Curriculum Vitae
- PhD (Math), (Mathematics)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- MSc (Distinction), (Science)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- BSc (Hons)(Math), (MATEMATIK)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- 01 Jul 2022-Pensyarah Kanan
Institut Sains Matematik, Fakulti Sains
- Coordinator12 Apr 2021 - 31 Dec 2022 (Director Office, Centre for Foundation Studies in Science)
- Coordinator01 Aug 2019 - 31 Mar 2020 (Mathematics Division, Centre for Foundation Studies in Science)
- Deputy Director of Research & Development01 Aug 2016 - 31 Jul 2018 (Director Office, Centre for Foundation Studies in Science)
- Gold Award in Category a: Innovation in Teaching and Learning (Educator) for The Third International Competition On Sustainable Education 2024 (Sused 2024).2024, UIA, (International)
- Khidmat Setia 20 Award2024, Universiti Malaya
- Bronze Award At Innovation & Technology Exhibition, Umrc 20232023, University of Malaya, (University)
- Category D: Administrative (Silver)2022, UPNM, (National)
- Category C: Academic (Gold)2022, UPNM, (National)
- Gold Award2021, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, (International)
- Bronze (Science and Technology)2021, UITM Kedah & Univ Brunei Darussalam, (International)
- Litec 20212021, UM, (University)
- Gold Award2021, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, (International)
- Silver Medal : Interactive Myot_g Teaching Method: How it Works? (Knovasi 2021)2021, UKM, (National)
- Excellence Service Award2015, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2013, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2012, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2009, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2006, Universiti Malaya
Article in Journal
Pang, S. Y., Muniandy, S. V., Kamali, M. Z. M. (2019). Critical Dynamics of Transverse-field Quantum Ising Model using Finite-Size Scaling and Matrix Product States. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 58(12), 4139-4151. doi:10.1007/s10773-019-04279-1
Kamali, M. Z. M.; Kumaresan, N.; Ratnavelu, Kuru (2017). Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modelling of some nonlinear problems using ant colony programming, APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 48, 635-654. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2017.04.019
Ratnavelu, K., Ghoshal, A., Nayek, S., Bhattacharya, A., Kamali, M. Z. M. (2016). Formation of (H)over-bar in (p)over-bar-Ps collisions embedded in plasmas, European Physical Journal D. 70(46), Article
Kamali, M. Z. M., Kumaresan, N., Ratnavelu, K. (2015). Solving differential equations with ant colony programming, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 39(10-11), 3150-3163
S.Y. Pang, S.V. Muniandy and M.Z.M. Kamali. (2020). Effect of fluctuation in the coupling strength on critical dynamics of 1D transverse field quantum Ising model. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 59, 250 260 (2020)
Chin J. H. and Kamali, M. Z. M., (2019) An ant colony approach in the detection of communities in complex networks, AIP Conference Proceedings 2184, 060056
B. Das, P. Rej, M. Z. M. Kamali and A. Ghoshal, Positron Impact Excitations of Hydrogen Atom Under Lorentzian Astrophysical Plasmas, Jurnal Fizik Malaysia, 39(2), 30001-30010.
M Kalpana, K Ratnavelu, P Balasubramaniam, MZM Kamali, Synchronization of chaotic-type delayed neural networks and its application, Nonlinear Dynamics, 93, 543-555
Kamali M. Z. M., Kumaresan N. and Kuru Ratnavelu (2017). Takagi Sugeno fuzzy modelling of some nonlinear problems using ant colony programming. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 48,635-654.
Sujay Nayek, Arka Bhattacharya, Mohd Zahurin Mohamed Kamali, Arijit Ghoshal and Kurunathan Ratnavelu (2017). Electron transfer in proton-hydrogen collisions under dense quantum plasma. Eur. Phys. J. D. 71(234)
K Ratnavelu, A Ghoshal, S Nayek, A Bhattacharya, MZM Kamali 2016. Formation of H in p -Ps collisions embedded in plasmas. The European Physical Journal D 70 (4): 1-6
Arka Bhattacharya, M.Z.M. Kamali, Arijit Ghoshal, K. Ratnavelu, Charge transfer in proton-hydrogen collisions under Debye plasma, Physics of Plasmas,22 (2): 023512
N. Kumaresan, M.Z.M. Kamali, Kuru Ratnavelu, Solution of fuzzy Schrodinger equation with linear potential in Positron-Hydrogen scattering using ant colony programming, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol 53, (2015) (ISI-Cited Publication)
Arijit Ghoshal, Sujay Nayek, M.Z.M.Kamali and K. Ratnavelu 2014. Positron scattering from hydrogen atom with screened Coulomb potentials. Frontiers in Physics AIP Conference proceedings 1588: 94-102.
