Curriculum Vitae


  • Institute of Mathematical Sciences
    Faculty of Science
  • imohamed
  • +603-79674329


  • PhD(2005) (UITM), (Time series)
    Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
  • MSC(1994) (UK), (BIOMETRICS)
    Reading University, Reading, UK
    University of Bristol, UK


  • Head of Department
    12 Mar 2025 - present (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Menjalankan Fungsi Sebagai Ketua Unit
    24 Dec 2024 - 11 Mar 2025 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Internal Assessor for Academic programs
    11 Jun 2013 - present (University Malaya)
  • Director
    01 Oct 2020 - 19 Jun 2022 (Director Office, Centre for Foundation Studies in Science)
  • Head
    16 Jan 2020 - 30 Sep 2020 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)
  • Deputy Dean of Development
    01 Oct 2019 - 31 Jan 2020 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Deputy Dean of Research
    01 Sep 2017 - 31 Jan 2018 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
  • Deputy Dean of Development
    01 Sep 2014 - 31 Aug 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Coordinator, MSc (Statistics) by coursework
    01 Jan 2011 - 26 Aug 2013 (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science)


    Since 2019 (National)
    Since 1996 (University)
    2020 to 2022 (National)
    2020 to 2022 (National)


  • Certificate of Award
  • Pemeriksa Luar (Penilaian Program) Sarjana Sains Statistik Gunaan
    2019, Universiti Teknologi MARA,  (National)
  • Juru Audit / Panel Penilai Malaysia Research Assessment (2019)
    2019, Ministry of Education Malaysia,  (National)
  • Juru Odit dan Panel Penilai Malaysia Research Assessment (Myra) 2018
    2018, Ministry of Education Malaysia,  (National)
  • Pemeriksa Luar, Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Matematik, Universiti Teknologi MARA
    2017, Universiti Teknologi MARA,  (National)
  • Penilai Luar, Program Sarjana Muda Sains (Statistik Industri), UUM College of Arts and Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    2017, Universiti Utara Malaysia,  (National)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2016, Universiti Malaya
  • Excellence Service Award
    2014, Universiti Malaya
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2013, Universiti Malaya
  • Profesor Pelawat & Pemeriksa Luar, Management & Science University (Msu)
    2013, Management & Science University (MSU),  (National)
  • Perlantikan Pemeriksa Luar Berkumpulan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
    2013, Universiti Sains Malaysia,  (National)
  • Anugerah Khas Tertinggi Institut Statistik Malaysia
    2013, Institut Statistik Malaysia,  (National)
  • Khidmat Setia 20 Award
    2012, Universiti Malaya
  • Anugerah Khidmat Setia 20
    2012, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Anjakan
    2010, Universiti Malaya,  (University)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2009, Universiti Malaya
  • Silver Medal, Ekspo Penyelidikan dan Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa (Pecipta 2009), Klcc Convention Centre.
    2009, Ministry of Higher Education,  (International)
  • Islamic Countries Society On Statistical Sciences (Isoss) Award
    2009, Islamic Countries Society on Statistical Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2008, Universiti Malaya
  • Gold Medal, Nuremberg International Invention Fair 2007 (Iena)
    2007, IENA, Germany,  (International)
  • Excellence Service Award
    2006, Universiti Malaya
  • Bronze Medal, Seoul International Invention Fair 2006
    2006, Korea Invention Promotion Association, Korea,  (International)
  • Certificate of Excellent Service
    2005, Universiti Malaya


Article in Journal
  1. Ali, Nur Ftihah Mohd; Yunus, Rossita Mohamad; Mohamed, Ibrahim; Othman, Faridah (2024). Spatial Functional Outlier Detection in Multivariate Spatial Functional Data, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 53(6), 1463-1476. doi:10.17576/jsm-2024-5306-18
  2. Faid, Muhamad Syazwan; Nawawi, Mohd Saiful Anwar Mohd; Saadon, Mohd Hafiz Mohd; Wahab, Raihana Abdul; Ahmad, Nazhatulshima; Nahwandi, Muhamad Syauqi; Ahmed, Ikramullah; Mohamed, Ibrahim (2024). Assessment and review of modern lunar crescent visibility criterion, ICARUS. 412. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2024.115970
  3. Zulkefli, Nurisha mohd; Rambli, Adzhar; Suhaimi, Mohamad ismeth khan azhar; Mohamed, Ibrahim; Redzuan, Raiha shazween (2023). A Comparison between Two Discordancy Tests to Identify Outlier in Wrapped Normal (WN) Samples, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 52(7), 2139-2148. doi:10.17576/jsm-2023-5207-19
  4. Ahmad, Nazhatulshima; Mohamad, Nur Izzatul Najihah; Wahab, Raihana Abdul; Nawawi, Mohd Saiful Anwar Mohd; Zainuddin, Mohd Zambri; Mohamed, Ibrahim (2022). Analysis Data of the 22 Years of Observations on the Young Crescent Moon at Telok Kemang Observatory in Relation to the Imkanur Rukyah Criteria 1995, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 51(10), 3415-3422. doi:10.17576/jsm-2022-5110-24
  5. Ali, Nur Fatihah Mohd; Yunus, Rossita Mohamad; Mohamed, Ibrahim; Othman, Faridah (2022). Improved Spatial Outlier Detection Method Within a River Network br, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 51(3), 911-927. doi:10.17576/jsm-2022-5103-24
  6. Rambli, Adzhar; Bin Mohamed, Ibrahim; Hussin, Abdul Ghapor (2022). A new outlier detection method for spherical data, PLOS ONE. 17(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0273144
  7. Yaacob, Nurul Aityqah; Pathmanathan, Dharini; Mohamed, Ibrahim (2022). Extending the GLM Framework of the Lee-Carter Model with Random Forest Recursive Feature Elimination Based Determinants of Mortality, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 51(7), 2237-2247. doi:10.17576/jsm-2022-5107-24
  8. Yaacob, N. A., Jaber, J. J., Pathmanathan, D., Alwadi, S., & Mohamed, I. (2021). Hybrid of the Lee-Carter Model with Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform Filters in Forecasting Mortality Rates. Mathematics, 9(18), 11. doi: 10.3390/math9182295
  9. Ahmad, N., Nawawi, M., Zainuddin, M. Z., Nasir, Z. M., Yunus, R. M., & Mohamed, I. (2020). A New Crescent Moon Visibility Criteria using Circular Regression Model: A Case Study of Teluk Kemang, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana, 49(4), 859-870. doi: 10.17576/jsm-2020-4904-15
  10. Koh, Y. B., Bukhari, N. A., Mohamed, I. (2019). Parameter-driven state-space model for integer-valued time series with application. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 89(8), 1394-1409. doi:10.1080/00949655.2019.1582653
  11. Sadikon, N. H., Ibrahim, A. I. N., Mohamed, I., Shimizu, K. (2019). A new test of discordancy in cylindrical data. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 48(8), 2512-2522. doi:10.1080/03610918.2018.1458131
  1. Ali, N.F.M., Yunus, R.M., Mohamed, I.B. and Othman, F. (2021). Improved Spatial Outlier Detection Method Within a River Network, Sains Malaysiana, 51(3), 911-927.
