Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Department of Management & Marketing
    Faculty of Business and Economics
  • mdnazari
  • 03-79673959


  • PhD, (Philosophy)
    University of Manchester (Uom)
  • MBA, (Business Administration)
    State University of New York, Buffalo
  • BSc(Hon)Economics, (LAIN-LAIN)
    University of Wales, Cardiff, UK


  • 10 Sep 2021-
    Jabatan Pengurusan & Pemasaran, Fakulti Perniagaan dan Ekonomi


  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Fakulti Bersama Profesor
    10 Dec 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (Department of Management & Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa tapisan Kenaikan Pangkat ke jawatan Prof Madya dan Profesor
    01 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2021 (Department of Management & Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics)
  • Wakil Senat bagi Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Ijazah Tinggi di Fakulti Alam Bina, Ekonomi dan Akademi Pengajian Islam
    01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
    30 Jul 2021 - 30 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Faculty Representative to Senate of University of Malaya
    01 Jan 2019 - 15 Dec 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman of Investigative Panel
    31 Aug 2019 - 31 Oct 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member of Bright Sparks Program
    21 Jun 2017 - 21 Jun 2019 (University Malaya)
  • Member of investigative panel
    15 May 2018 - 30 Jul 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Dean
    01 Jul 2014 - 30 Jun 2015 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Dean
    01 Feb 2013 - 30 Jun 2014 (Dean's Office, Faculty of Business & Accountancy)
  • Head
    01 Sep 2009 - 25 Oct 2010 (Corporate Planning Unit, Vice-Chancellor)
  • Head
    01 Aug 2007 - 31 Aug 2009 (Corporate Planning Unit, Vice-Chancellor)
  • Head
    01 Aug 2006 - 31 Jul 2007 (Corporate Planning Unit, Vice-Chancellor)


    Since 2020 (National)
    Since 2012 (University)
    2020 to 2022 (International)
    2008 to 2022 (International)
    2019 to 2021 (National)
    2019 to 2020 (National)
    2013 to 2015 (National)
    2013 to present (National)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2020, Universiti Malaya
  • National Book Award (Anugerah Buku Negara), Best Book in General Category (Economics) - Book Title: Till Debt Do Us Part.
    2019, Yayasan Pembangunan Buku Negara (YPBN) ,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2019, Universiti Malaya
  • Khidmat Setia 30 Award
    2014, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Visiting Scholar
    2005, Oxford Center for Islamic Studies,  (International)
  • Fulbright Visiting Specialist
    2005, Fulbright Foundation,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2004, Universiti Malaya
  • Fulbright Visiting Scholar
    1999, Fulbright Foundation,  (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Balakrishnan, V., Kaity, M., Rahim, H. A., & Ismail, N. (2021). SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS USING SENTIMENT AND CONTENT ANALYSES ON THE 2018 MALAYSIA'S GENERAL ELECTION. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 34(2), 171-183. doi: 10.22452/mjcs.vol34no2.3
  2. He, J. J., Nazari, M., Zhang, Y. Q., Cai, N. (2020). Opportunity-based entrepreneurship and environmental quality of sustainable development: A resource and institutional perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120390
  3. Banna, H., Rana, M. S., Ismail, I., Ismail, N. (2019). Quantifying the Managerial Ability of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Latin America. Journal of International Development, 31(7), 578-600. doi:10.1002/jid.3419
  1. Rahman, M.K., Rana, M.S., Ismail, M.N., Muhammad, M.Z., Hoque, M.N. and Jalil, M.A. (2021), "Does the perception of halal tourism destination matter for non-Muslim tourists WOM? The moderating role of religious faith", International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  2. Rana, M.S., Banna, H., Mia, A., Ismail, I., Ismail, N. (2021). How Productive are the Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh? An Application of Malmquist Productivity Index. Studies in Microeconomics. 1-23. Doi: 10.1177/23210222211024445
  3. Vimala Balakrishnan, Mohammed Kaity, Hajar Abdul Rahim & Nazari Ismail (2021) Social Media Analytics Using Sentiment and Content Analyses on the 2018 Malaysia's General Election, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 34(2), 171-183
  4. Ansari, P., Khoo, S., & Ismail, M. N. (2020). Designing and developing a sport entrepreneurship course: an educational design-based study. Entrepreneurship Education. doi:10.1007/s41959-020-00040-6
  5. Abdullah, N. and Ismail, M.N., (2019. Micropolitics of Middle Managers in Influencing Centre-led Change Initiative: Case Study of a Malaysian based MNC. Pengurusan 55(2019) 169 178 (Politik Dalaman Pengurusan Pertengahan dalam Mempengaruhi Perubahan Inisiatif yang diterajui oleh Pusat: Kajian kes MNC yang Berpangkalan di Malaysia)
  6. Al Halbusi, H., Ismail, m., Omar, s. (2019) A CONCEPTUAL PROPOSAL: ETHICAL LEADERSHIP MODERATES THE EFFECT OF ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE ON ETHICAL EMPLOYEE BEHAVIOR, Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Kuwait Chapter), Vol. 8 (1), 10-19.
  7. Banna, H., Rana, M. S., Ismail, I. and Ismail, N. (2019), QUANTIFYING THE MANAGERIAL ABILITY OF MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS: EVIDENCE FROM LATIN AMERICA, Journal of International Development,
  8. M. N. Ismail and N. Mohamed (2019). An Inclination towards the Predicament of Violent Extremism Issues: A Case Study. International Journal of Business and Management 3 (2): 30-42, 2019
  9. Battour, M., Hakimian, F., Ismail, M. and Bo an, E.(2018) The perception of non-Muslim tourists towards halal tourism: Evidence from Turkey and Malaysia, Journal of Islamic Marketing, vol. 9 no. 4, 823-840
  10. Hamzah, H. & Ismail, N. (2018) Pemilikan rumah bergadaijanji di Malaysia: Isu dan solusi jangka masa panjang (Mortgaged home ownership in Malaysia: Issues and long term solutions), Geographia, 14(2) 26-40.
