004, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2003, Universiti Malaya
  • Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
    2002, Universiti Malaya,  (National)
  • Poster Presentation. Silver Medal Winner At Ekspo Penyelidikan dan Inovasi - Petronas Grand Prix 2000- Economic Impact Study Changing Causes of Death Among Malaysians, 1970-2000
    2000, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
    2000, Universiti Malaya,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    1996, Universiti Malaya
  • Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
    1995, Universiti Malaya,  (National)


Article in Journal
  1. Huang, Xuehao; Tey, Nai Peng; Lai, Siow Li (2024). Unraveling the Impact of Widowhood Duration on Depression: Does Time Heal All Wounds?, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 36(4), 352-357. doi:10.1177/10105395241244960
  2. Tey, Nai Peng (2024). Gavin W. Jones-A life devoted to population and development, ASIAN POPULATION STUDIES. . doi:10.1080/17441730.2023.2267224
  4. Lai, Siow Li; Tey, Nai Peng (2022). Midwives as Drivers of Contraceptive Uptake: Evidence From Indonesia Demographic and Health Surveys, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. . doi:10.1177/10105395211058810
  5. Lai, S. L., & Tey, N. P. (2021). The Quality of Life of Older Adults in a Multiethnic Metropolitan: An Analysis of CASP-19. SAGE Open, 11(2), 11. doi: 10.1177/21582440211029910
  6. Ngoo, Y. T., Tan, E. C., & Tey, N. P. (2021). Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Asia: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(2), 907-926. doi: 10.1007/s10902-020-00257-1
  7. Sia, B. K., Tey, N. P., Goh, K. L., & Ng, S. T. (2021). Productive engagement of older adults in China: A multilevel analysis. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 21(12), 1138-1146. doi: 10.1111/ggi.14299
  8. Lai, S. L., & Tey, N. P. (2020). Contraceptive use in Cambodia: does household decision-making power matter? Culture Health & Sexuality, 22(7), 778-793. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2019.1685683
  9. Mat, S., Jaafar, M. H., Ng, C. T., Sockalingam, S., Raja, J., Kamaruzzaman, S. B., . . . Tan, M. P. (2019). Ethnic differences in the prevalence, socioeconomic and health related risk factors of knee pain and osteoarthritis symptoms in older Malaysians. PloS one, 14(11), 11. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225075
  10. Mat, Sumaiyah; Jaafar, Mohamad Hasif; Ng, Chin Teck; Sockalingam, Sargunan; Raja, Jasmin; Kamaruzzaman, Shahrul Bahyah; Chin, Ai-Vyrn; Abbas, Azlina Amir; Chan, Chee Ken; Hairi, Noran Naqiah; Othman, Sajaratulnisah; Cumming, Robert G.; Tey, Nai Peng; Tan, Maw Pin (2019). Ethnic differences in the prevalence, socioeconomic and health related risk factors of knee pain and osteoarthritis symptoms in older Malaysians, PLOS ONE. 14(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225075
  11. Teh, Jane K. L.; Tey, Nai Peng (2019). Effects of selected leisure activities on preventing loneliness among older Chinese, SSM-POPULATION HEALTH. 9. doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100479
  12. Tey, N. P., Lai, S. L., Ng, S. T. (2019). AGE AT MENARCHE AND SEXUAL DEBUT AMONG YOUNG FILIPINO WOMEN. Journal of Biosocial Science, 51(1), 77-94. doi:10.1017/s0021932017000682
  13. Tey, Nai-Peng; Lai, Siow-Li; Ng, Sor-Tho (2019). AGE AT MENARCHE AND SEXUAL DEBUT AMONG YOUNG FILIPINO WOMEN, JOURNAL OF BIOSOCIAL SCIENCE. 51(1), 77-94. doi:10.1017/S0021932017000682
  14. Yunus, R. M., Hairi, N. N., Yuen, C., Sooryanarayana, R., Hairi, F., Ismail, N., . . . Bulgiba, A. (2019). Does abuse in late life worsen sleep quality? A two-year prospective cohort study among rural older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34(1), 60-66. doi:10.1002/gps.4986
  15. Yunus, Raudah M.; Hairi, Noran N.; Yuen, ChooWan; Sooryanarayana, Rajini; Hairi, Farizah; Ismail, Norliana; Kandiben, Shathanapriya; Peng, Tey Nai; Ali, Zainudin M.; Ahmad, Sharifah N.; Razak, Inayah A.; Othman, Sajaratulnisah; Peramalah, Devi; Mydin, Fadzilah H. M.; Bulgiba, Awang (2019). Does abuse in late life worsen sleep quality? A two-year prospective cohort study among rural older adults, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY. 34(1), 60-66. doi:10.1002/gps.4986
  16. Tey, Nai Peng; Siraj, Saedah Binti; Kamaruzzaman, Shahrul Bahyah Binti; Chin, Ai Vyrn; Tan, Maw Pin; Sinnappan, Glaret Shirley; Muller, Andre Matthias (2016). Aging in Multi-ethnic Malaysia, GERONTOLOGIST. 56(4), 603-609. doi:10.1093/geront/gnv153
  17. Rasiah, Rajah; Chandran, V. G. R. (2015). Malaysia, UNESCO SCIENCE REPORT: TOWARDS 2030. , 676-691
  18. Teh, J. K. L., Tey, N. P., Ng, S. T. (2014). Ethnic and Gender Differentials in Non-Communicable Diseases and Self-Rated Health in Malaysia, Plos One. 9(3), 8
  19. Choo, W. Y., Walsh, K., Chinna, K., Tey, N. P. (2013). Teacher Reporting Attitudes Scale (TRAS): Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Analyses With a Malaysian Sample, Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 28(2), 231-253
  20. Choo, Wan Yuen; Walsh, Kerryann; Marret, Mary Joseph; Chinna, Karuthan; Tey, Nai Peng (2013). Are Malaysian Teachers Ready to Assume the Duties of Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect?, CHILD ABUSE REVIEW. 22(2), 93-107. doi:10.1002/car.2241
  21. Tey, N. P., Lai, S. L. (2013). Correlates of and Barriers to the Utilization of Health Services for Delivery in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, Scientific World Journal. (11), Article
  22. Tey, N. P., Ng, S. T., Yew, S. Y. (2012). Proximate Determinants of Fertility in Peninsular Malaysia, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 24(3), 495-505
  23. Tey, N. P., Yew, S. Y., Low, W. Y., Su\ut, L., Renjhen, P., Huang, M. S. L., Tong, W. T., Lai, S. L. (2012). Medical Students Attitudes toward Abortion Education: Malaysian Perspective, Plos One. 7(12), Article
  24. Tey, Nai-peng; Yew, Siew-yong; Low, Wah-yun; Su'ut, Lela; Renjhen, Prachi; Huang, M. S. L.; Tong, Wen-ting; Lai, Siow-li (2012). Medical Students' Attitudes toward Abortion Education: Malaysian Perspective, PLOS ONE. 7(12). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052116
  1. Teh, Jane Kimm Lii; Tey, Nai Peng; Lai, Siow Li; Azman, Nur Airena Aireen (2023). Active Engagement and Health Status of Older Malaysians: Evidence from a Household Survey, PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES. 31(1), 241-263. doi:10.47836/pjssh.31.1.13
  2. Lai, S. L., & Tey, N. P. (2021). Deficiency in civil registration and vital statistics reporting in remote areas: the case of Sabah, Malaysia. Genus, 77(1), 19. doi: 10.1186/s41118-021-00132-8
  3. Lai, Siow Li; Tey, Nai Peng; Mahmud, Adzmel; Ismail, Najihah (2021). Utilization of Private Sector Family Planning Services in Malaysia, INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY OF COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION. 41(4), 395-403. doi:10.1177/0272684X20972864
  4. Apalasamy, Yamunah Devi; Awang, Halima; Mansor, Norma; Peng, Tey Nai (2020). Post-Retirement Experience among Retirees: A Case Study in Malaysia, PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES. 28(3), 1995-2003
  5. Awang, Halimah; Ab Rashid, Nur Fakhrina; Peng, Tey Nai; Mansor, Norma (2020). Factors Associated with Savings and Withdrawals among Employees Provident Fund Members, PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES. 28(3), 2239-2263
  6. Yew, Siew-Yong; Yong, Chen-Chen; Tey, Nai-Peng; Cheong, Kee-Cheok; Ng, Sor-Tho (2020). Work satisfaction among nurses in a private hospital, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT. 13, 156-163. doi:10.1080/20479700.2018.1489459
  7. Goh, Kim-Leng; Tey, Nai-peng (2018). Personal income in Malaysia: distribution and differentials, ECONOMICS BULLETIN. 38(2), 973-+
  1. Huang X., Tey N.P., Lai S.L. (2024). Unraveling the Impact of Widowhood Duration on Depression: Does Time Heal All Wounds?, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 36(4), 352-357. doi:10.1177/10105395241244960
  2. Mi H., Tey N.P., Lai S.L. (2024). Gender Disparities in Digital Employment in China, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies. 61(2), 373-393. doi:10.22452/MJES.vol61no2.9
  3. Tey N.P. (2024). Gavin W. Jones A life devoted to population and development, Asian Population Studies. . doi:10.1080/17441730.2023.2267224
  4. Gao X., Tey N.P., Lai S.L. (2023). ABSENTEEISM AND STUDENTS ATTITUDES TOWARD SCIENCE: IMPACT ON EXAM RESULTS AMONG EIGHTH-GRADE STUDENTS IN MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE, Journal of Baltic Science Education. 22(6), 991-1010. doi:10.33225/jbse/23.22.991
  5. Teh J.K.L., Tey N.P., Lai S.L., Azman N.A.A. (2023). Active Engagement and Health Status of Older Malaysians: Evidence from a Household Survey, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 31(1), 241-263. doi:10.47836/PJSSH.31.1.13
  6. Lai S.L., Tey N.P. (2022). Midwives as Drivers of Contraceptive Uptake: Evidence From Indonesia Demographic and Health Surveys, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 34(2-3), 213-220. doi:10.1177/10105395211058810
  7. Tey N.P. (2022). Population and Demography, Dynamics of Asian Development. , 73-95. doi:10.1007/978-981-16-7045-9_3
  8. Tey N.P., Lai S.L. (2022). POPULATION REDISTRIBUTION AND CONCENTRATION IN MALAYSIA, 1970-2020, Planning Malaysia. 20(3), 227-238. doi:10.21837/PM.V20I22.1141
  9. Abdullah, A. S., Tey, N. P., Mahpul, I. N., Azman, N. A. A., & Hamid, R. A. (2021). Correlates and consequences of delayed marriage in malaysia. Institutions and Economies, 13(4), 5-34. doi: 10.22452/IJIE.vol13no4.1
  10. Lai S.L., Tey N.P. (2021). The Quality of Life of Older Adults in a Multiethnic Metropolitan: An Analysis of CASP-19, SAGE Open. 11(2). doi:10.1177/21582440211029910
  11. Lai, S. L., & Tey, N. P. (2021). Deficiency in civil registration and vital statistics reporting in remote areas: the case of Sabah, Malaysia. Genus, 77(1). doi: 10.1186/s41118-021-00132-8
  12. Lai, S. L., Tey, N. P., Mahmud, A., & Ismail, N. (2021). Utilization of Private Sector Family Planning Services in Malaysia. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 41(4), 395-403. doi: 10.1177/0272684X20972864
  13. Ngoo, Y. T., Tan, E. C., & Tey, N. P. (2021). Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Asia: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22(2), 907-926. doi: 10.1007/s10902-020-00257-1
  14. Sia B.-K., Tey N.-P., Goh K.-L., Ng S.-T. (2021). Productive engagement of older adults in China: A multilevel analysis, Geriatrics and Gerontology International. 21(12), 1138-1146. doi:10.1111/ggi.14299
  15. Tey, N. P. (2021). The changing spousal differentials in socio-demographic characteristics in Malaysia. Institutions and Economies, 13(4), 121-151. doi: 10.22452/IJIE.vol13no4.5
