Curriculum Vitae
Saedah Siraj is Professor of Curriculum Development at Faculty of Education, University of Malaya.
She has served as a lecturer for 37 years and the Dean of the Faculty of Education since 2009-2014,
and founding Director of the University Malaya Centre for a Family Development which was established in 2003.
She received her Ph.D degree in Curriculum and Instruction from University of Pittsburgh, in 1990.
Her research interests include future curriculum design, innovation of models and modules for mLearning curriculum,
empirical methods in futures studies, instruction and learning quality, literacy education especially for indigenous group,
and education for aging people. Saedah Siraj is the principal author of the books Kurikulum Masa Depan (Future Curriculum),
Kajian Masa Depan dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum (Future Studies in Curriculum Development),
Rekabentuk Kurikulum: Teori Praktis (Curriculum Design: Teory and Practice), Pendidikan Anak-anak (Children Education),
Remaja dan Strategi Penyelesaian Masalah (Adolescent and Problem Solving Strategy), Design and Developmental
Research: Emergent Trends in Educational Research. Chief Editor of the book of mLearning: A New Dimension of Curriculum Advancement,
and Cognition and Learning: Issues and Strategies. She has published more than 150 articles locally and internationally.
Professor Saedah Siraj is a pioneer in research studies and publications in mLearning in Asia beginning with the hosting and
chairing of the international conference on mLearning in 2002. She is also a pioneer in the application of Futures Studies in education.
She has successfully secured approval to establish a HUB for experts in Faculty of Education to facilitate research,
development and expert services for the country. She has successfully produce more than 38 Phd graduate studends and
secured a number of research grants both university and national level. She is now chairman of the Curriculum Association of Malaysia.
- PHD(1990) (US), (CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION)Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh
- MED(1983) (UM), (Pendidikan Bahasa)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- DIPED, (Pendidikan Bahasa)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- BA(1977) (UM), (LINGUISTIK)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- Panel of Promotion Exercise Evaluator University of Malaya01 Mar 2003 - present (University Malaya)
- Editor-in- Chief for Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology22 Sep 2016 - present (National)
- Penilai Manuskrip Untuk Penerbitan UM Press22 Sep 2016 - present (University Malaya)
- Penilai Manuskrip Universiti Sains Malaysia10 Nov 2016 - present (National)
- AJK Kluster Pendidikan Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN)01 Aug 2016 - 31 Jul 2018 (National)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa Untuk Peperiksaan Ijazah Sarjana04 May 2016 - 03 May 2018 (Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education)
- Penyelaras Kursus06 Oct 2016 - 31 Jan 2017 (Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education)
- Pemeriksa Dalam Calon Ijazah Sarjana Pendidikan08 Nov 2016 - 08 Nov 2016 (Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education)
- Ahli Panel Seminar 111 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016 (Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education)
- Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tapisan Kenaikan Pangkat Pensyarah ke Gred DS54 dan Profesor14 Jun 2016 - 14 Jun 2016 (Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education)
- Dean02 Jun 2014 - 30 Jun 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Education)
- Dean01 Jul 2011 - 29 May 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Education)
- Acting Director01 Nov 2012 - 31 Dec 2013 (University Malaya's Centre for Family Development (Umcfd), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Panel of Promotion Exercise Evaluator University of Malaya (Mar 1, 2003-Dec 31, 2012)01 Mar 2003 - 31 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
- Dean01 Jul 2009 - 30 Jun 2011 (Dean Office, Faculty of Education)
- Dean Faculty of Education01 Jul 2009 - 30 Jun 2011 (University Malaya)
- Evaluator of University Malaya Research Grant Scheme (UMRG) (2008-2011)01 Oct 2008 - 30 Jun 2011 (University Malaya)
- Board of Institute of Higher Degree Committee Member (University of Malaya Senate Rep.) (2007-2011)01 Oct 2007 - 30 Jun 2011 (University Malaya)
- Board of Examiners for Doctoral Degree Committee Member (University of Malaya Senate Rep.), Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya (2007-2009) (2009-2011)01 Oct 2007 - 30 Jun 2011 (University Malaya)
- Master of Education Examination Committee Member, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (1991-2011)01 Jan 1991 - 30 Jun 2011 (Faculty)
- Bachelor of Islamic Education Examination Committee Member, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (1991-2011)01 Jan 2009 - 30 Jun 2011 (Faculty)
- Faculty of Education Studio Supervisor, University of Malaya (Jan 2002-Jan 2004)01 Jan 2002 - 30 Jun 2011 (Faculty)
- Higher Degree Committee Member, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (1991-2011)01 Jan 1991 - 30 Jun 2011 (Faculty)
- Committee of Humanities and Ethics Research Cluster University of Malaya (Jan 2009-Dec 2010)01 Jan 2009 - 31 Dec 2010 (University Malaya)
- Deputy Dean01 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2009 (Dean Office, Faculty of Education)
- Deputy Dean (Undergraduates Program) Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (2006-2008)01 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2009 (Faculty)
- Deputy Dean01 Sep 2006 - 31 Aug 2007 (Dean Office, Faculty of Education)
- Head of Quality, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (2006-2007)01 May 2006 - 01 May 2007 (Faculty)
- Deputy Dean01 Jun 2006 - 31 Aug 2006 (Dean Office, Faculty of Education)
- Head of Department01 Oct 2004 - 01 Mar 2006 (Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education)
- Head Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (Oct 1, 2004-Mar 1, 2006)01 Oct 2004 - 01 Mar 2006 (Faculty)
- Associate Professor of Curriculum University of Malaya (1993-2005)01 Jun 1993 - 01 Jun 2005 (University Malaya)
- Director, University Malaya Center for Family Development07 Jan 2003 - 06 Jan 2004 (University Malaya)
- Research Committee Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (Jan 2002-Jan 2004)01 Jan 2002 - 01 Jan 2004 (Faculty)
- Head of Department01 May 2001 - 01 Oct 2002 (Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education)
- Chairman of NADI Action Plan01 Jun 2001 - 31 Dec 2001 (Faculty)
- Head Department of Educational Development, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (Oct 1, 1999-Oct 11, 200101 Oct 1999 - 11 Oct 2001 (Faculty)
- Head of Department01 Oct 1999 - 01 Oct 2001 (Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education)
- Diploma of Education Examination Committee Member, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (1991-1999)01 Jan 1991 - 30 Jun 1999 (Faculty)
- Acting Deputy Dean Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (Apr 15, 1999-May 18, 1999)15 Apr 1999 - 18 May 1999 (Faculty)
- University of Malaya Main Library Committee Member (Faculty of Education Rep.) (1995-1997)01 Jan 1995 - 31 Dec 1997 (Faculty)
- Best Paper Certificate2017, International Journal of Education Science and Research, (International)
- Kertas Kerja Terbaik Persidangan Kebangsaan Isu-Isu Pendidikan Islam2016, Persatuan Intelektual Muslim Malaysia (PIMM), (National)
- Sumbangan Menjayakan Program Bersama Hospital Tanjong Karang2016, Hospital Tanjong Karang, (District)
- Anugerah Emas Pertandingan Penyelidikan dan Inovasi2016, Persidangan Antarabangsa Pendidikan Islam 2016 (ICIEd2016), (International)
- Bronze Prize of The Best Paper for The Paper Entitled With Problem Solving Strategies of Malaysian Secondary School Teachers2016, Educational Technology World Conference, (International)
- Best Paper Award2015, International Conference On Teaching & Learning (ICTL 2015), (International)
- UM Excellence Award2012, Universiti Malaya
- Anugerah Cemerlang Pengajaran 20122012, Universiti Malaya, (University)
- Anugerah Pensyarah Cemerlang 20122012, Universiti Malaya, (University)
- Anugerah Rekacipta & Inovasi Di Persidangan dan Ekspo Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa (Pecipta) 2011, Pusat Konvensyen Kuala Lumpur (Klcc) Pada 13-15 September 20112011, Universiti of Malaya, (National)
- Itex Gold Medal2010, 21 International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition ITEX 2010, (International)
- Sijil Perkhidmatan Setia2009, Universiti Malaya, (University)
- Khidmat Setia 30 Award2009, University of Malaya, (University)
- Gold Medal Award, Malaysian Technology Expo 2008 (Mte 08), Pwtc, Kuala Lumpur, 2008. (Group Research: Incase: Automated Program Advisor)2008, Malaysian Technology Expo 2008 (MTE), (National)
- Bronze Medal Award, 36th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008.2008, 36th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008, (International)
- Visiting Professor2008, University of Education Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, (International)
- Visiting Professor2008, University of Tehran, (International)
- Bronze Medal Award, Research, Invention and Innovation Expo, University of Malaya, 2007. (Group Research: a Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography of Special Education in Malaysia)2007, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2006, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Certificate2006, University of Malaya, (University)
- Silver Medal Award, Research, Invention and Innovation Expo, University of Malaya, 2006.(Group Research: Developing Local-Based Curriculum)2006, University of Malaya,
- Silver Medal Award, Research, Invention and Innovation Expo, University of Malaya, 2007. (Group Research: Jangkaan Masa Depan Perkembangan Teknologi dan Impaknya Kepada Kurikulum Sekolah Menengah/Future Forecasting On Technology Developments and Its Impacts On Secondary School Curriculum)2006, University of Malaya, (University)
- Excellence Service Award2005, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2005, University of Malaya, (University)
- Bronze Medal Award, National Exhibition and Conference On ICT and Development of Higher Public Learning Institution, 2005. (Group Research: Cosrepmal: a Search Engine for Malaysian Research Portal)2005, National Exhibition and Conference on ICT and Development of Higher Public Learning Institution, (National)
- Excellence Service Award2005, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2004, Universiti Malaya
- Visiting Professor2004, University of Ferdowsi at Mashhad, (International)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2002, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2001, Universiti Malaya
- Khidmat Setia 20 Award2001, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2000, University of Malaya, (University)
- Excellence Service Award1995, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award1993, University of Malaya, (University)
- Overseas Study Leave Award1987, University of Malaya, (University)
Article in Journal
Naimie, Z., Siraj, S., Abuzaid, R. A., Shagholi, R. (2010). HYPOTHESIZED LEARNERS TECHNOLOGY PREFERENCES BASED ON LEARNING STYLE DIMENSIONS, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 9(4), 83-93
Alam, G. M. (2009). Can governance and regulatory control ensure private higher education as business or public goods in Bangladesh?, African Journal of Business Management. 3(12), 890-906
Norardiana Abdul Aziz, Saedah Siraj, & Cik Aleha Ladin (2020). Tahap taksonomi pemikiran kritis dalam kalangan guru PSV. Journal of Educational Research and Indigenous Studies, vo.1 (1).
Nurul Hasna Hassan Ahmad Arifin Sapar Saedah Siraj. (2020). Analisis Kandungan Terhadap Penampilan Kandungan, Soalan Dan Aktiviti Buku Teks Bahasa Melayu Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah Tahap Dua: Data Anekdot . Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik April 2020, Bil. 8, Isu 2, 1-12.
Zaharah Hussin, and Ahmad Arifin Sapar, and Saedah Siraj, and Abdul Muqsith Ahmad, and Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil, and Nurulrabihah Mat Noh, (2020) Mendidik nilai kekeluargaan berteraskan pemikiran Ilahiyyah: konsensus pakar. Al-Hikmah, 12 (1). pp. 37-52.
Anizah Mohamed, Norlidah Alias, & Saedah Siraj (2019). Analisis keperluan modul kurikulum perkhidmatan kaunseling atas talian untuk pendidikan kerjaya sains kesihatan. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, Bil. 7, Isu 4, 11-29.
Faihan Dulayn Alotaibi, Saedah Siraj, & Wail Muil Alhaj Said Ismail (2019). Design and Development of Mobile E-Learning Model for Teaching Arabic Language Reading Skills to Non-Arabic Speakers in Higher Education Institutions. Opcion, vol. 35, no. 88, 385-447.
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Saedah Siraj, Nor Fariza Mohd Idris, Muhamad Asyraf Mansor, Nor Asiah Muhamad (2019). Potensi pembangunan modul kurikulum berasaskan kemahiran komuniti setempat bagi kanak-kanak bukan warganegara malaysia tanpa dokumen pengenalan diri: tinjauan awal. JUKU: Jurnal Kurikulum dan Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, Vol. 5, ms 15 -21.
Norardiana Abdul Aziz, Saedah Siraj, & Cik Noraleha Ladin (2019) . Aplikasi pemikiran kritis aemana pembelajaran berasaskan projek pendidikan seni visual dalam kalangan guuru pelatih. Jurnal Melayu Sedunia, v.2, no. 1, 352-379.
Nurul Hasna Hassan, Ahmad Arifin Sapar, & Saedah Siraj (2020). Analisis kandungan terhadap penampilan kandungan, soalan dan aktiviti buku teks bahasa melayu kurikulum standard sekolah rendah tahap dua: data anekdot, Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, Bil. 8, Isu 2, 1-12.
Nurul Hasna Hassan, Zaharah Hussin, Saedah Siraj, Ahmad Arifin Sapar, Zawawi Ismail. (2019). Kemahiran berfikir kritis dalam buku teks bahasa melayu kurikulum standard sekolah rendah tahap tahap II. JUKU: Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, Vol 7, n.1, ms. 18-29.
Nurul Rabiha Mat Noh, Saedah Siraj, & Siti Hajar Halili (2019). Aplikasi Teknik Fuzzy Delphi terhadap Keperluan Elemen Teknologi Sebgai Wadah Dalam Pembelajaran Berasaskan Pemikiran Rekabentuk. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, Vol. 34, 129 151.
R. Moganadass a/l Ramalingam, Siti Hajar Halili, & Saedah Siraj (2019). Students Perception on Implementing Personalized M-Learning to Support the Teaching and Learning of Food and Beverage Service Course. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, vol. 7, no. 3, 11-19.
Xiao Sai, Husaina Banu Kenayathulla & Saedah Siraj (2019). A Model for Youth Entrepreneuship Skills of the Community-based Leadership Training for the Urban Youth in China. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management (MOJEM), Vol. 7, Issue 3, 80-98.
Al-Huqbani, M.H., Siraj, S., & Ismail, W.M.A.S. (2018). Debate Strategy for Teaching Religious-Based Subject In The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Need Analysis. Biblioteca Digital Repositorio Academico, 85 (2018), 2477-9385
Al-Huqbanil, M.H., Siraj, S., & Ismail, W.M.A.S. (2018). Design and Development of Model for Teaching the Subject of Tawhid Using the In-Class Debate Strategy. Biblioteca Digital Repositoria Academico, 85 (2018), 2122-2138
Lawrence, A. Saedah Siraj, Kasful Asra, S., Zaharah Hussin, & Muhammad Helmi Norman. (2018). Burnout among Malaysian Teachers in Implementing Curricular Changes. The NewEducational Review, Vol. 51, No. 1/2018.
Noor Amy Afiza binti Mohd Yusof, Saedah Siraj, Mariani Md Nor, Azli bin Ariffin (2018). Fuzzy Delphi Method: Determining phase for multicultural-based model of peace education curriculum for preschool children. Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers & Teacher Education (JRPPTTE), Vol 8, 1, p 5-17.
Noor Amy Afiza binti Mohd Yusof, Saedah Siraj, Mariani Md Nor, Azli bin Ariffin (2018). Mengenal pasti keperluan pembinaan model kandungan kurikulum pendidikan keamanan berasaskan multibudaya untuk kanak-kanak prasekolah. Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak, Jilid7, 1-7.
Rashidah Binti Haji Mohd, Saedah Siraj & Zaharah Hussin (2018). Penilaian penggunaan modul pengajaran pantun melayu tingkatan 2 berasaskan maksud al-quran mengenai keindahan flora, fauna dan langit. JuPiDi : JURNAL KEPIMPINAN PENDIDIKAN, Bil. 5, Isu 4, ms 42-56
Rashidah Mohd, Saedah Siraj & Zaharah Hussin . (2018). Aplikasi Kaedah Fuzzy Delphi Dalam Pembangunan Modul Pengajaran Pantun Melayu Berasaskan Maksud Al-Quran Mengenai Keindahan Flora, Fauna Dan Langit Tingkatan 2 (Fuzzy Delphi Method Application In Developing Model Of Malay Poem Based On The Meaning Of The Quran About Flora, Fauna And Sky Form 2) , Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Melayu Jpbm (Malay Language Education Journal Mylej) , Issn: 2180-4842. Vol. 8, Bil. 2 (Nov. 2018): 57-67 (Non-Isi/Non-Scopus
Selvadurai, V., Kenayathulla, H. B., & Siraj, S. (2018). Financial Literacy Education and Retirement Planning in Malaysia. MOJEM: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 6(2), 41-66.
Asra, Saedah Siraj, Muhammad Tony Lim Abdullah, & Kasful Asra Sakika (2017). Kaedah Interpretive Structural Modeling Untuk Pembinaan Model Implementasi M-Pembelajaran Latihan Perguruan, Online Journal of Islamic Education (O-jIE) Volume 5, Issue 1, April 2017.
Asra, Saedah, S., Muhammad Ridhuan, T.L.A. & Kasful, A.S. (2017). Keperluan dan Penerimaan Guru Pelatih Terhadap Pelaksanaan M-Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan Guru. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, 5(3), 62-70
Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Jonathan Michael Spector (2017). Wikis for a Collaborative Problem-solving (CPS) module for Secondary School Science. Educational Technology & Society Journal, 20(1), 144-155 (ISI-Indexed)
Habibah @ Artini Ramliea, Zaharah Hussina, Saedah Siraja, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamild, Ahmad Arifin Sapara & Abdul Muqsith Ahmad. (2017).APLIKASI TEKNIK KUMPULAN NOMINAL (NOMINAL GROUP TECHNIQUE - NGT) DALAM PENYELIDIKAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Application of Nominal Group Technique NGT in Islamic Educational Research). Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, VOL. 11 (OCT) 2017: 125-138.
Habibah @ Artini Ramliea, Zaharah Hussina, Saedah Siraja, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamild, Ahmad Arifin Sapara & Abdul Muqsith Ahmada. TEKNIK KUMPULAN NOMINAL (NOMINAL GROUP TECHNIQUE - NGT) DALAM PENYELIDIKAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Application of Nominal Group Technique NGT in Islamic Educational Research), Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, VOL. 11 (OCT) 2017: 125-138
Radzi, N. M., Ghani, M. F. A. & Siraj, S. (2017). Design of Effective School-Based Financial Management Model in Malaysia Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Advanced Science Letters, 23, 3, 2023-2027.
Ramlan Mustapha, Zaharah Hussin, Saedah Siraj, Ghazali Darusalam. (2017)). Academic Dishonesty Among Higher Education Students: The Malaysian Evidence (2014 To 2016). KATHA, 13, 73-93.
Roslinda, A., Madhyazhagan, A.L.G, Saedah, S. & Mariani, M.N. (2017). Penyesuaian Psikososial Terhadap Tindak Balas Kedamaian (Peace) Dalam Kalangan Kanak-kanak Autisma Pelbagai Ethnik. Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship, 1 (1), 208-213.
Siti Farhah A.Aziz, Saedah Siraj, Zaharah Hussin, Nurul Ain Norman & Nur Izzah Norman (2017). Development of garden-based curriculum content model for indigenous primary school students. Science Journal of Business and Management, 5(5), 181-188.
Vittal, K., Madhyazhagen, A.L.G., Saedah, S., & Mariani, M.N. (2017). Coping Skills Psychosocial Adjustment and Peace among Parents of Multiethnic Individual with Learning Disabilities. Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship, 1(2), 31-42.
Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Jonathan Michael Spector (2016). Wikis for a Collaborative Problem-solving (CPS) module for Secondary School Science. Educational Technology & Society Journal, 20(1).
Kenayathulla, H. B., Alias, N., & Siraj, S. B. (2016). MALAYSIAN ELDERLY PERCEPTIONS ON CONTRIBUTION TO HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT. Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky= Actual Problems in Economics, (177), 284.
Ramlan Mustapha, Zaharah Hussin, Saedah Siraj, & Ghazali Darusalam. (2016). Islamic Religiosity Influence the Cheating Intention among Malaysian Muslim Students? A modified Theory of Planned Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 12, 389-406.
Shamsiah Banu Hanifar, Cik Zarina & Saedah Siraj (2016). A Synthesis of Spiritual Intelligence themes from Islamic & Western Philosophical Perspective. Journal of Religion & Health (Accepted for publication)
Abdullah, M.R.T.L., Siraj, S. & Yean, L.L (2015). Perception of Undergraduates on Their Language Competence Based on English Language National Examination Results. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humananities. Volume 23, 55-72
Alijah Ujang, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2015. Development of Health Education Leraning Module in Bac. TSELDPE Programme in TTI: Needs Analysis Study.The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science. 3(1); 23-33.
Aniza Mohd Said, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2015. Keperluan Model Kurikulum Berasaskan Intelektualisme Perubatan Herba Masa Depan. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik. UM 3(1) (Non- ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Mohd Ridhuan,M.J, Saedah, S., Farazila, Y., Nurulrabihah, M.N., Zaharah, H., & Ahmad Arifin, S. (2015). Aplikasi Teknik Fuzzy Delphi Terhadap Keperluan Elemen Keusahawanan Bagi Pensyarah Kejuruteraan Politeknik Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship, 5(1), 135-150
Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah, Saedah Siraj ,Asra , Zaharah Hussin,, Chin Hai Leng , Lim Li Yean . Interpretive structural activity-based mlearning implementation model of undergraduate English language learning: a theoretical mapping. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 176 ( 2015 ) 299 306 (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
Ngu Kee Shing, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Husaina Banu Kenayathulla, Dorothy DeWitt & Zaharah Hussin. 2015.Skills Perceived Needed and Confidence Level Among The Elderly in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. The Online Journal of Quality in Higher Education. July 2015. Vol 2 Issue 3.
Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, & Saedah Siraj. (2015).Development Of An Effective School-Based Financial Management Profile In Malaysia: The Delphi Method Application. Educational Research and Reviews, 10(12), 1679-1694 (SCOPUS- Cited Publication)
T.Vanitha Thanabalan, Saedah Siraj & Norlidah Alias.2015. Evaluation of a Digital Pedagogical Module for the Indigenous Learners Using the Stake Countenance Model. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 14(2): 63-72. (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
Tey Nai Ping, Saedah Siraj, Shahrul Bahyah Kamaruzzaman, Ali Vyrn Chin, Maw Pin Tan, Glaret Shirley Sinnappan & Andre Matthias Muller (2015).Aging in Multi-Ethnic Malaysia. The Gerontologist, 00(00), 1-7
Aniza Mohd Said, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2014. Pembangunan Intelektualisme Perubatan Herba Orang Asli. Jurnal Isu Pendidikan UM. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
DeWitt, D., Siraj, S., & Alias, N. (2014). Collaborative mLearning: A Module for Learning Secondary School Science.Educational Technology & Society, 17 (1), 89-101. (ISI Tier 1: Impact Factor: 1.171)
DeWitt, D.;Norlidah Alias; Saedah Siraj; Abd Razak Zakaria (2014). Interactions in Online Forums: A Case Study Among First-Year Undergraduate Students. Frontiers in Education, 2 (1), 6-13.
Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2014. The Design and Development of A Collaborative mLearning Prototype for Malaysian Secondary School Science. Educational Technology Research & Development 62:461-480. 2014. (ISI Tier 1 Impact Factor 1.155)
Habibah @ Artini Ramlie, Zaharah Hussin, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil, Ahmad Arifin Sapar, Saedah Siraj, Nurul Rabihah Mat Noh. 2014. Aplikasi Teknik Fuzzy Delphi Terhadap Keperluan Aspek Riadhah Ruhiyyah untuk Profesionalisme Perguruan Pendidikan Islam. The Online Journal of Islamic Education 2(2) : 53-72. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Husaina Banu Kenayathulla, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2014. Malaysian Elderly Perceptions on Contribution to Haman Capital Development. Adult Education Quarterly. (ISI Journal: under review) (ISI- Cited Publication)
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Mohamad Muhidin Patahol Wasli, Aniza Mohd Said, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj. 2014. Model Sumber Pembelajaran Home Education Berasaskan Internet: Pendekatan Interpretive Structural Modeling. Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan. 1(2) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Muhamad Muhidin Patahol Wasli, Zanariah Ahmad, Aniza Mohd Said, saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias & Zaharah Hussin. 2014. Aplikasi Pendekatan Fuzzy Delphi untuk Membangunkan Pembelajaran Kanak-kanak Homeschooling Menggunakan Media Animasi Interaktif. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik (JuKu)2 (4). (Non-ISI/Non- SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & Dorothy DeWitt. 2014. Pembangunan Model Homeschooling Nilai Sosiobudaya Masyarakat Orang Asli: Analisis Keperluan. Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan UM.34. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Rosman bin Ishak, Juhara Ayob, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias, Rohani Abdul Aziz & Ruslina Ibrahim. 2014. Transformasi Bentuk Pentaksiran dan Penilaian dalam Buku Teks: Aplikasi Interprative Structural Modelling (ISM). Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik 2(2): 16 (Non- ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil, Saedah Siraj, Farazila Yusof, Nurulrabihah Mat Noh, Zaharah Hussin & Ahmad Arifin Sapar. (2014).Keperluan Kemahiran Generik dan Nilai Bagi Program Kejuruteraan Berasaskan Workbased Learning Politeknik Malaysia. Jurnal Isu dalam Pendidikan. jilid 38,2. hal.73-78. (Non-ISI/Non- SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Rosnah Ishak, Saedah Siraj, Husaina Banu Kenayathulla & Gary M. Crow. (2014). The effectiveness of learning organisation in a high performing school in Terengganu. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik , 2,3, 22-42. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Ngu Kee Shing, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Husaina Banu Kenayathulla, Dorothy DeWitt & Zaharah Hussin (2014). Kajian dan Tren dalam Bidng Intergenerasi Dari Tahun 2000-2013. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik 2(2): 35- (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Norlidah Alias, Dorothy DeWitt & Saedah Siraj. 2014. An Evaluation of Gas Law WebQuest Based on Active Learning Style in a Secondary School in Malaysia. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education. 10(3),175-184. ISI Tier 2 Impact factor 0.409. (ISI-Cited Publication)
Norlidah Alias,Dorothy DeWitt, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Rashidah Begum Gelamdin & Rose Amnah Abdul Raof. 2014. Implementation of PTechLS Module in Rural Malaysian Secondary School: A Needs Analysis. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 2(1): 30-35 (Non-ISI/Non- SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Rosnah Ishak, Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani & Saedah Siraj. (2014). LEARNING ORGANIZATION LEADERSHIP PRACTICES IN the selected MALAYSIAN HIGH PERFORMANCE SCHOOLS. Journal of Educational Leadership, 1,2, 1-12. (Non- ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
Siti Hajar Halili, Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Rana AhmedAbuzaid & Chin Hai Leng. 2014. Learning styles and gender differences of USM distance learners. Procedia of Social & Behavioral Science.141(2014),1369-1372
T.Vanitha Thanabalan, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias.2014. Development of a Responsive Literacy Pedagogy Incorporating Technology for the Indigenous Learners in Malaysia. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 13(2). (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
T.Vanitha Thanabalan, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias, Dorothy DeWitt & Zaharah Hussin. 2014. Design of a Responsive Technological Content Knowledge (R-TPACK) Model for the Indigenous Children in Malaysia. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher.(Submitted for special issue: under review) (ISI-Cited Publication)
Abu Bakar Nordin, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2013. National Integration in Multicultural School Setting in Malaysia.The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science 1(1): 20-29
Abu Bakar Nordin, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2013. Assessing Quality Assurance for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Malaysia: Reflecting on its Policy and Processes.Life Science Journal. Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition. 10(1): 1222-1232.
Afshari, M., Ghavifekr, S., Siraj, S., & Jing, D. (2013). Student's attitude towards computer-assisted language learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103(2013), 852-859.
Alias, N., Dewitt, D., Siraj, S., Kamaruddin, S.N.A.S., & Daud, M.K.A.M. (2013). A content analysis of wikis in selected journals from 2007 to 2012. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103(2013), 28-36.
DewitT, D., Alias, N., Siraj, S., Yaakub, M.Y., Ayob, Juhara., & Ishak R. (2013). The Potential of Youtube for teaching and learning in the performing arts. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103 (2013), 1118-1126.
Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2013. Merekabentuk Interaksi bagi Pembelajaran Dalam Talian: Pedagogi Modul CmL. Jurnal Kurikulum dan Pengajaran Asia Pasifik 1(1):19-27.
Dorothy DeWitt, Saedah Siraj & Norlidah Alias, 2013. Online Communication: The Implementation of the Collaborative mLearning Science Module in a Malaysian Secondary School. Life Science Journal (Submitted under review)
Dorothy DeWitt, Saedah Siraj & Norlidah Alias. 2013. Collaborative mLearning: A Module for Learning Secondary Science. Journal of Educational Technology and Society (accepted).
Dorothy DeWitt, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias & Hai Leng, Chin. 2013. Retrospective Evaluation of a Collaborative Learning Science Module: The Users' Perspective. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 1(2): 33-43.
Dorothy DeWitt, Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj(2013) Technology Applications Used by First Year Undergraduates in a Malaysian Public University Original Research Article Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 103, 26 November 2013, Pages 937-945 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
Fathen Suriati Jusoh, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Dorothy DeWitt, Zaharah Hussin & Ghazali Darusalam. 2013.Research and Trends in the Studies Native & Non- native Speaker Teachers of Languages: A Review on Selected Research and Theses. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science 1(1): 30 - 42
Ghavifekr, S., Afshari, M., Siraj, S., & Seger, K. (2013). ICT Application for Administration and management: A Conceptual Review. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103 (2013), 1344-1351.
Glaret Shirley, S. Saedah S, Maznah, R.H., M. Fairus. (2013). Promote higher order thinking skills in designing interface. Life Sci J. 10 (4): 1256-1262.
Goh Bak Hau, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias, Rose Amnah Abd. Rauf, Abd. Razak Zakaria & Ghazali Darusalam.2013. Research and Trends in the Field of Technology-Enhanced Learning from 2006 to 2011: A Content Analysis of Quick Response Code (QR-Code) and Its Application in Selected Studies. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 1(1): 54-72
Ida Soraya Hamidon, Norlidah Alias*, Saedah Siraj, K. Kokila, Mariani Mohammed, T. Vanita Thanabalana, 2013.Potential of Twitter in Post-reading Activities Among Community College Students in Malaysia.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 ( 2013 ) 725 734 (ISI-Indexed)
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj. 2012. Homeschooling:Pendidikan Era Teknologi Maklumat di Malaysia. Jurnal Isu Pendisikan UM. (Accepted)
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & Zaharah Hussin. 2013. Inovasi dan Kreativiti Dalam Rekabentuk Buku Teks Sekolah Menengah: Aplikasi Pendekatan Intrepretive Structural Modelling (ISM). Jurnal Kurikulum dan Pengajaran Asia Pasifik 1(1)
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & Dorothy DeWitt (2013). Textbook Content Transformation: Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) Approach.Life Science Journal. 10(1): 1736-1745
Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & Dorothy DeWitt. 2013. Textbook Content Transformation: Instructional Structural Modelling (ISM) Approach. Life Science Journal 10 (1): 1736-1745.
Norlidah Alias*, Dorothy DeWitt, Saedah Siraj. 2013. Design and development of Webquest for Physics Module by employing Isman Instructional Design Model.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 ( 2013 ) 273 280
Norlidah Alias*, Saedah Siraj, Chin Yen Looi, Dorothy DeWitt, Mohammad Attaran, Limalini Raveendran & Bhavaani Elamtho Thevar. 2013. Projection on the Use of Social Networking Site in Post Reading Activities. Archives Des Sciences 66(1):709-718.
Norlidah Alias*, SaedahSiraj, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Alijah Ujang,Rashidah Begum Gelamdin, Aniza Mohd Said. 2013.Research and trends in the studies of WebQuest from 2005 to 2012: A content analysis of publications in selected journals.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 ( 2013 ) 763 772
Norlidah Alias, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Saedah Siraj & Ruslina Ibrahim. 2013. A Model of Homeschooling based on Technology in Malaysia. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 1(3): 10-16 (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS)
Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Dorothy DeWitt, Mohammad Attaran, Abu Bakar Nordin. 2013. Evaluation on the Usability of Physics Module in a Secondary School in Malaysia: Students' Retrospective. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology 1(1): 44- 53
Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Khairul Azman Md Daud & Zaharah Hussin. 2013. Effectiveness of Facebook Based Learning to Enhance Creativity Among Islamic Studies Students By Employing Isman Instructional Design Model. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 12(1): 60-67
Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Khairul Azman Md Daud & Zaharah Hussin. 2013. Effectiveness of Facebook Based Learning to Enhance Creativity Among Islamic Studies Students By Employing Isman Instructional Design Model. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 12(1): 60-67 (ISI-Cited Publication)
Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, DeWitt, D. (2103). "Homeschooling in Malaysia: The Implications for Teacher Services", Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management (MOJEM), 1(2)
Nur Diana Mohd Kamal, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias & Mohammad Attaran. 2013. Research and Trends in the Studies of School-Based Oral English Assessment from 2003 to 2011: A Review of Selected Journals. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science.
Nurulrabihah Mat Noh, Siti Hajar Abd Razak, Norlidah Alias*, Saedah Siraj,Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil & Zaharah Hussin. 2013. Usage Of Facebook: The Future Impact Of Curriculum Implementation On Students In Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 ( 2013 ) 1261 1270.
Rosman, F., Alias, N., Siraj, S., Kenayathullah, H. B., Zakaria, A. R., Darusalam, G. 2013. Potential of video games in learning Bahasa Melayu vocabulary among international university students in Malaysia: A meta analysis of selected journals Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Ruslina Ibrahim, Rohani Abdul Aziz, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Dorothy DeWitt & Chin Hai Leng.2013. Kajian dan Trend dalam Bidang Homeschooling dari tahun 2000 hingga 2012: Analisis Kandungan Jurnal Terpilih. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik 1 (2):12-19. Pendidikan UM.
Saiman, K., Sinnatamby, S., Mustafa, L.M. Alias, N., & Siraj, S. (2013). Impact of Video on Learning in Student with Austism in Malaysia: Future Prospects. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103 (2013), 459-466.
Sanif, S.N.A.M., Hussin, Z., Senom, F., Siraj, S., & Putih, A.T. (2013). Nature exquisiteness based digital photography arts project for creativity enhancement among low achievers students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103 (2013), 675-684.
Siti Zuraida Maaruf & Saedah Siraj (2013). The State of Technology and Arts-Interactive Multimedia in Enhancing Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103(2013), 1171-1180.
Siti Zuraida Maaruf, Saedah Siraj, Khadijah Said Hashim & Voviana Zulkifli. (2013). The Tolerant Classroom: Challenges in Fostering Multi-Ethnic Tolerance in Visual Arts Education. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 90(2013), 795-802.
Wail Muin (al-Haj Said) Ismail, Zaharah Hussin, Adelina Asmawi & Saedah Siraj. (2013). A comparative study on the relationship between meta-cognitive thinking and motivation for achievement among gifted and non-gifted secondary school students in Irbid, Jordan. The online Journal of Distance and e-Learning, Vol 1, issue 3, 1- 13. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS)
Zahra Naimie, Dorothy Dewitt, Saedah Siraj, Chin Hai Leng, Norasmatul Akma, Rana Abuzaid(2013)You are Given the Choice: Which do you Like the Most? (Linking Learning Styles with Technology Preferences) Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 103, 26 November 2013, Pages 1352- 1356 (SCOPUS-Indexed)
Aminah Ma Ping, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias, Zaharah Hussin & Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah.2012. Development of Self-Reglated Vocabulary Learning Strategy Instructional Module: From Theory to Practice. (In Press). Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
Christopher Kalu Okwun & Saedah Siraj (2012). Effects of Counselling on In-school Adolescents about HIV/AIDS in Malaysia (JLS11082401). Journal of Life Sciences. Feb 2012
Hoque, K.E.,Rahmad Sukur Abd. Samad, Saedah Siraj and Ziyadh A.2012.The Role of ICT in School Management of Maldives, The New Educational Review, 27(1),270-282 (An ISI Cited Publication)
Mohammad Attaran, Saedah Siraj & Norlidah Alias. 2012. Nomadic Learning Culture: Narratives of a teacher. Life Science Journal. 9(4):5943-5948
Mohammed Sani Ibrahin,Saedah Siraj&Siti Junaidah Mohd Mujir.Multidimensional Leadership Orientations and Lecturers' Work Commitment: The Mediation of Leadership Effectiveness Among Malaysian Polytechnic Heads of Department.AJTLHE Vol.4. No.2 hlm 33-50
Mojgan Afshari,Kamariah Abu Bakar,Wong Su Lan & Saedah Siraj.2012.Factors Affecting The Transformational Leadership Role of Principals in Implementing ICT in Schools.The Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology.11(4):164-176
Naimie.Z, Siraj.S, Abdul Aziz.A, Ahmad.NA, Abu Kasim.NH, Abuzaid.RA.2012. Pride and Prejudice.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 46,2012, Pages 5883-5887. Available online at www. Science direct .com. procedia social and behavior science (2012)
Naimie.Z,Siraj.S,Ahmad.NA,AbdulAziz.A,Abu Kasim.NH,Abuzaid.RA.2012. Have you heard about the new fashion? (Tailoring your lesson plan based on learners preferences),Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 46,2012,Pages 5840-5844. Available online at www. Science direct .com. procedia social and behavior science (2012)
Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2012. Design and Development of Physics Module based on Learning Style and Appropriate Technology by Employing Isman Instructional Design Model.(Vol 11,Issue 4,2012). Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Asra, Ruslina Ibrahim, Yusliza Baharin, Deny Indahsari.2012.The Expectation of Future Ofhomeschooling i its Impacton Curriculum in Malaysia.Journalof the Comparative Education Society of Asia 4(1):1-14
Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj.2012. Effectiveness of Isman Instructional Design Model in Developing Physics Module based on Learning Style and Appropriate Technology.Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 64, Pages 12-17, November 2012.
Saeid Safaei Movahhed; Mohammad Attaran; Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj.2012. Hidden curriculum in selection of thesis supervisor: a case study. Teaching in Higher Education. (Submitted- under review) (ISI-Indexed)
Siraj, S. , Zakaria, A. , Alias, N. , Dewitt, D. , Kannan, P. & Ganapathy, J. (2012). Future Projection on Patriotism among School Students Using Delphi Technique. Creative Education, 3, 1053-1059. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.326158.
Alshemmeri, F., Putih, A., Siraj, S., Khan, A., Abdallah, N. (2011). Art Ability and Academic Achievement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Role of Age and Sex. New Educational Review, 26 (4), 238-247. (ISI-Cited Publication)
Anita Azura Shahar, Rosnah Ishak, Abd. Khalil Adnan, Mohd. Helmee Firdaus Salehudin, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj,2011. Jangkaan Budaya Pembelajaran Guru Masa Depan. Jurnal Pendidikan Fakulti Pendidikan UM 2011 (InPress) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS)
Chin Hai Leng & Saedah Siraj (2011). Penggunaan Model penilaian Stake Countenance dalam penilaian laman portal tatabahasa Bahasa Melayu tingkatan 2. Jurnal Pendidikan (Jouran of Educational Research). Edisi Khas, 182-210.
Chin Hai Leng&Saedah Siraj.2011. Penggunaan Model Penilaian Stake Countenance Dalam Penilaian laman Portal Tatabahasa Melayu Tingkatan Dua. Jurnal Pendidikan Edisi Khas 2011:182-210
Dorothy DeWitt & Saedah Siraj (2011). Design and development of a collaborative mlearning module for secondary school science in Malaysia: addressing learners needs of the use and perceptions of technology. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2 (2), 471-475. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (www.sciencedirect.com)
Fauziah Rosman,Zul Fikri Zamir Mohd Munir,Saedah Siraj & Norlidah Alias.2011.Potensi Permainan Video dalam Kurikulum Masa Depan.Masalah Pendidikan Edisi Khas 79- 87
Hailan Salamun, Rahimah Ahmad, Saedah Siraj, Zawawi Ismail & Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani (2011). Amalan Kejelekitan Kumpulan Guru Dalam Kalangan Pengetua Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama. Transformasi Pendidikan Ke Arah Pendidikan Bertaraf Dunia. Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Malaya.
Misyati Amat Sehab,Muhammad Faizal A.Ghani, Norfariza Mohd. Radzi & Saedah Siraj.2011.Amalan Pengurusan Strategi Dalam Kalangan Kepimpinan Sekolah Menengah Agama Di Selangor, Selangor.Jurnal Pemikiran Islam 17 (31):281-313
Mojgan Afshari, Saedah Siraj & Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani (2011). The Moderating Role of Training on the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Creativity. Life Science Journal.8(4),537-541. (ISI- Cited Publication)
Mojgan Afshari, Saedah Siraj, Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani & Marjan Afshari (2011). Leadership and creativity. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. (Indexed in: Scopus, Thomson Reuter, Ulrich Periodicals, EBSCO HOST, CABI, DOAJ).(Accepted for publication)
Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Mohd Rofidzan Abd Manap, Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Mohd Helmee Firdaus Salehudin, Saedah Siraj, Zawawi Ismail, Shahril@Charil Marzuki & Faisol Elham (2011). Different principals leadership's academic background: A comparison. Journal of Educational Research, Special Edition 2011, 211-239
Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Shahril @ Chairil Marzuki, Saedah Siraj, Adanan Basar, Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Faisol Elham, Mojgan Afshari, Mohd Helmee Firdaus Salehudin, Zawawi Ismail & Hailan Salamun (2011). Model Sekolah Berkesan: Satu Cadangan. Transformasi Pendidikan Ke Arah Pendidikan Bertaraf Dunia. Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Malaya.
Muhammad Faizal A.Ghani, Mohd. Rofidzan Abdul Manap, Norfariza Mohd. Radzi, Mohd. Helmee Firdaus Salehuddin, Saedah Siraj, Zawawi Ismail, Shahril@Charil Marzuki & Faisol Ilham (2011). Kepimpinan pengetua aliran akademik dan agama: Satu kajian awal. Jurnal Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Research), Edisi Khas, 211-239.
Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah & Saedah Siraj.2011.The Four C's of Mobile Capability as Guiding Prinsipal for M-Learning design: A Shift of Learners' Focus away From Tecnhology.Masalah Pendidikan Edisi Khas:105-114
Muniswari a/p Subramaniam, Saedah Siraj, Zul Fikri Zamir Mohd Mohd & Sharifah Nor Atifah Syed Kamarud- din.2011. Pemahaman Aprehensif dalam Taksonomi Intelek aktif: Satu Analisis Kandungan Terhadap Kurikulum Bahasa Inggeris Sekolah Rendah.2011.Masalah Pendidikan Edisi Khas 2011:45-50
Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & T. Vanitha Thanabalan (2011). An Evaluation on the usability of physics module: Teachers' retrospective. Jurnal Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Research), Edisi Khas, 167-181.
Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, T.Vanitha Thanabalan.2011. An Evaluation On The Usability Of Physics Module: Teachers' Retrospective. Jurnal Of Educational Research, Special Edition, 2011:167-181
T.Vanitha Thanabalan, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias & Zaharah Hussin. 2011. A Literacy Pedagogy for Orang Asli Students: Some Theoretical Considerations. Masalah Pendidikan Edisi Khas:37-50
Zul Fikri Mohd Munir, Saedah Siraj, Muniswari a/p Subramaniam & Sharifah Nor Atifah Syed Kamarud- din.2011. Imaginasi Taksonomi Intelek dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Jasmani Sekolah rendah.Masalah Pendidikan Edisi Khas:27-35
Ahmad Sobri Shuib, Saedah Siraj, & Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah (2010). M-Learning Curriculum Design for secondary school: a needs analysis. WASET: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 66, 1638-1643. (http://www.waset.org/journals/waset/v66/v66-253.pdf)
Christopher Kalu Okwun & Saedah Siraj (2010). Family and Marriage Counseling and HIV/Aids Pandemic in Nigeria. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 1, Issue 4, 237- 241
Fatimah Hashim, Gazi Mahabubul Alam, & Saedah Siraj (2010, Feb). E-management for administrative efficiency in higher education through participatory decision-making. WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 2(9), 73-82. (http://portal.acm.org/results.cfm?h=1&cfid=11764724&cftoken=43743872)
Fatimah Hashim, Gazi Mahabubul Alam, & Saedah Siraj (2010). Information and communication technology for participatory based decision-making-E-management for administrative efficiency in higher education. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 5(4), 383- 392. (ISSN 1992-1950). (http://www.academicjournals.org/IJPS).
Kazi Enamul Hoque, Saedah Siraj, & Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani (2010). Impact of principals managemerial roles under school-based management on school improvement at urban secondary school of Bangladesh. International Scientific Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 1 (2), 1-18
Melati Sumari, Zaharah Hussin, & Saedah Siraj (2010). Factors contributing to academic achievement and moral development: a qualitative study. International Journal of Research and Review, 5(2), 18-23. (http://journalofresearchandreview.books.officelive.com/Documents/V5%282%29_TIJRR.pdf)
Melati Sumari, Zaharah Hussin, & Saedah Siraj. (2010). Factors contributing to academic achievement and moral development: A qualitative study. International Journal of Research and Review, 5(2), 18-23.
Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Saedah Siraj, Shahril @ Charil Marzuki, & Mohd. Rashid Mohd Saad (2010). Development of effective school model for Malaysia: a Delphi study. Jurnal Internasional Manajemen Pendidikan, Special Edition 2010, 67-79. (http://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/jmp)
Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Shahril@Charil Marzuki, Saedah Siraj, & Maszuria Adam (2010). Model sekolah bermutu: perubahan ke arah penambahbaikan dalam pendidikan (Model school quality: changes to the improvement in education). Nusantara Education Review, 4(2), 31-45
Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Shahril@Charil Marzuki, Saedah Siraj & Maszuria Adam (2010). Model sekolah bermutu: Perubahan ke arah penambahbaikan dalam pendidikan (Model school quality: Changes to the improvement in education). Nusantara Education Review, 4(2), 31-45
Norhazliana Mohd Hasan Abdullah, Saedah Siraj, Zaharah Hussin & Norlidah Alias.2010. Isu Kritikal Penggunaan Tulisan Jawi Dalam Perlaksanaan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam Peringkat Sekolah Menengah: Pandangan Pakar. Jurnal Pendidikan Jilid 30:63-84
Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj (2010). Pertimbangan Kritikal Dalam Pelaksanaan Teknik Delphi. Masalah Pendidikan Jilid 33: Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Malaya.
Norlidah Alias & Saeddah Siraj. 2010. Teachers' usability evaluation on Physics Module. Proceeding TOJET,Istanbul Turkey.(ISI) (ISI-Indexed)
Reihaneh Shagholi, Sufean Hussin, Saedah Siraj, Zahra Naimie, Fereshteh Assadzadeh, Huda Al-Hejaili,2010. Investigation on participatory management and identify the constraints. journal Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,2(2:378-382.
Reihaneh Shagholi, Sufean Hussin, Saedah Siraj, Zahra Naimie, Fershteh Assadzadeh, & Farzaneh Moayedi (2011). Value creation through trust, decision making and teamwork in educational environment. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 255 259. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (www.sciencedirect.com)
Saedah Siraj, Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Shahril @ Charil Marzuki, Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Maszuria Adam, & Adnan Basar (2010). Pelaksanaan amalan sekolah berkesan di sekolah cemerlang di dua buah negara sedang membangun: satu panduan (Implementation of effective school practices at excellent schools in two developing countries: a guide). Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan (Journal of Management Education), 1(6), 54-76. (http://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/jmp)
Saedah Siraj, Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Shahril@Charil Marzuki, Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Maszuria Adam & Adnan Basar(2010). Pelaksanaan amalan sekolah berkesan di sekolah cemerlang di dua buah negara sedang membangun: Satu panduan (Implementation of effective school practices in schools excel in two developing countries: A guide). Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan (Journal of Management Education), 1(VI), 54-76.
