Curriculum Vitae


  • Department of English Language
    Faculty of Languages and Linguistics
  • stefanie
  • 0379673024


I am currently a Senior Professor at the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, Universiti Malaya. My main areas of research include Varieties of English, in particular, Malaysian English, as well as language use in educational and in multilingual contexts. I also work on an endangered language, Melaka Portuguese, which I have digitally archived at the Endangered Languages Archive. As part of my interest in indigenous languages and culture, in 2019, I co-convened an exhibition on indigenous languages in Malaysia in conjunction with the International Year of Indigenous Languages. I also recently co-edited a book, Selected Research on Orang Asli Communities. My work and thoughts on endangered languages in general, and more specifically on Melaka Portuguese, have been featured in local and international media. I am a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and I was the 2013 Ian Gordon Fellow at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington. I am currently an Adjunct Professor at Mahidol University in Thailand.



    Humanities, Linguistics, Linguistics And Applied Linguistic
    Humanities, Linguistics, Linguistics And Applied Linguistic
    Humanities, Linguistics, Linguistics And Applied Linguistic
    Human And Societal Resilency, Psychological Needs
    Advancement Of Knowledge And Learning, Knowledge Generation And Expansion
    Advancement Of Knowledge And Learning, Knowledge Generation And Expansion


  • PhD, (Speech Disfluencies)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • BEd (Hons)(TESL), (TESL)
    Kent University, Kent, UK


  • Senate Member
    17 Dec 2021 - 16 Dec 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Research Cluster Dean
    17 Oct 2020 - 16 Oct 2022 (Social Advancement and Happiness Cluster, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Exercising The Function of Dean
    01 Jul 2018 - 15 Jul 2018 (Dean Office, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2016 - 30 Jun 2018 (Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
  • Dean
    16 Oct 2015 - 30 Jun 2016 (Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
  • Acting Dean
    13 Aug 2015 - 15 Oct 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
  • Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    01 Aug 2014 - 12 Aug 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
  • Acting Dean
    13 Aug 2015 - 15 Oct 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
  • Acting Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    01 Jul 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
  • Director
    25 Sep 2012 - 24 Sep 2013 (Centre for The Initiation of Talent and Industrial Training (CITRA), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Director
    03 Jan 2012 - 24 Sep 2012 (Centre for Internship Training and Academic Enrichment (CITRA), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Director
    01 Sep 2009 - 01 Apr 2011 (Centre for Internship Training and Academic Enrichment (CITRA), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Director
    01 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2009 (Centre for Internship Training and Academic Enrichment (CITRA), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Deputy Director of Centre for Industrial Training and Relations
    28 Apr 2006 - 31 Aug 2007 (University Malaya)


    2024 to present (University)
    Since 2019 (National)
    2008 to 2025 (National)
    2015 to 2018 (University)


  • Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (Social Sciences and Humanities Discipline)
    Academy of Sciences Malaysia, 2024 (National)
  • Honorary Membership of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines
    Linguistic Society of the Philippines, 2024 (International)
    University of Malaya, 2020 (University)
  • Universiti Malaya Excellence Awards 2019 for Outstanding Researcher in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences (Joint Winner)
    Universiti Malaya, 2019 (University)
  • Universiti Malaya Excellence Award 2017 for Best Academic Administrator
    Universiti Malaya, 2017 (University)
  • Bill Balsamo Asian Scholar Featured Speaker
    Japan Association of Language Teaching , 2017 (International)
    University of Malaya, 2015 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2014 (University)
  • Excellent Service Certificate 2013
    Universiti Malaya, 2014 (University)
    NAIB CANSELOR, 2013 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2013 (University)
  • Best of the Best Award for Social Science Category Universiti Malaya Research Conference 2013
    Universiti Malaya, 2013 (University)
  • Universiti Malaya Excellence Awards 2013 - Excellent Lecturer Category
    Universiti Malaya, 2013 (University)
  • 2013 Ian Gordon Fellow
    School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 2013 (International)
    University of Malaya, 2009 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2008 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2007 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2005 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2004 (University)
  • Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarship
    Association of Commonwealth Universities, 2001 (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Mat, Nik Soffiya Nik; Pillai, Stefanie; Kaur, Surinderpal (2024). Malay-Muslim women's perceptions of sunat perempuan in the Malaysian context, CULTURE HEALTH & SEXUALITY. . doi:10.1080/13691058.2024.2342549
  2. Azhari, Sarah Sakeenah; Pillai, Stefanie; Isa, N. A. N. Mat (2023). The representation of cultural identity in Melaka Portuguese cookbooks, FOOD CULTURE & SOCIETY. . doi:10.1080/15528014.2022.2138317
  3. Bazai, Zia Ur Rehman; Manan, Syed Abdul; Pillai, Stefanie (2023). Language policy and planning in the teaching of native languages in Pakistan, CURRENT ISSUES IN LANGUAGE PLANNING. . doi:10.1080/14664208.2022.2088972
  4. Pillai, S., Baxter, A. N., & Soh, W. Y. (2021). Malacca Portuguese Creole. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 51(1), 93-102. doi: 10.1017/s0025100319000033
  5. Peter, S.; Rahman, Z. A. Abdul; Pillai, S. (2019). Hypernasality in singing among children with cleft palate: a preliminary study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. 48(10), 1317-1322. doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2019.03.896
  6. Shah, Mujahid; Pillai, Stefanie; Sinayah, Malarvizhi (2019). Translanguaging in an academic setting, LINGUA. 225, 16-31. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2019.05.001
  7. Zainuddin, S. Z. B., Pillai, S., Dumanig, F. P., & Phillip, A. (2019). English language and graduate employability. Education and Training, 61(1), 79-93. doi: 10.1108/et-06-2017-0089
  8. Yusuf, Y. Q., Pillai, S. (2016). An instrumental study of oral vowels in the Kedah variety of Acehnese, Language Sciences. 54(14-25), Article
  9. Gut, U., Pillai, S. (2014). PROSODIC MARKING OF INFORMATION STRUCTURE BY MALAYSIAN SPEAKERS OF ENGLISH, Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 36(2), 283-302
  10. Pillai, S., Soh, W. Y., Kajita, A. S. (2014). Family language policy and heritage language maintenance of Malacca Portuguese Creole, Language Communication. 37, 75-85
  11. Gut, Ulrike; Pillai, Stefanie; Don, Zuraidah Mohd (2013). The prosodic marking of information status in Malaysian English, WORLD ENGLISHES. 32(2), 185-197. doi:10.1111/weng.12018
  12. Yusuf, Yunisrina Qismullah; Pillai, Stefanie; Ali, Najwa Tgk Armia Mohd (2013). Speaking Acehnese in Malaysia, LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION. 33(1), 50-60. doi:10.1016/j.langcom.2012.08.004
  13. Pillai, S., Yusuf, Y. Q. (2012). An Instrumental Analysis of Acehnese Oral Vowels, Language and Linguistics. 13(6), 1029-1050
  14. Pillai, S., Khan, M. H., Ibrahim, I. S., Raphael, S. (2012). Enhancing employability through industrial training in the Malaysian context, Higher Education. 63(2), 187-204
  15. Pillai, Stefanie; Delavari, Hilda (2012). THE PRODUCTION OF ENGLISH MONOPHTHONG VOWELS BY IRANIAN EFL LEARNERS, POZNAN STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY LINGUISTICS. 48(3), 473-493. doi:10.1515/psicl-2012-0022
  16. Pillai, S., Don, Z. M., Knowles, G., Tang, J. (2010). Malaysian English: an instrumental analysis of vowel contrasts, World Englishes. 29(2), 159-172
  1. Yusuf Y.Q., Aziz Z.A., Nurjannah, Pillai S. (2024). THE SOUNDS OF INDONESIAN ENGLISH: ACOUSTIC PHONETIC ANALYSIS OF THE MONOPHTHONG VOWELS ACROSS GENDERS, Teflin Journal. 35(1), 169-192. doi:10.15639/teflinjournal.v35i1/169-192
  2. Masykar T., Pillai S., Hassan R. (2023). A Comparison of English, Acehnese, and Indonesian Monophthongs, Studies in English Language and Education. 10(3), 1146-1166. doi:10.24815/siele.v10i3.30477
  3. Mat N.S.N., Kaur S., Pillai S. (2023). Discursive (de)legitimation Strategies in Malaysian News Media Discourse on Female Circumcision (Sunat Perempuan), 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature. 29(3), 166-179. doi:10.17576/3L-2023-2903-12
  4. Masykar T., Hasan R.B., Pillai S. (2022). Perception of English vowel contrasts by Acehnese-Indonesian bilingual learners of English, Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 11(3), 718-728. doi:10.17509/ijal.v11i3.35086
  5. Nomnian S., Pillai S. (2022). An Ethnographic Study of Dessert Culture in the Tenth Lunar Month Festival, Journal of Mekong Societies. 18(3), 182-206
  6. Yusuf Y.Q., Fata I.A., Aziz Z.A., Surya D., Pillai S. (2022). ACOUSTIC ANALYSIS OF AN ACEHNESE DIALECT: PIDIENESE ORAL MONOPHTHONG VOWELS1, Dialectologia. (28), 203-223. doi:10.1344/DIALECTOLOGIA2022.28.8
  7. Adnan, E., Pillai, S., & Shin, C. P. (2021). The perception of lexical stress in Malaysian English. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, 26(4), 1-14. doi: 10.17576/3L-2020-2604-01
  8. Chin, C. S., Pillai, S., & Zainuddin, S. Z. (2021). Recasts, prompts and noticing: A comparative study. Studies in English Language and Education, 8(2), 416-441. doi: 10.24815/siele.v8i2.18546
  9. Nalliannan, P., Perumal, T., & Pillai, S. (2021). Language Use among Malaysian Tamil Youth. Sustainable Multilingualism, 19(1), 69-93. doi: 10.2478/sm-2021-0014
  10. Pillai S., Kaur S., Chau M.H. (2021). The Ideological Stance of Multilingualism in Education in Malaysia in the Press 2000-2020, Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies. 14(2), 173-193. doi:10.14764/10.ASEAS-0058
  11. Salem, N. M., & Pillai, S. (2020). An acoustic analysis of intonation in the Taizzi variety of Yemeni Arabic. Linguistics Journal, 14(1), 154-182.
  12. Shah, M., Pillai, S., & Sinayah, M. (2020). Identity construction through code-switching practices at a university in Pakistan. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 20(4), 1-17. doi: 10.17576/gema-2020-2004-01
  13. Adnan, E., Pillai, S., Chiew, P. S. (2019). The level of awareness and production of English lexical stress among English language teacher trainees in Malaysia. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(1), 98-107. doi: 10.17509/ijal.v9i1.15767
  14. Chin, C. S., Zainuddin, S. Z., Pillai, S. (2019). The relative efficacy of recasts and prompts on past tense use of ESL learners. Journal of Asia TEFL, 16(2), 485-498. doi: 10.18823/asiatefl.2019.
  15. Pillai, S., Ong, L. T. (2018). English(es) in Malaysia. Asian Englishes, 20(2), 147-157. doi: 10.1080/13488678.2018.1459073
  16. Yap, T. S., Pillai, S. (2018). Intonation patterns of questions in Malaysian English. Asian Englishes, 20(3), 192-205. doi: 10.1080/13488678.2017.1405707
  17. Pillai, S., En, C. M., Baxter, A. N. (2015). Vowels in Malacca Portuguese Creole, Research in Language. 13(3248-265), Article
  18. Pillai, S., Soh, W. Y., Yusuf, Y. Q. (2015). Perceptions about ones heritage language: The case of the acehnese in kampung aceh and malacca Portuguese-eurasians in the Portuguese settlement in Malaysia, Kemanusiaan. 22(267-92), Article
  19. Pillai, S., Kajita, A. S. (2013). English for law at the university of Malaya, Asian EFL Journal. 15(4), 406-412
  20. Yusuf, Y. Q., Pillai, S. (2013). An acoustic description of diphthongs in two varieties of acehnese, Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities. 21(SUPPL), 153-158
  21. Pillai, S., Salaemae, W. (2012). An instrumental analysis of English monophthongs produced by Thai EFL learners, Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities. 20(4), 1143-116001287702 (ISSN).
  22. Pillai S. (2008). Speaking English the Malaysian way correct or not?, English Today. 24(4), 42-45. doi:10.1017/S0266078408000382
  23. Pillai, S. (2006). Patterns of repeats in Malaysian English, Multilingua. 25(1-2), 101-113
  1. Yusuf, Y .Q., Pillai, S., Aslynn, W. A. W., & Hassan, R.(2021). Vowel production in standard Malay and Kedah Malay spoken in Malaysia. Linguistics International Journal, 15(1), 65-93.
  2. Yusnulain Yunus & Pillai, S. (2020). Pola sebutan monoftong Bahasa Jerman oleh penutur Bahasa Melayu. Melayu: Jurnal Antarabangsa Dunia Melayu, 13(2), 223-252.
  3. Choo, S. C., Pillai, S., & Zainuddin, S. Z. (2019). The role of noticing in the acquisition of the past tense form inEnglish through oral corrective feedback. The English Teacher, 48(2), 45-69
  4. Salem, N. & Pillai, S. (2019). An acoustic analysis of the rhythm of Yemeni Arabic. Journal of Modern Languages, 29, 1-22.
  5. Pillai, S. (2017). Local features of English pronunciation: to embrace or ignore in the ELT classroom? Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching (J-ELLiT ),1(1), 1-8.
  6. Jayapalan, K., & Pillai S. (2011). The state of teaching and learning English pronunciation in Malaysia: A preliminary study. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research, 7(2), 63-81.
  7. Hubais, A., & Pillai, S. (2010). An instrumental analysis of English vowels produced by Omanis. Journal of Modern Languages, 20, 1-18.
  8. Pillai, S., Manueli, M. K. S., & Dumanig, F. P. (2010). Monophthong vowels in Malaysian and Philippine English: An exploratory study. Philippine Journal of Linguistics, 41, 80-93.
  9. Govindan, I., & Pillai, S. (2009). English question forms used by young Malaysian Indians. The English Teacher, 38, 74-94.
  10. Pillai, S. (2008). A study of the use of English among undergraduates in Malaysia and Singapore. Southeast Asian Review of English (SARE), 48, 19-38.
  11. Pillai, S. (2006). Self-monitoring and self-repair in spontaneous speech. Kata: A Biannual Publication on the Study of Language and Literature, 8(2), 114-126.
  12. Pillai, S. (2005). The socio-cultural dimension of business letters: Letters written in English in Malaysia. Journal of Communication Practices, 2(1), 51- 62.
  13. Pillai, S. (2001). Politeness in law tutorials. Modern Language Journal, 3, 163-174.
  1. Pillai, S, Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak & Haryana Rozana Abdul Rahim (Eds.). (2024). Making research count: Bridging community, empowering change and impacting society. University of Malaya Press.
  2. Wan Aslynn, W. A, Pillai, S., & Chew, S. Y. (Eds.). (2024). Contemporary Malaysian English Pronunciation. IIUM Press
  3. Pillai, S., Hanafi Hussin, & Roshidah Hassan (Eds.) Selected research on Orang Asli communities. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  4. Singho, M., Singho, P., Sta Maria, S. F., Pinto, D., Pillai, S. Kajita, A., & Phillip, A. (2016). Beng prende Portugues Malaka (Papia Cristang). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
Chapter in Books
  1. Pillai, S., & Siti Zaidah Zainuddin (In press). Top-down policies and the language profiles of Malaysians in a multilingual language ecology. In P. Siemund, G. Stein& M, Vida-Mannl (Eds.), World Englishes in their Local Multilingual Ecologies (pp116-164). John Benjamins.
  2. Adnan, E., Pillai, S., & Chiew, P. S. (2024). Malaysian student teachers' perception of lexical stress in English. In W. A. Wan Aslynn, S. Pillai & S. Y. Chew (Eds.), Contemporary Malaysian English pronunciation. (pp. 121-139). IIUM Press.
  3. Pillai, S., & J McLellan, J. (2024). English language education and educational policy in Malaysia and Brunei. In A. Moody (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of Southeast Asian Englishes (pp. 487-503). Oxford University Press.