M. Z. M. Kamali, B. R. Wong, J. H. Chin and K. Ratnavelu, Excitation of the 3p states in electron- sodium scattering at intermediate energies, Frontiers in Physics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1588, 155-161, 2014.
M. Z. M. Kamali, J. H. Chin, S. Y. Ng and Kuru Ratnavelu, Electron(Positron) Impact Excitation(2p state) of Lithium at Intermediate Energies, Eur. Phys. J. D. , 68(50), 2014
Mohammad Shazri Shahrir, N. Kumaresan, Kuru Ratnavelu & M. Z.M. Kamali 2014. A Multiagent Transfer Function Neuroapproach to Solve Fuzzy Riccati Differential Equations. Journal of Applied Mathematics.
Ghoshal, A; Kamali, MZM; Ratnavelu, K (Ratnavelu, K.). 2013. Positron scattering from hydrogen atom embedded in weakly coupled plasma. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,20,1,013506
Siti Salmah Yasiran, Abdul Kadir Jumaat,Mohd Agos Salim Nasir, Aminah Abdul Malek, Mohamed Faris Laham, M.Z.M. Kamali."A MATLAB Graphical User Interface for Microcalcification using Enhanced Distane Snake" 2013 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Sciences, and Engineering Research; 247-252
Kamali M Z M, Kumaresan N, Koshy Philip and Kuru Ratnavelu (2012). Fuzzy Modelling of S-Type Microbial Growth Model for Ethanol Fermentation Process and the Optimal Control Using Simulink. ICMMMSC 2012, CCIS 283, pp. 325-332, 2012, publisher Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
M. Z. M. Kamali, N. Kumaresan and Kuru Ratnavelu, Solution of matrix Riccati differential equation (MRDE) of optimal fuzzy controller design for nonlinear singular system with cross term using SIMULINK. Lecture Notes in Information Technology, Vol 10, p 304, 2012.
M. Z. M. Kamali, N. Kumaresan, Koshy Philip and Kuru Ratnavelu (2012) Fuzzy modeling of P-type microbial growth model for ethanol fermentation process and the optimal control using simulink. Lecture Notes in Information Technology, Vol 21, 81.
M.Z.M.Kamali and Kuru Ratnavelu,2011.Positron Impact Excitation(n=2 states) of Hydrogen at 20eV. Journal of the Korean Physical Society
M. Z. M. Kamali, T. P. P. Hiew and Kuru Ratnavelu, Positronium formation for e+-Na scattering at low and intermediate energies, AISAMP8th, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 185, (2009)
Differential cross sections for positronium formation in positron-hydrogen scattering, M. Z. M. Kamali and Kuru Ratnavelu, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics B 266 (2008), 388-392
M. Z. M. Kamali, K. Ratnavelu and Y. Zhou,Electron impact excitation of 2p and 3p states of hydrogen at intermediate energies, Eur. Phys. J. D. 46, 267-279 (2008).
M. Z. M. Kamali and K. Ratnavelu, Angular Correlation Parameters for Electron-Atomic Hydrogen system at intermediate energies , Vol. 27, No.1, 43, Jurnal Fizik Malaysia 2006.
K. Ratnavelu, M. Z. M. Kamali, and S. Y. Ng, Optical Potential Study of Positron Scattering by Hydrogenic-Type Atoms , Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Vol 192, 185, (2002)
M. Z. M. Kamali and K. Ratnavelu, Positron- Hydrogen Scattering At Low Intermediate Energies , Physical Review A, Vol 65, 014702, (2002)
- Mathematics For STPM and Matriculation: Calculus (Thomson Asia Pte Ltd) By Yong Zulina Zubairi, Fadzilah Abdul Manaf, Linet Khoo Suan Eng, Norsiah Hashim, M. Z. M. Kamali, Earl W. Swokowski
- C. S. Wong, K. Ratnavelu, M. R. Muhamad, S. A. Rahman, B. R. Wong C K dan M. Z. M. Kamali, Proceedings of the International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics 2005
Chapter in Books
- Amir, S. ., Sabar, M. B. ., Kamali, M. Z. B. M. ., & Amin, A. Z. B. M. . (2024). Fractal Patterns in Polymer Electrolyte Films: Computational Simulation Using Fractal Growth Parameters. Science and Technology: Recent Updates and Future Prospects Vol. 12, 119–132.