  2. Rambli, A., Mohamed, I.B. and Hussin, A.G. (2022). A New Outlier Detection Method in Spherical Data, PLoS One, 17(8), 1-12.
  3. Yaacob, N.A., Pathmanathan, D. and Mohamed, I. (2022) The Glm LMe Carter Model Extension with Determinants of Mortality, Sains Malaysiana, Accepted
  4. Yaacob, N.A., Jaber,J.J., Pathmanathan, D., Alwadi, S. and Moham, Ied, I. (2021). Hybrid of the Lee-Carter model with maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform filters in forecasting mortality rate, Mathematics, 9(18), 10.3390/math9182295.
  5. Bukhari, N.A., Koh, Y.B. and Mohamed, I.B. (2019). Parameter-driven Integer Time Series Modelling on Malaysia Dengue Data, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Accepted.
  6. Lim, F.P., I.B. Mohamed I.B., Ibrahim, A.I.N., Goh, S.L. and Mohamed N.A. (2019). Outlier Detection In 2x2 Crossover Design Using Bayesian Framework, Sains Malaysiana, 48(4), 2019, 893-899.
  7. Rambli, A., Mohamed, I.B., Hussin, A.G. and Shimizu, K. (2019). A Half-Circular Distribution on a Circle, Sains Malaysiana, Accepted.
  8. Tan, S.K., Ng, K.H., Chan, J.S. and Mohamed, I. (2019). Quantile range-based volatility measure for modelling andforecasting volatility using high frequency data, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 47, 537-551.
  9. Mohamad, N. N., Mohamed, I., Haur, N.K. and Yahya, M.S. (2018) Efficient estimation in ZIP models with applications to count data. Kuwait Journal of Science, 45(3), 14-28..
  10. Mohamad, N.N., Mohamed, I.B., Ng. K.H. 2018. Moment properties and quadratic estimating functions for integer-valued time series models. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 14(1), 157-175. (ESCI-Indexed)
  11. Sadikon, N.H., Ibrahim, A.I.N, Mohamed, I.B. and Pathmanathan, D. (2018). A New Discordancy Test on a Regression for Cylindrical Data. Sains Malaysiana, 47(6),1319-1326
  12. Foo, K.K., Idris, N., Mohamed, I. and Foo, S.L. (2016) A Multiple Regression Model Of Statistical Reasoning: A Malaysian Context. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 9 (10), 59-68.
  13. Abu Bakar, S.A., Nadarajah, S., Adzhar, Z.A.A. and Mohamed, I. (2016). Gendist: An R Package for Generated Probability Distribution Models, PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0156537.
  14. Adzhar Rambli, Ali H M Abuzaid, Ibrahim Mohamed and Abdul Ghapor Hussin (2016) Procedure for detecting outliers in a Circular Regression Model, PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0153074, pg 1-10.
  15. Lim, F.P., Mohamed, I., Daud, N. and Goh, S.L. (2015) Comparison of outlier detection methods in standard 2 2 crossover design, Sains Malaysiana, accepted.
  16. Mohamed, I., Khalid, K. and Sahar, M.Y. (2016) Combined Estimating function for random coefficient models with correlated errors, Communication in Statistics - Theory and Method, 45(4), 967-975 (FRGS - FP012- 2013A).
  17. Mohamed, I.B., Rambli, A., Khaliddin, N. and Hussin, A.G. (2016) A New Discordancy Test in Circular Data Using Spacings Theory, Communication in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Accepted for publication.
  18. Adzhar Rambli, Rossita Mohamad Yunus, Ibrahim Mohamed, Abdul Ghapor Hussin (2015). Procedure for detecting outliers in a Circular Regression Model, Sains Malaysiana, 44(7):1027 1032.
  19. M. Nawama, A. I. N. Ibrahim, I. B. Mohamed, M. S. Yahya, & N. A. Taib (2015) Outlier detection using generalized linear model in Malaysian breast cancer data, Sains Malaysiana, Accepted for publication.
  20. Mohamed, I.B., Othman, F., Ibrahim, A.I.N., Yunus, R.M. and Alaa El-din, M.E. (2015) Water quality parameter assessment for urban tropical rivers in Malaysia using multivariate analysis, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(1), 4182.
  21. Abuzaid, H.M., Mohamed, I.B. and Hussin, A.G. (2014) Procedures for Outlier Detection in Circular Time Series Models, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 21(4),793-809.
  22. Mirakhmedov, S.M., Jammalamadaka, S.R. and Mohamed, I.B. (2014). On Edgeworth Expansions in Generalized Urn Models, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 27, 725-753 (UMRG - RP009C-13AFR).
  23. Abuzaid, A.H., Hussin, A.G. and Mohamed, I.B. (2013). Detection of Outliers in Simple Circular Regression Model Using the Mean Circular Error Statistic, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83 (2), 269- 277 (ScienceFund - 04-01-03-SF0165).
