Curriculum Vitae


Senior Lecturer
  • Department of Paediatrics
    Faculty of Medicine
  • ohlixian
  • 0379496376


  • PhD, (Pediatrik)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
    Monash University, Australia


  • Programme Coordinator
    26 Oct 2023 - 24 Oct 2025 (Faculty)
  • Course Coordinator of Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) MQF7006: Ethical ISsues in Global Health and Clinical Trials
    09 Oct 2023 - 18 Jul 2024 (Dean Office, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Clinical examination Invigilator for Master of Paediatrics (conjoint programme)
    23 May 2021 - 25 May 2021 (Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Member of the Organising Committee for 8th International Mutant p53 Workshop (Lyon, France)
    15 May 2019 - 18 May 2019 (International)
  • Member of the Organising Committee for 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Paediatric Haematology-Oncology (MASPHO)
    04 Aug 2018 - 05 Aug 2018 (National)
  • Member of the Organising Committee for 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Paediatric Haematology-Oncology (MASPHO)
    05 Sep 2015 - 06 Sep 2015 (National)


    2021 to 2025 (International)
    Since 2010 (International)
    2021 to 2022 (University)
    2021 to 2022 (National)


  • Best Poster Presentation, 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Paediatric Hematology-Oncology
    2019, Malaysian Society of Paediatric Hematology-Oncology (MASPHO),  (National)
  • 11th St. Jude-Viva Forum Best Overall Poster
    2017, St. Jude-VIVA Foundation,  (International)
  • Umsc Fund C.a.R.E. Award - Short Term Training
    2016, UMSC C.A.R.E,  (University)
  • Best Overall Poster
    2016, 10th St. Jude-VIVA Forum in Paediatric Oncology,  (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Chua, Ling L.; Azanan, Mohamad S.; Oh, Lixian; Ariffin, Hany (2023). Physical Inactivity as an Early Sign of Frailty in Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY ONCOLOGY. 45(5), E560-E566. doi:10.1097/MPH.0000000000002586
  2. Oh, Lixian; Ab Rahman, Syaza; Dubinsky, Kailey; Azanan, Mohamad Shafiq; Ariffin, Hany (2023). Manipulating the Gut Microbiome as a Therapeutic Strategy to Mitigate Late Effects in Childhood Cancer Survivors, TECHNOLOGY IN CANCER RESEARCH & TREATMENT. 22. doi:10.1177/15330338221149799
  1. Azanan, MS; Chandrasekaran, S; Rosli, ES; Chua, LL; Oh, L; Chin, TF; Yap, TY; Rajagopal, R; Rajasuriar, R; MacGillivray, T; Trucco, E; Ramli, N; Kamalden, TA; Ariffin, H 2020. Retinal Vessel Analysis as a Novel Screening Tool to Identify Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Survivors at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY ONCOLOGY
  2. Oh L, Hainaut P, Blanchet S, Ariffin H. Expression of p53 N-terminal isoforms in Bcell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia and its correlation with clinicopathological profiles. BMC Cancer 2020; 20(110):1-9
  3. A.B. Karmila et al (2019). Focal Segmental Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis: A Histological variant of Denys-Drash Syndrome. Fetal and Pediatric Pathology
  4. Oh,L, Hafsi H, Hainaut P, Ariffin H. (2019). p53, stem cell biology and childhood blastomas. Current Opinion Oncology, 31: 84-91
  5. Chin TF, Ibrahim K, Thirunavakarasu T, et al. Nonclonal Chromosomal Aberrations in Childhood Leukemia Survivors. Fetal and Pediatric Pathology. 2018 Aug;37(4):243-253. DOI: 10.1080/15513815.2018.1492054.
  6. Ariffin, H., Azanan, M. S., Abd Ghafar, S. S., Oh, L., Lau, K. H., Thirunavakarasu, T., . . . Hainaut, P. (2017). Young adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia show evidence of chronic inflammation and cellular aging. Cancer, 123(21), 4207-4214.
  7. Ariffin, H., Chan, A. S., Oh, L., Abd-Ghafar, S., Ong, G. B., Mohamed, M., . . . Hainaut, P. (2015). Frequent occurrence of gastric cancer in Asian kindreds with Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Clin Genet, 88(5), 450-455.


