Curriculum Vitae


  • Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
    Faculty of Medicine
  • moyfm
  • +603-79676657


                Dr Moy is a Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, attached with the Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  She teaches Epidemiology, Nutritional Epidemiology, Research Methodology and Evidence-Based Medicine to both undergraduate and postgraduate candidates.

  Her research interests include Translational Research in the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the community setting, Workplace Wellness and the effects of obesity and lifestyle behaviours (diet, physical activity etc ) on NCDs. 

                  Dr Moy is an established researcher and she has been included in the prestigious World’s Top 2 % Scientists in the Stanford University’s list for the last five conservative years (2019 to 2023).  Her expertise in obesity research is ranked top 2.8% among the published authors worldwide on Obesity from 2010 through 2023 (ExpertScape).  

    Dr Moy has vast experience in running cohort study.  Currently, she heads a cohort study comprising of almost 15,000 teachers from the Peninsular Malaysia (CLUSTer).  A biobank with serum, plasma and buffy coat was set up.  The study aims to determine the temporal relationship between lifestyle practices (diet and physical activity) and stress with cardiovascular diseases with repeated measurements over time.    This cohort study started in 2013 and up to date, a total 14 PhD/DrPH and one MMedSc (Research) candidates worked on this cohort study and ten of them have graduated.  Eighteen ISI articles are published from this cohort.

                  Dr Moy is also actively involved in another study that works on the development of a mobile diet app using image capture as the dietary assessment method. This project is in collaboration with co-researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Behavioural Science.  The goal is to have users monitor their diet and for researchers in the nutrition field to have a better tool in dietary assessment. This mobile diet app has registered for patent and copyrights.  Efforts to further refine it for commercialisation is ongoing.

                  Dr Moy has generated research grants amounting to more than RM2.5 million. She published more than 100 manuscripts in peer review journals. She is also active in supervising research candidates.  To date, she has successfully supervised to completion more than 50 DrPH, PhD, MMedSc (Research) and MPH candidates.

                   Dr Moy initiated and established the University of Malaya Wellness Program in 2008 and coordinated the program until 2013. She also co-ordinated the implementation of Clinical Epidemiology-Evidence Based Medicine module in the MBBS curriculum in 2008.  She was the coordinator for the Master of Public Health (MPH) program from 2018 to 2022. 

                Currently, she is the Head of the Centre of Epidemiology and Evidence Based Practice (CEBP), one of the top ten research centres in Universiti Malaya.  She is a certified Cochrane Trainer and actively conducts workshops on Cochrane Systematic Review Protocol Development. 

  She serves as associate editors for international and local journals. She also reviews manuscripts for both local and international journals.

                  She actively engages with the media in health advocacy especially in the prevention of obesity and NCDs, promotion of healthy lifestyle and lately in the preventive measures of COVID-19 as well as promotion of vaccination for COVID-19.

                   In summary, Dr Moy has a rich portfolio in teaching, research, mentorship and health advocacy.


  • MSc, (Sains Makanan dan Pemakanan)
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
  • PhD , (Health Promotion)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • MSc (UKM)(2001), (Sains Makanan dan Pemakanan)
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)


  • Committee Members
    01 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2025 (Faculty)
  • Head of Unit
    01 Mar 2024 - 30 Jun 2025 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member (Jawatankuasa Pengajian Program MPH & DrPH)
    15 Oct 2020 - 14 Oct 2023 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Programme Coordinator
    01 Dec 2019 - 28 Feb 2021 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Programme Coordinator
    01 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2019 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Committee member of Faculty Post-Graduate Committee (as MPH Coordinator)
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Committee member of Department JKITJ (as MPH Coordinator)
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2019 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator for Cochrane Network Site (University Malaya)
    18 Jun 2013 - 31 Dec 2018 (International)
  • MPH Coordinator
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Students affair / alumni coordinator
    01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator MBBS Stage 3.2
    01 Sep 2015 - 31 Aug 2017 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator UMMP
    01 Aug 2016 - 31 Jan 2017 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator Elective Program MBBS Phase IIIB
    03 Aug 2015 - 30 Dec 2016 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Faculty coordinator (Student mobility progam)
    02 Nov 2015 - 30 Dec 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator for Community Residency Program (CRP) for MBBS undergraduates
    02 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2015 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Department Coordinator for Undergraduate program
    01 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2015 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Department Coordinator (MBBS Program)
    02 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator IIIB Elective Program(MBBS)
    02 Jan 2014 - 31 Jul 2015 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator for MBBS Phase IIIB Elective Program
    03 Mar 2008 - 31 Dec 2013 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator for Research Methodology for research candidates of Faculty of Medicine
    02 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2013 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • CFCS Group Coordinator (MBBS Phase II)
    05 Dec 2012 - 28 Jun 2013 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Committee member of the MBBS Curriculum Review Committee
    18 Apr 2011 - 17 Apr 2013 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator for Research Methodology for research candidates of Faculty of Medicine (MOGB 6111)
    03 Sep 2012 - 29 Jun 2012 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Head of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Unit
    01 Jul 2009 - 31 Jan 2012 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)
  • Coordinator of Community Residency Program (CRP)
    01 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2011 (Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine)


    2021 to 2024 (International)
    2021 to 2022 (International)
    2018 to 2021 (International)
    2018 to 2019 (International)
    2018 to 2019 (National)
    2018 to 2019 (International)
    2017 to 2019 (National)
    2015 to 2019 (International)
    2015 to 2019 (International)
    2011 to 2017 (National)


  • World Top 2% Scientist by University of Stanford
    University of Stanford, 2023 (International)
  • Stanford List of World's Top 2% Scientists 2021
    University of Stanford, 2022 (International)
  • Silver medal
    MTE, 2022 (International)
  • Gold medal
    UMK, 2022 (National)
  • Stanford List of Top 2% world scientists 2020
    University of Stanford, 2021 (International)
  • Sijil Penghargaan sebagai Keynote speaker, International Conference of Public Health
    Universitas Teuku Umar, Indonesia, 2020 (International)
  • Stanford University list of World's Top 2% scientists (2019)
    University of Stanford, 2020 (International)
    University of Malaya, 2019 (University)
  • Appreciation as Leader (Secretariate) in the APRU Global Health Conference
    APRU and UM, 2018 (International)
  • Appreciation as oral presentation chairperson in the APRU Global Health Conference
    APRU and UM, 2018 (International)
  • Certificate of appreciation (Organising committee)
    The 19th World Obesity Congress, 2018 (International)
  • UMSC Ca.R.E Award for attachment as Research Fellow in University of Leeds, UK
    Faculty of Medicine, UM, 2017 (University)
  • Certificate of Appreciation
    Ministry of Health, Selangor, 2017 (National)
    University of Malaya, 2017 (University)
  • Certificate of Appreciation
    Clinical Research Centre, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, 2016 (Government)
  • Certificate of Appreciation
    Clinical Research Centre, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, 2016 (Government)
  • Certificate of Appreciation
    Julius Centre University of Malaya, 2016 (University)
  • Certificate of Appreciation
    Research Management Centre, FOM, UM, 2015 (University)
  • Certificate of appreciation
    CRC Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, 2015 (Government)
  • Certificate of appreciation as scientific committee member for the Asia Pacific Conference of Clinical Nutrition
    Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 2015 (International)
  • Coordinator of UM Cochrane Network Site
    University of Malaya, 2015 (International)
  • Bursary to attend the 22nd Cochrane Colloquium in Hyderabad, India September 22-26, 2014
    The Cochrane Collaboration, 2014 (International)
  • Best poster award
    National Institute of Health, 2014 (National)
  • Certificate of Appreciation
    Organising Committee for Asia Pacific Conference of Public Health, 2014 (International)
  • Coordinator of UM Cochrane Network site
    University Malaya, 2014 (International)
  • Coordinator of UM Cochrane Network site
    University of Malaya, 2013 (International)
    University of Malaya, 2012 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2011 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2010 (University)
  • EXPO UM 2009
    Universiti Malaya, 2009 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2007 (University)
  • Scholarship for the 5th South East Asian Nutrition Leadership Program (SEA-NLP)
    SEAMEO TROPMED - University Indonesia, 2007 (International)
  • Ekspo Innovasi, Rekabentuk & Penyelidikan UM
    University of Malaya, 2007 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2006 (University)
  • Scholarship for the APAPCH conference
    SEAMEO TROPMED NETWORK, 2006 (International)
    University of Malaya, 2004 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2002 (University)
  • NSM award for post-graduate thesis (MSc thesis)-2001
    Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 2001 (National)