  24. Ibrahim, S., Rambli, A., Hussin, A.G. and Mohamed, I. (2013) Outier Detection in a Circular Regression Model Using COVRATIO Statistic, Communication in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 42 (10), 2272-2280 Inferences for Integer-Valued Time Series Models (FRGS - FRGS/2/2010/ST/UM/02/3).
  25. Yusoff, M.I.M., Mohamed, I.B. and Abu Bakar, M.R. (2013). Improved Expectation Maximization Algorithm in Gaussian Mixed Models Using Kernel Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol 2012, doi:10.1155/2013/757240, pp 1-9 (FRGS - FP012-2013A).
  26. A. H. Abuzaid, A. G. Hussin, A. Rambli And I. Mohamed (2012) Statistics for a New Test of Discordance in Circular Data, Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 41 (10), 1882-1890 (ScienceFund - 04- 01-03-SF0165).
  27. Abuzaid, A, Mohamed, I. and Hussin, A.G. (2012) Circular Boxplot. Computational Statistics, 27(3), 381- 392 (ScienceFund - 04-01-03-SF0165).
  28. Othman, F., Alaa Eldin, M.E.B. and Mohamed, I. (2012). Trend Analysis of a Tropical Urban River Water Quality in Malaysia, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14, 3164-3173 (UMRG - RG032/09AFR).
  29. Rambli, A., Ibrahim, S., Abdullah, M. I., Mohamed, I. and Hussin, A.G. (2012). On discordance Test for the Wrapped Normal Data, Sains Malaysiana, 41 (6), 769-778 (FRGS - FRGS/2/2010/ST/UM/02/3).
  30. Abdullah, N.A., Peiries, S. and Mohamed, I.B. (2011). A New Iterative Procedure for Estimation of RCA Parameters based on Estimating Functions, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 5(4), 193 - 202 (UMRG - RG032/ 09AFR).
  31. Abuzaid, A.H., Mohamed, I., Hussin. A.G. and Rambli, A. (2011) COVRATIO Statistic for Simple Circular Regression Model, Chiang Mai International Journal of Science and Technology, 38(3), 321-330 (ScienceFund - 04-01-03-SF0165).
  32. Azizan, N.A., Mohamed I. and Chan, P.M. (2011) A Profitability Study on the Malaysian Futures Markets Using a New Adjustable Technical Analysis Indicator ABZ, African Journal of Business Management, Vol 5 (14), page 5984-5993 (UMRG - RG032/09AFR).
  33. Azlinna, N.A., Mohamed, I. and Chan, J. P.M. (2011) Profitability of Technical Analysis Indicators: A Study of an Adjustable Technical Indicator, ABZ', on the Malaysian Futures Markets, The Business Review Cambridge, Vol. 17, No. 2, page 138-146 (UMRG - RG032/ 09AFR).
  34. Mohamed, I.B., Ismail, M.I., Yaha, M.S., Hussin, A.G., Zaharim, A. and Zainol, M.S. (2011) Improvement on Innovational Outlier Detection Procedure in Bilinear Model, Sains Malaysiana, Vol 40 (2), page 191-196 (ScienceFund - 04-01-03-SF0165).
  35. Taib, N.A., MN Akmal, M.N., Mohamed, I.B., Yip, C.H. (2011) Improvement in Survival of Breast Cancer Patients Trends in Survival over Two Time Periods in a Single Institution in an Asia Pacific Country Malaysia, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 12, page 345-349 (ScienceFund - 11-02- 03-1015).
  36. A. G. Hussin, A. H. Abuzaid, F. Zulkifili, I. B. Mohamed (2010) Asymptotic Covariance and Outlier Detection in a Linear Functional Relationship Model for Circular Data with an Application to the Measurements of Wind Directions, ScienceAsia, 36, 249-253 (ScienceFund - 04-01-03-SF0165).
  37. Azizan, NA, Mohamed, IB and M'ng, JCP (2010), Adaptive Bands Z-Test-Statistics (Abz) Algorithm Professional Trading System: A Study on Futures Markets, Journal of International Finance and Economics, Vol 10 (1), page 74 (UMRG - RG032/09AFR)
  38. Hussin, A.G., Abdullah, N. A. and Mohamed, I.B. (2010) A Complex Linear Regression Model. Sains Malaysiana, 39(3):491-494 (ScienceFund - 04-01-03-SF0165).
  39. A. H. Abuzaid, I. B. Mohamed, A. G. Hussin (2009). A New Test of Discordancy in Circular Data. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 38:682-691 (ScienceFund - 04-01-03-SF0165).
  40. Zaharim, A., Rajali, R., Atok, R.M., Mohamed, I. and Jafar, K. (2009). A Simulation Study of Additive Outlier in ARMA (1, 1) Model. International Journal Of Mathematical Models And Methods In Applied Sciences, 3 (2):162-169 (IRPA - 09-02-03-0805).
  41. Zaharim, A., Zahid, S.M., Zainol, M.S., Mohamed, I. and Sopian, K. (2009). Modeling the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI). European Journal of Scientific Research, 25(3):499-512 (FRGS - FP076/2005C).
  42. Abuzaid, A.H.M, Husin, A.G., Mohamed, I.B. "Identifying Single Outlier in Linear Circular Regression Model Based on Circular Distance", Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics (USA), Vol 3 (1), 107-118, 2008.
  43. Hussin, A.G. and Mohamed, I.B., Efficient Approximation for the von Mises Concentration Parameter, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 1(3), 165-169
  44. Ismal, M.I, Mohamed, I.B., Yahya, M.S. (2008). Improvement On Additive Outlier Detection Procedure In Bilinear Model , Malaysian Journal of Science, 27 (2), 107-114 (FRGS - FP076/2005C).
  45. Mohamed, I.B., Hussin, A.G., Wahab, A.H.A. "On simulation and approximation in the Circular Regression Model", Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 1(2), 1001-108, 2008.
  46. Noh, N.A.M, Mohamed, I.B. , Taib, N.A.M., Har, Y.C., Mohamed, N (2008). Forward Search for Cox-regression model and its Application to Outliers Screening, Statistica, 8 (2), 103-109 (PJP - FS275/2007C).
