Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Institute of Mathematical Sciences
    Faculty of Science
  • mohd
  • 79674084


    Exeter University, Exeter, UK
    Hull University, Hull, UK
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • Coordinator
    30 Aug 2017 - 30 Aug 2018 (National)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2014 - 31 Aug 2016 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • JKIT Kurikulum Fakulti Sains
    02 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Head of Unit
    01 Sep 2014 - 31 Aug 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Ketua bagi semua AJK ISM seperti belanjawan, keselamatan, laman web dsbnya
    03 Aug 2015 - 02 Aug 2016 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Penemuduga kemasukkan ijazah dasar sesi2014/2015
    22 May 2014 - 22 May 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Head of Department
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Aug 2014 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jul 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jun 2012 - 30 Jun 2014 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Head of Department
    25 May 2011 - 30 Jun 2011 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)


    Since 2015 (University)


  • Academic Staff Mobility Program
    Karabuk University, Turkey, 2017 (International)
  • Sijil Penghargaan
    Fakulti Sains, 2016 (University)
  • Sijil
    UMT, 2016 (National)
    University of Malaya, 2015 (University)
  • Sijil Penghargaan
    PPD Bera, 2015 (Community)
  • Sijil Penghargaan
    SMK Ibrahim Fikri, 2015 (National)
  • Hadiah saguhati makalah ilmiah
    PERSAMA, 2015 (National)
    University of Malaya, 2013 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2011 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2010 (University)
  • Seniour visiting fellow
    University of New South Wales (ADFA), 2010 (International)
  • Visiting Research
    University of Kuwait, 2010 (International)
  • Visiting Research
    University of Brescia, Italy, 2010 (International)
    University of Malaya, 2009 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2008 (University)
  • Excellent Award
    UM, 2008 (University)
    University of Malaya, 2007 (University)
  • Pecipta
    Kementerian Pend. Tinggi, 2007 (National)
    University of Malaya, 2006 (University)
  • ITEX
    Malaysian Invention And Design Society, 2006 (International)
  • Research Fellow
    University of Exeter, England, 2005 (International)
    University of Malaya, 2003 (University)
  • Visiting lecturer
    University of Kent, England, 1994 (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Amos Olalekan Adaraniwon and Mohd Bin Omar, 2019, An inventory model for delayed deteriorating items with power demand considering shortages and lost sales, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 36, 5397 5408
  2. Mohd Omar & Hafizah Zulkipli. (2016). A single-vendor multi-buyer integrated production-inventory system with stock-dependent demand, International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
  4. Amin Oroji, Mohd Omar, and Shantia Yarahmadian. (2016). An to stochastic differential equations model for the dynamics of the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line treated by radiotherapy, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 407, 128 137.
  5. A new ODE tumor growth modeling based on tumor population dynamics.Amin Oroji, Mohd bin Omar, and Shantia Yarahmadian. AIP Conference Proceedings 1682, 020045 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4932454
  6. M. Omar, R. Sarker, An optimal policy for a just-in- time integrated manufacturing system for time-varying demand process, Appl. Math. Modell. (2015),
  7. Noor Hasnah Moin, Ong Chung Sin, and Mohd Omar. 2015. Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with Multiparents Crossover for Job Shop Scheduling Problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2015, Article ID 210680,12 pages
  8. Yoolee Son, Taebok Kim and Mohd Omar, The beneficial effect of information sharing in a two-stage reverse supply chain. Int. J. Procurement Management, Vol. 8, No. 6, 2015
  9. M. Omar and H. Zulkipli. An Integrated Just-In-Time Inventory System with Stock-Dependent Demand. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 37(4) (2014), 1085 1097
  10. Omar, M., Yeo, I., A production repair inventory model with time-varying demand and multiple setups. International Journal of Production Economics (2014),
  11. Sarah Musa , Siti Suzlin Supadi and Mohd Omar, "The Optimal Manufacturing Batch Size with Rework under Time- Varying Demand Process for a Finite Time Horizon, AIP Proceedings of SKSM21, 1605, 1105-1110 (2014)
  12. Talal M. Al-Khamis , Lakdere Benkherouf & Mohamed Omar (2013): Optimal policies for a finite-horizon batching inventory model, International Journal of Systems Science, DOI:10.1080/00207721.2013.765056
  13. M. Omar, R. Sarker, W.A.M. Othman, 2013,A just-in-time three-level integrated manufacturing system for linearly time-varying demand process, Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 1275-1281.
