Curriculum Vitae
- Doctoral Degree (PhD), (Clinical Pharmachology)Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
- Doctoral Degree (PhD), (Clinical Pharmachology)Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
- PG Diploma in Statistics , (Statistics)Dublin University, Ireland
- MB BCh (IRELAND), (Medicine)University College of Dublin, Ireland
- BMedSciUniversity College of Dublin, Ireland
- Coordinator01 Sep 2024 - 31 Aug 2026 (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Koordinator Peringkat Pengajian 2 bagi program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perubatan dan Sarjana Muda Pembedahan01 Jul 2022 - 30 Jun 2024 (Faculty)
- Coordinator for Teaching and Learning -Problem Based Learning for the MBBS Program01 Jul 2020 - 30 Jun 2022 (Dean Office, Faculty of Medicine)
- Coordinator for Elective Course MIX300121 Jun 2018 - 30 Sep 2021 (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Tetap Jawatankuasa Etika Perubatan, Fakuti Pergigian, Universiti Malaya15 Sep 2019 - 14 Sep 2021 (University Malaya)
- Coordinator for UMMP STAGE 2 for MBBS program01 Jul 2020 - 31 Jul 2021 (Dean Office, Faculty of Medicine)
- AHLI JAWATANKUASA MODUL PBL03 Apr 2019 - 30 Jun 2020 (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Coordinator05 Apr 2018 - 30 Jun 2020 (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Coordinator05 Apr 2018 - 04 Apr 2020 (Faculty)
- Committee Member13 Jul 2015 - 07 Jul 2019 (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine)
- COORDINATOR MBBS UMMP DEPT OF PHARMACOLOGY10 Dec 2013 - 19 Apr 2018 (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Ijazah Tinggi (JKIT)15 Oct 2012 - 12 Oct 2015 (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine)
- PBL PHASE II COORDINATOR- DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY01 Jul 2011 - 01 Jul 2013 (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine)
- Silver Medal- International Learning Improvement and Teaching Enhancement Conference 20192019, Academic Enhancement and Leadership Development Centre UM, (International)
- Excellence Service Award2015, Universiti Malaya
- Best Poster Prize (Third Place)- Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Symposium, Kuala Lumpur for Poster Presentation Entitled The Role of Npy Rs16147 and Rs5574 Polymorphisms On Obesity Parameters and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Urban Malaysian Adolescents2015, Golden Helix, (International)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2014, Universiti Malaya
- Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang2014, University Malaya, (University)
- Best Paper Published in The Irish Journal of Medical Science 2011 Awarded This Prize by The Royal Academy of Medicine Ireland (Rami) for The Paper Published in The Irish Journal of Medical Science Entitled ?Hypertension in Ireland: Public Awareness and Doctors Choice of Therapy?2011, Royal Academy of Medicine Ireland, (International)
- Best Poster Presentation: Awarded This Prize At UK Drug Utilization Research Group (Ukdurg) 20th Annual General Meeting for Poster Presentation Entitled ?Prescribing of Cardiovascular Therapies in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Primary Care?2008, UK Drug Utilization Research Group, (International)
- Ucd Scholarship Award for Fifth Year of Medicine2003, University College Dublin, (University)
- Dillon Memorial Prize Awarded This Prize by National University of Ireland (University College Dublin) for Obtaining The Highest Honours in Pharmacology Subject.2002, University College Dublin, (University)
Article in Journal
- Mohd Kamarulariffin Kamarudin, Calyn Tan Jen Ai, Abqariyah Yahya, Nur Lisa Zaharan. Ethnic-Specific Mortality Patterns in Malaysian Public Hospitals: Unveiling Disparities and Opportunities for Intervention. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
- Suki, Siti Zaleha, Zuhdi, Ahmad Syadi Mahmood, Yahya, Abqariyah, Wan Ahmad Hafiz Wan Md, Zaharan, Nur Lisa. Prescribing Trends of Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors and Mortality among Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: Insights from the Malaysian National Cardiovascular Disease Registry (2024). Saudi Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences 12 (2): 145-152
- Guad, R., Taylor-Robinson, A.W., Wu, Y.S. et al. Clinical and genetic risk factors for new-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation (NODAT) in major transplant centres in Malaysia. BMC Nephrol 21, 388 (2020)
- Padmaa Venkatason, Yong Z Zubairi, Nur Lisa Zaharan, Wan Azman Wan Ahmad, Muhammad Imran Hafidz, Muhammad Dzafir Ismail, Mohd Firdaus Hadi, Nor Ashikin Md Sari, Ahmad Syadi Mahmood Zuhdi. Characteristics and short-term outcomes of young women with acute myocardial infarction in Malaysia: a retrospective analysis from the Malaysian National Cardiovascular Database registry. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030159.
