Curriculum Vitae


Honorary Professor
  • Dean's Office
    Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS)
  • lani
  • +603-79677142


  • PHD(NOTT)(1989), (Biotechnology)
    University of Nottingham
  • BSC(UM)(1984), (BOTANI)
    Universiti Malaya (UM)


  • Dean
    01 Jan 2019 - 29 Aug 2019 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
    08 Sep 2017 - 07 Sep 2019 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Director
    01 Jan 2017 - 31 Dec 2018 (UMCARES - The Community & Sustainability Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Penilai Harta Intelek UM, di Pusat Inovasi & Pengkomersilan (UMCIC)
    01 Jul 2016 - 30 Jun 2018 (UM Centre of Innovation & Commercialization (UMCIC), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Director
    06 Mar 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (UMCARES - The Community & Sustainability Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Director Centre of Community Engagement and Sustainability, University of Malaya
    06 Mar 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Dean
    10 Feb 2015 - 05 Mar 2015 (Frontier Science Research Kluster, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Deputy Dean Frontier Science Research Cluster
    10 Feb 2015 - 05 Mar 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Dean
    01 Jan 2013 - 31 Dec 2013 (Frontier Science Research Kluster, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Research Cluster Dean
    01 Apr 2009 - 31 Dec 2013 (University Malaya)
  • Chairperson, Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) University Malaya
    01 Nov 2012 - 31 Oct 2013 (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Office, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Research Cluster Dean
    03 Jan 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 (Biotechnology & Bioproduct, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Chairperson, Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) University Malaya
    01 Nov 2011 - 31 Oct 2012 (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Office, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Research Cluster Dean
    01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011 (Biotechnology & Bioproduct, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Chairperson, Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) University Malaya
    01 Nov 2010 - 31 Oct 2011 (Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Office, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Research Cluster Dean
    01 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2010 (Biotechnology & Bioproduct, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Research Cluster Dean
    01 Aug 2009 - 31 Dec 2009 (Biotechnology & Bioproduct, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Research Cluster Dean
    01 Apr 2009 - 31 Aug 2009 (Biotechnology & Bioproduct, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
  • Head of CEBAR
    01 Apr 2009 - 31 Aug 2009 (University Malaya)


    2018 to 2018 (University)
    2017 to 2018 (University)
    2017 to 2017 (University)
    2017 to 2017 (National)
    2012 to 2017 (National)


  • Excellence Service Award
    2018, Universiti Malaya
  • Anugerah Jasamu Dikenang
    2018, PIBG Sekolah Menengah Setiabudi,  (Community)
  • Technical Advisor
    2018, Q Plantech Sdn Bhd,  (Private)
  • Panel Penasihat Penyelidikan Inovasi Lembaga Lada Malaysia (Mpb)
    2018, LEMBAGA LADA MALAYSIA,  (National)
  • Technical Advisor
    2017, Q Plantech Sdn Bhd,  (Private)
  • Panel Penasihat Penyelidikan Inovasi Lembaga Lada Malaysia (Mpb)
    2017, LEMBAGA LADA MALAYSIA,  (Government)
  • L'Oreal-Unesco for Women in Science Award 2o17 Jury Panel
    2017, L'Oreal-UNESCO,  (Private)
  • Consultation
    2016, Kim Agri Sdn Bhd,  (Private)
  • Khidmat Setia 30 Award
    2014, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2014, Universiti Malaya
  • Science and Technology Research Grant Award
    2013, Toray Science Foundation, Japan and Malaysian Toray Science Foundation,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2011, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2011, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Silver Medalist, Bioinno Award 2010
    2010, The Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS),  (National)
  • Silver Medalist, University Malaya R&D and Innovation Expo, 2009
    2009, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Refereed Journal Publication Special Award
    2007, ,
  • Excellence Service Award
    2007, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Gold Medalist, University Malaya R&D and Innovation Expo, 2007
    2007, University of Malaya,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2006, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Bronze Medal- University Malaya R&D and Innovation Expo
    2006, University of Malaya,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2005, Universiti Malaya
  • Bronze Medalist-Geneva 33rd International Exhibition of New Technologies and Products, Geneva, Switzerland
    2005, Geneva,  (International)
  • Bronze and Gold Medalist, University Malaya R&D and Innovation Expo
    2005, University of Malaya,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2004, University of Malaya,  (University)
  • Silver and Bronze, 5th International Invention and Innovation Industrial Design & Technology Exhibition 2004
    2004, .,  (International)
  • Gold Medalist, University Malaya R&D and Innovation Expo
    2004, University of Malaya,  (National)
  • Best Poster Award
    2004, International Congress on Banana,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2003, Universiti Malaya
  • Silver Medalist, Technology & Innovation Expo
    2003, MOSTI,  (National)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2003, University Malaya,  (National)
  • Silver Medalist, Expo S&T Ministry of Science, Technology & The Environment of Malaysia
    2002, Ministry of Science, Technology & the Environment of Malaysia,  (National)
  • Ciche Grant
    2002, British Council,  (International)
  • Inter-Institutional Linkage Programme (New Zealand Asia) Award
    1993, IILP Project ASEAN-New Zealand,  (International)
  • Torey Grant
    1992, Torey Foundation, Japan,  (International)
  • Japan Society for The Promotion of Science Award
    1991, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Council of Vice chancellor,  (International)


Article in Journal
  1. Baharum, N.A., Othman, R.Y., Mohd-Yusuf, Y., Tan, B.C., Zaidi, K. & Khalid, N., (2018). The Effect Of Pathogenesis-Related 10 (Pr-10) Gene On The 3 Progression Of Fusarium Wilt In Musa Acuminata Cv. Berangan . Sains Malaysiana
  2. Florence C Ginibun, Paul Arens, Ben Vosman, Subha Bhassu1, Norzulaani Khalid and Rofina Yasmin Othman. Genetic diversity of endangered terrestrial orchids Spathoglottis plicata in Peninsular Malaysia based on AFLP markers. Plant Omics
  3. Rezaul Karim, Yew Seong Tan, Pooja Singh, Norzulaani Khalid and Jennifer Ann Harikrishna (2018). Expression and DNA methylation of SERK, BBM, LEC2 and WUS genes during in vitro culture, somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants.
  4. Yaacob, J.S., Abdul Halim, N.A., Ramasamy, S., Tan, B.C.& Khalid, N. In vitro shoot regeneration and analysis of biochemical, antioxidant and anticancer properties of Ananas comosus var. MD2. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.
  5. Harikrishna, J.A., Lee, W.S., Gudimella, R., Khalid, N. and Davey, M.W. (2016). The banana salt stress transcriptome: large and small RNA expression in stressed banana. Acta Hortic. 1114, 125-132
  6. Maria Ulfa, Kayavashre Makale, Yusmin mohd Yusof, Santosh Kumar, Rofina Yasmin Othman (2016) Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Musa balbisiana Corroborates Structural Heterogeneity of Inverted Repeats in Wild Progenitors of Cultivated Bananas and Plantains. The Plant Genome Vol 9 No 2 open access DOI10.3835/plantgenome2015.09.0089 Crop Science Society of America
  7. R. Karim, M. Nuruzzaman, N. Khalid & J.A. Harikrishna. Importance of DNA and histone methylation in in vitro plant propagation for crop improvement: A review. Annals of Applied Biology 169 (1), 1 16. doi:10.1111/aab.12280
  8. Tan H.C, Tan B.C., Wong S.M. & Khalid N. (2016). A medicinal ginger, Boesenbergia rotunda: From cell suspension cultures to protoplast derived callus. Sains Malaysiana, 45, 795-802.