  11. Latif, K, Ismail, M., Nazri, M., Nor, M., Qureshi, M. (2018), Thematic Review for Modeling of Outsourcing Theories, The Journal of Social Sciences Research, Special Issue. 2, pp: 303-311, 2018
  12. Latif, K, Ismail, M., Nazri, M., Nor., M, Qureshi, M. (2018), Exploring Underpinning of Outsourcing Success: A case of Multinational Automotive group in Malaysia. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.28) (2018) 40-46
  13. Nor, M., Latiff, K., Ismail, M., Nor, N., Qureshie, M., (2018), Palestine Conflict: An Another Perspective from the Realm of Confiscation of Land and Legitimization, The Journal of Social Sciences Research, Special Issue. 2, pp: 367-375, 2018
  14. Chong, Y., Ismail, M. N., Thi, L. S., & Kanafani, H. (2017). Managerial virtues: Perspectives of future knowledge workers. International Journal of Economic Research, 14(19), 123-131.
  15. Ismail, M., Nair, P., Hadi, F., Hakimian, F., (2017) How Malaysian Managers Persuade Employees Innovative Behavior. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development .
  16. Nizam Abdullah, Mohd Nazari Ismail (2017). MNE Center - Subsidiary Dynamic Relationship of Center-Led Change Initiatives From an Actor-Centered Approach. The European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences EpMS Volume I, Pages 1- 161 (27 June 2017) e-ISSN: 2421-826X
  17. Farid, H., Hakimian, F., Nair, V., Nair, P. K., & Nazari, M. N. (2016). Trend of Research on Sustainable Tourism and Climate Change in 21st Century. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 8(5), 516-533.
  18. Hakimian, F., Farid, H., Nazari, M.I., & Nair, P.K. (2016). Importance of commitment in encouraging employees innovative behaviour. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 8(1): 1-15. (SCOPUS-Indexed)
  19. Mohamed Battour, Mohd Nazari Ismail. (2016). Halal tourism: Concepts, practises, challenges and future. Tourism Management Perspectives.
  20. Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor, Kashif Latif, Mohd Nazari Ismail & Mohammad Nazri Mohd Nor, 2016. Predominant Factors of Malaysia-Middle East Religious and Cultural Relations from the Perspective of Halal Food Supply Chain. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Oman Chapter), 6(1): 22-38.
  21. Nor, M. Latif, K., Ismail, M., Nor, M. (2016). Critical success factors of halal supply chain management from the perspective of Malaysian halal food manufacturers. Arabian Journal of business and management review (Nigerian Chapter). Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016, 1-23.
  22. Hakimian, F., Farid, H., Nazari, M.I., & Ismi, A.I. (2014). The Role of Paternalistic Leadership on Fostering Employees Innovative Behavior: Moderating Effects of Job Insecurity. International Journal of Research in Business and Technology. 4(2), 446-452. (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
  23. Hakimian, F., Farid, H., Nazari, M.I., & Ismi, A.I. (2014). Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Commitment. Journal of Management Excellence. 3(1), 373- 378. (SCOPUS Cited Publication)
  24. Mohd Nazari Ismail, 2014. Leadership from an Islamic Perspective. Commerce Spectrum- An International Journal of Commerce and Business Studies (Forthcoming)
  25. Ismail, M.N.. (2013) Leadership from an Islamic Perspective. Commerce Spectrum (International Journal of Commerce and Business Studies). Volume 3, December-2013, 55-70
  26. Micheal D; Edward Wong Sek Khin; Mohd Nazari (2013) Critical and Interpretive Social Science Theory: A Case Study Approach. Actual Problems Of Economics. No 8 (146) 2013, pp 268-276.
  27. Herwina Rosnan, Mohd Nazari Ismail, 2011. The Role of Government in Industry Development: The case of the Malaysian Film Industry, International Journal of Applied Management Science & Global Developments. Q1, 2012
  28. Low P.C., Quah C.H., Mohd Nazari Ismail, 2012. Fiscal Expansion of China, Korea and Malaysia: Comparing Theory and Practice. Actual Problems of Economics, Issue 5, May
  29. Low, P.C., Quah, C.H., & Ismail, M.N. (2012). Fiscal Expansions of China, Korea, and Malaysia: Comparing Theory and Practice. Actual Problems of Economics, 5 (May).
  30. Mohamed M. Battour, Moustafa M. Battor & Mohd Ismail. 2012. The Mediating Role of Tourist Satisfaction: A Study of Muslim Tourists in Malaysia.Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. Volume 29, Issue 3: 279-297
  31. Quah, C. H., & Ismail, M. N. (2012). Monetary Integration in East Asia: A Critical Review. Actual Problems of Economics, 4 (April).
  32. Mohamed Battour, Mohd Nazari Ismail, Moustafa Battor. 2011, The impact of destination attributes on Muslim tourist's choice.International Journal of Tourism Research Volume 13, Issue 6, pages 527 540, November/December 2011
  33. Battour, M. M.; Mohd Nazari Ismail; Battor, M.M. 2010, Toward a Halal tourism market, Tourism Analysis, Vol. 15 No. 4 pp. 461-470
  34. Herwina Rosnan, Mohd Nazari Ismail, Norzaidi Mohd Daud, (2010),"The globalization of film business and its effect on the Malaysian film industry", Business Strategy Series, Vol. 11 Iss: 5 pp. 325 - 332
  35. Mohamed Battour, Mohd Nazari Ismail and Moustafa Bator 2010. The Impact of Destination Attributes on Muslim Tourists Choice. International Journal of Tourism Research, ( D OI: 10.1002/jtr.824
  36. Quah, C. H., Crowley, P. M., & Ismail, M. N. (2010). Monetary anchor for East Asia: Japan or United States? African Journal of Business Management, 4(6), 1048-1058,
  37. Mohd Nazari Ismail, Togok, S. and Mohideen, M.T. 2009. Forgiveness and Revenge: Emprical Studies of Malaysian Business Employees. Contemporary Management Research 5 (3): 227-258.
