Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Medicine
    Faculty of Medicine
  • spchan
  • +603 7949 2299


  • MRCP(1984) (UK), (Mrcp)
    Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • MBBS(1979) (UM), (Medicine and Surgery)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


    Since 2018 (National)
    2016 to 2020 (National)
    Since 2008 (National)
    2006 to 2020 (International)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2004, Universiti Malaya


Article in Journal
  1. Deerochanawong, Chan SP, Matawaran BJ, Sheu WH, Chan J, Man NH, Suastika K, Khoo CM, Yoon KH, Luk A, Mithal A, Linong J (2019) Use of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and multiple cardiovascular risk factors: An Asian perspective and expert recommendations. Diabetes Obes Metab 21(11), 2354-2367
  2. Khunti K, Chan SP, Filho FF, Tran NQ, Ramaiya K, Joshi S, Mithal A, Mbaye MN, Nicodemus N Jr, Latt TS, Linong J, Elebrashy IN, Mbanya JC (2019) Management of type 2 diabetes in developing countries: balancing optimal glycaemic control and outcomes with affordability and accessibility to treatment. Accepted for publication, Diabetes Therapy
  3. Colagiuri S, Matthews D, Leiter LA, Siew Pheng Chan, Sesti G & Marre M (2018) The place of gliclazide MR in the evolving type 2 diabetes landscape: A comparison with other sulfonylureas and newer oral antihyperglycemic agents. Diab Res Clin Practice, 143, 1-14
  4. JCN Chan, Pungamorn Bunnag, Siew P Chan, Iris TI Tan, Shih-Tzer Tsai, Ling Gao, Wolfgang Landgraf (2018) Glycaemic responses in Asians and Non-Asian people with Type 2 diabetes initiating insulinglargine U-100 u/mL: a patient level pooled analysis of 16 randomised controlled trials. Diabetes Res Clin Practice, 135, 199-205
  5. Paramasivam SS, Chinna K, Singh AKK, Ratnasingam J, Ibrahim L, Lim LL, Tan ATB, Chan SP, Tan PC, Omar SZ, Bilous RW, Vethakkan SR (2018) Continuous Glucose Monitoring Results in Lower HbA1c in Malaysian Women with Insulin Treated Gestational Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Diabetic Medicine 35(8), 1118-1129
  6. Yeap SS, NurSyabeela MA, Vigneswari T, Subashini CT, Intan Nureslyna S, Siti Yazmin ZS, Prasana B, Hew FL & Chan SP (2018) Osteoporosis treatment following a low trauma wrist fracture presenting to the Accident and Emergency department from 2011-2015. Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism,15(1), 74-78
  7. Lim LL, Brnabic AJM, Chan SP, Luqman I, Paramasivam SS, Ratnasingam J, Vethakkan SR, Tan ATB (2017) The Relationship of HbA1c, Fasting, and Postprandial Hyperglycemia in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Malaysia. Journal of diabetes investigation, 8(4), 453-461
  8. Venugopal Y, Hatta SFWM, Musa N, Rahman SA, Ratnasingam J, Paramasivam SS, Lim LL, Ibrahim L, Choong K, Tan AT, Chinna K, Chan SP, Vethakkan SR (2017) Maintenance Vitamin D3 Dosage Requirements in Chinese Women with Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis Living in the Tropics. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 26(3), 412-420
  9. Mafauzy M, Zanariah H, Avideh N, Chan SP (2016) DiabCare 2013: A cross-sectional study of hospital based diabetes care delivery and prevention of diabetes related complications in Malaysia. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 71(4),177-185
  10. Chan SP & Colagiuri S (2015) Systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy and hypoglycemic safety of gliclazide versus other insulinotropic agents. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 110(1), 75-81
  11. Chan SP. Diabetes Care Model in Malaysia. (2015) Journal of ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 2 (November)
  12. Raman RPC, Taiyeb-Ali TB, Chan SP, Chinna K, Vaithilingam RD. Effect of nonsurgical periodontal therapy verses oral hygiene instructions on Type 2 diabetes subjects with chronic periodontitis: a randomised clinical trial. BMC Oral Health 2014; 14:79.
