Curriculum Vitae


Associate Professor
  • Nanotechnology Catalysis Research Centre
  • leehweivoon
  • 0379676959


    Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
    Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
    Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Reaction Engineering
    Engineering, Energy Resources And Engineering, Renewable Energy Resources
    Applied Science And Technology, Material Sciences And Technology Including Engineering Materials, Biomaterials
    Environment Sustainability, Conservation And Replacement


  • PhD (Catalysis), (CATALYSIS)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
  • Bsc (Industrial Chemistry), (Industrial Chemistry)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)


  • Internal auditor IAS
    05 Feb 2024 - 01 May 2027 (Faculty)
  • Committee member of Division of green & sustainable chemistry (DGSC), Institut Kimia Malaysia (2023/24)
    01 Jun 2024 - 31 Mar 2025 (National)
  • Jawatankuasa Penyediaan Dokumen Akreditasi-Sarjana Sains Gunaan (Nanoteknologi)
    01 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2024 (Faculty)
  • Head of Unit for Research Grant NANOCAT
    04 Nov 2022 - 03 Nov 2024 (Department)
  • Task Force Member
    08 Aug 2022 - 07 Feb 2023 (National)
  • Committee member, Malaysian Young Chemisty Network (MYCN), Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM)
    01 Feb 2020 - 01 Jan 2022 (National)
  • Head of Unit, Research Grant
    01 Jun 2018 - 03 Nov 2021 (Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Internal auditor University of Malaya Bil. 22/2021 (AKD UM BIL.22/2021), University Malaya
    14 Apr 2021 - 16 Aug 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Task Force 8: Research Fund Opportunities
    15 Mar 2021 - 16 Apr 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Member of Taskforce for COPPA (PSAR) for 'Master of Applied Science (Nanotechnology)
    23 Nov 2020 - 31 Dec 2020 (Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Secretary, Environment & Green Chemistry Section (EGC) 2019/2020, Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM)
    01 Jul 2019 - 31 Mar 2020 (National)
  • Secretary, Environment & Green Chemistry Section (EGC) 2018/2019, Institut Kimia Malaysia
    22 Jun 2018 - 29 Mar 2019 (National)
  • Head of unit, Internal audit, research grant and income
    01 Mar 2017 - 28 Feb 2019 (Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Internal auditor University of Malaya Bil19/2018
    02 Jul 2018 - 23 Jul 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Secretary, Industrial Chemistry Section (ICS) 2016/2017, Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM)
    01 Jul 2016 - 31 Mar 2017 (National)
  • Head of Unit, Legal documentation controller (MOU/MOA/NDA/LOI) under networking section
    01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Head of Sub-unit, Networking
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • External committee member, National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT)
    13 Nov 2014 - 13 Nov 2014 (International)
  • Head of sub-unit, Academic & postgraduates
    24 Apr 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))


  • World's Top 2% Scientist 2024
    2024, Sandford University,  (International)
  • Silver Award, Natural Nanocellulose-Based Pickering Emulsifiers for Green Product Formulation, International Expo of Innovation Product and System Design (Invide) 2023
    2023, Universiti Malaya,  (International)
  • World's Top 2% Scientist 2023
    2023, Standford University,  (International)
  • Gold Medal, Onepotwonder: Facile Production of Cellulose Nanomaterial from Lignocellulosic Biomass, International Research and Innovation Symposium and Exposition (Rise) 2022
    2022, Universiti Malaya,  (International)
  • World's Top 2% Scientist 2022
    2022, Sandford University,  (International)
  • Gold Award, Biomnc: Super Versatile Cellulose Nanomaterial for Green Platform, The International Borneo Innovation, Exhibition & Competition (Ibiec)
    2022, Universiti Malaya,  (International)
  • Top 2 % Scientist in The World 2020, Elsevier, 2021
    2021, Stanford University,  (International)
  • Jrm Most Cited Paper Award 2021, Journal of Renewable Materials, 2021
    2021, Tech Science Press (TSP),  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2021, Universiti Malaya
  • Gold Medal, Environmentally Friendly Ester-Based Oil for Two-Stroke Engines, The 4th World Invention Academic Conference
    2020, Korea Invention News,  (International)
  • World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University
    2020, Stanford University,  (International)
  • Asian Universities Alliance (Aua) Scholars Award
    2020, Asian Universities Alliance,  (International)
  • Top 10 in Food and Beverages Cluster, Selangor R&D and Innovation Expo 2019, 10-13 October 2019, Mitec Kuala Lumpur
    2019, Selangor State Secretary Office,  (Government)
  • Gold Medal , Invention of "Renewable Biomass-Derived Cellulose Nanomaterial: Versatile Bio-Based Emulsifier", Pecipta 19, International Conference and Exposition On Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning, 22-23 September 2019
    2019, UTHM, Batu Pahat Johor.,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2018, Universiti Malaya
  • Gold Award, Innovation of "Development of Docat Catalyst for Effective Green Diesel Production", 8th Exposition On Islamic Innovation (I-Inova) 2018, 10-11th March 2018
    2018, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM),  (National)
  • Gold Award, Innovation of "Novel Oxidative-Hydrolysis System for Cellulose Nanomaterial Production", 8th Exposition On Islamic Innovation (I-Inova) 2018, 10-11th March 2018
    2018, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM),  (National)
  • Bronze Medal, Invention of "Cellulose Nanomaterial Derived from Marine Biomass", Invention & Innovation Awards 2018, Malaysia Technology Expo 2018, 22-24 February 2018, Kuala Lumpur
    2018, Malaysian Association of Research Scientist,  (International)
  • Gold Medal, Pertandigan Rekacipta dan Inovasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta (Perintis 2016)
    2016, Universiti Tenaga Nasional,  (National)
  • Silver Medal, Novel Approach for Production of Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Low Cost Lignocellulosic Biomass. Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition 2016 (Iidex 2016)
    2016, Universiti teknologi MARA,  (International)
  • Gold Medal, Facile Synthesis of Waste Shell-Derived Ca(Oh)2 for Effective Bio-Gasoline Production. Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition 2016 (Iidex 2016)
    2016, Universiti teknologi MARA,  (International)
  • Gold Medal, Greencat: Bi-Functinoal Heterogeneous Catalysts for Production of Non-Edible Based Biodiesel, 14th International Conference and Exposition On Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (Pecipta 2015), Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
    2015, Minister of higher education,  (International)
  • Silver Medal, Eco-Photocatalytic System (Epc-V3): Paves The Way for Efficiently Converting Co2 from Sunlight, 14th International Conference and Exposition On Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (Pecipta 2015), Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
    2015, Minister of higher education,  (International)
  • Best Poster Award in Seminar On Advanced Materials Characterization Technique in Research, Industry and Nuclear Application 2015
    2015, MNS-XAPP,  (National)
  • Gold Medal, Greencat, Malaysia Technology Expo 2014
    2014, University of Malaya,  (International)
  • Bronze Medal, Invention & Innovation Awards 2012
    2012, Malaysia Technology Expo,  (National)
  • Tan Sri Ong Kee Hui Postgraduate Chemistry Award 2012
    2012, Malaysian Chemistry Institute (IKM),  (International)
  • Silver Medal for Heterogeneous Catalyst Synthesis(Science, Technology and Engineering), Pameran Rekacipta, Penyelidikan and Inovasi (Prpi)
    2011, Universiti Putra Malaysia,  (University)
  • Silver Medal for Method of Producing Biodiesel Using Heterogeneous Catalytic System (Science, Technology and Engineering), Pameran Rekacipta, Penyelidikan and Inovasi (Prpi)
    2011, Universiti Putra Malaysia,  (University)
  • Best Graduate Award in Bachelor of Science (Honours) Industrial Chemistry 2008
    2008, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM),  (International)
  • Best Performance for Bachelor of Science (Honours)Industrial Chemistry 2008
    2008, Malaysian Chemistry Institute (IKM),  (National)


Article in Journal
  1. Adzahar, Nur Athirah; AbdulKareem-Alsultan, G.; Mijan, N. Asikin; Mastuli, M. S.; Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2025). Effect of catalyst synthesis of bimetallic nickel-cobalt supported iron-based catalysts on converting palm kernel oil into bio-jet fuel via deoxygenation reaction, ENERGY. 314. doi:10.1016/
  2. Alghamdi, Huda S.; Sanhoob, Mohammed A.; Ajeebi, Afnan M.; Aziz, Md. Abdul; Shaikh, M. Nasiruzzaman; Voon, Lee Hwei (2025). Ultrasmall Fe3O4 Nanoparticles on ZrO2 as Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation to Lower Olefins, ASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 14(2). doi:10.1002/ajoc.202400379
  3. Chang, He; Lee, Hwei Voon; Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin; Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G.; Seenivasagam, Sivasangar (2025). Metal organic framework-derived advanced porous material supported catalysts for green diesel production from palm fatty acid distillate via deoxygenation pathways, RENEWABLE ENERGY. 238. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2024.121882