  38. Noradiva Hamzah and Mohd Nazari Ismail (2009) Linking business strategy and knowledge management practices: case studies of Malaysian firms , International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, 2009
  39. Quah, C. H., & Ismail, M. N. (2009). Are Currency Areas Feasible in East Asia? A Benchmarking Approach. African Journal of Business and Management, 3 (11), 654-668.
  40. Noradiva Hamzah and Mohd Nazari Ismail (2008) "The importance of Intellectual Capital management in the knowledge-based economy", Contemporary Management Research Journal Vol. 4, No. 3, September 2008.
  41. Quah Chee Heong & Mohd Nazari Ismail. 2008. Could the Great Depression Repeat Itself in the 21st Century? Malaysian Management Journal 12(1&2): 1-15
  42. Mohd Nazari Ismail, Lee Kum Chee and Chan Foong Bee (2007). Factors Influencing Sexual Harassment in the Malaysian Workplace, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 12(2) : 15-31.
  43. Noradiva Hamzah and Mohd Nazari Ismail (2007) Alignment between Strategy and Intellectual Capital Development,, Jurnal Pengurusan, Volume 26 pp 49-66.
  44. Alvin Ratnasingam and Mohd Nazari Ismail, 2006. Perceived Critical Success Factors: A study of the Malaysian Banking Industry, Journal of Asian Business, Vol 22, No. 1, pp 28-49
  45. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2005), The Globalization Debate: A Case of Barking up The Wrong Tree? Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Vol. 7 (1)
  46. Mohd Nazari Ismail and Lee Kum Chee (2005), An Empirical Investigation of Sexual Harassment Incidences in the Malaysian Workplace , The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 7, No. 1, September 2005.
  47. Lee Seng Wah, Mohd Nazari Ismail and Abdul Razak Ibrahim (2004), Strategic Balance and Performance: A study of Malaysian Banks", Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 9, Number 2, June 2004.
  48. Mohd Nazari Ismail and Jenny Kwee (2003), "Network Characteristics and Outcomes: Case Studies of Two Malaysian Firms" (2003), Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 8, Number 2, June 2003.
  49. Mohd Nazari Ismail and Mulkit Singh (2003), Relevance of Michael Porters Generic Strategies: Evidence from Malaysian Firms. Accepted for publication in the Malaysian Management Review, Vol. 38, No.1, June 2003, pp. 54-69.
  50. Mohd Nazari Ismail and Shreen Ahmad (2003), "Factors Affecting Effectiveness of Change Initiatives: Evidence from Malaysian" Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan 2003, pp. 33-56.
  51. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2002), Foreign Capital and Sovereignty: Comparative Study of Malaysian and Korean Experience During the Asian Financial , Asian Business and Management, Vol.1, No. 3, 2002, pp. 329-351
  52. Mohd Nazari Ismail and Sharon Ann De Souza (2002), Key Skills that Business Graduates should possess: The view of Malaysian Managers , Malaysian Management Review, June 2002 (Vol. 37 No. 1)
  53. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2001), Modal Asing dan Kedaulatan Negara , Pemikir, Julai - September 2001.
  54. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2000), Islam, Perniagaan dan Pembangunan Ekonomi , Pemikir, Bil 21, Julai September 2000, pp 187-242.
  55. Mohd Nazari Ismail (1994), \"The Role of Foreign Multinationals in the Development of Indigenous Managerial and Technical Skills\", Malaysian Management Review, September 1994, Vol.29, No.3, pp. 12-23.
  56. Mohd Nazari Ismail (1993), "Technology Transfer via Linkages and Personnel Upgrading: A Study of The Malaysian Electronics Industry", Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Vol. 30, No.2, December 1993, pp. 27-45.
  57. Loo Peng Wah, Md. Nor Othman and Mohd Nazari Ismail (1992) \"Key Computer-based Management Information System (MIS) Issues in the 1990s: The Views of Selected MIS Professionals\", Malaysian Management Review, March 1992, Vol. 27, No 1.
  58. Mohd Nazari Ismail (1992), \"The Role of Foreign Transnational Corporations In The Development Of Local SMEs\", Malaysian Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises, Vol. 3, June/December 1992. pp. 1-18
  59. Zahari Taha and Mohd Nazari Ismail (1989), \"Flexible Management System: Key to the factory of the future\", Bulletin of the Institute of Engineers of Malaysia. July Issue.
  1. Ismail, Mohd N. (2021). Islamic Perspectives in Business and Economics. IIUM Press.
  2. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2019). Membujur Lalu Berhutang Parah : Kesan Industri Hutang Terhadap Masyarakat Dunia. Kuala Lumpur : University Malaya Press.
  3. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2018). Till Debt Do Us Part: The Growth of the Global Banking Industry and Its Insidious Effects. Kuala Lumpur: UM Press.
  4. Ismail, M. N. (2007) Globalization Debate: A Case of Barking up the Wrong Tree, Kuala Lumpur, University of Malaya Press, 2007.
  5. Ismail, M. (2001) Paradox of Faith: Is Islam a Hindrance to Business Success? Kuala Lumpur: UM Press
  6. Ismail, M. and Idris Aida (2001) Pengurusan Perniagaan Antrabangsa, Kuala Lumpur, Prentice Hall.
  7. Ismail, M.N. (1995) Transnational Corporations and Economic Development: A Study of The Malaysian Electronics Industry, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press,.
Chapter in Books
  1. Pervin, S., Ismail, N, Noman, AHM (2021) Human Capabilities Approach to Reduce Inequalities. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., zuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds) Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Reduced Inequalities, Springer, Cham.
