Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgical & Medical Sciences
    Faculty of Dentistry
  • phrabha
  • +603-79674895


  • Founding Fellowship in Forensic Odontology, (FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY/ PERGIGIAN FORENSIK)
    Royal College of Pathologist, Aust.
    University of The Western Cape, South Africa
  • Post Grad Dip Dentistry(2000) (AFRICA), (MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY)
    University of Stellenbosch
    University Adelaide Australia
  • BSc Dent(1989) (AUS), (Forensic Odontology)
    University Adelaide Australia
  • BDS(1980) (INDIA), (DENTISTRY)
    Mysore University, India


  • 30 Aug 2004-
    Jabatan Rawatan Pergigian Am dan Pengimejan Oral & Maksilofasial, Fakulti Pergigian


  • Member of the Committee for preparation of questions for Professional Qualifying Examination for Malaysian Dental Council.
    01 May 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (National)
  • Head of Department
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Jul 2015 (Diagnostic & Integrated Dental Practice, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Radiation supervisor, Faculty of Dentistry.
    01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (Faculty)
  • Member, Radiation Safety Committee-No. 87, Atomic Energy Licensing Board. Meeting on: 1-3 December 2015.
    01 Dec 2015 - 03 Dec 2015 (National)
  • Member of the Committee for ICT Users of University of Malaya. 1st April to 31st December 2014.
    24 Apr 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (University Malaya)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jul 2011 - 01 May 2013 (General Practice and Oral & Maxillofacial, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2009 (General Practice and Oral & Maxillofacial, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2006 - 31 Aug 2007 (General Practice and Oral & Maxillofacial, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jun 2006 - 31 Aug 2006 (General Practice and Oral & Maxillofacial, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Head of Department
    01 Apr 2006 - 31 May 2006 (General Practice and Oral & Maxillofacial, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Head of Department
    23 Aug 2004 - 31 Mar 2006 (General Practice and Oral & Maxillofacial, Faculty of Dentistry)
  • Acting Head of Department
    16 Apr 2002 - 14 Jun 2002 (Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2017, Universiti Malaya
  • Member of The Working Group (Body Identification in Disasters) for Updating Quality Assurance Guidelines.
    2016, International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS),  (International)
  • Member of Academy of Medicine of Malaysia-Forensic Odontology Specialty
    2016, Academy of Medcine,  (National)
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2012, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2011, Universiti Malaya
  • Recognition as An Excellent Lecturer for The Medico-Legal Course-(in 2010)
  • How Many 28 or 32 Teeth? Where Do We Malaysians Stand?Dr Jacob John, Norain Bt. Azman, Nur Fazwani Binti Ahmad Murad, Dr Nor Himazian Mohamed, Prof Dr Phrabhakaran Nambiar .
    2010, 67th MDA/FDI International Scientic convention & Trade Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre,,  (International)
  • International Invention, Inoovation and Technology Exhibition (Itex 2010) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Revolutionary Endodontic Radiographic Holder- (K-Endo). 14-16 May 2010. Dr Kathiravan, Dr Phrabhakaran , Dr Tun Mohammad Yusof Shah, Dr Norliza Ibrahim, Encik Ahmad Hafizuddin Abdul Aziz,Dr Raja Ariffin Bin Raja Ghazailla.
    2010, International Invention, Inovation and technology Exhibition (Itex 2010) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Susuk: Any Cause for Concern? Nambiar P, Ibrahim N, Muslim Tandjung Yr, Shanmuhasuntharam P.
    2007, MDA/FDI Scientific Convention & 64th MDA AGM- Pathway to Predictable Clinical Success .,  (International)
  • Determining The Validity of Furue S Method of Craniofacial Superimposition for Identification. Researchers: Nambiar P, Scully B.
    2003, Short-term research project (Vote-F), University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Laser Microlabelling of Alloy Dental Prostheses. Ling Booi Cie, Nambiar P, Low Kum Sang, Lee Chak Khiam, Foo Chee Wai & Tan Min Dee
    1997, MINDEX / INNOTEX 1997 (Malaysian invention and design exhibition),  (National)


Article in Journal
  1. Al-Namnam NM, Nambiar P, Shanmuhasuntharam P, Harris M (2017). A case of dengue-related osteonecrosis of the maxillary dentoalveolar bone. Australian Dental Journal, 62, 228 232. doi: 10.1111/adj.12472
  2. Daud S, Bakri M, Nambiar P, Zakir Hossain M, Changes in cell density and morphology of selected cells of the aging human dental pulp. Gerodontology, 2016; DOI: 10.1111/ger.12154.
  3. Eriko Ochiai, Kiyoshi Minaguchi, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Yu Kakimoto, Fumiko Satoh, Masato Nakatome, Keiko Miyashita, Motoki Osawa. Evaluation of Y chromosomal SNP haplogrouping in the HID-Ion AmpliSeq Identity Panel. Legal Medicine. 2016. 22: 58 61.
  4. Sulinda Daud, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Mohammad Zakir Hossain, Roslan Saub, Norintan Ab Murat, Asma Mohamed, Fathilah Abdul Razak & Marina M Bakri. 2016. Removal of the apical one-third of the root improves the fixation process of the dental pulp in teeth, Journal of Histotechnology, 39(3): 81-87, DOI: 10.1080/01478885.2016.1164377
  5. Tsuneo Kakuda, Hideki Shojo, Mayumi Tanaka, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Kiyoshi Minaguchi, Kazuo Umetsu, Noboru Adachi. Multiplex APLP system applicable to high resolution haplogrouping of extremely degraded East Asian mitochondrial DNAs. Plos One, 2016; 11(6):e0158463
  6. Wei Cheong Ngeow, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. The relative bucco-lingual position reflects the horizontal course of the inferior alveolar canal more accurately than morphometric measurements. Commentary in the editorial- International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research 2016. Vol; 6 No. 4: 235-236.
  7. Ahmad Fauzi A, Parker ME, Norval EJ, Nambiar P. Reliability of panoramic-radiograph to determine the position of third-molar from inferior-alveolar-canal. Sains Malaysiana.(accepted for publication)
  8. Al-Amery SM, Nambiar P, Jamaludin M, John J, Ngeow WC.(2015) Cone beam computed tomography assessment of the maxillary incisive canal and foramen: considerations of anatomical variations when placing immediate implants. PLoS One. 10(2):e0117251. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117251.
  9. Al-koshab M, Nambiar P, John J. (2016). Assessment of condyle and glenoid fossa morphology using CBCT in South-East Asians. PLoS One. 10(3):e0121682. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121682.
  10. GK Ananda, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Sunil Mutalik, and P Shanmuhasuntharam. Anatomical considerations for implant placements in first maxillary molar extracted sites in East Asian patients. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2015; Vol. 37. No.9: pp 1099-1108. DOI: 10.1007/s00276-015-1473-0.
  11. MY Lim, WW Lim, WC Ngeow, P Nambiar, S Rajan. Age- related differences in the locations of the mandibular and mental foramina of Mongoloid children. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. 2015; 16 (5):pp.397- 407. DOI 10.1007/s40368-015-0184-x
  12. Rahmat RA, James Helen, Nambiar P. Attributes of a competent forensic odontologist. Malaysian Dental Journal 2015; 37(1): 9-16.
  13. Ibrahim N, Parsa A, Hassan B, van der Stelt P, H A Aartman I, Nambiar P. Influence of object location in different FOVs on trabecular bone microstructure measurements of human mandible: A cone-beam CT study.
