Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Mathematics and Science Education
    Faculty of Education
  • rohaida
  • 79675052


Dr Rohaida Mohd. Saat is an honorary professor at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. She was the former dean at the faculty and before that, she was the Head of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit, Quality Management Enhancement Centre (QMEC), University of Malaya.  She received her Bachelor Degree and Master’s degree from Indiana University, USA and PhD degree from Universiti Putra Malaysia. She also holds a certificate in Qualitative Research Methods from The University of Georgia, USA. Her area of specialization and research is in science education, teacher education and qualitative research methodology. She headed several research projects in the area of science education, funded by various agencies. She has authored and co-authored several books, articles and research reports in the area of science education and education in general.  She has also served as Editorial Boards of Eurasia Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, European Journal of STEM Education and Journal of Science and Mathematics in Southeast Asia. She has served the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) as a MyRA Auditor and on the panel of evaluators for MOHE research grants. She is a trained ISO auditor and the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUNQA) lead academic programme assessor.


    Social Sciences, Education, Special Training And Education
    Human And Societal Resilency, Basic Human And Social Needs


  • PhD (UPM)(2003), (Science Education)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • MSc (Education)(Indiana,USA)(1984), (SAINS DAN PENDIDIKAN)
    Indiana University, Bloomington
  • BSc (Biological Science)(Indiana,USA)(1982), (SAINS BIOLOGI)
    Indiana University, Bloomington


  • Dean
    01 Jul 2019 - 14 Jan 2021 (Dean Office, Faculty of Education)
  • Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Kursi Perubatan Dr Mahathir Mohamad
    04 Jul 2018 - 03 Jul 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa ProgramZamalah Ijazah
    22 Jan 2019 - 21 Jan 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli jawatankuasa Pemandu ICT (JPICT) UM
    25 Apr 2019 - 31 Dec 2020 (University Malaya)
  • Auditor of the ASEAN-QA Association
    23 Nov 2019 - 22 Nov 2020 (International)
  • Acting Head of Department
    01 Jul 2017 - 30 Jun 2019 (Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2017 - 30 Jun 2019 (Dean Office, Faculty of Education)
  • Head of Unit
    01 Apr 2017 - 30 Jun 2017 (Quality Management & Enhancement Centre (Qmec), Vice-Chancellor)
  • Head of Unit
    01 Apr 2015 - 31 Mar 2017 (Quality Management & Enhancement Centre (Qmec), Vice-Chancellor)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Peruntukan Penyelidikan Pasca Siswazah
    01 Aug 2013 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Penilaian bagi Permohonan Geran Penyelidikan di bawah Tadbir Urus IPPP, Universiti Malaya
    02 Mar 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Jawatankuasa Kerja Audit Pengekalan SwaAkreditasi Universiti Malaya
    23 Mar 2015 - 31 Oct 2015 (University Malaya)
  • UM Internal Auditor (Ketua Pasukan)
    01 Apr 2015 - 01 Jul 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Penilai Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS)
    03 Sep 2013 - 31 Dec 2014 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Head of Department
    18 Feb 2013 - 17 Nov 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Head of Department
    04 Feb 2013 - 15 Feb 2013 (Faculty)
  • Internal Auditor for UM Internal Audit 2012
    02 Apr 2012 - 31 Oct 2012 (University Malaya)
  • Lead Auditor for UM Internal Audit 2011
    08 Apr 2011 - 31 Oct 2011 (University Malaya)
  • Ketua Audit Pusat Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya
    01 Oct 2009 - 31 Dec 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Undergraduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Science
    02 Apr 2007 - 02 Apr 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator of Teaching Practise for the B. Sc. Ed. Program
    02 Apr 2004 - 15 Aug 2008 (Faculty)
  • Coordinator of Bachelor of Science Education program
    01 Dec 2006 - 31 Jul 2008 (Faculty)
  • Quality Manager
    01 May 2007 - 31 May 2008 (Faculty)
  • Examiner for Competency Test (TKP) Language Teachers N41
    01 Apr 2004 - 30 Apr 2008 (University Malaya)
  • Documentation of Quality Assurance Database Committee
    05 Apr 2004 - 31 Dec 2007 (Faculty)
  • Editor of Journal of Educational Research 2007 (1) Bahasa Malaysia Version
    09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2007 (Faculty)
  • Coordinator of Soft Skills
    02 Oct 2006 - 12 Nov 2007 (Faculty)
  • Auditor
    01 Sep 2003 - 01 Jul 2007 (University Malaya)
  • Trainer (Soft Skills Program 2007)
    17 Jun 2007 - 23 Jun 2007 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member of Research Committee, Faculty of Education
    05 Jul 2004 - 06 Nov 2006 (Faculty)
  • Chief of Internal Auditor
    01 Mar 2005 - 02 May 2005 (Faculty)
  • Developer of Test Items for Competency Test (TKP) Language Teachers N41
    01 Mar 2003 - 04 Apr 2005 (University Malaya)
  • Secretary
    01 Oct 2003 - 03 Jan 2005 (Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education)
  • Committee member in organizing inaugural speeches Faculty of Education
    03 Nov 2003 - 03 Nov 2004 (Faculty)
  • Science Laboratory Supervisor
    16 Oct 2003 - 02 Sep 2004 (Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education)
  • Higher Learning Degree Committee Member
    08 Oct 2003 - 02 Aug 2004 (Faculty)
  • Assistant Secreatry of the International Conference of Science and Mathematics Education
    20 May 2003 - 30 Nov 2003 (University Malaya)
  • Secretary of the Seminar on Cognitive Acceleration: Evolution of Students Thinking
    03 Apr 2000 - 30 Jun 2000 (Faculty)
  • Science Laboratory Supervisor
    16 Oct 1997 - 14 May 2000 (Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education)
  • Editorial Board Member of Journal of Educational Research
    01 Mar 1999 - 31 Dec 1999 (Faculty)
  • Committee Member of Post Graduate Seminar
    01 Jul 1998 - 01 Aug 1999 (Faculty)
  • Committee Member of the Orientation Week
    02 Feb 1998 - 31 Dec 1998 (Faculty)
  • Secretary of Post- Graduate Seminar
    01 Jul 1997 - 01 Jul 1998 (Faculty)
  • Secretary of Science Seminar: Metamorphosis in Science Education
    01 Apr 1998 - 30 Jun 1998 (Faculty)


    Since 2019 (International)
    Since 1997 (University)
    2020 to 2020 (International)
    2018 to 2020 (University)
    2005 to 2020 (International)


  • Gold Award - International Summit On Innovation & Design Exposition 2020
    2020, Universiti Malaya and Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change,  (National)
  • Gold Medal - International Putra Innocreative Poster Competition
    2020, UPM,  (National)
  • Best Poster Award
    2019, University Malaya,  (National)
  • Panel Penilai Myra
    2019, Kementerian Pendidikan,  (National)
  • Stem Mentor Mentee Awards 2019
    2019, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia,  (National)
  • Consultancy of Tvet and it for Lecturers from National Institute of Education, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    2018, UPUM,  (International)
  • Perunding Projek Workshops/Consultancy Faculty of Education, UM and Nie, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    2017, UPUM,  (International)
  • Panel of Jury Pecipta 2017
    2017, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi,  (National)
  • Silver Award for Poster Competition- Rahole 2017
    2017, ADeC, University of Malaya,  (National)
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2017, Universiti Malaya
  • Letter of Appreciation
    2016, Nstional Center of Science & Technology Evaluation (Kazakhstan),  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2014, Universiti Malaya
  • Sijil Penghargaan Bagi Sumbangan Sebagai Penyelidik Dalam Pelaksanaan Kajian Semula Psptn
    2014, Kementerian Pendidikan,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award for 2013
    2014, University of malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award for 2011
    2012, University of malaya,  (University)
  • Best Paper Award Dalam Penyertaan International Seminar On Al-Quran in Contemporary Society 2012
    2012, UniSZA,  (International)
  • Best Posterdalam Penyertaan International Seminar On Research in Islamic Studies Ii
    2012, Universiti Malaya,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2011, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2010, Universiti Malaya
  • Bronze Medal for Project Entitiled Apa Kata Neurosains dan Islam Tentang Kemerosotan Mental? [What Neuroscience and Islam Says About Mental Degredation?]
    2009, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award for 2007
    2008, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Special Award: Third Most Informative Project for Project Titled Bridging The Digital Divide: The I-Board Story, At The Research, Invention & Innovation Expo 2007
    2007, University of Malaya,
  • Bronze Medal for Project Titled Meeting English Language Needs in Science Education: Pre-Service Teachers Instructional Strategies, At The Research, Invention & Innovation Expo 2007
    2007, University of Malaya,
  • Bronze Medal for Project Titled Bridging The Digital Divide: The I-Board Story, At The Research, Invention & Innovation Expo 2007
    2007, University of Malaya,
  • Excellence Service Award for 2006
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Best Poster Award for The Poster Presentation Titled a Study of Asian Students Experiences of Problem-Based Learning (Pbl), At The Research Output Seminar Universiti Malaya 2006
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Bronze Medal for Project Titled a Study of Asian Students Experiences of Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) At The Research, Invention & Innovation Expo 2006
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Bronze Medal for The Project Titled Ci2 in Science Instruction At The Research, Invention & Innovation Expo 2006
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award for 2004
    2005, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Silver Medal for The Project Cercos in The Research, Invention & Innovation Expo 2005
    2005, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Gold Medal for Irpa Mind-Tech Project At Research & Development Exhibition 2001
    2001, University of Malaya,  (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M., Awang, K., Adli, D. S. H. (2019). STUDENTS PERCEPTION OF LEARNING STEM-RELATED SUBJECTS THROUGH SCIENTIST-TEACHER-STUDENT PARTNERSHIP (STSP). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), 537-548. doi:10.33225/jbse/19.18.537
  2. Tumiran, M. A., Rahman, N. N. A., Saat, R. M., Ismail, A. Z., Ruzali, W. A. W., Bashar, N. K. N., Adli, D. S. H. (2018). Senile Dementia from Neuroscientific and Islamic Perspectives. Journal of Religion Health, 57(1), 1-11. doi:10.1007/s10943-015-0079-5
  3. Tumiran, M. A., Rahman, N. N. A., Saat, R. M., Kabir, N., Zulkifli, M. Y., Adli, D. S. H. (2018). The Concept of Qailulah (Midday Napping) from Neuroscientific and Islamic Perspectives. Journal of Religion Health, 57(4), 13. doi:10.1007/s10943-015-0093-7
  4. Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M. (2017). Exploring Students Acquisition of Manipulative Skills during Science Practical Work. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 13(8), 4591-4607. doi: 10.12973/eurasia.2017.00953a
  5. Saat, R. M., Fadzil, H. M., Abd Aziz, N. A., Haron, K., Rashid, K. A., Shamsuar, N. R. (2016). DEVELOPMENT OF AN ONLINE THREE-TIER DIAGNOSTIC TEST TO ASSESS PRE-UNIVERSITY STUDENTS UNDERSTANDING OF CELLULAR RESPIRATION, Journal of Baltic Science Education. 15(4532-546), Article
  6. Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M. (2014). Enhancing STEM Education during School Transition: Bridging the Gap in Science Manipulative Skills, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education. 10(3), 209-2181305-8215.
  7. Jayarajah, K., Saat, R. M., Rauf, R. A. A. (2014). A Review of Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Education Research from 1999-2013: A Malaysian Perspective, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education. 10(3), 155-1631305-8215.
