Curriculum Vitae


Associate Professor
  • Department of Quantity Surveying
    Faculty of Built Environment
  • msuhaimi
  • +603-79674473


Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri graduated from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1995 with a Diploma in Quantity Surveying & in 1997 with a Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours). In August 2003, he graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Master of Construction Law (MConstrLaw). About ten years later in Jun 2013, he graduated from the Graduate School of Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia with a PhD in Business Law. Prior to his lecturing appointment, he had worked with several consultants, precaster and construction companies. He is currently a lecturer in the Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya since 2003 and promoted to associate professor in 2020. He was the Head of the Department of Quantity Surveying from 1st April 2006 to 8th July 2007, and in August 2016, he has been appointed again to serve as the Head of the Department of Quantity Surveying on 2-years term until August 2018, and reappointed to serve until 26 May 2019. He is a registered Consultant Quantity Surveyor (CQS) with the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia, Member of The Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (MRISM), Associate Member of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK (ACIArb) and Member of Institute of Value Management Malaysia. He was the academic advisor for a UK franchised programme, run by a private academic institution in Malaysia. He serves as external examiner for several academic programmes in Malaysia and is actively involved in various committees and programmes under the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia, Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia and Construction Industry Development Board of Malaysia. His main research interests are in the areas of procurement and construction law. He has published over 50 articles in journals and conference proceedings, and published his first single-author book in 2021, in addition to the other 2 co-authored books previously published in 2015 and 2017. Apart from academic profile, he is currently a member of the Registration & Qualification Committee, deputy chairman for Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) Sub-Committee, under the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia (BQSM). He has also served several ministries and government agencies to give advice on technical matters, and occasionally appointed as a committee member for Disciplinary and Investigation Committee setup as a result of any official disciplinary complaint lodged to the BQSM.


    Applied Science And Technology, Quantity Surveying, Fundamentals In Quantity Surveying
    Applied Science And Technology, Quantity Surveying, Quantity Surveying In Construction Industry
    Applied Science And Technology, Quantity Surveying, Quantity Surveying In Construction Industry


  • PhD
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • MConstrLaw (Melb), (CONSTRUCTION LAW)
    University of Melbourne, Australia
  • B.QS(Hons) (UTM), (Quantity Surveying)
    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
  • Dip.QS (UTM), (UKUR BAHAN)
    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)


    2023 to 2025 (National)
    2024 to 2024 (International)
    2024 to 2024 (National)
    2024 to 2024 (National)
    2024 to 2024 (National)


  • 2nd Runner-Up Ciob Inter-University Students’ Challenge 2024,
    2024, CIOB,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2024, Universiti Malaya
  • Best Paper Award in Their Paper Title Enhancing Legal Mechanisms to Address Payment Issues Encountered by Small and Medium-Sized Contractors in Malaysia At The 3rd Thinkspace Conference 2023
    2023, Taylor's University,  (International)
  • 7th International Built Environment Undergraduate Research Competition (Beurc) 2022 - Bronze Award
    2022, Universiti Malaya,  (International)
  • Editors? Choice Article
    2022, Semarak Ilmu Publishing and Akademia Baru Publishing,  (International)
  • Poster Award 3rd International Conference On Built Environment and Engineering (Iconbee)
    2022, UiTM,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2022, Universiti Malaya
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2022, Universiti Malaya
  • Commentator for Cidb Construction Law Report 2018 (2019 Edition)
    2020, Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB),  (National)
  • Best Paper Award Certificate: Critical Analysis of Liquidated Damages in Relation to Standard Forms of Contract in Malaysian Construction Industry Presented At Asean Postgraduate Conference (Apgc)
    2019, University of Malaya,  (International)
  • Best Paper Award - Ambiguity Extension of Time Provisions in Standard Form of Contract: An Analysis of Pam2018 Contract During Rism Research Postgraduate Conference 1.0
    2019, RISM,  (National)
  • Bronze Award (Poster Presentation), Built Environment Undergraduate Research Competition (Beurc 2018)
    2018, UM,  (International)
  • National Eco Construction Competition 2017 "Team 2nd Runner Up"
    2017, CIDB,  (National)
  • Vetting Panel for 9th International Surveying Conference for Undergraduates - 01 April 2017
    2017, RICS,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2017, Universiti Malaya
  • The Malaysian Surveyor Best Article Award for Quantity Surveying, 14th May 2016 for Article Entitled ?Analysis of Practices for Private Finance Initiative (Pfi) Procurement Process:Malaysia Vs. United Kingdom. The Malaysian Surveyor; Vol 48; No. 1.Pp 13- 20.?