  16. Lai, S. L., & Tey, N. P. (2020). Contraceptive use in Cambodia: does household decision-making power matter? Culture, Health and Sexuality, 22(7), 778-793. doi:10.1080/13691058.2019.1685683
  17. Yew S.Y., Yong C.C., Tey N.P., Cheong K.C., Ng S.T. (2020). Work satisfaction among nurses in a private hospital, International Journal of Healthcare Management. 13(S1), 156-163. doi:10.1080/20479700.2018.1489459
  18. Mat S., Jaafar M.H., Ng C.T., Sockalingam S., Raja J., Kamaruzzaman S.B., Chin A.V., Abbas A.A., Chan C.K., Hairi N.N., Othman S., Cumming R.G., Tey N.P., Tan M.P. (2019). Ethnic differences in the prevalence, socioeconomic and health related risk factors of knee pain and osteoarthritis symptoms in older Malaysians, PLoS ONE. 14(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225075
  19. Ngoo Y.T., Tey N.P. (2019). Human development index as a predictor of life satisfaction, Journal of Population and Social Studies. 27(1), 70-86. doi:10.25133/JPSSV27N1.005
  20. Teh J.K.L., Tey N.P. (2019). Effects of selected leisure activities on preventing loneliness among older Chinese, SSM - Population Health. 9. doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100479
  21. Tey N.P., Lai S.L., Ng S.T. (2019). AGE at MENARCHE and SEXUAL DEBUT among YOUNG Filipino WOMEN, Journal of Biosocial Science. 51(1), 77-94. doi:10.1017/S0021932017000682
  22. Tey N.P., Lai S.L., Ng S.T., Goh K.L., Osman A.F. (2019). Income inequality across states in Malaysia, Planning Malaysia. 17(2), 12-26. doi:10.21837/pmjournal.v17.i10.625
  2. DA Wahab, NP Tey, R Jani (2020) Interregional Migration and Graduate Earning in Malaysia Institutions and Economies, Vol. 12, No. 2, April 2020, pp. 107-128
  3. SL Lai, NP Tey, A Mahmud, N Ismail (2020). Utilization of Private Sector Family Planning Services in Malaysia International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 0272684X20972864y
  4. Halimah Awang, Norma Mansor, Tey Nai Peng and Nik Ainoon Nik Osman, 2017DOI: Journal of International Medical Research, 0 (0) 1-10 DOI:
  5. Siew-Yong Yew, Chen-Chen Yong, Nai-Peng Tey, Kee-Cheok Cheong, Sor-Tho Ng (2018). Work satisfaction among nurses in a private hospital. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 2018/6/21 pages 1-8
  6. Tey Nai Peng, Lai Siow Li (2018) The Changing Demographic Landscape of the Chinese Community of Malaysia since 1970. Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 7(1) 19-35
  7. Yin-Mei NG, Nai-Peng TEY (2018) PERCEPTIONS OF WIFE-BEATING BEHAVIOUR AND SEXUAL RIGHTS AMONG MARRIED WOMEN IN INDONESIA, International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly And Disabled., Vol. 4, 94-104
  8. Bik Kai Sia,,Hirofumi Okai, Sor Tho Ng,, Hirofumi Tanada,and Nai Peng Tey (2017), Intention to Migrate Among International Muslim Students in Malaysia. Global J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Review 5 (4) 35 47 (2017)
  9. Chor Foon Tang, Nai Peng Tey (2017). Low fertility in Malaysia: Can it be explained?J Pop Research DOI 10.1007/s12546-017-9187-2
  10. Ng, Sor Tho, Tey, Nai Peng, and Asadullah, M Niaz (2017) What Matters for Life Satisfaction among the Oldest-Old? Evidence from China. PLoS One, 12(2), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171799
  11. Siew-Yong Yew, Chen-Chen Yong, Kee-Cheok Cheong & Nai-Peng Tey (2017). Does Financial Education Matter? Education Literacy among Undergraduates in Malaysia. Institutions and Economies, 9(1).
  12. Siow-Li Lai, Nai-Peng Tey and Sor-Tho Ng, 2017. Socio-economic Status and Fertility: A Study of Selected ASEAN Countries, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies 54(1): 119 140, 2017
  13. Jane Kimm Lii Teh, Nai Peng Tey. Changes in loneliness among oldest-old Chinese, AIP Conference Proceedings
  14. S. Nagaraj, K.H. Lee, K.L. Goh, N.P. Tey, 2016. Malaysian Adolescents Not in School: The Nexus of Education, Work and Gender , Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 53(1), 87-113
  15. Tey, N.P., Lai, S.L., & Jane Teh, K.L. (2016). The Debilitating Effects of Chronic Diseases among the Oldest Old in China. Maturitas, 94, 39-45.
  16. Jane KL Teh and Nai Peng Tey. 2015. Trends in Chronic Diseases among the Oldest Old in China. AIP Conference Proceeding 1691.(Innovation and Analytic Conference
  17. Nai Peng Tey, Saedah Siraj, Shahrul Bahyah Binti Kamaruzzaman,Chin Ai Vyrn, Tan Maw Pin,Glaret Shirley Sinnappan,Andre Matthias M ller, 2015. Agin gin Multio- ethnic Malaysia,The Gerontologist Tier 1, Impact factor 3.231 (2015) doi: 10.1093/geront/gnv153 First published online: November 9, 2015, Oxford University Press
  18. Yee Ting Ngoo, Nai Peng Tey, Eu Chye Tan (2015). Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Asia. Social Indicators Research Vol 124, Number1, pages 141-156 (Tier 1, Impact factor 1.395)
  19. Jane Kimm Lii Teh, Nai Peng Tey and Sor Tho Ng. Family Support and Loneliness among Older Persons in Multi- ethnic Malaysia. 2014. The Scientific World Journal (Geriatric)
  20. Nai-Peng Tey. 2014. Inter-state Migration and Socio- Demographic Changes in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 51, Number 1, June 2014, pages 121-139.
  21. Nai-Peng Tey. 2014. International Perspectives of Contemporary Migration, Urbanization and Development in Asia Pacific and Across the Pacific. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 51, Number 1, June 2014, pages 1-8
  22. Shyamala Nagaraj, Kim-Leng Goh, Kee-Cheok Cheong, Nai- Peng Tey & Rohana Jani.. Gender Imbalance in Educational Attainment and Labour Market Dynamics: Evidence from Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies. Vol. 51
  23. Siow Li Lai and Nai Peng Tey, 2014. "Socio-Economic and Proximate Determinants of Fertility in the Philippines", World Applied Sciences Journal 31 (10): 1828-1836, 2014 IDOSI Publications, 2014 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.31.10.591
  24. Jane K.L. The, Sor Tho Ng, Nai Peng Tey and Ismail Siti Norlasiah. 2013. Ethnicity and Support for Parents in Malaysia, Asian Women 2013 Vol.29 No.4: 51- 72.
  25. Nai-Peng Tey and Siow-Li Lai, "Correlates of and Barriers to the Utilization of Health Services for Delivery in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa," The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2013, Article ID 423403, 11 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/423403
  26. Choo W.Y., Walsh K., Chinna K., Tey N.P. Teacher Reporting Attitudes Scale (TRAS): Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Analyses with a Malaysian sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2013 Jan;28(2):231-53. doi: 10.1177/0886260512454720 (published online Aug 16, 2012)
  27. Nai-Peng, Tey, Siew-Yong Yew., Low, W.Y., Lela Su'ut, Renjhen, P., Huang, M.S.L., Tong, W.T., Lai, S.L. 2012. Medical Students' Attitude toward Abortion Education: Malaysian Perspective. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52116. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052116
  28. Sor Tho Ng, Nai Peng Tey, Siew Yong Yew & Bik Kai Sia. 2012. Effects of Quality of Service and Activities on Life Satisfaction of Residents in Nursing Homes. WULFENIA, 19(9): 153 163
  29. Tey N-p, Yew S-y, Low W-y, Su ut L, Renjhen P, et al. (2012) Medical Students Attitudes toward Abortion Education: Malaysian Perspective. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52116. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052116
  30. Tey NP, Ng ST, and Yew SY. Proximate Determinants of Fertility in Peninsular Malaysia, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, Vol. 24, Issue 3, Pages 489-499 doi:1010539511401374.
  31. Ng, S.T., Tengku Aizan, H. & Tey, N.P. 2011. Perceived health status and daily activity participation of older Malaysians. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 23(4): 470-484. doi: 10.1177/1010539510374751
  32. Siew-Yong Yew, Chen-Chen Yong, Kee-Cheok Cheong and Nai-Peng Tey. 2011. Does protecting intellectual property rights matter for trade? The case of China's exports to ASEAN-5. African Journal of Business Management Vov. 5(2). pp. 524-530, 18 January, 2011
  33. Tey Nai Peng. 2011. Internal Migration in the Klang Valley of Malaysia: Issues and Implications. Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies. Vol. 1: 41-60.
  34. Shyamala Nagaraj, Lee Kiong Hock, Tey Nai Peng, Ng Chiu Wan and Jean Pala. 2009. (forthcoming) Counting Ethnicity in Malaysia: The Complexity of Measurement of Diversity, in Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies. Scopus-cited publication
  35. Tey Nai Peng, Halimah Awang, Kuppusamy Singaravelloo. Ethnic Interaction among Students at the University of Malaya, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies. Scopus- cited publication
  36. Z. Aziz and N.P.Tey. 2009. Herbal Medicines: Prevalence and Predictors of Use among Adult Malaysians . Complementary Therapies in Medicine, (2009) Vol. 17 Issue 1, Page 44-50 ISI/Scopus cited publication
  37. Shyamala Nagaraj, Nai Peng Tey, Chiu Wan Ng and Balambigai Balakrishnan. 2008. Ethnic Dimensions of Gender Differentials in Mortality in Malaysia , Journal of Population Research, Springer Netherlands. Vol. 25, Number 2, September, 2008. Scopus-cited publication
  38. Tey Nai Peng, 2007. Trends in Delayed and Non- marriage in Peninsular Malaysia, Asian Population Studies, Volumne 2, Number 3; pp 243-262. Scopus- cited publication
  39. Ng Sor Tho and Tey Nai Peng, (2006), Retirement and Perceived Health Status of the Urban Elderly, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, Volume 18 (supplementary), 9-13. ISI/Scopus cited publication
  40. Tan Poo Chang and Tey Nai Peng (2005), PJCC- A Model for Community Participation and Active Ageing in Malaysia . Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, The Haworth Press, Inc., Volume 3, Number 2, 2005:125-131. Scopous-cited publication
  41. Liaw Shu Hui and Tey Nai Peng (2002), "Academic Performance of Economics Students in the University of Malaya", Jurnal Pendidikan, University of Malaya.
  42. Haaga, John, Julie Da Vanzo, Christine Peterson and Tey Nai Peng (1994), Twelve-yearFfollow-up of Respondents in A Sample Survey in Peninsular Malaysia , Asia Pacific Population Journal, 9 (2):61-72. Scopus-cited publication
  43. Tan Poo Chang and Tey Nai Peng (1994), Do Fertility Intentions Predict Subsequent Behaviour? Evidence from Peninsular Malaysia , Studies in Family Planning, July-Aug 1994. 25(4). P. 222-231. Location: SNDT Churchgate. ISI/Scopus cited publication
  44. Hamid Arshat, Tey Nai Peng and Nazileh Ramli (1989), A Study on the Age at Menopause and Menopausal Symptoms Among Malaysian Women , Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 1-9.
  45. Hamid Arshat and Tey Nai Peng (1988), An Overview of the Population Dynamics in Malaysia , Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 23- 46.