Article in Journal
  1. Ahles, Amelia; Muhammad, Andrew; Yenerall, Jacqueline N.; Reedy, Julia; Shi, Peilin; Zhang, Jianyi; Cudhea, Frederick; Erndt-Marino, Josh; Miller, Victoria; Mozaffarian, Dariush (2024). How prices and income influence global patterns in saturated fat intake by age, sex and world region: a cross-sectional analysis of 160 countries, BMJ OPEN. 14(1). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074562
  2. Ng, Yit Han; Moy, Foong Ming; Hairi, Noran Naqiah; Bulgiba, Awang (2024). Healthy lifestyle index development and its association with type 2 diabetes mellitus status among teachers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIABETES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. . doi:10.1007/s13410-024-01374-w
  3. Ng, Yit Han; Moy, Foong Ming; Hairi, Noran Naqiah; Bulgiba, Awang (2024). Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose, and their associated lifestyle factors among teachers in the CLUSTer cohort, PEERJ. 12. doi:10.7717/peerj.16778
  4. Wan, Kim Sui; Hairi, Noran Naqiah; Mustapha, Feisul; Yusoff, Muhammad Fadhli Mohd; Rifin, Halizah Mat; Ismail, Mastura; Moy, Foong Ming; Ahmad, Noor Ani (2024). Prevalence of diabetic kidney disease and the associated factors among patients with type 2 diabetes in a multi-ethnic Asian country, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 14(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-024-57723-6
  5. Wan, Kim Sui; Moy, Foong Ming; Yusoff, Muhammad Fadhli Mohd; Mustapha, Feisul; Ismail, Mastura; Rifin, Halizah Mat; Ratnam, Kishwen Kanna Yoga; Ismail, Hasimah; Chong, Kah Kian; Ahmad, Noor Ani; Hairi, Noran Naqiah (2024). Treatment intensification and therapeutic inertia of antihypertensive therapy among patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension with uncontrolled blood pressure, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 14(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-024-63617-4
  6. Wong, Kimberly Yuin Y'ng; Moy, Foong Ming; Shafie, Aziz; Rampal, Sanjay (2024). Identifying obesogenic environment through spatial clustering of body mass index among adults, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH GEOGRAPHICS. 23(1). doi:10.1186/s12942-024-00376-5
  7. Yap, Jun Fai; Moy, Foong Ming; Ahmad, Wan Azman Wan; Lim, Yin Cheng (2024). Assessing the effect of cardiovascular disease on work productivity and financial loss among school teachers in Peninsular Malaysia: a nested case-control study, PEERJ. 12. doi:10.7717/peerj.16906
  8. Khalil, Nur Melissa Abdul; Mydin, Fadzilah Hanum Mohd; Moy, Foong Ming (2023). Healthy adults' views and experiences on behavior change strategies in mobile applications for diet monitoring: A single centre qualitative study, PLOS ONE. 18(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0292390
  9. Kong, Nadine Alvina; Moy, Foong Ming; Ong, Shu Hwa; Tahir, Ghalib Ahmed; Loo, Choo Kiong (2023). MyDietCam: Development and usability study of a food recognition integrated dietary monitoring smartphone application, DIGITAL HEALTH. 9. doi:10.1177/20552076221149320
  10. Lara-Castor, Laura; Micha, Renata; Cudhea, Frederick; Miller, Victoria; Shi, Peilin; Zhang, Jianyi; Sharib, Julia R.; Erndt-Marino, Josh; Cash, Sean B.; Mozaffarian, Dariush (2023). Sugar-sweetened beverage intakes among adults between 1990 and 2018 in 185 countries, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 14(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-023-41269-8
  11. Miller, Victoria; Webb, Patrick; Cudhea, Frederick; Zhang, Jianyi; Reedy, Julia; Shi, Peilin; Erndt-Marino, Josh; Coates, Jennifer; Micha, Renata; Mozaffarian, Dariush (2023). Children's and adolescents' rising animal-source food intakes in 1990-2018 were impacted by age, region, parental education and urbanicity, NATURE FOOD. 4(4), 305-+. doi:10.1038/s43016-023-00731-y
  12. Moy, Foong Ming; Ng, Yit Han; Tan, Seok Shin (2023). Association of Serum Beta-Carotene with Metabolic Risk Factors among a Work Cohort in Malaysia, JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY. 69(6), 463-470
  13. OHearn, Meghan; Lara-Castor, Laura; Cudhea, Frederick; Miller, Victoria; Reedy, Julia; Shi, Peilin; Zhang, Jianyi; Wong, John B.; Economos, Christina D.; Micha, Renata; Mozaffarian, Dariush; Global Dietary Database (2023). Incident type 2 diabetes attributable to suboptimal diet in 184 countries, NATURE MEDICINE. . doi:10.1038/s41591-023-02278-8
  14. Shyam, Sangeetha; Greenwood, Darren C.; Mai, Chun-Wai; Tan, Seok Shin; Yusof, Barakatun-Nisak Mohd; Moy, Foong Ming; Cade, Janet E. (2023). Major dietary patterns in the United Kingdom Women's Cohort Study showed no evidence of prospective association with pancreatic cancer risk, NUTRITION RESEARCH. 118, 41-51. doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2023.07.007
  15. Dai, Jane; Zulkefli, Nur Fadzlina; Moy, Foong Ming; Humphries, Debbie L. (2022). The Importance of Sociocultural Context When Choosing to Eat Healthier, JOURNAL OF NUTRITION EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR. 54(2), 143-150. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2021.08.019
  16. Miller, Victoria; Reedy, Julia; Cudhea, Frederick; Zhang, Jianyi; Shi, Peilin; Erndt-Marino, Josh; Coates, Jennifer; Micha, Renata; Webb, Patrick; Mozaffarian, Dariush (2022). Global, regional, and national consumption of animal-source foods between 1990 and 2018: findings from the Global Dietary Database, LANCET PLANETARY HEALTH. 6(3), E243-E256
  17. Moy, Foong Ming; Hairi, Noran Naqiah; Lim, Eugene Ri Jian; Bulgiba, Awang (2022). Long COVID and its associated factors among COVID survivors in the community from a middle-income country-An online cross-sectional study, PLOS ONE. 17(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0273364
  18. Wan, Kim Sui; Hairi, Noran Naqiah; Mustapha, Feisul; Ismail, Mastura; Yusoff, Muhammad Fadhli Mohd; Moy, Foong Ming (2022). Five-year LDL-cholesterol trend and its predictors among type 2 diabetes patients in an upper-middle-income country: a retrospective open cohort study, PEERJ. 10. doi:10.7717/peerj.13816
  19. Yang, Yihui; Huang, Junjie; Wu, Weimiao; Luu, Hung N.; Moy, Foong-Ming; Tan, Songsong; Fu, Jiongxing; Ying, Tao; Withers, Mellissa; Dang The Hung; Mao, Dandan; Chen, Sikun; Wong, Martin C. S.; Xu, Wanghong (2022). A global view of adherence to colonoscopy follow-up in cascade screening of colorectal cancer, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE. . doi:10.1111/ecc.13577
  20. Yap, Jun Fai; Ng, Qi Xiong; Wai, Yong Zheng; Isahak, Marzuki; Salowi, Mohamad Aziz; Moy, Foong Ming (2022). Prevalence of cataract and factors associated with cataract surgery uptake among older persons in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study from the National Eye Survey II, TROPICAL DOCTOR. . doi:10.1177/00494755221076649
  21. Zamri, Eva Nabiha; Hoe, Victor Chee Wai; Foong, Ming Moy (2022). Factors Associated With Health-Related Quality of Life Among Female Secondary Schools Teachers, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. . doi:10.1177/10105395221083828
  22. Kakudi, H. A., Loo, C. K., Moy, F. M., Kau, L. C., & Pasupa, K. (2021). DIAGNOSIS OF METABOLIC SYNDROME USING MACHINE LEARNING, STATISTICAL AND RISK QUANTIFICATION TECHNIQUES: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 34(3), 221-241. doi: 10.22452/mjcs.vol34no3.1
  23. Moy, F. M., & Ng, Y. H. (2021). Perception towards E-learning and COVID-19 on the mental health status of university students in Malaysia. Science Progress, 104(3), 18. doi: 10.1177/00368504211029812
  24. Shyam, S., Greenwood, D., Mai, C. W., Tan, S. S., Yusof, B. N. M., Moy, F. M., & Cade, J. (2021). Traditional and Novel Adiposity Indicators and Pancreatic Cancer Risk: Findings from the UK Women's Cohort Study. Cancers, 13(5), 10. doi: 10.3390/cancers13051036
  25. Siamoglou, S., Koromina, M., Moy, F. M., Mitropoulou, C., Patrinos, G. P., & Vasileiou, K. (2021). What Do Students in Pharmacy and Medicine Think About Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine Education? Awareness, Attitudes, and Perceptions in Malaysian Health Sciences. Omics-a Journal of Integrative Biology, 25(1), 52-59. doi: 10.1089/omi.2020.0178
  26. Wan, K. S., Hairi, N. N., Mustapha, F. I., Yusof, K. M., Ali, Z. M., & Moy, F. M. (2021). Predictors of glycosylated haemoglobin A1C trend among type 2 diabetes patients in a multi-ethnic country. Scientific reports, 11(1), 13. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-86277-0
  27. Wan, K. S., Moy, F. M., Mustapha, F. I., Ismail, M., & Hairi, N. N. (2021). Changes in body mass index, glycosylated hemoglobin A1C, blood pressure, and LDL-cholesterol among type 2 diabetes patients in Malaysia: A population-based longitudinal study. Journal of Diabetes, 13(11), 915-929. doi: 10.1111/1753-0407.13206
  28. Wan, Kim Sui; Hairi, Noran Naqiah; Mustapha, Feisul Idzwan; Yusof, Khalijah Mohd; Ali, Zainudin Mohd; Moy, Foong Ming (2021). Poorer Attainment of Hemoglobin A1C, Blood Pressure and LDL-Cholesterol Goals among Younger Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 50(12), 3631-3645. doi:10.17576/jsm-2021-5012-14
  29. Zulkefli, N. F., & Foong, M. M. (2021). Development and Validation of a Sustainable Diet Index among Malaysian Adults: Protocol. Sains Malaysiana, 50(6), 1697-1705. doi: 10.17576/jsm-2021-5006-16
  30. Eng, J. Y., Moy, F. M., Bulgiba, A., & Rampal, S. (2020). Dose-Response Relationship between Western Diet and Being Overweight among Teachers in Malaysia. Nutrients, 12(10), 15. doi: 10.3390/nu12103092
  31. Ghazali, S. A., Abdullah, K. L., Moy, F. M., Ahmad, R., & Hussin, E. O. D. (2020). The impact of adult trauma triage training on decision-making skills and accuracy of triage decision at emergency departments in Malaysia: A randomized control trial. International Emergency Nursing, 51, 5. doi: 10.1016/j.ienj.2020.100889
  32. Wan, K. S., Moy, F. M., Yusof, K. M., Mustapha, F. I., Ali, Z. M., & Hairi, N. N. (2020). Clinical inertia in type 2 diabetes management in a middle-income country: A retrospective cohort study. Plos One, 15(10), 14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240531
  33. Yong, V. W., Tan, Y. J., Ng, Y. D., Choo, X. Y., Sugumaran, K., Chinna, K., . . . Tan, A. H. (2020). Progressive and accelerated weight and body fat loss in Parkinson's disease: A three-year prospective longitudinal study. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 77, 28-35. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2020.06.015
  34. Zamri, E. N., Hoe, V. C. W., & Moy, F. M. (2020). Predictors of low back pain among secondary school teachers in Malaysia: a longitudinal study. Industrial Health, 58(3), 254-264. doi: 10.2486/indhealth.2019-0106
  35. Kakudi, H. A., Loo, C. K., Moy, F. M., Masuyama, N., Pasupa, K. (2019). Diagnosing Metabolic Syndrome Using Genetically Optimised Bayesian ARTMAP. Ieee Access, 7, 8437-8453. doi:10.1109/access.2018.2880224
  36. Lee, S. C., Tang, M. S., Easton, A. V., Devlin, J. C., Chua, L. L., Cho, I., . . . Loke, P. (2019). Linking the effects of helminth infection, diet and the gut microbiota with human whole-blood signatures. PLoS pathogens, 15(12), 30. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008066
  37. Lee, Soo Ching; Tang, Mei San; Easton, Alice V.; Devlin, Joseph Cooper; Chua, Ling Ling; Cho, Ilseung; Moy, Foong Ming; Khang, Tsung Fei; Lim, Yvonne A. L.; Loke, P'ng (2019). Linking the effects of helminth infection, diet and the gut microbiota with human whole-blood signatures, PLOS PATHOGENS. 15(12). doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1008066
  38. Musa, N. A., Moy, F. M., Wong, L. P. (2018). Prevalence and factors associated with poor sleep quality among secondary school teachers in a developing country. Industrial Health, 56(5), 407-418. doi:10.2486/indhealth.2018-0052
  39. Tan, Ai Huey; Hew, Yin Cheng; Lim, Shen-Yang; Ramli, Norlisah Mohd; Kamaruzzaman, Shahrul Bahyah; Tan, Maw Pin; Grossmann, Mathis; Ang, Ban Hong; Tan, Jiun Yan; Manap, Mohamad Addin Azhan A.; Tun Khong Tay; Tan, Siang Lyn; New, Ru Peng; Fadzli, Farhana; Yee, Eng Jui; Moy, Foong Ming; Mahadeva, Sanjiv; Lang, Anthony E. (2018). Altered body composition, sarcopenia, frailty, and their clinico-biological correlates, in Parkinson's disease, PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS. 56, 58-64. doi:10.1016/j.parkreldis.2018.06.020
  40. Azizi, F. S. M., Kew, Y., Moy, F. M. (2017). Vaccine hesitancy among parents in a multi-ethnic country, Malaysia. Vaccine, 35(22), 2955-2961.
  1. Ng Y.H., Moy F.M., Hairi N.N., Bulgiba A. (2024). Healthy lifestyle index development and its association with type 2 diabetes mellitus status among teachers, International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. . doi:10.1007/s13410-024-01374-w
  2. Wan K.S., Hairi N.N., Mustapha F., Mohd Yusoff M.F., Mat Rifin H., Ismail M., Moy F.M., Ahmad N.A. (2024). Prevalence of diabetic kidney disease and the associated factors among patients with type 2 diabetes in a multi-ethnic Asian country, Scientific Reports. 14(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-024-57723-6
  3. Wan K.S., Moy F.M., Mohd Yusoff M.F., Mustapha F., Ismail M., Mat Rifin H., Yoga Ratnam K.K., Ismail H., Chong K.K., Ahmad N.A., Hairi N.N. (2024). Treatment intensification and therapeutic inertia of antihypertensive therapy among patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension with uncontrolled blood pressure, Scientific reports. 14(1), 12625. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-63617-4
  4. Wong K.Y.Y., Moy F.M., Shafie A., Rampal S. (2024). Identifying obesogenic environment through spatial clustering of body mass index among adults, International journal of health geographics. 23(1), 16. doi:10.1186/s12942-024-00376-5
  5. Kong N.A., Moy F.M., Ong S.H., Tahir G.A., Loo C.K. (2023). MyDietCam: Development and usability study of a food recognition integrated dietary monitoring smartphone application, Digital Health. 9. doi:10.1177/20552076221149320
  6. Miller V., Webb P., Cudhea F., Zhang J., Reedy J., Shi P., Erndt-Marino J., Coates J., Micha R., Mozaffarian D., Bas M., Ali J.H., Abumweis S., Krishnan A., Misra P., Hwalla N.C., Janakiram C., Liputo N.I., Musaiger A., Pourfarzi F., Alam I., DeRidder K., Termote C., Memon A., Turrini A., Lupotto E., Piccinelli R., Sette S., Anzid K., Vossenaar M., Mazumdar P., Rached I., Rovirosa A., Zapata M.E., Asayehu T.T., Oduor F., Boedecker J., Aluso L., Ortiz-Ulloa J., Meenakshi J.V., Castro M., Grosso G., Waskiewicz A., Khan U.S., Thanopoulou A., Malekzadeh R., Calleja N., Ocke M., Etemad Z., Nsour M.A., Waswa L.M., Nurk E., Arsenault J., Lopez-Jaramillo P., Sibai A.M., Damasceno A., Arambepola C., Lopes C., Severo M., Lunet N., Torres D., Tapanainen H., Lindstrom J., Virtanen S., Palacios C., Roos E., Agdeppa I.A., Desnacido J., Capanzana M., Misra A., Khouw I., Ng S.A., Delgado E.G., Caballero M., Otero J., Lee H.-J., Koksal E., Guessous I., Lachat C., De Henauw S., Rahbar A.R., Tedstone A., Naska A., Mathee A., Ling A., Tedla B., Hopping B., Ginnela B., Leclercq C., Duante C., Haerpfer C., Hotz C., Pitsavos C., Rehm C., van Oosterhout C., Cerdena C., Bradshaw D., Trichopoulos D., Gauci D., Fernando D., Sygnowska E., Vartiainen E., Farzadfar F., Zajkas G., Swan G., Ma G., Pekcan G., Ibrahim H.M., Sinkko H., Barbieri H.E., Sioen I., Myhre J., Gaspoz J.-M., Odenkirk J., Bundhamcharoen K., Nelis K., Zarina K., Biro L., Johansson L., Steingrimsdottir L., Riley L., Yap M., Inoue M., Szabo M., Ovaskainen M.-L., Lee M.-S., Chan M.F., Cowan M., Kandiah M., Kally O., Jonsdottir O., Palmer P., Vollenweider P., Orfanos P., Asciak R., Templeton R., Don R., Yaakub R., Selamat R., Yusof S., Al-Zenki S., Hung S.-Y., Beer-Borst S., Wu S., Lukito W., Hadden W., Becker W., Cao X., Ma Y., Lai Y., Hjdaud Z., Ali J., Gravel R., Tao T., Veerman J.L., Chiplonkar S., Arici M., Ngoan L.T., Panagiotakos D., Li Y., Trichopoulou A., Barengo N., Khadilkar A., Ekbote V., Mohammadifard N., Kovalskys I., Laxmaiah A., Rachakulla H., Hemalatha R., Meshram I., Avula L., Arlappa N., Hemalatha R., lacoviello L., Bonaccio M., Costanzo S., Martin-Prevel Y., Castetbon K., Jitnarin N., Hsieh Y.-T., Olivares S., Tejeda G., Hadziomeragic A., de Moura Souza A., Pan W.-H., Huybrechts I., de Brauw A., Moursi M., Maghroun M., Zeba A.N., Sarrafzadegan N., Keinan-Boker L., Goldsmith R., Shimony T., Jordan I., Mastiholi S.C., Mwangi M., Kombe Y., Bukania Z., Alissa E., Al-Daghri N., Sabico S., Gulliford M., Diba T.S., Oh K., Kweon S., Park S., Cho Y., Al-Hooti S., Luangphaxay C., Douangvichit D., Siengsounthone L., Marques-Vidal P., Rybak C., Luke A., Piaseu N., Rojroongwasinkul N., Sundram K., Baykova D., Abedi P., Sandjaja S., Fadzil F., Bukhary N.B.I., Bovet P., Chen Y., Sawada N., Tsugane S., Rangelova L., Petrova S., Duleva V., Lindroos A.K., Sipinen J.P., Moraeus L., Bergman P., Siamusantu W., Szponar L., Chang H.-Y., Sekiyama M., Le Nguyen Bao K., Nagalla B., Polasa K., Boindala S., El Ati J., Silva I.R., Dommarco J.R., Barquera S., Ramirez S.R., Illescas-Zarate D., Sanchez-Romero L.M., Ikeda N., Zaghloul S., Houshiar-rad A., Mohammadi-Nasrabadi F., Abdollahi M., Chuah K.-A., Mahdy Z.A., Eldridge A., Ding E.L., Kruger H., Henjum S., Fernandez A., Suarez-Ortegon M.F., Hamad N.A., Janska V., Tayyem R., Mirmiran P., Kelishadi R., Lemming E.W., Richter A., Mensink G., Wieler L., Hoffman D., Salanave B., Kim C.-I., Kuriyan-Raj R., Swaminathan S., Garriguet D., Dastgiri S., Vaask S., Karupaiah T., Zohoori F.V., Esteghamati A., Hashemian M., Noshad S., Mwaniki E., Yakes-Jimenez E., Chileshe J., Mwanza S., Marques L.L., Preston A.M., Aguero S.D., Oleas M., Posada L., Ochoa A., Shamsuddin K., Shariff Z.M., Jan Bin Jan Mohamed H., Manan W., Nicolau A., Tudorie C., Poh B.K., Abbott P., Pakseresht M., Sharma S., Strand T., Alexy U., Nothlings U., Carmikle J., Brown K., Koster J., Waidyatilaka I., Lanerolle P., Jayawardena R., Long J.M., Hambidge K.M., Krebs N.F., Haque A., Keding G.B., Korkalo L., Erkkola M., Freese R., Eleraky L., Stuetz W., Thorsdottir I., Gunnarsdottir I., Serra-Majem L., Moy F.M., Anderson S., Jeewon R., Zugravu C.A., Adair L., Ng S.W., Skeaff S., Marchioni D., Fisberg R., Henry C., Ersino G., Zello G., Meyer A., Elmadfa I., Mitchell C., Balfour D., Geleijnse J.M., Manary M., El-kour T., Nikiema L., Mirzaei M., Hakeem R. (2023). Children s and adolescents rising animal-source food intakes in 1990 2018 were impacted by age, region, parental education and urbanicity, Nature Food. 4(4), 305-319. doi:10.1038/s43016-023-00731-y
  7. Moy F.M., Lim E.R.J., Hairi N.N., Bulgiba A. (2023). DEPRESSION AND ITS ASSOCIATED FACTORS AMONG COVID-19 SURVIVORS IN MALAYSIA AN ONLINE CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY, Journal of Health and Translational Medicine. 26(2), 125-132. doi:10.22452/jummec.vol26no2.17
  8. O'Hearn M., Lara-Castor L., Cudhea F., Miller V., Reedy J., Shi P., Zhang J., Wong J.B., Economos C.D., Micha R., Mozaffarian D., Bas M., Ali J.H., Abumweis S., Krishnan A., Misra P., Hwalla N.C., Janakiram C., Liputo N.I., Musaiger A., Pourfarzi F., Alam I., DeRidder K., Termote C., Memon A., Turrini A., Lupotto E., Piccinelli R., Sette S., Anzid K., Vossenaar M., Mazumdar P., Rached I., Rovirosa A., Zapata M.E., Asayehu T.T., Oduor F., Boedecker J., Aluso L., Ortiz-Ulloa J., Meenakshi J.V., Castro M., Grosso G., Waskiewicz A., Khan U.S., Thanopoulou A., Malekzadeh R., Calleja N., Ocke M., Etemad Z., Nsour M.A., Waswa L.M., Nurk E., Arsenault J., Lopez-Jaramillo P., Sibai A.M., Damasceno A., Arambepola C., Lopes C., Severo M., Lunet N., Torres D., Tapanainen H., Lindstrom J., Virtanen S., Palacios C., Roos E., Agdeppa I.A., Desnacido J., Capanzana M., Misra A., Khouw I., Ng S.A., Delgado E.G., Caballero M., Otero J., Lee H.-J., Koksal E., Guessous I., Lachat C., De Henauw S., Rahbar A.R., Tedstone A., Naska A., Mathee A., Ling A., Tedla B., Hopping B., Ginnela B., Leclercq C., Duante C., Haerpfer C., Hotz C., Pitsavos C., Rehm C., van Oosterhout C., Cerdena C., Bradshaw D., Trichopoulos D., Gauci D., Fernando D., Sygnowska E., Vartiainen E., Farzadfar F., Zajkas G., Swan G., Ma G., Pekcan G., Ibrahim H.M., Sinkko H., Barbieri H.E., Sioen I., Myhre J., Gaspoz J.-M., Odenkirk J., Bundhamcharoen K., Nelis K., Zarina K., Biro L., Johansson L., Steingrimsdottir L., Riley L., Yap M., Inoue M., Szabo M., Ovaskainen M.-L., Lee M.-S., Chan M.F., Cowan M., Kandiah M., Kally O., Jonsdottir O., Palmer P., Vollenweider P., Orfanos P., Asciak R., Templeton R., Don R., Yaakub R., Selamat R., Yusof S., Al-Zenki S., Hung S.-Y., Beer-Borst S., Wu S., Lukito W., Hadden W., Becker W., Cao X., Ma Y., Lai Y., Hjdaud Z., Ali J., Gravel R., Tao T., Veerman J.L., Chiplonkar S., Arici M., Ngoan L.T., Panagiotakos D., Li Y., Trichopoulou A., Barengo N., Khadilkar A., Ekbote V., Mohammadifard N., Kovalskys I., Laxmaiah A., Rachakulla H., Hemalatha R., Meshram I., Avula L., Arlappa N., Hemalatha R., lacoviello L., Bonaccio M., Costanzo S., Martin-Prevel Y., Castetbon K., Jitnarin N., Hsieh Y.-T., Olivares S., Tejeda G., Hadziomeragic A., de Moura Souza A., Pan W.-H., Huybrechts I., de Brauw A., Moursi M., Maghroun M., Zeba A.N., Sarrafzadegan N., Keinan-Boker L., Goldsmith R., Shimony T., Jordan I., Mastiholi S.C., Mwangi M., Kombe Y., Bukania Z., Alissa E., Al-Daghri N., Sabico S., Gulliford M., Diba T.S., Oh K., Kweon S., Park S., Cho Y., Al-Hooti S., Luangphaxay C., Douangvichit D., Siengsounthone L., Marques-Vidal P., Rybak C., Luke A., Piaseu N., Rojroongwasinkul N., Sundram K., Baykova D., Abedi P., Sandjaja S., Fadzil F., Bukhary N.B.I., Bovet P., Chen Y., Sawada N., Tsugane S., Rangelova L., Petrova S., Duleva V., Lindroos A.K., Sipinen J.P., Moraeus L., Bergman P., Siamusantu W., Szponar L., Chang H.-Y., Sekiyama M., Le Nguyen Bao K., Nagalla B., Polasa K., Boindala S., El Ati J., Silva I.R., Dommarco J.R., Barquera S., Rodriguez-Ramirez S., Illescas-Zarate D., Sanchez-Romero L.M., Ikeda N., Zaghloul S., Houshiar-rad A., Mohammadi-Nasrabadi F., Abdollahi M., Chuah K.-A., Mahdy Z.A., Eldridge A., Ding E.L., Kruger H., Henjum S., Fernandez A., Suarez-Ortegon M.F., Al-Hamad N., Janska V., Tayyem R., Mirmiran P., Kelishadi R., Lemming E.W., Richter A., Mensink G., Wieler L., Hoffman D., Salanave B., Kim C.-I., Kuriyan-Raj R., Swaminathan S., Garriguet D., Dastgiri S., Vaask S., Karupaiah T., Zohoori F.V., Esteghamati A., Hashemian M., Noshad S., Mwaniki E., Yakes-Jimenez E., Chileshe J., Mwanza S., Marques L.L., Preston A.M., Aguero S.D., Oleas M., Posada L., Ochoa A., Shamsuddin K., Shariff Z.M., Jan Bin Jan Mohamed H., Manan W., Nicolau A., Tudorie C., Poh B.K., Abbott P., Pakseresht M., Sharma S., Strand T., Alexy U., Nothlings U., Carmikle J., Brown K., Koster J., Waidyatilaka I., Lanerolle P., Jayawardena R., Long J.M., Hambidge K.M., Krebs N.F., Haque A., Keding G.B., Korkalo L., Erkkola M., Freese R., Eleraky L., Stuetz W., Thorsdottir I., Gunnarsdottir I., Serra-Majem L., Moy F.M., Anderson S., Jeewon R., Zugravu C.A., Adair L., Ng S.W., Skeaff S., Marchioni D., Fisberg R., Henry C., Ersino G., Zello G., Meyer A., Elmadfa I., Mitchell C., Balfour D., Geleijnse J.M., Manary M., El-kour T., Nikiema L., Mirzaei M., Hakeem R. (2023). Incident type 2 diabetes attributable to suboptimal diet in 184 countries, Nature Medicine. 29(4), 982-995. doi:10.1038/s41591-023-02278-8
  9. Shyam S., Greenwood D.C., Mai C.-W., Tan S.S., Yusof B.-N.M., Moy F.M., Cade J.E. (2023). Major dietary patterns in the United Kingdom Women's Cohort Study showed no evidence of prospective association with pancreatic cancer risk, Nutrition Research. 118, 41-51. doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2023.07.007
  10. Dai J., Zulkefli N.F., Moy F.M., Humphries D.L. (2022). The Importance of Sociocultural Context When Choosing to Eat Healthier, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 54(2), 143-150. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2021.08.019
  11. Eva N.Z., Hoe V.C.W., Moy F.M. (2022). PREVALENCE OF KNEE PAIN AND ITS ASSOCIATED FACTORS AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERS IN SELANGOR, MALAYSIA, Journal of Health and Translational Medicine. 25(Special Issue 1), 9-16. doi:10.22452/jummec.sp2022no1.2
  12. Lee S.C., Moy F.M., Sii H.L., Hairi N.N. (2022). THE ASSOCIATION OF PSYCHOSOCIAL HEALTH WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE STATE OF MALACCA, Journal of Health and Translational Medicine. 25(2), 7-14. doi:10.22452/jummec.vol25no2.2
  13. Wan K.S., Hairi N.N., Mustapha F., Ismail M., Yusoff M.F.M., Moy F.M. (2022). Five-year LDL-cholesterol trend and its predictors among type 2 diabetes patients in an upper-middle-income country: a retrospective open cohort study, PeerJ. 10. doi:10.7717/peerj.13816
  14. Wan K.S., Hairi N.N., Moy F.M., Mustapha F.I., Yusof K.M., Ali Z.M. (2021). Poorer Attainment of Hemoglobin A1C, Blood Pressure and LDL-Cholesterol Goals among Younger Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, Sains Malaysiana. 50(12), 3631-3645. doi:10.17576/jsm-2021-5012-14
  1. Shyam, S., Greenwood, D. C., Mai, C.-W., Tan, S. S., Yusof, B.-N. M., Moy, F. M., & Cade, J. E. (2023). Major dietary patterns in the United Kingdom Women's Cohort Study showed no evidence of prospective association with pancreatic cancer risk. Nutrition Research, 118, 41-51. doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2023.07.007
  2. Moy, F. M., Hairi, N. N., Lim, E. R. J., & Bulgiba, A. (2022). Long COVID and its associated factors among COVID survivors in the community from a middle-income country-An online cross-sectional study. PLoS One, 17(8), e0273364. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0273364
  3. Dai, Jane, Nur Fadzlina Zulkefli, Foong Ming Moy, and Debbie L. Humphries. 2021. 'The Importance of Sociocultural Context When Choosing to Eat Healthier', Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Doi:
  4. Moy, F. M. and Ng, Y. H.(2021). "Perception towards E-learning and COVID-19 on the mental health status of university students in Malaysia." Sci Prog 104(3): 368504211029812.
  5. Shyam, S., Greenwood, D., Mai, C.-W., Tan, S. S., Mohd Yusof, B. N., Moy, F. M., & Cade, J. (2021). Traditional and Novel Adiposity Indicators and Pancreatic Cancer Risk: Findings from the UK Women s Cohort Study. Cancers, 13(5), 1036.
  6. Zulkifli, N & Moy FM (2020) Development and Validation of a Sustainable Diet Index among Malaysian Adults: Protocol, Sains Malaysiana (accepted)
  7. Eng, J.Y.; Moy, F.M.; Bulgiba, A.; Rampal, S. Dose Response Relationship between Western Diet and Being Overweight among Teachers in Malaysia. Nutrients 2020, 12, 3092.
  8. Ghazali, S. A., Abdullah, K. L., Moy, F. M., Ahmad, R., & Hussin, E. O. D. (2020). The impact of adult trauma triage training on decision-making skills and accuracy of triage decision at emergency departments in Malaysia: A randomized control trial. International Emergency Nursing, 51, 100889. doi:
  9. Habeebah Adamu Kakudi, Chu Kiong Loo, Foong Ming Moy, Lim Chee Kau, Kitsuchart Pasup. (2020). DIAGNOSIS OF METABOLIC SYNDROME USING MACHINE LEARNING, STATISTICAL AND RISK QUANTIFICATION TECHNIQUES: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (MJCS). (Accepted)
  10. Moy, F.M., Eng, J.Y., Lew, T.S.Y., Rampal, S., Zainuddin, A.A., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B. (2020) ASM Science Journal, 13 (Special issue 5), 30-38.
  11. Yong, V. W., Tan, Y. J., Ng, Y. D., Choo, X. Y., Sugumaran, K., Chinna, K., ... & Grossmann, M. (2020). Progressive and accelerated weight and body fat loss in Parkinson's disease: A three-year prospective longitudinal study. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 2020;77:28-35. (Impact factor 4.4 in 2020).
  12. Foong Ming Moy, Nuguelis Razali, Victor Chee Wai Hoe, Golgis Karimi, Siti Zawiah Omar. Association of Maternal Fish Consumption with Mercury Levels of New Born Infants in a Tertiary Medical Centre in a Middle Income Country. Open Science Journal of Clinical Medicine. Vol. 7, No. 1, 2019, pp. 24-28
  13. Jones, L. V., Ray, A., Moy, F. M., & Buckley, B. S. (2019). Techniques of monitoring blood glucose during pregnancy for women with pre existing diabetes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(5). doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009613.pub4
  14. Magaji, B., F.-M. Moy, C. Law, S. Leong and A. Roslani (2019). "Pattern of Health-Related Quality of Life and its Association among Patients with Colorectal Cancer." Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care 4: 45-52.
  15. SQ Yew & FM Moy (2019) Predicting the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in a Primary Care Setting: An Evaluation of the QKidney Model. Malaysian J Med & Health Sciences, 15(3), 67-73