  4. Samidin, Salma; Anuar, Arfaezah; Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G.; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Isahak, Wan Nor Roslam Wan; Voon, Lee Hwei; Lai, Sin Yuan; M., Surahim; Ali, Salmiaton; Shamsuddin, Mohd Razali; Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin (2025). Catalysts screening on production of syngas over novel cobalt-based catalysts supported with dolomite: effect of calcination temperature and Co loading, CHEMICAL PAPERS. 79(1), 481-496. doi:10.1007/s11696-024-03795-7
  5. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G.; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Samidin, Salma; Lee, Hwei Voon; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Teo, Siow Hwa; Kurniawan, Tonni Agustiono; Adzahar, Nur Athirah; Alomari, Noor; Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin (2024). Hydrodeoxygenation of Isoeugenol-Derived Model Compound over Carbon-Supported Pt and Pt-SnS Catalysts for the Production of Sustainable Jet Fuel, CHEMPLUSCHEM. . doi:10.1002/cplu.202400368
  6. Aldoghachi, Ali; Hin, Taufiq-Yap Yun; Saiman, Mohd Izham; Voon, Lee Hwei; Zheng, Alvin Lim Teik; Seenivasagam, Sivasangar (2024). Development of highly stable Ni-doped zeolitic imidazole framework (ZIF-67) based catalyst for CO2 methanation reaction, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 57, 1474-1485. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.01.104
  7. Fahmi, Mochamad Zakki; Sugito, Siti Febtria Asrini; Hanifah, Nadia Aulia; Nur'aini, Ummi Lathifah; Purwanto, Bambang; Voon, Lee Hwei (2024). Advance Heteroatom Dopants Nitrogen, Boron, Sulphur, and Phosphorus on Carbon Dots towards Histamine Detection in Fish Sample, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 53(2), 347-358. doi:10.17576/jsm-2024-5302-09
  8. Gunn, Priscilla Fong Ern; Onn, Chiu Chuen; Mo, Kim Hung; Lee, Hwei Voon (2024). Enhancing carbon sequestration in cement mortar using high volume local rice husk biochar coupled with carbonation curing, CASE STUDIES IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. 21. doi:10.1016/j.cscm.2024.e03591
  9. Ravindran, Megan. X. Y.; Asikin-Mijan, N.; AbdulKareem-Alsultan, G.; Ong, H. C.; Nurfarhana, M. M.; Lee, H. V.; Kurniawan, Tonni Agustiono; Derawi, Darfizzi; Yusoff, Siti Fairus M.; Lokman, I. M.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2024). A review of carbon-based catalyst for production of renewable hydrocarbon rich fuel, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 12(2). doi:10.1016/j.jece.2024.112330
  10. Sugito, Siti Febtria Asrini; Wibrianto, Aswandi; Chang, Jia-Yaw; Fahmi, Mochamad Zakki; Khairunisa, Siti Qamariyah; Sakti, Satya Candra Wibawa; Ahmad, Musbahu Adam; Voon, Lee Hwei; Nikmah, Yatim Lailun (2024). Three-dimensional Au-MnO2 nanostructure as an agent of synergistic cancer therapy: chemo-/photodynamic and photothermal approaches, DALTON TRANSACTIONS. 53(27), 11368-11379. doi:10.1039/d4dt01123f
  11. Tihin, Gertruth Leevhan; Mo, Kim Hung; Juan, Joon Ching; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, Hwei Voon (2024). Enhanced energy recovery of non-hazardous organic wastes via moderate pyrolysis with natural calcium- and potassium-based additives, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY. . doi:10.1007/s10973-023-12848-0
  12. Yahya, Mazlita; Sakti, Satya Candra Wibawa; Fahmi, Mochamad Zakki; Chuah, Cheng Hock; Lee, Hwei Voon (2024). Bio-based Pickering emulsifier from mangosteen residues-derived sodium caseinate grafted spherical cellulose nanocrystals: Stability, rheological properties and microstructure studies, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES. 257. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.128696
  13. Arumugam, Mahashanon; Osatiashtiani, Amin; Wong, Ka-Lun; Baharudin, Khairul Basyar; Lai, Sin Yuan; Safa-Gamal, M.; Lee, Hwei Voon; Lim, Chaw Jiang; Kubic, David; Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin (2023). Surface-silanised and alkoxylated micro-mesoporous Ni/hierarchical nanozeolites for oleic acid hydrodeoxygenation, MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. 547. doi:10.1016/j.mcat.2023.113347
  14. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Juan, J. C.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Lin, Yu-Chuan; AbdulKareem-Alsultan, G.; Lee, H. V. (2023). Towards sustainable green diesel fuel production: Advancements and opportunities in acid-base catalyzed H2-free deoxygenation process, CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS. 182. doi:10.1016/j.catcom.2023.106741
  15. Sanhoob, Mohammed A.; Nasser, Galal A.; Bakare, Akolade I.; Muraza, Oki; Al-Shammari, Talal K.; Lee, Hwei Voon; Yokoi, Toshiyuki; Park, Sungsik; Nishitoba, Toshiki (2023). Microwave-Assisted Optimized Synthesis Conditions for the Conversion of Methanol to Olefins over Variable Content of Aluminum ZSM-5 Zeolite, ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 48(12), 16483-16494. doi:10.1007/s13369-023-08417-0
  16. Teo, Shao Hui; Ching, Yern Chee; Fahmi, Mochamad Zakki; Lee, Hwei Voon (2023). Surface Functionalization of Sugarcane-Bagasse-Derived Cellulose Nanocrystal for Pickering Emulsion Gel: Microstructural Properties and Stability Efficiency, GELS. 9(9). doi:10.3390/gels9090734
  17. Tihin, Gertruth Leevhan; Mo, Kim Hung; Onn, Chiu Chuen; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Lee, Hwei Voon (2023). Overview of municipal solid wastes-derived refuse-derived fuels for cement co-processing, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 84, 153-174. doi:10.1016/j.aej.2023.10.043
  18. Abdullah, Nur Hafawati Binti; Mijan, Nurul Asikin; Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Lee, Hwei Voon (2022). Environment-friendly deoxygenation of non-edible Ceiba oil to liquid hydrocarbon biofuel: process parameters and optimization study, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. . doi:10.1007/s11356-022-18508-4
  19. Asikin-Mijan, N.; AbdulKareem-Alsultan, G.; Mastuli, M. S.; Salmiaton, A.; Mohamed, Mohamad Azuwa; Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2022). Single-step catalytic deoxygenation-cracking of tung oil to bio-jet fuel over CoW/silica-alumina catalysts, FUEL. 325. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2022.124917
  20. Ng, Brandon Ywe Soong; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Lau, Harrison Lik Nang; Ishak, Nor Shafizah; Elfasakhany, Ashraf; Lee, Hwei Voon (2022). Production of sustainable two-stroke engine biolubricant ester base oil from palm fatty acid distillate, INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS. 175. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.114224
  21. Ravindran, Megan X. Y.; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Ong, H. C.; Derawi, Darfizi; Yusof, M. R.; Mastuli, M. S.; Lee, H., V; Mahmood, W. N. A. S. Wan; Razali, M. S.; Al-Sultan, G. Abdulkareem; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2022). Feasibility of advancing the production of bio-jet fuel via microwave reactor under low reaction temperature, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 168. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2022.105772
  22. Sakti, Satya Candra Wibawa; Indrasari, Nindayu; Wijaya, Rizki Ainuna; Fahmi, Mochamad Zakki; Widati, Alfa Akustia; Lee, Hwei Voon; Fujioka, Takahiro; Nuryono; Chen, Chun-Hu (2022). Diatomaceous earth incorporated floating magnetic beads for oil removal on water, ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION. 25. doi:10.1016/j.eti.2021.102120
  23. Teo, Shao Hui; Chee, Ching Yern; Fahmi, Mochamad Zakki; Sakti, Satya Candra Wibawa; Lee, Hwei Voon (2022). Review of Functional Aspects of Nanocellulose-Based Pickering Emulsifier for Non-Toxic Application and Its Colloid Stabilization Mechanism, MOLECULES. 27(21). doi:10.3390/molecules27217170
  24. Why, Elaine Siew Kuan; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Lee, Hwei Voon; Chen, Wei-Hsin; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Varman, Mahendra; Loh, Wen Jing (2022). Single-step catalytic deoxygenation of palm feedstocks for the production of sustainable bio-jet fuel, ENERGY. 239. doi:10.1016/
  25. Zulkepli, Suraya; Lee, Hwei Voon; Abd Rahman, Noorsaadah; Chuan, Ling Tau; Show, Pau Loke; Chen, Wei-Hsin; Juan, Joon Ching (2022). Highly active iron-promoted hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) for deoxygenation of triglycerides to green hydrocarbon-like biofuel, FUEL. 308. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121860
  26. Zulkepli, Suraya; Rahman, Noorsaadah Abd.; Lee, Hwei Voon; Cheng, Chin Kui; Chen, Wei-Hsin; Juan, Joon Ching (2022). Synergistic effect of bimetallic Fe-Ni supported on hexagonal mesoporous silica for production of hydrocarbon-like biofuels via deoxygenation under hydrogen-free condition, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 273. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2022.116371
  27. Ambursa, M. M., Juan, J. C., Yahaya, Y., Taufiq-Yap, Y. H., Lin, Y. C., & Lee, H. V. (2021). A review on catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of lignin to transportation fuels by using nickel-based catalysts. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 138, 24. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110667
