Curriculum Vitae
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Khairi ABDUL-WAHAB, Ph.D, MIET, C.Eng. (UK) is currently stationed at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia.
He started his career at the University of Malaya from 1999 as a Research Assistant in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering after graduated from Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom in Electrical Electronics Engineering. He has completed his Master Engineering Science Degree's research (M.Eng.Sc.) in the application of neural network as an intelligent process controller for a chemical reactor.
Then, he continued his research in Ph.D. in Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy Logic, and Neurofuzzy in controlling the temperature of a Partially Simulated Exothermic Chemical Reactor (PARS-EX) in the Department of Chemical Engineering and completed his Ph.D. in 2010. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Khairi has initially started his career as a lecturer in 2006 in the Department of Electrical Engineering and currently is serving the Department of Biomedical Engineering as an Associate Professor.
Ir. Dr. Ahmad Khairi was the Principle Investigator for a High Impact Research, Cycle 2, 2 subprogram projects leader for University Malaya Research Grant (UMRG) projects, and 1 subprogram in Faculty of Engineering Research Grant.
His current research interest are in biomedical modelling and control system, bio-instrumentation, medical devices, and artificial intelligence.
- CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN AND ALGORITHMEngineering, Electrical And Electronic Engineering, Control And Instrumentation Engineering
- Ph.D (UM)(2011), (KAWALAN TERMAJU PROSES)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- MENGSC, (Sains Kejuruteraan)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- B.Eng.(Hons), (Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik)University of Wales, Cardiff, UK
- 23 Jan 2007-Pensyarah
Jabatan Kejuruteraan Bioperubatan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan
- Chairman02 Aug 2021 - 01 Aug 2023 (Deputy Dean (Development) Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- PERLANTIKAN SEBAGAI KETUA PENGAWAS PEPERIKSAAN SEMESTER 2, 2022/2304 Jul 2023 - 04 Jul 2023 (University Malaya)
- Deputy Dean of Development01 Jul 2021 - 30 Apr 2022 (Deputy Dean (Development) Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Committee Members21 Sep 2022 - 21 Sep 2022 (University Malaya)
- Chairman26 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Committee Members24 Jun 2022 - 24 Jun 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members02 Jun 2022 - 02 Jun 2022 (University Malaya)
- Chairman11 Mar 2022 - 11 Mar 2022 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Sebut Harga Universiti Malaya21 Jan 2021 - 21 Jan 2022 (University Malaya)
- AJK TASKFORCE PENETAPAN KPI DI PERINGKAT PTj FKUM05 Mar 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Chairman06 Oct 2021 - 06 Oct 2021 (University Malaya)
- Perlantikan Sebagai AJK Pegawai Penerima Aset Fakulti Kejuruteraan03 Sep 2019 - 30 Aug 2021 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- AJK Persidangan BIOMED 2021 Program Scientific and Technical21 Jun 2019 - 14 Aug 2021 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Head of Department01 Aug 2018 - 15 Jan 2019 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- PIC for NCKU, Taiwan and FKUM Signing Ceremony16 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2019 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- PIC for Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland and FKUM Signing Ceremony16 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2019 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- AJK NCKU-UM Visit and MOU Signing Ceremony01 Jan 2019 - 19 Nov 2019 (University Malaya)
- Head of Department01 Jul 2017 - 31 Jul 2018 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- AJK Kurikulum Program Asasi Kejuruteraan, Pusat Asasi Sains, Universiti Malaya03 Aug 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (University Malaya)
- AJK JIT Fakulti01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- AJK Rayuan Fakulti01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Perlantikan Sebagai Ahli Panel Penemuduga Cuti Belajar dan SLAB/SLAI di Peringkat Pusat, Universiti Malaya27 Mar 2017 - 31 Dec 2018 (University Malaya)
- AJK JPM Fakulti01 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean of Higher Degree24 Dec 2018 - 26 Dec 2018 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Head of Department01 Aug 2016 - 31 Jul 2017 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Head of Department01 Aug 2014 - 31 Jul 2016 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Committee Member for Departmental Postgraduate Program Curriculum Review23 Mar 2015 - 23 Mar 2016 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean (Undergraduate)01 Jun 2015 - 05 Jun 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean (Undergraduate)18 May 2015 - 19 May 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Post-Graduate Program Curriculum Committee, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering11 Mar 2014 - 11 Mar 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean (Undergraduate)24 Dec 2014 - 02 Jan 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Head of Department01 Jul 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Head of Department10 Jan 2014 - 30 Jun 2014 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean (Undergraduate)24 Nov 2014 - 28 Nov 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean (Undergraduate)03 Nov 2014 - 04 Nov 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean (Undergraduate)29 Aug 2014 - 02 Sep 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Technical Reviewer for 6th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineerings 2014 (BIOMED 2014)13 Feb 2014 - 29 Aug 2014 (University Malaya)
- Acting Deputy Dean of Higher Degree19 May 2014 - 23 May 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean of Higher Degree17 Mar 2014 - 21 Mar 2014 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Committee member for Student Exchange Programme10 Nov 2012 - 10 Nov 2013 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Committee Member for Faculty of Engineering Quality Management19 Jul 2012 - 19 Jul 2013 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Admission Interview Panel for STPM candidates to University of Malaya Undergraduate Programs Session 2013/2014, Regency Hotel, Kedah, 21-23 May 201321 May 2013 - 23 May 2013 (University Malaya)
- Acting Head of Department29 Apr 2013 - 30 Apr 2013 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Admission Interview Panel for UM Undergraduate from PASUM, Pusat Asasi Sains, UM ,13-14 Apr 201313 Apr 2013 - 14 Apr 2013 (University Malaya)
- Acting Head of Department25 Mar 2013 - 27 Mar 2013 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Quality Manager19 Mar 2012 - 19 Mar 2013 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Head of Department29 Jan 2013 - 31 Jan 2013 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Head of Department01 Jul 2011 - 29 Feb 2012 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean of Higher Degree26 Dec 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Head of Department17 Dec 2012 - 19 Dec 2012 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Head of Department22 Oct 2012 - 23 Oct 2012 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Head of Department20 Sep 2012 - 20 Sep 2012 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Acting Deputy Dean (Postgraduate Studies)21 May 2012 - 25 May 2012 (Dean Office, Faculty of Engineering)
- Admission Selection Committee Member, Engineering Degree Program, Session 2011/201211 May 2011 - 11 May 2012 (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Head, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering01 Jul 2011 - 29 Feb 2012 (University Malaya)
- Organizing Committee, The 3rd International Congress on Green Process Engineering (GPE2011), 6-8 December 201106 Dec 2011 - 08 Dec 2011 (International)
- Vice Chairperson, 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur.20 Jun 2011 - 23 Jun 2011 (International)
- Programme Coordinator (Programme of Biomedical Engineering (Prosthetics and Orthotics)01 Aug 2008 - 01 Aug 2010 (University Malaya)
- BOARD OF ENGINEERS, MALAYSIA (68432 A), MEMBERSince 2011 (National)