  14. Ruhul Sarker, Mohd Omar, S M Kamrul Hasan and Daryl Essam. Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Job Scheduling under Machine Maintenance, Applied Soft Computing
  15. Sin, Ong Chung; Moin, Noor Hasnah; Omar, Mohd, 2013, Multi parents extended precedence preservative crossover for job shop scheduling problems. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 170-181.
  16. M. Omar, S.S. Supadi, The integrated models for shipping a vendor's final production batch to a single buyer under linearly decreasing demand for consignment policy, Sains Malaysiana, 42
  17. M.Omar and Ivan Yeo, 2010, A production and repair model under a time-varying demand process. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (Accept for publication)
  18. M.Omar, A replenishment inventory model for items under time-varying demand rates considering trade credit period and cash discount for a finite time horizon, Sains Malaysiana, 42
  19. S.S. Radiah Shariff, Noor Hasnah Moin & Mohd Omar, 2012. Location allocation modeling for healthcare facility planning in Malaysia. Computers & Industrial Engineering 62, 1000 1010.
  20. Lakdere Benkherouf and Mohamed Omar, 2010, Optimal integrated policies for a single-vendor single-buyer time-varying demand model, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 60 (2010) 2066-2077
  21. M. Omar, M. Bakri Zubir and N.H. Moin, 2010, An alternative approach to analyze economic ordering quantity and economic production quantity inventory problems using the completing the square method, Computer & Industrial Engineering
  22. S. Sarifah Radiah Shariff, Mohd Omar & Noor Hasnah Moin.2010, An alternative approach using genetic algorithm based heuristics for capacitated maximal covering location allocation problem.An international journal operations and supply chain management
  23. S.S.Radiah Shariff, Mohd Omar, Noor Hasnah Moin and David K. Smith, Locational Analysis of Public Health Facilities: A Case Study of Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor, Malaysia
  24. M.Omar, An integrated equal-lots policy for shipping a vendor's final production batch to a single buyer under linearly decreasing demand, International Journal of Production Economics, 118(2009), 185-188 (doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2008.08.020)
  25. Mohd Omar and Ivan Yeo, 2009. A model for a production-repair system under a time-varying demand process, International Journal of Production Economic, 119(2009) 17-23 (doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2009.01.005)
  26. M. Omar and S.S. Supadi, 2008, An integrated production system for a single installment policy of raw material, Malaysian Science Journal, 27(1): 143-151.
  27. M.Omar, N.H. Moin & I. Yeo, 2008, Optimization of an inventory replenishment model with time-varying demand, deterioration and shortages using Genetic Algorithms,International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management (IJCIM),16:2, 17-25.
  28. J. H. Abawajy, M. Mat Deris, M. Omar, A Novel Data Replication and Management Protocol For Mobile Computing Systems, International Journal of Mobile Information Systems, IOS Press, vol.1, no. (2), 2006.
  29. M. Omar and I. Yeo, An analytical solution procedure for a batch production system under a linear increasing time-varying demand. Computer and Industrial Engineering(2006),51, 693-697.
  30. M. Omar, The basic model of the production and shipment policy for the single-vendor single-buyer when demand rate is linearly decreasing with time. Matematika(2006),22:2, 155-160.
  31. R.M. Hill and Mohd Omar, Another look at the single- vendor single-buyer integrated production-inventory problem. International Journal of Production Research,44(4),2006, 791-800 (doi:10.1080/00207540500334285).
  32. M.Mat Deris, J.H. Abawajy, M. Omar, A New Approach for Efficiently Achieving High Availability in Mobile Computing Environments, LNCS, Springer Verlag, vol. 3482, May 2005, 60-68.
  33. Title: Macro-simulation of ramp metering using SIMUL8 Khoo, HL; Karim, MR; Omar, M; et al. 2005, Macro simulation of ramp metering using SIMUL8, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol 5 Volume: 5 Pages: 1595-1609 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 0
  34. M. Omar. Estimation of mean demand function for the Poisson demand process. Malaysian Journal of Science(2003), 22(2). 153-156
  35. Mohd Omar and N.H. Moin, Alternative Approach to Deterministic Inventory Problem, Matematika(2003), 19:1, 95-102.
  36. Mohd Omar and S.S. Supardi, A lot-for-lot model with multiple instalments for a production system under time-varying demand process. Matematika(2003), 19:2, 101-106.
  37. Mohd Omar and D.K.Smith, An optimal batch size for a production system under time-varying demand process, Computer and Industrial Engineering(2001),42.(1). 35- 42
  38. Mohd Omar and M. Mat Deris, The Silver-Meal heuristic method for deterministic time-varying demand, Matematika(2001), 17:1, 100-106.
