Curriculum Vitae
- PHD(1983) (UK), (Teknologi Laser dan Fiber Optik)University of Wales, Institute of Sci. & Technical
- MSC(1980) (UK), (FIZIK)University of Wales
- BSC, (FIZIK)Universiti Malaya (UM)
- DIP_SC, (SAINS GALIAN)Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
- Executive Director01 Jan 2025 - present (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Members25 Jan 2024 - 24 Jan 2026 (University Malaya)
- Task Force Member27 May 2022 - 31 Dec 2025 (University Malaya)
- Task Force Member03 Jun 2022 - 31 Dec 2025 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members25 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2025 (University Malaya)
- Executive Director03 Nov 2023 - 31 Dec 2024 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Members17 Oct 2024 - 19 Oct 2024 (International)
- Committee Members10 Jun 2024 - 10 Jun 2024 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members04 Jun 2024 - 04 Jun 2024 (International)
- Committee Members30 May 2024 - 30 May 2024 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members14 May 2024 - 16 May 2024 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members29 Apr 2024 - 29 Apr 2024 (University Malaya)
- Task Force Leader27 Apr 2022 - 26 Apr 2024 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Task Force Leader27 Apr 2022 - 26 Apr 2024 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Members27 Apr 2022 - 26 Apr 2024 (Department)
- Task Force Leader27 Apr 2022 - 26 Apr 2024 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Task Force Leader27 Apr 2022 - 26 Apr 2024 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Members27 Apr 2022 - 26 Apr 2024 (Department)
- Task Force Leader27 Apr 2022 - 26 Apr 2024 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Members26 Apr 2024 - 26 Apr 2024 (International)
- Committee Members21 Mar 2024 - 23 Mar 2024 (International)
- Committee Members18 Mar 2024 - 20 Mar 2024 (International)
- Committee Members04 Mar 2024 - 04 Mar 2024 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members23 Feb 2024 - 23 Feb 2024 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members16 Jan 2024 - 16 Jan 2024 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members16 Jan 2024 - 16 Jan 2024 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members08 Jan 2024 - 08 Jan 2024 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members08 Jan 2024 - 08 Jan 2024 (University Malaya)
- Director01 Mar 2022 - 02 Nov 2023 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Members25 Feb 2022 - 31 Dec 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members07 Dec 2023 - 07 Dec 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members05 Dec 2023 - 05 Dec 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members23 Nov 2023 - 23 Nov 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members11 Nov 2023 - 15 Nov 2023 (International)
- Committee Members25 Oct 2023 - 25 Oct 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members17 Oct 2023 - 17 Oct 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members11 Oct 2023 - 11 Oct 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members26 Sep 2023 - 26 Sep 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members07 Sep 2023 - 07 Sep 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members24 Aug 2023 - 24 Aug 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members08 Aug 2023 - 08 Aug 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members24 Jul 2023 - 24 Jul 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members11 Jul 2023 - 11 Jul 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members05 Jul 2023 - 05 Jul 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members03 Jul 2023 - 03 Jul 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members12 Jun 2023 - 12 Jun 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members22 May 2023 - 22 May 2023 (University Malaya)
- Task Force Leader20 May 2022 - 19 May 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members18 May 2023 - 18 May 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members06 Apr 2023 - 07 Apr 2023 (International)
- Committee Members20 Mar 2023 - 20 Mar 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members10 Feb 2023 - 10 Feb 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members08 Feb 2023 - 08 Feb 2023 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members15 Jan 2023 - 15 Jan 2023 (University Malaya)
