Curriculum Vitae
Article in Journal
Azam, S. M. Kayser; Othman, Mohamadariff; Illias, Hazlee Azil; Latef, Tarik Abdul; Fahmi, Daniar; Raymond, Wong Jee Keen; Mahadi, Wan Nor Liza Wan; Hossain, K. M. Zakir; Aziz, M. Z. A. Abd.; Ababneh, Ahmad (2024). Unknown PD distinction in HVAC/HVDC by antenna-sensor with pulse sequence analysis, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 91, 457-471. doi:10.1016/j.aej.2024.02.013
Kayser Azam, S. M.; Qiang Chan, Jun; Othman, Mohamadariff; Jee Keen Raymond, Wong; Azil Illias, Hazlee; Abdul Latef, Tarik; Zakir Hossain, A. K. M.; Vettikalladi, Hamaskutty; Almuhlafi, Ali M.; Himdi, Mohamed; Karim Abd Rahman, Abd (2024). Electromagnetic Characteristics Interpretation of Partial Discharge Phenomena at Variable Distance in High-Voltage Systems, IEEE ACCESS. 12, 127718-127730. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3456833
Liaqat, Mahrukh; Noordin, Kamarul Ariffin; Latef, Tarik Abdul; Dimyati, Kaharudin; Younas, Talha; Qamar, Faizan; Ding, Zhiguo (2024). Performance evaluation of multiple relay SWIPT enabled cooperative NOMA network in the presence of interference, WIRELESS NETWORKS. . doi:10.1007/s11276-024-03669-6
Azam, S. M. Kayser; Othman, Mohamadariff; Illias, Hazlee Azil; Latef, Tarik Abdul; Islam, Mohammad Tariqul; Ain, Mohd Fadzil (2023). Ultra-high frequency printable antennas for partial discharge diagnostics in high voltage equipment, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 64, 709-729. doi:10.1016/j.aej.2022.11.026
Azam, S. M. Kayser; Othman, Mohamadariff; Illias, Hazlee Azil; Latef, Tarik Abdul; Mahadi, Wan Nor Liza Wan; Fahmi, Daniar; Hossain, A. K. M. Zakir; Ain, Mohd Fadzil (2023). Planar Sensor for Noise Cancellation During Partial Discharge Detection in Open Substation, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 23(14), 15552-15562. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2023.3279861
Hashim, Fatimah Fawzi; Mahadi, Wan Nor Liza Binti Wan; Latef, Tarik Bin Abdul; Othman, Mohamadariff Bin (2023). Fabric-Metal Barrier for Low Specific Absorption Rate and Wide-Band Felt Substrate Antenna for Medical and 5G Applications, ELECTRONICS. 12(12). doi:10.3390/electronics12122754
Hashim, Fatimah Fawzi; Mahadi, Wan Nor Liza Binti; Abdul Latef, Tariq Bin; Bin Othman, Mohamadariff (2022). Key Factors in the Implementation of Wearable Antennas for WBNs and ISM Applications: A Review WBNs and ISM Applications: A Review, ELECTRONICS. 11(15). doi:10.3390/electronics11152470
Zainudin, Norsiha; Latef, Tarik Abdul; Yamada, Yoshihide; Kamardin, Kamilia; Aridas, Narendra Kumar; Kamaruddin, Nur Amalina; Jizat, Noorlindawaty Md (2022). Nearfield radio link of normal mode helical antenna for wireless capsule endoscopy, JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS. 36(18), 2672-2696. doi:10.1080/09205071.2022.2104658
Umair, H., Latef, T. B., Yamada, Y., Hassan, T., Mahadi, W., Othman, M., . . . Hussein, M. I. (2021). Fabry-Perot Antenna Employing Artificial Magnetic Conductors and Phase Gradient Metasurface for Wideband Monostatic RCS Reduction and High Gain Tilted Beam Radiation. Ieee Access, 9, 66607-66625. doi: 10.1109/access.2021.3076913
Umair, H., Latef, T. B., Yamada, Y., Hassan, T., Mahadi, W., Othman, M., . . . Hussein, M. I. (2021). Quarter Wavelength Fabry-Perot Cavity Antenna with Wideband Low Monostatic Radar Cross Section and Off-Broadside Peak Radiation. Applied Sciences-Basel, 11(3), 18. doi: 10.3390/app11031053