- Bakar A.S.A., Kamali M.Z.M., Khalif K.M.N.K., Gegov A., Abidin S.N.Z. (2021) Fuzzy Risk Assessment in the Presence of Uncertainties in Heterogeneous Preferences Elicitation and Reliability. In: Ren J. (eds) Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Risk Assessment and Management. Industrial Ecology and Environmental Management, vol 1. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030- 78152-1_4
Article in Proceeding
- K. Ravi, Y. S. Tan, M. Z. M. Kamali, S. V. Muniandy and A. M. Farid (2024).Modelling Mycelium Growth Of Pleurotus Pulmonarius And Trichoderma Harzianum To Understand Interspecies Antagonism Using Image Analysis. PERFIK 2024, p 107.
- K. Ratnavelu, M.Z.M.Kamali, S.Y. Ng and J. H. Chin (2022). The consistency of continuum optical potential method in positron-hydrogenic atom scattering, APPC15, 273.
- Mohd Zahurin Mohamed Kamali, Mohd Hilmi Jaafar, Shahizat Amir, Zokree Abdul Karim (2022). A Study on The Future Planning and The Direction of Young Workers in the E-Hailing Industry in Malaysia
- Hutkemri Zulnaidi, Raihan Zainudin & Mohd Zahurin Mohamed Kamali. (2021). MyOT_G: Industrial Revolution 4.0 Pedagogy. I-Intelec 2021: Education 5.0 - Exploring New Frontier in Language and Educational, pp. 49-53.
- Hutkemri Zulnaidi, Raihan Zainudin, Mohd. Zahurin Mohamed Kamali (2021). Interactive Teaching Method of MyOT_G, Proceeding of New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI) 2021, Exhibition & Competition, 177-179.
- Hutkemri, Z., Raihan, Z., Kamali, M.Z.M. (2021). MyOT_G: Innovative and Interactive e-Teaching method for pre-university students. Carnival of Research and Innovatio (CRI2021), 454-456
- M Z M Kamali, T P P Hiew and Kuru Ratnavelu. 2008.Positronium formation for positron-sodium scattering at low and intermediate energies
- K. Ratnavelu,W. E. Ong, S. Y. Ng and M. Z. M. Kamali,Continuum effects in positron scattering by atomic potassium atom , XIV International workshop on low energy positron positronium physics,p50, 1-4 Ogos 2007, Reading, England
- M. Z. M. Kamali and K. Ratnavelu,Differential cross sections for Positronium formation in positron- hydrogen scattering, XIV International workshop on low energy positron positronium physics,p71, 1-4 Ogos 2007, Reading, England
- Pendedahan dan penerimaan Pelajar Pusat Asasi Sains Terhadap Komputer, Seminar Pendidikan Pra Universiti/Matrikulasi 2007, PASUM 5 Ogos 2007, Hotel Hilton, PJ.
- M. Z. M. Kamali and K. Ratnavelu, Angular Correlation Parameters for Electron-Atomic Hydrogen system at intermediate energies,
- Saminatha Veloo, M. Z. M. Kamali, A. U. Ephrance and Kuru Ratnavelu.Non-relativistics method for electron scattering from atoms.