- Director01 Mar 2020 - 28 Feb 2022 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Members02 Aug 2022 - 02 Aug 2022 (University Malaya)
- Committee Members22 Mar 2022 - 22 Mar 2022 (University Malaya)
- Director01 Mar 2018 - 29 Feb 2020 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Member, Jawatankuasa Penasihat Akademik, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Penasihat Akademik Bil. 10/2020 (secara atas talian)14 Oct 2020 - 14 Oct 2020 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Committee Member, Jawatankuasa Pemilih FPPD UMCoE, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemilih FPPD UMCoE28 Sep 2020 - 28 Sep 2020 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan - Muhammad Khairul Annuar Zaini (HVA180024), Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Semester 2, Sesi 2019 2020 Calon Doktor Falsafah, Institut Pengajian Termaju25 Sep 2020 - 25 Sep 2020 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Committee Member, Mesyuarat Jabatan Fizik, Mesyuarat Jabatan Fizik September 202018 Sep 2020 - 18 Sep 2020 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Committee Member, Jawatankuasa Tapisan, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tapisan Bagi Kenaikan Pangkat Staf Akademik Ke Jawatan Profesor Madya - Ir. Dr. Lim Kok Sing17 Sep 2020 - 17 Sep 2020 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Semakan Kurikulum Jabatan Fizik25 Mar 2019 - 31 Aug 2020 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Thesis Seminar - Muhammad Taufiq bin Ahmad, KHA15008926 Aug 2020 - 26 Aug 2020 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Committee Member, Jawatankuasa Tapisan, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tapisan Bagi Kenaikan Pangkat Staf Akademik Ke Jawatan Profesor Gred C19 Aug 2020 - 19 Aug 2020 (University Malaya)
- Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan - Nurul Asha binti Mohd Nazal (HHE160003), Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Semester 2, Sesi 2019/2020 Calon Doktor Falsafah, Institut Pengajian Termaju17 Aug 2020 - 17 Aug 2020 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Committee Member, Jawatankuasa Tapisan, Mesyuarat Khas Pengesyoran Pelantikan FPPD UMCoE10 Aug 2020 - 10 Aug 2020 (University Malaya)
- Committee Member, Jawatankuasa Tapisan, Mesyuarat Tapisan Peringkat PTJ Bagi Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Prof. Madya (DS54)29 Jul 2020 - 29 Jul 2020 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Committee Member, Jawatankuasa Pra Pemeriksa Jabatan Fizik, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pra Pemeriksa Jabatan Fizik Semester 2, Sesi 2019/202028 Jul 2020 - 28 Jul 2020 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Panel, Sesi Proposal Defence Ijazah Sarjana Falsafah IAS Semester II, Sesi 2019/2020, Chong Wen Sin06 Jul 2020 - 06 Jul 2020 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Pembentangan Seminar Bagi Penukaran Taraf pencalonan - Aizuddin bin Ahmad Kamely19 Jun 2020 - 19 Jun 2020 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Director, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tapisan Peringkat PTJ - PRCUM15 Jun 2020 - 15 Jun 2020 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Committee Member, Perbincangan Bersama Dekan Fakulti Sains - Kenaikan Pangkat VK505 Jun 2020 - 05 Jun 2020 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Director, Discussion On The Application For The Post of Senior Lecturer04 Jun 2020 - 04 Jun 2020 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Examiners' Meeting For Alabbas Ahmed Abduljabbar Al-Azzawi (KHA170021)21 May 2020 - 21 May 2020 (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Panel, Pembentangan Laporan Kemajuan Penyelidikan - Muhammad Zharif Samion (HVA170018)16 Mar 2020 - 16 Mar 2020 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa,S/S07/2018/12/50892 Membekal, Menghantar, Memasang, Menguji, Melatih dan Mentauliah Optoelectronics Characterization System03 Dec 2019 - 03 Dec 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, S/S07/2018/12/50848 Membekal dan Menghantar Laser Diode & Laser Controllers untuk Pusat Penyelidikan Fotonik03 Dec 2019 - 03 Dec 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Senate Representative, Viva Phd in Faculty of Engineering - Hamzah bin Sakeran02 Dec 2019 - 02 Dec 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Senat, MESYUARAT SENAT BULAN NOVEMBER 201928 Nov 2019 - 28 Nov 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Senat, Jawatankuasa Pemilih Bagi Maksud Pelantikan dan Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Kanan27 Nov 2019 - 27 Nov 2019 (University Malaya)
