Curriculum Vitae
Professor Dr. Maya Khemlani David (Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya) received the Linguapax Award in 2007 and is an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, United Kingdom and an Honorary Member of the Foundation of Endangered Languages. As a sociolinguist, Dr. David has a special interest in discourse analysis, languages in Malaysian minority communities, and the role of language in establishing and maintaining national unity within and across cultures.
She is a Visiting Scholar, College for Women and also consultant (ELT) for Kinnaird College, both in Lahore, Pakistan. She also is Hon. Academic Consultant, London College of Clinical Hypnosis. She holds an Executive Diploma in Coaching and also in Counselling. Her publications include Malaysian Indian: Sociocultural Assimilation towards the Malay Majority (2012, Tanjung Malim, UPSI), Leadership Discourse of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (2010, Shah Alam, UPENA ), Code-Switching in Malaysia ( 2009,Frankfurt, Peter Lang) and The Sindhis of Malaysia: A Sociolinguistic Account (2001, London, ASEAN), and her co-edited and edited publications are National Planning and Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities: Speaking in Many Tongues(2011,IIAS/ICAS, University of Amsterdam Press), Politeness in Malaysian Family Talk (2008, Serdang: UPM), Language and Human Rights: Focus on Malaysia (2007, Serdang: UPM), Language and the Power of the Media (2006, Frankfurt, Peter Lang), Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2006, Petaling Jaya, Strategic International and Research Development Centre), Teaching of English in Second and Foreign Language Settings: Focus on Malaysia (2004, Frankfurt, Peter Lang) and Developing Reading Skills (2002, Kuala Lumpur: Melta/Sasbadi). Dr. David can be contacted at: mayadavid@yahoo.com
Areas of Specialisation
• Cross-Cultural Communication
• Discourse Analysis
• English for Specific Purposes
• Language Maintenance and Language Shift
• Language of the Elderly
• Language and Human Rights
- Certified executive coach, (Coaching)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- PHD (UM), (Sosiolinguistik)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- MPA, (Pentadbiran Awam)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- MAAPPLING, (Applied Linguistic)Essex University, Essex, UK
- DIPLOMA, (PENGAJIAN BAHASA INGGERIS)Western Australian College of Adv. Education Perth
- SIJIL, (Lain-Lain)Regional Lang. Centre, Singapore
- SIJIL, (Lain-Lain)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- BA(HONS), (SEJARAH DAN EKONOMI)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- 14 May 2013-Profesor
Jabatan Bahasa Inggeris, Fakulti Bahasa dan Linguistik
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis28 Nov 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis05 Jun 2012 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Masters)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Chair Research Proposal Presentation15 Jan 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Master)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Evaluation of Phd student's proposal03 Apr 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Masters)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Chairperson Examination Board MESL06 Dec 2013 - present (University Malaya)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Master)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Post graduate committee meeting28 Feb 2014 - present (University Malaya)
- Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD04 Jul 2012 - present (Faculty)
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis20 Jun 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Master)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Head of Teaching and Learning committee for PhD Curriculum Program06 Dec 2013 - present (Department of English Language, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
- Invitation to become a Member of the Judging Panel for The Harun M. Hashim National Client Consultation Competition (2014)23 Nov 2013 - present (University Malaya)
- Steering Committee Member24 Apr 2013 - present (University Malaya)
- Panel Judge for National Client Consultation Competition 201402 Dec 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Master)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Masters)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Faculty appointed Professor Postgraduate Exam Board meeting02 May 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Academic Governance Committee Member01 Jan 2012 - present (University Malaya)
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis21 Nov 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis26 Nov 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Supervisory Committee01 Apr 2012 - present (University Malaya)
- Member of think-tank committee under TNCAA for soft skills scheme to develop employability of students01 Mar 2012 - present (University Malaya)
- Internal Examiner05 Sep 2012 - present (Faculty)
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis23 Oct 2013 - present ()
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis19 Sep 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis17 May 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Internal Examiner (Postgraduate)27 Sep 2012 - present (Faculty)
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis30 Jul 2013 - present (Dean Office, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
- Examiner Master thesis26 Sep 2012 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Postgraduate Thesis Defense Committee10 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Masters)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Chairman Examination Board for Postgraduate Student(Master)03 Mar 2014 - present (Faculty)
- Faculty appointed Professor Postgraduate Exam Board meeting19 Jun 2013 - present (Faculty)
- Member JK TOT KEJURULATIHAN KKB FASA KE 207 Mar 2013 - present (University Malaya)
- Member Task Force31 Jan 2013 - present (University Malaya)
- Member of higher education committee15 Nov 2013 - 14 Nov 2015 (Department of English Language, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics)
- Head05 Jan 2012 - 25 Jan 2013 (Section On Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (Sket), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
- Chairperson Examination Board MESL21 Sep 2012 - 30 Dec 2013 (Faculty)
- Chairman of Examination Board for Master's students.10 Dec 2013 - 10 Dec 2013 (University Malaya)
- Committee Member Research Fund for Postgraduate Students29 Oct 2013 - 29 Oct 2013 (Faculty)
- Chair Postgraduate Exam Board Masters & PhD thesis29 Jul 2013 - 29 Jul 2013 (Faculty)
- TACKLE Workshop04 Jun 2013 - 05 Jun 2013 (University Malaya)
- Committee member for revision of university courses08 May 2013 - 09 May 2013 (University Malaya)
- Trainer for UMAST-go! Trainers Meeting & PASUM - SERU Soft Skills Programme22 Apr 2013 - 26 Apr 2013 (University Malaya)
- Professor and Head, Section on Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (SKET), Chancellory15 Nov 2006 - 24 Jan 2013 (University Malaya)
- Professor and Head, Section on Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (SKET), Chancellory15 Nov 2006 - 24 Jan 2013 (University Malaya)
- Core member Program Kemahiran Insaniah & Kemahiran Kebolehpasaran (Soft Skills)UM04 Jan 2013 - 05 Jan 2013 (University Malaya)
- Head03 Jan 2011 - 04 Jan 2012 (Section On Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (Sket), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
- Professor Appointed as Examiner21 Sep 2012 - 21 Sep 2012 (University Malaya)
- Chairperson Ph.D proposal presentation21 Sep 2012 - 21 Sep 2012 (Faculty)
- PH.D CANDIDATURE DEFENSE14 Sep 2012 - 14 Sep 2012 (Faculty)
- Member Board of Examiner for Post graduate degrees08 Jul 2011 - 31 Jul 2012 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemilih Pensyarah(Commitee Memebr for Selection of Lecturers) FBL01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2012 (University Malaya)
- Head01 Sep 2010 - 03 Jan 2011 (Section On Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (Sket), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
- Head01 Sep 2009 - 31 Aug 2010 (Section On Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (Sket), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
- Member of supervision committee01 Jan 2009 - 31 Dec 2010 (University Malaya)
- Jawatankuasa Akademik Penerbit (Academic Member of the Publication Committee)UM01 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2010 (University Malaya)
- Jawatankuasa Mesyuarat Audit Prestasi Akademik (Committee Member for Audit)01 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2010 (University Malaya)
- Head01 Sep 2007 - 31 Aug 2009 (Section On Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (Sket), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
- Head15 Nov 2006 - 31 Aug 2007 (Section On Curricular, External Faculty Elective & Titas Course (Sket), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
- Appointment as Chief Managing Editor2013, IARS International Research Journal, (International)
- Letter of Commendation2013, SPELT Conference, (International)
- Certificate of Recognition (Enhancement Program for Research)2013, Faculty of Dentistry, (University)
- Pengisian Pencapaian Suku Tahun Pertama Kpi2012, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2011, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Recognition2011, University of Malaya, (University)
- Honorary Editor2011, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies (IJCCS), (International)
- Unicc2011, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, (International)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2009, Universiti Malaya
- Award for Excellent Service2008, University of Malaya, (National)
- Refereed Journal Publication Special Award2007, ,
- Toastmasters Badge2007, Toastmasters, (International)
- Honarary Membership Foundation of Endangered Languages2007, Foundation of Endangered Language, (International)
- Entry in Who's in Science and Engineering2007, Marquis Who's Who, America, (International)
- Linguapax Award 20072007, UNESCO BARCELONA, (International)
- Anugerah Khas Penerbitan Jurnal Terujuk (Special Award for Best Journal)2007, Universiti Malaya, (University)
- Perdana Research Foundation Research Scholar Grant 20072007, Perdana Foundation, (National)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2006, Universiti Malaya
- Bronze Award, Expo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Inovasi (Research and Innovation Expo)2006, University of Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2005, Universiti Malaya
- Khidmat Setia 20 Award2001, Universiti Malaya
Article in Journal
- David, M. K., & Manan, S. A. (2015). Language ideology and the linguistic landscape: a study in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Linguistics and the Human Sciences
- Ali, M., & David, M. K. (2013). Ensuring Community Participation through Communication and Information Sharing in NGOs Projects: A Case Study of a NGO in Pakistan. European Journal of Social Science, 40(4), 5- 12.
- Ali, M., & David, M. K. (2014 ). Communication Enhances Community Participation (CECP): A Testimony of a NGO in Malaysia. JATI, 18, 215-230.
- Ali, M., & David, M. K. (2014). A study of rape cases in Sindh, Pakistan. Violence and Victims (under review)
- Ali, M., & David, M. K. (2014). Importance of Communication and Community Participation in Development Projects; Focus on Role of NGOs in Malaysia. European Journal of Social Sciences 40(4),677-686.
- Ali, M., & David, M. K. (2014). Research Article on Conducting Research using KIIs Technique. Journal Manusia dan Masyarakat/Man and Society, 24.
- Ali, M., Baloch, G. M., & David, M. K. (2014). State of Reproductive Health in Pakistan and role of NGOs; A case study of a NGO (HANDS. European Journal of Scientific Research, 118(2), 212-219.
- Ali, M., David, M. K., & Baloch, G. M. (2014). Implication of Community Participation & Empowerment Theory in NGOs; a testimony on NGO (HANDS) in Pakistan. BUITEMS Journal of Social Sciences 1(1).
- Barzegar, E., & David, M. K. (2014). Attitudes of Iranian University Students towards New Persian Neologisms: A Sociolinguistic Study. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (under review).
- Barzegar, E., & David, M. K. (2014). The Significance of Euphony and Semantic Transparency in Word-selection. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences.
- David, M. K., & Manan, S. A. (2014). Non-Malaysian Languages in the linguistic landscape of Kuala Lumpur. Linguapax International,14-24. (Online)
- David, M. K., Ali, M., & Baloch, G. M. (2014). Language Shift or Maintenance: The Case of Sindhi Language in Pakistan. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (under review)
- David, M. K., Nambiar, M., & Thilagawathi, S. (2014). 'The Punjabi Sikh Community in Kuching: Assimilation or Enculturation? Journal of Sociolinguistics(awaiting review)
- David, M.K. & Richard Powell.(Guest Eds.) (2014). Preface: Language and Religion. International Journal of the Sociology of Language (IJSL)
- David, M.K., Dumanig,F., Abdul Latif Sukri Samsuri & Lumayag, L. (2014).Social Responsibility and Sustainability Programme: The Case of Malaysian Universities. CMU Journal of Science. Under Publication
- Dumanig, F. P., & David, M. K. (2014). Politeness Strategies and Address Forms used by Filipino Domestic Helpers in Addressing Their Malaysian Employers. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies.
- Hallajian, A., & David, M. K. (2014). "Hello and good day to you dear Dr. Greetings and closings in Supervisors-Supervisees Email Exchanges (awaiting review). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
- Manan, S. A., & David, M. K. (2014). Language management: a snapshot of governmentality within the private schools in Quetta, Pakistan. Language Policy (Comments actioned).
- Manan, S. A., & David, M. K. (2014). Language policies and language hierarchization: a sociolinguistic study of language attitudes in Pakistan. Sociolinguistic Studies(awaiting review)
- Manan, S. A., David, M. K., Dumanig, F. P., & Naqeebullah, K. (2014). Politics, Economics and Identity: Mapping the Linguistic Landscape of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International Journal of Multilingualism.
- Thuraisingam, T., Parvinder, K. H., David, M. K., & Nair, V. (2014). Research Culture of Private Universities in Malaysia: Using Contradictions in Activity Theory. JSSH 22(3).
- David, M. K., & Saeipoor, N. (2013). Effective teaching from Student Perspective. SPELT Quarterly 28(3).
- David, M.K. (2013). Feliciano Chimbutane: Rethinking Bilingual Education in Postcolonial Contexts(Book Review). Language Policy 11 (2): 197-199.
- Dumanig, F. P., David, M. K., & Shanmuganathan, T. (2013). Language Choice and Language Policies in Filipino- Malaysian Families in Multilingual Malaysia. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34(6), 582-596.
- Hei, K. C., David, M. K., & Kia, L. S. (2013). Politeness of Front Counter Staff of Malaysian Private Hospitals. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 13(1), 5-23.
- Manan, S. A., & David, M. K. (2013). Mapping ecology of literacies in educational setting: the case of local mother tongues vis- is Urdu and English languages in Pakistan. Language and Education 1-20.
- Thuraisingam,T., Hukam Parvinder,K., David M.K. and Nair, V.(2013). The Research Imperative of Private Universities in Malaysia: Using Contradictions in Activity Theory. The Journal of South East Asia Research Center for Communication & Humanities (SEARCH),5(1),1-20.
- Barzegar, M. and David M.K. 2012. Regional Variation and Persian Word-selection. Language and Translation Journal 3 (1).
- David, M. K.2012. Feliciano Chimbutane: Rethinking Bilingual Education in Postcolonial Contexts (review of the book Multilingual Matters by F. Chimbutane). Lang Policy, 12:197 199.
- David, M.K, Kuang Ching Hei and DeAlwis, C. 2012. Politeness Strategies in Openings and Closings of Service Encounters in Selected Malaysian Government Agencies. SEARCH: The Journal of the South East Asia Research centre for Communication and Humanities 4 (2): 61-76.
- David, M.K. & Dumanig,F. 2012. Discourse of Leader in an Academic Setting: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Email Messages. IARS' International Research Journal (I'IRJ)2(2). http://www.irj.iars.info/index.php
- David, M.K. 2012. Posh Talk and Identity in Higher Education by Sian Preece. Journal of Sociolinguistics (16) 1.pp. 108-110.
- David, M.K., DeAlwis,C., Dumanig, F.P., Gan, K.H.(2012.Synergy of Diversity Through Code Switching in a Malaysian Movie.Jati, Volume 17,235-249.
- David,M.K. DeAlwis, C. and Dumanig,F. 2012. Synergy of diversity through code switching in a Malaysian movie. JATI 17:255-270.
- Dumanig, F. & David, M.K. 2012. Thematic Progression of Malaysian and Philippine English Editorials: A Contrastive Analysis and Pedagogical Ramifications. SPELT Quarterly Journal 3 (3): 3-10.
- Dumanig, F., David, M.K. and Symaco, L. 2012. Competing Roles of the National Language and English in Malaysia and the Philippines: Planning, Policy and Use. Journal of International and Comparative Education, 2012 1(2):104-115.
- Dumanig, F.P., David, M.K., Jubilado, R. & Hanafi Hussin. 2012. Attribution Resulting in Miscommunication between Malaysian Employers and Filipino Domestic Helpers. SEARCH: The Journal of the South East Asia Research Centre for Communication and Humanities 4 (2): 1-20.
- Ponmalar, A and David, M.K. 2012. Factors Influencing the Perception of Sexual Harassment among Female Enployees in Malaysia. The Indian Journal of Social Work (IJSW)(forthcoming)
- Rani Rubdy, T. Ruanni F. Tupas, Corazon D. Villareal, Maya Khemlani David, Dumanig, Francisco. 2012. Review of doctoral research in English language education in the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia (2007- 2010).Language Teaching 45 (1) pp. 64-68.