- AJK GOTONG ROYONG PERDANA FKUM 2021, MEMBER2021 to 2021 (University)
- Excellence Service Award2018, Universiti Malaya
- Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang2017, Universiti Malaya, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2017, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2015, Universiti Malaya
- Best Teaching Award 2013 for Higher Degree Programmes2013, Faculty of Engineering, (Ptj/ Faculty)
- Excellence Award 20112011, Faculty of Engineering, (Ptj/ Faculty)
- Sijil Pengajaran Cemerlang Fakulti 2010/20112010, Faculty of Engineering, (Ptj/ Faculty)
- Phd Nsf Scholarship, Mosti, Malaysia2003, MOSTI, Malaysian Government, (National)
Article in Journal
Zamzam, Aizat Hilmi; Hasikin, Khairunnisa; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul (2023). Integrated failure analysis using machine learning predictive system for smart management of medical equipment maintenance, ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 125. doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106715
Hong, Gabriel Khew Mun; Hussain, Mohd Azlan; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul (2021). Fuzzy logic controller implementation on a microbial electrolysis cell for biohydrogen production and storage, CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. 40, 149-159. doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2021.03.057
Manap, H. H., Wahab, A. K. A., & Zuki, F. M. (2021). Control for Carbon Dioxide Exchange Process in a Membrane Oxygenator Using Online Self-Tuning Fuzzy-PID Controller. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 64, 14. doi: 10.1016/j.bspc.2020.102300
Zamzam, A. H., Wahab, A. K. A., Azizan, M. M., Satapathy, S. C., Lai, K. W., & Hasikin, K. (2021). A Systematic Review of Medical Equipment Reliability Assessment in Improving the Quality of Healthcare Services. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 12. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.753951
Zamzam, Aizat Hilmi; Al-Ani, Ayman Khallel Ibrahim; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul; Lai, Khin Wee; Satapathy, Suresh Chandra; Khalil, Azira; Azizan, Muhammad Mokhzaini; Hasikin, Khairunnisa (2021). Prioritisation Assessment and Robust Predictive System for Medical Equipment: A Comprehensive Strategic Maintenance Management, FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH. 9. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.782203
Ibitoye, M. O., Hamzaid, N. A., Wahab, A. K. A., Hasnan, N., & Davis, G. M. (2020). Quadriceps mechanomyography reflects muscle fatigue during electrical stimulus-sustained standing in adults with spinal cord injury - a proof of concept. Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik, 65(2), 165-174. doi: 10.1515/bmt-2019-0118
Ibitoye, M. O., Hamzaid, N. A., Wahab, A. K. A., Hasnan, N., Olatunji, S. O., Davis, G. M. (2020). SVR modelling of mechanomyographic signals predicts neuromuscular stimulation-evoked knee torque in paralyzed quadriceps muscles undergoing knee extension exercise. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 117, 8. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.103614
Ibitoye, Morufu Olusola; Hamzaid, Nur Azah; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul; Hasnan, Nazirah; Davis, Glen M. (2020). Quadriceps mechanomyography reflects muscle fatigue during electrical stimulus-sustained standing in adults with spinal cord injury - a proof of concept, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING-BIOMEDIZINISCHE TECHNIK. 65(2), 165-174. doi:10.1515/bmt-2019-0118
Ibitoye, Morufu Olusola; Hamzaid, Nur Azah; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul; Hasnan, Nazirah; Olatunji, Sunday Olusanya; Davis, Glen M. (2020). SVR modelling of mechanomyographic signals predicts neuromuscular stimulation-evoked knee torque in paralyzed quadriceps muscles undergoing knee extension exercise, COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 117. doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.103614
Kwan, T. J. M., Zilany, M. S. A., Davies-Venn, E., Wahab, A. K. A. (2019). Modeling the effects of medial olivocochlear efferent stimulation at the level of the inferior colliculus. Experimental Brain Research, 237(6), 1479-1491. doi:10.1007/s00221-019-05511-4
Al Kouzbary, M., Abu Osman, N. A., Wahab, A. K. A. (2018). Sensorless control system for assistive robotic ankle-foot. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 15(3), 9. doi:10.1177/1729881418775854
Hamdan, P. N. F., Hamzaid, N. A., Usman, J., Islam, M. A., Kean, V. S. P., Wahab, A. K. A., . . . Davis, G. M. (2018). Variations of ankle-foot orthosis-constrained movements increase ankle range of movement white maintaining power output of recumbent cycling. Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik, 63(6), 691-697. doi:10.1515/bmt-2017-0004
Lim, E., Lim, R., Suhaimi, A., Chan, B. T., Wahab, A. K. A. (2018). Treatment of chronic back pain using indirect vibroacoustic therapy: A pilot study. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 31(6), 1041-1047. doi:10.3233/bmr-171042
Azwar, M. Y., Hussain, M. A., Abdul-Wahab, A. K. (2014). Development of biohydrogen production by photobiological, fermentation and electrochemical processes: A review, Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews. 31, 158-173
Ibitoye, Morufu Olusola; Estigoni, Eduardo H.; Hamzaid, Nur Azah; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul; Davis, Glen M. (2014). The Effectiveness of FES-Evoked EMG Potentials to Assess Muscle Force and Fatigue in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury, SENSORS. 14(7), 12598-12622. doi:10.3390/s140712598
Ibitoye, Morufu Olusola; Hamzaid, Nur Azah; Zuniga, Jorge M.; Hasnan, Nazirah; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul (2014). Mechanomyographic Parameter Extraction Methods: An Appraisal for Clinical Applications, SENSORS. 14(12), 22940-22970. doi:10.3390/s141222940
Ibitoye, Morufu Olusola; Hamzaid, Nur Azah; Zuniga, Jorge M.; Wahab, Ahmad Khairi Abdul (2014). Mechanomyography and muscle function assessment: A review of current state and prospects, CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS. 29(6), 691-704. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2014.04.003
Khew Mun Hong G., Hussain M.A., Abdul Wahab A.K. (2021). Fuzzy logic controller implementation on a microbial electrolysis cell for biohydrogen production and storage, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 40, 149-159. doi:10.1016/j.cjche.2021.03.057
Gabriel Khew Mun Hong, Mohd Azlan Hussain, and Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, (2021), Fuzzy Logic Controller implementation on a Microbial Electrolysis Cell for Bio-hydrogen Production and Storage, Submitted to and under review by Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Elsevier on 26 May 2020. Under review since 26 Jun 2020, Minor revision on 15 Oct 2020, Resubmitted after corrections on 7 Dec 2020, Resubmitted after second corrections on 24 Mar 2021. Accepted for publication on 1 April 2021, Available online 28 July 2021. Published on 7 Jan 2022.
Hany Hazfiza Manap, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, and Fathiah Mohamed Zuki, Optimal Control of Carbon Dioxide Exchange Process in a Membrane Oxygenator Using Particle Swarm Optimization Approach, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 778 012086
Morufu Olusola Olusola Ibitoye, Nur Azah Hamzaid, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Nazirah Hasnan, Sunday O Olatunji, Glen M Davis, SVR Modelling of Mechanomyographic Signal Predicts Neuromuscular Stimulation-Evoked Knee Torque in Paralyzed Quadriceps Muscles undergoing Knee Extension Exercise, Submitted to Computers in Biology and Medicine, in minor revision on 2 Dec 2019. Accepted for publication on 9 Jan 2020, Available and Published Online on 11 Jan 2020.
Kwan, T. J. M., Zilany M. S. A., Davies-Venn, E. and Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Modelling the effects of medial olivocochlear efferent stimulation at the level of the inferior colliculus. (Submitted on 28 May 2018; Accepted for publication in Experimental Brain Research on 8 Mac 2019: Published online 22 Mac 2019), Experimental Brain Research, 237(6), p1479-1491.
Azwar, M. A. Hussain, A. K. Abdul-Wahab, at al., Design of neural network model-based controller in a fed-batch microbial electrolysis cell reactor for bio-hydrogen gas production, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 334, 012021.
