Curriculum Vitae
Shalini Nadaswaran holds a PhD in English specializing in African Women's Literature from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (UNSW). Her PhD was supervised by eminent postcolonial expert, Professor Bill Ashcroft, exploring Igbo women writers and contemporary Nigeria. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in English and Master of Arts in English at the English Department, University of Malaya. Her research interest considers the constant evolving representations of women in local and global spaces. She is currently a Senior Lecturer with the English Department, University of Malaya and has worked on a research project which examines cultural formations. She has published in the field of African literature and women’s literature in journals such as African Literature Today, Matatu, Wasafiri and Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature. She has also contributed book chapters to various book projects. She serves as a peer reviewer for a number of journals, two of which are ISI and Scopus cited. While her primary focus falls under the remit of African (Women’s) literature, she also has additional interests in research that explores modern day slavery, literature and injustice, and the figure of the ‘child’ in postcolonial literature. She welcomes research students working on any area in women’s literature, African literature and postcolonial women’s literature to contact her.
- PhD(UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES), (Arts)University of New South Wales, Australia
- SARE Editorial Board Member01 Oct 2017 - 31 Dec 2020 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Pengawal Dokumen01 Aug 2016 - 31 Jul 2020 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Committee Member, Website Team (Ahli Jawatankuasa Laman Web), English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.02 Jan 2018 - 31 Jul 2020 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Editor for Faculty Bulletin - Pulse02 Jan 2019 - 15 Mar 2020 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JAKPUM) FASS01 Jan 2017 - 01 Jan 2020 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Committee Member, Website Team (Ahli Jawatankuasa Laman Web), English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.02 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2017 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Organizing Committee for the East West: Ruptures and Convergences International Conference01 Dec 2016 - 02 Dec 2016 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Pengawasan Jabatan27 Oct 2016 - 27 Oct 2016 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Department Representative, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Alumni Committee01 May 2015 - 29 Sep 2016 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Organizing Committee for the Shakespeare Refreshed Festival30 Jul 2016 - 30 Jul 2016 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Committee Member, Occupational Health and Safety Team (Ahli Jawantankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JAKPUM),English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.01 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2015 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Pengawasan Jabatan29 Dec 2015 - 30 Dec 2015 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Perarakan Staf Akademik, Istiadat Konvokesyen 201520 Oct 2015 - 20 Oct 2015 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Education Faculty Portfolio Representative for the English Department FASS.25 Aug 2014 - 28 Feb 2015 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Academic Advisor (Penasihat Akademik)11 Sep 2013 - 08 Jan 2015 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Committee Member- Department Brochure19 Aug 2014 - 27 Aug 2014 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Colloquium Convenor01 Jun 2013 - (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2018, Universiti Malaya
- University of Kent Internationalization Award2016, University of Kent, (International)
- Certificate of Appreciation from The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. (Sijil Penghargaan)2014, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, (Department)
Article in Journal
Dissanayake, Prabath Shavinda; Nadaswaran, Shalini (2024). The Gendered Spaces of Boko Haram and the African Woman's Resistance Against Sexual Terrorism, RESEARCH IN AFRICAN LITERATURES. 54(3). doi:10.2979/ral.00015
Nadaswaran, S. (2020). Inscription as Speaking for Women: African Women Writers and their Writing Form. Pertanika, 28.2, 1263-1276.
Nadaswaran, S. (2019). The Constructiveness and Dialogic Energy of the Postcolonial Imagination : In Conversation with Bill Ashcroft. SARE: Southeast Asian Review Of English, 56(2), 166-174. (SCOPUS)
Nadaswaran, Shalini. (2017). Remembering Buchi Emecheta. 54(2).
Nadaswaran, S. (2016). Obinna Udenwe's Satans and Shaitans and Barclays Amadi's Ada. Wasafiri, 31(3), 76-95
Nadaswaran, Shalini. 2016 Simone C. Drake's African American Women and the Construction of Transnational Identity. (Review). Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature.
Nadaswaran, Shalini. 2015. Pede Hollist's So The Path Does not Die (Review). Wasafiri 84: 80-81.
Nadaswaran, S. 2014. Motif/ves of justice in writings by third-generation Nigerian women Matatu
Nadaswaran, Shalini. 2014. Everyday is for the Thief (2014). Sarjana.
Shalini Nadaswaran. 2014. The Biafran War and Igbo Women Writers: Deconstructing the Male Discourse of Nationalism. Southeast Asian Review in English. 52.
Shalini Nadaswaran. 2012. The Legacy of Buchi Emecheta in Nigerian Women's Fiction. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 2.2 146- 151
Shalini Nadaswaran. Analyzing Sex Trafficking in Neo- Liberal Nigeria through Nigerian Women's Writings.International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 2 (1): 56-65.
Shalini Nadaswaran.2012. Dispelling the Myth of the Silent Woman : The Nigerian Igbo woman in Flora Nwapa s Efuru (1966). African Literature Today 30. James Currey.