- Yee, W.M.T., Alagappar, P.N., David, M.K. Yeok, N.M., Zainab Ishak and Li, M.L. 2012. Perceptions of Sexual Harassment-Focus on Malaysian Undergraduates. International Journal of Arts and Sciences (5)3. 299-306.
- Zahra Shirian Dastjerdi and David, M.K. 2012. A Survey of Opinions of ELLs on the Use of Action Research. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL:81-102.
- David, M. K. & McLellan, J. (Guest Eds.) (2011). Language and Religion. Multilingua
- David, M. K. & Yoong, D. (2011). Islamic Activism: Anti-Apostasy Propaganda in the Lina Joy Case. The Indian Journal of Social Work 72(2), 199-222.
- David, M. K. (2011). Extracting discourse norms from novels. Pratibimba 11(1). 24-32
- David, M.K. & Dumanig, F. 2011. Social Capital and Politeness Strategies in Fostering Ethnic Relations in Malaysia and the Philippines.IARS International Research Journal (I'IRJ)(1) 1.
- David, M.K. David and Ponmalar (2011). The Indians in Peninsular Malaysia: Assimilation or Enculturation? International Journal of Education and Social Sciences IJESS (in press).
- David, M.K. and Dumanig, F. 2011. National Unity in Multi-ethnic Malaysia: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Tun Dr. Mahathir s Political Speeches. RC25: Language, Discourse and Society.
- Dealwis, C. and David, M.K.2011.Language and Identity of Malay Teenage Mak Nyah (transvestites)in Kuching. JATI: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 15 (1)pp. 39-52.
- Dumanig, F. and David, M.K. (2011). Language Choice and Naming of Businesses as a Marketing Strategy: Focus on Malaysia and the Philippines. Language in India 11. pp 33-41
- Dumanig, F. and David, M.K. 2011. Analysis of form and content feedbacks in second language writing. SPELT Quarterly Journal 26 (4) pp. 2-9.
- Dumanig, F., David, M.K. and Dealwis, C. 2011. Conversion Narratives and Construction of Identity among Christians in Malaysia. Multilingua 30 (3-4):319- 331.
- Kuang, C. H., David, M. K., Lau, S. K. & Ang, P. S. (2011) Openings and closings in front counter transactions of Malaysian government hospitals. Search 3(1), 13-30
- Kuang, C.H., Wong, N.L., David, M.K. (2011). Communicating Disagreements among Malaysians: Verbal or Non-verbal? Language in India
- Ngeow, Y.M. Kuang, C.H. and David, M.K. 2011. Discourse, politeness and ethnic sensitivities.IARS International Research Journa1 (2).
- David, M.K.& Caesar,D (2010) 'Slumdog Millionaire' and Language Awareness. Language in India. (10) http://www.languageinindia.com
- Dealwis, C. & David, M. K. 2010). Varieties of Malay and other codes used by descendants of the early Telegu immigrants in Sarawak. Sarjana 25(2): 19-32
- Ponmalar & David, M.K. (2010) Factors influencing the perception of sexual harassment among female hotel employees in Malaysia? Indian Journal of Gender Studies (IJGS)(awaiting reviews)
- Ponmalar, N.A., & David, M.K. (2010) Representation of the Orang Asli Community in the Media. International Journal of Arts & Science, 3(8), p 90-107
- Wendy, Yee Mei Tien, Ponmalar, A & David, M.K. 2009. Filial Responsibility of Malaysian Youth Towards Elderly Parents. The Indian Journal of Social Work, 70 (4): 647-664. ISI (ISI-Cited Publication)
- David, M. K & Wendy, Y. (2009). Conceptualization of Nationalism Through Language An Analysis of a Malaysian Situation. Language in India 9(1), 303 - 316. http://www.languageinindia.com/jan2009/mayanotionalism alaysia.html.
- David, M.K. & Dealwis, C. (2009). Reasons for Assimilation: Focus on the Indian Muslims in Kuching, Malaysia. Migracijske i etni teme 25(1-2). 35-48
- David, M.K. (2009). Discourse Strategies and Politeness in Academic Discourse. http://samaraaltlinguo.narod.ru/ejournal/ej4.html
- David, M.K. (2009). Language in the Media (Book Review). Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 30(2), 181-182.
- David, M.K., Yee, M.T., Ngeow, Y.M. & Gan, K.H. (2009). Language Choice and Code Switching of the Elderly and the Youth. The International Journal of Socio Linguistics, 200 (2009), 49 74. (Non-ISI/Non- SCOPUS Cited Publication)
- David,M.K. & Francisco,C. and Paolo,C. (2009). Language Policies Impact on Language Maintenance and Teaching: Focus on Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines. The Linguistic Journal. pp.155-191
- Kuang, C.H. & M.K. David (2009). Identities Reflected in the Discourses of Male speakers: A Malaysian Chinese Perspective. Language in India. http://www.languageinindia.com/jan2009/mayanotion alismalaysia.html.
- Language choice and code switching of the elderly and the youth. (2009). Co-authored with Maya David, Wendy Yee and Gan Kah Hui. In International Journal of the Sociology of Language vol. 200: Social Aging and Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp.49-74. ISSN:0165-2516.
- Menon, D. & David, M. 2009. English Language Skills for Law: A Malaysian Case Study. In Curriculum, Multilingualism and the Law:Studies in Legal Linguistics. Nakladni zavod Globus, Zagreb , Croatia .
- Menon, D. & Maya, D. (2009) Teaching English Language Skills for Law: A Malaysian Case Study. Language in India. (9) 390-399
- Ponmalar N. A.,David, M. K. & Sri Kumar Ramayan. (2009). Representation of a Minority Community in a Malaysian Tamil Daily. Language in India. (9)128-148. http://www.languageinindia.com/jan2009/mayanotion alismalaysia.html.
- Ponmalar, A. & David, M.K. (2009). Representation of a minority community in a Local Daily Newspaper. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. (9) 421-435
- Ponmalar,A., Wendy, Yee M.T. & David, M.K. (2009). The Attitude of Malaysian Students in Public and Private Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) Towards the Elderly. International Scope Review
- Svetlana I. Harnish, David, M.K. & Francisco, P.D. (2009). Crosstalk and Communication Breakdown in Professional Interactions in English. In Language in India, (9) 421-435. http://www.languageinindia.com
- David, M. K, Wendy, Y.& Ainun Rozana Mohd. Zain. (2009). Cooperative Learning in Developing Language and Communication Skills. Journal of Pratibimba, 9(1), 35 46. India: Institue of Management & Information Science (IMIS). (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
- David, M.K. & Dealwis, C. (2008). Why shift? Focus on sabah and Sarawak. Suvremena Linguistika. 34(66), p.p.261-276.
- David, M.K. (2008). Analysing Cultural Norms through Literary Texts: A Pedagogical Approach. BOCA Linguistic Journal 1(2), 23-40.
- David, M.K. (2008). Language Choice of Urban Sino - Indians In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Migracijske I etnicke teme 24, 3: 217-233
- David, M.K. (2008). Teaching Methodology: Use of Dual Coding in Vacabulary Teaching? Journal of Communication Practices. 5(1)
- David,M.K. & Francisco, P.D. (2008). Nativization of English in Malaysia and the Philippines as seen in English Dailies. Philippines Journal of Linguistic (PJL). 67-80
- Kuang, Ching Hei and David, Maya Khemlani (2008) The Phenomenon of Intermixing Languages in Emails: Roles and Functions. Pratibimba The Journal of IMIS (Institute of Management & Information Science, Bhubaneswar) Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2008 pp 55-61 (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)
- Caesar Dealwis & David M.K.(2007), Shy Speakers: Hearing their Voices. Migracijske I etnicke teme 1-2, 51- 64.
- David, M. K. & Kuang, C. H.(2007).Deconstructing and Reconstructing Images of the Older Woman. Biannual Journal Of Gender & Social Issues. 4:1-2, 1-18.
- David, M. K. and Faridah Noor. (2007). Anak Bapak: Persepsi Tentang Lelaki yang Dicerminkan dalam Peribahasa Melayu. Dewan Bahasa, March.
- David, M.K & Ceasar Dealwis (2007). Close and Dense Networks: Do They Lead to Maintenance of the Ethnic Language? Focus on the Telegu Community in Kuching, Sarawak, Migracijske I etnicke teme 22:4, 343-361
- David, M.K & Ngeow Y.M. (2007). "Gender Stereotypes in Malaysian Parliamentary Debates". http://www.samaraaltlinguo.narod.ru.html
- David, M.K. & Yoong, David.(2007). Constructive Communication in Marriage and the Family. Lagos Papers in English Studies Vol. 1: 130-144
- David, M.K. (2007). Book Review. Journal of Multicultural Discourses. 2(1) 78-82.
- David, M.K. and Zuraidah Mohd Dom (2007). A Plea for the Use of Authentic Data in the ESP Classroom Journal of Communication Practices. 4:1
- David, M. K. (2006). Budaya dalam Bahasa. March 2006. Dewan Bahasa, 34-38.
- David, M. K. (2006). Communication Patterns between Grandparents and Grandchildren: Focus on the Malaysian Punjabi Sikh Community. Jurnal Bahasa Jendela Alam 4, 460-469.
- David, M. K. (2006). Preface. Multilingua (Special issue: Spoken discourse in Malaysia) 25(1-2). 1-7
- David, M. K., Jariah Mohd Jan, Kow, Y. C. and Yoong, S. C. (2006). Function and Role of Laughter in Malaysian Womens and Men's Talk. Multilingua 25(1-2), 77-99.
- David, M.K. (2006). Review " Generations in Touch: Linking the Old and Young in a Tokyo Neighbourhood by L.L.Thang." Journal of Teaching in Marriage and Family 6, 542-547
- Kuang, C. H., David, M. K. and Zuraidah Mohd Don (2006). Requests: Voices of Malaysian Children. Multilingua 25, 27-42.
- Yoong, S. C. and David, M. K. (2006). Talking to Older Malaysians: A Case Study. Multilingua 25, 165-182.
- David, M. K. (2005). Communication between Grandparents and Grandchildren: Focus on Malaysian Sindhis. The International Scope Review 6(11). http://www.socialcapital-foundation.org/journal/volume%201999/issue2/David.htm
- David, M. K. (2005). Cultural Capsules and Reading Texts. TEFLIN Journal 16:2 ,214-228 .
- David, M. K. (2005). Komunikasi Orang Sindhi di Malaysia. Dewan Bahasa, September 2005, 54-58.
- David, M. K. (2005). Spoken Discourse and Cultural Capsules-Triggers to Cross-Cultural Language Awareness. Jurnal Peradaban Melayu 3, 15-26.
- David, M. K. , C. H. (2005). Requests and Cultural Norms. Journal of Communication Practices 2 (1), 95-110.
- Govindasamy, S. & David, M.K. (2005). Word Order Analysis of English. Australian Language and Literacy Matters 2(3), 13-20.
- Kuang, C. H. , David, M. K. (2005). The Power of Vocabulary: Deconstructing Images of the Older Woman. Journal of Communication Practices 2 (1), 75-94.
- David, M. K. (2004). Connections Between Text and Talk. Hwa Kang Journal of TEFL 10, 83-96.
- David, M. K. (2004). Feedback and Introspection: Vital Language Learning and Teaching Tools. SPELT Quarterly 18(1), 1-10.
- David, M. K. (2004). Language Policy Changes in Multiracial Malaysia: Effects and Coping Strategies. Studies in Foreign Language Education 18, 33-50.
- David, M. K. (2004). Relational and Power Concerns for Language Teachers. Philippine Journal for Language Teaching 43, 37-50.
- David, M. K. (2004). Strengths in Immigrant Family Communication: Focus on Malaysian Sindhis. The International Scope Review.
- David, M. K. and Zuraidah Mohd. Don (2004). Deconstructing Advertisements: Uncovering Ideological Bias. Literacy Across Cultures 12(2), 2-9.
- David, M.K. (2004) Representation of Sociolinguistic Realities in Language Teaching.Journal of Communication Practices 1:1
- Govindasamy S. and David, M. K. (2004). Pengaruh Budaya Gender dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa. Dewan Bahasa. November 2004.
- Govindasamy, S. and David, M. K. (2004). Creating Language Awareness: Role and Function of Discourse Devices in Reading Texts. Australian Language and Literacy Matters 1(4), 5-10.
- David, M. K, Ibtisam, N. and Sheena Kaur. (2003). The Punjabi Community in the Klang Valley, Malaysia- Language Maintenance or Language Shift? International Journal of the Sociology of Language 161, 1-20.
- David, M. K. (2003). Discourse Norms: Compliments in Multilingual Malaysia. Language and International Communication 1, 95-104. ISSN 01652516
- David, M. K. (2003). Language Maintenance or Language Shift in a Rural Malaysian Setting? Urdu in Machang, Kelantan. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 161, 47-54.
- David, M. K. (2003). Role and functions of code switching in Malaysian courtrooms. Multilingua 22(1), 5-20
- David, M. K. and Faridah Noor (2003). Parental Responsibilities as Represented in Malay Proverbs. Journal of Modern Languages 15, 85-104.
- Kow, Y. C. and David, M. K. (2003). The Multilingual Matrix of Malaysian Newspapers. In Australian Language Matters 2(2), 3-4.
- Maya Khemlani David & Faridah Noor Mohd. Noor. (2003). Role Of Parents As Represented In Malay Proverbs Journal Of Modern Languages 15
- Naji, I. and David, M. K (2003). Markers of Ethnic Identity: Focus on the Malaysian Tamil Community. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 161, 91-102.
- Zuraidah M. D. and David, M. K. (2003). Gendered Discourse: Ramifications for English Language Teaching. Australian Language Matters 1(4), 2-9.
- David M. K. & Govindasamy, S. (2002). Communicative Strategies and Cross-cultural Awareness: Core Components for Business English. Teaching English for International Business 1(2), 50-59.
- David, M. K. (2002). Mengajar Pembacaan Melalui Bahasa Ibunda: Satu Rasional. Dewan Bahasa 1(6), 51-54.
- David, M. K. (2002). Stop Talking, Start Listening: Role of Feedback in Improving Teaching. ACELT Journal 1(1), 40-46.
- Govindasamy, S. & David M. K (2002). Biodata of Conference Presenters: Empowering and Disenfranchising Features. Estudios de Linguistica Aplicada 35(20), 29-42.
- David, M. K. (2001). The Sindhis of London: Language Maintenance or Language Shift? Migracijske I etnicke Teme 3, 215-238.
- David, M. K. and Pratheepa Mohandas. (2001). Different strokes: Variations on a Theme. Estudios de Linguistica Aplicada 34, 29-36.
- David, M. K., Rosli Talif, Jariah Mohd. Jan, E. Chelliah, S. Sudandarambal. (2001). Gender Differences in Response to Texts. The English Teacher 30, 67-74.
- Govindasamy S. and David, M. K. (2001). Flow of Thought in Texts: Discourse Devices as Signals in Journalistic Writing. Jurnal Pembacaan 4, 74-93.
- David, M. K. (2000). Sapaan di Malaysia yang Berbilang Bahasa. Dewan Bahasa 2(3), 28-33.
- David, M. K. (2000). The Sindhis of Singapore: Language Maintenance or Language Shift? Migracijske Teme 16(3), 271-288.
- David, M. K. (2000). The Status and Role of English in Malaysia: Ramifications for English Language Teaching. English Australia 18, 141-50.
- David, M. K. and Lynne Norazit (2000). Selection of Reading Texts: Moving Beyond Content Schema. Literacy Across Cultures 4(1), 11-17.
- David, M. K. and Naji, I. (2000). Do Minorities Have to Abandon Their Languages? A Case Study of the Malaysian Tamils. The International Scope Review.http://www.socialcapital-foundation.org/journal/volume%201999/issue2/David.htm
- David, M. K. (1999). Acquiring Communicative Competence in the Reading Classroom. Literacy Across Cultures 3(1), 16-20.