  • Molecular genetics of childhood cancers: Role of p53 (childhood cancers, p53, tumour suppressor, genetic, stem cell biology)


  1. 2024 - 2027, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Unraveling Hifs-p53 Isoforms-cancer Stem Cell Plasticity Axis In Response To Hypoxic Reprogramming In 3d Tumourspheres Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2021 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Mechanistic Insights Into Wild-type P53 Activity In Childhood Cancers, Using In Silico Prediction And In Vitro Modelling ( Co-Researcher)
  3. 2022 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Mitigation Of Accelerated Immunologic Ageing In Childhood Cancer Survivors By Increasing Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) Bioavailability For Sirtuin 1 Through CD38 Catalytic Inhibition ( Co-Researcher)
  4. 2021 - 2024, International Funding
    Match 2021: P53 Isoforms In Childhood Cancers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2020 - 2022, MOSTI-International Collaboration Fund (ICF)
    Maspore-all 2020: Improving Risk Assignment And Treatment Outcome In Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Through Precision Medicine And Immunotherapy ( Co-Researcher)
  6. 2019 - 2021, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-HWB
    Improving Survical Quality Of Childhood Cancer Via Safer And More Effective Hla-haploidentical Haemopioetic Stem Cell Transplantatio ( Co-Researcher)
  7. 2019 - 2021, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-HWB
    Improving Survival Quality Of Childhood Cancer Via Lifestyle Modifications ( Co-Researcher)
  8. 2019 - 2020, Partnership Grant
    Immune and Cellular Therapies for Childhood Cancers ( Co-Researcher)
  9. 2017 - 2019, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - HTM (Wellness)
    Elucidating The Aetiology Of Second Cancers In Childhood Cancer Survivors ( Co-Researcher)
  10. 2017 - 2019, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - HTM (Wellness)
    P53 Isoforms As New Therapeutic Target In Childhood Cancers ( Co-Researcher)
  11. 2017 - 2019, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - HTM (Wellness)
    Personalized Thiopurine Dosing In Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (all) Using Tpmt And Nudt15 Genotype Status ( Co-Researcher)


  1. Bench - to - Bedside, Postgraduate Paediatric Intensive Course 2022: "Genetic & Metabolism, Paediatric INtensive Care & Haematology-Oncology", Department of Paediatric, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya  (National) (29 Sep 2022 - 29 Sep 2022)
  2. p53: Guardian of The Genome in Childhood Cancers, MAHSA Research Afternoon Sharing, MAHSA University  (National) (14 Jan 2022 - 14 Jan 2022)
  3. Laboratory platforms for monitoring donor chimerism post-Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation , 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Haematology, Malaysian Society of Haematology (National) (10 Sep 2020 - 12 Sep 2020)
  4. Genomic Instability in survivors of childhood cancer, Faculty of Medicine Research Week: Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Malaya (University) (10 Jul 2017 - 14 Jul 2017)
  1. In silico analysis of transcripts encoding p53 isoforms reveal alternative mechanisms of p53 inactivation in cancer, Forum de la Recherche en Canc rologie 2021, Canc rop le Lyon Auvergne Rh ne-Alpes (CLARA) (International) (29 Mar 2021 - 02 Apr 2021)
  2. Gluthathione S-transferase genotyping as a complementary investigation prior to busulfan-based conditioning in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Haematology (MSH), Malaysian Society of Haematology (MSH) (National) (10 Sep 2020 - 12 Sep 2020)
  3. Development of a Flow Cytometric Assay for Rapid Screening of Primary Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis, 24th Annual Scientific Meeting, Malaysian Society of Paediatric Haematology-Oncology (MASPHO), Malaysian Society of Paediatric Haematology-Oncology (MASPHO) (National) (03 Aug 2019 - 04 Aug 2019)
  4. Increased expression of TP53 isoforms in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Correlation with clinical profile, 8th International Mutant p53 Workshop, p53 international scientific community (International) (15 May 2019 - 18 May 2019)
  5. Retinal Vessel Analysis: A Novel Screening Tool to Identify Childhood Cancer Survivors (CCS) with Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, 13th St. Jude-VIVA Forum in Paediatric Oncology, St. Jude-VIVA (International) (02 Mar 2019 - 03 Mar 2019)
  6. Exploring the relationship between GSTT1 and GSTM1 genotype status and hepatic veno-occlusive disease in Malaysian children following busulfan-based conditioning therapy for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Paediatric Haematology-Oncology (MASPHO), Malaysian Society of Paediatric Haematology-Oncology (MASPHO) (National) (04 Aug 2018 - 05 Aug 2018)
  7. Mitigating a disaster: Management of primary graft rejection, VIVA Asia BMT Spring School, St. Jude-VIVA (International) (09 Mar 2018 - 11 Mar 2018)
  8. Delayed puberty in a girl with renal failure time to consider an alternative diagnosis, 14th Asian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology & 39th MPA Annual Congress, Asian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology and Malaysian Paediatric Association (International) (05 Oct 2017 - 07 Oct 2017)
  9. Analysis of N-terminal p53 isoforms in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, The 17th International p53 Workshop, p53 international scientific community (International) (08 Jul 2017 - 12 Jul 2017)
  10. Cardiovascular ageing in childhood cancer survivors correlates with anthracycline and radiotherapy exposure, 11th St. Jude-VIVA Forum in Paediatric Oncology, St. Jude-VIVA (International) (04 Mar 2017 - 05 Mar 2017)
  11. Young adult survivors of childhood lekaemia demonstrate evidence of genomic instability, 10th St. Jude-VIVA Forum in Paediatric Oncology, St. Jude-VIVA (International) (05 Mar 2016 - 06 Mar 2016)