  14. Saif Y, Nambiar P, Shanmuhasuntharam P, Ngeow WC. Gaining surgical access for repositioning the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle The Scientific World Journal.Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 719243, 11 pages
  15. Al-Ani O, Nambiar P, Ha KO, Ngeow WC. 2013. Safe zone for bone harvesting from the interforaminal region of the mandible. Clinical Oral Implants Research;24 (A100): 115-121
  16. Nambiar, P., John, J., Al-Amery, S.M., Purmal, K., Chai, W.L., Ngeow, W.C., Mohamed, N.H., Vellayan, S. (2013). Quantification of the dental morphology of orangutans. Scientific World Journal. Article ID: 213757 (10 pages).
  17. Samejima M, Nakamura Y, Nambiar P, Minaguichi K. Genetic study of 12 X-STRs in Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur using Investigator Argus X- 12 kit. Int J Legal Medicine. 2012; 126(4): 677-83.
  18. John J, Mani SA, Nambiar P, Sulaiman H. Denture marking A mandatory procedure to aid forensic identification. Disaster Prevention and Management 2011: Vol 20(4); 378-385.
  19. Ngeow, W.C. & Nambiar, P. (2011). Assessment of the anterior loop should include the mandibular incisive canal. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 69, 2688.
  20. Ngeow, W.C., Dionyssius, D.D., Ishak, H. & Nambiar, P. (2010) The effect Of aging towards the location and visibility of mental foramen on panoramic radiograph. Singapore Dental Journal, 3(1), 15-19
  21. S. Maruyama, C. Nohira-Koike, K. Minaguchi, P. Nambiar. MtDNA control region sequence polymorphisms and phylogenetic analysis of Malay population living in or around Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Int J Legal Med (2010) 124:165-170
  22. Kathiravan Purmal, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Mediation- Malaysian Dental Association Experience. Int Dent J 2009:Vol 50; 155-160
  23. Kathiravan Purmal, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Restorative dental treatment of a canine tooth in Bornean Orang Utan. J Vet Dent 2009: Vol 26(1); 36-39.
  24. M.Poonjolai, S. Gunarajan, K. O. Ha, N Ibrahim, P. Nambiar. Journal of Clin. Periodontology and Implant Therapy. Abstract, June 2009
  25. Ngeow WC, Dionysius DD, Ishak H and Nambiar P. A radiographic study of the visualization on the anterior loop in dentate subjects of different age groups. Journal of Oral Sciences. 2009: Vol 51, No. 2; 231-237.
  26. Ngeow WC, Dionyssius DD, Ishak H and Nambiar P. The effect of aging towards the location and visibility of mental foramen on panoramic radiograph (submitted to Singapore Dental Journal).
  27. Ngeow, W.C., Dionysius, D.D., Ishak, H. & Nambiar, P. 2008. A radiographic study on the visualization of the anterior loop in dentate subjects of different age- groups. Journal of Oral Science 51(2): 231-237.
  28. Kathiravan Purmal, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Latest recommendations for dental radiography in general dental practice. Malaysian Dent J. 2008: Vol 29(2); 104-112..
  29. Maruyama S, Minaguchi K, Takezaki N, Nambiar P. Population data on 15 STR using AmpF/ STR Identifiler kit a in Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Legal Medicine 2008; Vol 10: 160- 162.
  30. Maruyama S, Nohira C, Sasaki T, Ishikawan S, Minaguchi K, Nambiar P. Evaluation of mtDNA phylogenetic lineages of the Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia by full genome information. DNA polymorphism 2008; Vol 16: 303 - 309 (In Japanese).
  31. Nambiar P, Ibrahim N, Muslim Tandjung YR, Shanmuhasuntharam P. Susuk: Charm Needles within the craniofacial region. Oral Radiology, 2008; Vol 24, No 1:10-15.
  32. Shamsher Singh, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. The reliability of bite marks evidence analysis and recommendations in the context of Malaysian criminal justice system. Malaysian Dental Journal.2008; Vol 29(2): 119-127
  33. Yu Nieng Chen, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Radiological features of histophatologically varied ameloblastomas. Malaysian Dent J. 2008; Vol 29; 14-19.
  34. Dionysius DD, Ishak H, Ngeow WC, Nambiar P. Changes with location of the mandibular canal with age. A pilot study is a selected Malay sample. Malaysian Dent J 2007; Vol 28; No 2: 112 117.
  35. Itoh H, Kasahara I, Minaguchi K, Nambiar P. Phylogenetc differentiation of Y chromosomal polymorphisms in a Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur. DNA polymorphism,2007 Vol 15: 201-204 (In Japanese)
  36. Ngeow, W.C., Dionysius, D.D., Ishak, H. & Nambiar, P. 2007. Changes in the location of the mandibular canal with age: A pilot radiographic study in a selected Malay sample. Malaysian Dental Journal 28(2):112-117.
  37. Yeti Rosalina Muslim Tandjung, Chu Pei Hong, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Norliza Ibrahim. Uncommon radiological findings: a case report. Int Dent J. 2007 ;Vol 57 : 173-176.
  38. Yusof ZYM, Nambiar P. Radiographic considerations in endodontics. Malaysian Dental 2007; Vol 28; No 1: 51- 58.
  39. Chizuru Nohira, Sayaka Maruama, Kiyoshi Minaguchi, PhrabhakaranNambiar: Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA lineages in the Japanese and Malay populations. DNA Polymorphism.2005: 13; 251-252 (in Japanese).
  40. Ling BC, Nambiar P, Low KS, Lee CK. Copper vapour laser ID labelling on metal dentures and restorations. J Forensic Odonstomatol 2003; Vol. 21: 17-22
  41. Nadesan K, Ong BB, Nambiar P. Investigation of suspicious deaths and deaths related to violence - A Malaysian perspective.J Clin FOrensic Med 2003; Vol 10; Sept: 173-178.
  42. Nadesan K, Nambiar P. Legal responsibility in the interpretation of wounds. Malaysian Dent J 2002; Vol. 23: 13-24.
  43. Nambiar P, Carson G, Taylor JA, Brown KA. Identification from bitemark in a wad of chewing gum. J Forensic Odonstomatol 2001; Vol. 19; No. 1: 5- 8. (Article cited for reading in Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine 2002; Vol 9: 29-35.
  44. Nambiar P, Soh Chee L. The practice of dental radiography in general dental clinics in two states in Malaysia. Malaysian Dent J 2002; Vol. 23: 89-93
  45. Scully B, Nambiar P. Determining the validity of Furue s method of craniofacial superimposition for identification. Annals Dent Univ Malaya, 2002; 7:17-22
  46. Nambiar P, Nortje CJ. The value of radionuclide imaging for the maxillofacial region. Malaysian Dent J 2001; Vol 22: 119-124.
  47. Nambiar P, Nortje CJ. What is radionuclide imaging? Malaysian Dent J 2001; Vol.22; No 2: 113-118.
  48. N. Phrabhakaran, P. George, S. Dasan, N. Kasinathan. Medico-legal implications of dental prenatal age estimation with reference to a case report. Annals Dent Univ Malaya 2000; Vol 7: 46-50.
  49. Swaminathan D, Nambiar P. Management of a patient with recurrent drug induced gingival overgrowth using CO2 laser and gingivectomy surgery. Asian J Aesthet Dent 2000; Vol 8: 21-24.
  50. Nadesan K, Nambiar P, Swaminathan D. Legal implications in routine clinical practice. J Univ Malaya Medical Centre 1999; Vol 4; No 2: 119-123.