  4. Pillai, S., & Rohshidah Hassan (2024). Multilingual language profiles, perceptions and motivations within the context of majoring in a foreign language in Malaysia. In Anas Hajar, & Syed Abdul Manan (Eds.), Multilingual selves and motivations for learning languages other than English in Asian contexts (pp. 143 - 172). Multilingual Matters
  5. Pillai, S., Chew, S. Y., & Wan Aslynn, W. A. (2024). The sounds of Malaysian English. In W. A. Wan Aslynn, S. Pillai & S. Y. Chew (Eds.), Contemporary Malaysian English pronunciation. (pp. 4-25). IIUM Press.
  6. Soh, W.-Y. & Pillai, S. (2024). The perceptions and ideologies of the Melaka Portuguese community. In S. Pillai, Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak & Haryana Rozana Abdul Rahim (Ed.s), Making Research Count: Bridging Community, Empowering Change and Impacting Society (pp. 95-114). University of Malaya Press
  7. Pillai, S., Muthiah, A., Wan Aslynn, W. A. (2023). Rhythmic patterns of Malaysian English speakers. In: Fuchs, R. (eds) Speech rhythm in learner and second language varieties of English. Prosody, Phonology and Phonetics. Springer, Singapore.
  8. Adilah Azizan, Pillai, S., & Mohd Hilmi Hamzah. (2022). Contemporary Sounds of Kensiu: A Study of Its Oral Front Monophthongs. In S. Pillai, Hanafi Hussin & Roshidah Hassan (Eds.), Selected research on Orang Asli communities (96-113). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  9. Pillai, S, Hanafi Hussin & Roshidah Hassan (20202). An overview of research on Orang Asli communities. In S. Pillai, Hanafi Hussin & Roshidah Hassan (Eds.). Selected research on Orang Asli communities (pp. 1-6). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press
  10. Roshidah Hassan, Pillai, S, & Hanafi Hussin (2022). Research on Orang Asli communities: Moving forward together. In S. Pillai, Hanafi Hussin & Roshidah Hassan (Eds.), Selected research on Orang Asli communities (128-134). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  11. Pillai, S., Ong, S. L., Ong, D. S., & Mohd Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman. (2020). Lessons drawn from evaluation and implementation of the Malaysian chapter of the International Deans Course. In F. Niedermeier & Q. Xia (Ed.), Multipliers of change: Sustainable capacity building in higher education leadership and management (pp. 53-84). Potsdam: University of Potsdam Press.
  12. Pillai, S., Rosli, S. R., Wan Aslynn, W. A., Hassan, R., & Phillip, A. (2019). The vowels e and in Malacca Portuguese. In Y. N. Thai & J. Setter (Eds.), Speech research in a Malaysian context (pp. 5-27). Serdang: UPM Press.
  13. Pillai, S., Phillip, A., & Soh, W.-Y. (2017). Revitalising Malacca Portuguese Creole. In P. P. Trifonas & T. Aravossitas (Eds.), Handbook of research and practice in heritage language education, Springer international handbooks of education (pp. 801-817). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
  14. Gut, U. & Pillai, S. (2015). The question intonation of Malay speakers of English. In E. Delais-Roussarie, M. Avanzi, M. & S. Herment (Eds.), Prosody and languages in contact: L2 acquisition, attrition, languages in multilingual situations (pp. 51-70). Berlin: Springer.
  15. Pillai, S. (2015). Rhoticity in Malaysian English: The emergence of a new norm? In U. Gut, E.-M. Wunder and R. Fuchs (Eds.), Universal or diverse paths to English phonology (pp. 23-40). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  16. Pillai, S. (2014). The monophthongs and diphthongs of Malaysian English: An instrumental analysis. In S. Abdul Manan & H. Abdul Rahim (Eds), English in Malaysia - Postcolonial and Beyond (pp. 55- 86). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  17. Pillai, S. & Tanaraj, M. R. (2012). English as she is spoken (in Section on EIL pedagogical ideas). In A. Matsuda (Ed.), Teaching English as an international language (pp. 218-220). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  18. Pillai, S. (2012). Colloquial Malaysian English. In B. Kortmann & K. Lunkenheimer (Eds.), The Mouton world atlas of variation in English (pp. 573-584). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  19. Pillai, S., Muthiah A., & Looi S.T. (2012). The production of back vowels in Malaysian English. In S. Abdul Manan & H. Abdul Rahim (Eds.), Linguistics, literature and culture: Millennium realities and innovative practices in Asia (pp. 49-67). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  20. Pillai, S., Zuraidah Mohd. Don & Knowles, G. (2012). Towards building a model of Standard Malaysian English pronunciation. In Zuraidah Mohd Don (Ed.), English in multicultural Malaysia: Pedagogy and applied research (pp. 195-211). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  21. Pillai S. & Khan, M. H. (2011). I am not English but my first language is English: English as a first language among Portuguese Eurasians in Malaysia. In D. Mukherjee & M. K. David (Eds.), National language planning and language shifts in Malaysian minority communities: Speaking in many tongues (pp. 87-100). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  22. Pillai, S. (2011). Varieties of English: The many tongues of English. In A. Hashim, M.K. David & J. McLellan (Eds.), Text, discourse and society: Functional and pragmatic approaches to language in use (pp. 48-59). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  23. Pillai, S. (2008). Politeness and power in family discourse. In M. K. David & K. Kow. (Eds.), Politeness in Malaysian family talk (pp. 1-18). Serdang: Universiti Putra Press.
  24. Zuraidah Mohd Don et al. (2008). English language test for academic staff. In Zuraidah Mohd Don et al (Eds.), Enhancing the quality of higher education through research: Shaping future policy (pp. 9-39). MoHE: Putrajaya.
  25. Pillai, S. & Kamaruddin, F. (2006). The variety of Malaysian English used in radio advertisements. In A. Hashim & N. Hassan (Eds.), Varieties of English in Southeast Asia and beyond (pp. 39-54). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  26. Pillai, S. (2006). Malaysian English as a first language. In M. K. David (Ed.), Language choices and discourse of Malaysian families: Case studies of families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (pp. 61-75). Petaling Jaya: SIRD.
  27. Pillai, S. (2006). Patterns of silent pauses in Malaysian English. In Z. Mohd. Don (Ed.), English in a globalised environment: Investigating an emerging variety of English (pp. 87-101). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  28. Pillai, S. (2006). Self-repairs in Malaysian English. In Z. Mohd. Don (Ed.), English in a globalised environment: Investigating an emerging variety of English (pp. 301- 324). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  29. Pillai, S. (2003). Hesitation phenomena in child language: A case study, In E. Morais et al. (Eds.), Issues in language and cognition (pp. 61-70). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
Other Publications
  1. Pillai, S. (2022) Malaysian English. VI Oxford English Dictionary Varieties of English. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  2. Pillai, S. (Ed.) The mousedeer and the crocodiles: A Malaysian folktale in 100 Languages (Special Anniversary Edition). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press - Translations
  3. Pillai, S. (February 16. 2022). Do not let our local languages go extinct. New Straits Times. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  4. Pillai et al. (2021) Perceptions towards female circumcision in Malaysia. A research report. - Technical Report
  5. Pillai, S. (2021). Malaysian English. In Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Language Module. Retrieved from - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  6. Pillai, S. (2021). Putting CEFR into Malaysian English language education. In N. Tomimori (ed.) Research and Development of CEFR Proficiency Description Methods with special consideration for linguistic types and socio-cultural diversity of Asian languages: Final Report 2018-2020 (pp. 1 5). Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. - Technical Report
  7. Pillai, al. (2021) A discourse analysis of media representations of female circumcision. Research Report. - Technical Report
  8. Pillai, Stefanie Pillai (2021). The voices of contact languages in Asia: An introduction. Voices on the Verge: Writing from Southeast Asian Creole Languages October 2021. Retrieved from - Editorial Material
  9. Raja Nor Safinas Raja Harun & Pillai, S. (2021). Liberating the minds and actions of English language teachers. The English Teacher, 50(2), 46-49. - Editorial Material
  10. Austin, P. K. & Pillai, S. (2020). Language description, documentation and revitalisation of languages in Malaysia. Introduction to the thematic issue of the Journal of Modern Languages, 30(1), 1-5. - Editorial Material
  11. Pillai, S. (Ed.) (2020). Portugues Malaka (Malacca Portuguese): A heritage language in multilingual Malacca. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press - Monograph
  12. Pillai, S. (Ed.) 2020. Nina Boboi. Kuala Lumpur. University of Malaya Press - Translations
  13. BibePortMal - The Malacca Portuguese Dictionary App. (2019). - Mobile Application
  14. Pillai et al. (2019, September 16). Kacil dan Buayak (The Mousedeer and the Crocodiles) [Language: Che Wong] [Video file]. Retrieved from - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  15. Pillai et al. (2019, September 16). Kancil Rob Buyak (The Mousedeer and the Crocodiles) [Language: Temiar) [Video file]. Retrieved from - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  16. Pillai et al. (2019, September 16). Sang Kancil dan Sang Bahyak (The Mousedeer and the Crocodiles) [Language: Jakun] [Video file]. Retrieved from - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  17. Pillai et al. (2019, September 16). Sang Kancil dengan Sang Buayak (The Mousedeer and the Crocodiles) [Language: Temuan] [Video file]. Retrieved from - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  18. Pillai et al. (2019, September 16). Sang Kancil ru Buayak (The Mousedeer and the Crocodiles) [Language: Semai] [Video file]. Retrieved from - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  19. Pillai, S. (2019). Language endangerment in Southeast Asia., ASEANFocus, 2(2019), 14-15. - Short Survey
  20. Pillai, S. (2019). [Review of the book The Singlish controversy: Language, culture and identity in a globalizing world by Lionel Wee]. Language in Society, 48(5), 778-781. (ISI-indexed) - Book Review
  21. Pillai, S. (2018). From waveforms and spectrograms to language documentation and revitalization. Inaugural Lecture Monograph. - Monograph
  22. Wolf, H. V., Looi W. L., Pillai, S., & Phillip, A. (Eds.) (2017) . The mousedeer and the crocodiles: A Malaysian folktale in 111 languages. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. - Translations
  23. Choong, K. F., Pillai, S., Yap, T., Cheok O. L. & Sarna, A. S. (2015). Teacher education. In Zuraidah Mohd Don (Ed.), English Language Education in Malaysia: The Roadmap 2015-2025 (pp. 271-314). Putrajaya: Ministry of Education Malaysia. - Policy Paper
  24. MPEA. 2014. Rezu cum Cantiga de Rezu (audio CD). - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  25. Nor, M. J. M. et al. (2013). Impact study of the higher institutions centres of excellence (HiCoE), A Report Prepared for the Ministry of Education Malaysia. Melaka: UTeM. - Technical Report
  26. Pillai, S. & Greig, A. 2011. Malaysian English. In B. Kortmann and K. Lunkenheimer (Eds.), The electronic World Atlas of Varieties of English [eWAVE]. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  27. Pillai, S. (2011). Malacca Portuguese Creole: A Portuguese-based Creole. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle: - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  28. Zuraidah Mohd Don et al., (2008). The use of English at Institutes of Higher Learning. Issues and recommendations. Report presented to the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. - Technical Report
  29. Zuraidah Mohd Don et al. (2007). English language teaching and learning at university level: Real world problems and practical solutions. Report presented to the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. - Technical Report
  30. Pillai, S. (2001, November 28). The pity of war, Rhyme and Reason Column, Life and Times, New Straits Times, p. 6. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  31. Pillai, S. (2001, June 4). Where the cows go bong!, Rhyme and Reason Column, Life and Times, New Straits Times, p. 7. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  32. Pillai, S. (2001, September 5 ). Ted Hughes animal instincts, Rhyme and Reason Column, Life and Times, New Straits Times, p. 7. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  33. Pillai, S. (1996). Book Review of Rules of Speaking by Zainab Abd. Majid & Loga Baskaran Eds. (1995). Journal of Modern Language, 10, 115-118. - Book Review