  9. Theresa Lee Mei Ng, Rezaul Karim, Yew Seong Tan,Huey Fang Teh, Asma Dazni Danial, Li Sim Ho, Norzulaani Khalid, David Ross Appleton, and Jennifer Ann Harikrishna (2016) Amino acid and Secondary Metabolite Production in Embryogenic and Non-Embryogenic Callus of Fingerroot Ginger (Boesenbergia rotunda) PlosOne PONE-D-16-05249R1 (accepted)
  10. Ata N, Yusuf NA, Tan B.C., Husaini A., Yusuf Y.M., Majid N.A. & Khalid N. (2015). Expression profiles of flavonoid-related gene, 4 coumarate: coenzyme A Ligase, and optimization of culturing conditions for the selected flavonoid production in Boesenbergia rotunda. Plant Cell Tissue Culture and Organ Culture, 123(1), 47-55.
  11. Chen C.F., Chan K.G., Tan B.C. & Khalid N. (2015). Enhancement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency of model plant using quorum sensing molecule, N-3-oxo-octanoyl-L-homoserine-lactone. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 121, 481-487.
  12. Chen C.F., Chan K.G., Tan B.C. and Khalid N. 2015. Enhancement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency of model plant using quorum sensing molecule, N-3-oxo-octanoyl-L-homoserine-lactone. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 121: 481-487
  13. Jafari N., Othman R.Y., Tan B.C. and Khalid N. 2015. Morphohistological and molecular profiles for the developmental stages of somatic embryogenesis of Musa acuminata cv. Berangan (AAA). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 37: 45
  14. Lee, W.S., Gudimella,R., Wong, G.R., Tammi, M.T., Khalid, N. & Harikrishna, J.A. (2015). Transcripts and microRNAs responding to salt stress in Musa acuminata Colla (AAA Group) cv. Berangan roots. PLoS ONE (In Press)
  15. Mahanom Jalil, Mohamad Suffian Mohamad Annuar, Tan Boon Chin, Norzulaani Khalid. 2014. Effect of selected physico-chemical parameters on zerumbone production of Zingiber zerumbet Smith cells suspension culture.Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
  16. Rashid KA, Daran ABM, Khalid N, Jalil M, Yusuf YM, Rozali SE, Farzin R (2015) Effects of different quality of soil mixture on growth development of an important medicinal plant, Boesenbergia rotunda. Malaysian Applied Biology 44(3):113-120.
  17. Tan B.C., Tan S.K., Wong S.M., Ata N., Rahman N.A. & Khalid N. (2015). Distribution of Flavonoids and Cyclohexenyl Chalcone Derivatives in Conventional Propagated and In vitro-Derived Field-Grown of Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015, Article ID 451870, 7 pages.
  18. Tan B.C., Tan S.K., Wong S.M., Ata N., Rahman N.A. and Khalid N. 2015. Distribution of flavonoids and cyclohexenyl chalcone derivatives in conventional propagated and in vitro-derived field-grown of Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. Evidence-Based Complementary and Medicine 2015. Article ID 451870, 7 pages.
  19. Wong S.M., Mohamad Zoolkefli F.I.R., Karim R., Tan B.C., Harikrishna J.A. and Khalid N. 2015. Integration of mgfp5 transgenes following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Boesenbergia rotunda cell suspension culture. Frontiers in Life Science (accepted)
  20. Wong S.M., Zoolkefli F.I.R.M., Karim R., Tan B.C., Harikrishna J.A. & Khalid N. (2015). Stable integration of mgfp5 transgenes following Agrobacterium mediated transformation in Boesenbergia rotunda cell suspension culture. Frontiers in Life Science, 8, 249-255.
  21. Bahariah Bohari, Ahmad Parveez Ghulam Kadir, Mat Yunus Abdul Masani and Norzulaani Khalid 2014. The use of mannose selection system for gene transfer in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum l.), a model plant for oil palm transformation. Journal of Oil Palm Research. 26:154-162.
  22. Chin, W.Y.Wen, Annuar M.S.M., Tan B.C. & Khalid N. (2014). Evaluation of a laboratory scale conventional shake flask and a bioreactor on cell growth and regeneration of banana cell suspension cultures. Scientia Horticulturae, 172, 39-46.
  23. Husin, N., Jalil, M., Othman, R. Y., & Khalid, N. (2014). Enhancement of regeneration efficiency in banana Musa acuminata cv. Berangan) by using proline and glutamine. Scientia Horticulturae, 168, 33-37.
  24. Noor Diyana Md-Mustafa, Norzulaani Khalid, Huan Gao, Zhiyu Peng, Mohd Firdaus Alimin, Noraini Bujang, Wong Sher Ming, Yusmin Mohd-Yusuf, Jennifer A Harikrishna and Rofina Yasmin Othman 2014.Transcriptome profiling shows gene regulation patterns in a flavonoid pathway in response to exogenous phenylalanine in Boesenbergia rotunda cell culture. BMC Genomics.2014, 15:984 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-984
  25. Yeong H.Y., Phang S.M., Reddy C.R.K. and Khalid N. 2013. Production of clonal planting materials from Gracilaria changii and Kappaphycus alvarezii through tissue culture and culture of G. changii explants in airlift photobioreactors. Journal of Applied Phycology 26: 729-746
  26. Bohari Bahariah, Ghulam Kadir Ahmad Parveez, Mat Yunus Abdul Masani, Subhi Siti Masura, Norzulaani Khalid, Rofina Yasmin Othman (2013). Biolistic transformation of oil palm using the Phosphomannose isomerase (pmi) gene as a positive selectable marker. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2(4), 295-304.
  27. Bukhori MFM, Ch'ng SJ, Khalid N, Pillai V and Rahman NA. 2013. Improved protocol for high frequency plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in Carica papaya. Research in Biotechnology, 4(5): 09-19
  28. Mark W Davey, Ranganath Gudimella, Jennifer A Harikrishna, Wan S Lee, Norzulaani Khalid and Wannes Keulemans (2013). "A draft Musa balbisiana genome sequence for molecular genetics in polyploid, inter- and intra-specific Musa hybrids." BMC Genomics 14:683
  29. Mohamad Bukhori, M.F., Khalid, N. & Ven, C.I. 2013. Potential Embryogenic Callus Induction Protocol Through Cell Suspension Culture For High Frequency Plant Regeneration Of Maspine Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.). Borneo Journal of Resources Science and Technology 3(2)
  30. Mohammed Saifuddin, Divya Mariam Chandy, Normaniza Osman, Norzulaani Khalid (2013). Induction of fine roots in Leucaena leucocephala using Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7, 573-579.
  31. Wong S.M., Salim N., Harikrishna J.A., Khalid N.(2013). Highly efficient plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis from cell suspension cultures of Boesenbergia rotunda. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant 49(6): 665-673.