- David, M. K. (1999). Language Maintenance or Language Shift-Sindhis in Malaysia? Jurnal Bahasa Moden 12, 135-146.
- David, M. K. (1999). Mengetahui Kebudayaan Dunia dan Cara Bertutur Melalui Teks Bacaan. Jurnal Dewan Bahasa 43(4), 367-72.
- David, M. K. (1999). Trading in an Intercultural Context: The Case of Malaysia. http://www.socialcapital-foundation.org/journal/volume%201999/issue2/David.htm
- David, M. K. and Faridah, N. (1999). Language Maintenance or Language Shift in the Portuguese Settlement of Malacca in Malaysia? Migracijske teme 15(4), 465-481.
- David, M. K. and Kuang, C. H. (1999). Interethnic Variations in the Use of Directives in Malaysia. The Hong Kong Linguist 19-20, 36-44.
- Maya Khemlani David And Faridah Noor Mohd.Noor Language Maintenance Or Language Shift In The Portuguese Settlement Of Malacca In Malaysia, Migracijske Teme: A Journal For Migration And Ethnic Studies Journal (Indexed In Sociological Abstracts, Inc., (San Diego, Usa, International Bibliography Of The Social Sciences (London, UK) And Remisis Revue Bibliographique Sue Les Migrations Internationales (Paris, France) 15 4 Disember 1999
- David, M. K. (1998). Language Shift, Cultural Maintenance and Ethnic Identity: A Study of a Minority Community: The Sindhis of Malaysia. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 130, 67-76.
- David, M. K. (1996). Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Relationships: A North/South Indian Perspective as Seen in Sindhi and Tamil Proverbs. Journal of the Malaysian Modern Language Association 1, 73-80.
- Jariah Mohd Jan and David, M.K. (1996). Oral Skills: A Need for Acceptance of L1 Cultural Norms. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities 4, 11-19.
- David,M. and Taib, Fauziah. 1995. Core Component In Business English: A Cultural Awareness. Language Reporter 10/2
- Lim, S.L. and David, M. K. (1995). Building Self-esteem of Teacher Trainees: Awareness of Communicative Abilities. The English Teacher 24, 22-35.
- David, M. K. (1993). Kaedah Pengajaran, Pembacaan yang Berkesan: Membaca Secara Kuat atau Membaca dengan Senyap. Jurnal Pembacaan 2, 64-68.
- David, M. K. (1990). The Bell Tolls for Communicative Language Teaching. The English Teacher 19, 73-80.
- Azirah Hashim, M.K. David and James Mclellan (Eds.) 2011. Text, Discourse and Society: Functional and Pragmatic Approaches to Language in Use. Frankfurt: Peter Lang (Scopus)
- Lean, M.L, M.K. David, Ngeow, Y.M (Eds.) (2011). Bridging the Gap of Cross-Cultural Communication. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
- David, M.K. & Lean, M.L. 2010 (eds). Life of Senior Citizens. Bangi: Gerontological Association of Malaysia (GEM)
- David, M.K. (2010) Leadership Discourse of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. Shah Alam: UPENA.
- M. K. David, J. McLellan. Y.M. Ngeow, M.L. Lean & M.T. Yee (eds.) 2010. Ethnic Relations and Nation Building. Petaling Jaya: SIRD
- M.K. David, et.al (Eds.)2009. Code-Switching in Malaysia. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- David, M.K. (2008), Alagappar. P and Yee.W (2008) Malaysian Youth: Filial Responsibility & Attitudes towards the Elderly. Bangi: Gerontological Association of Malaysia (GEM)
- David,M.K. Govindasamy, S and V.Kumar (2008) A Guide to Supervision Serdang, Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
- M. K. David & K. Kow. (Eds.) (2008). Politeness in Malaysian Family Discourse. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press
- David, M. K (2007) (ed.)Language and Human Rights. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press. p.p 145-163.
- David, M. K. (2007). A Guide for the English Language Teacher: A Malaysian Perspective. Petaling Jaya: SIRD.
- Ashraf Rizvi, E. Afendras and M.K. David (2006)(eds) Business Communication: Challenges and Prospects. New Dehli: Paragon International.
- David, M. K. (Panel of writers) (2006). Kamus Mah-Meri-Melayu-Inggeris/A Mah Meri-Malay-English Dictionary. Kuala Lumpur: Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya.
- Kuang C. H., & David, M. K. (2006). Writing the Research Paper. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press.
- M. K. David (ed.) (2006). Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: SIRD.
- M. K. David, Ain Nadzimah Abdullah and Hafriza B. (eds.) (2006). The Power of Language and the Media. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- M.K. David. 2004 (ed). Teaching English In Second Language Settings : Focus on Malaysia Frankfurt: Peter Lang (Scopus)
- M. K. David (ed.) (2002). Methodological and Analytical Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- M. K. David and Fatimah Hashim (eds) (2002). Developing Reading Skills. Kuala Lumpur: Melta-Sasbadi.
- David, M. K. (2001). The Sindhis of Malaysia: A Sociolinguistic Account. London: Asean
- M. K. David, Tunku Mohani and Fatimah Haroun (eds.) (2000). English in Challenging Times. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association.
- M.K. David (ed.) (1996). Innovations in Approaches to the Teaching and Learning of English. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association.
- David, M. K. (1994). Easy Malay for Tourists. Shah Alam: Federal Publications Sdn. Bhd.
- Hyacinth Gaudart and M. K. David (eds) (1993). Towards More Effective Learning & Teaching of English. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association.
- Jamaliah Mohd. Ali, M. K. David, Faridah Pawan, Norazit, L., Shahril Marzuki(eds)(1992). Proceedings on Literacy in Asian Societies. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Reading Association and The International Development in Asia Committee International Reading Association.
Chapter in Books
- Dumanig, F., & David, M. K. (2014). Miscommunication in Malaysian-Filipino Interactions: Intercultural Discourse in English. In Hajar Abdul Rahim & Shakila Abdul Manan (Eds.), English in Malaysia: Post Colonial and Beyond. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. pp. 251-276.
- Mei Li Lean and David, M.K. (January 2014). Media Discourse as a Double-Edged Sword in Ethnic Integration: Press as Jekyll or Hyde? (Book chapter in Why Discourse Matters: Negotiating Identity in the Mediatized World. By M.W. Kopytowska & Y. Kalyango Jr.) The book will be published by Peter Lang Publishing in January 2014
- David, M. K., & Mclellan, J. (2013). Political, Educational and Socioeconomic Motivations for Language Shift in Multilingual Malaysia. In P. Sercombe (Ed.), Language, Identities and Education in Southeast Asia: Language Contact, Assimilation and Shift in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Singapore(Chapter 7). Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- David, M. K., & Saeipoor, N. (2013). Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: Validity Enhancement in Two Research Cases. In S. H. B. A. Bakar & M. R. Islam (Eds.), Qualitative Research: Tools and Techniques. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
- David, M. K. 2012. Learning Cultural Norms of Discourse through Text. In Zuraidah Mohd. Don (ed.).English in Multicultural Malaysia: Pedagogy and Applied Research. Kuala Lumpur: UM Press.179-194.
- David, M.K. 2012. Language Policy in Malaysia. In Kingsley Bolton and Azirah Hashim (eds.). English in Malaysia: Language and Literature. Hongkong University Press. (forthcoming)
- Dealwis, C., David, M.K. and Dumanig, F.P. 2012. Contested identity: The transvestites in Malaysia. In Celine-Marie Pascale (ed.) Inequality & The Politics of Representation: A Global Landscape. Sage Publication: 243-254.
- David, M. K., Caesar D and Ponmalar Alagappar. 2011 Ethnic Identity in the Tamil Community of Kuching In Dipika, M & David, M.K. (eds). Speaking in Many Tongues Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities and the Effects of National Language Planning. IIAS/ICAS Publications Series: Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press pp. 43-58.
- David, M.K. (2011). Discourse Analysis. In Azirah Hashim, M K David and James Mcllellan (eds). Text, Discourse and Society. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- David, M.K. (2011). [ASIA] Threatened Languages in Southeast Asia: Focus on Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines. In Josep Cru i Lachman Khubchandani (ed.) pp. 88-99. Linguapax Review 2010. Centre UNESCO de Catalunya, Barcelona.
- David, M.K. and Caesar, D. 2011. Do Exogamous Marriages Result in Language Shift? Focus on the Sindhis of Kuching, Malaysia. In Dipika, M & David, M.K. (eds). Speaking in Many Tongues Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities and the Effects of National Language Planning. IIAS/ICAS Publications Series: Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press. pp.59-70.
- David, M.K. and Ceasar, D. 2011. Language and Identity: Childeren of Indian Bidayuh Mixed Marriages. In Dipika, M & David, M.K. (eds). Speaking in Many Tongues Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities and the Effects of National Language Planning. IIAS/ICAS Publications Series: Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press. pp. 101-114
- David, M.K. and Kuang, C.H. 2011. Empowering Self- Disclouse: Life Accounts of Malaysian and Singaporean grandparents:In Kalyani K.M. and leng Leng Thang (eds.The Netherlands. Springer.
- David, M.K. and McLellan, J. 2011. Code Shifting and Switching: A Lingua Franca in Multilingual Malaysia? Purnima Singh, Paul Bain, Leong Chan-Hoong, Girishwar Misra, Yohsuke Ohtsubo (eds.): In Identity, Multiculturalim and Changing Societies: Psychological, Group and Cultural Processes. Asian Social Psychology Series Volume 8. United Kingdom. MacMillan.
- David, M.K.(2011). The Functions and Role of Code- Switching in the Malaysian Sindhis Community. In M. Boivin and M. A.Cook (Eds). Interpreting the Sindhi World: Essays on Culture and History. Karachi: Oxford University Press. (ISI)
- Dipika, M. & David, M.K. (eds.) 2011. Introduction: Language Policies at Variance with Language Use in Multilingual Malaysia. In Mukherjee, D & David, M.K. (eds) National Language Planning and Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities: Speaking in Many Tongues. Amsterdam: IIAS/Amsterdam University Press. pp. 13-22.
- Dumanig, Francisco and David, Maya Khemlani. 2011. Language Use and Bilingual Consumers: Analysis of Print Advertisement in Multilingual Malaysia. In Lean, M.L, M.K. David, Ngeow, Y.M (eds.). Bridging the Gap of Cross-Cultural Communication. pp.217-226. Kuala Lumpur. University of Malaya Press.
- Dumanig, Francisco and David, Maya Khemlani. 2011. Malaysian-Filipino couples and Language Choice: International language or heritage language?. In D. Mukerjee and M.K. David (eds). National language planning and language shifts in Malysian Minority communities: Speaking in many tongues: Language shifts in Malaysian minority communities and the effects of national language planning. pp. 71-86. Amsterdam University Press:Amsterdam.
- Elham. S & David, M.K. (2011) Communication Strategies in Social Interaction between Arab and Iranian Postgraduate Students. In Lean, M.L, M.K. David, Ngeow, Y.M (eds.). Bridging the Gap of Cross-Cultural Communication pp. 3-18. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press
- Gan, K.H. & David, M.K. (2011) Cross-Cultural Differences in Media Representation of a Sensitive Issue. In Lean, M.L, M.K. David, Ngeow, Y.M (eds.). Bridging the Gap of Cross-Cultural Communication. pp. 227-236 Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
- K hner-Ober, Renate, Dipika,M & David, M.K. 2011. Conclusions: Multilinguality in the Malaysian Context of Nation-Building and Globalisation. In Dipika, M & David, M.K. (eds). Speaking in Many Tongues Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities and the Effects of National Language Planning. IIAS/ICAS Publications Series: Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press. pp.173-184.
- Ngeow, Y.M & David, M.K. (2011) Name Calling in Malaysian Parliamentary Sittings. In Lean, M.L, M.K. David, Ngeow, Y.M (eds.). Bridging the Gap of Cross- Cultural Communication pp. 91-108. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press
- Ponmalar N.A. and David, M.K. 2011. Awareness of sexual harassment among female employees in Malaysia. In Sandip Anand (ed.)Orissa, India: Macmillan.
- Powell, R. and David, M.K. 2011. Language Alternation in Kenyan and Malaysian Courts. In A. Wagner (ed.) Explorations on Courtroom Discourse. pp. 227-250 Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.
- Wendy, Y.M.T & David, M.K. (2011) Pedagogy for Better Inter-Ethnic Interaction in Multilingual Malaysia. In Lean, M.L, M.K. David, Ngeow, Y.M (eds.). Bridging the Gap of Cross-Cultural Communication pp.141-154. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press
- Caesar, D. & David, M.K. (2010). In Search of an Identity: Children of Indian-Bidayuh Mixed Marriages. In M.K. David, et. al. (eds). Ethnic Relations and Nation Building. Petaling Jaya: SIRD. 145-162
- David, M.K. & Wendy, Yee, M.T (2010). Perceptions of Ethnic Otherness: A Study of Malaysian Children. In M.K. David, et. al. (eds). Ethnic Relations and Nation Building. Petaling Jaya: SIRD. 183-200
- David, M.K. (2010). Social Capital and Common Ground for Fostering Ethnic Relations. In M.K. David, et. al. (eds). Ethnic Relations and Nation Building. Petaling Jaya: SIRD. 35-46
- David, M.K.(2010). Empowering Self-Disclosure: The Post-Retiree Life Accounts of Malaysian Senior Citizens. In M.K.David & M.L.Lean (eds). Life of Senior Citizens. Bangi: Gerontological Association of Malaysia (GEM). pp.53-70
- Ngeow, Y.M., Kuang, C.H. & David, M.K. (2010). Politeness and Ethnic Sensitivities in the Malaysian Parliament. In M.K. David, et. al. (eds). Ethnic Relations and Nation Building. Petaling Jaya: SIRD. 233-252
- Richard Powell & M.K. David (2010) Language Alternation in Kenyan & Malaysian Courts. In Anne Wagner and Vijay K. Bhatia (eds). Explorations on Courtroom Discourse: Power and Control in and behind Language. Surrey, U.K: Ashgate (in press)
- David, M.K, S, McLellan, J. Kuang, C.H. & Ain Nadzimah Abdullah. (2009). 'Code-switching practices in newspaper headlines in Malaysia: A 50-year comparative study'. In M.K. David et.al (Eds.), Studies of code-switching in Malaysia. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 179-202 (Scopus)
- David, M.K. (2009). Moving beyond schema: Selecting texts for EFL readers. In Andrzej Cirocki (ed.). Extensive Reading in English Language Teaching. Polish Scientific Publishers PWN. Poland. 171-178. (Scopus)
- David, M.K. and C. Dealwis (2009) Language Choice, Code switching and Language Shift: The Telegus of Kuching. In M.K. David, James McLellan, Shameem Rafik- Galea and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (eds). Code- Switching in Malaysia. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 61-80. (Scopus)
- David, M.K. and Lim C.Y. (2009) Language choices of Malaysian youth in and out of the classroom. In M.K. David, James McLellan, Shameem Rafik-Galea and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (eds). Code-Switching in Malaysia. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 97-108. (Scopus)
- David, M.K. and Yoong, D. (2009). Applying Knowledge of Psycholinguistics in Language Teaching and Learning. In M. Vyas (ed). Teaching English as a second language: A new pedagogy for a new century (pp. 221-235). New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt Ltd
- David, M.K. and Yoong, D. (2009). Code switching: Talking down to older people? In Eva Lavric, Fiorenza Fischer, Carmen Konzett, Julia Kuhn and Holger Wochele (eds.). People, products, and professions: Choosing a name, choosing a language (pp. 33-46). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
- David, M.K. et al. (2009) Functions of code switching in the family domain in Malaysia. In M.K. David, James McLellan, Shameem Rafik-Galea and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (eds). Code-Switching in Malaysia. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. 3-28. (Scopus)
- David, M.K.& Francisco, P.D (2009). Learning about cross-cultural encounters: Authentic texts in extensive reading (ER) programmes at university level. In Andrzej Cirocki (ed). Extensive Reading in English Language Teaching. Muenchen: LINCOM GmbH. 483-502
- David, M.K.(2009). Relational and Power Concerns for ESP Teachers. In Sabiha Mansoor (Ed). Emerging Issues in TEFL, Challenges for Asia. OUP: Karachi. (ISI)
- David, Maya Khemlani and Yoong, David (2009). Code Switching in Eldercare. In Maya Khemlani David, James McLellan and Ain N. Abdullah (eds.). Code switching in Malaysia (pp. 135-168). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
- David,M.K. (2009). The Sindhi Hindus of Ilford, United Kingdom and Language Choice. In Rohani,M.Y., Noor Hasnoor, M.N. and Muhamad Aidi, M.Y. Segunung Budi Selautan Kenangan. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya. p.p.126-151.