  13. Genome-wide scan identifies novel modifier loci of acromegalic phenotypes for isolated familial somatotropinoma;S K Khoo1, R Pendek2, R Nickolov 3, D C Luccio-Camelo4,5, T L Newton1, A Massie1, D Petillo1, J Menon6, D Cameron7, B T Teh1,8 and S-P Chan
  14. Jian-Min Liu, Annie Wai-chee Kung, Chan Siew Pheng, Han-Min Zhu, Zhen-Lin Zhang, Yi-Yong Wu, Ling Xu, Xun- Wu Meng, Min-Li Huang, Leung Ping Chung, Nik Hazlina Nik Hussain, Seri Suniza Sufian, Jia-Lun Chen. Bone 45 (3):460-5
  15. Jing Yong Siow, Pauline Siew Mei Lai, Siew Siang Chua and Siew Pheng Chan. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 17: 305 311
  16. Jayapalan JJ, Muniandy S, Chan SP. 2008. ACE I/D polymorphism: Scenario in Malaysia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2008: 39(5);917-21
  17. Lai, P, Chua SS, SP Chan et al. (2008). Validation of the English version of Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO) in Malaysia. APLAR J Rheum 2008(in press).
  18. Mafauzy M on behalf of the DiabCare Asia Study group (Malaysia Mafauzy M, Wan Mohamad WB, Ab Aziz Al-Safi, Chan SP, Rokiah, P Ikram S Ismail et al 2008. An audit on diabetes management in Aisan patients treated by Specialists: the DiabCare-Asia 1998 and 2003 studies. Current Medical Research and Opinions 2008; 24 (2):507-14
  19. Pauline SM Lai, SS Chua, SP Chan & WY Low. 2008. The validity and reliability of the Malaysian Osteoporosis Knowledge Tool in postmenopausal women Maturitas 2008;60:122-130
  20. JCN Chan, C Deerochanawong, A Samad S, KH Yoon, JMF Adam, T Va Binh, SP Chan, RE Fernando, CH Lee, Nguyen TK, AD Litonjua, Sidartawan S & P Zimmet. 2007 Role of Metformin in the initiation of pharmacotherapy for type 2 diabetes: An Asian-Pacific perspective Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2007; 75 (3): 255-66
  21. Malik A, SP Chan et al. 2007. Non-alcoholic Fatty liver disease in Malaysia: A demographic anthropometric, metabolic and histological study. Journal of Digestive Diseases 2007;8:58-64
  22. SS Lim, Shireene V, Vijay A, Tan TBA, Rokiah P & Chan SP. Carbimazole-induced agranulocytosis in pregnancy: a case report JUMMEC 2007: 10 (1):34-38
  23. Ting GP, Tan SY, Chan SP, Kharuthan C, Zaitun Y, Suriah AR & Chee WSS, 2007 A follow-up study of the Effect of milk supplementation on bone mineral density of postmenopausal Chinese women in Malaysia Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2007;11(1):69-73
  24. WSS Chee, Ting GP, Tan SY, Chan SP, Zaitun Y & Suriah AR. 2007. Relationship between body composition and bone mineral density in healthy postmenopausal Chinese women in Malaysia. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia 2007; 5 (2):29-38
  25. Pan-Asian Consensus panel on HDL-C - KL Khoo, Siew-Pheng Chan (Malaysia), 2005. Nicotinic Acid in raising HDL lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) to reduce cardiovascular risk: An Asian Pacific Consensus. British Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease 2005: 5 (Suppl 2):S1-S15
Chapter in Books
  1. Chan Siew Pheng & Rokiah Pendek. Endocrine emergencies, 2006. MANAGEMENT ASPECTS OF ACUTE CARE. SERIES ON HEALTH SCIENCE. ISBN 983-100-403-5.