  32. Yusuf, N.A., Annuar, M.S.M, Khalid, N. (2013) Physical stress for overproduction of biomass and flavonoids in cell suspension cultures of Boesenbergia rotunda. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 35(5): 1713-1719 (DOI 10.1007/s11738-012-1178-5)
  33. Yusuf, N.A., Annuar, M.S.M., Khalid, N (2013) Existence of bioactive flavonoids in rhizomes and plant cell cultures of Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. Kulturpfl. Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(6): 730-734
  34. Bohari Bahariah, Ghulam Kadir Ahmad Parveez and Norzulaani Khalid. Determining the optimal concentration of mannose as an effective selection agent for transformed oil palm cells using the phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) gene as a positive selectable marker (2012). Journal of Oil Palm Research 24:1250-1259
  35. Bohari Bahariah, Ghulam Kadir Ahmad Parveez, Mat Yunus Abdul Masani & Norzulaani Khalid (2012). Construction of phosphomannose isomerase (PMI)transformation vectors and evaluation of the effectiveness of vectors in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L). Bioinformation 8(3): 151-157
  36. Eng Chong Tan, Saiful Anuar Karsani, Gen Teck Foo, Sher Ming Wong, Noorsaadah Abdul Rahman, Noorzulaani Khalid, Shatrah Othman and Rohana Yusof (2012). Proteomic analysis of cell suspension cultures of Boesenbergia rotunda induced by phenylalanine: identification of proteins involved in flavonoid and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathways. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, In Press
  37. Tamil C.M. Sundram, M. Suffian M. Annuar & Norzulaani K. (2012) Optimization of culture condition for callus induction from shoot buds for establishment of rapid growing cell suspension cultures of Mango ginger (Curcuma mangga). Australian Journal of Crop Science AJCS 6(7):1139-1146.
  38. Tan Eng-Chong, Lee Yean-Kee, Chee Chin-Fei, Heh Choon- Han, Wong Sher-Ming, Christina Thio Li-Ping, Foo Gen- Teck, Norzulaani Khalid, Noorsaadah Abd Rahman, Saiful Anuar Karsani,Shatrah Othman, Rozana Othman and Rohana Yusof (2012). Boesenbergia rotunda :From Ethnomedicine to Drug Discovery. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2012, Article ID 473637, 25 pages
  39. Faruq Golam, Y. Hui Yin, A. Masitah, N. Afnierna, Nazia Abdul Majid, Norzulaani Khalid , Mohamad Osman. Analysis of aroma and yield components of aromatic rice in Malaysian tropical environment.AJCS 5(11):1318- 1325
  40. Najmeh Jafari, Rofina Yasmin Othman, & Nozulaani Khalid. 2011. Effect of Benzylaminopurine (BAP) Pulsing on in Vitro Shoot Multiplication of Musa Acuminata (banana) cv. Berangan. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(13): 2446-2450.
  41. Nor Azma Yusuf, M. M. Suffian Annuar, & Norzulaani Khalid. 2011. Rapid Micropropagation of Boesenbergia Rotunda (L.)Mansf. Kulturpfl. (a valuable medicinal plant) from Shoot Bud Explants. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(7):1194-1199.
  42. Nor Azma Yusuf, M. Suffian M. Annuar, & Norzulaani Khalid. 2011. Efficient Propagation of an Important Medicinal Plant Boesenbergia Rotunda by Shoot Derived Callus. Journal of Medical Plants Research 5.
  43. Norhanizan Sahidin, Muraini Abd Wahid, Rofina Yasmin Othman, Norzulaani Khalid, 2011, Induced in vitro Mutagenesis of Aquatic Plant Cryptocoryne willisii Engler ex Baum Using Gamma Irradiation to Develop New Varieties, Malaysian Fisheries Journal 10: 93 - 104 (December 2011)
  44. Tan Eng Chong,Foo Gen Teck, Wong Sher Ming, Noorsaadah Abd Rahman, Norzulaani Khalid, Saiful Anuar Karsani, Shatrah Othman & Rohana Yusof. 2011. Optimization of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis protocols for Boesenbergia rotunda in vitro suspension culture. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 5(16): 3777- 3780.
  45. Faruq Golam, K. Norzulaani, A.H. Jennifer, B. Subha, Zulqarnain M, Mohamad Osman, A.M. Nazia, M. Zulqarnian, & O. Mohammad. 2010. Evaluation of Kernel Elongation Ratio and Aroma Association in Global Popular Aromatic Rice Cultivars in Tropical Environment. African Journal of Agriculture Research 5(12):1515-1522.
  46. Lindayani, K. Norzulaani, H.Ibrahim, & Noorsaadah Abd Rahman. 2010. Effect of Colchicine on Tissue Culture Derived Plants of Zingiber Officinale Rosc. and Zingiber Officinale Var Rubrum Theilade. Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics 6:11-16.
  47. Norzulaani Khalid, Wong Wei Chee, Fhaizal Bokhari, Tan Siew Kiat, Farah Diana Idris, Malisa Mohamad, Halijah Ibrahim, Suffian Annuar, Rofina Yasmin Othman, & Noorsaadah Abd Rahman. 2010. Banana, Gingers and Papaya Cell Cultures for High Throughput Agriculture. AsPac J. Mol. Biol. Biotechnol. 18(1):73-74.
  48. Sher Ming Wong, Norhanizan Sahidin, & Norzulaani Khalid. 2010. Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of the Aquarium Plant Cryptocoryne Willisii with Gus and GFP Genes. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 48(1-2):11- 16.
  49. Farah Diana Idris, M. Jalil, H. Ibrahim, & N. Khalid. 2009. Establishment of Embryogenic Cell Suspension and Field Evaluation of Regenerants of a Medicinal Ginger Family, Zingiber Zerumbet Smith. Acta Horticulturae 829(ISHS):319-324.
  50. Mahanom Jalil, Wong Wei Chee, Rofina Yasmin Othman, & Norzulaani Khalid. 2008. Morphohistological Examination on Somatic Embryogenesis of Musa Acuminata cv. Mas (AA). Scientia Horticulturae 117:335-340.
  51. Rozana Othman, Tan Siew Kiat, Norzulaani Khalid, Rohana Yusof, E. Irene Newhouse, James S. Newhouse, Masqudul Alam, and Noorsaadah Abdul Rahman. (2008). Docking of Noncompetitive Inhibitors into Dengue Virus Type 2 Protease: Understanding the Interactions with Allosteric Binding Sites. Journal of Chemical Information Modeling. 48(8): 1582-1591.
  52. Wei Chee Wong, Rofina Yasmin Othman, and Norzulaani Khalid. 2008. Improvements in the Efficiency of Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana cv. Mas using a Low- Antibiotic Liquid Washing-Assisted Approach. Transgenic Plant Journal. 2(1): 75-85.
  53. H. Ibrahim, N. Khalid and K. Hussin. 2007. Cultivated Gingers of Peninsular Malaysia: Utilization, Profiles and Micropropagation. Gardens Bulletin Singapore 59 (1&2):71-88.
  54. H.Ibrahim, N.Khalid, and K.Hussin. (2007). Cultivated gingers of Peninsular Malaysia: Utilization, profiles and micropropagation. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 59 (1&2): 71-88.
  55. Hui-Yin Yeong, Norzulaani Khalid, & Siew-Moi Phang. 2007. Protoplast Isolation and Regeneration from Gracilaria Changii(Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 20:641-651.
  56. Jennifer Ann Harikrishna, Chuen Yi Foong, Adelene Ai Lian Song, Saw Hoon Lim, Norzulaani Khalid, & Rofina Yasmin Othman. 2007. RNAi and Disease in Tropical Monocot Plants. Journal of RNAi and Gene Silencing 3(1):259.
