Curriculum Vitae


  • Department of Electrical Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering
  • smsaid
  • 0379676883


    Oxford University, Oxford, UK
    Durham University, UK
    Durham University, UK


  • Executive Director
    01 Aug 2024 - present (Department of Research Management, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Senate Member
    01 Aug 2024 - 12 Dec 2027 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Rayuan Universiti (JKRU)
    01 Oct 2023 - 30 Sep 2026 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman
    20 Aug 2024 - 19 Aug 2026 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemilih Cuti Belajar dan SLAB/SLAI
    22 May 2022 - 31 Dec 2025 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    01 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2025 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    26 Dec 2024 - 30 Sep 2025 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    02 Apr 2024 - 31 Mar 2025 (National)
  • Director
    20 May 2024 - 31 Jul 2024 (Teaching and Learning Innovation Division, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Acting Executive Director
    30 May 2024 - 31 Jul 2024 (Jabatan Perancangan Strategik Akademik (Aspd), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Coordinator for OUICP programme which is a short term hybrid online and exchange programme between UM to Osaka University for PG students, where the students will spend two months at Osaka University with fee waiver.
    03 Nov 2024 - 31 Dec 2024 (International)
  • Committee Members
    21 May 2024 - 22 Aug 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    01 Feb 2022 - 31 Jan 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    23 Jun 2023 - 31 Dec 2023 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    23 Aug 2023 - 31 Dec 2023 (University Malaya)
  • Mini TheGreatLab Universiti Malaya 2023
    01 Oct 2023 - 18 Nov 2023 (University Malaya)
  • Student Selection Committee for Osaka Dual Degree Programme from Faculty of Engineering, UM
    01 Aug 2023 - 05 Sep 2023 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Coordinator for InterUniversity MoU
    07 Jun 2023 - 26 Jul 2023 (International)
  • Deputy Dean of Undergraduate
    01 Aug 2019 - 30 Jun 2021 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Technical Committee Member for TC on Lighting, Lamps and Accessories
    01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (National)
  • Conference session chair I-Pact conference
    29 Nov 2021 - 29 Nov 2021 (International)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Khas
    31 Aug 2019 - 31 Aug 2021 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • James Dyson Award Panel Judge
    01 Mar 2021 - 31 Aug 2021 (National)
    31 Aug 2019 - 31 Aug 2021 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Final Year Project Committee
    01 Jan 2021 - 18 Aug 2021 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • IDP subject committee member
    04 Sep 2019 - 30 Jun 2021 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Head of Department
    01 Dec 2017 - 31 Aug 2019 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • President, Malaysian Thermoelectric Society
    26 May 2017 - 31 Dec 2019 (National)
  • Committee Member, Curriculum Committee for 'Program Asasi Kejuruteraan'
    06 Aug 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Tin Solder Technology Researchers' group (National)
    12 May 2017 - 11 May 2019 (National)
  • Committee member, Direct Negotiation B Committee (Jawatankuasa Rundingan Terus B)
    01 Apr 2018 - 31 Mar 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Associate Board Member in Asian Association for Thermoelectrics
    29 Aug 2017 - 31 Dec 2018 (International)
  • Penilai Khas Exit Policy
    01 Jun 2017 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Liason Person for CSA Solid State Lighting Association, China
    17 Oct 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee, Leadership Pathway Workshop
    14 Feb 2018 - 01 Mar 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Participant, Workshop on Strategic Management Planning, Faculty of Engineering
    05 Jan 2018 - 07 Jan 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Academic Advisor
    20 Oct 2016 - 31 Dec 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Commitee for Curriculum Harmonisation (JKE)
    30 Apr 2017 - 31 Dec 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Programme Coordinator
    01 Aug 2016 - 31 Dec 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee for Relisting Materials Programme
    01 Oct 2017 - 31 Dec 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee Member for Curriculum Documentation
    20 Oct 2016 - 31 Dec 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Acting Head of Department
    19 Sep 2017 - 21 Dec 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Acting Head of Department
    10 Oct 2017 - 13 Dec 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Acting Head of Department
    19 Oct 2017 - 20 Oct 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Evaluation panel
    20 Feb 2017 - 20 Feb 2017 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee member for ESREF 2016 Conference(Halle, Germany)
    18 Dec 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (International)
  • Committee Member of Student Advisory Committee
    01 Sep 2014 - 31 Aug 2016 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee member of purchasing committee for "1 unit Regeneration Type Hydrogen Gas Purifier"
    08 Dec 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Member of Faculty EAC Task Force
    14 Apr 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee member of purchasing committee for purchase of "TMGa dan TMA (precursor for MOCVD epitaxial growth)."
    03 Nov 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator
    01 Jun 2015 - 31 Oct 2015 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Department representative for Higher Degree Committee
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Jul 2015 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Committee member for purchase of Film Applicator (Casting Machine) and Doctor Blades
    01 Apr 2015 - 26 Jun 2015 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Price negotiation committee member for purchase of "multiplate reader"
    12 Sep 2013 - 31 Dec 2013 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Technical committee member for purchase of Electroluminescence, PDACT dan Photolithography System
    16 Aug 2013 - 25 Dec 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Member of technical committee and specification for purchasing of Scanning Tunneling Microscope
    21 Jun 2013 - 24 Dec 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Departmental Chairperson to the Faculty for JIT (HIgher Degree Committee)
    01 Apr 2012 - 31 Mar 2013 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
  • Price committee member for purchasing of MOCVD system and Gas Facilities
    30 Mar 2012 - 30 Apr 2012 (University Malaya)
  • Price Evaluation Committee Member, Purchase of Embedded Power Suply to Satisfy PV Simulator
    28 Feb 2012 - 27 Mar 2012 (University Malaya)
  • Price Evaluation Committee Member, Purchase of Brain Signal Acquisition System
    01 Nov 2011 - 30 Nov 2011 (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator of Industry relations
    20 Dec 2004 - 30 Dec 2005 (University Malaya)
  • Secretary, AEESEAP Secretariat
    01 Jan 2004 - 01 Dec 2005 (International)
  • Secretary, The Seventh Triennial AEESEAP Conference
    01 Jan 2003 - 31 Dec 2003 (International)


    Since 2015 (International)
    2020 to 2021 (National)
    2003 to 2005 (International)


  • Web of Science Highly Cited Paper Series 2023-2
    2023, Essential Science Indicators,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2020, Universiti Malaya
  • Gold Award, Umliter Conference, "International Learning Improvement and Teaching Enhancement Conference (Litec) 2020
    2020, University of Malaya (ADEC),  (University)
  • Esref 2020 Conference Technical Subcommittee
    2020, ESREF,  (International)
  • Advisory Committee, 2019 Su-UM Workshop On Advanced Engineering Research and Cultural Exchange
    2019, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Perlantikan Sebagai Panel Temu Duga Bagi Program Penaaan/Cuti Belajar Bergaji Penuh (Cbbp) Pegawai P Endidikan Pengajian Tinggi (Pppt) dan Staf Bukan Akademik Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (Ipta), Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia Tahun 2019
  • The Research Council of Oman Present The National Research Award 2019
    2019, The Research Council,  (International)
  • Anugerah Setia 20 Tahun
    2019, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2018, Universiti Malaya
  • Keynote Speaker and Scientific Committee, Icbsa International Conference On Basic Science and Its Applications, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
    2018, Andalas University,  (International)
  • Visiting Researcher, Strathclyde University, "Mathematical and Experimental Study of Membrane-Separated Thermoelectrochemical Generators"
    2018, EPSRC, UK,  (International)
  • Plenary Speaker and Session Chair, International Conference On Advanced Composite Materials (Icacm 2018) and 2018 International Conference On Mechanical Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (Mmie 2018)
    2018, ICACM,  (International)
  • Plenary Speaker and Conference Chair, 2018 2nd International Conference On Smart Grid and Sart Cities (Icsgsc 2018) and 2018 International Conference On Green Energy
    2018, ICSGSC,  (International)
  • International Committee Member, The 5th Southeast Asia Conference On Thermoelectrics 2018 (Sact 2018), Siem Reap, Cambodia
    2018, Southeast Asian Association for Thermoelectrics,  (International)
  • Mentor Program Stem Permata
    2018, Akademi Sains malaysia,  (National)
  • Plenary Speaker and Program Chair
    2018, ICACM Conference organisers,  (International)
  • Mentor for Program Permata Pintar
    2018, Permata Pintar UKM,  (National)
  • Panel for Scholarship Interview (Ministry of Education)
    2018, Ministry of Education,  (National)
  • President, Malaysian Thermoelectric Society
    2017, Registrar of Societies, Malaysia,  (National)
  • Invited Speaker, Asian Conference On Liquid Crystals, Tainan, Taiwan, 2017
    2017, ACLC,  (International)
  • Visiting Researcher, Strathclyde University, "Mathematical and Experimental Study of Latest Membrane-Separated Thermoelectrochemical Generators"
    2017, EPSRC, UK,  (International)
  • Travel Grant, Aun-Seed/Net Mobility Programs At School of Applied Physics, Tohoku University
    2017, AUN/Seed-Net,  (International)
  • Associate Member, Asian Association for Thermoelectrics (Aat)
    2017, Asian Association for Thermoelectrics,  (International)
  • Epsrc Global Challenges Research Fund Institutional Sponsorship Award, University of Strathclyde
    2017, EPSRC, UK,  (International)
  • Completion of Sciencefund Research
    2017, MOSTI,  (National)
  • Interviewing Panel for Kpt Scholarships
    2017, KPT,  (Government)
  • Aun/Seed-Net Mobility Grant
    2017, AUN/Seed-Net,  (International)
  • Scientific Evaluation Committee, Esref 2016, Halle, Germany
    2016, ESREF,  (International)
  • Visiting Scholar, Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics, Cambridge University
    2016, University of Cambridge,  (International)
  • Plenary Speaker, Takayanagi Symposium, Shizuoka University, Japan
    2016, Shizuoka University,  (International)
  • Scientific Evaluation Committee, Esref 2015, Toulouse, France
    2015, ESREF,  (International)
  • Invited Speaker, Asian Conference of Liquid Crystals, 2015, Busan, South Korea
    2015, ACLC,  (International)
  • Invited Speaker, Liquid Crystals Xix, Spie, San Diego, United States
    2015, SPIE,  (International)
  • Invited Paper - Early Career Researcher in Liquid Crystals Whose Work Will Shape Future Liquid Crystals Research, Liquid Crystals Journal 30th Anniversary Special Edition, "Structure-Electronics Relations of Discotic Liquid Crystals from a Molecular Modeling Perspective" Liquid Crystals 43 (13-15), 20092 (2016)
    2015, Liquid Crystals Journal,  (International)
  • Shortlisted Participant for UM-Mtdc Programme On Commercialisation of Technology, November 2015
    2015, MTDC,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2015, Universiti Malaya
  • Mimos Expert Consultant On Semiconductor Sector
    2015, MIMOS Berhad,  (National)
  • Esref 2015 Conference Subcommittee Chair
    2015, ESREF,  (International)
  • Invited Speaker (Closing Ceremony) for The Itcsce 2015 Conference in Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
    2015, Tin Industry Research and Development Board, Malaysia,  (International)
  • Scientific Evaluation Committee, Esref 2014, Berlin, Germany
    2014, ESREF,  (International)
  • Invited Speaker, Liquid Crystals Xviii, Spie, San Diego, United States
    2014, SPIE,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2014, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2012, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellent Service Certification
    2012, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence in Teaching, Keee1123 Field Theory
    2011, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Secretary, Aeeseap International Conference 2005
    2005, AEESEAP,  (International)
  • Expert Advisor in Due Diligence Investigation On Inventqjaya, by Sirim Berhad
    2005, Sirim Berhad,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Overseas Research Studentship for D.Phil At The University of Oxford
    2000, -Overseas Research Studentship,  (International)
  • Sultan Iskandar Foundation Scholarship for D.Phil At University Oxford
    1998, Sultan Iskandar Foundation,  (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Amin, Nur Aishah Aminah Mohd; Said, Suhana Mohd; Salleh, Mohd Faiz Mohd; Afifi, Amalina Muhammad; Ibrahim, Nik Muhd Jazli Nik; Hasnan, Megat Muhammad Ikhsan Megat; Abdullah, Norbani; Rosli, Muhamad Faris Akmal Mohd (2025). Effect of PMMA additive on thin film morphology and charge storage in Fe(II) spin-crossover complexes, MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS. 769(1), 157-178. doi:10.1080/15421406.2024.2434326
  2. Azher, Zuha; Said, Suhana Mohd; Mainal, Azizah; Putri, Eka Yulia; Hizaddin, Hanee Farzana Binti; Ibrahim, Suriani Binti; Sarih, Norazilawati Muhammad; Junaidi, Mohd Usman Bin Mohd (2025). Polymer incorporation in perovskite solar cells: A review of stabilization mechanisms and performance enhancement, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREEN ENERGY. 22(3), 649-672. doi:10.1080/15435075.2024.2421331
  3. Amin, Nur Aishah Aminah Mohd; Said, Suhana Mohd; Ibrahim, Nik Muhd Jazli Nik; Hasnan, Megat Muhammad Ikhsan Megat; Salleh, Mohd Faiz Mohd; Afifi, Amalina Muhammad (2024). Comparative analysis between solution-phase and thin films of cobalt(II) spin crossover (SCO) complexes with 8, 10, 12-carbon alkyl chains based on structural, optical and electrical properties, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS. 35(29). doi:10.1007/s10854-024-13656-4
  4. Hassan, H. C.; Said, S. M.; Noor, I. M.; Hasnan, M. M. I. Megat; Zakaria, R.; Ibrahim, N. M. J. Nik; Salleh, F.; Fadzallah, I. A.; Noor, N. L. Md.; Abdullah, N. (2023). Systematic correlation between ligand length, bandgap energy and Seebeck voltage of Fe-based spincrossover (SCO) metal complexes through optical characterization, MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS. . doi:10.1080/15421406.2023.2191429
  1. EY Salih, MFM Sabri, MH Eisa, K Sulaiman, A Ramizy, MZ Hussein & SM Said. (2021). Mesoporous ZnO/ZnAl2O4 mixed metal oxide-based Zn/Al layered double hydroxide as an effective anode material for visible light photodetector, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 121, 105370.
