Curriculum Vitae


Associate Professor
  • Department of English
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • marys
  • +603-79675546


Dr Susan Philip focuses on Malaysian Literature in English, primarily on drama. She also explores the growing field of Malaysian Crime Fiction, and is interested in satire and comedy in online media. What ties all these different areas together is an overarching focus on identity and belonging within Malaysia's social framework. She feels strongly that these are issues which need to be spoken about openly and honestly. She has had numerous articles and book chapters on these subjects published in major international journals and books. She is currently working on two books - one on the history of the Five Arts Centre, a key group in the development of Malaysian performing arts, and one on renowned Malaysian author K. S. Maniam.


  • Ph.D (Australia)(2005), (Malaysian and Singaporean Theater in English)
    Australian National University
  • MA (UM)(1992), (Arts)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • BA (Hons)(Literature)(UM)(1988), (KESUSASTERAAN INGGERIS)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • 01 Aug 2006-
    Jabatan Inggeris, Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial
  • 16 Oct 1997-

    Fakulti Seni Kreatif


  • Penyelaras Kemahiran Insaniah
    17 Dec 2007 - present (Faculty)
  • Head of Department
    01 Nov 2022 - 31 Dec 2023 (English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Head of Department
    08 Feb 2019 - 07 Feb 2021 (English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Fakulti
    03 Oct 2016 - 02 Oct 2018 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Ahli JKIT
    01 Mar 2015 - 25 Jul 2017 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Timetable committee.
    03 Oct 2011 - 02 Oct 2013 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Document Manager
    03 Oct 2011 - 02 Oct 2013 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2009 - 31 Aug 2010 (English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2008 - 31 Aug 2009 (English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Head of Department
    01 Sep 2008 - 31 Aug 2009 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Document Manager
    01 Jul 2006 - 30 Nov 2006 (Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
  • Deputy Director
    14 Sep 2005 - 31 Aug 2006 (Faculty of Creative Arts, Faculty of Creative Arts)
  • Deputy Director
    01 Apr 2001 - 30 Mar 2002 (Faculty of Creative Arts, Faculty of Creative Arts)


    2019 to 2020 (International)


  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2022, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2020, Universiti Malaya
  • Interview With Ezra Zaid and Umapagan Ampikapakan On Bfm89.9, "is Satire a Part of Our Culture"
    2017, BFM89.9,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2016, Universiti Malaya
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2012, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2007, Universiti Malaya
  • Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
    2007, University of Malaya,
  • Bronze Medal At Ekspo Penyelidikan 2007
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2006, Universiti Malaya