- Menon, D & David, M.K. (2009). English Language Skills for Law: A Malaysian Case Study. In Lelija, Socanac, Christopher Goddard & Ludger, Kremer.(eds). Curriculum, Multilingualism and the Law (Language and Law - Studies in Legal Linguistics). Zagreb, Croatia: Nakladni zavod Globus. 291-306
- Mukherjee, Dipika & David, Maya Khemlani (2009). Adaptation or Integration? Language Choice in Malaysian Indian Communities. In: Granic, Jagoda (ed.). Jezicna politika i jezicna stvarnost / Language
- Svetlana I. Harnisch & M.K. David (2009) Crosstalk in Multilingual Interactions Among Non-Native Speakers of English. In Manish Vyas (ed). ELT book. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt Ltd. 421-435
- David, M. K. (ed.) (2008). Politeness in Intergenerational Malaysian Sindhi Discourse: An Accommodation Perspective. Politeness in Malaysian Family Discourse. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press.
- David, M. K. and Yong J. (2008). Gendered Self- representations: How the World s Successful Women and Men Speak in Journalistic Interviews. A. Lin (ed). Symbolic Struggles Problematizing Identity. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. (ISI)
- David, M.K. (2008). Vindri of Kuala Lumpur. In K. Mehta & A. Singh (Eds.) Indian Diaspora - Voices of the Diasporic Elders in Five Countries. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (107-122)
- David, M.K. 2008. Language Policies - Impact on Language Maintenance and Teaching. Focus on Malaysia, Singapore and The Philippines. In T. de Graaf, N. Ostler & R. Salverda (Eds). Endangered Languages and Language Learning. Bath & Leeuwarden: F.E.L. & Fryske Akademy. (79-86)
- Caesar Dealwis & David, M. K. (2007)(eds). Sensitivity to Code Selected for Discourse: Focus on the Bidayuhs in Kampung Bogag, Bau District, Sarawak. In M.K David, N. Ostler & C. Dealwis,(eds) Working Together for Endangered Languages: Research Challenges and Social Impacts. FEL, Bath, 56-64.
- David M.K. (2007)(eds). Use of Authentic Data in the Speaking Classroom. In Hemamala Ratwatte & Sreemali Herath, English in the Multilingual Environment. Colombo,Slelta. 111-124.
- David, M. K. and Baatinathan, P. (2007). Interpreters in the Malaysian Courtroom: A Language and Human Rights Perspective. In M. K. David (ed.) Language and Human Rights. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press. p.p 192- 214.
- David, M. K. and McLellan, J. (2007). Nativized Varieties of English in News Reports in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. In A. Kirkpatrick, D. Prescott, I. Martin and A. Hashim (eds.) Englishes in South East Asia. Cambridge, UK:CambridgeScholars Press. P.p 93-117.
- David, M. K. and Yoong, D. (2007). Elderspeak: Deprivation of Linguistic Human Rights?. In M. K. David (ed.)Language and Human Rights. Serdang: Universiti Putra Press. p.p 145-163.
- David, M.K. and Subragovindasamy, S. (2005). The Construction of National Identity and Globalization in Multilingual Malaysia in Amy Tsui and James W. Tollefson (eds.)Language Policy, Culture, and Identity in Asian Contests. Lawrence Erlbaum:New Jersey. Chapter 4, pp55-72. (ISI)
- McLellan, J. and David, M. K. (2007). A Review of Code-Switching Reseach in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. In A. Kirkpatrick, D. Prescott, I. Martin and A. Hashim (eds.) Englishes in South East Asia. Cambridge, UK:CambridgeScholarsPress.
- David, M. K. (2006). Consciousness Raising of Communicative Strategies-Building Self-Esteem of Teacher Trainees. In Zainuri Loap Ahmad, et.al. (eds.). Teaching and Learning of English as a Second Language (pp.43-52). Tanjung Malim, Perak: Penerbit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. ISBN 783-2620-82-1
- David, M. K. (2006). Language choice in Sindhi families. (pp 3-21)In M. K. David (eds). Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: SIRD.
- David, M. K. (2006). Media Framing of a Rape and Murder of a Child in English Dailies in Malaysia. In M.K. David, Hafriza Burhanudeen and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (eds.). Language and the Media (pp. 22-36). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- David, M. K. (2006). Negociando Una Pol ca Del Lenguaje Para La Malasia Independiente. In R. Terborg (ed.). Los retos de la planificaci n del lenguaje en el siglo XXI (pp. 59-76). M co, DF:. Centro de Ense anza de Lenguas Extranjeras/ UNAM.
- David, M. K. (2006). Preface ix-xvi. In M. K. David (eds). Language Choices and Discourse of Malaysian Families: Case Studies of Families in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Jaya: SIRD.
- David, M. K. (2006). Relational and Power Concerns in Professional Communication. Rizvi, M. A., Afendras, E. and M.K. David (eds.). Professional Communication. New Dehli: Paragon International.
- David, M. K. and Kuang, C. H. (2006). Revisioning Aging: A Semiotic Analysis of a New Magazine. In M.K. David, Hafriza Burhanudeen and Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (eds.). The Power of Language and the Media (pp. 61- 69). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- David, M. K. (2005). Action Research and Use of Authentic Data for the ESP Practitioner: Code-Switching in Malaysian Courtrooms In D. T. Dayg & J. S. Quakenbush (ed). Linguistics and language education in the Philippines and beyond: A festschrift in Honor of Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista (pp. 281-304). Manila, Philippines: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
- David, M. K. (2005). Contesting Discourse on National Unity in Multiracial Malaysia. In Azirah Hashim and Norizah Hassan (eds.) Varieties of English in Southeast Asia and Beyond. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. (pp 55-64)
- David, M. K. (2005). Goal: Oracy? Use of Authentic Discourse. Subramaniam, Ganakumaran and Shahizah Ismail Hamdan (eds.). Oracy in Focus (pp. 20-34). Kuala Lumpur: Sasbadi-MELTA.
- David, M.K. and Govindasamy, S. (2005). Negotiating a Language Policy for Malaysia: Local Demand for Affirmative Action Versus Challenges from Globalization. In S. Canagarajah (ed.). Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice (pp. 123-146). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates. (ISI)
- Kuang, C. H. , M. K. (2005). Reconstructing Images of the Older Woman: Asian Western Perspectives. In Wu Zongjie, Fang Fan and Zhao Weili (eds.). Cultural Diversity of Discourse: Facilitate Coexistence and Harmony (pp. 40-53).
- Zuraidah Mohd Don and David, M. K. (2005). The Testing of Literacy Skills in an ESL Environment. In Chan S. H. (ed.). ELT Concerns in Assessment (pp. 111-126). Kuala Lumpur: Melta-Sasbadi.
- Zuraidah Mohd Don and David, M. K. 2005. The Testing of Literacy Skills in an ESL Environment. Chan S. H. (ed.). ELT Concerns in Assessment (pp. 111-126). Kuala Lumpur: Melta-Sasbadi.
- David M. K. (2004). Language Policies in a Multilingual Nation: Focus on Malaysia. In M. K. David (ed.). Teaching of English in Second and Foreign Language Settings: Focus on Malaysia (pp. 1-15). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- David, M. K. (2004). Language Policy in Malaysia: Empowerment or Disenfranchisement? In Sabiha Mansoor, Shaheen Meraj and Aliya Tahir (eds.), Language Policy Planning and Practice: A South Asian Perspective (pp. 79-90). Karachi: Aga Khan University Oxford University Press. (ISI)
- David, M. K. and Zuraidah M. D. (2004). Analysis and Use of Advertisements in the Language Classroom. In Shameem Rafiq (ed.), Analysis and Use of Advertisements in the Language Classroom (pp. 208-225). Kuala Lumpur, Melta-Sasbadi.
- David, M. K. and Zuraidah M. D. 2004. Analysis and Use of Advertisements in the Language Classroom. In Shameem Rafiq and Malach Edwin Vethamani (Eds.), Analysis and Use of Advertisements in the Language Classroom (pp. 208-225). Kuala Lumpur: Melta-Sasbadi.
- Govindasamy, S. and David, M.K. (2004). Investigating the Male Voice in a ESL Classroom. In B. Norton and A. Pavlenko (eds.). Gender and English Language Learners (pp. 59-68). Arlington, Virginia: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Inc.
- David, M. K. (2003). Culture Capsules: Triggers to Cross-cultural Language Awareness. In R. Millrood et al (eds). Research Methodology: Teaching Languages In a Cross-Cultural Space (pp. 7-12). Tambov: Tambov University Press.
- David, M. K. (2003). English for Legal Purposes: Moving from Known Schemas to Unknown Schemas. In E. Malachi Edwin Vethamani (ed.), Readings in TESL Vol 1: Essays in Honour of Hyacinth Gaudart (pp. 85-102). Kuala Lumpur: Melta-Sasbadi.
- David, M. K. (2003). Language Policy in Malaysia Disenfranchisement of the Indian Community? Focus on the Malaysian Indian Community. In Phyllis M Ryan and Roland Terborg (eds.), Language Issues of Inequality (pp. 157-170). Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
- David, M. K. (2003). Role and Function of Silence in the Malaysian Courtrooms. In Asmah Haji Omar et al (eds.). Language and Empowerment (161-174). Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Bahasa Moden, Kuala Lumpur.
- David, M. K. and Govindasamy, S. (2003). Language Education and Nation Building in Multilingual Malaysia. In J. Bourne and E. Reid (eds.). Language Education: World Yearbook of Education 2003 (pp. 215-226). London: Kogan Page.
- David, M. K. and Kow, Y. C. (2003). Reading Comprehension Text: Stimulus to Spoken Discourse. In J. Burton and C. Clennell (eds.). Interaction and Language Learning (pp. 49-64). TESOL Practise Series Chap 5.
- David, M. K. (2002), Communicative Strategies in Sindhi Homes. In M. K. David (ed.), Methodological and Analytical Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies (pp. 59-70). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- David, M. K. (2002). Use of L1 in the Reading Classroom: A Strategic Resource? In M. K. David and Fatimah Hashim (eds.), Approaches to Teaching Reading: Focus on the Second Language Classroom (pp. 33-42). Kuala Lumpur: Pearson.
- David, M. K. (2002). You look good : Responses of Malaysians to Compliments. In Rosli Talif et al. (eds.). Diverse voices 2: Selected Readings in English (pp. 111-119). Serdang: Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
- David, M. K. and Yong, J. (2002). Even Obituaries Reflect Cultural Norms and Values. In A. Kirkpatrick (ed.). Englishes in Asia: Community, Identity, Power and Education (pp. 169-178). Melbourne, Language Australia.
- David, M. K., Kuang, C. H. and Zuraidah Mohd Don (2002). Routines of Requests in an Academic Setting. In C. Lee and W. Littlewood (eds.), Culture, Communication and Language Pedagogy (pp. 11-24). Language Centre: Hong Kong Baptist University.
- David, M.K. and Nambiar, M. (2002). Exogamous Marriages and Out-migration: Language Shift of the Malayalees in Malaysia. In M. K. David (ed.), Methodological Issues in Language Maintenance and Language Shift Studies (pp. 125-134). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (Scopus)
- Govindasamy, S. and David, M.K. (2002). Literacy Practices: Developing Hypothesis about the Functions of English Word Order Patterns in Texts. In M.K. David and Fatimah Hashim (eds.). Approaches to Teaching Reading: Focus on the Second Language Reader (Chapter 6, pp. 75-94). Kuala Lumpur: MELTA-Sasbadi.
- David, M. K. (2000). Creativity in the Language of Malaysian Youth-An Exploratory Study. In Halimah Mohd Said, Ng Keat Siew (eds.), English is an Asian Language: The Malaysian Context (pp. 64-72). Melbourne: Persatuan Bahasa Moden Malaysia Lib Pty Ltd.
- David, M. K. and Lynne Norazit (1996). Opening the Muslim World to Non-Muslim Students. In Jalal Uddin Khan and Adrain Hare (eds.), English and Islam: Creative Encounters 96 (pp 395-402). Kuala Lumpur: Research Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia
- David, M. K. (1995). Group Interaction: Rules of Spoken Discourse in a Classroom Setting. In Zainab Abdul Majid and Loga Mahesan Baskaran (eds.). Verbal Interaction at Play: Rules of Speaking (pp. 125-137). Kuala Lumpur: Pelanduk Press.
- David, M. K. (1994). Menggalakkan Anak Membaca (Encouraging Your Child to Read). In Halimah Badioze Zaman dan Jamaliah Mohd. Ali (eds.). Amalan Pembacaan (pp. 77-86). Kuala Lumpur: Reading Association of Malaysia.
- David, M. K. (1993). Capitalising on Language Contact and Borrowing. In Hyacinth Gaudart and M. K. David (eds.). Towards More Effective Learning and Teaching of English (pp. 74-76). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association.
- David, M. K. (1992). Consciousness Raising of Communicative Strategies: A Springboard to Language Proficiency? In Wijasuriya, B., , H. (eds.). Teaching and Learning English in Challenging Situations (pp. 45-49). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian English Language Teaching Association.
Article in Proceeding
- David, M.K. & Ponmalar, N.A. (2013) Representation Of The Elderly In A Malaysian English Daily. In Mokim Basri et al. (Ed) Proceeding of the International Conference on Social Science Research, ICSSR 2013, Penang, Malaysia, 270-283
- Dumanig, F.P & David, M.K .2012. The Maintenance and Preservation of the Surigaonan Language in Cyberspace. In Maher, J.C, Dobovsek-Sethna, J & Duval, C.(Eds.) Literacy for Dialogue in Multilingual Societies.Proceedings of Linguapax Asia Symposium 2012.19-30
- Kuang, Ching Hei; Maya Khemlani David; Lau Su Kia and Ang Pei Soo (2012). Polite or Impolite? An Analysis of Openings and Closings Used by Front Counter Staff of Private Hospitals. Proceedings of ICHHS Conference (April 7-8, 2012)
- Yee, M. T. and David, M. K. 2012. The governance of a Multi-Ethnic Nation: Its Secrets to Success in Han Yan (ed) International Proceedings of economics Development and Research, Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences, Volume 48, pp 58-61 IACSIT Press, Singapore (submitted)
- David, M.K. and Yee Wendy Mei Tien. 2011. The Relationship between Language Proficiency and Inter- ethnic Relations.CUASEAN Conference Proceeding.
- Dumanig, F., David, M.K. & Jubilado, R. 2011. Computer- Mediated Reading and its Impact on Learners' Reading Comprehension Skills. 10th European Conference on e- learning ECEL-2011. Brighton. Brighton University
- Dumanig, F.P and David, M.K. 2011. Competeing Roles of the National Language and English in Malaysia and the Philippines: Planning, Policy and Use. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of Southeast Asian Linguistic Society, Bangkok, Kasetsart University, May 11-13
- Ponmalar N Alagappar, Mei Li Lean, Maya Khemlani David, Wendy Mei Tien Yee, Zainab Ishak & Yeok Meng Ngeow,"You're so Hot!": A Content Analysis of Sexual Harassment Among Hotel Employees.