- Committee, Mesyuarat Fakulti Sains bagi bulan November 201901 Nov 2019 - 01 Nov 2019 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Jemputan, Temuduga Perlantikan Kumpulan Pengurusan & Professional - Anir Syazwan Sharbirin23 Oct 2019 - 23 Oct 2019 (University Malaya)
- Committee member, Mesyuarat Pengarah UMCOE / HICOE 201914 Oct 2019 - 14 Oct 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Committee, CANDIDATURE DEFENCE IJAZAH DOKTOR FALSAFAH - Nurul Asha Mohd Nazal (HHE160003)04 Oct 2019 - 04 Oct 2019 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Committee, PROPOSAL DEFENCE IJAZAH DOKTOR FALSAFAH - Muhammad Khairol Annuar Zaini (HVA180024)04 Oct 2019 - 04 Oct 2019 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, , (S/S07/2019/08/51577) Membekal, Menghantar, Memasang, Menguji, Melatih dan Mentauliah Peralatan dan Aksesori Peralatan untuk Pusat Penyelidikan Fotonik (LRGS)01 Oct 2019 - 01 Oct 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Wakil Senat, JKP (Viva Voce) May Ameen Saeed AlKoshab (DHA150004)27 Sep 2019 - 27 Sep 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, S/S07/2018/08/50406 Membekal, Menghantar, Memasang, Menguji, Melatih dan Mentauliah Optoelectronics Characterization System untuk Pusat Penyelidikan Fotonik. DAN S/S07/2018/07/50359 Membekal, menghantar, memasang, menguji, melatih dan mentauliah satu (1) unit Optical Spectrum Analyzer20 Sep 2019 - 20 Sep 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Tapisan Penilai Luar bagi Perlantikan/Kenaikan Pangkat ke Profesor Kanan, Profesor dan Profesor Madya17 Sep 2019 - 17 Sep 2019 (University Malaya)
- COMMITTEE OF EXAMINERS MEETING & VIVA VOCE FOR PhD CANDIDATE - Zuraidah binti Harith (HHE130001)06 Sep 2019 - 06 Sep 2019 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Senate Representative, BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ABDUL HALIM POH YUEN WU (KHA150042)05 Sep 2019 - 05 Sep 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Jawatankuasa Pra Pemeriksa Jabatan Fizik Semester Khas26 Aug 2019 - 26 Aug 2019 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- JAWATANKUASA PEMERIKSA IJAZAH SARJANA FALSAFAH - Hazirah binti Hassan (HGG160001)07 Aug 2019 - 07 Aug 2019 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, (S/S07/2019/06/51381) Membekal, Menghantar, Memasang, Menguji, Melatih dan Mentauliah Peralatan (Equipment) untuk Pusat Penyelidikan Fotonik (LR001-2014B)31 Jul 2019 - 31 Jul 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Jawatankuasa Tapisan Penilai Luar bagi Perlantikan/Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Kanan, Profesor dan Profesor Madya31 Jul 2019 - 31 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Representative of the Senate, Viva Voce for PhD Candidate - Farah Dayana binti Rosli (HHC150002)29 Jul 2019 - 29 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli SENAT, Jawatankuasa Pemilih Bagi Maksud Pelantikan dan Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Kanan26 Jul 2019 - 26 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat, VIVA VOCE BAGI CALON: MUNTAKA DAHIRU (SHC140031)23 Jul 2019 - 23 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Senate Representative, BOARD OF EXAMINERS MEETING FOR MOHD ZAHARIFUDIN BIN MUHAMAD ALI (KHA120004)22 Jul 2019 - 22 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Senate Representative, BOARD OF EXAMINERS MEETING FOR NABEEL AHMAD (KHA150036)18 Jul 2019 - 18 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Penyelaras, Permohonan Program Akademik Baharu Pada Peringkat Proses Saringan Awal (UMCOE/HICOE)18 Jul 2019 - 18 Jul 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli, Mesyuarat Naib Canselor Bersama Dekan/Pengarah16 Jul 2019 - 16 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Lembaga Eksekutif, Mesyuarat Ahli Lembaga Eksekutif HICOE Council Bil.2/201912 Jul 2019 - 12 Jul 2019 (National)