  16. Sundram, E. R., B. Norsa'adah, H. Mohamad, F. M. Moy, N. R. N. Husain and M. N. Shafei (2019). "The Effectiveness of a Voice Care Program Among Primary School Teachers in Northeastern Malaysia." Oman Med J 34(1): 49-55.
  17. Damayanthi HDWT, Moy FM, Abdullah KL, Dharmaratne SD. Prevalence of malnutrition and associated factors among community-dwelling older persons in Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatr. 2018 Aug 30;18(1):199. doi: 10.1186/s12877-018-0892-2.
  18. Eng JY, Moy FM, Bulgiba A, Rampal S. Consistency and Generalizability of Dietary Patterns in a Multiethnic Working Population. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2018 Mar 31. 2018 Jul;118(7):1249-1262.
  19. H.D.W.T. Damayanthi, F.M. Moy, K.L. Abdullah, S.D. Dharmaratne (2018)Health related quality of life and its associated factors among communitydwelling older people in Sri Lanka: A cross-sectional study.Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 76 215 220
  20. Moy FM, Greenwood DC, Cade JE. Associations of clothing size, adiposity and weight change with risk of postmenopausal breast cancer in the UK Women's Cohort Study (UKWCS). BMJ Open. 2018 Sep 28;8(9):e022599. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022599. PubMed PMID: 30269068.
  21. Moy, F.M.; Abd Aziz Alias, R.J.; Halim, H.A.; Low, W.Y. Determinants of self-reported food safety practices among youths: A cross-sectional online study in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. British Food Journal 2018.
  22. Tan AH, Hew YC, Lim SY, Ramli NM, Kamaruzzaman SB, Tan MP, Grossmann M, Ang BH, Tan JY, Manap MAA, Tay TK, Tan SL, New RP, Fadzli F, Yee EJ, Moy FM, Mahadeva S, Lang AE. Altered body composition, sarcopenia, frailty and their clinics-biological correlates. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 2018;56:58-64. (Impact Factor 4.48 in 2017)
  23. Wimala Thushari Damayanthi HD, Moy FM, Abdullah KL, Dharmaratne SD. Assessing handgrip strength and its associated factors among community-dwelling elderly in Sri Lanka: A cross-sectional study. Asian Nurs Res (Korean Soc Nurs Sci). 2018 Sep 4. pii: S1976-1317(17)30694-1. doi: 10.1016/j.anr.2018.08.008. [Epub ahead of print]
  24. A Balasopoulou, FM Mooy, DJ Baker, C Mitropoulou, E Skoufas, A Bulgiba, T Katsila, and G P Patrinos (2017) Advancing Global Precision Medicine: An Overview of Genomic Testing and Counseling Services in Malaysia. OMICS A Journal of Integrative Biology, 21(12)
  25. Chan C, Moy FM, Lim JN, Dahlui M: Awareness, Facilitators, and Barriers to Policy Implementation Related to Obesity Prevention for Primary School Children in Malaysia. American journal of health promotion : AJHP 2017:890117117695888.
  26. Magaji BA, Moy FM, Roslani AC, Law CW (2017). Survival rates and predictors of survival among colorectal cancer patients in a Malaysian tertiary hospital. BMC Cancer, 17(1):339.
  27. Moy, F. M., Ray, A., Buckley, B. S., & West, H. M. (2017). Techniques of monitoring blood glucose during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 6, CD009613. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009613.pub3
  28. Rahmadhani, R., Zaharan, N. L., Mohamed, Z., Moy, F. M., & Jalaludin, M. Y. (2017). The associations between VDR BsmI polymorphisms and risk of vitamin D deficiency, obesity and insulin resistance in adolescents residing in a tropical country. PLoS One, 12(6), e0178695. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178695
  29. Zamri EN, Moy FM, Hoe VC: Association of psychological distress and work psychosocial factors with self-reported musculoskeletal pain among secondary school teachers in Malaysia. PloS one 2017, 12(2):e0172195.
  30. D. A. Loh, F. M. Moy, N. L. Zaharan, M. Y. Jalaludin and Z. Mohamed. 2016. Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and its associations with cardiometabolic risks among adolescents. Pediatric Obesity. doi:10.1111/ijpo.12108
  31. Eng JY, Moy FM, Bulgiba A. 2016. Impact of a Workplace Health Promotion Program on Employees' Blood Pressure in a Public University. PLoS One. 2016. 3;11(2):e0148307.
  32. Eng, J. Y., Moy, F. M., Bulgiba, A. 2016. Impact of a Workplace Health Promotion Program on Employees Blood Pressure in a Public University Plos One
  33. Ibrahim N, Ming Moy F, Awalludin IAN, Mohd Ali Z, Ismail IS (2016) Effects of a Community-Based Healthy Lifestyle Intervention Program (Co-HELP) among Adults with Prediabetes in a Developing Country: A Quasi-Experimental Study. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0167123. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167123
  34. Jamal SN, Moy FM, Azmi Mohamed MN, Mukhtar F. Effectiveness of a Group Support Lifestyle Modification (GSLiM) Programme among Obese Adults in Workplace: A Randomised Controlled Trial. PloS one 2016;11(8):e0160343.
  35. Lee, S.C., Moy, F.M. & Hairi, N.N. (2016). Validity and reliability of the Malay version multidimensional scale of perceived social support (MSPSS-M) among teachers. Qual Life Res. doi:10.1007/s11136-016-1348-9
  36. Moy FM, Hoe VC, Hairi NN, Vethakkan SR, Bulgiba A: Vitamin D deficiency and depression among women from an urban community in a tropical country. Public Health Nutrition 2016, FirstView:1-7. doi:10.1017/S1368980016000811
  37. Shafinaz I S and Moy F M, 2016. Vitamin D level and its association with adiposity among multi-ethnic adults in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health, 16:232.
  38. Soo Cheng Lee, Noran N Hairi, Foong-Ming Moy. (2016) Metabolic syndrome among non-obese adults in the teaching profession in Melaka, Malaysia. Journal of Epidemiology.
  39. Wah Yun, Low, Jani, R., Abdul Halim, H., Abd Aziz, A. & Moy, F.M. 2016. Determinants of food hygiene knowledge among youths: A cross-sectional online study. Food Control 59: 88-93
  40. Apalasamy YD, Ming MF, Rampal S, Bulgiba A, Mohamed Z. Gender-Dependent Association of a 2- Adrenergic Gene Variant With Obesity Parameters in Malaysian Malays. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2015 Mar;27(2):NP154-65. PMID: 22199155. Impact Factor: 1.11
  41. Apalasamy YD, Rampal S, Salim A, Moy FM, Su TT, Majid HA, Bulgiba A, Mohamed Z. Polymorphisms of the resistin gene and their association with obesity and resistin levels in Malaysian Malays. Biochem Genet. 2015 Jun;53(4-6):120-31. PMID: 25991560
  42. Bello Arbilla Magaji, Foong Ming Moy, April Camilla Roslani, Chee Wei Law, Farhana Raduan, Ismail Sagap. 2015. Psychometric validation of the Bahasa Malaysia version of EORTC QLQ-CR29. APJCP 16(18):8101-5.
  43. Loh, D. A., Moy, F. M., Zaharan, N. L., & Mohamed, Z. (2015). Disparities in health-related quality of life among healthy adolescents in a developing country - the impact of gender, ethnicity, socio- economic status and weight status. Child Care Health Dev, 15(10). April 2015. Impact Factor: 1.83 DOI: 10.1111/cch.12252
  44. Magaji BA, Moy FM, Roslani AC, Law CW, Sagap I. 2015. Psychometric Validation of the Malaysian Chinese Version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 in Colorectal Cancer Patients. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 16(18):8107-12.
  45. Moy FM, Hoe VC, Hairi NN, Chu AH, Bulgiba A, Koh D. Determinants and Effects of Voice Disorders among Secondary School Teachers in Peninsular Malaysia Using a Validated Malay Version of VHI-10. PloS one. 2015;10(11):e0141963.
  46. Moy, F. M. & Loh, D. A. Cardiometabolic risks profile of normal weight obese and multi-ethnic women in a developing country. Maturitas. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2015.04.011
  47. Tai M-LS, Norhatta N, Goh KJ, Moy FM, Sujarita R, et al. (2015) The Impact of Dyspepsia on Symptom Severity and Quality of Life in Adults with Headache. PLoS ONE 10(1): e0115838. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115838
  48. Y Kew, Y L Chia, S M Lai, K Y Chong, X L Ho, D W Liew, F M Moy, S Selvarajah. 2015. Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM) among Study Population with Cardiovascular Risk; use and Substitution for Conventional Medicine in Pahang, Malaysia. Med J Malaysia,70:2; 86-92.
  49. Yong Kang Cheah, Foong Ming Moy, Debbie Ann Loh (2015). Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with nutrition label use among Malaysian adults. British Food Journal, 117(11), 2777 - 2787
  50. Chu, A. H. and F. M. Moy (2014). "Association between physical activity and metabolic syndrome among Malay adults in a developing country, Malaysia." J Sci Med Sport 17(2): 195-200.
  51. Chu, A. H., Koh, D., Moy, F. M., & Muller- Riemenschneider, F. (2014). Do workplace physical activity interventions improve mental health outcomes? Occup Med (Lond), 64(4), 235-245. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqu045
  52. Ibrahim N, Moy FM, Awalludin IA, Ali Z, Ismail IS. The health-related quality of life among Pre-diabetics and its association with body mass index and physical activity in a semi-urban community in Malaysia- a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health, 2014,14 :298. doi:10.1186 /1471-2458-14-298
  53. Magaji BA, Moy FM, Roslani AC, Law CW. Descriptive epidemiology of colorectal cancer in University Malaya Medical Centre, 2001 to 2010. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(15):6059-64.
  54. Mazliza Ramly, Moy Foong Ming, Karuthan Chinna, Suhaili Suboh, Rokiah Pendek. 2014. Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Cardiometabolic Risks and Health-Related Quality of Life among Urban Premenopausal Women in a Tropical Country A Randomized Controlled Trial. PLOS ONE 9(10)
  55. Moy F, Hoe V, Hairi N, Buckley B, Wark P, Koh D, et al. Cohort study on clustering of lifestyle risk factors and understanding its association with stress on health and wellbeing among school teachers in Malaysia (CLUSTer) - a study protocol. BMC Public Health. 2014;14(1):611.
  56. Moy, F. M., A. Ray, Buckley, B. (2014). "Techniques of monitoring blood glucose during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes." Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4: CD009613.
  57. Wong HJ, Moy FM, Nair S: Risk factors of malnutrition among preschool children in Terengganu, Malaysia: a case control study. BMC public health 2014, 14(1):785.
  58. Yamunah Devi Apalasamy, Moy Foong Ming, Sanjay Rampal, Awang Bulgiba, Zahurin Mohamed. 2013. Genetic Association Study of INSIG2 rs7566605 polymorphism with obesity-related metabolic traits in Malaysian Malays.Genetic associations of the INSIG2 rs7566605 polymorphism with obesity-related metabolic traits in Malaysian Malays. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH: GMR 13(3):4904-4910 JULY 2014 Impact Factor: 0.85 DOI: 10.4238/2014.July.4.4
  59. Yamunah Devi Apalasamy, Sanjay Rampal, Agus Salim, Moy Foong Ming, Awang Bulgiba, Zahurin Mohamed. 2014 .Association of ADIPOQ gene with obesity and adiponectin levels in Malaysian Malays. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS 41(5) JANUARY 2014 Impact Factor: 1.96 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-014-3147-0
  60. *Mohamad Rodi ISA, Foong Ming MOY, Azad Hassan ABDUL RAZACK, Zulkifli MD ZAINUDDIN, Nur Zuraida AINAL.2013. Anxiety Status and its Relationship with General Health Related Quality of Life among Prostate Cancer Patients in Two University Hospitals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Iranian J of Public Health. 42(3): 240-248
  61. Apalasamy YD, Ming MF, Rampal S, Bulgiba A, Mohamed Z (2013).Association of Melanocortin-4 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms with Obesity-related Parameters in Malaysian Malays. Ann Hum Biol. Jan;40(1):102-6. (Tier 2; Impact Factor = 1.98)
  62. Chu AHY, Moy FM (2013) Joint Association of Sitting Time and Physical Activity with Metabolic Risk Factors among Middle-Aged Malays in a Developing Country: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61723. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061723
  63. Chu, AHY & Moy, FM. 2013. Association between physical activity and metabolic syndrome among Malay adults in a developing country, Malaysia. J Science & Medicine in Sports. j.jsams. 2013. 04.003
  64. Gan, D. E.-Y., Jawan, R. A., & Moy, F.-M. Concordance between hysteroscopic impression and endometrial histopathological diagnosis. Preventive Medicine(0). doi:
  65. Hsu, T.-Y., Chirovsky, D., Moy, F. M., & Ambegaonkar, B. M. Attainment of Goal and Normalized Lipid Levels With Lipid-Modifying Therapy in Malaysia. Clinical Therapeutics(0). doi: j.clinthera.2013.02.004
  66. Isa M.R., Moy F.M., Razack AH, Zainuddin M.Z., Zainal N.Z.2013. Anxiety Status and its Relationship with General Health Related Quality of Life among Prostate Cancer Patients in Two University Hospitals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Iranian Journal of Public Health 42 (3):240-8
  67. Isa, M. R., Moy, F. M., Abdul Razack, A. H., Zainuddin, Z. M., & Zainal, N. Z. (2013). Impact of applied progressive deep muscle relaxation training on the level of depression, anxiety and stress among prostate cancer patients: a quasi-experimental study. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 14(4), 2237-2242.
  68. Loh DA, Moy FM, Zaharan NL, Mohamed Z. Eating Behaviour among Multi-Ethnic Adolescents in a Middle-Income Country as Measured by the Self-Reported Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. PloS one 2013;8(12):e82885.
  69. Loh, K. W., Rani, F., Chan, T. C., Loh, H. Y., Ng, C. W., & Moy, F. M. (2013). The association between risk factors and hypertension in Perak, Malaysia. Med J Malaysia, 68(4), 291-296.
  70. Mazliza Ramly, Foong Ming Moy, Rokiah Pendek, Suhaili Suboh and Alexander Tan Tong Boon. 2013. Study protocol: the effect of vitamin D supplements on cardiometabolic risk factors among urban premenopausal women in a tropical country - a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health:13:416, doi:10.1186/1471-2458- 13-416
  71. Mohamad-Rodi Isa, Foong Ming Moy, Azad-Hassan Abdul Razack, Zulkifli Md. Zainuddin, Nor-Zuraida Zainal. 2013. Impact of applied progressive deep muscle relaxation training on the health related quality of life among prostate cancer patients A quasi experimental trial.Preventive Medicine. Press, Available online 27 February 2013
  72. Seng Beng T, Chong Guan N, Kheng Seang L, Pathmawathi S, Foong Ming M, Ee Jane L, Ee Chin L, Chee Loong L. 2013. The Experiences of Suffering of Palliative Care Informal Caregivers in Malaysia: A Thematic Analysis. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2013 Jan 21. [Epub ahead of print]
  73. Siti Munira Yasin, Masilamani Retneswari, Foong Ming Moy,Khairul Mizan Taib, Nurhuda Ismail. 2013. Predictors of Sustained Six Months Quitting Success: Efforts of Smoking Cessation in Low Intensity Smoke-Free Workplaces. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2013;42:401-7
  74. Siti Munira Yasin, Masilamani Retneswari, Foong Ming Moy, Khairul Mizan Taib, Marzuki Isahak, David Koh. Testing the Transtheoretical Model in Predicting Smoking Relapse among Malaysian Adult Smokers Receiving Assistance in Quitting. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. 01/2013; 14(4):2317-2323.
  75. Apalasamy, Y.D., Ming, M.F., Rampal, S., Bulgiba, A., Mohamed, Z., 2012. Association of melanocortin-4 receptor gene polymorphisms with obesity-related parameters in Malaysian Malays. ANNALS OF HUMAN BIOLOGY 40(1) SEPTEMBER 2012. Impact Factor: 1.15 DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2012.720709
  76. Bello Arkilla Magaji, Foong Ming Moy, April Camilla Roslani, Ismail Sagap, Jasiah Zakaria, Jane M Blazeby, Chee Wei Law.Health-related quality of life among colorectal cancer patients in Malaysia: a study protocol. BMC Cancer 2012; 12:384. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-384.
  77. Chu AHY & Moy FM. 2012. Reliability and validity of the Malay International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-M) among a Malay population in Malaysia. Asia Pac J Public Health(Accepted)
  78. Chu, A.H.Y., Moy, F.M., 2012. Associations of occupational, transportation, household and leisure-time physical activity patterns with metabolic risk factors among middle-aged adults in a middle-income country. Preventive Medicine.DOI:
  79. Loh, K. W., Vriens, M. R., Gerritsen, A., Borel Rinkes, I. H., van Hillegersberg, R., Schippers, C., Steenhagen, E., Ong, T. A., Moy, F. M., & Molenaar, I. Q. (2012). Unintentional weight loss is the most important indicator of malnutrition among surgical cancer patients. The Netherlands journal of medicine, 70(8), 365 369.
  80. Mohamad, R. I., Moy, F. M., Azad Hassan, A. R., Zulkifli, M. Z., & Nur Zuraida, Z. (2012). General Health Related Quality of Life and its Associated Factors among Prostate Cancer Patients in Two Tertiary Medical Centers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: A Cross-sectional Study. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 13(12), 1-4.
  81. Moy FM, Ray A, Buckley B. 2012. Techniques of monitoring blood glucose during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes (Protocol). Cochrane Review Database of Systematic Review, Issue 2.
  82. S M Yasin, F M Moy, M Retneswari, M Isahak, D Koh. 2012. Timing and risk factors associated with relapse among smokers attempting to quit in Malaysia. Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. 16:980-85.
  83. S. M. Yasin1,M. Retneswari,F.-M. Moy, A. Darus,and D. Koh.2012.Job Stressors and Smoking Cessation among Malaysian Male Employees.Occup Med (Lond) (2012).doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqs005
  84. Tan Seng Beng, Ng Chong Guan, Lim Kheng Seang, Subramaniam Pathmawathi, Moy Foong Ming, Lim Ee Jane, Loh Ee Chin and Lam Chee Loong AM J HOSP PALLIAT CARE published online 5 September 2012
  85. WIDYAHENING, I., VAN DER HEIJDEN, G., MOY, F., VAN DER GRAAF, Y., SASTROASMORO, S., BULGIBA, A. Direct short-term effects of EBP teaching: change in knowledge, not in attitude; a cross-cultural comparison among students from European and Asian medical schools. Medical Education Online, North America, 17, oct. 2012. Available at: .
  86. Widyahening I, Heijden GMG, Moy F, Graaf Y, Sastroasmoro S, Bulgiba A: From west to east; experience with adapting a curriculum in evidence-based medicine. Perspect Med Educ 2012:1-13.
  87. Y.D. Apalasamy, M.F. Ming, S. Rampal, A. Bulgiba and Z. Mohamed. 2012. Genetic association of SNPs in the FTO gene and predisposition to obesity in Malaysian Malays. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 45(12) AUGUST 2012. Impact Factor: 1.08 DOI: 10.1590/S0100-879X2012007500134
  88. Yasin SM, Retneswari M, Moy FM, Koh D. 2012. Can perceptions about quitting predict smoking cessation outcomes among Malaysian smokers. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 43(2):501-9
  89. Closed versus open approach in laparoscopic colorectal surgery (Protocol)Magaji BA, Roslani AC, Chee Wei L, Moy FM, Buckley BS. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
  90. Eng JY, Moy FM. 2011. Validation of a food frequency questionnaire to assess dietary cholesterol, total fat and different types of fat intakes among Malay adults. Asia Pacific J Clinical Nutrition, 20(4):639-45.
  91. F.M. Moy, Vitamin D status and its associated factors of free living Malay adults in a tropical country, Malaysia, J. Photochem.Photobiol. B: Biol. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2011.05.002
  92. Liew SM, Pathy N Bhoo, Hairi NN, Sinnasamy J, Engkasan JP, Moy FM, Choo YM, Saini Jeffery FA, Ng CJ. Access to Medical Journals in Malaysia. Med J Malaysia. 2011; 66(2): 162-163.
  93. Liew, H., Noor Illiati, I., Raymond Yii, S., Siti Nadzrah, Y., & Moy, F. (2011). HEALTH RISK BEHAVIOUR AMONG UNDERGRADUATES IN A MALAYSIAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine, 14(2):1-8.
  94. Moy FM & Awang Bulgiba. 2011. High prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency and its association with obesity and metabolic syndrome among Malay adults in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. BMC Public Health 11:735.
  95. Moy FM, Chang EWS, Kee KW. 2011. Predictors of handgrip strength among the free living elderly in rural Pahang, Malaysia. Iranian J Publ Health, 40(4):44-53
  96. Munira Yasin, Retneswari M, Moy FM, Koh D. 2011. Does change in perception following counseling result in improved quitting outcome among Malaysian smokers? Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, DOI: 10.1177/1010539511426472
  97. Munira Yasin, Retneswari Masilamani, Moy Foong Ming,David Koh. 2011. Predictors of Smoking Cessation among Staff in Public Universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 12, 811-816.
  98. Yamuna AD, Moy FM, Awang Bulgiba, Rampal S, Zahurin M. 2011. Gender-Dependent Association of a Beta2- adrenergic Gene variant With Obesity Parameters in Malaysian Malays. Asia Pacific J Public Health. DOI: 10.1177/1010539511430250
  99. Yasin SM, Retneswari M, Moy FM, Marzuki I, David K.2011. Timing and risk factors associated with relapse among smokers attempting to quit in Malaysia.International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases.
  100. Yasin SM, Retneswari M, Moy FM, Marzuki I, Koh D.2011. Smokers can quit regardless of motivation in a worksite smoking cessation programme. Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,12(8):1-5
  101. Foong Ming Moy and Awang Bulgiba. 2010. The modified NCEP ATP III criteria maybe better than the IDF criteria in diagnosing Metabolic Syndrome among Malays in Kuala Lumpur. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:678
  102. Magaji BA, Roslani AC, Chee Wei L, Moy FM, Buckley BS. Closed versus open approach in laparoscopic colorectal surgery (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 12.
  103. Moy, F.M.; Hoe, V.C.W.; Tan, C.P.L.; et al. Cardiovascular risks among shift and non-shift workers in a public medical centre in Kuala Lumpur. J Univ Malaya Med Cent. 2010;13:45-49
  104. K L Tan, S N Ghani, F M Moy. 2009. THe prevalence and characteristics associated with mother-infant bedsharing in Klang District, Malaysia. Medical Journal of Malaysia, 64 (4): 311-315
  105. Moy FM, Johari S, Ismail Y, Mahad R , Tie FH , Wan Ismail WMA . 2009. Breakfast skipping and its associated factors among the undergraduates in a public university in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition. 15(2): 165-174
  106. Moy, F.M., Johari, S., Ismail, Y. Mahad, R., Tie, F.H. & Wan Ismail,W.M.A. (2009). Breakfast Skipping and Its Associated Factors among Undergraduates in a Public University in Kuala Lumpur.Mal. J. Nutr. 15(2),165-174.
  107. Moy FM, Atiya AS & Wong ML. 2008. Framingham Risk Scores and anthropometric measurements in predicting cardiovascular risks among Malay men.Malaysia Journal of Nutrition, Vol 14 (1): 57-63.
  108. Moy FM, Atiya AS & Wong ML. 2008. Dietary modification in a workplace health promotion program in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Asia Pacific J Public Health, 20(Suppl):166-172
  109. Moy FM, Atiya AS, Wong ML. 2008. Perceived risks, barriers and stages of change on smoking cessation among the Malay smokers in Kuala Lumpur.International Medical Journal,7:3-9.
  110. MoyFM, Lim CH, Tan CJA, Tay SH. 2007. Factors influencing the uptake of Pap smear screening among Malay women in a public university in Kuala Lumpur a pilot study. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 7 (2): 23-28
  111. Nazatul SM, Saimy I, Moy FM, Nabilla AS. 2008. Prevalence of sleep disturbance among nurses in a Malaysian government hospital and its association with work characteristics. JUMMEC 11(2):66-71
  112. Zaini I, Ghani SN, Moy FM. 2008. Sociodemographic and foetal characteristicsof mothers with premature deliveries in Hospital Tuanku Jaafar Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. JUMMEC 11(2):59-65.
  113. Moy FM, Atiya AS & Wong ML.2006.The results of a worksite health promotion program in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Health Promotion International, 21: 301-310
  114. Moy FM, Gan CY & Siti Zaleha MK. 2006. Eating pattern of school children & adolescents in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia Journal of Nutrition, 12 (1) : 1- 10.
  115. MoyFM & Atiya AS.2003-2005.Lifestyle practices and prevalence of obesity in a community within a university campus, JUMMEC 8: 33-39
  116. Lua GW, Moy FM & Atiya AS. 2004.Coronary heart disease risk assessment among the security staff in a public university. Malaysia Journal Public Health Medicine, MPJPHM 4(1): 29-34
  117. Moy FM & Atiya AS. 2004. The use of Nominal Group Technique in promotion of healthy lifestyle. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 4(1): 19-21
  118. Moy FM, Gan CY & Siti Zaleha MK. 2004. Body mass status of school children and adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 13(4): 324-329
  119. Moy FM, Atiya AS & Wong ML. 2004.A worksite wellness program in Kuala Lumpur baseline characteristics. International Medical Journal, 3 (2)
  120. Moy FM & Atiya AS. 2003. Waist circumference as a screening tool for weight management: evaluation using receiver operating characteristic curves for Malay subjects. APJPH 15(2): 99-104
  121. Moy FM & Suriah AR. 2002. Anthropometry and dietary intake of type 2 diabetics attending an outpatient clinic. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 8 (1): 63-73
Article in Proceeding
  1. F M Moy & A M Bulgiba. Results of a 3-year workplace wellness program among a work cohort in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. J Epidemiology & Community Health. pg A389.
  2. F M Moy. 2011. Association of vitamin D and cardiometabolic risk factors among a Malay cohort in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. pg A277.
  3. Isahak M, Darus A, Moy FM, Retneswari M .2011. Employee Assisstance Programme for Stress: The Impact on Workers Health in a Public University. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 4th Regional Conference on Occupational Health 11(2) : 33
  4. Mohamad Rodi Isa, Moy Foong Ming, Azah Hassan Abdul Razack, Nor Zuraida Zainal. 2011. The prevalence of depression and associated factors among prostate cancer patients in UMMC, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian J Public Health Medicine. Vol 11 (Suppl 4):41-2.
  5. Moy F M & Awang Bulgiba. 2011. Association of obesity and metabolic syndrome with vitamin D insufficiency among Malay adults in Kuala Lumpur. Proceeding MASO 2011 Scientific Conference on Obesity. Pg23.
  6. Nadia MA, II Shariffuddin, Moy FM, Chan YK. 2011. Body Mass Index in pregnant patients and its impact on regional anaesthesia for caesarean section. Proceeding Annual Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists. Pg 61.
  7. Yamunah Devi, Zahurin M, Sanjay R, Awang Bulgiba, Moy FM. 2011. Melanocortin 4 Receptor Gene Polymorphism and association with cholesterol levels in Malaysian Malays. Proceedings Human Genome Meeting 2011, 4th PNARAB Human Genetics Conference, p101.
  8. Yasin M, Darus A, Retneswari M, Moy FM, Darus A, Koh D.2011. Job Stressors in Relation to Smoking Cessation among Malaysian Male Employees in Worksite Smoking Cessation Programmes. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 11(2) : 34-35
  9. Zahurin M, Yamunah Devi, Sanjay R, Awang Bulgiba, Moy FM. 2011. Association of INSIG2 RS7566605 Polymorphism with obesity-related parameters in Malaysian Malays. Human Genome Meeting 2011, 4th PNARAB Human Genetics Conference, p91.
  10. Isahak M, Darus A, Moy FM. Serum cortisol and cardiovascular effects. The 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference. 2010
  11. Moy FM & Bulgiba AM. Obesity & metabolic syndrom in a wellness cohort in Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of MASO 2009 Scientific Conference on Obesity. pg 29.
  12. Y.D.Apalasamy, F.M.Moy, S.Rampal, A.M.Bulgiba and Z.Mohamed. 2009. G-2458A Lep Gene Polymorphism is associated with body mass index (BMI) in the Malaysian population. Proceedings of the 2009 International conference on Personalised Medicine. pg34.
  13. Er LZ, Lee CY, Yoon TF, Moy FM, Risk factors contributing to childhood obesity, Journal of Health Management (Supplement) October 2008, pg 19
  14. Maznah D, Ng Cw, Moy Fm, Sanjay R, Hoe Vcw, S. Noorlaili. 2008. Breast Cancer Awareness And B.S.E. Practice Among Females Of Pahang, Malaysia. The 40th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium For Public Health Conference, 7-9 Nov 2008, Kuala Lumpur. Pg 118
Other Publications
  1. Er LZ, Lee CY, Yoon TF, Moy FM, Risk factors contributing to childhood obesity, Journal of Health Management (Supplement) October 2008, pg 19 - Extended Abstract
  2. Liew HC,Noor Illiati I,Yee RSL,Siti Nadzrah Y,Moy FM, Health and Risk Behaviours of Undergraduates in a public university in Kuala Lumpur,Journal of Health Management (Supplement) October 2008, pg 41. - Extended Abstract