  2. Ismail, M. N. (2020). Colonisation and the Growth of the Riba Industry in Colonial Malaya. In Osman Bakar, Ahmad Murad Merican, and Wan Ali Wan Mamat (eds), Colonialism in the Malay Archipelago: Civilisational Encounters (pp. 130-135 chapter 10). ISTAC-IIUM Publications and Malaysia Historical Society.
  3. Pervin S., Ismail N., Noman A.H.M. (2020) Islamic Microfinance: A Tool of Alleviating Poverty and Ensuring Economic Peace. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
  4. Abdullah, N. , & Ismail, M.N., (2019). Quality Management and its Impacts on the Dynamics of Multinational Corporation s Centre-Subsidiary Relationship. In N. Zakaria & F. Lasrado (Eds.), Embedding Culture and Quality for High Performing Organizations (Chapter 7). London: Routledge.
  5. Zheng, J and Nazari Ismail, M. (2019). Determinants of Chinese Overseas FDI in ASEAN Countries. In A. Idris A. and N. Kamaruddin, (Eds.), ASEAN Post-50 - Emerging Issues and Challenges (pp. 53-79 Palgrave Macmllan Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan.,
  6. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2018) Current Challenges faced by Boycott of Israel Movement in Malaysia. In Multiple Authors, The Boycott Strategy Against Israeli Occupation and the Apartheid Regime: Reality and Ambition (pp. 413-423) Doha, Qatar: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.
  7. Hakimian, F., Hadi, F. and Ismail, M. N., (2017) Corporate Responsibility and Leadership Style. In Eweje, G., and Bathurst, R. (Eds.), CSR, Sustainability and Leadership (pp. 124-142). London: Routledge.
  8. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2015), Global Financial Crises - The Role of the Lending for Profit Industry in Norhayati Zakaria Et. al (eds.).Handbook of Research on Impacts of International Business and Political Affairs on the Global Economy, pp 207-224. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
  9. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2016). Sistem Ekonomi Semasa Punca Utama Peningkatan Beban Hutang. In N. Saari & A. Hashim (Eds), Hutang Isi Rumah Malaysia - Cabaran dan Penyelesaian (pp. 19 - 67). Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit IKIM
  10. Ismail, M.N. 2015. Debt-for-profit Industry and Financial Crises: An-Nakheel of Dubai. In Sieh Lee Mei Ling (ed.) Management Issues and Cases in the Early 21st Century, 127-152. Petaling Jaya: Cengage Learning
  11. Ismail,M.N. (2015). Over-indebtedness and Financial Crises: Lessons that are never learnt. In Shah, M. H (ed.). Apocalypse and the Hope of Renewal, pp. 137-164, Kuala Lumpur: INPUMA University of Malaya
  12. Ismail, M.N. Debt Creation and Over-indebtedness: Root cause of Financial Crises (2013). In Kamali, M. H. and Ainon, S. Y., Islamic Transactions and Finance: Principles and Development. Chapter 12. Kuala Lumpur: IAIS PublisherIAIS Malaysia, 2013 ISBN9670379326, 9789670379326 Length472 pages
  13. Mohd Nazari Ismail, 2013. Ke mana Hala Tuju Dasar Pembangunan Ekonomi Negara. Dlm Mohamad Azhar Hashim (pnyt). Keruntuhan Kapitalisme - Jawapan Umat Islam, hlm.15-32. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit IKIM
  14. Mohd Nazari Ismail, 2013. Perbankan Islam di Malaysia: Membantu atau Membahayakan Ummah. Dlm. Abdul Karim Ali dan Mohd Nazri Chik (pnyt). Maqasid Shariah - Isu-isu Kepenggunaan, hlm 20-30, Kuala Lumpur, Persatuan Ulamak Malaysia.
  15. "Political and Social Preconditions for the Development of a Competitive Knowledge-driven Society: Islamic Perspective" in `Islam, Globalization and K-Economy: Issues and Challenges , Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, March 26, 2002.
  16. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2000), Foreign Firms And National Technological Upgrading - The Electronics Industry in Malaysia in Jomo, K.S., R. Rasiah, G. Felke,(eds.) , Industrial Technology Development in Malaysia: Industry and Firm Studies, London: Routledge
  17. Mohd Nazari Ismail (1998), Developments in the Malaysian Electronics Industry and the Internationalization of Capital Approach in Ishak Yussof and Abd. Ghaffar Ismail (eds.)(1998), Malaysian Industrialisation: Governance and Technical Change, K. Lumpur: Penerbit UKM
  18. Sieh Lee Mei Ling, Abdul Latiff Salleh and Mohd Nazari Ismail (1990), "Marketing Problems and Practices of Small and Medium Businesses in Malaysia" in FEA (1990) Issues and Challenges for National Development, Kuala Lumpur: Faculty of Economics, University Malaya, pp 198-224.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Linkage Between Strategy and Intellectual Capital Development: Case Studies of Selected Malaysian Hotels Proceedings of BAI2006 International Conference, 12-14 July 2006, Singapore. (Co-authored with Noradiva Hamzah).
  2. Wither the Keiretsu: Case Studies of Sourcing and Supply Strategies of Japanese Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia , Proceedings of BAI2006 International Conference, 12-14 July 2006, Singapore. (Co-authored with George Liew).
  3. The Globalization Debate: A Case of Barking at The Wrong Tree? Proceedings of UM-FBA Asian Business Conference, 14-15 April 2005, Kuala Lumpur.
  4. Factors Contributing to Sexual Harassment Incidences at the Malaysian Workplace , Proceedings of 2004 Inaugural Academy of Marketing and Management Development Conference, 13-16 July, Gold Coast, Australia. (Co-authored with Lee Kum Chee and Chan Foong Bee)
  5. Internationalisation via Networking: Case Studies of Malaysian Software Companies , Proceedings of the Second International Business and Economy Conference (Ed. J rgen Ulff-M ller Nielsen), 9-12 January 2003, San Francisco, USA. (Co-authored with Serene Siew)
  6. Network characteristics and outcomes: Case studies of two Malaysian firms , Proceedings of the Asia Academy of Management Conference (Ed. Pasu Decharin), 8-9 December 2002, Bangkok, Thailand
  7. `FDI and Economic Resiliency , Proceedings of the Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy Conference (Ed. William Renforth), pp. 157-175, 8-9 November 2002, Brisbane, Australia.