  46. N. M. Salleh, T.N. Peng and H. Arshat. 1987. Socio-economic correlates of contraceptive knowledge among women in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, in Malaysian journal of reproductive health : 4(2):65-71. ISSN: 0127-3213
  47. Tan, Poo Chang, Kwok Kwan Kit, Tan Boon Ann, Shyamala Nagaraj, Tey Nai Peng and Siti Norazah Zulkifli (1987), Socio-economic Development and Mortality Patterns and Trends in Malaysia , Asia Pacific Population Journal. 2(1):3-20. Scopus-cited publication
  48. Tey Nai Peng. 1986. Teenage births on the decline. in Malays J Reprod Health,Dec 1986 (Vol. 4, Issue 2, Pages 91-6) MEDLINE Related Records
  49. Hamid Arshat, Tan Boon Ann and Tey Nai Peng (1985), Differential Utilization of Health Facilities and Services for Childbirth in Peninsular Malaysia - The Ethnic Factor , Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 3 No.2
  50. Hamid Arshat, Tan Boon Ann and Tey Nai Peng (1985), The Effects of Life Cycle and Family Formation Variables on Pregnancy Outcome , Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 115- 125.
  51. Tey Nai Peng (1985), Evaluation of the Effectiveness of IEC Materials Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 1. No. 1
  52. Tey Nai Peng, Tan Boon Ann and Hamid Arshat (1985), Multivariate Areal Analyses of Neo-natal Mortality in Peninsular Malaysia , Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, June, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 46-58
  53. Tey Nai Peng, Tan Boon Ann and Hamid Arshat (1985). Voluntary Sterilization: An Analysis based on Service Statistics of the National Program, Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, 1985, Deceember 3 (2), pp . 160-166.
  54. Tey Nai Peng, Tan Boon Ann and Hamid Arshat. Profiles of Family Planning Acceptors in the National Program. Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, 1985 Jun;3(1):20-30.
  55. 2.Tan Boon Ann and Tey Nai Peng (1984), Estimating the Impact of Malaysian Family Planning Programme on Births: A Comparison of Matched Acceptor and Non-acceptor Birth Rates , Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Dec;2(2):111-8
  56. Nor Laily Aziz, NP Tey and O.Ramli. Malaysia, in (J. Jarrett Clinton and Jean Baker ed.) East Asia Review 1978-1979. Studies in Family Planning, Volumne 11, Number 11, November 1980.
  1. Tey, N. P., Lai, S. L., & Chan, J. K. L. (2021). Demographic and Socioeconomic Changes in Sabah. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
  2. Tey Nai Peng, Lai Siow Li, Noor Azina Ismal (2019) Population Situation Analysis Malaysia, 2018, Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya
  3. Mansor, N., Tey, N. P., & Yap, S. F. (2018). Annotated Bibliography of Recent Research on Population Ageing and Social Protection in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur.
  4. Norma Mansor, Halimah Awang, Tey Nai Peng and Yap Su Fei. 2018. Who Says I Am Retired? Social Security Research Centre. University of Malaya
  5. Tey Nai Peng, Cheong Kee Cheok and Rajah Rasiah. 2016 Revisiting Malaysia's Population-Development Nexus: The Past in Its Future. UM Press. ISBN978-983-100-841-6 (January 2016)
  6. Shyamala Nagaraj, Goh Kim Leng and Tey Nai Peng (eds.) (2006). Statistics in Action, University of Malaya Press.
  7. Wong Yut Lin and Tey Nai Peng (2006). (eds), Our People Our Future, published by University of Malaya Press.
  8. Jahara Yahaya, Tey Nai Peng and Yeoh Kok Kheng (eds.) (2004), Ethnic Interactions and Segregation on Campus and in the Workplace, CEDER, University of Malaya.
  9. Jahara Yahaya, Tey Nai Peng and Yeoh Kok Kheng E (eds.) (2003) Sustaining Growth, Enhancing Distribution: The NEP and NDP Revisited, CEDER, University of Malaya.
Chapter in Books
  1. Cheong, K. C., Nagaraj, S., Goh, K. L., & Tey, N. P. (2023). Gender Differences in Education and Work among Young Malaysians. In Lau, W. Y. & Cheah, Y. K. (Eds.), Statistics in Social Science: Population Dynamics, Education, and Social Well-Being (pp. 89-114). Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia: UUM Press.
  2. Lai, S. L. & Tey, N. P. (2023). World Population Growth and Distribution 1950-2050. In Lau, W. Y. & Cheah, Y. K. (Eds.), Statistics in Social Science: Population Dynamics, Education, and Social Well-Being (pp. 21-41), Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia: UUM Press.
  3. Ng, S. T. & Tey, N. P. (2023). Activities of Daily Life, Leisure Activities and Life Satisfaction of Residents in Old Folks Homes in the Klang Valley. In Lau, W. Y. & Cheah, Y. K. (Eds.), Statistics in Social Science: Population Dynamics, Education, and Social Well-Being (pp. 7-20). Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia: UUM Press.
  4. Tey, N. P., Lai, S. L., & Lee, M. (2023). Population Redistribution and Urbanisation in Malaysia, 1970-2010. In Lau, W. Y. & Cheah, Y. K. (Eds.), Statistics in Social Science: Population Dynamics, Education, and Social Well-Being (pp. 42-68), Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia: UUM Press.
  5. Tey, N. P. (2022). Population and Demography, in Rasiah, R., Salih, K., & Cheong, K. C. (Eds) Malaysia’s Leap Into the Future: The Building Blocks Towards Balanced Development (pp 73-95), Springer.
  6. Tey, N. P. (2021). Marriage Trends and Patterns in Sabah, in Tey, N. P., Lai, S. L., & Chan, J. K. L. (Eds) Demographic and Socioeconomic Changes in Sabah (pp 164-197), Universiti Malaysia Sabah Press.
  7. Tey, N. P. (2021). Population Growth, Distribution and Composition, in Tey, N. P., Lai, S. L., & Chan, J. K. L. (Eds) Demographic and Socioeconomic Changes in Sabah (pp 1-29), Universiti Malaysia Sabah Press.
  8. Tey, N. P. (2021). The State of Family Planning in Sabah, in Tey, N. P., Lai, S. L., & Chan, J. K. L. (Eds) Demographic and Socioeconomic Changes in Sabah (pp 231-258), Universiti Malaysia Sabah Press.
  9. Tey Nai Peng (2019) Fertility Trends and Differentials in Malaysia, in Tey Nai Peng, Lai Siow Li, Noor Azina Ismail (Eds) Population Situation Analysis Malaysia, 2018 (pp 48-64), Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya
  10. Tey Nai Peng (2019). The State of the Youth in Malaysia, in Tey Nai Peng, Lai Siow Li, Noor Azina Ismail (Eds) Population Situation Analysis Malaysia, 2018 (pp 127-147), Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya
  11. Tey Nai Peng, Lai Siow Li. (2019) Population growth and distribution in Malaysia in Tey Nai Peng, Lai Siow Li, Noor Azina Ismail (edits) Population Situation Analysis Malaysia, 2018, Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya
  12. Tey Nai Peng, Noor Azina ismail (2019).The State of Health and Mortality in Malaysia, in Tey Nai Peng, Lai Siow Li, Noor Azina Ismail (eds) Population Situation Analysis Malaysia, 2018, Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya
  13. Tey, N. P., & Ismail, N. A. (2019). Ekonomi Malaysia menghadapi negara tua. In Abdul Jalil, N. S. & Mohamad, M. H. (Eds), Masyarakat menua (pp. 47 - 66). Kuala Lumpur: Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). ISBN 978-983-2718-68-0.
  14. Tey Nai Peng. 2018. The Joy of Working Beyond Retirement. In Norma Mansor, Halimah Awang, Tey Nai Peng and Yap Su Fei (Eds).Who Says I Am Retired? 135-137. Social Security Research Centre, University of Malaya
  15. Tey Nai Peng (2017) Southeast Asia's Demographic Situation, Regional Variations and National Challenges in Daljit Singh and Malcom Cook (Eds) Southeast Asian Affairs 2017 (pp 55-82).Singapore, ISEAS, Yusof Ishak Institute.
  16. Tey Nai Peng. 2017. Population Ageing in Malaysia, in Ageing - Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia- Demographic Transition, Policy and Programmatic Responses. Eds, Anthony Abeykoon, Nora Murat, Gessen Rocas and Aurelio Camilo Naraval, published by International Council on Management of Population Programmes, Selangor, Malaysia
  17. Cheong Kee Cheok, Tey Nai Peng and Rajah Rasiah, 2016. The Population Development Relationship in Malaysia in Tey Nai Peng, Cheong Kee Cheok and Rajah Rasiah (eds). Revisiting Malaysia's Population-Development Nexus, 1- 14.Kuala Lumpur. University of Malaya Press. ISBN978- 983-100-841
  18. Tey Nai Peng 2016. Socio-economic Determinants of Fertility in Indonesia. In Noor Azina Ismail, Susila Munisamy & Ahmad Farid Osman (eds). Statistics in Research: 7-19. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. ISBN 978-983-100-847-8.
  19. Tey Nai Peng, Ng Sor Tho and Tan Pei Pei. 2016. Population Projection for Development Planning in Malaysia. In Revisiting Malaysia's Population- Development Nexus- The Past in Its Future (ed. Tey Nai Peng, Cheong Kee Cheok and Rajah Rasiah. UM Press
  20. Shyamala Nagaraj, Tey Nai Peng, Ng Chiu Wan, Lee Kiong Hock, and Jean Pala, 2015. Counting Ethnicity in Malaysia: The Complexity of Measuring Diversity. in Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity: Cross- National Perspectives in Classifications and Identity Politics. Ed. Patrick Simoon, Victor Piche and Amelie A. Gagnon.
  21. Tey Nai Peng and Tengku Aizan Tengku Hamid. 2014. "Gender Differentials in Work and Income among Older Malaysians" in Gender and Ageing - Southeast Asian Perspectives, edited by Theresa W. Devasahayam. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore
  22. Tey Nai Peng, 2012 Socio-Economic Characteristics of Older Malaysians. Tengku Aizan Husna Sulaiman and Siti Farra Zilah Abdullah, Profile of Older Malaysians, pages 33-52. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
  23. Tey Nai Peng, 2011, "Understanding Marriage Trend in Malaysia", in "Changing Marriage Patterns in Southeast Asia:Economic and Socio-Cultural Dimensions" Edited by Gavin Jones, Terence Hull, Maznah Mohamad, Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series
  24. Tey Nai Peng (2010) Trend dan Perbezaan Kesuburan di Semenanjung Malaysia - Perubahan Sepanjang Empat Dekad dalam Himpunan Makalah Wanita dan Pembangunan di Malaysia: Satu Kesinambungan Selama Empat Dekad, diselaraskan oleh Jamilah Ariffin, diterbit oleh MPH (Terjemahan artikel yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris)
  25. Tey Nai Peng, 2009. "Fertility Trends and Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia Four Decades of Change", in Women and Development in Malaysia- A Sequel, (ed. Jamilah Ariffin), published by MPH
  26. Tey Nai Peng. 2009. "The Changing Marriage Patterns among Women in Peninsular Malaysia Since 1970" , in Women and Development in Malaysia- A Sequel, (ed. Jamilah Ariffin), published by MPH
  27. Tey, N.P. and Ng. S.T., 2009 (November). Malaysia. In Palmore, E., Whittington, F. and Kunkel, S.R. (eds) International Handbook on Ageing: Current Research and Development. Greenwood Publishing Group
  28. Tey Nai Peng (2007). The Family Planning Program in Peninsular Malaysia in Warren Robinson and John Ross (eds.), "The Global Family Planning Revolution", published by World Bank
  29. Tey Nai Peng (2007). The Demographic Trends and Human Capital of Malaysian Chinese , in Voon, P.K. (ed.) Malaysian Chinese and Nation-Building. Volume 1. Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  30. Tey Nai Peng (2006). Gender Differentials in Educational Attainment, in Shyamala Nagaraj, Goh Kim Leng and Tey Nai Peng (eds). "Statistics in Action", published by University of Malaya Press,pp101-119.