- Senate Representative, BOARD OF EXAMINERS MEETING FOR MAHMOUD ZAKARIA (KHA150112)12 Jul 2019 - 12 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Jawatankuasa Pra Pemeriksa Jabatan Fizik12 Jul 2019 - 12 Jul 2019 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Jawatankuasa Tapisan Penilai Luar09 Jul 2019 - 09 Jul 2019 (University Malaya)
- Jawatankuasa, Laporan kemajuan penyelidikan Ooi Shok Ing (HHHE160001) calon ijazah Doktor Falsafah08 Jul 2019 - 08 Jul 2019 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Perbincangan Task Force dan Pembentangan Program Pra Siswazah UMCoE24 Jun 2019 - 24 Jun 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Wakil Senat, Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa Calon PhD - Dr. Muhammad Taqi (DHA140012)17 Jun 2019 - 17 Jun 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, (S/S07/2019/03/51155 ) Membekal, Menghantar, Memasang, Menguji, Melatih dan Mentauliah peralatan dan bahan (Consumables) untuk Pusat Penyelidikan Fotonik17 Jun 2019 - 17 Jun 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Perbincangan Mengenai Isu Pelupusan Aset di Bangunan HIR12 Jun 2019 - 12 Jun 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Penasihat Akademik 11 Jun 201911 Jun 2019 - 11 Jun 2019 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Jawatankuasa Tapisan Peringakt PTJ - Pusat Penyelidikan Fotonik31 May 2019 - 31 May 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- AHLI JAWATANKUASA, JEMPUTAN MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA TAPISAN PERINGKAT PTJ-PUSAT PENYELIDIKAN FOTONIK24 May 2019 - 24 May 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Wakil Senat, Perlantikan ke suatu Kursi dan, Perlantikan dan Kenaikan Pangkat ke Prof Ulung dan Prof Kanan23 May 2019 - 23 May 2019 (University Malaya)
- Committee member, Mesyuarat TNC (P&I) bersama Pengarah HICOE / UMCOE21 May 2019 - 21 May 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Committee, Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan - Zuraidah Harith (HHE130001)17 May 2019 - 17 May 2019 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
- Wakil Senat, VIVA VOCE BAGI CALON: ARSHID NABI (SHC150073)17 May 2019 - 17 May 2019 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat, JAWATANKUASA PEMERIKSA DAN VIVA VOCE BAGI CALON ZULAIKHA BINTI MOHD YUSOF (SHC130100)09 May 2019 - 09 May 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Perbincangan mengenai Pengemaskinian Objektif Kualiti dan Key Performance Indicator (KPI) di bawah tadbir urus Pejabat Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan & Inovasi)08 May 2019 - 08 May 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Wakil Senat, JAWATANKUASA PEMERIKSA DAN VIVA VOCE BAGI CALON MOHD ARIF BIN MOHD SARJIDIN (SHC130014)02 May 2019 - 02 May 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Jawatankuasa Tapisan Bagi Tujuan Pelantikan ke Kursi dan Pelantikan/Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Kanan23 Apr 2019 - 23 Apr 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, (S/S07/2019/03/51113 ) Membekal dan menghantar consumables (laser diode, doped fibers, bandpass filter and pump combiners) untuk Pusat Penyelidikan Fotonik19 Apr 2019 - 19 Apr 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, JAWATANKUASA PENGAJIAN - PROGRAM SARJANA KEJURUTERAAN SISTEM KUASA16 Apr 2019 - 16 Apr 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Kriteria Kenaikan Pangkat Prof. A dan B - Perubatan21 Mar 2019 - 21 Mar 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, ( S/S07/2019/02/51032) Membekal, Menghantar, Memasang, Menguji, Melatih dan Mentauliah Autocorrelator, Oscilloscope, Modulator Driver, Fiber Laser, Sourcemeter, Low-Noise Amplifier, Vector Signal Generator & Laser Controller untuk Pusat Penyelidikan Fotonik21 Mar 2019 - 21 Mar 2019 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Kriteria Kenaikan Pangkat Prof. A dan B - Kategori Non-Science19 Mar 2019 - 19 Mar 2019 (University Malaya)
- Committee, ISO 17025 Management18 Mar 2019 - 18 Mar 2019 (University Malaya)
- Committee, MINI BENGKEL UM HEALTH - Research and Collaboration: Computer Science, Computer Science etc27 Feb 2019 - 27 Feb 2019 (University Malaya)