Amir S., Sabar M.B., Kamali M.Z.B.M., Amin A.Z.B.M. (2023). Computer simulation of fractal patterns in polymer electrolyte films via application of fractal growth parameters, AIP Conference Proceedings. 2872(1). doi:10.1063/5.0162782
Other Publications
- Amir S., Jaafar, M.H., Karim. Z. A., Kamali, M.Z.M., Amin, A.Z.M., (2023), An analysis on work happiness among academic staff in public and private universities in Malaysia, - Conference Review
- Atomic Collision Physics
- 2022 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Elucidating Functional Traits And Optimization Strategy Of Pathogenic Fungi Using Mycelium Network Growth Model ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2021 - 2022, RU Geran - ADECDevelopment And The Effectiveness Of Myot_g On Pre-university Students Mathematical Reasoning ( Co-Researcher)
- 2018 - 2021, RU Geran - Fakulti ProgramDevelopment Of Novel Z-numbers Based Hesitant Linguistic Model In Group Decision Making ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2017 - 2019, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Dynamics of Dissipative Quantum Many-Body Systems Using Tensor Network Formalism ( Co-Researcher)
- 2016 - 2018, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Synchronization Of Complex Dynamical Systems ( Co-Researcher)
- 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Theoretical Modelling of Positron/Electron- Atom/Ion Scattering Processes ( Consultant)
- 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Theoretical Modelling of Positron/Electron-Atom/Ion Scattering Processes. ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2014, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Mathematical modelling of Biosystems ( -)
- 2013 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Fundamental Analysis on Boundary layer of Flow , Heat and Mass Transfer of Nanofluids along a Wedge. ( Consultant)
- 2010 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)An ab-initio Optical Study of Positron-Hydrogen Atom ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008Electron Positron Scattering Of Atomic Hydrogen
- 2006 - 2008, SAGA Grant (Academy of Science Malaysia)Positron and Electron Scattering from atoms ( Consultant)
- The Consistency of Continuum Optical Potential Method in Positron-Hydrogenic Atom Scattering, The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15) , The Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) and the Korean Physical Society (KPS) (International) (21 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022)
- MyOT_G Teaching Method, Peek Into My Class LITEC2021 Gold Winners Edition., ADEC , UM (University) (19 Nov 2021 - 19 Nov 2021)
- RYDBERG TRANSITIONS FOR POSITRON-HYDROGEN COLLISIONS IN LORENTZIAN ASTROPHYSICAL PLASMAS, Fifth International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics 2017, Institut Fizik Malaysia (International) (03 Dec 2017 - 07 Dec 2017)
- Excitation of 3p states of electron-sodium scattering at intermediate energies, The 4th International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics , Institut Fizik Malaysia (International) (27 Aug 2013 - 30 Aug 2013)
- Optimal Control For Stochastic Bilinear Quadratic Neuro Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Singular System Using Simulink, The 2013 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, Data Engineering Research Center and American Institute of Physics (International) (19 Aug 2013 - 20 Aug 2013)
- Fuzzy Modelling of S-Type Microbial Growth Model for Ethanol Fermentation Process and the Optimal Control Using Simulink, The International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computation , Dept of Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural Institute -Deemed University.  (International) (16 Mar 2012 - 18 Mar 2012)
- On the Thermodynamics Properties of One-Dimensional Transverse-Field Quantum Ising Model with Random Coupling, 14th Asia Pacific Physics Conference , INSTITUT FIZIK MALAYSIA AND ASSOCIATION OF ASISA PACIFIC PHYSICS SOCIETIES (International) (17 Nov 2019 - 22 Nov 2019)
- Positron(Electron) Impact Excitation (2p state) of Lithium at Intermediate Energies, XVII International Workshop on Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics & XVIII International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms (International) (19 Jul 2013 - 21 Jul 2013)
- Positron Impact Excitation (n=2 states) of Hydrogen at 20 eV, The 9th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics , KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)  (International) (04 Oct 2010 - 08 Oct 2010)
