Curriculum Vitae
- Doctoral Degree (PhD), (Arts)Monash University, Australia
- MA, (Arts)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- BSC, (BIOLOGI & PSIKOLOGI)Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
- Committee Members10 Jun 2024 - 01 Feb 2026 (University Malaya)
- Task Force Member10 May 2024 - 10 Dec 2024 (Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2019 - 31 Aug 2021 (Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2018 - 31 Aug 2019 (Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Head of Department01 Sep 2017 - 31 Aug 2018 (Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Acting Head of Department02 May 2017 - 31 Aug 2017 (Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2020, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2019, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2018, Universiti Malaya
- International Research Innovation Invention Solution Exposition (Iriise-Silver)2018, Universiti Malaya, (International)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2005, Universiti Malaya
- Asean Research Scholar2005, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, (International)
Article in Journal
He, Yiqing; Wahab, Noor Eshah Tom Abdul; Muhamad, Haslina (2024). Factors impacting fertility anxiety among Chinese young women with marital status differences, HELIYON. 10(1). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23715
He, Yiqing; Wahab, Noor Eshah Tom Abdul; Muhamad, Haslina; Liu, Darong (2024). The marital and fertility sentiment orientation of Chinese women and its influencing factors - An analysis based on natural language processing, PLOS ONE. 19(2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0296910
Loh, May Young; Idris, Mohd Awang; Dormann, Christian; Muhamad, Haslina (2019). Organisational climate and employee health outcomes: A systematic review, SAFETY SCIENCE. 118, 442-452. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2019.05.052
Farid, N. D. N., Arshad, M. F. B., Yakub, N. A., Zaki, R. A., Muhamad, H., Aziz, N. A., Dahlui, M. (2018). Improving Malaysian adolescent sexual and reproductive health: An Internet-based health promotion programme as a potential intervention. Health Education Journal, 77(7), 837-848. doi:10.1177/0017896918778071
He Y., Abdul Wahab N.E.T., Muhamad H. (2024). Factors impacting fertility anxiety among Chinese young women with marital status differences, Heliyon. 10(1). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23715
Hussain R.B.M., Muhamad H. (2022). Challenges of Inequality: Effects on Urban Youth Identity Formation, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 30(1), 121-138. doi:10.47836/pjssh.30.1.07
Ab Mubin,N.A. & Muhamad, H (2020). Why Do Men Rape? Male Prisoners' Viewpoints through A Feminist Review. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 28(4), 3187-3206
Amirullah, A., Muhamad, H., Nik Farid, N.D., (2019). Personaliti dan Kecelaruan Media di Kalangan Belia Malaysia: Satu Kajian Keratan Rentas. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies, 2, 173-186.
Muhamad, H., Roodenburg, J. & Moore, D. W. (2018). The adaptation of the Big Five Inventory in measuring Malaysian youths' personality traits. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(7), 8-14
Raja Zulkifli, R.N.A., Ahmad, N. S. Y., Mohd Sani, M. A., & Muhamad, H. (2018). Satira Politik: Analisis Internet Trolling di Malaysia. Jurnal Komunikasi, 34(2), 223-242.
Muhamad, H., Roodenburg, J., & Moore, D. W. (2014). The Expressions of Spirituality Inventory: Evidence for the Cross Cultural Validity in a Malaysian Context. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology,46 (1), 58-71.
Muhamad, H., Jaafar, J. (2009). The relationship of personality to subjective well-being in Malaysian youths. International Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 13, No. 1, 10-15.
Muhamad, H. (2007). The applicability of Five-Factor Model of Personality to the Malays. Jurnal Manusia dan Masyarakat, 15, 103-117.
- Mohd Awang Idris, Yulita & Haslina Muhammad, (2021). Bias dalam Penyelidikan Sains Sosial, Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
- Nur, E., Pravissi, S., Nur, H., Lia , Y., Aji, B., Priyambod, M. Khoirul, A., Iqbal , F. F., & Muhamad, H. (2020). Pengembangan Skala Konsep Diri Life-Base Learning Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Malang. Malang, Indonesia: Fakultas Pendidikan Psikologi (FPPsi).