- Committee, MINI BENGKEL UM HEALTH: Focus Group on Governance25 Feb 2019 - 25 Feb 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli, PEMBANGUNAN PANEL SUMBER MANUSIA (PPSM) PERINGKAT PTJ TNC (P&I)21 Feb 2019 - 21 Feb 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, PEMBANGUNAN SUMBER MANUSIA PUSAT KECEMERLANGAN UNIVERSITI MALAYA15 Feb 2019 - 15 Feb 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Jawatankuasa Pemilih bagi Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Madya/Pensyarah13 Feb 2019 - 13 Feb 2019 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, Bengkel Ke-2 Kajian Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan A & B25 Jan 2019 - 25 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat untuk Mesyuarat Viva calon PhD - Gopi Krishnan (EHA130007), Fakulti Ekonomi & Pentadbiran24 Jan 2019 - 24 Jan 2019 (University Malaya)
- Director01 Mar 2016 - 28 Feb 2018 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Jawatankuasa Pemilih Bagi Maksud Pelantikan Ke Jawatan Pensyarah Kanan & Profesor Madya28 Nov 2018 - 28 Nov 2018 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, PELANTIKAN SEBAGAI WAKIL TETAP AKADEMIK01 Nov 2018 - 01 Nov 2018 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa, PEMILIHAN TIMBALAN NAIB CANSELOR26 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat07 Mar 2017 - 07 Mar 2017 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- Panel Member - Task Force for the Establishment of National Centre for Material Science (NCMS)04 Jan 2016 - 02 Jan 2017 (National)
- Director01 Mar 2014 - 29 Feb 2016 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Committee Member - JPCSA07 Mar 2016 - 07 Mar 2016 (University Malaya)
- JAWATANKUASA PENAPISAN CALON STAF AKADEMIK08 Dec 2015 - 08 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
- Chairman27 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- CHAIRMAN - JAWATANKUASA TEKNIKAL & PENILAIAN HARGA S S07 2015 10 3967227 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Chairman27 Nov 2015 - 27 Nov 2015 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Tetamu Khas26 Aug 2015 - 26 Aug 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Kurikulum, Fakulti Sains04 Aug 2011 - 31 May 2015 (University Malaya)
- members26 May 2015 - 26 May 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Science)
- Supervisor26 May 2015 - 26 May 2015 (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Supervisor14 Apr 2015 - 14 Apr 2015 (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Chairman24 Mar 2015 - 24 Mar 2015 (Photonics Research Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation))
- Supervisor29 Jan 2015 - 29 Jan 2015 (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
- Director01 Feb 2013 - 28 Feb 2014 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Director29 Feb 2012 - 31 Jan 2013 (Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Photonics Research Centre)
- Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penapisan Calon Staf Akademik (JPSCA) Bertaraf Profesor Madya dan Profesor.14 Apr 2011 - 13 Apr 2013 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat, Jawatankuasa untuk Mengkaji Cadangan IPS bagi Menguruskan Pemeriksaan Secara Berpusat Disertasi / Tesis Calon Penyelidikan29 Jan 2010 - 28 Jan 2013 (University Malaya)
- Head of Department01 Jul 2011 - 04 Jun 2012 (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science)
- Ahli Panel, Kluster Penyelidikan Advanced Engineering & Technology01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat ke Jawatankuasa Pemilih27 Apr 2012 - 01 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat, Jawatankuasa Pemilih bagi Maksud Perlaintikan ke Suatu Kursi dan Perlantikan dan Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Kanan dan Profesor02 Dec 2009 - 01 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat ke Jawatankuasa Pemilihan02 Dec 2009 - 01 Dec 2012 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Senat di bawah Peruntukan 3(1)(e) Statut Universiti Malaya (Senat) 199720 Nov 2009 - 19 Nov 2012 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Panel, Panel Penilaian Long Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS) Top Down and Bottom Up01 Nov 2011 - 31 Oct 2012 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat - Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemilih bagi Maksun Perlantikan ke Suatu Kursi dan Perlantikan dan Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Kanan dan Profesor18 Apr 2012 - 18 Apr 2012 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Memperakukan Pemilihan Timbalan Naib Canselor16 Apr 2012 - 16 Apr 2012 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Memperakukan Pemilihan Naib Canselor16 Apr 2012 - 16 Apr 2012 (University Malaya)