  57. Mok, S.H. and Norzulaani, K. 2007. Trouble Shooting For Recalcitrant Bud Formation In Capsicum Annuum var. Kulai. Asia Pasific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 15(1):33-38.
  58. Nor Azma Yusuf, Norzulaani Khalid and Halijah Ibrahim. 2007. Establishment of Tissue Culture for selected Medicinal Curcuma spp. Malaysian Journal of Science 26(1):85-91
  59. Asnita Abu Harirah, & Norzulaani Khalid. 2006. Direct Regeneration and RAPD Assessment of Male Inflorescence Derived Plants of Musa acuminata cv. Berangan. Asia Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 14(1):11-17. (online at
  60. Chua Kek Heng, Norzulaani Khalid, & Rofina Yasmin Othman. 2006. Expression of a Functional Anti-cucumber Mosaic Virus Single-chain Variable Fragment Antibody in Tobacco Plants (Nacotiana Tabacum). Journal of Plant Biotechnology 8(1):9-14.
  61. M. B. Mohamad Fhaizal, P. Vilasini, A. R. Noorsaadah and K. Norzulaani. 2006. Effect of Carbenicillin on Somatic Embryos Formation of Papaya (Carica papaya L. var. Eksotika I). Malaysian Journal of Science 25 (2):47-54.
  62. Tan Siew Kiat, Richard Pippen, Rohana Yusof, Halijah Ibrahim, Norzulaani Khalid, & Noorsaadah Abd.Rahman. 2006. Inhibitory Activity of Cyclohexenyl Chalcone Derivatives and Flavonoids of Fingerroot, Boesenbergia Rotunda (L.), Towards Dengue-2 Virus NS3 Protease. Biorg. and Med. Chem. Lett. 16:3337-3340.
  63. Tan Siew Kiat, Richard Pippen, Rohana Yusof, Noorsaadah Abdul Rahman, Halijah Ibrahim, & Norzulaani Khalid. 2006. Screening of Selected Zingiberaceae Extracts for Dengue-2 Virus Protease Inhibitory Activities. Sunway Academic Journal 3:1-7.
  64. W. C. Wong, M. Jalil,M. Ong-Abdullah, R. Y. Othman, & N. Khalid. 2006. Enhancement of Banana Plant Regeneration by Incorporating a Liquid-based Embryo Development Medium for Banana Embryogenic Cell Suspension. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 81(3):385-390.
  65. Chua Kek Heng, Norzulaani Khalid, Jennifer A. Harikrishna and Rofina Yasmin Othman.2005. Direct Cloning Approach for Expression of an Anti-cucumber Mosaic Virus Single-chain Variable Fragment in Plant. Biotechnology 4(3):206-210
  66. S. K. Tan, R. Pippen, R. Yusuf, H. Ibrahim, N. Rahman & N.Khalid. 2005. Simple One-medium Formulation Regeneration of Fingerroot, (Bosenbergia Rotunda (L) Mansf. Kulturpfl.),Vsomatic Embryogenesis. In Vitro Cellular Development Biology-Plant 41:757-761. (Online)
  67. Wong Wei Chee, Mahanom Jalil, Meilina Ong Abdullah, Rofina Yasmin Othman, & Norzulaani Khalid. 2005. Comparison of B-glucuronidase Expression and Anatomical Localization in Bombarded Immature Embryos of Banana Cultivar Mas Via Biolistic Transformation. Asia Pacific Journal of Biotechnology 13(1):15-22.(Online at
  68. Mohd Azmi Muda, Halijah Ibrahim and Norzulaani Khalid. 2004.Differentiation of Three Varieties of Zingiber officinale Rosc. by RAPD Fingerprinting. Malaysian Journal of Science 23(2):135-139.
  69. Mohd Azmi Muda,Khalid N, & Ibrahim H. 2004. Micropropagation Study on Three Varieties of Zingiber Officinale Rosc. Malaysian Journal of Science 23(2):7- 10.
  70. Chua Kek Heng, Tan Chong Seng, Norzulaani Khalid, Jennifer A.Harikrishna, & Rofina Yasmin Othman. 2003. Synthesis of a Soluble Flag-tagged Single Chain Variable Fragment (scFv) Antibody Targeting Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) Coat Protein. Asia Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 11(2):93-100.
  71. Mahanom Jalil, Norzulaani Khalid, & Rofina Yasmin Othman. 2003. Plant Regeneration from Embryogenic Suspension Cultures of Musa Acuminata cv. Mas (AA) . Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 75:209-214.
  72. Nor Aziah Juli, & Norzulaaani Khalid. 2002. Comparative Analysis of Regenerants Between Single and Naked Meristem (scalps) of Musa Acuminata Var. Berangan. Asia Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 10(2):127-131. (2):127-131.
  73. Zarina Zainuddin, Norzulaani Khalid, & Tan Chong Seng. 2002. Comparison Between Two Transformation Systems for Introducing CMV Coat Protein Construct into Local Hot Peppers. Malaysian Journal of Science 21:25-30.
  74. Lindayani M , Norazian M, Muhamad Z, Norsaadah A, & Norzulaani K. 2001. Screening for Antimicrobial Activity of Extracts from Zingiber Officinale Rosc. var. Rubrum Theilade. Malaysian Journal Of Science 20:65-69.
  75. Phang SM, EL Tan, & K Norzulaani. 2001. Tissue Culture and Protoplast Isolation of Gracilaria Changii (Rhodophyta). Phycologia 40(4):25-27.
  76. Norzulaani Khalid, Yasmin Othman,Wirakarnain Sani, Mahanom Jalil and Noraziah Juli. (2000). Evaluation of regeneration and transformation systems in Musa acuminata var Pisang Mas (AA) and Pisang Berangan (AAA). Infomusa 10(1):15-16.
  77. Yasmin Othman, Norzulaani Khalid, Asif Javed, Mak Chai, & Tan Siang Hee. (2000) Molecular studies on Musa acuminata ssp Malaccensis and selected local Malaysian species. Infomusa 10(1):13-14.
  1. Norzulaani, K. & Sujaidi, D. 2009. Kehebatan Pisang. Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya. 113pp (ISBN 978-967-5148-17- 0)
  2. Norzulaani K., Halijah Ibrahim and Rofina Yasmin Othman (2005). Technology Transfer Opportunities for Plant Biotechnology - incorporating the PBIU tissue culture catalogue. Cebar, University of Malaya. 48pp (ISBN 983-100-346-2).
Article in Proceeding
  1. SAYED ABDUL RAHMAN, S. A., MOHD ZAIN, S. N., KHALID, N., OTHMAN, R. Y. and MOHAMED, Z. (2010). Development of sensitive molecular diagnostic tools for the detection of economically important plant-parasitic nematode species infesting Musa. My1Bio Conference 2010, 30-31st October, 2010. Berjaya Times Square Hotel and Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  2. Nor Azma Yusof, M. Suffian M. Annuar, Norzulaani Khalid. 2009. Establishment of Boesengergia rotunda cell suspension cultures as an alternative source of bioavtive compounds. Proceedings of Malaysian natural products International Seminar Silver Jubilee (MNPIS). (In press)
  3. Norzulaani Khalid, Norsaadah Abdul Rahman, Suffian Annuar, Farah Diana Idris, Malissa Mohamed, Nor azma Yusof and Lindayani. 2009. Studies on the production of secondary metabolites from plant cell cultures of selected medicinal ginger plants. Proceedings of Malaysian Natural Products International Seminar Silver Jubilee (MNPIS). (In Press)
  4. F. D. Idris, N. Khalid, H. Ibrahim and M. S. M. Annuar. Production of Zerumbone from in vitro Derived Rhizome of Zingiber zerumbet. for Pharmaceutical and Cosmeceutical Industry 12th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress 17-19 December 2007, University of Malaya.(229).