  28. Aung, Y. Y., Kristanti, A. N., Lee, H. V., & Fahmi, M. Z. (2021). Boronic-Acid-Modified Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications. Acs Omega, 6(28), 17750-17765. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.1c01352
  29. Cheryl-Low, Y. L., Kong, P. S., & Lee, H. V. (2021). Environmentally adapted bio-oil compounds-derived polyolesters synthesis: Optimization and properties of base fluids. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 407, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124365
  30. Hassan, S. H., Velayutham, T. S., Chen, Y. W., & Lee, H. V. (2021). TEMPO-oxidized nanocellulose films derived from coconut residues: Physicochemical, mechanical and electrical properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 180, 392-402. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.03.066
  31. Ong, H. C., Tiong, Y. W., Goh, B. H. H., Gan, Y. Y., Mofijur, M., Fattah, I. M. R., . . . Mahlia, T. M. I. (2021). Recent advances in biodiesel production from agricultural products and microalgae using ionic liquids: Opportunities and challenges. Energy Conversion and Management, 228, 22. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113647
  32. Ooi, H. K., Koh, X. N., Ong, H. C., Lee, H. V., Mastuli, M. S., Taufiq-Yap, Y. H., . . . Mijan, N. A. (2021). Progress on Modified Calcium Oxide Derived Waste-Shell Catalysts for Biodiesel Production. Catalysts, 11(2), 26. doi: 10.3390/catal11020194
  33. Sazeli, S., Nath, A. R., Ahmad, M. H., Zulkifli, N. W. M., Johan, M. R., Yehye, W. A., & Voon, L. H. (2021). Semicarbazide and thiosemicarbazide containing butylated hydroxytoluene moiety: new potential antioxidant additives for synthetic lubricating oil. RSC Advances, 11(13), 7138-7145. doi: 10.1039/d0ra10626g
  34. Tzeng, Y. Z., Chang, C. J., Yang, M. C., Tsai, M. J., Teramura, K., Tanaka, T., . . . Lin, Y. C. (2021). Zn-based metal-organic frameworks as sacrificial agents for the synthesis of Zn/ZSM-5 catalysts and their applications in the aromatization of methanol. Catalysis Today, 375, 70-78. doi: 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.01.038
  35. Why, E. S. K., Ong, H. C., Lee, H. V., Chen, W. H., Asikin-Mijan, N., & Varman, M. (2021). Conversion of bio-jet fuel from palm kernel oil and its blending effect with jet A-1 fuel. Energy Conversion and Management, 243, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114311
  36. Wibrianto, A., Putri, D. F., Sakti, S. C. W., Lee, H. V., & Fahmi, M. Z. (2021). Naproxen release aspect from boron-doped carbon nanodots as a bifunctional agent in cancer therapy. RSC Advances, 11(59), 37375-37382. doi: 10.1039/d1ra06148h
  37. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G., Asikin-Mijan, N., Mustafa-Alsultan, G., Lee, H. V., Wilson, K., Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2020). Efficient deoxygenation of waste cooking oil over Co3O4-La2O3-doped activated carbon for the production of diesel-like fuel. Rsc Advances, 10(9), 4996-5009. doi: 10.1039/c9ra09516k
  38. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G.; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Mustafa-Alsultan, G.; Lee, H., V; Wilson, Karen; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2020). Efficient deoxygenation of waste cooking oil over Co3O4-La2O3-doped activated carbon for the production of diesel-like fuel, RSC ADVANCES. 10(9), 4996-5009. doi:10.1039/c9ra09516k
  39. Abidin, S. N. Z., Lee, H. V., Asikin-Mijan, N., Juan, J. C., Abd Rahman, N., Mastuli, M. S., . . . Kong, P. S. (2020). Ni, Zn and Fe hydrotalcite-like catalysts for catalytic biomass compound into green biofuel. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 92(4), 587-600. doi: 10.1515/pac-2019-0820
  40. Abidin, Shajaratun Nur Zdainal; Lee, Hwei Voon; Asikin-Mijan, Nurul; Juan, Joon Ching; Abd Rahman, Noorsaadah; Mastuli, Mohd Sufri; Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin; Kong, Pei San (2020). Ni, Zn and Fe hydrotalcite-like catalysts for catalytic biomass compound into green biofuel, PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY. 92(4), 587-600. doi:10.1515/pac-2019-0820
  41. Asikin-Mijan, N., Ooi, J. M., AbdulKareem-Alsultan, G., Lee, H. V., Mastuli, M. S., Mansir, N., . . . Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2020). Free-H-2 deoxygenation of Jatropha curcas oil into cleaner diesel-grade biofuel over coconut residue-derived activated carbon catalyst. Journal of Cleaner Production, 249, 15. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119381
  42. Asikin-Mijan, N., Rosman, N. A., AbdulKareem-Alsultan, G., Mastuli, M. S., Lee, H. V., Nabihah-Fauzi, N., . . . Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2020). Production of renewable diesel from jatropha curcas oil via pyrolytic-deoxygenation over various multi-wall carbon nanotube-based catalysts. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 142, 336-349. doi: 10.1016/j.psep.2020.06.034
  43. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Ooi, J. M.; AbdulKareem-Alsultan, G.; Lee, H. V.; Mastuli, M. S.; Mansir, Nasar; Alharthi, Fahad A.; Alghamdi, Abdulaziz Ali; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2020). Free-H-2 deoxygenation of Jatropha curcas oil into cleaner diesel-grade biofuel over coconut residue-derived activated carbon catalyst, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 249. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119381
  44. Chen, Y. W., Lee, H. V. (2020). Recent progress in homogeneous Lewis acid catalysts for the transformation of hemicellulose and cellulose into valuable chemicals, fuels, and nanocellulose. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 36(2), 215-235. doi: 10.1515/revce-2017-0071
  45. Choo, Min-Yee; Oi, Lee Eng; Ling, Tau Chuan; Ng, Eng-Poh; Lee, Hwei Voon; Juan, Joon Ching (2020). Conversion of Microalgae Biomass to Biofuels, MICROALGAE CULTIVATION FOR BIOFUELS PRODUCTION. , 149-161. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-817536-1.00010-2
  46. Duolikun, T., Ghazali, N., Leo, B. F., Lee, H. V., Lai, C. W., & Bin Johan, M. R. (2020). Asymmetric Cellulosic Membranes: Current and Future Aspects. Symmetry-Basel, 12(7), 12. doi: 10.3390/sym12071160
  47. Fahmi, M. Z., Wibowo, D. L. N., Sakti, S. C. W., Lee, H. V., Isnaeni. (2020). Human serum albumin capsulated hydrophobic carbon nanodots as staining agent on HeLa tumor cell. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 239, 9. doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2019.122266
  48. Fahmi, Mochamad Zakki; Wibowo, Denika Liyan Nor; Sakti, Satya Candra Wibawa; Lee, Hwei Voon; Isnaeni (2020). Human serum albumin capsulated hydrophobic carbon nanodots as staining agent on HeLa tumor cell, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 239. doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2019.122266
  49. Iqbal, A., Tan, K. H., Shaari, U. S., Ahmad, N., Adam, F., Lee, H. V., . . . Ibrahim, M. N. M. (2020). Friedel-Crafts benzylation of toluene catalyzed by ZnCl2/SiO2 heterogeneous catalyst to para- and ortho-mono-benzylated toluene. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 17(7), 1615-1626. doi: 10.1007/s13738-020-01888-0
  50. Iqbal, Anwar; Tan, Kok-Hou; Shaari, U. S.; Ahmad, N. I. N. B.; Adam, Farook; Lee, Hwei Voon; Yusop, Rahimi M.; Abu Bakar, N. H. H.; Lee, Hooi Ling; Pauzi, Hariy; Abd Malik, Muhammad Fadhirul Izwan; Jusoh, Ahmad Fadly; Wilson, Lee D.; Ahmad, M. N.; Hazwan Hussain, M.; Ibrahim, Mohamad Nasir Mohamad (2020). Friedel-Crafts benzylation of toluene catalyzed by ZnCl2/SiO2 heterogeneous catalyst to para- and ortho-mono-benzylated toluene, JOURNAL OF THE IRANIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 17(7), 1615-1626. doi:10.1007/s13738-020-01888-0
  51. Oi, L. E., Choo, M. Y., Lee, H. V., Taufiq-Yap, Y. H., Cheng, C. K., Juan, J. C. (2020). Catalytic deoxygenation of triolein to green fuel over mesoporous TiO2 aided by in situ hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(20), 11605-11614. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.07.172
  52. Oi, Lee Eng; Choo, Min-Yee; Lee, Hwei Voon; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Cheng, Chin Kui; Juan, Joon Ching (2020). Catalytic deoxygenation of triolein to green fuel over mesoporous TiO2 aided by in situ hydrogen production, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 45(20), 11605-11614. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.07.172
  53. Sakti, S. C. W., Laily, R. N., Aliyah, S., Indrasari, N., Fahmi, M. Z., Lee, H. V., . . . Tanaka, S. (2020). Re-collectable and recyclable epichlorohydrin-crosslinked humic acid with spinel cobalt ferrite core for simple magnetic removal of cationic triarylmethane dyes in polluted water. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8(4), 14. doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2020.104004
  54. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G., Asikin-Mijan, N., Lee, H. V., Rashid, U., Islam, A., Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2019). A Review on Thermal Conversion of Plant Oil (Edible and Inedible) into Green Fuel Using Carbon-Based Nanocatalyst. Catalysts, 9(4), 25. doi:10.3390/catal9040350
  55. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G., Asikin-Mijan, N., Mansir, N., Lee, H. V., Zainal, Z., Islam, A., Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2019). Pyro-lytic de-oxygenation of waste cooking oil for green diesel production over Ag2O3-La2O3/AC nano-catalyst. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 137, 171-184. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2018.11.023