Md. Anamul Islam; Nur Azah Hamzaid, Morufu Olusola Ibitoye; Nazirah Hasnan; Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Glen M. Davis, Mechanomyography responses characterize altered muscle function during electrical stimulation-evoked cycling in individuals with spinal cord injury, (Submitted to Clinical Biomechanics on 5 Nov 2017, Accepted 27 June 2018, Published online 10 July 2018; IF=1.863 (2017), Q1: Multidisciplinary Sciences)
Mouaz Al-Kouzbary, Noor Azuan Abu Osman, and Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Sensorless control system of assistive robotic ankle foot. Submitted to International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems on 11 Jan 2018. (Status: Accepted on 16 Apr 2018; Page Proof on 3 May 2018, Published online on 17 May 2018)
Azadeh Kheirandish, Farid Motlagh, Niusha Shafiabady, Mahidzal Dahari, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Dynamic Fuzzy Cognitive Network Approach for Modelling and Controlling PEM Fuel Cell for Power Electric Bicycle System, (Submitted to Applied Energy on 8 Dec 2016; Q1: Energy & Fuels; Accepted on 8 May 2017, doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.084)
Nor Zainah Mohamad, Nur Azah Hamzaid, Glen M. Davis, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab and Nazirah Hasnan, (2017) Mechanomyography and Torque during FES-Evoked Muscle Contractions to Fatigue in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury, Sensors (Q1), Accepted: 12 April 2017, Published 14 July 2017.
Puteri Nur Farhana Hamdan; Nur Azah Hamzaid; Juliana Usman; Md. Anamul Islam; Victor Shern Phng Kean; Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab; Nazirah Hasnan; Glen M Davis, Variations of Ankle-Foot Orthosis Constrained Movements Increase Ankle Range of Movement while Maintaining Power Output of Recumbent Cycling, (Submitted to Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, 9 Jan 2017; Q2: Engineering, Biomedical on 9 Jan 2017; Accepted on 26 July 2017; Published Online 15 Sep 2017)
Hany Hazfiza Manap, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Extracorporeal Carbon Dioxide Removal (ECCO2R) in Respiratory Deficiency and Current Investigation on Carbonic Anhydrase Immobilization: A Review, Submitted to Journal of Artificial Organs, (Status: Submitted on 3 Nov 2015; Under Review on 8 Dec 2015, 19 Feb 2016; Resubmitted after corrections on 30 Mac 2016; Accepted on 7 May 2016; Published Online on 18 May 2016; JCR 2014, Q3: Engineering, Biomedical; DOI: 10.1007/s10047-016-0905-x)
Ibitoye, Morufu; Hamzaid, Nur Azah; Abdul Wahab, Ahmad Khairi; Hasnan, Nazirah; Olatunji, Sunday; Davis, Glen, Estimation of Electrically-Evoked Knee Torque from Mechanomyography Using Support Vector Regression, (Submitted to Sensors, Q1: Instruments & Instrumentation on 14 Mac 2016; In Revision: 7 May 2016; Resubmitted: 26 May 2016; In Revision: 1 June 2016; Accepted: 8 June 2016; Published: 19 July 2016; doi:10.3390/s16071115)
Morufu Olusola Ibitoye, Nur Azah Hamzaid, Nazirah Hasnan, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Glen M Davis, Strategies for rapid muscle fatigue reduction during FES exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury: A systematic review, (Submitted to PLOS ONE on 21 July 2015; In revision on 22 Oct 2015; Accepted with Correction on 28 Jan 2016; Published 9 Feb 2016; Q1: Multidisciplinary Sciences); doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149024
Morufu Olusola Ibitoye; Nur Azah Hamzaid, Nazirah Hasnan, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Md. Anamul Islam, Victor S. P. Kean, Glen M. Davis, Torque and mechanomyogram relationships during electrically-evoked isometric quadriceps contractions in persons with spinal cord injury, (Submitted to Medical Engineering & Physics on 13 Nov 2015; In Revision: 3 Apr 2016; Accepted: 23 May 2016; Article in Press/Available online: 8 June 2016; DOI:10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.05.012; Q2: Engineering, Biomedical)
Zulhelmi Amir, Badrul Mohamed Jan, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Munawar Khalil, Brahim Si Ali, Wen Tong Chong, Viscosity prediction model optimization for Saraline-based super lightweight completion fluid at high pressure and temperature, (Submitted to Petroleum Exploration and Development on 25 Nov 2015, Under review 2 Feb 2016, Accepted 12 April 2016, Revised 15 Jun 2016, Published Online 18 Oct 2016, Q1: Engineering, Petroleum)
M.Y. Azwar, b, M.A. Hussain, A.K. Abdul Wahab, M.F. Zanil, A Comparative study between Neural Networks (NN)-based and Adaptive-PID Controllers for the Optimal Bio-Hydrogen Gas Production in Microbial Electrolysis Cell Reactor, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 2015, pp1529-1534, doi:10.1016/B978- 0-444-63577-8.50100-5 (Published)
Zulhelmi Amir, Badrul Mohamed Jan, Munawar Khalil, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, and Zulkafli Hassan, Rheological behavior and temperature dependency study of Saraline based Super Lightweight Completion Fluid, Submitted to J. Petrol.Science and Engineering, Submitted on 15 Sep 2014; (Status: Accepted for publication-31 Mac 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2015.03.022, Published, JCR 2014, Q1: Engineering, Petroleum)
Zulhelmi Amir, Badrul Mohamed Jan; Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab; Munawar Khalil; Wen Tong Chong; Zulkafli Hassan, Prediction of Saraline-based super lightweight completion fluid densities at elevated pressures and temperatures, Status: Submitted 6 July 2015 to Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, (Accepted 16 Oct 2015, In Press 23 Oct 2015, JCR 2014, Q1: Engineering, Petroleum, doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2015.10.021, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 135: 645-651)
Azwar, M. A. Hussain, and A. K. Abdul Wahab, Development of Biohydrogen Production by Photobiological, Fermentation and Electrochemical Processes: a Review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014), p158-173, Elsevier (Published Online 14 Dec 2013) DOI-10.1016/j.rser.2013.11.022, JCR 2014, Q1: Energy & Fuels).
Azwar, M.A. Hussain and A.K. Abdul Wahab, Modeling, optimization and control of microbial electrolysis cells in a fed-batch reactor for production of renewable bio-hydrogen gas, Submitted to International Journal of Energy Research, (Status: Published online 9 Dec 2014: DOI: 10.1002/er.3273, Vol.39, Issue 4, pg 557-572, 25 Mar 2015)
Morufu O. Ibitoye, Nur Azah Hamzaid, Jorge M. Zuniga, and Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab (2014), Mechanomyography and Muscle Function Assessment: A Review of Current State and Prospects. Clinical Biomechanics, 29, (2014), p691-704, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2014.04.003 (ISI-Cited Publication)
Morufu O. Ibitoye, Nur Azah Hamzaid, Jorge M. Zuniga, Nazirah Hasnan, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mechanomyographic parameters extraction methods: an appraisal for clinical applications, Submitted to Sensors on 20 August 2014, (Status: Published-3 Dec 2014). Sensors 2014, 14(12), p22940-22970; doi:10.3390/s141222940
Azwar, Ahmad Khairi Abdul-Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain. 2013. Optimal Production of Biohydrogen Gas via Microbial Electrolysis, Cells (MEC) in a Controlled Batch Reactor System, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 32, 727-732, DOI:10.3303/CET1332122, ISBN 978-88-95608-23-5, ISSN:1974-9791 (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)
Abdul Wahab, A. K., Hussain, M.A. and Omar, R. Development of PARS-EX to test control strategies, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 17, Issue 10, October 2009, pp. 1220-1233. (ISI-Cited Journal); doi: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2009.05.008
Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain & Rosli Omar, (2009), Fuzzy logic controller for a partially simulated chemical reactor system, Journal of Science and Technology, Special issue for the 2nd Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, 2009, Ho Chi Mihn, Vietnam, ISSN 0866 708X, Vol. 47, 5A, 2009, pp. 346-362. (Scopus-Cited Journal)
Abdul Wahab, Ahmad Khairi; Hussain, Mohamed Azlan; and Omar, Rosli (2008), An Artificial Intelligence Software- Based Controller for Temperature Control of a Partially Simulated Chemical Reactor System, Chemical Product and Process Modeling: Vol.3: Iss.1, Article 53, Published online 5 Dec 2008.
Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain & Rosli Omar 2007. Temperature control of a pilot plant reactor system using genetic algorithm model based control approach. Asia Pasific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2(6): 526-535.
Ng Cheah Wei, Mohamed Azlan Hussain, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab (2007), Control of a batch polymerization system using hybrid neural network-first principle model, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 85,936-945.
Abdul Wahab, A.K., Hussain, M.A., Sulaiman, M.Z., Temperature control for chemical reactor using adaptive neural network control strategy, TENCON 2000. Proceedings, p64, Vol.2, 24-27 Sep 2000, ISBN: 0-7803- 6355-8, Malaysia
- Abu Osman, N.A., Wan Abas, W.A.B., Abdul Wahab, A.K., Ting, H.N., Kadri, N.A. (Eds.) Conference Programme and Abstract Book, 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (Biomed 2011). Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675148941
Chapter in Books
- M. Azwar, M.A. Hussain, A. K. Abdul-Wahab, The Effect of Internal Parameters on Biohydrogen Production in Batch Microbial Electrolysis Cell Reactor, ICREGA'14- Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications, Edited by Mohammad O. Hamdan, Chapter 2, pg 11-22, ISSN 2352- 2534, Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London.
Article in Proceeding
- Aizat Hilmi Zamzam, Ayman Khallel Ibrahim Al-Ani, Khairunnisa Hasikin, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, A Strategic Corrective Maintenance Prioritization Assessment for Medical Equipment, Paper id: 101, 6th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2021 (BioMed2021) on 28 and 29 July 2021.
- Fatima Azzahra Manap, Ng Siew Cheok, and Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Detection of Fetal Heart Rate from Single Channel Abdominal Fetal Electrocardiogram Recordings Using Filtering Methods, International Joint Conferences on Medical Engineering, Science & Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, 29-30 June 2021.
- Aminuddin, N.D.N., Karman, S., Abdul Wahab, A.K., Ibrahim, S., Nawaz, N., Abu Bakar, N.K., and Ekramul Mahmud, H.N.M., Simulation of Electrical Properties of Iron Oxide and Titanium Dioxide-Polypyrrole Nanocomposite for Halal Biosensor, Published in The Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process & Control (ICSPC2020), 11-12 Dec 2020, Hatten Hotel, Malacca, Malaysia.
- F. A. Manap, S. C. Ng, and A. K. Abdul Wahab, Detection of fetal heart rate from single channel fetal electrocardiogram using filtering methods, International Technical Postgraduate Conference, Vol. 210, 5-6 April 2017, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Hany Hazfiza Manap, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, and Fathiah Mohamed Zaki, Mathematical modeling of carbon dioxide exchange in hollow fiber membrane oxygenator. IOP Conference Series: International Technical Postgraduate Conference, Vol. 210, Paper 012003, 5-6 April 2017, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Zulhelmi Amir, Badrul Mohamed Jan, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Munawar Khalil, Brahim Si Ali, Chong Wen Tong, Mohd Kamal Sareh, and Mohd Rashidi Shafi'i, Density and viscosity prediction of super lightweight completion fluid (SLWCF) at reservoir conditions, (IADC/SPE-180619-MS), IADC/SPE, Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference, 2016, 22-24 August 2016, Singapore.
- Zulhelmi Amir, Badrul Mohamed Jan, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Munawar Khalil, and Chong Wen Tong, Rheology and Temperature Dependency Study of Saraline-Based Super Lightweight Completion Fluid, (OTC-26399-MS), Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) Asia 2016, 22-25 March 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Azwar M. Yahya, Mohd A. Hussain, A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. F. Zanil, A Comparative study between Neural Networks (NN)-based and Adaptive-PID Controllers for the Optimal Bio-Hydrogen Gas Production in Microbial Electrolysis Cell Reactor, 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31 May-4 June 2015, published in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 2015, Pages 1529 1534.
- Z. Amir, B.M. Jan, A.K. Abdul Wahab, M. Khalil, W.T. Chong and Z. Hassan, Prediction of Saraline-based super lightweight completion fluid densities at elevated pressures and temperatures. The Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Minerals and Environment (RAMM) & 2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Materials, Mineral and Polymer (MAMIP), 5-7 Aug 2015, Penang, Malaysia.
- Azwar, M. A. Hussain and Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, 2014, The effect of internal parameters on bio-hydrogen production in batch microbial electrolysis cell reactor, 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications (ICREGA 14)
- Azwar, M.A. Hussain, A.K. Abdul Wahab and M.F. Zanil, Comparison of PID and Neural Network Model-based Controller in a Fed-batch Microbial Electrolysis Cell Reactor for Optimal Bio-hydrogen Gas Production, Proceeding of Chemeca 2014, Perth, Western Australia
- Ibitoye, M. O., Hamzaid, N. A., & Abdul Wahab, A. K. (2014): Prospects of Mechanomyography (MMG) in Muscle Function Assessment during FES Evoked Contraction: A Review. In The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Volume 43 of the series IFMBE Proceedings, James Goh (eds.) 524-526. Published by Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
- Ibitoye, M. O., Hamzaid, N. A., & Abdul Wahab, A. K. (2014, January): Effects of Muscle Fatigue on FES Assisted Walking of SCI Patients: A Review. In The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Volume 43 of the series IFMBE Proceedings, James Goh (eds.) 476-479. Published by Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
- Azwar, Ahmad Khairi Abdul-Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain. 2013. Optimal Production of Biohydrogen Gas via Microbial Electrolysis, Cells (MEC) in a Controlled Batch Reactor System, Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 32, DOI:10.3303/CET1332122, ISBN 978-88-95608-23-5, ISSN:1974-9791
- Azwar, Mohd Azlan Hussain and Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Modeling and Simulation of Biohydrogen Production via Microbial Electrolysis Cells (MECS) in Batch Reactor, The Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Process System Engineering, ID-178, 25-27 June 2013, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur.
- Ibitoye, M.O.; Hamzaid, N.A.; AbdulWahab, A.K.(2013) Prospects of Mechanomyography (MMG) in Muscle Function Assessment during FES Evoked Contraction: A Review, The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, UTown NUS, Singapore, 2013; James, G., Ed. Springer: UTown NUS, Singapore, 2014; pp. 524-526.
- Azwar, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohd. Azlan Hussain, Mathematical modelling of microbial electrolysis cells (MECS) in batch reactor for biohydrogen production: Preliminary study, Book of Abstracts, The 4th AUN/SEED- Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering, Paper id: MOD21, 9-10 Feb 2012, Malaysia
- Azwar, M. A. Hussain, and A. K. Abdul Wahab, 2011, Study on the hydrogen gas production process from wastewater via the electrochemical method in a batch reactor: A preliminary study, Book of Abstracts, Green Process Engineering 2011, paper id: 179, pg 222-223, Seri Pasific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 6-8 Dec 2011.
- H. Nozari, G.A. Rezai Rad, M. Pourmajidian, and A.K. Abdul-Wahab. 2011. Parametric Dictionary Design Using Genetic Algorithm for Biomedical Image De-noising Application, BIOMED 2011, IFMBE Proceedings 35, pp. 704 707.