    2016, RISM,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Kursus Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan 3 Bagi Skim Perkhidmatan Pensyarah Ds/Du 45 (Bil.7/2005)- Lulus Tahap 3
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Award for The Category of Fundamental Research in The Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2005 - Documenting The Success Story of Malaysian Construction Player in Bahrain Formula 1 Project
    2005, University of Malaya,  (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Ul Musawir, Ata; Mohd-Danuri, Mohd Suhaimi; Abd-Karim, Saipol Bari (2024). Making sense of project governance and its role in strategy implementation: a governance-as-practice perspective, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGING PROJECTS IN BUSINESS. . doi:10.1108/IJMPB-07-2023-0148
  2. Saeb, A., Danuri, M. S. M., & Mohamed, O. (2021). Selecting the Appropriate Method for Resolving Construction Disputes in Iran. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering, 45(3), 2017-2033. doi: 10.1007/s40996-020-00553-z
  3. ul Musawir, Ata; Abd-Karim, Saipol Bari; Mohd-Danuri, Mohd Suhaimi (2020). Project governance and its role in enabling organizational strategy implementation: A systematic literature review, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT. 38(1), 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2019.09.007
  4. Abdul-Rahman, Hamzah; Wang, Chen; Kamaruzzaman, Syahrul Nizam; Mohd-Rahim, Faizul Azli; Mohd-Danuri, Mohd Suhaimi; Lee, Kaiseng (2015). Case Study of Facility Performance and User Requirements in the University of Malaya Research and Development Building, JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES. 29(5). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000629
  1. Amir N.A.F., Mohd-Danuri M.S., Mahdzir M., Rashid Z.Z.A., Hanafi M.H. (2024). DEVELOPING PRELIMINARY FRAMEWORKS FOR CHALLENGING ADJUDICATION DECISIONS: A CASE STUDY OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY PAYMENT AND ADJUDICATION ACT 2012, Planning Malaysia. 22(3), 1-14. doi:10.21837/pm.v22i32.1489
  2. Anuar A.S.A., Mohd-Danuri M.S., Mahdzir M., Mustafa M.H., Khuzzan S.M.S. (2024). ENHANCING THE CONTRACTUAL PROVISION FOR SUSPENSION OF WORK IN MALAYSIA: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS WITH EMPHASIS ON A CASE STUDY OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACT FORM PWD203A, Planning Malaysia. 22(6), 1-16. doi:10.21837/pm.v22i34.1609
  3. Lok W.Y., Zolkafli U.K., Abdul-Samad Z., Ahmi A., Mohd-Danuri M.S. (2024). Arbitration in Construction Project Disputes over the Last Decade: Bibliometric and Content Analysis, Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction. 16(4). doi:10.1061/JLADAH.LADR-1136
  4. Ting L.S., Mohd-Danuri M.S., Rashid Z.Z.A., Zulkifly U.K.Z., Abdul-Samad Z. (2024). ENHANCING LEGAL MECHANISMS TO ADDRESS PROJECT PAYMENT ISSUES ENCOUNTERED BY SMALL AND MEDIUMSIZED CONTRACTORS IN Malaysia, Planning Malaysia. 22(3), 15-30. doi:10.21837/pm.v22i32.1490
  5. Muhammuddin N.N., Mohd-Danuri M.S., Hanid M., Ismail F., Nawi M.N.M. (2023). A PRELIMINARY FRAMEWORK FOR PREVENTING DISPUTES IN DIFFERENT STAGES OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, Planning Malaysia. 21(5), 267-282. doi:10.21837/pm.v21i29.1370
  6. Nasir M.H.A., Hassan A.S., Nasir A.S.A., Mohd-Danuri M.S., Nawi M.N.M., Deraman R. (2023). Comparative analysis of conventional and modern high-rise hotels in Penang based on hourly simulation of cooling load performance using DesignBuilder, Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology. 32(3), 506-517. doi:10.37934/araset.32.3.506517
  7. Yan S.Z., Mohd-Danuri M.S., Ismail N., Mohamed O., Ismail F. (2023). A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON THE DOCTRINE OF PRIVITY TO CIRCUMVENT ITS EFFECT ON SUBCONTRACTOR'S PAYMENT CLAIM, Planning Malaysia. 21(5), 17-31. doi:10.21837/pm.v21i29.1353
  8. Deraman R., Nawi M.N.M., Mydin M.A.O., Ismail M.H., Nordin N.D.M., Sari M.W., Mohd-Danuri M.S. (2022). Production of Roof Board Insulation Using Agricultural Wastes Towards Sustainable Building Material, Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. 99(1), 66-89. doi:10.37934/arfmts.99.1.6689
  9. Nawi M.N.M., Bakeri N.M., Omar M.F., Tahir M.Z., Mohd-Danuri M.S., Lee A. (2022). A Multistage Methodology Approach for Constraints Prioritisation of Facility Layout Problem (FLP) in Enhancing the Performance of Building Energy Efficiency, Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology. 28(2), 199-210. doi:10.37934/araset.28.2.199210
  10. Saeb, A., Danuri, M. S. M., Mohamed, O., & Zakaria, N. (2021). A Mechanism for Dispute Resolution in the Iranian Construction Industry. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 26(1), 205-226. doi: 10.21315/jcdc2021.26.1.10
  11. Zulkifly, U. K. Z., Zakaria, N., & Mohd-Danuri, M. S. (2021). The adoption of total productive maintenance (Tpm) concept for maintenance procurement of green buildings in Malaysia. International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 12(1), 40-55. doi: 10.30880/ijscet.2021.12.01.005
  12. Hooi, L. K., Yee, G. S., Mohd-Danuri, M. S., & Zolkafli, U. K. B. (2020). Critical analysis of doctrine of privity in Malaysian construction industry. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 9(1 Special issue), 103-113.