  2. Rokiah Pendek & Chan Siew Pheng. 2006. Acute diabetic emergencies. MANAGEMENT ASPECTS OF ACUTE CARE. SERIES ON HEALTH SCIENCE. ISBN 983-100-403-5. Pg 217-224
Article in Proceeding
  1. CHAN SIEW PHENG METABOLIC SYNDROME - MALAYSIAN PERSPECTIVE. 13th Asean Federation of Endocrine Sosieties COnference, Manila, Dec 2005
  3. Chan SP, Malik M, E Goh, S Zarina AH, Dhamendra, KS Oh, ASM Khir, Krishnarajah G AND SS Yeap. Prevalence of Vitamin D Inadequacy among community dwelling postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in Malaysia.
  4. Chan SP, Rokiah P, YY Chew, CH Ng, Zaitun Y, Hazizi AS, SS Lim, Vijay A, M Manivasagar, WF Chew, IS Ismail. A study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes mellitus.


  1. 2006 - 2012, MOSTI
    Detection of Familial Hypercholesterolemia gene mutation amongst the Malaysian population ( Consultant)
  2. 2007 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Macroprolacin: Risk of Misdiagnsosis and Mismanagement of Hyperprolactinaemia ( Consultant)
  3. 2009 - 2009, ScienceFund
    Inflammatory markers and anti-oxidant status as predictors of diabetes risk among Malaysians (started July 2008-ongoing) Hazizi A S*, SP Chan, Zaitun Y*, Zaiton A*, Sharmili V*, Rokiah P, ATB Tan, Vijay A *University Putra Malaysia collaborators ( Consultant)
  4. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Medication Adherence of Patients with Chronic Diseases ( Consultant)
  5. 2004 - 2006, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Impact of Pharmaceutical Care in Post Menopausal Osteoporotic Women Prescribed Alendronate ( Consultant)
  6. 2003 - 2006, MSD
    Impact of Pharmaceutical Care in Post Menopausal Osteoporotic Women Prescribed Alendronate: a randomized controlled trial ( Consultant)
  7. 1999 - 2001, MOSTI (IRPA)
    Pattern of dyslipidaemia and features of insulin resistance (syndrome X) as markers of risk for atherosclerotic coronary heart disease: impact of fibrate therapy ( Consultant)
  8. 1995 - 2000, MOSTI (IRPA)
    To Conduct Community-Based Intervention In Reduction Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease ( Consultant)
  9. 1999 - 2000, MOSTI (IRPA)
    Serum sialic acid and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1): early markers of endothelial dysfunction for prediction of type 2 diabetes and associated cardiovascular disease ( Consultant)
  10. 1999 - 2000, MOSTI (IRPA)
    Apolipoprotein E polymorphisms and its effects on the lipid and lipoprotein profiles. ( Consultant)
  1. 2008 - 2010, Pharmaceutical grant - Sanofi-Aventis
    A randomized double-blind, placebo controlled parallel group multicentre 24 week study followed by an extension assessing the efficacy and safety of AVE 0010 in 2 titration regimes on top of metformin in patients with Type 2 diabetes not adequately controlled with metformin (GETGOAL-F1, EFC 10743). SP Chan, Vijay A, A Tan, Rokiah P ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2008 - 2009, Pharmaceutical grant - Johnson & Johnson
    A randomized double-blind, placebo controlled, double-dummy, parallel group, multicentre dose-ranging study in subjects with Type 2 diabetes mellitus to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of orally administered SGLT2-inhibitor JNJ-28431754 with sitagliptin as a reference arm (Phase 2B). SP Chan Principal Investigator (UMMC) with Vijay A, A Tan & Rokiah P ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2008 - 2009, Pharmaceutical grant - Merck, Sharp & Dohme
    Phase 2: A worldwide, multicentre, double blind randomized placebo-controlled dose ranging study to evaluate the efficacy, tolerability of MK 0736 when added to ongoing treatment with ACE-inhibitors or ARBs in patients with Type 2 diabetes and hypertension SP Chan, Vijay A, SS Lim ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2006 - 2008, Pharmaceutical Reseach grant - Servier
