Curriculum Vitae


Senior Lecturer
  • Visual Arts Program
    Faculty of Creative Arts


Hello! Welcome to my profile page, where you get to learn a bit about the many many many things I do. You can find my academic writings deposited at my page. You can make an appointment to see me by clicking here.

My research focuses primarily on 19th and 20th-century art and visual culture in Southeast Asia - although the region that I study is framed along two temporally and spatially expansive and overlapping corridors - the Indian Ocean and the Third World. I graduated with a BA (first-class honours) in art history from the University of Melbourne. I also have a second major in English Literature and read a lot of anthropology.

I then received my PhD from the University of Sydney under an Australian Postgraduate Award fellowship (thank you Australia Government!), where I wrote a dissertation on the spatio-visual practices of postwar left-leaning art movements in Singapore/Malaya, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines from the 1950s - 1970s under three awesome supervisors - Adrian Vickers, John Clark and Stephen Whiteman. Over and beyond research, each of them taught me many life-skills to find a home for myself in the otherwise cutthroat world of academia. 

I have a broader interest in Asian modernities as a discursive method and in the broader field of art historiography (e.g. how is history being written? By whom and by what means?). Principally, topics related to how social energies are expressed through visual forms interest me. I do have a strong interest in examining art or cultural phenomenon through understanding them as intersections of history, memory, and mythology. Then, there's also side interest of mine in modern architecture. Much more than critical thinking, I value imaginative scholarships on art and cultural histories that change our understanding of ourselves, the world and our relationships with one another.

I'm also a big advocate of open-access knowledge and sharing research information. I've created a resource guide on digital resources on colonial history of the Malay World and a map of photo studios in Malaysia and Singapore.

I am a co-founder and editorial advisor of SOUTHEAST OF NOW: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia, a peer-review journal published by NUS Press. I also spend a lot of time at Malaysia Design Archive, an archival, research and education platform on visual cultures of the 20th century. As one of the three heads, I do a lot of community-building work - that includes running workshops (Researching Colonial History Like A Millennial). I used co-host a weekly radio programme called BFM Night School where I get to invite all my geeky friends to come on air to talk about their obsessions. 

Funnily enough, I have also started making artworks! My works have been shown in Warsaw, Yangon, Hong Kong, Dhaka, Bangkok, Shanghai, and Manila. I find art practice to be an important avenue for me to pursue research on a different level - and my art project provides me with opportunities to collaborate with other makers. I tend to focus on the adaptive reuse of historical images found in the public domain to explore their myth-making and story-telling potentials. I think poetically about this as shoring up colonial fragments and debris to produce a new understanding of our place in the world. Check out my work here and here.

PhD Studentship
Kindly note that I'm at this stage only interested in accepting PhD studentship in the areas of ritualistic artistic practice in South/Southeast Asia, 19th century and 20th century art and photography history of Southeast Asia, and historical GIS/digital humanities projects related to Southeast Asia. I do not have the capacity to supervise students interested in East Asian topics for the forseeable future. 


    Indian Ocean, Third World, Southeast Asia
    museum studies, curatorial practice, contemporary art practice, blog publishing, independent archive prractice
    Modernities in Asian Art, art historiography, comparative art history, third world aesthetics
    Global flows in art, architecture and visual cultures of Asia [early modern, colonial, modern/contemporary], social art history, colonial and postcolonial scopic and visual regimes


  • PhD, (Arts)
    University of Sydney, Australia
  • BA, (Arts)
    University of Melbourne, Australia


  • Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    11 Oct 2022 - 15 Apr 2024 (Faculty of Creative Arts, Faculty of Creative Arts)
  • Coordinator
    20 Aug 2016 - present (Visual Arts Program, Faculty of Creative Arts)
  • Coordinator
    17 Mar 2017 - present (Visual Arts Program, Faculty of Creative Arts)
  • Coordinator
    23 Jun 2021 - 23 Jun 2022 (Faculty of Creative Arts, Faculty of Creative Arts)
  • Working Committee
    01 Nov 2018 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
  • Coordinator
    01 Jul 2018 - 01 Apr 2020 (University Malaya)