  13. Hooi, L. K., Yee, G. S., Mohd-Danuri, M. S., & Zulkifly, U. K. B. Z. (2020). Ambiguity extension of time provisions in standard forms of contract: An analysis of PAM 2018 contract. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, Special Issue 9(1), 208-227.
  14. Saeb, A., Mohd Danuri, M. S. B., Zakaria, N. B., & Mohamed, O. B. (2020). A Case Study of Dispute Resolution Methods Pertaining to the Construction Standard Form in Iran. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 16(3), 211-230. doi:10.1080/15578771.2019.1575937
  15. Said, A. A. M., Karim, S. B. A., Yahya, I. A., Danuri, M. S. M., Rahim, F. A. M., Berawi, M. A., & Ismail, M. A. N. (2020). A review of integrated risk management infrastructure megaprojects in Malaysia. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 9(1 Special issue), 35-48.
  16. Gul F.A., Mohd Danuri M.S., Mohamed O., Mohd Nawi M.N. (2019). Health and safety management practices in high-rise building projects in Pakistan A systematic literature review, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 11(5 Special Issue), 1605-1627
  17. Hanid M., Mohamed O., Othman M., Danuri M.S.M., Ye K.M., berawi M.A. (2019). Critical success factors (CSFs) in university-industry collaboration (UIC) projects in research universities, International Journal of Technology. 10(4), 667-676. doi:10.14716/ijtech.v10i4.668
  18. Nawi M.N.M., Nasir N.M., Danuri M.S.M., Mohamed O., Karim S.B.A. (2018). Client-related factor contributing to delay in the Malaysia public projects, Journal of Social Sciences Research. 2018(Special Issue 6), 289-293. doi:10.32861/jssr.spi6.289.293
  19. Saeb A., Mohamed O., Danuri M.S.M., Zakaria N. (2018). Development of alternative dispute resolution in the Iranian construction industry, Malaysian Construction Research Journal. 3(Special Issue 1), 25-36
  20. Ismail F., Mohd Danuri M.S., Mohamed O., Abdul-Karim S.B., Nawi M.N.M. (2017). Ethics-related issues in the tender evaluation of Malaysia public projects, Journal of Design and Built Environment. 17, 166-180. doi:10.22452/jdbe.sp2017no1.14
  21. Mohd Danuri M.S., Mohd Ishan Z., Mustaffa N.E., Abd-Karim S.B., Mohamed O., Hanid M. (2016). Dispute avoidance procedure: Formulating a workable legal system in the Malaysian construction industry, Journal of Design and Built Environment. 16(1), 37-46. doi:10.22452/jdbe.vol16no1.4
  22. Mohamed O., Abd-Karim S.B., Roslan N.H., Mohd Danuri M.S., Zakaria N. (2015). Risk management: Looming the modus operandi among construction contractors in Malaysia, International Journal of Construction Management. 15(1), 82-93. doi:10.1080/15623599.2014.967928
  23. Mohd Danuri M.S., Mohd Ishan Z., Mustaffa N.E., Abd-Karim S.B., Mohamed O., A-Rahmin R.A. (2015). Dispute avoidance procedure: Observing the influence of legal culture towards a workable legal system, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 23(2), 509-535
  1. Nur Nadhirah Muhammuddin, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd-Danuri* and Mahanim Hanid (2022). Dispute Occurrences During Construction Stages of Building Project: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Project Management and Practice Vol. 2(2), 1-22 , Dec 2022.
  2. Mohd-Danuri, M.S. (2021). Emergence Of Dispute Avoidance Procedure Via Contractual Mechanism For The Construction Industry, AIADR Journal of International ADR Forum. 1(5), 85-107.
  3. Gul, F. A., Mohd-Danuri, M. S., Mohamed, O. and Mohd-Nawi, M. N. (2020). A Qualitative Analysis of the Occupational Health and Safety Management Practices in Pakistani Construction Industry. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (8), pp. 98-115.
  4. Au, C.M., Abd-Karim, S.B. and Mohd Danuri, M.S. (2018). The Need for a Competencies' Assessment Framework for the Malaysian Construction Project Managers. Journal of Surveying, Construction & Property, 9(1):57-74
  5. Norhanim Zakaria, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri,Azlan Shah Ali & Aliza Tajudin (2018). Investigating Time Overrun in Telecommunications Tower Project in Malaysia, The Malaysian Surveyor, Incoming Issue of 53.3.
  6. Abd-Karim, S.B., Yahya, I.A., Mohd Danuri, M.S. and Mohamed, O. (2017). Value Management: Rhetorical Hyperbole of a Rising Paradigm. The Malaysian Surveyor, 52 (1), pp 5-13
  7. Kam Wah, T., Said, R. and Mohd Danuri, M.S. (2017). Are Liquidated Damages Clauses Useless?, The Ingenieur, (70), April-June, 76-79.