Umair, H., Latef, T. B., Yamada, Y., Mahadi, W., Othman, M., Kamardin, K., . . . Najam, A. I. (2021). Tilted Beam Fabry-Perot Antenna with Enhanced Gain and Broadband Low Backscattering. Electronics, 10(3), 21. doi: 10.3390/electronics10030267
Idrus, II, Latef, T. A., Aridas, N. K., Abu Talip, M. S., Yamada, Y., Izam, T., Abd Rahman, T. (2020). Design and characterization of a compact single-layer multibeam array antenna using an 8 x 8 Butler matrix for 5G base station applications. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 28(2), 1121-1134. doi: 10.3906/elk-1907-119
Liaqat, M., Noordin, K. A., Latef, T. A., Dimyati, K. (2020). Power-domain non orthogonal multiple access (PD-NOMA) in cooperative networks: an overview. Wireless Networks, 26(1), 181-203. doi: 10.1007/s11276-018-1807-z
Umair, H., Uddin, M. J., Ullah, M. H., Latef, T. B., Mahadi, W., Bin Othman, M. (2020). A unique metamaterial inspired star-slot UWB antenna with soft surface ground. Electromagnetics, 40(2), 152-163. doi: 10.1080/02726343.2019.1710686
Zainudin, N., Latef, T. A., Aridas, N. K., Yamada, Y., Kamardin, K., Abd Rahman, N. H. (2020). Increase of Input Resistance of a Normal-Mode Helical Antenna (NMHA) in Human Body Application. Sensors, 20(4), 19. doi: 10.3390/s20040958
Adam, I., Yasin, M. N. M., Ramli, N., Jusoh, M., Rahim, H. A., Latef, T. B., . . . Sabapathy, T. (2019). Mutual Coupling Reduction of a Wideband Circularly Polarized Microstrip MIMO Antenna. Ieee Access, 7, 97838-97845. doi:10.1109/access.2019.2928899
Idrus, II, Latef, T. A., Aridas, N. K., Abu Talip, M. S., Yamada, Y., Abd Rahman, T., . . . Yasin, M. N. M. (2019). A low-loss and compact single-layer butler matrix for a 5G base station antenna. PloS one, 14(12), 23. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226499
Liaqat, M., Noordin, K. A., Latef, T. A., Dimyati, K., Ding, Z. G., Siddiqui, A. M., . . . Younas, T. (2019). Relay selection schemes for Cooperative NOMA (C-NOMA) with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT). Physical Communication, 36, 13. doi:10.1016/j.phycom.2019.100823
Ullah, S. M. S., Mahyiddin, W. A., Zakaria, N. A., Latef, T. A., Noordin, K. A., Dimyati, K. (2019). Training size optimization with reduced complexity in cell-free massive MIMO system. Wireless Networks, 25(4), 1983-1994. doi:10.1007/s11276-018-1791-3
Latef, T. A., Khamas, S., Reza, A. W. (2015). Gain enhancement for circularly polarized double layered printed hemispherical helical antenna arrays. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 29(10), 1342-1353.
Ahsan, M. R., Islam, M. T., Ullah, M. H., Mahadi, W. N. L., Latef, T. A. (2014). Compact Double-P Slotted Inset-Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna on High Dielectric Substrate, Scientific World Journal. (6), Article
Latef, T. A., Khamas, S. K. (2011). Measurements and Analysis of a Helical Antenna Printed on a Layered Dielectric Hemisphere, Ieee Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 5912(4831-4835), Article
H. Y. Huan, N. Kumar, A. Effendy,T. A. Latef, S. B. Yarman, "Integration of Simplified Real Frequency Technique for 7.5-16.4 GHz Wideband YIG-Tuned Oscillator Design" submitted to Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique.