Chapter in Books
- Jaafar, J.L., Jaafar, S., Muhamad, H., Idris, M.A., Hussin, M.S.H. (2020). The moral identity of Malays: An empirical investigation of Malay moral attributes reflected on political and non-political Facebook pages. In G.J. Rich, J.L. S. Jaafar, D. Barron (editors), Psychology in Southeast Asia: Sociocultural, Clinical and Health Perspectives. Singapore: Routledge. pp177-191
- Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin, Haslina Muhamad, & Poh Li Lau (2017). Challenges and useful strategies in contextualizing applied psychology research: From Malaysian perspective. In Ford Lumban Gaol & Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung (Eds.), Social interactions and networking in cyber society (pp.169-184). Singapore: Springer.
- Aga, M. J., Lau, P. L., Muhamad, H, & Hutagalung, F. (2015). Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Contextualizing Applied Psychological Research: A Malaysian Perspective. In Lumban, G & Hutagalung, F. (Eds.), The Role of Service in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry (pp.57-64). London: Taylor and Francis Group.
- Campbell, M., Jones, J., Estuar, R., McCarthy, S., Puri, E., Reif, M., Shah, D., Muhamad, H., Raj, N., & Jaafar, J. (2013). Perspectives on achieving peace and reconciliation. In K. Malley-Morrison, A. Mercurio, G. Twose (Eds.), International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation, pp. 581-604. New York: Springer.
- Estuar, R., Canoy, N., Japa D., Jones, J., McCarthy, S., Puri, E., Reif, D., Muhamad, H., Raj, N., Jaafar, J. (2013). Perspectives on protest in South and Southeast Asia. In K. Malley-Morrison, A. Mercurio, G. Twose (Eds.), International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation. pp. 247-262. New York: Springer
- Jaafar, J., Muhamad, H., Afiatin,T., & Wibowo, I (2013). Kenapa mereka lakukan seks? Faktor-faktor psikososial remaja Malaysia dan Indonesia. In Menongkah Arus Globalisasi: Isu-isu Psikologi di Malaysia dan Indonesia, pp. 1-11. Kuala Lumpur: Jabatan Psikologi Pendidikan dan Kaunseling, UM.
- Jones, J., Diehnelt, E. E., Shahane, A., Puri, E., Shah, D., Estuar, R., McCarthy, S., Reif, M., Muhamad, Jones, J., Diehnelt, E. E., Shahane, A., Puri, E., Shah, D., Estuar, R., McCarthy, S., Reif, M., Muhamad, H., Raj, N., &Jaafar, J. (2013). Definitions of peace and reconciliation in South and Southeast Asia. In K. Malley-Morrison, A. Mercurio, G. Twose (Eds.), International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation, pp. 107-116. New York: Springer.
- Jones, J., Estaur, E., McCarthy, S., Puri, E., Reif, M., Flores, L., Raj, N., Rose, D., Darshini, S., Muhammad, H. & Jafaar, J. (2012). Definitions of War, Torture and Terrorism: South and Southeast Asia: Chapter 9 in Malley-Morrison, K. et al (eds.) International perspectives on governmental aggression. New York: Springer
- Nou, L., Rashid, J., Dubbs, W., Muhamad, H., Estuar, R., Jones, J., Reif, M., McCarthy, S. Jaafar, J., Shah, D. Raj, N., & Puri, E. (2013). Perspectives of Apology and reconciliation in South and Southeast Asia. In K. Malley-Morrison, A. Mercurio, G. Twose (Eds.), International Handbook of Peace and Reconciliation, pp. 395-410. New York: Springer.
- Raj, K., Raj, N., McCarthy, S., Estaur, M., Stone, A., Campbell, T., Darshini, S., Puri, E., Reif, M., Muhammad, H. & Jafaar, J. (2012). Views on National Security: South and Southeast Asia. Chapter 19 in Malley-Morrison, K. et al (eds.) International perspectives on governmental aggression. New York: Springer.
