Curriculum Vitae
- PHD (2010) (UK), (KEJURUTERAAN KAWALAN)University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
- MSC.eng(2004) (UK), (CONTROL SYSTEMS)University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
- B.eng(2002) (UM), (KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- Excellence Service Award2022, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2017, Universiti Malaya
- UM Excellence Award2011, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2007, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2006, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2005, Universiti Malaya
Article in Journal
Ananzeh, Hammam M.; Ramli, Rahizar; Julai, Sabariah; Muthalif, Asan G. A. (2024). Mechanical Properties Comparison of Isotropic vs. Anisotropic Hybrid Magnetorheological Elastomer-Fluid, POLYMERS. 16(9). doi:10.3390/polym16091215
Ali, Abdelrahman; Salem, Ayman M. H.; Muthalif, Asan G. A.; Bin Ramli, Rahizar; Julai, Sabariah (2022). Development of a Performance-Enhanced Hybrid Magnetorheological Elastomer-Fluid for Semi-Active Vibration Isolation: Static and Dynamic Experimental Characterization, MATERIALS. 15(9). doi:10.3390/ma15093238
Goh, Kar Yin; Ching, Yern Chee; Ng, Mei Han; Chuah, Cheng Hock; Julaihi, Sabariah Binti Julai (2022). Microfibrillated cellulose-reinforced alginate microbeads for delivery of palm-based vitamin E: Characterizations and in vitro evaluation, JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 71. doi:10.1016/j.jddst.2022.103324
Salem, Ayman M. H.; Ali, Abdelrahman; Bin Ramli, Rahizar; Muthalif, Asan G. A.; Julai, Sabariah (2022). Effect of Carbonyl Iron Particle Types on the Structure and Performance of Magnetorheological Elastomers: A Frequency and Strain Dependent Study, POLYMERS. 14(19). doi:10.3390/polym14194193
Yang, Jianlei; Ching, Yern Chee; Julai, Sabariah J.; Chuah, Cheng Hock; Dai Hai Nguyen; Lin, Pai-Chen (2022). Comparative study on the properties of starch-based bioplastics incorporated with palm oil and epoxidized palm oil, POLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES. 30. doi:10.1177/09673911221087595
Salem, Ayman M. H.; Ali, Abdelrahman; Muthalif, Asan G. A.; Bin Ramli, Rahizar; Julai, Sabariah (2021). Magnetorheological Elastomer Based Flexible Metamaterials Coupler for Broadband Longitudinal Vibration Isolation: Modeling and Experimental Verification, IEEE ACCESS. 9, 165451-165461. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3134267
Ali, S., Tahir, M., Mehboob, N., Wahab, F., Langford, S. J., Said, S. M., . . . Ali, S. H. M. (2020). Amino Anthraquinone: Synthesis, Characterization, and Its Application as an Active Material in Environmental Sensors. Materials, 13(4), 12. doi: 10.3390/ma13040960
Ali, Salman; Tahir, Muhammad; Mehboob, Nasir; Wahab, Fazal; Langford, Steven J.; Said, Suhana Mohd; Sarker, Mahidur R.; Julai, Sabariah; Ali, Sawal Hamid Md (2020). Amino Anthraquinone: Synthesis, Characterization, and Its Application as an Active Material in Environmental Sensors, MATERIALS. 13(4). doi:10.3390/ma13040960
Sarkar, M. R., Julai, S., Tong, C. W., Uddin, M., Romlie, M. F., & Shafiullah, G. M. (2020). Hybrid Pitch Angle Controller Approaches for Stable Wind Turbine Power under Variable Wind Speed. Energies, 13(14), 19. doi: 10.3390/en13143622
Rahman, M., Ong, Z. C., Chong, W. T., Julai, S. (2019). Smart Semi-active PID-ACO control strategy for tower vibration reduction in Wind Turbines with MR damper. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 18(4), 887-902. doi: 10.1007/s11803-019-0541-6
Rahman, M., Ong, Z. C., Chong, W. T., Julai, S., Ng, X. W. (2019). Wind Turbine Tower Modeling and Vibration Control Under Different Types of Loads Using Ant Colony Optimized PID Controller. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 44(2), 707-720. doi:10.1007/s13369-018-3190-6