  31. Tey Nai Peng (2006). Population and Development Trends, in Wong Yut Lin and Tey Nai PEng (eds.) "Our People Our Future", published by University of Malaya Press, pp 7-28.
  32. Poo Chang Tan and Nai Peng Tey (2005), Empowering Older Adults as Key Resources in Development in Malaysia , in Hyunsook Yoon and Jon Hendricks (eds.), Handbook of Asian Aging. Baywood Publishing Company. Inc. Amityville, New York.
  33. Tey Nai Peng (2005).Trends and Patterns of Urbanization in Malaysia, 1970-2000, in Gayl D. Ness and Prem P. Talwar (eds.) "Asian Urbanization in the New Millenium" published by Marshall Cavendisssh Academic, pp. 178-221
  34. Jahara Yahaya, Tey Nai Peng, Yeoh Kok Kheng, Sulochana Nair and Lee Hwok Aun (2004). Ethnic Relations Amongst University of Malaya Undergraduates , in Jahara Yahaya, Tey Nai Peng and Yeoh Kok Kheng (eds.), Interactions and Segregation on Campus and in the Workplace, CEDER, University of Malaya.
  35. Tey Nai Peng (2004). Causes and Consequences of Demographic Change in Chinese Community in Malaysia" in Voon Phin Keong (ed.) "The Chinese Population in Malaysia: Trends and Issues",published by Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, pp. 15-48
  36. Tey Nai Peng (2002). The Changing Demographic Situation of Malaysian Chinese, in Leo Suryandinata (ed.) " Ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia", Times Academic Press
  37. Chan Kok Eng and Tey Nai Peng (2000). Demographic Processes and Change in in Lee Kam Heng and Tan Chee Beng (eds.), The Chinese in Malaysia, Oxford University Press.
  38. Tan Poo Chang, Tey Nai Peng and Shyamala Nagaraj (1994), Sex Differentials and Mortality Trends in the Process of Development in Malaysia , in Jamilah Ariffin (ed.), Readings on Women and Development in Malaysia, Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, (ed. Jamilah Ariffin).
  39. Tey Nai Peng (1994), Sex Differentials in City- ward Migration and Occupational Mobility - A Study of Klang Valley , in Jamilah Ariffin (ed.), Readings on Women and Development in Malaysia, Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya.
  40. Tey Nai Peng (1991), Population Policy Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation: The Case of Malaysia in Rudolf Andorka and Raul Ursua (eds.), Proceedings of Conference on The Utilisation of Demographic Knowledge in Policy Formulation and Planning, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
  41. Noor Laily, Tan BA, Tey NP and Takeshita YJ. 1984. Perception of family planning service availability in rural Malaysia, in Ross JA, Mc Namara R, ed. "Survey analysis for the guidance of family planning program", Liege, Belgium, Ordina Edition. 1984, p237-266.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Jane KL Teh and Tey Nai Peng. 2015. Trends in chronic diseases among the oldest-old in China. AIP Conference Proceedings 1691. Innovation and Analytics Conference and Exhibits. AIP Publishing. (Kedah Malaysia, 29 September - 1 Oct 2015)
  2. Ng ST, Tey NP, Sia BK, Hirofumi Okai, Hirofumi Tanada. 2015. Push and pull factors, issue and problems faced by international Muslim students of University of Malaya. Proceeding International Seminar on Islam and Multiculturalism: Exploring Islamic Studies Within a Symbiotic Framework, pp. 50-61.
  3. Ng Sor Tho & Tey Nai Peng. 2014. Identification of things and images associated with Islam and Muslim among UM students. Proceeding Third IAS-AEI International Conference on Islam and Multiculturalism: Coexistence and Symbiosis, pg. 151- 162.
  4. Shyamala Nagaraj, Goh Kim Leng, Tey Nai Peng, and Lee Kiong Hock, 2007. Human capital deepening: education. Paper presented at the International Conference on Poverty and Distribution amidst Diversity: Options and Challenges for Development, 13-14 August, Kuala Lumpur (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
  5. Tey Nai Peng (2007). Causes and Consequences of Fertility Decline among Malaysian Chinese, paper presented at International Conference on: Sino-Malaysian Relations and Ethnic Chinese in Malaysia,, Institute of Malaysian Studies, Xiamen University and Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya and Xiamen University
  6. Tey Nai Peng Tan Poo Chang (1996). The Changing Age Structure and Its Implications to the Malaysian Society , in Soon Lee Ying and Shyamala Nagaraj (eds.) The Seventh Malaysia Plan: Productivity for Sustainable Development, University of Malaya Press.
  7. Tey Nai Peng and Liaw Shu Hui (1995), Patterns of Urbanization and Migration in Malaysia , in NPFDB, Laporan Bengkel Maklumat Kependudukan: Ke Arah Perancangan Pembangunan Berkesan.
  9. Tey Nai Peng (1992), Migration Decision-making and Family Linkages - A Case Study of the Klang Valley, Malacca and Johor Bahru , in Jamilah Ariffin (ed.), Population Movements, Economic Development and Family Change, Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya.
  10. Tey Nai Peng (1991), Maternal Employment and Childcare, in Securing Our Future , in Chiam Heng Keng (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Children - Our Future, Child Development Centre and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (ed. Chiam Heng Keng).
  11. Tan Poo Chang, Tan Boon Ann, Tey Nai Peng, Kwok Kwan Kit and Shyamala Nagaraj, 1990. "Sex Differentials and Mortality Trends in the Process of Development in Malaysia", in Proceedings of the Colloquium on Women and Development in Malaysia - Implications for Planning and Population Dynamics. Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administation, University of Malaya.
  12. Tey Nai Peng, 1990. "Sex Differentials in Cityward Migration and Occupational Mobility- A Case Study of Klang Valley", in Proceedings of the Colloquium on Women and Development in Malaysia - Implications for Planning and Population Dynamics. Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administation, University of Malaya.
  13. Tey Nai Peng and Kok Kim Lian, "Migration and Urbanization in Malaysia", in Changing Malaysian Society and Economy: The Role of Population - A Collection of Seminar papers, 1989. Populaton Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya, pp. 227- 278.
  14. Tey Nai Peng, 1988. " Migration, Job Mobility and Income Differentials in the Klang Valley, Malacca and Johore Bharu", in Current Issues in Labour Migraion in Malaysia - A Collection of Seminar Papers. Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Adminstration, University of Malaya. pp81-116.
  15. Tan Poo Chang; Kwok Kwan Kit; Tey Nai Peng; Shyamala Nagaraj; Tan Boon Ann; Siti Norazah Zulkifli, 1987. Mortality as an indicator of the quality of life: an assessment of changing patterns and trends in Malaysia. in Proceedings of Seminar on Population and the Quality of Life in Malaysia. Population Studies Unit, University of Malaya
Other Publications
  1. He, W., Goodkind, D., Kowal, P., Almasarweh, I. S., Giang, T. L., Islam, M. M., Lee, S., Teerawichitchainan, B., & Tey, N. P. (2022). U.S. Census Bureau, International Population Reports, P95/22-1 – Asia Aging: Demographic, Economic, and Health Transitions. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Publishing Office. - Policy Paper
  2. Tey, N. P. (2022). Demographic Dividend with a Gender Dimension in Malaysia. Social Development Division, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand. - Policy Paper
  3. Kimberly Singer Babiarz, Jiwon Lee, Grant Miller, Tey Nai Peng, and Christine Valente (2017) Family Planning and Fertility Behavior: Evidence from Twentieth Century Malaysia, 470, 1-26 - Monograph
  4. Kimberly Singer Babiarz; Jiwon Lee; Grant Miller; Tey Nai Peng; Christine Valente (2017).Family Planning and Women s Economic Empowerment: Incentive Effects and Direct Effects among Malaysian Women - Monograph
  5. International Conference on Population Dynamism of Asia- Issues and Challenges Ahead 11-13 July 2011, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (University of Malaya, LPPKN, UNFPA,SGM and Spatialworks) Compilers : Khairulmaini Osman Salleh, Mehar Singh Gill, Firuza Begham Mustafa and Tan Wan Hin Reproductive Health: Fertility, contraceptive use, and induced abortion in Malaysia (Page 228-232) Assoc. Prof. Tey Nai Peng, University of Malaya - Extended Abstract
  6. International Conference on Population Dynamism of Asia- Issues and Challenges Ahead 11-13 July 2011, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (University of Malaya, LPPKN, UNFPA,SGM and Spatialworks) Compilers : Khairulmaini Osman Salleh, Mehar Singh Gill, Firuza Begham Mustafa and Tan Wan Hin Fertility Trends and Policies in Asia (Page 19-22) Tey Nai Peng, University of Malaya - Extended Abstract
  7. Goh Kim Leng, Shyamala Nagaraj, Tey Nai Peng and Rohana Jani. 2009 Gender Imbalance in Education and Its Impact on the Labour Market - Unpublished Writting Works
  8. Tey Nai Peng. 2009. Regional and urban rural differentials in employment in the 1990s - Unpublished Writting Works
  9. Shyamala Nagaraj, Lee Kiong Hock, Tey Nai Peng, Ng Chiu Wan and Jean Pala. 2008. Counting Ethnicity in Malaysia: The Complexity of Measurement of Diversity. WORKING PAPER SERIES,FEA Working Paper No. 2008-3 - Monograph
  10. Tey Nai Peng, 2008. "Delayed marriage and Non- marriage among Malaysian Chinese", in CMCS Bulletin, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2007 No. 2, pp41-47. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  13. Tey Nai Peng (2002), Socio-economic and Ethnic Fertility Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia, paper presented at IUSSP Regional Seminar on the Population of Southeast Asia in the Changing Asian Context, Bangkok, June 10-13, 2002 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  16. TEY NAI PENG, TAN POO CHANG, Ng Sor Tho, Kuppusamy and Wan Sabri. CONTRACEPTIVE USE DYNAMICS IN THE RURAL AREAS OF PENINSULAR MALAYSIA, FEA, University of Malaya, 1997 - Monograph
  17. Haaga, John, Julie DaVanzo,Christine Peterson, Tey Nai Peng and Tan Boon Ann. 1993. The Second Malaysian Family Life Survey: Overview and Technical Report, MR-106-NICHD/NIA, Rand, USA. - Technical Report
  18. DaVanzo, Julie, John Haaga, Tey Nai Peng, Ellen Starbird and Christine Peterson. 1993. The Second Malaysian Family Life Survey: Survey Instruments. MR-107-NICHD/NIA, Rand, USA. - Technical Report
  19. John Haaga, Julie DaVanzo, Christine Peterson, Tey Nai Peng and Tan Boon Ann. 1993. The Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Overview and Technical Report, Rand, USA - Monograph
  20. Tan Poo Chang, Tey Nai Peng, Halimah Awang, Rohana Jani, Ng Sor Tho and Zainal Abidin Hashim, 1993. Social Mixing and Marriage Perception among Undergraduates in Malaysia. Ministry of National Unity and Social Development, Malaysia. 62 pages - Monograph
  22. Tey Nai Peng, 1991. Roles and Participation of Malaysian Women in Household Decision-Making, in Status and Role of Malaysian Women in Development and Family Welfare, Research Report Number 3. Faculty of Economics and Administration (University of Malaya) and National Population and Family Development Board.41 pages. - Monograph
  23. Hamid Arshat, Tan Poo Chang and Tey Nai Peng. The aging of population in Malaysia, New York : UN, 1989. "Asian Population Studies Series No. 96. ST/ESCAP/ - Monograph
  25. Tey Nai Peng, Tan Boon Ann, Tan Poo Chang and Kwok Kwan Kit. Direct and Indirect Determinants of Fertility in Peninsular Malaysia, 1988, National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia - Technical Report
  27. Tan Poo Chang, Tan Boon Ann, Tey Nai Peng and Kwok Kwan Kit. An analysis of cohort and period fertility levels in Peninsular Malaysia, 1987 - Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya - Monograph
  28. Hamid Arshat, Takeshita YJ; Tan Boon Ann; Tey Nai Peng; Asma Hussein. 1986. District level differences in maternal, infant, and toddler mortality rates, Peninsular Malaysia. National Population and Family Development Board, 1986 Jan. 36 p. (Population Research Series No. 2 - Technical Report
  29. Hamid Arshat; Takeshita, Yuzuru J.; Tan, Boon Ann and Tey, Nai Peng (1986) Fertility Trends in Peninsular Malaysia: 1957-70 and 1970-80. Application of a decomposition technique. Population Research Series, No. 1, 31 pp. National Population and Family Development Board: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Technical Report
  30. Hamid Arshat, Takeshita, YJ. Tan Boon Ann and Tey Nai Peng. Fertility Trends in Peninsular Malaysia, 1957-70 and 1970-80: Application of a Decomposition. National Family Planning Board, [1984]. 31 p. - Technical Report