- David, M.K., Gan,K.H., David, Yoong and Balbir, S. (2010). Linguistic Accommodation: Perception of Malaysians Lawyers. CHHSS 2010 Conference Proceedings, British Library and Nelson: Thomson ISI.
- David, Maya Khemlani, Gan, Kah Hui, Yoong, David and Singh, Balbir. (2010). Linguistic Accommodation: Perception of Malaysians Lawyers. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences, Singapore, 26-28 February 2010, pp. 506-509. Liverpool: World Academic Union (World Academic Press).
- Kuang, C.H., Wong,N.L & David, M.K. (2010). Communication Mode Among Malaysians. CHHSS 2010 Conference Proceedings, British Library and Nelson: Thomson ISI.
- Ngeow, Yeok Meng, David, Maya Khemlani & Yoong, David. (2010). Gender stereotypes in Malaysian Parliament: A content analysis. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences, Singapore, 26-28 February 2010, pp. 700-705. Liverpool: World Academic Union (World Academic Press).
- Ponmalar, A., David, M.K. & Gan, K.H. (2010). The Representation of the Orang Asli Community in a Malaysian Media. CHHSS 2010 Conference Proceedings, British Library and Nelson: Thomson ISI.
- Wong, N.L., Kuang, C.H. & David, M.K. (2010). Communicating Without Words: Focus on Malaysians. CHHSS 2010 Conference Proceedings, British Library and Nelson: Thomson ISI.
- Yoong, David and David, Maya Khemlani. (2010). Linguistic Manifestations in the Commercialisation of Japanese Animation and Comics. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences, Singapore, 26-28 February 2010, pp. 491-496. Liverpool: World Academic Union (World Academic Press).
- David, M.K & Wendy Yee.M.T (2009). The Relationship between Language Proficiency and Inter-Ethnic Relationships. CUASEAN Conference Proceeding (in press)
- David, M.K. & Caesar, D (2009). The Importance of a Historical Perspective in Language Shift Studies: Focus on Minority Groups in Kuching. In Hakim Elnazarov and Nicholas Ostler (eds.). Endangered Languages and History. London: Foundation of Endangered Linguages. 109-115
- David, M.K. & Lean, M.L. (2009). 1 Malaysia: Promoting Unity among the Different Races. Yi Xie (ed) Singapore: International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology. Thomson ISI Proceeding. 104-107
- Gender stereotypes in Malaysian parliamentary sittings: Gender stereotypes and their implications. (2009). Co- authored with Maya David & David Yoong. Penang: School of Literacy and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
- David, M.K.(2008). Language Policies and Language Use in Multilingual Malaysia. In A.N.Nikitin and S.A.Stepanov (Eds). The Shape of Civilization to Come Proceedings of the International Scientific Forum. IUEPS Publishers, Moscow, Russif.
- David M.K. (2007). Threatening Faces In Malaysian Parliamentary Debates. In Ashok Thorat (eds) Pragmatics. Collection of Papers presented at the International Conference on Pragmatics. Institute of Advanced Studies In England. Pune p.p 60-75.
- David, M.K. and Kuang Ching Hei (2007) Local Lexical Instrusions in Local English Dailies. In Brown, David (ed.) Proceedings of Language in the Realm of Social Dynamics, Bangkok, Thailand. pp 135-148
- Mukherjee, D. & David, M.K. (2007). Adaptation or Integration? Language Choice in Malaysian Indian Communities. In the Proceedings of the 21st International Croatian Applied Linguistic Society Conference. Language Policy and Language Reality. Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Institute of Scientific and Artistic Work, Croatia.
- David, M. K. (2006). Consciousness Raising of Communicative Strategies-Building Self-Esteem of Teacher Trainees. In Proceedings of the International Seminar of English Language Teaching and Teacher Training 2001. Tanjung Malim: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
- David, M.K. & David Yoong S.C. (2006). Applying Knowledge of Psycholinguistics in Language Teaching. Ambigavathy Paudici (ed). Second International Language Learning Conference (2nd ILLC). School of Language Literacies and Translate. University Sains Malaysia. Penang.
- David, M. K. 2005. The Network Theory and Language Maintenance: a Study of Three Communities in Peninsular Malaysia in Nigel,Crawhall and Nicholas Ostler, (ed). Creating Outsiders: Endangered Languages, Migration and Marginalisation. (Proc. FEL IX, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 18-20 November 2005), Bath: Foundation for Endangered Languages, 184 pp. 153-157.
- David, M.K. and Kuang Ching Hei (2005) Routines of Requests in a Private Sector in Malaysia: Interethnic variations? In Language and Discourse in the Modern World Papers from the International Linguistic Conference 19-20 May, 2005, Russia pp 11-20 Part 2.
- David, M. K. (2004). Greetings in Multilingual Malaysia. In (ed.). Language, Ethnicity and the Mind Vol. 2, (pp. 10-16). Adyghe State University, Maikop, Russian Federation. Maikop: RIO AGU Publishers.
- David, M. K. and Kaur, B. (2004). Language Choices and Communicative Strategies Across Generations Focus on Malaysian Sindhi and Punjabi Families. In Nilufer Ocel et al. (eds.). 2nd International Children Conference (pp. 129-137). Istanbul: Istanbul University School of Communication.
- David, M. K. & Kochappan, G. (2001). Reflection as a Language Learning and Teaching Device. In: (Ed., Jayakaran Mukundan) Reflections, Visions & Dreams of Practice: Selected Papers from the International Education Conference 2001. Kuala Lumpur: ITC Learning Sdn. Bhd. pp. 297-300.
- David, M. K. (1992). How late is late? In Language and the Perception of Time and Space, Language Centre, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (pp. 87-93).
- Jamaliah Mohd. Ali, David, M. K., Faridah Pawan, Norazit, L., Shahril Marzuki (1992). Proceedings on Literacy in Asian Societies. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Reading Association and The International Development in Asia Committee International Reading Association. ISBN 983-99886-03
- David, M. K. (1991). The Sindhis in Malaysia-Language Maintenance, Language Loss or Language Death? In Jones, G. & Ozog, C. (compilers). Collected papers from the conference on bilingualism and national development, 9-12 December 1991. Brunei: University of Brunei Darussalam, 368-380.
Other Publications
- David M.K. (2008) Discourse of a Prime Minister: Towards National Unity? (submitted to Perdana Foundation) - Technical Report
- David, M.K. et al. Inter-generational Transmission of Values Across Ethnic Groups, Project Leader, 2004-2007, submitted to (Ministry of Women and Family Development). - Technical Report
- Faridah Noor Mohd. Noor dan Maya Davi Khemlani. 2007. Citra lelaki dalam Peribahasa Melayu. Dewan Bahasa. DBP: Kuala Lumpur, Mac 2007, 22-26. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- David, M.K. (2005) Assimilation of Malaysian Indian Community? (submitted to UPSI) - Technical Report
- Faridah Noor Mohd. Noor, Azirah Hashim, Maya David. et.al.(2004) The Effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning of English in Higher Institutions of Learning (submitted to the Ministry of Education) - Technical Report
- 2011 - 2014, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Elderly ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2014 - 2014, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Media Discourse: A multidisciplinary investigation of media texts in Malay and English in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia ( Consultant)
- 2013 - 2014, NONEMultilingualism among undergraduates in Asian universities ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2013, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)"Who am I"An ethnic and national identity study on the Malay, Chinese, and Indian youth in Malaysia ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2013, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Role of Effective Communication in the Governance Systems to Ensure Participation of Stakeholders in Community Development Projects: A Comparative Study of Malaysian and Irish NGOs ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Silent Communication of Malaysian Society (Tahun ke 2) ( Consultant)
- 2012 - 2013, High Impact Research (HIR)Unemployment of College and University Graduates in Malaysia and other Developing Countries: Solution - Holistic Student Development ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2013, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Growing Awareness on the Importance of Social Responsibility and Community Work of Universities in Malaysia ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2013, Flagship research GrantUnemployment of College and University Graduates in Malaysia and Other Developing Countries- Solutions Holistic Student Development ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2013, Ministry of higher education MalaysiaEmpowering the academic community with knowledge and skills in ELT and Education-based research: capacity building in selected public and private higher institutions in Combodia/Laos ( Consultant)
- 2013 - 2013, LPPKNGrandparenting ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2012, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)The Indian Community in Kuching, East Malaysia: Accommodation or Assimilation? ( Member)
- 2011 - 2012, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Miscommunication between Malaysian Employers and Foreign Domestic Helpers ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Legal Discourse ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2012, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)VOICES AT THE MARGINS: STATELESS CHILDREN OF MALAYSIA ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)An Evaluation of the Self-Representation and the Quality of Life of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients (AIS) ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Political discourse of Malaysian Prime Ministers and leaders: Focus on national and communal sentiments ( Consultant)
- 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Professional Skills for Law ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2011, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)"Who am I" An ethnic and national study on the Malay, Chinese and Indian youth in Malaysia ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Professional Skills for Law ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Silence Communication of Malaysia Society ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Silent Communication of Malaysian Society(Tahun 1) ( Consultant)
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Media Discourse as a Double-Edged Sword in Ethnic Integration: Media as Jekyll or Hyde? ( Consultant)
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)The Creation of a Conflictual Environment in Multilingual Malaysia: Focus on Parliamentary Discourse. ( Consultant)
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Producing of "Visible" Minorities: A Content Analysis of Ethno-cultural Diversity in the Malaysian Press. ( Consultant)
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)The Creation of A Conflicting Environment in the Malaysian Parliament ( Consultant)
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Linguistic Strategies Employed By Lawyers in Malaysian Court Cases ( Consultant)
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Factors Influencing the Perception of Sexual Harassment among female workers in Malaysia. ( Consultant)
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Evaluation of the Ethnic Relations Module in Public Universities ( Consultant)
- 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Perception Of The Other: View of Malaysian Pre- Scholars Towards Other Ethnic Groups ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2008, FundamentalEnculturation or Assimilation: Focus on Punjabi and Malyalee Families in Kuching and Kota Kinabalu ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2004 - 2007, MINISTRY OF WOMEN AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENTInter-generational Transmission of Values Across Ethnic Groups ( PROJECT LEADER)
- 2005 - 2007, UMRGCode-switching Among Malaysian Families of Different Ethnic Backgrounds ( Consultant)
- 2006 - 2006, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Language Maintenance or Language Shift -the Punjabi Community in Kuantan? ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2004 - 2006, UPSIEncultration or Assimilation of the Malaysian Indian Community ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2006 - 2006, FundamentalDiscourse in Malaysian Families ( PROJECT LEADER)
- 2004 - 2005, Ministry of EducationAttitudes towards English language in local universities ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2004 - 2005, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Language Maintenance or Language Shift? Focus on an Orang Asli Kampung in an Urban Setting ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2003 - 2004, Law Faculty (UM)Language Choice in Malaysian Courts ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2001 - 2003Bahasa Orang Asli/ Bumiputra Bahasa Mah Meri ( -Member of team)
- 2012 - 2013, Swedish Research CounselProject-Public Undrestanding of expert views on health risk in Malaysia and Sweden ( Consultant)
- 2004 - 2006, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)Grandparenting in Selected Asian Societies ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)English Language Skills for Law ( Consultant)
- 2006 - 2006, Fundamental, UMDiscourse in Malaysian Families: Book 2 Focus on Politeness ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- Position of Hon. Academic Consultant, London College of Clinical Hypnosis01 Nov 2013 - 01 Nov 2015 (International)
- Program Committee 3rd Annual International Conference On Language, Literature and Linguistics, Global Science and Technology Forum01 Nov 2013 - 01 Nov 2014 (International)
- Committee Member to Study Ph.D Students in English Language Studies) Els, University of Malaya01 Oct 2012 - 01 Oct 2014 (National)
- Workshop : Building Rapport With Students, University of Malaya01 Mar 2014 - 01 Mar 2014 (National)
- Member Reviewing Committee for Abstracts and Program, National University of Singapore01 Mar 2013 - 01 Mar 2014 (International)
- Acknowledgement as Debate Judge for Masc, University of Malaya01 Mar 2014 - 01 Mar 2014 (National)
- Importance of Networking for Academia, University of Malaya01 Mar 2014 - 01 Mar 2014 (National)
- Mentoring for Academicians, Department of English Language Faculty of Languages and Linguistics01 Mar 2014 - 01 Mar 2014 (National)
- Workshop On Supervisory Skills, University of Malaya01 Mar 2014 - 01 Mar 2014 (National)
- Building Relationship Workshop, University of Malaya01 Mar 2014 - 01 Mar 2014 (National)
- Evaluation of Lecturer, UPSI01 Dec 2012 - 01 Dec 2013 (National)
- Proposal Evaluation of Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (Frgs) Phase 2/2013 Online, University of Malaya01 Nov 2013 - 01 Nov 2013 (National)
- Literature Review: Reading, Critical Thinking and Academic Writing, University of Malaya01 Nov 2013 - 01 Nov 2013 (National)
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2013 (International)
- External Examiner of Ph.D Thesis (National), Universiti Sains Malaysia, International Islamic University Malaysia, University Putra Malaysia, University Kabengsaan Malaysia,01 Oct 2004 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- Critical Thinking and The Literature Search Chapter, Upskills Programme, Institute of Graduate Studies University of Malaya, (University)01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- Evaluation of Frgs Grants Penilaian Permohonan Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (Frgs) Pertngkat Universitt -Nrir-Eve Bagi-Fasa 1/2013 Kementerian Pengajian Tingg (Kpt}, University of Malaya01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- International Online Language Conference (Iolc), IOLC International Conference Committee01 Oct 2009 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- Program Latihan Pembangunan Staf(Upgrading Skills of Staff), Universiti Malaya, Akademi Pengara ISLAm01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- As a Facilitator for Workshop for University Mentors, University Of Malaya01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- Coaching & Mentoring Ii, Academic Development Centre (ADeC) University of Malaya01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- Coaching and Mentoring Ii, Academic Development Centre (ADeC) Level 14, Wisma R & D University of Malaya01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- Science, Technology and Innovation (Sti) Management Training Course for Researchers in Oic Countries, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA01 Oct 2012 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- The Mentor-Mentee Relationship: a Journey of 15 Years, University of Malaya01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
- International Panel of Experts On Higher Education: Public-Private Equilibrium (Ppe) - Balancing Growth With Quality and Equity, Taylor s University, Malaysia01 Sep 2013 - 01 Sep 2013 (National)
- Member of Committee for Training Programme for New Lecturers (Tpnl) Supervision Module, University Malaya01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2013 (National)
- Supervision Module Workshop, University of Malaya01 Jun 2013 - 01 Jun 2013 (National)
- The Seventeenth Conference of The Foundation for Endangered Languages, Carleton University01 Jun 2013 - 01 Jun 2013 (International)
- Conflict and Resolution, Academic Development Centre (ADeC)01 Jun 2013 - 01 Jun 2013 (National)
