Curriculum Vitae


  • Department of Physics
    Faculty of Science
  • msithi
  • 0379674292


Dr Sithi V Muniandy is currently a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science. He received his DPhil in Mathematics (Oxford, UK, 1998) for his work on wavelet multiscale theory of turbulence, MSc in Theoretical Physics (UKM) and BSc(Hons) in Physics. He is actively involved in basic research covering broad field of statistical physics and quantum dynamics, namely anomalous transport phenomena in complex fluids, fluctuation in classical and quantum systems, dusty plasmas, decoherence dynamics of noisy quantum walk and quantum entanglement in noisy environment. Having served as the Deputy Dean (Research) at the Faculty of Science, Frontier Science Research Cluster Dean and Universiti Malaya Senate Member,  Dr Sithi advocates the importance of interaction across the arts, humanities and sciences, and started to explore applications of theoretical models and analytical tools from physics to system biology and social dynamics, working with biologists to understand emergence dynamics in mycelium network, animal movement ecology, collective behaviors, thermodynamics of ecosystem and soundscape ecology. Dr Sithi founded the Learning Enrichment Committee (LearnX@2015) at the Department of Physics, Universiti Malaya, where students are empowered to explore physics outside the syllabus using artscience approaches and competition-based peer-group learning. These include Physics Theatre – Atomystics, Entropic SDG through poetry, GIS Visual Science, Robotic IoT Drone (RiOD) Competition, 'Quantum Debate in Wayang Kulit' (shadow puppet) and 'Quantum Revolutions in Wayang Kulit' in celebration of International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ2025). Dr Sithi enjoys exploring emergence dynamics in soundscape ecology and Nature/wildlife photography. He uses Nature as the sourcebook for LearnX and coursework activities, reflecting on the complexities of life and the environment, and its implications on the  anthropic universe.


    Physical Sciences, Physics, Theoretical And Computational Physics
    Physical Sciences, Physics, Theoretical And Computational Physics
    Advancement Of Knowledge And Learning, Knowledge Generation And Expansion


  • PhD, (Physics of Fluid Turbulence, Wavelet Analysis & Multiscale Methods)
    Oxford University, Oxford, UK
  • MSc, (Stochastic Processes)
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
  • BSc (Hons), (Fizik)
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)


  • Head
    02 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2024 (Centre for Theoretical & Computational Physics (Ctpc), Faculty of Science)
  • Head
    01 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 (Centre for Theoretical & Computational Physics (Ctpc), Faculty of Science)
  • Head
    15 Apr 2020 - 31 Dec 2021 (Centre for Theoretical & Computational Physics (Ctpc), Faculty of Science)
  • AJK Pemilih Permohonan Calon Universiti Malaya ke Anugerah Akademik Negara ke -14
    23 Jun 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • AJK Pengajian Program Sarjana Pendidikan (Teknologi Pengajaran) Fakulti Pendidikan
    26 Jul 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • AJK Pengajian Program Sarjana Muda Sastera Pengajian India di FASS
    05 Aug 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Senate Member
    17 Dec 2018 - 16 Dec 2021 (National)
  • Senate Representative to Institute of Advanced Study
    23 Apr 2021 - 16 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • AJK Pengajian Fakulti Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaya
    26 Apr 2021 - 16 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Wakil Senat ke JKP Pelantikan dan Kenaikan Pangkat Prof Madya UM
    10 Jan 2019 - 16 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Wakil Senat ke Jk Perpustakaan
    21 Dec 2018 - 20 Oct 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Pengerusi Mesyuarat JKP Viva PhD Fakulti Sains
    15 Oct 2020 - 14 Oct 2021 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
  • Wakil Senat ke JKP Kenaikan Pangkat Profesor Madya dan Profesor C Fakulti Perubatan
    01 Jul 2019 - 30 Jun 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member
    18 May 2020 - 17 May 2021 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
  • Pengerusi Mesyuarat JKP Viva PhD Fakulti Sains
    10 Oct 2017 - 30 Sep 2018 (Faculty)
  • Dean
    01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (Frontier Science Research Kluster, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Research Cluster Dean (Advanced Fundamental Research)
    15 Sep 2014 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Head
    02 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (Centre for Theoretical & Computational Physics (Ctpc), Faculty of Science)
  • Deputy Dean
    15 Sep 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (Frontier Science Research Kluster, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Deputy Dean of Research
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Aug 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Deputy Dean of Research
    01 Jul 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Deputy Dean of Research
    01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Research Cluster Acting Dean
    19 Oct 2014 - 27 Oct 2014 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Director
    30 Jul 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Acting Director
    17 Jun 2014 - 19 Jun 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Acting Director
    24 Jan 2014 - 28 Jan 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Kecil Peniali Anugerah Cemerlang Universiti Malaya 2013
    20 Aug 2013 - 31 Dec 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Dean
    09 Dec 2013 - 13 Dec 2013 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Acting Dean
    11 Nov 2013 - 16 Nov 2013 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Acting Dean
    14 Oct 2013 - 16 Oct 2013 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • AJK Kerja Pemilih Bagi Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Professional Bukan Akademik Untuk Kenaikan Pangkat
    04 Sep 2013 - 05 Sep 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Acting Dean
    06 Aug 2013 - 13 Aug 2013 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Acting Dean
    17 Jun 2013 - 18 Jun 2013 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)


    Since 2009 (International)
    2017 to 2018 (International)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2020, Universiti Malaya
  • University of Malaya Learning Innovation & Teaching Enhancement Research Conference 2017 Silver Medal Award
    2017, ADEC University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2015, Universiti Malaya
  • Faculty Academic Appreciation Award 2015 - Best Lecturer
    2015, Department of Physics,  (Department)
  • Best Physics Lecturer Award
    2014, Department of Physics Students Society,  (Department)
  • UM Excellence Award
    2012, Universiti Malaya


Article in Journal
  1. Chew, Jing Wen; Chong, Wu Yi; Muniandy, Sithi Vinayakam; Yap, Yuen Kiat; Ahmad, Harith (2024). Determination of nonlinear refractive index of large area monolayer MoS2 at telecommunication wavelength using time-resolved Z-scan technique, JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS & MATERIALS. . doi:10.1142/S0218863523500522
  2. Ishak, Nur Izzati; Muniandy, S., V (2024). Probing quantum discord and coherence dynamics in the discrete-time quantum walk under generalized amplitude damping noise channel, PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 99(7). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ad5798
  3. Sukamto, Heru; Yuwana, Lila; Purwanto, Agus; Muniandy, Sithi, V (2024). Efficiency of the non-maximally entangled quantum Otto engine, PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 99(4). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ad2cd1
  4. Taufiqi, Muhammad; Purwanto, Agus; Yuwana, Lila; Muniandy, Sithi Vinayakam; Al-Amin, Muhammad Amru; Prabowo, Ananto Ari; Subagyo, Bintoro Anang (2024). Asymmetric bidirectional quantum controlled teleportation via a seven-qubit Werner-like mixed state, PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 99(6). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ad42dc
  5. Tey, Lian Seng; Muniandy, S. V.; Chong, Wu Yi (2024). Photon-count fluctuations of spontaneous parametric down conversion exhibit long-range correlations, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS. 41(9), 2070-2076. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.527547
  6. Taufiqi, Muhammad; Yuwana, Lila; Purwanto, Agus; Muniandy, Sithi Vinayakam; Latifah, Eny; Sukamto, Heru; Subagyo, Bintoro Anang (2023). Quantum controlled teleportation with OR-logic-gate-like controllers in noisy environment, PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 98(12). doi:10.1088/1402-4896/ad075c
  7. Hamidi, E.; Ganesan, P.; Muniandy, S., V; Hassan, M. H. Amir (2022). Lattice Boltzmann Method simulation of flow and forced convective heat transfer on 3D micro X-ray tomography of metal foam heat sink, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES. 172. doi:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2021.107240
  8. Muniandy, S., V; Ishak, Nur Izzati; Yi, Chong Wu (2022). Entropy fluctuation and correlation transfer in tunable discrete-time quantum walk with fractional Gaussian noise, PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 106(2). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.106.024113
  9. Ishak, N. I., Muniandy, S. V., & Chong, W. Y. (2021). Entropy analysis of the discrete-time quantum walk under bit-flip noise channel. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 584, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2021.126371
  10. Ishak, N. I., Muniandy, S. V., & Chong, W. Y. (2020). Scaling exponent analysis and fidelity of the tunable discrete quantum walk in the noisy channel. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 559, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2020.125124
  11. Pang, S. Y., Muniandy, S. V., Kamali, M. Z. M. (2020). Effect of Fluctuation in the Coupling Strength on Critical Dynamics of 1D Transverse Field Quantum Ising Model. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 59(1), 250-260. doi: 10.1007/s10773-019-04320-3
  12. Chew, W. X., Kaizu, K., Watabe, M., Muniandy, S. V., Takahashi, K., Arjunan, S. N. V. (2019). Surface reaction-diffusion kinetics on lattice at the microscopic scale. Physical Review E, 99(4), 16. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.99.042411
  13. Pang, S. Y., Muniandy, S. V., Kamali, M. Z. M. (2019). Critical Dynamics of Transverse-field Quantum Ising Model using Finite-Size Scaling and Matrix Product States. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 58(12), 4139-4151. doi:10.1007/s10773-019-04279-1
  14. Rajagopal, K. K., Muniandy, S. V. (2015). Non-Markovian dynamics of a two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 434, 164-170.