  2. SNA Shah, S Shahabuddin, MFM Sabri, MF Mohd Salleh, SM Said & KM Khedher, Thermal Conductivity, Rheology and Stability analysis of 2D Tungsten Disulfide doped Polyaniline based Nanofluids: An experimental investigation, International Journal of Energy Research, doi:10.1002/er.5697 (2020)
  3. Ali, S., Tahir, M., Mehboob, N., Wahab, F., J Langford, S., Mohd Said, S., ... & Hamid Md Ali, S. (2020). Amino Anthraquinone: Synthesis, Characterization, and Its Application as an Active Material in Environmental Sensors. Materials, 13(4), 960.
  4. CVKNSN Moorthy, GN Kumar, V Srinivas, MA Kumar, KGRM Reddy, DN Vasundhara, MFM Sabri & SM Said, Metallography, Microstructure, and Wear Analysis of AA 6063/TiC Composites for Augmented Dry Sliding Property at Room Temperature. Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2020), doi:10.1007/s13632-020-00625-6
  5. F Muhammad, M Tahir, M Zeb, MN Kalasad, SM Said, MR Sarker, MFM Sabri & SHM Ali, Synergistic enhancement in the microelectronic properties of poly-(dioctylfluorene) based Schottky devices by CdSe quantum dots. Sci Rep 10, 4828 (2020). doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61602-1, (2020)
  6. IA Fadzallah, NS Sabran, N Van Toan, T Ono, SM Said and MFM Sabri, Micropatterning and Integration of Electrospun PVDF Membrane Into Microdevice, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2020.2983717, (2020)
  7. M Tahir, MH Sayyad, SM Said, MFM Sabri, & MR Sarker, Amplified spontaneous emission and optical gain characteristics of sexithiophene single crystals, Optical Materials, 100, 109695. doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2020.109695, (2020)
  8. MBA Bashir, MFM Sabri, SM Said, Y Miyazaki, IA Badruddin, DAA Shnawah, EY Salih, S Abushousha and MH Elsheikh, Enhancement of thermoelectric properties of Co4Sb12 Skutterudite by Al and La double filling, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2020.121205
  9. N Aslfattahi, A Zendehboudi, R Saidur, MFM Sabri, SM Said, A Arifutzzaman & NAC Sidik, Optimization of Thermal Conductivity of NanoPCM-Based Graphene by Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 75, 3 (2020) 108-125, doi:10.37934/arfmts.75.3.108125 (2020)
  10. N Aslfattahi, R Saidur, A Arifutzzaman, R Sadri, N Bimbo, MFM Sabri, PA Maughan, L Bouscarrat, RJ Dawson, SM Said, BT Goh, NA Che Sidik, Experimental investigation of energy storage properties and thermal conductivity of a novel organic phase change material/MXene as A new class of nanocomposites, Journal of Energy Storage 27 (2020) 101115.
  11. NMJ Nik Ibrahim, SM Said, A Mainal, MFM Sabri, N Abdullah, MMI Megat Hasnan, H Che Hassan, MF Mohd Salleh, WA Wan Mohd Mahiyiddin, Molecular design strategies for spin-crossover (SCO) metal complexes (Fe(II) and Co(II)) for thermoelectricity, Materials Research Bulletin, doi:10.1016/j.materresbull.2020.110828, (2020)
  12. SNA Shah, S Shahabuddin, MFM Sabri, MF Mohd Salleh, SM Said, KM Khedher, N Sridewi, Two-Dimensional Tungsten Disulfide-Based Ethylene Glycol Nanofluids: Stability, Thermal Conductivity, and Rheological Properties. Nanomaterials, 10, 1340, doi: 10.3390/nano10071340 (2020)
  13. ZU Islam, M Tahir, WA Syed, F Aziz, F Wahab, SM Said, MR Sarker, SH Md Ali, MFM Sabri, Fabrication and Photovoltaic Properties of Organic Solar Cell Based on Zinc Phthalocyanine. Energies 2020, 13, 962, doi:10.3390/en13040962
  14. Zain, N.F., Rozali, S., Mohamad, M., Izam, T.F.T,M., Sabri, N.M.F.M., Mohamed, N.S., Said, S.M., Salleh, F. (2020). Improvement of Electrical Conductivity of PEMA Film by Incorporating EMITFSI and Carbon Based Nanofiller, Organic Electronics, Organic Electronics, 78, 105562
  15. Zeb, M., Tahir, M., Muhammad, F., Sayyad, M. H., Said, S. M., & Wahab, F. (2020). Perylene Tetracarboxylic Diimide: Characterization and Its Role in the Electrical Properties of an Ag/N-BuHHPDI/PEDOT: PSS/p-Si Heterojunction Device. Journal of Electronic Materials, 49(1), 395-401.
  16. F Salleh, R Usop, NS Saugi, EY Salih, M Mohamad, H Ikeda, MFM Sabri, MK Ahmad, SM Said, Influence of TiO2 Layer's nanostructure on its thermoelectric power factor, Applied Surface Science, doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.143736
  17. HA Jaffery, MFM Sabri, SM Said, SW Hasan, IH Sajid, NIM Nordin, MMI Megat Hasnan, DA Shnawah, CV Moorthy, Electrochemical corrosion behavior of Sn-0.7Cu solder alloy with the addition of bismuth and iron, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2019), doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.151925 (2019)
  18. IH Sajid, MFM Sabri, SM Said, MFM Salleh, NN Nik Ghazali, R Saidur, B Subramaniam, SW Hasan, HA Jaffery, Crosslinked thermoelectric hydro-ionogels: A new class of highly conductive thermoelectric materials, Energy Conversion and Management, 198, 111813, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.111813 (2019)
  19. IH Sajid, N Aslfattahi, MFM Sabri, SM Said, R Saidur, MFM Salleh, NN Nik Ghazali, SW Hasan, Synthesis and characterization of novel p-type chemically cross-linked ionogels with high ionic seebeck coefficient for low-grade heat harvesting, Electrochimica Acta(2019), doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2019.134575 (2019)
  20. M Zeb, M Tahir, F Muhammad, SM Said, MFM Sabri, MR Sarker, SH Md Ali & F Wahab, Amplified Spontaneous Emission and Optical Gain in Organic Single Crystal Quinquethiophene, Crystals, 9(12), 609; doi:10.3390/cryst9120609
  21. MMIM Hasnan, SM Said, MFM Sabri, SAM Hussin, N Abdullah, NMJN Ibrahim, Y Miyazaki, MFM Salleh, NM Shah, Optimised thermally driven molecular stability of an SCO metal complex for TEC Seebeck generation enhancement. RSC Advances, 9(19), 10626-10634. (2019).
  22. MR Sarker, S Julai, MFM Sabri SM Said, MM Islam, M Tahir, Review of piezoelectric energy harvesting system and application of optimization techniques to enhance the performance of the harvesting system, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, (2019)
  23. NS Sabran, IA Fadzallah, T Ono, SM Said & MFM Sabri, Preparation and Characterization of Electrochemical Deposition Cobalt Triantimonide (CoSb3) Thick Film: Effects of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) as an Additive. Journal of Electronic Materials. doi:10.1007/s11664-019-07295-3 (2019)
  24. NV Toan, MMI Megat Hasnan, D Udagawa, N Inomata, M Toda, SM Said, MFM Sabri, T Ono, Thermoelectric power battery using Al2O3 nanochannels of 10 nm diameter for energy harvesting of low-grade waste heat, Energy Conversion and Management, 199 (2019), 111979
  25. Putri, YE; Said, SM; Diantoro, M 2019. Nanoarchitectured titanium complexes for thermal mitigation in thermoelectric materials. RENEWABLE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS
  26. B Ali, MFM Sabri, SM Said, , NL Sukiman, I Jauhari & MH Mahdavifard, Microstructural and tensile properties of Fe and Bi added Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu solder alloy under high temperature environment, Microelectronics Reliability, 82, 171-178, doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2018.01.015
  27. Bashir, MBA; Said, SM; Sabri, MFM; Miyazaki, Y; Shnawah, DA; Shimada, M; Salleh, MFM; Mahmood, MS; Salih, EY; Fitriani, F; Elsheikh, MH 2018. In-Filled La0.5Co4Sb12 Skutterudite System with High Thermoelectric Figure of Merit. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS
  28. Bashir, MBA; Said, SM; Sabri, MFM; Miyazaki, Y; Shnawah, DAA; Shimada, M; Elsheikh, MH 2018. Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties of Yb0.25Co4Sb12 Skutterudites through Ni Substitution. SAINS MALAYSIANA
  29. EY Salih, MFM Sabri, K Sulaiman, MZ Hussein, SM Said, R Usop, MFM Salleh, MBA Bashir, Thermal, structural, textural and optical properties of ZnO/ZnAl2O4 mixed metal oxide-based Zn/Al layered double hydroxide, Materials Research Express, (2018)
  30. EY Salih, MFM Sabri, MZ Hussein, K Sulaiman, SM Said, B Saifullah & MBA Bashir, Structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO/ZnAl2O4 nanocomposites prepared via thermal reduction approach, Journal of Materials Science, doi:10.1007/s10853-017-1504-9 (2018)
  31. F Fitriani, SM Said, S Rozali, MFM Salleh, MFM Sabri, BD Long, T Nakayama, O Raihan, MMI Megat Hasnan, MBA Bashir & F Kamal, Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties in Cold Pressed Nickel Doped Bismuth Sulfide Compounds, Electron. Mater. Lett. doi:10.1007/s13391-018-0072-8 (2018)
  32. Hasan, SW; Said, SM; Abu Bakar, ASB; Jaffery, HA; Faizul, M; Sabri, M 2018. The Role of Electrolyte Fluidity on The Power Generation Characteristics of Thermally Driven Electrochemical Cells. SAINS MALAYSIANA
  33. Hasan, SW; Said, SM; Sabri, MFM; Jaffery, HA; Bin Abu Bakar, AS 2018. Thermally Resistive Electrospun Composite Membranes for Low-Grade Thermal Energy Harvesting. MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING
  34. Hashim, AH; Zayeda, AOH; Zain, SM; Lee, VS; Said, SM 2018. Electronic, magnetic and structural properties of Co3O4 (100) surface: a DFT plus U study. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
  35. Hasnan, MMIM; Abdullah, N; Said, SM; Salleh, MFM; Hussin, SAM; Shah, NM 2018. Thermo-electrochemical generation capabilities of octahedral spin crossover complexes of Mn(II), Fe(II) and Co(II) with N-donor ligands and benzoate counter ion. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA
  36. MBA Bashir, SM Said, MFM Sabri, Y Miyazaki, DAA Shnawah M Shimada, MFM Salleh, MS Mahmood, EY Salih, F Fitriani, MH Elsheikh, In-Filled La0.5Co4Sb12 Skutterudite System with High Thermoelectric Figure of Merit, Journal of Electronic Materials, doi:10.1007/s11664-018-6074-3
  37. MBA Bashir, SM Said, MFM Sabri, Y Miyazaki, DAA Shnawah, M Shimada & MH Elsheikh, Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties of Yb0.25Co4Sb12 Skutterudites through Ni Substitution, Sains Malaysiana 47(1)(2018): 181 187, doi:10.17576/jsm-2018-4701-21
  38. MH Mahdavifard, MFM Sabri, SM Said, IA Badruddin, S Rozali, Effect of aging on mechanical properties of Sn-Cu-Fe-Bi solder alloy, Solid State Science and Technology, 26, 1, p. 70-77, (2018)
  39. MS Mahmood, SM Said, A Chatterjee, MFM Sabri, A Mainal, MN Daud, NA Sairi, DFT studies of structural electronic correlation for the HAT6 discotic liquid crystal columnar stacking, Materials Research Express, (2018)
  40. Mahmood, MS; Said, SM; Chatterjee, A; Sabri, MFM; Mainal, A; Daud, MN; Sairi, NA 2018. DFT studies of structural-electronic correlation for the HAT6 discotic liquid crystal columnar stacking. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS
  41. O Raihan, SM Said, MFM Sabri, S Rozali, BD Long, K Kimura, K Tobita, F Fitriani, MFM Salleh, MBA Bashir, Parametric analysis of ball milling condition on thermoelectric performance of Bi0. 6FeCo3Sb12 skutterudite, Materials Research Express, (2018)
  42. Putri, Y. E., Said, S. M., Refinel, R., Ohtaki, M., & Syukri, S. (2018). Low Thermal Conductivity of RE-Doped SrO (SrTiO 3) 1 Ruddlesden Popper Phase Bulk Materials Prepared by Molten Salt Method. Electronic Materials Letters, 1-7.