- Judge Best Paper for The 3rd International Search Conference, 2013, Taylor's University01 Jun 2013 - 01 Jun 2013 (National)
- Evaluation for Grants for Foundation of Endangered Languages 2013, Foundation of Endangered Languages 201301 Jun 2013 - 01 Jun 2013 (International)
- Higher Education Teaching Inquiry (Heti), University Malaya01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
- Talk On Supervision01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
- Workshop On Postgraduate Students' Supervisors' Research Supervision and Mentoring Skills, SEGi UNIVERSITY GROUP01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
- Visiting Consultant for Communication and Linguistics At The Department of Tesol, TESOL01 Dec 2011 - 01 Dec 2012 (International)
- External Assessor from Associate Professor Promotion to Professor Vk7, UKM01 Dec 2011 - 01 Dec 2012 (National)
- Guest Speaker for S&T Management Training Course for Researchers in Oic Countries, Academy of Sciences Malaysia01 Dec 2011 - 01 Dec 2012 (National)
- 8th Science, Technology and Innovation (Sti)Management Training Course for Oic Countries, Academy of Sciences Malaysia01 Oct 2012 - 01 Oct 2012 (National)
- Member: Examination Committee (Els), 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Seminar/Workshop, University of Malaya01 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Evaluator (Questionnaire), 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Examiner, 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Reviewer (Fel), 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (International)
- Chair Examination Board, 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Chair of Examination Committee (Master), 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Chair for Examination Committee (Phd), 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Chair of Examination Committee (Phd), 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Chair for Examination Board, 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Examiner, 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Chair, 501 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2012 (National)
- Panel, University of Malaya01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Facilitator, University of Malaya01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Facilitator, University of Malaya01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Panel Member, University of Malaya01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Reviewer, Language & Education01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (International)
- Reviewer, English Language & Linguistics01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Reviewer, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (International)
- E-Utama, e-Utama01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Reviewer, Global Science and Technology Forum01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (International)
- Panel Member, University of Malaya01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Internal Examiner, University of Malaya01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Reviewer, Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS)01 Jun 2012 - 01 Jun 2012 (National)
- Training/Workshop (Unicc), 501 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Upskill Programme, University of Malaya01 Oct 2011 - 01 Oct 2011 (National)
- Postgraduate Research Supervision Workshop, University of Malaya01 Oct 2011 - 01 Oct 2011 (National)
- Evaluating Abstracts for Conference Foundation of Endangered Languages Conference, Foundation of Endangered Languages01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2009 (International)
- Presenter "Networking Skills", Science and Technology Management Training Course for Researches in OIC Countries01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2008 (University)
- English for International Post-Graduates, UMCCED01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2008 (National)
- Evaluator for Promotional Exercise, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2007 (National)
- Invited to Provide Expertise At Bengkel Penulisan Akademik, Organised by The Faculty of Languages, UPM 19-21 Julai 2007. Hotel Corrus Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, University Putera Malaysia01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2007 (University)
- Facilitator and Examiner Kursus Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan Ptk 3, 2007, Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia, Kuala Terengganu.01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2007 (University)
- Examiner Kursus Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan Ptk 4, Ministry of Education Malaysia01 Aug 2007 - 01 Aug 2007 (National)
- Facilitator and Examiner Kursus Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan Ptk 3,4,5 & 6, University of Malaya01 Aug 2006 - 01 Aug 2007 (National)
- Evaluator for Promotional Excercise, Universiti Sains Malaysia01 Dec 2006 - 01 Dec 2006 (National)
- Convincing Your Audience At The Medical Ethics, Conduct and Medico-Legal Issues in Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)01 Nov 2006 - 01 Nov 2006 (National)
- Degree Ba Honors in Tesl, UPSI, Tanjung Malim01 Oct 2006 - 01 Oct 2006 (National)
- Evaluating Cd-Rom English Form 3, Textbook Bureau, Ministry of Education, Malaysia01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2005 (National)
- Evaluating Form 4 English Textbooks for Malaysia, Textbook Bureau, Ministry of Education, Malaysia01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2005 (National)
- English for Students from China, UMCCED01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2005 (National)
- Cross-Cultural Communication, Institute of Diplomatic and Foreign Relations, Malaysia01 Nov 1998 - 01 Nov 2003 (National)
- Ipta Project On Attitude Towards English Language in Higher Institutions of Learning, IPTA, Malaysia01 Nov 2001 - 01 Nov 2002 (National)
- University of Malaya Team of Examiners, Matriculation Division, Kementeriaan Pendidikaan Malaysia01 Nov 2000 - 01 Nov 2001 (International)
- Coordinator for Gteb Am and Gteb Khas (Semester Khas) Program Pendidikan Jarak Jauh UM., University of Malaya01 Aug 2000 - 01 Aug 2001 (National)
- Political Discourse of Leaders, Past and Present, 7th International Online Language Conference (IOLC)  (International) (03 Feb 2014 - 04 Feb 2014)
- 'Acknowledging Multilingualism, Multiculturalism and their Different Facets in Language Learning', 5th International Language Learning Conference 2013 (International) (12 Nov 2013)
- 'Acknowledging Multilingualism, Multiculturalism and their Different Facets in Language Learning', Fifth International Language Learning Conference, School of Languages, Literacies and Translation, University Sains Malaysia (International) (11 Nov 2013 - 13 Nov 2013)
- Language and Identity, 6th International Online Language conference  (International) (17 May 2013)
- Education and equity , Issues and Challenges in Education (Kinnaird College for Women Lahore Pakistan) (International) (08 Feb 2013)
- Literary Texts As Input For Teaching Discourse Norms And Speech Acts In ESL Classrooms , Multiple Realities of English: ELT and Beyond , Bangladesh English language teachers association (BELTA) (International) (18 Jan 2013 - 20 Jan 2013)
- David, M.K. 2008. Language Policies - Impact on Language Maintenance and Teaching. Focus on Malaysia, Singapore and The Philippines. , Foundation Endangered Languages, FEL (01 Oct 2008 - 03 Oct 2008)
- Pencemarah Bagi Kursus PTK Pensyarah Pencemarah Bagi Kursus PTK Pensyarah, Pencemarah Bagi Kursus PTK Pensyarah (National) ( )
- Sindhi Hindus in Sindh: their contribution in social, cultural and philanthropic sphere, 21st Sindhi Sammelan, Sindhi Association of Malaysia (SAM) in collaboration with Alliance of Global Sindhi Associations (International) (25 Jul 2014 - 27 Jul 2014)
- State of Reproductive Health and the Role of NGOs: Comparative Study of the Communication Norms in A Malaysian and A Nigeria NGO, 1st International Conference of the Africa-Asia Development University Network (AADUN) and the Africa s Asian Options (AFRASO) Project , University of Malaya (International) (11 Mar 2014 - 13 Mar 2014)
- Language Experts and other Professionals Building Bridges for a Better World, 7th International Online Language Conference (2014) (International) (03 Feb 2014 - 04 Feb 2014)
- Strategies for teaching vocabulary acquisition, retention and retrieval, 29th International ELT Conference: SURFING THE ELT WAVE, NEW WAYS FOR A NEW GENERATION, Comsats Institute of Information Technology  (International) (01 Nov 2013 - 03 Nov 2013)
- Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary - Acquisition, Retention and Retrieval (presented via Skype), 29th Annual ELT Conference(Pakistan), Society of Pakistan English Teachers (SPELT) (International) (25 Oct 2013 - 27 Oct 2013)
- Language shift, religious maintenance: Punjabi Sikhs in the Klang Valley, Selangor Malaysia, The Sociology of Language and Religion: a Decade After ROEHAMPTON ,New York University Kimmel Center (International) (17 Jul 2013)
- Linguistic Landscape: Acceptance and Resistance of Language Policy, International Conference on Language Sciences and the Developing World (Lahore College for Women University Lahore Pakistan) (International) (11 Jan 2013 - 12 Jan 2013)
- Qualitative Research Seminar, Qualitative Research Seminar, Taylor's University (National) (16 Jul 2012)
- Anjuran UNICC, Anjuran UNICC (National) (25 May 2012 - 27 May 2012)
- Creating Academic Culture of Excellence, Workshop: Creating Academic Culture of Excellence (National) (24 Mar 2012 - 24 Mar 2012)
- Maintenance and Preservation of the Surigaonon Language in Cyberspace, LINGUAPAX ASIA International Symposium, Linguapax (International) (03 Dec 2011 - 03 Dec 2011)
- Education and Culture, 12th International Conference on Education and Culture on December 1 - 3, 2011 at the University of Asia and the Pacific, University of Asia and the Pacific (International) (01 Dec 2011 - 03 Dec 2011)
- Social Justice and the Education of the Citizen in Wisdom, 12th International Conference on Education and Culture , University of Asia and the Pacific (01 Dec 2011 - 03 Jun 2011)
- Justice and the Education of the Citizen in Wisdom, 12th International Conference on Education and Culture, University of Asia and the Pacific (International) (01 Dec 2011 - 03 Dec 2011)
- A More Practical Though Unavoidable Concern: The Availability of Cultural Products, 12th International Conference on Culture and Education (CE&C), University of Asia and the Pacific (International) (01 Dec 2011 - 02 Dec 2011)
- Relationship between Language and Peace, AOTULE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM  (University) (03 Jul 2011 - 28 Jul 2011)
- The Importance of Studying Language in Society, Readings @ Lakeside, Taylor's University (National) (28 Feb 2011)
- Talk- Language & Peace: A values based approach to nation building, Readings at Lakeside (23 Feb 2011)
- Networking skills, The Science and Technology Management Training Course for Researchers in OIC Countries (International) (05 Jul 2010 - 05 Jul 2010)
- Introduction to Research Supervision , Introduction to Research Supervision Workshop.  (University) (21 Jun 2010 - 21 Jun 2010)
- Learning Discourse Norms through Literary Texts: Pedagogical Implications, BICOLL  (International) (08 Jun 2010 - 09 Jun 2010)
- Conflict Management, Conflict Management Workshop (University) (13 May 2010)
- Research Supervision, Introduction to Research Supervision (University) (17 Mar 2010)
- Research Possibilities, Graduate Research Workshop  (National) (17 Aug 2009 - 18 Aug 2009)
- Conflict Management, Conflict Management (University) (04 Aug 2009 - 04 Aug 2009)
- The Importance of a Historical Perspective in Language Shift Studies: Focus on Minority Groups in Kuching, Indian Cultural Seminar Kuching, Sarawak. (National) (29 Apr 2009 - 30 Apr 2009)
- Soft Skills and the Pre Employment Programme: Focus on the University of Malaya, Persidangan Pengajaran & Pembelajaran di Peringkat Institusi Pengajian Tinggi, UPM / Kementerian Mosti Pengajian Tinggi (National) (12 Dec 2007 - 12 Dec 2007)
- Knowledge of Psycholinguistics and Language Teaching, Annual Conference by Bangladeshi, English Language Teachers, Bangladeshi English Language Teachers (International) (01 Dec 2007 - 02 Dec 2007)
- Code Choice within and across Ethnicities in Multilingual Malaysia: Implications and Ramifications, Discourse in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts / Intercultural Communication, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya (International) (30 Nov 2007 - 02 Dec 2007)
- Komunikasi (Kemahiran Jalinan Hubungan (Networking Skill), Kursus PTK Pensyarah DS45, UTem, Melaka, UTEM Melaka (University) (08 Nov 2007 - 09 Nov 2007)
- Komunikasi (Kemahiran Jalinan Hubungan (Networking Skill), PTK TK5 Pensyarah Universiti Gred DS52, Terengganu, Univeristy Terengganu (University) (02 Nov 2007 - 02 Nov 2007)
- Invited speaker, International Conference on Pragmatics, Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune, India (International) (15 Dec 2006 - 17 Dec 2006)
- Invited speaker, International Conference at East West University, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh (International) (15 Apr 2006 - 16 Apr 2006)
- Differences in cross generational talks in Malaysian homes, Workshop on Alternate Generations in the Family: The Asian Perspective, Singapore, Singapore (International) (20 Oct 2005 - 22 Oct 2005)
- Invited speaker, Language Culture and Identity: Issues and Challenges, Aga Khan University. Karachi, Pakistan (International) (16 Jul 2005 - 17 Jul 2005)
- Invited speaker, International Social Sciences Conference, Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU), Islamabad, Pakistan (International) (10 Dec 2004 - 12 Dec 2004)
- Invited speaker, 52nd Teflin International Conference, Universitas Tridinanti, Indonesia (International) (07 Dec 2004 - 09 Dec 2004)
- Invited speaker, English in the Multilingual Environment, British Council, Sri Lanka English Language Teachers Association (SLELTA) (International) (08 Oct 2004 - 10 Oct 2004)
- Invited speaker, Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literature and Culture 2003 Seminar, Universiti Putra Malaysia (International) (28 May 2004)
- Unemployment of College and University Graduated in Malaysia and Other Developing Countries: Solution - Holistic Student Development, RESEARCHERS' CONFERENCE'13 (UMRC 2013) POSTER PRESENTATION, Humanities & Ethics Research Cluster (University) (19 Nov 2013 - 20 Nov 2013)
- Focussing on the Professional Relationship Between Supervisees and Supervisors- An Analysis of Requests , 3rd International Conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALLAP 2013), Faculty of Languages & Linguistics University of Malaya (International) (12 Dec 2013 - 14 Dec 2013)
- Creation of New Curse words by Malaysian Netizens, ESEA Conference 2013, UM (University) (04 Dec 2013 - 07 Dec 2013)
- Positioning of Identities in Multilingual Filipino-Malaysian Couples Interaction in English , World Englishes in the Multilingual World (International) (16 Nov 2013)
- Don t Speak Local Languages : Tracing Linguistic and Cultural Implications of Language Policies in the English Medium School in Pakistan, International Conference on Languages, Linguistics and Society 2013 (ICLALIS), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (International) (22 Oct 2013)
- "I Am Also Vulnerable": Perceptions of Sexual Harassment Among Multiethnic Undergraduates, 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (International) (30 Jul 2013 - 01 Aug 2013)
- Hello and good day to you dear Dr. Greetings and closings in Supervisors-Supervisees Email Exchanges , SoLLs.INTEC.13 Knowledge-Innovation-Excellence Conference  (International) (02 Jul 2013 - 03 Jul 2013)
- The Use of Request Forms by Filipino Domestic Helpers as Politeness Strategies in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, The 4th FLL International Postgraduate Conference: Expanding Research in Languages and Linguistics in Asia (FLLIPC 2013)  (International) (11 Apr 2013 - 12 Apr 2013)
- Students Perceptions on a successful teaching/learning process, Mentoring Academic Leaders: Mentoring as a two way exchange of developing academic leadership skills , Wisma R & D University of Malaya (University) (14 Feb 2013)
- Language in education and human rights: The case of non-elite English-medium school in Pakistan, IALL Conference on Language Rights (International) (13 Dec 2012 - 15 Dec 2012)
- Social Responsibility and Sustainability Programme: The Case of Malaysian Universities, ELLTA 2012, ELLTA Org. (International) (11 Dec 2012 - 13 Dec 2012)
- Imagining Threats to the Linguistic and Cultural Diversity: A Critique of the Language Policy and Planning in Pakistan, 2nd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Culture (ICLLIC 2012), University Sains Malaysia (International) (07 Nov 2012 - 09 Nov 2012)
- Religious and National Identities as seen in the Narratives of Migrant Filipino Muslims in Malaysia , National conference on Religion and Society , Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan bahasa (University) (31 Oct 2012 - 01 Nov 2012)
- Maintenance of Filipino Language in Filipino-Malaysian Families: A Domain Analysis, 3rd international conference on Filipino as a Global Language (International) (03 Aug 2012 - 05 Aug 2012)
- The Tamil Community in Sarawak, Malaysia- Cultural Maintenance or Assimilation? , International Conference on Asian Studies (ICAS 2012) (International) (26 Jul 2012 - 27 Jul 2012)
- Miscommunication between Malaysian Employers and Foreign Domestic Helpers, 6th Malaysia-Indonesia International Conference (International) (10 Jul 2012 - 12 Jul 2012)