- Karman, S., Hasikin, K., Ting, H.N. , Ng, S.C., Abdul Wahab, A.K., Lim, E., Hamzaid, N.A., Wan Abas, W.A.B., OBE implementation and design of continual quality improvement (CQI) for accreditation of biomedical engineering program University of Malaya, 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BIOMED 2011, In Conjunction with the 8th Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, APCMBE 2011; Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia; 20-23 June 2011; IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 35 IFMBE, 2011, pp 20-24.
- Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain & Rosli Omar, Development of Partially Simulated Chemical Reactor for the Implementation of Advanced Control Systems, Paper 610, Proceeding of CHEMECA 2009, 27-30th Sep 2009, Perth, Australia, p114.
- Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamad Azlan Hussain and Rosli Omar, Development of PARS-EX pilot plant with software based controllers to test various control strategies, Book of Program and Abstracts of Process System Engineering Asia 2007 (PSE ASIA 2007), The 4th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes, Paper A30, pg 80-81, August 15-18, 2007, Xi an, China.
- Mohd. Fauzi Zanil, Shazzad Hossain, Mohd. Azlan Hussain, Rosli Omar and Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Hardware interface for process control system using optomux module, Proceedings of the 15th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2008), in conjunction with the 22nd Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE2008), Vol. II, p243-248, Dec 2nd -3rd, 2008, Kuala Lumpur.
- Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Rosli Omar (2007) An artificial intelligence software based controllers for temperature control of a partially simulated chemical reactor system In: 14th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Book of abstracts, Yogjakarta, Indonesia 1, SE-02,: 59
- Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohd Azlan Hussain and Rosli Omar (2007), Experimental control experiences using fuzzy logic method for a PARS-EX reactor system In: Book of Abstracts for 21st Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, 12-14 Dec 2007, p84.
- Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Rosli Omar, Development of a PARS-EX pilot plant for advanced non-linear control strategies implementation: Simulation and experimental studies , 11th Asian Pasific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, 11th APCChE Congress, Book of Abstracts, Paper 568, Page 181, 27th -30th August 2006, Kuala Lumpur.
- Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Rosli Omar, Experimental control experiences using neurofuzzy methods for a PARS-EX reactor system , Proceedings of the 20th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, (SOMChE2006), 19-21 Dec. 2006, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, pg 503-509. ISBN 983- 3644-07-4
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. A. Hussain and R. Omar, Online performance studies of various fuzzy logic controllers for a partially simulated exothermic chemical reactor, The Proceeding of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005 (RSCE 2005), Hanoi, Vietnam, 30th Nov 2nd Dec 2005.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. A. Hussain and R. Omar, Temperature control of a pilot plant reactor system using a genetic algorithm model based control approach, Proceedings of Process System Engineering Asia 2005 (PSE ASIA 2005), The 3rd International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes, Page 501-506, 18th-19th August 2005, Seoul, South Korea.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. A. Hussain and R. Omar, Control of a partially simulated exothermic chemical reactor using fuzzy logic based methods, Proceedings of the 18th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, SOMChE2004, Paper P158, 3-84-3-90, Volume II, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Perak, Malaysia, December 13th-14th, 2004. ISBN 983-42038-1-0
- Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Rosli Omar, Control of a continuous chemical reactor system using fuzzy logic based methods, Book of Abstracts, 3rd National Technical Postgraduate Symposium (TECHPOS 04), Page 18, 15th 16th December 2004, Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
- Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab, Mohamed Azlan Hussain and Rosli Omar, Design and performance studies of enhanced fuzzy logic controller for a partially simulated exothermic chemical reactor, Paper PS-188, Book of Abstracts, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2004, (RSCE2004), ISBN 974-15-1271-6, 1st-3rd, December 2004, The Grand Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab and M. A. Hussain, Online temperature control using neuro controller with various strategies for industrial chemical reactor, Shell Inter-Varsity Student Paper Presentation Contest (S-SPEC2003), 14-16th February 2003, Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. (Awarded as the 1st Runner up of the competition).
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. A. Hussain and R. Omar, Identification for nonlinear system model using genetic algorithm approach, The proceedings of the 2nd Technical Postgraduate Symposium (National Level), TECHPOS 03, p24-29, 16th 17th December 2003, Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. A. Hussain and R. Omar, System identification for chemical reactor system using genetic algorithm approach, Proceedings of The 17th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, (SOMChE 2003), p48-53, 29th 30th December 2003, Copthorne Orchid Hotel, Tanjung Bungah, Penang.
- M. A. Hussain and A. K. Abdul Wahab, Online application of inverse neural network model based control strategies for pilot plant reactor system, Book of Abstracts, Malaysia-Japan Seminar on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industry, (AIAI2003), p19, 24-25th June 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. A. Hussain and Paisan Kittisupakorn, Neural network control and implementation of a partially simulated exothermic reactor using adaptive inverse model based control strategy, The Proceedings of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2002), in conjunction with 16th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE), Vol.2, p1733-1740, 28-30 October 2002, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
- Abdul Wahab, A. K. and Hussain, M. A., Performance comparison of neural network controllers in controlling a partially simulated exothermic reactor using IMC and adaptive strategy. The Proceedings of the 1st Technical Postgraduate Students (TECHPOS 02), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p119- 125, 16-17th October 2002, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. A. Hussain and M. Z. Sulaiman, Online Temperature Control of a Reactor Using an Adaptive Neural Network Control Strategy, Proceedings of RMK7 IRPA Research Seminar, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Vol. 2, p827-830, 24-25th July 2001.
- Abdul Wahab, A. K., Hussain, M. A., Sulaiman, M. Z., Online application of inverse neural model control strategy, The Book of Abstracts for SCOReD2001 Conference, University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia, p157, 20-21st February 2001.
- M. A. Hussain, C. M. Chew and A. K. Abdul Wahab, Neural network inverse model based control strategies to control a tank-level system, Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineering (RSCE2001), in conjunction with Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Reksowardojo 2001, Vol. 1, pCI71-CI76, 29-31st October 2001, Bandung, Indonesia.
- M. A. Hussain, S. Sivasubramaniam, W. J. Ken and A. K. Abdul Wahab, Model Predictive Control of a Stirred Tank Reactor, The 15th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers Proceeding, (SOMChE), 10-12th September 2001, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, Mohd Azlan Hussain and Mohd Zaki Sulaiman, Control Studies in Partially Simulated Exothermic Reactor, SOMChe2000, The 14th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers Proceeding, p525-532, 30- 31th Oct 2000, Renaissance Palm Garden Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, Mohd Azlan Hussain and Mohd Zaki Sulaiman, Online Neural Network Control of Partially Simulated Exothermic Chemical Reactor, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE) 2000, in conjunction with Chemical and Process Engineering Conference (CPEC 2000), 11-13 December 2000, NUS Guild House, Singapore.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, Mohd Azlan Hussain and Mohd Zaki Sulaiman, Temperature Control Using Adaptive Neural Network Control Strategy, TENCON2000 Proceedings, Kuala Lumpur, p60-64, Vol. 2, 25-27 Sept 2000.
- A. K. Abdul Wahab, M. A. Hussain and M. Z. Sulaiman, Application of Inverse Neural Network Model in Control of Chemical Processes, 1st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Application in Industry (AIAI '99), SIRIM Conference Proceedings, p166-172, 20th 21st October 1999, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- M. A. Hussain, Marwan Shamel Malik, M. Z. Sulaiman and A. K. Abdul Wahab, Design and Control of an Experimental Partially Simulated Exothermic Reactor System, Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineering 1999, Volume II, pB26-1 B26-6, Nov 22nd-24th, 1999, Songkhla, Thailand.