  56. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G.; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Mansir, Nasar; Lee, H., V; Zainal, Zulkarnain; Islam, Aminul; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2019). Pyro-lytic de-oxygenation of waste cooking oil for green diesel production over Ag2O3-La2O3/AC nano-catalyst, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 137, 171-184. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2018.11.023
  57. Abidin, S. N. Z., Lee, H. V., Juan, J. C., Abd Rahman, N., Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2019). Production of green biofuel by using a goat manure supported Ni-Al hydrotalcite catalysed deoxygenation process. Rsc Advances, 9(3), 1642-1652. doi:10.1039/c8ra07818a
  58. Abidin, Shajaratun Nur Zdainal; Lee, Hwei Voon; Juan, Joon Ching; Abd Rahman, Noorsaadah; Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin (2019). Production of green biofuel by using a goat manure supported Ni-Al hydrotalcite catalysed deoxygenation process, RSC ADVANCES. 9(3), 1642-1652. doi:10.1039/c8ra07818a
  59. Ambursa, M. M., Voon, L. H., Ching, J. J., Yahaya, Y., Appaturi, J. N. (2019). Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of dibenzofuran to fuel graded molecule over mesoporous supported bimetallic catalysts. Fuel, 236, 236-243. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.08.162
  60. Chen, Y. W., Hasanulbasori, M. A., Chiat, P. F., Lee, H. V. (2019). Pyrus pyrifolia fruit peel as sustainable source for spherical and porous network based nanocellulose synthesis via one-pot hydrolysis system. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 123, 1305-1319. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.10.013
  61. Chen, Y. Y., Chang, C. J., Lee, H. V., Juan, J. C., Lin, Y. C. (2019). Gallium-Immobilized Carbon Nanotubes as Solid Templates for the Synthesis of Hierarchical Ga/ZSM-5 in Methanol Aromatization. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(19), 7948-7956. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.9b00726
  62. Chen, You Wei; Hasanulbasori, Muhammad Ariff; Chiat, Phang Fung; Lee, Hwei Voon (2019). Pyrus pyrifolia fruit peel as sustainable source for spherical and porous network based nanocellulose synthesis via one-pot hydrolysis system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES. 123, 1305-1319. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.10.013
  63. Chen, Yu-Yin; Chang, Ching-Jung; Lee, Hwei Voon; Juan, Joon Ching; Lin, Yu-Chuan (2019). Gallium-Immobilized Carbon Nanotubes as Solid Templates for the Synthesis of Hierarchical Ga/ZSM-5 in Methanol Aromatization, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 58(19), 7948-7956. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.9b00726
  64. Hossain, M. A., Voon, L. H. (2019). Mixed-Ligand Ni(II), Co(II) and Fe(II) Complexes as Catalysts for Esterification of Biomass-Derived Levulinic Acid with Polyol and in Situ Reduction via Hydrogenation with NaBH4. Journal of Renewable Materials, 7(8), 731-748. doi:10.32604/jrm.2019.04703
  65. Hossain, M. A., Low, C. Y. L., Sheikh, C. M., Juan, J. C., Lee, H. V. (2019). Synthesis, X-ray diffraction studies, thermal behavior and catalytic investigation of Cu(II) complexes for levulinic acid-based polyol esters. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1175, 566-576. doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2018.08.011
  66. Hossain, Md Anwar; Voon, Lee Hwei (2019). Mixed-Ligand Ni(II), Co(II) and Fe(II) Complexes as Catalysts for Esterification of Biomass-Derived Levulinic Acid with Polyol and in Situ Reduction via Hydrogenation with NaBH4, JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE MATERIALS. 7(8), 731-748. doi:10.32604/jrm.2019.04703
  67. Ooi, X. Y., Gao, W., Ong, H. C., Lee, H. V., Juan, J. C., Chen, W. H., Lee, K. T. (2019). Overview on catalytic deoxygenation for biofuel synthesis using metal oxide supported catalysts. Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews, 112, 834-852. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.06.031
  68. Ooi, X. Y., Oi, L. E., Choo, M. Y., Ong, H. C., Lee, H. V., Show, P. L., . . . Juan, J. C. (2019). Efficient deoxygenation of triglycerides to hydrocarbon-biofuel over mesoporous Al2O3-TiO2 catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology, 194, 10. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.106120
  69. Ooi, Xian Yih; Gao, Wei; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Lee, Hwei Voon; Juan, Joon Ching; Chen, Wei Hsin; Lee, Keat Teong (2019). Overview on catalytic deoxygenation for biofuel synthesis using metal oxide supported catalysts, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 112, 834-852. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.06.031
  70. Ooi, Xian Yih; Oi, Lee Eng; Choo, Min-Yee; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Lee, Hwei Voon; Show, Pau Loke; Lin, Yu-Chuan; Juan, Joon Ching (2019). Efficient deoxygenation of triglycerides to hydrocarbon-biofuel over mesoporous Al2O3-TiO2 catalyst, FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 194. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.106120
  71. Tuerxun, D., Pulingam, T., Nordin, N. I., Chen, Y. W., Bin Kamaldin, J., Julkapli, N. B. M., . . . Bin Johan, M. R. (2019). Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity studies of nanocrystalline cellulose from the production waste of rubber-wood and kenaf-bast fibers. European Polymer Journal, 116, 352-360. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2019.04.021
  72. Why, E. S. K., Ong, H. C., Lee, H. V., Gan, Y. Y., Chen, W. H., Chong, C. T. (2019). Renewable aviation fuel by advanced hydroprocessing of biomass: Challenges and perspective. Energy Conversion and Management, 199, 15. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.112015
  73. Yahya, M., Chen, Y. W., Lee, H. V., Hock, C. C., Hassan, W. H. W. (2019). A New Protocol for Efficient and High Yield Preparation of Nanocellulose from Elaeis guineensis Biomass: A Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Study. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 27(4), 678-702. doi:10.1007/s10924-019-01373-7
  74. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Juan, J. C.; Noorsaadah, A. R.; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Razali, S. M.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2018). Promoting deoxygenation of triglycerides via Co-Ca loaded SiO2-Al2O3 catalyst, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL. 552, 38-48. doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2017.12.020
  75. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Marliza, T. S.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2018). Pyrolytic-deoxygenation of triglycerides model compound and non-edible oil to hydrocarbons over SiO2-Al2O3 supported NiO-CaO catalysts, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 129, 221-230. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2017.11.009
  76. Hossain, Md. Anwar; Lian, Cheryl Low Yi; Islam, Md. Al-Amin A. A.; Sheikh, Md. Chanmiya; Ching, Juan Joon; Voon, Lee Hwei (2018). Alumina-Supported Cu(II), Co(II), and Fe(II) Complexes as Catalyst for Esterification of Biomass-derived Levulinic Acid with Trimethylolpropane (TMP) and Pentaerythritol (PE) and Upgrading via Hydrogenation, BIORESOURCES. 13(3), 5512-5533
  77. Alsultan, G. Abdulkareem; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Albazzaz, Ahmed S.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2017). Deoxygenation of waste cooking to renewable diesel over walnut shell derived nanorode activated carbon supported CaO-La2O3 catalyst, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 151, 311-323. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2017.09.001
  78. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G.; Afandi, A.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2017). Production of green diesel via cleaner catalytic deoxygenation of Jatropha curcas oil, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. 167, 1048-1059. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.10.023
  79. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Abdulkrem-Alsultan, G.; Mastuli, M. S.; Ong, Hwai Chyuan (2017). Optimization study of SiO2-Al2O3 supported bifunctional acid-base NiO-CaO for renewable fuel production using response surface methodology, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 141, 325-338. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2016.09.041
  80. Chen, You Wei; Lee, Hwei Voon; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee (2017). Facile production of nanostructured cellulose from Elaeis guineensis empty fruit bunch via one pot oxidative-hydrolysis isolation approach, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS. 157, 1511-1524. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.11.030
  81. Chen, You Wei; Tan, Thean Heng; Lee, Hwei Voon; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee (2017). Easy Fabrication of Highly Thermal-Stable Cellulose Nanocrystals Using Cr(NO3)3 Catalytic Hydrolysis System: A Feasibility Study from Macro- to Nano-Dimensions, MATERIALS. 10(1). doi:10.3390/ma10010042
  82. Lee, Hwei Voon; Juan, Joon Ching (2017). Nanocatalysis for the Conversion of Nonedible Biomass to Biogasoline via Deoxygenation Reaction, NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOENERGY AND BIOFUEL PRODUCTION. , 301-323. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45459-7_13