  51. Nambiar P, Naidu MDK, Subramaniam K. Anatomical variability of the frontal sinues and their application in forensic identification. Clin Anat 1999, Vol 12: 12-16.
  52. Ravindranath S, Nambiar P. Radiographs in edondontics - a second pair of eyes. Dent J Malaysia 1999; Vol 20: 36-39.
  53. Nambiar P, Jalil N, Singh B. The dental identification of victims of an aircraft accident in Malaysia. Int Dent J 1997; Vol 47; No 1: 9-15.
  54. Ling BC, Nambiar P. Denture marking for the Malaysian population. Annals Dent Univ Malaya 1996; Vol 3: 43-45.
  55. Nambiar P, Brown KA, Bridges TE. Forensic implications of the variation in morphology of marginal serrations on the teeth of the Great White Shark. J Forensic Odontostomatol 1996; Vol 14; No 1: 2-8.
  56. Nambiar P, Yaacob HB, Menon R. Third molars in the establishment of adult status - a case report. J Forensic Odontostomatol 1996; Vol 14; No 2: 30-33.
  57. Yaacob HB, Nambiar P, Naidu M. Racial characteristics from human teeth with special emphasis on the Mongoloid dentition. Malaysian J Pathol 1996; Vol 18; No 1: 1-7.
  58. Alhabshi SF, Nambiar P. The contribution of forensic odontology in the Highland Towers Condominium disaster. Annals Dent Univ Malaya 1995; Vol 2; No 1: 25-28.
  59. Nambiar P, Bridges TE, Brown KA. Quantitative forensic evaluation of bite marks with the aid of shape analysis computer program: Part 2, SCIP and bite marks in skin and foodstuffs. J Forensic Odontostomatol 1995; Vol 13; No 1: 26-32.
  60. Nambiar P, Bridges TE, Brown KA. Quantitative forensic evaluation of bite marks with the aid of a shape analysis computer program: Part 1, The development of SCIP and the similarity index. J Forensic Odontostomatol 1995; Vol 13; No 1: 18-25.
  61. Nambiar P. Age estimation using third molar development. Malaysian J Pathol 1995; Vol 17; No 1: 31-34.
  62. N. Phrabhakaran. Identification from dental characteristics. Med J Malaysia 1994; Vol 49; No 4: 377-379.
  63. Nambiar P. Forensic Odontology Bite Marks A review of the literature (Part II). Dent J Malaysia 1994; Vol 15; No 2: 18-22.
  64. Nambiar P. Forensic Odontology Bite marks A review of the literature (Part 1). Dent J Malaysia 1994; Vol 14; No 2: 32-36.
  65. Nambiar P. Forensic Odontology Identification by dental means. Dental J Malaysia 1992; Vol 13; No 1: 35-39.
  66. Nambiar P, Bridges TE, Brown KA. Allometric relationships of the dentition of the Great White Shark, Carcharadon carcharias, in forensic investigation of shark attack. J Forensic Odontostomatol 1991; Vol 9; No 1; 1-16.
  1. Zubaidah Hj. Abdul Rahim, Sulinda Daud, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Fathilah Abdul Razak, Norsalasiah Mohd Hairuddin, Marina Mohd Bakri, Wan Himratul Aznita Wan Harun. Morfologi Gigi- Pengenalan dan Latihan (Dental Morphology- Introduction and Exercises. Department of Publication, University of Malaya, 1st Edition, 2006)
Chapter in Books
  1. Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Forensic odontology . Nadesan K (ed). In: Forensic Medicine and Science for Lawyers in Malaysia (manuscript accepted).
  2. Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Kasinathan Nadesan. Application of Dental Sciences in Forensic Investigations Prabhu SR (ed) Textbook of Oral Medicine Oxford University Press[Ind]; 2004:245-257
Article in Proceeding
  1. Koh Kai Kent. Tan Jing Shyuan, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Norliza Ibrahim. Buccal alveolar bone level is more favourable for age estimation than structural changes of teeth. The 11th Asian Congress or Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. Chiang Mai, Thailand. 10-12th November 2016.
  2. Meng Wei Tai, Chong Zhen Feng, A Comparative Study of Xerographic and Computer-assisted Bite Mark Analyses; 17th Dental Students' Scientific Conference.University of Malaya. 2nd-3rd March 2016-First Prize -Oral Presentation; Third Prize -Overall Category.
  3. Meng Wei Tai, Chong Zhen Feng, A Comparative Study of Xerographic and Computer-assisted Bite Mark Analyses; 8th National Dental Students' Scientific Conference; Dewan Tuanku Canselor, USIM, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.14th-15th May 2016 Third Place- Oral Presentation.
  4. Syed Yusoff Alzawawi Syed Abd Fattah, Firdaus Hariri, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Zainal Ariff Abdul Rahman , AB Zulkiflee . Determining the Accuracy of the Mandibular Canal Region in 3D Biomodels Fabricated from CBCT data: A Cadaveric Study. Malaysian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Annual Scientific Conference. Klang. 25th March 2016. 1st place 'Best Research ' category (oral presentation).
  5. Syed Yusoff Alzawawi Syed Abd Fattah, Firdaus Hariri, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Zainal Ariff Abdul Rahman , AB Zulkiflee. Determining the Accuracy of the Mandibular Canal Region in 3D Biomodels Fabricated from CBCT data: A Cadaveric Study. Conference: Dental Congregation- organized by Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. Raja Chulan Hotel, Petaling Jaya.13 August 2016.
  6. Workshop on Enhancing Clinical Assessment Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. International Medical University. 6th Nov 2016.(invited speaker)
  7. Ahmad Fauzi A, Parker ME, Norval EJ, and Nambiar P. Reliability of Panoramic-radiographs To Determine Third-molar s Vertical Position From Inferior- alveolar-canal. 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Association of the Dental Research Southeast Asian Division (IADR-SEA). August 14-15, 2015, Bali, Indonesia. Abstract no: 161.
  8. Phrabhakaran Nambiar. CBCT imaging- A new paradigm in dentistry. 3rd Sabah Dental Congress 2015. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 10th-11th Oct 2015. (invited speaker)
  9. Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Practising and developing forensic odontology for almost a quarter of a century. 13th Indian National Conference on Forensic Odontology. J.S.S. Dental College & Hospital, Mysuru, India. 19th-20th Sept 2015. (invited speaker)
  10. Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Problems encountered when collecting antemortem dental records (MH17). 2nd InaSFO- Indonesian Society of Forensic Odontologist International Symposium. Surabaya, Indonesia. 20-21 Feb 2015. (invited speaker)
  11. Saif Yousif Abdullah Al-Siweedi, , Chai Wen Lin, Ngeow Wei Cheong. Phrabhakaran Nambiar . Detection of bifid mandibular canals in Malaysians using enhanced CBCT images. International Conference on Innovative Dentistry. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 3-4 August 2015.
  12. Samah M. Al-Amery, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Wei C. Ngeow, Wen L. Chai, Murali D.K. Naidu. The lingual nerve location and its varied insertion into the tongue. International Conference on Innovative Dentistry. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 3-4 August 2015.
  13. May Ameen Alkoshab, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Jacob John. Condylar volume of a young Malaysian adult population. International Conference of Recent advances in Health Sciences;contemporary health care how to do it right. Lincoln University College, Selangor 14th Aug 2014.
  14. Phrabhakaran Nambiar. 3D Imaging-a new paradigm in dentistry. The 34th Myanmar Dental Conference and 15th FDI-MDA meeting. National Theatre, Yangon, Myanmar. 22nd -25th January 2014. (Invited Speaker).
