Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Institute of Mathematical Sciences
    Faculty of Science
  • ongsh
  • +603-79674306


  • PhD (Statistic Mathematics)(UM)(1984), (STATISTIK MATEMATIK)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • MSc (Mathematics)(UM)(1979), (Mathematics)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • BSc (Mathematics)(UM)(1977), (Mathematics)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • Member, Accredition Committee
    01 Jun 2004 - present (Faculty)
  • Co-ordinator, Centre of Research for Mathematical and Statistical Modelling
    02 Jan 2007 - present (University Malaya)
  • Chairman, High Performance Computing Specification Committee
    18 Nov 2011 - present (University Malaya)
  • Member, High Impact Research Committee (Faculty level)
    12 Jul 2011 - present (Faculty)
  • Chairman, Curriculum Committee
    01 Jun 1995 - present (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Member Committee for External Program Assessors
    02 Nov 2012 - present (University Malaya)
  • Member of Promotion Exercise Panel Assoc Prof.
    05 Jun 2015 - 31 Dec 2017 (Faculty)
  • Head Coordinator
    29 Jun 2016 - 22 Oct 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Programme Coordinator
    01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (Faculty)
  • Head
    01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (Centre for Mathematical & Statistical Modelling, Faculty of Science)
  • Head Coordinator
    01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Head
    02 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (Centre for Mathematical & Statistical Modelling, Faculty of Science)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2009 - 22 May 2011 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Head of Department
    16 Apr 2009 - 30 Jun 2011 (University Malaya)
  • Head of Department
    16 Apr 2009 - 31 Aug 2009 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Member, Evaluation Committee for research projects in Intensive Research in Priority Areas (IRPA)/eScience
    01 Jun 2000 - 31 May 2009 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman, Higher Degree Committee (JKIT)
    01 Jun 2001 - 15 Apr 2009 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Co-ordinator, MSc (Statistics) by Coursework Program
    01 Apr 2000 - 30 Apr 2004 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Chairman, Industrial Training Committee
    01 Apr 2000 - 31 Mar 2002 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Member, Computer Laboratory Committee
    01 Jun 1991 - 31 May 1999 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Co-ordinator, BSc (Statistics) Program
    01 Jun 1990 - 31 May 1999 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Chairman, Sports Committee
    01 Jun 1989 - 31 May 1996 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Member, Seminar/Publication Committee
    01 Apr 1989 - 31 May 1994 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Chairman, Computer Laboratory Committee
    01 Jun 1988 - 30 May 1991 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)


  • Lead Instructor, Bami 2016
    2016, Centre of Mathematical Modelling and Optimization,  (Department)
  • Best Paper Award
    2016, Universiti Putra Malaysia,  (International)
  • Fellow
    2010, Academy of Sciences Malaysia,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Malaysian Toray Science Foundation Award 2009
    2009, Malaysian Toray Science Foundation,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Khidmat Setia 30 Award
    2008, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2003, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2000, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    1998, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    1996, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    1995, Universiti Malaya


Article in Journal
  1. Chakraborty, S. , Ong, S.H, (2017). Mittag-Leffler function distribution - A new generalization of hyper-Poisson distribution, Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications 4:8 DOI 10.1186/s40488-017-0060-9
  2. Hamzah Abdul Hamid, Bee Wah Yap, Xie Xian-Jin & Seng Huat Ong (2017): Investigating the Power of Goodness-of-fit Tests for Multinomial Logistic Regression, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2017.1303727
  3. Leong SH, Ong SH (2017) Similarity measure and domain adaptation in multiple mixture model clustering: An application to image processing. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180307.
  4. Y. C. Low, S. H. Ong, R. C. Gupta (2017). Generalized Sichel Distribution and Associated Inference. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications Vol. 16, No. 3 (September 2017) 322 336
  5. Chakraborty, S., Ong, S.H. (2016) A COM-type Generalization of the Negative Binomial Distribution. Communications in Statistics, Theory & Methods, 45 (14), 4117-4135
  6. Maryam Sharifdoust, Choung Min Ng, Seng-Huat Ong (2016) Probability generating function based Jeffrey's divergence for statistical inference. Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation 45: 2445 2458
  7. Neeraj Kumar Tripathi, Subir Das, Seng Huat Ong, Hossein Jafari, Maysaa Al Qurashi (2016). Solution of Higher Order Nonlinear Time-Fractional Reaction Diffusion Equation. Entropy 18(9), 329
  8. Sim, S.Z., Ong S.H. (2016) A Generalized Inverse Trinomial Distribution with Application. Statistical Methodology, 33, 217-233
  9. Soek Sin Teh, Phooi Tee Voon, Yen Teng Ng, Seng Huat Ong, Augustine Soon Hock Ong and Yuen May Choo (2016) Effects of fatty acids at different positions in the triglycerides on cholesterol levels. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 28 (2) 211-221
  10. Khoo, WC, Ong, SH and Biswas, A (2015) Modeling Time Series of Counts with a New Class of INAR(1) model, Statistical Papers, DOI 10.1007/s00362-015-0704-0
  11. Mukerjee, R., Ong, S. H. (2015. Variance and Covariance Inequalities for Truncated Joint Normal Distribution via Monotone Likelihood Ratio and Log- concavity. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 139:1-6
  12. Ong, S.H., Biswas, A. Peiris, S., Low, Y. C. (2015) Count Distribution for Generalized Weibull Duration with Applications, Commun. Statist., Theory and Methods 44:19, 4203-4216
  13. Dharini Pathmanathan , Rahul Mukerjee & S. H. Ong (2014): Two-sided Bayesian and frequentist tolerance intervals: general asymptotic results with applications, Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics,Pathmanathan , D., Rahul Mukerjee & S. H. Ong (2014): Two-sided Bayesian and frequentist tolerance intervals: general asymptotic results with applications, Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 48 (3, 524-538 DOI:10.1080/02331888.2012.748774
  14. Gupta, R.C., Sim S.Z., Ong, S.H. (2014) Analysis of Discrete Data by Conway-Maxwell Poisson distribution AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis DOI 10.1007/s10182-014-0226-4
  15. Maiti, R., A.Biswas1, A. Guha, S. H. Ong (2014) Modeling and coherent forecasting of zero-inflated count time series. Statistical Modelling
  16. Pathmanathan, D., Ong, S. H. (2014) A Monte Carlo simulation study of two-sided tolerance intervals in balanced one-way random effects model for non-normal errors. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 84(11), 2329-2344
  17. Sengupta, Ashis; Ong, S. H. (2014)A Unified Approach for Construction of Probability Models for Bivariate Linear and Directional Data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 43 (10-12) 2563-2569
  18. V. Mishra, K. Visha, S. Das, and S. H. Ong (2014) On the solution of the nonlinear fractional diffusion- wave equation with absorption: a homotopy approach Z. Naturfors. Sect. A-J. Phys. Sci. 69a, 135   144
  19. Chua, K.C., Ong, S.H. (2013). Test of Misspecification with Application to Negative Binomial distribution, Computational Statistics, 28(3):993 1009
  20. Imoto, T., Ong, S.H. (2013)A LAGRANGIAN NON-CENTRAL NEGATIVE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE FIRST KIND Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods,42:3, 466-477
  21. Ng, C.M. Ong S.H., H.M. Srivastava, H.M.(2013) Parameter Estimation by Hellinger Type Distance for Multivariate Distributions based on Probability Generating Functions. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 7374 7385, DOI information: 10.1016/j.apm.2013.02.044
  22. Ong, S.H., Ng, C.M. (2013) A bivariate generalization of the non-central negative binomial distribution. Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation 42:3,570-585
  23. Vishal, K., S. Das, S.H. Ong , P. Ghosh (2013) On the solutions of fractional Swift Hohenberg equation with dispersion. Applied Mathematics and Computation 219, 5792 5801
  24. Y. N. Phang , S. Z. Sim & S. H. Ong (2013): Statistical Analysis for the Inverse Trinomial Distribution, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 42:9, 2073-2085
  25. Ong, S.H., S. Chakraborty, T. Imoto, K. Shimizu (2012). Generalizations of non-central negative binomial, Charlier series distributions and their extensions by Lagrange expansion. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods 41:4, 571-590
  26. Ong, S.H., Sengupta, A. (2012). Bivariate and multivariate circular distributions by mixtures. Journal of the Indian Statistical Association, 50, 193- 204.