  83. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G.; Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2016). A new route for the synthesis of La-Ca oxide supported on nano activated carbon via vacuum impregnation method for one pot esterification-transesterification reaction, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 304, 61-71. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2016.05.116
  84. Ambursa, Murtala M.; Ali, Tammar Hussein; Voon, Lee Hwei; Sudarsanam, Putla; Bhargava, Suresh K.; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee (2016). Hydrodeoxygenation of dibenzofuran to bicyclic hydrocarbons using bimetallic Cu-Ni catalysts supported on metal oxides, FUEL. 180, 767-776. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.04.045
  85. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Juan, J. C.; Noorsaadah, A. R.; Abdulkareem-Alsultan, G.; Arumugam, M.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2016). Waste clamshell-derived CaO supported Co and W catalysts for renewable fuels production via cracking-deoxygenation of triolein, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 120, 110-120. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2016.04.015
  86. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Juan, J. C.; Rahman, N. A. (2016). Pyrolytic-deoxygenation of triglyceride via natural waste shell derived Ca(OH)2 nanocatalyst, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. 117, 46-55. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2015.12.017
  87. Chen, You Wei; Lee, Hwei Voon; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee (2016). A Response Surface Methodology Study: Effects of Trivalent Cr3+ Metal Ion-Catalyzed Hydrolysis on Nanocellulose Crystallinity and Yield, BIORESOURCES. 11(2), 4645-4662
  88. Chen, You Wei; Lee, Hwei Voon; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee (2016). Preparation of Nanostructured Cellulose via Cr(III)- and Mn(II)-Transition Metal Salt Catalyzed Acid Hydrolysis Approach, BIORESOURCES. 11(3), 7224-7241. doi:10.15376/biores.11.3.7224-7241
  89. Chen, You Wei; Lee, Hwei Voon; Juan, Joon Ching; Phang, Siew-Moi (2016). Production of new cellulose nanomaterial from red algae marine biomass Gelidium elegans, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS. 151, 1210-1219. doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.06.083
  90. Gbadamasi, Sharafadeen; Ali, Tammar Hussein; Voon, Lee Hwei; Atta, Abdulazeez Yusuf; Sudarsanam, Putla; Bhargava, Suresh K.; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee (2016). Promising Ni/Al-SBA-15 catalysts for hydrodeoxygenation of dibenzofuran into fuel grade hydrocarbons: synergetic effect of Ni and Al-SBA-15 support, RSC ADVANCES. 6(31), 25992-26002. doi:10.1039/c5ra27526a
  91. Kong, Pei San; Aroua, Mohamed Kheireddine; Daud, Wan Mohd Ashri Wan; Lee, Hwei Voon; Cognet, Patrick; Peres, Yolande (2016). Catalytic role of solid acid catalysts in glycerol acetylation for the production of bio-additives: a review, RSC ADVANCES. 6(73), 68885-68905. doi:10.1039/c6ra10686b
  92. Lee, Hwei Voon; Juan, Joon Ching; Hin, Taufiq-Yap Yun; Ong, Hwai Chyuan (2016). Environment-Friendly Heterogeneous Alkaline-Based Mixed Metal Oxide Catalysts for Biodiesel Production, ENERGIES. 9(8). doi:10.3390/en9080611
  93. Mazlita, Y., Lee, H. V., Hamid, S. B. A. (2016). Preparation of Cellulose Nanocrystals Bio-Polymer From Agro-Industrial Wastes: Separation and Characterization. Polymers Polymer Composites, 24(9), 719-728.
  94. Oi, Lee Eng; Choo, Min-Yee; Lee, Hwei Voon; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee; Juan, Joon Ching (2016). Recent advances of titanium dioxide (TiO2) for green organic synthesis, RSC ADVANCES. 6(110), 108741-108754. doi:10.1039/c6ra22894a
  95. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2015). Synthesis and catalytic activity of hydration-dehydration treated clamshell derived CaO for biodiesel production, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN. 102, 368-377. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2015.07.002
  96. Asikin-Mijan, N.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Lee, H. V. (2015). Synthesis of clamshell derived Ca(OH)2 nano-particles via simple surfactant-hydration treatment, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 262, 1043-1051. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2014.10.069
  97. Cheryl-Low, Y. L.; Theam, K. L.; Lee, H. V. (2015). Alginate-derived solid acid catalyst for esterification of low-cost palm fatty acid distillate, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 106, 932-940. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.10.018
  98. Lee, H. V.; Juan, J. C.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2015). Preparation and application of binary acid-base CaO-La2O3 catalyst for biodiesel production, RENEWABLE ENERGY. 74, 124-132. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2014.07.017
  99. Lee, H. V.; Juan, J. C.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Kong, P. S.; Rahman, N. A. (2015). Advancement in heterogeneous base catalyzed technology: An efficient production of biodiesel fuels, JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY. 7(3). doi:10.1063/1.4919082
  100. Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2015). Optimization study of binary metal oxides catalyzed transesterification system for biodiesel production, PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. 94, 430-440. doi:10.1016/j.psep.2014.10.001
  101. Theam, Kok Leong; Islam, Aminul; Lee, Hwei Voon; Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin (2015). Sucrose-derived catalytic biodiesel synthesis from low cost palm fatty acid distillate, PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. 95, 126-135. doi:10.1016/j.psep.2015.02.017
  102. Yahya, Mazlita; Lee, Hwei Voon; Abd Hamid, Sharifah Bee (2015). Preparation of Nanocellulose via Transition Metal Salt-Catalyzed Hydrolysis Pathway, BIORESOURCES. 10(4), 7627-7639
  103. Lee, H. V., Hamid, S. B. A., Zain, S. K. (2014). Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Nanocellulose: Structure and Chemical Process, Scientific World Journal. (20), Review
  104. Lee, H. V., Juan, J. C., Abdullah, N. F. B., Nizah, M. F. R., Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2014). Heterogeneous base catalysts for edible palm and non-edible Jatropha-based biodiesel production, Chemistry Central Journal. 8(1752-153X. )
  105. Alhassan, Fatah H.; Yunus, Robiah; Rashid, Umer; Sirat, Kamaliah; Islam, Aminul; Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Yun H. (2013). Production of biodiesel from mixed waste vegetable oils using Ferric hydrogen sulphate as an effective reusable heterogeneous solid acid catalyst, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL. 456, 182-187. doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2013.02.019
  106. Lee, H. V.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Hussein, M. Z.; Yunus, R. (2013). Transesterification of jatropha oil with methanol over Mg-Zn mixed metal oxide catalysts, ENERGY. 49, 12-18. doi:10.1016/
  107. Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Lee, H. V.; Lau, P. L. (2012). Transesterification of jatropha curcas oil to biodiesel by using short necked clam (orbicularia orbiculata) shell derived catalyst, ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION. 30(5), 853-866
  108. Taufiq-Yap, Yun Hin; Lee, Hwei Voon; Wong, Yin Chang; Theam, Kok Leong; Tang, Wen Jiunn (2012). Effect of Different Calcination Duration on Physicochemical Properties of Vanadium Phosphate Catalysts, E-JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. 9(3), 1440-1448
  109. Lee, H. V.; Yunus, R.; Juan, J. C.; Taufiq-Yap, Y. H. (2011). Process optimization design for jatropha-based biodiesel production using response surface methodology, FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 92(12), 2420-2428. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2011.08.018
  110. Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Lee, H. V.; Hussein, M. Z.; Yunus, R. (2011). Calcium-based mixed oxide catalysts for methanolysis of Jatropha curcas oil to biodiesel, BIOMASS & BIOENERGY. 35(2), 827-834. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2010.11.011
  111. Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Lee, H. V.; Yunus, R.; Juan, J. C. (2011). Transesterification of non-edible Jatropha curcas oil to biodiesel using binary Ca-Mg mixed oxide catalyst: Effect of stoichiometric composition, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 178, 342-347. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2011.10.019
Chapter in Books
  1. G. AbdulKareem-Alsultan, Y.H. Taufiq-Yap, N. Asikin-Mijan, Sivasangar Seenivasagam, Hwei Voon Lee, Chapter seven - Hydrodeoxygenation of guaiacol, methylguaiacol, and catechol, Editor(s): Mohammad Reza Rahimpour, Ali Bakhtyari, Mohammad Amin Makarem, Advances in Hydrotreating for Integrated Biofuel Production, Elsevier, 2024, Pages 193-213, ISBN 9780443190766,
  2. G. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, N. Asikin-Mijan, Maadh Fawzi Nassar, Salma Samidin, Nur Athirah Adzahar, Lee Hwei Voon, Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan, Yun Hin Taufiq-Yap, Biodiesel Blend With Different Alcohol Emission Evaluation, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier,2024,ISBN 9780124095472.