  15. Ibrahim, M. L. I., Ahmad, Z., Sulaiman, K., Muniandy, S. V. (2014). Combined influence of carrier mobility and dielectric constant on the performance of organic bulk heterojunction solar cells, Aip Advances. 4(5), 11
  16. Kong, Y. L., Muniandy, S. V., Fakir, M. S., Sulaiman, K. (2014). Morphological image interpretation of organic nickel(II) phthalocyanine-tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium film using fractal analysis, Applied Surface Science. 301, 363-3680169-4332.
  17. Tay, W. H., Kausik, S. S., Wong, C. S., Yap, S. L., Muniandy, S. V. (2014). Statistical modelling of discharge behavior of atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Physics of Plasmas. 21(11), 9
  18. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2013). Dust-acoustic shock formation in dusty plasmas with non-thermal ions, Physics of Plasmas. 20(1), 3
  19. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2013). Dust-acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasmas with non-thermal ions, Physics of Plasmas. 20(2), 3
  20. Safaai, S. S., Muniandy, S. V., Chew, W. X., Asgari, H., Yap, S. L., Wong, C. S. (2013). Fractal dynamics of light scattering intensity fluctuation in disordered dusty plasmas, Physics of Plasmas. 20(10), 8
  21. Choo, K. Y.; Muniandy, S. V.; Chua, C. L.; Woon, K. L. (2012). Scaling behaviors of transient noise current in organic field-effect transistors, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS. 13(8), 1370-1376. doi:10.1016/j.orgel.2012.04.003
  22. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2011). Dust-acoustic shock formation in adiabatic hot dusty plasmas with variable charge, Physics of Plasmas. 181(Article), 1070-664X.
  23. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2011). Stochastic dynamics of charge fluctuations in dusty plasma: A non-Markovian approach, Physics of Plasmas. 188(Article), 1070-664X.
  24. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2011). The role of dust charging frequency in the linear and nonlinear propagation of dust acoustic waves, Wave Motion. 483(268-274), Article
  25. Han, N. C., Muniandy, S. V., Dayou, J. (2011). Acoustic classification of Australian anurans based on hybrid spectral-entropy approach, Applied Acoustics. 729(639-645), Article
  26. Muniandy, S. V., Chew, W. X., Kan, C. S. (2011). Multifractal modelling of electrochemical noise in corrosion of carbon steel, Corrosion Science. 531(188-200), Article
  27. Muniandy, S. V., Chew, W. X., Wong, C. S. (2011). Fractional dynamics in the light scattering intensity fluctuation in dusty plasma, Physics of Plasmas. 181(Article), 1070-664X.
  28. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2010). Dust acoustic dressed soliton with dust charge fluctuations, Physics of Plasmas. 17(6), Article
  29. Chatterjee, P., Das, B., Mondal, G., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2010). Higher-order corrections to dust ion-acoustic soliton in a quantum dusty plasma, Physics of Plasmas. 17(10), Article
  30. Chatterjee, P., Ghosh, U. N., Roy, K., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S., Sahu, B. (2010). Head-on collision of ion acoustic solitary waves in an electron-positron-ion plasma with superthermal electrons, Physics of Plasmas. 17(12), Article
  31. Chatterjee, P., Saha, T., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S., Roychoudhury, R. (2010). Ion acoustic solitary waves and double layers in dense electron-positron-ion magnetoplasma, Physics of Plasmas. 17(1), Article
  32. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2009). Effects of strength of dispersion and dust density on the formation of solitons and shocks in unmagnetized dusty plasma, Physics of Plasmas. 16(7), 5
  33. Chatterjee, P., Mondal, G., Roy, K., Muniandy, S. V., Yap, S. L., Wong, C. S. (2009). Generation of a dressed soliton in a four-component dusty plasma with nonthermal ions, Physics of Plasmas. 16(7), 8
  34. Chatterjee, P., Roy, K., Mondal, G., Muniandy, S. V., Yap, S. L., Wong, C. S. (2009). Dressed solitons in quantum electron-positron-ion plasmas, Physics of Plasmas. 16(12), 8
  35. Chatterjee, P., Roy, K., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2009). Dressed soliton in quantum dusty pair-ion plasma, Physics of Plasmas. 16(11), 6
  36. Chatterjee, P., Roy, K., Muniandy, S. V., Yap, S. L., Wong, C. S. (2009). Effect of ion temperature on arbitrary amplitude ion acoustic solitary waves in quantum electron-ion plasmas, Physics of Plasmas. 16(4), 4
  37. Chatterjee, P., Saha, T., Muniandy, S. V., Wong, C. S. (2009). Effect of ion temperature on oblique propagation of large amplitude solitary kinetic Alfven waves, Physics of Plasmas. 16(10), 6
  38. Chatterjee, P., Saha, T., Muniandy, S. V., Yap, S. L., Wong, C. S. (2009). Solitary waves and double layers in dense magnetoplasma, Physics of Plasmas. 16(7), 8
  39. Vengadesh, P.; Muniandy, S. V.; Majid, W. H. Abd. (2009). Fractal morphological analysis of Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) layers deposited onto Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) electrodes, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-BIOMIMETIC AND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS. 29(5), 1621-1626. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2008.12.027
  40. Muniandy, S. V., Stanslas, J. (2008). Modelling of chromatin morphologies in breast cancer cells undergoing apoptosis using generalized Cauchy field, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 32(0895-6111 ), 7
  1. Ishak, N. I., Muniandy, S.V., Chong, W.Y. (2021) Quantum Walk in Noisy Environment: Dynamics at the Borders of Quantum-Classical Transition. Jurnal Fizik Malaysia (Accepted)
  2. N.I. Ishak, S.V. Muniandy and W. Y, Chong (2020). Scaling exponent analysis and fidelity of the tunable discrete quantum walk in the noisy channel. Physica A 559, 125124.