  47. Taib, N, Yip, C.H., Mohamed, I. (2008). Survival Analysis of Malaysian Women with Breast Cancer: Results from The University of Malaya Medical Centre , Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 9 (2), 197- 202 (ScienceFund - 11-02-03-1015).
  48. Zaharim, A., Mohamed, I.B., Abdullah, S., Yahya, M.S. (2008). An Evaluation of Test Statistics for Detecting Level Change in BL(1,1,1,1) Models, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 7(2), 67-70 (FRGS - FP076/2005C).
  49. Peiries, M.S., Ng, K.H. and Mohamed, I.B. "A Review of Recent Developments of Financial Time Series: ACD Modelling using the Estimating Function Approach", Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 8, 1-17, 2007.
  50. Taib NA, Yip CH, Ibrahim M, Cj N, Farizah H (2007).Breast cancer in Malaysia: Are our women getting the right message? 10 year-experience in a single institution in Malaysia, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 8(1), 141- 5 (ScienceFund - 11- 02-03-1015).
  51. Zaharim, A., Ahmad, I., Mohamed, I.B., Yahaya, M.S. "Detection Procedure for Single Outlier and Innovational Outlier in a Bilinear Model", Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, Vol 3(1), 2007,1-5 (IRPA - 09-02-03-0805).
  52. Hussin, A.G., Jalaluddin, J. F., Mohamed, I.B. "Analysis of Malaysian Wind Direction Data Using AXIS", Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2006, 1019-1021.
  53. Yahya, M.S., Mohamed, I.B., Zaharim, I.B., Zainol, M.S. (2006). Water level data modeling with bilinear time series analysis, Malaysian Journal of Science 25(1). 73- 78 (IRPA - 09-02-03-0805).
  54. Yip, C.H., Taib, N.A. and Mohamed, I.B. "Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in Malaysia". Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 7, 2006, 369-74 (ScienceFund - 11-02- 03-1015).
  55. Zaharim, A., Mohamed, I.B., Ahmad, I., Abdullah, S., Omar, M.Z. (2006). Performances Test Statistics for Single Outlier Detection in Bilinear (1,1,1,) models, WSEAS Transactions On Mathematics 5(12), 1359-1364 (IRPA - 09-02-03-0805).
  56. Mohamed, I. B., Zaharim, M. A., Yahya, M. S., "Using Jeffreys' Non-informative Prior Distribution in Bilinear Time Series Modeling with an Application on Ulu Serting Rainfall Data", Malaysian Journal of Science, Vol. 23, No.1, 2004, pg. 113-118 (IRPA - 09- 02-03-0805).
  57. Mohamed, I. B., Zaharim, A., Yahya, M. S., "Penganggaran Parameter bagi Model BL(p,0,1,1) dengan pendekatan bayesian", MATEMATIKA (UTM), Vol. 18, No. 2, 2002, pg. 8- 14 (IRPA - 09-02-03-0805).
  58. Zaharim, A, Mohamed, I. B., Yahya, M. S., "A Non-linear Least Square Estimation Method for Homogeneous and Non- heterogeneous Bilinear Time Series Model", JUTEKS (UTM), Vol. 2, 2002, pg. 8-14 (IRPA - 09-02-03-0805).
  59. Mohamed, I.B., Mohamed, N.S., Yahya, M.S., "The Application of Non-parametric Methods in Research", Jur. Sains (UM), Vol. 4, No. 1, 1996, pg. 467-479 (Vote-F - F393/97).
  60. Mohamed, I.B., "A Simulation Programme for Binary Data in a Clinical Trial", Jur. Sains (UM), Vol. 3, no. 1, 1995, pg. 311-319 (Vote-F - F50/96).
  1. Asma Ahmad Shariff, Ibrahim Mohamed, Fadzilah Abdul Manaf. 2014. Comprehensive College Mathematics. SAP Publication.
  2. Shariff, A.A., Manaf, F.A. and Mohamed, I.B. (2009). College Matriculation Mathematics Semester 1, IPTA Publications: Kuala Lumpur.
  3. Shariff, A.A., Manaf, F.A. and Mohamed, I.B. (2006). College Matriculation Mathematics I, Higher Learning Publisher: Kuala Lumpur
Chapter in Books
  1. Suradi, N.r.M., Zamri, S.N.A.S., Palaniappan, A.K. and Mohamed, I.B. 2010. Students' perceptions towards quality education in institution of higher learning based on inut-process-output. In Ghapur, F.A., Gani, s.M.A., Zamri, S.N.A.S., Nor, s.N.M. and Ibrahim, S. (ed). Quality-Driven Initiatives: Sharing Good Practices in Higher Education, page 73-88, Quality Management and Enhancement Centre, Universiti of Malaya.
  2. Taib, N.A.M., Har, Y.C., Mohamed, I., Jenn, N.C. and Hairi, F.M. 2008. Breast Cancer in Malaysia: Are Our Women Getting the Right Message? A 10 Year-Experience in a Single Institution in Malaysia. In Hashim, Z., Shariff, Z.M. and Muhamad, M. (ed). Breast Cancer in Malaysia: Issues & Educational Implication, page 19- 29, Institute for Social Science Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
  3. Ibrahim Mohamed (2006). A review of Outliers in Time Series, In Conversations in Mathematics (ed Chin, A.Y.M. and Wong, B.R.), UM Press, pg. 145-158
Article in Proceeding
  1. Mohamad, N.N., Mohamed, I., Thavaneswaran, A. and Yahya, M.S. (2013) Measures of Kurtosis and Skewness of INGARCH Model, Proceedings of SKSM21, Penang, 6-8 Nov 2013..
  2. Peng, L.F., Taib, N.A., Mohamed, I. and Daud, N. (2013) The Optimal Number of Lymph Nodes Removed In Maximizing the Survival of Breast Cancer Patients, Proceedings of SKSM-21, Penang, 6-8 Nov 2013.
  3. Rambli, A., Mohamed, I. and Hussin, A.G. (2013). On the Identification of Influential Observations in a Circular Regression Model for Practical Application, Proceedings of the SKSM21, Penang, 6-8 Nov 2013.