  • Capacity Building (Research training and development; Leadership and mentoring in higher education; Language Documentation)


  1. 2019 - 2022, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-SAH
    Tracing And Reviving Tangible And Intangible Cultural Heritage Of Kerinchi Diaspora ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2020 - 2022, RU Geran
    1. Language, Food Culture and Identity 2. Sustainable Revitalisation of indigenous Language and Culture ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2019 - 2021, UMRG Program (Book) - SAH
    Teaching English Language Pronounciation In The Malaysian Context ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2018 - 2019, RU Geran - UMCIC
    Melaka Portuguese Dictionary ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2015 - 2018, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Segmental And Prosodic Features Of Malacca Portuguese Creole ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2013 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - SBS (Equitable Society)
    Work-based Learning And Graduate Employability ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG) - HNE (Humanities & Ethics)
  8. 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
  9. 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
  10. 2007 - 2008, RU Geran
  11. 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    MyAsli: A phonological model for the integration and preservation of endangered indigenous languages in Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  12. 2020 - 2021, Private Funding
    A discourse analysis of media representations of female circumcision in Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2015 - 2015, UM Community Engagement Funding
    The Production of Language Learning Materials for Malacca Portuguese Creole ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  14. 2013 - 2013, MOHE
    Impact Study of Malaysian Higher Institutions Centres of Excellence (Qualitative Section) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  15. 2013 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    English Language and Employability in Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  16. 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    The Sounds of Malaysian English ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  17. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Industrys Perception of Industrial Trainees From UM ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  18. 2007 - 2008, MOHE
    The Proficiency of English among Academic Staff ( Co-Researcher)
  19. 2006 - 2007, MOHE
    English Use in Institutes of Higher Learning (2006-2007) (funded by MOHE) ( Co-Researcher)
  20. 2005 - 2006, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Vowel Inventory of Standard Malaysian English ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2022 - 2022, International Funding
    Understanding The Development Of Research Training For Early Career Researchers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2016 - 2019, International Funding
    Capacity Building For Documentation And Support Of Endangered Languages In Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2011 - 2012, International Funding
    Documentation of Malaccan Portuguese Creole ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2006 - 2007, International Funding
    Identity in Context; Literary and Cultural Studies in Malaysia and Singapore ( Co-Researcher)


  • Writing Services for Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford University Press
    01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2017 (International)
  • Consultant for Learning Materials and Assessment for Open University Malaysia, Open University Malaysia
    01 Sep 2014 - 01 Sep 2014 (National)
  • Consultant for Learning Materials and Assessment, Open University Malaysia
    01 Oct 2012 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
  • Module Writer for Open University Malaysia, Open University Malaysia
    01 Feb 2012 - 01 Feb 2013 (National)
  • Reviewer of Translated Materials, Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc
    01 Sep 2011 - 01 Sep 2011 (International)
  • Publishing and Pr Projects, Kekabu Design Consultants
    01 Aug 2008 - 01 Aug 2010 (National)
  • Elt Materials, Pearson Malaysia
    01 Jan 2009 - 01 Jan 2010 (National)
  • Academic Staff Performance, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
    01 Feb 2007 - 01 Feb 2008 (National)
  • Study On The Teaching and Use of English At Institutes of Higher Learning in Malaysia, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education
    01 Jan 2006 - 01 Jan 2007 (National)