  3. Nur izzati Ishak & Muniandy, S.V. (2020) Spatial Temporal Anisotropic Transport of the Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris in the Microfluidic Channel. Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics. 2 (2):1-9
  4. Chew, W.X., Kaizu, K., Watabe, M., Muniandy, S.V., Takahashi, K. and Arjunan, S.N.V. (2018). Reaction-diffusion kinetics on lattice at the microscopic scale. Physical Review E 98, 032418.
  5. Chand, R., Muniandy, S.V., Wong, C.S., & Singh,J. (2017) Discrete element method study of shear-driven granular segregation in a slowly rotating horizontal drum. Particuology 32, 89-94
  6. Choo,K.Y., Muniandy, S.V., Won, K.L., Gan, M.T. & Ong, D.S. (2017). Modeling anomalous charge carrier transport in disordered organic semiconductors using the fractional drift-diffusion equation. Organic Electronics. 41:157-165
  7. Kong, Y.L., Muniandy, S.V., Sulaiman, K, Fakir, M.S. (2017). Random fractal surface analysis of disordered organic thin films. Thin Solid Films 623, 147-156.
  8. Nur Izzati Ishak, Muniandy, S.V., Vengadesh Periasamy, Ng, F. L., & Phang, S. M. (2017). Transport of Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris in Microfluidic Channel. Chinese Physics B, 26, 088203-9.
  9. Shailendra Kumar Singh, S. V. Muniandy, 2015. Dynamics and Nonclassical Photon Statistics of Quadratically Coupled Optomechanical Systems. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 55, 287-301.
  10. Choo, K.Y. & S.V. Muniandy. 2015. Fractional dispersive transport in inhomogeneous organic semiconductors. Int. J. Modern Physics: Conf. Ser. 36 :1560008.
  11. Kalai Kumar Rajagopal , Muniandy, S.V. (2015) Dynamics of the double-well Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a dual Markovian reservoirs system. Physica A 440: 118-128.
  12. Lim, A.C.O, Chong, V.C, Chew, W.X., Muniandy, S.V., Wong C.S, Ong, Z.C. 2015. Sound production in the tiger-tail seahorse Hippocampus comes: insights into the sound producing mechanisms. J. Acoustical Society of America. 138(1):404-412
  13. Lim, A.C.O., Chong, V.C., Wong, C.S & Muniandy, S.V. (2015). Sound signatures and production mechanisms of three species of pipefishes (Family: Syngnathidae). PeerJ 3:e1471; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1471
  14. Asgari, H, Muniandy, S.V. & Amir Ghalee. 2014. Non-Markovian dynamics of dust charge fluctuations in dusty plasmas. Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 80. (in press) doi:10.1017/S0022377814000014
  15. Y.L. Kong, S.V. Muniandy, M.S. Fakir, K. Sulaiman. 2014. Image interpretation of organic nickel (II) phthalocyanine-tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium film using fractal analysis. Applied Surface Science 301(2014) 363-368.
  16. Choo, K.Y, Muniandy, S.V., Chua, C.L. and Woon, K.L. 2012. Scaling behaviors of transient noise current in organic field- effect transistors. Organic Electronics 13:1370-1376.
  17. Asgari, H, Muniandy, S.V. & Wong, C.S. 2011. Stochastic dynamics of charge fluctuations in dusty plasma: a non-markovian approach. Physics of Plasmas 18: 083709
  18. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S.V. & Wong, C, S. 2011. The role of dust charging frequency in the linear and nonlinear propagation of dust acoustic waves. Wave Motion 48: 268-274.
  19. Asgari, H., Muniandy, S.V. & Wong, C.S. 2011. Dust acoustic shock formation in adiabatic hot dusty plasmas with variable charge . Physics of Plasmas 18:013702
  20. Muniandy, S.V., Chew,W.X. and Kan, C.S. 2011. Multifractal modelling of electrochemical noise in corrosion of carbon steel. Corrosion Science. 53: 188- 200.
  21. Muniandy,S.V., Chew, W.X. & Wong, C.S. 2011. Fractional dynamics in the light scattering intensity fluctuation in dusty plasma. Physics of Plasmas vol.18:013701
  22. Ng, C.H., Muniandy, S.V. & Dayou, J. 2011. Acoustic classification of Australian anurans based on hybrid spectral-entropy approach. Applied Acoustic 72(9):639- 645
  23. Asgari H, Muniandy, S.V. & Wong, C.S. 2010. Wong, Dust acoustic dressed soliton with dust charge fluctuations. Physics of Plasmas 17: 063704.
  24. Chatterjee, P.,Ghosh, U.N., Roy, K., Muniandy, S.V., Wong, C.S. & Sahu, B. 2010. Head-on collision of ion acoustic solitary waves in an electron-positron-ion plasma with superthermal electrons. Physics of Plasmas 17: 122314.
  25. P.Chatterjee, Saha, T., Muniandy, S.V., Wong, C.S. & Roychoudhury, R. 2010. Ion acoustic solitary waves and double layers in dense electron-positron-ion magnetoplasma. Physics of Plasmas 17: 012106.
  26. Prasanta Chatterjee, Brindaban Das, Ganesh Mondal, Muniandy, S.V. & Wong, C.S. 2010. Higher-order corrections to dust ion-acoustic soliton in a quantum dusty plasma. Physics of Plasmas 17:103705.
  27. Asgari,H., Muniandy, S.V. & Wong, C.S. 2009. Effects of strength of dispersion and dust density on the formation of solitons and shocks in unmagnetized dusty plasma. Physics of Plasmas 16(1):073702
  28. Chatterjee, P., Mondal, G., Roy, K., Muniandy, S.V., Yap, S.L. & Wong, C.S. 2009. Generation of a dressed soliton in a four-component dusty plasma with nonthermal ions. Physics of Plasmas 16:072102
  29. Chatterjee, P., Roy, K., Mondal, G., Muniandy, S.V., Yap, S.L. & Wong, C.S. 2009. Dressed solitons in quantum electron-positron-ion plasmas. Physics of Plasmas 16:122112.
  30. Chatterjee,P., Saha T., Muniandy, S.V. & Wong, C. S. 2009. Effect of ion temperature on oblique propagation of large amplitude solitary kinetic Alfven waves. Physics of Plasma 16:103702.
  31. Idriss,H., Abdelrahman, A.E. & Muniandy, S.V. 2009. Morphological studies of nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide membranes. Int. J. Nano and Biomaterials 2(1/5): 354-359.
  32. Prasanta Chatterjee, Kaushik Roy, Sithi V. Muniandy, S. L. Yap & C. S. Wong. 2009. Effect of ion temperature on arbitrary amplitude ion acoustic solitary waves in quantum electron-ion plasmas. Physics of Plasmas 16:042311
  33. Prasanta Chatterjee, Taraknath Saha, Muniandy, S.V., Yap, S.L. & Wong, C.S. 2009. Solitary waves and double layers in dense magnetoplasma. Physics of Plasmas 16:072110.