- Venkatason, P., Zaharan, N.L., Ismail, M.D., .,Wan Azman, W.A, Mahmood Zuhdi, A.S. Trends and variations in the prescribing of secondary preventative cardiovascular therapies for patients with Non-ST Elevation Myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) in Malaysia. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2018 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00228-018-2451-3
- Zaharan NL, Muhamad NH, Jalaludin MY, Su TT, Mohamed Z, Mohamed MNA, Majid HA (2018) Non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms and physical activity interactions on adiposity parameters in Malaysian adolescents. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 9:209. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00209. eCollection 2018
- Rahmadhani, R., Zaharan, N. L., Mohamed, Z., Moy, F. M., & Jalaludin, M. Y. (2017). The associations between VDR BsmI polymorphisms and risk of vitamin D deficiency, obesity and insulin resistance in adolescents residing in a tropical country. PLoS One, 12(6), e0178695. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178695
- D. A. Loh, F. M. Moy, N. L. Zaharan, M. Y. Jalaludin and Z. Mohamed. 2016. Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and its associations with cardiometabolic risks among adolescents. Pediatric Obesity. doi:10.1111/ijpo.12108
- Ling JC, Mohamed MN, Jalaludin MY, Rampal S, Zaharan NL, Mohamed Z (2016).Determinants of High Fasting Insulin and Insulin Resistance Among Overweight/Obese Adolescents. Sci Rep 6:36270.
- R.M. Guad, N.L. Zaharan, Z. Chik, Z. Mohamed, B.S. Haerian, K.P. Ng, W.A.H. Wan Md Adnan. Effects of CYP3A5 Genetic Polymorphism on the Pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus in Renal Transplant Recipients. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 48(1):81-87 FEBRUARY 2016. Impact Factor: 0.98 DOI: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2016.01.001 (ISI-Cited Publication)
- Loh, D. A., Moy, F. M., Zaharan, N. L., & Mohamed, Z. (2015). Disparities in health-related quality of life among healthy adolescents in a developing country - the impact of gender, ethnicity, socio- economic status and weight status. Child Care Health Dev, 15(10). April 2015. Impact Factor: 1.83 DOI: 10.1111/cch.12252
- Zain SM, Mohamed Z, Jalaludin MY, Fauzi F, Hamidi A, Zaharan NL. Comprehensive evaluation of the neuropeptide-y gene variants in risk of obesity: A case-control study and meta-analysis. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics. 2015;25(10):501-10
- Wan Md Adnan WAH, Zaharan NL, Wong MH, Lim SK (2014) The Effects of Intermittent Fasting during the Month of Ramadan in Chronic Haemodialysis Patients in a Tropical Climate Country. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114262. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0114262
- Zaharan NL , Williams D & Bennett K. 2013. Prescribing of antidiabetic therapies in Ireland: 10-year trends 2003 2012. Ir J Med Sci DOI 10.1007/s11845-013-1011-1
- Loh DA, Moy FM, Zaharan NL, Mohamed Z (2013) Eating Behaviour among Multi-Ethnic Adolescents in a Middle- Income Country as Measured by the Self-Reported Children s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. PLoS ONE 8(12): e82885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082885
- Zaharan NL, Williams D, Bennett K 2013. Statins and Risk of Treated Incident Diabetes in a Primary Care Population. Br J Clin Pharmacol.75 (4):1118-1124
- Musleh S, Kraus S, Bennett K, Zaharan NL, 2011. Irish Medicines Board safety warnings: do they affect prescribing rates in primary care? Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 20(9):979-986
- Wan Md Adnan, WAH, Zaharan, NL, Bennett, K and Wall, CA. 2011. Trends in co-prescribing of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in Ireland. Br J Clin Pharmacol 71 (3): 458-466
- Zaharan N.L, Mahmud, A, Bennett, K, Feely, J. 2009. Hypertension in Ireland: public awareness and doctors choice of therapy. Ir J Med Sci 178(4):413-7.