  1. Researching Language and Culture, Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research Conference, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, Universiti Malaya (National) (26 Oct 2023 - 27 Oct 2023)
  2. Taking ownership of English Language Education, 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference 2023 , Thailand TESOL (International) (27 Jan 2023 - 28 Jan 2023)
  3. Foregrounding Endangered Languages: Engaging in Change through Language Research, International Research on Language Education (iRoLE): Engaging in Change: Empowering Linguistics, Literature and Language, The Academy of Language Studies (ALS), UiTM Melaka Campus (International) (23 Mar 2021 - 24 Mar 2021)
  4. CEFRing Malaysian English Language Education, International Virtual Conference on Trends in Applied Linguistics and Social Studies, English Dept. Bung Hatta University, Padang, Indonesia (International) (06 Jan 2021 - 07 Jan 2021)
  5. Why Bother with Language Research?, 7th Postgraduate Conference (PGC) 2019 , Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, University of Malaya (National) (30 Nov 2019 - 30 Nov 2019)
  6. English Language Education and Society 5.0: Reflecting on Diversity in the Classroom, The 28th Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) International Conference , Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)  (International) (13 Aug 2019 - 15 Aug 2019)
  7. Documentation of Endangered Languages in Malaysia, 2nd International Connect Malaysia (Connect M) Conference 2018 , University of Reading UK and Malaysia (International) (16 Jul 2018 - 19 Jul 2018)
  8. Taking Ownership of English Language Education in Malaysia, 9th Johore State English Language Conference , Johore English Language Teaching Association (JELTA) (National) (10 Apr 2018 - 12 Apr 2018)
  9. Revitalization of an Endangered Language: The Case of Malacca Portuguese Creole, 2017 LSP-NCGM Conference, Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP) (International) (06 Apr 2017 - 08 Apr 2017)
  10. Applications of Research on Malaysian English Pronunciation in the Classroom, 25th MELTA International Conference 2016 - 21st Century Learning and English Language Education: Embracing Technology and Creative Pedagogy, Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)  (International) (30 May 2016 - 01 Jun 2016)
  11. The Re-colonization of English Language Education: The Case of Malaysia, 7th Annual NEAR Language Education Conference, Niigata Chapter of JALT (International) (23 May 2015 - 23 May 2015)
  12. The Challenges of Language Documentation: Lessons from the Documentation of Malaccan Portuguese Creole, 4th FLL International Postgraduate Conference 2013, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics (International) (11 Apr 2013 - 12 Apr 2013)
  13. The Journey of a Spoken Corpus: The Story of COMEL, The Malaysian International Conference on Academic Strategies in English Language Teaching - Texturing ELT for New World Realities , My_CASELT 2008 Academy of Language Studies Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)  (International) (29 Oct 2008 - 31 Oct 2008)
  1. Bahasa Kolokial Masyarakat Setempat, Bicara Bahasa Kolokial: Melestarikan Keberdayaan Bahasa Komuniti, Arkib Negara Malaysia (National) (01 Oct 2024 - 01 Oct 2024)
  2. Hacking the Writing Algorithm, Workshop on Hacking the Writing Algorithm, Pusat Pengajian Bahasa UTHM (National) (22 Sep 2024 - 22 Sep 2024)
  3. Taking charge of heritage language education: The case of Melaka Portuguese, Webinar on Embracing Linguistic Diversity: Promoting Mother Languages in Malaysia, Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (National) (21 Feb 2024 - 21 Feb 2024)
  4. TEDxUKM: Melaka Portuguese: An Endangared Language in Malaysia, TEDxUKM: The Human Mosaic, TEDxUKM (National) (24 Jun 2023 - 24 Jun 2023)
  5. Effective, Efficient & Ethical Supervision Practices, Workshop: Postgraduate Supervision Academy of Language Studies , Academy of Language Studies , Universiti Teknologi Mara (National) (13 Jun 2023 - 13 Jun 2023)
  6. Module 1: Connecting the Dots in Research Proposals, Workshop: UM Early Career Researchers Advancement Programme, Universiti Malaya Research Cluster (University) (10 Jun 2023 - 10 Jun 2023)
  7. Your Postgraduate Publication Journey, APB E-Colloquium for Postgraduates , Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, UiTM (National) (17 Mar 2023 - 17 Mar 2023)
  8. Effective Communication, The Malaysian Chapter of the International Deans' Course Cohort 3 (MyIDC3) , Universiti Putra Malaysia Kampus Bintulu /AKEPT (National) (14 Mar 2023 - 14 Mar 2023)
  9. Conversations on Global English and Unequal Speakers, Unequal Englishes, Unequal Speakers, CEDU, United Arab Emirates University, UCL, NEAG School of Education, University of Conneticut (International) (10 Nov 2022 - 10 Nov 2022)
  10. How to write a winning Proposal for Non S&T, RESEARCH WORKSHOP SERIES (RWS) 04/2022:: WINNING FRGS GRANT, Research Management Unit, Centre for Research and Graduate Studies (CRGS), University of Cyberjaya (National) (09 Nov 2022 - 09 Nov 2022)
  11. Research on Social Advancement and Happiness, Uniten Research Workshop, UNITEN (National) (26 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022)
  12. Contemporary Malaysian English Sounds, Summer Course on Asian Englishes, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (International) (03 Aug 2022 - 05 Aug 2022)
  13. Cristanglish? A Developing Variety of English Among the Melaka Portuguese, Workshop on Population Movements, Language Contact in East Asia and Southeast Asia, and Evolutionary Linguistics , The University of Chicago, The University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (International) (08 Jun 2022 - 11 Jun 2022)
  14. Panel discussion on reviving the endangered languages in Malaysia, MAAL Roundtable 2022 on language inclusivity, The Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL) (National) (26 May 2022 - 26 May 2022)
  15. Revitalisation of endangered languages, Symposium on Key issues in language and development, Faculty of Liberal Arts , Prince of Songkla University (International) (09 May 2022 - 09 May 2022)
  16. Effective Communication in the Workplace, DIES International Deans Course-Philippines 2021-2022, DIES International Deans Course-Philippines 2021-2022 Organising Committee (International) (20 Nov 2021 - 20 Nov 2021)
  17. Effective strategies and tools for science communication, DIES Web Seminar Series 2021: University Leadership in Challenging Times - Part 4 Communications, how to get it right? , Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies (DIES) (International) (26 Oct 2021 - 26 Oct 2021)
  18. Panel on Strategic Educational Priorities in Asia, Educational Leadership Summer Institute, Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education (BAGCED) of De La Salle University, Philippines (International) (30 Sep 2021 - 30 Sep 2021)
  19. Changing Dynamics In Linguistic Research On Endangered Languages, AILA ASEAN Symposium at the 2nd Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics International Conference (MAALIC 2021), 2nd Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (International) (08 Sep 2021 - 10 Sep 2021)
  20. The Emergence of a Melaka Portuguese-influenced L1 English, 3rd International Connect Malaysia (Connect'M) Conference 2021, University of Nottingham Malaysia (International) (17 Aug 2021 - 19 Aug 2021)
  21. EXPRESSIONS OF LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL IDENTITY AMONG YOUNG MALAYSIANS OF PORTUGUESE ANCESTRY, Contacts & Continuities: 500 Years of Asian-Iberian Encounters, Ateneo de Manila University (International) (22 Jun 2021 - 23 Jul 2021)
  22. Let's make some noise: Making language research count, Research Outreach Program at Universiti Teknologi Mara , RMC UiTM (National) (04 Jun 2021 - 04 Jun 2021)
  23. Revitalising Languages in a Multilingual Environment, Language and Linguistic Lecture Series, Departemen Linguistik, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (International) (03 Dec 2020 - 03 Dec 2020)
  24. Surviving in a Sea of Languages: Documenting and Revitalising Indigenous and Minority Languages, Atma Jaya Annual Linguisitc Confernece (KOLITA) 18 , Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta  (International) (16 Sep 2020 - 18 Sep 2020)
  25. ICH Research & Safeguarding Awareness: The Case of Melaka Portuguese, The National Workshop on Research on the Safeguarding of ICH in the Asia-Pacific Region: Establishing New Sustainable Mechanism for Systematic Research Data Collection, University of Malaya and the Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific region (IRCI) (National) (04 Aug 2020 - 04 Aug 2020)
  26. Do You Know Where You Are Going To? A Sharing Session on Planning Your Academic Journey, English Language Department's Sharing Session, English Language Department, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, Universiti Malaya (Others) (21 Jul 2020 - 21 Jul 2020)
  27. American versus British English , America Through Serani Eyes, Serani Sembang (International) (04 Jul 2020 - 04 Jul 2020)
  28. Sounding Portuguese in Malaysia ., Pre-AGM Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics (MAAL) Symposium , Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics  (National) (21 Dec 2019 - 21 Dec 2019)
  29. Cultural Hybridity in Melaka Portuguese Cuisine (with Ms Sara Frederica Santa Maria) , 9th Asian Food Study Conference (AFSC2019), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya (National) (28 Nov 2019 - 29 Nov 2019)
  30. The Malaysian Variety of English: Broken or New(ish) English? , Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) Seminar , Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) (International) (01 Oct 2019 - 01 Oct 2019)
  31. Putting CEFR into Malaysian English Language Education: The Debates Surrounding Its Implementation, International Workshop on Language Education in Asia-Pacific Region: Current Issues of Australia and Malaysia, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan (International) (17 Sep 2019 - 17 Sep 2019)
  32. Working with an Endangered Language: The Story of Malacca Portuguese, Chautauqua: Discourse on Languages and Cultures, Language and Cross-Cultural Research Unit (National) (20 Aug 2019 - 20 Aug 2019)
  33. Panel on English as a Medium of Instruction in Multilingual EFL Contexts:The Teaching of Mathematics and Science in English, Panel Session at the 28th Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) International Conference, Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)  (International) (13 Aug 2019 - 15 Aug 2019)
  34. Co-Creating Resources for Malacca Portuguese, Second Asian Portuguese Communities Conference, Second Asian Portuguese Communities Conference (International) (29 Jun 2019 - 29 Jun 2019)
  35. From Research to Resources, FLL Research and Publication Seminar , Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya (University) (23 May 2019 - 23 May 2019)
  36. The sound system of a creole language in Malaysia: A case of Malacca Portuguese, Pre-term talk, The Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Section, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge (International) (20 Sep 2018 - 20 Sep 2018)
  37. English language education in schools and universities, MELTA National Colloquium and Round-table on Transforming English Language Education in Malaysia, The Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) (National) (28 Jul 2018 - 28 Jul 2018)
  38. Lessons Learned, Sustainability, Future Needs and Perspectives (Panel member), Panel member on session on Lessons Learned, Sustainability, Future Needs and Perspectives at the DIES-International Deans Course International Conference, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German Rectors Conference (HRK) and Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies (DIES) (International) (27 Nov 2017 - 28 Nov 2017)
  39. Learning a Foreign Language from Zero to Hero , JALT 2017, The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) (International) (17 Nov 2017 - 20 Nov 2017)
  40. Reconciling local features of English pronunciation in the classroom , Invited Talk at the Centre for English as a Lingua Franca, Tamagawa University, Japan, CELF, Tamagawa University (International) (15 Nov 2017 - 15 Nov 2017)
  41. Learning English Outside the Classroom, JALT 29 Four Corners Tour - JALT Saitama Chapter, JALT (International) (12 Nov 2017 - 12 Nov 2017)
  42. Learning English Outside the Classroom, JALT 29 Four Corners Tour - JALT West Tokyo Chapter, JALT (International) (11 Nov 2017 - 11 Nov 2017)
  43. Community Engagement and Language Revitalisation, Free Linguistics Conference 2017, Free Linguistics Conference Group and University of Lagos (International) (29 Sep 2017 - 30 Sep 2017)
  44. Keeping Languages Alive: The Case of Portugues Malaka , The Preservation and Poetics of old Native Languages Seminar in Malacca , Perzim and Melaka Historic City Council (Others) (07 Jul 2017 - 07 Jul 2017)
  45. The Shrinking Sea, Panel Session onThe Story of Kristang: Past Glories and Present Struggles at the1st Kristang Language Festival Singapore , Kodrah Kristang (International) (20 May 2017 - 22 May 2017)
  46. The Sounds of Malacca Portuguese Creole , Department of Linguistics SOAS Seminar, Department of Linguistics SOAS  (International) (14 Mar 2017 - 14 Mar 2017)
  47. Documenting, analysing and valuing World English , Linguistics in the Pub in London (LIPIL) , SOAS (International) (14 Mar 2017 - 14 Mar 2017)
  48. Getting yourself published, 6TH MELTA INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE, MELTA (International) (26 Nov 2016 - 26 Nov 2016)
  49. Revitalising Malacca Portuguese Creole, Bi-weekly Seminar, Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Languages, UMS (National) (14 Nov 2016 - 14 Nov 2016)
  50. Documenting an Endangered Language: The Case of Malacca Portuguese Creole, 1st Asian Portuguese Community Conference, APC (International) (28 Jun 2016 - 30 Jun 2016)
  51. Field Research (Malacca Portuguese Creole), Workshop on Strategic Planning for FRGS RDU 150118 University Malaysia Pahang, University Malaysia Pahang (National) (29 Jan 2016 - 31 Jan 2016)
  52. The Recolonization of English Language Education, JALT Tokyo Chapter Talk, JALT Tokyo Chapter (International) (30 May 2015)
  53. Oh my English!, JALT Kyoto Chapter Talk, JALT Kyoto Chapter (International) (29 May 2015)
  54. The Re-colonization of English Language Education: The Case of Malaysia, JALT Fukui Chapter Talk, JALT Fukui Chapter  (International) (28 May 2015)
  55. The Re-colonization of English Language Education: The Case of Malaysia, JALT Hamamatsu Chapter Talk, JALT Hamamatsu Chapter  (International) (25 May 2015)
  56. The Re-colonization of English Language Education: The Case of Malaysia , Talk at JALT Gunma Chapter, JALT Gunma Chapter  (International) (24 May 2015)
  57. Language in the Ecology of the Portuguese Settlement, Save Malacca Portuguese Heritage Conference 2015, Save Portuguese Community Action Committee  (National) (02 May 2015 - 02 May 2015)
  58. English and Graduate Employability in Malaysia, 11th Annual CamTESOL Conference, IDP Education (Cambodia) Ltd. (International) (28 Feb 2015 - 01 Mar 2015)
  59. Documenting an Endangered Language, The Eurasian Forum The Penang Eurasians - Challenges for the Future, The Eurasian Fiesta (National) (16 Aug 2014)
  60. Flip-flopping Language Policies in the Malaysian Education System, KATE international conference 2014, Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE),  (International) (04 Jul 2014 - 05 Jul 2014)
  61. English in the Malaysian Education System: Flip-flopping Policies or Inevitable Reversals?, 2013 Ian Gordon Fellow Lecture, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (International) (12 Sep 2013 - 12 Sep 2013)
  62. Why You Say Like that One? Malaysian English: A Much Maligned Variety, Ian Gordon Fellow 2013 Public Lecture, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (International) (10 Sep 2013 - 10 Sep 2013)
  63. Is Malaysian English Becoming Rhotic?, 22nd MELTA International Conference, Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (International) (28 May 2013 - 30 May 2013)
  64. Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders, Panel Discussion at the Maxis Scholarship Award Ceremony 2012, Maxis Berhad (National) (18 Oct 2012 - 18 Oct 2012)
  65. Features of American English pronunciation among young Malaysians, Phonology Workshop: Universal or Diverse Paths to English Phonology? Bridging the Gap Between Research on Phonological Acquisition of English as a Second, Third or Foreign Language, University of Muenster, Germany (International) (19 Sep 2012 - 21 Sep 2012)
  66. University-Industry Partnerships and the Student Industrial Training Programme: Case Study of Universiti Malaya, 1st Malaysia-Indonesia Private University Industry Linkages Conference (UIBL 2009), IKMI UNISEL (International) (29 Oct 2009 - 30 Oct 2009)
  1. BIBEPORTMAL: A MOBILE APP DICTIONARY FOR MELAKA PORTUGUESE , Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 2022 (PACLIC 36) , De La Salle University Manila and National University - Manila (International) (20 Oct 2022 - 22 Oct 2022)
  1. Theoretical Perspectives in Phonetic Research on Asian Englishes (in panel on Asian Contributions to World Englishes Theorizing, 20th English in Southeast Asia Conference , The National Institute of Education and the Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics, (International) (International) (06 Dec 2019 - 07 Dec 2019)
  2. From Waveforms and Spectrograms to Language Documentation and Revitalization, Inaugural Lecture, Universiti Malaya (University) (23 Mar 2018 - 23 Mar 2018)
  3. Researching Minority and Endangered Languages: The Ethical and Social Obligation of Researchers, Free Linguistics Conference 2016, Free Linguistics Conference (International) (29 Sep 2016 - 01 Oct 2016)
  1. Engaging Communities in Language Research and Language Revitalization Efforts, 4th International Virtual Seminar on Endangered Language and Linguistics (IVSoELL) 2024, Facul ty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Sumatera Utara (International) (12 Jun 2024 - 12 Jun 2024)
  2. Navigating Transitions in Multilingual Contexts in Language Education and Language Research, The 6th Linguistic Society of the Philippines International Conference (LSPIC2024), Linguistic Society of the Philippines (International) (11 Apr 2024 - 13 Apr 2024)
  3. BREAKING ENGLISH LANGUAGE BARRIERS IN MALAYSIA, 11th PELLTA International English Language Teaching Conference (iELT-Con) 2023, Penang English Language Learning and Teaching Association (PELLTA)  (International) (04 Sep 2023 - 05 Sep 2023)
  4. Embracing Lifelong Learning for a Sustainable Future, International and 56th National Graduate Research Conference (INGRC56): Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development, Roi Et Rajabhat University (International) (14 Jul 2023 - 14 Jul 2023)
  5. SDGS: Creating Collaborative Networks for Interdisciplinary Research on Language and Culture , 2nd LINC International Conference , Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia Mahidol University, Thailand (International) (11 Feb 2023 - 11 Mar 2023)
  6. The Reservation and Further Development of Local Wisdom in Global Setting, The 4th International Seminar On Language, Culture And History (ISLCH) 2022, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Sumatera Utara  (International) (03 Nov 2022 - 03 Nov 2022)
  7. Language Documentation and Revitalization: The Case of Malacca Portuguese, 3rd International Conference on Documentary Linguistics Asian Perspectives (DLAP-3), Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia (RILCA), Mahidol University and Linguistic Dynamics Science Project 3, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan (International) (23 Jul 2018 - 24 Jul 2018)
  8. Globalising English Language Teaching, Language Teaching and Learning Today 2018, Faculty of Foreign Languages, HCMC University of Technology and Education (International) (05 May 2018 - 06 May 2018)
  9. From Grab and Go to Engaging Communities in Language Research, The 7th Annual International Conference (AIC) Syiah Kuala University and The 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR), Syiah Kuala University (International) (18 Oct 2017 - 20 Oct 2017)
  10. Engaging Communities in Language Documentation and Revitalisation Efforts, 2nd Documentary Linguistics Asian Perspectives Conference, The University of Hong Kong (International) (25 May 2017 - 27 May 2017)
  11. Documenting Malacca Portuguese Creole, Language Contact in Asia and the Pacific 2016 , Department of Portuguese of The University of Macau (International) (16 Sep 2016 - 17 Sep 2016)
  12. Local Features of English Pronunciation: To Embrace or Ignore in the ELT Classroom?, 2016 National English Teachers and Lecturers Conference (NELTAL), Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) (International) (28 Apr 2016 - 28 Apr 2016)
  1. Panel on Asian contributions to World Englishes theorizing , 20th English in Southeast Asia Conference , The National Institute of Education and the Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics (International) (06 Dec 2019 - 07 Dec 2019)
  2. The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025: English Language Initiatives Towards Enhanced Student Outcomes, Special Interest Group- ELTC 2015 Conference, English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC), Ministry of Education Malaysia (National) (28 Oct 2015)
  3. Question intonation in Malaysian English (presented by and co-authored with Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut), 3rd Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE), The International Society for the Linguistics of English (International) (24 Aug 2014 - 27 Aug 2014)
  4. Prosodic Marking of Information Structure in Malaysian English (presented by and co-authored with Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut), Second Language Prosody Workshop, The Speech Research Group at the ESRC Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Bangor University (co-authored with Ulrike Gut) (International) (29 Mar 2012 - 29 Mar 2012)