  34. Vengadesh, P., Muniandy, S.V. & Abd. Majid, W.H. 2009. Fractal morphological analysis of Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) layers deposited onto Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) electrodes. Materials Science and Engineering C 29:1621 1626.
  35. Muniandy, S.V. & J. Stanslas, J. 2008. Modelling of chromatin morphologies in breast cancer cells undergoing apopotosis using generalized Cauchy field. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics Vol 32:631- 637.
  36. Siddig, M.A., Radiman, S. & Muniandy, S.V. 2004. Rheological modelling of wormlike micelles systems using fractional viscoelastic model. Suranaree J. Sci. and Tech. 11: 132-137
  37. Siddig, M.A., Zainal Abidin, S.S., Radiman, S. & Muniandy, S.V. 2004. Properties and rheological behaviours of oil in water emulsions of glucopone surfactant. Jurnal Fizik Malaysia 25(3-4): 73-76.
  38. Lim, S.C. & Muniandy, S.V. 2003. Generalized Ornstein Uhlenbeck processes and associated self-similar processes. Journal of Physics A : Mathematics and General. 36 : 3961 3982.
  39. Muniandy, S.V., Kan, C.S., Lim, S.C & Radiman, S. 2003. Fractal analysis of lyotropic lamellar liquid crystal textures. Physica A 323:107 123
  40. Muniandy, S.V., Phuah, L.L., Lim, S.C. & Jumari K. 2003. Multiscale modeling of end-to-end packet dynamics of TCP congestion based on round-trip time. Jurnal Fizik Malaysia 24(3&4): 115-117.
  41. Lim, S.C. & Muniandy, S.V. 2002. Self-similar Gaussian processes for modeling anomalous diffusion. Physical Review E 66:021114.
  42. Muniandy, S.V. & Lim, S.C. 2001. Modeling of locally self-similar processes using multifractional Brownian motion of Riemann-Liouville type. Physical Review E 63:046104.
  43. Muniandy, S.V., Lim, S.C. & Murugan, R. 2001. Inhomogeneous scaling behaviors in Malaysian foreign currency exchange rates. Physica A 301:407 428.
  44. Lim. S.C. & Muniandy,S.V. 2000. On some possible generalizations of fractional Brownian motion. Physics Letter A 266:140-145.
  45. Muniandy, S.V. & Moroz, I.M. 1997. Galekin modelling of the Burgers equation using harmonic wavelets. Physics Letters A 235:352-356.
  46. Lim, S.C. & Muniandy,S.V. 1995. Asymptotic properties of the fractional Brownian motion of Riemann- Liouville type. Physics Letters A 206:311-317.
  47. Muniandy, S.V. & Lim, S.C. 1995. On the spectra of Riemann-Liouville fractional Brownian motion. Journal of Physics A : Mathematics and General 28:2995-3003.
  1. Abd-Shukor,R & Muniandy,S.V. (eds) 2000. Prosiding Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2000 (PERFIK 2000). Bangi: UKM
Chapter in Books
  1. Lim, S.C. & Muniandy, S.V. 2001. Local asymptotic properties of multifractional Brownian motion. In Demuth, M. & Schulze, B.W. (eds) Partial Differential Equations and Spectral Theory. pp.205-214. Basel: Birkhauser-Verlag.
  2. Lim, S.C. & Muniandy, S.V.2001. Fractional Brownian motion; theory and application to DNA walk. In Sa- yakanit, V., Matsson,L.,Frauenfelder, H. & Lundqvist, S. (eds). Proc. 1st. Workshop on Biological Physics 2000. pp. 214-233. Singapore: World Scientific.
Article in Proceeding
  1. H. Asgari, S. V. Muniandy & C.S. Wong. 2011. Stochastic dynamics of charge fluctuations in dusty plasmas. AIP Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on Physics of Dusty Plasmas. Vol. 1397, pp. 297-298.
  2. H. Asgari, S. V. Muniandy and C. S. Wong. 2011. Dust Acoustic Shock Waves in Adiabatic Hot Dusty Plasmas. AIP Conf. Proc. Malaysia Annual Physics Conference 2010, 161-163.
  3. S. V. Muniandya, K. L. Woon and K. Y. Choo. 2011. Anomalous Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors. AIP Conf. Proc. Malaysia Annual Physics Conference. Vol. 1328, 38-42.
  4. S.V. Muniandy, W.X. Chew, H. Asgari, C.S> Wong & S.C. Lim. 2011. Fractional dynamics of single file diffusion in dusty plasma ring. AIP Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. Physics of Dusty Plasmas. Vol. 1397, pp.431- 432.
  5. W.X. Chew, S.V. Muniandy, C.S. Wong, S.L. Yap, and K.S. Tan. 2011. Diffusion Dynamics of Charged Dust Particles in Capacitively Coupled RF Discharge System. AIP Conf. Proc. Malaysia annual Physics Conference Vol. 1328, 145-147.
  6. H. Asgari, S. V. Muniandy, C. S. Wong, and P. Chatterjee. 2010. Dispersion relation of dust acoustic wave in dusty plasma with charge fluctuations. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1250, pg. 47-50
  7. H. Asgari, S.V. Muniandy & C.S. Wong 2010. Effects of pressure on the formation of solitons with dust charge fluctuation. AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1325,pg.128-131
  8. N. C. Han, S. V. Muniandy, J. Dayou, H. C. Mun, A. H. Ahmad & M. N. Dalimin. 2010. Information theoretic approach based on entropy for classification of bioacoustics signals. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1250, pg. 31-34.
  9. S. S. Safaai, S. L. Yap, P. W. Smith, C. S. Wong & S. V. Muniandy. 2010. Studies on the electrical characteristics of a dc glow discharge by using Langmuir probe. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol.1250. pg. 456-459.
  10. H. Asgari, S.V. Muniandy, C.S. Wong. 2009. Effects Of Relative Strength Of Dispersion On The Formation Of Nonlinear Waves In Dusty Plasmas. AIP Proceedings of 3rd International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics, vol. CP1150, pg.432-435
  11. A.W. Reza, C. Eswaran, S.Hati, S.V. Muniandy, A.F. Md Sharif.2007. Detection of Optic Disc in Colour Fundus Images Using Green Channel Component. Proc. of Int. Conf. Informatics. pp 1-3
  12. B. Guendouz, C. Eswaran & S.V. Muniandy. 2006. Error propagation and accurate calibration for camera model. Proc. IEEE Inter. Conf. Engineering of Intelligent System, ICEIS'06, pp 1-6.
  13. R. Uning, S.V. Muniandy & S.C. Lim. 2005. Analysis of DNA sequences of SARS coronavirus using Fourier and wavelet methods. Proc. MMU Inter. Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, M2USIC'05, pp. 9-12.
  14. S.C. Tan & S.V. Muniandy. 2005. New Ant-Based Routing Considering The Number of Available Wavelengths in WDM Networks. Proc. 4th Inter. Conf. Optical Communications and Networks, pp.196-199.
  15. S.V. Muniandy, S. C. Lim, L.L. Phuah & K. Jumari. 2003. Multifractal modelling of TCP dynamics in Internet traffic using wavelet method. Proc. Advanced Technology Congress, pp. 1-7.