  15. Phrabhakaran Nambiar. The application of radiology in forensic odontological investigations. 36th Asia Pacific Dental Congress. Dubai Convention Centre, Dubai, UAE. 17-19th July 2014. (Invited Speaker).
  16. Saif Yousif Abdullah Al-Siweedi, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Chai Wen Lin, Ngeow Wei Cheong. Trifid mandibular canals- a challenge for dentists. The 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology. Sanur, Bali, Indonesia. 20-22nd Nov 2014. (Poster presentation)
  17. S.M.Al.Amery, P.Nambiar, M.Jamaludin. A study to determine the morphology and location of incisive canal and foramen. 10th Scientific Meeting of IADR Malaysian Section & 12th annual General Meeting. Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. 16 -17 April 2011. Poster Presentation
  18. S.M.Al.Amery, P.Nambiar,. A study to determine the morphology and location of incisive canal and foramen. The 4th Dental Postgraduate Students Seminar 2011 Building Block of Evidence Based Dentistry Postgraduate Teaching and Referral Centre Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. 29 & 30 June 2011. Oral Presentation
  19. GK Ananda, L O Aung, T George, P Nambiar. A case report of amelanotic malignant melanoma of hard plate: A diagnostic challenge and its management. Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre 2010: 27 Nov 2010. Poster Presentation
  20. Invited speaker: Evaluation of the mandibular canal at the interforaminal region. Joint Scientific Meeting in Dentistry-new vision in oral health-present and future. Surabaya, Indonesia. 15-16 May 2010.
  21. Invited speaker: Topic: Forensic Dentistry: Medico- legal Course for Lawyers. Institut Kehakiman dan Perundangan (ILKAP), Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Bangi, Selangor. 5hb Mei, 2010
  22. OM al-ani, KO Ha, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Evaluation of the course of the mandibular incisive canal in the interforminal region. Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre 2010: 27 Nov 2010. Poster Presentation.
  23. Y Saif, P Nambiar, P Shanmuhasutharam. Racial differences in the position of mandibular canal among the Malaysian population using CBCT. Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre 2010: 27 Nov 2010. Poster Presentation
  24. Kathiravan Purmal, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. Case report: Restorative dental treatment on a Bornean Orang Utan's canine tooth. 66 MDA/FDI Scientific Convention and Trade Exhibition in Pulau Pinang. 25 - 28 June 09.
  25. M. Poonjolai, KO. Ha, N. Ibrahim, ST. Ong, P. Nambiar. Evaluation of the Mandibular Canal at The Interforaminal Region. 2nd Dental Postgraduate Students Seminar in Balai Ungku Aziz. 30 Jun- 1 Jul 09.
  26. Choong Woan Jin, Lew Ai Ling, Nambiar P. Clinical application of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. 10th Dental Students Scientific Conference, 17 18th Dec 2008, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. (Elective project-Op8).
  27. Purmal K, Nambiar P. Mediation - The MDA experience. MDA/FDI Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition in Conjunction with 65th MDA AGM. 20-22 June 2008 (Abtract on pg. 22).
  28. Shim CN, Lee MY, Chai WL, Yusof ZYM, Jamaludin M, Nambiar P. The Permeability of latex gloves after few washes with disinfectants. Proceedings of 35th APDSA Congress. 11th 16th August 2008, Surabaya, Indonesia. Pg 35-44.
  29. Shim CN, Lee MY, Chai WL, Yusof ZYM, Jamaludin M, Nambiar P. The permeability of latex gloves after few washes with disinfectants, Programme and abstract book of 35th APDSA Congress, 11-16 August 2008, Surabaya, Indonesia. (Abstract on pg. 62).
  30. Sulinda D, Marina MB and Phrabhakaran N. A study on the effect of aging on pulp tissues. The 1st Thailand International Conference on Oral Biology (TICOB). 2008. (Abstract no: 013, pg 42).
  31. Daud S, Nambiar P, Bakri MM. Histological studies of the ageing pulp tissues. Research, Design & Innovation Expo (Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta & Inovasi). Univerity of Malaya; Kuala Lumpur. 26th 28th July 2007
  32. Lim Zhi Yin Joan, Lim Kiat Lin P. Nambiar. Auditing of forensic odontological cases to determine future need of this service. 9th Dental Student s Scientific Conference. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 12th-13th Dec 2007.(Abstract no: 08)
  33. Maruyama S, Nohira C, Sasaki M, Ishikawa S, Minaguchi K, Nambiar P. Re-evaluation of mtDNA phylogeny of Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur from the complete genome sequences. 16th Meeting on DNA polymorphisms. (Sponsored by Japanese Society for DNA polymorphism Research). Osaka, Japan. 15th Nov 2007
  34. Nambiar P, Ibrahim N, Muslim Tandjung YR, Shanmuhasuntharam P. Susuk: any cause for concern? MDA/FDI Scientific Convention & 64th MDA AGM- Pathway to Predictable Clinical Success . Petaling Jaya; Selangor. 15th 17th June 2007 (Gold Medal for Best Scientific Presentation).
  35. Y.P Wilson, P. Nambiar, H. Yaacob, K. Chinna. Third Molar Development in Malaysians. 2nd International Conference on Oral Health- Special Care Dentistry: Broadening Horizon, Bridging Gaps . Kuala Lumpur. 27th & 28th August 2007 (Abstract P3).
  36. Mak Hiew Leng, Alice Cheng Siew Wen, Nambiar P. Dento-anthropological aspects of Orang Asli from Kampong Bumiputra Dalam, Rengit, Batu Pahat, Johor. Eight Dental Students Scientific Conference. University of Malaya. 2006. (Abstract L13)
  37. Nambiar P. Dentists role in the identification of victims of mass disasters. 59th Indian Dental Conference. Ludhiana, India, 2006. (Guest speaker)
  38. Kiyoshi Minaguchi, Sayaka Maruyama, Chizuru Nihira, Tsuguyasu Sasaki, Noboru Ishikawa, Phrabhakaran Nambiar: Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in the Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In: 14th Meeting on DNA Polymorphisms. Maebashi City, 2005.
  39. Kiyoshi Minaguchi, Sayaka Maruyama, Chizuru Nohira, Phrabhakaran Nambiar: Phylogeny of mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms and its application to forensic science. International Forensic Science Symposium. Taipei City, Taiwan. 2005.
  40. Nambiar P. Bitemark investigations. 32nd Asia-Pacific Dental Students Association Congress- Implanting New Sciences. Kuala Lumpur, 1-6th August, 2005 (Guest speaker)
  41. Nambiar P. Dentists role in the identification of victims of mass disaster. 5th Johor scientific Meeting-Strengthening Healthcare Networking in Crisis. Senai, Johor. 2nd - 4th August, 2005 (Abstract no: GS 3-1).
  42. Sua Jet Liang, Sangeetha Chelladorai, Phrabhakaran Nambiar. A comparison of digital and hand-traced overlays in bite mark investigations. 7th Dental Students Scientific Conference. Kuala Lumpur. 2005.
  43. Nambiar P, Scully B. Determining the validity of Furue s method of craniofacial superimposition for identification. Seminar for Short -Term Research. Kuala Lumpur. 2003. (Abstract no. P226) [ 2nd Prize for Poster Presentation].
  44. Chan Wee Kiong, Tan Ching Ching, Nambiar P. Computer-aided identification programme in identification of mass disaster victims. 4th Dental Students Scientific Conference. Kuala Lumpur. 2002. (Abstract no: L8).
  45. Chew Shin Yi, Khoo Sung Wai, Nambiar P. Non-human bite marks. 4th Dental Students Scientific Conference. Kuala Lumpur. 2002. (Abstract no: L7).