  8. Yu, H., Abdullah, A., Saat, R. M. (2014). Overcoming time and ethical constraints in the qualitative data collection process: A case of information literacy research, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. 46(3), 243-257
  9. Oloruntegbe, K. O., Zamri, S., Saat, R. M., Alam, G. M. (2010). Development and validation of measuring instruments of contextualization of science among Malaysian and Nigerian serving and pre-service chemistry teachers, International Journal of the Physical Sciences. 5(13), 2075-2083
  10. Saat, R. M., Othman, J. (2010). Meeting linguistic challenges in the science classroom: pre-service ESL teachers strategies, Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 30(2), 185-197
  11. Othman, J., Saat, R. M. (2009). Challenges of Using English as a Medium of Instruction: Pre-service Science Teachers' Perspective, Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. 18(2), 307-316
  12. Hussain, R. M. R., Mamat, W. H. W., Salleh, N., Saat, R. M., Harland, T. (2007). Problem-based learning in Asian universities, Studies in Higher Education. 32(6), 761-772
  1. Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M. (2020). Exploring secondary school biology teachers competency in practical work. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 9(1), 116-123. doi: 10.15294/jpii.v9i1.21477
  2. Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M., Awang, K., Adli, D. S. H. (2019). Students perception of learning stem-related subjects through scientist-teacher-student partnership (STSP). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), 537-548. doi: 10.33225/jbse/19.18.537
  3. Yaki, A. A., Saad, R. M., Sathavisam, R. V., Zulnaidi, H. (2019). Enhancing science achievement utilising an integrated stem approach. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 16(1), 181-205.
  4. Tumiran, M. A., Abdul Rahman, N. N., Mohd. Saat, R., Ismail, A. Z., Ruzali, W. A. W., Bashar, N. K. N., Hasan Adli, D. S. (2018). Senile Dementia from Neuroscientific and Islamic Perspectives. Journal of Religion and Health, 57(1). doi: 10.1007/s10943-015-0079-5
  5. Tumiran, M. A., Rahman, N. N. A., Saat, R. M., Kabir, N., Zulkifli, M. Y., Adli, D. S. H. (2018). The Concept of Qailulah (Midday Napping) from Neuroscientific and Islamic Perspectives. Journal of Religion and Health, 57(4), 1363-1375. doi: 10.1007/s10943-015-0093-7
  6. Saat, R. M., Fadzil, H. M., Aziz, N. A. A., Haron, K., Rashid, K. A., Shamsuar, N. R. (2016). Development of an online three-tier diagnostic test to assess pre-university students understanding of cellular respiration, Journal of Baltic Science Education. 15(4532-546), Article
  7. Jayarajah, K., Saat, R. M., Rauf, R. A. A. (2014). A review of science, technology, engineering mathematics (STEM) education research from 1999-2013: A Malaysian perspective, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 10(3), 155-16313058223 (ISSN).
  1. Fadzil H.M., Saat R.M. 2020. Exploring secondary school biology teachers competency in practical work. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia
  2. Juliana Othman,Rohaida Mohd Saat, Durriyyah Adli & Fatiha Senom (2020) Dual Language Programme: Teachers Beliefs and Practices In Teaching Science Through English Journal of Nusantara Studies 2020, Vol 5(1) 255-269
  3. Saat, R. M., Fadzil, H. M., & Ang Chiew Way. (2020). A review of educational research trend in Southeast Asia. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(2), 48-60.
  4. Teng, H.Q., Saat, R.M. & Fadzil, H.M. (2020). Identifying Students Misconceptions of Greenhouse Effect through Inductive Analysis, Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research, 6(2), 42-51
  5. Fadzil, H. M., & Saat, R. M. (2019). The Development of a Resource Guide in Assessing Students Science Manipulative Skills at Secondary Schools. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 16(2), 240-252.
  6. Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M., Awang, K., & Hasan Adli, D. S. (2019). Students' perception of learning STEM related subjects through Scientist-Teacher-Student Partnership (STSP). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), 537-548.
  7. Saat, R.M., & Fadzil, H.M. (2019). Methodological dilemma in qualitative research in education. The Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research, 5(2), 41-46.
  8. Yaki Akawo Angwal, Rohaida Mohd Saat & Renuka V. Sathasiva, (2019) Preparation and validation of an integrated STEM instructional material for genetic instruction among year 11 science students, Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(2), 1-16.
  9. Fadzil, H. M., & Saat, R. M. (2017). Exploring students acquisition of manipulative skills during science practical work, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,13(8), 4591-4607
  10. Halim, M. & Saat, R.M. (2017). Exploring students' understanding in making a decision on a socioscientific issue using persuasive graphic organizer. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(5), 813-824
  11. Ng Huey Zher, Raja Maznah Raja Hussein, & Rohaida Mohd Saat. 2016. Enhancing feedback via peer learning in large classrooms. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(1), 1-16.
  12. Chien Lee Shing & Rohaida Mohd Saat(in press). The conceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge of the form 4 chemistry teachers. Jurnal Pnedidikan Malaysia
  13. Chien Lee Shing, Rohaida Mohd Saat & Siow Heng Loke (2015. The knowledge of teaching - Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science, 3(3, 40-55
  14. FADZIL, H.M. & SAAT, R.M. (2014) Exploring the influencing factors in students acquisition of manipulative skills during transition from primary to secondary school, Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 15(2) Article 3 (Dec., 2014)
  15. Faridah Darus & Rohaida Mohd Saat. (2014). How do primary school students acquire the skill of making hypothesis. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science, 2(2), 20-26
  16. Halida Yu, A.Abrizah & R.M.Saat. (2014) Overcoming time and ethical constraints in qualitative data collection process: A case of information literacy research.Journal of Librarianship & Information Science. 46(3), 243-257 DOI:10.1177/0961000614526610
  17. Hidayah Mohd Fadzil & Rohaida Mohd Saat. (2014). Enhancing STEM education during school transition: Bridging the gap in science manipulative skills. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10(3), 209-218.
  18. K. Jayarajah, R.M Saat, & R.A.M.Rauf (2014) A Review of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Education Research from Year 1999 until 2013: A Malaysian Perspective. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 10(3), 155-163
  19. Khadijah Rohani M.Y., Nordin A.B., Sharifah Norul Akmar S.Z., R.M.Saat, N.M. Salleh, H.M. Fadzil. (2014). Employment and career development of disabled people: Challenges and Obstacles, Journal of Special Needs Education,4, 90-100
  20. Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd Yakub@Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2014). Pendekatan peneguhan bagi aktiviti hafalan Al-Quran dalam kalangan murid di peringkat menengah rendah. Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 8, 113-135.
  21. Norma Che Lah, Rohaida Mohd Saat & Ruhaya Hassan (2014), Cognitive strategy in learning chemistry: how chunking and learning get together. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science, 2(1), 9-15
  22. Faridah Darus, Rohaida Mohd Saat & Abd Razak Zakaria (2013). Transformasi guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran mengenai kemahiran membuat hipotesis dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, 1(3). 47-57.
  23. Hidayah Mohd Fadzil & Rohaida Mohd Saat (2013). Development of students manipulative skills during transition from primary to secondary school: A preliminary finding. SAINSAB Online, 16, 20-25
  24. Hidayah Mohd Fadzil & Rohaida Mohd Saat (2013). Phenomenographic study of students menipulative skills during transition from primary to secondary school. Jurnal Teknologi, 63(2), 71-75
  25. Kamaleswaran Jayarajah, Rohaida Mohd Saat & Rose Amnah Abdul Rauf (2013). An alternative perspective for Malaysian engineering education: A review from year 2000-2012. The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science, 1(4), 1-23.
  26. Michelle Ling & Rohaida Mohd Saat (2013). Use of Information Communications Technology (ICT) in Malaysian science teaching; A microanalysis of TIMSS 2011, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103 (2013), 1271-1278
  27. Mohd Amzari, T., Siti Patonah, M., Rohaida, M. S., Mohd Yakub Zulkifli, M. Y., Noor Naemah, A. R. & Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A.(2013). Addressing sleep disorder of autistic children with Qur'anic sound therapy. Journal of Health, 5, 73-79.
  28. Norma Che Lah & Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2013). Strategi kognitif abstrak dalam pembelajaran kimia. Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik, 1(4). 1-5
  29. Khadijah Rohani Mohd Yunus, Noraini Mohd Salleh, Sharifah Norul Akmar Syed Zamri, Rohaida Mohd Saat, Abu Bakar Nordin, & Hidayah Mohd Fadzil (2011). Kurikulum bagi orang kurang upaya (OKU) di sebuah pusat latihan vokasional: Perspektif Pelatih. Jurnal Pendidikan, 31, 91-102
  30. Bibi S. Z., N. Wahida C. M. Z., M. Amzari T., M. Amiruddin K., M. Noor M., N. Naemah A. R., Zulkifli M. Y., Rohaida M. S., Rosli R., Duriyyah S. H. A. (2011). Kelakuan burung: Analisis perbandingan dari perspektif rujukan berteraskan Al-Quran dan neurosains. International Journal on Quranic Research,1,1,139-164. (ISSN 2180-4893)
  31. Saat, R. M., Hashim, Z. I. M., Bajuri, M. K., Mohd Yusoff, M. Y. Z., Abdul Rahman, N. N., & Hasan Adli, D. S. (2011). Memorization activity and use of reinforcement in learning: Content analysis from neuroscience and Islamic perspectives. Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(7), 1113-1120.
  32. Mariam Faridah Che Muda & Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2010). Tahap penguasaan kemahiran manipulative dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan 4. Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan,11, 1-17.
  33. Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2010). Sleep from neuroscience and Islamic perspectives: Comprehension and practices of Muslims with science background In Malaysian education system. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 560-564 (ISSN: 1877-0428).
  34. Mohd. Saat, R. & Othman, J. (2010). Meeting linguistic challenges in the science classroom: pre-service ESL teacher' strategies. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30(2), 185-197
  35. Oloruntegbe, K.O., Syed Zamri, S.N.A., Saat, R.M., & Alam, G.M. (2010). Development and validation of measuring instruments of contextualizination of science among Malaysian and Nigerian serving and pre-service chemistry teachers. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 5 (13), 2075-2083.
  36. Othman, J. & Saat, R. (2009) "Challenges of Using English as a Medium of Instruction: Pre-service Science Teachers' Perspective" The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 18(2), 307-316.
  37. Othman, J., Saat, R. M. 2009. Challenges of Using English as a Medium of Instruction: Pre-service Science Teachers' Perspective. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
  38. Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Rohaida Mohd Saat, & Mohd Amzari Tumiran. (2008). Sleep from the neuroscience perspective: A comparative study with revelation from Al-Qur'an and Al-Sunnah. Tazkiya Journal of Psychology, 8(1), 412-427. ISSN:1412-1735
  39. Kamariah Sujak & Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2008). The use of Web-Based Instructional Materials in learning chemical bonding. Journal of Applied Research in Education, 12, 97-110
  40. Lee, S. W. & Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2008). An evaluation of a Nutrition WebQuest: The Malaysian experience. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 4(2), 99-108.
  41. Lee, S. W. & Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2007). Design and development of a nutrition WebQuest for Malaysian Form 2 Students. Jurnal Metamorfosa, 2(1),63-80
  42. Wan Hasmah Wan Mamat, Raja Maznah Raja Hussain, Norani Salleh, & Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2007).Problem-based learning in Asian universities: Students perspective. International Journal of Education, 1(2),109-124
  43. Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Noor Azina Ismail.(2006) Instructional strategies and science achievement of Form 2 students in Malaysia: Findings from TIMSS 2003. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia,29 (1), pg. 62-78.
  44. Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Kamariah Abu Bakar. (2005). Technology-Based Science Classroom: What Factors Facilitate Learning? Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan [Educators and Education Journal], 20(1),1-19.
  45. Sharifah Norashikin Syed Abdul Rahman and Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2005). Keberkesanan program PEKA dalam penguasaan kemahiran sains bersepadu dikalangan pelajar Sains Tingkatan 4 [The effectiveness of PEKA Programme in the acquisition of science process skills among form 4 science students]. Journal of Educational Research, 25, 65-78.