  16. M. A. Siddig, S. Radiman, & S. V. Muniandy. 2001. Modelling of relaxation dynamics in gels using fractional Zener model. Proc. National Physics Conf. 2001, IFM, Kuala Lumpur, pp.12-15
  17. C.S. Kan, S.V. Muniandy, S. Radiman, S. & S. Mat Isa. 2000. Fractal dimension estimation of lamellar lyotropic liquid crystal texture based on regularization dimension method. Prosiding Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan (PERFIK2000), pp. 483-490.
  18. S. Radiman, C.S. Kan, & S.V. Muniandy. 2000. Phase characterization of lyotropic liquid crystal using fractal analysis. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Advances in Strategic Technologies (ICAST), pp. 763-769.
  19. S. Radiman, S.V Muniandy & R. Mustaffa. 2000. Polymer growth morphology of polyethylene glycols in lyotropic liquid crystal. Prosiding Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan Malaysia, pp. 475 -482.
  20. S.C. Lim & S.V. Muniandy 2000. Local properties of multifractional Brownian motion of Riemann-Liouville type. Proc. 8th Asia Pacific Physics Conf. (APPC2000 Taiwan), pp. 286-291
  21. S.V. Muniandy & S.C. Lim. 2000. Multifractal analysis of financial time series. Prosiding Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan,IFM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 323-332.
  22. S.C.Lim & S.V. Muniandy. 1996. Some properties of one- sided fractional Brownian motion. Proc. 1st Jagna International Workshop on Advances in Theoretical Physics, pp. 200-209.


  • Statistical Physics (Anomalous transport, complex systems, ecological entropy)
  • Quantum Dynamics (quantum walk, decoherence, entanglement)


  1. 2019 - 2021, RU Operation
    Technology Content of Museum Ceramics for Dating and Recreation ( Consultant)
  2. 2014 - 2016, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Anomalous Transport Of Soft-granular Biomaterials In Microenvironment ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2014 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Macroscopic Quantum Coherence And Entaglement In Noisy Environment ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2011 - 2015, Long Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS)
    Fundamental Study on Rational Molecular Design of High Efficiency and Long Lifetime Organic Solar Cells ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2011 - 2013, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Quantum Master Equations for Infinite Dimensional and Finite-Level Systems ( Consultant)
  6. 2011 - 2013, Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (ERGS)
    Transport phenomena in confined geometries and narrow channels ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Energy transfer in dissipative biomolecular complexes network based on quantum transport model ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  8. 2010 - 2012, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Study of charge carrier transport phenomena in disordered organic field effect transistors using fractal dynamics ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  9. 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    A study on anomalous transport of charged particles in dusty plasma system using particle trajectory velocimetry and fractional kinetic theory. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Development of optical diagnostic techniques for studying particle dynamics and plasma parameter measurements in dusty plasma systems ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2007 - 2009, ScienceFund
    Role of Stochastic Fluctuations On Charge- Exchange Dynamics in Low Temperature Radio- Frequency Dusty Plasma ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 2006 - 2008, AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA
    Fractional dynamics in spin relaxation and diffusion ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Science Workshop for Kazakhstan Students, Science Bridge Academy Sdn Bhd
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2015 (National)
  • Journal Referee for Sains Malaysiana, Sains Malaysiana
    01 Jan 2008 - 01 Jan 2010 (National)
  • Journal Referee for Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (ISI Journal)
    01 Jan 2008 - 01 Jan 2009 (International)
  • Journal Referee for Jurnal Fizik Malaysia, Institut Fizik Malaysia
    01 Jan 2007 - 01 Jan 2009 (National)
  • Journal Referee for Asm Science Journal, Akademi Sains Malaysia
    01 Jan 2009 - 01 Jan 2009 (National)
  • Journal Referee for Journal of Science & Technology in The Tropics (Jostt), Akademi Sains Malaysia
    01 Jan 2009 - 01 Jan 2009 (National)
  • Journal Referee for IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
    01 Jan 2006 - 01 Jan 2007 (International)


  2. Noisy Quantum Walk, 39th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, Physics Society of the Philippines and National Academy of Science and Technology (International) (20 Oct 2021 - 22 Oct 2021)
  3. Quantum Walk in Noisy Environment: Dynamics at the borders of quantum-classical crossover, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan (PERFIK2021), Universiti Teeknologi Malaysia & Institut Fizik Malaysia (National) (29 Jun 2021 - 30 Dec 2021)
  1. Inter-organism Relation: Emergence and Anomalous Dynamics of Fungi Mycelia Network, 10th Jagna International Workshop:Uncovering Patterns in the Evolution and Structure of Natural and Social Phenomena, Research Center for Theoretical Physics (International) (08 Jan 2024 - 11 Jan 2024)
  2. (First Principle Thinking & Fundamental Research & Design Thinking) as the Basis of Multidisciplinary Research, Multidisciplinary Fundamental Research in University of Malaya Forum, Frontier Science Research Cluster & Research Management Unit, Faculty of Science (University) (30 Oct 2017 - 30 Oct 2017)
  3. Accelerating Innovation: Why Are Tech Dotcoms Excited About Quantum Science & Technology?, Science Bridge Academy Public Seminar Series " Let's Talk Real Science", Science Bridge Academy Sdn BhD (Others) (18 Mar 2017 - 18 Mar 2017)
  4. Anomalous diffusion in complex environment, Colloquium on Modelling Cellular Dynamics, Center for Theoretical Physics & Frontier Science Research Cluster, University of Malaya (University) (05 Nov 2015 - 06 Nov 2015)
  5. Anomalous Transport in Complex Systems, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan (PERFIK2014), UTAR & Institut Fizik Malaysia (National) (18 Nov 2014 - 19 Nov 2014)
  6. Transdisciplnary approach for innovative solutions to global challenges: physics ++ for engineering sciences, Workshop Kerjasama di antara Universiti Malaya & Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Universitas Teknologi Jogjakarta, Indonesia (International) (25 May 2014 - 31 May 2014)
  7. Transport in Confined Geometries and Narrow Channels, 2nd Joint Physics Workshop Between University of Malaya and Osaka University, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics, Osaka University (International) (19 Apr 2011 - 20 Apr 2011)
  8. Effective Writing Method for Journal Publication, Hands-on Journal Publication Workshop, Dean of Research Office, Multimedia University (Others) (30 Sep 2010 - 30 Sep 2010)
  9. Dispersion relation of dust acoustic wave in dusty plasma with charge fluctuations, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan (PERFIK2009), UiTM and Institut Fizik Malaysia (National) (07 Dec 2009 - 09 Dec 2009)