  46. Nambiar P, Lian Chin Boon. Radiation protection during dentistry: A Malaysian perspective. International Conference on X-rays and Related Techniques in Research and Industry (ICXRI-2002). Shah Alam. 2002 (Invited speaker-Abstract on Page no. 24).
  47. Nambiar P, Shnamuhasuntharam P, Ibrahim S. Susuk: Charm needles in the maxillofacial region. 16th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences. Montpellier, France. 2002 (Abstract no. PO-255)
  48. D Swaminathan, P Nambiar. Management of gingival overgrowth using CO2laser and gingivectomy procedures. 4th Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology Meeting. Kuala Lumpur.2001 (Abstract no. 03).
  49. Kaur J, Nambiar P. 3rd Dental Students Scientific Conference. An analysis of the value of forensic odontology in the identification of victims of mass disasters. Kuala Lumpur. 2001. (Abstract no: L17).
  50. Nambiar P, Paul G, Swaminathan D, Nadesan K. The medico-legal importance of foetal age estimation a case report. FDI Annual World Dental Congress. Kuala Lumpur. 2001 (Abstract no. PP09).
  51. Venkiteswaran A, Nambiar P. Craniofacial video-superimpostion in the identfication of an unknown skull. 3rd Dental Students Scientific Conference. Kuala Lumpur. 2001. (Abstract no: L29)
  52. Nambiar P, Singh B. Disaster victim identification in Malaysia. First Pacific Rim Interpol Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Meeting. Makassar, Indonesia, 2000 (Abstract on Page no: 25).
  53. Nambiar P. Application of radiology in forensic investigations. Proceedings of the 39th. Anniversary of Faculty of Dentistry, University of North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia, 2000. (Abstract on pg. 62).
  54. Nambiar P. Forensic dentistry. 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting organised by Johor Health Department. Senai, Johor, 2000 (Abstract no. SS 1-1).
  55. Scully B, Nambiar P. Identification based on photographic craniofacial superimposition. 2nd Dental Students Scientific Conference. Kuala Lumpur. 2000. (Abstract no: FP3B/3).
  56. Sukarman S, Nambiar P. Age estimation from the colour of the roots. 2nd Dental Students Scientific Conference. Kuala Lumpur. 2000. (Abstract no: FP3B/2).
  57. Din S, Nambiar P. Bitemarks on foodstuff. 1st Dental students scientific conference preparing dental students for the new millenium. Kuala Lumpur. 1999. (Abstract no: FP2A/4).
  58. Murali MDK, Nambiar P, Subramaniam K. Morphological variation of the frontal sinus and its use in forensic identification. Scientific Meeting of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia. Penang,1998. (poster)
  59. Nambiar P, Ling BC, Low KS, Lee CK. Laser engraving on dental prostheses. International Conference on Forensic Odontology. Chennai (India), 1998. (Abstract no: 29)
  60. Nambiar P, Paul G, Kasinathan N. The bite mark that didn t match. International Conference on Forensic Odontology. Chennai (India), 1998. (Abstract no: 22)
  61. Nambiar P. The dental identification of victims of disasters in Malaysia. International Conference on Forensic Odontology. Chennai (India), 1998. (Invited speaker; Abstract no: 17)
  62. Ling BC, Nambiar P, Low KS, Lee CK. Laser micro-labeling on chrome-cobalt dentures. The 12th Scientific Meeting of The International Association of Dental Research (South-East Asia). Phuket (Thailand), 1997. (Abstract no: O-51)
  63. Nambiar P. Validity of bite marks in forensic investigations. 31st. Scientific Meeting Malaysia - Singapore Congress of Medicine. Kuala Lumpur, 1997. (Abstract no: Dentsitry:10)
  64. Subramaniam K, Nambiar P, Naidu M. The frontal sinus: A unique anatomical landmark for forensic identification. The 14th Meeting of The American Association of Clinical Anatomists. Hawaii, 1997. (Abstract on page no. 75)
  65. Hashimoto M, Nambiar P. Anthropological identification of images recorded on videotape. Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Sciences (14th meeting). Tokyo, 1996. (Abstract no: PS 29-4)
  66. Nambiar P, Jalil N, Singh B. Contribution of forensic odontology in Tawau airplane accident. Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Sciences (14th meeting). Tokyo, 1996. (Abstract no: OS 12-4)
  67. Nambiar P. The application of dental science in forensic investigations - Cases of interest in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 34th. Anniversary of Faculty of Dentistry, University of North Sumatra, Medan, Indonesia, 1995. (Article on pages 119-122).
  68. Alhabshi SF, Nambiar P. Identification of the Highland Towers Condominium disaster victims - An unforgettable experience. Scientific convention - Organised by The Malaysian Dental Association. Langkawi,1994. (Abstract no:1)
  69. Nambiar P, Brown KA & Bridges TE. The importance of camera angle in recording bite marks. Proceedings of The 10th. International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect. Kuala Lumpur, 1994. (Abstract no: TSC 6/6)
  70. Nambiar P. Dentistry 2: special lecture Don t get caught without your socks . Academy Scientific Meeting. Organised by The Academy of Medicine in colloboration with Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur 1994. (Abstract no: Dent 2, page 39)
  71. Nambiar P, Brown KA, Bridges TE. Morphometric variation of the dentition of the Great White Shark. Proceedings of The 8th Scientific Meeting of The International Association of Dental Research (South East Asia). Kuala Lumpur, 1993. (Abstract no:13)
  72. Neville A, Taylor J, Nambiar P, Brown KA, Bridges TE, Emerson L. The forensic identification of bite marks in skin; aided by ultraviolet photography and computer matching. Proceedings of the XVII Pacific Science Congress. Hawaii, 1991. (Abstract on page 95)
  73. Nambiar P, Brown KA, Bridges TE. Non-human bite marks. Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Sciences (12th meeting). Adelaide 1990. (Abstract no: OD703)
  74. Nambiar P, Neville A, Emerson L, Taylor J. Taking the subjectivity out of bite mark analysis: A move towards 2000. Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Sciences (12th meeting). Adelaide, 1990. (Abstract no: OD704)
  75. Nambiar P, Neville A. Distorting the evidence: photographers beware. Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Sciences (12th meeting). Adelaide, 1990. (Abstract no: OD705)
  76. Wilson D, Brown K, Nambiar P. Identification of Ivory. Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Sciences (12th meeting). Adelaide, 1990. (Abstract no: OD706)
Other Publications
  1. External examiner for Masters thesis. Fabricating computer aided video superimposition device in Malaysia and assessing reliability of the method using Malay male face and archived skulls. Health Campus, University of Science Malaysia. 29th June 2014. - Review
  2. Study of the facial morphology of Malaysian aborigines using three-dimensional surface acquisition system. Annals of Dentistry, University of Malaya. - Review


  • Bite mark investigations
  • Craniofacial identification
  • Dental age estimation, Dental anthropology
  • Metrical and morphological assessment of structures in the craniofacial region.