  43. Raihan, O; Said, SM; Sabri, MFM; Rozali, S; Long, BD; Kimura, K; Tobita, K; Fitriani; Salleh, MFM; Bashir, MBA 2018. Parametric analysis of ball milling condition on thermoelectric performance of Bi0.6FeCo3Sb12 skutterudite. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS
  44. SW Hasan, SM Said, ASBA Bakar, HA Jaffery & MFM Sabri, The Role of Electrolyte Fluidity on The Power Generation Characteristics of Thermally Driven Electrochemical Cell, Sains Malaysiana 47(2)(2018): 403-408, doi:10.17576/jsm-2018-4702-23 (2018)
  45. SW Hasan, SM Said, MFM Sabri, HA Jaffery, ASBA Bakar, Thermally Resistive Electrospun Composite Membranes for Low-Grade Thermal Energy Harvesting, Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2018, (2018)
  46. Sahamir, SR; Said, SM; Sabri, MFM; Mahmood, MS; Bin Kamarudin, MA; Moutanabbir, O 2018. Studies on relation between columnar order and electrical conductivity in HAT6 discotic liquid crystals using temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy and DFT calculations. LIQUID CRYSTALS
  47. Salih, EY; Sabri, MFM; Hussein, MZ; Sulaiman, K; Said, SM; Saifullah, B; Bashir, MA 2018. Structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO/ZnAl2O4 nanocomposites prepared via thermal reduction approach. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE
  48. Shapril, N.N., Ming, C. K., Said, S. M., & Johan, M. R. (2018). Optimization of silver nanodendrites for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) in an acidic environment. Optik, 164, 297-302.
  49. Usop, R., Hamed, N. K. A., Hasnan, M. M., Ikeda, H., Sabri, M. F. M., Ahmad, M. K., ... & Salleh, F. (2018, April). Seebeck coefficient of synthesized Titanium Dioxide thin film on FTO glass substrate. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 342, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP Publishing.
  50. Zain, N. F., Hasnan, M. M., Sabri, M. F. M., Said, S. M., Mohamed, N. S., & Salleh, F. (2018, April). Temperature dependence of electrical conduction in PEMA-EMITFSI film. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 342, No. 1, p. 012048). IOP Publishing.
  51. Ameerul Hazeeq Hashim ,Ala Omar Hasan Zayed,Sharifuddin Md Zain,Vannajan Sanghiran Lee, Suhana Mohd Said (2017) Electronic, Magnetic and Structural Properties of Co3O4 (100) Surface: A DFT+U Study, Applied Surface Science
  52. B Ali, MFM Sabri, SM Said, MH Mahdavifard, NL Sukiman & I Jauhari, Microstructural Modification of Sn-0.7Cu Solder Alloys by Fe/Bi-Addition for Achieving High Mechanical Performance. Journal of Electronic Materials, doi:10.1007/s11664-017-5416-x (2017)
  53. B Ali, MFM Sabri, SM Said, NL Sukiman, I Jauhari & N Soin, High impact reliability and high temperature performance of Fe and Bi added Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu solder alloys. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s10854-017-6412-x (2017)
  54. Elsheikh, MH; Sabri, MFM; Said, SM; Miyazaki, Y; Masjuki, HH; Shnawah, DA; Naito, S; Bashir, MBA 2017. Rapid preparation of bulk Al (x) Yb0.25Co4Sb12 (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) skutterudite thermoelectric materials with high figure of merit ZT=1.36. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE
  55. Hasan, SW; Said, SM; Bin Abu Bakar, AS; Sabri, MFM; Sajid, IH; Hashim, NA 2017. Optimization of poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes for enhanced power density of thermally driven electrochemical cells. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE
  56. M. A. Kamarudin, A. A. Khan, E. K. W. Tan, R. Rughoobur, S. M. Said, M. M. Qasim, T. D. Wilkinson, Induced alignment of reactive mesogen polymer electrolyte for dye-sensitised solar cells. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 31989-31996.
  57. M. A. Kamarudin, A. A. Khan, S. M. Said, M. M. Qasim, T. D. Wilkinson, Composite liquid crystal-polymer electrolytes in dye-sensitised solar cells:effects of mesophase alkyl chain length. Liquid Crystals, 2017, 1-10.
  58. MH Elsheikh, MFM Sabri, SM Said, Y Miyazaki, HH Masjuki, DAA Shnawah, S Naito, MBA Bashir, Rapid preparation of bulk Al x Yb0.25Co4Sb12 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) skutterudite thermoelectric materials with high figure of merit ZT = 1.36. Journal of Materials Science, 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s10853-017-0772-8 (2017)
  59. SM Said, MBA Bashir, MFM Sabri, Y Miyazaki, DAA Shnawah AS Hakeem, M Shimada, AI Bakare, NNN Ghazali, MH Elsheikh, Enhancement of Thermoelectric Behavior of La0.5Co4Sb12 x Te x Skutterudite Materials. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s11661-017-4058-1 (2017)
  60. SM Said, SM Rahman; Long, Bui Duc; et al (2017) The effect of nitric acid (HNO3) treatment on the electrical conductivity and stability of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) thin films. Journal Polymer Engineering, 73(2), 163-168
  61. SM Said, SR Sahamir, MFM Sabri, MA Kamarudin, K Hayashi, AZS Zulkifli, T Nakajo, M Kubouchi, Y Miyazaki, Polymer electrolyte liquid crystal mixtures as phase-dependent thermoelectric materials. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 642(1), 9-17. (2017)
  62. SW Hasan, SM Said, AS Abu Bakar, MFM Sabri, IH Sajid & NA Hashim, (2017). Optimization of poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes for enhanced power density of thermally driven electrochemical cells. Journal of Materials Science, 52(15), 1-13.
  63. Said, SM; Bashir, MBA; Sabri, MFM; Miyazaki, Y; Shnawah, DAA; Hakeem, AS; Shimada, M; Bakare, AI; Ghazali, NNN; Elsheikh, MH 2017. Enhancement of Thermoelectric Behavior of La0.5Co4Sb12-x Te (x) Skutterudite Materials. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE
  64. Said, SM; Rahman, SM; Long, BD; Balamurugan, S; Soin, N; Rahman, MA 2017. The effect of nitric acid (HNO3) treatment on the electrical conductivity and stability of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) thin films. JOURNAL OF POLYMER ENGINEERING
  65. Said, SM; Sahamir, SR; Sabri, MFM; Kamarudin, MA; Hayashi, K; Zulkifli, AZS; Nakajo, T; Kubouchi, M; Miyazaki, Y 2017. Polymer electrolyte liquid crystal mixtures as phase-dependent thermoelectric materials. MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS
  66. Zahid, N. I., Mahmood, M. S., Subramanian, B., Mohd Said, S., & Abou-Zied, O. K. (2017). New Insight into the Origin of the Red/Near-Infrared Intense Fluorescence of a Crystalline 2-Hydroxychalcone Derivative: A Comprehensive Picture from the Excited-State Femtosecond Dynamics. J Phys Chem Lett, 8(22), 5603-5608. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b02601
  67. Zahid, NI; Mahmood, MS; Subramanian, B; Said, SM; Abou-Zied, OK 2017. New Insight into the Origin of the Red/Near-Infrared Intense Fluorescence of a Crystalline 2-Hydroxychalcone Derivative: A Comprehensive Picture from the Excited-State Femtosecond Dynamics. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
  68. 3.MH Elsheikh, MFM Sabri, SM Said, Y Miyazaki, HH Masjuki, DAA Shnawah, BD Long, S Naito, MBA Bashir, Thermoelectric Properties of Microstructurally Modified CoSb3 Skutterudite by Hf-Addition, Journal of Electronic Materials, 1-5 (2016)
  69. Balamurugan Subramaniam, Suhana Mohd Said, Asiqur Rahman, Norbani Abdullah, Vijay Srinivasan Muregasan, Suresh Dhandapani, Main-chain liquid crystalline copolymers: synthesis and comparative study of the mesomorphic properties and non-linear optical properties. Liquid Crystal, 1-13 (2016)
  70. Elsheikh, M. H., Sabri, M. F. M., Said, S. M., Miyazaki, Y., Masjuki, H. H., Shnawah, D. A. A., Long, B. D., Naito, S., Bashir, M. A. 2016. Thermoelectric Properties of Microstructurally Modified CoSb3 Skutterudite by Hf-Addition. Journal of Electronic Materials
  71. Fitriani, R Ovik, BD Longa, MC Barma, M Riaz, MFM Sabri, SM Said, R Saidur, A review on nanostructures of high-temperature thermoelectric materials for waste heat recovery, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 64, 635 659 (2016)
  72. Hasan, S. W., Said, S. M., Sabri, M. F. M., Abu Bakar, A. S., Hashim, N. A., Hasnan, M., Pringle, J. M., MacFarlane, D. R. 2016. High Thermal Gradient in Thermo-electrochemical Cells by Insertion of a Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Membrane. Scientific Reports
  73. Hasan, S. W., Said, S. M., Sabri, M. F. M., Bakar, A. S. A., Hashim, N. A., Hasnan, M. M. I. M., Pringle, J. M. & MacFarlane, D. R. (2016). High Thermal Gradient in Thermo-electrochemical Cells by Insertion of a Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride) Membrane. Scientific reports, 6(29328), 1-11.
  74. M.A. Kamarudin A.A. Khan C. Williams G. Rughoobur S.M. Said S. Nosheen A.J. Flewitt M.M. Qasim T.D. Wilkinson, Self-assembled liquid crystalline nanotemplates and their incorporation in dye-sensitised solar cells Electrochimica Acta, 6 (11), 1-28, 2016
  75. MC Barma, BD Long, MFM Sabri, S Ramesh, R Saidur, SM Said, K Kimura, NH Hai, TD Huy, TB Trung, Synthesis of Cu3.21Bi4.79S9 bismuth chalcogenide by mechanical alloying , Powder Technology 294, 348-352, (2016)
  76. MH Elsheikh, MFM Sabri, SM Said, Y Miyazaki, HH Masjuki, DAA Shnawah, N Abdullah, S Naito, MBA Bashir, Microstructural Modification of Co4Sb12 Skutterudite Thermoelectric Material Through Al Exceed Doping, Science of Advanced Materials, 8, pp.2121-2127 (2016)
  77. MH Mahdavifard, MFM Sabri, SM Said, DA Shnawah, IA Badruddin, S Rozali, Effects of Fe and Bi Minor Alloying on Mechanical, Thermal, and Microstructural Properties of Sn-0.7Cu Solder Alloy, Journal of Electronic Materials, DOI:10.1007/s11664-016-4521-6, (2016)
  78. Rahman, S. M., Said, S. B. M., Subramanian, B., Long, B. D., Kareem, M. A., Soin, N. 2016. Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Electrolyte Using Deep Eutectic Solvents and Electrospun Poly(vinyl alcohol) Membrane. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research
  79. Said, SM; Mahmood, MS; Daud, MN; Mohd Sabri, MF; Sairi, NA 2016. Structure-electronics relations of discotic liquid crystals from a molecular modelling perspective. LIQUID CRYSTALS
  80. Shahriar Mufid Rahman, Suhana Binti Mohd Said, Balamurugan Subramanian, Bui Duc Long,Mukhtar A. Kareem, and Norhayati SoinSynthesis and Characterization of Polymer Electrolyte Using Deep Eutectic Solvents and Electrospun Poly(vinyl alcohol) Membrane, American Chemical Society, (55)8341 834. (2016)
  81. Siddique, T. A., Balamurugan, S., Said, S. M., Sairi, N. A., Normazlan, W. 2016. Synthesis and characterization of protic ionic liquids as thermoelectrochemical materials. Rsc Advances
  82. Siddique, T. A., Balamurugan, S., Said, S. M., Sairi, N. A., & Normazlan, W. M. D. W. (2016). Synthesis and characterization of protic ionic liquids as thermoelectrochemical materials. RSC Advances, 6(22), 18266-18278.