  10. Fractal Signal Analysis and Stochastic Modelling, Workshop on Multidisciplinary Signal Processing and Analysis, e-VIBS Rsearch Group, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Others) (26 Oct 2009 - 27 Nov 2009)
  11. Fractional Dynamics and Strange Kinetics in Anomalous Diffusion, 4th Mathematical and Physical Science Graduate Congress, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore (International) (17 Dec 2008 - 19 Dec 2008)
  12. Fractals in Nanomaterials, WORKSHOP ON NANOPHYSICS, Theoretical and Computational Physics Group, Department of Physics, University of Malaya (National) (27 May 2008 - 28 May 2008)
  1. Humanity bond with water: empowering indigenous STEM education using water inspired artscience approach, 14th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE-14), Research Center for Water Environment Technology, University of Tokyo Japan and Universiti Malaya (International) (03 Dec 2024 - 05 Dec 2024)
  2. Preserving Soundscape Heritage as Part of Immersive Planetary Health and Psycho-Social Wellbeing Indicator, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENHANCING ART SCIENCE IN THE AGE OF SUSTAINABILITY, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue and Institute for Advanced Study, Universiti Malaya (International) (12 Jun 2024 - 13 Jun 2024)
  3. A+STEM => SDG: Creative Arts for Holistic STEM Education and Literacy, Universiti Malaya Academia-Community Engagement (UMACE) 2021 International Conference, Universiti Malaya (International) (14 Sep 2021 - 14 Sep 2021)
  4. Art Of Learning And Discovering Science Through Theater, Learning Innovation & Teaching Enhancement Research Conference 2017, ADEC Universiti Malaya (University) (15 Mar 2017 - 16 Mar 2017)
  5. Multifractal dynamics of light scattering intensity fluctuation in dusty plasma, 2010 XXIV IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics (STATPHYS24), IUPAP and University of Queensland (International) (19 Jul 2010 - 23 Jul 2010)
  1. Thermodynamic Analysis of Transverse-Field Quantum Ising Model Using Tensor Network Formalism, The 2nd Suranaree University of Technology and University of Malaya Physics Seminar (SUTUM-2), Department of Physics, University of Malaya (University) (01 Aug 2018 - 02 Aug 2018)
  2. Non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems subjected to colored noise, Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT 13), Institute of Physics, Acad. Sci. CR, Prague (International) (29 Jul 2013 - 03 Aug 2013)
  3. Fractional Dynamics of Single File Diffusion in Dusty Plasma Ring, International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas 2011 in , Max-Planck Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik, Garching (International) (16 May 2011 - 20 May 2011)
  1. Fractional Dynamics in Anomalous Diffusion, Department of Physics Seminar Series, Department of Physics, University of Malaya (Others) (20 Mar 2009 - 20 Mar 2009)
  1. Finite-Size Effect on the Thermodynamics Properties of Transverse-Field Quantum Ising Model using Matrix Product States (MPS), University of Malaya - Indonesian Universities Symposium UMInd 2018, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya (University) (08 Nov 2018 - 09 Nov 2018)


  1. (2024) AJK Tapisan F. Perubatan Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Prof. Madya dan Prof. Gred Khas C, University, (Reviewer)
  2. (2022) Penasihat Luar (Wakil Akademik) Program Pengajian Prasiswazah Bagi Program Fizik, National, (External Assessor)
  3. (2021) Judge in The Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2021 Competition (Finale Top 3 Winners), National, (External Assessor)
  4. (2021) Editorial Advisory Board E-Ijra Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, National, (Reviewer)
  5. (2021) Iirg Cycle 4/2021 Evaluation, University, (Reviewer)
  6. (2021) Reviewer for Malaysia Grand Challenge (Mgc) 2021 Proposal, University, (Reviewer)
  7. (2021) Panel Penilai Permohonan Konsortium Kecemerlangan Penyelidikan Kkp 2021, University, (Internal Assessor)
  8. (2021) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pengajian : Program Sarjana Muda Sastera Pengajian India Di Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial, University, (External Assessor)
  9. (2021) Article Reviewer, National, (Reviewer)
  10. (2021) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pengajian Bagi Program Sarjana Pendidikan (Teknologi Pengajaran), Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Malaya, University, (Internal Assessor)
  11. (2021) Panel for Candidature Defence (Zulfazli Rosli), University, (Internal Assessor)
  12. (2021) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pehilih Bagi Perifiohonan Calon Universiti Malaya Ke Anugerah Akademik Negara Ke.{4 (Aan}, University, (Reviewer)
  13. (2021) Frgs Reviewer for Xiamen University Malaysia, National, (Reviewer)
  14. (2021) Ippp Reviewer Panel for Frgs Proposal, University, (Reviewer)
  15. (2021) Frgs Reviewer At Faculty Level Screening, University, (Reviewer)
  16. (2021) Kpm Mybrainscience Interview Panel Member, National, (External Assessor)
  17. (2018) Associate Editor for Malaysian Journal of Science (MJS), (Editor)
  18. (2018) FRGS Proposal Evaluation Panel (Institution Level), (Reviewer)
  19. (2018) LRGS Proposal Evaluation Panel Member (Institutional Level) , (Reviewer)
  20. (2017) Manuscript Reviewer for Journal Applied Mathematics and Computation , (Reviewer)
  21. (2017) Panel Penilai Pemantauan Kemajuan Program UMRG Frontier Science Research Cluster May 2017, (Reviewer)
  22. (2017) Manuscript Reviewer for Journal Computational Condensed Matter , (Reviewer)
  23. (2017) Panel Penilai Permohonan Frontier Research Grant 2017, (Reviewer)
  24. (2016) AJK Penilai Pengkomersilan Universiti Malaya (UMCIC), (Reviewer)
  25. (2015) Referee for the evaluation of candidates nominated for election into the Membership of The World Academy of Sciences TWAS, (Reviewer)
  26. (2015) Internal Examiner of PhD Thesis "MODELLING AND COMPUTER SIMULATION OF GLYCOLIPID BILAYERS IN ANHYDROUS AND HYDRATED CONDITIONS" by postgraduate student Vijayan Manickam Achari (Faculty of Science), (Internal Examiner)
  27. (2015) Internal Examiner for Phd Thesis "Study of the Effects of Neutral Gas Heating in A Radio Frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma" by postgraduate student Kanesh Kumar Jayapalan (Faculty of Science), (Internal Examiner)
  28. (2015) Evaluation Committee Panel Member for Anugerah Cemerlang University Malaya 2015, (Evaluation Committee Panel Member)
  29. (2015) Internal examiner for PhD Thesis "PERFORMANCE OF HYDROPHILIC AND SUPER HYDROPHILIC CAPILLARY VALVES TO DEVELOP NOVEL MICROVALVES FOR CENTRIFUGAL MICROFLUIDICS" by postgraduate student Amin Kazemzadeh (Faculty of Engineering UM), (Internal Examiner)
  30. (2015) Evaluation Panel for MSc Candidature Defence - (1). Afiq Aizuddin Anuaar, (2) Nur Zulaiha Jomhari, (3) Noorratikah Mohammad Nasir, (Internal Examiner)
  31. (2015) Member of Academic Staff Screening Committee (JPCSA) for Lecturer and Senior Lecturer Appointment 14 April 2015 - 13 April 2017, (Advisory Committee)
  32. (2014) To evaluate application for promotion at UTAR, (External Examiner)
  33. (2014) Panel penilai Candidature Defence Jabatan Fizik calon PhD Lim Kok Geng, (Internal Examiner)
  34. (2013) To evaluate academic staff application for promotion at Universiti Putra Malaya, (Advisory Committee)