Suseela Malakolunthu, Saedah Siraj, & Nagappan C Rengasamy (2010). Multicultural education as a reform initiative: reconstructing teacher preparation for Malaysian Vision Schools. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 19(3), 453-464. (http://philjol.org/index.php/TAPER/issue/view/240)
Zahra Naimie, Rana Ahmed Abuzaid, Saedah Siraj, Reihaneh Shagholi, & Huda Al-Hejaili (2011). Do you know where I can find the new center which is called Cognitive styles and language learning strategies link ? Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 497 500. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (www.sciencedirect.com)
Alam, G. M., Khalifa, M. T. B. 2009. The impact of introducing a business marketing approach to education: A study on private HE in Bangladesh African Journal of Business Management. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.107)
Alam, G. M., Hoque, K. E., Khalifa, M. T. B., Siraj, S. B., Ghani, M. 2009. The role of agriculture education and training on agriculture economics and national development of Bangladesh African Journal of Agricultural Research
Alam, G. M., Khalifa, M. T. B., Shahjamal, M. M. 2009. Return from education system in Bangladesh: An investigation on comparative flashback scenario African Journal of Business Management. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.107)
Alam, G. M. 2009. The role of science and technology education at network age population for sustainable development of Bangladesh through human resource advancement Scientific Research and Essays
Gazi Mahabubul Alam, Kazi Enamul Hoque, Md Taher Billal Khalifa, Saedah Siraj & Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani (2009). The role of agriculture education and training on agriculture economics and national development of Bangladesh. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(12), 1334-1350
Gazi Mahabubul Alam, Kazi Enamul Hoque, Md Taher Billal Khalifa, Saedah Siraj, & Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani(2009, Dec). The role of agriculture education and training on agriculture economics at national development of Bangladesh. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(12), 1334-1350. (http://www. academicjournals.org/AJAR)
Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Saedah Siraj, Norfariza Mohd. Radzi & Maszuria Adam (2009). Kepimpinan moral pengetua pemacu keberkesanan sekolah: satu tinjauan awal (Moral leadership of the principal drivers of school effectiveness: an early survey). Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan (Journal of Management Education), 2(5), 13-26. (http://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/jmp)
Saedah Siraj, Fadzilah Siraj, & Hamidah Sulaiman (2009). Students behavioral pattern and motivation taxonomy towards learning. Jurnal Pendidikan, Journal or Educational Research, 29(1), 15-26. (http://umexpert.um.edu.my/papar_cv.php? id=AAAJxnAAQAAAGEUAAE)
Yusuf Abdul Kadir, Saedah Siraj & Zaharah Hussin (2009). Analisis diskrepansi pelaksanaan kurikulum qiraat saba'ah di sebuah sekolah menengah.Jurnal Pendidikan UM 29 (2):93-119. (Non- ISI/Non-Scopus)
ZAHARAH HUSSIN, SAEDAH SIRAJ, M.FAIZAL ABD. GHANI & GHAZALI DARUSALAM.(2009). Kemahiran Keibubapaan dalam mendidik anak-anak. JURNAL MASALAH PENDIDIKAN. 32: 205- 232. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS)
Zohreh Abadi Kargiban & Saedah Siraj (2009). A pedagogical development model on Chemistry teaching through Computer-assisted Guided Inquiry. World Applied Sciences Journal, 6(4), 570-578. (http://www.idosi.org/wasj/wasj6(4)/20.pdf)
Zohreh Abedi Kargiban & Saedah Siraj (2009). The utilization and integrating of ICT in Chemistry teaching in Iranian high schools. World Applied Sciences Journal, 6(11), 1447-1456 (http://www.idosi.org/wasj/wasj6%2811%29/2.pdf)
Saedah Siraj & Asrar Abdul Malik (2008). Future-oriented curriculum planning. International Journal of Education, 2(1), 27-59. (http://ije.jurnal.upi.edu/category/ije-vol-2-no-1/)
Saedah Siraj & Azdalila Ali (2008). Principals projections on the Malaysian secondary school future curriculum. International Education Studies, 1(4), 61-78. (http://www.ccsenet.org/ies/)
Saedah Siraj & Azdalila Ali (2008). Principals projections on the Malaysian secondary school future curriculum. International Education Studies, 1(4), 61- 78. (http://www.ccsenet.org/ies/)
Saedah Siraj, & Asrar Abdul Malik (2008). Future-oriented curriculum planning. Journal of Education, 2(1), 27-59.
Saedah Siraj, Reihaneh Shagholi, & Zahra Naimie (2007). Participatory management dimensions: implications towards educational leadership training curriculum. The International Journal of Learning, 14(2), 91-96. [Indexed in: ASSIA (Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts)of Australian Department of Education,Science and Training] (http://www.Learning-Journal.com) (http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.30/prod.131)
Saedah Siraj, Zahra Naimie, & Reihaneh Shagholi (2007). Relationship between cognitive style with leadership-management and curriculum management: a review. The International Journal of Learning, 14(9), 23-33. [Indexed in: ASSIA (Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts) of Australian Department of Education,Science and Training] (http://www.Learning-Journal.com) (http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.30/prod.131)
Saedah Siraj. Naimie, Zahra & Shagholi, Reihaneh. .2007. Relationship between cognitive styles with Leadership and management and curriculum management: a review. The international journal of Learning, 14(9),23-34
Saedah Siraj & Norhayati Sulaiman (2006). Jangkaan masa depan terhadap keperluan tenaga kerja dan penambahbaikan sistem pendidikan (Future projection on the workforce need and the improvement of education system). Jurnal Pendidikan, Journal of Educational Research, 26, 189-210. (http://myais.fsktm.um.edu.my/view/type/article/Jurnal_Pendidikan.html)
Saedah Siraj, & Norhayati Sulaiman (2006). Jangkaan masa depan terhadap keperluan tenaga kerja dan penambahbaikan sistem pendidikan (Future projection on the workforce need and the improvement of education system). Jurnal Pendidikan, Journal of Educational Research, 26, 189-210
Saedah Siraj & Jamiah Jahim (2005). Sekolah-makmal sebagai pusat penyelidikan pendidikan guru (Laboratory School as the teacher education research center). Masalah Pendidikan, Issues in Education, 28, 153-162. (http://myais.fsktm.um.edu.my/view/type/article/Masalah_Pendidikan.html)
Saedah Siraj, & Faridah Abdullah (2005). Jangkaan masa depan terhadap aplikasi teknologi dalam kandungan kurikulum dan penilaian sekolah menengah: satu kajian Delphi (Future projection on the technology applications in the curriculum content and evaluation at secondary level: a Delphi study). Jurnal Pendidikan, Journal of Educational Research, 25, 5-26
Saedah Siraj, & Nabihah Badar (2005). Malaysian secondary school students preference in learning Physics: implications to the teaching strategies. International Journal of Learning, 10, 3559-3572. [Online] http://www.Learning-Journal.com
Saedah Siraj, and Norlidah Alias (2005). An evaluation of mLearning in a primary school at Kuala Lumpur based on Stake s Countenance of Educational Evaluation Model (SCEEM). International Learning Journal. [in review]
Saedah Siraj & Ahmad Sobri Shuib (2004). Preferen pelajar terhadap teknik pengajaran guru (Student preference towards educator s instructional technique). Jurnal Pendidikan, Journal of Educational Research, 24, 93-112. (http://myais.fsktm.um.edu.my/view/type/article/Jurnal_Pendidikan.html)
Saedah Siraj & Zaharah Hussin (2004). Content analysis of critical thinking skills in upper secondary Islamic Education textbooks. Mutala at Tarbiyati va Ravashinasi (Journal of Education and Psychology), 9, 119-34. [University of Ferdowsi]. (http://www.Magiran.com/magtoc.asp?mgID=3695& Number=9)
Saedah Siraj (2004). Pembelajaran Mobile dalam Kurikulum Masa Depan (Mobile Learning in Future Curriculum). Masalah Pendidikan, Issues in Education, 27, 129-141. (http://myais.fsktm.um.edu.my/ view/type/article/Masalah_Pendidikan.html)
Saedah Siraj (2004). Pembelajaran Mobile dalam Kurikulum Masa Depan (Mobile Learning in Future Curriculum). Masalah Pendidikan, Issues in Education, 27, 129-141
Saedah Siraj (2004). mPembelajaran untuk kurikulum masa depan (mLearning for future curriculum). Masalah Pendidikan (Issues in Education), 27, 115-29.
Saedah Siraj, and Ahmad Sobri Shuib (2004). Preferen pelajar terhadap teknik pengajaran guru (Student preference towards educator s instructional technique). Jurnal Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Research), 24, 93-121.
Saedah Siraj & Fadzilah Siraj (2003). Pendokumentasian Kurikulum Tersirat peringkat pengajian tinggi (Hidden Curriculum documentation at higher learning level). Masalah Pendidikan, Issues in Education, 26, 3-11. (http://myais.fsktm.um.edu.my/view/type/article/Masalah_Pendidikan.html)
Saedah Siraj & Mohd. Paris Saleh (2003). Applikasi teknologi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran peringkat sekolah menengah: jangkaan masa depan (Technology applications in teaching and learning at secondary school: future projection). Jurnal Pendidikan, Journal of Educational Research, 23, 123-139. (http://myais.fsktm.um.edu.my/view/type/article/Jurnal_Pendidikan.html)
Saedah Siraj & Nabihah Badar (2003). Malaysian secondary school students preference in learning Physics: implications to the teaching strategies. The International Journal of Learning, 10, 3559-3572. [Indexed by: ASSIA (Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts)of Australian Department of Education,Science and Training] (http://www.Learning-Journal.com) (http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.30/prod.131)
Saedah Siraj, and Fadzilah Siraj (2003). Pendokumentasian kurikulum tersirat peringkat pengajian tinggi (Hidden curriculum documentation of higher learning level). Masalah Pendidikan (Issues in Education), 26, 3-11.
Saedah Siraj, and Mohd. Paris bin Saleh (2003). Applikasi teknologi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran peringkat sekolah menengah: Jangkaan masa depan (Application of technology in teaching and learning at secondary school level: Future forecasts). Jurnal Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Research), 26, 3-12.
Saedah Siraj & Noor Rohana Mansor (2002). Analisis soalan kefahaman dalam buku kerja bahasa Melayu peringkat menengah atas (Analysis on comprehension questions of the upper secondary Malay Language workbook). Jurnal Dewan Bahasa, 2(3), 46-50. (http://pustaxa.dbp.gov.my/pustaxa/opac1.aspx?Medan=Pengarang&Bahan=8&Jenis=2&Cari=1&Kata=Saedah%20Siraj)
Saedah Siraj & Noor Rohana Mansor (2002). Analisis soalan kefahaman dalam buku kerja bahasa Melayu peringkat menengah atas (Analysis on comprehension questions of the upper secondary Malay Language workbook). Jurnal Dewan Bahasa, 2(3), 46-50. (http://pustaxa.dbp.gov.my/pustaxa/opac1.aspx?Medan=Pengarang&Bahan=8&Jenis=2&Cari=1&Kata=Saedah%20Siraj)
Saedah Siraj (2001). Pembinaan kurikulum (Curriculum design). E-guru. (http://www.planetklik.com.my)
Saedah Siraj (2001). Soalan dan Taksonomi soalan (Question and Taxonomy question). E-guru. (http://www.planetklik.com.my)
Saedah Siraj (1999). Kurikulum ke arah pembentukan golongan pemikir, perekacipta dan profesional (Curriculum for thinkers, inventors and professionals). Jurnal Kurikulum (Curriculum Journal) 1(2), 42-56. (http://www.ppk.kpm.my/html/edu%20resource/eduerbit99siri2.htm)
Saedah Siraj (1995). Individual differences in children s language acquisition. Masalah Pendidikan, Issues in Education, 18, 99-112.
Saedah Siraj & Knolle, L. M. (1994). A comparative analysis of preference and performance measurements of cerebral bilateral asymmetry. Jurnal Pendidikan, Journal of Educational Research, 16, 17-25.
Saedah Siraj, and Knolle, L. M. (1994). A comparative analysis of preference and performance measurements of cerebral bilateral asymmetry. Jurnal Pendidikan (Journal of Educational Research) 16, 17-25.
Saedah Siraj (1987). Hubungan di antara pengaliran kelas dan jangkaan pelajar terhadap kejayaan serta sikap terhadap sekolah (Relationship between class streaming and students expectation toward their success and attitude toward their school). Jurnal Pendidikan, Journal of Educational Research, 11, 41-54.
Saedah Siraj (1986, Apr 1). Kaedah dengar-tutur dan pola-pola latihtubi (Audio Lingual Approach and drill polars). Dewan Bahasa, 30(4). (http://pustaxa.dbp.gov.my/pustaxa/opac1.aspx?Medan=Pengarang&Bahan=8&Jenis=2&Cari=1&Kata=Saedah%20Siraj)
Saedah Siraj (1986, April). Puisi dalam pengajaran bahasa (Poem in Malay Language teaching). Jurnal Dewan Bahasa (Dewan Bahasa Journal), 755-764
Saedah Siraj (1986, Oct 1). Puisi untuk pengajaran bahasa Malaysia (Poem for Malay language teaching). Dewan Bahasa, 30(10), 755-764. (http://pustaxa.dbp.gov.my/pustaxa/opac1.aspx?Medan=Pengarang&Bahan=8&Jenis=2&Cari=1&Kata=Saedah%20Siraj)
Saedah Siraj (1985, June 1). Teori-teori penguraian bahasa secara ringkas (Theories of language acquisition in brief). Majalah Dewan Bahasa, 29(6), 460-469. (http://pustaxa.dbp.gov.my/pustaxa/opac1.aspx?Medan=Pengarang&Bahan=8&Jenis=2&Cari=1&Kata=Saedah%20Siraj)
Saedah Siraj (1985, June). Teori-teori penguasaan bahasa (Theories of language acquisition). Jurnal Dewan Bahasa (Dewan Bahasa Journal), 460-469
Saedah Siraj (1985, Mar 1). Penerapan teori-teori pemerolehan bahasa dalam kaedah pengajaran bahasa (Application of language acquisition theory in method of teaching Malay language). Jurnal Dewan Bahasa, 29 (3), 178-186. (http://pustaxa.dbp.gov.my/pustaxa/opac1.aspx? Medan=Pengarang&Bahan=8&Jenis=2&Cari=1&Kata=Saedah% 20Siraj)
Saedah Siraj (1985, March). Aplikasi teori penguasaan bahasa kepada kaedah pengajaran pembelajaran Bahasa Malaysia (Application of language acquisition theory to Malay language method of teaching-learning). Jurnal Dewan Bahasa (Dewan Bahasa Journal), 178-186
Saedah Siraj (1985, Nov 1). Kajian perbandingan dengar-tutur dan kod-kognitif (Comparative study on Audio Lingual and Cognative-Code). Dewan Bahasa, 29(11), 839-846. (http://pustaxa.dbp.gov.my/pustaxa/opac1.aspx?Medan=Pengarang&Bahan=8&Jenis=2&Cari=1&Kata=Saedah%20Siraj)
Saedah Siraj (1985, Sep). Kajian perbandingan terhadap Kaedah Koda-Kognatif dan Audio Lingual (Comparative study towards Cognative-Code and Audio Lingual Method of teaching). Jurnal Dewan Bahasa (Dewan Bahasa Journal), 838-846
- Saedah Siraj, Mohamad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah & Rozaini Mohamad Rozkee. (2021). Pendekatan Rekabentuk dan Pembangunan dalam Penyelidikan Pendidikan. Penerbit UPSI Press.
- Ngu Kee Shing, Saedah Siraj & Norlidah Alias. (2020). Intergenerasi Program untuk Keamanan. University of Malaya Press.
- Aniza Mohd Said, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & Dorothy DeWitt (2017). Perubatan Herba Orang Asli. Penerbit UPSI.
- Aniza Mohd Said, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & Dorothy Dewitt. (2018). Model Kurikulum Berasaskan Intelektualisme Perubatan Herba Orang Asli untuk Sekolah Rendah Masa Depan. Penerbit UPSI Press.
- Hamidah Sulaiman, Siti Hajar Halili & Saedah Siraj. Isu-Isu Dalam Kekeluargaan: Ke Arah Keharmonian Dan Kualiti Hidup Berkeluarga. UPSI Press.
- Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2015. Transforming Learning: Collaborative mLearning for a Problem-Centered Approach. University of Malaya Press.
- Mohamed Sani Ibrahim, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj (2015). Pengurusan Kerja Rumah Yang Efektif. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
- Rosnah Ishak, Muhammad Faizal A Ghani & Saedah Siraj. (2015). Learning organization in education institutions. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka.
- Mohammed Sani Ibrahim, Saedah Siraj & Norlidah Alias (2014). Pengurusan Kerja Rumah yang Efektif.Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
- Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil, Saedah Siraj, Zaharah Hussin, Nurulrabihah Mat Noh & Ahmad Arifin Sapar (2014). Pengenalan Asas Kaedah Fuzzy Delphi Dalam Penyelidikan Rekabentuk Pembangunan. Selangor: Minda Intelek
- Norlidah Alias, Abu Bakar Nordin, Saedah Siraj & Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman. 2014. Kurikulum: Satu Disiplin yang Dinamik.Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
- Zahra Naimie,Saedah Siraj,Syarida Hasnur Safii, Norasmatul Akma Ahmad,Reihaneh Shagholi(2014) Technology Preferences Framework Based On Learning Style,Feb 2014,Pearson Publication, Malaysia
- Norlidah Alias, Dorothy DeWitt & Saedah Siraj.2013. Development of Science Pedagogical Module Based on Learning Styles and Technology: Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
- Norlidah Alias, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman & Saedah Siraj.2013. Homeshooling: Pendidikan Alternatif di Malaysia.Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
- Saedah Siraj, Fadzilah Siraj, & Muhammad Helmi Norman (Eds.). (2011). mLearning: a new dimension of Curriculum advancement (1st ed.).Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press.
- Saedah Siraj (2008). Kurikulum masa depan (Future curriculum) (1st ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya
- Saedah Siraj (2007). Pendidikan anak-anak (Children education) (2nd ed.). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar. ISBN 967-99929-9-3
- Saedah Siraj, Quek Ai Hwa, Mahzan Arshad, & Daniel, E. G. S. (Eds.). (2005). Cognition and learning: issues and strategies (1st ed.). Shah Alam, Malaysia: Malindo Publications
- Saedah Siraj (2003). Buku teks guru prasekolah komponen Bahasa Melayu (Preschool Teacher s textbook of Malay Language component). Kuala Lumpur: Sun Publication
- Saedah Siraj (2003). Kurikulum Baru Prasekolah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia: buku kerja 1 komponen Bahasa Melayu (Preschool New Curriculum Ministry of Education Malaysia: Malay Language component workbook 1). Kuala Lumpur: Sun Publication
- Saedah Siraj (2003). Kurikulum Baru Prasekolah Kementian Pendidikan Malaysia: buku kerja 4 komponen Bahasa Melayu (Preschool New Curriculum Ministry of Education Malaysia: Malay Language component workbook 4). Kuala Lumpur: Sun Publication
- Saedah Siraj (2003). Kurikulum Baru Prasekolah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia: buku kerja 2 komponen Bahasa Melayu. Kuala Lumpur. Sun Publication
- Saedah Siraj (2003). Kurikulum Baru Prasekolah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia: buku kerja 3 komponen Bahasa Melayu. Kuala Lumpur. Sun Publication.
- Saedah Siraj (2001). Pendidikan Rumah Tangga. Selangor: Alam Pintar
- Saedah Siraj (2001). Remaja dan Strategi Penyelesian Masalah. Selangor: Alam Pintar
- Saedah Siraj (Ed.). (2001). Perkembangan kurikulum: teori dan amalan (Curriculum development: theory and practice) (2nd ed.). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar [See also, University Libraries, The Ohio State University http://osu.worldcat.org]
- Saedah Siraj, Zainun Ishak, & Tunku Mohani Tunku Mokhtar (1997). Motivasi dalam pendidikan (Motivation in education) (3rd. ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Utusan [See also, University Libraries, The Ohio State University http://osu.worldcat.org]
- Shahril @ Chairil Marzuki, Zainun Ishak, Lee Pau Wing & Saedah Siraj (1993). Pendidikan di Malaysia (Edisi 1). Kuala Lumpur. Utusan
- Saedah Siraj (1992). Kaedah mengajar sastera: teori, eksperimen dan aplikasi (Literature teaching approach: theory, experiment and application) (1st ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Pustaka Warisan [See also, University Libraries, The Ohio State University http://osu.worldcat.org]
- Saedah Siraj (1986). Alam (The universe) (1st ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Berita Publication (See also, http://osu.worldcat.org)
- Saedah Siraj (1986). Hari Sabtu (Saturday) (1st ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Berita Publication (See also, http://osu.worldcat.org)
- Saedah Siraj (1986). Kapal darat (Ship on land) (1st ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Berita Publication (See also, http://osu.worldcat.org)
- Saedah Siraj (1986). Laut Mati (Dead Sea) (1st ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Berita Publication (See also, http://osu.worldcat.org)
- Saedah Siraj (1985). Tukang batu (Stone worker) (1st ed.). Kuala Lumpur: International Book Service (See also, http://osu.worldcat.org)
Chapter in Books
- DeWitt, D., Alias, N., Palraj, S. & Siraj (2017). Problem-Solving Strategies Among Science Teachers in the State of Selangor, Malaysia. In Kay A. Persichitte et al. (Eds): Educational Technology to Improve Quality and Access on a Global Scale: Educational Technology and Innovations: Issues on a Global Scale. (pp.123-141). Springer
- Zaharah Hussin, Ahmad Ariffin Sapar, Saedah Siraj & Habibah@Artini Ramlie (2016). Konsep Riadah Ruhiyyah ke Arah Kelestarian Profesionalisme Perguruan Pendidikan Islam Cemerlang. Dlm Mohd Farid Mohd Shahran & Nor Hartini Saari, Guru Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam; Persediaan dan Cabaran (pp 79-92). Seri Kembangan Selangor:Penerbir Ikim.
- Davina Foo Yan Thing,Zahra Naimie,Saedah Siraj,Ghada ElHadad, Revatde Nadarajan (2015) The Importance of positive psychology in Education:how does it make a difference? chapter 51(pp283-289) in Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences by Crc/Balkema Taylor & Francis Group Netherland.
- Eerreeka, Z.Naimi, R.A. Abuzaid, S.H.Halili, S.Siraj (2015). Parental involvement in children education: why does it make a difference?. In The Role of Service in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry, chapter. pp:139-144.Tailor and Francis publisher.CRC Pres 2015.
- N.N.F. Hasyim, Z.Naimie, R.A. Abuzaid, S.H. Halili, S. Siraj. (2015).The relationship between authoritative parenting style and academic achievement. In The Role of Service in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry. pp:135-138. Tailor and Francis publisher. CRC Press 2015. ISBN: 978-1-138- 02736-7 ,DOI: 10.1201/b18238-24
- Nadarajan.R,Xiaoyu.W,Nair.U,Naimie.Z(2015)Using video clips in teaching science for primary school students in Malaysia.Chapter (29) in book Proceedings of the 2015 International Congress on Economics, Social Sciences and Information Management (ICESSIM 2015)DOI: 10.1201/b19921-31
- U.Devi, Z.Naimie, R.A. Abuzaid, S.H. Halili, S. Siraj. (2015) Usage of Low Vision Devices for Low Vision Students In A Special Education School. Taylor & Francis Group Netherland. CrCNet Based/Balkema Book. (Scopus-Cited Publication) (Accepted For Publication).
- Zaharah Hussin, Ahmad Arifin Sapar, Saedah Siraj & Ab Halim Tamuri. Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Akhlak dlm Kamarul Azmi Jazmi & Mohd Izzuddin Mohd Pisol (Ed). Pemerkasaan Pendidikan Islam Dalam Cabaran Zaman. Bangi : PIMM.
- Abduljalil Al-Bazeli, Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Rana Ahmed Abuzaid, and Siti Hajar Halili(2014) Computer- Assisted Learning Program of Arabic Language For Non- Native Speakers. chapter in book titled "Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism & Hospitality". Mar 2014 , 69 -73 publisher: CrCnet based/Balkema Taylor & Francis Group Netherland.
- D. DeWitt, N. Alias, S. Siraj & F. Hutagalung (2014). Designing instruction for Knowledge Management processes using a wiki. In Ford Lumban Gaol, Wyne Mars, Hoga Saragih (Eds.). Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism & Hospitality. Netherlands: CRC Press.
- Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. 2014. Reka Bentuk Kurikulum M-Pembelajaran Kolaboratif. Dlm Norlidah Alias, Abu Bakar Nordin, Saedah Siraj & Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman. Kurikulum: Satu Disiplin Yang Dinamik, hlm. 131-144. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Malaysia BHd.
- Ghada El Hadad, Zahra Naimie, Siti Hajar Halili, Rana Ahmed Abuzaid, and Saedah Siraj(2014) Integrating Employability Skills In School Curriculum. Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism & Hospitality. CrCnet based/Balkema Taylor & Francis Group Netherland.
- Norlidah Alias, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman & Saedah Siraj. 2014. Perancangan Kurikulum. Dlm. Norlidah Alias, Abu Bakar Nordin, Saedah Siraj & Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman. Kurikulum: Satu Disiplin Yang Dinamik, hlm. 43-50. Kuala Lumpur:Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
- Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman.2014. Homeschooling. Dlm. Norlidah Alias, Abu Bakr Nordin, Saedah Siraj & Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, hlm. 123-130. Kurikulum: Satu Disiplin yang Dinamik: Pearson Malaysia.
- Nurulrabihah Mat Noh, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil, Zaharah Hussin & Ahmad Arifin Sapar. (2014). Domain Asas Bagi Kerangka Facebook Sebagai Medium Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan Holistik. Dlm PENDIDIKAN HOLISTIK TANTANGAN DAN MASA DEPAN. Riau : Universiti Riau Press, m.s. 155-175
- Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias & Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman (2014). Kurikulum Futuristik. . Dlm Norlida Alias, Abu Bakar Nordin, Saedah Siraj & Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman. Kurikulum: Satu Disiplin Yang Dinamik, hlm. 99 -108. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Malaysia BHd
- T. Gewa Thuraisingam, Saedah Siraj, Zahra Naimie, Rana Ahmed Abuzaid, and Siti Hajar Halili. (2014). The teaching of critical and creative thinking skills in the english language classroom in Malaysia. Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism & Hospitality.Netherlands: CRC Press.
- Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj. (2013). Application of design and developmental research. In Design and Developmental Research: Emergent Trends in Educational Research. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson.
- Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman & Dorothy DeWitt. 2013. Design and Developmental Research: Emergent Trends in Educational Research. In Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias, Dorothy DeWitt & Zaharah Hussin (Eds). Design and Developmental Research: Emergent Trends in Educational Research. pg. 2-15. Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
- Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Mohd. Nazri Abdul Rahman & Dorothy DeWitt. (2013). Design and developmental research. In Design and Developmental Research: Emergent Trends in educational. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson.
- Saedah Siraj, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim & Asra Syofwan. (2013). Emergence and Application of Interpretive Structural Modelling in Educational Research. In Design and Developmental Research: Emergent Trends in Educational Research. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson.
- Muhammad Faisal A.Ghani, Mohd. Rofidzan Abd. Manap, Norfariza Mohd. Radzi,Saedah Siraj, Shahril@Charil Marzuki &Fisol Elham.2011 Kepimpinan Pengetua Aliran Akademik Dan Agama: Satu Perbandingan.Dlm.Syahridlo & Sutarman (pnyt).Aliran-Aliran Filsafat:,hlm.315-354. Penerbit KOPERTAIS Wilayah III Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
- Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Shahril@Charil Marzuki, Saedah Siraj, Adnan Basar, Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Faisol Elham, Mohd Helmee Firdaus Salehudin, Zawawi Ismail & Hailan Salamun. 2011. Effective school model: A propasal. In Zawawi Ismail, Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Mohd Helmee Firdaus Salehudin, Norfariza Mohd Radzi & Hailan Salamun (Ed). Educational transformational towards world class education, p.1-52. Kuala Lumpur: Faculty of Education.
- Naimie,Z;Siraj,S;Shagholi,R.2011.Learning strategies and cognitive styles revisited: A case study in Iran,90-102.Research India Press:New Delhi
- Saedah Siraj (2006). Pembaharuan kurikulum IPT untuk menangani siswazah menganggur. Dlm Abd Rahim Abd Rashid, Sufean Hussin, and Abd Jalil Othman (Eds.), Hala tuju pengurusan: sumber manusia dan kerjaya (1st ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Utusan.
- Saedah Siraj (2005). Hukum Shari`at dan pendidikan perempuan. Dlm Ali Hoseinn Hakeem et al. (Eds.), Membela perempuan (1st ed., pp.135-153). A. H. Jemala Gembala (Trans. into Indonesian language). Dede Azwar Normansyah (Ed. into Indonesian language). Jakarta: al-Huda.
- Saedah Siraj (2005). Kurikulum Masa Depan: bolehkah diukur?. Dalam Siow Heng Loke, Abu Talib Putih, Lee Siew Eng, Sandiyao Sebestian, and Adelina Asmawi (Eds.), Pedagogi merentas kurikulum (1st ed., pp.351-65). Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya, Fakulti Pendidikan.
- Saedah Siraj (2005). Perempuan dan intellektualisme. Dlm Ali Hoseinn Hakeem et al. (Eds.), Membela perempuan (1st ed., pp.107-125). A. H. Jemala Gembala (Trans. into Indonesian language). Dede Azwar Normansyah (Ed. into Indonesian language). Jakarta: al-Huda
- Saedah Siraj (2004/1383S). mLearning for future curriculum: implementation prospects. In M. Abbasi et al., Curriculum in the age of information and communication technology (1st ed., pp.63-80). Tehran: ICDA.
- Saedah Siraj (2003). Pengajian Kurikulum Masa Depan: ke arah penyediaan Falsafah Pendidikan Negara. Dalam Abd Rahim Abd Rashid (Ed.), Falsafah budaya dalam pendidikan (1st ed., pp.119-130). Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
- Saedah Siraj (2002). Hala Tuju Baru Dasar Kurikulum dalam Konteks Pembinaan Insan dan Masyarakat Progresif. Dalam Sufean Hussin (Ed.), Inovasi dasar pendidikan: amalan perspektif ystem dan inovasi (1st ed., pp.67-79). Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
- Saedah Siraj & Mohd Ikram Abdullah (2000). Stail Belajar dan Aplikasinya Kepada Pelaksanaan Kurikulum. Dlm Seadah Siraj (Ed), Perkembangan Kurikulum: Teori dan Amalan (2nd ed., 74-104). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar
- Saedah Siraj & Omar Abdul Kareem (2000). Model Reka Bentuk dan Kajian Kurikulum Masa Depan: Satu Pengenalan. Dlm Seadah Siraj (Ed), Perkembangan Kurikulum: Teori dan Amalan (2nd ed., 22-41). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar
- Saedah Siraj & Zaharah Hussin (2000). Kemahiran Berfikir Kritis Dalam Kurikulum. Dlm Seadah Siraj (Ed), Perkembangan Kurikulum: Teori dan Amalan (2nd ed., 51-73). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar
- Saedah Siraj & Zuber Hj. Hassan (2000). Penilaian Kurikulum dan Penyelidikan Berkaitan. . Dlm Saedah Siraj (Ed.), Perkembangan Kurikulum: Teori dan Amalan (2nd ed., 145-162). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar
- Saedah Siraj (2000). Kurikulum ke Arah Pembentukan Golongan Pemikir, Pereka Cipta dan Professional. Dlm Seadah Siraj (Ed), Perkembangan Kurikulum: Teori dan Amalan (2nd ed., 11-21). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar
- Saedah Siraj (2000). Pembinaan Kurikulum: Teori vs Praktis. Dlm Saedah Siraj (Ed.), Perkembangan kurikulum: teori dan amalan (2nd ed., pp.1-10). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar.
- Saedah Siraj (2000). Penyeliaan Ke Arah Keberkesanan Pelaksanaan Kurikulum: Model Asas. Dlm Saedah Siraj (Ed.), Perkembangan Kurikulum: Teori dan Amalan (2nd ed., 126-144). Selangor, Malaysia: Alam Pintar.
- Saedah Siraj (1989). Puisi dalam Pendidikan Bahasa (Poem in Language Education). In Abdul Aziz Talib (Ed.), Pengajaran dan penilaian bahasa (Teaching and language evaluation) (1st ed., pp. 200-212). Kuala Lumpur: Nurin
- Saedah Siraj (1987). Pendekatan Mengalami-Menghayati untuk pengajaran-pembelajaran Kesusasteraan Melayu (Experiential-Reflective Approach for Malay literature teaching-learning). In Rahimah Hj Sabran, & Nuwairi Hj Khaza ai (Eds.), Monograf Linguistik, Pengajaran Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan Melayu (Monograph of Linguistic, Language Teaching and Malay Literature) (1st ed., pp. 99-114). Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya, Jabatan Pengajian Melayu
- Saedah Siraj (1983). Pendekatan Mengajar Kesusasteraan Melayu: Perbandingan Kesan Dua Pendekatan Mengajar Terhadap Tingkat Kefahaman, Tingkat Penghayatan dan Sikap Pelajar Terhadap Novel. Dlm Khoo Phon Sai, Leong Yin Ching, & Koh Boh Boon (Eds.), Fikiran-fikiran Mengenai Pendidikan di Malaysia (1st ed., pp. 127-135). Kuala Lumpur: Utusan.
- Saedah Siraj (1982). Pengajaran Kesusteraan Melayu: Masalah dan Kajian-kajian Yang Berhubung Dengan Pengajaran Cereka. Dalam Azman Wan Chik (Ed.), Trend baru dalam pengajaran bahasa (1st ed., pp. 220-240). Kuala Lumpur: Utusan
Article in Proceeding
- Ahmad, N.A.M. & Siraj, S. (2016). An early Intervention on Communication Between Humanoids and Elderly Human to Cope With Loneliness. Persidangan Kebangsaan Kurikulum Masa Depan 2016.pp 44.
- Ahmad, N.A.M., Siraj, S. & Ngu, K.S (2016). Development of Verbal Communication between Humanoids and Elderly Human Module: A Need Analysis. International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning
- Baharun, K.A., Siraj, S. & Ghani, M.F.A. (2016). Collaborative Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) Learning Implementation Model: A Needs Analysis Survey. International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning.
- Baharun, K.A., Siraj, S. & Ghani, M.F.A. (2016). Implementation of Collaborative Mobile Instant Messaging Learning in Formal Education. Persidangan Kebangsaan Kurikulum Masa Depan 2016.pp 39
- Bazari, N.A., Siraj, S. & Dewit, D. (2016). Cased-Based Problem-Solution Analysis of ESL Writing Instruction. Persidangan Kebangsaan Kurikulum Masa Depan 2016.pp 50
- Chua, L.L. & Siraj, S. (2016). Exploring the Basic Elements of Information Literacy Standards for Malaysian Secondary School Students. International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning.
- Hafiz, M. & Siraj, S. (2016). Kod Quick Response Dalam Pembelajaran. Persidangan Kebangsaan Kurikulum Masa Depan 2016.pp 35.
- Hong, L.F., Vasodavan, V. & Siraj, S. (2016). An Investigation on Higher Education Students Understanding and Attitude on Plagiarism. International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning.
- Mohamed, A., Alias, N. & Siraj, S. (2016). Modul Kurikulum Perkhidmatan Kaunseling Kerjaya Atas Talian: Isu dan Permasalahan. Persidangan Kebangsaan Kurikulum Masa Depan 2016.pp 31.
- Saedah Siraj (2016). Design of effective school-based financial management model in Malaysia using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). International Conferences on Socio-Cultural Relationship and Education Pedagogy Learning Sciences.
- Shing, N.K., Siraj, S., Alias, N., Kenayathula, H.B., Dewit, D. & Hussin, Z. (2016). Aplikasi Pendekatan Fuzzy dan Pelajar Sekolah. Persidangan Kebangsaan Kurikulum Masa Depan 2016.pp 26
- Ujang, A., Alias, N. & Siraj, S. (2016). Pendidikan Kesihatan: Isu dan Cabaran Guru Pelatih Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran. Persidangan Kebangsaan Kurikulum Masa Depan 2016.pp 22-23
- Zaini, M.H.B., Siraj, S., Romli, M.H. & Ahmad, N.A.M. (2016). Feasibility of Using QR Code for Herbal Learning among University Students. International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning.
- Ahmad Arifin Sapar, Zaharah Hussin, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil & Nurul Rabihah Mat Noh. (2015). Elemen peranan bagi pensyarah-pelajar dalam pengajian Bahasa Arab berasaskan pendekatan M- Learning. Prosiding persidangan antarabangsa kelestarian insan kali ke 2. The Royale Bintang Seremban ( 19-20 Oktober ). Batu Pahat : UTHM. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS)
- D. DeWitt, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, & Fonny Hutagalung (2013).Designing instruction for Knowledge Management Processes using a wiki. Proceedings of The Annual International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism & Hospitality 2013 (SERVE 2013), 14 December 2013, Hotel Sultan Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Nisha Sasidharan, Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Rana AhmadAbuzaid, Siti Hajar Halili. Collaborative learning as a strategy in writing. Procedia of Social & Behavioral Sciences.(Accepted) (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
- Siti Hajar Halili, Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Rana AhmedAbuzaid & Chin Hai Leng. (2013). Learning styles and gender differences of USM distance learners, Barcelona, Spain.
- Siti Hajar Halili, Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Rana AhmedAbuzaid & Chin Hai Leng. (2013). Exploring the link between Learning Styles and Gender among Distance Learners.University of Malta, Malta. (accepted for publication)
- Zahra Ranjbar, Ellberra-Laisin Ea, Kuppusamy Sha, Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Rana AhmadAbuzaid, Siti Hajar Halili.Childhood obesity: Future direction and research priorities.
- DeWitt, D; Norlidah Alias; Saedah Siraj; Mohd Yusaini Yaakub;Juhara Ayob & Rosman Ishak (2013). The potential of Youtube for teaching and learning in the performing arts. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 13th International Educational Technology Conference, 103, 1118 1126. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.439 Database of ScienceDirect
- Dorothy DeWitt, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj & Abd. Razak Zakaria (2013). Interactions In Online Discussion: A Case Study Among First Year Undergraduate Students. Proceeding of 7th International Malaysian Educational Technology Conference 2013, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Habsah Omar, Zaharah Hussin & Saedah Siraj. (2013). Teaching approach For Autism Students: A case study in Malaysia. International conference on new horizon 2013. Rome : Italy, 25-27 Jun. (ISI-Indexed)
- Nurulrabihah Mat Noh, Siti Hajar Abd Razak, Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil & Zaharah Hussin. Usage of facebook: The future impact of curriculum implementation on students in Malaysia. IETC Proceeding book, may 13-15, Kuala Lumpur . ISSN : 2146-7366. http://www.iet- c.net/publications/ietc2013.pdf (ISI-Indexed)
- Siti Nuur Adha Mohd Sanif, Zaharah Hussin, Fatiha Senom, Saedah Siraj & Abu Talib Putih. (2013). Nature Exquisiteness based digital photography arts project for creativity enhancement among low achievers students. IETC Proceeding book, may 13-15, Kuala Lumpur . ISSN : 2146-7366. http://www.iet- c.net/publications/ietc2013.pdf (SCOPUS-Indexed)
- 2.Goh Bak Hau, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias, & Rose Amnah (2012). Research and Trends in the field of Technology-Enhanced Learning from 2006 to 2011: A Content analysis of Quick Rsponse Code (QR-Code) and its application in selected studies. In Isu=Isu Kritis dalam Perluasan Akses Pendidikan. Proseding the Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012. Jakarta Indonesia. 161-178.
- 3.Kazi Emanul Haque, Fatema Zohora Musa, Rahmad Sukor Abd. Samad, Saedah Siraj, & Zabidi Abdul Razak. (2012 ). Examinig the areas of ICT Utilization among school teachers and principals in Malaysia. In Isu- Isu Kritis dalam Perluasan Akses Pendidikan. Proseding the Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012. Jakarta, Indonesia. 25-44.
- 5.Fatin Suriati jusoh, Saedah Siraj, Norlidah Alias, Ghazali Darussalam. (2012). Research Trends in studies of native and non-native speaker teachers of languages: A review on selected researches and thesis. In Sistem Pembelajaran dan Evaluasi Pendidikan. Proseding the Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012. Jakarta, Indonesia. 103-122.
- Abu Bakar Nordin, Saedah Siraj, & Norlidah Alias. (2012). Assessing the quality assurance for quality teaching and learning in higher education in Malaysia: Reflecting on its policy and processes. In Sistem Pembelajaran dan Evaluasi Pendidikan. Proseding the Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012. Jakarta, Indonesia. 43-64.
- Asra Asrs, Saedah Siraj & Aisyah Hasyim Ali.2012. mLearning and Teacher Training: A Need Analysis. Proceeding 8th Biennial Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA).162
- Rosnah Ali, Zaharah Hussin, Saedah Siraj & Ahmad Arifin Sapar. (2012). Penerokaan kualiti pengajaran guru Pendidikan Islam dari aspek penampilan diri berasaskan al-Ghazali. Prosiding Persidangan Antarabangsa Pengajaran dan Pendidikan Islam, UTM : Skudai. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS)
- Ruslina Ibrahim, Ruhani Abdul Aziz, Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj (2012). Research and trends in the field of homeshooling from 2000 to 2012: A content analysis of homeschooling. In Isu-Isu Kritis dalam Perluasan Akses Pendidikan. Proseding the Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012. Jakarta Indonesia. 35-46
- Aqeel Khan, Saedah Siraj & Lau Poh Li.2011.Role of Positive Psychological Strengths and Big five Personality Traits in Coping Mechanism of University Students.Prosiding International Conference on Humanities, Society and Culture, pg.210-215
- Mohammed Sani Ibrahim, Tajuddin Mohd Yunus, Saedah Siraj.2011. Persepsi dan Jangkaan Terhadap Peranan Guru Kanan Mata pelajaran (GKMP) di Sekolah Menengah. Prosiding Seminar Majlis Dekan-dekan Pendidikan, hlm. 645
- Mohd Helmee Firdaus Salehudin,Muhammad Faizal A.Ghani, Norfariza Mohd. Radzi & Saedah Siraj.2011.Kepimpinan Sekolah Dan Amalan Pengurusan Strategik Di Beberapa Buah Sekolah Menengah Agama Di Selangor, Malaysia.Proceedings International Conference "Future Educational in Global Challenges",hlm.236
- Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani, Saedah Siraj, Norfariza Mohd radzi, Shahril@Charil Marzuki, Faisol Elham.2011. Pengenalan Kepada Amalan Kepimpinan Guru di Malaysia: Cabaran dan Cadangan,hlm.1214
- Muhammad Faizal A.Ghani, Rofidzan Abd. Manap,Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Saedah Siraj, Mohd Helmee Firduas Salehudin, Sharil@charil marzuki, Faisol Elham.2011. Kepimpinan Pengetua Aliran Akademik dan Agama:Satu Kajian Awal,hlm.1237
- Muniswari a/p Subramaniam,Saedah Siraj,Zul Fikri Zamir Mohd Munir, Sharifah Nor Atifah Syed Kamaruddin&Chin Hai Leng.2011.Kajian Masa Depan Tentang Intelek Aktif Dalam Buku Teks.Proceedings International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges,hlm 267
- Norfariza Mohd Radzi,Saedah Siraj,Muhammad Faizal A.Ghani, Siti Ramlah Hayat, Ahmad Tarmizi Che Mat&Norimi Abd Wahab.Trend Masa Depan Ekonomi Di Malaysia Dan Impaknya Terhadap Pengurusan Sekolah.Proceedings International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges",hlm.328
- Sharifah Nor Atifah Syed Kamarud-din,Saedah Siraj,Mohd Khairul Azman Md Daud&Ahmad Firdaus Mat Som.2011.Perkembangan Trend Pembacaan Pada Masa Depan Dan Impaknya Terhadap Penerbitan Bahan Bacaan Kanak- kanak.Proceedings International Conference "Future Education in Global Chaleenges",hlm.468
- Sirti Farhah A.Aziz, Saedah Siraj,Abdul Jalil Othman&Lai Lee Chung.2111.Persepsi Kanak-kanak Orang Asli Terhadap Pembelajaran Di Dalam Bilik darjah:Kajian Kes Terhadap Seorang Kanak-kanak Orang Asli Tahun empat Di Hulu Selangor.Proceedings International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges",hlm.481
- Siti Nuur Adha Mohd Sanif,Zaharah Hussin,Abu Talib Putih&Saedah Siraj.2011.Kesan Muzik Ke Atas Ekspresif Visual Dalam Bentuk Lukisan.Proceedings International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges",hlm.495
- T.Vanitha Thabalan,Saedah Siraj,Norlidah Alias&Zaharah Hussin.2011.The Future English Lnguage Curriculum For The Orang Asli People In malaysia:Issues In The Context And Pedagogical Implications.Proceedings International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges",hlm.533
- Utilizing the Developmental Research Approach (DRA) in designing literacy curriculum for the future.
- Zaharah Hussin,Saedah Siraj,Ahmad Arifin Sapar,Norlidah Alias,Vanitha Thanabaln&Asra.2011.Teknik Delphi Dalam Penyelidikan Pendidikan Masa Depan.Proceedings International Conference "Future Educational in Global Challenges",hlm.564
- Zul Fikri Zamir mohd Munir,Saedah Siraj,Muniswari a/p Subramaniam&Sharifah Nor Atifah Syed Kamarud- din.2011.Taksonomi Intelek Aktif Dalam Kurikulum Masa Depan.Proceedings International Conference "Future Educational in Global Challenges",hlm.586
- Ahmad Sobri Shuib, Saedah Siraj, & Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah (2010, June 28-30). M-Learning Curriculum Design for secondary school: a needs analysis. Proceedings of WASET 2010 PARIS. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). Holiday Inn Paris, Paris (http://waset.org/programs/Paris10.pdf)
- Asrar Abdul Malik & Saedah Siraj (2010, May 17-20). MLearning Module for secondary school. Proceedings of AACE 2010: Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 - Global Conference on Learning and Technology. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Shangri-La s Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang, Malaysia. (http://AACE.org)
- Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani & Saedah Siraj (2010, Aug 2- 3). Effective school practices in smart schools in two developing countries: a comparison. Proceeding of the Dean s Council of Public Universities Education Seminar 2010. Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia: Dean s Council of Public Universities and University of Technolgy MARA.
- Norlidah Alias & Saedah Siraj (2010). Students retrospective usability evaluation of Physics Module in Malaysia. IETC (10th International Educational Technology Conference): Proceedings Book (Vol.3, pp.1371-1375). (http://www.iet- c.net/publications/ietc2010-3.pdf)
- Norlidah Alias, Saedah Siraj, & Zaharah Hussin (2010). Design development of a Pedagogical Module for Physics secondary school curriculum in Malaysia. IETC (10th International Educational Technology Conference): Proceedings Book (Vol.1, pp.329-332). (http://www.iet-c.net/publications/ietc2010-3.pdf)
- Saedah Siraj & Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani (2010, Aug 2-3). Issues of equity principles in financing education in Malaysia: an alternative solution based on futuristic. Proceeding of the Dean s Council of Public Universities Education Seminar 2010. Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia: Dean s Council of Public Universities and University of Technolgy MARA.
- Zahra Naimie, Saedah Siraj, Chua Yang Piaw, Reihaneh Shagholi, & Rana Ahmed Abuzaid (2010, Feb 4-8). Do you think your match is made in heaven?: teaching styles/learning styles match and mismatch revisited. Working Paper and Power Point delivered at WCES 2010. Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. (http://www.wces2010.org/wces2010enyeniprogram.pdf)
- Akbar Husain & Saedah Siraj (2009, Dec 21-23). Cultivation of virtues for holistic human development. Proceedings of 7th World-Come 2009. International College University of Selangor, Islamic Academy Cambridge, and Ilmuan. Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia (http://www.thisconference.com/conference- directory/2009/education/the-7th-world-conference-on- muslim-education.html)
- Astro Awani (2009, May 12, 10.00-10.30 pm). Ibu Inspirasi Generasi Y dan Z (Mother is an ispiration of generation Y and Z).