  83. Subramanian, B; Said, SM; Rahman, A; Abdullah, N; Murugesan, VS; Dhandapani, S 2016. Main-chain liquid crystalline copolymers: synthesis and comparative study of the mesomorphic properties and non-linear optical properties. LIQUID CRYSTALS
  84. Suhana Mohd Said, Mohamad Syafie Mahmood, Mohammad Noh Daud, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri & Nor Asrina Sairi. 2016. Structure-electronics relations of discotic liquid crystals from a molecular modelling perspective. Liquid Crystals, 43, 2092.
  85. Suhana Mohd Said, Shahriar Mufid Rahman, Bui Duc Long, Subramaniam Balamurugan, Norhayati Soin, M. Asiqur Rahman, The effect of nitric acid (HNO3) treatment on the electrical conductivity and stability of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) thin films
  86. 1.S. Debnath, S.M. Said, F. Rabilloud, M.F. Roslan, A. Mainal, M.S. Mahmood, S. Balamurugan, A DFT study on chemical and optical properties of 7- atoms Ag-X [X=Li, Na] nanoalloys for potential applications in opto-electronics and catalysis , RSC Advances 2015. DOI: 10.1039/C5RA12428J
  87. 2.Dorraj, M., Abdollahi, Y., Said, S. B. M., Sabri, M. F. B. M., Sairi, N. A., Meng, W. P., & Abouzari-Lotf, E. (2015). Enhance protection of electronic appliances through multivariate modelling and optimization of ceramic core materials in varistor devices. RSC Advances, 5(27), 21384-21395
  88. 7.S. Debnath, S.M. Said, F. Rabilloud, A.Chatterjee, M.M.Rashid, A. Mainal, Al X and Cu X [X = Li, Na] nano-alloys: a low cost alternative to silver and gold nanoparticles for plasmonic applications , RSC Advances 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5RA10135B
  89. DA Shnawah, MFM Sabri, IA Badruddin, SBM Said, MBA Bashir, NM Sharif & MH Elsheikh, Study on coarsening of Ag3Sn intermetallic compound in the Fe-modified Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu solder alloys , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 622, 184-188 (2015)
  90. DA Shnawah, MFM Sabri, SBM Said, I Jauhari, MH Mahdavifard, MBA Bashir, MH Elsheikh, Interfacial reactions between Cu substrate and Sn 1Ag 0.5 Cu solder containing 0.1 wt% Al by dipping method, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, doi:10.1007/s10854-015-3486-1, (2015
  91. DA Shnawah, MFM Sabri, SBM Said, I Jauhari, MH Mahdavifard, MBA Bashir, MH Elsheikh, Interfacial reactions between Cu substrate and Sn 1Ag 0.5 Cu solder containing 0.1 wt% Al by dipping method, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, doi:10.1007/s10854-015-3486-1, (2015)
  92. Datta, R. S., Said, S. M., Shahrir, S. R., Abdullah, N., Sabri, M. F. M., Balamurugan, S., Miyazaki, Y., Hayashi, K., Hashim, N. A., Habiba, U & Afifi. A. M. (2015). Ionic liquid entrapment by an electrospun polymer nanofiber matrix as a high conductivity polymer electrolyte. Rsc Advances, 5(60), 48217-48223.
  93. Datta, R. S., Said, S. M., Shahrir, S. R., Abdullah, N., Sabri, M. F. M., Balamurugan, S., Miyazaki, Y., Hayashi, K., Hashim, N. A., Habiba, U., Afifi, A. M. 2015. Ionic liquid entrapment by an electrospun polymer nanofiber matrix as a high conductivity polymer electrolyte. Rsc Advances
  94. Debnath, S., Said, S. M., Rabilloud, F., Chatterjee, A., Rashid, M. M., Mainal, A. 2015. Al-X and Cu-X X = Li, Na nano-alloys: a low cost alternative to silver and gold nanoparticles for plasmonic applications. Rsc Advances
  95. Debnath, S., Said, S. M., Rabilloud, F., Chatterjee, A., Roslan, M. F., Mainal, A., Mahmood, M. S. 2015. A DFT study of the chemical and optical properties of 7-atom Ag-X X = Li, Na nanoalloys for potential applications in opto-electronics and catalysis. Rsc Advances
  96. Debnath, S., Said, S. M., Roslan, M. F., Sabri, M. F. M., Long, B. D. 2015. A DFT study on an alkali atom doped decahedral silver nanocluster for potential application in opto-electronics and catalysis. Rsc Advances
  97. MFM Sabri, NIM Nordin, SM Said, NAAM Amin, H Arof, I Jauhari, R Ramli and K Weide-Zaage, Effect of thermal aging on the electrical resistivity of Fe- added SAC105 solder alloys, Microelectronics Reliability, doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2015.06.123, (2015)
  98. MFM Sabri, NIM Nordin, SM Said, NAAM Amin, H Arof, I Jauhari, R Ramli and K Weide-Zaage, Effect of thermal aging on the electrical resistivity of Fe-added SAC105 solder alloys, Microelectronics Reliability, doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2015.06.123,
  99. MFM Sabri, SBM Said and DA Shnawah, Wetting Characteristics of Al-containing Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu Solder Alloy on Cu Substrate using Wetting Balance and Spread area Methods, Procedia Technology. 2015;20:9-14, (2015)
  100. MFM Sabri, T Ono, SM Said, Y Kawai, M Esashi, Fabrication and Characterization of Micro-Stacked PZT Actuator for MEMS Applications.2015. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 24(1), 80-90
  101. MH Mahdavifard, MFM Sabri, DA Shnawah, SM Said, IA Badruddin, S Rozali, The effect of iron and bismuth addition on the microstructural, mechanical, and thermal properties of Sn 1Ag 0.5 Cu solder alloy, Microelectronics Reliability, doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2015.06.134, (2015)
  102. Md. Asiqur Rahman, Suhana Mohd Said, Itaru Yamana, Thet Naing Oo, Munehiro, Kimura. 2015. Effects of host liquid crystal composition on the stability of liquid crystalline blue phases, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. DOI:10.1080/15421406.2014.949600
  103. N.I.M. Nordin, S.M. Said, R. Ramli, K. Weide-Zaage, M.F.M. Sabri, A. Mamat, N.N.S. Ibrahim, A. Mainal, R.S. Datta. 2015. Impact of aluminium addition on the corrosion behaviour of Sn 1.0Ag 0.5Cu lead-free solder. RSC Advances 5(120):99058-99064.
  104. NIM Nordin, SM Said, R Ramli, K Weide-Zaage, MFM Sabri, A Mamat, NNS Ibrahim, A Mainal, RS Datta, Impact of aluminium addition on the corrosion behaviour of Sn1.0 Ag0.5Cu lead-free solder, RSC Advances, 5(120), 99058-99064 (2015)
  105. Norbani Abdullah, Mohamed Hamid Elsheikh, Nik Muhd Jazli Nik Ibrahim,Suhana Mohd Said, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri, Masjuki Haji Hassan and Anita Marlina. 2015. Magnetic, thermal, mesomorphic and thermoelectric properties of mononuclear, dimeric and polymeric iron(II) complexes with conjugated ligands. RSC Advances 5, 50999 - 51007
  106. Norbani Abdullah, Rauzah Hashim, Lailatun Nazirah Ozair, Yasameen Al- Hakem, Habibah Samsudin, Anita Marlina, Malinda Salim, Suhana Mohd. Said, Balamurugan Subramanian, Abdul Rahman Nordin, 2015. Structural, mesomorphic, photoluminescent and thermoelectric studies of mononuclear and polymeric complexes of copper(II) with 2-hexyldecanoato and 4,4'-bipyridine ligands. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. DOI: 10.1039/C5TC02273H
  107. Norbani Abdullah, Suhana Mohd Said, Takayoshi Kuroda-Sowa, Afiq Azil, Anita Marlina, Abdul Rahman Nordin, Muhamad Faris Roslan.2015. Photophysical and Electrochemical Studies of Multinuclear Complexes of Iron(II) with Acetate and Extended Conjugated N- Donor Ligands, The Scientific World Journal, DOI:10.1155/2015/860537
  108. Nordin, N. I. M., Said, S. M., Ramli, R., Weide-Zaage, K., Sabri, M. F. M., Mamat, A., ... & Datta, R. S. (2015). Impact of aluminium addition on the corrosion behaviour of Sn 1.0 Ag 0.5 Cu lead-free solder. RSC Advances, 5(120), 99058-99064.
  109. Rahman, M. A., Said, S. M., Yamana, I., Oo, T. N., Kimura, M. 2015. Effects of Host Liquid Crystal Composition on the Stability of Liquid Crystalline Blue Phases. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals
  110. Rahman, M. D. A., Said, S. M., Balamurugan, S. 2015. Blue phase liquid crystal: strategies for phase stabilization and device development. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
  111. S Debnath, SM Said, MF Roslan, MFM Sabri and BD Long, A DFT study on alkali atoms doped decahedral silver nanocluster for the potential application in opto-electronics and catalysis, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 7665-7672 (2015)
  112. Said, S. M., Zulkifli, A. Z. S., Kamarudin, M. A., Mainal, A., Subramanian, B., & Mohamed, N. S. 2015. Polymer electrolyte liquid crystal system for improved optical and electrical properties. European Polymer Journal, 66, 266-272.
  113. Y Abdollahi, NA Sairi, SBM Said, E Abouzari-lotf, . Zakaria, MFBM Sabri, A Islam and Y Alias, Scheduling the blended solution as industrial CO2 absorber in separation process by backpropagation artificial neural networks, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (2015), doi:
  114. Yadollah Abdollahi, Suhana Binti Mohd Said, Nor Asrina Sairi, Mohd Faizul Bin Mohd Sabri, Azmi Zakaria, Ebrahim Abouzari-lotf, Masoumeh Dorraj, Raba ah Syahidah Aziz. 2015. Enhancement of electronic protection to reduce e-waste, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Chemistry
  115. Yadollah Abdollahia, Azmi Zakaria, Suhana Binti Mohd Said, Mohd Faizul Bin Mohd Sabri, Nor Asrina Sairi, Majid Rezayi, Ebrahim Abouzari-lotf, Masoumeh Dorraj, Aminul Islam.2015. Modeling of photodegradation process to remove the higher concentration of environmental pollution, Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI:10.1080/19443994.2015.1043497
  116. Amin NAA, Shnawah DA, Said SM, Sabri MFM & Arof H. 2014. Effect of Ag content and the minor alloying element Fe on the electrical resistivity of Sn-Ag-Cu solder alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 599, 114 120
  117. Amin NAAM, Shnawah DA ,Sabri MFM and Said SM..2014. Electrical Resistivity of Fe-bearing Sn1Ag0.5Cu Lead- Free Solder Alloys. Advanced Material Research
  118. Bashir, M. B. A., Said, S. M., Sabri, M. F. M., Shnawah, D. A., Elsheikh, M. H. 2014. Recent advances on Mg2Si1-xSnx materials for thermoelectric generation. Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews
  119. Datta, R. S., Said, S. M., Sahamir, S. R., Karim, M. R., Sabri, M. F. M., Nakajo, T., Kubouchi, M., Hayashi, K., Miyazaki, Y. 2014. Thermoelectric Potential of Polymer-Scaffolded Ionic Liquid Membranes. Journal of Electronic Materials
  120. M Hamid Elsheikh, DA Shnawah, MFM Sabri, SBM Said, M Haji Hassan, MB Ali Bashir, M Mohamad. 2014. A review on thermoelectric renewable energy: Principle parameters that affect their performance, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 30, 337-355
  121. MMI Megat Hasnan, MFM Sabri, SM Said, NNN Ghazali, Modeling of A High Force Density Fishbone Shaped Electrostatic Comb Drive Microactuator , The Scientific World Journal, (2014).