  • 25-hydoxyvitamin D, obesity and cardiometabolic risks among a multi-ethnic female cohort in Malaysia (Vitamin D, obesity, cardiometabolic risks)
  • TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH IN PRIMARY PREVENTION OF CHRONIC DISEASES IN A WORKPLACE (Translational research, workplace, primary prevention,chronic diseases)
  • Clustering of Lifestyle Risk Factors and Understanding its association with Stress on Health and Wellbeing among school teachers in Malaysia (CLUSTer) (Lifestyle, stress, cardiovascular, teachers cohort)
  • Development of mobile diet apps to promote health among adult population (mobile diet app, health promotion)
  • Promotion of sustainable diet among the Malaysian adult population (sustainable diet, carbon footprint, adult population)


  1. 2016 - 2017, Private Funding
    DietCAM Project for the development, refining, validation/calibration and pilot testing of the smartphone diet apps ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2016 - 2017, Private Funding
    Study On The Public Health Genomic Environment And The Knowledge/awareness Among The Health Professionals, University Students, Policy And The General Public In Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2013 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Clustering of Lifestyle Risk Factors andUnderstanding its association with Stress onHealth and Wellbeing among school teachers inMalaysia (CLSUTer) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2013 - 2016, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    Development , Validation and Utilisation of A food frequency to identify dietary pattern and its association with risk factors for metabolic syndrome among female secondary school teachers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2013 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Barriers in the implementation of Obesity Prevention Policies for schools in Malaysia ( Consultant)
  6. 2011 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Spatio-Temporal Modelling & Meta-analysis ( Consultant)
  7. 2012 - 2015, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    The effect of Vitamin D supplement on cardiometabolic risk & quality of life in premenopausal Malay women: A randomized control trial ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  8. 2012 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Evaluation of non-therapeutic anti-neoplastic drug exposure ( Consultant)
  9. 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Wellness for education intervention among school children with metabolic syndrome ( Consultant)
  10. 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Comparison of 0.8% sevoflurane versus Entonox for labour analgesia ( Consultant)
  11. 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice on Food Safety Among Tertiery Students and Food Handlers in Kuala Lumpur: A Cross-Sectional Study ( Consultant)
  12. 2011 - 2014, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    Penyelidikan pascasiswazah (PPP)-2011 (1) Reliability and validity of IPAQ measuring physical activity of adults in UM (2)A community based healthy lifestyle intervention amongst high risk adults to prevent diabetes (Co-Help) (3) Group support lifestyle modification (G-Slim) programme versus dietary counseling for obese adults in UM-A RCT ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2014 - 2014, High Impact Research (HIR)
    Obesity in Malaysian adolescent population: Prevalence, risk factors, complications and intervention ( Consultant)
  14. 2013 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    APACPH Obesity Prevention Study ( Consultant)
  15. 2013 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Stress management intervention among secondary school teachers with stress or burnout ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  16. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Translational research in primary prevention of chronic diseases in workplace ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  17. 2011 - 2012, Health Promotion Board, MOH
    A community based healthy lifestyle intervention amongst high risk adults to prevent diabetes (Co- Help) - A translational research. ( Consultant)
  18. 2011 - 2012, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    Pattern, Predictors of survival and health related quality of life among colorectal cancer patients in UMMC ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  19. 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Translational research in primary prevention of chronic diseases in workplace ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  20. 2008 - 2010, UNICEF & IRPA
    UNICEF Research Project: Assessment of children and families affected by HIV/AIDS in Selangor (Qualitative Study) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  21. 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Translational research in primary prevention of chronic diseases in a workplace ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  22. 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Association of candidate genes predisposing to obesity in Malaysian subjects ( Consultant)
  23. 2010 - 2010, UNDFA and WHO
    Status of Female Circumcision Practices in Malaysia ( Consultant)
  24. 2008 - 2009,  UPDit IPPP UM
    Mercury Levels in Newborn Cord Blood and Maternal Blood and the Association with the Antepartum Consumption of Seafood of Pregnant Mothers in UMMC ( Consultant)
  25. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Primary Prevention of Chronic Diseases in Worksite ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  26. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Influence of lifetime occupation on muscle strangth and functional ability ( Consultant)
  27. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Primary prevention of chronic diseases in a worksite ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2024 - 2026, National Technology & Innovation Sandbox Fund
    Commercialization of WeHealth ( Co-Researcher)
  1. 2018 - 2018, Ajinomoto Innovation Alliance Program Grant
    Development, refining, validation/ calibration and pilot testing of a smartphone diet apps ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Associate Editor for Bmc Women's Health, BMC Women's Health
    01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2021 (International)
  • Editorial Board Member for Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, Nutrition Society of Malaysia
    01 Apr 2017 - 01 Apr 2019 (International)
  • Clinical Epidemiology Workshop, University of Malaya
    01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2018 (National)
  • Benchmark Food Environment Policies for Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
    01 Dec 2017 - 01 Dec 2017 (National)
  • Reviewer for The 2017 Recommended Nutrients Intake (Rni), Ministry of Health, Malaysia
    01 Nov 2017 - 01 Nov 2017 (National)
  • Editorial Board Member for Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, Nutrition Society of Malaysia
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2017 (International)
  • Research Grant Reviewer for Ippp, University of Malaya, IPPP, UM
    01 Jan 2015 - 01 Jan 2015 (National)
  • Editorial Board of Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, Malaysian Journal of Nutrition
    01 Feb 2012 - 01 Feb 2014 (International)
  • Speaker for Early Career Network Workshop for International Participants, Asia Pacific Academic Consortium in Public Health
    01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2014 (International)
  • Medical Statistic Consultancy Unit, Clinicians and Clinical Master students from UMMC
    01 Jan 2001 - 01 Jan 2014 (National)
  • Medical Statistics Module in Master of Clinical Oncology Part 1 Examination, University of Malaya, Faculty of Medicine, UM
    01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
  • Editorial Board of The Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, Nutrition Socieety of Malaysia
    01 Jul 2010 - 01 Jul 2012 (International)
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines - Management of Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia (Moh/Pak/195.09 (Gu), Ministry of Health , Malaysia
    01 Jun 2009 - 01 Jun 2009 (National)