  1. (2025) External Examiner (Programme Evaluation) for Masters in Applied Language Studies and Phd (Applied Language Studies) At Universiti Teknologi MARA, National, (External Assessor)
  2. (2024) Scientific Evaluation of Research Project for The Swiss National Science Foundation (Snsf), International, (Reviewer)
  3. (2024) Peer Review of Paper Submitted to Asian Englishes, International, (Reviewer)
  4. (2024) Phd Thesis Proposal Examination Committee, International, (External Evaluator)
  5. (2024) Reviewer for The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (Eldp) Round 2024, International, (Reviewer)
  6. (2024) External Examiner of Academic Programmes At The Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, National, (External Assessor)
  7. (2023) Peer Review of Article for 3l (Scopus-Indexed), National, (Reviewer)
  8. (2023) External Examiner for Phd Thesis At Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), National, (External Examiner)
  9. (2023) Member of Evaluation Panel: Applications for Higher Institutions Centre of Excellence, National, (Reviewer)
  10. (2023) Member of Evaluation Panel: Frgs 2023 Arts and Applied Arts Domain, National, (Reviewer)
  11. (2023) Examination of Phd Thesis from Leiden University, International, (External Examiner)
  12. (2023) Member of The Editorial Board of The Journal of Modern Languages, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  13. (2023) External Examiner for The Foundation in Arts Programme At Help University, National, (External Examiner)
  14. (2022) Member of The Melta Journals Advisory Panel, National, (External Evaluator)
  15. (2021) Evaluation of Book Manuscript for UKM Press, National, (External Evaluator)
  16. (2021) Member of The Evaluation Panel for Final Reports (Presentations) for Projects Under The Post-Covid-19 Special Research Grant (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia), National, (External Evaluator)
  17. (2021) External Examiner - Phd Thesis Universiti Utara Malaysia, National, (External Examiner)
  18. (2021) Member of The Evaluation Committee for Research Allocation Under The Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, National, (External Assessor)
  19. (2020) External Assessor for The English Language and Communication Programmes With The Faculty of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts, Ucsi University, National, (External Assessor)
  20. (2020) External Examiner for PhD thesis for the University of Nottingham Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  21. (2020) External Examiner for PhD thesis for the University of the Western Cape, South Aftica , (External Examiner)
  22. (2020) Member of the evaluation panel for applications for the special post-Covid-19 research grant 2020 (Impact on Education and Higher Education), (Panel Member)
  23. (2019) Review of book proposal for OUP, (Reviewer)
  24. (2018) External examiner for PhD thesis from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand , (External Examiner)
  25. (2018) External Examiner for PhD Thesis University of Nottingham Malaysia, (External Examiner)
  26. (2018) Member of the program committee of APLL11 (11th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference), (Reviewer)
  27. (2018) Assessor for Round 1 of the 2018 of the Newton Mobility Grant Scheme, (Reviewer)
  28. (2017) External examiner for PhD thesis at International Islamic University Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  29. (2017) Abstract review for the 10th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference, (Reviewer)
  30. (2016) Reviewer for the 1st English Education International Conference (EEIC) in conjunction with the 2nd Reciprocal Graduate Research Symposium (RGRS) of Consortium of Asia Pacific Education Universities (CAPEU), (Reviewer)
  31. (2016) External examiner for PhD thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia, (External Examiner)
  32. (2016) Reviewer of a book proposal for Language Planning and Policy by de Gruyter Open , (Reviewer)
  33. (2016) Review of abstracts for the 9th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL9) , (Reviewer)
  34. (2015) External Examiner of Doctoral thesis for candidate from Monash University, Australia , (External Examiner)
  35. (2015) Member of the Board of Studies for the English Language Studies Programme at OUM , (Advisory Committee)
  36. (2015) Member of evaluation panel for Ministry of Higher Education's Centres of Excellence (re-appointment), (Member of Evaluation Panel)
  37. (2015) Evaluation of book proposal for Palgrave Macmillan Publishers , (Reviewer)
  38. (2014) Chief Editor for MELTA's Journal of ELT Research (MaJER) 2014-2017 , (Editor)
  39. (2014) Review of proposals for Junior and Senior Fellowships in the field of Philology for the academic year 2014/15 offered by the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies and the University of Freiburg , (Reviewer)
  40. (2014) Review of curriculum for Specialist Certificate Training in the Teaching and Learning of Literature for Secondary School by the English Language Teaching Center, Ministry of Education Malaysia. , (Reviewer)
  41. (2013) External Examiner of Doctoral thesis for candidate from Griffith University, Australia , (External Examiner)
  42. (2002) Peer review of abstracts of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Arizona State University (2003) , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2025) Member of The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission Alumni Advisory Panel, International, (Expert Advisor)
  2. (2025) Member of The Jawatankusasa Pengajian Progam for The Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Linguistics At UPM, National, (Expert Advisor)
  3. (2025) Adjunct Professor in Languages & Linguistics At Rilca, Mahidol University, International, (Adjunct/Visiting Professors)
  4. (2024) Member of The Aila 2024 Congress Scientific Committee, International, (Technical Advisor)
  5. (2024) Editor-in -Chief of The Journal of Research Management and Governance (Jrmg), University, (Expert Advisor)
  6. (2024) Journal Advisor, Malaysian Journal of Elt Research (Majer), National, (Expert Advisor)
  7. (2024) Journal Advisor, The English Teacher (Tet), National, (Expert Advisor)
  8. (2024) Advisory Board Member of The International Journal of Language, Literacy and Translation, National, (Expert Advisor)
  9. (2023) Panel Member of The Excellent Higher Education Centres Programme (Includes Appointment as Member of The Main Committee for Hicoe, Technical Committee and Evaluation Panel for Hicoe and National Consortia of Research Excellence (Kkp), National, (Expert Advisor)
  10. (2023) Member of The Editorial Board of Studimemmber of The Editorial Board of The Journal of Studies in English Language and Education (Siele) (Scopus), International, (Expert Advisor)
  11. (2022) Member of The Asian Englishes Editorial Advisory Board, International, (Expert Advisor)
  12. (2022) Tenaga Pakar, Penceramah dan Fasilitator Program International Deans Course: Malaysian Chapter Kohort 2 (Myidc) Sesi 3, National, (Resource Person)
  13. (2022) Member of The Main Committee of The International Deans Course Malaysian Chapter (My-Idc) Programme for Cohort 2, National, (Resource Person)
  14. (2022) Member of The International Advisory Board for Hawaii Journal of The Humanities Editorial Board, International, (Expert Advisor)
  15. (2022) Advisory Board Member of The International Journal of Language, Literacy and Translation (Ijollt), National, (Expert Advisor)
  16. (2022) Member of The Taskforce for Hicoe (Hicoe), National, (Technical Advisor)
  17. (2022) Member of The Editorial Board of The Journal of Studies in English Language and Education, International, (Expert Advisor)
  18. (2021) International Advisory Board Member of The Journal of Communication, Language and Culture (Jclc), National, (Expert Advisor)
  19. (2021) Member of The Research University Committee, National, (Technical Advisor)
  20. (2021) Committee Member of The Session On The Enhancement of of The Guidelines for The Strategic Research Grant 2021 (Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia), National, (Technical Advisor)
  21. (2021) Visiting Professor At The Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, International, (Adjunct/Visiting Professors)
  22. (2021) Guest Editor of The Anniversary Issue of The English Teacher, National, (Expert Advisor)
  23. (2021) Member of The Editorial Board of The Journal of Modern Languages, University, (Expert Advisor)
  24. (2021) Member of The El Publishing Editorial Advisory Board, International, (Expert Advisor)
  25. (2021) Member of The Main Committee for The Malaysian Chapter of The International Deans' Course (My-Idc) Cohort 1, National, (Resource Person)
  26. (2019) Research cooperation, Web-based Educational Pedagogy for the Development of Communication Skills to Accommodate Varieties of English (The World Englishes Project) , International
  27. (2019) Editorial Board Member - English Language Teaching and Research (ELTAR) Journal, Department of English, Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia.
  28. (2019) Member of the interview panel for scholarship/ study leave programme for education service officers 2019 , Ministry of Education
  29. (2017) Member of The Siele International Advisory Board,, International, (Expert Advisor)
  30. (2017) Chief Editor of The Malaysian Journal of Elt Research (Majer), National, (Expert Advisor)
  31. (2017) Associate Editorial Board, The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia
  32. (2017) External Assessor for the Bachelor of Social Science (Language and Cross-Cultural Communication), Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
  33. (2017) Article Editor for SAGE Open Manuscript (Scopus-indexed), SAGE Publications
  34. (2016) Newton-Ungku Omar Advanced Research Fellowship with Prof. Dr. Peter K. Austin (SOAS), ASM and British Academy, International
  35. (2016) External Assessor (Internal Quality Audit) for Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature and Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Creative Writing at the University of Nottingham Malaysia , University of Nottingham Malaysia
  36. (2016) External Assessor for English Language Syllabus at Universiti Sabah Malaysia , External Assessor for English Language Syllabus at
  37. (2015) Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Modern Languages, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya
  38. (2015) Member of the Board of Studies for the English Language Studies Programme at Open University Malaysia (OUM), Open University Malaysia
  39. (2014) Article editor for Sage Open, Sage Open
  40. (2014) Review of Proposals for Junior and Senior Fellowships in the field of Philology for the academic year 2014/15 offered by the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies and the University of Freiburg , Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies and the University of Freiburg
  41. (2013) Member of the Presentation Selection and Programming Management Committee for the Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) 22nd International Conference 2013, Malaysian English Language Teaching Association
  42. (2013) Member of Thesis Advising Committee for a candidate doing the lnternational Language Education: TESOL Master's programme at Soka University, Tokyo Japan, Soka University, Tokyo, Japan
  43. (2011) Editorial Board Member of 3L The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, School of Language Studies and Linguistics, National University of Malaysia
  44. (2011) Editorial Board - Journal of Modern Languages , Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya
  45. (2011) Member of the Editorial Board of Asia TEFL Journal , Asia TEFL
  46. (2010) Co-Editor of The Malaysian Journal of Elt Research (Majer), National, (Expert Advisor)
  47. (2009) MAXIS Undergraduate Scholarships, MAXIS
  48. (2009) Editorial Committee for the Asian EFL Journal, Asian EFL Journal
  49. (2009) Member of Working Committee and Evaluator for Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia Higher Institutions Centres of Excellence (HICoE) for Teaching and Learning Thrust, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
  50. (2007) Evaluation Panel for Higher Institutions Centres of Excellence , MOHE Malaysia
  51. (2003) Reviewer of abstracts for the fourth International Symposium on Bilingualism, 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Arizona State University
Contribution to event
  1. (2024) Trainer for Module On Goal Setting in The Ascend 3/2024 Programme, University, (Course Facilitator)
  2. (2024) Trainer for Module On Goal Setting in The Ascend 2/2024 Programme, University, (Course Facilitator)
  3. (2024) Trainer for Module On Goal Setting in The Ascend 1/2024 Programme, University, (Course Facilitator)
  4. (2024) Moderator for Webinar On Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
  5. (2023) Moderator of The Panel Session On Indigenous Education: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
  6. (2023) Guest Lecture, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
  7. (2023) Invited Moderator Apwil Seminar On The Art Ofeffective Communication and Negotiation, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
  8. (2021) Facilitator and Resource Person for The Akept-Malaysian Chapter of The International Deans Course Cohort 2: Onboarding and Part 1, National, (Course Facilitator)
Media appearance
  1. (2024) Appeared On Top 5 At 5, Bfm About He Language We Use On Signboards (26 November 2024). Https://Sharebfm.Page.Link/Svdb, National, (Interview)
  2. (2023) Interviewed in My Debal Diaries - Tracing The History of Singapores Eurasians Https://WWW.Channelnewsasia.Com/Watch/My-Debal-Diaries-4006776, International, (Interview)
  3. (2023) Interview On The Brief, Bernama Tv, National, (Interview)
  4. (2023) Kristang - a Dying Language On Bfm At Https://WWW.Bfm.My/Podcast/Bigger-Picture/Live-and-Learn/Kristang-a-Dying-Language, National, (Interview)
  5. (2022) Bicara Kita 2022: Portugis Peranakan Unik Negeri Melaka by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, National, (Interview)
  6. (2021) Interviewed for Article On Speaking Up for Malaysia S Endangered Indigenous Languages (Fmt, Feb. 21, 2021), National, (Interview)
  7. (2021) Interviewed for Article 'Saving Kristang from The Threat of Extinction' in Fmt Lifestyle (February 16, 2021), National, (Interview)
  8. (2020) Interviewed On Bfm: Popek Popek: Your Accent Might Influence Your Salary, National, (Interview)
  9. (2019) Interview On Rtms Lens At Ipt Programme On Revitalisasi Bahasa Portugis Di Melaka, National, (Interview)
  10. (2018) Interviewed for Documentary by Suria (Singapore) - Jalan S7 - Ep1 Peranakans & Eurasians / Peranakan & Eurasian Https://Video.Toggle.Sg/En/Video/Series/Jalan-S7/Ep1/709258, International, (Interview)
  11. (2018) Interview in Al Jazeera Newshour, International, (Interview)
  12. (2018) Interviewed by Al Jazeera in News Documentary On Malaysia - Efforts to Revive Malaccan Creole Portuguese Language Https://Youtu.Be/Qqxtf3gjnac, International, (Interview)
  13. (2017) Interviewed in Article On Saving Endangered Languages in Malaysia in Straits Times, International, (Interview)
  14. (2016) Interviewed On Bfm - Lingo-Episode-11: Kristang-Part 2, National, (Interview)
  15. (2016) Interviewed On Bfm - Lingo-Episode-10: Kristang-Part 1, National, (Interview)
  16. (2014) Interviewed On Bfm - The Bigger Picture, Keeping Minority Language Alive, National, (Interview)
  1. (2023) Mentor in The 3rd Cohort of The Asia Pacific Women in Leadership (Apwil) Mentoring Programme, International, (Mentor)
  2. (2022) Mentor in The UM Early Career Researchers Development Programme, University, (Mentor)
  3. (2022) The Malaysian Chapter of The International Deans' Course Mentoring of Project Action Plans, National, (Mentor)
  4. (2020) The Malaysian Chapter of The International Deans Course Cohort 1 Mentoring of Project Action Plans, National, (Mentor)