Article in Journal
  1. Philip, S. (2012). Kee Thuan Chyes Political Plays: An Analysis, Asian Theatre Journal. 29(2), 357-378
  2. Philip, S. (2010). Embodiment and the Reconstruction of Gender Roles in Leow Puay Tins Family, Journal of Commonwealth Literature. 45(1), 75-95
  3. Philip, S. (2004). Diasporic space in K.S. Maniams The Sandpit, Womensis, Asian Theatre Journal. 21(2), 177-186
  1. Mior Azli Y.S., Philip S., Kaur S. (2023). The Importance of Ludonarrative Design in Improving Women s Representation in Videogames: A Comparative Ludonarratological Analysis of the Hero s Journey in Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy 15, SARE. 60(2), 148-171. doi:10.22452/sare.vol60no2.8
  1. Philip, Susan (2020). Review of Ronggeng-Ronggeng: Malaysian Short Stories. Asiatic, 14 (1), 330-332.
  2. Philip, Susan (2020). Review of Zen Cho, The True Queen. SARE (Southeast Asian Review of English) 57 (1), 146-148
  3. Philip, Susan and Surinderpal Kaur (2020). Introduction: Re-Visions and Re-Imaginations in Asian Speculative Fiction . SARE (Southeast Asian Review of English), 57 (1), 1-5
  4. Philip, Susan (2019). Performance Review. Malaysia Approaches 2020: Two Visions/Versions. Asian Theatre Journal, 36 (1), 239-245.
  5. Philip, Susan. (2019). Kee Thuan Chye, 'Swordfish + Concubine'. Asiatic, 13 (1), 142-144.
  6. Philip, S. (2018). Crime Fiction as Social Critique: Rozlan Mohd Noor's Challenge to the Dominant Rhetoric. International Journal of Indonesian Studies. Special Edition on Southeast Asian Noir, 153-162.
  7. Philip, Susan (2018). Review of M. Shanmugalingam, Marriage and Mutton Curry. SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English, 55 (2), 293-296.
  8. Philip, Susan (2018). Review of Women in Asian Performance: Aesthetics and Politics. Contemporary Theatre Review, 28 (3), 418-419.
  9. Philip, Susan. (2018). Adapting the Golden Age Crime Fiction Genre in the 'Kain Songket' Mysteries Series. Southeast Asian Review of English (SARE), 55 (1), 21-36.
  10. Philip, Susan. (2018). Portrayals of Vigilantism in the KL Noir Anthologies. Asiatic, 12 (2), 110-124.
  11. Philip, Susan (2017). Guest Editor's Column. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 11 (2), 1-3
  12. Philip, Susan (2017). Review of Cheryl Robson and Aubrey Mellors, eds., Southeast Asian Plays. In Asiatic 11 (2), 252-256.
  13. Philip, S. 2015. Building a Malaysian Community Online: An Analysis of That Effing Show and Online Responses to It. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature 9(2): 41-59
  14. Philip, S. 2012. Review of Sunil Nair, When All the Lights are Stripped Away. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature 6 (2): 189 - 191
  15. Philip, S. 2013. Review of 'The Best of Robert Yeo'. Asiatic 7.2: 173-175
  16. Philip, S. Review of 'Instpector Mislan and the UTube Serial Rapist'. Asiatic 7.1, June 2013; 196-198
  17. Philip, Susan. 2012. Community Theatre in the Absence of Community: The Taman Medan Project. Kajian Malaysia 30 (Supplement 1): 61-80
  18. Philip, Susan. 2012. Kee Thuan Chye's Plays: An Analysis. Asian Theatre Journal 29 (2): 357-378
  19. Philip, Susan. 2011. Review of Alfian Sa'at Collected Plays One and Collected Plays Two. Sarjana 26 (2): 120- 122.
  20. Philip, Susan. 2011. Review of Alfian Sa'at, Collected Plays Two. The Asian Boys Trilogy; Dreamplay.
  21. Philip, Susan. 2010. Embodiment and Reconstruction of Gender Roles in Leow Puay Tin's 'Family'. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 45 (1): 75-95
  22. Philip, Susan. 2009. Adrift on the Ocean: A Study of K. S. Maniam's Displaced Characters. Transforming Cultures 4(2): 29 - 50.
  23. Philip, Susan. 2009. Re-shaping Identity Through the Body: An Analysis of K.S. Maniam's The Sandpit: Womensis and Mark de Silva's Stories for Amah. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature. 3(2), Dec. 2009: 69 - 87
  24. Philip, Susan. 2008. Dismantling Gendered Nationalism in Kee Thuan Chye's We Could **** You, Mr. Birch. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature 2.1, June 2008, 83 - 96
  25. Mary Susan Philip, 2007. Attack of the Orange Highlighter: Theatrical Negotiations with State Censorship. Tirai Panggung, 7, 2007, 39 - 58.
  26. Re-constituting Body and Family in 'Mergers and Accusations'. SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English. No. 47, April 2006/07 (22 - 36)
  27. Mary Susan Philip, so many types, how can all be in the same category : Questioning Racial Boundaries in Mark de Silva s Stories for Amah. Australasian Drama Studies , 44, 2004.
  28. Mary Susan Philip, Diasporic Spaces in K. S. Maniam s The Sandpit: Womensis. Asian Theatre Journal , 21.2, 2004.
  29. Mary Susan Philip, Hybridity as Challenge to Authoritative Discourse in Huzir Sulaiman s Eight Plays. , Southeast Asian Review of English (SARE) 45, 2003/2004.
  30. Mary Susan Philip, Birth of a Nation: Performative Constructions of National Identity in Three Malaysian Plays. Tirai Panggung, 6, 2003.