  1. Double burden of mulnutrition and COVID-19, International Conference of Public Health 2020, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Teuku Umar, Aceh, Indonesia (International) (31 Oct 2020 - 31 Oct 2020)
  2. The associations of obesity with cardiometabolic risks and stress among multi-ethnic women in a developing country , The 19th World Obesity Congress, Conference Series / Obesity Summit (International) (10 Jul 2018 - 11 Jul 2018)
  1. Meta-analysis of Observational Studies, Meta-analysis of Observational Studies Workshop, Bahagian Perkembangan Perubatan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (National) (17 Oct 2019 - 11 Oct 2019)
  2. Nutritional Epidemiology, Workshop on Nutritional Epidemiology, School of Health Sciences, International Medical University (National) (08 Jul 2019 - 09 Jul 2019)
  3. Developing PRM Cochrane: What is Cochrane ?, International Society of Physical & Rehabilitative Medicine Congress, International Society of Physical & Rehabilitative Medicine  (International) (29 May 2016 - 02 Jun 2016)
  4. Healthy Eating & Physical Activities among academic profession, SOEM-MMA Seminar, SOEM-MMA (National) (06 Sep 2014 - 06 Sep 2014)
  5. Cochrane Protocol Development, Cochrane Protocol Development Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (International) (03 Mar 2014 - 07 Mar 2014)
  6. Worksite Wellness - translating teory to practice, International Conference On Biotechnology for the Wellness Industry, Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (International) (23 Jul 2009 - 26 Jul 2009)
  1. Introduction to thesis writing, Thesis Writing Workshop, Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (National) (19 Feb 2020 - 20 Feb 2020)
  2. Cochrane Systematic Review Protocol, Developing Cochrane Systematic Review Protocol, Julius Centre University of Malaya / UM Cochrane Network site (International) (24 Aug 2015 - 27 Aug 2015)
  3. Clinical Nutrition , 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition 2015, Nutrition Society of Malaysia (International) (26 Jan 2015 - 29 Jan 2015)
  4. 46th APACPH Conference, 46th APACPH Conference, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (International) (17 Oct 2014 - 19 Oct 2014)
  5. Cochrane Protocol Development, Cochrane Protocol Development Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (International) (03 Mar 2014 - 07 Mar 2014)
  6. Malaysia Cochrane Network, Launching of UM Cochrane Network Site, Julius Centre University of Malaya (National) (03 Mar 2014)
  7. Scientific Writing, Scientific Writing Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (National) (30 Sep 2013 - 03 Oct 2013)
  8. Cochrane Protocol Development, Cochrane Protocol Development Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (International) (02 Sep 2013 - 06 Sep 2013)
  9. Cochrane Systematic Review, Train the trainer for Cochrane Systematic Review, Julius Centre University of Malaya (National) (18 Feb 2013 - 22 Feb 2013)
  10. Cochrane Protocol Development, Cochrane Protocol Development Workshop (International) (10 Jul 2012 - 13 Jul 2012)
  11. Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine, Asia Pacific Conference of Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine, Julius Centre University of Malaya (International) (06 Jul 2012 - 08 Jul 2012)
  12. Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine, Train the trainers for CE-EBM Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (University) (20 Jul 2011 - 21 Jul 2011)
  13. Cochrane Protocol Development, Cochrane Protocol Development Workshop, Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (International) (04 Jul 2011 - 08 Jul 2011)
  14. EBM, Evidence Based Medicine Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (National) (12 Apr 2011 - 14 Apr 2011)
  15. Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine, Train the trainers for CE-EBM Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (University) (22 Jul 2010 - 24 Jul 2010)
  16. EBM, Evidence Based Medicine Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (National) (25 May 2010 - 27 May 2010)
  17. Clinical Epidemiology , Clinical Epidemiology Workshop, Julius Centre University of Malaya (International) (30 Sep 2009 - 02 Oct 2009)
  18. Global Public Health Challenges, 40th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference , Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (International) (07 Nov 2008 - 09 Nov 2008)
  1. Overweight and obesity are associated with physical fitness among the military personnel, MASO Scientific Conference on Obesity 2017, MASO (International) (20 Nov 2017 - 21 Nov 2017)
  2. Associations of weight changes and adiposity with risk of post-menopausal breast cancer in the UK Women Cohort Study, MASO Scientific Conference on Obesity 2017, Malaysian Association Study of Obesity (MASO) (International) (20 Nov 2017 - 21 Nov 2017)
  3. Factors Associated with Stress among Seconday School Teachers in a Middle Income Country, The 4th International Health Literacy Conference: Health Literacy and Quality of Health Care Services, Asian Health Literacy Association (International) (07 Nov 2016 - 09 Nov 2016)
  4. Factors Associated with Handgrip Strength among Community Dwelling Elderly in Sri Lanka., The 4th International Health Literacy Conference: Health Literacy and Quality of Health Care Services, Asian Health Literacy Association (International) (07 Nov 2016 - 09 Nov 2016)
  5. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on cardiometabolic risks and health related quality of life among urban premenopausal women in a tropical country - a randomized controlled trial, The 46th Asia Pacific Conference of Public Health (International) (16 Oct 2014 - 19 Oct 2014)
  6. Factors affecting mental health among elderly in Pahang, Malaysia, The 46th Asia Pacific Conference of Public Health (International) (16 Oct 2014 - 19 Oct 2014)
  7. Association of hypertryglyceridemic waist with cardiometabolic risk factors among a multi-ethnic work cohort in Malaysia, The First Asia Pacific Conference of Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine , JCUM & Dept of SPM, UM. (International) (06 Jul 2012 - 08 Jul 2012)
  8. Predictors of handgrip strength among adults of a rural multi-ethnic community in a developing country, The First Asia Pacific Conference of Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine, Julius Centre University of Malaya & Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (International) (06 Jul 2012 - 08 Jul 2011)
  9. Body Mass Index in pregnant patients and its impact on regional anaesthesia for caesarean section, Annual Scientific Meeting of Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists (National) (01 Aug 2011)
  10. Association of obesity and metabolic syndrome with vitamin D insufficiency among Malay adults in Kuala Lumpur, MASO 2011 Scientific Conference on Obesity, MASO (International) (28 Jun 2011 - 29 Jun 2011)
  11. INJURIES IN SELECTED RURAL AREAS OF PERAK, The 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference (APACPH) , APACPH & Universitas Indonesia (International) (24 Nov 2010 - 27 Nov 2010)
  12. Change in decisional balance after counseling is associated with improved quit rates in malaysian smokers, The 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference (APACPH), APACPH & Universitas Indonesia (International) (24 Nov 2010 - 27 Dec 2010)
  13. Serum cortisol and cardiovascular effects, The 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference (APACPH), APACPH & Universitas Indonesia (International) (24 Nov 2010 - 27 Dec 2010)
  14. HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE FOLLOWING PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION DURING DRUG STENTING ERA: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW, The 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference (APACPH) , APACPH & Universitas Indonesia (International) (24 Nov 2010 - 27 Nov 2010)
  15. Association of serum urate with risk factors of Metabolic Syndrome, 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium Public Health Conference (APACPH), Taipei Medical University (International) (03 Dec 2009 - 06 Dec 2009)
  16. Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome of a Wellness Cohort in Kuala Lumpur, MASO 2009 Scientific Conference on Obesity, MASO (International) (12 Aug 2009 - 13 Aug 2009)
  17. Handgrip strength of rural elderly in Pahang, Malaysia , The 40th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference , University of Malaya (International) (08 Nov 2008 - 09 Nov 2008)
  18. Risk factors contributing to childhood obesity , The 11th National Institute of Health Scientific Conference , Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia (National) (23 Oct 2008 - 25 Oct 2008)
  19. Health and risk behaviours of undergraduates in a public university in Kuala Lumpur , The 11th National Institute of Health Scientific Conference , Institute of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Malaysia (National) (23 Oct 2008 - 25 Oct 2008)
  20. Dietary modification in a workplace health promotion program in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, The 39th conference of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health 2007, Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (International) (21 Nov 2007 - 25 Nov 2007)
  21. Behavioral change and personal skills development in a workplace health promotion program in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion & Health Education, The International Union of Health Promotion & Health Education (International) (10 Jun 2007 - 15 Jun 2007)
  22. Perceived risks, barriers and stages of change on smoking cessation among the Malay smokers in Kuala Lumpur, The 38th Asia Pacific Academi Consortium of Public Health Conference, Asia Pacific Academi Consortium of Public Health (International) (03 Dec 2006 - 06 Dec 2006)
  23. Predicting of cardiovascular risks among the Malay participants using the Framingham Risk Scores and antropomtric measurements, 21st Scientific Conference of Nutrition Society of Malaysia, The Nutrition Society of Malaysia (National) (30 Mar 2006 - 31 Mar 2006)
  24. Dietary habits of undergraduates in a public university in Kuala Lumpur, The 20th Scientific Conference of NSM Youth and nutrition the future of the nation, Nutrition Society of Malaysia (National) (24 Mar 2005 - 25 Mar 2005)
  25. Health Promotion at the worksite an interim finding, The 1st Asia Pacific Conference in Public Health, Ministry of Health (International) (30 Sep 2004 - 03 Oct 2004)
  26. The waist circumference an evaluation using ROC curve, Seminar Penyelidikan Jangka Pendek (Vot F), UM, IPPP, University Malaya (University) (11 Mar 2003 - 12 Mar 2003)
  27. Agreement between the measured and self-reported waist circumference in a selected Malay community, The 4th National Symposium on Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National) (29 Apr 2002 - 30 Mar 2008)
  1. Is the Malaysian diet sustainable ?, UM Research Carnival, Institute of Research Services & Management, University of Malaya (University) (15 Nov 2018 - 17 Nov 2018)
  2. Validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire among a multi-ethnic working population in the Klang Valley, Malaysia (PP-B19), The 1st Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition Conference, Nutrition Society of Malaysia (International) (14 May 2017 - 17 May 2017)
  3. Characteristics of major dietary patterns and their associations with socio-demographic and lifestyle factors (PP-B10), The 1st Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition Conference (SEA-PHN), Nutrition Society of Malaysia (International) (14 May 2017 - 17 May 2017)
  4. Physical Fitness Literacy in the Malaysian Army, The 4th International Health Literacy Conference: Health Literacy and Quality of Health Care Services, Asian Health Literacy Association (International) (07 Nov 2016 - 09 Nov 2016)
  5. Metabolic syndrome among non-obese adults in Malaysia, 2nd Singapore International Public Health Conference, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (International) (29 Sep 2016 - 30 Sep 2016)
  6. Test Re-Test Reliability Of The Malay Version Of The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Among Teachers in Klang Valley, National Institute of Health (NIH) Research Week, National Institute of Health (National) (24 Nov 2014 - 26 Nov 2014)
  7. Metabolically healthy and unhealthy obesity phenotypes and associations with lifestyle factors among teachers - preliminary findings from the CLUSTer study., The 46th Asia Pacific Conference of Public Health (International) (16 Oct 2014 - 19 Oct 2014)
  8. Voice disorder among secondary school teachers in a middle income country, Malaysia - a cross sectional study, The 46th Asia Pacific Conference of Public Health, Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (International) (16 Oct 2014 - 19 Oct 2014)
  9. Effectiveness of a 6 month community based healthy lifestyle intervention program among adults at high risk for Type 2 Diabetes in Malaysia , The 45 Asia Pacific Conference of Public Health, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. (International) (24 Oct 2013 - 27 Oct 2013)
  10. Ethnic difference in Vitamin D status and its associated factors among teachers in a tropical country, Malaysia, 45th APACPH Conference, Wuhan University Global Health Institute (International) (24 Oct 2013 - 27 Oct 2013)
  11. Mercury levels in newborns and its association with maternal characteristics a pilot study, The First Asia Pacific Conference of Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine, JCUM & Dept of SPM, UM (International) (06 Jul 2012 - 08 Jul 2012)
  12. Association of vitamin D and cardiometabolic risk factors among a Malay cohort in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, International Epidemiology Association (International) (07 Aug 2011 - 11 Aug 2011)
  13. The prevalence of depression and associated factors among prostate cancer patients in UMMC, Kuala Lumpur, 6th National Public Health Conference 2011 (National) (01 Aug 2011)
  14. Reliability and validity of IPAQ for measuring physical activity among Malay adults, 26th Scientific Conference of Nutrition Society of Malaysia, Nutrition Society of Malaysia (National) (24 Mar 2011 - 25 Mar 2011)
  15. Association of INSIG2 RS7566605 Polymorphism with obesity-related parameters in Malaysian Malays, Human Genome Meeting 2011, 4th PNARAB Human Genetics Conference, Centre for Arab Genomic Studies (International) (14 Mar 2011 - 17 Mar 2011)
  16. Melanocortin 4 Receptor Gene Polymorphism and association with cholesterol levels in Malaysian Malays, Human Genome Meeting 2011 & 4th PANARAB Human Genetics Conference, Centre for Arab Genomic Studies (International) (14 Mar 2011 - 17 Mar 2011)
  17. Change in decisional balance after counseling is associated with improved quit rates in Malaysian smokers, AsiaLink International Conference -Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine in Global Perspective , University of Indonesia (International) (27 Nov 2010 - 28 Nov 2010)
  18. Predictors of smoking cessation among staff in public universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia, AsiaLink International Conference -Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine in Global Perspective , University of Indonesia (International) (27 Nov 2010 - 28 Nov 2010)
  19. The experience of implementing CE-EBM module in University of Malaya, AsiaLink International Conference -Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine in Global Perspective, University of Indonesia (International) (27 Nov 2010 - 28 Nov 2010)
  20. Predictors of Smoking Cessation Among Staff In Public Universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia, The 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference (APACPH) , APACPH & Universitas Indonesia (International) (24 Nov 2010 - 27 Nov 2010)
  21. Can Perceived Risk and Benefit of Quitting Predict Smoking Cessation Outcome? : Malaysian Experience, The 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference (APACPH) , APACPH & Universitas Indonesia (International) (24 Nov 2010 - 27 Nov 2010)
  22. Work psychological risk factors and job strain among university workers in Kuala Lumpur, The 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference (APACPH) , APACPH & Universitas Indonesia (International) (24 Nov 2010 - 27 Nov 2010)
  23. G-2458A Lep Gene Polymorphism is associated with body mass index (BMI) in the Malaysian population, International conference on Personalised MedicineIn, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University Hong Kong (International) (19 Sep 2009 - 20 Sep 2009)
  24. Promoting Healthy Lifestyle at Worksite, UM Expo 2009, UM (University) (13 Jan 2009 - 15 Jan 2009)
  25. Characteristics of motor vehicle accidents injuries prevention among the undergraduates of a public university in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , The 40th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference , University of Malaya (International) (08 Nov 2008 - 09 Nov 2008)
  26. Cardiometabolic risks of employees in a medical centre in Kuala Lumpur, The 40th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference, University of Malaya (International) (08 Nov 2008 - 09 Nov 2008)
  27. Obesity among the elderly in rural Pahang in Malaysia, 2008, A Continuing Medical Education Conference (JAMA- NUS), National University of Singapore (International) (01 Aug 2008 - 02 Aug 2008)
  28. The cardiovascular risks among shift and non-shift workers in a public medical centre in Kuala Lumpur, The 42nd Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine, Malaysia Academy of Medicine (International) (31 Jul 2008 - 03 Aug 2008)
  29. Pattern of expenditure of undergraduates at the University of Malaya, Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta & Innovasi Universiti Malaya 2007, Universiti Malaya (University) (26 Jul 2007 - 28 Jul 2007)
  30. Stages of change in physical activity in a worksite wellness program, The International Conference of Health Sciences, University of Malaya (National) (06 May 2005 - 08 May 2005)
  31. Predictive factors of knowledge, attitude and practice of Type 2 diabetes patients, The 3rd Asian Congress of Dietetics, Malaysia Dietitians\\\' Association (International) (18 Aug 2002 - 21 Aug 2002)
  1. Results of a 3-year workplace wellness program among a work cohort in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, International Epidemiology Association (International) (07 Aug 2011 - 11 Sep 2011)