  4. Yusoff, M.I.M, Mohamed, I. and Bakar, M.R.A. (2013) Exploring the Use of Hypothesis Testing in Determining the Number of Components in Gaussian Mixed Model, Proceedings of SKSM-21, Penang, 6-8 Nov 2013.
  5. Yusoff, M.I.M, Mohamed, I. and Bakar, M.R.A. (2013) Fraud Detection in Telecommunication Industry Using Gaussian Mixed Models, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems, 27-29 Nov 2013.
  6. Abuzaid, A.H., Hussin, A.G. and Mohamed, I.B. (2008) "Outlier Labelling via Circular Boxplot", Proceedings of IASC2008, Yokohama, Japan, 5-8 Disember 2008, pg 25-31.
  7. Mohamed, I.B. and Ismail, M.I. (2008) "Outlier Evaluation for the Biinear Time Series Models", Proceedings of IASC2008, Yokohama, Japan, pg 1161-1166
  8. Abuuzaid, A.H.M, Hussin, A.G., Mohamed, I.B., Different Methods of Identifying Outliers in Circular Regression Model Based on Circular Distance, The 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 12-14 December 2007.
  9. Ismail, M.I., Mohamed, I.B., Yahya, Zaharim, A., Detection of Innovational Outlier in Simple Bilinear Model, The 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 12-14 December 2007.
  10. Mohamed, I.B., Zaharim, A., Abdullah, S. and Yahya, M.S., "An evaluation of Test Statistics for Detecting Level Change in BL(1,1,1,1) models", Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Aglos Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, 26-28 July 2007, page 72-75.
  11. Noh, N.A.M, Mohamed , I.B., Taib, N.A.M, Har, Y.C., Mohamed, N.B. "Forward Search for Cox-regression model and its Application to Outliers Screening", The 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 12-14 December 2007.
  12. Peiris, S., Mohamed, I.B., Abdullah, N.A., On Estimation of Nonlinear Time Series Models Using Estimating Functions, Invited paper at the 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 12-14 December 2007.
  13. Rashid, A.R., Mohamed, I.B., Abdullah, R., Zaharim, A. and Masodi, M.S., "Outcome based Education Performance Assessment: A Computational Model to measure Electrical Engineering subjects Learning Outcomes", Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS / IASME International Conference on ENGINEERING EDUCATION (EE'07), Aglos Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, 24-26 July 2007, page 265-270.
  14. Suradi, N.R.M., Zamri, S.N.A.S., Palaniappan, A.K. and Mohamed, I.B. "Students' Perception Towards Quality Education in Institution of Higher Learning Based on Input-Process-Output", Presented at the Regional Conference on Quality in Higher Education, Hilton Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 10-11 December 2007.
Other Publications
  2. Goh, S., Mohamed, I., Rambli, A., Jaafar, Z., & Mohamed, M. (2013). Limited value of international physical activity questionnaire-short form (IPAQ-SF) for use in university students. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 16, e80-e80. - Extended Abstract


  • Developing procedures of detecting outliers in nonlinear time series data
  • Survival Analysis on Breast Cancer Data


  1. 2018 - 2019, NONE
    A Half-Circular Distribution on a Circle Using Invrese Stereographic Projection ( Consultant)
  2. 2013 - 2016, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    On Higher Approximation In Generalized Urn Model (UMRG - RP009C-13AFR) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  3. 2013 - 2015, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Inferences for Integer-Valued Time Series Models (FRGS - FP012-2013A) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  4. 2011 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    In search of appropriate test ( Consultant)
  5. 2011 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    In search of an appropriate test (UMRG - RG16911AFR) ( Consultant)
  6. 2006 - 2009, ScienceFund
    Modelling and Detecting Influential Observations in Bilinear Models With the Application on Environmental Data (ScienceFund - 04-01-03-SF0165) ( Director)
  7. 2006 - 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Detection of outlier in BL(1,1,1,1) model (FRGS - FP076/2005C) ( Director)
  8. 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Detecting Outliers in Survival Models (PJP - FS275/2007C) ( Director)
  9. 2006 - 2008, ScienceFund
    Improving breast cancer management delivery through the development of a comprehensive data management system and survival analysis (ScienceFund - 11-02- 03-1015) ( Consultant)
  10. 2000 - 2004, IRPA Research Grant
    Outliers in Bilinear Model Using Bayesian Approach (IRPA - 09-02-03-0805) ( Coordinator)
  11. 2002 - 2003, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Stationary property of time series (Vote-F - F 0180/2002A) ( Director)
  12. 1999 - 2000, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Identifying the boundary for using the early event data in interval censored survival data (Vote-F - F0529/99) ( Director)
  13. 1997 - 1998, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Tackling the problem of early events in an interval-censored survival data (Vote-F - F393/97) ( Director)
  14. 1995 - 1996, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    Comparison of Treatments Using Interval Censored Survival Data (Vote-F - F50/96) ( Director)


  • The Development of Effective Models and Policy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Stem) for Innovative Human Capital., Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia
    01 Oct 2012 - 01 Oct 2013 (National)
  • Education Ministry Matriculation Programs, Examiner., Education Ministry
    01 Oct 2004 - 01 Oct 2005 (National)
  • Education Ministry Matriculation Programs, Examiner., Education Ministry
    01 Oct 1999 - 01 Oct 2000 (National)
  • Science Transformation and Enhancement Program for Institut Kemajuan Ikhtisas Pahang College, Under Centre for Foundation Studies in Sciences, UM., Institut Kemajuan Ikhtisas Pahang