  46. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2004). Acquisition of integrated science process skills in a Web-based learning environment. Research in Science and Technological Education, 22(1), 23-40.
  47. Rohaida Mohd. Saat and Kamariah Abu Bakar (2004). An exploratory investigation of children learning science in a Web-based learning environment. International Journal of Learning, Vol. 10, 1473-1490.
  48. Daniel, E. G. S. and Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2001). Elemental science. The Science Teacher, 68 (9), 50-53.
  49. Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Daniel, E. G. S. (2000). Penelitian semula pengajaran sains: Adakah penggunaan teknologi suatu keperluan atau suatu budaya ikutan?(Bahagian II) [Another look at teaching science: Is the use of technology a necessity or a matter of following the trend] (Part II). Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 16,28-32.
  50. Daniel, E. G. S. & Rohaida Mohd. Saat (1999). Aspiration and reality of the acquisition of scientific skills among secondary science students: Never the twain shall meet.Classroom Teacher,4 (2),9-25.
  51. Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Daniel, E. G. S.(1999). Penelitian semula pengajaran sains: Adakah penggunaan teknologi suatu keperluan atau suatu budaya ikutan? [Another look at teaching science: Is the use of technology a necessity or a matter of following the trend] (Part I). Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 16, 28-32.
  52. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (1997). Implementation of cooperative learning and constructivism in primary science in Malaysia. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(1),23-26
  53. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (1997).Perbandingan kurikulum sains [A comparison of science curriculum]. Contemporary Issues in Education, 20, 33-44.
  1. Juliana Othman, Rohaida Mohd Saat, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli & Fatiha Senom (2020). Teaching Science in English: A CLIL Approach. Pearson.
  2. Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli (2019). Tidur Menurut Perspektif Sains Moden dan Sains Islam. Kuala Lumpur, KL: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP).
  3. Rohaida Mohd Saat, Hidayah Mohd. Fadzil & Faridah Darus (2016). Pembelajaran Sains : Meniti Peralihan dari Sekolah Rendah ke Sekolah Menengah. Kuala Lumpur: UM Press
  4. Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2009). Learning primary science: Development of science process skills in a web-based learning environment (monograph). Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
  5. Noraini Idris, Daniel, E.G.S. & Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2004). Teknologi dalam Pendidikan Sains dan Matematik [Technology in Science and Mathematics Education]. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
Chapter in Books
  1. Fadzil, H.M., & Saat, R. M. (2019). Grounded theory. In Juliana Othman & Maskanah Mohammad Lotfie (Eds.), Research design in language studies. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Universiti of Malaya Press
  2. Hidayah Mohd Fadzil, Rohaida Mohd Saat, Khalijah Awang, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli (2019).Scientist-Teacher Collaboration for STEM Education. In H. M. Fadzil, R. V. Sathasivam, R. Ithnin & M. S. Mohktar (Eds.), Best practices in STEM Mentor Mentee (pp.45-53). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia: University of Malaya STEM Centre.
  3. Hidayah Mohd Fadzil & Rohaida Mohd Saat (2014). Understanding Students Technical Skills During Transition from Primary to Secondary School. In Devadason Robert Peter, Zurida ismail & NG Khar Thoe (Eds.) Empowering the Future Generation through Science Education. p.367-378
  4. Kamaleswaran Jayarajah, Rohaida Mohd Saat & Rose Amnah Abdul Rauf (2014). HOTS: Evidence from TIMSS 2011 and Its Implication Towards STEM. In Devadason Robert Peter, Zurida ismail & NG Khar Thoe (Eds.) Empowering the Future Generation through Science Education. p.554- 571
  5. Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2012). Penggunaan Ganjaran dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Tradisi Islam: Suatu Perbandingan. Dalam Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh & Mohd Rezuan Masran (Eds.) Dimensi Islam dalam wacana sains. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuan dan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. p. 257-279
  6. Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli.(2012). Kepentingan Tidur bagi Kesihatan dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Sains dan Islam. Dalam Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh & Mohd Rezuan Masran (Eds.) Dimensi Islam dalam Wacana Sains. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuan dan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. p.335-365
  7. Mohd. Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2012). Kepentingan tidur bagi kesihatan dan pembelajaran dari perspektif sains dan Islam. Dalam Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh & Mohd Rezuan Masran (Eds.) Dimensi Islam dalam wacana sains. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuan dan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. p. 135-365
  8. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2012). What did we learn fromscience education reform: the Malaysian experience. In Sharifah Norul Akmar (Ed.). Practices in mathematics & science education: A reflection. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson.p 9-26
  9. Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim Rohaida Mohd. Saat, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli.(2012). Penghafazan Al-Quran dalam Sistem Pendidikan: Suatu Perbandingan Teori dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam. Dalam Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh & Mohd Rezuan Masran (Eds.) Dimensi Islam dalam Wacana Sains. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuan dan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. p.281-299
  10. Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2012). Penghafazan al-quran dalam sistem pendidikan: Suatu perbandingan teori dari perspektif neurosains dan Islam. Dalam Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh & Mohd Rezuan Masran (Eds.) Dimensi Islam dalam wacana sains. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuan dan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. p.281-299
  11. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2010). Issues in maintaining continuity and progression of students science learning. In Akbar Hussain & Noraini Idris (Eds) Dimensions of Education. New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House, p.275-291
  12. Rohaida Mohd. Saat, & Norani Mohd. Salleh (2010). Issues related to Research Ethics in E-Collaboration. In M. Anandarajan & A. Anandarajan (Eds.), E-Research Collaboration: Frameworks, Tools and Techniques (pp.249-261).Germany: Springer-Verlag
  13. Mahanom Mat Sam & Rohaida Mohd. Saat.2008.Penggunaan teknologi dalam memperkasakan pendidikan sains di Malaysia [The use of technology in enhancing science education in Malaysia], In Nik Azis Nik Pa & Noraini idris (Eds) Perjuangan memperkasakan pendidikan di Malaysia: Pengalaman 50 tahun Merdeka.(pp.187-214). Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publication
  14. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2007). Pemanfaatan pendidikan sains dalam memperkasakan pendidikan islam: [Benefitting science education in enhancing islamic education], pg. 57-69. In Nik Azis Nik Pa et al (Eds.) Isu-isu kritikal dalam pendidikan islam dan pendidikan bahasa arab berteraskan pendekatan islam hadhari. [Critical issues in islamic education & arabic education based on Islam Hadhari approach],Putrajaya: Yayasan Islam Hadhari.
  15. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2005). Rethinking and reorienting assessment of practical work in science. In Saedah Siraj et al (eds.). Cognition and Learning: Issues and Strategies (pg.145-153). Kuala Lumpur: Malindo Publication.
  16. Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2005). ICT dalam Pendidikan Sains: Hasrat dan realiti [ICT in science education: Aspiration and reality]. In Sufean Hussin et al (Eds.) Pentadbiran dalam Pembangunan Pendidikan. [Administration in development of education] pg. 316-329, Kuala Lumpur:PTS Professional.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Norma Che Lah & Rohaida Mohd Saat (in press) Exploring students' cognitive strategies in learning chemistry. eProceeding of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2013. Cyprus.
  2. Bajuri, M. K., Mohd Saat, R., Mohd. Yusoff, Z., Abd Rahman, N., & Hasan Adli, D. S. (2013). Amalan ganjaran dan hukuman serta pengaruhnya dalam aktiviti hafazan Al-Quran di sebuah sekolah aliran agama peringkat menengah rendah. Paper presented at The 3rd Annual International Quranic Conference, Universiti Malaya.
  3. Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd Saat, Noor Naemah Abd Rahman, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli (2013, Mar). Qiamullail dan gangguan tidur dari perspektif neurosains. Paper presented at The 3rd Annual International Quranic Conference, University Malaya.
  4. Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, 2012. Pendekatan Peneguhan bagi Aktiviti Hafalan Al- Quran dalam Kalangan Murid di Peringkat Menengah Rendah, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
  5. Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, 2012. Konsep Ganjaran dalam Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Agama di Terengganu, ms 56-70. Wisma R & D, Universiti Malaya. (ISBN: 978-967-5534-20-1)
  6. Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2012). Tidur untuk Kerehatan Minda dan Tubuh berteraskan Al- Quran dan Neurosains. Hotel Permai Inn, Terengganu, Anjuran Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). (ISBN: 978-983-9842-59-3)
  7. Mohd Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd Saat, Zulkifli Haji Mohd Yusoff. Naemah Abd Rahman dan Duriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2012. Konsep Ganjaran dalam Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya di Sebuah Sekolah Agama di Terengganu. The 2nd Annual International Quranic Conference 2012, ms:56-70
  8. Zul Izza Mohamed @ Hashim, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, 2012. Analisis Kritikal terhadap Kaedah-kaedah Penghafazan Al-Quran dari Perspektif Neurosains Kognitif, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
  9. Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2011). Konsep Uqubah dan Pengukuhan Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya dalam Sistem Pendidikan di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Agama di Terengganu. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Islamic Education 2011 (ICIEd 2011).pp. 323-326.
  10. Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. Konsep Uqubah dan Pengukuhan Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya dalam Sistem Pendidikan di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Agama di Terengganu. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Islamic Education 2011 (ICIEd2011), pp. 323
  11. Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2010. Kepentingan Tidur bagi Kesihatan dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Sains dan Islam. Prosiding Seminar "Islam, Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa". Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, hlm. 123-146
  12. Saat, R.M. (2010). Progression or regression? Children's understanding of the heat concept from primary to secondary school. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 414-417
  13. Salleh, N.M. & Saat, R.M. (2010). Ethical codes of conduct and practices using human subjects. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 2021-2025.
  14. Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim, Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2010). Memorization Activity and Use of Reinforcements in Learning: Content Analysis from Neuroscience and Islamic Perspectives. Universiti Teknologi Petronas. (ISBN: 978-983-2271-19- 2)
  15. Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2010. Penghafazan Al-Qur'an dalam Sistem Pendidikan: Suatu Perbandingan Teori dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam. Prosiding Seminar "Islam, Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa". Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, hlm. 219-234
  16. Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abd. Rahman, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Amzari Tumiran, Ahmad Zuhdi Ismail, Mohd Amzari Tumiran, dan Wan Adriyani Wan Ruzali . (2008). Nyanyuk (Dementia) Dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam, Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Kecemerlangan Tamadun Islam dalam Agro, Sains dan Teknologi
  17. Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abd. Rahman, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Amzari Tumiran, Che Zarina Sa ari, Mimi Asphani Hamat. (2008). Sleep From Neuroscience and Islamic Perspective, Proceedings of International Seminar Islamic Science And Technology
  18. Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Ahmad Zuhdi Ismail, Mohd Amzari Tumiran, dan Wan Adriyani Wan Ruzali. 2008. Nyanyuk (Dementia) dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam, Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Kecemerlangan Tamadun Islam dalam Agro, Sains dan Teknologi. Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.
  19. Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Che Zarinna Sa'ari and Mimi Aspahani Hamat. (2008). Sleep from neuroscience and Islamic perspectives. Proceeding of International Seminar on Islamic Science and Technology. Putra World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur.
  20. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2007). Isu semasa dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains di Malaysia [Current Issues in Science Learning in Malaysia]. Prosiding Seminar Internasional Pendidikan IPA 2007: Pengembangan Kurikulum & Model Pembelajaran Konstruktivisme dalam Sains, (pp.KS1).
  21. Daniel, E.G.S. & Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2004) Elements of life: Visualisation in science learning. Proceedings of the APEC 2004 Seminar on Best Practices and Innovations in the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics at the Secondary Level
  22. Sharifah Norul Akmar Syed Zamri. Lee, S.E., Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Siow, H.L. (Eds). (2004). Proceedings of the National Conference on Science and Mathematics Education
  23. Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Kamariah Abu Bakar. (2003). Barriers and Possibilities of learning science in a web-based learning environment. Concept Papers of the ICASE 2003 World Conference on Science and Technology Education. Penang: RECSAM
  24. Sharifah Norul Akmar Syed Zamri. Lee, S.E., Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Siow, H.L. (Eds). (2003). Mathematics Education: Agenda for Action. Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education
  25. Siow, H.L., Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Sharifah Norul Akmar Syed Zamri & Lee, S.E. (Eds.) (2003). Science Education: Agenda for Action. Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education.