  39. Mohd Omar, Roger M. Hill, David K. Smith, Stock replenishment policies for deterministic linearly decreasing demand with a finite input rate, Science Journal(2000),8:1, 977-986.
  40. Roger M. Hill, Mohd Omar and David K. Smith (1999). Stock replenishment policies for a stochastic exponentially-declining demand process, European Journal of Operational Research 116. 374-388
  1. Mohd Omar (1994). Kalkulus, kursus pengajian tinggi Fajar Bakti. Kuala Lumpur: Fajar Bakti
Article in Proceeding
  1. M.Omar and I. Yeo, A Just-In-Time model for a production-repair system under a time-varying demand process, di International Conference on Conputer and Industrial Engineering, 20-23 Okt. 2007 Alexandria, Egypt,855-862.
  2. M.Omar and I. Yeo, A model for a production-repair system under a time-varying demand process, proceeding International Conference on Manufacturing & Service Operation Management, 18-19 Jun 2007, Beijing
  3. M. Omar, The single-vendor single-buyer integrated production inventory problem when demand rate is linearly decreasing with time, in proceeding International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Application, Penang, Malaysia, 6-8 December 2005
  4. S.S. Supardi and M.Omar, An optimal batch size for a production system under different installments policy of raw material, in proceeding International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Application, Penang, Malaysia, 6-8 December 2005
  5. M.Omar and Y.H.G. Ivan, An analytical solution procedure for a production system, in proceeding The 33rd International Conference On Computer and Industrial Engineering, Jeju, Korea, 25-27 March 2004
  6. M. Omar, N.H. Moin and Y.H.G. Ivan, Optimal inventory replenishment model for deteriorating items with timw-varying demand and shortage, in proceeding The Malaysian Science and Techonology Congress, 23-25 Sept. 2003, Malaysia
  7. M. Omar and S.S. Supardi, An Optimal Batch Size for a Production System Under Linearly Increasing Time-Varying Demand Process, Periodic Ordering Policy, in proceeding The International Conference on Operations Research for Development (ICORD2002), 27-30 December 2002


  1. 2009 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Production and repair model with time-varying demand ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2006 - 2008, IRPA
    Optimized Crossover Genetic Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems ( Consultant)


  • Panel Penasihat Pengajian Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik Industri), UTM, Fakulti Sains, UTH Skudai
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2017 (National)
  • Supply Chain Management, Fazriani bin Amran
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
  • Pemeriksa Luar Tesis, UTM, Skudai
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2015 (National)
  • Jawatan Kuasa Pengajian Kurikulum Master Statistik Gunaan UPM, Fakulti Sains, UPM
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2015 (National)
  • Committee in Standard Perindustrian (Isc Y), SIRIM
    01 Apr 1999 - 01 Apr 2012 (National)
  • Panel of Expert/Specialist for Energy Data Modeling and Consultancy Services., Pusat Tenaga Malaysia
    01 Nov 1999 - 01 Nov 2009 (National)


  1. Model for reverse logistic, Seminar department, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra (International) (23 Nov 2010 - 23 Nov 2010)
  2. Integrated production-inventory model, Seminar department, Univ. of Brescia, Italy, University of Brescia (International) (12 Feb 2010 - 12 Feb 2010)
  1. Inventory model with recycle, Seminar department, Univ. of Kuwait, University of Kuwait (International) (23 May 2010 - 24 May 2010)
  2. Integrated Production Systems, Graduate seminar, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Osaka (International) (27 May 2004 - 27 May 2004)
  3. An optimal policy for time varying replenishment policy, One day industry mathematic seminar, UPM (National) (10 Nov 2001 - 10 Nov 2001)
  1. Optimal manufacturing batch size with rework for a finite planning horizon and time-varying demand rates, APORS2015, MSORM Malaysia (International) (02 Aug 2015 - 06 Aug 2015)
  1. A single-vendor multi-buyer integrated production-inventory system with stock-dependent demand, One day Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (International) (16 Oct 2017 - 20 Oct 2017)
  2. Warehouse optimal policy, International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Porugal (International) (11 Oct 2017 - 13 Oct 2017)
  3. An integrated just-in-time inventory system with stock-dependent demand, 17th Int. Working Seminar, Innsbruck, Austria, Uni. of Innsbruck (International) (20 Feb 2012 - 20 Feb 2012)
  4. Another look at the single-vendor single-buyer integrated production-inventory problem, di 3rd IMT-GT 2007, , 3rd IMT-GT 2007, Regional Conference on Mathematic, Statistic and Application, USM (International) (05 Dec 2007 - 06 Dec 2007)