- Jaafar, J., & Muhamad, H. (2009). Pengaruh Media ke atas Aktiviti Seksual Remaja yang Melakukan Seks Sebelum Nikah (2009). In Mohd Fauzi Yaacob (Ed), Malaysia: Transformasi & Perubahan Sosial, pp. 95-104, Selangor: Arah Publications.Pengaruh Media ke atas Aktiviti Seksual Remaja yang Melakukan Seks Sebelum Nikah
- Jaafar, J., Muhamad, H., Che Tak, K., Afiatin, T., Sugandi, Y. (2009). The Level of Happiness of Malaysians and Indonesians. In J.Jaafar and S.McCarthy (Eds.), Building Asian Families and Communities in the 21st Century: Selected Proceeds of the 2nd Asian Psychological Association Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June, 2008., p. 294-303. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Jaafar,J., Muhamad, H., Che Tak, K., Afiatin, T., and Sugandi, Y.S. (2009). Indeks kebahagiaan orang Malaysia dan Indonesia: Satu laporan awal. In Mohd Redzuan Othman, Mohd Sidin Md Ishak, Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar, Adrianus Meliala, & Sri Murni (Eds.), Sedekad Hubungan Malaysia dan Indonesia. pp. 299-309. Shah Alam: Arah Publications.
- Muhamad, H. (2009). Kesejahteraan Subjektif di Kalangan Remaja Melayu di Malaysia: Satu Kajian Rintis. In Mohd Fauzi Yaacob (Ed), Malaysia: Transformasi & Perubahan Sosial, pp. 85-94, Selangor: Arah Publications.
Article in Proceeding
- Jaladin, R.A., Muhamad, H., and Ali, M. (2011). Generating Malaysian-Based Knowledge a Dialogue with the West in the Fields of Psychology and Education. The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE): AARE International Education Research 2011. 27th November 1st December 2011, Hobart, Tasmania. http://aare.edu.au/11pap/
Other Publications
- Muhamad, H. (2024, July 10). It’s in the balance. Apa Khabar TV. Retrieved November 16, 2024, from https://apakhabartv.com/2024/07/10/its-in-the-balance/ - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Muhamad, H. (2024, July 3). A contextual balancing act. UM Research Plus. Retrieved November 16, 2024, from https://www.umresearchplus.com/a-contextual-balancing-act/ - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Muhamad, H. (2024, July 3). Behind the numbers. Businesstoday. https://www.businesstoday.com.my/2024/07/03/behind-the-numbers/ - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Muhamad, H. (2024, July 3). Global Life-Work Balance Index: Behind the numbers. Focus Malaysia. Retrieved November 16, 2024, from https://focusmalaysia.my/2024/07/03/ - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Muhamad, H. (2024, July 3). Metrics of work-life balance. The Star. Retrieved November 16, 2024, from https://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/letters/2024/07/03/metrics-of-work-life-balance - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Muhamad, H. (2024, July 8). Achieving work-life balance. The Sun Daily. Retrieved November 16, 2024, from https://thesun.my/opinion-news/achieving-work-life-balance-DM12691714 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Personality Psychology
- Research Methods in Social Sciences
- Adolescent Psychology
- 2023 - 2025, Government Agency - Manage by UMCARES2heal 2.0: Pemantapan Kesedaran Kesihatan Mental Di Kalangan Pesara ( Co-Researcher)
- 2020 - 2024, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-HWBIntimate Partner Violence (ipv) Victimization And Maternal Parenting Practices: The Mediating Role Of Mental Health ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2020 - 2023, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-FNWTop-down: Risk Perception And Public Understanding Of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Socio-cultural Perspectives And Evaluation Of Societal Lifestyle ( Co-Researcher)
- 2019 - 2021, UMRG Program (Book) - SAHBelia Dan Kesejahteraan Sosial ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2019 - 2020, RU Geran - Fakulti ProgramText-based Emotion Detection to Identify Negative Emotional States as Indication of Mental Health Problems ( Co-Researcher)
- 2014 - 2016, BKPPredispositions to Problem Behavior in Malaysian Young Adults ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)The Interactions between Leadership and Followership in Determining Work Outcomes: Looking from a Theoretical Frameworks of Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate ( Consultant)
- 2008The Psychological and Social Context of Malaysian Adolescents Who Engage in Premarital Sex, Co-Researcher ; Associate Professor Dr Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar(UM) and Prof. Dr. Suriati Ghazali (USM) Funding; Fundamental UM.