  26. Rohaida Mohd. Saat (2001). SPicE Project: Web-based Instruction in Acquiring Science Process Skills. In C. Montgomery and J. Vitelli (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conferenxe ED-Media: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (pp. 1339-1340). USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  27. Rohaida Mohd. Saat and Kamariah Abu Bakar (2000). Development of a Web-Based Instruction for Primary School: SPicE. In Zaidatol Akmaliah Lope Phie, Lili Mastura Harun and L.Y. Kok (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference Education and ICT in the New Millennium (pp.164-185). Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia
  28. Rohaida Mohd. Saat and Daniel, E.G.S. (1999). A Malaysian Kaleidoscope of Technological Myths. Proceedings of the International Conference Education Superhighway (pp.124-130). Penang : SEAMEO-RECSAM
Other Publications
  1. Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub@Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2010). Use of reinforcement in learning: Content analysis from behavioural science and Islamic perspectives. Proses-Belajar-Dalam-Timbangan-Sains-Dan-Islam.html - Internet
  2. Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2010). Sleep from neuroscience and Islamic perspectives: Comprehension and practices of Muslim with science background in Malaysia education system. dalam-Wilayah-Agama-dan-Sains.html - Internet
  3. Raja Maznah Raja Hussain, Wan Hasmah Wan Mamat, Norani Salleh & Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2006). A Study of Asian Students Experiences of Problem-based Learning (PBL). Unpublished Research Report. - Technical Report
  4. Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Kamariah Abu Bakar (2003). Acquisition of science process skills in a web-based learning environment. (Fundamental/Siswazah No. Projek: 06-05-02-0108S) - Technical Report
  5. Daniel, E.G.S. & Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2001). Web-based learning and Visualization in Science Learning. The Mind-Tech Project Report (IRPA: 04-34489-2133). Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya - Technical Report
  6. Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2000). Development of a Web-based instruction for primary school children. (Vot F No. F 0564/1999B). - Technical Report
  7. Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (2000). Web-Based instructional Material titled Science Process Skills in Scientific Exploration (SPicE). Can be retrieved at URL: beta version, published 2000 - Other Media(Tape,Video,Internet)
  8. Rohaida Mohd. Saat. (1999). Konsepsi Murid Tahap I tentang Hidupan (Vot.F No. FL 0540/98). - Technical Report


  • Science Education (Education, Science, Secondary Education)
  • Curriculum Development (Science Curriculum, Innovation in Curriculum)
  • Qualitative Research Methodology (Research Method, Qualitative)


  1. 2020 - 2023, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Modeling The Factors That Influence Learning Of Integrated Stem Among Lower Secondary School Students In Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Development Of Integrated Stem Model In Enhancing Secondary Science Learning Through Scientist-teacher-student Partnership (stsp) ( Co-Researcher)
  3. 2018 - 2021, RU Geran
    A Comparative Study Of Scientist-teacher-student Partnership (stsp) Model Stem : The Case Of Malaysia And Turkey ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2020 - 2021, RU Geran - UMCares
    Perlaksanaan "chemistry 21st Century Lab Module" Di Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor ( Co-Researcher)
  5. 2013 - 2015, Program Rakan Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (PRPUM)
    Technology-enhanced in Teaching & Learning Pre-University Science ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2014 - 2015, RU Operation
  7. 2013 - 2015, Ministry of Education
    Research in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) & Programme for International Student Assessment ( Consultant)
  8. 2014 - 2015, NONE
    Designing and conducting a comparative and cross cultural study exploring factors contributing to girls from various cultures and ethnic backgrounds losing interest in STEM. Countries involved: USA, India, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia, Fiji and SIngapore. ( Consultant)
  9. 2009 - 2014, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Aktiviti Berkaitan Proses Pembelajaran yang dianjurkan oleh Islam dari Perspektif Neurosains (RG059/09AFR - extended) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2011 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Penggunaan Bahan-bahan yang Digalakkan dalam Tradisi Islam: Tatacara Penggunaannya dan Kesan Melalui Kajian Saintifik ( Consultant)
  11. 2013 - 2014, PRPUM
    Technology-enhanced teaching and learning pre university science ( Head)
  12. 2010 - 2013, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Transition from Primary to Secondary School: An Examination of Students Acquisition of Scientific and Mathematical Skills ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2012 - 2013, IPPTN
    Higher Education Institution Lecturers and Students Innovation Orientation: Meeting Industry Demand ( Consultant)
  14. 2009 - 2010, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Ethical Codes of Conduct and Practices Using HUman Subjects Across Disciplines in Public Institutes of Higher Learning ( Consultant)
  15. 2007 - 2008, Peruntukan Geran Khas Universiti Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya
    Benefits of nervous system related information in addressing health & well being issues from neuroscience & Islamic perspectives (Permanfaatan maklumat neurosains & maklumat dari perspektif Islam dalam menangani isu kesihatan dan kesejahteraan manusia yang berkaitan sistem saraf) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  16. 2003 - 2007, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Policy Research on Education and Quality of Primary Schools in Malaysia: Micro and Macro (EQPSM _MM) ( Consultant)
  17. 2006 - 2007, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
    Evaluation of the MoE Courseware ( Consultant)
  18. 2006 - 2007, MSC Technology Centre (MSCTC)
    Review and Assessment of MoE ICT Initiatives for the Development of the MoE ICT Strategic Plan 2006-2010 Project ( Consultant)
  19. 2007 - 2007, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Pemanfaatan Maklumat Neurosains dan Maklumat dari Perspektif Islam dalam Menangani Isu Kesihatan dan Kesejahteraan Manusia yang barkaitan Sistem Saraf ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  20. 2002 - 2003, Universiti Putra Malaysia
    Acquisition of Science Process Skills in a Web-Based Learning Environment ( Consultant)
  21. 1998 - 2001, MOSTI (IRPA)
    A multimedia classroom based on the theory of multiple intelligences and its effectiveness in enhancing thinking among students in the smart school (or the Mind Tech project), ( Consultant)
  22. 2000 - 2000, PetroSains
    Awareness about Science and Technology among visitors of PETROSAINS ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  23. 1998 - 1999, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Children s Conception on Living Things ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  24. 1999 - 1999
    Acquisition of Scientific Skills Among Secondary School Students ( Consultant)
  25. 1999 - 1999
    Myths about IT in Malaysia ( Consultant)
  1. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Transition from primary to secondary school: An examination of science learning ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Ethical Codes of Conduct and Practices Using Human Subjects in Educational Research in Malaysian Public Universities ( Consultant)
  3. 2005 - 2007
    Micro-Analysis of Science Achievement of TIMSS 2003 ( Consultant)
  4. 2006 - 2007, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Meeting English Language Needs in Science Education: Pre-service Teachers Coping Strategies ( Consultant)
  5. 2003 - 2006, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    A Study of Asian Students Experiences of Problem-based Learning (PBL) ( Consultant)
  6. 2005 - 2006
    Crafting Science Instruction using Learning Objects ( Consultant)
  7. 2000 - 2001, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Development of Web-Based Instruction for Primary School Children ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Yseali Regional Workshop: Empowering Southeast Asian Educators, The Asia Foundation
    01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (International)
  • Panel Penilai Universiti Malaya Bagi Diploma Pengurusan Perniagaan, Universiti Malaya
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (National)
  • Penilai Manuskrip, Penerbit UKM
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (National)
  • Newly Created Master Program in Science Education, At The Faculty of Education, UiTM, Faculty of Education, UiTM
    01 Mar 2013 - 01 Mar 2013 (National)
  • Kajian Semula Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (National Higher Education Strategic Plan) 2013 - 2013, Ministry of Education (Formerly, under MOHE)
    01 Mar 2013 - 01 Mar 2013 (National)
  • Member of Expert and Stakeholder Advisory Panel in Science Education Research: Science Education for Diversity, Tarc College
    01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
  • National Quality Monitor for Pisa 2012, OECD & MOE of Malaysia
    01 May 2012 - 01 May 2012 (International)
  • Panel Penggubal Soalan Untuk Kajian Pedagogical Content Knowledge, MIMOS Berhad
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
  • Peningkatan Mutu Program Peningkatan Buku Teks Kbsr (Sains) Tahun 6, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
  • Subject Matter Expert Untuk Pembinaan Instrumen Instructional Competency: Pedagogical Knowledge, MIMOS Berhad
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
  • Form 4 Science Textbook Evaluation, bahagian Buku Teks, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
    01 May 2011 - 01 May 2011 (National)
  • Kajian Tracer Keatas Bekas Penghuni Institusi Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Di Pusat Latihan Perindustrian dan Pemulihan (Plpp) Bangi, Institut Sosial Malaysia (ISM)
    01 Feb 2009 - 01 Feb 2010 (National)
  • Task Force for The National Strategic Planning for Institute of Higher Learning, Ministry of Higher Learning
    01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2009 (National)
  • Bed Program (Pismp) Committee, Teacher Education Institute (Ipg), Ministry of Education (Teacher Training Division)
    01 Nov 2006 - 01 Nov 2008 (National)
  • Smart School Outcome Research Project, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
    01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2008 (National)
  • I-Board+ Coolscience Courseware Learning System, Communication Technology Sdn Bhd
    01 Nov 2006 - 01 Nov 2007 (National)
  • Development of Teacher Education Curriculum, Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education
    01 Nov 2006 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
  • Pre-School Guide Book for Teachers (Science Component), Curriculum development Centre, Ministry of Education
    01 Nov 2006 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
  • Revision of The Training of Trainers Manual for Promoting Scientific and Technological Literacy (Stl) for All, UNESCO-APEID & SEAMEO RECSAM
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2005 (International)
  • Quality Control Committee of Science Form 3 Text Book (2005), Textbook Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia
    01 Nov 2004 - 01 Nov 2004 (National)
  • Staff Educational Development Programme (Sedp), International Islamic School Staff, International Islamic University Malaysia
    01 Nov 2001 - 01 Nov 2001 (Others)
  • Revision of The Science Kbsm Curriculum, Curriculum Development Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia
    01 Nov 1999 - 01 Nov 2000 (National)
  • Science Process Skills Module, Curriculum, Development Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia
    01 Nov 2000 - 01 Nov 2000 (National)
  • Revision of The Curriculum for The Diploma of Education Programme 2001, Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education
    01 Nov 2000 - 01 Nov 2000 (National)
  • Writing of The Guide Book for The Mastery Learning in Teaching and Learning of Science, Curriculum, Development Centre, Ministry of Education Malaysia
    01 Nov 1997 - 01 Nov 1998 (National)
  • Formulation of The Science Curriculum for International Islamic School Malaysia (Iism),, International Islamic School Malaysia (IISM)
    01 Nov 1997 - 01 Nov 1997 (Others)


  1. Teachers Professional Development through Scientist-Teacher-Student Partnership (STSP), 5th. STEM in Education Conference, Queensland University of Technology (International) (21 Nov 2018 - 23 Nov 2018)