  8. Mei Ye, K., Mohd Danuri, M., Mohamed, O., & Selamat N. (2017). Effective Communication Strategy with Community and Landowner in the Construction of High Voltage Power Transmission Line in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal Of Surveying, Construction And Property, 8 (1), 75-94.
  9. Teng Kam Wah, Dr Rosli Said and Dr Mohd Suhaimi Bin Mohd Danuri (2015). The Employer's Rights of Set-Off against Payment Claims by the Contractor. The Ingenieur, Vol. 62 April-June 2015, 42.
  10. Abd-Karim,S.B., Abg Marani,D.A., Mohd Danuri, M.S. and Mohamed,O. (2014). Managing Conflicts in Joint Venture Projects; International Journal of Property Sciences 4(1)
  11. Mohamed, O., Abd-Karim, S.B., Roslan, N.H., Mohd Danuri M.S., and Zakaria, N. (2014) Risk Management: Looming the Modus Operandi among Construction Contractors in Malaysia, International Journal of Construction Management, 2 Dec 2014 (DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2014.967928)
  12. Saipol Bari Abd Karim, Rabi atul Adawiyah A. Rahmin, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri and Othman Mohamed (2014). Developing the Value Management Maturity Model (VM3 ). Journal of Design and Built Environment Vol. 14(1): 1-10.
  13. Zainon, N., Lou, E., Mohd-Danuri, M.S., & Mohd-Rahim, F.A. (2013). Analysis of Practices for Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Procurement Process: Malaysia vs. United Kingdom. The Malaysian Surveyor, Vol.48(1), 13-20.
  14. Mohd Danuri, M.S., Mohd Ishan, Z., Mustaffa, N.E. & Jaafar, M.S. (2012). A revisit on the current practice of dispute resolution and ADR in the Malaysian construction industry. Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol.10, June.
  15. Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri, Shaik Mohd Noor Alam Shaik Mohd Hussain, Nur Emma Mustaffa & Mohd Saleh Jaafar. (2010). Growth of dispute avoidance procedure in the construction industry: a revisit and new perspectives. Construction Law Journal, 26(5), 349-363.
  16. Mohd Danuri, M.S., Che Munaaim, M.E. & Yen, L.C. (2009). Liquidated Damages in the Malaysian Standard Forms of Construction Contract: the Law and the Practice. Const. L.J., 25(2), 103-116.
  17. H. Abdul-Rahman, M. E. Che Munaaim, M. S. Mohd Danuri, M. A. Berawi. (2008). Issues Affecting Payments in the Building and Construction Industry of a Rapid Developing Economy. Building Engineer, International News, pp. 4-10.
  18. M.E. Che Munaaim, M.S. Mohd Danuri, H. Abdul Rahman. (2007). Is Late or Non-Payment a Significant Problem to Malaysian Contractors? Journal of Design and the Built Environment, 3(3):35-49.
  19. M.S. Mohd Danuri, M. Othman, H. Abdul-Rahman and C. C. Lim. (2006). Application and Assessment of Extension of Time Claim: Findings of Case Studies Conducted In Malaysia. Journal of Design and The Built Environment, 2(2):15-29.
  20. Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri. (2006). The Proper Ways Of Assessing Damages For Defective Building Works. The Malaysian Law and Society Journal (1):21-35.
  21. Nurshuhada Zainon and Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri. (2006). Perlaksanaan Projek Secara Reka Bentuk Dan Bina Di Kalangan Kontraktor Kelas Sederhana Di Malaysia. The Malaysian Surveyor, The Professional Journal of The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (40.3):54-61.
  22. S. Chan Loong, H. Abdul Rahman, F. Mohd Rahim, S. Ismail, M.S. Mohd Danuri. (2005). Challenges for Improvement of Quality in Construction of a Growing Economy. Journal of Design and The Built Environment,1 (1):51-66.
  23. Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri. (2004). The Employer's Rights and the Contractor's Liabilities in Relation to the Defects Liability Period. The Malaysian Surveyor, The Professional Journal of The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (39.1):54-59.
  1. Mohd-Danuri, M.S. (2021). Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Procedure for the Construction Industry. University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Mohamed, O., Yahya, I.A., Hanid, M.,Mohd Danuri, M.S., Mohd Nor, F., and Abd Karim, S.B. (2017). Pengurusan Pra Pembinaan Ukur Bahan. Batu Pahat: Penerbit Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
  3. Abdul-Rahman, H., Wang, C., Faizul Azli Mohd Rahim, Nurul Safwah Mohd Yusoff, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri. (2015). Delay and Payment Issues in Construction . Projects. UM Press. ISBN: 978-983-100-830-0
Chapter in Books
  1. Mohd-Danuri, M.S. & Loo, S. C. (2025). Tsunami. In Zolkafli@Zulkifly, U. K. & Zakaria, N. (Eds.). Understanding Disaster Resilience Technologies: Adoption in Malaysia Built Environment (pp., 77-108). Universiti Malaya Press.