  8. `Islamic Influences on Management Practices: The Case of Malaysia , Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference of the Korean Academy of Management, 29 March 2002, Seoul, Korea.
  9. Historical Circumstances and Non-Indigenous Industrial Capabilities - The Case of Malaysia , Proceedings of Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, 20-23 June 1995, Perth, Australia.
Other Publications
  1. Ismail, M.N (2021). Lubnan: Mangsa ketamakan golongan elit kewangan dan pemimpin yang korup. Astro Awani. 26 Julai 2021. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  2. Ismail, M.N. (2021) Bitcoin Bukan Penyelesaian Masalah Ketidakadilan Sistem Kewangan. Dewan Ekonomi. Bil 6. 2021. Muka surat 18-19. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  3. Ismail, M.N. (2021) Boycott apartheid state of Israel. New Straits Time. August 18. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  4. Ismail, M.N. (2021) Masaalah Pengangguran tidak akan dapat diselesaikan. Dewan Ekonomi, Bil 8 2021, Muka surat 18-19. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  5. Ismail, M.N. (2021), Malaysia harus yakinkan masyarakat antarabangsa Israel negara apartheid, Astro Awani, Ogos19. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  6. Ismail, M.N. (2021). Belanjawan 2021 - Bersenang-senang dahulu, bersusuah-susah kemudian, Dewan Ekonomi.Bil (1) 2021, Muka Surat 18. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  7. Ismail, M.N. (2021). Impact of bankers, political elite collusion on Lebanon. New Straits Times. 23 July 2021. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  8. Ismail, M.N. (2021). Kebinasaan di Gaza Adakah ini Kes Salah Orang Palestin Sendiri? Dewan Ekonomi. Bil 7. 2021. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  9. Ismail, M.N. (2021). Lubnan - Nasi Sudah Menjadi Bubur. Dewan Ekonomi. Bil 5. 2021. 18-19. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  10. Ismail, M.N. (2021). We have been warned about indebtedness. New Straits Times. Friday, 16 July 2021, - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  11. Ismail, Mohd N. (2021) Move will spur pro-Palestine support, NST online. November 22. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  12. Ismail, Mohd. N. (2021) Economic challenges and Erdogan's transformation. Astro Awani - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  13. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021) Covid dan Hutang. Dewan Ekonomi. DBP. September. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  14. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021) INSTITUSI KEBANGGAAN KOMUNITI MUSLIM DI MYANMAR DAN MALAYSIA. Dewan Ekonomi. DBP. Oktober. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  15. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021) The meaning of freedom for Afghanistan. NSTP By Dr. Mohd Nazari Ismail - September 14, 2021 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  16. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021), Evergrande over-indebted saga not the first and not the last. NST. 24 September. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  17. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021). Mengapakah Sudan Sanggup Mengadakan Normalisasi dengan Israel. Dewan Ekonomi. Bil 4, 2021. Muka Surat 18-19. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  18. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021). Nabi Yusuf atau Joh Maynard Keynes. Dewan Ekonomi. Bil2, 2021. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  19. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021). Protes di Tunisia -Pengajaran kepada Malaysia. Bil 3, 2021. Dewan Ekonomi, Muka surat 18. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  20. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021). The Pride of The Muslim Community Myanmar Versus Malaysia. The Rakyat Post. Sept 24. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  21. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2021).Demokrasi yang masih tak memadai. Malaysiakini. Diterbitkan 26 Jan 2021, 8:03 am - News Portal
  22. N. Ismail (2021) Hypocrisy and Selective Reporting The Case of Archbishop Desmond Tutu s Demise, The Rakyat Post, 28 December 2021 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  23. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020) It s time to consider a new economic model. The Star. Kuala Lumpur - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  24. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020) Perbahasan berkenaan PKP Bersyarat - Kes perbincangan yang tersasar. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  25. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020), COVID-19 - Bukti perlunya sistem ekonomi berpaksikan institusi wakaf. Astro Awani. KUala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  26. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Adakah perubahan Perdana Menteri bermakna suasana ekonomi akan bertambah baik?. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  27. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Adakah wabak COVID-19 bukti globalisasi perlu disekat?. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  28. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). COVID-19: Antara masalah pernafasan paru-paru dan masalah pernafasan kewangan. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur. - Online News Portal