Chapter in Books
- Nur Lisa Zaharan & Elsa Haniffah Mejia Mohamed (2024). Optimising the Use of Virtual Learning Space to Improve Student Engagement and Learning Outcome in Team-based Learning Module in Nur Azah Hamzaid & Zahiruddin Fitri Abu Hassan (Ed) Learning Space Stories of Success and Challenges in Teaching and Learning (pp 76-90). Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
- Zaharan, N.L and Lee, P.K.2014. Drugs and the Endocrine System. in Chan, Yoo Kuen, Ng, Kwee Peng, Sim, Debra Si Mui (Eds.)Pharmacological Basis of Acute Care, page 131-140. Springer International Publishing Switzerland
Article in Proceeding
- Mohamed, Elsa Haniffah Mejia; Zaharan, Nur Lisa. Do medical students like pre-recorded lectures? An insight from Pharmacology teaching. International Journal of Human and Health Sciences (IJHHS) S31, JAN 2023 ISSN 2523-692X
- Suki SZ, Zaharan NLZ, Zuhdi ASM, Yahya A (2023). Trends in dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) prescription for elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome: A 5-year pharmacoepidemiological study using the National Cardiovascular Disease(NCVD). 22nd ISoP Annual Meeting "Putting patients first in Pharmacovigilance: International perspectives from Global South. Drug Saf 46, 1173-1295, (Conference Proceeding)
- Nur Lisa Zaharan, Emmy Dayana Ahmada Noreena Nordin, Atiqah Tahziz and Elsa Haniffah Mejia Mohamed (2021). ENHANCING THE USE OF HANDS-ON AND VIRTUAL LEARNING TO IMPROVE PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS ENGAGEMENT IN SCIENCE, FOCUSING ON OBESITY PREVENTION MODULE. e-Proceedings Universiti Malaya Academia Community Engagement Conference (UMACE 2021), The Community and Sustainability Centre UMCares Office, Malaysia.
- Siti Zaleha Suki, Ahmad Syadi Mahmood Zuhdi, Abqariyah Yahya, Nur Lisa Zaharan (2021). Malaysian Octogenarians with acute coronary syndrome: Ten-year change in management and outcome. Malaysian Society of Pharmacology & Physiology (MSPP)- 34th Scientific Meeting 2021. Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI 1010.3389/978-2-88971-008-9
- Mac Guad, Rhanye; Wan Md Adnan, Wan Ahmad Hafiz; Raja Aziddin, Raja Elina; Mohamed, Zahurin and Zaharan, Nur Lisa.2016. Evaluation of Clinical and Genetic Risk Factors in the Development of New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus in Malaysian Post-renal Transplant Patients. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 25:S3: 483
- N.H. Muhamad, N.L. Zaharan, A. Hamidi, Z. Mohamed (2015) ADIPOQ rs266792 Polymorphisms and Obesity Related Parameters in Malaysian Adolescents Population. Public Health Genomics;18(suppl 1):1-51
- N.L. Zaharan, S.M. Zain, A. Hamidi, Z. Mohamed (2015) The Role of NPY rs16147 and rs5574 Polymorphisms on Obesity Parameters and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Urban Malaysian Adolescents Public Health Genomics;18(suppl 1):1-51
- R.M. Guad, N.L. Zaharan, Z. Chik, Z. Mohamed, B.S. Haerian, K.P. Ng, W.A.H. Wan Md Adnan (2015) Genetic Polymorphism of the Multidrug Resistance-1 in Once-Daily- versus Twice-Daily Tacrolimus Formulations. Public Health Genomics;18(suppl 1):1-51
- Adnan, WAH; Zaharan, NL. 2013. Hyponatraemia predicts 1-year mortality in stable peritoneal dialysis patients. NDT 28 (Supplement 1): 429-429
- Zaharan NL, Williams D, Bennett K (2011). Statins and new onset Diabetes in the Primary Care Population. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol; 109: 140-140
- Tisdall, A.R, Zaharan, N.L, Wash, O, Murphy, B, Peterkin, A, McDermot, J.H, Bennett, K & Sreenan,S. 2010. Assessment of relationship between patient-reported compliance with medications and cardiovascular risk factors in Type 2 diabetes. Ir J Med Sci 179 (13): 526
- Zaharan N, Bennett K (2010). Antidepressants and new onset diabetes in the Irish primary care population. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf; 19: 6: 645-649
- Rakovac, AT, Zaharan, NL, McDermott JH, Bennett K, Sreenan S (2009). Beliefs about medicines affect adherence to medications. Ir J Med Sci; 178 Suppl 10: S382-422
- Wan Md Adnan WAH, Zaharan N, Bennett K, Wall CA, Feely J (2009). Patterns of co-prescribing of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blockers in Ireland. Eur J Epidemiol; 24: (Suppl 1): 33