  27. P.L. Gupta, R.C. Gupta, S.H. Ong and H.M. Srivastava (2012). Reliability and non-reliability studies of Poisson variables in series and parallel systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 218, 5112 5120
  28. Lee, W.J. and Ong, S.H. (2011).Computer generation of inverse Gaussian samples by envelope rejection. Malaysian Journal of Science, 30, 76-80.
  29. Ong, S.H., Mukerjee, R. (2010) Probability Matching Priors for Two-sided Tolerance Intervals in Balanced One-way and Two-way Nested Random Effects Models, to appear in Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics
  30. Sugita, T., Shimizu, K., Ong, S.H. and Ng, C.M. (2010) A family which integrates the generalized Charlier series and extended non-central negative binomial distributions, to appear in Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods
  31. Yap, B.W. , S.H. Ong and N.H. M. Husain (2011). Using data mining to improve assessment of credit worthiness via credit scoring models. Expert Systems with Applications 38, 13274 13283
  32. Zhijie Zhang, Dongmei Chen, Wenbao Liu, Jeffrey S. Racine, SengHuat Ong, Yue Chen, Genming Zhao, Qingwu Jiang 2011 Nonparametric Evaluation of Dynamic Disease Risk: A Spatio-Temporal Kernel Approach PLoSONE 6(3): e17381. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017381
  33. Ng, C. M. Ong,S.H. Srivastava, H.M. (2010). A Bivariate Negative Binomial Distribution with Different Index Parameters in the Marginals. Applied Maths. and Computation 217 (2010) 3069 3087
  34. Ong, S.H., Mukerjee, R. 2010. Data-dependent probability matching priors of the second order. Statistics, 44, 291 - 302
  35. Sim S. Z. and Ong, S. H. (2010) Parameter estimation for discrete distributions by generalized Hellinger type divergence based on probability generating function, Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation 39: 2, 305 314
  36. Ong,S.H., Shimizu, K. 2009. A discrete distribution arising as a solution of a linear difference equation: A generalization of the non-central negative binomial distribution. Communications in Statistics, 38: 927-938
  37. Kazuki Aoyama, K. Shimizu, S.H. Ong (2008). A first passage time random walk distribution with five transition probabilities: a generalization of the shifted inverse trinomial, Annals Inst. Stat. Math., 60, 1-20
  38. Ong S.H., Mukerjee, R. 2008. Interval Estimation of the Population Mean under Model Uncertainty: Robust Versus Empirical Statistics. J. Statistical Planning and Inference. 138: 3696-3704
  39. P.L. Gupta, R.C. Gupta, S.H. Ong and H.M. Srivastava (2008). A class of Hurwitz-Lerch-Zeta distribution and their applications in reliability. Applied Maths. and Computation, 196,521-531
  40. S.H. Ong and Lee W.J. (2008) Computer generation of negative binomial variates by envelope rejection, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52, 4175- 4183
  41. Zhang, Z. , S. H.Ong, W. Peng, Y. Zhou, J. Zhuang, G. Zhao, Q. Jiang (2008) A model for the prediction of Oncomelania hupensis in the lake and marshland regions, China. Parasitology International, 57, 121-131
  42. Zhang, Z. J., Ong, S. H., Lynn, H. S., Peng, W. X., Zhou, Y. B., Zhao, G. M., et al. (2008). Generalized negative binomial distribution: a promising statistical distribution for Oncomelania hupensis in the lake- and marsh-land regions of China. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 102(6), 541-552.
  43. Khang, T.F. and Ong S.H. (2007) A New Generalization of the Logarithmic Distribution Arising from the Inverse Trinomial Distribution, Communications in Statistics, Theory & Methods, 36, 3-21
  44. P.T. Yap, P. Raveendran, S.H. Ong (2007) Image Analysis using Hahn Moments, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29, 2057- 2062
  45. S.H. Ong, K. Shimizu, Choung Min Ng (2007) A Class of Discrete Distributions Arising from Difference of Two Random Variables, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 52/3 pp 1490-1499
  46. Gupta, R. C., S.H. Ong, (2005) Analysis of Long- tailed Count Data by Poisson Mixtures, Communications in Statistics , 34, issue 3, 557-574.
  47. Masashi Kitano, Kunio Shimizu, S.H. Ong (2005). The generalized Charlier series distribution as a claim number distribution with two-step recursion. Statistics & Probability Letters, 75, 280-290
  48. Ong, S.H., Yap, B.W., Ng, K.H. and Bradley, D.A.(2005) Discriminant Analysis Involving Dependence and Censoring: Trace elemental concentrations of normal and malignant breast tissues. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics, 1, 87-91.