  31. Mary Susan Philip, I don t want East, I don t want West : Haresh Sharma s Rosnah. , Southeast Asian Review of English (SARE), 44, June 2002.
  32. Mary Susan Philip, Violence and Power-play as Central Motifs in Selected Works of John Osborne and Harold Pinter: An Overview , Tirai Panggung 4, 2001.
  33. Mary Susan Philip, The Use of Historical Narrative in Kee Thuan Chye s We Could **** You, Mr. Birch , World Literature Written in English 38.1, 1999.
  1. Lim, C. S., Siti Rohaini Kassim, Mary Susan Philip, Leonard Jeyam, Neil Khor, Surinderpal Kaur Ramana, Agnes Yeow (eds.), Sharing a Commonwealth: Proceedings of the 11th ACLALS Triennial Conference Held in Kuala Lumpur 1998, Kuala Lumpur : ACLALS, 2001.
  2. Mary Susan Philip, Agnes Yeow, Surinderpal Kaur Ramana, Neil Khor Jin Keong, Siti Rohaini Kassim (eds.), Re-Cognizing Literature, Language, and Identity: Proceedings of the Asian Women Writers Conference 1997, Kuala Lumpur : MACLALS, 1998.
Chapter in Books
  1. Philip, S. (2024). Satire and Community in the Time of COVID-19: An Analysis of Ernest Ng's Covidball Z. In Mohammad A. Quayum and Grace V.S. Chin (Eds.) The Postcolonial Millennium: New Directions in Malaysian Literature in English (pp. 709-722). Routledge
  2. Philip, Susan. (2021). The NEP and Vision 2020: Responses from the Malaysian English-Language Theatre. In Mohamad Quayum (Ed.), Reading Malaysian LIterature in English: Ethnicity, Gender, Diaspora, and Nationalism (pp. 69-84). Springer Nature.
  3. Philip, S. (2020). Cultural Mapping and the Making of Heritage. In S. P. Gabriel (ed.), Making Heritage in Malaysia: Sites, Histories, Identities (pp. 139-162). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Philip, Susan. (2020) Re-shaping Identity Through the Body: An Analysis of K.S. Maniam's The Sandpit: Womensis and Mark de Silva's Stories for Amah. In M. A. Quayum (Ed.), Malaysian Literature in English: A Critical Companion (145-165). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  5. Philip, Susan. (2020). Dismantling Gendered Nationalism in Kee Thuan Chye's We Could **** You, Mr. Birch. In M.A. Quayum (Ed.), Malaysian Literature in English: A Critical Companion (pp. 216-231). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  6. Philip, Susan (2017). Marginality and Otherness in Jit Murad's Plays. In Jit Murad, Plays. (pp. 13-29). Malaysia: Matahari Books
  7. Philip, Susan. 2016. Cultural cosmopolitanism in the Malaysian theatre. In Gabriel, S. P and Rosa, F (eds). Cosmopolitan Asia: Littoral Epistemologies of the Global South. 156-169. Oxford and New York: Routledge
  8. Philip, S. 2015.Confronting issues of belonging and non- belonging in the works of four female Malaysian theatre practitioners. In Koh, A. and Balasingamchow, Y (eds). Women and the Politics of Representation in Southeast Asia: Engendering Discourse in Singapore and Malaysia
  9. Philip, Susan. 2014. The Politics of Language Choice in the English-Language Theater of Malaysia. Simona Bertacco (ed). Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures: Multilingual Contexts, Translational Texts, pp. 126-141. New York and London: Routledge
  10. Philip, Susan. 2013. Challenging Racial Categorisation Through Theatre: English Language Theatre in Malaysia. In Blandford, Steve (ed). Theatre and Performance in Small Nations, p. 167-183. Bristol, UK: Intellect; Chicago: Chicago UP
  11. Mary Susan Philip, 2009. Kuo Pao Kun's 'Descendants of the Eunuch Admiral' and the Myth of Modern Singapore. Accepted for publication in Ashraf-Ali Jamal and Shanti Krishnamoorthy, Eds., 2009. Indian Ocean Studies: Cultural, Social and Political Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge.
  12. Philip, Susan. 2009. Interculturalism in the Early Malaysian English Language Theatre. In Mohammad A. Quayum and Wong Phui Nam (eds). Sharing Borders: Studies in Contemporary Singaporean-Malaysian Literature. Writing Asia, Vol. 2, p. 95-113. Singapore: Singapore National Library Board and Singapore Arts Council.
  13. Mary Susan Philip, The Evolving Identity of Malaysian Indians: A Comparison of K. S. Maniam s The Cord and Allen Perera and Indi Nadarajah s Quid Pro Quo. In Chitra Sankaran, Leong Liew Geok and Rajeev Patke (eds.) Complicities: Connections and Divisions, Bern: Peter Lang, 2003.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Philip, S., Pillai, S. & Jeyam, L. 2007. Identity in context: Literary and cultural studies in Malaysia and Singapore. Proceedings of the First Asia POSCO Forum 2007.
Other Publications
  1. Philip, S (2021). Review of 'The Amok of Mat Solo'. Men Matters Online Journal. 2. 154-156. - Review
  2. Philip, S. 2015. Review of Keith Tan, Mission Pioneers of Malaya: Origins, Architecture and Legacy of Our Pioneering Schools. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature 9(2): 250- 251 - Review
  3. Mary Susan Philip. Review of 'Interlogue Volume 6: Haresh Sharma'. Review of David Birch, Interlogue: Studies in Singapore Literature, Vol. 6. Haresh Sharma: The Cultural Politics of Playwriting in Contemporary Singapore. Asian Theatre Journal 25.2, 392 - 395 - Review