- Zaharan N, Bennett K, Feely J (2009). Utilization of hypoglycaemic agents in newly treated type 2 diabetes patients in Ireland. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf; 18: 1-11.
- Zaharan N, Bennett K, Feely J (2009). Variations in Cardiovascular therapies prescribing for patients with diabetes. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf; 18: 1-11.
- Zaharan N, Bennett K, Feely J. Prescribing of antidiabetes therapies in Ireland (2009). Eur J Epidemiol; 24: (Suppl 1): 245
- Zaharan N, Bennett K, Feely J (2008). Prescribing of Cardiovascular Therapies in Diabetes Mellitus patients in Primary Care. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf;17:7: 742-750
- Zaharan N, Bennett K, Feely J (2008). Prevalence and Awareness of Hypertension Among General Public in Dublin. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf; 17:7: 742-750
- Zaharan N, Bennett K, Feely J (2008). Primary preventative cardiovascular therapies for diabetes mellitus patients in Ireland. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf; 17: S1 S294.
- Zaharan N, Bennett K, Feely J. Corticosteroids Prescribing and Diabetes in Primary Care (2008). Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf; 17: S1 S294
- 2022 - 2025, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-HWBWp2: Smart Twin Block Appliance With Integrated Sensor And Targetedoral Therapeutic-delivery System For Improving Treatment Effectiveness ( Co-Researcher)
- 2014 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)The role of various Genetic Polymorphisms in Childhood Obesity ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2014 - 2014, High Impact Research (HIR)Obesity in Malaysian adolescent population: Prevalence, risk factors, complications and intervention ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- A statin a day to keep the cardiologist away: Lessons from randomized clinical trials and observational studies, Faculty of Medicine Research Week , Department of Pharmacology and Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (University) (14 May 2015 - 14 May 2015)
- Enhancing The Use Of Hands-on And Virtual Learning To Improve Primary School Students Engagement In Science, Focusing On Obesity Prevention Module, Universiti Malaya Academia Community Engagement International Conference 2021, UM Cares (International) (14 Sep 2021 - 14 Sep 2021)
- Optimising the use of virtual learning space to improve student engagement and learning outcome in Team-Based Learning (TBL) module , International Learning Improvement and Teaching Enhancement Conference 2019, Academic Enhancement and Leadership Development Centre (ADeC)- UM (International) (24 Apr 2019 - 25 Apr 2019)
- Trends in the prescribing of on-discharge secondary preventative cardiovascular therapies in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who presented with acute coronary syndrome in Malaysia, PHARMACOLOGY 2018, British Pharmacological Society (International) (18 Dec 2018 - 20 Dec 2018)
- The association between CYP3A5 polymorphisms and dose-adjusted trough level and dosage requirement of two tacrolimus formulations in post-renal transplant patients, 18th Scientific Meeting of the Malaysian Society of Transplantation, Malaysian Society of Transplantation (National) (05 Jun 2015 - 06 Jun 2015)
- HLA Class II Antigen Mismatch and 1-year biopsy proven acute rejection, Pharmacology & Physiology International Scientific Congress 2014, Malaysian Society of Pharmacology & Physiology (International) (23 Aug 2014 - 24 Aug 2014)
- The Role of Adiponectin Gene Polymorphism in Childhood Obesity , Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology conference, Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology conference (National) (18 May 2012 - 20 May 2012)
- Prescribing of Antidiabetes Therapies In Ireland, 2009 British Pharmacological Society Summer Meeting, British Pharmacological Society (International) (08 Jul 2009 - 10 Jul 2009)
- Cardiovascular prescribing for patients with diabetes in primary care population.(Finalist), Jacqueline Horgan Bronze Medal Prize, Royal Academy of Medicine, Ireland (National) (13 Nov 2008 - 13 Nov 2008)