  35. (2013) Structure of Research Collaboration Networks Case Studies On Malaysia, PhD thesis by Sameer Kumar (QHA100003), Asia europe Institute, University of Malaya, (Internal Examiner)
  36. (2013) Review manuscript number CMIG-D-12-00306 for WoS Journal - Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, (Reviewer)
  37. (2012) Referee for ISI/WoSJournal EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , (Reviewer)
  38. (2011) Referee for manuscript submitted to ISI Elsevier journal "Measurement", (Reviewer)
  39. (2010) The Electronic Band Structure of Graphane, layers of Atoms of Iron and Chromium and Iron Containing Superconductors and Vanadium Oxide, PhD Thesis (Noriza Binti Ahmad Zabidi) , (Internal Examiner)
  40. (2010) Referee for manuscripts submitted to Physics of Plasmas , (Reviewer)
  41. (2010) Anomalous Diffusion in Trading Models, MSc Thesis (Sidiq Mohamad Khidzir) , (Internal Examiner)
  42. (2010) Computer Simulation of Low Temperature Plasmas, MSc Thesis (Low Shu San), (Internal Examiner)
  43. (2010) Inversion of 2D and 3D Resistivity Imaging Data for High Contrast Geophysical Regions Using Artificial Neural Networks; PhD Thesis (Ahmed Neyamadpour) , (Internal Examiner)
  44. (2010) Referee for manuscript submitted to ISI Journal "Sains Malaysiana" , (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2018) National 3MT Competition Coach for UM team, Ministry of Education
  2. (2018) Curriculum Review Panel for Secondary School (Physics), Malaysian Ministry of Education
  3. (2018) UM 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition Coach for Faculty of Science Team, Institute of Postgraduate Study (IPS) University of Malaya
  4. (2018) Evaluation Committee for Commercialization of UM Research, UMCIC, DVC (R&I) University of Malaya
  5. (2017) Pengerusi Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa (JKP) Viva Voce Calon Ijazah Kedoktoran, Pejabat Dekan Fakulti Sains
  6. (2017) Local Organizing Committee 5th International Meeting of Frontier of Physics IMFP2017, Institute Fizik Malaysia & University of Malaya
  7. (2017) Himpunan Bakat (Talent Pool) Universiti Malaya Untuk Staf Akademik, Pejabat Naib Canselor & Unit Pelan Pengantiaan
  8. (2017) Wakil Akademik Akreditasi Semula Program BSc (Physics) Jabatan Fizik, Jabatan Fizik, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya
  9. (2017) Coach for UM Participants for National Three Minute Thesis (3MT) 2017, TNC (Akademik & Antarabangsa) Universiti Malaya & Institut Pengajian Siswazah
  10. (2016) Visiting Scientist & Invited Speaker at Conference, Research Center for Theoretical Physics, Jagna Bohol, Philippines, International
  11. (2016) AJK Pemilih Hadiah Alumni University of Malaya (HAUM) (Singapore) Sesi 2016/2017 & 2017/2018, TNC (Akademik & Antarabangsa) Universiti Malaya
  12. (2016) Academic Staff Screening Committee (JPCSA)for Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, University of Malaya
  13. (2016) University of Malaya 3 Minutes Thesis (UM3MT) Faculty of Science Coaching Team, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya
  14. (2016) AJK High Impact Research (HIR) , TNC Penyelidikan & Inovasi Universi Malaya
  15. (2016) AJK Penilai Pengkomersilan Universiti Malaya, TNC Penyelidikan & Inovasi Universi Malaya
  16. (2016) Local Organizing Committee Int. Conf. High Energy Physics : Theory to Experiment IHEP-T2E 2017, National Center for Particle Physics (NCPP), Universiti Malaya & Akademi Sains Malaysia
  17. (2016) AJK High Impact Research, DVC (R&I) University of Malaya
  18. (2015) Youth for Education, Sustainability and Peace Network (YESPeace), Sustainability Development Solution Network -United Nation-Malaysian Chapter & Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, International
  19. (2015) Joint PhD Supervision Under University of Malaya and RIKEN Japan MoU, University of Malaya and RIKEN Japan, International
  20. (2015) Center for Theoretical Physics and International Islamic University Joint Collaboration, Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics, University
  21. (2015) Prototype Grant Evaluation Committee, UMCIC University of Malaya
  22. (2015) Workshop on Imbak Canyon Rainforest Research & Training Programme (ICRRTP) 7 May 2015, ASM, Academies of Sciences Malaysia
  23. (2015) University of Malaya Ranking Committee, University of Malaya
  24. (2015) AJK Penapisan Calon Staf Akademik (JPCSA) Bagi Pensyarah/Pensyarah Kanan, Pejabat Pendaftar, Bahagian Sumber Manusia
  25. (2015) University of Malaya Research Carnival 2015 - Chairman of Scientific Program Committee, IPPP, University of Malaya
  26. (2014) University of Malaya and Australian National University Joint Collaboration, Frontier Science Resaerch Cluster, University
  27. (2014) Workshop Moderator for University of Malaya and Australian National University Workshop, Frontier Science Research Cluster
  28. (2014) Motivation Talk - Enhancing Research Visibility and Citations Through Strategic Publishing Practices, Pusat Pembangunan Akademik (ADEC) UM
  29. (2014) Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan PERFIK 2014 - Keynote Session Chairman, UTAR & Institut Fizik Malaysia
  30. (2013) Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (ANCST), SEADPRI‐UKM and Cambridge Malaysian Education and Development Trust (CEMDT), National
  31. (2013) Research Collaboration under Program Rakan Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya, Multimedia University, Others
  32. (2013) Advisory Committee Member for National Physics Conference PERFIK 2014, UTAR and IFM
  33. (2012) University Enrichment Program, RWTH Aachen Univ & University of Malaya, International
  34. (2012) Central Committee on UM Think-tank- Strategic Thinkers for University of Malaya, PPSG
  35. (2011) Referee for manuscript submitted to ISI Elsevier journal "Measurement" , Elsevier
  36. (2011) Graduate School of Science, Osaka University and Faculty of Science, University of Malaya Joint Workshop and Collaboration, University of OSAKA and University of Malaya
  37. (2011) Biotechnology and Bioproduct Reseach Cluster Planel Member, University of Malaya
  38. (2011) Faculty of Science (Small Grant) Conference Committee, University of Malaya
  39. (2011) Referee for manuscript submitted to ISI Journal "Sains Malaysiana", University Kebangsaan Malaysia
  40. (2011) Referee for manuscript submitted to ISI Journal "Physics of Plasmas", American Institute of Physics
  41. (2010) Graduate School of Science, Osaka University and Faculty of Science, University of Malaya Joint Workshop and Collaboration, Graduate School of Science, University of Osaka, International
  42. (2009) Research Collaboration, Prof. Prasanta Chatterjee, Department of Mathematics, Visva Bharti University, India, International
  43. (2009) Third International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics, Awana Genting Highlands, Kuala Lumpur, 12-16 January 2009., Institut Fizik Malaysia
  44. (2008) Faculty of Science Internal Quality Audit 2008, Faculty of Science
  45. (2008) University Internal Quality Audit, University of Malaya
  46. (2007) Research Collaboration, Dr Jedol Dayou, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Others
  47. (2007) 3rd Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science, Asian Intense Laser Network