- 2008The personality and sexual attitudes of the Malaysian teenagers. Co-Researcher; Associate Professor Dr Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar (UM)
- 2007 - 2008, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Personality Correlates of Health-Related Behaviours ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2008, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Personality Dimensions of Malaysian People: An EMIC Approach ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2023 - 2024, Deanship of Scientific Research GrantMental Health Literacy among Adolescents: A cross comparison study Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, King Abdulaziz University, S. Arabia ( Co-Researcher)
- 2019 - 2021, International FundingIncorporating Behavioural, Epidemiological And Onehealth Approaches On Human, Animal And The Environment As Contributors Of Antibiotic Resistance In Malaysia: Setting Up A Global Network ( Co-Researcher)
- 2021 - 2021, Private FundingKg. Medan Project - Coping to Live with COVID-19: The New Norm , WHO Western Pacific Region Office ( Co-Researcher)
- Professional Service for The Development of Comprehensive Proposal of Ir 4.0 Workforce Requirement Projection for 3,5 and 10 Years Involving Fourteen (14) Courses At Twenty (20) Institut Latihan Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (Ilkbs) in Malaysia., SIRIM BERHAD22 Dec 2023 - 21 Mar 2024 (National)
- Exploring Influences in Help-Seeking Behaviours Among Individuals With Lived Experience of Suicidal Behaviours in Malaysian Government Health Facilities, INSTITUT KESIHATAN NEGARA, KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA, Project Leader/Lead Consultant02 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2023 (National)
- Understanding Human Behaviour in Practicing Life Course Preventive Care and Self-Care, Malaysia Productivity Corporation01 Dec 2020 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Pembangunan Soalan Kajian Pelajar Program 20:50, Kementerian Belia dan Sukan01 Dec 2017 - 01 Dec 2017 (National)
- Kajian Tahap Kesediaan Pengajar Institusi Latihan Kementerian Belia dan Sukan Mengadakan Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Dalam Bahasa Inggeris, Kementerian Belia dan Sukan01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
- Mental Health in the Pandemic Covid-19 Era: The Role of Social Connectedness, International Conference of Psychology 2020: Applying Economic, Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences to Promote Mental Health in Pandemic Covid-19 Era, State University of Malang, Indonesia (International) (07 Nov 2020 - 08 Nov 2020)
- Guest Lecture 3 for Masters Students Faculty of Psychology. Course: Applied Forensic Psychology. Theme: Intimate Partner Violence, Visiting Professor World Class University (WCU) Program, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia (International) (14 May 2024 - 14 May 2024)
- Sustainability of mental health amongst youth in Malaysia: Psychological issues and challenges, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia Seminar , Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia  (International) (24 Jul 2023 - 24 Jul 2023)
- Forum Awam: Tangani Hubungan Toksik Sebelum Parah, Public Forum : Domestic Violence, Health and Well-Being Research Cluster University Malaya (National) (27 Mar 2023 - 27 Mar 2023)
- "I Am and I Will... Dealing with Changes, Positively , PROGRAM SURVIVORSHIP CARE & SKILLS WORKSHOP , Fakulti Pergigian, Universiti Malaya (University) (22 Mar 2021 - 22 Mar 2021)
- Understanding Human Behaviour in Practicing Life-Course Preventive Care and Self-Care, National Competitiveness Webinar Series, Malaysia Productivity Corporation (National) (27 Jan 2021 - 27 Jan 2021)
- The Effect of Positive Psychological Capital on Adolescents' Well-being - the Mediating Role of Anxiety and Depression, The Effect of Positive Psychological Capital on Adolescents' Well-being - the Mediating Role of Anxiety and Depression, International Conference on Research in Psychology (International) (08 Nov 2024 - 10 Nov 2024)
- Ethical Considerations in Mental Health Literacy Research, 23rd FERCAP International Conference 2023, University Malaya Medical Centre-Medical Ethics Research Committee (International) (27 Nov 2023 - 29 Dec 2023)