  1. (2023) External Examiner for Drph Thesis in UiTM, National, (External Examiner)
  2. (2023) External Examiner for Drph Thesis, National, (External Examiner)
  3. (2020) External Examiner for PhD thesis from Monash University (Malaysia branch) Thesis title: Nutrition and Lifestyle Behaviours in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: Development of a Community- based Peer Support Program" from the Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UM , (External Examiner)
  4. (2018) Examiner for MSc student Medical and Health Sciences (by Research), IMU Title: VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTATION AND PARATHYROID HORMONE (PTH) RESPONSE AMONG MALAYSIAN FEMALE ADULTS , (External Examiner)
  5. (2018) External Examiner for Universiti Sains Malaysia ( Pemeriksa Luar Berkelompok Universiti Sains Malaysia), (External Examiner)
  6. (2016) Panel for FRGS application from MyGrant, (Reviewer)
  7. (2016) Medical Statistics paper - Prepare exam questions, marked the exam papers and viva students (May 2016), (Internal Examiner)
  8. (2016) Evaluated the research proposal for Master of Dental Science candidate - Dr Muhammad Abbas Amanat (DGC 150002), (Scientific Committee)
  9. (2016) Medical Statistics paper - prepare exam questions, mark the exam papers and viva the students (Nov 2016), (Internal Examiner)
  10. (2015) Prepare exam questions for Medical Statistics paper, mark the exam papers and conduct viva for the same paper, (Internal Examiner)
  11. (2015) Research Projects by Master of Pediatrics candidates (Dr Quah Shiao Wei and Dr Phang Yuk Jean), (Internal Examiner)
  12. (2014) Examiner for Master of Paediatrics research project viva , (Internal Examiner)
  13. (2014) Medical Statistics paper in the Master of Clinical Oncology Part 1 exam , (Internal Examiner)
  14. (2014) Reviewer for submitted manuscripts in ISI journals (BMC Public Health, BMC Nutrition, Patient Education & Counselling, etc) , (Reviewer)
  15. (2013) Medical Statistics paper for Master of Clinical Oncology Part 1 Exam, (Internal Examiner)
  16. (2013) Assessed the suitability of applicants for MBBS program, (Assessor of MBBS applicants)
  17. (2012) Research project of Master of Pediatrics candidates, Dr Lai Eng Meng, Dr Lee Chee Chan & Dr Aishah Fadhilah on 2 Aug 2012, (Internal Examiner)
  18. (2012) Evaluate the research progress of MMedSc (Research)candidate, Tan Foo Ling (MGN 100064), (Internal Examiner)
  19. (2012) Master of Clinical Oncology Part 1 Examination, (Internal Examiner)
  20. (2012) Evaluate the progress of PhD candidate (Dr Rahayu Lubis)'s research progress on 3 Aug 2012, (Internal Examiner)
  21. (2012) Evaluate the research progress of PhD candidate, Tang Li Yong (MHA 080012), (Internal Examiner)
  22. (2012) Evaluate the research progress of MMedSc (Research)candidate, Husna binti Ahmad Ainuddin (MGN100067)on 18 Oct 2012, (Internal Examiner)
  23. (2011) Reviewer for journal article in The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, (Reviewer)
  24. (2011) Master of Clinical Oncology - Medical Statistics Paper , (Internal Examiner)
  25. (2011) Master of Public Health (Epidemiology):A risk score for gestational diabetes screening in UMMC , (Internal Examiner)
  26. (2010) Ad-hoc reviewer for journal articles in Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, (Reviewer)
  27. (2010) Prevalence and associated factors for erectile dysfunction in Primary Care Setting, (Internal Examiner)
  28. (2010) Statistics Paper in Master of Clinical Oncology, (Internal Examiner)
  29. (2010) Master of Public Health (Family Health) - Research Report - Prevalence and associated factors for erectile dysfunction in primary care setting , (Internal Examiner)
  30. (2010) As panel member to evaluate the DrPH candidates' proposal and candidature defence, (Panel member for DrPH Research Project)
  31. (2009) Ad-hoc reviewer for journal articles in Malaysian Journal of Nutrition , (Reviewer)
  32. (2009) Biostatistics in Master of Clinical Oncology (MCO) Part 1 Exam, (Internal Examiner)
  33. (2009) Ad-hoc reviewer for journal articles in Journal of UMMC (JUMMEC), (Reviewer)
  34. (2008) Reviewer for journal article in Annals of Human Biology, (Reviewer)
  35. (2008) Reviewer for journal article in International Journal of Food Sciences & Nutrition, (Reviewer)
  36. (2008) Master of Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, UM - Session 2008/09 , (Internal Examiner)
  37. (2008) Reviewer for journla article in Industrial Health, (Reviewer)
  38. (2007) Ad-hoc reviewer for journal articles in Patient Education & Counseling, (Reviewer)
  39. (2007) Reviewer for UK Diabetes Proposal for Funding, (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2018) Member of the Global Dietary Data Consortium, School of Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy Tufts University, Boston, MA, International
  2. (2018) Joint research activities, Golden Helix Foundation, United Kingdom, International
  3. (2018) Invited speaker for Clinical Epidemiology Workshop, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
  4. (2018) Consultation on the conduct of community program at Taman Medan Cahaya, P105 Health Team (under YB Maria Chin Abdullah)
  5. (2017) Visiting Research Fellow, Nutritional Epidemiology Group, University of Leeds, UK, International
  6. (2015) Review research grant application , IPPP, University of Malaya
  7. (2014) Asian Cohort Consortium, Japan National Cancer Centre, International
  8. (2013) Cochrane collaboration, Cochrane network, International
  9. (2013) High Impact Research Project on Teachers' cohort (CLUSTer), National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands, International
  10. (2013) High Impact Research Project on Teachers' cohort (CLUSTer), Imperial College London, United Kingdom, International
  11. (2012) Cochrane Collaboration , Christian Medical College, Vellore, India, International
  12. (2012) MBBS Student Exchange Program, National University Hospital, Singapore, International
  13. (2012) MBBS Student Exchange Program, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, International
  14. (2012) Malaysian Journal of Nutrition Editorial Board, Nutrition Society of Malaysia
  15. (2010) MBBS student exchange program, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands, International
  16. (2010) Editorial Board , Malaysia Journal of Nutrition
  17. (2010) Chairman of the Medical Nutrition Therapy for Obesity Management Committee, Malaysian Dietitians Association
Contribution to event
  1. (2021) Vaccination : a Social Obligation, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
  2. (2021) Building (or Understanding) Community Trust for Covid-19 Vaccines, International, (Panelist/Moderator)