  1. 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Multiculturalism in the Contemporary Malaysian Arts ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2012 - 2012, Avondale College of Higher Education, Australia
    A Study of Identity in Relation to the Cultural Output of the Malaysian-Malayalee Diaspora ( Consultant)
  3. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    A Study of the English-Language Theatres of Malaysia and Singapore as a Means of Identity Formation ( Director)
  1. 2006 - 2007, International Funding
    Identity in Context; Literary and Cultural Studies in Malaysia and Singapore ( Director)
  1. 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Racial Stereotyping and National Identity from the Nineteenth Century to Contemporary Malaysia: A Literary Study. ( Consultant)


  • Programme Examiner for Master of Arts in English Language and Literature, University of Nottingham (Malaysia Campus), University of Nottingham (Malaysia Campus)
    01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2017 (International)
  • External Assessor for Internal Quality Audit, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
    01 Aug 2017 - 01 Aug 2017 (International)
  • Consultant, Learning Ventures (Singapore)
    01 Nov 2009 - 01 Nov 2009 (International)


  1. Women in Malaysian Theatre, English Literature Study Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang (International) (30 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024)
  2. Writing Book Reviews: Getting on the Ladder to Academic Success, Workshop on Writing Book Reviews for ISI/Scopus Journals (Social Sciences), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Others) (26 Mar 2021 - 26 Mar 2021)
  3. Hybridity in Malaysian English-language Theatre, Public Lecture at De La Salle University Dasmarinas, Manila, Philippines, De La Salle University Dasmarinas, Manila, Philippines (International) (09 Feb 2019 - 09 Feb 2019)
  4. Politics of Language Choice in the English-Language Theatre of Malaysia, Symposium on Language Unity and Identity in Malaysia, Centre for Modern Languages and Literature, UTAR (National) (24 Aug 2016 - 24 Aug 2016)
  5. Interculturalism in the Early Malaysian English-language Theatre, FirstWorks Exchange 2010 vol 1. Imagining the Nation: A Malaysian Japanese Theatre Exchange, Instant Cafe Theatre Company and Japan Foundation (International) (09 Jan 2010 - 09 Jan 2010)
  6. Female Theatre Makers in Malaysia (Panel Session), The Instant Cafe Theatre Playwright's Exchange, The Instant Cafe Theatre Company (International) (18 Oct 2007 - 21 Oct 2007)
  7. A Critical History of Modern Malaysian Theatre, Sunway University College Dept of Performance and Media Seminar, Sunway University College Dept of Performance and Media (Others) (05 Sep 2007 - 05 Sep 2007)
  8. Identity in Context: Literary and Cultural Studies in Malaysia and Singapore, Asia For Us: Vision for Future Prosperity, POSCO Research Institute, Korea (International) (16 May 2007 - 18 May 2007)
  1. None, Sharing a Commonwealth: 11th ACLALS Triennial Conference, Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (ACLALS) (International) (01 Dec 1998 - 06 Dec 1998)
  2. None, Asian Women Writers Conference: Re-Cognizing Language, Literature and Identity, Malaysian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (MACLALS) (International) (06 Jan 1997 - 09 Jan 1997)
  1. Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Connection Between STPM Literature in English and Real-World Applications, International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES), International Society for Technology, Education and Science (ISTES) (International) (27 Apr 2024 - 30 Aug 2024)
  2. Performing and Questioning Malaysianness Through Theatre, Association for Asian Studies Conference 2023, Association for Asian Studies (International) (16 Mar 2023 - 20 Mar 2023)
  1. A Study of Identity in Relation to the Cultural Output of the Malaysian-Malayalee Diaspora, Research Expo Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 2012, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya (University) (26 Sep 2012 - 27 Sep 2012)
  1. Cultural Mapping: Connecting Youth with Heritage, 5th World Humanities Forum: The Human Image in a Changing World, World Humanities Forum and UNESCO (International) (31 Oct 2018 - 02 Nov 2018)
  2. Investigating Issues of Crime Fiction in Malaysia, The State of Malaysian Literature in the 21st Century: An ASIATIC Symposium, Monash University Malaysia (International) (03 Nov 2017 - 03 Nov 2017)
  3. Crime Fiction as Social Critique: Rozlan Mohd Noor's Challenge to the Dominant Rhetoric, All Lows, No Highs: A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Malaysian Crime Fiction, Monash University Malaysia (International) (29 May 2017 - 31 May 2017)
  4. Mapping Heritage in the Streets: Helping to Reconnect Youth with Disappearing Heritages, 15th Malaysia Singapore Forum: Politics of Heritage, Faculty of Arts, National University of Singapore (International) (07 Dec 2015 - 08 Dec 2015)
  5. Nation and Gender in Singapore: Resisting State Impositions Through Theatre, The current unbroken/the circuits kept open: Connecting Cultures and the Commonwealth. The 16th Triennial ACLALS Conference., Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (ACLALS) (International) (05 Aug 2013 - 09 Aug 2013)
  6. Community Theatre in the Absence of Community: The Taman Medan Project, Urban Spaces in the Twenty First Century, English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya (University) (04 Dec 2012 - 04 Dec 2012)
  7. Cultural Cosmopolitanism and Interculturalism in Malaysian Theatre, Lived Cosmopolitanisms: Identities, Languages and Literatures in Littoral Asia, English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; SBS cluster (International) (05 Mar 2012 - 07 Mar 2012)