  1. A Journey to Innovative Teaching: Are we there yet?, The 8th International Conference on Teacher Education: Focusing on Teaching Methods and Materials, National Pingtung University (NPTU), Taiwan (International) (06 Nov 2020 - 06 Nov 2020)
  2. To Be or Not to Be: The Dilemmas of Technology-Based Education, 6th International Conference on Education & Technology Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, Fakulitas Pendidikan,Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia (International) (17 Oct 2020 - 17 Oct 2020)
  3. The Digitalization of Knowledge: How do Higher Education Institutions Coping With it?, Indonesian FIP-JIP Forum and 5th International Conference on Education & Technology, Universitas Negeri Malang (International) (02 Oct 2019 - 05 Oct 2019)
  4. Quality Assurance in Higher Education, International on Education 2019, National Chung Cheng University with Collaboration with University of Malaya (International) (02 May 2019 - 02 May 2019)
  5. Review of Educational Research Trend in Southeast Asia, 2019 Southeast-Asia Education and Harmony Deans' Farum, Taiwan Strategic Alliance for College of Education and Humanity (International) (18 Mar 2019 - 19 Mar 2019)
  6. The Role of EDucation & Technology towards a Peaceful World, 4th ICET International Conference on Education & Technology, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia (International) (26 Oct 2018 - 27 Oct 2018)
  7. Current Issues in Science Learning in Malaysia, International Seminar on Curriculum Development and Constructivist Learning Model in Science, Universiti Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidyatullah Jakarta, Indonesia (International) (31 May 2007)
  1. National Curriculum: Challenges & Opportunities, Virtual Seminar on "National Curriculum: Unity, Diversity and Future Trends", MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA & Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) (International) (15 Dec 2020 - 15 Dec 2020)
  2. Challenges of Curriculum Reform and Responses of Teacher Education: Malaysian Perspective, 2020 Asia-Pacific Education Dean's Forum, NTNU, Taiwan (International) (13 Nov 2020 - 13 Nov 2020)
  3. Inclusivity in STEM, 29th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Society for Conservation Biology (International) (21 Jul 2019 - 25 Jul 2019)
  4. SDG 4: Quality Education, Atlas SDG Malaysia Conference 2018, RCOMM Lestari & SDG (International) (28 Aug 2018 - 28 Aug 2018)
  5. Planning Eddective Curriculum & Instruction: Student-Centred Learning & Know your Learners, Basic Course in Teaching & Learning (TPNL), Acade,ic Development Centre (ADeC) (University) (08 Nov 2016 - 08 Nov 2016)
  6. Planning Eddective Curriculum & Instruction: Student-Centred Learning & Know your Learners, Basic Course in Teaching & Learning (TPNL), Academic Development Centre (University) (19 Jan 2016 - 19 Jan 2016)
  7. ENHANCING STEM EDUCATION: THE MALAYSIAN EXPERIENCE , Congress on Science & Technology of Thailand, Science Society of Thailand (International) (06 Nov 2015 - 08 Nov 2015)
  8. Enhancing STEM Education through CETM, Seminar Separuh Hari Perkembangan Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) di malaysia, Majlis Profesor Negara & Fakulti Sains, UPM (National) (28 Jul 2015 - 28 Jul 2015)
  9. Evaluating Qualitative Research, Qualitative Research-Research Design to Publication, IMU & QRAM (National) (27 Mar 2015 - 27 Mar 2015)
  10. Addressing the minorities in the Academic Research: Muslims' Perspective, Muslim Speaker s Forum, Global Connections and the Office of Research and Protection, Penn State University, USA (International) (17 Jun 2014 - 17 Jun 2014)
  11. Redesigning Biology Lessons: Aligning the Should and the Could, MRSM Science Teacher Education Summit 2013, MARA (National) (24 Jun 2013 - 27 Jun 2013)
  12. Qualitative Data Analysis, Post Graduate Seminar 2006, Faculty of Education, UM (University) (15 May 2006)
  13. Acquiring Scientific Skills in a Technology-Based Classroom, 1st. APEC Future Education Forum, Korean Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development (08 Sep 2005 - 11 Sep 2005)
  14. Science Process Skills in the Teaching Of Biology, Course on Enhancing the Biology Curriculum for MRSM Teachers , MARA (National) (28 Jul 2004 - 30 Jul 2004)
  15. Elements of Life: Visualisation in Science Learning, APEC 2004 Seminar on Best Practices in Science & Mathematics Education, Ministry oef Education , Malaysia & APEC (International) (18 Jul 2004 - 22 Jul 2004)
  16. Application of Learning Theories in Teaching & Learning Science , Science & Mathematics Primary School Teacher Education Convention , Negeri Sembilan State Education Department (Others) (29 Jun 2004)
  17. Evaluation in Science, Enhancement in Science Learning: Theory & Practice, MARA (National) (23 Apr 1997)
  1. Pemanfaatan Pendidikan Sains dalam memperkasakan Pendidikan Islam, Seminar Serantau Islam Hadari 2007: Pendidikan Islam & Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, University Malaya & Islam Hadhari Secretariat (International) (10 Aug 2007 - 12 Aug 2007)
  2. Exploring the Use of Learning Objects in Science Learning, Seminar on Technology and Realities in Mathematics and Science Education: Malaysian and Australian Experiences, University of Malaya & University of Adelaide (National) (21 Apr 2007)
  3. Learning Phases: Acquisition of the Skill of Controlling Variables in a Web-based Environment, National Conference on Science & Mathematics Education: Innovations for Excellence, Faculty of Education, UM (National) (09 Oct 2004 - 11 Oct 2004)
  4. Block Play: From Theory to Practice, International Conference Facing Changes in Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (International) (05 Sep 2000 - 07 Sep 2000)
  5. Teachers competencies in using Information Technology, Science Seminar: Multimedia Approach in Science Education , Faculty of Education, UM (University) (21 Nov 1999 - 22 Nov 1999)
  1. Pengamalan aktiviti hukuman dalam pembelajaran: kajian di sebuah sekolah menengah aliran agama, International Seminar on Research in Islamic Studies II (ISRIS II), Universiti Malaya (International) (15 Feb 2012 - 16 Feb 2012)
  2. Aktiviti penghafalan dan penggunaan ganjalan dalam pembelajaran: Analisis kandungan dari perspektif neurosains dan islam, Innovation and Creativity Expo 2010, UM (University) (01 Apr 2010 - 03 Apr 2010)
  3. Apa kata neurosains dan islam tentang kemerosotan mental?, Innovation and Creativity Expo 2009 University of Malaya, UM (University) (13 Jan 2009 - 15 Jan 2009)
  4. Teaching and Learning in a Technology-Based Environment , Research & Development Exhibition for Higher Institution 2001  (National) (25 Oct 2001 - 28 Oct 2001)
  1. Development of an Online Three-Tier Diagnostic Test to Assess Pre-University Students' Understanding of Organic Compound, International Conference on Teaching & Learning (ICTL) 2016, University of Malaya & Chulalongkorn University (International) (05 Oct 2016 - 06 Oct 2016)
  2. Repositioning Science Instruction for the 21st Century: Development of Instructional Materials of Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Approach for Secondary School Students, International Conference on Teaching & Learning (ICTL) 2016, University of Malaya & Chulalongkorn University (International) (05 Oct 2016 - 06 Oct 2016)
  3. Development of Persuasive Graphic Organizer in Identifying Didactical Structure of Students Knowledge and Decision Making about Socioscientific Issues, International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education 2015, SEAMEO RECSAM (International) (16 Nov 2015 - 19 Nov 2015)
  4. Exploring students' cognitive strategies in learning chemistry, European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2013 (01 Feb 2014)
  5. Amalan ganjaran dan hukuman serta pengaruhnya dalam aktiviti hafazan al-Quran di sebuah sekolah aliran agama peringkat menengah rendah, 3rd Annual International Quranic Conferences 2013, Universiti Malaya (International) (13 Mar 2013 - 14 Mar 2013)
  6. Qiamullail dan gangguan tidur dari perspektif neurosains, E-Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Qur'anic Conferences 2013 , Centre of Quranic Research (International) (13 Mar 2013 - 14 Mar 2013)
  7. Pendekatan peneguhan bagi aktiviti hafalan al-quran dalam kalangan murid di peringkat menengah rendah, International Seminar on Al-Qurtan in Contemporary Society 2012, UniSZA (International) (01 Dec 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
  8. Analisis kritikal terhadap kaedah-kaedah penghafazan al-quran dari perspektif neurosains kognitif, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society 2012, UniSZA (International) (01 Dec 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
  9. Tidur untuk kerehatan minda dan tubuh berteraskan al-Quran dan neurosains, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Comtemporary Society 2012 (SQ2012), UniSZA (International) (01 Dec 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
  10. Konsep ganjaran dalam aktiviti pembelajaran: Pengamalannya di sebuah sekolah menegah agama di Terengganu, 2nd Annual International Quranic Conferences 2012 , Centre of Quranic Research (International) (22 Feb 2012 - 23 Feb 2012)
  11. Konsep uqubah dan pengukuhan aktiviti pembelajran: Pengamalannya dalam sistem pendidikan di sebuah sekolah menengah agama di Terengganu, 2nd International Conference on Islamic Education 2011, UM (International) (19 Dec 2011 - 21 Dec 2011)
  12. Pelaksanaan Konsep Pendidikan Berteraskan Al-Quran oleh Muhammadiyah dan Nahdatul Ulama: Kajian perbandingan di Pesantren Sekitar Yogjakarta Indonesia, The Annual International Qur'anic Conferences 2011, Universiti Malaya (International) (11 Jan 2011 - 12 Jan 2011)
  13. Aplikasi kaedah-kaedah penghafazan al-Quran oleh murid menengah rendah dan kesannya terhadap pencapaian hafazan dari perspektif neurosains, The Annual International Quranic Conference 2011, Centre of Quranic Research, UM (International) (11 Jan 2011 - 12 Jan 2011)
  14. Pemberian ganjaran dan hukuman berasaskan al-Quran: Pengalaman dalam sistem pendidikan berteraskan Islam di Yogjakarta Indonesia, The Annual International Quranic Conferences 2011, Akademi Pengajian Islam, UM (International) (11 Jan 2011 - 12 Jan 2011)
  15. Sleep from neuroscience and islamic perspectives: Comprehension and practices of Muslims with science background in Malaysian Education System, World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration , Academic World Education & Research Center, Turkey (International) (29 Oct 2010 - 31 Oct 2010)
  16. Use of reinforcement in learning: Content analysis from behavioral science and islamic perspectives, Weekly Wednesday Forum 2010, Centre for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (International) (20 Oct 2010)
  17. Sleep from neuroscience and islamic perspectives: comprehension and practices of Muslims with Science Background in Malaysia education System, Weekly Wednesday Forum, Universitas Gadjah Mada (International) (29 Sep 2010)
  18. Kepentingan tidur bagi kesihatan dan pembelajaran dari perspektif sains dan Islam, Islam, Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan beberapa isu Semasa, UM (National) (04 Aug 2010 - 05 Aug 2010)
  19. Penghafazan al-quran dalam sistem pendidikan: Suatu perbandingan dari perspektif neurosains dan Islam, Islam, sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan beberapa Isu Semasa, Universiti Malaya (National) (04 Aug 2010 - 05 Aug 2010)
  20. Penggunaan ganjaran dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran dari perspektif neurosains dan tradisi islam: Suatu perbandingan, Seminar Sains, Islam dan Teknologi: Kupasan beberapa isu semasa 2010., Akademi Pengajian Islam, UM (National) (04 Aug 2010 - 05 Aug 2010)
  21. Memorization activity and use of reinforcements in learning: Content analysis from neuroscience and islamic perspectives, International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences 2010, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (International) (15 Jun 2010 - 17 Jun 2010)
  22. Teaching Science in a Second Language: Challenges of Pre-Service Teachers, European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) 2009, European Science Education Research Association  (International) (31 Aug 2009 - 04 Oct 2009)
  23. Nyanyuk (Dementia) dari perspektif neurosains dan Islam, Seminar Kebangsaan kecemerlangan Tamadun Islam dalam Agro, Sains dan Teknologi 2008, UM (National) (04 Aug 2008 - 05 Aug 2008)
  24. Nyanyuk (Dementia) Dari Perspektif Neurosains Dan Islam [Dementia from Neuroscience and Islamic Perspective], Seminar Kebangsaan Kecemerlangan Tamadun Islam dalam Agro, Sains dan Teknologi, Akademi Pengajian Islam, University of Malaya (National) (01 Apr 2008 - 02 Apr 2008)
  25. Sleep from Neuroscience and Islamic Perspectives, International Seminar on Islamic Science and Technology (InSIST 08): Reviving the Supremacy of Islamic Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (International) (18 Mar 2008 - 19 Mar 2008)
  26. Science Learning Environment Supported by Technology: Are Doing it Right?, International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd), SEAMEO RECSAM (International) (13 Dec 2007 - 16 Dec 2007)