  49. Gupta, P.L., Gupta, R. C., Ong S.H.2004. Modeling Count Data by Random Effect Poisson Model. Sankhya, 66:548-565
  50. Gupta, R. C., S.H. Ong, (2004) A new generalization of the negative binomial distribution. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 45, Issue 2, 1 March 2004, Pages 287-300
  51. P.T. Yap, P. Raveendran, S.H. Ong (2003) Image Analysis by Krawtchouk Moments, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 12, 1367-1377
  52. Yap, B.W. and S.H. Ong (2002). The effects of nonnormality on the performance of the linear discriminant analysis for two dependent populations.J. Teknologi Maklumat dan Sains Kuantitatif , 4(1), 1-10
  53. Lee, P.A, Ong, S.H. and Srivastava, H.M.(2001) Some Integrals of the Products of Laguerre Polynomials, Internat. J. Computer Mathematics, 78, 303-321
  54. Mukundan, R., Ong, S.H. and Lee, P.A. (2001)Image Analysis by Tchebichef Moments, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ,10, 1357-1364
  55. Ong S.H. and Toh K.K. 2001. Cluster size distribution of the non-central negative binomial distribution. Commun. Statist.,Theory and Methods, 30, no. 11, 2415- 2426
  56. Lee, P.A, Ong, S.H. and Srivastava, H.M. (2000) Some generating functions for the Laguerre and related polynomials, Appl. Math. and Computation, 108, 129-138
  57. Ong S.H. (2000), On a generalization of the log-series distribution, J. Appl. Statist. Sc., 10(1), 77-88
  58. Ong S.H. and P.A. Lee (2000), Probabilistic interpretation of a transformation of Lauricella s hypergeometric function of n variables and a integral of product of Laguerre polynomials June issue, Internat. J. of Math. and Statist. Sciences, 9, 5-13
  59. Lee, P.A, Ong, S.H. and Srivastava, H.M. (1999) Probabilistic derivation of some generating functions for Laguerre polynomials Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 38, Nos. 7 and 8, pp. 21-29
  60. Ong S.H. (1999) Probabilistic Proof of a Hankel transform of Laguerre polynomials, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 336,1007-1011
  61. Ong, S.H.(1998) A note on the mixed Poisson formulation of Poisson-inverse Gaussian distribution, Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation, 27,67-78
  62. Ong, S.H., Ng, K.H. and Bradley, D.A. (1998) On a statistical method of handling data with determination limit in radioanalytical research, Rad. Phys. Chem., 51, 591-592
  63. Ng, K.H., Ong, S.H., D.A. Bradley, Looi, L.H.(1997). Discriminant analysis of normal and malignant breast tissue based upon INNA investigation of elemental distribution, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 48,105-109
  64. Ong, S.H. and Ong, E.K. (1997) A note on the generalized Lomax distribution as a lifetime model. Malaysian Journal of Science, 18, 51-53
  65. Ong, S.H.(1997) Mixed gamma distributions in reliability theory, J. Applied Statist. Science, 6, 189-203
  66. Ong, S.H.(1996).On a class of discrete distributions arising from the birth-death-with immigration process, Metrika, 43, 221-235
  67. Ong, S.H.(1996).On the computer generation of bivariate binomial variates by mixture,Malaysian Journal of Science,15
  68. Ong, S.H and Muthaloo,S.1995. A class of discrete distributions suited to fitting very long-tailed data. Communications in Statistics, Simulation and Computation, 24, 929-945
  69. Ong, S.H.(1995). Computation of bivariate gamma and inverted beta distribution functions. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 51, 153-163
  70. Ong, S.H.(1995). Computation of probabilities of a generalized log-series and related distributions. Commun. Statist.,Theory and Methods, 24, 253-271
  71. Ong, S.H.(1995). Some stochastic models leading to the convolution of two binomial variables. Statistics and Probability Letters, 22, 161-166
  72. Ong, S.H.1995. Characterization of the negative binomial and gamma distributions. Biom. J., 37, 251- 254
  73. Raveendran, P., Omatsu, S., Ong, S.H.(1994).Neuro-pattern classification using Zernike moments and its reduced set of features. Intelligent Systems Engineering, 3, 230-235
  74. Goh, S.H., C.H.Chua,S.H.Ong et al (1993). Cuticular hydrocarbons from two species of Malaysian Bactrocera fruit flies. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 21(2),215-226.
  75. Ong, S.H.(1993). Canonical expansions, correlation structure and conditional distributions of bivariate distributions generated by mixtures. Commun. Statist.-Theor. & Method, 22, no.9, 2527-2547.
  76. Ong, S.H. and Lee P.A.(1992). Orthogonal polynomials of a class discrete distributions with application. Sankhya B, 54, 170-183.
  77. Ong, S.H.(1992). The computer generation of bivariate binomial variables with given marginals and correlation. Commun. Statist.-Simul.& Comput.,21, 285-299.
  78. Ong, S.H.(1990). Mixture formulations of a bivariate negative binomial distribution with applications. Commun. Statist.-Theor. & Method, 12, 1303-1322.
  79. Ong, S.H.(1988). A discrete Charlier series distribution. Biom. J.,30,1003-1009.
  80. Ong, S.H.(1987). Some notes on the non-central negative binomial distribution. Metrika,34, 225-236.
  81. Lee, P.A. and Ong S.H. (1986). The bivariate non- central negative binomial distributions. Metrika, 33,1- 28.
  82. Lee, P.A. and Ong S.H.(1986). Higher-order and non-stationary properties of Lampard's stochastic reversible counter system. Statistics, 17, 261-278.
  83. Ong, S.H. and Lee P.A.(1986). Bivariate non-central negative binomial distribution: Another generalization. Metrika, 33, 29-46.
  84. Ong, S.H. and Lee P.A.(1986). On a generalized non- central negative binomial distribution. Commun. Statist.-Theor. & Method, 15, 1065-1079. (Special Issue)
  85. Ong, S.H. and Lee P.A.(1985). On the bivariate negative binomial distribution of Mitchell and Paulson. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 32, 457- 465.
  86. Ong, S.H. and Lee P.A.(1979). The non-central negative binomial distribution. Biom. J.,21, 611-628.
  1. Ong, S.H. and Ng C.M., Contagious Distributions International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science 2011, Part 3, 290-291, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04898- 2_185
Article in Proceeding
  1. Ong, S.H., P.L. Gupta & R.C. Gupta (2007) A study of Hurwitz-Lerch-Zeta distribution and its applications. 56th ISI Session, Lisboa, 22-29 August 2007
  2. Khang, T.F. and Ong, S.H. (2005). A New Generalization of the Logarithmic Distribution, 55th ISI Session, Sydney, 5-12 April 2005
  3. Gupta, P.L., Gupta, R. C., S.H. Ong, (2003) Modeling Count Data by Random Effect Poisson Model, Bulletin of the ISI, p. 447-448, 54th ISI Session, Berlin, 13-20 August 2003
  4. Ong, S.H. and K. Shimizu, A Class of Discrete Distributions Expressed as Difference of Two Random Variables, Bulletin of the ISI, p. 194-195, 54th ISI Session, Berlin, 13-20 August 2003
  5. Yap, P.T., Raveendran P., & Ong, S. H., (2002). Krawtchouk Moments as a New Set of Discrete Orthogonal Moments for Image Reconstruction, Joint Conferences on Neural Network (IJCNN 2002), 908-912, Joint Conferences on Neural Network (IJCNN 2002), May, Hawaii, U.S.A,
  6. Mukundan, R., Ong, S.H., Lee, P.A. (2001) Discrete vs. Continuous Orthogonal Moments for Image Analysis. Las Vegas, USA: International Conference on Imaging Systems, Science and Technology CISST'2001, July, 2001. 23-29.
  7. Yap, P.T., P. Raveendran, S.H. Ong (2001)Chebyshev moments as a new set of moments for image reconstruction, Neural Networks, 2001, Proceedings IJCNN '01. International Joint Conference , vol.4, pp. 2856-2860
  8. Mukundan, R., Ong, S.H., Lee, P.A. (2000) Discrete Orthognal Moment Features Using Chebyshev Polynomials. New Zealand: International Conference on Image and Vision Computing - IVCNZ'00, 27-29, November 2000. 20-- 25.