    01 Oct 1997 - 01 Oct 1998 (National)
  • Science Transformation and Enhancement Program for Maxisegar Institute, Under Centre for Foundation Studies in Sciences, UM., Maxisegar Institute
    01 Oct 1997 - 01 Oct 1997 (National)


  1. Circular Statistics - Theory and Application, Sriwajaya International Conference on Basic and Applied Sciences 2018, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Sriwijaya (International) (06 Nov 2018 - 07 Nov 2018)
  2. Outlier, The 3rd ISM International Statistical Conference, UM, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, UM and Institute of Statistics Malaysia (International) (09 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016)
  1. NUMERICAL PROCEDURES FOR OUTLIER DETECTION IN CIRCULAR TIME SERIES MODELS, The 1st International Work-Conference on Time Series Analysis (ITISE 2014), University of Granada, Spain (International) (25 Jun 2014 - 27 Jun 2014)
  1. MyABu Aplikasi Digital Citra Hilal (Booth khas untuk pamerean ini) - invited speaker/professional sharing, Wacana Pemikiran Global 2024 - anjuran UM dan dirasmikan oleh PMX -, UM (National) (22 Jan 2024 - 22 Jan 2024)
  2. A New Crescent Moon Visibility Criteria using Local Best Time Data: A Case Study of Teluk Kemang, Malaysia, The 5th ISM International Statistical Conference (ISM-V) 2021, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Institut Statistik Malaysia (International) (17 Aug 2021 - 19 Aug 2021)
  3. Circular Statistics in Crescent Moon Sighting, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Technology 2020 (MathTech 2020), USM (International) (08 Dec 2020 - 10 Dec 2020)
  4. DATA ANALYTICS WITH APPLICATIONS - SERIES OF 4 1-HOUR TALK., AISMM LECTURE SERIES 5: DATA ANALYTICS WITH APPLICATIONS, Malaysian Academy of Mathematical Scientists (National) (22 Feb 2020 - 23 Feb 2020)
  5. Aplikasi Statistik Dalam Pegimejan Anak Bulan, Bengkel pengimejan hilal, penyelarasan aktiviti falak dan waktu solat seluruh Malaysia 2020, JAKIM (National) (11 Feb 2020 - 13 Feb 2020)
  6. Circular Boxplot, The 10th International Fundamental Science Congress, Faculty of Science, UPM (International) (23 Oct 2018 - 24 Oct 2018)
  7. Graphical plot for circular data, International Seminar on Mathematics in Industry & International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Statistics (ISMI-ICTAS18), UTM Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (UTM-CIAM), UTM and Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Indonesia. (International) (04 Sep 2018 - 06 Sep 2018)
  8. Outlier with the application in environment, medicine and meteorology, Kolokium Penyelidikan Pusat Asasi Sains 2018, Pusat Asasi Sains UM (University) (03 Aug 2018 - 03 Aug 2018)
  9. Estimating function for random coefficient models with correlated errors, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics 2013, Kuala Lumur, 5-7 Feb 2013, organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia., Universiti Putra Malaysia (International) (05 Feb 2013 - 07 Feb 2013)
  10. Circular Boxplot, The First ISM International Statistical Conference 2012, Johor Bahru, 4-6 Sept 2012, organized by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Malaysia Institute of Statistics., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Malaysia Institute of Statistics (International) (04 Sep 2012 - 06 Sep 2012)
  11. Circular Boxplot, International Conference on Financial Mathematics and Numerical Optimization 2012, Kuantan Pahang, 30 May - 1 June 2012, organized by Malaysia Academy of Mathematical Scientists, Moslem Statisticians and Mathematicians Society in SEA and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu., Malaysia Academy of Mathematical Scientists, Moslem Statisticians and Mathematicians Society in SEA and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. (International) (30 May 2012 - 01 Jun 2012)
  12. Comparison and Detection of Additive and Innovational Outliers in BL(p,q,1,1) Processes., International Statistics Conference, Colombo Sri Lanka, 28-30 Dec 2011, organized by Institute of Applied Statistics Sri Lanka, University of Sydney and University of Colombo., Institute of Applied Statistics Sri Lanka, University of Sydney and University of Colombo. (International) (28 Dec 2011 - 30 Oct 2011)
  13. Regression in Circular Bivariate Data, Seminar on Directional Statistics, University of Malaya, 10 Mar 2010., University of Malaya and Malaysia Institute of Statistics (National) (10 Mar 2010 - 10 Mar 2010)
  14. Outliers in Random Coefficient Autoregressive Models., Seminar on Statistical Time Series Analysis and Inferences, University of Malaya, 21 Jan 2010., University of Malaya and Malaysia Institute of Statistics (National) (21 Jan 2010 - 21 Jan 2010)
  15. The Application of Forward Search Method in Survival Analysis., Seminar on Survival Studies, University of Malaya, 25 Nov 2008., University of Malaya and Malaysia Institute of Statistics (National) (25 Nov 2008 - 25 Nov 2008)
  1. No paper presentation (Chairman, UM Organizing Committee)., Lecture Series on Robust Statistical Modelling and Data Analysis, UM, 21-22 June 2011, organized by Institute of Mathematical Sciences UM., Institute of Mathematical Sciences UM. (National) (21 Jun 2011 - 22 Jun 2011)
  1. Quadratic Estimating Function & Circular Boxplot, Seminar ISM2, Institut Sains Matematik, UM (University) (18 Sep 2017 - 18 Sep 2017)
  2. Moment properties and quadratic estimating functions for integer-valued time series models, 61st World Statistics Congress 2017, International Statistical Institute (International) (16 Jul 2017 - 21 Jul 2017)
  3. Prosedur Bergambar Bagi Mengesan Data Tersisih Di Dalam Model Siri Masa Bulatan, Simposium Kebangsaan Sains Matematik ke-22, Shah Alam., Universiti Malaya dan Persatuan Sains Matematik Malaysia (National) (24 Nov 2014 - 26 Nov 2014)