  122. Megat Muhammad Ikhsan Megat Hasnan, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri, Suhana Mohd Said, Nik Nazri Nik Ghazali.2014. Modeling of a High Force Density Fishbone Shaped Electrostatic Comb Drive Microactuator, The Scientific World Journal, DOI: 10.1155/2014/912683
  123. Mohamed Bashir Ali Bashir, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri, Suhana Mohd Said, Dhafer Abdulameer Shnawah, Mohamed Hamid Elsheikh.2014. Recent Advances on Mg2Si1-xSnx Materials for Thermoelectric Generation, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 37, 569-584
  124. Nor Ilyana Muhd Nordin, Suhana Mohd Said, Rahizar Ramli, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri, Nik Ahmad Fadzil Nik Mohd Arifin, Nik Nurul Syazana Ibrahim.2014. Microstructure of Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu Solder Alloy Bearing Fe Under Salt Spray Test, Microelectronics Reliability, 54(9-10), 2044-2047
  125. RS Datta, SM Said, SR Sahamir, MR Karim, MFM Sabri, T Nakajo, et al.2014. Thermoelectric Potential of Polymer- Scaffolded Ionic Liquid Membranes , Journal of Elec Materi., Vol.43, 6
  126. Rahman MA, Itaru Y, Yeap YG, Said SM, Munehiro K. Electro-optic potential of room and high temperature polymer stabilised blue phase liquid crystal. Advance Materials Research
  127. S. Mekhilef, R. Saidur, S.M. Said, P.H.Hong, M.R. Islam. 2014. Techno-economic evaluation of energy efficiency measures in high rise residential buildings in Malaysia, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 23-35
  128. Sabri MFM, Shnawah DA, Badruddin IA, Said SBM. 2014. Effects of Aging on Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu Solder Alloys Containing 0.1 wt.% and 0.5 wt% Al. J. Alloy Compd., Jan;582: 437-446, DOI: (2014).
  129. Zulkifli AZS, Kamarudin MA, Mainal A, Said SM. Conductivity Studies on the effect of a nematic liquid crystal on polyvinyl alcohol-based electrolytes. Advanced Materials Research
  130. D.A.-A. Shnawah, M.F.M. Sabri, I.A. Badruddin, S.B.M. Said, Tadashi Ariga, F.X. Che, Effect of Ag Content and the Minor Alloying Element Fe on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Stability of Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Alloy Under High-Temperature Annealing, J. Electron. Mater . DOI: 10.1007/s11664-012-2343-8
  131. FS Jamaludin, MFM Sabri, SM Said.2013. Controlling parameters of focused ion beam (FIB) on high aspect ratio micro holes milling, Microsys. Technol, DOI 10.1007/s00542- 013- 1912-y,
  132. Kamarudin, M. A., Sahamir, S. R., Datta, R. S., Long, B. D., Sabri, M. F. M., Said, S. M. 2013. A Review on the Fabrication of Polymer-Based Thermoelectric Materials and Fabrication Methods. Scientific World Journal
  133. MFM Sabri, DA Shnawah, IA Badruddin, SBM Said, FX Che, T Ariga, Microstructural stability of Sn-1Ag-0.5 Cu-xAl (x= 1, 1.5, and 2wt.%) solder alloys and the effects of high-temperature aging on their mechanical properties, Materials Characterization, vol.78, 129-143, (2013)
  134. Muhammad Akmal Kamarudin, Shahrir Razey Sahamir, Robi Shankar Datta, Bui Duc Long, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri, and Suhana Mohd Said,A Review on the Fabrication of Polymer-Based Thermoelectric Materials and Fabrication Methods,The Scientific World Journal
  135. SM Said, CO Chow, N Mokhtar, R Ramli, TMYS Tuan Ya, MFM Sabri, Accreditation of engineering programs: An evaluation of current practices in Malaysia, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 23(2), 313-328 (2013) [Q3]
  136. Said, S. M., Chow, C. O., Mokhtar, N., Ramli, R., Ya, T., Sabri, M. F. M. 2013. Accreditation of engineering programs: an evaluation of current practices in Malaysia. International Journal of Technology and Design Education
  137. A. A. A. Gamil, S. Mekhilef, S. M. Said.2012. Techno economic analysis of using solar water heaters with evacuated tubes in Khartoum, Sudan, ENERGY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART A, Vol. 28, Issue 2, pp. 611-622
  138. D.A.-A. Shnawah, M.F.M. Sabri, I.A. Badruddin, S.B.M. Said, F.X. Che. 2012.The bulk alloy microstructure and mechanical properties of Sn 1Ag 0.5Cu xAl solders (x = 0.1 and 0.2 wt. %), J. Mater. Sci.- Mater. Electron. 23, 1988-1997
  139. D.A.-A. Shnawah, S.B.M. Said, M.F.M. Sabri, I.A. Badruddin, F.X. Che, 2012. Effect of minor additions of Fe on bulk alloy microstructure and tensile properties of the low Ag-content Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu solder alloy. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 24, 257 266.
  140. D.A.-A. Shnawah, S.B.M. Said, M.F.M. Sabri, I.A. Badruddin, F.X. Che. 2012. High-Reliability Low-Ag- content Sn- Ag-Cu solder joints for electronics applications, J. Electron. Mater. 41, 2631-2658.
  141. DA-A Shnawah, SBM Said, MFM Sabri, IA Badruddin, FX Che, "Microstructure, mechanical, and thermal properties of the Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu solder alloy bearing Fe for electronics applications", Materials Science & Engineering A, Doi:10.1016/j.msea.2012.04.115 [Q1]
  142. Dhafer Abdul-Ameer Shnawah, Suhana Binti Mohd Said, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri, Irfan Anjum Badruddin, Fa Xing Che. 2012. Novel Fe-containing Sn-1Ag-0.5Cu lead-free solder alloy with further enhanced elastic compliance and plastic energy dissipation ability for mobile products, Microelectronics Reliability, 52(1), 2701-2708
  143. Dhafer Abdul-Ameer Shnawah, Suhana Mohd Said, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri, Irfan Anjum Badruddin,Teh Guan Hoe, Fa Xing Che.2012. Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Sn- 1Ag-0.5Cu Solder Alloy Bearing Al for Electronics Applications. Journal of Electronic Materials 41(4)
  144. Dhafer Abdulameer Shnawah, Mohd Faizul Mohd Sabri, Irfan Anjum Badruddin and Suhana Said, A review on effect of minor alloying elements on thermal cycling and drop impact reliability of low-Ag Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints, 29, 47-57
  145. Wijono, H. Arof, W.N.L.W Mahadi, S.M.Said.2010. Finite Element Analysis of Axial, Radial and Halbach Permanent Magnet Linear Generators, International Review of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 5, No. 6
  146. Ryo-taro Yamaguchi, Ko-ichiro Miyamoto, Ken- ichi Ishibashi, Ayumi Hirano, Suhana Mohd Said, Yasuo Kimura, and Michio Niwano, 2007, DNA hybridization detection by porous silicon-based DNA microarray in conjugation with infrared microspectroscopy, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 014303
  147. Rahim Nasrudin Abdul, Said Suhana Mohd, 2006. Sustainability Issues of the Association for Engineering Education in Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific (AEESEAP) Activities. Journal of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. Vol 54, No. 6, pp 61
  148. S.M. Said, F.R. Mahamd Adikan, S. Mekhilef, N.A. Rahim.2005. Implementation of the PBL approach in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya, European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 30, Issue 1, 129-136.
  149. SM Said, MS Faizul, NA Rahim, M Mahazani.2005 The government-industry-university relationship towards a knowledge-based economy, AEESEAP Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.31, pp 1-6
  150. S.M. Said, E.E. Kriezis, L.A. Parry-Jones, S.J. Elston.2004. Optical Determination of Twist Elastic Constant of the Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal SCE8, Ferrolectrics, Vol. 311, 299-305
  151. S.M. Said, S.J. Elston. 2002 Modelling of addressing in surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cells using a three variable model in one dimension, Liquid Crystals, Vol. 29, No. 2, 263-271
  152. S.M. Said, S.M. Beldon, S.J. Elston.2002. Investigation of the electroclinic effect at the liquid crystal- substrate interface, Ferroelectrics, Vol. 277, 141-152
  153. S.M. Said, E. E. Kriezis, S.J. Elston.2001. Modelling switching and optics in ferroelectric liquid crystal microdisplays, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, Vol. 368, 3925-3933
  154. S.M. Said, S.J. Elston.2001. Modelling of switching in surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cells using a three variable model in one dimension, Liquid Crystals, Vol. 28, No. 4, 561-571.
  1. Dhafer Shnawah, M Faizul Sabri and Suhana Said, Alloying Modification of Low-Ag-Content Sn-Ag-Cu Solders, Scholar's Press, ISBN: 3639763785 (2015)
Chapter in Books
  1. Megat Muhammad Ikhsan, M.H.,Mohd Sabri, M.F, Mohd Said, S., Nik Nazri N.G (2024), Design and Simulation of a Fishbone-Shaped Electrostatic Comb Drive Actuator for MEMS Applications, Science and Technology: Developments and Applications Vol. 1, 75-95 DOI:
  2. SM Said, MFM Sabri and F Salleh, Ferroelectrics and Their Applications, In Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, 2017, ISBN 9780128035818,
  3. SM Said & MFM Sabri, Introduction to Organic Thermoelectric Materials and Devices, Ch 32, pp.983-1019, in Sam-Shajing Sun & Larry R. Dalton, Introduction to Organic Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, CRC Press, ISBN 9781466585102 (2016)
  4. Weide-Zaage, K. K26860/Semiconductor Devices in Harsh Conditions. CRC Press
Article in Proceeding
  1. S. Mufid, S.M. Said. 2014. Preparation of TEG material based on conducting polymer PEDOT: PSS through treatment by Nitric acid, 5th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, 251
  2. Shaikat Debnath, Suhana Mohd. Said. 2014.Structural and Electronic Properties of Li doped Decahedral Ag12Li1 Bimetallic Nanoclusters, IEEE-ICSE2014 Proc. 2014, 278-281
  3. Suhana Mohd Said, MD Asiqur Rahman, Itaru Yamana, Munehiro Kimura, 2014, Investigation of host Liquid Crystal composition on Polymer stabilised Blue Phase properties, Liquid Crystals XVIII, pp 91820L-1-8
  4. Lau Siau Yen; Said, S.M.; Soin, N.; Ibrahim, K.; Ko Bong Sang;Study on Alignment Capability and Overlay Performance in 130nm BEOL Lithography Process Silterra Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Kulim
  5. F.R. Mahamd. C.O, S.M. Said, N.M.Shah,S.Mekhilef, Towards the Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Teaching Engineering: A Learning Experience through the Thinking and Communications Skill course" diterima oler Persidangan Hawaii International Conference on Education 2005 (Hawaii)
  6. N. Abd Rahim, S.M.Said, K.A.Noordin, Postgraduate Studies in Engineering in Malayasia: Policies and Challenge", diterima oleh Persidangan AEESEAP 2004 (New Zealand)
  7. S.M.Said, S.Mekhilef, N.M.Shah and F.R.Mahamd Adikan, "An Exercise in Engineering Design within the Thinking and Communication Skills Course", diterima oleh Persidangan AEESEAP 2004 (New Zealand)
  8. S.M.Said,F.R. Mahamd Adikan,S. Mikhilef,N. Abd Rahim, "Implemenatation of the PBL approach in the Department of Electrical Engineering&Telecommunication, University of Malaya", 5th Asia Pacific Problem Based Learning (PBL)in Teaching Engineering", 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education 2004 (Japan)
  9. Y.H.Yong, I.I. Yaacob, S.M.Said, R.A.Keating, "Study of Gate Oxide Tunneling Current and Breakdown for Advanced CMOS", diterima oleh Postgraduate Symposium Techpos 2004 (Kuala Lumpur)
  10. Y.H.Yong,I.I.Yaacob, S.M.Said, R.A.Keating,"Characterisation of Tunneling Current and Breakdown Voltage of Advanced CMOS Gate Oxide", diterima oleh Persidangan 2004 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics.(Kuala Lumpur)
  11. Yong Yoong Hooi; Yaacob, I.I.; Said, S.M.; Keating, R.A.;Characterization of tunneling current and breakdown voltage of advanced CMOS gate oxide; Dept. Mater. Eng., Malaya Univ., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  12. S.M. Said, S.J. Elston," Modelling the Electroclinic Effect for the Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal, SCE8", National Symposium of Science and Technology 2003, Kuala Lumpur
  13. S.M.Said, E.E. Kriezis, L.A. Parry-Jones,S.J Elston, "Optical Determination of Twist Elastic Constant of the Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal SCE8", Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Conference 2003 (Dublin)
  14. S.M.Said, F.R.Mahamd Adikan, S. Mikhilef,N. Abd Rahim, "Teaching Electrical Engineering using the Problem Based Learning approach" International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education 2003 (Kuala Lumpur)
  15. S.M.Said, S.M.Beldon,S.J.Elston," Device Physics of a Liquid Crystal Device based on the Electroclinic Effect", 2003 IEEE National Symposium on Microelectronics (Kangar)
  16. S.M.Said,S. Mikhilef.K.A. Noordin, C.O.Chow, N.Mohamed Syah, Z Abdul Razak,"The ChipPAC-UM Integrated Circuit Competition as a PBL exercise: An Educators' Perspective" The Seventh Triennial AEESEAP Conference 2003 (Kuala Lumpur)