  2. Saipol Bari Abd Karim, Imran Ariff Yahya and Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri (2024). Value and Risk Management Integration. In Fundamentals and Practices of Value Engineering / Value Management. (pp 167-188). Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya Press
  3. Saipol Bari Abd Karim, Mahanim Hanid and Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri (2024). VE for New School Project. In Fundamentals and Practices of Value Engineering / Value Management. (pp 249-258). Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Malaya Press
Article in Proceeding
  1. Zahidah Jahidi, Saipol Bari Abd Karim and Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri (2002). Interdependencies Between Economic, Environmental And Social Values Of Oil And Gas Infrastructure Projects: A Thematic Review. Proceedings of the 1st ASEAN Quantity Surveying Association (AQSA) Academic Conference 2022, pp. 47-49.
  2. Abdolah Saeb, Norhanim Zakaria, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri, Othman Mohamed, 2017, Approriate Approach and Process for Dispute Resolution in Construction, The 4th International Conference on Management in the 21st Century, Kuala Lumpur
  3. Musawir, Ata ul Abd-Karim, Saipol Bari Mohd Danuri, Mohd Suhaimi (2016). Project Governance: Enabling Organizational Strategy. 10th ASEAN Post Graduate Seminar, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya.Nov 15, 2016
  4. RabiAtul Adawiyah A Rahmin, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri, Othman Mohamed & Saipol Bari Abdul Karim. 2013. Negotiation as a means of trade usage to avoid dispute in Malaysian construction industry. Global Conference on Business and Economics Research 2013 (GCBER), 18th to 20th October 2013, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
  5. Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri, Shaik Mohd Noor Alam S.M. Hussain & Nur Emma Mustaffa. 2008. Viability of dispute avoidance procedure in the Malaysian construction industry. RICS Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference (COBRA 2008), Dublin.
  6. Abdul-Rahman H, Abd Karim S.B, Mohd Danuri M.S and Yap X.W (2007). Does Professional Ethic Affects Construction Quality? Quantity Surveying International Conference: Enhancing & Empowering the Profession, 4-5 Sept 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  7. Abdul-Rahman H., Abd Karim S.B., Mohd Danuri M.S. and Yap X.W. 2007. Does Professional Ethic Affects Construction Quality?. Quantity Surveying International Conference: Enhancing & Empowering the Profession, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  8. Abdul-Rahman, H., Danuri, M.S.M., Wah, L.W., Zakaria, N., Rahim, F.A.M. (2007). Using project learning to enhance the value of construction projects. CME 2007 Conference - Construction Management and Economics: 'Past, Present and Future' pp. 1645-1656.
  9. Abdul-Rahman, H., Rahim, F.A.M., Danuri, M.S.M., Wah, L.W. (2007). A study on quality management during the pre-construction stage of design-and-build projects. CME 2007 Conference - Construction Management and Economics: 'Past, Present and Future' 2007, Pages 753-764.
  10. Mohd Danuri M.S, Abdul-Rahman H, Abd Karim S.B and Che Munaain ME (2007). A Study on the Contractors Perceptions Towards the Duties of Superintending Officer (Superintendent); Quantity Surveying International Conference: Enhancing & Empowering the Profession, 4-5 Sept 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  11. Mohd Danuri M.S, Abdul-Rahman H., Abd Karim S.B. and Che Munaaim M.E. 2007. A Study on the Contractors Perceptions Towards the Duties of Superintending Officer (Superintendent). Quantity Surveying International Conference: Enhancing & Empowering the Profession, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  12. Mohd Danuri M.S., Che Munaaim M.E., Abdul-Rahman H. and Lee C.Y. 2007. The Enforceability of Liquidated Damages Clause in the Malaysian Standard Forms of Building Contracts. Quantity Surveying International Conference: Enhancing & Empowering the Profession, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  13. H.Abdul-Rahman, W.Chen, M.S.Mohd Danuri and F.A.Mohd Ramli. 2006. A Subsequent Survey on Project Management Using Cultural Factors in the Malaysian Construction Industry. Quantity Surveying National Convention 2006, Leading through Innovation, Sheraton Subang Hotel.
  14. Hamzah Abdul Rahman, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri, Low Wai Wah, Norhanim Zakaria & Faizul Azli Mohd Rahim, 2006, Using Project Learning To Enhance The Value of Construction Projects, Second ASEAN Postgraduate Seminar (PGS) 2006,University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
  15. M.E. Che Munaaim, M.S. Mohd Danuri, H. Abdul Rahman, M.Hanid. 2006. Late And Non-Payment Issues In The Malaysian Construction Industry - Consultants' Perspective. Quantity Surveying National Convention 2006, Leading through Innovation, Sheraton Subang Hotel.
  16. M.S. Mohd Danuri, M.E. Che Munaaim, H. Abdul Rahman, M.Hanid. 2006. Late And Non-Payment Issues In The Malaysian Construction Industry - Contractors' Perspective. Joint International Conference on Construction Culture, Innovation, and Management (CCIM), Dubai.