Sarkar, M. R., Julai, S., Tong, C. W., Toha, S. F. (2019). Effectiveness of Nature-Inspired Algorithms using ANFIS for Blade Design Optimization and Wind Turbine Efficiency. Symmetry-Basel, 11(4), 20. doi:10.3390/sym11040456
Sarkar, R., Julai, S., Hossain, S., Chong, W. T., Rahman, M. (2019). A Comparative Study of Activation Functions of NAR and NARX Neural Network for Long-Term Wind Speed Forecasting in Malaysia. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 14. doi:10.1155/2019/6403081
Sarker, M. R., Julai, S., Sabri, M. F. M., Said, S. M., Islam, M. M., Tahir, M. (2019). Review of piezoelectric energy harvesting system and application of optimization techniques to enhance the performance of the harvesting system. Sensors and Actuators a-Physical, 300, 22. doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2019.111634
Sarker, Mahidur R.; Julai, Sabariah; Sabri, Mohd Faizul Mohd; Said, Suhana Mohd; Islam, Md. Mainul; Tahir, Muhammad (2019). Review of piezoelectric energy harvesting system and application of optimization techniques to enhance the performance of the harvesting system, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL. 300. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2019.111634
Choh, Jing Lang; Ching, Yern Chee; Gan, Seng Neon; Rozali, Shaifulazuar; Julai, Sabariah (2016). Effects of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber on Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Conductive Filler Reinforced Polymer Composite, BIORESOURCES. 11(1), 913-928
Choo, Kaiwen; Ching, Yern Chee; Chuah, Cheng Hock; Julai, Sabariah; Liou, Nai-Shang (2016). Preparation and Characterization of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Chitosan Composite Films Reinforced with Cellulose Nanofiber, MATERIALS. 9(8). doi:10.3390/ma9080644
M. Rahman, Z. C. Ong, S. Julai, M. M. Ferdaus, and R. Ahamed. (2017). A review of advances in magnetorheological dampers: their design optimization and applications, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, pp. 1-18
SK.A. Shezan , S. Julai , M.A. Kibria , K.R. Ullah , R. Saidur ,W.T. Chong , and R.K. Akikur, (2016). Performance Analysis of an off-grid Wind-PV-Diesel-Battery Hybrid Energy System Feasible for Remote Areas. Journal of Cleaner Production, 125, 121-132.
MR Sarkar, S Julai, CW Tong, OZ Chao, and M Rahman, 2015, Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Induction Generator Based Wind Turbine in Matlab/Simulink. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10 (22),
Mahmudur Rahman,Zhi Chao Ong,Wen Tong Chong,Sabariah Julai,and Shin Yee Khoo. 2015. Performance enhancement of wind turbine systems with vibration control: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 51, November 2015, Pages 43 54
N.S.A.A. Jalil, S. Julai & R. Ramli. 2015. Parametric modelling of flexible plate structures using continuous ant colony optimization. Journal of Simulation 9(3): 223-231.
SK. A. Shezan, R. Saidur, K. R. Ullah, A. Hossain, W. T. Chong, and S. Julai. 2015. Feasibility analysis of a hybrid off-grid wind DG-battery energy system for the eco-tourism remote areas, Volume 17, Issue 8, pp 2417-2430
N.S.A.A. Jalil, S. Julai, and R. Ramli, 2014. Parametric Modelling of Flexible Plate Structures Using Ant Colony Optimization, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(19) Special 2014, pp. 258-263
S. F. Toha, S. Julai, and M. O. Tokhi, 2012. Ant colony based model prediction of a twin rotor system, Procedia Engineering, 41, pg. 1135-1144
S. Julai and M. O. Tokhi. 2012. Active vibration control of flexible plate structures with distributed disturbances. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 31(2): 123-150.