  5. Just-In-Time model for a production-repair system under a time-varying demand process, di International Conference on Conputer and, International Conference on Conputer and Industrial Engineering., Alexandria University (International) (20 Oct 2007 - 23 Oct 2007)
  6. A model for a production-repair system under a time-varying demand process, International Conference on Manufacturing & Service Operation Management, Beijing, Tsinghua University, China (International) (18 Jun 2007 - 19 Jun 2007)
  7. The integrated production inventory problem when demand rate is linearly decreasing with time, International Symposium on Inventories, Hungary, 21-25 Ogos 2006. , International Society of Inventory Research (International) (21 Aug 2006 - 25 Aug 2006)
  8. The single-vendor single-buyer integrated production inventory problem when demand rate is linearly decreasing with time , Presented a paper entitled The single-vendor single-buyer integrated production inventory problem when demand rate is linearly decreasing with time, at International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Application, Penang, Malaysia, 6-8 December 2005. , UUM (International) (06 Dec 2005 - 08 Dec 2005)
  9. Optimal inventory replenishment model for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and shortage using Genetic Algorithm, Presented a paper entitled Optimal inventory replenishment model for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and shortage using Genetic Algorithm, at International Symposium on Scheduling, Japan, 24-26/5/2004. , Japan (International) (24 May 2004 - 26 May 2004)
  10. Optimal inventory replenishment model for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and shortage, Presented a paper entitled Optimal inventory replenishment model for deteriorating items with time-varying demand and shortage, at Malaysian Science and Techonology Congress, 2003. , MOSTE (International) (23 Sep 2003 - 25 Sep 2003)
  11. An optimal batch size for a production system under linearly increasing time-varying demand process, periodic ordering policy, Presented a paper entitled An optimal batch size for a production system under linearly increasing time-varying demand process, periodic ordering policy, at The international conference on operations research for development (ICORD2002), 27-30 December 2002. , Anna University (International) (27 Dec 2002 - 30 Dec 2002)
  12. An optimal batch size for a production system under time-varying demand process, Presented a paper entitled An optimal batch size for a production system under time-varying demand process, at The International Conference on Industry, Engineering and Management Systems AND The International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2001 Joint Meeting, Cocoa Beach, Florida 5-7 March 2001.  (International) (05 Mar 2001 - 07 Mar 2001)
  13. Application of Dynamic Programming to Inventory Models, Presented a paper entitled Application of Dynamic Programming to Inventory Models at The Fifth International Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operations Research Societies within IFORS on Operations Research in the Millenium, The National University of Singapore, 5-7 July 2000 , The National University of Singapore, (International) (05 Jul 2000 - 07 Jul 2000)
  14. Stock Control for Spare Part, Presented a paper entitled Stock Control for Spare Part, at Annual Conference OR 40, University of Lancaster, 8-10 September 1998 , University of Lancaster, UK (International) (08 Sep 1998 - 10 Sep 1998)
  15. Inventory Policies for Time-varying Demand Processes, Presented a paper entitled Inventory Policies for Time-varying Demand Processes, at OR Young Researchers Forum, University of Southampton, 17-18 April 1997 , University of Southampton, UK (International) (17 Apr 1997 - 18 Apr 1997)
  1. Expert for EP Manufacturing , MISG2015, UTM (International) (06 Apr 2015 - 10 Apr 2015)
  2. Integrated Models for Shipping a Vendor s Final Production Batch to a Single Buyer Under Linearly Decreasing Demand for Consignment Policy, Int. Symp. on Scheduling 2011, (ISS2011), University of Osaka (International) (02 Jul 2011 - 04 Jul 2011)
  3. A Replenishment Inventory Model for Items Under Time-Varying Demand Rates Considering Trade Credit Period and Cash Discount for a Finite Time Horizon, EASIAM 2011, University of Waseda (International) (27 Jun 2011 - 29 Jun 2011)
  4. Participant, Attended workshop Mathematics-In-Industry Study Group, Massey University, New Zealand, 24-28 January 2005. , Mathematics-In-Industry Study Group, Massey University, New Zealand (International) (24 Jan 2005 - 28 Jan 2005)