  5. M. Mohamed, H. Ibrahim, M. S. M. Annuar and N. Khalid. Establishment of Cell and Root Suspension Cultures from Curcuma xanthorhiza for the Production of Xanthorhizol. 12th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress 17-19 December 2007, University of Malaya.(238)
  6. N. sahidin, R. Y. Othman and N. Khalid. Development of a Novel Mutant from In-Vitro Exotic Water Trumpet Cryptocoryne willisii Engler ex Baum Through Gamma Irradiation. 12th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress 17-19 December 2007, University of Malaya.(194)
  7. Norzulaani Khalid and Vilasini Pillai. Biosafety Issues In Plant Made Proteins. 2nd International Meeting of Academic Institutions and Organizations Involved in Biosafety Education and Traning at Symposium on Biosafety & Biosafety Education. 19th April 2007, Corus Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
  8. Norzulaani Khalid, Wong Wei Chee and Farah Diana Idris. Field Assessment of Banana and Ginger Plants derived from Cell Suspension Cultures. 18th Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology Conference MSPPC 2007) 21 23 august 2007Le Meridien, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (24)
  9. Norzulaani Khalid, Wong Wei Chee, Mohamad Fhaizal Mohamad Bukhori, Tan Siew Kiat, Farah Diana Idris, Malisa Mohamad, Halijah Ibrahim, Suffian Annuar, Rofina Yasmin Othman, Noorsaadah Abd Rahman, and Vilasini Pillai. Banana, ginger and papaya cell cultures for high throughput agriculture. Proceeding of Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and Agrobiotechnology, Kuala Lumpur, 2007
  10. Idris D. D., Jalil M., Khaidizar M.I., Ibrahim H., & Khalid N. 2005. Establishment of micropropagation protocols and field assesment of regenerants from Zingiber zerumbet Smith (Zingiberaceae). Proceedings of the Seminar on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, pg. 200-203.
  11. Mahanom J, Norzulaani K, Yasmin O. 2002. Transient expression studies on regenerable somatic embryos of Musa acuminate cv. Mas. 3rd International Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Banana Biology of Banana.
  12. Mahanom Jalil, Norzulaani Khalid and Rofina Yasmin Othman (2002). Embryogenic cell suspension for the transformation of Musa acuminata cv Mas and Isolation of candidate disease resistance gene from wild banana. Proc NSF Workshop 2001. 317-321
  13. Maslenda Markom, Rofina Yasmin Othman, Norzulaani Khalid (2002). Expression of Dengue viral Proteins In Tobacco Proc NSF Workshop 2001. 322-324
  14. Chua Kek Heng, J.A.Harikrishna, Tan Chon Seng, Norzulaani Khalid and Yasmin Othman (2001). Construction and expression of an anti-cucumber mosaic virus antibody. Proc. In New Horizons in Microbiology, Malaysian Society for Microbiology . 81-82
  15. K.H. Chua, C.S Tan, Norzulaani Khalid, Jennifer A. Harikrishna and R. Yasmin Othman (2001). Antibodies from Plants in Proceedings RM7 IRPA Research seminars , University Malaya . 833-835
  16. Amid A.,Othman Y. and Khalid N. (2000). Expression of a Potyvirus coat protein gene in S. melongena Mte 2 Proc.of the 4th National Congress on Genetics eds. Saad et al. 332-335.
  17. Muda M. A., Khalid N. and Ibrahim H. (2000). Screening of three selected medicinal gingers for antibacterial activities and to establish an efficient protocol to commercialise ginger plants through micropropagation. International Conference on Traditional/Complementary Medicine: Medicinal herbs ensuring safety and efficacy through research and development. 13-15 November 2000 45-46
  18. Norlida Buniyamin , Zainuddin Mohamad , Rofina Yasmin Othman , Norzulaani Khalid (2000). A PLC controlled biochamber for micropropagation of tissue culture plants. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference :Control and Applications (CA 2000) 24-27 May 2000, Cancun, Mexico. 305-308
  19. Norzulaani K, Yasmin O, Noorlida B, Zainudin M, Tan H. (2000).Development of Integrated Technologies for Efficient and Value Added Production for Banana Tissue Cultures, Proceedings 12th National Biotechnology Seminar. 434-435
Other Publications
  1. Norzulaani Khalid. 2010. Crop Better. Malaysian Business, pg 9. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  2. Norzulaani Khalid, Mohamad Fhaizal Mohamad Bukhori, Farah Wahidah Roslan, Wan Hufida Wan Sha ari, Ngatikah Mohd Yusoff, Chang Iou Ven and Chua Chin Yeow Custom Designed Tissue Culture for Small to Large Scale Industries Abstract of CEBAR Symposium on Technology Offer Initiative, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 2008 - Extended Abstract
  3. Norzulaani Khalid & Mohamad Fhaizal Mohamad Bukhori. 2006. Bioteknologi Tisu Kultur Tumbuhan, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Radio Televisyen Malaysia. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  4. Norzulaani Khalid & Mohamad Fhaizal Mohamad Bukhori. 2006. CEBAR Bawa Bioteknologi ke Sekolah. Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Utusan Malaysia. - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
  5. Norzulaani Khalid, Yasmin Othman, Wirakarnain Sani, Norazah Juli and Mahanom Jalil. 2000. Evaluation of regeneration and transformation systems of Musa acuminate cv Mas and Berangan. Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on The Molecular and Cellular Biology. - Extended Abstract
  6. Yasmin Othman, Norzulaani Khalid, Asif Javed, Mak Chai and Tan Siang Hee. 2000. Molecular studies on Musa acuminate ssp Malaccensis and selected local Malaysian species. Abstracts of the 2nd International Symposium on the Molecular and Cellular Biology of Banana. - Extended Abstract


  1. 2015 - 2017, Bantuan Kecil Penyelidikan (BKP)
    Engineering the monoterpenoid pathway in rice for the crop improvement ( Consultant)
  2. 2012 - 2015, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)
    1. Exploring the Molecular basis of Recalcitrance to Plant Regeneration in the Model Medical Ginger Boesenbergia Rotunda 2. Using an inducible Expression System to Investigate the Effect of Expressing the Bacterial Pezt Toxin of the Pezt- Peza Toxin-antitoxin System ( Consultant)
  3. 2012 - 2015, MOHE
    Kajian Innovative Seed Technology for Superior Planting Material ( Principal Investigator(PI))
    Analysis of Boesenbergia rotunda genome for identification of metabolic engineering targets ( Coordinator)
  5. 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Development of selected gingers as value added crops for the herbal industry: In vitro production of selected compounds from gingers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  6. 2009 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Development of Disease Resistant Bananas and High Throughput Production of Bananas as Planting Materials for Modern Agriculture ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2011 - 2012, ScienceFund
    Host-pathogen Interaction in Plant-parasitic Pathogen Infestation of Local Banana Varieties. ( Project leader)
  8. 2008 - 2010, MOSTI / MGI
    Biosynthesis as Secondary Metabolites: Engineering the biosynthetic pathway for over-production of flavonoids and chalcones in plant and microbe cell culture ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  9. 2009 - 2010, Malaysian AgriFood Corporation
    The Development of Cell Suspension Tissue Culture Technology for Maspine Pineapple ( Co-Researcher)
  10. 2008
    Use of in vitro technologies for banana improvement ( Consultant)
  11. 2007 - 2008, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    Study on the temporal and Spatial Expression patterns of foreign proteins in plant cells ( Consultant)
  12. 2005 - 2007, Equator Biotech SDMN BHD
    Induction of new varieties of Sanseveria through biotechnological approach ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  13. 2002 - 2007, MOSTI
    Somatic embryogenesis for propagation and enhancement of bioactive compound in Zingiber zerumbet and Curcuma xanthoriza ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  14. 2005 - 2007, R&D
    Extension of Major Top Down NBD programme: Development of cosmeceuticals from Curcuma xanthorhiza (temu lawak) and Zingiber zerumbet (lempoyang. Title of sub-project 1: Somatic embryogenesis for mass propagation and production of bioactive compounds in Zingiber zerumbet and Curcuma xanthorhiza. ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  15. 2003 - 2006, MOSTI/MARDI
    Establishment of an efficient chilli regeneration protocol of chilli shoot tip through Agrobacterium mediated transformation ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  16. 2004 - 2006, Yayasan Felda Berhad
    Enhancement of the Natural Production of Carpaine in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) var. Eksotika through Biotechnological Approach ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  17. 1990 - 1993, The Toray Foundation International Grant
    Biotechnology development of edible aroids and Solanum species. ( Consultant)


  • Contract Research in Developing Cell Suspension Tissue Culture Technology for Maspine Pineapple, Malaysian AgriFood Corporation Berhad
    01 Nov 2008 - 01 Nov 2010 (National)
  • Contract Research to Produce Direct Regeneration of Banana Variety Berangan, Hexagon Green Sdn. Bhd.