S. Julai and M. O. Tokhi. 2010. Vibration suppression of flexible plate structures using swarm and genetic optimization techniques. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 29(4): 293-318.
Article in Proceeding
- Mahmudur Rahman, Ong Zhi Chao , Chong Wen Tong, Sabariah Julai and Raju Ahamed, 2017. Experimental investigation of nonlinear characteristics of a smart fluid damper, 3rd International Conference on the Science and Engineering, 24-27 October 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- W. T. Chong, K. H. Wong, W. K. Muzammil, S.Julai,and S.C.Poh, 2015. Performance Study of the Effect of Guide Vanes Number on the Omni-Direction-Guide-Vane System for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, Proceedings of 2015 Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science, May 20-23, 2015, Jeju Island, Korea
- Wen Tong Chong, Wan Khairul Muzammil, Ahmad Fazlizan, Hamid Taheri, Mohammed Gwani, Sabariah Julai, and Sin Chew Poh, 2014. The design and techno-economic analysis of Eco-GreenergyTM outdoor lighting and charging energy generation system for urban high-rise application, World Renewable Energy Congress WRECXIII, 3-8 August 2014, University of Kingston, London, United Kingdom.
- N. S. A. Jalil and S. Julai, 2013, Parametric Modelling of Flexible Plate Structures Using Ant Colony Optimization, International Conference on Engineering and Built Environment 2013, 19-20 November 2013, UKM Malaysia
- S. Julai and M. O. Tokhi, Active vibration control design with real-coded genetic algorithm optimisation, Proceedings of the 16th International Sound and Vibration Control, ICSV 16, Krakow, Poland, 6-9 July 2009.
- S. Julai and M. O. Tokhi, Active vibration control of a flexible plate structure using particle swarm optimisation, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems 2009, CIS 2009, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 9-10 July 2009.
- S. Julai and M. O. Tokhi, Parametric modelling of flexible plate structures using real-coded genetic algorithms, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24-26 June 2009.
- S. Julai and M. O. Tokhi, SISO and SIMO active vibration control of a flexible plate structure using real-coded genetic algorithm, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems 2009, CIS 2009, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 9- 10 July 2009.
- S. Julai, M. O. Tokhi and S. Mohd. Salleh, Active vibration control of a flexible plate structure using ant system algorithm, Proceedings of the 3rd UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation, EMS 2009, Athens, Greece, 25-27 November 2009.
- S. Julai, M. O. Tokhi, M. Mohamad, and I. Abd. Latiff, Control of a flexible plate structure using particle swarm optimisation, Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2009, Trondheim, Norway, 18-21 May 2009.
- S. Mohd. Salleh, M. O. Tokhi, S. Julai, M. Mohamad, and I. Abd. Latiff, PSO-based parametric modelling of a thin plate structure, Proceedings of the 3rd UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation, EMS 2009, Athens, Greece, 25-27 November 2009.
- 2019 - 2025, Government AgencyElectrification And Renewable Energy Generation Through In-pipe Hydro System: Prototype Development ( Co-Researcher)
- 2019 - 2022, RU Geran - Fakulti ProgramDevelopment Of A Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System Using Optimization Algorithms For Performance Efficiency Enhancement In Micro-devices Application ( Co-Researcher)
- 2016 - 2017, Others MOHEAssistive Mobility Aids (AMA) for Visually Impaired Person: A Quasi Interactive Identification and Analysis with Variable Agility Course ( Consultant)
- 2013 - 2015, Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (ERGS)(ERGS: ER014-2013A) - Active Control of Wind Turbine Vibration With Nature-inspired Algorithms approach ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2017 - 2019, International FundingMicro bubble aeration system for nursery pond of shrimp aquaculture in Malaysia under energy, water quality and biofloc circulation constraints ( Consultant)