Intan Izafina Idrus, T. A. Latef, Narendra Kumar Aridas, Mohamad Sofian Abu Talip, Yoshihide Yamada, T.F.T.M.M.Izam, Tharek Abd Rahman, "Design and Characterization of a Compact Single-layer Multibeam Array Antenna using an 8x8 Butler Matrix for 5G Base Station Applications" Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1907-119
Idrus II, Abdul Latef T, Aridas NK, Abu Talip MS, Yamada Y, Abd Rahman T, et al. (2019) A low-loss and compact single-layer butler matrix for a 5G base station antenna. PLoS ONE 14(12):
H. Y. Huan, N. Kumar, T. A. Latef, S. B. Yarman and A. Grebennikov, Broadband GaN HEMT Distributed Power Amplifier Design with Phase Adjustment, Microwave Optical Technology Letters, vol. 60, issue 1, pp. 253-256, Jan. 2018.
Kumar Narendra, Huan Hui Yan, B. S. Yarman and T. A. Latef,"Distributed Power Amplifier with Novel Integration Technique of Broadband Impedance Transformer using pHEMT and GaN HEMT", IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, DOI: 10.1049/iet-map.2016.0934 [Q3 Journal, Impact Factor: 0.817]
M. Jasim Uddin, M. Habib Ullah, T. A. Latef and W.N.L.Mahadi,"Inversion response to optimize lumped-element circuits for metamaterials" International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, DOI: 10.1002/cta.2222 [Q2 Journal, Impact Factor: 1.254]
K.Kamardin, N.A.Samsuri, M.K.A. Rahim, P.S. Hall, T.A. Latef and M.Habib Ullah, "Textile Artificial Magnetic Conductor Jacket for Transmission Enhancement between Antennas under Bending and Wetness Measurements", Appl. Phys. A, 122:423 DOI 10.1007/s00339-016-9912-2, 2016 [Q2 Journal, Impact Factor: 1.704]
K.Kamardin, N.A.Samsuri, M.K.A. Rahim, P.S. Hall, T.A.Latef and M.Habib Ullah, "Planar Textile Antennas with Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Body Centric Communications", Appl. Phys. A 122:363 DOI 10.1007/s00339- 016-9914-0, 2016 [Q2 Journal, Impact Factor: 1.704]
M. Habib Ullah, M. J. Uddin, T. A Latef, W.N.L Mahadi, M. T. Islam, M. R. Ahsan, and K. Kamardin, "ZIM Cover for Improvement of the Bandwidth and Gain of Patch Antenna", Current Applied Physics, 2016. [Q2 Journal, Impact Factor: 2.212]
M. Jasim Uddin, M. Habib Ullah, T.A. Latef, W.N.L. Mahadi, and M.T. Islam," The Synthesis of New-Shaped Periodic Artificial Structures Suitable for Metamaterial Behavior Characterization", IEEE Microwave Magazine, August 2016. [Q1 Journal, Impact Factor: 1.975]
ASM Zahid Kausar, A.W. Reza, T. A. Latef, M. Habib Ullah and M.E. Karim, "Optical Nano Antennas : State of the Art, Scope and Challenges as a Bio- Sensor along with Human Exposure of Nano- toxicology" Sensors, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 8787-8831; doi:10.3390/s150408787, 2015 [Q1 Journal, Impact Factor: 2.048]
M. Habib Ullah, M. R. Ahsan, W. N. L. Mahadi, T. A. Latef and M. J. Uddin, "Isolation Improvement of Dual Feed Patch Antenna by Assimilating Metasurface Ground" Microwave Optical Technology Letters,Volume 57, Issue 6, June 2015, Pages: 1406 1409 [Q4 Journal, Impact Factor: 0.623]
M. Habib Ullah, M.J. Uddin, T. A. Latef, W.N.L. Mahadi, M. R. Ahsan and M.T. Islam,"Constitutive Parameter analysis of a Left-Handed DSSRR Metamaterial for Homogeneous Infinite Slab" IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol 9, Issue 15, pp 1740-1746, 2015 [Q3 Journal, Impact Factor: 0.910]
M. Habib Ullah, M.T. Islam, M. R. Ahsan, W.N.L. Mahadi, T. A. Latef and M.J. Uddin, "A Low Cost Fiberglass Polymer Resin Dielectric Material Based Microstrip Patch Antenna for Multiband Applications" Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol 23, Issue 4, 2015 [Q3 Journal, Impact Factor: 0.593]