- Team up for success: Enhancing Multidisciplinary Team based learning, 17th International Medical Education Conference 2024, International Medical University (International) (04 Oct 2024 - 06 Oct 2024)
- Characteristics and Short-Term Outcomes of Young Women with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Malaysia: A Retrospective Analysis from the Malaysian National Cardiovascular Database Registry, 21st IMAM ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Islamic Medical Association Malaysia (National) (17 Oct 2019 - 19 Oct 2019)
- FTO polymorphisms and its association with obesity-related traits and cardiometabolic risk factors in multi-ethnic Malaysian adolescents. , Faculty of Medicine Research Week., Department of Pharmacology and Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (University) (11 May 2015 - 15 May 2015)
- VDR polymorphisms and its association with obesity parameters, cardiometabolic risk factors and Vitamin D status in Malaysian urban adolescents, Faculty of Medicine Research Week. , Department of Pharmacology & Department of Pharmacy, University of Malaya (University) (11 May 2015 - 15 May 2015)
- Genetic Polymorphism of the Multidrug Resistance-1 in Once-Daily- versus Twice-Daily Tacrolimus Formulations., 2015 Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Symposium, Golden Helix Association and Pharmacogenomics Lab, University Malaya (International) (12 Mar 2015 - 13 Mar 2015)
- ADIPOQ rs266792 Polymorphisms and Obesity Related Parameters in Malaysian Adolescents Population, 2015 Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Symposium, Golden Helix Association and Pharmacogenomics Lab, University Malaya (International) (12 Mar 2015 - 13 Mar 2015)
- The Role of NPY rs16147 and rs5574 Polymorphisms on Obesity Parameters and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Urban Malaysian Adolescents, 2015 Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Symposium, Golden Helix Association and Pharmacogenomics Lab, University Malaya (International) (12 Mar 2015 - 13 Mar 2015)
- Evaluation of central obesity in Malaysian adolescent population; prospective cross-sectional study , 12th International Congress of Obesity, World obesity (International) (17 Mar 2014 - 19 Mar 2014)
- Prevalence of obesity and cardiometabolic risk factors in young urban adolescents in Malaysia, 12th International Congress of Obesity, World Obesity (International) (17 Mar 2014 - 19 Mar 2014)
- Correlation between anthropometric measures and cardiometabolic risk factors in urban Malaysian adolescent , 12th International Congress of Obesity, World Obesity (International) (17 Mar 2014 - 19 Mar 2014)
- Adiposity Measures in Hypertensive population, Malaysian Society of Hypertension-11th Annual Scientific Meeting, Malaysian Society of Hypertension (National) (17 Jan 2014 - 19 Jan 2014)
- Classification of physical fitness index (PFI using modified Harvard step test (MHST) & relationship between PFI and body mass index(BMI)among overweight/obese adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , 13th Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress , Asian Federation of Sports Medicine (International) (25 Sep 2013 - 28 Sep 2013)
- Hyponatraemia predicts 1-year mortality in stable peritoneal dialysis patients., 50th European-Renal-Association - European-Dialysis-and-Transplant-Association Congress, European-Renal-Association and European-Dialysis-and-Transplant-Association (International) (18 May 2013 - 21 May 2013)
- Hyponatraemia predicts 1-year mortality in stable peritoneal dialysis patients , 50th European-Renal-Association - European-Dialysis-and-Transplant-Association Congress, European Renal Association & European Dialysis and Transplant Association (International) (18 May 2013 - 21 May 2013)
- (2024) Panel Penemuduga Biasiswa Yang Dipertuan Agong, National, (External Assessor)
- (2023) Panel Temuduga Biasiswa Yang Dipertuan Agong 2023, National, (External Assessor)
- (2019) Journal of Diabetes , (Reviewer)
- (2018) European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, (Reviewer)
- (2018) Journal of Diabetes , (Reviewer)
- (2017) European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , (Reviewer)