  3. G. Abdulkareem-Alsultan, N. Asikin-Mijan, Maadh Fawzi Nassar, Salma Samidin, Nur Athirah Adzahar, Lee Hwei Voon, Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan, Yun Hin Taufiq-Yap, Hydrogen Production From Methanol Reforming Processes, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 2024,ISBN 9780124095472,
  4. Hwei Voon Lee, Nasuha Abu Yazid, Mohd Rafie Bin Johan, Chapter two - Cellulose and hemicellulose: types, cleavage, and depolymerization, Editor(s): Mohammad Reza Rahimpour, Ali Bakhtyari, Mohammad Amin Makarem, Advances in Hydrotreating for Integrated Biofuel Production, Elsevier,2024, Pages 51-75,ISBN 9780443190766,
  5. Meng Yu Hu, Hwei Voon Lee, Sustainable Upgrading Process of Methanol to Hydrogen, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 2024, ISBN 9780124095472, (
  6. Mohammed A. Sanhoob, Huda S. Algahmdi, Akolade I. Bakare, Galal A. Nasser, Lee Hwei Voon, M. Nasiruzzaman Shaikh, Muhammad Usman, Advances in the Conversion of Methanol to Light Olefins (MTO), Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 2024, ISBN 9780124095472,
  7. Abdulkareem-Alsultan G., Asikin-Mijan N., Lee H.V., Taufiq-Yap Y.H. (2020) Biofuels: Past, Present, Future. In: Gupta A., De A., Aggarwal S., Kushari A., Runchal A. (eds) Innovations in Sustainable Energy and Cleaner Environment. Green Energy and Technology (pp. 489-504) Springer, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-13-9011-1
  8. Min-Yee Choo, Lee Eng Oi, Tau Chuan Ling, Eng-Poh Ng, Hwei Voon Lee, Joon Ching Juan (2020) Chapter 10 - Conversion of Microalgae Biomass to Biofuels, Microalgae Cultivation for Biofuels Production, Academic Press, Elsevier, Pages 149-161, ISBN 9780128175361
  9. Chen, Y. W., Binti Hassan, S. H., Yahya, M., & Lee, H. V. (2019). Novel superabsorbent cellulose-based hydrogels: present status, synthesis, characterization, and application prospects. Cellulose-Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels, 155-195, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-76573-0
  10. Julkapli, N. B. M., Chen, Y. W., & Lee, H. V. (2019). Cellulose and Nanocellulose Derivatives from Lignocellulosic Biomass in Nanocomposite Applications. Hybrid Nanocomposites: Fundamentals, Synthesis, and Applications, 247, ISBN 9789814800341.
  11. Oi, L. E., Choo, M. Y., Lee, H. V., Rahman, N. A., & Juan, J. C. (2019). Chapter 9 - Mesoporous and other types of catalysts for conversion of non-edible oil to biogasoline via deoxygenation. In Sustainable Bioenergy (pp. 257-281). Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-12-817654-2
  12. Tan, T. H., Lee, H. V., Dabdawb, W. A. Y., & Hamid, S. B. B. O. A. (2019). A review of nanocellulose in the drug-delivery system. In Materials for Biomedical Engineering (pp. 131-164). Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-12-816913-1.
  13. Hwei Voon Lee, Joon Ching Juan. 2016, Nanocatalysis for the conversion of non-edible biomass to biogasoline via deoxygenation reaction, Chapter 13, In: Mahendra Rai and Silvio Silv rio da Silva (Eds.), Nanotechnology Solutions for Bioenergy and Biofuel production, Springer.
  14. Y. H. Taufiq-Yap, M. Arumugan, N. Asikin- Mijan, H.V. Lee and J.C. Juan, 2015, Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation Vegetable Oil to Green Diesel, Chapter 5 p.p. 107-146, In: A.K. Agarwal, S.K. Aggarwal, A.K. Gupta, A. Kushari, and A. Pandey (Eds.) Energy, Combustion & Propulsion: New Perspectives, Ane Books, India.
  15. Taufiq-Yap, Y. H.; Lee, H. V., Higher Grade Biodiesel Production by Using Solid Heterogeneous Catalysts. In Advances in Biofuels, Pogaku, R.; Sarbatly, R. H., Eds. Springer US: 2013; pp 153-17
Other Publications
  1. Lee H.V. (2022) Agriculture and Food Residues: Waste or Wealth? March 2022, Issue No. 146, Page 28, Berita IKM-Chemistry in Malaysia - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  2. Lee H.V. (2022) Catalytic Upgrading of Palm-based Residues to Valuable Products, Page 8, Issue 19, IChemE POPSIG Newsletter - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  3. Lee, H.V. (2022) Unravelling Palm Oil Myths-The Palm Oil Industry in Malaysia: From Tropical Tree to Table, Sept 2022, Issue No. 148, Page 24, Berita IKM. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)


  • COLLOIDS AND INTERFACE SCIENCE (Pickering emulsifier, water-oil emulsion, active agent, cream and gel-based application)
  • NANOMATERIALS (Bio-based nanostructured materials, Nanocellulose and derivatives)
  • BIOMASS CONVERSION TECHNOLOGY (Catalytic conversion of solid and liquid-based biomass)
  • OLEOCHEMISTRY (Methyl ester, Polyol ester, Glycerol derivatives, Biolubricant)
  • ENERGY & FUELS (Biodiesel, Renewable Diesel, Biochar, Biofuels, MSW Refuse-derived fuels)
  • CO2 VALORISATION (Carbon Capture Performance, CO2 methanation)
  • CATALYSIS (Heterogeneous catalyst, mixed metal oxides, acid-base catalyst)


  1. 2024 - 2027, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Unveiling Sustainable Energy Solutions: Harnessing Nanocellulose-enhanced Separators From Biomass Resources For Advanced Lithium-ion Batteries ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2025 - 2027, Others MOHE
    Mohe Hicoe: Green Catalyst For Liquid Biomass Upgrading To Bio-based Products ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2024 - 2026, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Elucidation Of Geometric-electronic Properties And Ni Dispersion Towards Catalytic Mechanism Of Co2 Hydrogenation By Nickel Single-atom Catalysts ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2022 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Two-step Co2 Capture Mechanisms Via Biochar From Waste And Subsequent Mineral Carbonation In Cementitious Material ( Co-Researcher)
  5. 2023 - 2025, Partnership Grant
    Functionalized Nanocellulose As Nano-food Additive For High-fat Processed Foods Formulation ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2023 - 2025, UM International Collaboration Grant
    Waste-to-energy Through Thermochemical Processes ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2023 - 2025, UM International Collaboration Grant
    New Material For Photocatalyst And Biofuel Production ( Co-Researcher)
  8. 2024 - 2025, Partnership Grant
    Bio-Based Nano-Additive As Smart Rheology Modifier For Agricultural Application ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  9. 2020 - 2023, Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS)
    Method Of One-pot Oxidative-hydrolysis Process For Up-scaling Cellulose Nanocrystallites ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  10. 2020 - 2023, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-IISS
    Upgrading Of Local Municipal Solid Waste (msw) Into Refuse-derived Fuel (rdf) As Co-processing Fuel In Cement Industry ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2021 - 2023, RU Geran
    Advances In Mesoporous-based Nano-catalysts For Sustainable Biomass Conversion ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  12. 2017 - 2021, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    The Influence Of Novel Mesoporous Alumina-titania Supported With Bifunctional Transition Metal For Green Hydrocarbon Via Hydrodeoxygenation ( Co-Researcher)
  13. 2019 - 2021, RU Geran
    Multifunctional Oxide Catalysts To Produce Renewable Chemicals From Ethanol ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  14. 2014 - 2020, Grand Challenge - AET (Innovative Technology (ITRC))
    Catalyst Assisted Upgradin Proses For Ester Base Oil ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  15. 2019 - 2020, RU Geran
    Catalytic Transformation Of Biomass Into Biochemicals ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  16. 2017 - 2019, RU Geran
    Pyrolytic - Deoxygenation Of Triglyceride Via Natural Waste Shell Derived Catalysts ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  17. 2017 - 2019, RU Geran
    Facile Production Of Nanostructured Cellulose From Lignocellulosic Biomass ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  18. 2019 - 2019, RU Geran - UMCIC
    Bifunctional Catalyst Derived Carbon For Effective Green-diesel & Gasolin Production ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  19. 2018 - 2019, RU Geran - UMCIC
    Scale Up Of Cellulose Nanomaterial From Marine Algae ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  20. 2019 - 2019, RU Geran
    Photocatalysis Of Native And Modified Mesoporous Titania ( Co-Researcher)
  21. 2014 - 2018, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG Programme) - AET (Innovative Technology (ITRC))
    Solid Base Nanocatalyst For Selective Decarboxylation Of Non-edible Oils To Green Renewable Fuels ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  22. 2015 - 2017, MOSTI-Science Fund
    One Step Oxidative-depolymerisation Of Lignocellulosic Biomass For Production Of Nanocrystalline Cellulose Using Chemical Catalyst ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  23. 2013 - 2015, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Fundamental study on mechanistic behaviour of nano-CaO in the selective deoxygenation of bio oil: effect of geometric features and basicity ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  24. 2013 - 2016, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Mechanisms of Novel Bifunctional Transition Metals on Al-MCM-41 Catalysts for Bio-oil Upgrading to Bio-fuel via Hydrodeoxygenation. ( Consultant)