- An Affective Interfaces For Investigating The Social And Mental Wellness Of Young Malaysians And Koreans, International Journal of Arts & Sciences Academic Conference, International Journal of Arts and Sciences (International) (29 Nov 2016 - 02 Dec 2016)
- YOUTH'S WELL-BEING: A MEDIATION MODEL OF SPIRITUALITY, IRRATIONAL BELIEFS, AND PERSONALITY IN MALAYSIAN CONTEXT., The First International Conference for Humanities and Transpersonal Psychology in Indonesia , Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (International) (31 Jul 2015 - 02 Aug 2015)
- The Interplay between Personality Traits, Cognitive Beliefs, and Spirituality in the Malaysian Context, International Academic Conference on Social Sciences, Higher Education Forum (International) (15 Oct 2014 - 17 Oct 2014)
- Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Big Five Inventory (BFI) in Malaysian Young Adults , Annual Australian Conference on Personality and Individual Differences, The Australian Psychological Society (International) (01 Dec 2011 - 02 Dec 2011)
- Generating Malaysian-Based Knowledge a Dialogue with the West in the Fields of Psychology and Education, The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE): AARE International Education Research 2011 (International) (27 Nov 2011 - 29 Nov 2011)
- The Methods and Problems of Translating Scales from One Language and Culture to Another , Second National Conference of the APS College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists (Theory to Practice: Social and Emotional Learning, The APS College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists  (International) (26 Nov 2010 - 26 Nov 2010)
- Understanding Young Adults Problem Behaviour in Malaysian Context: Incorporating the Role of Personality, 3rd Asian Psychological Association Conference, Asian Psychological Association (International) (04 Jul 2010 - 07 Jul 2010)
- Higher Education in Malaysia: Current issues, challenges and hopes , Global Education Systems Day, Monash Education Research Community (MERC) (University) (11 May 2010 - 11 May 2010)
- Understanding Risk-Taking Behaviours and Well-Being in Adolescets, Inaugral Educational Theory to Practice, The Australian Psychological Society, The Australian Psychological Society (International) (27 Nov 2009 - 27 Nov 2009)
- Unraveling the Psyche of Students in the Era of Technology, 7th International Conference on School Psychology (ICSP), Iranian Educational Psychology Association (International) (14 Feb 2024 - 15 Feb 2024)
- Fostering Mental Health and Well-Being in Learning Environments: What can we do?, The 2nd Semarang International Conference on Counsellng and Educational Psychology (SICCEP) 2023, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia (International) (29 Aug 2023 - 29 Aug 2023)
- (2024) Building Practical Family: Exploring The Significance of Home in Planned Home Birth Experiences in China, International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) My Perceptions Are Not Your Perceptions: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Appraisal On The Association Between Personality and Emotional Reactivity, International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Internal Examiner for Thesis Entitled "Fear of Divine Punishment, Personality Traits, and Subjective Well-Being Amongst Muslim Undergraduates in Indonesia Universities"., University, (Internal Examiner)
- (2024) External Examiner for Thesis Entitled "Relationship Between Social Identity, Social Support, Selfefficacy and Depressive Tendencies Among University Students in Yunnan Province, China", University, (External Examiner)
- (2024) Panel Penilai Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (Frgs) 2024, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Factors Associated With Intention to Report Child Abuse Among Early Childcare Providers in North-Eastern Preschools, Malaysia, National, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Panel Penilai Bagi Program Kolokium Pascasiswazah Ke-3, National, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Internal Assessor, University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2023) Panel Penilai Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (Frgs), University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Reviewer, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Reviewer, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Reviewer, National, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Reviewer, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Penilai Luar Program Sarjana Muda Kaunseling/Sarjana Kaunseling Bagi Penilaian Dokumen Soalan Peperiksaan Akhir/Penilaian Akhir, Fakulti Perniagaan, Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Sosial, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, National, (External Assessor)