    Since 2016 (National)
    2022 to 2023 (National)
    2016 to 2022 (International)
    2017 to 2018 (International)


    University of Malaya, 2022 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2021 (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Soon, Simon (2022). Mandalay and the Art of Building Cities in Burma, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS. 81(3), 380-382
  2. Soon, S. (2020). Descending into foreignness: Datuk Fatimah and the home of thependatang. South East Asia Research, 28(2), 140-163. doi: 10.1080/0967828x.2020.1771200
  3. Soon, S. (2018). /Cloud/Watching or Portrait of a Young Artist in 1990s Kuala Lumpur. Afterall(45), 98-107. doi:10.1086/698399
  1. Yang Y., Soon S. (2023). The remaking of revolutionary literature: a comic series on peasant uprising in the post-revolutionary era, Cogent Arts and Humanities. 10(1). doi:10.1080/23311983.2023.2203071
  2. Soon, S. (2020). Descending into foreignness: Datuk Fatimah and the home of the pendatang. South East Asia Research, 28(2), 140-163. doi:10.1080/0967828X.2020.1771200
  3. Soon S. (2018). Creativity in Dissent: From the politics of pedagogy to the art of pedagogy, Southeast Asian Studies. 7(3), 449-469. doi:10.20495/seas.7.3_449
  1. Soon, S. (2020). Decolonizing Art History [Catherine Grant and Dorothy Price]. Art History, 43(1), 46-51.
  2. Soon, S. (2020). Learning from the Region; Learning in the Region; Learning from the Internet - Teaching the History of Modern and Contemporary Art of Southeast Asia. Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia, 4 (1), March, 117-120
  3. Soon, S. (2018). Creativity in Dissent: From the Politics of Pedagogy to the Art of Pedagogy. Southeast Asian Studies, 7(3), 449-470.
  4. Soon, S. (2018). Malay: The Hikmat [Inner Workings] of Seni [Art]: Gambar [Picture], Lukis [to Paint or Draw], Moden/Moderen [Modern], Sezaman [of this Age], Baru [New], Kontemporer/Kontemporari [Contemporary], Kagunan [Beneficial Refinement], Imajan [Imagery]. SOUTHEAST OF NOW: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia, NUS Press, October, 2(2), 119-166.
  5. Soon, S. et al (Eds.). (2017). Editorial: Discomfort. SOUTHEAST OF NOW: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia. Singapore: NUS Press.
  6. Soon, S. (2016). Images without Bodies: Chiangmai Social Installation and the Art History of Cooperative Suffering. Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry. No. 42 Autumn/Winter 2016, 36-47
  7. Soon, S. 2015. Fabric and the Fabrication of a Queer Narrative: The Batik Paintings of Patrick Ng Kah Onn. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific. Issue 38, August 2015.
  8. Soon, S. 2015. Terms of Collectivity. Discipline. Issue 4: 12 - 40.
  9. Soon, S. 2014. Converging Extremes: Exhibitions and Historical Sightlines in 1990s Malaysia. Yishu Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art. Vol. 13 No 2, March 2014 : 85 - 97.
  10. Soon, S. 2012. Spatio-Temporal Currency: The Kalachakra Sand Mandala as Cultural Object in Performance. Modern Art Asia. Issue 12.
  1. 2023. The Modern in Southeast Asian Art. A Reader. Volume 1 and Volume 2. TK Sabapathy and Patrick Flores, eds. with Antariksa, Gridthiya Gaweewong, Horikawa Lisa, Yin Ker, Manuporn Luengaram, Roger Nelson, Roberto Paulino, Seng Yujin, Aminudin TH Siregar and Simon Soon (contributing editors). Singapore: National Gallery Singapore.
  2. Lim, SY, Ong, KJ, and Soon, S. 2021. Banned in KL, Astroboy Rides the wave to Sky Kingdom on a Grasshopper: Malaysia Melalyu Lima Belas Poskad. Kuala Lumpur: Cloud Projects