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2010) Status of Vitamin D among UM employees
  2. (2009) Lifestyle behaviour of medical students
  3. (2009) Depression among medical undergraduates
  4. (2009) Comparison of obesity indicators among adults
  5. (2009) Association of physical activity with socio-economic status and obesity among employees in UM
  6. (2008) Pattern of sexual behaviour among undergraduates of private colleges in Klang Valley
  7. (2008) Cigarette smoking among undergraduates of private colleges in Klang Valley
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2017) Trend, Factors and Implications of Obesity in the Malaysian Army., AZIZAN OMAR
  2. (2017) Sleep quality among school teachers in Selangor, Malaysia, NOR ASMA BINTI MUSA
  4. (2017) Implications of Psychosocial Work Environment & Organizational Justice on Psychological Outcomes Among School Teachers in Selangor., HARISH RAJ NARANDARAN
  5. (2017) Evolutionary Computational Risk Prediction and Probabilistic Uncertaninty Rule extraction of Metabolic Syndrome for Intelligent personalised and Clinical Decision support system, HABEEBAH ADAMU KAKUDI
  7. (2016) Factors associated with malnutrition and Quality of Life among older persons in Kandy district, Sri Lanka: A mixed method study, HEWARATNE DASSANAYAKEGE WIMALA THUSHARI DAMAYANTHI
  13. (2014) Pattern, predictors of survival and health-related quality of life among colorectal cancer patients in University Malaya Medical Centre, BELLO ARKILLA MAGAJI
  14. (2013) Trend of obesity and associated risk factors among military staff, Azizan Omar
  15. (2013) Musculoskeletal conditions among school teachers, Eva Nabiha Binti Zamri
  16. (2013) Dietary pattern of teachers with type 2 diabetes, Eng Jui Yee
  19. (2012) Sleep disturbance and quality of life among school teachers, Nor Asma Binti Musa
  22. (2012) Clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors among school teachers, Lee Soo Cheng
  23. (2011) The effect of Vitamin D supplement on Cardiometabolic Risk & Quality of Life in Premenopausal Malay women: A randomised control trial, Dr Mazliza Ramli
  25. (2010) Whole Body Vibration and Dose Response Relationship for low back pain among different type of occupational drivers in state of Sabah, Dr Anisah Jantim
  26. (2010) Group versus individual support in lifestyle modification programme for the overweight and obese staff in UM: A randomised control trial, Dr Siti Noraida Jamal
  28. (2010) A community base lifestyle intervention study among adults with high risk of developing type 2 diabetes: a translational research, Dr Norliza Ibrahim
  29. (2009) The effectiveness of the progressive deep muscle relaxation as an adjunct treatment to reduce the level of anxiety, stress and depression among prostate cancer patients: Randomized controlled trial, Dr Mohamad Rodi bin Isa
  30. (2009) Smoking cessation at the workplace: The dynamic process of lapse and relapse after administration of NRT, Dr Siti Munira Yasin
  31. (2009) Pattern, predictors of survival and health related quality of life among colorectal cancers patients in UMMC, Dr Bello Arkilla Magaji
  33. (2009) Determinants and risk score of outcomes following PCI among ACS patients in the UMMC, Malaysia, Dr Noorhaire Nordin
  34. (2009) Association of candidate genes predisposing to obesity in Malaysian subjects, Yamunah Devi a/p Apalasamy
  35. (2005) Risk factors for Premature Deliveries among women in Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban, Dr Zaini Ishak
  36. (2005) Prevalence Of Sleep Disturbance Among Nurses In Melaka Hospital, Dr Nazatul Shima Mokhtar
  37. (2005) Bed Sharing among mother infant pairs in Klang district, Penisular Malaysia and its relationship to breastfeeding, Dr Tan Kok Leong
  1. (2016) A study on the Implementation of Obesity Prevention Policies for School Children in Malaysia: Its Facilitators and Barriers., CAMELINA CHAN
  4. (2013) Eating Behaviour, Adiposity and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, DEBBIE ANN LOH
  6. (2012) Policy Environment On Promoting Healthy Food And Physical Acitvity Among School Children: What Are The Challenges And Barriers Of Its Implementation?, Camelina Chan
  8. (2011) Predictors of obesity, eating behavioiur and health related quality of life among overweight/obese adolescents: a case control study, Debbie Ann Loh
  9. (2011) Characteristics and risk factors of malnutrition among preschool children: a case control study in Trengganu, Malaysia, Wong Hui Jie
  12. (2010) Reliability and validity of IPAQ for measuring physical activity of adults in University Malaya, Anne Chu Hin Yee
  13. (2008) Validation of Food Frequency Questionnaire, Eng Jui Yee
  14. (2008) Risk factors contributing to obesity in a community in Iran, Narges Atefi
  15. (2008) Opportunies and barriers to smoking cessation among adolescents, Dr Sophia Mohd Ramli