- (2021) Evaluator for Candidature Defense, University, (External Evaluator)
- (2021) Reviewer, National, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Reviewer, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Reviewer, International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Reviewer, International, (Reviewer)
- (2016) Psychological Reports (ISI-Indexed), (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2025) Pakar Rujuk Bagi Kajian Pembangunan Kompetensi Felo Perdana, National, (Expert Advisor)
- (2024) Resource Person for 48th International Senior Police Officer Command Course-Senior Level, National, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Expert Panel Review The Development of Malaysia Social Frailty Index, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Penceramah Bengkel Kerja Peningkatan Tahap Profesionalisme Pegawai Sektor Penghasilan Buku Teks, National, (Resource Person)
- (2021) Research Collaborator, International, (Resource Person)
- (2019) Country Representative, Asian Psychological Association, International
Media appearance
- (2024) Calon Spm Perlu Fokus, Atasi Tekanan Secara Holistik, National, (Interview)
- (2024) Rtm: Menyibuk Biar Bertempat, National, (Interview)
- (2024) Masyarakat Kita Takut Pada Stigma Gila, National, (Interview)
- (2024) Rtm: Pempengaruh dan Pengaruh-Wajarkah Jadi Ikutan?, National, (Interview)
- (2024) Pempengaruh Media Sosial Perlu Cipta Kandungan Berlandaskan Ilmu dan Pengetahuan, National, (Interview)
- (2024) Malaysia Hari Ini: Pempengaruh Temberang, National, (Interview)
- (2024) Cyberbullying Laws Risk Failure Without Robust Enforcement Measures, Experts Warn, National, (Interview)
- (2024) Treat Cyberbullying as Crime, Say Experts, National, (Interview)
- (2023) Panelist for Wanita Hari Ini Tv3, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
- (2021) Kosmo, National, (Interview)
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
(2024) Exploration and Intervention Study of the Influencing Factors of Sexual Mental Health of Adolescents in Guizhou, China Based on the Theory of Positive Psychology, JI LUO
(2024) The Development of Kinesthetic Empathy Scale and Its Brain Basis in Promoting Prosocial Behavior: From the Perspective of Dancing Intervention, FANYING CHEN
(2024) Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Stress and Psychological Wellbeing of Malaysian Young Adults, INDARATHANA THERO REV ROTUMBA
(2024) A clinical study on Dental anxiety and fear and the impact of behavioral management among Iraqi patients attending the dental clinic., ALI MOHAMMED HUSSEIN ITIMAD
(2024) Navigating Modernity: Hallyu, Religious Identity and Muslim Youth in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, EUIYOUNG KYUNG
(2024) Attitude towards Single-Use Plastics Among Malaysians, MALINI A/P KUNJAPPAN
(2023) Social Congnitive Predictors of Career Indecision Among University Students in Punjab Pakistan, MUHAMMAD LUQMAN
(2024) Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Study of Children’s Behavior-Reinforcement Control, Peer Attachment and Resilience, SITI NOR ZOLILAH BINTI IDRIS
Under Graduate Students
- (2014) (1) The relationship between personality, emotional intelligence, and psychological well-being in Malaysian young adults (2) The effects of electronic gadgets on the social identity of Malaysian young adults
- (2016) ALEA2313 - Adolescent Psychology
- (2016) ALEA3311 - Social Psychology
- (2014) ALEA2182 - Research Methodology
- (2014) ALEA2313 - Adolescent Psychology
- (2014) ALEA2322 - Adolescent and Psychosocial Problems
- (2014) ALEA3321 - Personality and Adjustment
- Guest Speaker, (10 Apr 2019 - 10 Apr 2019)
- Reviewer, (02 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2018)
- The Star (31 January 2017); R-Age (The Higher They Climb), (31 Jan 2017 - 31 Jan 2017)
- Penceramah Bagi Modul Metodologi Penyelidikan Kursus Diploma Pengurusan Awam (Dpa) Anjuran Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (Intan), (14 Jul 2014 - 18 Jul 2014)
- Reviewer for The Apa Division 36 Journal Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, (21 May 2014)