  • Disaster victim identification


  1. 2016 - 2017, NONE
    Validity of the Third Molar Age Estimation from Different Dental Age Assessment Surveys for Malays and Chinese in Malaysia. ( Consultant)
  2. 2016 - 2017, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Age Estimation by Volumetric Analysis of Canines and Incisors Pulp Chamber Using Mimic Software in Malaysian Population. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2015 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Anatomical Structural Variations in the Maxillofacial Region (Top-up funds) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2011 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)
    The Oral Health status, unmet needs, barriers and management strategies for dental healthcare among HIV/AIDS and other patients with special needs in The Oral Health Status, Unmet Needs, Barriers And Management Strategies For Dental HEALTHCARE Among HIV/AIDS And Other Patients With Special Needs In Malaysia ( Consultant)
  5. 2011 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Anatomical structural variations in the maxillofacial region ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2012 - 2013, NONE
    The appearance and location of mental and mandibular foramen in children aged five to sixteen. ( Consultant)
  7. 2008 - 2012, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    A study of the location of mandibular incisive canal and its relation to the mental foramen using cone beam computed tomography. The position the inferior alveolar canal using the CBCT. Both researches are employing Simplant Pro Plus from Materialise Software ( co-supervisor)
  8. 2010 - 2011, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    A Study to Determine The Location And Morphology of Incisive Canal And Foramen ( Coordinator)
  9. 2008
    Dento-anthropological aspects of Orang Asli from Kampong Bumiputra, Rengit, Johor. Researchers; Mak Hiew Lye, Alice Cheng Siew Wen, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Norliza Ibrahim, Yeti Rosalina T Muslim, Zamri Radzi, Zamros Yuzadi, Rahimah Kadir
  10. 2008
    Development and expansion of the highly practical method for personal identification using DNA polymorphisms in Forensic Odontology and conversion of the methods for analysis. Researchers; Chizuru Nohira, Sayaka Maruama, Kiyoshi Minaguchi, Phrabhakaran Nambiar
  1. 2015 - 2017, Ministry of Science, Japan
    Development of the analyzing system of DNA polymorphism aiming at application to the highly degraded samples for personal identifcation in Forensic Odontology ( Consultant)
  2. 2010 - 2012, Ministry of education, science, spsorts and culture (Japan)
    Genetic study of 12 X-STRs in Malay population living in and around Kuala Lumpur using Investigator Argus X-12 kit. Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ( Consultant)


  • Training for Practising Dental Surgeons On The Use of Dental Panoramic Radiography and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (Cbct)-Request by Director-General of Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Engineering Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia
    01 Dec 2012 - 01 Dec 2017 (National)
  • Invited Forensic Odontologist for Excavation and Identification of Australian Army Personnel At The Commonwealth War Grave, Terendak, Melaka., Malaysian army
    01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
  • Invitation from International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (Iofos) Working Group for Updating Quality Assurance Guidelines. Working Group- Body Identification in Disasters., International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS)
    01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
  • Expert Member of The Committee to Approve The Use of Handheld Dental X-Ray Machine. Engineering Services Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia., Engineering Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (National)
  • Dental Recording of Rohingya Deceased Victims At Malaysia-Thailand Border, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (National)
  • To Review The Structure and Contents of The Preclinical Examinations- Penang International Dental College, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, India., Penang International Dental College, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, India
    01 May 2011 - 01 May 2012 (International)
  • Dento-Legal Investigation-Preliminary Investigation Committee 2 (Pic 2) Case No: 89, Malaysian Dental Council, Minsitry of Health Malaysia, Putrajaya
    01 May 2011 - 01 May 2011 (National)


  1. Forensic Odontology. Forensic Investigation Course. Royal Malaysia Police Academy.Cheras, Selangor.(Lecture on 21/11/2016), Forensic Investigation Course. Royal Malaysia Police Academy, Cheras, Selangor., Malaysia Royal Police (Others) (21 Nov 2016 - 25 Nov 2016)
  2. CBCT imaging- A new paradigm in dentistry., 3rd Sabah Dental Congress 2015 (National) (10 Oct 2015 - 11 Oct 2015)
  3. Practising and developing forensic odontology for almost a quarter of a century., 13th Indian National Conference on Forensic Odontology. (International) (19 Sep 2015 - 20 Sep 2015)
  4. Problems encountered when collecting antemortem dental records (MH17), 2nd InaSFO- Indonesian Society of Forensic Odontologist International Symposium. (International) (20 Feb 2015 - 21 Feb 2015)
  5. The application of radiology in forensic odontological investigations., 36th Asia Pacific Dental Congress. Dubai Convention Centre, Dubai, UAE (International) (17 Jun 2014 - 19 Jun 2014)
  6. Phrabhakaran Nambiar. 3D Imaging-a new paradigm in dentistry. , The 34th Myanmar Dental Conference and 15th FDI-MDA meeting. National Theatre, Yangon, Myanmar. 22nd -25th January 2014. (Invited Speaker)., Myanmar Dental Association and FDI (International) (22 Jan 2014 - 25 Jan 2014)
  7. Applications and limitations of panoramic imaging in implant placement., ITI Study Club Malaysia. , ITI Study Club Malaysia (National) (14 Dec 2012)
  8. Career prospects in Dentistry-AUAWMB Career Forum., Career prospects- Organised by Adelaide University Alumni (West Malaysia) Bhd. Video-conferenced presentation from Menara Telekom s Teleconference Centre to the Napier Building on The University of Adelaide s North Terrace Campus. ). , Organised by Adelaide University Alumni (West Malaysia) Bhd. (National) (04 Aug 2012)
  9. A complete update on intraoral dental imaging. , 23rd Scientific Convention and Trade Exhibition organized by Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners Association. , Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners Association (National) (17 Jun 2012 - 17 Jun 2012)
  10. Forensic Odontology. , Scientific Investigation Course For Malaysian Police Officers., Royal Malaysia Police College. Kuala Lumpur. (National) (12 Jun 2012)
  11. Forensic Odontology., Scientifc Investigation Course for Bangladesh Police Officers, Royal Malaysia Police (Others) (31 May 2012)
  12. Updates on dental imaging (radiography). , 2012 Commonwealth Dental Association/ Malaysian Dental Association/FDI Joint International Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition. , Commonwealth Dental Association (International) (25 May 2012 - 27 May 2012)
  13. Forensic Dentistry., Medico-legal course. Judicial and Legal Training Institute (ILKAP). , Judicial and Legal Training Institute (ILKAP).  (National) (21 Mar 2012)
  14. Diagnostic Imaging Techniques for Dental Implants., Module 11 Implantology Course. , Organised by Implant Unit, Faculty of Dentistry.  (National) (19 Mar 2012)
  15. Forensic odontology lectures, Scientific Investigation Course, Royal Police Academy of Malaysia (National) (10 Nov 2011 - 10 Nov 2011)
  16. Dental Nurses "The crucial link in patient care", Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners' Association-Dental Nurses Seminar 2011, Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners' Association (National) (16 Oct 2011 - 16 Oct 2011)