- Retrospective Sense-Making-Effective Communication Strategies in Legal Negotiations, International Association of Forensic Linguists (IAFL) 2012 (International) (05 Jul 2012 - 07 Jul 2012)
- Retrospective Sense-Making-Effective Communication Strategies in Legal Negotiation, THE REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FORENSIC LINGUISTS 2012 IAFL 2012), University of Malaya (International) (05 Jul 2012 - 07 Jul 2012)
- Dual Identity Construction of Sex Workers in Malaysia, International Conference on Discourse and Society, University of Malaya (International) (27 Jun 2012 - 29 Jun 2012)
- Attribution Resulting in Miscommunication between Malaysian Employers and Filipino Domestic Helpers, The 13th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology  (International) (20 Jun 2012 - 23 Jun 2012)
- Polite or Impolite? An analysis of openings and closings used by front counter staff of private hospitals, 2012 International Conference on Humanity, History and Society - ICHHS 2012 (07 Apr 2012 - 08 Apr 2012)
- Coaching, International Coaching Conference (National) (04 Apr 2012 - 05 Apr 2012)
- Homosexual Men s Multiple Identities in Online and Face to Face Interactions: Focus on Malaysia, ICONSEA 2011, Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Malaya (International) (06 Dec 2011 - 08 Dec 2011)
- Maintenance and Preservation of the Surigaonon Language in Cyberspace, LINGUAPAX ASIA International Symposium, Linguapax (International) (03 Dec 2011)
- Thematic Progression of Malaysian and Philippine English Editorials: A Contrastive Analysis, IAWE 2011 , Monash University Caulfield, Melbourne, Australia  (International) (23 Nov 2011 - 25 Nov 2011)
- Thematic Progression of Malaysian and Philippine English Editorials: A Contrastive Analysis, 17th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, IAWE (International) (23 Nov 2011 - 25 Nov 2011)
- Computer- Mediated Reading and its Impact on Learners' Reading Comprehension Skills. , 10th European Conference on e-learning ECEL-2011. Brighton University, Brighton University (International) (16 Nov 2011 - 18 Nov 2011)
- Review of post-graduate research in cross-cultural communication in Malaysia (2005 2010), Symposium on Cultural Communication and Intercultural Contact, Research Cluster on Humanities (01 Apr 2011)
- How are the Chinese perceived in multilingual Malaysia? , 3rd International Conference on Multicultural Discourses (International) (27 Aug 2010 - 29 Aug 2010)
- See-sawing between Languages in Professional Contexts, Second Conference of the Asia-Pacific Rim LSP and Professional Communication (International) (15 Jul 2010 - 17 Jul 2010)
- Code Shifting and Switching - A Lingua Franca in Multilingual Malaysia?, Asian Association of Psychology Conference., Asian Association of Psychology  (International) (11 Dec 2009 - 14 Dec 2009)
- Tolerance and Communication in Multi-ethnic Malaysia., World Civic Forum, UNESCO (International) (05 May 2009 - 08 May 2009)
- Code Switching and Shifting Codes: Politeness Markers in GP's Language Choice in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Meaning and Interaction, University Of Bristol (23 Apr 2009 - 25 Apr 2009)
- English Language Skills for Law, Curriculum, Language and the Law. Croatia, Croatia (International) (18 Sep 2008 - 21 Sep 2008)
- Media Discourse as a double-edged Sword in Ethnic Integration: Press as Jekyll or Hyde?, TSCF Conference, Malta , The International Scope Review (International) (11 Sep 2008 - 13 Sep 2008)
- Conceptualization of Nationalism Through Language and Symbols, Nationalism, East and West: Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood., University of London (International) (15 Apr 2008 - 17 Apr 2008)
- Bahasa dan Perhubungannya untuk Interaksi dalam Masyarakat Multilingual., Seminar Kebangsaan Ketamadunan, Hubungan Etnik dan Ko-kurikulum., Univesity of Malaya (20 Mar 2007 - 20 Mar 2007)
- Program Committee Member, 2nd annual international conference on language literature and linguistics spore, Global Science and Technology Forum (International) (17 Jun 2013 - 18 Jun 2013)
- Language Shift in Postcolonial Law: Comparing East Asian Policies and Practices, CRN33 East Asian Law and Society: The Law and Society Association Annual Meeting  (International) (02 Jun 2011)
- The Use of Address Forms as Politeness Strategies in Fast Food Restaurants, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS BOUNDARIES (International) (05 Aug 2010 - 06 Aug 2010)
- Inspiring Youths to Greater Heights: A Case Study of Pre-Employment Programme in University of Malaya , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS BOUNDARIES (International) (05 Aug 2010 - 06 Aug 2010)
- Code Switching & Bilingual Consumers: Analysis of Print Advertisements as Marketing Strategy in Malaysia, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS BOUNDARIES (International) (05 Aug 2010 - 06 Aug 2010)
- A Needs Analysis for a Law Course, Language for Specific Purposes Conference , Second Conference of the Asia-Pacific Rim LSP and Professional Communication, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics and the LSP Association (International) (15 Jul 2010 - 17 Jul 2010)
- Discourse of Leaders in an Academic Setting: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Email Messages, Second Conference of the Asia-Pacific Rim LSP and Professional Communication (International) (15 Jul 2010 - 17 Jul 2010)
- Language Choice of Dayak Bidayuh Undergraduates in the friendship domain, XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology (International) (11 Jul 2010 - 17 Jul 2010)
- Language and Identity of Mak Nyah (Transexuals) in Kuching, XVII ISA World Congree of Sociology (International) (11 Jul 2010 - 17 Jul 2010)
- Politeness From The Use Of Openings and Closings in Service Encounters in Malaysian Hospitals , 19th AMIC Annual Conference Technology and Culture: Communication Connectors and Dividers  (International) (21 Jun 2010 - 23 Jun 2010)
- Expressing Disagreements Among Malaysians: Words or Silence, 9th Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, Hawaii, 02 Jun 2010 to 05 Jun 2010, University of Louisville-Center for Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods, (International) , 9th Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences (02 Jun 2010 - 05 Jun 2010)
- Crosstalk in Malaysian-Filipino Interactions in English: An Intercultural Discourse in English, 15th IAWE Conference, IAWE (22 Oct 2009 - 24 Oct 2009)
- Sociocultural Competence as a Concept of Languages Education: Limits & Perspectives of Euphemisms as a Code-Switching, All-Russia Sociological Congress, All-Russia Sociological Congress (International) (21 Oct 2009 - 24 Oct 2009)
- The Important of a Historical Perspective in Language Shift Studies: Focus on Minority Indian Communities in Kuching, Malaysia., Foundation of Endangered Languages XIII 2009, FEL (24 Sep 2009 - 26 Sep 2009)
- Communication Strategies in Social Interaction Between Arab and Iranian Postgraduate Student, International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication (International) (19 Aug 2009 - 20 Aug 2009)
- The Representation if the Orang Asli Community in the Media., International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication (International) (19 Aug 2009 - 20 Aug 2009)
- Politeness Strategies: Address & Request Forms Used by Filipino Helpers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia., International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication (International) (19 Aug 2009 - 20 Aug 2009)
- Name Calling in Parliamentary Settings , International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication (International) (19 Aug 2009 - 20 Aug 2009)
- Inter-Ethnic Tolerance & Cross-Cultural Communication: Its Relationship & Importance in a Multicultural Society , International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication (International) (19 Aug 2009 - 20 Aug 2009)
- Cross-Cultural Differences in Media Representation of a Sensitive Issue , International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication (International) (19 Aug 2009 - 20 Aug 2009)
- Representation of the Indian Community in the Media , The 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, The 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (International) (08 Jul 2009 - 11 Jul 2009)
- Pedagogy for Better Inter-Ethnic Interaction, The 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy Conference (01 Jun 2009 - 03 Jun 2009)
- Nativization of English in Newspapers in the Peninsular & East Malaysia., UPALS ICL - Rejuvenating The Passion for Teaching & Learning of Languages., UiTM (National) (27 May 2009 - 28 May 2009)
- Code-Switching in Mixed Marriages: The Case of Filipino-Malaysian Couples., Language, Literatures, and Cultures: Universals, Distinctions and Cross-disciplinary Perspectives., University Putra (28 Apr 2009 - 30 Apr 2009)
- Professional Goals: Use of Mixed Discourse In Interviews, First International Sociology Forum in Barcelona, Spain, International Sociological Association (International) (05 Sep 2008 - 08 Sep 2008)
- The Relationship Between Language Proficiency and Inter-Ethnic Relationships, CUASEAN Conference Secretariat, Bangkok, Bangkok (International) (04 Aug 2008 - 05 Aug 2008)
- Nativization of English In Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan and the Philippines as seen in English Dailies, Linguistic Society of the Philippines 2008 International Conference and General Meeting, Linguistic Society of the Philippines  (International) (28 Jun 2008 - 28 Jun 2008)
- Local Lexical Instrusions In English Dailes: A comparison of Malaysian, Singapore and Pakistan Newspapers., 18th International Congress of Linguistics, Seoul, Korea, International Congress of Linguistics (International) (21 Jun 2008 - 26 Jun 2008)
- Media Representations: New Images of Men as seen in Malaysian Magazine., Contemporary Roles and Challenges- International Conference On Communication and Media 2008 (UUM), UUM Malaysia (International) (04 Jun 2008 - 05 Jun 2008)
- Abused in Interpretation, Multiculturalism and the Law, Law Faculty, University of Malaya, University of Malaya (International) (06 May 2008 - 07 May 2008)
- Pencemarah Bagi Kursus PTK Pensyarah 3, 15 Dec 2007, Effective Communication (National) (15 Dec 2007 - 16 Dec 2007)
- Shifting Language Policies in Malaysia, Language Policies and Effects in Malaysia, University of Waikato Hamilton New Zealand (International) (21 Nov 2007 - 24 Nov 2007)
- Sensitivity to Code Selected for Discourse: Focus on the Bidayuh, Bau District, Sarawak., Foundation for Endangered Languages: Working Together for Endangered Languages: Research Challenges & Social Impacts, University of Malaya (International) (26 Oct 2007 - 28 Oct 2007)
- Empowering Self-Disclosure: The Active Post-retiree Life Accounts of Malaysian and Singaporean Senior Citizen, 8th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Beijing, 8th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics (International) (22 Oct 2007 - 24 Oct 2007)
- Knowledge of Psycholinguistics Vital for teaching and Learning Vocabulary, Asia TEFL International Conference, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, Asia TEFL (International) (08 Aug 2007 - 10 Aug 2007)
- Identity Reflected in Male Spoken Discourse - A Malaysian Chinese Perspective., Second International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, China (International) (22 Jun 2007 - 24 Jun 2007)
- Language Choice and Identity of Malaysian Indians, Language Policy and Language Reality, Split, Croatia (International) (24 May 2007 - 26 May 2007)
- Bridging Ethnic Groups, Conference Solls, UKM (International) (01 May 2007 - 01 May 2007)
- Impolite Discourse in Malaysian Parliamentary Discourse, Second International Conference on Multilicultural Discourses, China, Bangi , China (International) (06 Apr 2007 - 06 Apr 2007)
- Local Lexical Intrusions in Local English Dailies, International Conference on Language in the Realm of Social Dynamics, Bangkok, Thailand, Bangkok (08 Mar 2006 - 10 Mar 2006)
- Deconstruction of a magazine focusing on the older woman: uncovering ideological bias-western and Asian perspectives , 1st International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, China, China (International) (09 Oct 2004 - 12 Oct 2004)
- Routines of Request in the Private Sector, International Conference on Language Teaching and Language Learning in a Multilingual Society, New Zealand, New Zealand (International) (24 Sep 2001 - 26 Sep 2001)
- Routines of Request in an Academic Setting, International Conference on Culture, Communication and Pedagogy: Building Bridges and Meeting Challenges Hong Kong, Hong Kong (International) (29 May 2001 - 31 May 2001)
- (2013) Strategi Komunikasi Pelajar Memengah Multi-etnik Dalam Perbincangan ( Communicative Strategies among Multi ethnic Secondary School Students when in Discussion)., (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) Politics, Power and Ideology in American Comedy Late Night Talk Shows: A Critical Discourse Analysis , (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) Utilizing Malay and Mandarin as Learners L1 in Teaching Japanese Kanji, (Chair Panel for Research Proposal (PhD))
- (2013) A Pragmatic/Contextual Analysis of the Participles used in English Biblical Texts (PhD), (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) English in Southeast Asia (ESEA) Conference(2013) , (Reviewer)
- (2012) Curriculum review, (Reviewer)
- (2012) committee member of the Applied Linguistics Program, (Reviewer)
- (2012) Curriculum review (PASUM), (Reviewer)
- (2011) Minat Pelajar Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Tamil Pada Peringkat PMR, (Internal Examiner)
- (2010) The Internationalisation of Higher Education at the University of Malaya, (External Examiner)
- (2009) PhD Thesis - Rhetorical Devices and Speech Acts Used in Dr. Mahathir's Speeches for Persuasion, (External Examiner)
- (2009) PhD Theses - The Bhagavad-Gita and Its Relevance for Transformational Leadership Development, (Internal Examiner)
- (2007) Presentation of Racial Politics in a Malaysian Play: a Critical Discourse Analysis of the Big Purge, (Internal Examiner)
- (2007) Factors that Influence East Malaysian Students' Ability in Spoken English- a Case Study, (Internal Examiner)
- Topic Shifts in formal verbal Interactions , (Internal Examiner)
- A Pragmatics of Medical Report Writing
- Perceptions of Teachers and Students Regarding The Use of the Newspaper In Education (NIE) In Improving the Learning of English
- Gender Differences in the Use of Euphemisms
- The Use of Scaffolding-Based Software In Developing Pronunciation And Fluency
- The Discursive Construction of AIDS in Print Media: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- Language Maintenance and Shift among the Portuguese Eurasians in the Portuguese Settlement
- A Study of Learners Perception of an Effective Business Negotiation
- An Error Analysis of English Prepositions in the Written Work of Upper Secondary Malay Students
- Communication Strategies in Job Interviews
- Communication between Supervisor and ESL Trainee-Teacher during Teaching Practice
- Lexical and Semantic Variation in a Malaysian English Newspaper
- Formal Features of Co-operative Talk amongst Malay Female Speakers
- Kesopanan Negatif: Satu Tinjauan Di Kalangan Penutur Melayu Di Utara dan Tengah Semenanjung (Negative Politeness: An Exploratary Study of Malay Speakers in Peninsular Malaysia)
- Pemasyarakatan Bahasa di Malaysia: Kempen oleh Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dalam Memperkembang dan Memperluas Penggunaan Bahasa Melayu. (The Socialisation of Language in Malaysia: The Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka Campaign in Expanding the Use of the Malay Language)
- A Schema Theoretic View of How Readers Interpret a Religious Text
- Attitudes of Malay Students in Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language
- Attitudes to Codeswitching in the Bruneian classroom: A Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspective
- Wacana dan Praktis Kepimpinan: Satu Kajian terhadap Perutusan Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohammad (Discourse and Practices of Leadership: A Case Study of the Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammad's Speeches)
- Power and Solidarity In Conversation of Iranian Women
- Negotiation at the Work Place: An Ethnography Conversation Analysis
- Constructing Expectations and Identity of Malaysian Women in Slimming Advertisements
- A Gender-Based Analysis of Language Use in Writing Electronic Mail.
- A Discourse Analysis of Openings and Closings in Business E-Mails
- Evaluation of Upper-Intermediate EFL Classes in Iran in Terms of Using Politeness Strategies
- Strategies and Approaches In Translating Cultural Punjabi Terms
- Kesantunan Bahasa Dalam Perbualan Keluarga India. (Politeness in Malaysian Family Talk).
- Lexical Stress Placement in Polysyllabic Words in Malaysian English
- Marketization of the Idealised Male Physique in Men's Magazines: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- Communicative Patterns and Framing of Worldviews among Malaysian Chinese.
- "Mampir, Mas": Politeness Strategies in Offers of Sale among Javanese Speakers
- A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of Islam and Muslims in the New York Times newspaper following the 9/11 Events
- Implicature and Presupposition in Elderly Talk: A Case Study.
- Politeness in Malaysian ESL Classroom Directives
- Literary Texts as A Resource for Critical Thinking in the Classroom
- A Genre Based Approach To Writing For Professional Purposes
- Language Choice and Shift among Families of Sino-Malay Mixed Marriages.