  8. The Politics of Language Choice Among Characters in the English-language Theatre of Malaysia, Strokes Across Cultures: The 15th Triennial ACLALS Conference, University of Cyprus and Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (International) (06 Jun 2010 - 11 Jun 2010)
  9. Brecht and Kee Thuan Chye in '1984, Here and Now', Brecht In/And Asia: 13th Symposium of the International Brecht Society, International Brecht Society and University of Hawai'i at Manoa (International) (19 May 2010 - 23 May 2010)
  10. Concepts of Malayness in Selected Texts from the 19th Century to Contemporary Malaysia , Transformations in Literature and Language, English Dept, Arts Faculty, University of Malaya (National) (02 Dec 2009 - 02 Dec 2009)
  11. Speaking Through Silence:Election Day and Theatrical Responses to Censorship in the Malaysian Theatre, Silent Voices, Forbidden Lives: Censorship and Performance, International Federation for Theatre Research (International) (14 Jul 2009 - 17 Jul 2009)
  12. Re-shaping Identity Through the Body: An Analysis of K. S. Maniam s The Sandpit: Womensis and Mark de Silva s Stories for Amah., Contemporary Malaysian Literature: Challenges, Achievements and Prospects, Department of English Language and Literature, IIUM (14 Feb 2009 - 14 Feb 2009)
  13. Border-crossing Identities: Theatrical Responses to the Creation of Spaces Within the Malaysian Nation, New Directions in Southeast Asian Literature: English Department Colloquium. , English Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya (National) (10 Dec 2008 - 10 Dec 2008)
  14. Notions of Space, Place and Displacement in Some Malaysian Plays in English., Performing Southeast Asian Identities. , National University of Singapore (International) (19 Nov 2008 - 19 Nov 2008)
  15. The Discourse of Power and Identity in Ong Keng Sen's Intercultural Theatre, University of Malaya Conference on Discourse and Society (International) (14 Aug 2008 - 15 Aug 2008)
  16. How Indian is the Indian Ocean? A Study of K. S. Maniam's Displaced Characters, Ocean of Stories: Intercoloniality, Networks and Cultural Exchange Around the Indian Ocean, University of Western Australia (International) (05 Feb 2008 - 07 Feb 2008)
  17. Seeking an Identity Through Language and Literature: A Consideration of the Position in Malaysia and Singapore, 11th Malaysia-Singapore Forum: Heritage, Identities and Nation-Building, National University of Singapore (International) (23 Oct 2007 - 25 Oct 2007)
  18. Kuo Pao Kun's Descendants of the Eunuch Admiral and the Myth of Modern Singapore, Indian Ocean World, English Department, Arts Faculty, University of Malaya (International) (11 Aug 2007 - 12 Aug 2007)
  19. (En)Gendering the Nation: An Analysis of Kuo Pao Kun's Descendants of the Eunuch Admiral, Meeting Challenges and Mapping Innovations: Synergies from Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MICOLLAC 2007), Universiti Putra Malaysia (International) (22 May 2007 - 24 May 2007)
  20. Questioning Constructed Gender Roles in Leow Puay Tin's 'Family', Worlds in Discourse: Representations of Realities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (International) (21 Nov 2005 - 23 Nov 2005)
  21. Hybridity as an Interrogation of Authoritative Discourse in Huzir Sulaiman's 'Eight Plays', Perform: State: Interrogate: 10th Annual Performance Studies International Conference, Performance Studies International (International) (15 Jun 2004 - 18 Jun 2004)
  22. Diasporic Spaces in K. S. Maniam's 'The Sandpit: Womensis', Conference for The Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Association for Theatre in Higher Education (International) (29 Jul 2003 - 31 Jul 2003)
  23. ' many different types, how call all be in the same category': Questioning Racial Boundaries in Mark de Silva's 'Stories for Amah'., Endless Horizons: Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies, Australian Association for Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (International) (01 Jul 2003 - 04 Jul 2003)
  24. The Use of Historical Narrative in Kee Thuan Chye's 'We Could **** You, Mr. Birch', Resistance and Reconciliation: Writing in the Commonwealth, Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (ACLALS) (International) (09 Jul 2001 - 14 Jul 2001)
  25. The Evolving Identity of Malaysian Indians: A Comparison of K. S. Maniam's 'The Cord' and Allen Perera and Indi Nadarajah's 'Quid Pro Quo', Complicities: Connections and Divisions, National University of Singapore (International) (08 Dec 1999 - 11 Dec 1999)
  26. A Feminist Approach to 'Pygmalion'. An Approach to 'A Doll's House'. An Approach to 'The Birthday Party'., Getting to Grips with Set Texts, English Department, Arts Faculty, University of Malaya (National) (29 Jul 1994 - 30 Jul 1994)
  27. A Reader's Theatre Approach to 'A Tale of Two Cities', Challenges of Reading the New and the Old, English Department, Arts Faculty, University of Malaya (National) (05 Feb 1994 - 06 Feb 1994)
  1. How a Malaysian Webcomic Built a Community in the Face of Phyiscal Distancing, Digital Transformation in Language, Education, and Culture: Challenges and Opportunities, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang (International) (31 Jul 2021 - 01 Aug 2021)
  2. Rethinking the Diaspora Through Malaysian Theatre, Modern Paradigms in English Language and Literature, MSU Constituent Model College, Nagalapuram, India (International) (05 Mar 2021 - 05 Mar 2021)
  1. None, Perspectives in Southeast Asian Postcoloniality: The Colloquium, English Department, Arts Faculty, University of Malaya (International) (09 Sep 2006 - 09 Sep 2006)
  2. None, Royal Court Theatre 6th International Summer School of Contemporary British Drama, Royal Court Theatre, London (International) (18 Jul 1994 - 12 Aug 1994)