    Regional Study on Insulin secretion and sensitivity in Asian Type 2 diabetes Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Korea SH Foo, SP Chan - National Coordinator for Malaysia (Dec 2006 July 2007) ( Coordinator)
  5. 2007 - 2007, Pharmaceutical Grant - Merck, Sharp & Dohme
    Real-Life Effectiveness and Care Patterns of Diabetes management in Asia-Pacific (The Asia-Pacific RECAP-DM Study) SP Chan National Coordinator for Malaysia. PPUM SP Chan, A Tan, Vijay A, SS Lim, SH Foo & Rokiah P ( Coordinator)


  1. Challenges of Diabetes management in Asia , 1st Hospital Pharmacy Conference , PPUM (University) (25 Apr 2008 - 27 Apr 2008)
  1. Long term effects of Osteoporosis Treatment, 9th MSR-SSR Workshop in Rheumatology, Malaysian Society for Rheumatology and Singapore Society of Rheumatology (National) (15 Aug 2008 - 17 Aug 2008)
  2. From Individual risk to Global Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, 12th National Heart Association of Malaysia Annual Scientific Meeting, National Heart Association of Malaysia (National) (04 Apr 2008 - 06 Apr 2008)
  3. Diabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome, Conference on Behavioural Medicine, Malaysian Association of Scientific Research in Psychiatry, Malaysian Association of Scientific Research in Psychiatry (National) (25 Jan 2008 - 27 Jan 2008)
  4. Symposium on Nutrition and Bone - Vitamin D SP Chan & FL Hew, 6th Malaysian Osteoporosis Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Malaysian Osteoporosis Society  (National) (03 Aug 2007 - 05 Aug 2007)
  1. Obesity: A common problem, Cardiovascular Workshop for Family Physicians, MMA Selangor (21 Dec 2008 - 21 Dec 2008)
  2. ADVANCE results: Breakthrough in the Management of Vascular Complications in Type 2 diabetes Diabetes and Endocrine Journal, Bangladesh, 2008 Nov; 37 (Suppl 1):54-55, 14th Diabetes and Endocrine Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Diabetes and Endocrine Society of Bangladesh (International) (20 Nov 2008 - 22 Nov 2008)
  3. Medical Management of Osteoporosis , 42nd Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (International) (31 Jul 2008 - 03 Aug 2008)
  4. Medical Management of GDM/DM Pregnancy, Diabetes in Pregnancy Workshop, Putrajaya Hospital, Putrajaya Hospital, Endocrine Unit (National) (19 Jul 2008 - 19 Jul 2008)
  5. What s new in the Management of Diabetes and How to achieve targets., 5th Malaysian Cardiovascular Interventional Symposium with Live Transmission, National Heart Association of Malaysia (National) (10 Jul 2008 - 12 Jul 2008)
  6. Dilemma of Osteoporosis Treatment, 9th Regional Osteoporosis Conference & ISCD Bone Densitometry Course, Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong (International) (16 May 2008 - 18 May 2008)
  7. Bone mineral density its role in assessing fracture risk, Updates of Ionizing Radiation in Biomedical Imaging, PPUM, PPUM (University) (10 May 2008 - 10 May 2008)
  8. Treat to target DM management, 1st Hospital Pharmacy Conference, PPUM (University) (25 Apr 2008 - 27 Apr 2008)
  9. Achieving therapeutic goals with sitagliptin in diabetes management, 3rd International Symposium on Healthy Aging, Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong (International) (01 Mar 2008 - 02 Mar 2008)
  10. Metabolic Syndrome: its significance and application in clinical practice, World Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine , World Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (International) (20 Aug 2007 - 24 Aug 2007)
  11. Metabolic Syndrome strategies for management, 3rd National Diabetes Educators Seminar, Malaysian Diabetes Association (National) (20 Jul 2007 - 22 Jul 2007)