  3. Soon, S., Powell, R. and Liyana Hasnan. 2021. BEP 100: BEP Akitek Sdn. Bhd. 1921-2021. Kuala Lumpur: Adaptus Design System Sdn Bhd.
  4. Soon, S. 2020. Sha'er Datok Keramat dengan Sang Mualim. Kuala Lumpur: OUR Art Projects.
  5. Yong, B., Nur Hanim Khairuddin, Yap, SB.,and Soon S. (2019). Narratives in Malaysian Art Vol. 4: Perspectives, Kuala Lumpur: RogueArt.
Chapter in Books
  1. Soon, S. (2020) Engineering the human soul in 1950s Indonesia and Singapore. In Galimberti, J., de Haro Garc a, N. and Scott, V. (Eds.), Art, Global Maoism and the Chinese Cultural Revolution (pp. 53-66). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  2. Soon, S. (2020). Boria Everywhere in the World: A Penang Burlesque and the Politics of Heritage. In Sharmani Patricia Gabriel (Ed.), Making Heritage in Malaysia: Sites, Histories, Identities. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  3. Soon, S. (2019). Bearing witness to many private lives. In Rahel Joseph (Ed.), Chia Yu Chian: Private Lives (pp. 66-83). Kuala Lumpur: Ilham Gallery.
  4. Soon, S. (2019). Converging Extremes: Exhibitions and Historical Sightlines in 1990s Malaysia. In Yong, B., Nur Hanim Khairuddin, Yap, S.B., Soon, S. (Eds.), Narratives in Malaysian Art Vol. 4 - Perspectives (pp. 148-162). Kuala Lumpur: RogueArt.
  5. Soon, S. (2018). Place of Learning: The Contested Cultural Topographies of Nanyang University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. in S. Whiteman, S. Abdullah, Y. Low, P. Scott (Eds.) Ambitious Alignments: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art, 1945 - 1990 (pp. 139-163). Sydney and Singapore: Power Publications and National Gallery Singapore.
  6. Soon, S. (2017). Kedai-kedai. In Nur Hanim Khairuddin (ed.), Bumi Larangan: Zulkifli Dahlan (pp. 40-50). Kuala Lumpur: Dulkifli Dahlan Gallery, Teratak Nuromar and National Art Gallery, Malaysia.
  7. Soon, S. (2017). Notes on GRUP. In Rahel Joseph (ed.), Gerak, Rupa, Ubur, Penyataan (pp. 1-20). Kuala Lumpur: Ilham Gallery.
  8. Soon, S. (2017). The Athame and Other Malay Weapons: A Postwar Performance and Productive Power. In Cosmin Costinas and Ana Janevski (eds.), Is the Living Body the Last Thing Left Alive?: The New Performance Turn, Its Histories and Its Institutions (pp. 185-89). Hong Kong and Germany: Parasite and Sternberg Press.
  9. Soon, S. (2017). The Woman and the Vista: Intimate Revolt of the Cultural Left.. In S. W. Low and P.D. Flores (Eds.), Charting Thoughts: Essays on Art in Southeast Asia (pp. 202-214). Singapore: The National Gallery of Singapore.
  10. Soon, S. 2017. On Unlearning and Relearning. Dlm. Tsiung Han See (pnyt). Latihan: Selected Studies by Wong Hoy Cheong, hlm. 4-10. Kuala Lumpur: OUR ArtProjects.
  11. Soon, S. 2016. Batik and the Grand Design for Modern Art. Dlm Joseph, R., Khairuddin N.H. & Simpson, F. (pnyt). Love Me in My Batik: Modern Batik Art from Malaysia and Beyond, hlm. 6-21. Kuala Lumpur: Ilham Gallery.
  12. Soon, S. 2016. Reading Tsang Tsou Choi: Margin, Madness and a Hong Kong Avant-Garde. Dlm. Ferreboeuf, R., Noble, F. & Plunkett T. (pnyt). Preservation, Radicalism, and the Avant-Garde Canon. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  13. Soon, S. 2016. Rethinking Curatorial Colonialism. Dlm. Ute Meta Bauer dan Brigitte Oetker (pnyt). SouthEastAsia Spaces of the Curatorial. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
  14. Soon, S. 2015. Moving Suara for Sovereignty: Reading the shifts in 1950's Modern Art Discourse in Malay through Kamus Politik (ENG and MLY). Dlm. Joseph, R. & Khairuddin N.H. (pnyt). Dato' Hoessein Enas: From His Personal Collection, hlm. 116-137. Kuala Lumpur: Ilham Gallery.