  31. Nor Laily Abu Bakar, Takeshita, YJ, Tan Boon Ann and Tey Nai Peng. 1983. Intercensal net migration of population in Peninsular Malaysia. 1970-1980. NFPB Research Paper - Technical Report
  32. Tey Nai Peng and Idris Abdul Rahman, 1981, Factors affecting contraceptive use in Peninsular Malaysia, World Fertility Survey Scientific Report No. 23, International Statistical Institute, Netherlands - Monograph
  33. Nor Laily Aziz, Tan Boon Ann, Hew Wai Sin. Khoo Swee Kheng and Tey Nai Peng. Culture and Fertility: The Case of Malaysia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Studies. 284 Dolores, Chicago Press. Brodhead, Tim (1987). NGOs:", 1980 - Monograph


  1. 2013 - 2017, United Nations Populaton Fund (UNFPA)
    Enhancing Demographic Research and Training for Development Planning ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2013 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)
    The Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR) Study (UM.C/625/1/HIR/ASH/02) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2012 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Malaysian Elderly Longitudinal Research (MELOR) Study - Economic Components- promoting active and productive ageing. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Daily Life & Life Satisfaction of Residents in Old Folks Home ( Consultant)
  5. 2010 - 2012, World Health Organization (WHO)
    Knowledge and Perception of Medical Students on Abortion ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2009 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Daily Life & Life Satisfaction of Residents in Old Folks Home ( Consultant)
  7. 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Survey on the Intention of Indonesian Migrant Workers to Stay in Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  8. 2008 - 2009, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Survey on the Rising Cost of Living on the Malaysian Economy and Its People ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  9. 2008 - 2009, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Survey of Ethnic Interactions among University Students ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Survey of FEA Graduates in the Workplace ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2007 - 2008, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Regional and Urban-Rural Differentials in Employment Growth ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 2007 - 2008, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Survey on Income and Expenditure among Support Staff in Local Authorities ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2007 - 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Gender Imbalance in Education and Its Impact on the Labor Market ( Consultant)
  14. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Changing Leading Causes of Death among Malaysians (1970-2000) ( Consultant)
  15. 2007 - 2008, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Ethnic Interaction among Secondary School Students ( Consultant)
  16. 2004 - 2006, UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)
    Strengthening Partnership and Programmes Against Gender Based Violence ( Coordinator)
  17. 2005 - 2006, UNFPA
    Promoting Active & Productive Ageing in Malaysia, coordinated by Gerontology Institute, University Putra Malaysia ( -Researcher)
  18. 2003 - 2005, IRPA
    Quality of Life of Older Malaysians Economic and Financial Aspects of Aging, 2003/2004, coordinated by Institute of Gerontology, UPM ( Consultant)
  19. 2003 - 2004, IRPA
    Optimizing the Potentials of Older Persons as Critical Resources for Development ( Consultant)
  20. 1997 - 2000, IRPA
    Consequences of Rural Depopulation on Agricultural Communities in Peninsular Malaysia, IRPA Project, 1997-2000. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  21. 1998 - 2000, IRPA
    Socio-economic and Political Impacts of International Migration in the Urban Areas of Peninsular Malaysia ( Consultant)
  22. 1996 - 1999, IRPA
    Socio-economic Support and Community Services for the Elderly in Malaysia ( -Researcher)
  23. 1994 - 1996, World Health Organization
    Contraceptive Choice in the Rural Areas of Peninsular Malaysia - Determinant and Change ( WHO-funded Project- US$70,000), 1994-1996. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  24. 1993 - 1995, Mellon Foundation
    Status of Women and Fertility s ( -Researcher)
  25. 1993 - 1995, UNFPA
    Improving the Measurement of Women s Economic Activities in Malaysia ( -Researcher)
  1. 2011 - 2012, World Health Organisation (Malaysia)
    Survey on Knowledge of and attitudes toward induced abortion among medical students ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2007 - 2008, Ford Foundation
    Marriage, Marital Dissolution and Poverty in Malaysia and Survey on Intergenerational Relations and Wealth Transfer ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2002 - 2002, World Health Organization
    Age Friendly Primary Health Care Malaysia Focus Group ( Consultant)
  1. 2005 - 2006, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    An Analysis of the Academic Human Resource in University of Malaya ( Consultant)
  2. 2005 - 2006, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Survey on Choice of Courses and Career Aspiration among Year 1 FEA Students, 2005/06, (Vote F project), with Yong Sook Lu ( Consultant)
  3. 2002 - 2003, Centre for Ethnic Relation and Economic Development
    Survey on Ethnic Relations Among UM students, CEDER, University of Malaya, 2002/03. ( Director)


  • Final Evaluation of Unfpa Mys3r52a Final Project Evaluation: Unfpa Funded Project On Hiv and Sex Work, 2008-2012., Federation of Reproductive Health Association Malaysia
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
  • Global Survey Icpd Beyond 2014, United Nations Development Programme
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
  • Final Evaluation of Unfpa Mysor209 Final Project Evaluation Unfpa Project Mysor 209: Reaching Out to Disadvantaged Youths to Address Srh Needs and Hiv Prevention Through Peer Education, 2008-2012., Federation of Reproductive Health Association Malaysia
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
  • Survey On Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Induced Abortion Among Medical Students, World Health Organisation (Malaysia)
    01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
  • Socioeconomic Study of Kesban Area, Sarawak, Sarawak State Planning Unit
    01 Jun 2010 - 01 Jun 2011 (National)
  • Development of a Nuclear Power Plant (Npp) Site Verification Guideline to Identify Preferred Candidate Npp Sites, TNBR
    01 Jun 2010 - 01 Jun 2011 (National)
  • National Water Resources Study, Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS)
    01 Apr 2009 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
  • Second Strategic Plan for Population ,, National Population and Family Development Board,
    01 Nov 2009 - 01 Nov 2010 (National)
  • Midterm Review of Unfpa Country Program for Malaysia (2008-2012), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
    01 Aug 2010 - 01 Aug 2010 (National)
  • Projecting The Future Needs for Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education.
    01 Jun 2010 - 01 Jun 2010 (National)
  • International Family Planning Program Study - Malaysian Component, Futures Group International USA
    01 Nov 2009 - 01 Nov 2009 (International)
  • Pos Malaysia Service Quality Audit, POS Malaysia Berhad
    01 Jun 2009 - 01 Jun 2009 (National)
  • Enhancing Policies On Social Services in Support of Family Well-Being in Asia and The Pacific- The Malaysian Case , With Jamilah Ariffin, 2008., UN ESCAP
    01 Nov 2008 - 01 Nov 2008 (International)
  • Assessing The Impact of Mysor 208 Unfpa Funded Project On Protecting Young Malaysians On Hiv/Aids, Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia, (FFPAM) , now Federation of Reproductive Health Association Malaysia
    01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2007 (National)
  • Master Plan Project for The Development of Rural Entrepreneurs, Ministry of Rural and Regional Development
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2007 (National)
  • Malaysian Population and Family Survey, National Population and Family Development Board
    01 Nov 2004 - 01 Nov 2007 (National)
  • Impact Assessment of South-South Cooperation in Reproductive Health in Malaysia, Unfpa Project Mal/03/P04, National Population and Family Development Board
    01 Aug 2006 - 01 Aug 2007 (International)
  • Regional Workshop On Population Projection, United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for West Asia
    01 Aug 2007 - 01 Aug 2007 (International)
  • Baseline Survey of Family Life Educators & Baseline Survey On The Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour of Young People On Hiv/Aids and Reproductive Health, Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
  • Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact Study for Perak River Hydro Scheme, Tenaga Nasional (National Electricity Board)
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
  • Socio-Economic Study for The Integrated Shoreline Management Plan, Ismp, Southern Pahang, Drainage and Irrigation Department (through JK Sdn. Bhd)
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey, CCM
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
  • Economic Impact Study of The 2005 Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix, 2005, Sepang Intrernational Circuit
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2005 (National)
  • E-Rham for Youth, Post-Project Survey, 2004, Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia, (FFPAM) , now Federation of Reproductive Health Association Malaysia
    01 Nov 2004 - 01 Nov 2004 (National)
  • Assessing The Needs of Chinese Single Mothers- a Socio-Economic Survey,for The Ministry of Women and Family Development, 2003-2004, Women Development Centre
    01 Nov 2003 - 01 Nov 2004 (National)
  • Economic Impact Analysis of Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix, Macrowork Sdn. Berhad (for Ministry of Finance),
    01 Nov 2004 - 01 Nov 2004 (National)
  • Assessing The Implementation of The Icpd-Poa in Malaysia,  National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia
    01 Nov 2004 - 01 Nov 2004 (National)
  • Situational Analysis of Reproductive Health in Asean , Under Unfpa-Funded Project On Mal/03/P04: South-South Cooperation in Reproductive Health in Malaysia, 2004-2006, National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia
    01 Aug 2004 - 01 Aug 2004 (International)
  • Utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine , 2001-2003, WWF Malaysia
    01 Nov 2001 - 01 Nov 2003 (National)
  • Strengthening Population and Development Advocacy With Parliamentarians and Members of State Assemblies, Asian Parliamentary Forum for Population and Development, Malaysia
    01 Nov 2002 - 01 Nov 2003 (National)
  • Survey of The Squatter Population in Five Major Towns in Peninsular Malaysia, National Population and Family Development Board
    01 Nov 2001 - 01 Nov 2003 (National)
  • Financial Planning Survey in Kl and Pj, Citibank
    01 Nov 2002 - 01 Nov 2003 (National)
  • Age Friendly Health Guidelines for Primary Health Care Project,, World Health Organization
    01 Nov 2002 - 01 Nov 2002 (International)
  • Alas Museum Marketing, Department of Museum and Antiques
    01 Nov 2002 - 01 Nov 2002 (International)
  • Opinion Survey On Public Services in Selayang Baru,  Transparency International (Malaysia)
    01 Nov 2001 - 01 Nov 2001 (Others)
  • Economic Impact Analysis of Formula One in Malaysia, 2000,  Sepang International Circuit,
    01 Nov 2000 - 01 Nov 2000 (National)
  • Strategic Plan for Development -Demographic Component, Kelantan state Economic Planning Unit
    01 Nov 1999 - 01 Nov 2000 (National)
  • Training Module On Collection, Analysis and Utilization of Demographic Data for Planning, National Population and Family Development Board
    01 Nov 2000 - 01 Nov 2000 (National)
  • Financial Flow for Population Activities, United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)
    01 Nov 2000 - 01 Nov 2000 (National)
  • Icpd+5 Ngo Forum Plan of Action, Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia , now Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia
    01 Nov 1998 - 01 Nov 1998 (National)
  • Developing Asean Social Indicators, ASEAN Secretariat,
    01 Nov 1996 - 01 Nov 1997 (International)
  • Civil Society Resource Organizations and Development in Southeast Asia - Malaysian Component, Synergos Institute, USA
    01 Nov 1996 - 01 Nov 1996 (International)
  • Family Planning and Health Kap Survey in Vietnam, International Planned Parenthood Federation and Vietnam Family Planning Associations
    01 Aug 1996 - 01 Aug 1996 (International)


  1. Isu Migrasi Antarabangsa - Penemuan dari Pelan Strategik Kependudukan II, Seminar Penemuan Kajian Pekerja Indonesia Di Bahagian Tawau, Sabah, National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (National) (29 Sep 2011 - 29 Sep 2011)
  1. The Roles of Government and Community in Promoting Elderly Wellbeing in Malaysia, Tey Nai Peng. The Roles of Government and Community in Promoting Elderly Wellbeing in Malaysia. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatric Congress, 19-22 October, 2015, Chiangmai, Thailand., International Association of Gerontology and Geriatric Congress (International) (19 Oct 2015 - 22 Oct 2015)
  2. Family Care and Support for Older Malaysians, International Conference on Healthy Ageing 2014 - Bridging Science and Healthcare, International Medical University and University Putra Malaysia (International) (20 Oct 2014 - 21 Oct 2014)
  3. Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights - Survey on ICPD Beyond 2014, Malaysia , Policy Dialogue on Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights towards the ICPD Review and Post-2015 Development Agenda, FHRAM, 3.9.2014 , Federation of Reproductive Health Association Malaysia and ARROW (National) (03 Sep 2014 - 03 Sep 2014)
  4. Demographic transition in multi-ethnic Malaysia, International Conference on Demographic Transition, Transformations of Kinship and Marriage, and the Application of Islamic Family Law , University of Fribourg (International) (15 May 2014 - 17 May 2014)
  5. Reproductive Health and Family Planning, Bengkel Pelan Tindakan Kependudukan dan Pembangunan, Siri 1, Kajian Pelan Strategik Kependudukan Ke-2, National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) (National) (22 Dec 2010 - 23 Dec 2010)
  6. Family and Gender Issues, Forum Konsultatif Kajian Pelan Strategik Kependudukan Ke-2, Siri 3, National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia, (LPPKN) (National) (10 Mar 2010 - 10 Mar 2010)
  7. Current Status and Issues of Reproductive Health in Malaysia, Forum Knosultatif Kajian Pelan Strategik Kependudukan Ke-2, Siri 2, National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia (LPPKN) (National) (18 Feb 2010 - 18 Feb 2010)
  8. Contraceptive Use and Unmet Need for Contraception in Peninsular Malaysia, FFPAM RRAAM Consultation Increasing Access to the Reproductive Right to Contraceptive Information and Services; Monitoring Progress since the 1994 ICPD Agreements, FFPAM ARROW-RRAAM (Federation of Family Planning Association, Malaysia) (National) (21 Oct 2008 - 21 Oct 2008)
  9. Situation Analysis of Reproductive in ASEAN, Regional Technical Meeting on Integrated Reproductive Health Services for Families, Women, Men and Adolescents ,, National Population and Family Development Board, Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, with United Nations Population Fund, (International) (06 Dec 2004 - 07 Dec 2004)
  1. Population Projection for Development Planning in Malaysia, National Population Conference on the Inter-relationships between Population Dynamics and Development, Population Studies Unit (University of Malaya) and National Population and Family Development Board (National) (26 Jun 2014 - 26 Jun 2014)
  2. Internal migration and socio-demographic changes in Malaysia, International conference on migration, urbanization and development, Population Studies Unit, University of Malaya with National Population and Family Development Board (International) (08 Jul 2013 - 08 Jul 2013)
  3. Guides for discussion on the economic aspects of ageing, Melor Dialogue session with NGOs, Melor Research Team (Malaysian Elderly Longitudinal Research) (11 Sep 2012 - 11 Sep 2012)
  1. Push and Pull Factors, Issue and Problems faced by International Muslim Students of University of Malaya, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM AND MULTICULTURALISM: Exploring Islamic Studies within a Symbiotic Framework, AEI (UM) and Waseda University, Japan (International) (13 Dec 2014 - 14 Dec 2014)
  2. Ethnic Trends and Differentials towards Replacement Fertility in Malaysia, Conference on Exploring and Revisiting Issues in Malaysian Chinese Research 2014 8-9 November 2014, New Era University (National) (08 Nov 2014 - 09 Nov 2014)
  3. Understanding the Reasons Behind the Stalling of Contraceptive Use Towards Revitalizing Family Planning in Malaysia , 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, The Philippines NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare Inc (International) (21 Jan 2014 - 24 Jan 2014)
  4. Identification of Things and Images Associated with Islam and Muslim Among UM Students , International Seminar on Islam and Multiculturalism: Coexistence and Symbiosis, Waseda University and University of Malaya (International) (20 Dec 2013 - 21 Dec 2013)
  5. 3.Trends and differentials in age at menarche among Filipino girls , International Research Symposium on Population Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (International) (19 Nov 2013 - 20 Nov 2013)
  6. Demographic Transition amidst socioeconomic and policy changes in China, International Conference From Hu-Wen to Xi-Li Administration: China s Leadership Transition and Its Domestic and International Implications International Implications, University of Malaya (ICS) and National University of Singapore (International) (12 Sep 2013 - 13 Sep 2013)
  7. Family Planning Programmes and Fertility Reduction in South and Southeast Asia, XXVII International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) International Population Conference, IUSSP (International) (26 Aug 2013 - 31 Aug 2013)
  8. Highlights of Project Evaluation Findings, DISSEMINATION SEMINAR On Reaching Out to Disadvantaged Youths to Address Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Needs and HIV Prevention through Peer Education, 2008-2012 , Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia (National) (28 Nov 2012 - 28 Nov 2012)
  9. Spousal age and educational differentials in three ASEAN Countries, Marriage in Asia: Trends, Determinants & Implications , National University of Singapore and Asian Population Association (International) (15 Nov 2012 - 16 Dec 2012)
  10. Policy Responses to Demographic Changes - the Case of Malaysia, Asian Population Association Second International Conference, Asian Population Association (International) (26 Aug 2012 - 29 Aug 2012)
  11. Consistency of educational attainment in explaining unmet need for contraception and excess fertility in three ASEAN countries, Asian Population Association Second International Conference, Asian Population Association (International) (26 Aug 2012 - 29 Aug 2012)
  12. Malaysian Chinese in the New Millennium, International Conference on Socio-economic Development, Ethnicity and Social Cohesion: China and Malaysia in Perspective, Institute of China Study, University of Malaya and Faculty of Political Science, Qinghai Nationalities University (International) (25 Apr 2012 - 26 Apr 2012)
  13. Tey Nai Peng and Gu Baochang (2010). Fertility Transition in China and Malaysian Chinese Community: Does Policy Matter? , International Conference on China in Transition: Economic Reform and Social Change, 21-22 July. ICS, University of Malaya., Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya (International) (21 Jul 2010 - 22 Jul 2010)
  14. Demographic Impact of International migration in Malaysia, Workshop on current issues and problems of transnational migration in Malaysia : A multidisciplinary perspective, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National) (14 Nov 2007 - 14 Nov 2007)
  1. Trends and Patterns in Adolescent Fertility and Contraceptive Use in Southeast Asia: Governments'Response, 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (APCRSHR) , APCRSHR (International) (21 Jan 2014 - 24 Jan 2014)
  2. Fertility Decline despite Stagnation of Contraceptive Prevalence Rate in Malaysia, 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual and health Rights, Partners in Population and Development (International) (18 Oct 2009 - 20 Oct 2009)
  1. Population Ageing amidst Socio-demographic Changes in Malaysia, The Second International Conference on Social Security 2014 Social Dimensions of Economic Development ad Productivity : Lessons, Challenges and Opportunities for Southeast Asia, Social Security Research Centre (International) (03 Dec 2014 - 05 Dec 2014)
  2. Findings from ICPD Beyond 2014 Survey, Validation workshop ICPD Beyond 2014 Survey (National) (11 Dec 2012 - 11 Dec 2012)
  3. Findings and recommendations from Second Population Strategic Plan, Bengkel Pelan Tindakan Kependudukan Kebangsaan Siri 2, National Population and Family Development Board (National) (18 Jul 2012 - 19 Jul 2012)
  4. Findings from Survey on Knowledge and Perception of Medical Students on Abortion, Dissemination Seminar on Abortion Studies, Federation of Reproductive Health Associations Malaysia (National) (16 Dec 2011 - 16 Dec 2011)
  5. Fertilty trends and policy in Asia, International Conference on Population of Asia: Issues and Challenges Ahead, Geography Department, FSSS, UM (International) (11 Jul 2011 - 13 Jul 2011)
  6. Reproductive Health: Fertility, Contraceptive Use and Abortion in Malaysia (Symposium of Reproductive Health), Internatonal Conference of Population Dynamism of Asia: Issues and Challenges Ahead, Geography Department, FSSS, UM (International) (11 Jul 2011 - 13 Jul 2011)
  7. Decliining Fertility, Delayed Marriage, Stagnation of Contraceptive Use and Increasing Abortion in Malaysia, Seminar Tahun 2010 Jabatan Statistik Gunaan, FEP, Jabatan Statistik Gunaan, FEP (Others) (12 Mar 2010 - 12 Mar 2010)
  8. Impact of Global Crisis on the Malaysian Economy and Its People (Tey Nai Peng and Yew Sew Yong), CPDS Workshop on the Global Crisis and Its Impact on Poverty, CPDS, University of Malaya (University) (29 Jul 2009 - 29 Jul 2009)
  9. Regional and Urban-rural Differentials in Employment Growth in the 1990s, Workshop on CPDS Research Output, CPDS, UM (University) (13 May 2009 - 14 May 2009)
  10. Income and Expenditure of Staff of Local Authorities in Johor, Workshop on CPDS Research Outputs, Centre for Poverty and Development Studies, UM (University) (13 May 2009 - 14 May 2009)
  11. Economic Status of Older Men and Women in Malaysia, International Conference on Gender and Ageing in Southeast Asia: Contexts, Concern and Contradictions , Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (International) (10 Feb 2009 - 11 Feb 2009)
  12. Marriage, Marital Dissolution and Remarriage in Peninsular Malaysia,, Workshop on Changing Marriage in Southeast Asia, Singapore, organized by , Asia Research Institute, University of Singapore (International) (10 Dec 2008 - 11 Dec 2008)
  13. Demographic Changes in Malaysia , Global and Economic Policy (GEP) Workshop on Health, Population and Economic Development, November 14, Nottingham University, Malaysia branch campus (National) (14 Nov 2008 - 14 Nov 2008)
  14. Employment and Income of Older Malaysians , National Conference on Ageing 2008: Promoting Dignity, Prosperity and Wellness, Institute of Gerontology, UPM, Ministry of Health and United Nations Population Fund Malaysia,  (National) (04 Nov 2008 - 04 Nov 2008)
  15. Education, Work, Marriage and Wellbeing in Malaysia, Conference on Marriage, Culture and Poverty in Southeast Asia, Asia Research Institute (University of Singapore) and Gadjah Mada University (International) (21 Aug 2008 - 22 Aug 2008)
  16. Gender and Ethnic Dimensions of Changes in the Leading Causes of Death in Malaysia, 1970-2004 , Australian Population Association 14th Biennial Conference, Australian Population Association  (International) (30 Jun 2008 - 03 Jul 2008)
  17. Social Services and Protection for Malaysian Family in the Context of Socio-demographic Change, ESCAP Regional Seminar on Enhancing Social Services and Protection Policies for the Families in Asia and the Pacific, United Nations, ESCAP (International) (13 May 2008 - 15 May 2008)