  9. Ong, S.H. and Yap B.W. (2000), Discriminant Analysis Involving Censored Data, International Conference on Mathematics and it s Applications in the New Millennium, UPM, Malaysia, 18-21 July 2000, Proceedings, p. 288-297
  10. Ong, S.H., Yap, B.W., Ng, K.H. and Bradley, D.A. (1998) Discriminant analysis of breast tissue elemental concentration data with determination limits, International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics, 25th-29th October, 1998, Kuala Lumpur (Proceedings published by World Scientific, pp. 538- 542)
  11. Ong, S.H. (1997) A generalization of the log-series distribution, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute,227-228 (51st Session of the ISI, Istanbul, 18-26 August 1997)
  12. Ong, S.H. (1995) A rejection method for generating negative binomial variates by computer. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 50th Session of the ISI, Beijing, 928-929
Other Publications
  1. S.H. Ong, Generation by Mixtures of Bivariate and Multivariate Distributions With Given Marginals and Correlation, page 13-23, in Multivariate Statistical Methods (Editor: Ashis Sengupta), 2008, MacMillan - Monograph
  2. Ong, S.H., A note on the computer generation of bivariate binomial and negative binomial variables, Research Report #32/88, Department of Mathematics, University of Malaya - Technical Report
  3. Ong, S.H., A note on the approximation operator of Cheney and Sharma, Research Report #3/86, Department of Mathematics, University of Malaya. - Technical Report
  4. Ong, S.H., The non-central binomial distribution, Research Report #6/85, Department of Mathematics, University of Malaya. - Technical Report
  5. Ong, S.H., On the non-central negative binomial distribution, Research Report #7/84, Department of Mathematics, University of Malaya. - Technical Report


  • Applications of Special Functions
  • Data Mining and Statistical Data Analysis
  • Simulation and Computation
  • Discrete Distribution Theory and Mixture Modelling


  1. 2011 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Network analysis of social, technological and biological networks ( Consultant)
  2. 2012 - 2015, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    New Class of Statistical Models and Inference Techniques for Modelling and Data Analysis ( Consultant)
  3. 2013 - 2015, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Modelling dispersion and statistical inference in times series of counts ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2013 - 2015, UM
  5. 2013 - 2015, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Modelling Dispersion and Statistical Inference ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2013 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Stochastic Dynamics, Processes and Models for Dispersion ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    A Class of Absolutely Continuous Bivariate Distributions ( Consultant)
  8. 2007 - 2012, ScienceFund
    Development of mixture models and their statistical inference for applications in finance and industry ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  9. 2002 - 2012, ScienceFund
    Statistical Modelling and Application ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2007 - 2012, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Robust minimum divergence and empirical discrepancy estimation methods for mixtures and related distributions ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2010 - 2012, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Bayesian inference and Approximate Frequentist Validity for a Family of Distributions with Applications ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 2009 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Family of Distributions for Count and Regression Modelling ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2007 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)


  • Kajian Penilaian Pencapaian dan Impak Program R,D&C Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (Mosti) Di Bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-9, KEMENTERIAN SAINS, TEKNOLOGI DAN INOVASI (MOSTI)
    01 Oct 2012 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)


  1. Inverse Trinomial Distribution: Properties and Generalizations, 13th Iranian Statistical Conference, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, August 23-25, 2016, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran (International) (23 Aug 2016 - 25 Aug 2016)
  2. Publishing papers in ISI Web of Science journals: Some tips and suggestions, i-statistics 2013 , Centre for Statistical and Decision Sciences Studies, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UiTM (National) (08 Jun 2013 - 08 Jun 2013)
  3. Developments in Statistical Modelling: A Mixture Model Perspective, 17 th National Symposium in Mathematical Sciences (National) (14 Dec 2009 - 17 Dec 2009)
  4. Data Mining: Another kind of Statistics?, National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (National) (06 Jun 2006 - 08 Jun 2006)
  5. Statistics: From Data to Science, MSTC 2004, MSTC (National) (05 Oct 2004 - 07 Oct 2004)
  1. A Family of Distributions for Modelling Dispersion in Count Data, 1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (Ecostat 2017), Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics), the network of Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFENetwork) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Business School. (International) (15 Jun 2017 - 17 Jun 2017)
  2. Construction of Bivariate Circular Distributions, Platinum Jubilee International Statistics Conference Applications of Statistics , 21-23 December, Calcutta University, India, Calcutta University (International) (21 Dec 2016 - 23 Dec 2016)
  3. Further probabilistic properties of the non-central negative binomial distribution, The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference, 9-11 August 2016, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Invited session "Statistical Distribution Theory with Applications", Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (International) (09 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016)
  4. Discrete Distribution Theory, Mixture Modelling, related Statistical Inference and Analysis, First International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, Korea University, Seoul, Department of Mathematics, Korea University (International) (27 Aug 2015 - 29 Aug 2015)
  5. Monte Carlo Simulation: A Primer. , Computational Mathematics and Statistics 2008 (Seminar Series),, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (University) (21 May 2008 - 23 May 2008)
  6. A discrete distribution arising as a solution of a linear difference equation: extension of the non-central negative binomial distribution, International Conference Multiple Decision Theory, Statistical Inference and Applications (International) (28 Dec 2007 - 30 Dec 2007)
  7. Generation by Mixtures of Bivariate and Multivariate Distributions With Given Marginals and Correlation, Workshop on Multivariate Statistical Methods with Emerging Applications, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India (International) (23 Dec 2006 - 27 Dec 2006)
  8. Testing for symmetry in two correlated count variables based on zero-adjusted difference, International Conference on the "FUTURE OF STATISTICAL THEORY, PRACTICE AND EDUCATION ", Professor C.R. Rao (International) (29 Dec 2004 - 01 Jan 2005)
  1. Bivariate Circular Distributions based on Sarmanov-Lee Family of Distributions, World Statistics Congress 2017, International Statistical Institute (ISI), High Commission for Planning (HCP), Morocco (International) (16 Jul 2017 - 21 Jul 2017)
  2. Statistical Inference by Hellinger Type Distance based on probability generating function, The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference, 9-11 August 2016, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Institute of Statistical Mathematics-Tokyo-UM Joint Session, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (International) (09 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016)
  3. A family of mixed INAR(1) time series model with applications, The 24th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Haikou, Hainan, China, Hainan Normal University Haikou,Hainan,China  (International) (25 May 2015 - 28 May 2015)