- (2016) Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, (Reviewer)
- (2016) BMC Infectious Disease, (Reviewer)
- (2016) European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, (Reviewer)
- (2016) British Journal Clinical Pharmacology, (Reviewer)
- (2016) Journal of Diabetes, (Reviewer)
- (2015) Journal of Diabetes, (Reviewer)
- (2015) The impact of genetic polymorphisms in cabdidatr genes on susceptibility to epilepsy and responsiveness to antiepileptic treatment. Miss Hidayati Mohd Sha'ari. MSc. University of Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) The Impact of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Cytokine Function and MicroRNA Regulation on Susceptibility to Preterm Birth. Mrs Immaculate Mbonge. PhD. University of Malaya. 28th January 2015, (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) Miss Hidayati Mohd Sha ari. Pharmacogenomics of Epilepsy. 24th February 2015. MSc. University of Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, (Reviewer)
- (2015) Journal of Diabetes, (Reviewer)
- (2015) The Impact of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Cytokine and MicroRNA profiling on Susceptibility to Preterm Birth.Mrs Immaculate Mbonge Lamia. PhD. University of Malaya , (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) Determinant of Access to Medicines in Children Living in Poor Households of Peninsular Malaysia. Miss Asmalita binti Syaiful.MSc. Islamic Sciences University of Malaysia (USIM) , (External Examiner)
- (2014) European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, (Reviewer)
- (2014) British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , (Reviewer)
- (2014) Value in Health, (Reviewer)
- (2014) Molecular analysis of various candidate genes with lymphoproliferative disorders and their association with methotrexate related toxicities in the Malay, Chinese and Indian ethnic groups of the Malaysian population. Miss Sujatha a/p Suthandiram. PhD. University of Malaya. 14th February 2014 , (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice , (Reviewer)
- (2013) The association of candidate genes with metabolic syndrome and weight changes in schizophrenia patients on antipsychotic treatment. Miss Norshuhada Mohd Roffeei. MSc. University of Malaya , (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, (Reviewer)
- (2013) Drugs & Aging journal, (Reviewer)
- (2011) Gene expression and association analyses of HT2A and LIM (PDLIM5) in bipolar disorder. Mr Mohd Aizat Mohd Zain.MSc. University of Malaya30th June 2011, (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2019) Secretariat for the 33rd MSPP Scientific Meeting TOWARDS INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE RESEARCH IN DRUG DISCOVERY 15-16 July 2019, The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya, 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting for the Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology
- (2019) Judge for University of Malaya Three Minutes Thesis Competition 2019 (Fakulti Alam Bina), Faculty Alam Bina
- (2019) Speaker in the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Case Design Workshop for UMMP (18th-20th June 2019), Medical Education and Research Development Unit, Faculty of Medicine
- (2019) Speaker and Facilitator in the Problem Based Learning (PBL) tutor training Workshop for UMMP, Medical Education and Research Development Unit (MERDU), Faculty of Medicine
- (2018) Host to Research Elective Program, University of Leeds, University
- (2015) Member of Dental Ethics Committee, Faculty of Dentistry (Representative of Faculty of Medicine), Dental Ethics Committee
- (2015) Faculty of Medicine Research Week From Powder to Pills, From Pills to Heal ,11-15th May 2015, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
- (2015) Interview panel for Program Biasiswa Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Sesi pengajian 2015/2016. , Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA)
- (2015) Committee member for the 2015 Golden Helix Symposium-Next generation Pharmacogenomics. 11th-13th March 2015 , Golden Helix Foundation and Pharmacogenomics Lab, University Malaya