  17. M.S. Mohd Danuri, I.A. Yahya, O. Mohamed, M. Othman, H. Abdul-Rahman. 2005. The Roles of Government in Multinational Construction Joint Venture Comparison between Malaysia and China. International Conference on Multi-National Joint Venture for Construction Works, Penang.
  18. M.S. Mohd Danuri, M. Othman, H. Abdul-Rahman, C.C. Lim. 2005. Dealing With Extension Of Time Issues: The Malaysian Experience. International Conference Of Construction And Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2005). The Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia.
  19. Faizul Azli Mohd Rahim, Suraya Ismail , Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri, Norhanim Zakaria , Khairuddin Sulaiman, 2004, Procurement : Interpretation Disputes , Management in Construction Researchers Association (MICRA) Conference, Langkawi, Malaysia.
  20. Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri, Imran Ariff Yahya, Faizul Azli Mohd Rahim, Norhanim Zakaria, Hamzah Abdul-Rahman, 2004, Towards Ownership of Affordable Quality Housing, National Conference on Affordable Quality Housing, Miri, Sarawak.
  21. S. Ismail, H. Abd Rahman, H.Akmal, M.S. Mohd Danuri, F.A. Mohd Rahim. 2004. Success Criteria of A Private Joint-Venture: A Case Study on the Construction of The Bahrain International Circuit. CII-HK Conference 2004 on Construction Partnering, Hong Kong.
Other Publications
  1. Mohd Reda, N. (2024). Ada Permintaan Dorong Lambakan Kontraktor Tidak Berdaftar. BERNAMA, Retrieved from - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  4. Mahanim Hanid, Mohd Suhaimi Mohd Danuri (2022). Profesion ukur bahan pacu pembangunan. Utusan Malaysia. Retrieved from - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  5. Mohd-Danuri, M.S. (2021). Commentary for the case of Masai Tat Sdn Bhd v Sdn Bhd & Anor [2020] MLJU 803 , in CIDB (2021). CONSTRUCTION LAW REPORT 2020- EDITION 2021. - Technical Report
  6. Mohd-Danuri, M.S. (2019). Commentator for the case of Matrix Concepts (Central) Sdn Bhd v AR Lim Yoke Tiang [2018] MLJU 1548', CIDB Construction Law Report 2018 (Edition 2019). - Technical Report
  7. Mohd Danuri, M.S. (2016). Brunei needs arbitration panel for disputes. The Brunei Times. September 25, 2016. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  8. Mohd Danuri, M.S. (2016). Use mediation to solve dispute, construction firms told. Brunei Times, September 28, 2016. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  9. H.Abdul-Rahman, M.S.Mohd Danuri, M.E.Che Munaaim and W.Chen. 2006. A Report Of A Questionnaire Survey On Late And Non-Payment Issues In The Malaysian Construction Industry for the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB). - Technical Report
  10. A WCT International Construction Project The Bahrain International Circuit. Report prepared by the Project and Facilities Management Team, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, July, 2005. - Technical Report


  1. 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Developing Framework for Integrated Infrastructure Megaproject Risk Management in Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2019 - 2022, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Ethical Framework For Construction Bidding And Tender Evaluation Process ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2018 - 2021, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    Total Productive Maintenance Procurement Framework For Green Buildings ( Co-Researcher)
  4. 2018 - 2020, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    The Elimination Of Waste Of Motion Towards Improving Labour Productivity In Buildong Construction ( Co-Researcher)
  5. 2017 - 2019, Bantuan Khas Penyelidikan (BKP Special)
    A Preliminary Study Of Ethics Related Issues During Tender Evaluation Process In The Malaysian Construction Industry ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2016 - 2018, Bantuan Kecil Penyelidikan (BKP)
    Integration of Country Risk Management Profiling into the National Regulatory Framework for Oil and Gas Industry ( Co-Researcher)
  7. 2016 - 2018, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - SUS (Sustainability Science)
    Building Control Innovation: Policy And Legislative Review On Malaysian Affordable Housing Construction ( Co-Researcher)
  8. 2014 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG) - AFR (Frontier Science)
  9. 2014 - 2016, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
  10. 2012 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG) - SUS (Sustainability Science)
    An investigation into negotiation as a means of trade usage to avoid dispute in the Malaysian construction industry ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG) - SUS (Sustainability Science)
    Knowledge Sharing Initiatives in Quantity Surveying Firms in The Malaysian Construction Industry ( Co-Researcher)
  12. 2007 - 2010, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
  13. 2005 - 2007, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    The Use of Project Learning to Enhance the Value of Construction Project. ( Researcher)
  14. 2005 - 2005, Private Funding
    A study on Construction of Bahrain International Formula 1 Circuit Project. ( Researcher)
  1. 2023 - 2025, Private Funding