  4. Parameter estimation for the wrapped stable distributions based on the empirical characteristic function, IASSL International Statistics Conference, University of Louisville & Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka (International) (28 Dec 2014 - 30 Dec 2014)
  5. Log-concave distributions: statistical analysis and modelling, 22nd National Symposium in Mathematical Sciences 2014, , Institute of Mathematical Sciences,University of Malaya (National) (24 Nov 2014 - 26 Nov 2014)
  6. Statistical Analysis of Discrete Data with COM- Poisson and other families of distributions, ISI Regional Statistics Conference 2014, Bank Negara Malaysia, International Statistical Institute (International) (16 Nov 2014 - 19 Nov 2014)
  7. Computation of probabilities in count data models, SKism VIII 2014, Institute of statistics Malaysia; Mathematics Department,Universiti Putra Malaysia  (National) (11 Feb 2014 - 11 Feb 2014)
  8. Properties and mixed Poisson formulation of the inverse trinomial distribution, Advances and Applications in Distribution Theory, Institute of Statistical Mathematics (International) (14 Jan 2014 - 14 Jan 2014)
  9. Research Writing for Publication in Web of Science ISI journals, Workshop on Writing and Communication in Research, 19-20 November 2013, Bank Negara Malaysia,Department of Statistics Malaysia and Malaysia Institute of Statistics, in collaboration with the International Statistical Institute (International) (19 Nov 2013 - 20 Nov 2013)
  10. Generalized Inverse Trinomial Distribution as a Statistical Model for Dispersion, The 6th ASEAN-China Conference of Mathematics, Guizhou University, Ministry of Education of China and the People s Government of Guizhou Province, China (International) (16 Sep 2013 - 18 Sep 2013)
  11. How to do theoretical research in statistical sciences, Bengkel Penyelidikan Forecating Volatility, RIMC, Universiti Utara Malaysia (University) (22 Mar 2013 - 22 Mar 2013)
  12. Non-exponential Duration and Planar Random Walk Distributions for Modelling Dispersion , 8th Mathematical and Physical Sciences Graduate Congress, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (International) (08 Dec 2012 - 10 Dec 2012)
  13. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS FOR THE INVERSE TRINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION, 1st ISM INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CONFERENCE 2012 Persada Johor, Johor Bahru, Malaysia , Institute of Statistics Malaysia & University of Technology Malaysia (International) (04 Sep 2012 - 06 Sep 2012)
  14. Bivariate Cardioid Distributions, International Conference on Advances in Probability and Statistics Theory and Applications: A Celebration of N. Balakrishnan s 30 years of Contributions to Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (International) (28 Dec 2011 - 31 Dec 2011)
  15. Statistical Modelling: Mixture Models and their Applications, Seminar Matematik 2011, Program Matematik dengan Ekonomi, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jabatan Matematik dengan Ekonomi, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (National) (01 Jul 2011 - 01 Jul 2011)
  16. Count Distributions for Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models with Application to Financial Data, 2nd IIMA Conference, Ahmedabad , India, 8-9 January 2011 (Invited speaker), Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad  (International) (08 Jan 2011 - 09 Jan 2011)
  17. Bivariate Cardioid Distributions and Tests of Isotropy and Independence, 2nd IIMA Conference, Ahmedabad , India, , Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (International) (08 Jan 2011 - 09 Jan 2011)
  18. Formulation of Bivariate and Multivariate Circular Distributions by Mixtures, , Multivariate Distributions and Applications, (7th MDA), Maresias, Brazil, , Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of S Paulo, (International) (08 Aug 2010 - 13 Aug 2010)
  19. Properties and Application of the Inverse Trinomial Distribution. , International Conference on Statistical Methodologies and Related Topics, Massey University, New Zealand, Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University, New Zealand (International) (29 Jun 2010 - 01 Jul 2010)
  20. Families of Multivariate Distributions for Empirical Modelling. , National Conference on Asymmetric distributions, Keio University, Yagami Campus (Faculty of Science and Technology), Nov 25 to 27, 2009. (Invited speaker) , Department of Mathematics, Keio University (International) (25 Nov 2009 - 27 Nov 2009)
  21. Families of Multivariate Distributions for Empirical Modelling , National Conference on Asymmetric distributions, , Keio University (Others) (25 Nov 2009 - 27 Nov 2009)
  22. Classification for two correlated normal populations: Distribution of quadratic discriminant statistic and some Monte Carlo studies, An International Conference on "Multivariate Statistical Methods in the 21st Century: The Legacy of Prof. S.N. Roy", Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India (International) (28 Dec 2006 - 29 Dec 2006)
  23. Modelling of Count Data by Mixtures, MSTC 2003, MSTC (National) (23 Sep 2003 - 25 Sep 2003)
  24. Cluster size distribution and some properties of the non-central negative binomial distribution, International Conference on Statistics in the 21st Century, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, USA (International) (29 Jun 2000 - 01 Jul 2000)
  25. A discrete distribution arising as a solution of a linear difference equation, International Conference on Statist. Inference, Combinatorics and Related Areas, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi India (International) (18 Dec 1997 - 21 Dec 1997)
  1. Distributions and Models in Directional Statistics, Special Topic Session STS828, International Statistical Institute (ISI), High Commission for Planning (HCP), Morocco (International) (16 Jul 2017 - 21 Jul 2017)
  2. Statistical Models with Applications (Organised Invited Session-EO296), 1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (Ecostat 2017), Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics), the network of Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFENetwork) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Business School (International) (15 Jun 2017 - 17 Jun 2017)
  1. Parameter estimation for discrete distributions based on probability generating functions , The Fourth Mathematics and Physical Science Graduate Conference , Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore (Others) (17 Dec 2008 - 19 Dec 2008)
  2. A class of discrete distributions arising from difference of two random variables, The Second Mathematics and Physical Science Graduate Conference, , Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore (Others) (11 Dec 2006 - 13 Dec 2006)
  3. Zero-inflated inverse trinomial distribution for modeling count data, 2nd IMT-GT 2006 Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications , Universiti Sains Malaysia (Others) (13 Jun 2006 - 15 Jun 2006)
  4. Bootstrap confidence intervals and parameter estimation for a class of discrete distributions with cubic variance functions, International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computation , Universiti Brunei Darussalam (International) (05 Jun 2006 - 08 Jun 2006)
  1. Modelling and analysis of data disclosure risk by the inverse trinomial distribution, The Second Mathematics and Physical Science Graduate Conference , Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore (Others) (11 Dec 2006 - 13 Dec 2006)
  2. Discriminant analysis of paired data with determination limit, School on Modern Statistical Methods in Medical Research, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (International) (06 Sep 1999 - 24 Sep 1999)
  1. Statistical analysis for distribution of a random walk on the plane, 60th World Statistics Congress, ISI 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, International Statistical Institute (International) (26 Jul 2015 - 31 Jul 2015)
  2. A Multivariate Distribution with Gamma-Convolution as Marginals and Some Applications , 5th Asian Mathematics Conference (International) (22 Jun 2009 - 26 Jun 2009)