Doctor Of Philosophy
  1. (2021) MWA8027 - Epidemiology of Non Communicable Diseases
  1. (2021) MQB7040 - Nutritional Epidemiology
  2. (2021) MQB7005 - Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
  3. (2021) MQB7002 - Research Project
  4. (2016) - - Symposium On Evidence Based Practice
  5. (2016) MOGB6208 - Research Proposal Development
  6. (2016) MOGB6303 - Producing Better Evidence
  7. (2016) MOHX7319 - Clinical Epidemiology
  8. (2016) MOHX7321 - Epidemiology of Non Communicable Diseases
  9. (2015) MOGB6108 - Research Methodology
  10. (2015) MOGB6208 - Research Proposal Development
  11. (2014) MOGB6107 - Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
  12. (2014) MOGB6208 - Research Proposal Development
  13. (2013) MOGB6107 - Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
  14. (2012) MOGB6017 - Principles & Methods of Epidemiology
  15. (2012) MOGB6108 - Research Methodology
  16. (2012) MOGB6111 - Research Methodology
  17. (2012) MOHX7102 - Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health
  18. (2011) MOGB6107 - Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
  19. (2011) MOGB6108 - Research Methodology
  20. (2011) MOGB6303 - Producing Better Evidence
  21. (2011) MOHX7101 - Research Protocol Development
  22. (2010) MOGB6109 - Principles of Biostatistics
  23. (2010) MOGB6301 - Epidemiology of Diseases in Malaysia
  24. (2010) MOGB6303 - Producing Better Evidence
  25. (2010) MOHX7101 - Research Protocol Development
  26. (2010) MOHX7322 - Analysis of Rates and Proportions
  27. (2010) MOHX7324 - Introduction to Meta-Analysis
  28. (2009) Public Health Nutrition
  29. (2009) MOGB6108 - Research Methodology
  30. (2009) MOHX7101 - Research Protocol Development
  31. (2009) MOHX7101 - Research Protocol Development
  32. (2008) Research Methodology
  33. (2008) MOGB6105 - Principles of Family Health
  34. (2008) MOGB6109 - Principles of Biostatistics
  35. (2008) MOGB6280 - Research Proposal Development
  36. (2008) MOGR6301 - Essentials in Public Health
  37. (2008) MOHX7324 - Introduction to Meta Analysis
  38. () - - Bengkel Penyelidikan & Pembangunan 2017
  1. (2016) MBBS - Principles of Prevention & Control
  2. (2015) Ummp Program
  3. (2015) Undergraduate Problem Based Learning
  4. (2014) Community Residency Program
  5. (2014) Problem Based Learning for Stage 1 Ummp Program (MBBS)
  6. (2013) Community Residency Program
  7. (2013) Problem Based Learning for Stage 1 Ummp Program (MBBS)
  8. (2012) Community Residency Program
  9. (2012) Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine
  10. (2011) Problem Based Learning (MBBS Phase Ii)
  11. (2011) Community Residency Program (Crp) for MBBS Phase Iiia
  12. (2011) Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine
  13. (2010) Problem Based Learning (MBBS Phase Ii)
  14. (2010) Clinical Epidemiiology & Evidence Based Medicine
  15. (2010) Epidemiology & Biostatistics
  16. (2009) Problem Based Learning (MBBS Phase Ii)
  17. (2009) Community Residency Program (Crp) for MBBS Phase Iiia
  18. (2009) Community Residency Program (Crp) for MBBS Phase Iiia
  19. (2009) Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence Based Medicine
  20. (2009) Epidemiology & Biostatistics
  21. (2009) MWEF3104 - Biostatistik & Epidemiology
  22. (2008) Health Education & Health Promotion
  23. (2008) Epidemiology & Biostatistics
  1. (2011) Post Graduate Diploma in Diabetes Education


  • Increase Health Awareness of Adults (Teachers) in The Community by Running Health Screening and Dissemination of Results to Them. Advice or Referrals to Gps Were Given When Abnormal Results Were Observed, (05 Jan 2015 - 30 Sep 2015)
  • Setting Up of UM Wellness Centre At Ippp, UM, (06 Jun 2013 - 06 Jun 2013)
  • UM Health Awareness Day, (06 Jun 2013 - 06 Jun 2013)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Persatuan Ibubapa & Guru SMK Sri Sentosa, (28 Mar 2012 - 29 Mar 2013)
  • UM Community Health Awareness Day, Mid Valley Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur., (06 Feb 2011 - 07 Feb 2011)
  • Wellness for Health Exhibition, Dewan Tungku Canselor, Universiti Malaya (for All UM Staff and Community Around Klang Valley)., (20 May 2010 - 21 May 2010)
  • Health Awareness Day (for All UM Staff and Community Around Klang Valley), (09 Jun 2009 - 09 Jun 2009)
  • Wellness Roadshow (for All UM Staff), (07 Jan 2009 - 08 Jan 2009)
  • Wellness Exhibition & Launching of UM Wellness Program (for All UM Staff & Community Around Klang Valley), (24 Jun 2008 - 24 Jun 2008)