  12. Clinical Trial Design and Protocol Development, Good Clinical Practice Workshop, University of Malaya Medical Centre (University) (03 May 2007 - 05 May 2007)
  13. Gucocorticoid induced osteoporosis, 12th APLAR Congress of Rheumatology, Asia-Pacific League for Arthritis and Rheumatology (International) (02 Aug 2006 - 05 Aug 2006)
  1. Insulin Resistance and beta-cell dysfunction using HOMA in Asian patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with oral anti-hyperglycaemic agents. Li Ji-Nong, Chan SP on behalf of Asia RECAP-DM Study Group Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2008; 79 (suppl 1):S24-25 , 7th International Diabetes Federation Western Pacific Region Congress, Western Pacific Region International Diabetes Federation (International) (30 Mar 2008 - 02 Apr 2008)
  2. Glycaemic control goal attainment among T2DM patients taking oral anti-diabetic agents for at least 6 months in the Asia Pacific region results of the RECAP study Chan SP, W Nitiyanant, SH Baik, LN Ji, WHH Sheu, PS Dellea , S Rajogopalan, D Yin, G Krishnarajah on behalf of Asia RECAP-DM Study Team , 14th Congress of Asean Federation of Endocrine Societies (AFES), Asean Federation of Endocrine Societies (International) (29 Nov 2007 - 02 Dec 2007)
  1. Case report: Tumour induced osteomalacia, 42nd Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia (International) (31 Jul 2008 - 03 Aug 2008)
  2. Giant Malignant Insulinoma, 42nd Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine, KL, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia (International) (31 Jul 2008 - 03 Aug 2008)
  3. An uncommon cause of diabetic ketoacidosis:twice, 42nd Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia (International) (31 Jul 2008 - 03 Aug 2008)
  4. Patient and Physician attitudes toward Vitamin D in osteoporosis treatment. SP Chan, JA West & SS Sen , 8th European Congress on Clinical and Economic aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, International Osteoporosis Federation, European Congress on Clinical and Economic aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (International) (09 Apr 2008 - 12 Apr 2008)
  5. High prevalence of Vitamin D inadequacy among community dwelling post-menopausal women with osteoporosis. SP Chan, P Lips, J Chandler, K Lippuner, S Ragi-Eis, J Norquist, PD Delmas, JA West, D Hosking., 8th European Congress on Clinical and Economic aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, International Osteoporosis Foundation, European Congress on Clinical and Economic aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthri (International) (09 Apr 2008 - 12 Apr 2008)


  1. Malaysian Journal of Medicine
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2003) National Committee on SubSpeciality Training and Fellowship for Endocrinology , Ministry of Health, National


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2008) Factors associated with hypoglycaemia among diabetic patients in UMMC
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2008) Postmenopausal Osteoporosis characteristics affecting compliance and outcome, as measured by bone markers of resorption and BMD, Pauline Lai
  2. (2005) Cardiovascular Risk Factors in type 2 Diabetes mellitus compared to non-diabetic controls, Hazizi Abu Saad (M0100103)
  3. (2001) Determinants of Bone Health Status among postmenopausal women, Chan Yoke Mun (M0100103)
  4. (2000) Efffect of Calcium supplementation on Bone Health Status in Postmenopausal Women in the Klang Valley, Chee SS, Winnie (M0100121)
  1. (2007) Angiotensin converting enzyme I/D gene polymorphism: Association with diabetic nephropathy, Jaime Jacqueline Jayapalan
  2. (2006) Osteoporosis-Vit D status, Ramani A
  3. (2005) Gestational Diabetes, Chew Wai Fong
  4. (2001) Repaglinide in the month of Ramadhan in Muslim Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, Asmah bt Mohd