- Ant colony programming for solving differential equations, INSPEM WEEKLY SEMINAR, INSPEM, UPM (University) (09 Mar 2018 - 09 Mar 2018)
- An Ant Colony Approach in the Detection of Communities in Complex Network, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Technology 2018, Universiti Sains Malaysia (International) (10 Dec 2018 - 12 Dec 2018)
- A MATLAB Graphical User Interface for Microcalcifications Segmentation using Enhanced Distance Snake , 2013 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Sciences, and Engineering Research (SHUSER2013) , IEEE PELS/IE/IA Malaysia Section (International) (23 Jun 2013 - 25 Jun 2013)
- (2023) External Examiner for Foundation in Arts Programmes, University, (External Examiner)
- (2023) External Examiner for Foundation in Science Programmes (Segi Univ), University, (External Examiner)
- (2022) A Relationship Between Secondary and Tertiary Mathematics Grades: a Case Study for Foundation Students, National, (Reviewer)
- (2022) Reviewing a Conference Paper - Collaborations and Influences in New-Age Musician Networks for Comdata 2021, National, (Reviewer)
- (2022) Panel Untuk Sesi Proposal Defence: Mariahsabar (S2122248/1), University, (Internal Evaluator)
- (2021) Master of Philosophy Board of Examiners Meeting (Via Online) - Muhammad Marwan Bin Anoor, University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2021) International Conference On Mathematical Modelling and Computational Intelligence Techniques (Icmmcit-2021)/a Computational Approach to The 3-Body Coulomb Problem: Positron Scattering from Atomic Systems,, International, (Reviewer)
- (2020) Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke 27 (Feb 2020)|| Variations of Diffusion Coefficient Function as Edge Stopping on Perona and Malik Model, (Reviewer)
- (2020) PANEL UNTUK SESI PROPOSAL DEFENCE IJAZAH DOKTOR FALSAFAH INSTITUT PENGAJIAN TERMAJU (IAS) SEMESTER II, SESI 2019/2020 : Sarahiza Mohmad (HVA170038) calon ijazah Doktor Falsafah 22 SEPT 2020 , (Reviewer)
- (2019) Soft Computing / Feb 2020 || Solving differential equations with artificial bee colony programming by Yassine Boudouaoui, Hacene Habbi, Celal Ozturk & Dervis Karaboga , (Reviewer)
- (2019) Perlantikan sebagai Panel Temuduga Biasiswa MYBrainSc, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
- (2015) Menilai Pembentangan laporan kemajuan penyelidikan Nurul Liyana Syahirah (HGA140014) calon ijazah Sarjana. , (Reviewer)
Contribution to event
- (2023) Technical Committee Member, International, (Event Coordinator)
- (2022) Technical Committee, University, (Event Coordinator)
- (2022) Juri Bagi Program Physics Day, University, (Panelist/Moderator)
- (2021) Technical Committee, International, (Event Coordinator)
- (2021) AJK Penyiaran: Program Sembang Santai Bersama Tnc (a & a) Di Pasum, University, (Event Coordinator)
- (2022) Penasihat Aktiviti Pelajar, University, (Mentor)
- (2022) Penasihat Akademik Fb2, University, (Mentor)
Under Graduate Students
Postgraduate Student
- (2022) SIT2007 - Foundations of Data Science
- (2022) SIT1002 - Statistical Programming
- (2022) FAC1004 - Advanced Mathematics Ii
- (2022) FAC1003 - Programming 2
- (2021) FAC1001 - Advanced Mathematics I
- (2021) FAC1004 - Advanced Mathematics Ii
- (2021) FAE1003 - Mathematics 1
- (2021) FAC1003 - Programming 2
- (2021) FAC1002 - Programming I
- (2016) FJAF0113 - Computer Science 2
- (2014) FJAF0113 - Computer Science 2
- (2013) FJAF0113 - Sains Komputer 2
- (2012) FJAF0112 - Computer Science 1
- (2012) FJAF0113 - Computer Science 2
- (2012) FJAX0113 - Algebra and Calculus
- (2011) FJAF0112 - Computer Science 1
- (2010) FJAF0111 - Computer Science 1
- (2010) FJAF0112 - Computer Science 2
- (2009) FJAF0111 - Vector
- Local Organizer Committee Member for The 14th Asia Pacific Physics Conference 2019, (17 Nov 2019 - 22 Nov 2019)
- Local Organizing Committee in The Fifth International Meeting On Frontiers of Physics 2017, (03 Dec 2017 - 07 Dec 2017)
- Subcommittee Members for The International Meeting On Frontiers of Physics 2013, (27 Aug 2013 - 31 Aug 2013)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Iso/Kualiti; Pasum, (01 Jun 2011 - 01 Jun 2012)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa ICT / E-Learning; Pasum 2011/2012, (01 Jun 2011 - 01 Jun 2012)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Kebersihan Makmal, Bilik Kuliah dan Tutorial; Pasum 2011/2012, (01 Jun 2011 - 01 Jun 2012)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Ketua Warden Zon 4; Pasum 2011/2012, (01 Jun 2011 - 01 Jun 2012)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Seminar & Persidangan/Penyelidikan; Pasum 2011/2012, (01 Jun 2011 - 01 Jun 2012)