  4. Parameter estimation of random coefficient models with correlated errors using quadratic estimating function approach, The 59th World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, 25-30 Aug 2013, organized by International Statistical Institute (Presenter in Special Topic Session organized by Prof Bovas Abraham, Univ of Waterloo, Canada), International Statistical Institute (International) (25 Aug 2013 - 30 Aug 2013)
  5. Outlier Detection in Circular Data, The 11th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences 2011, Lahore Pakistan, 19-22 Dec 2011, organized by Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS), University of Management and Technology and National College of Business Administration and Economics Pakistan., Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS), University of Management and Technology and National College of Business Administration and Economics Pakistan (International) (19 Dec 2011 - 22 Dec 2011)
  6. 1. Detection of Outliers in RCA Models: An Investigation of Robust Properties and 2. Detection of Influential Observations in Cox's Regression Models. , The Regional Conference on Statistical Sciences 2010, New Pacific Hotel Kota Bharu, 13-14 June 2010, organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA and Malaysia Institute of Statisticss., Universiti Teknologi MARA and Malaysia Institute of Statisticss (International) (12 Jun 2010 - 13 Jun 2010)
  7. Detection of Outliers in Time Series Model, One Day Seminar in Mathematics UM 2010, 6 April 2010, organized by Institute of Mathematical Science UM., Institute of Mathematical Science UM (University) (06 Apr 2010 - 06 Apr 2010)
  8. Survival Analysis of Malaysian Breast Cancer Data, Seminar on Application of Statistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 7 Feb 2009., Universiti Utara Malaysia and Malaysia Institute of Statistics (National) (07 Feb 2009 - 02 Feb 2009)
  9. Outlier Evaluation in Bilinear Models, The First Workshop of the ECRIM Working Group on Computing & Statistics, University of Neuchatel Swirtzerland, 19-21 June 2008, organized by University of Neuchatel Swirtzerland., University of Neuchatel Swirtzerland (International) (19 Jun 2008 - 21 Jun 2008)
  10. 1. Outlier Evaluation for the Bilinear Time Series Model 2. Oultier Labelling via Circular Boxplot., Joint Meeting of the 4th World Conference and the 6th Conference of the Regional Section of the IASC on Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Yokohama Jepun, 3-5 June 2008, organized by International Association of Statistical Computing.  (International) (03 Jun 2008 - 05 Jun 2008)
  1. Strengthening Statistical Usage for Decisions and Innovation Moving Forward, The 4th Malaysia Statistics Conference (MyStats 2016), 15 November 2016, Sasana Kijang, Bank Negara Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, Jabatan Statistik Malaysia dan Institut Statistik Malaysia (International) (15 Nov 2016 - 15 Nov 2016)
  2. No presentation (Participant)., The 6th ISM National Seminar, Petaling Jaya, 8 Mar 2012 (participant)., University of Malaya and Malaysia Institute of Statistics (National) (08 Mar 2012 - 08 Mar 2012)
  3. Chief Fasilitator of the workshop, Worshop on Simulation with SPlus/R, University of Malaya, 24-25 October 2011, organized by Institute of Mathematical Sciences UM (Chief Fasilitator)., Institute of Mathematical Sciences UM (University) (24 Oct 2011 - 25 Oct 2011)
  4. No paper presented (Participant)., Asian Breast Cancer Research Meeting, 15 Nov 2008, organized by Faculty of Medicine UM and Medical University of Vienna Austria., Faculty of Medicine UM and Medical University of Vienna Austria. (International) (15 Nov 2008 - 15 Nov 2008)


  1. (2024) Penilai Luar Program Sarjana Muda Sains Gunaan (Statistik) USM, National, (External Assessor)
  2. (2021) Penilai Kurikulum dan Isi Kandungan Program Sarjana Statistik Gunaan UiTM, National, (External Examiner)
  3. (2020) Assist the development of the journal to be Indexed journal, (Advisory Committee)
  4. (2015) Reviewer, Article in SKSM22 proceedings (The Comparison of Statistics between Results Derived from Convenience Sampling and Systematic Sampling : An Audit From Various Sub Samples and Statistical Analyses), 2015 , (Reviewer)
  5. (2015) Reviewer, Article in SKSM22 proceedings (An Audit of the Statistics and the Comparison with the Parameter in the Population), 2015 , (Reviewer)
  6. (2015) External Examiner, UKM PhD thesis, 2015. , (External Examiner)
  7. (2015) External Examiner, PhD thesis, National College of Business Administration & Economics, Pakistan, 2015 , (External Examiner)
  8. (2015) Reviewer, Article in Journal, Environment and Natural Resources Journal (Title: Analysis of changing trend of Fecal Coliform Levels at Lakes in Hue Citadel, Vietnam), 2015., (Reviewer)
  9. (2015) External Examiner, USM PhD thesis, 2015., (External Examiner)
  10. (2015) External Examiner, UPM PhD thesis, 2015., (External Examiner)
  11. (2013) Group external examiners, University of Science Malaysia (USM), Appointment date: 2013 onward., (Group External Examiner)
  12. (2010) Editor, Journal of Statistical Modeling & Analytics - an official journal of Malaysia Institute of Statistics, 2010-2012. , (Editor)


Under Graduate Students
  1. (2007) Final year statistical project
  2. (2006) Final year statistical project
  3. (2005) Final year statistical project
  4. (2004) Final year statistical project
  5. (2003) Final year statistical project
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  2. (2023) Identifying Spatial Outliers in Multivariate Data and Comparisons Between Classical and Functional Data Analysis, NUR FATIHAH BINTI MOHD ALI
  3. (2022) Mortality Modelling and Forecasting: The Lee-Carter Model and its Extensions, NURUL AITYQAH BINTI YAACOB
  6. (2012) Inferences For Integer-Valued Time Series Models, Nurul Najihah Binti Mohamad
  7. (2011) Some Problems In Circular Data, Adzhar Rambli
  8. (2010) Outlier detection procedures in time series data, Kamil Bin Khalid