  17. S.M.Said,S.Mekhilef. K.A.Noordin, C.O.Chow,N. Mohamed Syah,Z Abdul Razak, "The Chip PAC-UM Integreted Circuit Competition:An exercise in Problem-Based Learning", The Seventh Triennial AEESEAP Conference 2003 (Kuala Lumpur)
  18. S.M. Said, S.M.Beldon, S.J. Elston," Feild Induced Order Parameter in Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal Devices", British Liquid Crystal Conference 2001 (Oxford)
  19. S.M.Said,S.M. Beldon, S.J. Elston, "Investigation of the Electroclinic Effect at the Liquid Crystal-Substrate, Interface",British Liquid Crystal Conference 2001 (Oxford)
  20. S.M. Said, S.J. Elston, 'Modelling Switching via Domain Formation in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Microdisplays', British Liquid Crystal Conference 2000 (Glasgow)
  21. S.M.Said, E.E. Kriezis, S.J. Elston,"Modelling Switching and Optics in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Microdisplays" International Liquid Crystal Conference 2000 (Sendai, Japan)
Other Publications
  1. Book Chapter, "Introduction to Thermoelectric Materials and Devices", in CRC Press Introduction to Organic Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials and Devices . Edited by Sam Shajing-Sun. Due for publication in 2015 - Unpublished Writting Works


  • Modelling of Liquid Crystal systems
  • Printable electronics


  1. 2020 - 2024, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Fundamental Molecular Design Of Spin Crossover Complexes As Photocatalysts For Artificial Photosynthesis Using Density Functional Theory Modeling ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2012 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Fabrication and Characterisation of High Efficiency Green Technology Devices(Solar Cells and Thermoelectric Devices) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2014 - 2016, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Fundamental investigation of organic thermoelectric generators (O-TEGs) for waste heat harvesting ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2013 - 2015, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Fundamental Studies of incorporation of Nanoparticles in Biomaterials for Thermoelectric Device by Electrospinnin ( Consultant)
  5. 2004 - 2007, MOSTI(IRPA)
    Fabrication, Characterisation and Modelling of Novel Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Devices, IRPA ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2011 - 2013, Malaysia Toray Science Foundation
    Fundamental studies on nanostructured thermoelectric material for waste energy conversion ( Consultant)
  1. 2006 - 2007, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    Characterisation of Novel Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Materials, PPF Fund


  • IEEE Technical Committee Member On Quantum Communications and Information Technologies, IEEE
    01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2019 (International)
  • 2018 The 2nd International Conference On Circuits, Devices and Systems (Iccds 2018), ICCDS 2018
    01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2018 (International)
  • Consultancy On Failure Analysis, Material Analysis, Advance Devices, Semiconductor Technology and Nanotechnolgoy for The Semiconductor Industry, Mimos Berhad
    01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
  • Thermopile Design and Simulation for Energy Harvesting Applications, MIMOS Berhad
    01 Dec 2012 - 01 Dec 2014 (National)
  • Market Survey Segment in The Inverter Project for Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic Project, United Nations Development Programme
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2010 (International)
  • Due Diligence Investigation On Inventqjaya Sdn. Bhd, Sirim Bhd
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2005 (National)


  1. Optimisation of Thermoelectric Technology: From Material Fundamentals to Devices, International Workshop on Energy Technology and Sensor Systems 2020 , Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram, Chennai, India (International) (28 Jul 2020 - 30 Jul 2020)
  2. Composite Membrane Separator for Enhanced Thermoelectrochemical (Tec) Power Generation, International Conference on Advanced Composite materials (ICACM 2018) and 2018 International Conference on Mechanical Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering (MMIE 2018), International Conference on Advanced Composite materials (ICACM 2018) (International) (14 Dec 2018 - 16 Dec 2018)
  3. Thermoelectrics: From Molecular Design To Generators, ICBSA International Conference on Basic Science and its Applications, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University (International) (23 Aug 2018 - 24 Aug 2018)
  4. Development of Thermoelectric Technology: From Fundamental Molecular Design to Energy Harvesting Devices, 2nd International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC 2018) and 2018 2nd International Conference on Green Energy, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (International) (12 Aug 2018 - 14 Aug 2018)
  5. Integrated microenergy conversion technologies for holographic sensors, Takayanagi Symposium, Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University (International) (15 Nov 2016 - 16 Nov 2016)
  1. Research trends and innovations on thermoelectric materials, Seminar at the Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University, Kongju National University (International) (22 Jan 2015 - 24 Jan 2015)
  2. Recent advances in liquid crystal and thermoelectric research at the University of Malaya, Invited Seminar at the Nagaoka University of Technology, Liquid Crystal Laboratory, Nagaoka University of Technology (International) (15 Oct 2012 - 15 Oct 2012)
  1. Research in renewable energy: from molecular design to applications, International lecture series For Faculty of Engineering, University of Bengkulu, University of Bengkulu (International) (03 Sep 2024 - 11 Sep 2024)
  2. Multiscale molecular modelling of structural-electronic relationship in Discotic Liquid Crystals, ACLC 2017, Asian Liquid Crystal Society (International) (13 Feb 2017 - 15 Feb 2017)
  3. Molecular modeling of electronics materials at The University of Malaya: Experiences and Opportunities, UM-Academia Sinica Research Symposium 2015, Faculty of Science, UM (International) (18 Nov 2015 - 20 Nov 2015)
  4. Modeling of electrostatic potential between intermetallic compounds/bulk interface in SAC105-Fe solder alloys, ITCSCE 2015(INTERNATIONAL TIN CHEMICAL AND SOLDER CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION 2015), Tin Industry Research and Development Board, Malaysia (International) (07 Oct 2015 - 08 Oct 2015)
  5. Thermoelectricity in Liquid Crystals, Liquid Crystals XIX, SPIE (International) (09 Aug 2015 - 13 Aug 2015)
  6. Liquid Crystals as Thermoelectric Materials, The 2nd Asian Conference on Liquid Crystals, ACLC 2015 (The 2nd Asian Conference on Liquid Crystals) (International) (19 Jan 2015 - 21 Jan 2015)
  7. Investigtaion of Host Liquid Crystals Composition on Polymer Stabilised Blue Phase Properties, Liquid Crystals XVIII, SPIE Organiser (International) (17 Aug 2014 - 21 Aug 2014)
  8. Multiscale simulation of thermoelectric generation (TEG) devices for waste heat conversion, AUN/SEED-Net 5th Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology, AUN/Seed-Net JICA (International) (12 Feb 2013 - 13 Feb 2013)
  9. Fabrication of thermoelectric materials through electroplating for green energy applications, 4th AUN/SEED-net Regional Conference on Global Environment and Seminar of NRCT- JSPS Asian Core Program, AUN/Seed-Net Jica (International) (17 Jan 2012 - 19 Jan 2012)
  1. Application of Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Enhancement of the Thermoelectric Properties of PEDOT/PSS Thin Films, International Conference on Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials & Thin Films for Energy Applications (Nanoenergy 2014), Nanoenergy 2014 (International) (19 Feb 2014 - 21 Feb 2014)
  1. Thermoelectric PVA-chitosan nanofibrescaffolded ionic liquid membrane, International Conference on Nanotechnology, nanomaterials & Thin Films for Energy Application (Nanoenergy 2014), Nanoenergy 2014 (International) (19 Feb 2014 - 21 Feb 2014)
  1. The Thermoelectric Phenomenon in Polymer Ionic Liquids System, International Conference on Ionic Liquids 2013, University of Malaya Centre for Ionic Liquids (UMCiL) (International) (11 Dec 2013 - 13 Dec 2013)
  2. Thermoelectric potential of polymer scaffolded ionic liquid membrane, The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectic (ICT), ICT 2013 Conference Secretariat (International) (30 Jun 2013 - 04 Jul 2013)


  1. (2025) Penilai Geran Pprn Untuk Kpt, National, (Reviewer)
  2. (2025) Penilai Geran Frgs Tahap Kpt, National, (Reviewer)
  3. (2024) UNITEN Phd Thesis Examiner for Nur Irwany Binti Ahmad, National, (External Examiner)
  4. (2024) Promotion Assessor to Associate Professor : Ts Dr Mohd Natashah Bin Norizan, National, (External Evaluator)
  5. (2024) Ph.D Examiner for Md Fakhrul Islam from Usim, National, (External Examiner)
  6. (2023) Frgs Evaluation, National, (Internal Assessor)
  7. (2023) External Examiner for Ph.D Thesis of Ms T. Menaka from Srm University, International, (External Examiner)
  8. (2023) Ph.D Thesis Nurhaziqah from Uthm, National, (External Examiner)
  9. (2023) Ph.D Examiner for Zon Fazlila Mohd Ahir from UKM, National, (External Examiner)
  10. (2023) Masters Thesis Examiner for Kelvin Voon Yan Jie from Unimap, National, (External Examiner)
  11. (2023) Promotion Evaluation for Ap Dr Motakabber, National, (External Assessor)
  12. (2022) Guest Editor for Journal, International, (Internal Assessor)
  13. (2021) Phd Thesis Examination of Likith Kumar, Srm, India, International, (External Examiner)
  14. (2021) Judge for James Dyson Awards Malaysia, National, (External Evaluator)
  15. (2021) Phd Examiner for USM Muralidharan Sundarajan, National, (External Examiner)
  16. (2021) Eac Panel Evaluator for Unimap, National, (External Assessor)
  17. (2021) Editor, International, (Resource Person)
  18. (2021) UKM Phd Thesis Asma Soheil, National, (External Examiner)
  19. (2020) Synthesis and Characterisation of Samarium Doped TIn Oxide Thin FIlms for Humidity Sensing, (External Examiner)
  20. (2020) Performance Investigation of NC-FETs: Modelling and Simulation , (External Examiner)
  21. (2019) Frontier Research Grant (FRG 2017) for First Year Progress , (Evaluation Panel)
  22. (2018) FRGS application, Modelling of passive online monitoring and condition assessment for locked-in and dementia subjects , (Evaluation Panel)
  23. (2018) FRGS application, A low frequency non-ionizing electromagnetic wave tracking for implantable biomedical devices , (Evaluation Panel)
  24. (2018) Ph.D Examiner Yulisa Mohd Yusof, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysi , (External Examiner)
  25. (2018) Ph.D thesis, Anna University, Mr John Augustine, Optimisation of Web Page Adaptation Algorithm for Mobile Applications , (External Examiner)
  26. (2018) Ph.D Examiner Megat Mohd Izhar Sapeli, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, (External Examiner)
  27. (2018) Ph.D Examiner Tahzib Enam, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, (External Examiner)
  28. (2018) FRGS application, Modelling of passive online monitoring and condition assessment for locked-in and dementia subjects , (Evaluation Panel)
  29. (2018) Ph.D thesis, Anna University, Mr John Augustine, Optimisation of Web Page Adapation Algorithm for Mobile Applications , (External Examiner)
  30. (2018) FRGS application, Fundamental study on using sea shell element in high permittivity dielectric resonator for antenna application , (Evaluation Panel)
  31. (2018) Ph.D candidate, Sameh Ziad, Faculty of Engineering , (Internal Examiner)
  32. (2018) Interviewer for Scholarships by Malaysia's Ministry of Education , (Interviewer)
  33. (2018) FRGS application, New ridge waveguide structures with zinc oxide nanorods coating , (Evaluation Panel)
  34. (2018) FRGS application, Study on the performance of energy management system based on big data analysis , (Evaluation Panel)
  35. (2017) Jury member for Begin Challenge, FKUM, (Jury)
  36. (2017) Editorial Board Member for Acta Materialia Turcica, (Scientific Committee)
  37. (2017) Reviewer for ESREF 2017 submission, (Reviewer)
  38. (2017) Interviewer for Scholarships by Malaysia's Ministry of Education, (Interviewer)