Chapter in Books
- Nadaswaran, S. (2023). Unmasking the Realities of Polygamy: the Figure of the Second Wife in Changes: A Love Story (1993), Ada: A Victim of Fate and Cultural Circumstances (2014), and Mariah (2002). In Jo Parnell Cultural Representations of the Second Wife Literature, Stage, and Screen (pp.144-56). Rowman & Littlefield.
- Nadaswaran, S. Anxious to Preserve Their Right to Life and a Decent Living : Teaching Postcolonial Environmental Justice and Ecological Genocide through Ken Saro-Wiwa in Malaysia. In C. Iheka (Ed), MLA Teaching Postcolonial Environmental Literature and Media, MLA.
- Nadaswaran, Shalini, The 'Economics' of Bride Price in Nigerian Women's Literature. In Jo Parnell (Ed), Portrayals of the Bride in Screen, Stage and Literary Productions, and Pop Culture Narratives. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield
- Nadaswaran, Shalini. (2017). Oppressor or Oppressed: The M(other) in-Law in Nigerian Women s Literature. In Jo Parnell (Ed). Representations of the M(other)-in-Law. Lanham: Lexington Books
- Nadaswaran, Shalini. (2017). Breaking Illusions: Contradictory representations of African childhood. In John Stephens (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to International Children's Literature (pp. 449-458). London: Routledge. (ISI Book Chapter)
- Nadaswaran, Shalini. 2015. Nigerian Women's Writing and It's Contexts. Ed. Stephens, John.The Routledge Companion to International Children's Literature. Oxfordshire: Routledge
- Nadaswaran, Shalini. 2015. "Drug Mules" Not "Queen Pins". Dlm. Collins, Walter. Writing Contemporary Nigeria: How Sefi Atta Illuminates African Culture and Tradition.London: Cambria Press.
- 2017 - 2018, Private FundingSurvivor Narratives of Modern-Day Slavery in Europe ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- Curriculum Development Discussion for Form 4 English Literature Students, English Language Teaching Centre, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia., English Language Teaching Centre, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia01 Dec 2016 (National)
- Writing Sefi Atta s Female Characters in the City of Lagos , The 16th Triennial Conference of EACLALS: Performing the Urban: Embodiments, Inventories, Rhythms, EACLALS (International) (03 Apr 2017 - 07 Apr 2017)
- They Were There on All Fronts: Igbo Women Writers and The Biafran War, The 10th Annual International Igbo Conference: A New Dawn: Rebirth, Renewal, Regeneration, 8-10th April. , SOAS, University of London (International) (08 Apr 2021 - 10 Apr 2021)
- Rethinking Family Relationships in Nigerian Women's Literature, Nigerian Igbo Writers, Brescia University, Owensboro, Kentucky (International) (20 Apr 2011 - 20 Apr 2011)
- Violence and Terror in Asian Women's Trafficked Narratives, International e-Conference on Literature (ICL 2020): Asian Diasporic Literature: Past, Present and Future, University Sains Malaysia, Penang (International) (29 Jul 2020 - 30 Jul 2020)
- Mobile Bodies of Meaning: Vehicles of Everyday Materiality in Malaysia , ACLALS 2019 Conference , ACLALS (International) (15 Jul 2019 - 19 Jul 2019)
- Voices of Dissent: African Women's Narratives of Modern Slavery, African Studies Association Biennial Conference 2018 (ASAUK 2018), ASAUK (African Studies Association, UK Chapter) (International) (11 Sep 2018 - 13 Sep 2018)
- Breaking Illusions: The Contradictory Figure of the African 'Child', ASAUK 2016 Biennial Conference, Cambridge, African Studies Association UK (International) (07 Sep 2016 - 09 Sep 2016)
- Literary Inclusions, Exclusions and Contradictions: Troubling Subversions of the 'Child' in African Literature, The 17th Triennial ACLALS Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 11 15, 2016, ACLALS (International) (11 Jul 2016 - 15 Jul 2016)
- Igbo Women Writers and Contemporary Nigeria, 4th International Igbo Conference: Igbo Womanhood, Womanbeing and Personhood, SOAS, University of London (International) (17 Apr 2015 - 18 Apr 2015)
- Uncommon Wealths: Realities of Modern-Day NIgerian in Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani's I do not come to you by chance (2010), Uncommon Wealths: Riches and Realities, EACLALS Conference, EACLALS (International) (14 Apr 2014 - 18 Apr 2014)
- Sex Trafficking in Nigeria: Akachi Ezeigbo's Trafficked (2008), Chika Unigwe's On Black Sister's Street (2009) and Abidemi Sanusi's Eyo (2009), 38th Annual African Literature Association Conference, Human Rights, Literature and the Visual Arts in African and the Diaspora. , African Literature Association (International) (11 Apr 2012 - 15 Apr 2012)