  18. Ciri-ciri Sosio-ekonomi Warga Mas Malaysia, Bengkel wanita, persaraan dan penuaan : Polisi rancangan dan program, KPWKM, Yayasan Pendidikan & Vokasional wanita Malaysia, Wonderful Freedom sdn Bhd. (National) (17 Apr 2008 - 17 Apr 2008)
  19. Singlehood and divorce in Malaysia , Workshop for Marriage Research Project- Ford Foundation funded , Asia Research Institute, University of Singapore (International) (10 Dec 2007 - 11 Dec 2007)
  20. Pertumbuhan, Taburan dan Mobiliti Penduduk Malaysia, Majlis Pelancaran Handy pop dan Seminar Kependudukan Sempena Hari Penduduk Sedunia 2007 Negeri Sembilan LPPKN Seremban , Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Malaysia (National) (22 Nov 2007 - 22 Nov 2007)
  21. Sharing Experience of Consultancy, IPPF International Workshop on Managing Professional AIDS Consulting Business, International Plannied Parenthood Federation (International) (09 Aug 2007 - 09 Aug 2007)
  22. Population Growth and Social Change in Malaysia, e National Population Conference on Demographic Windows for Development: Opportunities and Challenges, National Population and Family Development Board, National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (National) (04 Jul 2007 - 05 Jul 2007)
  23. Fertility Trends and Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia, International Conference on Understanding Health and Population Over Time: Strengthening Capacity in Longitudinal Data Collection and Analysis in Asia and the Pacific Region, Mahidol University, Thailand (International) (23 May 2007 - 25 May 2007)
  24. Causes and Consequences of Fertility Decline among Malaysian Chinese, International Conference on: Sino-Malaysian Relations and ethnic Chinese in Malaysia,, Institute of Malaysian Studies, Xiamen University , Xiamen University and Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya (International) (19 Apr 2007 - 23 Apr 2007)
  25. Perancang Keluarga dan Amalan Kesihatan, Persidangan Penduduk dan Pembangunan Sarawak: Membina Generasi Hadapan kertas kerja Perancang Keluarga dan Kesihatan Reproduktif , Lembaga penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (National) (26 Mar 2007 - 28 Mar 2007)
  26. Marriage, Gender Roles and Childbearing in Urban Malaysia: A Case Study of Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya Metropolitan Areas. , International Workshop on Population Issues in East and Southeast Asian Countries- , Waseda University (International) (28 Feb 2007 - 01 Mar 2007)
  27. Ethnic Fertility Transition in Peninsular Malaysia: Socioeconomic Nexus and Differential Response to State Policy, Seminar on "Fertility Transition in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges", ESCAP, UN (International) (18 Dec 2006 - 20 Dec 2006)
  28. Internal Migration in Malaysia - The case of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, International Conference on "Emerging Population Issues in the Asia Pacific Region: Challenges for the 21st Century, International Institute for Population Sciences, India (International) (10 Dec 2006 - 13 Dec 2006)
  29. Preparing Statistical Presentation Without Anguish, SPSS User Group 12th Annual Conference, SPSS Malaysia (International) (06 Dec 2006)
  30. An Analysis of Academic Human Resource at the University of Malaya: Meeting New Challenges, Second International Conference of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) HRM Network, Association of Commonwealth Universities (International) (03 Sep 2006 - 05 Sep 2006)
  31. Making the Most Out of Census Data with SPSS, 11th Annual Conference, SPSS User Group, SPSS User Group (National) (28 Sep 2005 - 28 Sep 2005)
  32. Flight from Marriage Among Malaysian Men, FEA Seminar, FEA, UM (University) (09 Sep 2005 - 09 Sep 2005)
  33. Utilization of Census and Major Survey Data for Analyzing Marriage Trends and Patterns in Malaysia,, paper presented at INetwork , Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 6-8 January, 2005., International Workshop on Asian Marriage Research , Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore  (International) (06 Jan 2005 - 08 Jan 2005)
  34. Prevalence of Delayed and Non-Marriage in Malaysia, Asia Pacific Dialogue: Towards the Doha International Conference for the Family,, National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and World Family Policy Centre (International) (11 Oct 2004 - 13 Oct 2004)
  35. To Retire or Not To Retire, with Ng Sor Tho, National Conference on Population Ageing in the Developing World, Bridging Research, Policy and Practic, Institute of Gerontology, Department of Social Welfare, UNFPA and Gerontological Association of Malaysia (National) (05 Oct 2004 - 06 Oct 2004)
  36. The Changing Trends and Patterns in Marriage Among Malaysian Women, FEA seminar, FEA, UM (University) (07 Sep 2004 - 07 Sep 2004)
  37. Exploiting the Power of SPSS for Survey Research and Data Analysis, paper to be presented at the 9th Annual SPSS Conference 2003, 9th October 2003., 9th Annual SPSS Conference , SPSS User Group (National) (09 Oct 2003 - 09 Oct 2003)
  38. 18.Tey Nai Peng (2003), The Causes and Consequences of Demographic Changes of Chinese Malaysians, Seminar on Chinese Population in Malaysia, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, Chong Hwa Old Boys Association and Soka Gakkai Malaysia (National) (03 Aug 2003 - 03 Aug 2003)
  39. Age Friendly Primary Health Care - Malaysia Focus Group, WHO Consultation on Age Friendly Primary Care and International Federation on Ageing - 6th Global Conference and EXPO, International Federation on Ageing (26 Oct 2002 - 27 Oct 2002)
  40. Socio-economic and Ethnic Fertility Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia, paper presented at IUSSP Regional Seminar on the Population of Southeast Asia in the Changing Asian Context, Bangkok, June 10-13, 2002 , IUSSP Regional Seminar on the Population of Southeast Asia in the Changing Asian Context, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population and Chulalongkorn University (International) (10 Jun 2002 - 13 Jun 2002)
  41. Recommendations for Agenda 21 Implementation Based on Assessment of Malaysian Government Action on Demographic Dynamics and Sustainability, NGO Forum on Agenda 21, Malaysian NGO Forum for RIO + 10 (National) (31 May 2002 - 31 May 2002)
  42. Differential Response to Fertility Transition in Peninsular Malaysia, International Conference on Fertility decline, below replacement fertility and the family in Asia: Prospects, consequences and Policies, National University of Singapore (International) (10 Apr 2002 - 12 Apr 2002)
  43. Implications of Demographic Changes on Family and Society, International Family Conference, National Population and Family Development Board (International) (11 Oct 2001 - 12 Oct 2001)
  44. Integration of Population and Reproductive Health Issues into Environmental Development Program- the Case of Malaysia, International Workshop on Integration of Population and Reproductive Health into Environmental Development Program, Planned Parenthood Association, Thailand  (International) (13 Sep 2001 - 17 Sep 2001)
  45. Recent Demographic Trends of Chinese Malaysians, International Conference on Population and Chinese Community, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies (International) (10 Jan 2001 - 10 Jan 2001)
  46. Population and Development Concerns, with Tan Poo Chang, Malaysian NGO National Seminar on Reproductive Health, PJ, 20 April 2000, Malaysian NGO Forum (National) (20 Apr 2000 - 20 Apr 2000)
  47. Social Equity: Policies and Programmes Affecting Older People in Malaysia, 22nd Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations Conference , Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations (International) (24 Oct 1997 - 25 Oct 1997)
  48. The Changing Age Structure and Its Implications to the Malaysian Society, The Seventh Malaysia Plan: Productivity for Sustainable Development, (01 Jul 1996)
  49. International Migration Research Using Popline Database,, First International Meeting of Asia Pacific Migration Research Network,, Asia Pacific Migration Research Network (International) (10 Mar 1996 - 13 Mar 1996)
  50. The Elderly: An Untapped Resource, with Tey Hwei Choo , Seminar on Ageing Population: National Policy Directions and the Role of Media, Asian Institute for Development Communication (National) (10 Jul 1995 - 10 Jul 1995)
  51. Patterns of Urbanization and Migration in Malaysia, Bengkel Maklumat Kependudukan: Ke Arah Perancangan Pembangunan Berkesan (01 Jul 1995)
  52. Some Demographic and Health Aspects of Malaysian Women, Workshop on Malaysian Women within the Two Development Decades, Population Studies Unit, FEA, UM (National) (05 May 1994 - 06 May 1994)
  53. Utilization of Population Information, Workshop on Population Needs Assessment, Kuala Lumpur, 8-13 November 1993 , National Population and Family Development Board and EN ESCAP (International) (08 Nov 1993 - 13 Nov 1993)
  54. Migration Decision-making and Family Linkages - A Case Study of the Klang Valley, Malacca and Johor Bahru, Migration, LPPKN (01 Jul 1992)
  55. Maternal Employment and Childcare, Conference on Children - Our Future, University of Malaya (National) (01 Jul 1991)
  56. Contraceptive use in Peninsular Malaysia,, Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, , National Population and Family Development Board (National) (01 Jun 1991)
  57. Sex Differentials in Cityward Migration and Occupational Mobility- A Case Study of Klang Valley, Colloquium on Women and Development in Malaysia - Implications for Planning and Population Dynamics, Population Studies Unit, University of Malaya (National) (01 Jul 1990)
  58. Migration and Urbanization in Malaysia, Changing Malaysian Society and Economy: The Role of Population , Population Studies Unit, University of Malaya (National) (01 Jul 1989)
  59. Migration, Job Mobility and Income Differentials in the Klang Valley, Malacca and Johore Bharu, Current Issues in Labour Migraion in Malaysia, Population Studies Unit, University of Malaya (National) (01 Jul 1988)
  60. Mortality as an indicator of the quality of life: an assessment of changing patterns and trends in Malaysia., Seminar on Population and the Quality of Life in Malaysia., Population Studies Unit, University of Malaya (University) (01 Jul 1987 - 02 Jul 1987)
  1. Trends in chronic diseases among the oldest-old in China., 2nd Innovation and Analytics Conference & Exhibition, AIP (International) (29 Sep 2015 - 01 Oct 2015)
  2. Status of Family Planning in Malaysia, 2010, UNFPA and ICOMP Asia and The Pacific Regional Consultation Family Planning in Asia and The Pacific - Addressing the Challenge, UNFPA and ICOMP (International) (08 Dec 2010 - 10 Dec 2010)
  3. The Roles of Men in Family Planning in Indonesia, First International Conference of Asian Population Association, Asian Population Association (International) (16 Nov 2010 - 20 Nov 2010)
  4. Research on Step and Blended Families in Malaysia,, International Conference on Divorce, Re-marriage, Step Families & Blended Families: Challenges and the Way Forward , Asia Pacific Forum on Families, National Population and Family Development Board, Family Development Foundation of Johor and La Trobe University (Australia) (International) (01 Nov 2010 - 03 Nov 2010)
  5. Indonesian Domestic Workers in Malaysia: Opportunities and Risks, by Cynthia Lai, Tey Nai Peng and Balambigai Balakrishnan, 9th ASEAN Inter-University Seminar, Social and Politics Study Program, Syiah Kuala University Darussalam Banda Aceh in collaboration with Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore  (International) (25 May 2010 - 26 May 2010)
  6. he intention of migrant workers to stay in Malaysia: A case study of semi-skilled Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia, Balakrishnan, Balambigai, Tey Nai Peng, Shyamala Nagaraj and Sabitha Marican. (2009). The intention of migrant workers to stay in Malaysia: A case study of semi-skilled Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia, paper presented at the ICONSEA (Kuala Lumpur, 2009)., University of Malaya (International) (08 Dec 2009 - 09 Dec 2009)
  7. Human Capital Formation and Labour Market Dynamics: A Gendered Perspective, Workshop on CPDS Research Outputs, Centre for Poverty and Development Studies (University) (13 May 2009 - 14 May 2009)
  8. Youth Development- Policies and Programs , Persidangan Kependudukan Kebangsaan 2008, Youth and the Chaning Demographics , LPPKN, Kuala Lumpur, National Population and Family Development Board (National) (18 Aug 2008 - 19 Aug 2008)