- Head12 Aug 2010 - 30 Jun 2011 (Icon Academic Unit, Faculty of Science)
- Acting Dean, Research Cluster (AET)26 Oct 2011 - 30 Nov 2011 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Panel, Jawatankuasa Mengkaji dan Mencadangkan Langkah Penjimatan bagi UM11 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2010 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Panel, Jawatankuasa Peruntukkan Penyelidikan Pascasiswazah (PPP) Kitar - 2 201029 Sep 2010 - 29 Sep 2010 (University Malaya)
- Wakil Senat, Jawantankuasa Rayuan Peperiksaan27 Aug 2010 - 27 Aug 2010 (University Malaya)
- Member, Strategic Planning and Academic Excellence Committee29 Apr 2009 - 31 Dec 2009 (University Malaya)
- 4. AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA, MEMBERSince 2003 (National)
- JAWATANKUASA PEMILIH KHAS, MEMBER2021 to 2021 (University)
- Gold Award at International Invention, Innovation and Design Competition 2024Kolej Vokasional Tanah Merah, 2024 (National)
- Silver Medal AwardUniversiti Malaysia Pahang, 2021 (National)
- 1 st Runner UpUniversiti Malaysia Pahang, 2021 (National)
- Special AwardUniversiti Teknologi Mara, 2021 (National)
- International Innovation AwardsMTE 2021, 2021 (National)
- Best Presentation GOLDUniversiti Teknologi Mara, 2021 (National)
- BEST PRESENTATION i-IDeA 2020Universiti Teknologi Mara, 2021 (National)
- 9. Scientific Committee Member for the International Meet & Expo on Graphene and Carbon Nanostructures (Graphene Meet 2021)Albedo Meetings, 2020 (International)
- 3. Wakil dari Universiti Malaya untuk pembikinan video bagi mempromosi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi - Kecemerlangan IPT Di Peringkat Negara & Antarabangsa (Kecemerlangan dan Penarafan UM)Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, 2020 (University)
- Announcement of Top Candidates for Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi Intellectual of the Year Award at the Islamic Excellence Awards 1441H/2020ADIslamic Excellence Awards 1441H/2020AD, 2019 (International)
- Leading scientists in optical fibers,Opto-Electronic Advances (OEA) / National University of Singapore, 2019 (International)
- Top 1% most read authors on AcademiaAcademia.edu, 2019 (National)
- New Impact Factor for Chinese Optics Letters - 2018 Impact Factor of 1.907Chinese Optics Letters Editorial Office, 2019 (International)
- Penghargaan sebagai Panel Penilai Skim Geran LRGS Fasa 1_2019 - PPGPUM PPGP, 2019 (National)
- Certificate of Award Reviewing, Optics Communications, ElsevierElsevier, 2019 (International)
- Certificate of Award Reviewing since August 2017, Journal of Luminescence, ElsevierElsevier , 2019 (International)
- Certificate of Award Reviewing since October 2018 - Infrared and Physics Technology, ElsevierElsevier, 2019 (International)
- Certificate of Award Reviewing since November 2017 - Optics and Laser Technology, ElsevierElsevier, 2019 (International)
- IEEE Photonics Technology - Recognition for your review of Performance of dual-band SWIR InGaAs FPAs with interference narrow-band filter on PublonsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019 (International)
- Invited Expert for TV Documentary 'Planet Sains' by Onechinoiz Studios Sdn. BhdOnechinoiz Studios Sdn. Bhd, 2019 (National)
- IEEE Photonics Journal - Recognition for your review of Experimental Exploration of Mode-locking Evolution Mechanism in Dual-ring Fiber Laser on PublonsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019 (International)
- INSPIRED 2019 - GoldINSPIRED 2019, 2019 (National)
- BRONZE AWARD - PECIPTA 2019PECIPTA 2019, 2019 (National)
- Reviewer Recognition - Infrared Physics and Technology, ElsevierElsevier, 2019 (International)
- Reviewer Recognition - Optics and Laser Technology, ElsevierElsevier, 2019 (International)
- Interview and Nomination to Britishpediamedia: Prof. Datuk Dr. Harith Bin Ahmadbritishpediamedia.com , 2019 (National)
- Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing - Optik, ElsevierElsevier, 2018 (International)
- Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing - Optical Materials - ElsevierElsevier, 2018 (International)
- Universitas Airlangga Recognition of Valuable Contributions to for 'How to Submit Paper for High Impact Journal' Workshop 21 April 2018Universitas Airlangga , 2018 (International)