  17. Dental Panoramic Radiography & Parallax (SLOB) technique, Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners' Association-Evening Series, Malaysian Private Dental Practitioners Association (National) (25 Aug 2011 - 25 Aug 2011)
  1. Reliability of Panoramic-radiographs To Determine Third-molar s Vertical Position From Inferior- alveolar-canal., 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Association of the Dental Research Southeast Asian Division (IADR-SEA). (International) (14 Aug 2015 - 15 Aug 2015)
  2. Joshi V, John J, Esa R,Kallarakkal TG, Baharuddin NA, Nambiar P, Ramanathan A, Mani SA, Zain RM. Developing empathy in dental students. , 21st Congress of the International Assocaition of Disabilty and Oral Health., International Association of Disabilty and Oral Health. (International) (29 Oct 2012 - 31 Oct 2012)
  3. Esa JJR Joshi V, Zgomez M, ,Kallarakkal TG, Nambiar P, Ramanathan A, Baharuddin NA, Mani SA, Zain R. Oral health care needs and OHRLQoL among prison inmates with HIV/AIDS. , 21st Congress of the International Assocaition of Disabilty and Oral Health., International Assocaition of Disabilty and Oral Health. (International) (29 Oct 2012 - 31 Oct 2012)
  4. A 29 Year experience in the Frequency of the temporomandibular joint neoplasms, 62nd American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology & 39th CAOMR Annual Meeting (International) (07 Dec 2011 - 10 Dec 2011)
  5. Age group differences in the position of mandibular population (buccolingually) among the Malaysian population using CBCT, 2nd BAMFS Congress and 5th ACBID International Conference (International) (25 May 2011 - 29 May 2011)
  6. Intraoral Radiographic Localization Parallax Method Using Combination of Imaging Techniques, 18th FDI/MDA International Scientific Convention and Trade Exhibition, FDI/MDA (International) (13 Jan 2011 - 16 Jan 2011)
  7. Evaluation of the course of the mandibular incisive canal in the interforminal region, Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (01 Jun 2010)
  8. A case report of amelanotic malignant melanoma of hard plate: A diagnostic challenge and its management., Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (International) (01 Jun 2010)
  9. Racial differences in the position of mandibular canal among the Malaysian population using CBCT, Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (International) (01 Jun 2010)
  10. Evaluation of the mandibular canal at the interforaminal regions, Asian Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  (International) (01 Jun 2010)
  1. Koh Kai Kent. Tan Jing Shyuan, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Norliza Ibrahim. Buccal alveolar bone level is more favourable for age estimation than structural changes of teeth.The 11th Asian Congress or Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology., The 11th Asian Congress or Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology., Asian Congress of Oral and Mxillofacial Radiology (International) (10 Nov 2016 - 12 Nov 2016)
  2. Trifid mandibular canals- a challenge for dentists (Poster Presentation)., Trifid mandibular canals- a challenge for dentists. The 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (International) (20 Nov 2014 - 22 Nov 2014)
  3. Year 4 curriculum, Workshop on the Bachelor of Dental Surgery curriculum. Hotel Pullman, Kuala Lumpur. 31 Oct-1Nov 2014.  (University) (31 Oct 2014 - 01 Nov 2014)
  4. Anatomical structural variations in the maxillofacial region, Evaluation workshop for the application of HIR-MOHE (2nd cycle), MOHE (National) (22 Nov 2011 - 22 Nov 2011)
  5. Forensic Dentistry: Medico-legal Course for Lawyers, Medico-legal Course for Lawyers. Institut Kehakiman dan Perundangan (ILKAP (01 Jun 2010)
  1. Syed Yusoff Alzawawi Syed Abd Fattah, Firdaus Hariri, Phrabhakaran Nambiar, Zainal Ariff Abdul Rahman , AB Zulkiflee. Determining the Accuracy of the Mandibular Canal Region in 3D Biomodels Fabricated from CBCT data: A Cadaveric Study., Dental Congregation, Hotel Raja Chulan, Petaling jaya, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya.13th &14th August 2016. (National) (13 Aug 2016 - 14 Aug 2016)
  2. Meng Wei Tai, Chong Zhen Feng, A Comparative Study of Xerographic and Computer-assisted Bite Mark Analyses; 8th National Dental Students' Scientific Conference; Third Place- Oral Presentation., 8th National Dental Students' Scientific Conference, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. (National) (14 May 2016 - 15 May 2016)
  3. Meng Wei Tai, Chong Zhen Feng, A Comparative Study of Xerographic and Computer-assisted Bite Mark Analyses; 17th Dental Students' Scientific Conference.University of Malaya. 2nd-3rd March 2016-First Prize -Oral Presentation; Third Prize -Overall Category., 17th Dental Students' Scientific Conference.University of Malaya., Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya (University) (02 Mar 2016 - 03 Mar 2016)
  4. First Global Manipal Alumni Health, Science and Technology Convention and 28th MAAM Convention. , First Global Manipal Alumni Health, Science and Technology Convention and 28th MAAM Convention.  (International) (07 Aug 2014 - 08 Aug 2014)
  5. Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) forum at 14th Defence Services Asia., Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) forum at 14th Defence Services Asia. Organised by the Military Health Division J9 of the Joint Force Headquarters Malaysian Armed Force (MAF). 15th April 2014. (Invited Participant). (International) (15 Apr 2014 - 15 Apr 2014)
  6. Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) forum at 14th Defence Services Asia., Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) forum at 14th Defence Services Asia. Organised by the Military Health Division J9 of the Joint Force Headquarters Malaysian Armed Force (MAF). 15th April 2014. (Invited Participant). (International) (15 Apr 2014 - 15 Apr 2014)
  7. Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) forum at 14th Defence Services Asia., Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) forum at 14th Defence Services Asia. Organised by the Military Health Division J9 of the Joint Force Headquarters Malaysian Armed Force (MAF). 15th April 2014. (Invited Participant). (International) (15 Apr 2014 - 15 Apr 2014)
  8. Publication marketing tools: Enhancing research visibility & improving citation. Postgraduate & Research Tower, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. 04/02/2014., Publication marketing tools: Enhancing research visibility & improving citation. Postgraduate & Research Tower, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. 04/02/2014. (University) (04 Feb 2014 - 04 Feb 2014)
  9. A study to determines the morphology and location of incisive canal and foramen, The 4th Dental Postgraduate Students Seminar 2011 (01 Jul 2011)
  10. A study to determine the morphology and location of incisive canal and foramen., 10th Scientific Meeting of IADR Malaysian Section & 12th annual General Meeting.  (National) (01 Jun 2011)
  11. Case report: Restorative dental treatment on a Bornean Orang Utan's canine tooth., 66 MDA/FDI Scientific Convention and Trade Exhibition in Pulau Pinang (01 Apr 2009)
  12. Mediation - The MDA experience, The MDA experience. MDA/FDI Scientific Convention & Trade Exhibition in Conjunction with 65th MDA AGM (International) (01 Mar 2008)


  1. (2016) Internal examiner- PhD thesis-optical coherence tomography(OCT) characterization of dentine caries and its correlates. Dr Saad Ahmed Khan, (Internal Examiner)
  2. (2016) Reviewer for Pertanika Journal, UPM (1) Equivalent dose measurements from digital intra- and extra-oral radiographic imaging examinations, (Reviewer)
  3. (2016) Invitation to become panel member for PhD research submission- Pn Salina Binti Mohd. Asi, (Panel member)
  4. (2016) Reviewer for Malaysian Dental Journal - An audit of the quality of lateral cephalometric radiographs at the Klinik Cahaya Suria Orthodontic Unit., (Reviewer)
  5. (2016) Reviewer for Malaysian Dental Journal (1) Patient bites turn to bytes A transition towards electronic records., (Reviewer)