- 2012 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)Powering up paralyzed muscles using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES): An advance in Rehabilitation Engineering ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Study of Hydrogen Gas Production Process from Biomedical Waste Using Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (AnSBR) System ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- Development of Advanced Nonlinear Control Strategies for Process Control, eScienceFund01 Apr 2003 - 01 Apr 2005 (National)
- Comparison of PID and Neural Network Model-based Controller in a Fed-batch Microbial Electrolysis Cell Reactor for Optimal Bio-hydrogen Gas Production, Chemeca 2014, Engineers Australia and IChemE (International) (27 Sep 2014 - 01 Oct 2014)
- Fuzzy logic controller for a partially simulated chemical reactor system, The 2nd Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (International) (23 Oct 2009 - 24 Oct 2009)
- Development of Partially Simulated Chemical Reactor for theImplementation of Advanced Control Systems, CHEMECA 2009 (International) (01 Oct 2009 - 03 Oct 2009)
- Hardware interface for process control system using optomux module, 15th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2008) , University Kebangsaan Malaysia (National) (01 Dec 2008 - 03 Dec 2008)
- Pilot Plant to Conduct Various Advanced Temperature Control Strategies for a Partially Simulated Chemical Reactor System, 12th Asia Pasific Congress of Chemical Engineering, APCChE2008 (International) (03 Aug 2008 - 06 Aug 2008)
- Experimental control experiences using fuzzy logic method for a PARS-EX reactor system, 21st Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, SOMChE2007, University Putra Malaysia (National) (12 Dec 2007 - 14 Dec 2007)
- An artificial intelligence software based controllers for temperature control of a partially simulated chemical reactor system, 14th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, RSCE2007, University Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (International) (04 Dec 2007 - 05 Dec 2007)
- Development of PARS-EX pilot plant with software based controllers to test various control strategies, The 4th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes (International) (15 Aug 2007 - 18 Aug 2007)
- Experimental control experiences using neurofuzzy methods for a PARS-EX reactor system, 20th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, (SOMChE2006), UiTM, Shah Alam, Selangor (National) (19 Dec 2006 - 21 Dec 2006)
- Development of a PARS-EX pilot plant for advanced non-linear control strategies implementation: Simulation and experimental studies, 11th Asian Pasific Confederation of Chemical Engineering, 11th APCChE Congress, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Malaya (International) (27 Aug 2006 - 30 Aug 2006)
- Online performance studies of various fuzzy logic controllers for a partially simulated exothermic chemical reactor, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2005 (RSCE 2005) (International) (30 Nov 2005 - 02 Dec 2005)
- Temperature control of a pilot plant reactor system using a genetic algorithm model based control approach, Process System Engineering Asia 2005 (PSE ASIA 2005), The 3rd International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Processes (International) (18 Aug 2005 - 19 Aug 2005)
- Design and performance studies of enhanced fuzzy logic controller for a partially simulated exothermic chemical reactor, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2004, (RSCE2004) (International) (01 Dec 2004 - 03 Dec 2004)
- Neural network inverse model based control strategies to control a tank-level system, Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineering (RSCE2001) (International) (29 Oct 2001 - 30 Oct 2001)
- Online Neural Network Control of Partially Simulated Exothermic Chemical Reactor, Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2000), National University of Singapore (International) (11 Dec 2000 - 13 Dec 2000)
- Conference delegate, 11th Asian Spinal Cord Network (ASCoN) Conference, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (International) (29 Nov 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
- (2025) Perlantikan Sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Program Ijazah Tinggi Fakulti Kejuruteraaan, University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2025) Perlantikan Sebagai Panel Penilai Di Bawah Jk Unit Pemantapan Kertas Cadangan (Proposal Enhancement Unit), University, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Chairperson for Proposal Defense Munifah Mazalan (22114957/1) Meng, University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2024) Prpoposal Defense Chairperson for Abdallah Nasser Sayed Hammam Khalel (22105302/1), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2024) Proposal Defense Sem 2 for Sushmeeka Nair a/P Prataban (23051901/1), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2024) Candidature Defense Panel 1 Fot Meng Science Candidate 17178115/2 Ahmaed Sayed Abdel Rehim, University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2024) Chairperson for Boe for Jayaprina Gopalan Meng(S2005490/1), University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2023) Chairperson for Board of Examiners Meeting for Mengsc Candidate (17126896/3), University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2023) Chairperson for Phd Candidature Defense (17058177/2), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2023) Proposal Defence Panel for Phd Student (17222412/2), University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Evaluation of Preclinical Testing Results and Generation of Graphical Analysis for An Iot Enabled Scoliosis Monitoring Device., University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Properties Modification of Bambusa Heterostachya (Malay Dwaft Green Bamboo) for Lower Limb Prosthetic Socket Durability Enchancement Mechanical and Clinical Analysis, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Acoustical Analysis and Classification of Respiratory Diseases Using Deep Learning Models, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Explainable Machine Learning (Xml) for Investigating Restenosis Risk After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Malaysian Population, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Heart Rate Variability in Predicting Cardiac Stress and Body Endurance Among Motor Neuron Disease (Mnd) Individuals During Exoskeleton Training., University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Fundamental Study On Advanced Automated Tuning System for Transtibial Robotic Prosthese Using Artificial Intelligence and Wearable Sensors., University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Fundamental Electrochemical Invertigation of Ionic Charge Transport Across Ion-Selective Membranes for Highly Sensitive Lymphohematopoietic Cancer Using Bipolar Electrodes., University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Chairperson for Phd Candidature Defense (17172515/3), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2023) Prgs 2023: Penilaian Peringkat Pertama Permohonan Prgs 2023 Di Peringkat UM: Evaluation of Preclinical Testing Results and Generation of Graphical Analysis for An Iot-Enabled Scoliosis Monitoring Device, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) UM Matching Research Grant Application 2023: Correlation of Detoxification On High Blood Pressure Subjects With Reflexology Approaches, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Proposal Defence Panel for Phd Student (S2179097/1) Group 6, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Proposal Defence Chairperson for Phd Student (S2158631/1) Group 8, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Chairperson for Board of Examiners Meeting for Mengsc Candidate (S2000762/1), University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2023) Appointment as Paper Reviewer for Conference On Future & Sustainable Education (Cfse 2022)-2 Papers At IIUM, Malaysia, National, (Reviewer)
- (2023) AJK Sebut Harga Universiti Malaya, University, (Reviewer)
- (2022) Panel for Phd Conversion Seminar to Doctor Philosophy Research Program - Harinivas Rao a/L Suba Rao (17059587/2), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2022) Chairman for Proposal Defense Group 1 (2 Mengsc and 3 Phd Candidates), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2022) Chairman for Confirmation Defense (Doctor of Philosophy-Fast Track) Seminar-Nurin Haziqah Binti Jasrin (17105912/2), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2022) Internal Frgs Evaluator a Study Investigating Biomechanical and Chondrogenic Induction Features of Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Chitosan Scaffold Incorporated With Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to Regenerate Damaged Annulus Fibrosus of Herniated Intervertebral Disc in Rabbit Model, University, (Reviewer)
- (2022) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Fundamental Study of Internal Surface Profile Analysis Between Laminated Transfemoral Socket and Polypropylene Transfemoral Socket and The Effect of Surface Roughness On Prosthesis User, University, (Internal Evaluator)