  1. 2023 - 2025, Private Funding
    Formulation Of Cellulose-based High-fat Processed Foods ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2024 - 2025, Private Funding
    Nano-additive For Liquid Formulations In Agricultural Application ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2024 - 2025, Private Funding
    Exploring The Feasibility And Production Of Bio-epichlorohydrin For Advanced Aerospare Materials (bio-ech) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2018 - 2023, Private Funding
    Nanocellulose-non-toxic-based Pickering Emulsifier ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2024 - 2026, International Funding
    Sustainable Valorisation Of Biomass And Organic Waste ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  2. 2020 - 2023, International Funding
    Catalytic Deoxygenation Of Biomass-derived Oil Into Biofuels And Biochemicals ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2017 - 2019, International Funding
    Development Of Novel Shortening Substitute By Using Spherical Ncc (sp-ncc) ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Cellulose-Based Food Emulsifier for Control Lipid Digestion, Global Envdk Sdn Bhd
    05 Feb 2021 - 04 Feb 2022 (National)
  • Consultation Project With Mybiomass Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, Mybiomass Sdn Bhd
    01 Feb 2018 - 01 Feb 2020 (National)
  • Consultation Project With Ajinomoto Co., Inc, Japan, Ajinomoto Co., Inc, Japan
    01 Feb 2017 - 01 Feb 2019 (International)


  1. Unlocking Green Chemistry: Biomass Waste as the Foundation for Advanced Biorefineries , Seminar on Top 2% Research Scientists-Lecture Series, Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Center (NANOCAT) (University) (07 Jan 2025 - 07 Jan 2025)
  2. Agricultural Residues-derived Cellulose Nanomaterials for Green Formulation Application, 10th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry (10th ICGC), Chinese Chemical Society, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development (ICGCSD). (International) (18 Oct 2024 - 22 Oct 2024)
  3. Topic 1: Catalysts design and preparation methods; Topic 2: Surface science/ physico-chemical properties of catalysts; Topic 3.0: Case studies on CO2 methanation., Workshop on Catalysis: Fundamental and Application, NANOCAT, Universiti Malaya (National) (03 Jan 2024 - 04 Jan 2024)
  4. Unlocking the Chemistry of Biomass Wastes for Advanced Biorefinery, Monash University School of Science 2022 Academic Seminar series, School of Science, Monash University Malaysia (National) (19 Aug 2022 - 19 Aug 2022)
  5. Catalytic upgrading of palm-based residues to valuable products, 2022 IChemE POPSIG webinar, IChemE Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group (POPSIG) (International) (18 Feb 2022 - 18 Feb 2022)
  6. Agriculture and Food Residues: Waste or Wealth?, TAB-2-SAP (Tablets to Saplings) Programme, Persatuan Penggerak Hijau Bentong, Pahang. (National) (11 Dec 2021 - 11 Dec 2021)
  7. Sustainable Isolation of Cellulose Nanomaterials from Agricultural Biomass in Malaysia, Malaysia Polymer International Conference 2021 (MPIC 2021), Polymer Research Center, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (International) (22 Nov 2021 - 23 Dec 2021)
  8. Valorization of Agricultural Biomass to Bio-based Products: Catalytic Conversion Processes, Airlangga Public Lecture (A+) Programme, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga (International) (12 Oct 2021 - 12 Oct 2021)
  9. Efficient Deoxygenation of Biomass to Hydrocarbon-based Biochemicals over Mesoporous Catalyst, 1st Malaysia International Conference on Nanotechnology & Catalysis, Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, Universiti Malaya (International) (01 Sep 2021 - 03 Sep 2021)
  10. Hydrodeoxygenation of biomass compound into fuel grade hydrocarbons: Synergistic effect of Ni-Cu and Ti-MCM-41 catalyst, Webinar of Nanomaterials Toward Energy, Water Treatment and Medical Applications, NANOCAT, UM, Malaysia and GTU Nano, Gebze Technical University, Turkey (International) (04 Mar 2021 - 04 Mar 2021)
  11. Invited speaker for Biomass to Nanocellulose for Value Added Product, Webinar on Advanced Materials and Chemical Technology, Mapua University and University of Malaya (International) (24 Nov 2020 - 24 Nov 2020)
  12. How to Make Efficient Researches on Nanoscience and Publication on High Impact Journals, PPJPI Webinar Series with Top International Researchers, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia (International) (24 Aug 2020 - 24 Aug 2020)
  13. Invited speaker for Ni-Al Hydrotalcite Catalysed Deoxygenation Process for Fuel-graded Hydrocarbon Fractions, International Symposium on Advanced Chemical Technology 2019 (ISACT2019), Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, UM and Department of Chemical Engineering, NCKU (International) (18 Nov 2019 - 18 Nov 2019)
  14. Invited speaker for Revalorization of palm biomass into advance cellulose nanomaterial and application, International Symposium of Renewable and Sustainable Material 2019 (Materials 2019), Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (International) (08 Aug 2019 - 10 Aug 2019)
  15. Invited speaker for Catalytic Upgrading of Lignin Model Compound into Transportation Fuel by Using Ti_MCM-41 based Catalyst, Internatioanl Workshop on Advanced Chemical Technology (IWACT 2018), Department of Chemical Engineering, NCKU (International) (15 Aug 2018 - 17 Aug 2018)
  16. Sustainable Biofuel Production From Biomass-based Resource by Using Clamshell-derived Nano-catalyst, Invited Speaker for Workshop Entitled Investment of Nanotechnology in Renewal Energy: Principles and Applications (INRE 2017) , Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, University of Malaya (University) (13 Dec 2017 - 13 Dec 2017)
  17. Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Bio Oil to Fuel Grade Hydrocarbon Using Mesoporous-based Catalysts, Invited Speaker at Nanokebangsaan Workshop Entitled: Green Approaches via Nanostructured Mesoporous Materials for Catalysis, Biomedical and Energy Storage Application (NKW 2017), Resource Centre, Technology Park Malayisa, Bukit Jalil., National Nanotechnology Centre (NNC), MOSTI, Malaysia (National) (12 Oct 2017 - 13 Dec 2017)
  1. Catalytic Innovations for Biomass Conversion: Driving Malaysia's Green Economy, 3rd Commonwealth Chemistry Congress (CCC2025), Commonwealth Chemistry, Federation of Chemical Sciences Societies (International) (11 May 2025 - 14 May 2025)
  2. Upgrading Biomass into Alternative Fuels, 3 in 1 Program: Seminar and Guest Lecture on Agricultural Energy and Electrification, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya. (International) (29 Sep 2023 - 30 Sep 2023)


  1. (2025) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Unimas: Mechanistic Study of Direct Chitosan Extraction Using Natural Deep Eutetic Solvent for Controlled Release Fertilizer Fabrication, National, (External Examiner)
  2. (2024) External Examiner for Phd Thesis of Monash University: Development of Novel Biodegradable Membrane from Oil Palm Biomass for Daily Used Materials, National, (External Examiner)
  3. (2024) Internal Examiner for Phd Thesis of Universiti Malaya:Development and Application of Advanced Nanocomposties and Photocatalyst in Wastewater Treatment, University, (Internal Examiner)
  4. (2024) Internal Panel for Universiti Malaya Research Excellence Grant (Umreg) 2024, University, (Reviewer)
  5. (2024) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Unimas: Adsorption and Photocatalytic Performance of Ternary Tio2/Zns/Go Composite for The Removal of Dyes, National, (External Examiner)
  6. (2024) External Evaluator for Frgs 2024, National, (External Evaluator)
  7. (2024) Internal Evaluator for Frgs 2024, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  8. (2024) Internal Examiner for Phd Thesis of Universiti Malaya: Multifunctionalized Nanocellulose as Additive for Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, University, (Internal Examiner)
  9. (2023) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Teknologi MARA: Beffect of Sodium Oxide Molar Ratio On Bentonite Supported Catalyst for The Transesterification of Waste Cooking Oil, National, (External Examiner)
  10. (2023) Internal Examiner for Phd Thesis of Universiti Malaya: Multifunctionalized Nanocellulose as Additive for Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, University, (Internal Examiner)
  11. (2023) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Teknologi Petronas: Catalytic Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Wastes for Bio-Oil Production, National, (External Examiner)
  12. (2023) Internal Examiner for Phd Thesis of Universiti Malaya: Tandem Hydrogenation-Esterification of Furfural Using Bifunctional Metal-Supported Nanoparticles Catalysts, University, (Internal Examiner)
  13. (2022) External Reviewer for Research Proposal Under 2023 Regular Fondecyt National Project Competition, Santiago, Chile, International, (Reviewer)
  14. (2022) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Putra Malaysia: Biodiesel Production from Used Cooking Oil Using Biochar as Support With Bimetallic Acid Catalyst Via Transesterification, National, (External Examiner)