  1. (2024) External Examiner, Ba (Hons) English With Drama, Kolej Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, National, (External Assessor)
  2. The Homosexual as Fugitive in Selected Early Works of Tennessee Williams
  3. Tradition and Change: The Eclectic Artworks of the Nanyang Artists
  4. Performing the Strong Woman: A Study on the Relationship Between the Female Role-Type and the Presence of Feminism in Contemporary Dance in Malaysia
  5. Constructs of Identity in Multiculturalism: Personhood, Ethnicity and Nationhood in Malaysian Literature
  6. The Vision of Hospitality in Lloyd Fernando's Scorpion Orchid
  7. A Study of the Divided Self in Selected Plays of Eugene O'Neill
  8. Shaw's Treatment of the Father-Daughter Relationship in Selected Plays
  9. Shakespeare's Othello: Religious Identity and Englishness
  10. The Neurotic Poetry of John Donne
  11. Malaysian Folk Tales: A Study of Archetypal Patterns in Selected Tales
  12. Investigating the Missing I in Zubaidah MyStory: A Dialogic Consideration
  13. Situating the Work of Abdul Razak Gurnah in the Indian Ocean
  14. Southeast Asian Review of English (SARE) no. 48 2008, (Editor)
  15. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Putra Malaysia , (Advisory Committee)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2024) Moderator for Discussion With 4 Women Authors, National, (Resource Person)
  2. (2024) Judge for Drama Competition, National, (Resource Person)
  3. (2024) Manuscript Mentor, International, (Resource Person)
  4. (2019) Teaching on PhD Program, De La Salle University Dasmarinas, Manila, Philippines, International
Media appearance
  1. (2023) Discussion of Multiculturalism With Host, National, (Discourse)