- (2022) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Predicting Medical Device Failure Using Optimized Recursive Deep Neural Network for Malaysian Healthcare Facilities, University, (Internal Evaluator)
- (2022) Internal Frgs Evaluator for Elucidating Interaction of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells On Peptide-Functionalized Scaffolds, University, (Internal Evaluator)
- (2022) Panel for Candidature Defense (Mengsc( Seminar - Siti Nurainie Binti Tukiman (Kga180046/ 17202192/1), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2022) Panel for Candidature Defense (Mengsc) Seminar - Vieralynda Vitus )S2006282/1), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2022) Chairman for Candidature Defence Session (Doctor of Philosophy) Seminar for Abdul Rauf Bin Abu Bakar (17012730/4), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2022) Chairman for Candidature Defence (Doctor of Philosophy) Seminar - Liu, Jingjing (17201852/1, Kva190023), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2022) Panel Penemuduga Calon Slab/Slai, Sub-Kepakaran dan Pasca Kedoktoran Fakulti Kejuruteraan, University, (Internal Evaluator)
- (2021) Penilai Calon Fast Track Program Phd - Corina Dca, University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2021) Reviewer to Applied Sciences Journal (Issn 2076-3417)- Manuscript Id-Applsci-1471466, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Assessor for Proposal Defence for Sharifah Norsyahindah Syed Nor (17172515), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2021) Reviewer for The 6th Kuala Lumpur International Conference On Biomedical Engineering 2021 (Biomed2021), International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Biomed2021 Program Scientific & Technical Committee, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Perlantikan Sebagai Auditor Aset Penyelidikan Fkum 2021, University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2021) Assessor for Proposal Defence for Feng Weija (17222043), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2021) Assessor for Proposal Defence for Muhammad Imran Ramli (17192215), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2021) Assessor for Proposal Defence for Mohd Redzuan Jamaludin (17198891), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2021) Assessor for Proposal Defence for Abdul Rauf Abu Bakar (17012730), University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2021) Penyelaras Bagi Penawaran Program Ijazah Tinggi Sarjana Kejuruteraan Secara Open Distance Learning (Odl) Di Fakulti Kejuruteraan, University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2015) Modeling and simulation of piezoelectric micro tactile sensor for soft-tissue stiffness detection, (KGL120005), MEng Research Project, (Internal Examiner)
- (2014) MEng(Biomedical) Research Project Report, Control of magnetic particles in centrifugal mevrofluidic platforms, KGL120013, (Internal Examiner)
- (2014) KGZ 120008, MEng Research Project, Metal hydride materials for solid hydrogen storage, (Internal Examiner)
- (2014) KGK 130007, MEng Research Project, State space modelling and mathematical study for hydrogen electrolyzer system, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) MEng(Biomedical) Research Project Report, Body area network for remote monitoring of vital signs, KGL100034 , (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) MEng(Biomedical) Research Project Report, Acoustic characteristics of vowels for malay children between 7 and 12 years old in reading, KGL090011, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) MEng(Biomedical) Research Project Report, An implementation of fuzzy logic controller for automotive cruise control, KGZ110010, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGZ 110005-Design and development of low-cost zigbee-based home energy monitoring system, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGL 110008-Improvement of image segmentation process for determining clausius-mossotti factor in dielectrophoretic studies of K562 cells., (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGL 100032-The study of electrical bioimpedence of yoga meditation practitioners, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGL 110003-Age identification of children using hidden markov model based on mel-frequency cepstral coefficient, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGL 100027-Numerical modelling of electromagnetic field over planar electrodes used in lab-on-chip device, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGL 110005-Malay vowel recognition of children using mel-frequency cepstral coefficient and hidden markov model, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGK 100031-Solar tracker system using PLC controller, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGL 120008-Development of a closed loop functional electrical stimulation (FES)., (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGL120002-Efficacy of using FES signal as feedback for muscle contraction, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGL 120010-The correlation between permittivity of urine and breast cancer., (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) KGZ 110014-Development of automatic pick and place system for integrated circuit semiconductor industry, (Internal Examiner)
- (2013) MEngSc candidature defence-Noninvasive monitoring during rotary blood pump support, (Reviewer)
- (2013) KGZ 110015-Design and development of automatic sorting system for integrated circuit semiconductor industry, (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) MEng(Biomedical) Research Project Report, Bioelectrical impedance analysis of high blood pressure patients, KGL090021, (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) MEng(Biomedical) Research Project Report, Colometric enzyme-linked immunosorbent array (ELISA) detection system for lab-on-compact disc (cd), KGL100036, (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) MEngSc Dissertation, Development of adjustable inputs of artificial neural networks for speech recognition, KGA100014, (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) MEng(Biomedical) Research Project Report, A study and comparision of bioimpedance parameters during foot massage reflexology using aroma oil, KGL100040, (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) MEng(Biomedical) Research Project Report, Development of a functional electrical stimulator with feedback function, KGL100041 , (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) Evolutionary algorithm for optimisation and control of exothermic batch process, M.Eng (Electrical Electronic Engineering), Universiti Malaysia Sabah , (External Examiner)
- (2012) Design and control of new hybrid model reference adaptive fuzzy logic controller for shell-and-tube heat exchanger temperature system, M.Sci (Chemical Engineerng), UiTM, (External Examiner)
- (2011) Development and validation of a gas exclusion technique to allow sterile procedures in non-sterile environment, (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Correlation between honey purity and permittivity, (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Dielectric property of different sources of water, (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2015) Technical Programme Committee for The 2nd Colloquium on Process Control (CPC2015) jointly organised by Intelligent System, Design and Control (ISDCON), Department of Chemical Engineering of Curtin Sarawak, 1 2 Oct 2015, Curtin University Sarawak Campus in Miri, Malaysia. , Curtin University Sarawak Campus in Miri, Malaysia.
- (2013) Committee and reveiwer for 1st National Colloquium on Process Control Colloquium (NCPC 2013), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
- (2012) UM.C/HIR/MODE/ENG/39 Research Collaboration, University of Sydney, Australia, International
- (2011) Organizing Committee, 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BioMed 2011, In conjunction with Asian Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering (APCBME)
- (2011) Organizing Committee, International Congress on Green Process Engineering (GPE 2011, Malaysia, 3rd International Congress on Green Process Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-8 December 2011, Organized by University of Malaya.
Contribution to event
- (2023) Perlantikan Juri Kepada Persidangan Peningkatan Produktiviti dan Keselamatan Fkum, University, (Panelist/Moderator)
Under Graduate Students
- (2023) Practices, LAMIYA KHAN, CHAI JING XUAN
- (2022) Development of power robotic arm for lifting heavy objects.
- (2022) Development of biohydogen gas supply from biomedical waste
- (2022) Control study for a blood purification control process using neural network approach
- (2021) Study on the effectiveness of using an automated nebuliser for asthma patients compared to normal practice.
- (2021) Study and analysis of biomedical waste for possible conversion to renewable biohydrogen energy.
- (2021) Framework for face recognition using artificial neural networks for medical biometric authentication and verification.
- (2021) Characterization of diabetes and automatic blood glucose control: in vitro study.