- Dorothy DeWitt & Saedah Siraj (2009). Implementation of the collaborative mLearning module in form 2 science in a Malaysian secondary school: learners use of communication tools. Proceedings of the IASK International Conference Teaching and Learning 2009 (pp.484-494). (ISBN:978-989-8295-02-6). (http://www.iask-web.org/toc-tl09.pdf).
- Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah & Saedah Siraj (2009). mLearning for future curriculum: implementation and prospect. Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Computing, Communication, and Control (pp.518-522). The Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT). (http://www.iacsit.org/proceeding/isccc09.prog.pdf)
- TV3 (2009, Dec 25, 5.00-6.00 pm). Baka yang cerdik (Smart gene). Al-Kuliyyah (Lecture).
- Saedah Siraj (2008). Future-Oriented, Muslim Family Curriculum Planning. Muslim Scholarly Women's International Conference.
- Saedah Siraj (2008, Feb 28). Pembinaan Kurikulum Masa Depan berorientasikan penyelidikan (Research-based Future Curriculum design). Keynote Address and Working Paper. In Profesor Dr Saedah Siraj, Syarahan Perdana Universiti Malaya: Pembinaan Kurikulum Masa Depan berorientasikan penyelidikan (Inaugural Speech University of Malaya: research-based Future Curriculum design) (pp.1-32). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya, International Relation and Corporate Section (See also, http://mediunewscuts.blogspot.com/2008/04/kurikulum-pendidikan-sumber-mencorak.html) (In newspaper: Pendidikan: Kurikulum Pendidikan Negara perlu berorientasikan masa depan, Utusan Online, Arkib, March 31, 2008 at http://www.utusan.com.my)
- Saedah Siraj, Nordiana Mohd. Yusuf, & Muhammad Helmi Norman (2008, June 3-6). The establishment of virtual school in Malaysia. Virtual Presentation at The Fifteenth International Conference on Learning 2008. University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. (http://l08.cgpublisher.com/proposals/476/index_html)
- Astro Awani (2007, Oct 10, 11.30-11.45 am). Rumah mama rumah papa (Mum s and papa s homes). Wanita untuk wanita (Woman for woman)
- Dorothy DeWitt & Saedah Siraj (2007, Nov 2-5). A need for collaborative mobile learning in form two science. Proceeding of 1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention 2007 (in CD-ROM). PTPM, ETD Ministry of Education Malaysia, Johore State Education Dept, Johore State Educational Technology Divison, and UTM. Johor Baharu, Malaysia. (http://www.fp.utm.my/ptpm2007).
- Radio IKIM.fm (2007, May 12, 9.00-10.00 am). Ibu hebat dan berkat (The courageous and the blessed mother). Edisi Sabtu nur pagi - Eksklusif Hari Ibu (Saturday edition Exclusive for Mother day)
- Saedah Siraj, Habib Mat Som, Melati Sumari, Megat Ahmad Kamaludin Megat Daud, Zaharah Husin, & Tony Lim Ewe Leong (2007, Sep 5-6). Future job classification and its impact on secondary school curriculum. Proceeding of Seminar on Educational Research IPBL 2007. Institute of Teachers Education of Malaysia, Batu Lintang Campus/Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kampus Batu Lintang (Formerly: Batu Lintang Teachers College) Sarawak, Malaysia.
- TV3 (2007, Apr 26). Wanita hari ini (Women today)
- Radio MQ, Indonesia (2006, Dec 21, 7.30-8.00 am). Setia kawan (Trustworthy companion)
- Saedah Siraj & Dorothy DeWitt (2007, Nov 2-5). Collaborative mobile learning: a case study in a graduate research class (CD-ROM). Proceeding of 1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention 2007 (in CD-ROM). PTPM, ETD Ministry of Education Malaysia, Johore State Education Dept, Johore State Educational Technology Divison, and UTM. Johor Baharu, Malaysia. (http://www.fp.utm.my/ptpm2007)
- Saedah Siraj & Nair, V. K. K. K. (2006). M-Learning modules design for futuristic secondary school curriculum implementation in Malaysia. In Hanafi Atan et al., Konvensyen Teknologi Pendidikan Ke-19: rekabentuk, pembangunan, penggunaan dan penilaian teknologi instruksional (19th Convention on Technology Education: design, development, application and instructional technology) (Vol.2, pp.654-658). Kuala Lumpur: PTPM.
- Saedah Siraj & Nair, V. K. K. K. (2006). Return on Investment (ROI) and e-Learning. In Hanafi Atan et al., Konvensyen Teknologi Pendidikan Ke-19: rekabentuk, pembangunan, penggunaan dan penilaian teknologi instruksional (19th Convention on Technology Education: design, development, application and instructional technology) (Vol.2, pp.659-662). Kuala Lumpur: PTPM.
- Saedah Siraj & Faridah Abdullah (2005, Aug 30). Jangkaan masa depan terhadap aplikasi teknologi dalam kandungan kurikulum dan penilaian sekolah menengah: satu kajian Delphi (Future projections on technology application in secondary school curriculum content and evaluation: a Delphi study). In Mokhtar Ismail et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Pendidikan JPPG 2005 (Proceedings of Seminar on Education JPPG 2005) (CD- ROM, pp.607-622). Penang, Malaysia: Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan.
- Saedah Siraj & Mohd Paris Saleh (2005, Sep 15-16). Jangkaan masa depan terhadap aplikasi teknologi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran peringkat sekolah menengah: pandangan pakar (Future projection on technology application in teaching and learning at the secondary level: expert consensus). Proceeding of Seminar on Educational Research MPBL 2005. Batu Lintang Teachers Training College (Currently: Institute of Teachers Education of Malaysia, Batu Lintang Campus/Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kampus Batu Lintang), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. (www.ipbl.edu.my/inter/penyelidikan/seminarpapers/2005/kertas.cfm)
- Saedah Siraj (2005). Project-based Learning (PrBL) for Curriculum enrichment: Malaysia experiences. INUITRION Global Project-Based Forum and Exhibition 2005 (English ed., pp.97-113). Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Kaohsiung Municipal Bureau of Education and Shu-Te University.
- Saedah Siraj & B. Shabani Varaki (2004). Teaching critical thinking in an electronic context: toward a virtual critical thinking school. Paper presented, PowerPoint Presentation, and Proceedings of Seminar of ICT in Education, Allamah Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.
- Saedah Siraj (2003, Mar 27). mLearning Curriculum for the future. Keynote Address, Power Point Presentationand Proceeding of ICML (International Conference on Mobile Learning). University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. (See also, University Malaya Library Bulletin, 23(1), 49 [2004] at http://www.umlib.um.edu.my/publications/kekal-23-1-2004.pdf)
- Saedah Siraj (2003, Oct 28). mLearning in curriculum implementation. Proceeding, Working Paper, and Power Point delivered at IAACS First World Conference on Curriculum Studies 2003. East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. (See also, http://shaghai.tuxcafe.org/Shanghai-2003/groupede3)(See also, http://www.comfsm.fm/socscie/robertresearch.htm)
- Saedah Siraj & Fadzilah Siraj (2002, Jul 15-19). Student behavioral pattern and motivation toward effective learning and teaching. Proceeding of International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP) XVI Congress. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (http:\MyDocuments\IACCPXIVCongress.htm)
- Saedah Siraj & Fadzilah Siraj (2002, May 15). Kurikulum tersembunyi di institusi pengajian tinggi keguruan (Hidden curriculum at teachers higher education institution). Proceeding of National Seminar on Teacher Professionalism JPPG 2002. JPPG and North University of Malaysia.
- Saedah Siraj & Jamiah Jahim (2002, May 15). Sekolah Makmal sebagai pusat penyelidikan pendidikan (Laboratory school as an educational research center). Proceeding of the National Seminar on Teacher Professionalism JPPG 2002. JPPG and North University of Malaysia.
- Pendidikan Islam Tingkatan 1-3 (Islamic Education Forms 1-3). (2001). planet klik.com.my. [Online in 2001] http://www.planet klik.com.my
- Teka Silang Kata (Crossword puzzle). (2001). [Online in 2001] http://www.planetklik.com.my
- KLIK (Kurikulum Latihan Internet untuk Komuniti) (Internet skill curriculum for community). (2000-2002). Kuala Lumpur: Hypermedia
- RTM1 (2000, Dec 30). Persiapan untuk menghadapi persekolahan (School reopening preparations). Jendela pagi (Window of the morning)
- RTM1 (2000, Oct 18). Rancangan keluarga (Family program
- Saedah Siraj (2000). Intelek sebagai tumpuan pembinaan kurikulum (Intellect as a focus in curriculum design). Paper presented, and Proceedings of Seminar on Educational Development. Department of Educational Development, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. (http://www.planetklik.com.my
- RTM1 (1999, Apr 23). Selamat pagi Malaysia (Good morning Malaysia
- RTM1 (1999, July 15). Keluarga bahagia masyarakat cemerlang (Happy family excellent community). Forum perdana ehwal Islam (Rakam 2) (Prime forum of Islamic affairs) (Shooting 2)
- RTM1 (1999, July 15). Peranan generasi muda bernegara (Roles of nation s young generation). Forum perdana ehwal Islam (Rakam 1) (Prime forum of Islamic affairs) (Shooting 1)
- RTM1 (1999, May 8). Selamat pagi Malaysia (Good morning Malaysia)
- Saedah Siraj (1999). Sekolah berkesan dan kurikulum dinamik pendidikan guru (Effective school and teacher education dynamic curriculum). In Marohaini Yusoff, Zulkifli A. Manaf, Aini Hassan, Shahril Marzuki, Ananda Kumar P., and Abdul Jalil Othman (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar JPPG 1998: pendidikan guru untuk sekolah berkesan (Proceedings of JPPG Seminar 1998: teacher education for effective school) (pp.109-116). Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya, Fakulti Pendidikan
- RTM1 (1997, Jan 21). Selamat pagi Malaysia (Good morning Malaysia)
- RTM1 (1996, Nov 1). Selamat pagi Malaysia (Good morning Malaysia)
- RTM1 (1996, Nov 15). Selamat pagi Malaysia (Good morning Malaysia
- RTM1 (1996, Nov 22). Selamat pagi Malaysia (Good morning Malaysia)
- RTM1 (1996, Nov 8). Selamat pagi Malaysia (Good morning Malaysia)
- PMR Islamic Education Software. (1995). Stamford College Bhd, Stamford Database and Research Center, Malaysia
- Radio 3 Shah Alam (1994, Jan-Dec, every Thursday, 6.45-7.00 am). Mutiara renungan (Pearl of reflextion)
- Saedah Siraj (1990). An analysis of gender stereotyping in Malay language reading textbooks: implications for Malaysian education. PhD Dissertation University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilm. (Reg. No: TX 3-226-423) (See also, University Libraries, The Ohio State University at http://osu.worldcat.org) (See also, http://wwwlib.umi.com/dissertations/preview/9120121) (See also, Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelidikan Dasar Pendidikan, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia at http://www.ppk.kpm.my/eprd/atx631.htm)
Other Publications
- Aleksandra Mikalevich: Russia: the revenge of subjectivity. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- Anne-Marie Kaufmant: Africa: the healer s arts. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- Chawki Azouri: the talking cure. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- Eliane Amado Levy-Valansi: how to say I. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- Etienne Barral: the Ajase complex. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- Jacques Hassoun: Freud and Freudianism. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- Monique Panaccio: psychoanalysis in Qu c. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- Olivier Marc: the inner adventure. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- Sigmund Frued: a letter from Freud to Einstein. The UNESCO Courier (Malay ed. 94 for Mar, 93) - Translations
- 2013 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)The Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR) Study (UM.C/625/1/HIR/ASH/02) ( Head, Social Sciences)
- 2013 - 2015, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)PEMBANGUNAN MODEL HIBRID E-HAJI UNTUK PELAJAR DEWASA ( Consultant)
- 2012 - 2014, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Rekabentuk Model Homeschooling Sekolah Menengah di Malaysia ( Consultant)
- 2010 - 2013, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Development of Best Practise Profile in Management Pupils Discipline ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)mLearning Discovery -Based Pedagogical module for future secondary school ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2012, Penyelidikan PascasiswazahDevelopment of Profile for Effedtive School Based Financial Management in Malaysia ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Rekabentuk Profil Terbaik Untuk Pengurusan Organisasi Pembelajran ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)m-Learning Discovery-Based Pedagogical Module for Future Secondary School ( Director)
- 2009 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Development of Best Practices Profile in Financial Management of Schools (UMRG, RM31,000) ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2011, Ministry of Higher LearningThe study on One-Malaysia concept in the contexts of public higher learning institutions ( Consultant)
- 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Development of best practices profile in financial management of schools ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2011, ScienceFundReka bentuk pengajaran alternative anak-anak berkeperluan khas sekolah rendah Malaysia (Alternative instructional design for children with special need of the Malaysian elementary schools) ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Development and evaluation for mLearning instructional module for secondary school in several countries in Asia: Phase 2 (Mei 2007 to April 2010). ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2009, University of Malaya Special FundDevelopment and evaluation for mLearning instructional module for primary and secondary school in several countries in Asia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2006 - 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Future Study on the Patterns of Man Power and and Its Impacts on the Higher Education Curriculum in Malaysia ( PROJECT LEADER)
- 2006 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Orang Asli (Malaysian Indigenous) Elementary School Project: developing basic reading curriculum module (2006-May 2008). University of Malaya. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2008, Ministry of Higher Learning MalaysiaTracer study on La DeCreme matriculation students in public higher learning institutions (Nov. 2007 to Aug 2008). Ministry of Higher Learning Malaysia RM127, 000.00. ( Consultant)
- 2005 - 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Special Education for Energetic Development Project (SEED) (2005 to 2008). ( Consultant)
- 2006 - 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Kajian Masa Depan terhadap pola tenaga kerja dan impaknya kepada kurikulum institusi pengajian tinggi Malaysia (Future study toward manpower polar and its impact on the Malaysian curriculum of higher learning institutions) (2006-2008). ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Orang Asli (Malaysian Indigenous) Elementary School Project: developing basic reading curriculum module: Phase 2 (Sep 2008-Sep 2009). ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Education of the academic and religious excellent children ( Consultant)
- 2005 - 2006, MOSTI (IRPA)Neuro-Expert for Automatic UPUs Applications processing and Advisory Services ( Consultant)
- 2004 - 2006, IRPANeuro-Expert for automatic UPU s applications processing and advisory services (July 2004 to July 2006). IRPA RM50, 000.00. ( Consultant)
- 2002 - 2004, MOSTI (IRPA)General Purpose Search and Classification Algorithms for Distributed Information ( Consultant)
- 2002 - 2004, MOSTI (IRPA)General Purpose Search and Classification Algorithms for Distributed Information Access (October 2002 to April 2002 ( Consultant)
- 2002 - 2004, IRPAGeneral Purpose Search and Classification Algorithms for Distributed Information Access (Oct 2002 to April 2004). IRPA RM90,000.00 ( Member)
- 1999 - 2000, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Teacher Activity Center: A Status Review ( PROJECT LEADER)
- 1996 - 1998, UNICEF/INFRA/Ministry of Rural Development MalaysiaImproving parenting skills: An early intervention with low income family (June 1996 to Dec 1998). UNICEF/INFRA/Ministry of Rural Development Malaysia RM100, 000.00 ( Researcher)
- 2007 - 2009, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Development and evaluation for mLearning instructional module for primary and secondary school in several countries in Asia (Aug 2007 to Aug 2009). ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2004 - 2006, University of Malaya (Sab.)The Implementation Possibilities of mLearning in Several Countries in Asia ( PROJECT LEADER)
- 2005 - 2006, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Teaching quality in the higher institutions: a comparative study (2005 to 2007). University of Malaya s Vot F RM 6,990.00. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2005 - 2005, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Teaching Quality in the Higher Institutions: A Comparative Study ( PROJECT LEADER)
- 2004 - 2005, Sabbatical LeaveThe implementation possibilities of mLearning in several countries in Asia (Jan 2004 to Jan 2005). University of Malaya Sabbatical Leave, University of Ferdowsi at Mashhad ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 1996 - 1998, World Bank PIER ProjectThe Usage of Curriculum Materials in the Secondary Schools ( PROJECT LEADER)
- 1966 - 1998, UNICEF/INFRAImproving Parenting Skills: An Early Intervention with Low Income Family ( Consultant)
- 1994 - 1996, ASEAN FOUNDATIIONEvaluating Curriculum Assumption in Three ASEAN Countries ( Consultant)
- 1994 - 1996, World BankEvaluating curriculum assumption in three ASEAN countries ( Consultant)
- External Examiner for Phd Thesis (UUM), Universiti Utara Malaysia01 Sep 2017 - 01 Sep 2017 (National)
- Phd Thesis External Examiner, Universiti Sains Malaysia01 Jan 2016 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
- Panel Pakar Perbengkelan Development of Education Mind-Soul (Ems) Model Based On Philosophical Throught for Children, Universiti Malaya01 Jan 2016 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
- Pemeriksa Dalam Tesis Phd Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia01 Jan 2016 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
- Phd Thesis External Examiner, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris01 Jan 2016 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
- Editor Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak01 Jan 2016 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
- Phd Examiner, International Islamic University of Malaysia01 Jan 2016 - 01 Jan 2016 (National)
- Expert, Committee Member and Consultant of Board of Trustee for Foundation of Family Development of Trengganu (Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Trengganu), Malaysia (2010-2013), Trengganu State Government01 Mar 2010 - 01 Mar 2013 (National)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Penilaian Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (Frgs) Tahun 2012: Bidang Sains Sosial, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi01 Feb 2012 - 01 Feb 2012 (National)
- Expert and Evaluator for The Encyclopedia of History and Malay Culture, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia (1999 Onwards), Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia01 Mar 1999 - 01 Mar 2011 (National)
- Penal of Expert of Program Standards: Education (Mqa: Malaysian Quality Assurance), Government Agency01 Feb 2010 - 01 Feb 2010 (National)
- Expert, Main Speaker and Consultant of Early Childhood and Preschool Curriculum and Education of Umcced, Malaysia (2007-2009 Onwards), UMCCed, Malaysia01 Mar 2007 - 01 Mar 2009 (National)
- Expert and Main Speaker of The Future Curriculum Professional Training for The Officers of Ministry of Education Sri Lanka. Umcced, Kuala Lumpur, UMCCed01 Feb 2009 - 01 Feb 2009 (International)
- Institute of International Language B.Ed Link Program With The College St Mark & The College St John (United Kingdom), Queensland University of Technology & Macquarie University (Australia), University of Auckland, University of Victoria & University of Wellington (New Zealand), Ministry of Education Malaysia01 Feb 2005 - 01 Feb 2008 (International)
- Expert and Consultant of Early Childhood Curriculum, Dika College, Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia (2006), DIKA College, Malaysia01 Mar 2006 - 01 Mar 2006 (National)
- Consultant and Committee of Malaysian Examination Council, Ministry of Education Malaysia (Oct 3, 2005 Onwards), Malaysian Examination Council, Ministry of Education Malaysia01 Mar 2005 - 01 Mar 2005 (National)
- Expert, Consultant and Technical Committee of Designing National Family Policy, Lppkn, Ministry of Women and Family Development Malaysia (July 2003-July 2005), LPPKN, Ministry of Women and Family Development Malaysia01 Mar 2003 - 01 Mar 2005 (National)
- Panel of Experts and Technical Committee of Secondary Education Sector Improvement Project. National Curriculum and Textbook Board (Nctb), Secondary Curriculum Material Development Unit (Scmdu) of Min of Edu Bangladesh. Umcced and Ministry of Education Bangladesh, UMCCed and Ministry of Education Bangladesh01 Mar 2002 - 01 Mar 2003 (International)
- Advisory Panel and Consultant for Education Portal Curriculum Training for Community, Planetklik Sdn Bhd, Malaysia (1999-2002), PLANETKLIK SDN BHD, Malaysia01 Mar 1999 - 01 Mar 2002 (National)
- Chairman, Expert and Consultant of Curriculum Design for Diploma/Bachelor of Nursing, Puteri Nursing College, Malaysia (2000-2002), Puteri Nursing College, Malaysia01 Mar 2000 - 01 Mar 2002 (National)
- Expert, Committee Member and Consultant of Textbook Writing, Council of Textbook of Malaysia and Textbook Section, Ministry of Education of Malaysia (1999-2000), Council of Textbook of Malaysia and Textbook Section, Ministry of Education of Malaysia01 Mar 1999 - 01 Mar 2000 (National)
- Expert and Consultant of Evaluation of Kbsm Textbooks, Eprd, Ministry of Education Malaysia (1994-1999), EPRD, Ministry of Education Malaysia01 Mar 1994 - 01 Mar 1999 (National)
- Expert of Staff Training for National University of Laos. World Bank and Ministry of Education Laos, World Bank and Ministry of Education LAOS01 Feb 1999 - 01 Feb 1999 (International)
- Expert of Higher Secondary Education Project of Bangladesh. World Bank and Ministry of Education Bangladesh, World Bank and Ministry of Education Bangladesh01 Feb 1998 - 01 Feb 1998 (International)
- Future Teaching for Digitally Era, International Conference on Education (ICE), MNNF Network and International Social Sciences Academic Conference (ISSAC) (International) (23 Aug 2017 - 24 Jul 2017)
- Future Learning for 21st Century, International Conference on Language Teaching and Education, Universitas Jambi Indonesia (International) (16 May 2017 - 17 May 2017)
- Global Challenges and Reconstruction for Future Education, Global Challenges and Reconstruction for Future Education (Others) (24 May 2014 - 24 May 2014)
- Teaching Exellence And Educational Innovation Through Implementing Creative Solution for Global Challenges, International Seminar Conducted by Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (International) (27 Dec 2013 - 29 Dec 2013)
- -, Workshop On Quality of Education, Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Malaya (International) (07 Mar 2012 - 07 Mar 2012)
- Toward The Future: Application of Nanotecnhology in the Educational Environment, 1st International Conference On World-Class Education 2011 (ICWEd 2011), Fakulti Pendidikan (International) (05 Dec 2011 - 06 Dec 2011)
- Future Curriculum Planning, International Seminar on Future Education. University of Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia, University of Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia (International) (23 Jan 2009 - 23 Jan 2009)
- Developmental Research Approach in Curriculum Evaluation , International Conference on Curriculum Evaluation. University of Education Indonesia, Bandung, University of Education Indonesia (International) (20 Nov 2008 - 20 Nov 2008)
- Future Curriculum for Early Childhood Education Improvement, International Seminar on Early Childhood Education, University of Education Indonesia, Bandung, University of Education Indonesia (International) (25 Oct 2008 - 25 Oct 2008)
- Perancangan kurikulum berasaskan penyelidikan masa depan (Future research-based curriculum planning). , International Seminar on Educational Research. University of Education Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia (09 Apr 2008 - 09 Apr 2008)
- School improvement based on future-oriented curriculum planning. , International Seminar on School Improvement. Institute of Pricipalship, University of Malaya., Institute of Pricipalship, University of Malaya. (International) (10 Mar 2008 - 13 Mar 2008)
- Future-oriented curriculum planning for muslim family. , Family Muslim Scholarly Women s International Conference on Spirituality, Modesty and Family. President Office of Islamic Republic of Iran s Women and Family Affairs; Women's Affairs Office of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, & Women's International Affairs and Human Rights Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Islamic Republic of Iran. Tehran, Iran , President Office of Islamic Republic of Iran s Women and Family Affairs; Women's Affairs Office of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, & Women's International Affairs and Human Rights Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Islamic Republic of Iran. Tehran, Iran  (International) (18 Feb 2008 - 20 Feb 2008)
- The general core competencies in the Malaysian curriculum, International Collaborative Seminar on Core Competencies of Human Development in Education. Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, & Department of Education, Seoul National University, Korea, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, & Department of Education, Seoul National University, Korea (International) (28 Jan 2008)