  9. Human capital deepening: education, International Conference on Poverty and Distribution amidst Diversity: Options and Challenges for Development, Centre for Poverty and Development Studies, UM (University) (13 Aug 2007 - 14 Aug 2007)
  10. Economic and Social Participation of Older Persons, National Conference on "The Role of Older Persons in the 9th Malaysia Plan", USIAMAS (International) (18 Sep 2006)
  11. Marriage and Family Formation in Peninsular Malaysia, National Conference on Population and Development: Building the Next Generation, National Population and Family Development Board (National) (05 Sep 2006 - 07 Sep 2006)
  12. Interactions among Family Members, International Family Scholar Colloquium, National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia and Doha International Center for Family Studies (International) (07 Aug 2006 - 08 Aug 2006)
  13. Analytical Framework for Analysis of Marriage, Divorce and Poverty in Malaysia, Workshiop on "Changing Marriage in Southeast Asia", Asia Research Center, National University of Singapore (International) (26 Jun 2006 - 27 Jun 2006)
  14. Tey Nai Peng (2006), Trends and Correlates of Delayed Marriage in Malaysia and Implications for Development, International Conference on Population and Development in Asia: Critical Issues for Sustainable Future, Asia MetaCenter (International) (20 Mar 2006 - 22 Mar 2006)
  15. Government Commitment, Civil Society Initiatives and International/Regional Cooperation, National Dissemination Seminar on "ICPD Ten Years On -- Country Monitoring Report of Malaysia", Malaysian National Coordinating Committee on Reproductive Health (International) (13 Aug 2005)
  16. Poverty and Income Inequality: Lessons from the Fishing Communities, Seminar on Poverty Alleviation and Social Stability , Malaysian Institute for Economic Research (National) (23 Oct 2002 - 24 Oct 2002)
  17. Some Trends Affecting the Chinese Malaysian Population, Symposium on Malaysian Chinese, Centre for Malayssian Chinese Studies (National) (15 Apr 2000 - 16 Apr 2000)
  18. Perlaksanaan Dasar Warga Tua Negara Ke Arah Pembangunan Masyarakat , Persidangan Penuaan Dalam Alaf Baru: Cabaran dan Peningkatan Peranan" KWSP, KL, 30 September 1999, KWSP (National) (30 Sep 1999 - 30 Sep 1999)
  19. Notes on Some Considerations Towards the Development of a National Social Index , Bengkel Indeks Sosial Negara, Ministry of National Unity and Social Development (National) (05 Jul 1997 - 05 Jul 1997)
  20. Dimensions of Household Decision-making, paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, 27-30 March, 1997, Population Association of America (27 Mar 1997 - 30 Mar 1997)
  22. Sex Differentials and Mortality Trends in the Process of Development in Malaysia, Colloquium on Women and Development in Malaysia - Implications for Planning and Population Dynamics, Population Studies Unit, University of Malaya (01 Jul 1990)


  2. (2011) Review article "THE HEALTH INCOME NEXUS IN MALAYSIA: ARDL COINTEGRATION AND RAO S F-TEST FOR CAUSALITY" for the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health., (Reviewer)
  3. (2011) Reviewer for article "Dynamics of Marriage in Rural West Bengal: A Study of Young Women" for Asian Population Studies (Scopus cited journal), (Reviewer)
  4. (2011) Technical Committee on Risk and Protective Factors affecting Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malaysia, (Scientific Committee)
  5. (2010) Technical Committee on "Projek Pembangunan Indikator Kesejahteraan Keluarga" LPPKN, (Scientific Committee)
  6. (2010) Review article on "Healthy Life Expectancy in the Context of Population Health and Aging in India" for Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, ISI journal, (Reviewer)
  7. (2010) Review article on Ethnic Fertility Differentials in Vietnam and Their Proximate Determinants" for Population Studies, ISI journal., (Reviewer)
  8. Reviewer for articles sent to Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, a Scopus indexed journal
  9. UPM Master Theses, (External Examiner)
  10. Reviewer of abstracts sent to 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, 29-31 October 2007, Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC) Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
  11. Reviewer of articles sent to Journal Of Malaysian Chinese Studies
  12. Evaluation Committee for the Project on \"A National Study of Family Transformation in the Context of Changing Trends in Women\'s Work and Lifestyle in Malaysia\" Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development
  13. Evaluation Committee, Federation of Reproductive Health Association, Malaysia
  14. Reviewer for articles sent to Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, ISI-cited publications
  15. Judge (Hakim) for UPM Research and Innovation Exhibition, 2005-2007
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2009) International Family Planning Program Study, Futures Group International, USA, International
  2. (2008) Professional association of populatton experts in Asia - serving as local focal person for Malaysia, Asian Population Association, International
  3. (2006) Seminars and Conferences, UN ESCAP, International
  4. (2006) Ford Foundation funded project on Marriage Study Project in Southeast Asia, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, International
  5. (2004) Joint research projects, All Women Action Society, National
  6. (2003) Commission for Inquiry - the Commission for the services Sector, Sarawak, 2003., Ministry of Human Resources
  7. (2002) Strengthening Population and Development Advocacy with Parliamentarians and Members of State Assemblies, Asian Parliamentary Forum for Population and Development, Malaysia, National
  8. (2002) Professional exchange of population experts in Asia, Asia MetaCenter, International
  9. (2002) Joint research on active ageing, Institute of Gerontology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, University
  10. (2002) Evaluation Committee for the Project on "A National Study of Family Transformation in the Context of Changing Trends in Women's Work and Lifestyle in Malaysia, Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development
  11. (2000) Developing Training module on Collection, Analysis and Utilization of Demographic Data for Planning, National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia
  12. (1996) Joint research projects, Universiti Putra Malaysia, National
  13. (1992) Joint research projects, UNFPA, National
  14. (1992) Joint research projects, National Population and Family Development Board, National
  15. (1992) Joint reseasrch projects, Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia, National
  16. (1992) Professional association of experts in population, International Union for the Scientific Studies of Population, International


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2008) Income and Expenditure among Civil Servants in Johore by Wan Ya Shin
  2. (2004) Income Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia by Wan Chang Da
  3. (1998) Profail dan Prestasi Akademik Pelajar Tahap Awal Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pentadbiran oleh Lim Poh Li
  4. (1998) Penyertaan Wanita Dalam Pekerjaan Di Luar Bandar Di Semenanjung Malaysia Oleh Yeong Siew Foong
  5. (1998) Kesan Pendidikan Ke atas Perbezaan Fertiliti Di Semenanjung Malaysia oleh Tan Jen Nee
  6. (1997) Taraf Ekonomi Keluarga Petani Kawasan Yang Mengalami Migrasi Keluar oleh Masidah Mohd Fadzil
  7. (1997) Pembangunan Perumahan Di Pulau Pinang oleh Goh Mei Ling
  8. (1995) Perananan Wanita Dalam Membuat Keputusan Isi-rumah- Oleh Ho Ai Ling
  9. (1995) Pemilihan kursus di kalangan Pelajar FEP oleh Lee Chooi Tee
  10. (1995) Aspirasi Karier Di kalangan Pelajar FEP oleh Chuah Bee Chuan
  11. (1994) Fertiiliti Wanita di Semenanjung Malaysia: Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Sosio-ekonomi oleh Wong Ooi Lin
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2011) Socioeconomic and Proximate Determinants of Fertility in Three ASEAN Countries, Lai Siow Li
  3. (2011) Determinants of Happiness and Wellbeing, NGOO YEE TING
  4. (2010) The Wellbeing of Older Malaysians, JANE TEH KIMM LII
  1. (2011) Maternal and ChildHealth Practices in the Philippines, Lee Shee Chia
  2. (2011) Knowledge and perception of HIV/AIDS in India, Norman Dublin
  3. (2011) Internal Migration and Socio-economic development in Malaysia, Tengku Aira Binti Tengku Razif
  4. (2011) Female Employment in Peninsular Malaysia: Four Decades of Change, Low Shu Yik
  5. (2011) Domestic Violence in India, Tan Sze Sze
  6. (2010) Women's Empowerment in Indonesia: A Gender Perspective, Ng Yin Mei
  7. (2010) Socioeconomic Determinants of Fertility and Contraceptive Use in Three ASEAN Countries, Goh Yean Mee
  8. (2010) Socioeconomic and Proximate Determinants of Fertility in the Philippines, Lai Siow Li
  9. (2010) Child abuse and neglect, Choo Wan Yuen
  10. (2009) Population Projection for Educational Planning, Cynthia Lai Uin Rue
  11. (2009) Factors affecting contraceptive use in Egypt, Tan Kui Tee
  12. (2008) Socioeconomic Correlates of Fertility in Malaysia, Adzmel Mahmud
  13. (2007) Demographic Dynamics and the Insurance Industry in Malaysia, Wong Siew Kun
  14. (2007) Country Level Analysis of the Trends and Determinants in Fertility, Tan Consilz
  15. (2004) Internet Usage among American Youths, Leow Kit Kuen
  16. (2004) Gender Differences in broadband deployment in the United States of America, Mohamad Rizal Abdul Kudus
  17. (2002) Out-migration from Depopulated Rural Areas- A Case Study of Four Districts in Peninsular Malaysia, Chu Kooi Har
  18. (2002) ICT Literacy Among Medical Students in the University of Malaya, Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
  19. (2002) A Study of Domestic Tourism in Malaysia, Cheow Say Wooi
  20. (2000) Socio-economic Determinants of Childbearing in Peninsular Malaysia, Chan Kuan Thye
  21. (2000) Rural Out-migration and Remittances: A Case Study of Four Districts in Peninsular Malaysia, Tan Chuie Hong
  22. (2000) Factors Affecting Age at First Birth in Peninsular Malaysia, Jayasutha Matiah
  23. (1999) Social and Economic Determinants of Age at First Marriage Among Women in Peninsular Malaysia, Nor Haliza Abdul Rahman
  24. (1999) Kesan Sosio-ekonomi Migrasi Keluarga Desa Terhadap Komuniti Pertanian: Satu Kajian Kes Di Empat Daerah Di Semenanjung Malaysia, Liew Chei Siang
  25. (1999) Income and Expenditure Differentials in the Agricultural Communities in Selangor, Tan Hui Ling
  26. (1999) Factors affecting the Choice of Courses and Decisionmaking in the Choice of College, Thou Kok Cheng
  27. (1999) Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Students In A Private College, Aw Seng Hong
  28. (1999) An Analysis of Design Effects for Media Index Survey in Peninsular Malaysia, Tee Leang Hai


  1. (2008) ESGC6111 - Survey Tecniques and Sampling Design
  2. (2008) ESGC6318 - Applications of Demographic Techniques
  1. (2008) ESEE2101 - Survey and Sampling Methods
  2. (2008) ESEE2305 - Data Analysis


  • Reviewer for International Journal for Women's Health, (05 Dec 2013 - 15 Dec 2013)
  • Member of Steering Committee and Technical Committee for Malaysian Population and Family Survey 5, (23 Oct 2013 - 23 Oct 2015)
  • Reviewer for Asian Population Studies, (07 Oct 2013 - 06 Dec 2013)
  • Chairman, Research Committee, National Population and Family Development Board, (13 Jan 2012 - 12 Jan 2014)
  • Reviewer for Articles Sent to Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, (02 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Board Member National Population and Family Development Board - Advisory Role On Population Issues, (01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2013)
  • Consultant to The Second Population Strategic Plan Study - National Population and Family Development Board, (01 Jul 2008 - 31 Dec 2009)
  • Deputy Chairman for The Commission of Inquiry, Ministry of Human Resources - Ministry of Human Resources, (18 Oct 2002 - 16 Oct 2003)
  • Founding Member of Petaling Jaya Community Centre, (01 Jun 1999)
  • Founding Member of Community Support Network, (01 Jun 1999 - 30 Apr 2014)
  • Member, Evaluation Committee, Federation of Reproductive Health Association Malaysia, (01 Jun 1993 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Founding Member of Gerontology Association of Malaysia, (01 May 1991)