  15. (2022) Internal Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Malaya: Natural Rubber Latex Film in The Presence of Biocompatible Palm Oil-Based Polymeric Surfactants, University, (Internal Examiner)
  16. (2022) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Putra Malaysia: Catalytic Ketonization of Palmitic Acid Over a Series of Transition Metal Oxides Supported On Zirconia Oxide-Based Catalysts, National, (External Examiner)
  17. (2022) Internal Evaluator for Research Grant Proposals Frgs2022-1, University, (Reviewer)
  18. (2021) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Utp): Aqueous Phase Reforming of Sorbitol Over Sonosynthesized Nickel-Based Catalyst for Liquid Value-Added Chemicals Production, National, (External Examiner)
  19. (2021) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas): Tuning The Structural Properties of Tio2 by Mo Doping for Efficient Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange, National, (External Examiner)
  20. (2021) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM): Catalytic Ketonization of Higher Carboxylic Acid of Palmitic Acid and Lauric Acid Over Modified Lanthanum Supported On Zirconia in Formulation Polyalphaolefins, National, (External Examiner)
  21. (2021) Internal Examiner for Phd Thesis of Universiti Malaya: Synthesis of Starch-Based Bioplastics Reinforced With Lignocellulosic Fibers, University, (Internal Examiner)
  22. (2021) External Examiner for Msc Thesis of Universiti Teknologi MARA: Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Supported Calcium Oxide as Basic Heterogeneous Catalyst in Biodiesel Production., National, (External Examiner)
  23. (2018) Internal Examiner for PhD thesis: Cheah Mei Yee (KHA100013) , (Internal Examiner)
  24. (2018) External examiner for MSc thesis: Wan Farahhanim Wan Fathilah (P83928) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  25. (2018) External examiner for MSc thesis : Yau Shun Xiang (P83418) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  26. (2018) External examiner for MSc thesis: Nurfatyha Rusydah Bt Mohamad Shahdad from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak , (External Examiner)
  27. (2017) External examiner for Nurul Hanisah Mohd (P73230) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , (External Examiner)
  28. (2017) Internal examiner for MSc Thesis: Nurul Atikah binti Mohd Iskak (HGA140029) , (Internal Examiner)
  29. (2016) Internal Examiner for Norfatehah Basiron (HGA130001) in Master viva, (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2025) Ahli Jawatankuasa Standard Kebangsaan Berkenaan "Environmental Management and Climate Change (Nsc 26)", National, (Resource Person)
  2. (2024) Chairperson of Session Transformation of Biomass and Plastic Waste, 10th Iupac International Conference On Green Chemistry , Beijing, China, International, (Resource Person)
  3. (2024) Chairperson of Symposium On Physical Chemistry and Catalysis (Pcc), International Congress On Pure & Applied Chemistry, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, International, (Resource Person)
  4. (2023) Competition Judge for Pharmaceutical Chemistry Week 2023, National, (Resource Person)
  5. (2023) Jury for International Virtual Expo Fo Innovation Product and System Design (Invide) 2023, International, (Resource Person)
  6. (2023) Research Fellow of Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, International, (Research Fellow/Associate)
  7. (2023) Guest Editor of Special Issue, Nanomaterials, Mdpi, International, (Resource Person)
  8. (2022) Guest Lecture, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia., International, (Resource Person)
  9. (2022) Jury, Kimia Invensi dan Inovasi Malaysia 2022 (Ki2m 2022), National, (Resource Person)
  10. (2022) Visiting Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, International, (Research Fellow/Associate)
  11. (2022) Taskforce Member for National Energy Policy 2040: Feasibility Study On Biomass to Energy (Bte), National, (Resource Person)
  12. (2014) External panel for proposal evaluation: Cellulose Nanocrystals from grape stalks, Santiago, November 2014, National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) Program


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  1. (2024) Conversion of Greenhouse Gases to Sustainable Value-Added Chemicals, MOHAMMED SANHOOB
  3. (2024) Utilizing Waste Glass-Derived Sodium Silicate Solution in Alkali-Activated Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash-Based Geopolymer, YEE MON AUNG MOE
  7. (2024) Green hydrocarbons production via deoxygenation catalyzed by TiO2 based catalyst, OI LEE ENG
  8. (2024) Development of Hydrotalcite-Based Catalysts for Renewable Diesel Production via Deoxygenation Reaction, SHAJARATUN NUR BINTI ZDAINAL ABIDIN
  9. (2022) Sustainable Hydrocarbon-Like Biofuel From Deoxygenation Reaction Catalyzed by Transition Metals Supported on Hexagonal Mesoporous Silica (HMS), SURAYA BINTI ZULKEPLI
  13. (2016) Development of Ti-MCM-41 Supported Bi-metallic Catalyst for Hydrodeoxygenation of Lignin Derived Bio oil Model Compounds., MURTALA MAIDAMMA AMBURSA
  1. (2024) Carbon Capture Performance and Properties of Cementitious Material with Local Waste Biochar, PRISCILLA GUNN FONG ERN
  2. (2024) Development of Food Emulsion Stabilized by Plant-Based Cellulose Nanomaterials, NASUHA ABU YAZID
  3. (2024) Modified Nanocellulose From Sugarcane Bagasse Natural Waste as Pickering Emulsifier, TEO SHAO HUI
  7. (2024) Feasibility of Glycerol Conversion to Bio-based Epichlorohydrin (Bio- ECH), SIOW LI XIN
  8. (2023) Unrevealing of oxophilic and defect-rich sites of bimetallic nickel-cerium nanosheet on Fe foam for selective hydrodeoxygenation sludge oil to drilling fluid, Muhammad Hasif Auji bin Fadzli (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM))
  14. (2016) Isolation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Oil Palm Biomass via Transition Metal Salt Catalyzed Hydrolysis Process, CHEN YOU WEI


  1. (2024) HQA7012 - Bioenergy
  2. (2024) HOB7001 - Research Methodology
  3. (2023) HQA7012 - Bioenergy
  4. (2023) HOB7001 - Research Methodology
  5. (2022) HQA7012 - Bioenergy
  6. (2021) HQA7012 - Bioenergy
  7. (2020) HQA7012 - Biomass Energy
  8. (2019) HQA7012 - Biomass Energy
  9. (2018) HQA7012 - Biomass Energy
  10. (2017) HMX7001 - Research Methodology
  11. (2017) HQA7012 - Biomass Energy
  12. (2017) HVX8001 - Advanced Research Methodology


  • Method of one-pot oxidative-hydrolysis (OPOH) process for up-scaling production of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC)
  • Method for photocalalytic treatment of wastewater and system thereof
  • Photocatalytic gas conversion reactor
  • New type of red algae marine biomass Gelidium elegans-derived cellulose nanomaterial


  • Supervisor for Inquiry-Based Learning Project (Ilp) That Fosters Creativity, Innovation, and Critical Thinking in Kuen Cheng High School Students by Engaging Them in Steam (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) Activities, (04 Feb 2025 - 31 Dec 2025) (National)
  • Trainer for Workshop of Proposal Crafting: The Essential First Steps, (27 Nov 2024 - 27 Nov 2024) (University)
  • Chair of Know Your Palm Oil (Kypo) Technical Visit and Discussion 2023, (21 Nov 2023 - 21 Nov 2023) (National)
  • Speaker of Internation Community Development for &Quot;Environmental Modification to Reach Zero Waste Design by Conversion of Domestic Waste&Quot;, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlanggar University, Surabaya, 25 March 2023., (25 Mar 2023 - 25 Mar 2023) (International)
  • Expert Online Training, Agriculture and Food Residues: Waste or Wealth? Tab-2-Sap (Tablets to Saplings) Programme, Persatuan Penggerak Hijau Bentong,Pahang., (11 Dec 2021 - 11 Dec 2021) (National)
  • Expert Sharing to Research Communities: Umr Bulletin Write Up for Title of Natural Waste Shells from Aquaculture: a Valuable Calcium-Rich Biomaterial for Biofuels Sector, (04 Jan 2021 - 04 Jan 2021)
  • Motivation Talk and Sharing Session On Efficient Research On Nanoscience and Publication On High Impact Journals, 24 August 2020, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya., (24 Aug 2020 - 24 Aug 2020)
  • Committee Member in “The Inaugural K5m Pitching Competition 2020, Malaysian Young Chemist Network, Malaysian Institute of Chemistry., (15 Apr 2020 - 15 Apr 2020)
  • Exhibition Member for Nano Kebangsaan 2018, Pusat Nanoteknologi Kebangsaan (Nnc), Kementerian Tenaga, Sains,Teknologi, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim (Mestecc), Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (09 Oct 2018 - 11 Oct 2018)
  • Exhibition Member for 7th Asean +3 Junior Science Odyssey (Aptjso 2018), Science & Innovation for Good Health and Societal Wall Being, Universiti Putra Malaysia, (29 Jul 2018 - 04 Aug 2018)
  • Speaker, Introduction of Catalyst and Catalysis, Educational Trip for Industrial Catalysis Course, (27 Nov 2017 - 27 Dec 2017)
  • Committe Member, Karnival Kimia Malaysia (K2m), “Sustainability & Diversity Through Chemistry", 11 Nov 2017, National Science Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (11 Nov 2017 - 11 Nov 2017)
  • Speaker, Technical Course On Nano-Cellulose: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre, (23 Nov 2016 - 24 Nov 2016)