  39. (2017) Member of Scientific sub-committee for Packaging and Assembly Reliability and Failure Analysis. , (Scientific Committee)
  40. (2017) FRGS application, Study on a new modified perturb-and-observe (P&O) for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) , (Evaluation Panel)
  41. (2017) FRGS application, Electron source and sink differential model of anaerobic digester process for biogas production , (Evaluation Panel)
  42. (2017) Microelectronics Reliability Journal, " Protective nanometer films for reliable Cu-Cu connections " , (Reviewer)
  43. (2017) FRGS application, Modelling and simulation of a highly tunable nanowire quantum dots , (Evaluation Panel)
  44. (2017) Microelectronics Reliability Journal, Realistic climatic profiles and their effect on condensation in encapsulated test structures representing power modules full manuscript , (Reviewer)
  45. (2017) UMRG 2017 grant, Cluster Technical Committee Evaluation Session , (Evaluation Panel)
  46. (2017) FRGS application, Wireless power transfer based electric vehicle charging with negligible power transfer fluctuation , (Evaluation Panel)
  47. (2016) M.Sc Examiner Nurul Huda Abdul Razak, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  48. (2016) M.Sc Examiner Naveed Aziz Khan, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  49. (2015) M.Eng thesis of Thong Kok Thung, UTHM., (External Examiner)
  50. (2015) Solder and Surface Mount Technology journal, (Reviewer)
  51. (2015) Examiner for Iziana Yahya, M.Sc candidate in UiTM Perlis, (External Examiner)
  52. (2015) Reviewer for Microelectronics Reliability Journal, " Thermal cycle reliability of Cu-nanoparticle joint", (Reviewer)
  53. (2015) Reviewer for Journal Article. Journal name: Microelectronics Reliability. Journal title "Thermal cycle reliability of Cu-nanoparticle joint", (Reviewer)
  54. (2015) Reviewer for Microelectronics Reliability Journal.Article title: Interfacial Reaction and Failure Mode Analysis of the Solder Joints for Flip-chip LED on ENIG and Cu-OSP Surface Finishes , (Reviewer)
  55. (2015) Review for ESREF 2014 Conference leading to publication in Microelectronics Reliability Journal. 8 papers were assigned. , (Reviewer)
  56. (2015) MSc Thesis for Kam Wern, Department of Physics, University of Malaya. Title: Fabrication and Numerical Investigation of SPR D-Shaped Fiber-Parameter Design for Monochromatic excitation of Optical Fiber Transducer, (Internal Examiner)
  58. (2015) Thesis examiner for M.Eng title Evaluation of extra low frequency (ELF) passive shielding using magnetic aqueous substrate ."(Sharifah Nadhirah Binti Syed Zin), (Reviewer)
  59. (2015) Review for ESREF 2015 Conference leading to publication in Microelectronics Reliability Journal. 5 papers were assigned, (Reviewer)
  60. (2014) Research visit to Cambridge University (Professor Tim Wilkinson), (RESEARCHER)
  61. (2014) Research visit to Monash University (Prof Douglas MacFarlane), "Nanoparticle implanted polymer based organic thermoelectric materials for thermo hybrid solar cells"., (RESEARCHER)
  62. (2014) Scientific Committee for ESREF 2014 (25th EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON RELIABILITY OF ELECTRON DEVICES, FAILURE PHYSICS AND ANALYSIS) , (sub committee member)
  63. (2014) Reviewer book chapter of Book of Engineering and Engineering Education in the Middle East:Status, Challenges, Role in Fostering Human and Economic Development, and Futuristic Transformations. Chapter Title :Perspectives on Engineering Education Quality in Tunisia after Fifty Years of Statehood. , (Reviewer)
  64. (2013) Thesis examiner for M.Eng title Design of reconfigurable U-shaped defected ground structure for microwave application(Rushilawaty Bt Sulaiman), (Internal Examiner)
  65. (2013) Thesis examiner for M.Eng title Switching Voltage Optimisation of RF MEMS switch (Nurshahida Bt Saba), (Internal Examiner)
  66. (2013) Thesis examiner for M.Eng title Design and Analysis of MEMS capacitive acelerometer with optimised sensitivity (Khairunnisa Bt. Khamil) , (Internal Examiner)
  67. (2012) Membership in the Board of Moderators of SEGI College for the following subjects:1. Microelectronics 2. Electromagnetic fields 3. Solid state Devices 4. Principles of Electronic and Electrical Engineering , (External Examiner)
  68. (2012) Thesis examiner for M.Eng title The study on the impact of processing parameters on low-voltage power Mosfet (Nur Aqilah Bt Othman) , (Internal Examiner)
  69. (2012) Part of a 3-member committee to evaluate the application of Siti Sarah bt Damanhuri to convert from Masters to Ph.D Programme, (Advisory Committee)
  70. (2012) Journal name: Soldering & Surface Mount Technology", Article title: "Characteristics and properties of Bi-11Ag solder", (Reviewer)
  71. (2012) Journal Name: Soldering & Surface Mount Technology. Article title: "The effect of micro via-in pad design on surface-mount assembly defects: Part II voiding and flux spattering" for the Soldering & Surface Mount Technology", (Reviewer)
  72. (2011) M.Eng Science Thesis of Nur Akmar binti Mohd Yahya, titled "Characterisation of polymeric waveguides for integrated optical devices", (Internal Examiner)
  73. (2011) Panel member in evaluation of a proposal for a degree programme in Telecommunications Programme for TAR College in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University. The scope of work included evaluation of programme syllabus and overall programme, and an evaluation visit to TAR college, (Advisory Committee)
  74. (2011) Evaluation of HIR application for Dr Chai Hwa Kian , (Reviewer)
  75. (2010) Thesis examiner for M.Eng title Characterisation of P Mosfet Degradation in Negative Bias Temperature Instability Test"(Soon Foo Yew ) , (Internal Examiner)
  76. (2009) Thesis examiner for M.Eng title Evaluation of Field and Flux Distribution for Electrical Steels under Unidirectional Magnetisation (Noor Ashikin binti Mohd Rashid) , (Internal Examiner)
  77. (2007) Editorial Board Member of AEESEAP Journal, (Editorial Board Member)
  78. (2003) Enhancing Engineering Education and Training: A University-Industry-Government Partnership, The Seventh Triennial AEESEAP Conference , (Editor)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2025) Visit to Nakamura Lab, International, (Adjunct/Visiting Professors)
  2. (2025) Lab Visit to Hamaya Laboratory, International, (Adjunct/Visiting Professors)
  3. (2024) Dual Degree Ph.D Between Osaka University and UM, International, (Adjunct/Visiting Professors)
  4. (2024) External Examiner for Microelectronics Undergraduate Programme, National, (Expert Advisor)
  5. (2023) Editor for Jpse (Journal of Physical Science and Engineering), International, (Resource Person)
  6. (2023) Guest Editor for Special Issue "New Research and Application of Advanced Composite Materials in Energy Applications", International, (Expert Advisor)
  7. (2021) Technical Committee On Lighting, Lamps and Accessories, National, (Expert Advisor)
  8. (2020) CORs Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), NCORs Computational Sciences & Engineering, University
  9. (2020) ESREF paper review, ESREF, International
  10. (2020) ESREF paper review, ESREF
  11. (2019) Program Latihan Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia, JKR Melaka, Others
  12. (2019) Internship of Mr Nurbol Tolganbek from Kazakhstan to UM, ISC, International
  13. (2019) Internship of Mr Shimpei Shibata from Japan to UM, ISC, International
  14. (2019) Internship of Mr Ryuga Ueno from Nagaoka University of Technology, to UM, Nagaoka University of Technology, International
  15. (2019) Internship of Mr Aymeric Daude from France to UM, ISC, International
  16. (2018) Collaboration with Dr Ahmed Hassan, United Arab Emirates University, International
  17. (2018) Research collaboration - Ph.D student (Megat Muhammad Ikhsan Megat Hasnan and Rohaida Usop) to Tohoku University, Tohoku University, Japan, International
  18. (2018) Trainer, Panasonic Management Malaysia Sdn Bhd
  19. (2017) Visiting Scholar, Tohoku University, Japan, International
  20. (2017) Hosting of Japanese Undergraduate Student from Ehime University, Ehime University, Japan, International
  21. (2017) Hosting of Visiting Japanese Student (Masters, Nagaoka University of Technology, International
  22. (2017) Host for Research Visit from Andalas University, Indonesia, Andalas University, Indonesia, International
  23. (2017) Research Collaboration, Universiti Malang, International
  24. (2017) Research Trip AUN/SEED-Net Mobility Programs, Tohoku University, Japan, International
  25. (2017) Editorial Board, IJERECE, International
  26. (2017) Exchange program host, Ehime University, International
  27. (2017) Collaboration with Professor Oussama Moutannabir, Montreal Polytechnic Canada, Montreal Polytechnic, International
  28. (2017) Internship of Mr Takuto Watanabe to UM, Nagaoka University of Technology, International
  29. (2017) Pre-Lobbying of Conference Venue in Malaysia at the Asian Conference for Thermoelectrics (ACT2), Kyoto, Japan, MYCEB Malaysia
  30. (2017) Member, Tin Solder Technology Researchers Group, Tin Industry (research and Development Board)
  31. (2017) President, Malaysian Thermoelectric Society
  32. (2016) Research collaboration - Ph.D student (Fitriani) to Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology, International
  33. (2016) Collaboration with Prof Osama, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, International
  34. (2015) HIR Icon research visit (Prof Yuzuru Miyazaki), Tohoku University, Japan, International
  35. (2015) Research collaboration - Ph.D student (Mohamed Bashir Ali Bashir) to Tohoku University, Tohoku University, Japan, International
  36. (2015) Research collaboration - Master student (Md Ovik Raihan) to Tokyo University, Tokyo University, International
  37. (2015) Research visit to Prof Yuzuru Miyazaki, Tohoku University, Japan, International
  38. (2015) Collaboration with Professor SJ Hong, Kongju National University, South Korea, International
  39. (2015) Collaboration with Dr Abhijit Chatterjee, Biovia Systems Ltd on Quantum Modeling of Materials, Biovia Systems, International
  40. (2015) Placement of Masters student (Mr Ovik Raihan) at Tokyo University, Tokyo University, International
  41. (2015) Collaboration with Prof Osama Abou Zied, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, Sultan Qaboos University, International
  42. (2015) HIR Icon Research visit to UM - Prof Yuzuru Miyazaki, Tohoku University, International
  43. (2014) Research visit to Tohoku University (Professor Yuzuru Miyazaki), Tohoku University, Japan, International
  44. (2014) Non-Disclosure Agreement for MoA, Mimos Berhad, National
  45. (2014) Collaboration with Professor TD Wilkinson, University of Cambridge, UK, International
  46. (2014) Collaboration with Professor Douglas MacFarlane, Monash University, Australia, International
  47. (2014) Research collaboration - Ph.D student (Mohamed Hamid Elsheikh) to Tohoku University, Tohoku University, International
  48. (2014) HIR Icon research visit (Prof Yuzuru Miyazaki), Tohoku University, Japan, International
  49. (2014) Visit of HIR Icon and seminar - Prof Yuzuru Miyazaki 2014, Tohoku University, International
  50. (2014) Inkjet Printing Workshop 2014 one day workshop, Inkjet Printing Company
  51. (2014) Consultant for MIMOS Berhad in scientific subject matters scientific Failure Analysis, Material Analysis, Advanced Devices, Semiconductor Technology and Nanotechnology., MIMOS Berhad
  52. (2013) Research Meeting, Gentherm (U.S.A. Thermoelectric module manufacturer , International
  53. (2013) Industrial collaborator, Biovia Systems, International
  54. (2013) HIR collaborator visit Dr Yusuke Kawai, Tohoku University, Japan, International
  55. (2013) Research collaboration - Master student (Md Asiqur Rahman) to Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology, International
  56. (2013) Research Meeting, Nihon Superior (Solder Manufacturer) Osaka, Japan, International
  57. (2013) Research collaboration - Ph.D student (Shahrir Razey Sahamir) to Tohoku University, Tohoku University, Japan, International
  58. (2013) Research placement of PhD Student (Mr Shahrir Razhey Sahamir) at Tohoku University, Tohoku University, International
  59. (2013) Introduction to Thermoelectric Technology)- 2 Day workshop, MIMOS Berhad
  60. (2012) Research meeting with Indium Corporation, U.S.A. Solder Manufacturer, International
  61. (2012) Collaboration with Dr Munehiro Kimura, Nagaoka University of Technology , International
  62. (2012) Consultant for Sciencefund Project under MIMOS to develop a highly efficient thermal based energy harvester, MIMOS Berhad