  6. (2016) Invitation to become panel member for MDSc research proposal or examination-Dr. (1)Aso Muhammad Ali (2) Pn Nor Zulaila Binti Che Omran (3) Dr. Lim Ee Lian (4)Yashkta Sivalingam Nadar (5) Mohd Aizat Bin Abdul Rahim., (Panel Member)
  7. (2016) External examiner-1st Professional Examinations-Oral Biology. The National University of Malaysia (July 2016)., (External Examiner)
  8. (2016) Appointed as honorary advisory to Date of Birth Foundation. India and Hong Kong. 10th Feb 2016., (Advisory Committee)
  9. (2015) Palatal Rugae Patterns in Edntulous Cases, Are They Reliable Forensic Marker-Reviewer for Malaysian Dental Journal., (Reviewer)
  10. (2015) Stages of third molar development and eruption to estimate the 18-year threshold Malay juvenile-Reviewer for Archives of Oral Biology. , (Reviewer)
  11. (2015) Individuality of the human dentition: Implications for forensic odontology-Examiner for PhD thesis (University of Adelaide), (External Examiner)
  12. (2012) Hong Kong Dental Journal: Symptomatic calcification of elongated stylohyoid ligaments-a dilemma , (Reviewer)
  13. (2012) Clinical Anatomy. Title: Morphometric evaluation of frontal sinus in realtion to age and sex., (Reviewer)
  14. (2012) Dentomaxillofacial Radiology: Advances in assessing the volume of odontogenic cysts and tumors in the mandible: A retrospective clinical trial, (Reviewer)
  15. (2012) Malaysian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons: Ultrsound monitoring of distraction wound., (Reviewer)
  16. (2012) Journal of forensic and Legal Medicine: Are teeth useful in estimating stature?, (Reviewer)
  17. (2011) HIR Project: Optical assessment of enamel and dentinal demineralisation., (Reviewer)
  18. (2011) HIR Project: Study of the craniofacila form of the normal and with anomalies of Malaysian population using 3-dimensional Imanging , (Reviewer)
  19. (2011) The Journal of Orafacial & Health Science. D.J College of Dental Sciences and Research. Modinagar , India. Title: Cutaneous tract of dental origin: a case report., (Reviewer)
  20. (2011) International e-Journal, Medicine & Education. International Medical University, Malaysia. Title: An alternative efficient technique for thin tooth sectioning. , (Reviewer)
  21. (2011) Dentomaxillofacial Radiology- A lingual dermoid cyst with congenital discharging cyst , (Reviewer)
  22. (2011) Grant Townsend, Eisaku Kanazawa, Hiroshi Takayama. Title: New directions in dental anthropology: Pardigms, methodologies and outcomes. To be published by University of Adelaide press., (Reviewer)
  23. (2011) Archives of Orofacial Sciences. University Science of Malaysia. Title: Evaluation of panoramic radiomorphometric indices in Indian population. , (Reviewer)
  24. (2009) To review the structure and contents of the preclinical examinations- Penang International Dental College, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, India. , (External Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2016) Appointed into the committee to review the Guidelines on Infection Control in Dental Practice. Malaysian Dental Council. 14th January 2016., Malaysian Dental Council
  2. (2014) Worldwide Forensic Odontology Contacts ( Malaysian representative), International Organisation of Forensic Odontostomatology, International
  3. (2011) Dento-legal Investigation-Preliminary Investigation Committee 2 (PIC 2) Case no: 89, Malaysian Dental Council, Minsitry of Health Malaysia
  4. (2011) Member of the International Editorial Board-Journal of Orofacial & Health Sciences , Journal of Orofacial & Health Sciences
  5. (2011) Dento-legal Investigation-Preliminary Investigation Committee 2 (PIC 2) Case no: 95, Malaysian Dental Council, Ministry of Health Malaysia
  6. (2010) Committee for national guidance reference level for radiography and radiotherapy., Under the Engineering Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  7. (2009) Currently involved in the preparation of draft for :Atomic Energy Licensing (Medical, Dental and Veterinary usage of radiation) regulation 201.., Medical Radiation Safety Committee of Ministry of Health, Malaysia.


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  3. (2016) Detecting Mandibular Canal and Foramina Variations Using CBCT Data, SAIF YOUSIF ABDULLAH
  4. (2013) The position the inferior alveolar canal using the CBCT, Dr Saif Yousif Abdullah
  5. (2013) Determiniation of structures employing scanned images (tentative), Dr Samah Mohammed Abdulla Al-Amery
  6. (2008) Determining the stages of teeth development among Malaysian juvelines aged 5-18 years old, Dr Safar Sumit Bunyarit
  1. (2016) Age Estimation by Volumetric Analysis of Canines and Incisors Pulp Chamber Using Mimic Software in Malaysian Population., MUHAMMAD KHAN ASIF
  2. (2014) Assessment of the condyle and glenoid fossa morphology with CBCT images, Dr May Ameen Saeed Alkoshab
  3. (2013) Position of the impacted third molar in relation to the inferior alveolar canal., Dr. Farah Aliya
  4. (2011) Determining the topography of the floor of the maxillary sinus from CBCT images, Dr. G. Krishana Ananda
  5. (2011) Ascertaining the accuracy of small FOV CBCT in determining endodontic working length, Dr Nurlaila Sofia Ahmad
  6. (2010) A Study to Determine The Location And Morphology of Incisive Canal And Foramen, Dr Samah Mohammed Abdulla Al-Amery
  7. (2009) A study of the location of mandibular incisive canal and its relation to the mental foramen using cone beam computed tomography, Dr Omar M Badul Razaq
  8. (2008) Measurement of the mandibular canal at the anterior interforaminal region, Dr Maniarasu Poonjoli
  9. (2007) Teeth don t lie - An evaluation of the admissibility and the reliability of bitemark evidence, Shamsher Singh a/l Pritam Singh
  10. (2007) Histological studies of the aging pulp tissues, Sulinda Daud
  11. (2006) Age determination from developing third molar teeth, Yvone P. Wilson
  12. (2005) Admissibility of craniofacial superimposition evidence as a means of forensic identification, Amar Singh s/o Ishar singh
  13. (2004) Radiological features of histopathologically varied ameloblastomas, Dr. Chen Yu Nieng


  1. (2015) General Dentistry for Postgraduate Students
  2. (2015) Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging-Oral Surgery Postgraduate Students
  3. (2015) Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging-Periodontics Postgraduate Students
  4. (2015) DPGA6170 - Administration in Dental Public Health (Adph) & Updates in Dentistry
  1. (2016) DSED3101 - Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging
  2. (2015) Academy of The Royal Malaysia Police (Forensic Investigations)
  3. (2015) Elective Project(Fifth Year)
  4. (2015) Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging(UiTM)
  5. (2015) Problem-Based Learning (5th Year)
  6. (2015) DSED4101 - Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging
  7. (2015) DXED5103 - General Dental Practice (Forensic Odontology)
  8. (2014) Oral Radiology & Forensic Odontology, UiTM
  9. (2014) DSED2101 - Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging
  10. (2014) DSED3101 - Pembedahan Mulut & Maksilofasial dan Radio
  11. (2014) DSED3101 - Pembedahan Mulut & Maksilofasial dan Radio
  12. (2014) DSED4101 - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Radiology
  13. (2014) DSED4101 - Pembedahan Mulut & Maksilofasial dan Radiol
  14. (2014) DSED4101 - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery & Radiology
  15. (2012) DSED3010 - Oral and Maxillofasial Radiology
  16. (2011) DMED1101 - Oral Biology


  • A Dental X-Ray holder
    Patent (National)


  • Invited for Interview Bfm 89.9: The Bigger Picture: Forensic Odontology., (25 Sep 2014 - 25 Sep 2014)
  • Mediating Between Patients and Dental Surgeons When Disputes Arise After Treatments. I Have Been Invited to Serve in The Patients' Complaints Bureau Committee, (23 Jul 2014 - 21 Jul 2015)
  • Involved in The Identification of Victims of The Mh17 Disaster., (22 Jul 2014 - 26 Jul 2014)
  • Assisting in The Relocation and Building of a Hindu Temple in Setia Alam, Shah Alam, (01 Aug 2012)
  • Participant in The Walkathon- Mouth Cancer Awareness Week 2011, (19 Nov 2011 - 19 Nov 2011)