  15. Soon, S. 2015. Photography and the Grid. Dlm. Wong, H.C., Nge, C. & Tan, J. (pnyt). Ismail Hashim: Essays, Interviews and Archives, hlm. 32-46. Kuala Lumpur: Fergana.
  16. Soon, S. 2015. When was East and Southeast Asia's Modernism in Art?: Comparisons and Intersections. Dlm. Lindgren, A. & Ross, S. (pnyt). The Modernist World, hlm. 78-87. London: Routledge.
  17. Soon, S. 2013. An Empty Canvas on which many shadows have fallen. Dlm. Khairuddin, N.H., Yong, B., & Sabapathy, T.K. (pnyt). Narratives in Malaysian Art: Vol. II/ Reactions - New Critical Strategies, hlm. 55-69. Kuala Lumpur: RogueArt.
  18. Soon, S. 2013. Four Currencies in Contemporary Practice. Dlm. Khairuddin, N.H., Yong, B., & Sabapathy, T.K. (pnyt). Narratives in Malaysian Art: Vol. II/ Reactions - New Critical Strategies, hlm. 319-333. Kuala Lumpur: RogueArt.
Other Publications
  1. Soon, S. [speaker] (18 May 2020) "International Museum Day 2020" [radio broadcast] In Sharmilla Ganesan [Producer] BFM The Bigger Picture. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  2. Soon, S. [speaker] (23 October 2020) "Archiving for the Future of Malaysia" [radio broadcast] In Adeline Choong [Producer] BFM Evening Edition. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  3. Soon, S. [speaker] (3 August 2020) "Would You Pay Higher Fees for A Humanities Degree?" [radio broadcast] In LimSue Ann [Producer] BFM The Bigger Picture. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  4. Soon, S. and Haniff Baharudin. [speakers] (18 Sep 2019) "All New Night School" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  5. Soon, S., Abdennour Bidar, and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (4 Nov 2019) "Believing in Conversations" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  6. Soon, S., Chen, E. and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (14 Oct 2019) "Marginalia - Migrants and Refugees" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  7. Soon, S., How, R. and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (16 Dec 2019) "Fostering Discussion on Land Justice in Singapore" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  8. Soon, S., Joe Kidd and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (30 Sep 2019) "Making One's Way in the World through Punk" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  9. Soon, S., Joseph, R. and Sharmilla Ganesan [speakers] (21 Feb 2019) "The Private Lives of KL City" [radio broadcast] In Sharmilla Ganesan [Producer] BFM Front Row. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  10. Soon, S., Lim, C. and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (17 Oct 2019) "Hong Kong - Everyday Engagement and Intergenerational Reconciliation under Duress" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  11. Soon, S., Lim, S.Y., and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (15 Sep 2019) "Remembering a Malaysian Future - Wawasan 2020" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  12. Soon, S., Luqman Lee and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (23 Dec 2019) "The Senario of Malaysian Television Culture (1996-2003)" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  13. Soon, S., Nadine Azalea Faisal, and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (21 Oct 2019) "Beyond Fakta - New Values in Thinking Historically" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  14. Soon, S., Ong, K.J. and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (23 Sep 2019) "Virtual Lives - A New Kind of Human or a Post-Human?" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  15. Soon, S., Qaleeda Thalib, and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (11 Nov 2019) "The Ajaib-khana - The Museum Today and Wonder" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  16. Soon, S., Rodrigue, F.N., and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (9 Dec 2019) "Interconnected Histories of Zamboanga" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  17. Soon, S., Smith, C.C., and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (15 Sep 2019) "Crossing Knowledge Boundaries in the Early Modern World" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  18. Soon, S., Sugiyama, A. and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (15 Sep 2019) "Western Opera in Asia and Imperial Culture" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  19. Soon, S., Wan Azriq and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (2 Dec 2019) "Social Media in the 19th Century Malay World" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  20. Soon, S., and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (14 March 2019) "Researching the Hidden Narratives of KL" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM I Love KL. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  21. Soon, S., and Haniff Baharudin [speakers] (30 Dec 2019) "The Weight of Memory" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  22. Soon, S., with Lee, C. L., Yee, K. Aiman Rashad [speakers] (1 Oct 2019) "New Compulsory Courses in Public Universities" [radio broadcast] In Loo Juosie [Producer] BFM Evening Edition. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  23. Soon, S., with Sharmilla Ganesan, Sumitra Selvaraj, Kelly Anissa [speakers] (30 Aug 2019) "The Daily Digest: What is a Museum in Today s World?" [radio broadcast] In Haniff Baharudin [Producer] BFM The Daily Digest. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  24. Soon, S. and Suzy Sulaiman. [speakers] (25 Jan 2018) "Merata Suara: Decentering Conversations" [radio broadcast] In Ahmad Fuad Rahmat [Producer] BFM Night School. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  25. Soon, S. and Joseph, R. [speakers] (3 Nov 2017) "Pioneer Modern Malaysian Artists" [radio broadcast] In Lim Soon Heng [Producer] The Bigger Picture: Front Row. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  26. Soon, S. and Tong, M. [speakers] (13 Jan 2017) "Activist Art Leaps Forward" [radio broadcast] In Lim Soon Heng [Producer] The Bigger Picture: Front Row. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  27. Soon, S.[speaker] (14 Feb 2017) "ON LEARNING AND UNLEARNING, WONG HOY CHEONG" [radio broadcast] In Lim Soon Heng [Producer] The Bigger Picture: Front Row. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  28. Soon, S.[speaker] (23 June 2017) "UNDERSTANDING VISUAL LANGUAGE II: Haussmannisation and the Avant-garde of 19th century Paris" [radio broadcast] In Lim Soon Heng [Producer] The Bigger Picture: Front Row. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  29. Soon, S.[speaker] (26 May 2017) "UNDERSTANDING VISUAL LANGUAGE I" [radio broadcast] In Lim Soon Heng [Producer] The Bigger Picture: Front Row. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  30. Soon, S.[speaker] (28 July 2017) "UNDERSTANDING VISUAL LANGUAGE III: EDO JAPAN & WOODBLOCK PRINTING" [radio broadcast] In Lim Soon Heng [Producer] The Bigger Picture: Front Row. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  31. Soon, S.[speaker] (26 Mar 2016) "What was left of Art" [radio broadcast] In Ahmad Fuad Rahmat [Producer] Night School.The Business Station. Kuala Lumpur: BFM Studio. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)