- (2014) Trainer for Discover Your Soft Skills @ University Malaya (iCONS), Student Empowerment & Research Unit (SERU)
- (2011) Facilitator and Resource person for Prescribing Skills Training Workshop, Prescribing Initiatives for Life-Long Learning Skills (PILLS)
Contribution to event
- (2023) Organising Secretary, International, (Event Organiser)
- (2021) Facilitator for Ummp Problem Based Learning Workshop for Students, University, (Course Facilitator)
Under Graduate Students
- (2013) Hyponatraemia predicts one year mortality in stable peritoneal dialysis patients
- (2013) Anthropometric predictors of cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients
- (2011) Weight problem and its lifestyle risk factors amongst university students
- (2011) Association of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in ADIPOQ and FTO gene with childhood obesity. Miss Sandee Tun. BSc. University of Malaya
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
(2024) Developing Machine Learning-Based Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR): A Retrospective Analysis in Malaysian Public Hospitals, MOHD KAMARULARIFFIN BIN KAMARUDIN
(2024) Pharmacoepidemiology of Acute Coronary Heart Disease: A 10-Year Retrospective Observational Study of the National Cardiovascular Disease Database Registry, SITI ZALEHA BINTI SUKI
(2019) Using the Impact-CHD model to examine Cardiovascular Mortality in Malaysia (2006-2016) and Impacts of Clinical Intervention, Pharmacological Intervention and Life Style Factors, SITI ZALEHA BINTI SUKI
(2019) Acute Coronary Syndrome in Malaysia 2006-2013: An Analysis of the Trends in Clinical Characteristics, in Hospital Care and Outcome., PADMAA VENKATASON
(2012) association of obesity-related gene variants with clinical and metabolic complications of obesity in malaysian paediatrics population, Anahita Hamidi
(2022) Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Adiposity Parameters in Malaysian Adolescents, NOR HANISAH BINTI MUHAMAD
(2015) 3.The Role Of Non-synonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms In Obesity And Morbid Obesity Amongst Malaysian Adolescents, Nor Hanisah Muhamad
(2011) The role of various genetic polymorphism in childhood obesity, Rayinda Rahmadhani
- (2015) MBBS - Pharmacology Stage I
- (2015) MDEB3401 - Advanced Medical Pharmacology
- (2014) DNED2101 - Farmakologi
- (2014) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Iiia
- (2014) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Ii
- (2014) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Iiib
- (2014) MBBS - Pharmacology Stage Ii
- (2014) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Iiia
- (2014) MTEJ1116 - Pharmacology and Handling of Medication
- (2014) MWEF1108 - Principles of Drug Action & Peripheral Nervous System
- (2014) MWEF2103 - Central Nervous System & Therapy
- (2013) MBBS - Doctor, Patient, Health and Society Phase Ii
- (2013) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Ii
- (2013) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Iiib
- (2013) MBBS - Pharmacology Stage I
- (2012) DNED2101 - Pharmacology
- (2012) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Ii
- (2012) MTEJ2111 - Basic Medical Science III
- (2012) MWEF2103 - Central Nervous System & Therapy
- (2011) DNED2101 - Pharmacology
- (2011) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Ii
- (2011) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Iiia
- (2011) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Iiib
- (2011) MDEB3401 - Advanced Medical Pharmacology
- (2011) MWEF1108 - Principles of Drug Action & Peripheral Nervous System
- (2010) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Ii
- (2010) MBBS - Pharmacology Phase Iiib
- Exco Akademik dan Kebajikan, Persatuan Ibu-Bapa dan Guru Skttdi 1, (25 Jun 2022 - 09 Jul 2023) (National)
- Development of Mobile Apps 'Calorie Traffic' for Monitoring Caloric Intake Based On Malaysian Local Food, (24 Aug 2015)
- Development of Interactive Website for Educating Adolescents On Healthy Lifestyles to Manage Their Body Weight WWW.Myhealthyyouth.Com.My, (01 Aug 2015)
- Trainer for Discover Your Soft Skills @ University Malaya., (01 Mar 2014 - 01 Mar 2017)
Internal/ External Course