  27. Picture never lies: Images of science among undergraduate students, International Qualitative Research Conference 2007, QRAM (International) (04 Sep 2007 - 05 Sep 2007)
  28. Multiple procedures in collecting qualitative data, Second National Seminar on Qualitative Research, Qualitative Research Association Malaysia (National) (04 Dec 2006 - 05 Dec 2006)
  29. Demystifying Asian Students Ability to Participate in Active Learning, Scottish Educational Research Association Conference 2006, Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) (International) (23 Nov 2006 - 25 Nov 2006)
  30. 1. Instructional Strategies and Science Achievement of Form 2 Students in Malaysia: Findings from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003. 2. Needs in Science Education: Preservice Teachers Challenges and Coping Strategies. , International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education , SEAMEO RECSAM (International) (06 Dec 2005 - 08 Dec 2005)
  31. Using the Past for Meaningful out-of-class Science Learning, International Workshop on Promoting Scientific and Technological Literacy through Science Toys and Out-of-School Science Activities, ICASE (International) (04 Apr 2005 - 07 Apr 2005)
  32. Enhancing the Rigor of Qualitative Research: Application of a Case Methodology in Eliciting Learning Processes in a Technology-Based Science Classroom, 1st.National Seminar on Qualitative Research: Practicing Qualitative Research, Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM) (National) (02 Dec 2004)
  33. Unraveling the learning processes using qualitative methods, Qualitative Research Convention 2003: Theory & Practice, Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM) (International) (22 Oct 2003 - 23 Oct 2003)
  34. An exploratory investigation of children learning science in a web-based learning environment, The Learning Conference 2003, International Literacy and Education Research Netwaork (International) (16 Jul 2003 - 18 Jul 2003)
  35. Barriers and Possibilities of learning science in a web-based learning environment, ICASE 2003 World Conference on Science and Technology Education, SEAMEO RECSAM (International) (07 Apr 2003 - 10 Apr 2003)
  36. Technology and Learning Science, Science & Islam Exhibition , National Science Center (National) (27 Nov 2002 - 28 Nov 2002)
  37. SPicE Project: Web-based Instruction in Acquiring Science Process Skills, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)  (International) (25 Jun 2001 - 30 Jun 2001)
  38. Development of a Web-based Instruction for Primary School: SpicE, International Conference Education & ICT in the New Millennium, Universiti Putra Malaysia (International) (26 Oct 2000 - 27 Oct 2000)
  39. A Malaysian Kaleidoscope of Technological Myths, International Conference and Exhibition on Education Super Highway 1999, SEAMEO RECSAM (International) (30 Nov 1999 - 04 Dec 1999)
  40. Implementation of Cooperative Learning and Constructivism in Primary Science in Malaysia, International Conference on Cooperative Learning and Constructivism in Science and Mathematics Education , SEAMEO RECSAM (International) (01 Apr 1997 - 04 Apr 1997)


  1. (2020) Moderator for the thesis EDD program., (External Examiner)
  2. (2020) Evaluate the work of academics who applied for a promotion., (External Assessor for Promotion)
  3. (2018) Pemeriksa luar Program Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Sains (Kepujian) Biologi, ED247, (External Examiner)
  4. (2018) Evaluation of manuscript entitled "Enhancing Bhutanese Students' Views of the Nature of Science in Matter and Its Composition and Study of Gas Law through an Explicit and Reflective Approach" , (Reviewer)
  5. (2018) Evaluation of PhD Thesis entitled "Kesan Pendekatan Berasaskan Projek pada Efikasi Kendiri, Penaakulan Saintifik dan Pencapaian dalam Pembelajaran STEM. USM PhD candidate., (External Examiner)
  6. (2018) Evaluation of PhD Thesis entitled, " Keberkesanan Modul Interdisiplin STEM dalam Peningkatan Pencapaian dan Penerapan Kemahiran Abad ke-21 untuk Pengajaran Bioteknologi Subjek Sains Tambahan Sekolah Menengah". UKM PhD candidate., (External Examiner)
  7. (2018) Evaluation of Master of Education dissertation entitled, "Pelaksanaan Inkuiri Terbimbing dalam Kalangan Guru di Pulau Pinang". Master of Education, USM, (External Examiner)
  8. (2018) Evaluation of PhD thesis entitled, "Kesan Pengajaran Berasaskan Isu Sosiosaintifik (PBISS) keatas Kemahiran Pemikiran Kritis Kesedaran Metakognisi dan Penaakulan Sosiosaintifik Guru Pelatih Sain di Institut Pendidikan Guru". UKM PhD candidate., (External Examiner)
  9. (2018) Evaluation of PhD thesis entitled, "Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Alam Sekitar dalam Kalangan Kanak-Kanak Pra-SEkolah menerusi Pendekatan Projek". Calon PhD UPSI, (External Examiner)
  10. (2018) PhD thesis entitled: An Evaluation of ICT Integration in Science Learning in Primary Schools in Saudi Arabia Curtin University PhD Candidate, Australia, (External Examiner)
  11. (2017) Programme evaluation for the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary EDucation), (External Examiner)
  12. (2016) Editorial Board for European Journal of STEM Education, (Editor)
  13. (2016) Pemeriksaan Tesis PhD, (External Examiner)
  14. (2016) Pemeriksa Tesis PhD - Yennita (UKM), (External Examiner)
  15. (2016) Editor Journal Penyelidikan Pendidikan bagi tahun 2016, (Editor)
  16. (2016) Editorial Borad, (Editor)
  17. (2016) MMU PhD Thesis : Online Video Use for Independent Learning of Digital Animation, (External Examiner)
  18. (2015) External examiner for a Phd candidate of USM, (External Examiner)
  19. (2015) Reviewer for the Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (MJLI) , (Reviewer)
  20. (2015) Sidang Editor Jurnal Quranica, (Editor)
  21. (2015) Editor Journal Penyelidikan Pendidikan bagi tahun 2015, (Editor)
  22. (2015) External examiner for candidate of UKM, (External Examiner)
  23. (2014) External Examiner for a University Academic Program: Bachelor Of Science Education (Hons. ): Biology, for UiTM, (External Examiner)
  24. (2014) PhD Thesis entitled: The Effects of Socioscientific Inquiry on PreService Teachers' Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Achievement in Family Life and Emerging Health Issues, (External Examiner)
  25. (2014) Menilai cadangan program baru; Sarjana Perakaunan, dari Fakulti Perniagaan dan Perakaunan, Universiti Malaya, (Panel Penilai Universiti malaya)
  26. (2014) Jury Panel for the Malaysian Technology Expo 2014 , (Judge)
  27. (2014) External Moderator for E. Dd. Dissertation, USM: Kajian Pengetahuan dan Kesedaran Tenaga Doperbaharui (TD) dalam Kalangan Pelajar Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik di Politeknik Melalui Projek Photovoltaik. , (External Examiner)
  28. (2013) Jury Panel for the Malaysian Technology Expo 2013, (Judge)
  29. (2013) External Examiner for a PhD Thesis (UKM). Title of the thesis: Pembinaan dan Pengujian Modul Pengajaran Berasaskan Otak dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Tingkatan 4 [Development and Evaluation of a Brain-Based Teaching Module for Form 4 Biology], (External Examiner)
  30. (2013) Examiner for Master thesis of Tavasuria A/P Elangovan. Title of Theis: Kesan simulasi komputer terhadap pencapaian dan ketekalan ingatan pelajar Biologi Tingkatan Empat bagi Topik Pembahagian Sel, (External Examiner)
  31. (2013) Reader for PhD Proposal of Lee Shok Mee of Asia e-University. Title of PhD Proposal: Development, Validation and Application of Malaysian-Based Instrument to Gauge Acquisition of Science Process Skills at Primary Level., (Advisory Committee)
  32. (2013) Research Grant Assessor for the PRPUM grants. , (Scientific Committee)
  33. (2013) Examiner for PhD thesis for Wang Xiou yi(2013) Title of Phd Thesis: Teacher-Students Rapport in a middle School Classroom in China: A Dialogic Perspective , (Internal Examiner)
  34. (2013) Paper reviewers for the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd 2013) organized by RECSAM, (Reviewer)
  35. (2013) Reviewer for EJSMTE Manuscript 02, (Reviewer)
  36. (2013) Reviewer for Manuscript TAPE-D-13-00319 for the Journal The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPE), (Reviewer)
  37. (2013) Co-editor for the Special Issue of Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education (EJMSTE), (Editor)
  38. (2012) Member of Editorial Board for Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology (MOJET) , (Editor)
  39. (2012) Jury Panel for the Malaysian Technology Expo 2012, (Judge)
  40. (2012) External Examiner for MEd thesis of Mohd Fairuz b Ahmad Harail (UKM), (External Examiner)
  41. (2012) Reader for PhD Proposal of Hoi Sim Min(2012) Title of Phd Proposal: Pemahaman Guru Matematik Tahun Enam Tentang Pembahagian Nombor Bulat, (Advisory Committee)
  42. (2012) Reviewer for manuscript for Jurnal Penidikan Sains dan Matematik, published by UPSI. Title of Manuscript: Faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap guru terhadap penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran [ Factors affecting Teachers' Attitudes towards ICT in Teaching and Learning] , (Reviewer)
  43. (2012) Reader for PhD Proposal of Norazani binti Ahmad Title of Phd Proposal: Meneroka Penggunaan Model Penyeliaan Kaunseling dalam Kalangan Penyelia di IPTA, (Advisory Committee)
  44. (2012) Manuscript Reviewer for The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPER; a Web of Science journal) . Title of the manuscript:Does Taking more science matter?: An investigation of Proespective Teachers' Basic Science Knowledge and Views of Evolution., (Reviewer)
  45. (2012) Reviewer of Manuscript for Jurnal Kurikulum & Pangajaran (JUKU) Manuscript entitled: Miskonsepsi terhadap Konsep Fotosintesis dalam kalangan Bakal Guru Biologi [Misconception of Photosynthesis among Pre-service Biology teachers] , (Reviewer)
  46. (2012) Reader for thesis entitle 'The development and validation of an inventory to measure values in teaching mathematics of matriculation teachers', (Advisory Committee)
  47. (2012) Reader for PhD Proposal of Lee Shuh Shing(2004) Title of Phd Proposal: Mechanistic reasoning of selected form four science students on the theory of cell, (Advisory Committee)
  48. (2011) Reviewer for the manuscript entitled: Pendekatan Kualitatif dalam Penyelidikan : Suatu Catatan Pengalaman [Qualitative Approach in Research: A Field experience] for Universiti Malaysia Sabah Press., (Reviewer)
  49. (2011) Journal of Teacher Learning and Development, published by Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia, (Reviewer)
  50. (2011) Paper Reviewer for the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd 2011), (Reviewer)
  51. (2008) Reviewer of conference papers for the Conference 'European Science Education Research Association' ESERA 2009, (Scientific Committee)
  52. (2004) Editorial Board for the Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, (Advisory Committee)
  53. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Alhazmi Albarroq Ahmad (2006) Title of PhD Prospectus:The uses of the internet by Saudi Graduate students in Malaysia: Implications and potential benefits of the Internet for higher education in Saudi Arabia
  54. External Examiner for PhD Thesis, Alagappa University, India, 2007: Home Environment, Intelligence and Environmental Awarenes of High School Learners , (External Examiner)
  55. Internal Examiner for M Ed. Dissertation, UM: Development and Evaluation of an Interactive Multimedia courseware Programme in Electrochemistry
  56. The International Journal of Learning, 2003:Teaching Computer Science in North America and in the Arabic Countries: The Widening Gap and Talking Math: Integrating Communication
  57. The International Journal of Learning, 2003:Content Learning in Math. A Case Study of a Secondary Mathematics Classroom
  58. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities: Sikap terhadap Sains di kalangan Pelajar Sains di Peringkat Menengah dan Matrikulasi [Attitudes toward science among students at secondary and matriculation level]
  59. The Science Education Review (SER): Processing Pictures from Digital Cameras
  60. The Science Education Review (SER): Scanners and Students Actions Coding Sheet (SACS)
  61. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics & Science and Technology Education: STS from a Historical Perspective and its Reflection on the Curricula in Turkey
  62. Journal of Educational Research:Factors Related to Observed Attitudes Change Toward Learning Chemistry among Pre-University Students in Malaysia (2007)
  63. Journal of Educational Research : Penyebatian kemahiran berfikir dalam pengajaran kimia secara kontekstual: Suatu kajian tindakan [Integration of thinking skills in teaching chemistry using contextual: An action research] (2007)
  64. Reader for PhD Proposal of Zanaton Iksan (2008). Title of PhD proposal: Amalan Penyoalan Guru dan Pelajar dalam Proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Kimia.