  3. Generation of approximate gamma samples by partial rejection, IASC 2008 (International) (05 Dec 2008 - 08 Dec 2008)
  4. A study of Hurwitz-Lerch-Zeta distribution and its applications , 56th ISI Session (International) (22 Aug 2007 - 29 Aug 2007)
  5. Ong, S.H. (2006) Analysis of Results: Statistical Analysis in Scientific Research,, Workshop on Conducting your research and writing your thesis , IPS, University of Malaya (University) (20 Apr 2006 - 20 Apr 2006)
  6. A New Generalization of the Logarithmic Distribution, 55th ISI Session (International) (05 Apr 2005 - 12 Apr 2005)
  7. Modeling Count Data by Random Effect Poisson Model, 54th ISI Session (International) (13 Aug 2003 - 20 Aug 2003)
  8. A Class of Discrete Distributions Expressed as Difference of Two Random Variables, 54th ISI Session  (International) (13 Aug 2003 - 20 Aug 2003)
  9. A new generalization of the negative binomial distribution, 53rd Session of the ISI (International) (22 Aug 2001 - 29 Aug 2001)
  10. Self-decomposability, limiting behaviour and other properties of a Laguerre series distribution, International Conference and Workshop on recent developments in statistics and their applications,  (International) (26 Jun 2001 - 30 Jun 2001)
  11. Discriminant Analysis Involving Censored Data, International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in the New Millennium , UPM (International) (18 Jul 2000 - 21 Jul 2000)
  12. Ng, K.H., Ong S.H. et al (2000), Hard copy versus soft copy reading of chest radiographs, , 23rd Malaysian Radiological Society Scientific Meeting, 2-4 June 2000, Malaysian Radiological Society  (National) (02 Jun 2000 - 04 Jun 2000)
  13. An extension of a bivariate non-central negative binomial distribution, Third ARS Conference on Statistical Computing, Asian Regional Section, International Association of Statistical Computing (International) (02 Dec 1998 - 04 Dec 1998)
  14. Discriminant analysis of breast tissue elemental concentration data with determination limits, International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics (International) (25 Oct 1998 - 29 Oct 1998)
  15. Ong, S.H. and Yap, B.W.(1997) Discriminant analysis using SAS , 11th Annual SUM Conference, SAS Malaysia (National) (10 Sep 1997 - 10 Sep 1997)
  16. A generalization of the log-series distribution, 51st Session of the International Statistical Institute , International Statistical Institute  (International) (18 Aug 1997 - 26 Aug 1997)
  17. An approximate method for generating negative binomial variates, National Symposium on Science and Mathematics, ITM, 3-5 December, 1996, ITM, Shah Alam (National) (03 Dec 1996 - 05 Dec 1996)
  18. A rejection method for generating negative binomial variates by computer, 50th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Beijing, International Statistical Institute (International) (21 Aug 1995 - 29 Aug 1995)
  19. The computation of probability distribution and distribution function by mixture formulation, Sixth National Symposium on Science and Mathematics , Dept. of Mathematics, University of Malaya  (National) (03 May 1994 - 05 May 1994)
  20. Latent structure models and diagonal expansion of bivariate distributions, Third Franco-SEA Mathematics Conference, Department of Msthematics, University of Malaya (International) (21 May 1985 - 23 May 1985)
  21. Bivariate generalisations of the non-central negative binomial distribution with applications, Third South-east Asian Seminar on Statistics, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore (Others) (05 Nov 1980 - 06 Nov 1980)
  1. Generating Function based Estimation for Circular Distributions, The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (International) (09 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016)
  2. Count Distribution for Mixture of Two Exponentials as Renewal Process Duration with Applications, Innovations Through Mathematical And Statistical Research: 2nd International Conference On Mathematical Sciences And Statistics (Icmss2016), 26-28 Jan 2016, UPM, Universiti Putra Malaysia (International) (26 Jan 2016 - 28 Jan 2016)
  3. A Goodness-of-fit based on an Information Matrix Identity. , 6th IMT-GT International Conferences on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications (ICMSA 2010), UTAR (International) (03 Nov 2010 - 04 Nov 2010)
  4. A New Generalized Logarithmic Distribution with Applications in Ecology, International Statistics Conference, Statistics in the Technological Age , Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (International) (28 Dec 2005 - 31 Dec 2005)
  5. Computer Generation of Negaive Binomial Variates by mixed Poisson Envelope Rejection , International Statistics Conference, Statistics in the Technological Age (International) (28 Dec 2005 - 31 Dec 2005)
  6. Model fitting and inference for a class of discrete distributions with cubic variance functions , International Statistics Conference , Statistics in the Technological Age, , Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (International) (28 Dec 2005 - 31 Dec 2005)
  7. Laguerre Distributions And Lagrange Probability Distributions, International Statistics Conference, Statistics in the Technological Age , Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya (International) (28 Dec 2005 - 31 Dec 2005)
  8. Krawtchouk Moments as a New Set of Discrete Orthogonal Moments for Image Reconstruction, Int l Joint Conf Neural Network (IJCNN 2002) (International) (10 May 2002 - 15 May 2002)
  9. Chebyshev moments as a new set of moments for image reconstruction, Int l Joint Conf Neural Network (IJCNN 2001) (International) (14 Jul 2001 - 19 Jul 2001)
  10. Discrete vs. Continuous Orthogonal Moments for Image Analysis. , Int. Conf. on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology (International) (25 Jun 2001 - 28 Jun 2001)
  11. Discrete orthogonal moment features using Tchebichef polynomials, International Conference on Vision and Image Computing New Zealand 2000 (International) (27 Nov 2000 - 29 Nov 2000)
  12. Cuticular hydrocarbons of some Malaysian Bactrocera fruit flies, Symposium on Tropical Fruit Flies, Kuala Lumpur (International) (10 May 1992 - 12 May 1992)


  1. (2016) "Geometric-Zero Truncated Poisson Distribution: Properties and Applications" for journal Statistics, (Reviewer)
  2. (2016) "Note on the singularity of the Poisson-gamma model Journal", Statistics and Probability Letters, (Reviewer)
  3. (2016) Generalized Exponential Truncated Negative Binomial Distribution" for American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, (Reviewer)
  4. (2016) "Circular circular regression model with a spike at zero" for Statistics in Medicine, (Reviewer)
  5. (2016) The Ristic Balakrishnan-G Family of Distributions: Mathematical Properties and Applications , Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, (Reviewer)
  6. (2016) "A new generalization of the half normal distribution: Properties and applications" for Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, (Reviewer)
  7. (2016) Reviewer of project proposals, (Reviewer)
  8. (2016) Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik Ke23 (SKSM23), AIP Conference Proceeding, (Reviewer)
  9. (2016) On a Mixture of Normal and Generalized Skew Normal Distributions, (Reviewer)
  11. (2015) A Bivariate Generalized Geometric Distribution with Applications, (Reviewer)
  12. (2015) A Two-parameter General Inflated Poisson Distribution: Properties and Applications , (Reviewer)
  13. (2015) The Two Ignored Components of Random Variation , (Reviewer)
  14. (2015) Multivariate zero-truncated/adjusted Charlier series distributions with applications , (Reviewer)
  15. (2015) Multiple Circular Regression GSCS-2015-0352, (Reviewer)
  16. (2015) ICSSBE 2015, 2nd International Conference on Statistics in Science, Business and Engineering, Malaysia, Putrajaya, 2 - 3 September 2015 , (Reviewer)
  17. (2014) Review of Generalized binomial distribution in photon statistics Manuscript Number: CEJP-D-14-00092 R1 , (Reviewer)
  18. (2014) Review paper An alternative to the logarithmic-with-zeros distribution and its generalization: Properties and estimation South African Statistics journal, (Reviewer)
  19. (2014) Review paper New proofs of some q-summation and q-transformation formulas MS No: 940358, (Reviewer)