  5. Participant, Workshop ISO/TC 176, Quality Management and Quality Assurance(representing Malaysia), JW Marriott, KL, 27/11-5/12/2004. , Sirim (International) (27 Nov 2004 - 05 Dec 2004)
  6. An analytical solution procedure for a production system under time-varying demand process , Presented a paper entitled An analytical solution procedure for a production system under time-varying demand process, at 33rd International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering, Korea, 25-27/3/2004. , Korea (International) (25 Mar 2004 - 27 Mar 2004)


  1. (2010) Paper title Optimal mixed batch shipment policy for an integrated single-vendor single-buyer inventory model with variable safety factor, International Journal of System Science., (Reviewer)
  2. (2010) Paper Theory and methodology on the global optimal solution to a general reverse logistic inventory model for deteriorating items with time varying production, remanufacturing, demand, return and deterioration rates, Computers & Industrial Engineering, (Reviewer)
  3. (2009) International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation , (Reviewer)
  4. (2009) Evaluate paper entitled An integrated single-vendor single-buyer inventory model with partial backorders solved using the complete squares method for European Journal of Operational Research, 2009 , (Reviewer)
  5. (2009) Evaluate paper entitled Integrated cooperative inventory models with one vendor and multiple buyers in the supply chain for Annals of Operations Research , 2009 , (Reviewer)
  6. (2009) International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering (CIE39, France, 2009 , (Reviewer)
  7. (2008) Evaluate paper entitled Economic selection of process mean for single-vendor single-buyer supply chain, European Journal of Operational Research , 2008 , (Reviewer)
  8. (2008) Evaluate paper entitled A economic lot scheduling problem for manufacturing and remanufacturing, IEEE International Conferences on Cybernetics & Intelligent System (CIS) and Robotics, Automation & Mechatronics (RAM), 2008 , (Reviewer)
  9. (2008) Evaluate paper for Discovering Mathematic,2008, 2009 , (Reviewer)
  10. (2007) Evaluate MSc thesis entitled Job shop scheduling problem using Genetic Algorithm (USM), Sesi 2006/7. , (External Examiner)
  11. (2006) Evaluate MSc thesis entitled An inventory model with unequal sized batches for interrupted multi-stage production system, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Session 2005/6. , (External Examiner)
  12. (2006) Evaluate paper for Asia Pacific Management Review, Japan, 2006. , (Reviewer)
  13. (2006) Evaluate paper entitled A vendor-buyer integrated inventory model involving quality improvement investment in a supply chain for Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2006. , (Reviewer)
  14. (2006) Evaluate paper entitled The Q(s,S) control policy for the joint replenishment problem extended to the case of correlation among item-demands, for The Special Issue International Journal of Production Economic, 2006 , (Reviewer)
  15. (2006) Evaluate paper for International Symposium on Schedulling 2006 (ISSS2006), Japan. , (Reviewer)
  16. (2005) Evaluate paper for International conference on operations and supply chain management, Bali,15-17 December 2005. , (Reviewer)
  17. (2003) Evaluate paper entitled Accelarating the convergence of the dynamic integrated systems optimization parameter estimation algorithm by way of parallel tangent for Jurnal Teknologi, UTM. Session 2002/3. , (Reviewer)
  18. (2003) Evaluate paper entitled An improved heuristic for a batch production system under linearly increasing time-varying demand for International Journal of Computer & Industrial Engineering, Session 2002/3. , (Reviewer)
  19. (2002) Evaluate PhD thesis entitled Queue size and waiting time distribution in a one-server queue , (Reviewer)
  20. (2001) Evaluate MSc thesis entitled Mathematical programming and optimum allocation for energy resources , (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2009) Research collaboration, University of Brescia, International
  2. (2007) Research Collaboration, University of American, Sarjah, International
  3. (2005) Research collaboration, University of Exeter, International


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2011) Multi factor equity model for shariah investment, Shahril Simon
  2. (2007) Vendor-Buyer Problem, Siti Suzlin Supardi
  3. (2007) Location-allocation Problem in Health Services, S. Sarifah Radiah Shariff
  4. (2007) Integrated Inventory Model with Recycling, Yeo Heng Giap Ivan
  1. (2011) Job shop schedulling, Ong Chung Sin
  2. (2011) Integrated Inventory Problem, Hafizah binti Zulkipli
  3. (2010) Optimal manufacturing with rework, Sarah binti Musa
  4. (2003) Oper. Research, Yeo Heng Giap Ivan (University of Malaya (UM))
  5. (2001) Traffic flow, Lai Hooi Ling
  6. (2001) Oper. Research, S.Suzlin Supardi