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  2. (2024) RAP as a tool in the Critical Pedagogy Classroom : Developing Student Voice, HAZELYNN RIMBAR
  3. (2024) Language use and variation in three generations of domestic migrants in China, KUNHONG FANG
  4. (2024) An Acoustic Study of Long’an Zhuang Vowels, HUANG SHAN
  5. (2023) The Production and Perception of Lexical Stress in Malaysian English, ERNIE BINTI ADNAN
  6. (2022) The Discursive Representation of Female Circumcision in Malaysia, NIK NUR AININ SOFFIYA BINTI NIK MAT
  7. (2022) The Production and Perception of English Monophthongs by Acehnese Speakers, TANZIR MASYKAR
  8. (2020) Vowel System of China English, Huihui Wang
  9. (2020) The Production and Perception of Mandarin Tones by Learners from Tonal and Non-Tonal Language Backgrounds, Yujiao Huang
  10. (2020) The communication strategies of Chinese undergraduate students in synchronous online video discussions, Hui Liu
  17. (2014) Managing Heritage Language Relevance and Language Revitalisation:The Case of Malacca Portuguese Creole, SOH WEN YI
  21. (2006) Weblog Discourse of Young Malaysian Bloggers (University of Nottingham, UK), Ong Lok Tik (U0401125)