  29. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Comment: A debt crisis will be waiting for us. The Star. Sunday, 31 May 2020. Kuala Lumpur - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  30. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Debts are dangerous - A lesson in epidemics that's never learnt. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  31. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Is covid-19 proof that globalization needs to be curbed? Ths Star. Kuala Lumpur - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  32. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Krisis hutang bakal melanda negara. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  33. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Mengapa Masalah Pengangguran Mustahil Diselesaikan. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  34. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Pakej rangsangan: Adakah kisah Nabi Yusuf tidak relevan dalam kehidupan moden?. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  35. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Pandemik COVID-19, kemelut ekonomi dan peranan gerakan Islam. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  36. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). The MCO debate: A case of barking up the wrong tree. The Star. Kuala Lumpur - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  37. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Two lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic: Be debt-free and have a financial buffer. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  38. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Why the Unemployment Problem Will Remain Unsolved. The Star. Kuala Lumpur - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  39. Ismail, N. (2019) Pergi Turki, bangun Malaysia balik nanti. Astro Awani. - Online Newspaper
  40. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2019) Ekonomi berpaksi hutang, riba punca kemiskinan. Berita Harian. 5 september 2019 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  41. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2019), Riba Peruntuh Industri dan Ekonomi. Kosmo. 31 Ogos. Muka surat 26. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  42. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2019). Adakah ekonomi sahaja punca rakyat sejahtera?. Astro Awani. - Online News Portal
  43. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2019). Kemelut Tabung Haji - Hasil Dari Idea yang Bermasalah. Astro Awani. - Online News Portal
  44. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2019). Kurangkan Pergantungan kepada Kerajaan. Astro Awani. 8 Januari 2019 - Online News Portal
  45. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2019). Pekerja Asing Ramai Sebab Orang Malaysia Malas?, Astro Awani. 10 Mei 2019. - Online News Portal
  46. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2020). Belanjawan 2020: Untuk rakyat yang masih tidak memahami. Astro Awani. Kuala Lumpur - Online News Portal
  47. Nazari Ismail (2019), Masalah kemiskinan di Malaysia: Punca dan penyelesaian. Astro Awani. Ogos 27, 2019 - Online News Portal
  48. Mohd Nazari ismail (2018). Memperkasa sistem wakaf pengajian Islam. Berita harian Online ( ) - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  49. Mohjd Nazari ismail (2018). Didik rakyat belanja ikut kemampuan. Berita harian Online ( ) - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  50. Is productivity, superior technology the panacea for economic ills?, Star newspaper, march 9, 2010 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  51. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2010), Don't blame it on capitalism, Star Newspaper, April 8, 2010 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  52. The Dubai crisis: A case of the inevitable, Star Newspaper, Jan 12, 2010. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  53. Are global political leaders being honest? Star Newspaper, August 25, 2009 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  54. Crisis shows current financial system must be abandoned, Star Newspaper, May 5, 2009. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  55. How much support are taxpayers willing to give Proton to face competition? Star Newspaper, July 28, 2009. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  56. Is Obama being reckless?Star Newspaper, February 10, 2009. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  57. The folly of the blame game at Davos, Star Newspaper, 2009. Dec 15, 2009 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  58. The lending-for-profit factor, Star Newspaper, January 13, 2009 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)


  • Islamic Perspectives on Business and Management


  1. 2017 - 2017, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
  2. 2013 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Islamic Values and Organizational Practices ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Theology and Business ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2008
    Financial and Monetary System - Islamic Perspectives


  • Analisa 5 Tahun Produktiviti Kebun Sawit dan Getah Milik Peneroka Felda Dari Tahun 2007 Hingga Tahun 2011 dan Cadangan Penambahbaikan.Prime Minister Department - Unit Kawal Selia Felda (Uksf), 2012., Project Director, 2012-2013, Prime Minister Department - Unit Kawal Selia Felda, Prime Minister Department - Unit Kawal Selia FELDA (UKSF)
    01 Dec 2012 - 01 Dec 2013 (National)


  1. Can Islamic Financing help Create Sustainable Halal Ecosystem?, 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING (ICDESL) 2021 ON 14 15th DECEMBER 2021, KUCHING, SARAWAK. , UiTM Cawangan Sarawak (International) (14 Dec 2021 - 15 Dec 2021)
  2. Global Economic Slowdown and Chinese Debt Bubble, 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Contemporary Research (APCCR -2017), Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR) (International) (26 Aug 2017 - 27 Aug 2017)
  3. Perkembangan Industri Kewangan di Malaysia dan kesan kepada sosio-politik-ekonomi masyarakat, 2nd International Conf on Financial Mathematics and Numerical Optimization, Jurnal Kalam (National) (28 Dec 2016 - 29 Dec 2016)
  4. The Globalisation Debate - A Case of Barking up the Wrong Tree, 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Contemporary Research (APCCR-2016), Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR) Conference (International) (25 Nov 2016 - 26 Nov 2016)
  5. Financial Crises: Can they be prevented, E-Leader Conference  (International) (05 Jan 2009 - 07 Jan 2009)
  1. Peranan Gerakan BDS Dalam Perjuangan Pembebasan Palestin, SOLIDARITAS KEMANUSIAAN UNTUK PALESTIN* , Anjuran: WADAH Selangor dan Forum Ekonomi Manusiawi (FEM) Dengan kerjasama GPM, UNISEL, UIN Ar Raniry ACEH, Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia, SALWA Selangor, ABIM Selangor (International) (26 May 2021 - 26 May 2021)