  9. (2010) Fraud Detection In Telecommunication Using Pattern Recognition Methods, Mohd Izhan Mohd Yusoff
  10. (2010) A Bayesian Approach to Assess the Combined Effect of the High Risk Factors on Breast Cancer, Lim Fong Peng
  11. (2009) Some Outlier Problems in a Circular Regression Model, Safwati Ibrahim
  12. (2008) Algorithm Professional Trading System Using a New Technical Indicator ABZ : A Study on Future Markets, Chan Phooi M\'ng
  13. (2007) Outlier detection in Circular Regression and Functional Relationship Models, Ali H M Abu Zaid
  14. (2007) Modeling Quality Education in a Higher Education Institution Based on IPO Framework, Nur Riza Mohd Suradi
  15. (2007) A Mapping Model for Developing an Understanding of the Statistical Test Selection Procedure of Undergradutes, Foo Kien Kheng
  2. (2023) Statistical Image Processing for detecting the visibility of Crescent Moon, Nur Afifazri bin nazaruddin
  3. (2022) A Novel Grey-Based Performance Analysis Model for Weekly Fuel Prices Mechanism via Non-Homogeneous Malaysians Preferences Elicitation, Ilham Abadi Bin Idris
  4. (2010) Outlier problems in sampling survey using Bayesian Method, Mardziah Nawama
  5. (2009) Outlier detection in circular data, Adzhar Rambli
  6. (2007) Detecting Outliers and Influential Observations in Survival Models, Nor Akmal Md Noh
  7. (2007) An Investigation of Estimating Function Approach in Nonlinear Time Series Estimation., Norli Anida Abdullah
  8. (2006) Detecting outlier in Bilinear Time Series processes, Mohd. Isfahani Ismail


  1. (2015) SJGM6251 - Statistical Inference
  2. (2013) SJGM6150 - Statistical Inference)
  3. (2013) SJGM6358 - Statistical Time Series
  4. (2012) SJGM6251 - Statistical Inference
  5. (2012) SJGS6358 - Statistical Time Series
  6. (2011) SJGS6251 - Statistical Inference
  7. (2009) SJGS6251 - Statistical Inference
  8. (2009) SJGS6271 - Statistical Laboratory
  9. (2008) SJGS6251 - Statistical Inference
  10. (2008) SJGS6271 - Statistical Laboratory
  11. (2006) SJGS6271 - Statistical Laboratory
  12. (2005) SJGS6466 - Survival Analysis
  13. (2004) SJGS6466 - Survival Analysis
  1. (2024) SIT1003 - Analysis of Data and Statistical Report Writing
  2. (2024) SIT3009 - Statistical Process Control
  3. (2021) SIT2005 - Data Analysis I
  4. (2020) SIT3010 - Introduction to Data Mining
  5. (2016) SJEM2255 - Data Analysis 1
  6. (2015) SJEM1250 - Probability and Statistics 1
  7. (2013) SJEM1250 - Probability and Statistics 1
  8. (2012) SJES3450 - Introductory Multivariate Analysis
  9. (2011) SJES3454 - Introductory Multivariate Analysis
  10. (2009) SJES2450 - Stochastic Processes
  11. (2009) SJES3469 - Data Analysis
  12. (2007) SJES2250 - Probability and Statistics I
  13. (2007) SJES2250 - Probability and Statistics I
  14. (2007) SJES2463 - Regression Analysis
  15. (2007) SJES3455 - Further Mathematical Statistics
  16. (2006) MWEF1118 - Biostatistics
  17. (2006) SJES2250 - Probability and Statistics I
  18. (2006) SJES2463 - Regression Analysis
  19. (2006) SJES3469 - Data Analysis
  20. (2006) SJES3469 - Data Analysis
  21. (2005) MWEF1118 - Biostatistics
  22. (2005) SJES3469 - Data Analysis
  23. (2004) SJES2463 - Regression Analysis


  • Panel Temuduga Biasiswa Mybrainsc, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, (01 Apr 2019 - 31 Dec 2021)
  • Co-Chair, Local Program Comittee, 62nd World Statistics Congress 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Organized by International Statistics Institute (Isi Netherland), Department of Statistics Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia and Institute of Statistics Malaysia., (24 Nov 2017 - 31 Aug 2019)
  • Member of The International Organization Committee of The First Ism International Statistical Conference 2012 Held in Jb in An Effort to Promote Statistical Application in The Society, 4-6 Sept 2012., (01 Jan 2012 - 06 Sep 2012)
  • Committee Member, The First National Seminar On Statistical Postgraduate Students (Psism-1), Centre for Foundation Studies in Science UM, 12th May 2011., (12 May 2011 - 12 May 2011)
  • Member of The International Organizing Comittee, The 11th Islamic Countries Conference On Statistical Sciences 2011 (Iccs-11), Lahore Pakistan, 19-22 Dec 2011, (01 Jan 2011 - 22 Dec 2011)
  • International Program Committee, Statistical Concepts and Methods for The Modern World - An International Conference Organised by The Applied Statistical Association of Sri Lanka, 29-31 Dec 2011., (01 Jan 2011 - 30 Dec 2011)
  • Member of International Organizing Committee, The 10th Islamic Countries Conference On Statistical Sciences (Iccs-X), Cairo, Egypt, Dec 20-23 2009., (01 Jan 2009 - 23 Dec 2009)
  • Invited Speaker, Motivational Talk On Mathematics, Kolej Matrikulasi Timur, Nilai, 12 May 2001., (12 May 2001 - 12 May 2001)
  • Invited Speaker, Workshop On Academic Excellence , Pmium, 10 Feb 2000., (10 Feb 2000 - 10 Feb 2000)
  • Invited Speaker, Project On "Jalan Ke Universiti", Kolej Kediaman Kesebelas, UM, 23 Oct 1998., (23 Oct 1998 - 23 Oct 1998)
  • Invited Speaker, Program On "Pendidikan dan Khidmat Kaunseling : Pengurusan Masa Bijak", Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 15 Oct 1997., (15 Oct 1997 - 17 Oct 1997)
  • Invited Speaker, Program "Pendidikan dan Khidmat Kaunseling : Kecemerlangan Dalam Akademik - Di Mana Peranan Kita?", Kolej Matrikulasi Chermai Jaya, Samarahan, Sarawak, 12 Nov 1996., (12 Nov 1996 - 12 Nov 1996)
  • Invited Speaker, Workshop On "Excellence in Mathematics" for Students Around Bandar Muadzam Shah, Uda, 12 Aug 1996., (12 Aug 1996 - 12 Aug 1996)
  • Invited Speaker, Program On "Pendidikan dan Khidmat Kaunseling : Kecemerlangan Dalam Akademik", Kolej Kediaman Ketiga, UM, 13 Nov 1995., (13 Nov 1995 - 13 Nov 1995)
  • Invited Speaker, Seminar On "Kecemerlangan dan Keusahawanan Di Bawah Program Tunas Bistari Wilayah Pahang Tenggara", Puspanita, Temerluh, Pahang, 16 May 1995., (16 Sep 1995 - 17 Sep 1995)