Doctor Of Philosophy
  1. (2023) TVX8001 - Research Methodology
  2. (2022) TVX8001 - Research Methodology
  1. (2023) TOA7014 - Language and Society
  2. (2023) TQA7004 - Varieties of English
  3. (2022) TOX7017 - Phonetics and Phonology
  4. (2021) TOA7001 - Fundamentals of Linguistics
  5. (2021) TOX7001 - Research Methodology


  • BibePortMal (BPM)
  • Sang Kancil dan Buaya
  • Sang Kancil dan Bahyak
  • Kancil Rob Buyak
  • Sang Kancil Ru Buayak
  • Kacil dan Buayak
  • Sang Kancil dan Sang Buayak
  • Malacca Portuguese Dictionary Mobile Application (BibePortMal) Source Code
  • Branyo
  • Langgiang


  • Keeping Languages Alive: The Case of Portugues Malaka , The Preservation and Poetics of Old Native Languages Seminar in Malacca Organised by Perzim and Melaka Historic City Council,, (07 Jul 2017 - 07 Jul 2017) (National)
  • Sharing Session On The Route to Beng Prende Portuguese Malaka At Badan Warisan Malaysia At The Branyo Event Organised by The Malaysian History and Heritage Club, (06 May 2017 - 06 May 2017) (National)
  • Initiative Partner With Maybank Malacca Zone for The 7th Maybank Global Cr Day - Cahaya Kasih Initiative - Beng Nos Prende Cultura Portugues Malaka At The Portuguese Settlement, (20 Aug 2016 - 20 Aug 2016)
  • UMCARES Community Engagement Seed Funding 2014: Documenting Prayers in Malacca Portuguese Creole(Ce2014/2), (01 Jul 2014 - 31 Oct 2014) (University)