  1. Multicosmological Modernity in 1930s Penang, The Sixth Annual Liu Kang Lectures, National Gallery Singapore (International) (02 Sep 2023 - 02 Sep 2023)
  2. Observational Skills, Language in Medicine, Medical Education and Research Development Unit (MERDU) (University) (01 Dec 2021 - 01 Dec 2021)
  3. What can we learn about UMMC's history from a series of colourful paintings made by an artist when he was a patient at the hospital? , Private lives; public hospital, Medical Humanities and Ethics Unit in collaboration with Faculty of Creative Arts (University) (07 Oct 2021 - 07 Oct 2021)
  4. Sezaman/Contemporaneity: Tikar in the Expanded Field, CHAT (Centre for Heritage Arts and Textile) Talk Series, CHAT (Centre for Heritage Arts and Textile), Hong Kong (International) (23 Sep 2021 - 23 Sep 2021)
  5. Discussant, Southeast Asian Forum (SEAF) , Konferensi Pertunjukan dan Teater Indonesia 2021 (International) (22 Sep 2021 - 22 Sep 2021)
  6. BEP 100, BEP 100 Monograph, Adaptus Designs System (National) (28 Mar 2021 - 28 Mar 2021)
  7. Panels 'Institutional Critique and Aspirations for Alternatives' and 'Potential and Issues for Global Art History', Networking Avant-Gardes in Asia - taking up 'Awakenings' for discussion, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo and The Japan Foundation Asia Center (International) (13 Oct 2018 - 13 Oct 2018)
  8. Writing the World: Storied Spaces of the Visual , Uncommon Pursuits: A Temporary School for Emergent Curators in Southeast Asia, San Art (International) (31 Jul 2018 - 03 Aug 2018)
  9. The Brown: Race, Coldwar and the Context in Art History, Rethinking Art and Politics in Cold-War Southeast Asia, Panel Discussion, National Gallery of Singapore (International) (23 Jun 2018 - 23 Jun 2018)
  10. Crackling and bristling with energy: Decoloniality and Batik's Futurism, Decoloniality, Global Batik, and Art's Politics and Publics in Malaysia, Department of the History of Art and Archaeology, School of Arts, SOAS, University of London (International) (05 Jun 2018 - 05 Jun 2018)
  11. Crackling and bristling with energy: Batik and Decoloniality, Perverse Decolonization , Para Site Hong Kong and Academy of Arts of the World in Cologne (International) (19 May 2018 - 20 May 2018)
  12. 'Colonial Cosmopolitans', Class lecture for the subject 'Saying No to Imperialism', Visualising Freedom', Atreyee Gupta, History of Art Department, University of California, Berkeley (International) (27 Feb 2018 - 27 Feb 2018)
  13. Homely and Unhomely Presence in a Klang House Temple, CAA-Getty International Program Preconference Colloquium, CAA-GETTY INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM (International) (20 Feb 2018 - 20 Feb 2018)
  14. 'The impossibility of not writing: Diasporic Affinity and Intellectual Memory as Resistance', Creative Cultures of Anglophone Southeast Asia, Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya (National) (05 Dec 2017 - 05 Dec 2017)