- Trafficking in Sefi Atta's Swallow (2010) and Last Trip (2010): Sefi Atta Panel, 38th Annual African Literature Association Conference, Human Rights, Literature and the Visual Arts in Africa and the Diaspora, African Literature Association (International) (11 Apr 2012 - 15 Apr 2012)
- Rethinking Family Relationships in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus (2004) and Unoma Azuah's Sky-High Flames (2005), 37th Annual African Literature Association Conference, African Literature Assocation (International) (13 Apr 2011 - 17 Apr 2011)
- (2019) Taylor's University Conference paper Reviewer, (Reviewer)
- (2018) Internal Examiner for Hadeel Shamlan's Thesis on Multicultural America, (Internal Examiner)
- (2018) Internal Examiner for Admiral Indira's Thesis on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, (Internal Examiner)
- (2017) Internal Examiner for Samantha Lauren Joseph's Thesis on Resisting Objectification: Monstrous Femininity, Nomadic Subjects and Cyborgs in William Gibson's Bridge Trilogy. , (Internal Examiner)
- (2017) Internal Examiner for Siti Nazirah's Thesis on Speak I Must: Femininity, Marriage and The Woman Question in Charlotte Bronte's Novels. , (Internal Examiner)
- (2017) Reviewer for Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Journal (ISI Indexed), (Reviewer)
- (2017) Reviewer for Pertanika Journal (ISI Indexed) - Paper on Bhabha and Coetzee, (Reviewer)
- (2017) Internal Examiner for Admiral Indira Supardan's Thesis on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo: Gender Performativity in Text and Film. , (Internal Examiner)
- (2017) Reviewer for Taylors University (Conference Paper), (Reviewer)
- (2017) Reviewer for Pertanika Journal (ISI Indexed) - "Representing Female Oppression in the Selected Novels of Nawal El-Saadawi", (Reviewer)
- (2017) Internal Examiner for Ahmad Kamal Basyah's PhD Thesis on "ELEMENTS OF FEMINISM IN PULITZER PRIZE WINNERS IN THE 2000s: A STUDY ON SELECTED PLAYS" , (Internal Examiner)
- (2017) Peer Reviewer for Sarjana (FASS Journal), (Reviewer)
- (2016) Peer Reviewer for Sarjana (FASS Journal), (Reviewer)
- (2016) Reviewer for Police Practice and Research: An International Journal (Scopus Indexed Journal), (Reviewer)
- (2016) Internal Examiner for Loo Ke Sin's Thesis on Cultivating Critical Thinking through Literature in Malaysian Classrooms , (Internal Examiner)
- (2016) Internal Examiner for Buveneswary Vathemurthy (M.A Thesis), (Internal Examiner)
- (2016) Reviewer for Sarjana (FASS Journal), (Reviewer)
- (2015) Peer Reviewer for the (ISI) Journal: Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. , (Reviewer)
- (2015) Reviewer for Sarjana (FASS Journal), (Reviewer)
- (2014) Reviewer for Sarjana (FASS Journal), (Reviewer)
- (2014) Internal Examiner for Gladys Koh Lee Shiong's MA thesis 'The Palest Ink will Outlast The Memory of Men": Retrieving Lost Spaces of History and Home in the novels of Tan Twan Eng, (Internal Examiner)
- (2014) Internal Examiner for Roya Khoshnevissansari's M.A Thesis 'The Subaltern in Simin Daneshvar's Savushan and Other Stories' , (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) Reviewed article for the journal PERTANIKA, (Reviewer)
Postgraduate Student
(2020) Third Generation Nigerian Writers, PRABATH SHAVINDA DISSANAYAKE
(2017) Witches in Terry Prachett, Daberah Ann Danker
(2017) African Women's Literature, Nurul Fauzan Shahabuddin
(2016) Tracing the American Dream in Selected Works of Jhumpa Lahiri and Nell Freudenberger, Irma Mokhtaza
(2016) Representation of Witches in Literature, Bragathiiswary Vathemurthy
(2016) African American Literature, Atikah Wahid
(2015) Familial Relationships and Class in Dickens's Novels: A Case Study of Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and Hard Times, Jared Raymond
(2014) The Woman Speaks: Africana Womanism in the Selected Works of Tsitsi Dangarembga., Jehan Roslani
(2014) Post-Colonial Literature, Loh Jen May
(2013) The Experience of Diaspora in selected works by Indian Exile writers, Na-Thinamalar Magiswary Nadarajan
- (2013) ACGB6182 - Research Methodology
- (2021) AIX2002 - Gender and Literature
- (2021) AIC3009 - Popular Culture and Literature
- (2021) AIC3003 - Women and Literature
- (2013) ACEA1114 - Selected Texts I
- (2013) ACEA1117 - Research Methodology
- (2013) ACEA3112 - The History of Literature in English
- (2013) ACEA3114 - Selected Texts III
- (2013) ACEA3118 - Women's Literature
- (2013) ACEA3119 - Literature and Popular Culture
- (2013) PXET3109 - Literature and Popular Culture
- (2012) ACEA2312 - Effective Writing
- (2012) PXET3109 - Literature and Popular Culture
- Panel of Judges, UM Engineering Faculty's 3 Minute Thesis Competition, (14 Aug 2013 - 14 Aug 2013)
- Panel of Judges, Science and Mathematics Photography Competition, Srjk (T) Seafield., (08 Apr 2013 - 08 Apr 2013)