    01 Nov 2009 - 01 Nov 2010 (National)
  • Contract Research to Produce Direct Regeneration of Banana Variety Berangan, Mas and Tanduk; and Staff Training, Johor Plant Tech. Sdn. Bhd.
    01 Nov 2007 - 01 Nov 2008 (National)
  • Induction of New Varieties of Sanseveria Through Biotechnological Approach, Equator Biotech Sdn. Bhd
    01 Nov 2005 - 01 Nov 2007 (International)
  • Establishment of Tissue Culture Protocols for Gingers, Your Garden Supply Co. Ltd.
    01 Nov 2002 - 01 Nov 2004 (International)
  • Development of Micropropagation Protocols of Selected Tropical Ornamental Plants, Terra Garden Biotech. Co. Ltd
    01 Nov 2001 - 01 Nov 2003 (International)


  1. Community research and service grants, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Science (Others) (19 Dec 2017 - 19 Dec 2017)
  2. Case study: Regional Centre of Expertise Central Semenanjung, Leading academic institution through education for sustainable development (ESD) programme, University Malaysia Sabah & AKEPT (National) (14 Aug 2017 - 15 Aug 2017)
  3. Genetic Manipulation and Mass Production of Banana (Musa acuminata var Berangan) Plants using Cell Suspension Cultures, The 7th ASIAHORCs General Meeting and The 5th ASIAHORCs Joint Symposium, Asian Heads of Research Councils (International) (26 Nov 2013 - 28 Nov 2013)
  4. Pengenalan dan Aplikasi Kultur Tisu Tumbuhan, Bengkel Kultur Tisu Tumbuhan, Unit Inkubator Bioteknology Tumbuhan(PBIU, UM) (University) (18 May 2012 - 18 May 2012)
  5. Research Issues and Ideas:Sharing of thoughts and experience, Research Unit Discourse Series, Centre for Foundation Studies, International Islamic University Malaysia (University) (15 May 2012 - 15 May 2012)
  6. Latest Development in Biotechnology, Colloqium on Bridging The Communication Gap Between Scientists and The Media: Dilemmas In Communicating Biotechnology .  (University) (22 Jul 2008)
  7. Go Bananas With Tissue Culture from bench to market, FNCA 2008 Mutation Breeding Project, Sub-Project Meeting on Disease Resistance in Banana, (30 Jun 2008 - 03 Jul 2008)
  1. Glosari MyRA I & II, Bengkel latihan juru audit/panel penilai MyRA tahun 2017, Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi (National) (22 Feb 2017 - 24 Feb 2017)
  2. Cell Suspension Culture as Biological System for Manipulation of Flavanoid Pathway in Finger Root Ginger (Boesenbergia rotunda), 2nd Asian Regional Conference on System Biology, Institute of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia  (National) (08 Oct 2013 - 09 Oct 2013)
  3. Rapid mass micropropagation of Musa acuminatacvBerangan (AAA): From Lab to field , International Banana Symposium, Taiwan Banana Research Institute (International) (19 Nov 2012 - 22 Nov 2012)
  4. Manipulation of In Vitro Cultures of Bosenbergia rotunda for Enhanced Production of Targeted Bioactive Compounds in the Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis Pathway, 4th Australasian Metabolomics Symposium, UiTM (International) (04 Sep 2012 - 05 Dec 2012)
  5. Plug and Play Plant Cell Cultures, 2nd International Symposium on Underutilised Plant Species Crops for the Future-Beyond Food Security (International) (27 Jun 2011 - 01 Jul 2011)
  6. Chloroplast DNA barcoding in Spathoglottis species for genetic conservation., The First International Orchid Symposium. (12 Jan 2010 - 15 Jan 2010)
  7. Oral Presentation Smart Partnership: Opportunities in Tissue Culture Technology, Centre of Biotechnology for Agricultural Seminar, University of Malaya (National) (29 Dec 2005)
  1. WRKY Transcription Factor Expression in Musa acuminata cv. Berangan, 20th MSMBB Annual Meeting, Malaysian Society for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology  (National) (26 Jun 2013 - 27 Jun 2013)
  2. Investigation study of abiotic stress-related microRNAs in Musa acuminata var. Berangan (AAA), The 14th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress "Go green, Grow science Together", Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, bangkok, Thailand (International) (10 Dec 2009 - 12 Dec 2009)
  3. Discovery of microRNA Genes in Banana (Musa acuminata), 18th Scientific Meeting "Reflecting 25 years of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in Malaysia: From small steps to giant leap", Malaysian Society foe Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MSMBB) and Biotechnology and Bioproduct Research Cluster (National) (18 Aug 2009 - 20 Aug 2009)
  1. Community Engagement: Tha UM Experience, Asia-Pacific Association for International Education Conference and Exhibition (APAIE) 2019, Universiti Malaya (University) (25 Mar 2019 - 25 Mar 2019)
  1. Carpaine From Carica Papaya L. var. Eksotika I, Proceeding of 18th Seminar on Chemical Analysis of Malaysia (International) (01 Dec 2005)
  2. Commercila Application of Somatic Embryogenesis in Bananas, The 3rd Indonesian Biotechnology Conference (International) (01 Dec 2004 - 03 Dec 2004)
  3. Tissue Culture Technology: From Laboratory to Commercialisation, Public Lecture, University of Derby, UK (International) (28 Oct 2004)
  4. Antibodies from Plants, Proceedings RM7 IRPA Research Seminars, University of Malaya (National) (01 Jan 2001)
  5. Construction of An Anti-CMV ScFv Antibody, Proceedings of 12th National Biotechnology Seminar (National) (01 Dec 2000)
  6. Evaluation of Regeneration and Transformation Systems of Musa acuminata cv mas and berangan, The 2nd International Symposium on the Molecular and Cellular Biology of Banana, Queensland University (International) (29 Oct 2000 - 03 Nov 2000)
  7. Prospect in Biotechnology fro Practical Applications Involving Malaysian Women, International Conference on "Women: Biotechnology, Environment and Non-conventional Energy", Hyderabad, India (International) (17 Oct 2000 - 21 Oct 2000)
  8. Biotechnology for Improvement of Mas (Musa AA) Bananas, Proceedings of The 19th ASEAN and 1st APEC Postharvest Seminar Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (International) (01 Jan 1999)


  1. (2018) Malaysian Research Assessment , (Advisory Committee)
  2. (2018) Panelist - Women in Science Forum at the 2018 International Conference on Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, (Panelist)
  3. (2014) Panelist for scholarship/ fellowship interview , (Panel Evaluator)