- Aplikasi ICT di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Kesusasteraan Melayu (ICT applications in teaching and learning Malay Literature Education). , National Seminar on Malay Literature Education. DBP & Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur , Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka & Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.  (National) (13 Dec 2007 - 14 Dec 2007)
- Future-oriented curriculum planning, International Seminar on Education. Future-oriented curriculum planning. Makassar State University, Makassar, South of Sulawesi, Indonesia. , Makassar State University, Makassar, South of Sulawesi, Indonesia.  (International) (10 Dec 2007 - 10 Dec 2007)
- Future curriculum. , International Seminar on Future State Curriculum Planning: prospect and challenges. Government of Pangkep Regency, South of Sulawesi, Indonesia , Government of Pangkep Regency, South of Sulawesi, Indonesia  (International) (09 Dec 2007 - 09 Dec 2007)
- Measuring the future for better possibilities in Malaysias and Indonesias education planning, Seminar on National Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, University of Education Indonesia., Faculty of Educational Studies, University of Education Indonesia (International) (21 Dec 2006 - 22 Dec 2006)
- Project-based Learning (PrBL) for curriculum enrichment: Malaysia experiences.Kaohsiung Municipal Bureau of Education and Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. , Global Project-based Forum and Exhibition 2005. Kaohsiung Municipal Bureau of Education and Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan., Kaohsiung Municipal Bureau of Education and Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.  (International) (10 Sep 2005 - 13 Sep 2005)
- mLearning for better curriculum: implementation prospects. , Curriculum in the Age of Information and Communication Technology Conference. Iranian Curriculum Development Association. University of Tehran, Iran, Iranian Curriculum Development Association (International) (06 Mar 2004 - 07 Mar 2004)
- Perancangan pembelajaran di sekolah agama (Learning plan in religious school)., Persidangan Kebangsaan Pendidikan Agama (National Conference on Religious Education). Sciences University of Malaysia, Penang, Faculty of Education, Sciences University of Malaysia, Penang (National) (07 Sep 2002 - 08 Sep 2002)
- Curriculum planning for future education. , Seminar on Curriculum and Instruction., University of Prince Songkla, Pattani Campus, Thailand (International) (17 Jun 2002)
- Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Abad 21, Kolokium Kebangsaan Kreativiti dan Inovasi dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran 2017, IPG Kampus Kent, Sabah (National) (28 Mar 2017 - 29 Jul 2017)
- Future Education Shaping Intelligent and Mannered Generation througout Civilation, Future Education Shaping Intelligent and Mannered Generation throughout Civilization (International) (09 May 2014 - 09 May 2014)
- Aspek Pemeriksaan Tesis dan Disertasi, Bengkel Penyeliaan dan Pemeriksaan Tesis/Disertasi, Bahagian Ijazah Tinggi Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya (University) (05 Apr 2012 - 05 Apr 2012)
- Education of Character according to Islamic Pronsipless, Internatioanl Seminar of the education Character , Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Swsta, Lan Taboer (International) (07 Jan 2011 - 09 Jan 2011)
- Effective school practices in excellent schools in two developing countries: a comparison , Dean's Council of Public Universities Education Seminar 2010 , Dean's Council of Public Universities and University of Technolgy MARA (National) (02 Aug 2010 - 03 Aug 2010)
- Issues of equity principles in financing education in Malaysia: an alternative solution based on futuristic , Dean's Council of Public Universities Education Seminar 2010, Dean's Council of Public Universities and University of Technolgy MARA (National) (02 Aug 2010 - 03 Aug 2010)
- Curriculum design, Professional Discourse on Curriculum. Council of Examination Malaysia. , Council of Examination Malaysia.  (National) (18 Dec 2007)
- Teaching critical thinking in an electronic context: toward a virtual critical thinking school. , Seminar of ICT in Education. Allamah Tabatabai University, Tehran, Allamah Tabataba i University, Tehran (International) (07 Jun 2004 - 08 Jun 2004)
- Integrated approaches of teaching and learning: Malaysia experiences. , Seminar on Teaching Improvement. University of Prince Songkla, Thailand, CIS, University of Prince Songkla, Thailand (International) (16 Feb 2001)
- International Education Conference, International Education Conference 2015 (International) (07 Jun 2015 - 13 Jun 2015)
- International Educational Technology Conference, International Educational Technology Conference 2014 (International) (02 Sep 2014 - 06 Sep 2014)
- 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-2017), 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-2017), Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (International) (28 Apr 2017 - 29 Apr 2017)
- Seminar Pendidikan Islam Sepanjang Hayat 2017, Seminar Pendidikan Islam Sepanjang Hayat 2017, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (National) (02 Feb 2017 - 02 Feb 2017)
- Modul Pembelajaran Webquest Pendidikan Kesihatan (WQPKES) untuk Guru Pelatih Murid Bermasalah Pembelajaran, Innovation and Invention in Education Competition, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) (National) (19 May 2016 - 19 May 2016)
- International Conference on Knowledge Transfer (ICKT'15), International Conference on Knowledge Transfer (ICKT'15) (International) (01 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015)
- Seminar Pemerkasaan Pendidikan Dan Bangsa Melayu, Seminar Pemerkasaan Pendidikan Dan Bangsa Melayu (National) (22 Sep 2015 - 22 Sep 2015)
- 2nd International Seminar of Teaching Excellence and Innovation, 2nd International Seminar of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (International) (25 Feb 2014 - 25 Feb 2014)
- International Conference on Research in Ethic Education, International Conference on Research in Ethics Education 2013 (ICRIEEd2013) (International) (19 Nov 2013 - 21 Nov 2013)
- 2nd International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE, 2nd International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2013 (International) (07 Oct 2013 - 10 Oct 2013)
- mLearning and Teacher Training: A Need Analysis., 8th Biennial Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA) (01 Aug 2012)
- Research and trends in the field of homeshooling from 2000 to 2012: A content analysis of homeschooling., Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012 (01 May 2012)
- Examinig the areas of ICT Utilization among school teachers and principals in Malaysia., The Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012 (01 May 2012)
- Research Trends in studies of native and non-native speaker teachers of languages: A review on selected researches and thesis, The Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012 (01 May 2012)
- Assessing the quality assurance for quality teaching and learning in higher education in Malaysia: Reflecting on its policy and processes., Assesing the quality assurance for quality teaching and leaning in higher education in Malaysia: Reflecting on its policy and processes (01 May 2012)
- Research and Trends in the field of Technology- Enhanced Learning from 2006 to 2011: A Content analysis of Quick Rsponse Code (QR-Code) and its application in selected studies, the Ist International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education ISQAE 2012 (01 May 2012)
- Trend Masa Depan Ekonomi Di Malaysia Dan Impaknya Terhadap Pengurusan Sekolah., International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges" (01 Dec 2011)
- Persepsi Kanak-kanak Orang Asli Terhadap Pembelajaran Di Dalam Bilik darjah:Kajian Kes Terhadap Seorang Kanak-kanak Orang Asli Tahun empat Di Hulu Selangor, International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges" (01 Dec 2011)
- Kesan Muzik Ke Atas Ekspresif Visual Dalam Bentuk Lukisan., International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges" (01 Dec 2011)
- The Future English Lnguage Curriculum For The Orang Asli People In malaysia:Issues In The Context And Pedagogical Implications., International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges" (01 Dec 2011)
- Role of Positive Psychological Strengths and Big five Personality Traits in Coping Mechanism of University Students, International Conferencew on Humanities, Society and Culture (01 Dec 2011)
- Teknik Delphi Dalam Penyelidikan Pendidikan Masa Depan., International Conference "Future Educational in Global Challenges" (01 Dec 2011)
- Kepimpinan Sekolah Dan Amalan Pengurusan Strategik Di Beberapa Buah Sekolah Menengah Agama Di Selangor,, International Conference "Future Educational in Global Challenges", (01 Dec 2011)
- Kajian Masa Depan Tentang Intelek Aktif Dalam Buku Teks., International Conference "Future Education in Global Challenges, (01 Dec 2011)
- Proceedings International Conference "Future Education in Global Chaleenges", International Conference "Future Education in Global Chaleenges", (01 Dec 2011)
- Persepsi dan Jangkaan Terhadap Peranan Guru Kanan Mata pelajaran (GKMP) di Sekolah Menengah, Seminar Majlis Dekan-dekan Pendidikan IPTA2011 (01 Oct 2011)
- Kertas Institusi Universiti Malaya, Prosiding Seminar Majlis Dekan-dekan Pendidikan IPTA2011 (01 Oct 2011)
- Pengenalan Kepada Amalan Kepimpinan Guru di Malaysia: Cabaran dan Cadangan, Prosiding Seminar Majlis Dekan-dekan Pendidikan IPTA2011 (01 Oct 2011)
- Kepimpinan Pengetua Aliran Akademik dan Agama:Satu Kajian Awal, Seminar Majlis Dekan-dekan Pendidikan IPTA2011 (01 Oct 2011)
- Seminar Majlis Dekan-Dekan Pendidikan IPTA 2011, Seminar Majlis Dekan-Dekan Pendidikan IPTA 2011 (National) (27 Sep 2011 - 28 Sep 2011)
- Pendidikan Tinggi di Malaysia & Indonesia, Seminar Internasional, Fakulti Pengurusan & Ekonomi Hasanuddin, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris & Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia (International) (08 Jan 2011 - 08 Jan 2011)
- M-Learning Curriculum transformation. (http://www.iet-c.net/publications/), IETC (10th International Educational Technology Conference) , IETC (International) (26 Apr 2010 - 28 Apr 2010)
- Participatory management in educational organization , International Conference on Educational Innovation. University of Malaya, Faculty of Education, UNESCO and Ministry of Education Malaysia (International) (06 May 2008 - 08 May 2008)
- Participatory management dimensions and cognitive style, International Seminar on Educational Management, Kuala Lumpur, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (International) (25 Nov 2007 - 27 Nov 2007)
- Preferen pelajar terhadap teknik pengajaran guru (Student preference towards educator s instructional technique). , Malaysian Educational Research Association (MERA) Conference 2003, Malaysian Educational Research Association (MERA) (International) (12 Sep 2003 - 12 Sep 2003)
- Student behavioral pattern and motivation toward effective learning and teaching. (http:MyDocumentsIACCPXIVCongress.htm) , International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP) XVI Congress,IACCP, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Association for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP) (International) (15 Jul 2002 - 19 Jul 2002)
- Electric-model with intelligent-interface for interactive Web-based intelligent tutoring system. (http://www.cddc.vt.edu/cyber), International Conference on Learning 2000: Reassessing Virtual University, Virginia, USA, VirginiaTECH, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA (International) (23 Sep 2000 - 30 Sep 2000)
- Design of effective school-based financial management model in Malaysia using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), The 3rd International Conference on Socio-Cultural Relationship and  (International) (30 Jan 2016 - 31 Jan 2016)
- Effective School-based Financial Management: A Study on the Practices of Cluster School in Malaysia, 1st International Conference On Teaching & Learning (ICTL 2015) (International) (14 Sep 2015 - 15 Sep 2015)
- International Conference of Educational Technology Adibuana, 6th International Conference of Educational Technology Adibuana (International) (07 May 2015 - 11 May 2015)
- International Conference On Quality In Higher Education ICQH, International Conference On Quality In Higher Education ICQH 2014 (International) (01 Dec 2014 - 06 Dec 2014)
- Bengkel Penyelidikan Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan, Bengkel Penyelidikan Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (Others) (01 May 2014 - 02 May 2014)
- International Conference On Education, International Conference On Education, 4th IECTA (International) (22 Feb 2013 - 24 Feb 2013)
- International Distance Education Conference IDEC 2012, International Distance Education Conference IDEC 2012 (International) (13 Dec 2012 - 15 Dec 2012)
- Srengthening Character Education in Early Childhood Education and Primary School, Seminar Internasional Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar SPs UPI Bandung Tahun 2011, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung (International) (10 Dec 2011 - 10 Dec 2011)
- The implementation of listening comprehension in the French Language Curriculum in Malaysian secondary schools. (http://education-conferences.org/Documents/Accepted%20Proposals%202011.pdf) , 3 me Conf rence Internationale Education, conomie et Soci t (3rd Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society)., American Political Science Association (International) (20 Jul 2011 - 23 Jul 2011)
- Prospect and implementation of M-learning for future curriculum. IEEE.(ISBN 978-1-4244-8751-6) (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org) , 2010 International Conference on Distance Learning and Education (ICDLE 2010): 4th IEEE International Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA. , ICDLE (International) (03 Oct 2010 - 05 Oct 2010)
- Philosophy of purifying soul, Conference on Philosophy, Education and Human Development, Kuala Lumpur, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (Others) (05 Aug 2010 - 06 Aug 2010)
- The issue of equity in financing education in Malaysia: Transformational practice for the solution, National Seminar on National Education 4, Faculty of Education, UKM (National) (03 Aug 2010 - 04 Aug 2010)
- MLearning Module for secondary school. (http://AACE.org), AACE 2010: Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 - Global Conference on Learning and Technology, Penang, Malaysia, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) (International) (17 May 2010 - 20 May 2010)
- Kajian tentang dasar dan kualiti pendidikan di sekolah rendah di Malaysia (The study of policies and the quality of education in primary schools in Malaysia), International Conference on Management, Administration and Leadership 2, State University of Yogjakarta, Yogjakarta, Indonesia , Committee of Management, Administration and Leadership of Regional Universities, State University of Yogjakarta, Yogjakarta, Indonesia (International) (30 Apr 2010 - 02 May 2010)
- Amalan sekolah berkesan di sekolah cemerlang di dua buah negara sedang membangun: satu panduan (Effective school practices at the smart school in developing countries: a guide), Seminar for Acheh Care Foundation (ACF), Acheh Care Foundation (ACF) (International) (16 Mar 2010 - 16 Mar 2010)
- Did you cook your lesson based on right recipe? (Accommodating the students preferences in class). (http://www.wces2010.org/wces2010enyeniprogram.pdf) , World Conference on Educational Science (WCES 2010), Istanbul, Turkey , Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey (International) (04 Feb 2010 - 08 Feb 2010)
- Investigation on participatory management and identify the constraints. (http://www.wces2010.org/wces2010enyeniprogram.pdf) , World Conference on Educational Science (WCES 2010), Istanbul, Turkey , WCES (International) (04 Feb 2010 - 08 Feb 2010)
- Do you know where I can find the new center which is called Cognitive styles and language learning strategies link?. (http://www.wces2010.org/wces2010enyeniprogram.pdf) , World Conference on Educational Science (WCES 2010), Istanbul, Turkey , WCES (International) (04 Feb 2010 - 08 Feb 2010)
- Current thinking and future view: participatory management a dynamic system for developing organizational commitment. (http://www.wces2010.org/wces2010enyeniprogram.pdf) , World Conference on Educational Science (WCES 2010), Istanbul, Turkey , WCES (International) (04 Feb 2010 - 08 Feb 2010)
- Value creation through trust, decision making and teamwork in educational environment. (http://www.wces2010.org/wces2010enyeniprogram.pdf) , World Conference on Educational Science (WCES 2010), Istanbul, Turkey, World Conference on Educational Science (WCES)  (International) (04 Feb 2010 - 08 Feb 2010)
- Development of a Collaborative mLearning module: learners perceptions of technology.(http://www.wces2010.org/wces2010enyeniprogram.pdf) , World Conference on Educational Science (WCES 2010), Istanbul, Turkey , WCES (International) (04 Feb 2010 - 08 Feb 2010)
- Cultivation of virtues for holistic human development. (http://www.world-come2009.com)., World-Come 2009, Shah Alam, Malaysia , International College University of Selangor, Islamic Academy Cambridge, and Ilmuan (International) (21 Dec 2009 - 23 Dec 2009)
- Ensuring participatory based decision-making practice in higher education through e-management: a faculty initiative , The 14th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics (MATH'09). Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, WSEAS  (International) (14 Dec 2009 - 16 Dec 2009)
- Variability and correlates of participatory management: a multidimensional view. (http://ace.iafor.org) , ACE 2009 (The Asian Conference on Education 2009 - International Conference), Osaka, Japan, ACE (International) (24 Oct 2009 - 25 Oct 2010)
- Have you ever walk side by side with your students in learning road? (The impact of teaching styles and learning styles match and mismatch among Iranian students achievement). (http://ace.iafor.org), ACE 2009 (The Asian Conference on Education 2009 - International Conference), Osaka, Japan, ACE (International) (24 Oct 2009 - 25 Oct 2009)
- Designing pedagogical module based on technology and learning style for form 4 Physics Curriculum: a Delphi modified technique. (http://www.imetc2009.webs.com), 3rd International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention (imetc2009), Penang, Malaysia, Malaysian Educational Technology Association (META), Educational Technology Division of Ministry of Education Malaysia, Penang State Educational Technology Division, Penang State Education Department, and Sciences University of Malaysia (International) (24 Oct 2009 - 24 Oct 2009)
- mLearning for future curriculum: implementation and prospect. (http://www.iacsit.org/isccc09.prog.pdf) , International Symposium on Computing, Communication, and Control (ISCCC2009). International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) , International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) (International) (07 Oct 2009 - 09 Oct 2009)
- Children character development based on Maskawayh and al- Ghazali (http://www.um.edu.my/mediacentre/events) , International Conference on Applied Psychology: Asian Perspective, Kuala Lumpur, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (International) (12 Mar 2009 - 14 Mar 2009)
- Bridging the gap between the language learning strategies and cognitive styles: a case study in Iran. (http://www.um.edu.my/mediacentre/events) , International Conference on Applied Psychology: Asian Perspective. Kuala Lumpur. , Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (International) (12 Mar 2009 - 14 Mar 2009)
- Implementation of the collaborative mLearning module in form 2 science in a Malaysian secondary school: learners use of communication tools. (ISBN:978-989-8295-02-6).(http://www.iask-web.org/toc-tl09.pdf) , IASK International Conference Teaching and Learning 2009. Porto, Portugal , IASK  (International) (01 Feb 2009 - 01 Feb 2009)
- The establishment of virtual school in Malaysia. (http://l08.cgpublisher.com/proposals/476/index_html) , The Fifteenth International Conference on Learning 2008. University of Illinois, Chicago, International Conference on Learning  (International) (03 Jun 2008 - 06 Jun 2008)
- Field independence/dependence: a hypothesized relationship with leadership and management. (http://www.unescoapceiu.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=events&wr_id=397&page=5) , International Conference on Educational Innovation (ICEI 08, Kuala Lumpur, The University of Malaya, Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO, and UNESCO Regional Office Jakarta (International) (06 May 2008 - 08 May 2008)
- Promoting students self-regulation in vocabulary acquisition with the support of Web-based pedagogical tools. (http://www.unescoapceiu.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=events&wr_id=397&page=5) , International Conference on Educational Innovation (ICEI '08), Kuala Lumpur, University of Malaya, Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO, and UNESCO Regional Office Jakarta (International) (06 May 2008 - 08 May 2008)
- Designing a collaborative mLearning environment for form two science. (http://www.unescoapceiu.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=events&wr_id=397&page=5) , International Conference on Educational Innovation (ICEI '08), Kuala Lumpur, The University of Malaya, Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO, and UNESCO Regional Office Jakarta (International) (06 May 2008 - 08 May 2008)
- Occupational pattern in the future: do we need to change the curriculum?. (http://www.um.edu.my/mediacentre/events) , International Seminar on Educational Management, Kuala Lumpur, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (International) (25 Nov 2007 - 27 Nov 2007)
- A need for collaborative mobile learning in form two science. (http://www.fp.utm.my/ptpm2007). , 1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention 2007, Johor Baharu, Malaysia, PTPM, ETD Ministry of Education Malaysia, Johore State Education Dept, Johore State Educational Technology Divison, and UTM (International) (02 Nov 2007 - 05 May 2007)
- mLearning modules design for futuristic secondary school curriculum implementation in Malaysia. (http://www.1ttcom.com/mlearning/index.php?mod=publicopt=hom) (http://www.lttcom.com/mlearning/ index.php?mod=public&opt=program)., 1st APAC Mobile Learning & Edutainment Conference 2007, Kuala Lumpur, LTT Global Communications, Open University Malaysia, and MSC Malaysia (International) (07 Aug 2007 - 09 Aug 2007)
- Maximizing the role of delivery system in Open and Distance Learning (ODL). (http://eprints.um.edu.my/312/), 12th International Conference on Education. Brunei , University of Brunei Darussalam (International) (21 May 2007 - 24 May 2007)
- Future development of biotecnology and it s implication of education in Aceh. (http://www.pkukmweb.ukm.my/~papaaceh/PROGRAM_SCHEDUE.DOC), International Convention on Aceh Development., National University of Malaysia Academic Staff Association and ACI (International) (26 Dec 2006 - 26 Dec 2006)
- mLearning Curriculum for the future. (See also, University Malaya Library Bulletin, 23(1), 49 [2004] at http://www.umlib.um.edu.my/publications/kekal-23-1-2004.pdf) 01-Feb-03 , ICML (International Conference on M-Learning), University of Malaya (International) (27 Mar 2003 - 27 Mar 2007)
- Pengajian Kurikulum Masa Depan untuk pendidikan berkualiti (Future-Curriculum Studies for quality education, UMS Executive Management Workshop, University of Muhammadiyyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia, University of Muhammadiyyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia (International) (18 Jul 2002)
- Coping style and motivation Taxonomy among secondary school students, International Conference on Motivation and Learning, Kedah, Malaysia, North University of Malaysia (International) (25 Oct 2001 - 25 Oct 2001)
- (2017) Incorporating Intercultural Communicative Competence Components into the English for TourismCurricula in Southern Thailand Universities (PhD UUM) , (External Examiner)
- (2017) Kesan Kaedah Pembelajaran Serentak Terhadap Pencapaian Tilawah Al-Quran Sekolah Rendah (PhD USM) , (External Examiner)
- (2017) A Framework for Effective Use of Social Media in Formal Learning Among Undergraduate Students in Malaysia (PhD UTP), (External Examiner)
- (2012) Title of the book . Pemikiran kreatif dan kritis : Teori dan aplikasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. , (Book evaluator)
- (2012) Penggunaan Buku Cerita Bertahap dan Kesannya Terhadap Pemunculan Literasi Kanak-Kanak Prasekolah (PhD UPSI) , (External Examiner)
- (2012) Jati diri murid tahun empat daripada perspektif Islam berdasarkan komponen teori kawalan sosial (PhD USM) , (External Examiner)
- (2012) Reviewing articles Turkish Onlene Journal of education Technology (TOJET), (Reviewer)
- (2011) PhD Thesis "Pemupukan Waja Diri Kanak-Kanak Prasekolah" _ Chee Siew Lan, (External Examiner)
- (2011) PhD Thesis "Core Principles of an Islamic-Based Teacher Education Programme (IBTEP): Implications for Teacher Education Programmes in the Muslim World" -- Saheed Ahmad Rufai, (External Examiner)
- (2011) Penilai Luar bagi Penilaian Hasil Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan untuk tujuan Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Madya (DS54), (Reviewer)
- (2011) Ph.D. Thesis Examination, (External Examiner)
- (2011) Pelantikan sebagai Pemeriksa Dalam Untuk Menilai Tesis Ijazah Doktor Falsafah, (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Pemeriksa Luat Untuk Menilai Tesis Ijazah Doktor Falsafah, (External Examiner)
- (2011) Pelantikan Sebagai pemeriksa Luar Untuk Menilai Tesis Ijazah Doktor Falsafah- Encik Azizi bin Umar (P3803), (External Examiner)
- (2010) Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Knowdege and Its Educational Implications., (External Examiner)