  65. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Sughahoran a/l Palaniappan (2006) Title of PhD Prospectus: Perbandingan dalam tahap penguasaan kemahiran manipulatif sains dikalangan pelajar Tingkatan 6 dan pelajar Matrikulasi
  66. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Renuka a/p V. Sathasivam (2006) Title of PhD Prospectus:Gender and neurocognitive in science assessment among primary school teachers
  67. Internal Examiner for PhD Thesis of Foo Sze-Yeng. Title of Phd Thesis: Self-directed learning in an e-socioconstructivist learning environment , (Internal Examiner)
  68. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Banish Mustam (2006) Title of PhD Prospectus: Pengajaran dan pembelajaran tentang isu alam sekitar, masalah dan keberkesananya
  69. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Batoul Sadat Haerian (2005) Title of PhD Prospectus: Teacher thinking skills improving through a professional development program
  70. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Dorothy Dewitt (2005) Title of PhD. Prospectus: Pengaruh prinsip rekabentuk bahan pengajaran digital keatas kognisi
  71. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Mohd. Jasmy Abd Rahman (2005) Title of PhD Prospectus: Program dan keberkesanan aplikasi multimedia didalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran: Satu kajian kes
  72. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Choong Lee Mei (2005) Title of PhD Prospectus: Problem-Based Learning as a delivery approach in management information systems
  73. Contemporary Issues in Education: ETeMS: Pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik dan sains dalam bahasa Inggeris dalam konteks Malaysia (2007)
  74. Journal of Educational Research: The understanding of the meaning of science among diploma, undergraduate and master students in education (2006)
  75. Journal of Educational Research: Kajian tahap kandungan kolesterol dalam badan dikalangan pelajar obes di sekolah menengah daerah Kuala Selangor (2006)
  76. Journal of Educational Research: Penilaian kecekapan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (TMK) untuk pelajar Tahun 1(2005)
  77. Contemporary Issues in Education: Malaysian Students Alternative Conceptions of Selected Science Concepts: Implications for Teaching (1999)
  78. Reader for PhD Proposal of Rosnah Md Saad (2004) Title of Phd Proposal: Penghasilan dan Penilaian Objek Pembelajaran (LO) Sains Sekolah Menengah [The development and Evaluation of Secondary School Science Learning Objects (LO)]
  79. Reader for PhD Proposal of Fadzilah Ariffin (2004) Title of PhD. Proposal: Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek Multimedia kepada Pelajar-Pelajar Tingkatan Satu [Implementation of a Multimedia Project for Form 1 Students]
  80. Reader for PhD Proposal of Tan Ming Tang (2003) Title of PhD Proposal: Applications and Levels of Conception of the Inquiry Tactics in Conducting Science Experiment among Science Trainees
  81. Reader for PhD Proposal of Sharifah Rozainah Syed Aris (2003) Title of PhD Proposal: The Effect of Lazanov s Accelerated Learning Approach on the Understanding of Chemical Bonding and Crystal Structure among Diploma Science
  82. Reader for PhD Proposal of Chin Hai Leng (2006) Title of PhD. Proposal: Pembangunan dan penilaian laman portal pembelajaran tatabahasa Melayu Tingkatan 2 [Development and Evaluation of a Learning Protal for Form 2 Malay Grammar]
  83. Reader for PhD Proposal of Norma Che Lah (2007) Title of PhD Proposal: Memory Strategies in Learning Topics Related to Periodic Table Among Form 4 Students
  84. Reader for PhD Proposal of Firuz bt Hussin, title of PhD proposal: Instructional Architecture: An alternative framework for TeBLE in-situ learning, (2007)
  85. Reader for PhD Prospectus of Mohd. Shahril Nizam bin Shaharom (2007) Title of PhD Prospectus: Pengaplikasian e-kolaboratif dalam meningkatkan kemahiran insaniah pelajar dalam proses pembelajaran di Fakulti Pendidikan
  86. Reader for PhD Prospectus of Tan Lim Beng (2006) Title of PhD Prospectus: Learning science in English for low proficiency Year 1 pupils in various church communities
  87. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Kamariah Sujak (2005) Title of PhD Prospectus: Peranan gambaran submikroskopik dan symbol kimia dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep kimia Tingkatan 1
  88. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Abu Bakar Yusuf (2005) Title of PhD Prospectus: Rekabentuk pelaksanaan m-pembelajaran berdasarkan modul penyelidikan di peringkat sekolah rendah
  89. External Examiner for M. Ed. Dissertation, Open University of Malaysia: Keberkesanan Perisian Interaktif Mata Pelajaran Sains dalam Meningkatkan Pencapaian dan Kemahiran Berfikir [Effectiveness of the Interactive Science Courseware in Enhancing Achievement and Thinking Skills] , (External Examiner)
  90. Journal of Educational Research: ETeMS: Pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik dan sains dalam bahasa Inggeris dalam konteks Malaysia (2007)
  91. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics & Science and Technology Education: Learning physics in small group discussions
  92. Reader for PhD Proposal of Zahari Hamidon (2004) Title of PhD Proposal: Pembangunan Prototaip Sistem Pembelajaran Kelas Maya bagi Sekolah Rendah [Development of a Prototype Virtual Classroom at Primary Level]
  93. Reader of PhD Prospectus of Zanaton Ikhsan (2005) Title of Phd Prospectus: Strategi dan gaya pengajaran guru cemerlang
  94. Reader for PhD Proposal of Foo Sze-Yeng (2009) Title of Phd Proposal: Self directed learning in an e-socioconstructivist learning environment, (Advisory Committee)
  95. Reader for PhD Proposal of Foong Chan Choong(2004) Title of Phd Proposal: Argumentation skills of malaysian form two student in the science classroom, (Advisory Committee)
  96. Internal Examiner for PhD thesis of Lee Shuh Shing(2004) Title of Phd Proposal: Mechanistic reasoning of selected form four science students on the theory of cell , (Internal Examiner)
  97. Reader for PhD Proposal of Wang Xian Yi (2012) Title of Phd Proposal: Teacher-student rapport in middle school classroom in China: A dialogic perspective, (Advisory Committee)
  98. Reader for PhD Proposal of Kamariah Sujak(2010) Title of Phd Proposal: Penerapan metakognisi dan penyelesaian masalah stoikiometri dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat, (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2020) Penceramah, Program Exxinmobil-UMSeed 2020
  2. (2019) Reviewer, British Educational Research Journal
  3. (2018) Taylor's Education School: Industry Advisory Panel, Taylor's University, National
  4. (2018) AUN-QA Programme Assessor for Bachelor of Physics Education, University of Danang, Vietnam, ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance
  5. (2018) Computational Thinking and Physical Games Competition, Universiti Malaya
  6. (2018) Panel Pakar Pembinaan Item bagi Ujian Diagnostik Guru Bidang STEM, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
  7. (2017) AUN Asessment -Universitas Hasanudin, Makasar, Indonesia, ASEAN University Network, International
  8. (2017) AUN Assessment- Vietnam National University-International University, Ho Chi Minh, ASEAN University Network, International
  9. (2017) Jury untuk PECIPTA 2017, KPT
  10. (2017) International Expert in reviewing Research Proposals of NCSTE, Kazakhstan, NCSTE, Kazakhstan
  11. (2016) Strenghtening STEM Curricula for Girls in Africa and Asia and the Pacific, UNESCO-IBE, International
  12. (2016) Development of Girls in STEM Resource Pack for the Malaysia / UNESCO-IBE Project " Strengthening STEM Curricula for Girls in AFrica and Asia and the Pacific", MOE / UNESCO-IBE
  13. (2016) Panel Penilai bagi Geran University Malaya Learning Improvement and Teaching Enhancement Research (UM-LiTeR), AdEC, University Malaya
  14. (2016) AUN-QA Programme Assessor for Bachelor of Traditional Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand, ASEAN University Network QUality Assurance
  15. (2016) Panel Penilai Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) fasa 1/2016, KPT
  16. (2016) Capacity Development Workshop, UNESCO-IBE
  17. (2015) Curriculum Enhancement Committee, Pejabat Menteri Pendidikan II, National
  18. (2015) Penilai Permohonan Peruntukan Penyelidikan Pascasiswazah (PPP) Kitar 1-2016, Univeraiti Malaya
  19. (2015) Juri dalam Persidangan dan Ekspo Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa 2015 (PECIPTA 2015), Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi
  20. (2014) Invention, Innovation and Design on e-Learning 2014 (IIDEL 2014), Majlis e-Pembelajaran IPTA Malaysia (MEIPTA)
  21. (2014) External Moderator for EdD Program, Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan
  22. (2014) Jury Panel for the Malaysian Technology Expo 2014, Malaysian Association of Research Scientists
  23. (2014) International Expert in reviewing Research Proposals of NCSTE, Kazakhstan, National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan
  24. (2013) Scientific Committee Member of International Conference Innovation and Challenges in Education 2013, Turkish Research in Science Education Association, International
  25. (2013) Subject Matter Expert for the Program of Master in Science Education, Faculty of Education, UiTM
  26. (2013) Kajian Semula Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (National Higher Education Strategic Plan), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi / Kementerian Pendidikan
  27. (2013) Jury panel for the Malaysia Technology Expo 2013, Malaysian Association of Research Scientist
  29. (2012) Jury for the Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2012, Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS)


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2011) Developing Children's Engineering Teaching Module for Five Year Elementary School Children, Kamaleswaran Jayarajah
  3. (2009) Students' Science Manipulative Skills during Transition from primary to secondary school, Hidayah Mohd Fadzil
  4. (2009) Development of Framework for Effective Feedback in Technology Integrated Learning Environment (TILE), Ng Huey Zher
  5. (2007) Penguasaan kemahiran proses sains dalam kalangan murid smasa transisi dari sekolah rendah ke sekolah menengah, Faridah Darus