  15. 'SOUTHEAST OF NOW: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art', TRANSLATION, UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE AND DISTANCE IN CONTEMPORARY ART CROSS ASIA, Zero Station and Asian Center, Japan Foundation (International) (20 Apr 2017 - 20 Apr 2017)
  16. "Who is this Coomaraswamy?": S. Durai Raja Singam and the Allegory of Diasporic Affinity, International Symposium 2017 - Archival Turn: East Asian Contemporary Art and Taiwan (1960-1989), Spring Foundation and Taipei Fine Arts Museum (International) (08 Apr 2017 - 09 Apr 2017)
  17. 'The Sanggar as Collective', The role of independent art spaces and collectives in Southeast East Asian art history and practice, La Salle, College of the Arts (International) (13 Mar 2017 - 13 Mar 2017)
  18. 'Creativity in Dissent', Malaysian Studies Workshop, Graduate Research Institute of Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo (International) (22 Feb 2017 - 23 Feb 2017)
  19. 'Datok Fatimah in Chinese Body: Homely and Unhomely Presence in a Klang House Temple', 'Datok Fatimah in Chinese Body: Homely and Unhomely Presence in a Klang House Temple', Malaysia Chinese Research Centre (National) (16 Feb 2017 - 16 Mar 2017)
  20. 'Concrete, like a nation, is ambitious', Conference: The Impossibility of Mapping (Urban Asia), Nanyang Technological University Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore (International) (25 Nov 2016 - 26 Nov 2016)
  21. 'Images without Bodies: Chiangmai Social Installation and the Art History of Cooperative Suffering', Regions of the Contemporary: Transnational Art Festivals and Exhibitions in 1990s Southeast Asia, Afterall Journal and University of Melbourne (International) (05 Nov 2016 - 07 Nov 2016)
  1. 'Datok Fatimah in Chinese Body: A House Temple typifying Homely and Unhomely Presence', 2nd SEAARC (Southeast Asia Architecture Research Collaborative) Symposium: Modernity s Other Disclosing Southeast Asia s built environment across the colonial and postcolonial worlds, Southeast Asia Architecture Research Collaborative (International) (05 Jan 2017 - 07 Jan 2017)
  1. Art historian TK Sabapathy, moderated by Simon Soon (senior lecturer, Visual Arts Department, Universiti Malaya), How Easily Modernism Could Be Disturbed, National Gallery of Singapore and Ilham Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (International) (01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2018)
  2. Session 2: KL, I love you, but... - Forming support systems for the visual arts in Malaysia, beyond Kuala Lumpur, Mejabulat: Sidang Suara Seni, CENDANA in partnership with RogueArt.  (National) (10 Nov 2018 - 10 Nov 2018)
  3. N/A, The CIMAM 2017 Annual Conference, National Gallery of Singapore (International) (10 Nov 2017 - 12 Dec 2017)