  4. (2012) Mesyuarat Pemantauan Projek Penyelidikan di bawah Dana R&D Inisiatif ABI Bil1/2012- Bioteknologi Tumbuhan , (Scientific Committee)
  5. (2012) Research Acculturation Collaborative Effort" (RACE) Phase 1/2012 , (Evaluation committee member)
  6. (2012) Liquid immersion bioreactors (LIB) method to generate MD2 pineapple plantlet for nurturing farmers in malaysia for Technology Park Malaysia , (Evaluation committee for Techno Fund )
  7. (2011) SCIENCE FUND , (Reviewer)
  8. (2011) Evaluation Technical & Finance Meeting under TechnoFund Scheme , (Reviewer)
  9. (2011) "Food Security" under Africa-Asia Development University Network (AADUN) programme at University Malaya level., (Advisory Committee)
  10. (2011) Evaluation of the Prototype Development of the Research Grants Scheme (PRGS)., (Advisory Committee)
  11. (2011) Evaluation on "Kultur Tisu Tumbuhan Akuarium"., (Panel Evaluator)
  12. (2011) Evaluation of exploratory research grant scheme 2011: Natural Science and National Heritage under Department of Higher Education. , (Scientific Committee)
  13. (2011) Distribution, Molecular Characterisation and Plant-Parasite Interaction Studies of Banana Nematodes in Peninsular Malaysia. By Syarifah Aisyafaznim Sayed Abdul Rahman (Thesis, PHD, UM, 2011)., (Internal Examiner)
  14. (2011) Long Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS), RMK-10, 2011. , (Reviewer)
  15. (2011) Resource Person for Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Special Training (BeST) programme under Universiti Malaya (UM) and Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation (Biotech Corp), 2011., (Reviewer)
  16. (2011) Evaluation of Fundamental/Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (ERGS) workshop, Fasa 1/2011. , (Panel Evaluator)
  17. (2011) Fakulti Perladangan & Agroteknologi (Plant Biotechnology), Universiti Teknologi Mara., (External Examiner)
  18. (2011) Discussion on 'Animal Care & Use Policy', Universiti Malaya., (Scientific Committee)
  19. (2011) Monitoring project meeting under Agro-Bioteknologi R&D Initiative Fund, Bil. 01/2011- Plant Biotechnology., (Panel)
  20. (2011) Training under Research Center for the Development of Advanced Horticultural Technology Chungbuk National University, Korea. , (Trainees)
  21. (2011) Seminar on Perspective of Various Religions and Cultures about Selected Bioethics Issues in Malaysia, University Malaya., (Reviewer)
  22. (2011) 'Roadmap Research and Development (R&D)' workshop, 2011., (Reviewer)
  23. (2011) Direct and Indirect Plant Regeneration and Analysis of Selected Gene Expression in Musa Acuminata cv. Berangan (AAA). By Najmeh Jafari (Thesis, MSc, UM, 2011)., (Internal Examiner)
  24. (2011) Assessment of the Effect of Plant Protease Inhibitors on the Expression of Heterologous Genes in Plant Cells. By Nassim Khalighi (Thesis, Master of Biotechnology, UM, 2011)., (Internal Examiner)
  25. (2011) Biosynthesis of Selected Compounds in Boesenbergia Rotunda (in Vitro Studies). By Foo Gen Teck (Thesis, MSc, UM, 2011)., (Internal Examiner)
  26. (2011) Studies on Protoplast and Tissue Culture of Gracilaria Changii (Rhodophyta). By Yeong Hui Yin (Thesis, PHD, UM, 2011)., (Internal Examiner)
  27. (2011) Evaluation Workshop on Exploratary Application Research Grants Scheme (ERGS) fasa 1/2011., (Advisory Committee)
  28. (2010) Evaluation of SCIENCE FUND research projects (Biotechnology-Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology research area), 2010. , (Technical panel)
  29. (2010) Research University Vote for 2010 (Evaluation of budget proposal (OPEX and CAPEX) from University Malaya s Research Centers), 2010., (Reviewer)
  30. (2010) Final evaluation of research project (R&D Biotechnology) under SCIENCE FUND research grant, 2010. , (Technical panel)
  31. (2010) Evaluation of Technical Project Audit, R&D initiative, MOSTI, 2010. , (Panel reviewer)
  32. (2010) Evaluation of a R&D collaboration project between Malaysia and Vietnam. Project title: Development of Transgenic Rice Plants Resistant to Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani) Disease., (Panel evaluator)
  33. (2010) Effects of Gamma radiation on Growth of Sinningia speciosa Callus Tissue (Jurnal Sains dan Matematik, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, UPSI). , (Reviewer)
  34. (2010) Micropropagation and Induction of Protocorm-Like Bondies (PLBS) in an Endangered Slipper Orchid, Paphiopedilum Rothschildianum (Orchidaceae). By: Ng Chyuam Yih (Thesis, MSc, UPM, 2010). , (External Examiner)
  35. (2010) Molecular characterization and expression analysis of putative CLV1 in malaysian Indica rice (Oryza sativa L) cv. MR219 and Malaysian wild rice (Oryza Rufipogon) IRGC 10549. By Law Yee Song (Thesis, MSc, UM, 2010). , (Internal Examiner)
  36. (2010) Science Innovation and INTEL-ISEF Engineering competition, 2010., (Reviewer)
  37. (2010) Evaluation of Science Fund research projects- Industrial Biotechnology and Agrobiotechnology area, 2010. , (Technical panel)
  38. (2010) Global COE Summer Camp 2010., (Reviewer)
  39. (2010) In Vitro Polyploid Induction in Acacia. By: Yap Jing Wei (Thesis, MSc, UKM, 2010). , (External Examiner)
  40. (2010) Identification of priority areas in R&D of Agriculture Biotechnology RMK-10, 2010. , (Panel evaluator)
  41. (2010) Guidelines and policy on drafting/improvement workshop related to course work under research and innovation governance, 2010., (Reviewer)
  42. (2010) Evaluation on TechnoFund MoA Scheme (Agriculture Cluster), 2010. , (Reviewer)
  43. (2010) Institutional Biosafety (IBC) University Malaya., (Advisory Committee)
  44. (2010) Evaluation on Technofund dana scheme, pusingan 3/2010 (Agriculture Cluster)., (Reviewer)
  45. (2010) Evaluation of funding under R, D & C program, MOSTI, 2010. , (Panel reviewer)
  46. (2009) Bright Spark Program, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya. , (Reviewer)
  47. (2009) Interview National Science Fellowship (NSF) scholarship scheme, Bil. 1/2009. , (Panel)
  48. (2009) Biotechnology and Bioproduct Research Cluster. , (Advisory Committee)
  49. (2009) Working group meeting about GMO Testing and Monitoring (WG3) Bil. 1/2009., (Advisory Committee)
  50. (2009) Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Mediated Transformation of Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao). By: Helda bin Souki (Thesis, MSc, UMS, 2009)., (External Examiner)