    Preliminary Study On Mediation Practices In The Malaysian Construstion Industry ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2004 - 2005, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Kajian Punca Kelewatan Penyiapan Projek Pembinaan ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  1. (2025) Ahli Jawatankuasa Tapisan (Pelantikan) Peringkat Fakulti Alam Bina, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  2. (2024) Thesis Seminar Presentation - Yu Cao (China) (S2035978/1), University, (Internal Examiner)
  3. (2024) Candidature Defence - Ahmad Alarabiat (S2167521/1), University, (Internal Examiner)
  4. (2024) Viva Voce Session for The Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) Candidate : Tiew Si Yee (17003360/4), University, (Internal Examiner)
  5. (2024) Pengerusi dan Panel Penilai Pembentangan ‘Proposal Defence’ Zohari Bin Sulaiman (22103798/1), University, (Internal Examiner)
  6. (2023) Reviewing Manuscript # Jaabe2304184cm Entitled "An Analysis of Causes of Construction Disputes: a Case Study from a Developing Country" for The Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, International, (Reviewer)
  7. (2023) Navigating The Ethical Discourse in Construction: a State-of-The-Art Review of Relevant Literature, International, (Reviewer)
  8. (2023) Reviewing Manuscript # Jcdc-Oa-10-22-0180 Entitled "Framework for a Psychological-Based Code Compliance Checking Bim System for Healthcare Facilities" for Journal of Construction in Developing Countries., National, (Reviewer)
  9. (2023) Panel Penilai Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (Frgs) 2023 Peringkat Universiti Malaya, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  10. (2023) Completing The Review of The Submission, "Common Disputes in Claims for Loss and Expense Based On Malaysian Legal Cases ," for Journal of Surveying, Construction and Property., University, (Reviewer)
  11. (2023) Reviewer for Book Submitted to UTM Press, "Bim Implementation Strategies in The Construction Industry", University, (Reviewer)
  12. (2023) Panel Penilai Pembentangan Candidature Defence Bagi Calon Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Semester 2, Sesi 2022/2023: Tiew Si Yee, University, (Internal Examiner)
  13. (2023) Jawatankuasa Dalam Penyediaan Dokumentasi Psar Bagi Program Sarjana Pengurusan Projek, Jabatan Ukur Bahan, Fakulti Alam Bina, Universiti Malaya, University, (Reviewer)
  14. (2023) Pengerusi Pembentangan Proposal Defence Bagi Calon Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Semester 1 , Sesi 2022/2023: Ahmad Alarabiat, University, (Reviewer)
  15. (2023) Panel Penilai Pembentangan Proposal Defence Bagi Calon Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Semester 1, Sesi 2022/2023: Patrick Moya, University, (Reviewer)
  16. (2023) Panel Penilai Pembentangan Proposal Defence Bagi Calon Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Semester 1, Sesi 2022/2023: Ismi Luqman Hamadi, University, (Reviewer)
  17. (2023) Panel Penilai Pembentangan Proposal Defence Bagi Calon Ijazah Doktor Falsafah Semester 1, Sesi 2022/2023: Lok Wung Yip, University, (Reviewer)
  18. (2023) External Assessor for The IIUM's Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours), National, (External Assessor)
  19. (2023) Pelantikan Sebagai Pemeriksa Luar (Penilaian Pelajar) UiTM Cawangan Sarawak, University, (External Examiner)
  20. (2022) Reviewer for McRj Special Issue Vol. 15, No. 1, 2022, National, (Reviewer)
  21. (2022) Jawatankuasa Tapisan (Pelantikan) Di Peringkat Fakulti Alam Bina, University, (Internal Assessor)
  22. (2022) Editorial Board for Journal of Project Management Practice, University, (Reviewer)
  23. (2021) External Assessor Report Request for Dr Wong Chee Hoo - Inti International University, University, (External Assessor)
  24. (2020) Lantikan oleh Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia sebagai Panel Penilai bagi program Bachelor of Science (Hons) Quantity Surveying yang dikendalikan oleh INTI International University., (Evaluation Panel)
  25. (2020) Pemeriksa Luar Program Diploma Ukur Bahan, UTM Space UTM, Lawatan Pada 17 September 2020, (External Examiner)
  26. (2019) Pelantikan sebagai Panel Penilai Bagi Anugerah Disertasi Terbaik Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia Tahun 2019 , (External Examiner)
  27. (2019) Program Lawatan Pemeriksa Luar untuk Program Sarjana Sains Pengurusan Kontrak Pembinaan (MSc Construction Contract Management) di Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur, UTM Skudai., (External Examiner)
  28. (2018) Panel Penilai skim Assessment of Professional Competence (APC), Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia, (Assessor)
  29. (2018) Program Pemeriksa Luar Ukur Bahan bagi Pengajian Separuh Masa (SPACE) Semester 2018/2019, (External Examiner)
  30. (2018) Ahli Lembaga Pengajian Program untuk Program Pascasiswazah Fakulti Alam Bina, UNIMAS, (Advisory Committee)
  31. (2017) Vetting panel for 9th International Surveying Conference for Undergraduates - 01 April 2017, (Scientific Committee)
  32. (2014) Penemuduga Bagi Kemasukan Ke Program Ijazah Dasar dan Asasi Sesi 2014/2015, University, (Internal Evaluator)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2025) External Examiner for "Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) (Construction Management)" At Curtin University Malaysia, Miri Sarawak., University, (Academic Appointment )