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2005) Pementasan 'Singgah'
  2. (2005) Imej Wanita dalam Filem-filem P. Ramlee: Perbandingan Antara Genre Tragedi dan Komedi
  3. (2001) Perkembangan Drama Cina Moden Pada Tahun 1919 Hingga Tahun 1987 di Lembah Klang
  4. (2001) Kajian dan Analisis Hasil Skrip Drama Penulis Wanita Tempatan Leow Puay Tin Dari Aspek Feminisme
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2008) Fenale Characters in the Plays of Tennessee Williams, Nafeleh Kheirabadi
  2. (2007) Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Assimilation in the Theatre of American Minorities, Nahidh Sulayman (University of Malaya (UM))
  1. (2008) Silence in the Works of Susan Glaspell, Celine Mary Louis (University of Malaya (UM))
  2. (2008) Postcolonial Literature, Kavitha Sukumaran (University of Malaya (UM))
  3. (2008) Postcolonial Literature, Hema Mahadevan
  4. (2008) Feminism in Singapore Theatre, Siti Es Ratna Bujang (University of Malaya (UM))
  5. (2005) Tragedy in Selected Works of Bertolt Brecht, Ayu Dalila Bt Kassim (University of Malaya (UM))
  6. (2004) The Subaltern in Selected Works of Rohinton Mistry, Alice Mathews (University of Malaya (UM))
  7. (1995) Quest and Redemption in Selected Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Catherine Leong Yoke Ching (University of Malaya (UM))