  51. (2009) Evaluation of University Malaya Research Grants(UMRG)proposals and progress seminar under Biotechnology and Bioproduct Research Cluster (UMBIO). 2009. , (Panel evaluator)
  52. (2009) Evaluation of candidates to be promoted as Associate Professor (UNIMAS), 2009. , (External Examiner)
  53. (2009) Workshop on evaluation of research proposal Training of Trainers (TOT), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu., (Facilitator)
  54. (2009) Evaluation of the qualification for Bachelor of Science (Agriculture Biotechnology with Honors) from Universiti Darul Iman, 2009. , (Ad-Hoc Committee Panel)
  55. (2008) Curriculum revision (JTSK), UM., (Technical Panel)
  56. (2008) Seminar for Biotechnology Undergraduate (SHES3182)., (Moderator)
  57. (2008) PhD student: Norzihan Binti Abdullah (Ijazah Doktor Falsafah(Genetik))., (Reviewer)
  58. (2008) Centre for Research in Biotechnology for Agriculture (CEBAR), Universiti Malaya. , (Advisory Committee)
  59. (2008) Bioreactor for plant micropropagation and production of secondary metabolites workshop. , (Advisory Committee)
  60. (2008) National Science Fellowship (NSF)-organized by Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation, 2008-2010. , (Panel evaluator)
  61. (2008) Interview session for lectures (permanent promotion) and SLAB/SLAI candidates, University Malaya, 2008. , (Panel reviewer/ Interviewer)
  62. (2007) Candidature Defense (For Masters candidate)-2007/08. , (Panel)
  63. (2007) Genetic transformation of Tongkat Ali mediated by Agrobacterium rhizhogenes for the production of secondary metabolites. By: Nor Hasnida Hassan (Thesis, PhD, UKM), 2007. , (External Examiner)
  64. (2005) Analysis of CpTI gene in transgenic oil palm (E. guineensis Jacq.). By: Christine Chari (Thesis, Masters program, UKM), 2005. , (External Examiner)
  65. (2005) Development of a genetic transformation system for gracilaria changii (Rhodophyta). By: Gan Sook Yee (Thesis, PhD, UM), 2005. , (Internal Examiner)
  66. (2005) Identification and expression of 31kD protein, chitinase and beta glucanase in banana. By: Chandran Somasundram (Thesis, PhD, UM), 2005. , (Internal Examiner)
  67. (2004) Genetic transformation of oil palm resistant genes against the intermediate attack of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. By: Yap Soo Ping (Thesis, PhD, UKM), 2004. , (External Examiner)
  68. (1991) Seminar on evaluation on the Use of Bahasa Malaysia for teaching in Science Faculty, UM. , (Advisory Committee)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2011) Workshop on preparation of action plan 'Roadmap Research and Development (R&D)' , Universiti Malaya
  2. (2006) Workshop on Plant biotechnology skills for young aspiring scientists, Malaysian Biotechnology Information Centre and Australian Information Broadcast
  3. (2005) Development of micropropagation protocol for Zantedesia, Agriculture Dept., Cameron Highlands
  4. (2004) Production of wild bananas for the banana leaf industry, Pusat Zakat Pulau Pinang and Synergy Farm Co.Ltd.
  5. (2003) Cloning of Musa acuminata cv.Raja from male infloresence explants, MARDI, Horticulture Dept., Serdang
  6. (2003) Field assessment of Zingiber zerumbet and Curcuma xanthorhiza, Agriculture Dept., Selangor (Polens Sdn. Bhd.)


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  9. (2016) Enhancement and Isolation of Zerumbone in Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith Cell Suspension and Adventitious Root Cultures, MAHANOM BINTI JALIL
  10. (2011) The Effect of Quorum Sensing Molecules on Agrobacterium-mediated Microalgae and Tobacco Plant Transformation with Cellulase Gene., Chen Chin Fong
  11. (2011) Integration of putative resistance gene to regenerate tolerance clone of Musa acuminata cv. 'Berangan' via somatic embryogenesis, Nadiya Akmal binti Baharum
  12. (2010) Small interfering RNA (siRNA) studies in Boesenbergia rotunda, Wong Sher Ming
  13. (2010) Establishment of a banana model for investigation of small RNA associated epigenomic modification during tissue culture of tropical monocot crop plants: WHY is there so much siRNA and HOW does this effect variation in tissue culture?, GUDIMELLA RANGANATH
  14. (2009) Overexpression of Panduratin A in Soesenbergia Rotunda via metabolic Engineering, Noor Diyana Bt Md Mustafa
  15. (2009) Banana chloroplast vector:versatile tools for the expression of transgenic proteinfusions, Maria Ulfa Mat Shah
  16. (2007) The Development of Molecular markers and Germplasm storage for Terrestrial Orchid of Spathoglottis Genus, Florence C. Ginibun@Camillus
  17. (2007) Study of microRNA genes in salt stress banana root., Lee Wan Sin
  18. (2005) Biomass and Selected Flavanoids Production in Cell Suspension Cultures of Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf, Nor Azma Bt Yusuf
  19. (2003) Genetic transformation of embryogenic cell suspension of Musa acuminata cv Mas (AA group) with a transcription factor associated with early flowering, Wong Wei Chee
  20. (2003) Development of tissue culture system for micropropagation of Gracillaria changii, Yong Hui Yin
  21. (2002) Flavanoids from Boesenbergia rotunda L. Mansf,:Chemistry, bioactivity and accumulation, Tan Siew Kiat
  22. (1997) Induction of polyploidisation and antibacterial evaluation of fractionated extracts of zingiber officinale Rosc. Var. rubrum theilade, Lindayani Maria
  7. (2013) Proteomic and Enzymatic Studies of Regenerative Ability of Boesenbergia rotunda Suspension Culture, Aiman Faizudin Bin Aziz (M0100401)
  8. (2013) Production of Secondary Metabolites and Mass Propagation of Boesenbergia rotunda Using Bubble Type Ballon Bioreactor, Erna Hazwani Binti Che Hussin (M0100401)
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  • Recombinant Single Chain Fv Antibody and its use in the detection of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).
    Patent (National)


  • Penceramah Untuk Bengkel Kultur Tisu Tumbuhan Anjuran Fakulti Perladangan dan Agroteknologi, UiTM, Kampus Jasin Melaka., (28 Aug 2018 - 29 Aug 2018)
  • Penilai Luar Bagi Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Profesor Madya Gred Ds54 Di Universiti Malaysia Pahang., (17 Aug 2018 - 14 Sep 2018)