  63. (2006) Sabbatical leave, Laboratory for Nano Molecular Devices, Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, International
  64. (2005) Market Survey Segment, Malaysian Building Integrated Photovoltaic Project
  65. (2005) Organising Committee Member, National Workshop-Seminar on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals
  66. (2005) Internship Supervision, Nagaoka University of Technology
  67. (2004) Research Leave, Oxford University, International
Contribution to event
  1. (2024) Research Discussion On Biotechnology, International, (Participant)
  2. (2024) Invited Talk to Department of Electrical Engineering, Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Science, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
  3. (2024) Research Progress On Dual Degree Ph.D Ou/UM On Machine Learning in Power Systems Optimisation, International, (Participant)
  4. (2024) Molecular Dynamics for Thermoelectrochemical Nanoporous Generator, International, (Participant)
  5. (2024) Mini Forum for Student/Staff Exchange from Tokyo Institute of Technology, International, (Event Coordinator)
  6. (2023) Coordinator for Sakura Programme At Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, International, (Event Coordinator)
  7. (2021) Session Chair in Micro 2021 Conference, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
  8. (2021) Pbl Workshop as Speaker, University, (Course Facilitator)
  1. (2025) Advisor for Centre of Printable Electronics, University, (Mentor)
  2. (2025) Advisor to Malaysian Thermoelectric Society, National, (Academic Advisor)


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2023) Stabilisation of Polymer Perovskite Thin FIlms for Solar Cells
  2. (2023) Stabilisation of Ionic Liquid Perovskite Thin Films for Solar Cells
  3. (2023) Investigation of Fe(II) SCO thin film devices
  4. (2023) Investigation of Co(II) SCO thin film devices
  5. (2018) Internship Supervision, Mr Ueno
  6. (2018) Internship Supervision, Mr Aymeric Daude
  7. (2017) Internship Supervision, Takuto Watanabe
  8. (2014) Synthesis of ferrofluids for energy applications
  9. (2014) Surface modifcation for inkjet printing of liquid crystals
  10. (2014) Modeling of stacked organic thermoelectric module
  11. (2014) Modeling of polymer electrolyte thermoelectric material
  12. (2013) Finite element simulation of organic thermoelectric module
  13. (2013) Finite element simulation of inorganic thermoelectric module
  14. (2013) Fabrication of thermoelectric module using inkjet printing
  15. (2013) Fabrication of liquid crystal polymer electrolyte thin films
  16. (2013) Control of thermoelectric characterisation system
  17. (2012) Finite element analysis of thermoelectric junction
  18. (2012) Finite element analysis of dye sensitised solar cell characteristics
  19. (2012) Fabrication of liquid crystal polymer electrolyte thin film for electronics and thermoelectrics
  20. (2012) Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured thermoelectric material
  21. (2011) Electro optic investigation of polymer stabilised blue phase liquid crystal cells
  22. (2010) Simulation of ferroelectric liquid crystal microactuator
  23. (2010) Simulation of comb drive electrostatic microactuator
  24. (2010) Permittivity investigations of nanoparticle doped nematic liquid crystal
  25. (2010) Modeling of dielectric permittivity in nematic liquid crystals
  26. (2010) Fabrication of liquid crystal microactuator
  27. (2005) Optics of Boundary effect in LCD (sotware)
  28. (2005) Modelling of Optics of a twisted nematic LCD (Software)
  29. (2005) Measurement of elastic constant in a twisted nematic LCD (software)
  30. (2005) Investigation of optics of a twisted nematic LCD
  31. (2005) Investigation of Elasstic constant in twisted nematic liquid crystal device (experimental)
  32. (2005) Continuum Modelling of the electronic effect (software)
  33. (2005) Continuum Modelling of acropatterned ferroelectric LCD(software)
  34. (2005) Automatic control of an Optical transmission experiment (software and hardware)
  35. (2004) Spontaneous Polarisation Measurument of Ferroelctric Liquid Crystal materials
  36. (2004) Optical Rotation Investigation of Deformed Helix Liquid Crystal Device
  37. (2004) Molecular Modelling of the effect of alignmentblayer in a LCD
  38. (2004) Molecular Modelling of Phase Transition in Liquid Crystal
  39. (2004) Molecular Modelling of Ferroelctric Liquid Crystal Device
  40. (2004) Modelling the Device Structure fo Photosensitive LCD
  41. (2004) Modelling of Switching Surface Stabilised Ferroelctric Liquid Crystal (SSFLC)Display using 3 elastic constant (software)
  42. (2004) Automatic Routine to Identify on Optimum Set of Parameter for Addressing LCD's (software)
  43. (2002) Optimisation of The Seiko Adressing for Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal (SSLFC)Dispalay
  44. (2002) Optimisation of The Joers/ Alvey Adressing for The Surface Stabilized Ferroelctric Liquid Crystal (SSLFC)Display
  45. (2002) Modelling the Hold on Addresing Scheme for Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display
  46. (2002) Modelling the Deformed Helix Ferroelectric (DHF) effect for a short pitch Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Device
  47. (2002) Modelling the Deformed Helix Ferroelectric (DHF) effect for a long pitch Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Device
  48. (2002) Modelling Switching in Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal (SSFLC)Display using 3 elastic constant
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  2. (2019) Optimisation Of Metal Complexes As Thermoelectric Materials For Energy Harvesting, NIK MUHD JAZLI BIN NIK IBRAHIM
  3. (2019) High conductivity polymer electrolyte for thermeolectrochemical applications, HAZIRAH BINTI CHE HASSAN
  7. (2014) Skutterudite based thermoelectric materials, Fitriani
  8. (2014) Quantum Thermodynamics of Thermoelectric Materials, Mohamad Syafie bin Mahmood
  9. (2014) Development of Self Cooling Thermoelectrochemical Cell, Syed Waqar Hasan
  10. (2013) Solar Testbed Study for Vibration & Impact Response of Element Added SAC solder Alloy, Nor Ilyana Muhd Nordin
  12. (2012) Fabrication of organic thermoelectric devices using inkjet printing, Mohamed Bashir Ali Bashir
  13. (2012) Fabrication and Characterisation of Polymer-Inorganic Thermoelectric Composite Materials, Mohamed Hamid Elsheikh Yousef
  2. (2014) Study of the Effect of Filler Atom's Mass on the Thermoelectric Properties of FeSb3 Based Skutterudites, Md Ovik Raihan
  3. (2014) Spin-crossover, Metallomesogenic and Thermoelectrical Properties of Complexes of Cobalt (II) and Iron (II) with extended pi-conjugated polypyridyl ligand, Nik Muhd Jazli bin Nik Ibrahim
  4. (2014) A density functional study on structural, electronic, chemical and optical properties of Ag-X, Al-X and Cu-X [X=Li, Na, K] nano-alloys for opto-electronic and catalytic applications., SHAIKAT DEBNATH
  5. (2013) Performance of Redox Couple based Ionic Liquids and its nanocomposites with metal oxides in thermoelectric devices, Tawsif Ahmed Siddique
  6. (2013) PEDOT:PSS based thermoelectric thin films, Shahriar Mufid Rahman
  7. (2013) A Density Functional Study on Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of Ag-X, Al-X and Cu-X [X=Li, Na, K] Nano-Alloys for Plasmonic Solar Cells, Optical and Catalytic Applications, Shaikat Debnath
  8. (2012) Fabrication and characterization of thermoelectric devices using electroplating method, Nurul Ain Nazmi Binti Mohamad Samsani
  9. (2012) Fabrication and Characterisation of High Efficiency Thermoelctric device, Robi Shankar Datta
  10. (2011) Modeling of novel electrostatic comb microactuator, Megat Muhammad Ikhsan Megat Hasnan
  11. (2011) Fabrication and characterization of dye-sensitized solar cells incorporating polymer electrolyte liquid crystal system., Muhammad Akmal Bin Kamarudin
  12. (2011) Electrical Characterisation of Low Cost, High- Realiability Lead- Free Solder, Nur 'Aishah Aminah Mohd Amin
  13. (2011) Characterisation of dielectric permitivitty of novel nematic and blue phase liquid crystals, Md. Asiqur Rahman
  14. (2005) Study of Performance in Lithography for 0.13m C13) Technology, Lau Siau Yen
  15. (2004) Gate Oxide Integrity (GOI) for 0.13 m(C13) and 0.18 m(C18) silicon processing, Yong Yoong Hooi


  1. (2023) KQC7017 - System Analysis and Design
  2. (2021) KQC7017 - System Analysis and Design
  3. (2011) KXGE6104 - Computational Mathematics
  4. (2004) KXGB6307 - Electronic Materials
  5. (2003) KXGE6104 - Computational Mathematics
  1. (2023) KIX2001 - Integrated Design I
  2. (2023) KIE4012 - Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy
  3. (2023) KIE2007 - Basic Electromagnetics
  4. (2021) KIX2001 - Integrated Design I
  5. (2021) KIE4012 - Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy
  6. (2018) KIE2007 - Basic Electromagnetics(Group 1)
  7. (2018) KIE2007 - Basic Electromagnetics (Group 2)
  8. (2018) KIX1003 - Thinking and Communication Skills
  9. (2017) KEEE1123 - Teori Medan
  10. (2017) KEEE1123 - Teori Medan
  11. (2017) KEEE3123 - Teori Medan
  12. (2016) KEEE3123 - Teori Medan
  13. (2015) KEEE1123 - Teori Medan
  14. (2015) KEEE3123 - Field Theory
  15. (2014) KEEE1123 - Teori Medan
  16. (2014) KEEE3123 - Teori Medan
  17. (2013) KEEE1123 - Field Theory
  18. (2013) KEEE1125 - Electronic Circuits
  19. (2013) KEEE3123 - Field Theory
  20. (2012) KEEE1123 - Field Theory
  21. (2012) KEEE3123 - Teori Medan
  22. (2011) KEEE1123 - Field Theory
  23. (2011) KEEE3123 - Field Theory
  24. (2011) KEEE4364 - Displays Technology
  25. (2010) KEEE1123 - Field Theory
  26. (2005) KEEE1123 - Field Theory
  27. (2005) KEEE4364 - Displays Technology
  28. (2004) KEEE1123 - Field Theory
  29. (2004) KEEE1123 - Field Theory
  30. (2004) KEEE2222 - Electronic Circuits and Devices
  31. (2004) KEEE4364 - Technology Display


  • Membrane Scaffolded Ionic Liquid Structure for Enhanced Electrical Conductivity
    Patent (University)
  • High Conductivity Polymer Electrolyte Liquid Crystal
    Patent (National)
  • Polymer Electrolyte Liquid Crystal Formulation for Enhanced Electrical Conductivity
    Patent (University)
  • Fishbone Electrostatic Comb Drive Actuator
    Patent (National)
  • A compliant and aging resistant lead-free solder alloy
    Patent (National)


  • Speaker for Climate Empowered Virtual Lab to Schoolchildren in Sekolah Kiaramas, (02 Apr 2023 - 02 Apr 2023) (National)
  • Delivered Stem Talk to Schoolchildren: Program Mini Teater Stem 2021, (26 Sep 2021 - 26 Nov 2021) (National)
  • Innovate Malaysia Design Competition 2020, (17 Aug 2020 - 17 Aug 2020)
  • Esref 2020 Mentoring Phase, (05 Jun 2020 - 31 Jul 2020)
  • Akept Leadership Talk Series (Alts) 2019 : Series 1, (29 Aug 2019 - 29 Aug 2019)
  • Stem Programme, University of Malaya, (01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019)
  • Completion of Sciencefund Grant, (26 Nov 2017 - 31 Dec 2017)
  • Representing Malaysian Thermoelectric Society At The Asian Association for Thermoelectrics (Aat) Board Meeting, (29 Aug 2017 - 29 Aug 2017)
  • Myceb Development Support for Pre-Lobbying of Conference Venue in Malaysia, (27 Aug 2017 - 01 Sep 2017)
  • Motivational Talk, Ibu Bapa Cemerlang, Anak-Anak Terbilang, Sk Chepir, Sik, Kedah, (23 Apr 2017 - 23 Apr 2017)
  • Subcomittee Chair for Esref 2015 Conference, (15 Jan 2016)
  • Talk On Commercialisation of Technology to Participants of The UM-Mtdc Entrepeneurship Programme., (26 Nov 2015 - 26 Nov 2015)
  • Radio Interview On Traxx Fm On Thermoelectric Technology, (14 Jul 2014 - 14 Jul 2014)
  • News Segment On Berita Utama (Rtm) On Thermoelectric Technology as a Green Technology Resource for Society, (27 May 2014 - 27 May 2014)
  • Participation in 3p Folks Network, a Web-Based Support Group to Provide Mentorship for Your Researchers Interested in Commercialisation, (01 Dec 2012 - 30 Nov 2013)
  • Ieice Global Plaza Publication (Japan) – Invited Essay On “Academic Exchange Between Malaysia and Japan Toward The Prosperous Global Collaborations of Universities in Asia-Pacific Region”, (01 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2010)
  • Advisor of Mentor Student of SMK Bandar Kinrara, (08 Nov 2004 - 10 Nov 2004)
  • Advisor of Committee Member for Organizing The Chancellor'S Trophy of Engineering Quiz, Faculty of Engineering ., (01 Nov 2004 - 01 Nov 2004)
  • Program Siswa Mentor Pusat Asasi Sains, (28 May 2004 - 31 May 2004)
  • Science and Mathematics Camp (Invited Speaker), (28 May 2004 - 31 May 2004)
  • Invited Speaker for Science and Mathematics Camp, (30 May 2003 - 02 Jun 2003)