  • Launched The Malaysian Art Resource Index/ Index Sumber Seni Malaysia. a Multi-Lingual Collaborative Digital Resource Library On Malaysian Art: Https://Bit.Ly/Malaysianartresource | Https://Bit.Ly/Sumbersenimalaysia, (01 Dec 2021 - 01 Dec 2021) (National)
  • Digital Edition of Narratives in Malaysian Art Vol. 1-4 is Available for Download, Published Under An Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives Creative Commons License. This Ensures The Availability of Nma/Nsrm to Current and Future Researchers and General Readers Both Locally and Abroad., (25 Nov 2021 - 25 Nov 2021) (National)
  • Invited to Participate in a Group Exhibition Organised by Kadist Asia Program, Curated by Hyunjin Kim for The Times Museum Guangzhou. The Exhibition Runs from 12 Dec 2020 - 7 Feb 2021. as a Participating Artist, I Collaborated With Animator/Graphic Artist Stella and Art Historian Roger Nelson to Create a Series of Animated Gifs That Explores Alternative Histories of Southeast Asian Performing Arts., (12 Dec 2020 - 07 Feb 2020)
  • Publish a Resource Guide Website On Digital Repositories Related to The Colonial History of The Malay World (Https://Sites.Google.Com/UM.Edu.My/Colonialhistoryofthemalayworld/). The Resource Guide Grew Out of a Year Long Conversation With Colleagues in Department of Art History At Soas, University of London On 'Constructing Decolonial Art History of Southeast Asia' in 2017, Funded Through The Newton-Ungku Omar Fund by The British Academy and The Akademi Sains Malaysia. Subsequently, I Also Ran Four Workshops Titled 'Researching Colonial History Like a Millennial' in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Singapore While Developing This Guide. in Addition to The Website, I Also Maintain a Facebook Group for Community-Building and Audience Engagement With Members from All Over The World., (05 Aug 2020 - 06 Aug 2020)
  • I Was The Co-Curator Together With Azril K Ismail and Hoo Fan Chon for The Highly Popular Exhibition 'Bayangnya Itu Timbul Tenggelam: Photographic Cultures in Malaysia' At Ilham Gallery, Kuala Lumpur. Due to Movement Restriction Orders Resulting from The Pandemic, We Have Also Created a Virtual Exhibition for Those Unable to Visit The Exhibition in Person., (21 Jul 2020 - 11 Feb 2021)
  • Staged My First Solo Exhibition 'The Tyger and The Navigator' At The Back Room, Kl.Press Coverage Includes: - Https://WWW.Bfm.My/Podcast/The-Bigger-Picture/Front-Row/Where-Art-Meets-History - WWW.Thestar.Com.My/Lifestyle/Culture/2020/03/15/The-Tyger-and-The-Navigator-Star-in-a-History-Inspired-Art-Exhibition - Https://Penangartdistrict.Com/5-Ways-Artists-Can-Work-Through-The-Covid-19-Crisis/, (07 Mar 2020 - 30 May 2020)
  • Participated in Research and Drafting of a Statement from The Members of The Malaysian Arts and Culture Community to The New Pakatan Harapan Government On 18 May 2018. Statement Available in Malay, English, Chinese, Tamil, Iban, Kadazan-Dusun. Signed by 3523 Signatories from The Arts and Culture Community of Malaysia by 20 May 2018. The Statement Was Submitted to The New Pakatan Harapan Government Following a Press Conference That Resulted in a Number of Media Coverages On 21 May 2018., (18 May 2018 - 21 May 2018)
  • Commented On Modernist Painter Latiff Mohidin Accorded a Solo Show At The Centre Pompidou in Paris in a Feature Article 'Latiff Mohidin: First Southeast Asian Artist to Be Exhibited At World Famous Paris Museum' Written by Kate Mayberry and Published by Southeast Asia Globe., (16 Mar 2018 - 16 Mar 2018)
  • Convenor of One-Day Public Symposium 'Modern Architecture and The City: Knowledge and Social Memory of Modern Architecture' At Ilham Gallery, Kuala Lumpur. Leading Experts from Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand and Hong Kong Met in Kuala Lumpur to Discuss The Historical, Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Modern Architecture in Region and Beyond., (13 Jan 2018 - 13 Jan 2018)
  • Malaysia Design Archive (I Am a Co-Director) Was Awarded The Grand Award for Culture At The Dfa (Design for Asia) Awards At Hong Kong Design Centre in 2017. We Have Also Successfully Staged An Exhibition Titled, 'as We See it: History Through Visual Design' At The National Art Gallery of Malaysia, With Grant from The Prime Minister'S Office (Pmo). The News Straits Times Wrote a Feature Piece On Malaysia Design Archive On 9 Dec 2017 and Also Mentioned My Role as An Educator At UM., (08 May 2017 - 09 Dec 2017)
  • Invited as a Guest Speaker to a Public Programme Organised Galeri Petronas to Share My Experiences Working as a Researcher On Southeast Asian Art. The Title of The Panel Discussion is 'What it Takes to Be a Southeast Asian Art Curator/Researcher', (17 Dec 2016 - 17 Dec 2016)
  • Commented On The Exhibitions Held At The National Gallery of Singapore Since it'S Opening in 2015 in a Feature Article 'Museum "Can Improve and Grow"' Written by Huang Lijie and Published by The Straits Times, Singapore, (09 Nov 2016 - 09 Nov 2016)
  • Co-Convenor of One-Day Public Symposium Trade, Ties, and Transformation: Stories On Textile and Modernity At Ilham Gallery, Kuala Lumpur. Leading Textile Experts from India, Thailand, Australia and Malaysia, Working in Different Areas of Studies from Art History to Heritage to Anthropology, Met in Kuala Lumpur to Discuss The Historical, Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Textiles in The Region and Beyond, (14 May 2016 - 14 May 2016)