  2. Debts are dangerous - A lesson in epidemics that's never learned, The Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (GARCOMBS), Doctoral Study on Management Science Program Universitas Padjadjaran (DIM UNPAD)  (National) (24 Oct 2020 - 25 Oct 2020)
  3. Transformation of The Malaysian Economy & Wealth Creation, SYMPOSIUM: LEARNING THE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY , Akademi PKNS (National) (02 Oct 2019 - 02 Oct 2019)
  4. Fiqh Muamalah dan Pembangunan Ekonomi Ummah Kajian Kes Industri Hutang dan Perbankan Islam, MUZAKARAH PAKAR KAEDAH FIQH MANHAJ MALAYSIA , 26 September 2019, Anjuran Institut Kefahaman Islam (IKIM)., IKIM (National) (26 Sep 2019 - 26 Sep 2019)
  5. The Dilemma of Competing Claims for Justice - The Case of BDS efforts in Malaysia., BDS: Driving Global Justice for Palestine, University of Sydney, 28-29 July, 2017 , University of Sydney (International) (28 Jul 2017 - 29 Jul 2017)
  6. Challenges of BDS Movement in Malaysia, Boycott as a Strategy to Counter Israel s Occupation and Apartheid: Present-day Realities and Aspirations, Qatar foundation (International) (04 Aug 2016 - 06 Aug 2016)
  7. Krisis kewangan sektor awam di Eropah dan Amerika dan pengajaran kepada Malaysia, Program Wacana Ilmu IPPTAR, Institut Penyiaran Tun Abdul Razak, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia. (National) (29 Nov 2013 - 29 Nov 2013)
  8. Perbankan Islam di Malaysia: Membantu atau Membahayakan Ummah?, Seminar Kebangsaan Maqasid Syariah 2013, Persatuan Ulamak Malaysia (National) (21 Sep 2013 - 22 Sep 2013)
  9. Developing Economic Resilience of the Islamic Ummah in ASEAN Region, ISLAM AND THE NEW ERA OF ASEAN COUNTRIES: UNITY OF WORLDVIEW TOWARDS A SHARED PROSPERITY, Institute of Islamic Understanding (International) (04 Jun 2013 - 04 Jun 2013)
  10. Pencapaian Negara Pasca-Merdeka dalam Bidang Sosio-ekonomi, Seminar `Pencapaian Umat Islam Pasca Merdeka: Pengajaran dan Langkah ke Hadapan , Institute of Islamic Understanding (National) (21 Feb 2012 - 22 Feb 2012)
  11. KE MANA HALA TUJU DASAR PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI NEGARA?, Persidangan Meja Bulat Jawapan Ummat Islam Kepada Keruntuhan Sistem Ekonomi Kapitalisme, Institute of Islamic Understanding (National) (26 Apr 2011 - 26 Apr 2011)
  1. Global Financial Crises - Can it be prevented?, Syarahan Perdana sebagai Profesor, Fakulti Perniagaan Dan Perakaunan Universiti Malaya. (University) (25 Nov 2008 - 25 Nov 2008)
  2. Wither the Keiretsu: Case Studies of Sourcing and Supply Strategies of Japanese Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia, BAI2006 International Conference, BAI (International) (12 Jul 2006 - 14 Sep 2006)


  1. (2023) External Examiner of Programmes, International, (External Examiner)
  2. (2022) External Examiner and External Reviewer for Inceif Master Business Administration (Mba) (Sustainable Business) Programme, International, (External Assessor)
  3. (2022) Panel of Assessor for Programme Maintenance Audit (Pma), Multimedia University (Mmu)- Doctor of Philosophy (Management), National, (External Assessor)
  4. (2022) External Assessor to Review The Mba (International Business) Programme, Putra Business School, UPM., National, (External Assessor)
  5. (2021) Reviewed Article On `Malaysia S Fiscal Distress Amidst The Covid Crisis', International, (Reviewer)
  6. (2021) Reviewed Manuscript Id Mm 12-06-2021 Mly, International, (Reviewer)
  7. (2021) Member of Studies Program Committee, Faculty of Human Ecology, UPM, Masters Program On Personal Financial Planning., National, (External Evaluator)
  8. (2021) External member of Promotion Commttee to Associate Professor
  9. (2020) Reviewer of article for Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment, (Reviewer)
  10. (2020) External Assessor for the Diploma Program in Business, (External Assessor )
  11. (2020) Member of International Editorial Board , (Member of Editorial Board)
  12. (2019) External examiner for Lancaster University-Sunway University Dual Award MBA , (External Examiner)
  13. (2019) IIUM - External examiner for PhD thesis, Center for Postgraduate Studies, IIUM. , (External Examiner)
  14. (2019) USM - External Examiner for PhD Thesis, USM Distance Learning Center , (External Examiner)
  15. (2019) UKM Press - External Reviewer of Manuscripts of Book Proposal , (Reviewer)
  16. (2019) IKIM - Reviewer of TAFHIM - IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World , (Reviewer)
  17. (2019) Article Editor for SAGE Open , (Article Editor)
  18. (2019) IKIM - Editorial Consultant for Tafhim Journal, (Editorial Consultant of Tafhim Journal)
  19. (2019) Ministry of Education - Panel of Reviewer/Assessor of FRGS Research Proposal , (Reviewer)
  20. (2019) IAIS - Reviewer of article in journal 'Islam and Civilisational Renewal (ICR) , (Reviewer)
  21. (2018) AJBA - Area Editor Asian Journal of Business ad Accounting, (Editor)
  22. (2018) SEGI University - External Advisor (Academic) for the programme Bachelor of Business Management (Hons) and Diploma in Business Administration at SEGi University, Kota Damansara. , (External Advisor)
  23. (2018) Assessor of FRGS project proposals , (FRGS Assessor)
  24. (2018) Ahli Lembaga Pengarang Jurnal Peradaban PDP, University of Malaya , (Ahli Lembaga Pengarang)
  25. (2017) SEGI College - External Advisor , (External Advisor)
  26. (2017) IIUM - Academic Program of Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, IIUM. , (Advisory Committee)
  27. (2016) UTM - External Assessor for Promotion Exercise to Associate Professor
  28. (2016) Panel Penilai bagi Kerjasama Penyelidikan UK-SouthEast Small Scale Research Partnerships Call For Proposals 2016, , (Panel of Assessor)
  29. (2016) External examiner for Ph.D. Thesis for Indian Institute of Technology, India., (External Examiner)
  30. (2015) MMU - External Assessor - Promotion of Academic Staff, (External Assessor )
  31. (2013) MMU - External Assessor for Promotion of Academic Staff
  32. (2013) Member of Editorial and Reviewer board of 'Commerce Spectrum - An International Journal of Commerce and Business Studies' , (Reviewer)