M. Habib Ullah, W. N. L. Mahadi, T. A. Latef, M.T. Islam, M. J. Uddin and M. R. Ahsan, "Dual Band Printed Quasi-Yagi Antenna for RFID and WLAN Applications" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Vol 57, Issue 11, pp 2655-2657, 2015 [Q4 Journal, Impact Factor: 0.623]
M. Habib Ullah, W.N.L. Mahadi and T.A. Latef,"Aerogel Poly(butylene succinate)Biomaterial Substrate for RF and Microwave Applications" Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 12868 doi:10.1038/srep12868, 2015 [Q1 Journal, Impact Factor: 5.578]
M. Habib Ullah, W.N.L. Mahadi, T. A. Latef, M.T. Islam, M.J. Uddin and M. R. Ahsan, "Mutual Coupling Reduction of Dual Port Antenna Using Zero Index Metasurface Structure" International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics Mechanics,Vol 49, no 3, pp 387-394, 2015[Q3 Journal, Impact Factor: 0.815]
M. R. Ahsan, M.T. Islam, M. Habib Ullah, W.N.L. Mahadi and T. A. Latef, "Compact Double-P Slotted Inset-Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna on High Dielectric Substrate" The Scientific World Journal, Vol 2014, Article ID 909854, 6 pages [Q2 Journal, Impact Factor: 1.219]
T. A. Latef, S. K. Khamas, and A. W. Reza, "Circularly Polarized Double Layered Printed Hemispherical Helical Antenna with a Parasitic Wire for Bandwidth Enhancement" Frequenz, Vol 68, Issue 7-8, pg 297-303, 2014 [Q4 Journal, Impact Factor: 0.168]
Article in Proceeding
- Implantable Patch Antenna for Body Communication Muhaimin Mokhtar, Kamilia Kamardin, Yoshihide Yamada, Rasyidah Hanan Mohd Baharin, Nurul Huda Abd Rahman, Norsiha Zainudin, T. A. Latef, Mohd Najib Mohd Yasin 2018 2nd International Conference on Telematics and Future Generation Networks (TAFGEN)
- Measured Results of Input Resistance of NMHA in a Body Phantom N Zainudin, T. A. Latef, Y Yamada, K Kamardin, NKAL Aridas, RHM Baharin 2018 2nd International Conference on Telematics and Future Generation Networks (TAFGEN)
- Relations of Input Resistance Increases and Current Distributions of a Normal-Mode Helical Antenna in a Human Body Condition N Zainudin, Y Yamada, T. A. Latef, K Kamardin, NQ Dinh 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 1-2
- Mohammad Nour Hindia, Shapla Khanam, Ahmed Wasif Reza, Abdulaziz M. Ghaleb and Tarik Abdul Latef, Frequency Reuse for 4G Technologies: A Survey, 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences & Computer Engineering (ICMSCE 2015), pp. 205-213, February 5-6, Langkawi, Malaysia (to be published in a special issue of ISI journal).
- Mohammad Nour Hindia, Shapla Khanam, Ahmed Wasif Reza, and Tarik Abdul Latef, Investigation of Frequency Reuse Techniques for LTE networks, The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences & Computer Engineering (ICMSCE 2015), pp. 157-162, February 5-6, Langkawi, Malaysia (to be published in a special issue of ISI journal) (ISI-Cited Publication)
- T.A Latef and S.K Khamas,"Bandwidth Enhancement of a Hemispherical Helical Antenna using a Parasitic Wire", Antennas and Propagation Conference(LAPC) Loughborough, pg 269- 272,8-9 Nov 2010
- T.A Latef and S.K Khamas, "Moment Method Analysis of a Helical Antenna Printed on a Dielectric Hemisphere", Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC) Loughborough, pg 189- 192,16-17 Nov 2009
- K.A. Noordin, C.O. Chow, H. Mokhlis, Z.A. Razak, T.A. Latef, M. Mahazani, Producing World-class Engineers through Accreditation: A Case Study of the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya, In Proceedings of the AEESEAP Mid-Term Conference 2004, Auckland, New Zealand, 6-7 Dec. 2004, pp. 33-37.