- (2010) Promotion Exercise, National University of Malaysia , (External Assessor)
- (2010) Mohd. Ali Hashim. Master of Islamic Law University of Malaya , (External Examiner)
- (2010) Abdul Munir Mohamed Noh. Master of Theology University of Malaya , (External Examiner)
- (2010) University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, (Evaluator)
- (2009) Sciences University of Malaysia, Penang, (External Evaluator)
- (2009) Member of The Council of UMCCed , (Evaluator)
- (2009) Tatat Hartati. PhD Thesis, Sciences University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2009) Ahmad Johari bin Sihes. PhD Thesis, University Technology of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2009) Ramlan Jantan. PhD Thesis, National University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2008) Education University of Sultan Idris Press, Perak, Malaysia, ( Evaluator)
- (2008) University of Malaya Research Grant Scheme (UMRG), (Evaluator)
- (2007) Education University of Sultan Idris, Malaysia, (External Evaluator)
- (2007) Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (2007-2009 session and 2009-2011 session) , (Evaluator )
- (2007) Board of Institute of Higher Degree Committee Member (University of Malaya Senate Rep.) (2007-2009 session) (2009-2011 session) , (Board of Inst of Higher Degree Committee Member)
- (2007) Muhamatsakree Manyunu. PhD Thesis, Education University of Sultan Idris, Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2007) Roshani Abdullah. PhD Thesis, National University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2007) Malar Mutiah. PhD Thesis, Sciences University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2007) Khairuddin Mohamad. PhD Thesis, National University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2007) Mat Asuar Awang. PhD Thesis, Sciences University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2007) Malar Mutiah. PhD Thesis, Sciences University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2006) A/L Labu. MA Thesis, Sciences University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2006) Evaluator for PhD thesis of Andhra University, India, (Evaluator)
- (2006) Fadzilah Amzah. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
- (2006) Sharif Mahat. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
- (2004) Habib Mat Som. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
- (2002) Rohani Ismail. MMdSc Thesis, National University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2002) Kamarul Azmi Jasmi. MA Thesis, University of Malaya, (External Examiner)
- (2001) Books (Novel) for Upper Secondary School 2001, Curriculum Development Center (CDC) Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia (1998-1999), (Evaluator)
- (2000) Rohazani Yaakub. PhD Thesis, National University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (2000) Sciences University of Malaysia Press, Penang, Malaysia, (Evaluator)
- (1999) Zaharuddin Zamin. MEd Thesis, Sciences University of Malaysia , (External Examiner)
- (1999) Subadrah Madhawa Nair. PhD Thesis, Sciences University of Malaysia, (External Examiner)
- (1994) Evaluation and Selection of Malay Language Secondary School Textbook, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia, (Chairman of Evaluation )
- Promotion Exercise, Sciences University of Malaysia , (External Assessor )
- Promotion Exercise, University of Technology Malaysia, (External Assessor )
Contribution to external organisation
- (2012) Apppintment as External examiner for PhD Thesis, Unternational Islamic University Malaysia, International
- (2012) Laporan penilaian pemeriksa luar calon rancangan PhD - Rozana Abdul Rahim, Universiti Sains Malaysia, National
- (2011) Ahli Jawatankuasa Peruntukan Penyelidikan Pascasiswazah (PPP) & Bantuan Kecil Penyelidikan (BKP) Universiti malaya, Universiti Malaya, University
- (2011) Pelantikan sbg AJK Kluster Pendidikan & Pembangunan Modal Insan Majlis Profesor Negara, Majlis Profesor Negata, National
- (2011) Pelantikan sbg AJK Kluster Pendidikan & Pembangunan Modal Insan Majlis Profesor Negara, Majlis Profesor Negata, National
- (2011) Pemeriksa Luar Utk Menilai tesis Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (En. Azizi Umar), Universit Kebangsaan Malaysia, University
- (2011) Penilai Luar bagi Penilaian Hasil Penyelidikan & Penerbitan utk tujuan kenaikan pangkat ke jawatan profesor madya (DS54), Universiti Utara Malaysia, University
- (2011) Penilai untuk artikel dalam online (Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology), TOJET, International
- (2011) Co-Chairman of International Conference on Futures Studies in Education. University of PGRI Adi Buana and University of Malaya. University of PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya, Indonesia (2011, Apr 23), University of PGRI Adi Buana and University of Malaya, International
- (2011) Bengkel Penilaian Permohonan Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) Fasa 1/2011, Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
- (2011) International Conference on Futures Studies in Education, Surabaya, Indonesia , University of PGRI Adibuana and University of Malaya
- (2011) Penceramah Kolokium Pemerkasaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor
- (2011) Penceramah Bagi Kursus Instructional Design, Bahagian Buku Teks, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
- (2011) Fasilitator Bengkel Pihak Berkepentingan: Draf Standard Program Pendidikan (Programme Stantard: Education), Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA)
- (2010) Penal of Expert of Program Standards: Education (MQA: Malaysian Quality Assurance) (2010), Government Agency, National
- (2009) Member of The Council of National Central Curriculum [Malaysia] (Jul 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011) , The Council of National Central Curriculum [Malaysia] , National
- (2009) External Evaluator for BA Program, Sciences University of Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia (2009) , Sciences University of Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia , National
- (2009) Expert and Main Speaker of the Future Curriculum Professional Training for the Officers of Min of Educ Sri Lanka. UMCCed, Malaysia (2009), UMCCed, Malaysia , International
- (2009) Expert & Main Speaker in Committee Meeting of Curriculum Design for Training Institute of Statistics Malaysia, Department of Statistics Malaysia , National
- (2009) Regional Seminar, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur and Directorate General of Religion, Ministry of Religion Indonesia, International
- (2009) Future Curriculum Professional Training for the Officers of Ministry of Education Sri Lanka , UMCCed, Kuala Lumpur
- (2009) Committee Meeting of Curriculum Design for the Training Institute of Statistics Malaysia, Awana Resort Genting Highland, Pahang, Malaysia , Department of Statistics Malaysia
- (2008) Expert in the Meeting of Curriculum Revision for Technical and Vocational School of Malaysia, Min of Edu Mal (April 2008) , Technical and Vocational School Section, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (2008) Meeting of Curriculum Revision for Technical and Vocational School of Malaysia , Ministry of Education Malaysia
- (2007) Expert and Main Speaker for Lecture on Fundamental Research for Academic Staff of North University of Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia (2007), North University of Malaysia, Kedah, Malaysia, National
- (2007) Expert and Main Speaker at Professional Discourse on Curriculum, Council of Examination Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia (Dec 18, 2007), Council of Examination Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (2007) Expert and Main Speaker of Early Childhood and Preschool Curriculum and Education of UMCCed, Malaysia (2007-2009 onwards) , UMCCed, Malaysia , University
- (2007) External Evaluator for BA (IEd) Program, Education University of Sultan Idris, Malaysia (2007), Education University of Sultan Idris, Malaysia , National
- (2006) Evaluator for PhD thesis of Andhra University, India (July 12, 2006 onwards) , Andhra University, India , International
- (2006) Expert and Main Speaker for Workshop on Staff Development, University of Trengganu Malaysia, Kuala Trengganu, Mal (May 6, 2006) , University of Trengganu Malaysia, Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia, National
- (2006) Expert and Consultant of Early Childhood Curriculum, DIKA College, Selangor, Malaysia (2006) , DIKA College, Selangor, Malaysia , Others
- (2006) Early Childhood Curriculum , DIKA College, Sunway, Selangor, Malaysi
- (2005) Expert for The Writing Teaching Materials in English for Technical and Vocational School of Malaysia, Min of Edu Mal (2005) , Technical and Vocational Section, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (2005) External Examiner for the Institute of International Language B.Ed Link Program with The College St Mark & The College St John (UK), Queensland University of Technology & Macquarie University (Australia), University of Auckland, University of Victoria & University of Wellington (New Zealand) (Sep 30, 2005 to Sep 30, 2008), Institute of International Language, Ministry of Education Malaysia andThe College St Mark & The College St John (UK), Queensland University of Technology & Macquarie University (Australia), University of Auckland, University of Victoria & University of Wellington (New Zealand) , International
- (2005) Writing Teaching Materials in English for Technical and Vocational School of Malaysia , Ministry of Education Malaysia
- (2005) Committee of Malaysian Examination Council, Ministry of Education Malaysia
- (2004) Committee Member (Malaysia Representative) of International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS) (June 2004) , International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS) , International
- (2003) Persidangan Warga Muda (Convention on Young Citizen , Selangor State Government and UMCFD
- (2003) Persidangan Keluarga Negara (Convention on Family of the Nation), UMCFD, Kuala Lumpur
- (2003) Technical Committee of Designing National Family Policy , LPPKN, Ministry of Women and Family Development Malaysia
- (2002) Chairman, Expert and Consultant of Curriculum Design, Puteri Nursing College, Malaysia (2000-2002) , Puteri Nursing College, Malaysia , National
- (2002) Panel of Expert and Technical Committee of Secondary Education Sector Improvement Project. National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), Secondary Curriculum Material Development Unit (SCMDU) of Min of Edu Bangladesh. UMCCed and Ministry of Education Bangladesh (2002-2003) , UMCCed and Ministry of Education Bangladesh, International
- (2002) Secondary Education Sector Improvement Project, National Curriculum and Textbook Board Secondary, Curriculum Material Development Unit of Ministry of Education Bangladesh and UMCCed
- (2001) Expert of Designing and Writing Learning Modules for Technical and Vocational Institutions of Malaysia, Technical and Vocational Section, Ministry of Education Malaysia (2001 onwards) , Technical and Vocational Section, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (2001) Expert and Consultant of Evaluation and Selection of Books (Novel) for Upper Secondary School, Ministry of Education Malaysia (2001), Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (2001) Designing and Writing Learning Modules for Technical and Vocational Institutions of Malaysia , Section of Technical and Vocational, Ministry of Education Malaysia
- (2001) Evaluation and Selection of Books (Novel) for Upper Secondary School, Ministry of Education Malaysia
- (2000) Advisory Panel of the Curriculum Design for Diploma and Degree, UNIMAYA, Malaysia (2000), UNIMAYA, Malaysia, University
- (2000) Expert of Designing a Criterion for Malay Language Oral Examination, Examination Board of Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia (2000 onwards), Examination Board of Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (2000) Designing a Criterion for Malay Language Oral Examination, Examination Board of Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia
- (2000) Curriculum Design for Diploma and Degree for UNIMAYA, UNIMAYA, Malaysia
- (2000) Curriculum Design for Puteri Nursing College, Malaysia , Puteri Nursing College, Malaysia
- (1999) Advisory Panel and Consultant for Education Portal Curriculum Training for Community, PLANETKLIK SDN BHD, Malaysia (1999-2002), PLANETKLIK SDN BHD, Malaysia , Others
- (1999) Expert and Committee Member of Textbook Writing, Council of Textbook of Malaysia and Textbook Section, Ministry of Education of Malaysia (1999-2000), Council of Textbook of Malaysia and Textbook Section, Ministry of Education of Malaysia , National
- (1999) Expert of Staff Training for National University of Laos, World Bank and Ministry of Education LAOS (1999) , World Bank and Ministry of Education LAOS , International
- (1999) Textbook Writing, Council of Textbook of Malaysia and Textbook Section, Ministry of Education of Malaysia
- (1999) Staff Training for National University of Laos Expert Advisor , World Bank and Ministry of Education LAOS
- (1998) Expert of Curriculum Development Center (CDC) Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia (1998-1999) , Curriculum Development Center (CDC) Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (1998) Expert of Higher Secondary Education Project of Bangladesh, World Bank and Ministry of Education Bangladesh (1998), World Bank and Ministry of Education Bangladesh , International
- (1998) Expert of NTV Project for Cambodia, World Bank and Ministry of Education Cambodia (1998) , World Bank and Ministry of Education Cambodia , International
- (1998) Secondary Education Project of Bangladesh, World Bank and Ministry of Education Bangladesh
- (1998) NTV Project for Cambodia , World Bank and Ministry of Education Cambodia
- (1996) Expert and Writer for Evaluation of Children Reading Materials, BAKA Educare Sdn Bhd, Malaysia (1996-1999), BAKA Educare Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, Others
- (1994) Chairman of Evaluation and Selection of Malay Language Secondary School Textbook, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia (1994), Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (1994) Expert and Consultant of Evaluation of KBSM Textbooks, EPRD Ministry of Education Malaysia (1994-1999) , EPRD, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (1994) Evaluation and Selection of Malay Language Secondary School Textbook, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia
- (1994) Evaluation of KBSM Textbooks, EPRD, Ministry of Education Malaysia
- (1987) Committee Member Interuniversity Education Term, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia (1987) , Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia , National
- (1987) Interuniversity Education Term, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ministry of Education Malaysia
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
(2024) Pedagogies of Teaching and Training, Design and Development Research Entrepreneurship Education, XIANGYUN SU
(2024) Developing a Digital Literary-Integrated Speaking Syllabus for Arabic as a Second Language Pre-Service Teachers in China, GU BINGXIN
(2024) The Development of Online Teaching Model in Academic English Writing for Chinese EFL College Students, GUI MINGXIAN
(2024) An AI-Based Chatbot Pedagogical Module for English Grammer among Vocational Colege Students in China, YI XIA
(2024) Development of a Design Thinking Module for Advance Problem-Solving Skills among Children in China, ZHUOYA BAO
(2024) Internal and External Contextual Influence on Language Learning Strategy: Insights from Chinese National Matriculation English Test Retakes, YAN LIANG
(2024) Development of an Ai-Based Chatbot Instructional Module for Improving EFL Students’ Critical Thinking in English Writing in Higher Education Institutions in China, ZHANG QIAN
(2024) Development of Parental Involvement Model in Mathematics Curriculum for Suburban Secondary School in Malaysia, YONG CHEA SIN
(2023) Modern trends in the evaluation of kindergarten children in Kuwait according to Kuwaitian teachers' perceptions, DANAH E.M.GH. ALRASHIDI ALSHEHRI
(2023) Reka Bentuk Taksonomi ‘Aqliyyah – Nafsiyyah Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam Peringkat Menengah, HUSNUL RITA BINTI ARIS
(2022) Development of Interpersonal Skills Assessment Model for English as a Second Language (ESL) Trainee Teachers, SITI UMMAIZAH BINTI MEOR MUSA
(2014) Pembangunan Model Integriti Akademik di Kalangan Pelajar IPTA, Ramlan Bin Mustapha
(2014) IMIML for Pre Service, Khairah @ Asma'A Binti Baharun
(2014) Development of Effective Financial Management Among Elderly in Malaysia, Visyalini Selvadurai
(2013) Pembangunan Modul Pedagogi Responsif Budaya Kraf Tradisional Pendidikan Seni Visual Sekolah Menengah, Siti Zuraida Maaruf
(2013) Pembangunan Model Kurikulum Latihan Program Berasakan Ski Ves, Mohd Ridhuan Bin Mohd Jamil
(2013) Neuroscience Pedagogical Module, Sawsan Awad Karar
(2013) Hubungan di antara Stail Keibubapaan dengan Kecerdasan Emosi Pelajar, Hamidah Sulaiman
(2012) Pembangunan Profil Organisasi Pembelajaran, Rosnah Ahmad
(2012) Pembangunan Modul Pendidikan Intergenerasi di Malaysia, Ngu Kee Shing
(2012) Pembangunan Model Pengajaran, Abdullah Mohammad
(2012) Pembangunan Model dan Modul Homeschooling q-Rohani bagi kanak-kanak orang asli, Mohd Nazri bin Abdul Rahman
(2012) Model Kurikulum berasaskan Nutrisi untuk pelajar sekolah rendah orang asli, Farhah Abdul Aziz
(2012) Futuristic Business Studies Curriculum for Higher Secondary School, Chiew Wye Mei
(2012) Development of Teaching Models, Gulistan
(2012) Development of Interpretive Sctural mLearning Implementation Model of English Communication Skills for Undegraduates, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah
(2011) Pembangunan Pendidikan E-Haj, Norhashimi Bin Saad
(2011) Developing profile of nursing competency in Malaysia, Aini Ahmad (Malaysia)
(2011) Community Based Youth Leadership Training Curriculum Model for the Urban Poverty, Xiao Sai
(2010) Mobile Education in Indonesia, Asra Abdul Malik (Indonesia)
(2010) Listening comprehension implementations in French Language Curriculum at secondary school., Nor Zihan Hussin (Malaysia)
(2010) Developing students self-regulation and self-efficiency in writing: an Integrated Approach to teach writing in ESL classroom, Amina Ma Ping (China) (2011).
(2010) Designing digital stories reading comprehension for Orang Asli (Malaysian indigenous) elementary school, T. Vanitha Thanabalan (Malaysia)
(2009) Pembinaan Kurikulum Modular Physic untuk sekolah menengah rendah (Physic Curriculum Module Design for lower secondary school)., Norlidah Alias (Malaysia)
(2009) Pembangunan Modul Pedagogi Berasaskan Lagu Tradisional Melayu untuk Kanak-kanak, Azli Bin Ariffin
(2009) Pembangunan Model Pendidikan Usahawan Orang Asli Anak Sungai Jambi, KASIONO
(2009) Model Pengajian M-Pembelajaran Berasaskan Kaedah Inkuiri Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Peringkat Menengah, Mohd Paris Bin Saleh
(2009) Model Keusahawanan Pelajar MARA, Mohd Zamry Bin Abd. Malek
(2009) Design of character development curriculum content based on Ihya Ulumud-Din and Tahdib Al-Akhlaq waTathir Al-A`raq, Asmaa Mohd Arshad (Malaysia)
(2009) Collaborative mLearning: enhancing learners critical thinking skills through SMS and online collaboration, Dorothy Dewitt (Malaysia)
(2009) Chemistry ICT Pedagogical Model Design for secondary school in Iran, Zohreh Abedi Kargiban (Iran)
(2008) The Native Speaker Programme: A Qualitative Study On Novice Teachers' Knowledge, Indentity and Practice, Fatiha Binti Senom
(2008) Rekabentuk Kurikulum mPembelajaran untuk sekolah menengah (mLearning Curriculum Design for secondary school)., Ahmad Sobri Shuib (Malaysia)
(2007) Integrated curriculum for BioScience in the Malaysian Diploma of Nursing, Wan Lok Cheng (Malaysia)
(2007) Development of Prdagogical Module for Pre University on Enterprenuership, Geetha A/P Munusamy
(2006) Design of character development curriculum content based on Ihya Ulumud-Din and Tahdib Al-Akhlaq waTathir Al-A`raq, Asmaa Mohd Arshad (Malaysia)
(2005) Relationship between learning style, language learning strategy and teaching methodology among university students in Malaysia, Zahra Naimie (Iran) (2006).
(2005) Provision for in-service continuing professional development of primary school teachers: a case study of Open University Malaysia, Sashitharan Raman Kutty (Malaysia)
(2003) Taksonomi Soalan dalam penilaian sekolah menengah dan implikasi Rekabentuk Kurikulum Bahasa Melayu (Taxonomy Question in secondary school evaluation and its implications on the Malay Language Curriculum Design), Noor Rohana Mansor (Malaysia)
(2003) Pembinaan dan penilaian portal Tatabahasa Melayu tingkatan dua (Designing and evaluating form two Malay Grammar portal), Chin Hai Leng (Malaysia)
(2002) Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Diploma Perguruan Bahasa Melayu (Implementation of Malay Language Teaching Diploma Curriculum)., Mohd Nasaruddin Basar (Malaysia)
(2002) Developing a guideline for an Islamic school curriculum design in Southern Boarder Provinces of Thailand., Ibrahim Narongraksakhet (Thailand)
(2001) Kesan Pendekatan Penyelesaian Masalah dalam pengajaran akidah pelajar tingkatan empat (Effect of Problem Solving Approach in the teaching of belief to form four students), Ismail Abas (Malaysia)
(2001) Development of Information Technology competencies among administrative support staff in networked organizations in Malaysia, Feridah Mohd Nazar (Malaysia)
(2013) Kerangka Pembelajaran BM kepada Pelajar Asing Mengggunakan MOOCS, Nurul Hasna Binti Hasan
(2013) KEBAT Dalam Pendidikan Islam, Mariani Binti Mohammed
(2013) Hubungan di antara Kemahiran Berfikir Kritis dengan Stail Belajar Pelajar Latihan Perguruan, Syarifah Atifah Syed Kamaruddin
(2012) Pengajaran Alam Sekitar menggunakan mPembelajaran, Muhammad Hafiz Zaini
(2012) Depression at Risk Therapy among elderly, Davina Foo Yan Thing
(2011) Keberkesanan Penggunaan Face Book dalam Pengajaran Pendidikan Islam Tingkat Empat, Khairul Azman Mohd Daud
(2011) Keberkesanan Pengajaran Alam Sekitar berasakan Islam menggunakan face-book, Mohd Salihin Hafizi bin Mohd Fauzi
(2010) Tahap penguasaan kemahiran Proses Sains di kalangan murid sekolah rendah (Sciences processes skill levels among elementary schools students), Manoharan Arunasalam (2011)
(2010) Reka bentuk kurikulum sekolah masa hadapan (Future school curriculum design), Mohd Rosley Ismail (2011)
(2010) Pengalaman guru sekolah rendah menangani pelaksanaan kurikulum di sekolah bandar (Elementary school teacher experiences in facing curriculum implementations challenges at urban school), Jayeswary a/p Shanmugam (2011)
(2010) Pelaksanaan pengajaran unsur patriotisme dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan tingkatan empat di sebuah sekolah menengah Derah Rembau (Patriotic elements teaching implementations in form four Sivics Education and Citizenship of a Rembau Distict secondary school), Vimalah Devy Krisnan (2011)
(2010) Pelaksanaan kurikulum Bahasa Melayu di sekolah menengah dan hubungannya dengan motivasi pelajar (Malay language curriculum implementations at secondary school and its relationships with student motivations), Ahmad Sharol Nizam Mat Rajab (2011)
(2010) Jangkaan pakar terhadap perkembangan teknologi Pendidikan Matematik dan impaknya kepada pedagogi Statistik sekolah menengah (Expert projections on Mathematics Education technology developments and its impacts on secondary school Statistics pedagogy), Hafisah Shafii (2011)
(2010) Ciri-ciri guru sebagai penyampai kurikulum: pandangan pelajar tingkatan empat (Teacher characters as curriculum deliverer: form four students view), Hanim Rithuwan (2011)
(2010) Aplikasi kandungan kurikulum Prinsip Perakaunan sekolah menengah terhadap pekerjaan (Applications of secondary school Principle of Account curriculum content on job), Ainah Idris (2011)
(2006) Student experience of learning ICT subject in secondary school in Seremban District. (PJP), Amutha Kamavani (2008).
(2006) Persepsi ibu bapa terhadap amalan permainan sambil belajar di kurikulum prasekolah (Parents perception toward the practice of learning while playing strategy in preschool curriculum). (PJP), Nik Teh @ Nik Azira Nik Kob (2008).
(2006) Penilaian penggunaan koswear Pengajaran Sains dan Matematik PPSMI di empat buah sekolah rendah di Putrajaya (Evaluation on usage of courseware for Teaching Science and Mathematic PPSMI in four elementary schools at Putrajaya), Baynum Hassan
(2006) Penilaian pelajar terhadap pelaksanaan dan komponen tilawah al-Quran tingkatan 4 di dua buah sekolah (Students evaluation on implementation and component of the form four Quranic reading at two schools). (PJP), Mohd Sanusi Ya (2008).
(2006) Pelaksanaan program transisi sekolah rendah: persepsi guru tahun 1 (Implementation of primary school transitional program: perception of the first grader teacher). (PJP), Devi Govindasamy (2008).
(2006) Pelaksanaan Penilaian Kendalian Berasaskan-sekolah (PKBS) pada masa depan bagi mata pelajaran Sejarah: Jangkaan pakar (Implementation of School-based Management Assessment in the future for History subject: Experts forecasts), Khatijah P. Konyalan
(2006) Pelaksanaan kurikulum komponen akhlak dalam Pendidikan Islam sekolah menengah Daerah Muar (Implementation of akhlak curriculum component in secondary school Islamic Education of Muar District). (PJP), Mohd Rozali Mohd Thani (2008).
(2006) Pandangan pakar terhadap Kurikulum Penilaian Kerja Amali (PEKA) dalam sains sekolah rendah (Experts opinions on Kurikulum Penilaian Kerja Amali (PEKA) in elementary school sciences). (PJP), Shahrudin Asa
(2006) Graduate outcome and industry expectation in a tourist management program. (PJP), Neethiaram Ariragavah (2008).
(2006) An evaluation of a multimedia project-based learning in history subject at secondary school. (PJP), Primala Nachimutu (2008).
(2005) Penilaian penggunaan koswear Pengajaran Sains dan Matematik PPSMI di empat buah sekolah rendah di Putrajaya (Evaluation on usage of courseware for Teaching Science and Mathematic PPSMI in four elementary schools at Putrajaya). (PJP), Baynum Hassan (2007).