  6. (2004) Penggunaan Multimedia (MyCD) dalam Pembelajaran Sains di Kalangan Murid Tahun 4 Sekolah Kebangsaan [The Use of MultiMedia (MyCD) in Learning Science Among Year 4 Pupils], Mahanom Mat Sam
  7. (2004) Form 4 Chemistry Teachers' Conceptualization of pedagogical Content Knowledge, Chien Lee Shing
  8. (2003) Strategi kognitif dan prestasi kognitif pelajar dalam pembelajaran berkaitan jadual berkala unsur, Norma Che Lah
  1. (2019) Potential of Digital Storytelling on AIr Pollution to Create Relevance in Science Learning, Joan Vivienne Moo Bt Rejoss
  3. (2019) Pembangunan Video Interaktif 360 Darjah Biodiversiti Paya Bakau (ViBioD) bagi Murid Tingkatan 4, Rohaillah Mohd Jabid
  4. (2019) 6th Grade Teachers' Perceptions and Implementation of the Science Curriclum at a Saudi School in Kuala Lumpur, Anoud Mohammed AlBalawi
  5. (2011) Gaya Pembelajaran Multi Mod Menggunakan Teknologi dalam Kalangan Murid Sains Tingkatan 4, Rosmawati binti Mohamed
  6. (2010) Using Technology-based Application Tools to Explore Students' Conception of Greenhouse Effect, Teng Hui Qi
  7. (2010) Pembangunan dan penilaian bahan pengajaran berasaskan web bagi meningkatkan kemahiran menaakul murid tingkatan dua, Siti Arniza binti Mohd Zulkifli
  8. (2010) Jadual berkala dan ikatan kimia sebuah modul pembelajaran berasaskan inkuiri, Atiqah binti Abd Rahim
  9. (2010) Enhancing Form Four students' understanding of science process skills using computer-based learning module, Arnie Hazleen binti Mohd Adnan
  10. (2009) Using wiki to explore collaborative learning among Form Two students in learning nutrition, Goh Wai Moi
  11. (2009) Penggunaan pendekatan pembelajaran berasaskan masalah dalam pengajaran topik magnet bagi murid tahun 3, Siti Ruhaiza binti Mohd siran
  12. (2009) Penggunaan blog dalam meningkatkan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi bagi topik pembahagian sel, Hairunnisa binti Nordin
  13. (2009) Penerapan nilai saintifik dalam tajuk haba sains tahun lima, Rosemawati binti Mustapa
  14. (2009) Pembelajaran Sains tidak formal di pusat sains negara dalam kalangan murid sekolah menengah, Mohd Farris bin Rosli
  15. (2009) Novice secondary science teachers' beliefs in inquiry teaching, Teh Lee Yee
  16. (2009) Exploring the potential use of Web 2.0 tools in learning Chemistry at pre university level, Usha Devi A/P Ramasundram
  17. (2008) Sains melalui drama: Keberkesanannya terhadap pembelajaran sains dalam kalangan murid tingkatan empat di sebuah sekolah, Siti Aishah bt. Pakechik
  18. (2008) Pengunaan aplikasi jaringan sosial secara atas talian terhadap pembelajaran konsep udara dalam kalangan murid Tingkatan 1, Mohd Fauzi bin Mohd Noor
  19. (2008) Keberkesanan aktiviti permainan terhadap pencapaian Sains dan ingatan jangka panjang murid-murid perempuan tingkatan 2 dalam konsep Sains terpilih, Nur Izwani binti Mohd Shupri
  20. (2008) Correlation Between Chemistry Achievement and Students' Motivation Among Form 4 Students, P. Usha Palanisamy
  21. (2008) Collaborative learning on the topic of biodiversity in a technology-based classroom, Ng Lay Fang
  22. (2008) Application of Multiple Intelligences in Form 5 Biology Computer-Enhanced Instructional Materials, Poovanaswari a/p Kasinathan
  23. (2007) Keberkesanan penggunaan modul sains terhadap penguasaan kemahiran proses sains dalam kalangan murid tahun lima, Zarina binti Manja
  24. (2007) Hubungan gaya pembelajaran dengan tahap pemahaman konsep daya dan gerakan dalam kalangan murid tingkatan 4, Rosilawatee binti Abdul Kadir
  25. (2007) Developing online quiz using frog VLE in Science, Wahyu Akmal bt Hussein
  26. (2006) Penjelasan Pelajaran Tingkatan 4 tantang Nilai dalam Pembelajaran Kimia, Suhaidah Mohammad Yusop (University of Malaya (UM))
  27. (2006) Pembinaan modul pengajaran bagi pengembangan nilai dalam topik jadual berkala untuk murid tingkatan empat, Noor Raini binti Sulaiman
  28. (2006) Pembinaan modul pengajaran bagi pengembangan nilai dalam topik jadual berkala untuk murid tingkatan empat, Ng See Yang
  29. (2005) Quality of life of post operative breast cancer women: implications to nursing education, Hasnah binti Yahaya
  30. (2005) Perkaitan antara komposisi lemak badan dengan kepantasan berlari murid sekolah rendah di Kuala Lumpur, Kamaruzaman bin Bakar
  31. (2005) Penilaian guru dan murid terhadap penggunaan perisian Biologi Tingkatan 4 dalam bahasa Inggeris, Sharifah Azura binti Syed Ramly
  32. (2005) Nilai Murni dalam Amalan Kerja Rumah Sains Pelajar Tingkatan 4 [Values development during practising science homework among Form 4 students], Nurul Aduliena Adam (University of Malaya (UM))
  33. (2005) Effects of Using Model in Enhancing Students Understanding in the Concept of Mole, Ting Hie Yan (University of Malaya (UM))
  34. (2004) The construction of cognitive pathways in learning of form four chemical bonding through visualization, Siti Halijah binti Latip
  35. (2004) Strategi Pembelajaran Kimia dalam Bahasa Inggeris dikalangan Pelajar Tingkatan 4 [Strategies in Learning Chemistry in English among Form 4 Students], Sharin Hanum Ab. Rahman (University of Malaya (UM))
  36. (2004) Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dalam Pencapaian Sains Tingkatan 2 [The Influence of the Usage of English in Form 2 Science Achievement], Puziah Mohd. Nawi (University of Malaya (UM))
  37. (2004) Kesan Penggunaan Bahan Berasaskan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi dalam Pembelajaran Sistem Pencernaan Makanan Manusia [The Effects of ICT Based Instructional Materials on the Learning of Human Digestive, Ruzimah Mamat (University of Malaya (UM))
  38. (2004) Design and Evaluation of Web Quest Instruction on Nutrition for Form 2 Students, Lee Sheh Wui (University of Malaya (UM))
  39. (2003) The Perceptions of Science Teachers Toward ETeMS, Sumathi a/p Subramaniam (University of Malaya (UM))
  40. (2003) Perspektif Guru terhadap Pelaksanaan Aktiviti Makmal di Sekolah Menengah [The Implementation of Laboratory Activities in Secondary Schools from the Teachers Perspective], Zarina Abd. Rahman (University of Malaya (UM))
  41. (2003) Perkaitan antara Persepsi Pelajar terhadap Persekitaran Makmal Sains dengan Pencapaian dalam Sains Bagi Pelajar Tingkatan 2 [Relationship between Students Perception on Science Laboratory Environment and Form 2 Students Science Achievement], Wan Noor Izzah Abu Bakar (University of Malaya (UM))
  42. (2003) Penguasaan Kemahiran Manipulatif dikalangan Pelajar Tingkatan 4 Sains [Acquisition of Manipulative Skills Among Form 4 Science Students], Mariam Faridah Che Muda (University of Malaya (UM))
  43. (2003) Penguasaan kemahiran manipulatif dalam makmal sains dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan 4, Mariam Faridah Che' Muda
  44. (2003) Penggunaan Perisian Kursus Sains dalam P&P Sains [The Use of Teaching Coursewares in the Teaching and Learning of Science], Zainab Mohd. Nayan (University of Malaya (UM))
  45. (2003) Penggunaan Kaedah Pembelajaran Rakan Sebaya Berbantu ICT dalam Pembelajaran Kimia Tingkatan 5 [The Use of ICT-Based Peer Learning in Learning Chemistry Form 5], Hadilah Abdul Hamid (University of Malaya (UM))
  46. (2003) Penggunaan ICT dalam Makmal Sains dan Hubungnya dengan Pencapaian Sains dan Sikap terhadap Sains [The Use of ICT in Science Laboratory and its Relationship with Science Achievement and Attitudes toward Science], Badariah Bakar (University of Malaya (UM))
  47. (2003) Penggunaan Bahan Pengajaran Berasaskan Web bagi Pembelajaran Ikatan Kimia dikalangan Pelajar Tingkatan 6 [The use of web-based instructional materials in learning chemical bonding among Form 6 Students], Kamariah Sujak (University of Malaya (UM))
  48. (2003) Pemahaman Pelajar Tingkatan 4 tentang Proses Pembahagian Sel [Form 4 Students Understanding of the Process of Cell Division], Nik Fatihah Nik Abdullah (University of Malaya (UM))
  49. (2003) Keberkesanan Makmal Berasaskan Mikrokomputer (MBM) terhadap Penguasaan Kemahiran Interpretasi Graf di Kalangan Pelajar Sekolah Menengah [The Effectiveness of Microcomputer-Based Laboratory on the Acquisition of the Skill of Interpreting Graph among Secondary School Students], Shahruddin Yusof (University of Malaya (UM))
  50. (2003) Hubungan antara Kerja Amali Sains dengan Penguasaan Kemahiran Proses Sains [Relationship between Practical Science and the Acquisition of Science Process Skills], Zainon M. Ali (University of Malaya (UM))
  51. (2002) Pelaksanaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris di kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan 2 : Satu Kajian Kes [The Implementation of Teaching and Learning of Science in English aming Form 2 Students: A Case Study], Aznita Mohd. Zaini (University of Malaya (UM))
  52. (2001) Keberkesanan Program PEKA dalam Penguasaan Kemahiran Proses Sains Bersepadu dikalangan Pelajar Tingkatan Empat Aliran Sains [The Effectiveness of PEKA Program on the Acquisition of Integrated Science Process Skills Among Form Four Science Students], Sharifah Nor Ashikin S.A. Rahman (University of Malaya (UM))
  53. (1998) Kesan Pengajaran Sains Secara Inkuiri terhadap Penguasaan Kemahiran Proses Sains [The Effects of Inquiry Teaching on the Acquisition of Science Process Skills], Faridah Darus (University of Malaya (UM))
  54. (1996) Kesan Teknik Perbincangan Dilema Moral Terhadap Pertimbangan Nilai Murni dan Pencapaian dalam Sains Tingkatan 1 [The Effects of Dilemma Moral Technique on Noble Values Justification and Science Achievement of Form 1 Students], Nor Hashimah Ali (University of Malaya (UM))


  • Upgrading Teaching Skills Course On Conducting Remedial Class, (20 Dec 2016 - 20 Dec 2016)
  • Penilai Poster Seminar Antarabangsa Pemerkasaan Pendidikan Islam (Madrasah 2016), (20 Oct 2016 - 20 Oct 2016)
  • Judge for The Public Language Carnival 2016, (20 Jul 2016 - 20 Jul 2016)
  • Judge in The Public Speaking Competition of The Sri Aman Envtronmental Youth Leadership Summit (Saeyls) 2016, (24 Apr 2016 - 24 Apr 2016)
  • Judge for The Public Speaking Competition in The English Carnival 2015 (National Level), (28 Oct 2015 - 28 Oct 2015)
  • Qualitative Research Workshop Organized by Ummc, (04 Jun 2015 - 04 Jun 2015)
  • Projek Pembangunan Modul Teknologi Hijau Sekolah Menengah, (17 Mar 2015 - 01 Apr 2019)
  • Penceramah Kursus Asas Pengajaran, (04 Nov 2014 - 04 Nov 2014)
  • Facilitated An Inset Course for The International Islamic Schools Malaysia, (29 Aug 2014 - 29 Aug 2014)
  • Panelist for The Muslim Speakers Forum, At The Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, Usa, (17 Jun 2014 - 17 Jun 2014)