  1. (2024) Assessor for Phd Candidature Defence_tay Yi Wen (Dept of Medicine), University, (Internal Examiner)
  2. (2022) Assessor for Phd Fast Track Confirmation_ Tay Yi Wen, University, (Internal Examiner)
  3. (2022) Peer Reviewer for Journal Article_revision_association of P53 Gene Polymorphisms With The Risk of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Moroccan Children, International, (Reviewer)
  4. (2022) Peer Reviewer for Journal Article_association of P53 Gene Polymorphisms With The Risk of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Moroccan Children, International, (Reviewer)
  5. (2021) Judges for Mompes 1st Scientific Symposium 2021, University, (Internal Assessor)
  6. (2021) Thesis Examiner for Biomedical Science Mic4005 Research Project_khairunnisa Nabilah Zainuddin, University, (Internal Examiner)
  7. (2021) Thesis Examiner for Biomedical Science Mic4005 Research Project_norsyamira Binti Rahimi, University, (Internal Examiner)
  8. (2021) Oral Presentation Examiner for Biomedical Science Mic4005 Research Project_khairunnisa Nabilah Zainuddin, University, (Internal Examiner)
  9. (2021) Oral Presentation Examiner for Biomedical Science Mic4005 Research Project_norsyamira Binti Rahimi, University, (Internal Examiner)
  10. (2021) Assessor for Phd Candidature Defense_gan Chai Phei (Mva180038), University, (Internal Assessor)
Contribution to event
  1. (2024) Local Organizing Committee for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Asparaginase Workshop, International, (Event Organiser)
  2. (2024) Organizing Committee for Paediatric Department Research Day, University, (Event Organiser)


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2024) A study to investigate expression of p53 and its isoforms in HepG2 cell-derived 3D tumourspheres
  2. (2022) Follow-up Long term Effects Study in Childhood Cancer Survivors (Princeton University, Princeton, N.J)
  3. (2022) GKI1001: Independent Research_The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Among University Malaya Students
  4. (2021) INDUSTRIAL TRAINING: GATA1 Mutation Screening for Down Syndrome-Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (ML-DS) Cases (Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Chemical and Bio-Engineering Technology)
Postgraduate Student
  1. (2024) Role of p53, its isoforms and post-translational modifications in childhood cancers, JAIYOGESH RAMESH PATEL


  1. (2024) MQF7006 - Ethical Issues in Global Health Research and Clinical Trials
  2. (2022) MQF7006 - Ethical Issues in Global Health Research and Clinical Trials
  3. (2021) Cme for Department of Paediatrics
  1. (2024) NA - Ummp Stage 2 - Cohort 2022 Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Block 11 Oncology & Palliative Care
  2. (2024) MIC2025 - Bioinformatics for Biomedical Science
  3. (2024) MIC1008 - Genetics and Developmental Biology
  4. (2023) NA - Ummp Stage 1 – Cohort 2021 Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Block 5 Respiratory Disease
  5. (2022) NA - Ummp Stage 1 Cohort 2021 Problem Based Learning (Pbl) Block 5 Respiratory Disease
  6. (2022) MIC1008 - Genetics and Developmental Biology
  7. (2021) MIC1008 - Genetics and Developmental Biology


  • Promoting Nutrition Education Programme and Distributing Food Aids to Parents of Young Children At Project Perumahan Rakyat (Ppr) During Covid-19 Outbreak, (20 Dec 2020 - 31 Mar 2021) (National)
  • Raise Awareness About Brain Tumours At St. Jude Booth During The 15th Asian Oceanic Congress of Child Neurology & 41st Mpa Annual Congress, (19 Sep 2019 - 22 Sep 2019) (National)