(2005) Penilaian Berasaskan-sekolah bagi mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu pada masa depan: jangkaan pakar (School-based evaluation on Integrated Living Skills subject in the future: experts projections). (PJP), Rohayah Ishak
(2005) Pelaksanaan Penilaian Kendalian Berasaskan-sekolah (PKBS) pada masa depan bagi mata pelajaran Sejarah: jangkaan pakar (Implementation of School-based Management Assessment in the future for History subject: experts projections). (PJP), Khatijah P. Konyalan (2007).
(2005) Jangkaan masa depan terhadap aplikasi teknologi dalam kurikulum sejarah: pandangan pakar (Furture projection on technological applications in history curriculum: experts views). (PJP), Muslimin Fadzil (2008).
(2005) Isu-isu kritikal penggunaan tulisan Jawi dalam pelaksanaan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam peringkat sekolah menengah (Critical issues on Jawi writing at secondary level Islamic Education Curriculum implementation). (PJP), Norhazlina Mohd Hasan Abdullah (2007).
(2005) Generic skills for entry level Job Training Curriculum. (PJP), Susan Verghese P.A. Verghese (2008).
(2005) Developing curriculum contents for in-service teacher training at the Aceh teacher training and development centre., Zulbahri
(2004) Jangkaan masa depan terhadap isu-isu dan permasalahan kritikal penggunaan teknologi pendidikan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di sekolah menengah: satu kajian Delphi (Future projections on issues and critical problems of educational technology application in teaching and learning at secondary school: a Delphi study). (PJP), Ponnei Kannan (2006).
(2004) Jangkaan masa depan kurikulum sekolah menengah: satu Teknik Delphi di kalangan pengetua (Future projections on secondary school curriculum: a Delphi Technique among principals)., Azdalila Ali (2006).
(2004) Analisis Diskrepansi pelaksanaan Kurikulum Qiraat Sab ah di sebuah sekolah menengah (Discrepancy Analysis on Seven-reading Curriculum implementation in a secondary school). (PJP), Yusuf Abdul Kadir (2007).
(2003) Persepsi guru terhadap pelaksanaan Sekolah Selamat di Daerah Muar (Teachers perception toward Safe School implementation in Muar District). (PJP), Abdul Halim Mohamad (2006).
(2003) Jangkaan masa depan terhadap aplikasi teknologi dalam Kandungan Kurikulum dan Penilaian peringkat sekolah menengah: satu kajian Delphi (Future projections of the technology application in the curriculum content and evaluation at the secondary level: a Delphi study). (PJP), Faridah Abdullah @ Muda
(2003) Jangkaan masa depan terhadap aplikasi teknologi dalam Kandungan Kurikulum dan Penilaian peringkat sekolah menengah: pandangan pakar (Future projections on technology application in curriculum content and evaluation at secondary school level: expert views). (PJP), Mohd Paris Salleh (2005).
(2002) Reka bentuk kurikulum bahasa Perancis untuk sekolah menengah rendah (Frence language curriculum design for the lower secondary school). (PJP), Nora Malikiaman
(2002) Preferen guru Pendidikan Khas Bermasalah Pembelajaran (PKBP) terhadap mPembelajaran (Special Education for Learning Problem teachers preference towards mLearning). (PJP), Rozita Kamaruddin (2004).
(2002) Pola pendidikan pelajar di kalangan keluarga cemerlang di Daerah Muar (Education pattern among students from excellent-families in Muar District). (PJP), Ibrahim Yusuf
(2002) Pola pendidikan pelajar di kalangan keluarga ahli perniagaan di Taman Seri Murni, Selayang (Education pattern among students from business families in Taman Seri Murni, Selayang). (PJP), Mohamad Jeffry Abu Hassan (2004).
(2002) Penilaian pengajaran guru bukan opsyen Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu (Teaching evaluation of non-option teachers of Integrated Life Skills subject). (PJP), Shareaha Din (2004).
(2002) Penghasilan reka bentuk Kurikulum Sijil Latihan Asas Pendidikan (SLAP) (Developing the Certificate of Basic Teaching Curriculum Design). (PJP), Mazidah Muhammad (2004).
(2002) Kualiti pengajaran di sekolah menengah: analisis kajian-kajian tahun 1993 hingga 2003 (Quality teaching at secondary school: research analysis from 1993 to 2003). (PJP), Zunita Mohd Maskor (2004).
(2002) Kualiti pengajaran dari persepsi pelajar di sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi di Acheh Indonesia (Quality teaching from students perception at a higher learning institution in Acheh, Indonesia). (PJP), Nurhayati Ishak
(2002) Andaian guru terhadap perubahan pendidikan masa depan (Teachers assumption towards changes in the future education system). (PJP), Haninah Salim (2004).
(2002) Analisis kajian-kajian inovasi kurikulum sekolah sekitar 1980-2002 (Analysis of school innovation curriculum researches between 1980-2002)., Zaleha Md Jadi .
(2001) keperluan Kurikulum Mobile Learning di Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (Need analysis of Mobile Learning Curriculum at Lower College of Sciences MARA). (PJP), Noor Azizah Mohd Rais (2003).
(2001) Kajian terhadap Kurikulum Pendidikan Keluarga di beberapa buah institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan (A study on Family Education Curriculum at several local higher learning institutions). (PJP), Mohd Sapawi Mohd Isa (2003).
(2000) Preferen pelajar tingkatan 4 terhadap teknik pengajaran guru (Teaching techniques preference among form 4 students)., Ahmad Sobri Shuib
(2000) Pola pendidikan pelajar Islam di kalangan Keluarga Silang Budaya di Bangsar (Education pattern among Muslim students from Cross-cultural Families in Bangsar). (PJP), Salina Shaari (2003).
(2000) Penilaian pelaksanaan Program M-Learning di sebuah sekolah rendah di Kuala Lumpur berdasarkan Model Penilaian Stake s Countenance (Evaluation of M-Learning Program in a primary school at Kuala Lumpur based on Stakae s Countenance Model of Evaluation). (PJP), Norlidah Alias (2003).
(1999) Tahap keperihatinan guru terhadap inovasi Pengajaran Berbantukan-komputer di beberapa buah sekolah menengah di Perak (Level of teacher's concerned toward Computer-aid Teaching innovation in several secondary schools in the State of Perak), Hasniza Mohamad
(1999) Problems in implementation of the Integrated Environment Related Activities in Key Stage One in Sri Lanka. (PjP), Malini Rajapakshe (2002).
(1999) Primary school teachers evaluation of Teacher Resource Centers in Sri Lanka. (Pjp), Ariyasingha Violet (2002).
(1999) Persepsi guru terhadap keberkesanan kepemimpinan pengurusan kurikulum di sebuah sekolah (Teachers perception towards the effectiveness of curriculum management leadership in a school). (PjP), Nordin Tahir (2002).
(1999) Peranan pengetua sebagai pemimpin pengajaran: kajian di sebuah sekolah di Daerah Pontian, Johor (Principal s role as an instructional leader: a study in a school at Pontian District, Johore). (PjP), Rohana Abdul Salam (2002).
(1999) Peningkatan bilangan pelajar ke Aliran Sains: pengurusan kurikulum di sebuah sekolah di Daerah Pontian Johor (The increasing number of students to Science Stream: curriculum management in a school at Pontian District, Johore). (PjP), Mastura Aladdin Masro (2002).
(1999) Pengurusan konflik di kalangan pemimpin kurikulum sekolah di luar bandar, Pendang, Kedah (Managerial conflict amongst school curriculum leaders in rural area, Pendang, Kedah). (PjP), Zobaidah Jainul Ali (2002).
(1999) Penggunaan Internet di kalangan pelajar Sains Fizik di Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka (The usage of Internet among Physical Science students at Malacca Matriculation College). (PjP), Jafry Mohd Daud (2002).
(1999) Pengajaran berkualiti menurut perspektif pelajar di sebuah pusat pengajian tinggi (Student perspectives on quality teaching in a higher learning institution). (PjP), Najwa Mohd Nor (2002).
(1999) Pengajaran berkesan dari perspektif pelajar di dua buah sekolah menengah kebangsaaan agama (Student perspectives on effective teaching in two religious secondary schools). (PjP), Seriani Haji Ismail (2002).
(1999) Pelaksanaan Komponen Kemahiran Berfikir Kreatif dalam kurikulum sekolah: tinjauan di sebuah sekolah rendah (The implementation of Creative Thinking Component in the school curriculum: a study at an elementary school). (PjP), Haslina Zainal (2002).
(1999) Matlamat pengajaran di kalangan tenaga pengajar di sebuah pusat pengajian tinggi (Teaching goal among the staff of a higher learning institution). (PjP), Jamiah Md Jahim (2002).
(1999) Kesediaan pelajar terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu di sebuah sekolah menengah di Raub, Pahang (Student s readiness toward Malay language learning in a secondary school at Raub, Pahang). (PJP), Abdul Karim Abdullah (2002).
(1999) Kemahiran Berfikir dalam pelaksanaan Kurikulum Bahasa Melayu di sebuah sekolah menengah (Thinking skills in the Malay language curriculum implementation at a secondary school). (PjP), Sharifuddin Abdullah (2002).
(1999) Keberkesanan pengurusan kurikulum di salah sebuah sekolah di negeri Melaka (The effectiveness of curriculum management at one of the schools in Malacca). (PjP), Zulkaplly Sulaiman (2002).
(1999) Keberkesanan penggunaan Makmal Komputer dalam proses pembelajaran: kajian di sebuah sekolah menengah di Kuala Lipis (The effectiveness of Computer Laboratory usage in the learning process: a study in a secondary school at Kuala Lipis). (PjP), Mohd Asri Abdul Razak (2002).
(1999) Kajian sekolah ke kerjaya di beberapa sekolah menengah di Kedah (A study of school to work in several schools at Kedah). (PJp), Norazian Kamil (2001).
(1999) Fungsi pengetua dalam kepimpinan pengajaran: kajian di sebuah sekolah di Daerah Kluang, Johor (Principal s function in instructional leadership: a study at a secondary school in Kluang District, Johore). (PjP), Zairudin Md Shah (2002).
(1999) Evaluation of Problem-based Learning application of peace and conflict resolution program for primary teacher trainees. (PjP), Shanti Batagoda (2002).
(1999) English language needs analysis of Business Studies, Engineering and Information Technology students at the foundation level in a private higher education institution. (PJP), Audrey Beh Lee Yin (2002).
(1999) A study of N.I.E. in promoting Information Technology through Teacher Professional Development Programme.(PjP), Amarasingam Sivaneasharajah (2002).
(1999) Analisis trend penyelidikan Program Pembangunan Staf dan Penambahbaikan Sekolah Tahun 1990-2000 (PjP), Mohd Kamil Abdul Rahman (2002).
(1999) Analisis Meta terhadap Program Bilingual 1990-2000 (Meta Analysis on Bilingual Program in the Years 1990-2000)., Khairun al-Nisa Rosli
(1999) Analisis Impak masa depan terhadap penubuhan Sekolah Maya peringkat menengah di Malaysia (Future Impact Analysis towards establishing secondary Virtual School in Malaysia). (PjP), Nordiana Mohd Yusuf (2002).
(1999) Amalan pengurusan kurikulum di sebuah sekolah menengah di Daerah Kuala Lipis, Pahang (Curriculum management practices in a secondary school at Kuala Lipis District, Pahang). (PjP), Shahnam Abdul Rashid (2002).
(1999) Aliran pemikiran dan persepsi guru terhadap stail kepimpinan pengetua: kajian di sebuah sekolah menengah di Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan (Teachers Educational Philosophy and their perception towards the principal leadership style: a study in a secondary school at Federal of Territory of Labuan). (PjP), Mohd Fathullah Mohd Yusof (2002).
(1998) Peranan pengetua terhadap kepimpinan pengajaran peringkat menengah (Principle s role towards instructional leadership at the secondary school). (PjP), Zahiah Haris (2001).
(1998) Penilaian terhadap keberkesanan Program PKPP Negeri Pahang (Evaluation on the effectiveness of PKPP Program in the State of Pahang). (PjP), Lukman Yatimi Ahmad (2001).
(1998) Penilaian pelaksanaan Kurikulum al-Azhar di sekolah menegah JAIS (Evaluation towards the Implementation of al-Azhar Curriculum in the secondary schools of JAIS)., Mohd Rabeh Abdullah
(1998) Penilaian guru terhadap Program Peningkatan Kurikulum dan Kemajuan Pendidikan (PKKP) dalam pelaksanaan Kurikulum Sejarah di Negeri Pahang (PjP), Mohd Izhab Ismail (2001).
(1998) Penilaian guru terhadap peranan pengetua sebagai pemimpin pengajaran di Daerah Sungai Petani, Kedah (Teachers evaluation toward the principal s role as an instructional leader at Sungai Patani District of Kedah). (PjP), Mat Zizi Issmail (2001).
(1998) Penilaian guru terhadap pelaksanaan Kurikulum PAFA sekolah rendah (Teachers evaluation on the implementation of PAFA Curriculum in the elementary school). (PjP), Mustafa Kamal Ahmad (2001).
(1998) Pengurusan disiplin peringkat sekolah menengah: satu perbandingan (Discipline management at the secondary schools: a comparative study). (PjP), Raja Ibrahim Raja Shahidan (2001).
(1998) Pemilihan teknik pengajaran di kalangan pemimpin kurikulum Sekolah Menengah Cemerlang dan Sekolah Menengah Biasa: satu tinjauan di beberapa buah sekolah Daerah Baling (Teaching techniques preference among the curriculum leaders of Excellent and Ordinary Secondary School: a study in several schools in Baling District). (PjP), Amiruldin Abdul Hamid (2001).
(1998) Hubungan diantara stail kepemimpinan pengetua dengan keberkesanan pengurusan kurikulum (The relationship between principal s leadership styles with the effectiveness of Curriculum Management). (PjP), Asri Mansor (2001).
(1998) Cara gaya pemimpin sekolah menengah dan hubungannya dengan pelaksanaan pengurusan kurikulum peringkat Daerah Perak Tengah (Leadership style among secondary school leaders and its relationship with the curriculum management at Middle Perak District level). (PjP), Mat Salleh Abdul Rahim (2001).
(1998) A research review of reflective practice in Nursing Education. (PjP), Lee Sian Boy (2001).
(1997) Penilaian terhadap keberkesanan pelaksanaan Program Pendidikan Luar di sebuah maktab perguruan di Malaysia (Evaluation towards the effectiveness of Out-Door Education Program implementation at a teacher training college). (PjP), Adenan Ahmad (2000).
(1997) Penilaian pelaksanaan Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan sekolah rendah (Evaluation towards the implementation of Physical Education and Health in the elementary schools)., Mohd Zuber Hj Hassan
(1997) Penggunaan buku teks dalam pengajaran dalam bilik darjah (The usage of textbooks in the classroom teaching)., Khalid Paiman
(1997) Nilai-nilai murni merentas kurikulum: analisis kandungan buku teks Amalan Bahasa Malaysia (Good values Across-curriculum: content analysis of Amalan Bahasa Malaysia textbook). (PjP), Ngu Kee Shing (2000).
(1996) Perlakuan guru sebagai kurikulum tersembunyi di dalam bilik darjah: kajian kes (Teachers behavior as hidden curriculum in the classroom: a case study). (PjP), Haizuan Md Yunus (1999).
(1996) Penilaian terhadap aktiviti berkumpulan dan individu dalam Kurikulum Pra-Sekolah di Kawasan Selayang: satu kajian Deskriptif (An evaluation of group and Individual Activities in the Preschool Curriculum at Selayang Area: a Descriptive study). (PjP), Kamariah Hussin (1999).
(1996) Penilaian guru terhadap kandungan kurikulum Pendidikan Ekonomi Asas SPM: satu kajian kes di Kemaman, Terengganu (Teachers evaluation towards SPM Basic Economic curriculum content: a case study at Kemaman, Terengganu). (PjP), Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman (1999).
(1996) Penggunaan Pendekatan Perpustakaan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di sebuah sekolah (The usage of Library Approach in teaching and learning at a school). (PjP), Mazdarudin Mohd Isa (1999).
(1996) Pemikiran Sejarah dalam buku teks Sejarah menengah rendah (Historical thinking in the lower secondary History textbooks: content analysis)., Maharom Mahmud
(1996) Kurikulum Pendidikan Alam Sekitar maktab perguruan: kesedaran guru pelatih (Environmental Education Curriculum of teachers training college: practical teachers awareness). (PjP), Syarifah Zakaria (1999).
(1996) Kualiti buku teks Pendidikan Islam peringkat menengah (The quality of Islamic Education textbooks at the secondary level)., Ahmad Jusoh
(1996) Dokumen Kurikulum Pendidikan Seni di kalangan guru di sebuah sekolah menengah (Arts Education Curriculum document among the teachers at a secondary school). (PjP), Saiful Bahari Bachik (1999).
(1996) Developing a Continuing Nursing Education Program for critical care nurses based on practitioners needs. (PjP), Wan Yoke Cheng (1999).
(1996) Analisis jenis dan pola ayat dalam Karangan Bahasa Melayu pelajar sekolah rendah (Analysis of sentences traits and trends in Malay language Essays among elementary school students). (PjP), Sabariah Ahmad (1999).
(1995) Persepsi pensyarah dan guru pembimbing terhadap ketrampilan penyeliaan Praktikum Kurikulum Perguruan Asas (Perception of lecturers and Key-Teacher towards the supervision performance of the Basic Teaching Practicum Curriculum)., Aisyah Shahul Hameed
(1995) Kesan Kaedah Renungan-Pengamatan terhadap pencapaian dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Islam tingkatan dua (Effects of the Observation-Reflective Approach on achievement to form two Islamic Education students)., Radziah Abdul Samad
(1994) Teacher burnout in the implementation of curricular change in national secondary school., Lawrence Aloysius Aeria
(1994) Stail belajar di kalangan pelajar Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (Learning styles among the Maktab Rendah Sains MARA students)., Sia Wee Teng
(1994) Nilai-nilai murni merentas kurikulum dalam buku teks Bahasa Melayu sekolah rendah (Values across-curriculum in the Malay Language textbooks at the elementary level)., Habib Mat Som
(1994) Matlamat dan Kandungan Kurikulum Wawasan 2020 (Goal and Curriculum Content of Vision 2020)., Omar Abdul Kareem
(1994) Analisis Soalan Kefahaman dalam buku kerja Bahasa Melayu peringkat menengah atas (Analysis of comprehension questions in the Malay language upper secondary school work books)., Nor Rohana Mansor
(1994) Analisis Kandungan Kemahiran Berfikir Kritis dalam buku teks Pendidikan Islam menengah atas (Content Analysis of the Critical Thinking Skills in the upper secondary Islamic Education textbooks)., Zaharah Hussin
(1993) Stail belajar: satu kajian di kalangan pelajar Sejarah sekolah menengah rendah (Learning style: a study among History students of the lower secondary school)., Robiah Hamid
(1993) Kesan dua teknik dalam pengajaran Karangan Jenis Naratif kepada pelajar tingkatan satu (Effects of two techniques in the teaching of Narrative Essays to form one students)., Zainun Zainal Abidin
(1993) Kemahiran membaca al-Quran di kalangan pelajar tingkatan satu: satu kajian kes (The skills of reading al-Quran among the form one student: a case study)., Maimunah Ismail
(1992) Penyeliaan guru untuk melaksanakan Kurikulum Sejarah KBSM: satu tinjauan di beberapa sekolah menengah di Negeri Sembilan (Teacher preparation for the implementation of the History KBSM Curriculum: a study in a few secondary schools in Negeri Sembilan)., Ahmad Abu Talib
(1992) Penilaian terhadap pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan dalam Kursus Perguruan Asas Lima Semesta di Maktab Perguruan Raja Melewar (Evaluation on the education curriculum implementation of the Basic Five Semester Teaching Course at the Raja Melewar Teachers Training College)., Cheng Fun Keoh
(1992) Masalah guru dalam pengajaran Bahasa Melayu Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah (Teachers problems in the teaching of Malay Language Integrated Curriculum for the Secondary School)., Hamidah Hamid
(1992) Kesan penggunaan Strategi Pemetaan Semantik terhadap kemahiran mengarang di kalangan pelajar sekolah rendah (Effects of the usage of Semantic Mapping Strategy on essay writing skills among the elementary school students)., Rahmad Syukor Abdul Samad
(1992) Kemahiran belajar di dalam buku teks Bahasa Melayu KBSM (Learning skills in the KBSM Malay language textbooks), Idris Mohd Radzi
(1992) Keberkesanan dua kaedah pengajaran Bahasa Melayu menggunakan bahan Sastera terhadap pelajar tingkatan dua di sebuah sekolah di Kuala Lumpur (The effectiveness of two approaches of teaching Malay language using Literary materials to the form two students at a school in Kuala Lumpur)., Azizah Hamzah
(1991) Masalah guru dalam pelaksanaan Kurikulum Tabika (Teachers problems in the implementation of the PreSchool Curriculum)., Mohamad Abu Daud
- (2008) Global Perspective and Comparative Curriculum
- (2007) Future Curriculum
- Physics Pedagogy Model Based on Technology and Learning StyleCopyright (University)
- Membina Kurikulum Untuk Kanak-Kanak Tiada Dokumen Di Sabah, (01 Apr 2017 - 31 Jul 2018)
- President, Curriculum of Malaysia Persatuan Kurikulum Malaysia Levelcountry, (30 Nov 2015 - 31 May 2018)
- Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Yayasan Pembangunan Terengganu, (28 Apr 2012 - 28 Apr 2016)
- Ahli Lembaga Yayasan Nurul Yaqeen, (02 Mar 2011)
- Ahli Lembaga Pemeganag Amanah Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Terengganu, (02 Jan 2011)
- Member of Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Trengganu (Member of Board of Trustee for Foundation of Family Development of Trengganu) (2010-2013), (01 Jul 2010 - 31 Jul 2013)
- Member of The Council of National Central Curriculum [Malaysia] (July 1, 2009-July 1, 2012), (01 Jul 2009 - 01 Jul 2012)
- Co-Director Persidangan Warga Muda (Convention On Young Citizen), State of Selangor Government and Umcfd (Dec 2003), (27 Dec 2003 - 27 Dec 2003)
- Director Persidangan Keluarga Negara (Convention On Family of The Nation), Umcfd, Kuala Lumpur (Aug 2003), (23 Aug 2003 - 23 Aug 2003)
- Technical Committee of Designing National Family Policy, Lppkn, Ministry of Women and Family Development Malaysia (July 2003 Onwards), (01 Jul 2003 - 01 Dec 2007)
- Deputy Chairman of Kisas Parent-Teacher Association, Klang, Malaysia, (01 May 2003 - 31 Dec 2004)
- Lectures to The Selected Rural Area Family Training Session and Jkkk, Infra, Ministry of Rural Development Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, (01 Jan 1999 - 31 Dec 2003)
- Deputy Chairman of Smakl Parent-Teacher Association, Kuala Lumpur, (01 Jan 1996 - 31 Dec 1998)
- Elementary and Secondary Schools in Selangor, Malaysia, and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (1993 to Present), (01 Jan 1993 - 28 Feb 2011)
- Public Lectures, Seminar and Workshops to Students, Teacher Colleges and Higher Learning Institutions in Malaysia (1993 to Present), (01 Jan 1993 - 28 Feb 2011)
- Former Public Lecturer On Education and Related Area as Follows: Petronas Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; Pnb Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; Telekom Malaysia (Currently, Tm) Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; Tabung Haji Malaysia Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia Airlines Social Association, Subang, Malaysia; Lkim Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; Aia Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; and Peyatim (Orphan Association of Malaysia), (01 Jan 1993)
- Public Lectures, Seminar, Workshops to Teachers and Students; and Other Voluntarily Services in Klang Valley, Selangor, Malaysia, (01 Jan 1993)
- Public Lectures, Seminar and Workshops to Students, Teacher Colleges and Higher Learning Institutions in Malaysia, (01 Jan 1993)
- Former Public Lecturer On Education and Related Area as Follows: 1) Petronas Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; 2) Pnb Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; 3) Telekom Malaysia (Currently, Tm) Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; 4) Tenaga Nasional Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; 5) Tabung Haji Malaysia Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; 6) Malaysia Airlines Social Association, Subang, Malaysia; 7) Lkim Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; 8) Aia Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur; and 9) Peyatim (Orphan Association of Malaysia), (01 Feb 1981 - 28 Feb 2010)