  2. (2025) Pelantikan Panel Penilai Bagi Skim Asessment of Professional Competence (Apc) Oleh Jawatankuasa Pendaftaran & Kelayakan, Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia, National, (Resource Person)
  3. (2025) Timbalan Pengerusi, Jawatankuasa Kecil Assessment of Professional Competence, National, (Technical Advisor)
  4. (2025) Ahli, Jawatankuasa Pendaftaran dan Kelayakan, Sesi 2023-2025, National, (Technical Advisor)
  5. (2023) Komentator Bagi Cidb Construction Law Report (Cclr) Edisi 2023, National, (Resource Person)
  6. (2023) Pakar Rujuk/Saksi Pakar Di Dalam Bidang Kontrak Pembinaan Bagi Projek Kejora (Pembangunan Bercampur Di Bandar Penawar, Johor), National, (Expert Advisor)
  7. (2023) Editorial Board for Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, University, (Technical Advisor)
  8. (2023) Vice Chairman, Assessment of Professional Competence (Apc) Sub-Committee, National, (Resource Person)
  9. (2022) Fasilitator Bengkel Panduan Penyediaan Laporan Analisa Kritikal Sesi Mei 2022 Secara Atas Talian, National, (Resource Person)
  10. (2021) Ahli Jawatankuasa Disiplin Kes Aduan Rasmi Kes Aduan Rasmi Oleh Sr Mohd Fikri Bin Daud Dari Hmf Qs Consult Ke Atas Mokhnar & Associates, National, (Resource Person)
  11. (2021) Ahli Jawatankuasa Spesifikasi JPPHB, Universiti Malaya
  12. (2021) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pendaftaran & Kelayakan Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia Sesi Ke-20 (2021-2023), Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia
  13. (2020) Pelantikan sebagai Editorial Board Journal of Project Management Practice (JPMP), Fakulti Alam Bina
  14. (2019) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pendaftaran dan Kelayakan, Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia , Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia
  15. (2019) Pengulas Pakar bagi kes-kes pembinaan terpilih untuk penerbitan 'Construction Law Report 2018' Edisi 2019, CIDB
  16. (2019) Pelantikan sebagai penggubal kertas peperiksaan Tier-II bagi Majlis Peperiksaan Ukur Bahan (QSEC) bagi sesi 19 (2019-2021), Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia (LJBM)
  17. (2019) Panel Penilai Akreditasi Semula Program Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Hons), UiTM Shah Alam, BQSM
  18. (2018) Working Committee on Professional Training in Construction Cost and Contract Management and in Indonesia, RISM
  19. (2018) Scientific Committee for IConBEE2018, Inaugural International Conference on the Built Environment and Engineering
  20. (2018) Workshop on APC Academician Route, BQSM
  21. (2016) Committee Member of Editorial Board Planning Malaysia Journal Special Issue 2016: Sustainable Urban Development: Resilience Towards Transformation, Malaysian Institute of Planner
  22. (2014) Academic Advisor for the Liverpool John Moores University 3 + 0 Programme (BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Cost Management), Imperia Institute of Technology
  23. (2014) Ahli Jawatankuasa Teknikal Pengurusan Aset PTPTN di Menara Park, Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN)
  24. (2007) Steering Committee For Draft Conditions Of Contract For Design And Build Project, Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB)
  25. (2006) Ahli Panel Bagi Anugerah Amalan Terbaik Dalam Penyelidikan, Pembangunan dan Inovasi Sempena Dengan Malam Anugerah Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia 2006, Lembaga Juruukur Bahan Malaysia
  26. (2006) Steering Committee for Partnering Universities, The Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM)
  27. (2005) Technical Committee for International Forum - Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act : A Small Step Towards Zero Payment-Default But A Giant Leap Towards Greater Efficiency, Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM)
  28. (2004) Main Organising Committee, QS National Convention 2005, Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia, The Institution of Surveyors Malaysia and University of Malaya
  29. (2004) One day Mini Seminar on Mitigation of Delay, Centre for Project and Facilities Management, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya
  30. (2004) Seminar MICRA 2005, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya
  31. (2004) Asean Post-Graduate Seminar 2005, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya
Contribution to event
  1. (2023) Fasilitator Bengkel Panduan Penyediaan Laporan Analisa Kritikal Sesi Julai 2023, National, (Course Facilitator)
  2. (2023) Ahli Jawatankuasa Kecil Hari Terbuka Fakulti Alam Bina 2023 (Fbe Open Day 2023), University, (Event Organiser)
  3. (2023) Penceramah Bagi Taklimat dan Prosedur Assessment of Professional Competence (Apc) Untuk Calon-Calon Daripada Politeknik Yang Menjalankan Program Ukur Bahan, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
  4. (2021) Panelist (All Collected Fees Shall Be Donated to The Selected Charity House), National, (Panelist/Moderator)
  5. (2019) Mesyuarat Bagi Membincangkan Mekanisme Menangani Kartel Dalam Perolehan Kerajaan dan Isu Penilaian Tender Kerja Secara Icut Off, National, (Participant)
Media appearance
  1. (2024) Ada Permintaan Dorong Lambakan Kontraktor Tidak Berdaftar - Pakar, National, (Interview)