  48. (2006) Research Collaboration, Dr Johnson Stanslas, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Others
Contribution to event
  1. (2022) Conference Co-Chairman, International, (Event Coordinator)
  1. (2021) E-Clinic Effective Science Communication for Postgraduate Students (Faculty of Science), University, (Mentor)
  2. (2021) Mentoring Postgraduate Students With Public Communication of Research At Inst Advanced Study (UM), University, (Mentor)
  3. (2021) Action Lab Untuk Pelan Transformasi Universiti Malaya: Theme 3 Excel in Research, University, (Mentor)


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2009) SMES4181
  2. (2008) SMES4181 PROJEK
  3. (2008) LATIHAN MENGAJAR - BSc(Ed)
  4. (2007) SMES4181 PROJEK
  5. (2007) LATIHAN MENGAJAR-BSc(Ed)
  6. (2006) LATIHAN MENGAJAR -BSc(Ed)
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  2. (2024) Dual transport of quantum information and classical light in the optical fiber communication network, TEY LIAN SENG
  3. (2023) Direct Laser Writing of Optical Waveguides in Transparent Materials Using a High Repetition Rate Femtosecond Laser, NG KOK BIN
  4. (2023) Simulation of Flow and Forced Convective Heat Transfer on 3-D Micro X-Ray Tomography of Metal Foam Heat Sink Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, EHSAN HAMIDI
  5. (2023) Investigation of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Large Area Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) and its Application as Planar Waveguide Saturable Absorber, CHEW JING WEN
  6. (2023) Crossover Dynamics of Tunable Quantum Walk in Noisy Channels, NUR IZZATI BINTI ISHAK
  12. (2018) Development of single-photon generation using optically nonlinear materials, Chew Jing Wen
  16. (2011) Modeling of nanostructure morphologies in disordered organic semiconductors using fractal and percolation theories, Kong Yeo Lee
  17. (2010) Langmuir Probe Diagnostic in the Dusty Plasma of RF Glow Discharge and DC Glow discharge System, Siti Sarah Bt Safaai
  18. (2010) Anomalous transport dynamics of charge carriers in organic field-effect transistors, Choo Kan Yeep
  19. (2008) Nonlinear Wave Dynamics in Dusty Plasma, Hossein Asgari
  1. (2023) SQA7019, WEN CHI
  6. (2018) Quantum Dynamics on Complex Graphs using Tensor Network Formalism, Pang Sin Yang
  9. (2009) Modelling of Particle Dynamics in Dusty Plasma, Chew Wei Xiang
  10. (2008) Morphological Study of Surface Corrosion in Steel Using Fractal Methods, Abdul Mohaimen W. Faqri (University of Malaya (UM))
  11. (2007) Signal Processing on Bioacoustics, Ng Chee Han (M0100109)
  12. (2007) Morphological Studies of Nanoporous Anodic Aluminium Oxide Membranes, Hassan Idriss Abaker Idriss


  1. (2007) SMGS6112 - Computational Techniques
  1. (2021) SIF2004 - Mechanics
  2. (2021) SMES2204 - Mechanics
  3. (2021) SIF2005 - Statistical Physics
  4. (2021) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  5. (2020) SIF2004 - Mechanics
  6. (2020) SIF2005 - Statistical Physics
  7. (2020) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  8. (2019) SIF2004 - Mechanics
  9. (2019) SIF2005 - Statistical Physics
  10. (2019) SIF3004 - Project
  11. (2019) SMEB4181 - Project Ii
  12. (2019) SMES2204 - Mechanics
  13. (2019) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  14. (2018) SIF2004 - Mechanics
  15. (2018) SIF2004 - Mechanics
  16. (2018) SIF2005 - Statistical Physics
  17. (2018) SIF2005 - Statistical Physics
  18. (2018) SMES2004 - Mechanics
  19. (2018) SMES2204 - Mechanics
  20. (2018) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  21. (2018) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  22. (2012) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  23. (2012) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  24. (2011) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  25. (2010) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  26. (2010) SMES2205 - Statistical Physics
  27. (2009) SMES2204 - Mechanics
  28. (2009) SMES2204 - Mechanics
  29. (2009) SMES3171 - Microprocessor and Microcomputer Laboratory
  30. (2008) SMES2204 - Mechanics
  31. (2008) SMES2204 - Mechanics
  32. (2008) SMES3103 - Computational Techniques
  33. (2008) SMES3171 - Microprocessor and Microcomputer Laboratory
  34. (2008) SMES3341 - Non-Linear & Complex Systems
  35. (2007) SMES1271 - Physics Practical
  36. (2007) SMES2204 - Mechanics
  37. (2007) SMES3103 - Computational Techniques


  • Mentor for E-Clinic Effective Science Communication for Faculty of Science Postgraduate Students., (10 Dec 2021 - 10 Dec 2021) (University)
  • Jury for Poster Presentation for Innovative Teaching and Learning Research Day (Intred'21), (09 Dec 2021 - 09 Dec 2021) (National)
  • Judge of Finale of The Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2021 Competition, (01 Dec 2021 - 01 Dec 2021) (National)
  • Judge for Stem Competition 2021, (28 Mar 2021 - 11 Apr 2021) (National)
  • 2018 National 3mt Trainer for University of Malaya Team, (01 Aug 2018 - 30 Nov 2018)
  • UM 3mt Trainer for Faculty of Science Team, (01 Jun 2018 - 31 Oct 2018)
  • Public Lecture to School Students and Parents At Science Bridge Academy Jaya One, Petaling Jaya On a Topic, "Accelerating Innovation: Why Are Tech Dotcoms Excited About Quantum Science & Technology?", (18 Mar 2017 - 18 Mar 2017)
  • Public Talk to Mathematics and Science Fair, Organized by Center for Foundation Studies At Utar Sg Long Campus On " Accelerating Discoveries and Innovations- Why Techdotcom Companies Are Excited About Science, (13 Oct 2016 - 13 Oct 2016)
  • Public Communication of Research Program -Empowering Sustainable Development: Renewable and Green Enegry Solutions (Senergy@UM) and Swiss Watt D'or Poster Exhibition Jointly Organized by Swiss Embassy, (01 Mar 2016 - 31 Mar 2016)
  • Guest Scientist for Frgs Project On “Development of Scientist-Teacher-Student Partnership (Stsp) Model to Enhance Secondary Science Learning - Case Study At SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Pj, (01 Feb 2016 - 30 Apr 2018)
  • Science Workshop for Kazakhstan Students, Organised by Science Bridge Academic Sdn Bhd (Pj), (06 Jul 2015 - 19 Jul 2015)
  • Youth for Education Sustainability & Peace Network (Yespeace) -Malaysia Chapter 2015 Workshop, (25 May 2015 - 25 May 2015)
  • Faculty of Science Team Facilitator for UM Three Minute Thesis (Um3mt), (14 Apr 2015 - 14 May 2015)
  • Public Science Communicator - Petronas Science Festival, (15 Sep 2014 - 21 Sep 2014)
  • Panel Members for Focus Group Discussion for "Konvensyen Graduan India Malaysia, Anjuran Persatuan Alumni India Universiti Malaya, (16 Aug 2014 - 16 Aug 2014)
  • Facilitator Pertandingan 3 Minute Thesis, Anjuran Fakulti Sains, (05 Jun 2014 - 05 Jun 2014)
  • Motivation Talk to School Students - Vikas International School, Kuala Lumpur, (29 Aug 2013 - 29 Aug 2013)
  • Motivation Talk to School Leavers (7 April 2013, Dk3, F Science, UM), Organized by Persatuan Alumni India , UM (Pani) and UM Indian Graduates Association's Initiative - Education and Career Guidance Seminar to Spm/Stpm Students. Seminar Title: The Future is Bright - With Science++,, (07 Apr 2013 - 07 Apr 2013)
  • Co-Organizer of Sciencesuisse Poster Exhibition With Swiss Embassy, (02 Nov 2012 - 09 Nov 2012)
  • Akept-UM Workshop On Writing High Quality Research Proposal for Research Grant as Facilitator, (31 Oct 2011 - 02 Nov 2011)
  • Active Contributor to World Wildlife Fund, (01 Jan 2004 - 31 Dec 2013)