  20. (2014) Review of the paper Multinomial Difference Distribution with Application in Traffic Accidents Manuscript Number: V372R04, (Reviewer)
  21. (2014) A New Class of Zero-Inflated Logarithmic Series Distribution MS#013-25 Journal of Iranian Statistical Society (JIRSS). , (Reviewer)
  22. (2014) Review paper Angle estimation using discrete orthogonal moments for automated visual inspection Manuscript Number: JEI-4084L , (Reviewer)
  23. (2014) Review paper Independent Screening in High Dimensional Exponential Family Predictors' Space for Journal of Applied Statistics. , (Reviewer)
  24. (2014) Review paper Likelihood inference for cluster binary data without any information about the joint distributions Manuscript Number: LSTA-2013-0388 , (Reviewer)
  25. (2014) Review of A generalized Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution which includes the negative binomial distribution Manuscript Number: AMC-D-13-01157 , (Reviewer)
  26. (2014) Review paper On the Distribution Theory of Over-Dispersion Manuscript Number: 1777965990122635, Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications , (Reviewer)
  27. (2014) Review paper A new Weibull-Pareto distribution Manuscript Number: LSTA-2013-0907 , (Reviewer)
  28. (2014) An alternative to the logarithmic-with-zeros distribution and its generalization: Properties and estimation South Africa Journal of Statistics , (Reviewer)
  29. (2014) Review paper On some distributions arising from a generalized trivariate reduction schemeManuscript Number: STAMET-D-14-00007, Statistical Methodology , (Reviewer)
  30. (2013) Properties of Lagrangian distributions Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods , (Reviewer)
  31. (2013) Projective Synchronization between Different Fractional Order Hyperchaotic Systems with Uncertain Parameters Using Proposed Modified Adaptive Projective Synchronization Technique Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences , (Reviewer)
  32. (2013) Chaos control and function projective synchronization of fractional order systems through tracking control scheme Central European Journal of Physics, (Reviewer)
  33. (2013) 'Enhancing Accuracy of Geometric Moments through Interpolation in Moments space'IET Image Processing, (Reviewer)
  34. (2013) On recurrence relations for the GS-distribution of lower generalized order statistics Manuscript Number: 747980, International Journal of Stochastic Analysis , (Reviewer)
  35. (2013) CHAOS SYNCHRONIZATION IN FRACTIONAL ORDER SYSTEMS Candidate: Saurabh Kumar Agrawal Department of Applied Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, India, 2013 , (External Examiner)
  36. (2013) Discretization of some continuous probability distributions and their applications, Candidate: Dhrubajyoti Chakravarty , (External Examiner)
  37. (2012) A Unified Methodology for Computing Accurate Quaternion Color Moments and Moment Invariants Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision , (Reviewer)
  38. (2012) PhD thesis: A new computational method for exact Zernike moments (EZM) and its use in the design of blur index for out-of-focused images Candidate: Lim Chern Loon (KHA070029), (Internal Examiner)
  39. (2012) PhD thesis: A new discrete orthogonal polynomial system based on Tchebichef and Krawtchouk polynomials and it's applications to speech and image analysis Candidate: Wissam A. Jassim (KHA060038), (Internal Examiner)
  40. (2012) Title of paper: HOMOGENIZING STATISTICAL AND PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE: THE ISSUE OF STATISTICAL REPORTING STRATEGY Journal of Science and Technology (Pertanika), (Reviewer)
  41. (2012) A Modified Version of Logarithmic Series Distribution and Its Applications by C. SATHEESH KUMAR AND A. RIYAZ Manuscript Number: LSTA-2012-0071 Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods , (Reviewer)
  42. (2012) Size-Biased Distributions In The Generalized Beta Distribution Family Manuscript: EEST-507, (Reviewer)
  43. (2012) PhD thesis "CLASSIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF IMAGE CONTENT FOR THE FORMULATION OF IMAGE QUALITY METRIC USING ORTHOGONAL MOMENTS" Thung Kim Han (KHA070018, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya , (Internal Examiner)
  44. (2012) Title: Testing for Linear and Nonlinear Relationship in the Stock-Bond Relationship: Malaysia Evidence Candidate: Ong Sheue Li Master of Science, School of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah , (External Examiner)
  45. (2012) Co-Editor Sankhya Series B Indian Journal of Statistics , (Editor)
  46. (2011) Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision Manuscript Number: JMIV-899 Title of paper:Geometric Moments and their Invariants , (Reviewer)
  47. (2011) Candidate: Chang Yun Fah (SHB050015) PhD Title of thesis: A statistical performance indicator in some image processing problems, (Internal Examiner)
  48. (2011) External examiner, School of Arts and Science, KTAR , (External Examiner)
  49. (2011) Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Manuscript Number: JSPI-D-11-00703 Title: On the Mixed Poisson Distribution and its Application, (Reviewer)
  50. (2011) External examiner for Applied Statistics Program.Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Science University of Malaysia (USM)-2011/12, (External Examiner)
  51. (2011) Environmental and Ecological Statistics Manuscript Number: EEST-360 Title: An analysis of travel frequency using the Com-Poisson Regression model - implications for environmentally sustainable transport, (Reviewer)
  52. (2011) Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods Manuscript Number: LSTA-2011 0234 On generalized binomial and negative binomial distributions for dependent Bernoulli variables , (Reviewer)
  53. (2011) Mathematical and Computer Modelling Manuscript Number: MCM-D-10-01323 Title: Human Mortality Curves that Decelerate to a Plateau, (Reviewer)
  54. (2011) Statistics and Probability Letters Manuscript Number: STAPRO-D-11-00615 Title: An extension for the two-parameters gamma distribution , (Reviewer)
  55. (2010) Statistics and Computing Manuscript Number: STCO770 Title: Masses of negative multinomial distributions: Application to polarimetric image processing, (Reviewer)
  56. (2010) Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods Manuscript ID: LSTA-2010-0177 Discrete Gamma distributions: properties and parameter estimations, (Reviewer)
  57. (2010) Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods Manuscript ID: LSTA-2010-0095 Title: Modeling Count Change By an Extended Binomial Distribution , (Reviewer)
  58. (2010) Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference Manuscript Number: JSPI-D-10-00102 Title: A generalization of the bivariate Beta-Binomial distribution, (Reviewer)
  59. (2010) PH. D. THESIS Title: Recognition of Printed Assamese Characters using Orthogonal Moments Candidate: Sarat Saharia Tezpur University Napaam, Tezpur, 784028 Assam, India April 2010, (External Examiner)
  60. (2010) Journal: IET Image Processing Manuscript ID: IPR-2010-0164 Recursive algorithm for fast computation of Krawtchouk moment and its inverse transform, (Reviewer)
  61. (2009) Pattern Recognition Manuscript Number: PR-D-09-00348 Title: Exact Computation of Three-Dimensional Legendre Moment, (Reviewer)
  62. (2009) Associate Editor (Mathematical Sciences)Malaysian Journal of Science , (Editor)
  63. (2009) PH. D. THESIS Title: Some Problems of Outliers in Circular Data Candidate: Ali H.M. Abuzaid Institute of Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science, University of Malaya August 2009. , (Internal Examiner)
  64. (2009) Journal: Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods Manuscript ID: LSTA-2009-0248 Title: Tests for equality of inflation parameters of two-Zero Inflated Power Series Distributions , (Reviewer)
  65. (2009) Statistics and Probability Letters Manuscript Number: STAPRO-D-09-00131 Title: The negative binomial-transformed gamma distributions , (Reviewer)
  66. (2009) Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision Manuscript Number: JMIV-438 Title: Discrete Orthogonal Moments Using Two Variables Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials as Basis Functions , (Reviewer)
  67. (2008) M. Sc. Thesis Title: Statistical Method for Detection of Lung Diseases using Digital X-Ray Images Candidate: Ong Ee Ling , (Internal Examiner)