  1. (2007) ACGB6110 - Modern Drama
  2. (2001) RDGA6104 - Seminar On Malaysian Drama
  1. (2008) ACEA2116 - Performance Strategies in Western Theatre
  2. (2008) PXET3105 - Drama I V.1
  3. (2007) ACEA1112 - Oral Skills
  4. (2007) ACEA1113 - Grammar and Practise I
  5. (2007) ACEA2116 - Performance Strategies in Western Theatre
  6. (2007) ACEA2304 - Twentieth-Century Drama
  7. (2007) ACEA2312 - Effective Writing
  8. (2007) RDEA1105 - Western Theatre
  9. (2007) RDEA2104 - Teori dan Prinsip Teater
  10. (2006) RDEA1105 - Western Theatre
  11. (2006) RDEA2104 - Teori dan Prinsip Teater
  12. (2006) RDEA3316 - Arts Criticism
  13. (2006) RDEC2370 - Reading Theatre Practic


  • Panelist for Virtual Launch of Kisah Futures Anthology in Conjunction With Undp, Think City and Might, (08 Apr 2021 - 08 Apr 2021)
  • Presenter On Didik Tv Road to Success Stpm 2020 for Literature in English 920/3, (31 Mar 2021 - 31 Mar 2021)
  • Panelist, Public Book Discussion At Lit Books, (20 Oct 2019 - 20 Oct 2019)
  • Public Lecture At University of Nottingham Malaysia, (16 Oct 2019 - 16 Oct 2019)
  • Bfm 89.9 Interview On The Role of Libraries in Society, (09 Oct 2019 - 09 Oct 2019)
  • Bfm 89.9 - Interview On The Importance of Reading Local Literature, (23 Sep 2019 - 23 Sep 2019)
  • Moderator for Panel On Arts and Culture Education: Yesterday and Tomorrow. At Borak Arts Series 2017, (14 Oct 2017 - 15 Oct 2017)
  • Interview With Ezra Zaid and Uma Ambikaipakan On Bfm89.9: "is Satire a Part of Our Culture?", (17 May 2017 - 17 May 2017)
  • Presenter, Research Methodology Workshop, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, (30 Aug 2013 - 30 Aug 2013)
  • Chief Judge, Spelling Bee Contest 2013 Kolej Kediaman Tun Syed Zahiruddin Universiti Malaya, (22 Mar 2013 - 22 Mar 2013)
  • Chief Judge, Convent Bukit Nanas Annual Oratorical Contest, (24 Apr 2007)
  • Conducted Mock Interviews for Oxbridge University Admissions, Help College, (13 Sep 2006)
  • Chief Judge, Convent Bukit Nanas Annual Oratorical Contest, (24 Apr 2006)