  33. (2012) UUM - Assess quality of Academic Program - MSc International Business UUM , (Advisory Committee)
  34. (2012) Evaluate contents of programs including exam questions. , (External Examiner)
  35. (2012) Member of International Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Business and Development Research , (Advisory Committee)
  36. (2011) UITM - Member of Professorial Promotion Committee, UiTM, Shah Alam , (Advisory Committee)
  37. (2011) USM - PhD Thesis, USM PhD program. , (External Examiner)
  38. (2011) Member of Editorial Board, International Journal on Applied Management Science & Global Developments. , (Advisory Committee)
  39. (2011) PhD Thesis, UPM PhD program. , (External Examiner)
  40. (2010) USM - External Examiner of PhD Thesis , (External Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2019) Member of Shariah Advisory Panel, MyMy Payments Malaysia Sdn Bhd, National
  2. (2019) Member of Board of Studies of Masters in Global Islamic Finance, USM, National
  3. (2019) Presentation to Malaysian Parliamentary Caucus on Reformation and Good Governance, Malaysian Parliament
  4. (2008) Certification Advisory Board Member, TUV Nord (Malaysia), National
Contribution to event
  1. (2021) Panelist in a Webinar Forum, International, (Panelist/Moderator)
  2. (2021) Moderator of International Forum On Nakba, International, (Panelist/Moderator)


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  2. (2019) The Role of Multinational Companies in Economic Development case study of Sudan., OSMAN IBRAHIM RAMADAN IBRAHIM
  4. (2019) The Relationship Between Government and Enterprises in the Process of Globalization from the Perspective of Strategic Management, FAN SHU YANG
  10. (2018) Factors Influencing Outsourcing Success, Kashif Latif
  11. (2018) A sensemaking study of Centre-led Change Initaitives, Nizam bin Abdullah
  15. (2009) Tourism Management, Muhammad Battour
  16. (2009) Impact of Globalization, Herwina Rosnan
  17. (2009) Currency Areas, Chee-Heong Quah
  18. (2008) Transformational Leadership, Fatemeh Hakimian
  19. (2007) Leadership Style, Shahbaz Shabbir
  20. (2007) Knowledge Management, Noradiva Hamzah (M0100101)
  21. (2007) Export Promotion Support, Wong Lai Sum
  22. (2006) Sturdent's Choice of Institution for further education, Shaiful Azlan
  23. (2006) Internationalisation of Malaysian Food companies, Lim Kuang Long
  24. (2004) Knowledge Management in Malaysian Companies, Chong Yen Wan


  1. (2021) CQC7044 - International Business Management
  2. (2021) CQC7036 - Islamic Perspective in Business and Economics
  3. (2019) CQC7036 - Islamic Perspective in Business and Economics
  4. (2019) CQC7044 - International Business Management
  5. (2019) CVA8005 - Business Management Issues and Practices
  6. (2018) CBGB6304 - International Business Management
  7. (2018) CQC7036 - Islamic Perspective in Business and Economics
  8. (2018) CVA8005 - Business Management Issues and Practices
  9. (2017) CSGB6301 - Islamic Perspective in Business and Management
  10. (2016) CSGB6301 - Islamic Perspective in Business and Management
  11. (2016) CSGB6314 - International Business Management
  12. (2015) CBGB6201 - Business Policy and Corporate Strategy
  13. (2015) CSGB6301 - Islamic Perspective in Business and Management
  14. (2011) CSGB6314 - International Business Management
  15. (2010) Islamic Perspectives On Business and Management
  1. (2019) CIB3003 - International Business Management
  2. (2018) CSEB3102 - International Business Management
  3. (2018) CSEB3102 - International Business Management
  4. (2017) CIB3003 - International Business Management
  5. (2011) CSGB3103 - Strategic Management
  6. (2009) Critical Thinking


  • Panelist At The Webinar: Harmony Interfaith Discourse 2.0: Interest Dealing Through The Lens of Abrahamic Faiths, 22 December 2021, (22 Dec 2021 - 22 Dec 2021) (International)
  • Penceramah Undangan Bertajuk: Hutang Negara - Punca dan Implikasi, Anjuran Leadusmalaysia, 11 Disember 2021, (11 Dec 2021 - 11 Dec 2021) (National)
  • Ahli Panel, Forum Bajet 2020 Anjuran Pertubuhan Serikat Rakyat Malaysia(Serikat), 14 November, 2021, (14 Nov 2021 - 14 Nov 2021) (National)
  • Ahli Panel, Forum ‘Bajet 2022 Dari Perspektif Pembinaan Negara' , Anjuran Pertubuhan Ikram Malaysia., (07 Nov 2021 - 07 Nov 2021) (National)
  • Guest Speaker , Financial Literacy Week 2021, Organised by Epf Learning Campus. 25 October 2021, (25 Oct 2021 - 25 Oct 2021) (National)
  • Ahli Panel Bagi Program Anjuran Jemaah Profesor Usim (Jpu) - ” Forum Rmk-12: Peluang dan Ruang Kepada Universiti Awam dan Usim” , 8 Oktober 2021, (08 Oct 2021 - 08 Oct 2021) (National)
  • Panelist On a Webinar On Global South Response to Israeli Apartheid, Organized by Global South and Bds National Committee, July 3rd, 2021, (03 Jul 2021 - 03 Jul 2021) (International)
  • Columnist for Dewan Ekonomi of DBP, (01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021)
  • Guest Speaker Fea Seminar On International Seminar On Islamic Economics, (18 Dec 2020 - 18 Dec 2020)
  • Guest Speaker in Program Organised by International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies, (17 Dec 2020 - 17 Dec 2020)
  • Guest Lecturer for Masters Students - University of Glasgow, (02 Dec 2020 - 02 Dec 2020)
  • Executive Committee Member of Ngo (Movement for Monetary Justice), (28 Apr 2019 - 28 Apr 2020)
  • Participant of Freedom Flotilla - Boat to Gaza, (01 Jul 2018 - 10 Jul 2018)
  • Commitee Member, Housing Residents Association, (01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2020)
  • Chairman of Ngo (Bds Malaysia), (01 Mar 2017 - 31 Mar 2020)
  • Chairman of Residents Association, Perumahan Teluki, Bukit Sentosa, Rawang, Selangor., (01 Dec 2012 - 01 Jan 2014)
  • Member, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia., (01 Jun 2012 - 31 Dec 2020)
  • Chairman of Local Community Mosque (Surau An Nur, Bukit Sentosa, 48300 Rawang, Selangor), (01 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2012)
  • Chairman of Rukun Tetangga Committee (Neighbourhod Watch Committee), (01 Jan 2008 -  )
  • Lead Facilitator for Leadership Workshop for UM Staff, (02 Feb 2007 - 01 Dec 2010)