  68. (2008) PH. D. THESIS Title: Development and Analysis of Techniques to Predict Substance Concentration using Non-invasive Methods Candidate: Soh Chit Siang Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya October 2008. , (Internal Examiner)
  69. (2008) Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Manuscript Number: CSDA-D-08-00529 Title: Bivariate Negative Binomial Regression Model with Different Dispersions, (Reviewer)
  70. (2008) Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Manuscript Number: CSDA-D-08-00835 Title: Generating Inverse Gaussian Random Variates by Approximation, (Reviewer)
  71. (2007) Title: A Comparative Analysis of Orthogonal Moments for Face Recognition PhD thesis Candidate: Nor Aini binti Abd Jalil Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya May 2007 , (Internal Examiner)
  72. (2007) Title: Moment Based Feature Descriptors for Image Quality Variations and their Fast Computations PhD thesis Candidate: Wee Chong Yaw Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya March 2007 , (Internal Examiner)
  73. (2007) International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Manuscript Number: IJPRAI-D-07-00159 Title: Fast Computation of Geometric Moments and Invariants Using Schlick's Approximation, (Reviewer)
  74. (2007) Journal: Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods Manuscript ID: LSTA-2007-0020 Title: THE 3F2 WITH COMPLEX PARAMETERS AS GENERATING FUNCTION OF DISCRETE DISTRIBUTIONS , (Reviewer)
  75. (2006) International Statistics Conference, Statistics in the Technological Age Gupta, Ramesh and Ong, S. H.(2008)Preface,Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,37:11,1687 , (Editor)
  76. (2005) Consultant Statistician, Editorial Board Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal, (Editor)
  77. (2005) M. Eng Sc. THESIS Title: Data Compression of ECG Signals Using Orthogonal Moments Candidate: Kwan Ban Hoe Department of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya 2005, (Internal Examiner)
  78. (2004) PhD thesis Title: Classification with unbalanced training sample from correlated populations Candidate: Subhadip Bandyopadhyay Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 2004 , (External Examiner)
  79. (2003) PH. D. THESIS Title: The Formulation of a New Class of Continuous Orthogonal Moment Invariants, and the Analysis of their Computational Aspects Candidate: Chong Chee Way Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya June 2003, (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2016) International Scientific Committee, International Conference on Soft Computing in Data Science, UiTM
  2. (2015) Evaluation of Project Applications for Fundamental Research Grant Scheme Phase1/2015, Ministry of Education/ University of Malaya
  3. (2000) Mathematical construction of Yield Prediction Model, Intel Technology, Penang
  4. (2000) Problems in Accelerated Life Testing, Medical Latex (Dua), Senai, Johore
  5. (2000) Panel Member, Curriculum Restructuring for Mathematics Additional Mathematics, Curriculum Development Centre (Ministry of Education)
  6. (1999) Process capability study of some glue bonding machines , Siemens, Malacca
  7. (1994) Panel member, evaluation of STPM exam questions Setter of Statistics exam questions, Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia (MPM)


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  4. (2014) Statistical inference and modeling for a class of stochastic and time series processes with applications, Samira Ehsani Farimani
  5. (2014) Modelling Of Dispersion And Study Of Related Problems For Time Series Of Counts With Applications, Fo Kee Wah
  6. (2013) Mathematical modelling of powder flow, Ainnur Marlyana (M0100401)
  7. (2010) Bayesian Inference And Matching Priors For A Family Of Distributions, Dharini Pathmanathan
  8. (2010) Analysis of Time Series of Counts, Khoo Wooi Chen
  9. (2009) Statistical Modelling And Inference For Zero Inflation Under And Over Dispersion, Low Yeh Ching
  11. (2006) Statistical Modelling and Inference for Class of Bivariate and Related Distributions, Ng Choung Min
  12. (2006) A Distribution Arising from a Random Walk on the Plane, Sim Shin Zhu
  13. (2005) Mixture Model Clustering for very Large Data Sets, Leong Siow Hoo
  14. (2004) Statistical inference for a family of discrete distributions with cubic variance functions, Phang Yook Ngor
  15. (2003) Statistical inference for discrete distributions under parameter orthogonality and model misspecification, Chua Kuan Chin
  16. (2003) Formulation of invariants for discrete orthogonal moments and image classification, Pee Chih Yang
  17. (1999) Computer Generation and Computation of Mixed Poisson and Related Distributions, Lee Wen Jau
  3. (2013) Count Distribution for Non-Exponential Duration Dependence, Parvin Dehghani (SGD120009)
  4. (2011) Credit Scoring Models, Lee Lip Seong
  5. (2011) Application of Survival Analysis in Behavioural Scoring for Financial Credit Analysis, Ho Sook May
  6. (2010) Zero-inflated non-central negative binomial models, Wong Shiau San
  7. (2009) Analysis of Ultra High Frequency Financial Data, Chew Chun Hsien
  9. (2005) Statistical Modelling and Analysis of Data Disclosure Risk, Sim Shin Zhu
  10. (2005) Clustering by finite mixtures of generalized Poisson distributions, Ranusha Rajakrishnan
  11. (2005) A Generalization of the Exponential Distribution, Lo Mee San
  12. (2004) Statistical inference for the difference of two discrete random variables, Ng Choung Min
  13. (2004) Cluster Analysis by a Finite Mixture Model of Skewed Normal Distributions, Ho Sook Yan
  14. (2002) Partial Least Squares Regression and Application to the Analysis of GeneticEnvironment Interactions in Oil Palm, Gan Huang Huang
  15. (2002) Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Generalized Gamma Distribution, Chua Kuan Chin
  16. (2002) A new generalization of the logarithmic distribution, Khang Tsung Fei
  17. (1997) Statistical estimation for a class of contagious distributions, Phang Yook Ngor
Under Graduate Students
  1. (2009) SJES3492 Industrial Training
  2. (2008) SJES3491 Industrial Training
  3. (2007) SJES3491 Industrial Training
  4. (2005) SJES3488 Projek Sains Matematik
  5. (2003) SJES3488 Projek Sains Matematik
  6. (2000) SJES3491 Industrial Training
  7. (2000) SJES3489 Projek Sains Matematik
  8. (1998) SJES3491 Industrial Training


  1. (2012) SJGM6151 - Probability Theory
  2. (2012) SJGS6252 - Applied Probability Theory
  3. (2011) SJGM6151 - Probability Theory
  4. (2009) SJGS6252 - Applied Probability Theory
  5. (2007) SJGS6252 - Applied Probability Theory
  6. (2006) SJGS6252 - Applied Probability Theory
  7. (2005) SJGS6252 - Applied Probability Theory
  8. (2004) SJGS6252 - Applied Probability Theory
  9. (2004) SJGS6466 - Life Data Analysis
  10. (2002) SJGS2466 - Life Data Analysis
  1. (2012) SJES3453 - Monte Carlo Simulation Method
  2. (2011) SJES3453 - Monte Carlo Simulation Method
  3. (2010) SJES3453 - Monte Carlo Simulation Method
  4. (2009) SJES3450 - Applied Stochastic Processes
  5. (2009) SJES3453 - Monte Carlo Simulation Method
  6. (2008) SJES3453 - Monte Carlo Simulation Method
  7. (2007) SJES2450 - Stochastic Processes
  8. (2007) SJES3453 - Monte Carlo Simulation Method
  9. (2006) SJES2450 - Stochastic Processes
  10. (2005) SJES2450 - Stochastic Processes
  11. (2005) SJES3453 - Monte Carlo Simulation Method
  12. (2005) SJES3453 - Monte Carlo Simulation Method
  13. (2004) SJES3455 - Further Mathematical Statistics


  • Member, Scientific Program Committee of The 2018 Ims-Asia Pacific Rim Meeting in Singapore, (28 Sep 2016 - 30 Jun 2018)
  • Advisor, Ism3 International Statistics Conference 2016, (09 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016)
  • Co-Ordinator and Organiser,Big Data Analytics and Applications 25 October 2016, High Impact Research (Hir) Auditorium, University of Malaya, (01 Jul 2016 - 25 Oct 2016)
  • Presentation On Current Trends of National Research in Physics, Mathematics and Earth Sciences, (13 Apr 2013 - 13 Apr 2013)
  • Jawatankuasa Tatatertib Pelajar, (20 May 2011)
  • Fellow, Academy of Science Malaysia, (24 Apr 2010)
  • Rapporteur, National Science and Education Workshop, (02 Feb 2010 - 04 Feb 2010)