- (2018) Graduation Projects
- (2016) Graduation Project
- (2015) Graduation Projects
- (2014) Graduation Projects
- (2013) Graduation Projects
- (2012) Graduation Project
- (2011) Graduation Projects
- (2010) Graduation Projects
- (2009) Graduation Projects
- (2008) Graduation Projects
- (2007) Graduation Projects
Postgraduate Student
(2019) Biomedical Equipment Condition Assessment in Malaysian Government Healthcare Facility Using Auditing Technique, Ir. Aizat Hilmi Bin Zamzam
(2017) Investigating biomechanical activity of Patient-Specific Mitral Valve diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) by integrating Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and 3D echocardiographic images, Nazira Binti Zubir
(2015) Theoretical and experimental studies of metal hydride storage units, FATEMEH GOODARZVAND CHEGINI
(2015) Development of a Neural Based Robust Speech Recognition System For the Malay Language, Timothy Kwan Joon Ming
(2014) Fuzzy logic based control for membrane oxygenator in blood purification process, Hany Hazfiza Binti Manap
(2012) Mechanomyography for neuromuscular electrical stimulation feedback applications in persons with spinal cord injury, IBITOYE MORUFU OLUSOLA
(2010) Fetal QT Interval Detection from Abdominal ECG Signals by Using Iterative Blind Source Separation Method, Fatima Azzahra Binti Manap
(2009) Modeling and On-line Implementation of Advanced Control Strategies for Bio-hydrogen Production in Microbial Electrolysis Cell Reactor System, Azwar Muhammad Yahya
(2024) Modelling and Simulation of Polypyrrole nanocomposite for development of biosensor use in detecting animal DNA., NUR DIYANA NADHIRAH AMINUDDIN
(2024) Performance Testing of a Portable Ultrafiltration System to Maintain Water Quality Through Modelling and Experimental Verification, AZMAN BIN ARIFFIN
(2017) Water quality control using fuzzy logic for ultrafiltration water treatment process, Azman Ariffin
(2017) Fuzzy logic control for optimal biohydrogen production using microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) fed batch bioreactor, Gabriel Khew Mun Hong
(2017) Application of Fuzzy Logic for Diabetes Monitoring, Ag. Mohd Fathi Fawwaz Bin Ag. Mohd Tahir
(2016) Robotic Assistive Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Based on Sensorless Fuzzy Logic Control System, Mouaz Al-Kouzbary
(2016) Medical Maintenance Planner Using Genetic Algorithm Approach, Mohd. Syafiq Safwan Bin Ramli
(2016) Medical Equipment Maintenance Prioritization Model Using Fuzzy Approach, Maizatul Akmal Abdul Muttlib
(2015) Effectiveness of neural networks to automate FES device for SCI individuals, DHAMAYANTHI NAIR A/P JAYA
(2015) Rheological and statistical study of Saraline-based super lightweight completion fluid in high-pressure and high-temperature conditions, ZULHELMI BIN AMIR
(2014) Rheological and statistical study of Saraline-based super lightweight completion fluid in high-pressure and high-temperature conditions, ZULHELMI BIN AMIR
(2013) Development of Fuzzy Logic Controller For Passive Hand Rehabilitation Device, Mohd Taufik Ibrahim
(2012) Development of intelligent sensors for physiological measurement application, Maryam Pourmajidian
(2012) Development of a bluetooth stethoscope interface system for heart sound, Muhammad Afif Husman
- (2023) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2022) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2021) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2021) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2020) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2020) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2020) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2018) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2018) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2017) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2016) KQB7008 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2016) KXGL6308 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- (2013) KXGL6308 - Artificial Intelligent in Medicine
- (2011) KXGL6308 - Artificial Intelligent in Medicine
- (2024) KIB2014 - Numerical Methods and Programming
- (2023) KIB3010 - Control System
- (2022) KIB3010 - Control System
- (2022) KIB2007 - Medical Electronics
- (2021) KIB3010 - Control System
- (2021) KIB2007 - Medical Electronics
- (2020) KIB2002 - Bachelor/First Degree
- (2020) KIB2002 - Electronics
- (2020) KIB2004 - Electronics
- (2020) KIB2007 - Medical Electronics
- (2020) KIB3001 - Laboratory Practical V
- (2020) KIB3001 - Laboratory Practical V
- (2020) KIB3010 - Control System
- (2020) KIB3010 - Control System
- (2019) KIB3010 - Bachelor/First Degree
- (2018) KIB2002 - Electronics
- (2018) KIB2002 - Electronics
- (2018) KIB3010 - Control System
- (2018) KUEP2139 - Electrotechnology 2 - Electronics
- (2018) KUEU2142 - Electronic
- (2018) KUEU2174 - Laboratory Practival Iv
- (2018) KUEU3149 - Control Systems
- (2017) KUEU3149 - Control Systems
- (2017) KUEU4327 - Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering
- (2016) KUEP2139 - Electrotechnology 2 - Electronics
- (2016) KUEU3149 - Control Systems
- (2015) KUEU2141 - Circuit Analysis
- (2015) KUEU3149 - Control Systems
- (2014) KUEU2141 - Circuit Analysis
- (2014) KUEU3149 - Control Systems
- (2013) KUEU2141 - Circuit Analysis
- (2013) KUEU3149 - Control Systems
- (2012) KUEU2139 - Medical Electronics
- (2012) KUEU2141 - Circuit Analysis
- (2012) KUEU3149 - Control Systems
- (2011) KUEU2141 - Circuit Analysis
- (2010) KUEP2131 - Electrotechnology 1: Electrical Circuit Analysis
- (2010) KUEU1139 - Digital Logic Design
- (2010) KUEU2139 - Medical Electronics
- (2010) KUEU2141 - Electrical Circuit Analysis
- (2009) KUEP3144 - Control System
- (2009) KUEP3149 - Control System
- (2008) KUEU1139 - Digital Logic Design
- (2008) KUEU2141 - Electrical Circuit Analysis
- (2008) KUEU2142 - Electronic
- (2007) KEEE1121 - Electronics I
- (2007) KUEU2141 - Circuit Analysis
- (2007) KUEU2142 - Electronic
- Panel for Human Life Advancement Foundation for Phd / Postdoctoral Scholarship 2017 Interview, Menara Dato' Onn, Pwtc, 50480 Kuala Lumpur., (29 Sep 2017 - 29 Sep 2017)
- Committee for International Medical Device & Technology Conference (Imeditec 2017), 6-7 Sep 2017, UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, (06 Sep 2017 - 07 Sep 2017)
- Pengadil Bagi Beyond Engineering Innovation (Begin) Challenge 2017, 3 Mei 2017, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, (03 May 2017 - 03 May 2017)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Pibg (Biro Akademik), SMK Bandar Utama Damansara 2, Bea8658, Bandar Utama, Jalan Bu 1/11, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, (01 Apr 2017 - 31 Dec 2017)
- Pengadil Jemputan Bagi Program "Beyond Engineering Innovation (Begin) Challenge 2016, Anjuran Kolej Kediaman Tuanku Bahiyah, Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Malaya, 25 Mei 2016., (25 May 2016 - 25 May 2016)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Pibg (Biro Akademik), SMK Bandar Utama Damansara 2, Bea8658, Bandar Utama, Jalan Bu 1/11, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, (04 Jan 2016 - 30 Dec 2016)
- International Advisory Panel for International Conference for Innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences, (Icibel 2015), 6-8 Dec 2015, Pullman Lakeside, Putrajaya, Malaysia., (06 Dec 2015 - 08 Dec 2015)
- Penceramah Program Kejuruteraan Di Program Pemasaran Unruk Pameran Pendidikan dan Kerjaya Matrikulasi 2015,Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis, Arau, Perlis., (28 Nov 2015 - 28 Nov 2015)
- Program Komuniti Asean 2015: Membina Kesedaran Generasi Muda Malaysia dan Mini Karnival Universiti Malaya Johor Corporation (Jcorp),5 Sep 2015, Kolej Matrikulasi Johor, Tangkak., (05 Sep 2015 - 05 Sep 2015)
- Pengadil Jemputan Bagi Program "Beyond Engineering Innovation (Begin) Challenge 2015, Anjuran Kolej Kediaman Tuanku Bahiyah, Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Malaya, (29 Apr 2015 - 29 Apr 2015)
- Penceramah Program Outreach Universiti Malaya 2014/2015 Di Kolej Matrikulasi Perak, Gopeng, Perak, (08 Jan 2015 - 09 Jan 2015)
- Syarahan "Current, Near Future of Prosthetics and Orthotics and Ventured Control Applications" Di Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (Cucms), Kulim High Tech Park, 15-16 Feb 2013, (15 Feb 2013 - 16 Feb 2013)
Internal/ External Course