- A Sociolinguistic Study of Punjabi Pakistanis in Brunei Darussalam: Language Maintenance & Shift
- The Bhagavad-Gita and Its Relevance for Transformational Leadership Development
- Bilingualism, Intelleigence and Academic Achevments among Malay Secondary School Students: a Case Study , (Internal Examiner)
- Configuring the Chinese American Exile Sensibility: A Reading of the Works of Maxine Hong Kingston , (Internal Examiner)
- The relationship between anxiety and Reading: Comprehension Performance of International Students in TEP program, (Internal Examiner)
- A study of learners' perception of a business negotiation , (Internal Examiner)
- Perluasan Leksikal Bahasa Dalam Bidang Perpustakaan (The broadening in Malay of lexical items related to library science) , (Internal Examiner)
- Interaction among upper intermediate ESL learners during collaborative writing , (Internal Examiner)
- Peralihan konsep maskulin : analisis kandungan majalah lelaki di Malaysia (Transition of masculine concept: content analysis of men's magazines in Malaysia)(Masters), (Internal Examiner)
- Errors in the use of verbs in Portuguese among University of Malaya students, (Internal Examiner)
- Code Switching among Malay Learners of Arabic at Pre-University Level: a Case Study, (Internal Examiner)
- The influence of Kuching Malay Dialect on Language Teaching in Primary schools , (Internal Examiner)
- Pemilihan dan penggunaan bahasa di kalangan masyarakat Melayu di Singapura, (Internal Examiner)
- Kesopanan Berterakan Prinsip Dan Masim Leech: Satu Analisis Taks Lembaga Budi, (Internal Examiner)
- Pola-Pola Pengambilan Giliran Dan Maklum Balas di Kalangan Pelajar-Pelajar Sekolah Menengah, (Internal Examiner)
- The Discursive Construction of Aids in Print Media : A Critical Discourse Analysis, (Internal Examiner)
- Language maintenance and shift among the Portuguese Eurasians in the Portuguese settlement, (Internal Examiner)
- Language Shift Among The Syrian Christian Malayalees
- Bilingualism, Intelligence and Academic Achievement among Malay Secondary School Students: A Case Study
- Kreol Kristang di Melaka: Satu Kajian Pembentukan Kata dan Ethnografi (Kristang Creole in Malacca: A Study of Word Formations and Ethnography)
- Pemilihan dan Penggunaan Bahasa di Kalangan Masyarakat Melayu di Singapura (Choice and Use of Language amongst the Malay Community in Singapore)
- Metacognitive and Cognitive Reading Strategies Used by ESL Learners while Reading In Print and Hypertext
- Third Generation Migrant Children Learning their Heritage Language: Insiders' Perspectives . The University of Western Australia , (External Examiner)
- Formal features of co-operative talk amongst Malay female speakers, (Internal Examiner)
- Use of lexical items in organizational management, (Internal Examiner)
- Power and solidarity in conversations of Iranian women, (Internal Examiner)
- The discursive construction of AIDS in print media : a critical discourse analysis(Ph.D), (Internal Examiner)
- Wacana dan kepimpinan : satu analisis terhadap perutusan Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohamad(Ph.D), (Internal Examiner)
- Lexical and semantic variation in a Malaysian English newspaper, (Internal Examiner)
- Isun-isun sebagai penggambaran interaksi sosial dan budaya Bajau (Ph.D) , (Internal Examiner)
- Language choice and use among Singaporean Malays, (Internal Examiner)
- Lexical and Semnatic Variation in Malaysian English Newspapers , (Internal Examiner)
- Campaign by Dewan Bahasa to widen the use of Malay, (Internal Examiner)
- Rhetorics in insurance sales: principle of Cooperativeness and Politenesse, (Internal Examiner)
- Turn taking and feedback among secondary school students, (Internal Examiner)
- Ideological Construction of the Indigenous Community: the "Orang Asli" as Portrayed in the Local Newspapers , (Internal Examiner)
- Politeness based on principles and maxims of Leech: an analysis of a text Lembaga Budi, (Internal Examiner)
- Fungsi Sociolinguistik Pantun Dalam Mayarakat , (Internal Examiner)
- Discourse Patterns in a Local Talk Show, (Internal Examiner)
- Discourse Patterns in a Local Television Talk Show , (Internal Examiner)
- Adjunct Language Instruction for ESL Engineering Students in the Writing of Physics Lab Reports, (Internal Examiner)
- Sociolinguistic Function of Pantuan in A Maly Society , (Internal Examiner)
- Kreol Kristang Di Melaka: Suatu Kajian Pembentukan Kata Dan Etnografi, (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2014) Editorial Board Member , International Journal of Recent Research and Review, International
- (2014) Associate Editor, The Social Sciences Collection, International
- (2013) Member Editorial Board, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, International
- (2013) Special Advisory Group to Foundation of Endangered Languages 2013-14, Foundation of Endangered Languages, International
- (2013) Editor , Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities , National
- (2013) Reviewer , Pertanika Journals, University
- (2013) Chief Managing Editor, IARS--International Research Journal, International
- (2013) Associate Editor for International journal if psychology and Counselling , International journal if psychology and Counselling , International
- (2013) Editorial Board Invitation, GSTF Journal of Education (JEd), International
- (2013) Editorial/Review Board of Research , Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), International
- (2013) Joint Secretary Management Board , International Association of Research Scholars (IARS) , International
- (2013) Workshop on supervisory skills, University Of Malaya
- (2012) Reviewer, Educational Research and Reviews, International
- (2012) Reviewer , Society of Pakistani English language Teachers (SPELT), International
- (2012) Associate Editor, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, International
- (2012) Reviewer , Social Sceince Journal , International
- (2012) Higher Education Links, Department of English Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics Kinnaird College Lahore Pakistan, International
- (2012) Visiting Scholars Program, Lahore College for Women University, International
- (2012) Reviewer (Book), Routledge , International
- (2012) Reviewer, The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, International
- (2012) Member, University of Malaya , University
- (2012) Chair of Examination Committee (PhD), University of Malaya, University
- (2011) Editorial board, International Journal of English and Literature, International
- (2011) Reviewer , International Journal of English and Literature, International
- (2011) Member Editorial Board , The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, International
- (2011) Honorary Editor , International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies (IJCCS), , International
- (2011) Reviewer , Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution, International
- (2011) Editorial Board, IARS International Research Journal, International
- (2011) member of scientific committee, 4th International Online Language Conference (IOLC 2011, International
- (2011) Reviewer, E-Utama, International
- (2011) Evaluator for Ph.D Applicant, University of Malaya
- (2011) Inaugural speaker for Readings @ Lakeside, TAYLOR'S UNIVERSITY
- (2010) Member of Advisory Board , Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers (SPELT) , International
- (2010) associate editor, African Journal of Psychology and Counseling, International
- (2010) Penggubal Soalan, Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan 5 (PTK5) UM, University
- (2010) Ahli jawatankuasa, Social Science Supervision Group, University
- (2010) ahli RePP, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University
- (2010) Penilai Manuscrip, Penerbit USM, National
- (2010) Member, TISR, International
- (2010) Co-editor, ISA RC25 Newsletter, International
- (2010) Reviewer, Journal of Media and Communication Studies, International
- (2010) Member, UNICC, National
- (2010) Member, International Communication Association (ICA), International
- (2009) Member of Linguapax Advisory Board, Barcelona, Linguapax Advisory Board, Barcelona, International
- (2009) Chief Conference International Scientific Committee, International Online Language Conference, International
- (2009) Member of Organizing Conference, IOLC, International
- (2009) International Advisory Board, Linguapax, International
- (2009) Associate Editors, Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, International
- (2009) Editorial Board, Journal of Taylor's University Graduate School, National
- (2009) Associate Editor African Journal of Psychology and Counselling, African Journal of Psychology and Counselling, International
- (2009) Editorial Review Board , International Multilingual Research Journal, International
- (2009) Board of Editorial Consultants, The Philippine Journal of Linguistics, International
- (2009) Invited Speaker, Taylor\'s Research Infocus, National
- (2009) Editorial Board, The International Scope Review, International
- (2009) Editorial Review Board, Reading Online, International
- (2009) Facilitator -Graduate Research Workshop USM, USM
- (2008) Reviewer, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Discourse, International
- (2008) Book Reviewer, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, International
- (2008) Reviewer , Journal of Multicultural Discourse, International
- (2008) Reviewer , Current Issues in Language Learning, International
- (2008) Reviewer , RC 25 Sociolinguistics Newsletter, International
- (2008) Reviewer , Pertanika (Universiti Putra Malaysia) , National
- (2008) Reviewer , University Sabah Malaysia , National
- (2008) Reviewer, Routledge International Companion to Multicultural Education, International
- (2008) Book Reviewer, Ethnic, National and Global Linguistic Cultural Identities via Language Policy: The Malaysian Story, International
- (2008) Endorsement, Peter Lang, International
- (2008) Reviewer, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, International
- (2008) Reviewer Manu , Journal of USM, Sabah., National
- (2008) Reviewer Pertanika, Journal of Universiti Putra Malaysia, National
- (2008) Invited Guest Speaker, SEA Research Centre for Communication and Humanities (Search), National
- (2008) Evaluater - Professorial Promotion, International, America
- (2007) Evaluate Abstracts, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), International
- (2007) Reviewer , Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, International
- (2007) Reviewer , Reading Research Quarterly, International
- (2007) Reviewer , Multilingual & Multicultural Development, International
- (2007) Assess Grants Proposal, Research Grants Council, Foundation of Endangered Languages, Hong Kong. , International
- (2007) International Consultant Faculty Development, Nce/Hec, Pakistan, International
- (2007) Featured Speakers, 4th Belta International Conference, International
- (2006) Exco Member FEL and Honorary Life Member, FEL (Foundation Of Endangered Languages), International
- (2006) Reviewer , International Reading Association, International
- (2006) Exco Member , Research and Publication Gerontological Association Of Malaysia (GEM), National
- (2006) International Correspondent, , International Reading Association, International
- (2006) Networking Skills Presentation at the Science and Technology Management Training Course for Researchers in OIC Countries, UMCCed
- (2006) Presenter on 'Convincing Your Audience' at the Medical Ethnics, Conduct and Medico-legal Issues in Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
- (2005) Reviewer, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, International
- (2005) Board of Editors, Journal of Communication Practices, Journal of Communication Practices, International
- (2005) Editorial Board, International Scope Review, International Scope Review, International
- (2005) Kursus Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (PTK) 3, 4, 5 & 6, University of Malaya
- (2005) Intergenerational Transmission of Values across Ethnic Groups, Modern Language Association
- (2004) Evaluating CD-ROM English Form 3, Textbook Bureau, Ministry of Education, Malaysia
- (2001) Evaluating Form 4 English textbooks for Malaysia, Textbook Bureau, Ministry of Education, Malaysia
- (1998) Cross-cultural communication, Institute of Diplomatic and Foreign Relations, Malaysia
Postgraduate Student
(2013) Linguistics (other languages), Tayyaba Aman
(2012) Language Policy and Language Planning, Syed Abdul Manan
(2010) Sociology and Cultural Studies, Mumtaz Ali
(2009) Language Choice in Interracial Marriages: The Case of Filipino-Malaysian Couples, Francisco Perlas Dumanig
(2008) Sociolinguistics, Ehsan Barzegar
(2005) Language Choice Among Dayak Bidayuh Undergraduates, Caesar Delwis @ Dealwis (University of Malaya (UM))
(1995) A sociolinguistic study of multiparty negotiations among diplomats from third world countries, D. Ravichandran K. Dhakshinamoorthy.
(2013) Taboo words in Iranian pre and post revolution movies, Zahra Samadi
(2013) Linguistics, Murugan A/L Krishnan
(2013) Linguistics, Moganah A/P Venogopal
(2013) Language and Identity: Language Choice and the Reasons Affecting the Choice Among Kelantanese Lecturers, Widad Abdul Ghafar
(2012) Requests in emails: politeness or impoliteness, Ali Hallajian
(2012) Linguistics, Xiang Yang
(2012) Linguistics, Fatemeh Moghaddam
(2011) Linguistics, Tay Chin Huey
(2010) Sociolinguistics, Narsis Tayyebian
(2010) Engagement and views of action research by Iranian lectures, Zahra Shirian Dastjerdi
(2009) Spoken Discourse Analysis, Thinusha a/p Selvaraj
(2008) Sociolinguistics, Nirmeela a/p Navaneethachandran
(2008) Politeness Strategies Address Forms and Request Forms Used by Filipino Domestic Helpers, Aries Dahan Gan
(2008) Communication Strategies in Social Interaction between Arab and Iranian Postgraduate Students, Elham Shahban (University of Malaya (UM))
(2007) Openings and Closings, Poon Soo Yee (University of Malaya (UM))
(2006) Pemilihan Bahasa di kalangan Komuniti Bugis, Saidah Binti Ismail
(2006) Metacognitive strategies used by Thai university students while reading an english text, Warinthip Kaenin (University of Malaya (UM))
(2006) Languages choices of Malaysian youth: a case study, Lim Chin Chye (University of Malaya (UM))
(2006) Language choices of Malay students: a case study, Maheswari a/p p. subramaniam (University of Malaya (UM))
(2006) Discourse analysis, Suo Yan Yu (University of Malaya (UM))
(2006) Code-switching in Interview, Usha Agnetha Ong a/p Arumugam (University of Malaya (UM))
(2005) Language accommodation in doctor-patient interactions, Chu Geok Bin
(2005) Ciri-ciri wacana orang tua (Features of Elderly Discourse), Gan Kah Hui
(2004) Attitude of Semai students towards learning English language: a case study, Nor Wardiah bt Ahmad Hadzri (University of Malaya (UM))
(2002) The representation of masculinity in Malaysian English magazines, Serina Ann Doss.
(2000) Cultural Factor Affecting English Proficiency in Rural Areas, Ee Chop Ler
(1998) Learning How To Learn As An Approach In The Teaching Of ESL In Malaysian Secondary Schools, Elina Abdullah
(1997) Language of Maritime Pilots, Mariammal Usha Devi Krishnan
(1996) Pemeliharaan Dan Penggeseeran Bahasa Di Kalangan Mahasiswa India, Lim Ann Lay
(1996) Language maintenance or Language shift among Indian Undergraduates, Lim Ann Lay
(1995) Adjacency pairs: questions and answers in law tutorials in the University of Malaya, Stefanie Shamila Pillai
(1994) Pemindahan leksis : dialek Melayu Brunei ke dalam bahasa Melayu standard (Dialectal shift from Brunei Malay to Standard Malay, Aini binti Haji Karim
(1992) Kajian leksis dalam teori medan makna : satu analisis komponential, Roksana Bibi Bte Abdullah
- (2013) TXGB6102 - Research Methodology
- (2012) TXGB6106 - Psychology of Language Learning
- (2011) TXGA6301 - Intralingual and Interlingual Communication
- (2011) TXGB6106 - Psychology of Language Learning
- (2008) English for Postgraduate Students - Learning Strategies
- (2008) Intracultural and Inter-Cultural Communication
- (2008) Psycholinguistics
- (2008) Research Methodology
- (2008) Spoken Discourse Analysis
- (2008) Spoken Discourses Analysis
- (2007) TXGA6347 - Language and Human Rights
- (2007) TXGC6311 - Psycholinguistics
- (2011) GNEK1002 - Community Service
- (2011) GNEK1002 - Community Service
- (2010) Critical Thinking
- (2010) GNEK1002 - Community Service
- (2009) Critical Thinking
- (2009) English for Law Undergraduates
- (2009) GNEK1002 - Community Service
- Mapping ecology of literacies in educational setting: the case of local mother tongues vis- -vis Urdu and English languages in PakistanCopyright
- Honorary Chair for Senior Management of International Association of Research Scholars (Iars), (27 Mar 2013)
- Review Manuscript for Irjass, (01 Aug 2012 - 01 Aug 2013)
- Reviewer for Kemanusiaan The Asian Journal of Humanities, (01 Jul 2012 - 01 Jul 2013)
- Miracle Garden - Sponsor 2 Children (Victims of Tsunami), (01 Jun 2009 - 01 Jun 2015)