- Distinguished Visiting Fellowships RAE UKRoyal Academy of Engineering, 2018 (International)
- Tembual Ruang Negaraku Harian MetroHarian Metro, 2018 (National)
- Moderator Sesi Umum AUKU dan Hala TujunyaMOE, 2018 (National)
- Temubual di Traxx FMTraxx FM, 2018 (National)
- Artikel di Harian MetroHarian Metro, 2018 (National)
- Sesi Bersama Profesor Ulung Bagi Penilaian Institusi Oleh Aun-Qa Pada 7 ? 12 Mei 2018Universiti Malaya, 2018 (National)
- ?2017 Outstanding Reviewer? of Chinese Laser PressChinese Laser Press, 2018 (International)
- Editor's Pick (Article JAP18-AR-01941R)ournal of Applied Physics, 2018 (International)
- Silver Prize, IRIISE 2018Universiti Malaya, 2018 (National)
- Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Optics and Laser Technology, ElsevierElsevier, 2017 (International)
- Certificate of Reviewing since July 2017, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, ElsevierElsevier , 2017 (International)
- Malaysian Technology Expo 2016Malaysian Association of Research Scientists, 2016 (National)
- Keynote Speaker for "2nd International Sciences, Technology and Engineering Conference (ISTEC 2016)UITM Perlis, 2016 (International)
- Expert Panel for Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (Pengajian Tinggi) dalam slot Wacana AkademiAstro Awani, 2015 (National)
- Expert Panel for Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (Pengajian Tinggi) dalam slot Nasi Lemak Kopi '0'TV9, 2015 (International)
- Expert Panel for Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (Pengajian Tinggi) dalam slot Malaysia Hari IniTV3, 2015 (National)
- Panel for Famelab Kuala Lumpur Competition 2015British Council - MIGHT, 2015 (International)
- Panel Sempena Pameran dan Persidangan Inovasi Kebangsaan 2015MOSTI, 2015 (Government)
- PECIPTA 2015 - Bronze Medal (Few-Mode Fibre Grating Sensor)Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, 2015 (National)
- Profesor Ulung 2015Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, 2015 (International)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2014 (University)
- Invited Speaker to the CCMR 2014CCMR, South Korea, 2014 (International)
- Outstanding Researcher (Distinguished Researcher-Sciences)University of Malaya Excellence Award 2013, 2013 (University)
- Staff With Highest External Research GrantUniversity of Malaya Excellence Award 2013, 2013 (University)
- UM EXCELLENCE AWARD, 2012 (University)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2009 (University)
- KHIDMAT SETIA 30 AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 2009 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2008 (University)
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENT SERVICEUniversity of Malaya, 2004 (University)
- EXCELLENCE SERVICE AWARDUniversity of Malaya, 1997 (University)
Article in Journal
- Thambiratnam, K., Ahmad, H., Yasin, M., Zulkifli, A. Z., Harun, S. W. 8495. Optical Non-Contact Micrometer Thickness Measurement System for Silica Thick FilmsÂ
- Abd Raziff, HH; Tan, D; Lim, KS; Yeong, CH; Wong, YH; Abdullah, BJJ; Sulaiman, N; Ahmad, H 2020. A Temperature-Controlled Laser Hot Needle With Grating Sensor for Liver Tissue Tract Ablation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT
- Ahmad, H; Ahmed, MHM; Samion, MZ; Harun, SW 2020. All fiber multiwavelength Tm-doped double-clad fiber laser assisted by four-wave mixing in highly nonlinear fiber and Sagnac loop mirror. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS.  (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.961)
- Ahmad, H; Ahmed, MHM; Samion, MZ 2020. Generation of mode-locked noise-like pulses in double-clad Tm-doped fibre laser with nonlinear optical loop mirror. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS.  (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.657)
- Ahmad, H; Ahmed, MHM; Yusoff, N; Ramli, R; Samion, MZ 2020. All fiber normal dispersion mode locked ytterbium doped double-clad fiber laser using fiber taper with WS2-ZnO saturable absorber. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Al-Alimi, AW 2020. Wide multiwavelength Brillouin-Raman fiber laser assisted by an arc-shaped fiber attenuator. APPLIED OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Albaqawi, HS; Yusoff, N; Yi, CW 2020. 56 nm Wide-Band Tunable Q-Switched Erbium Doped Fiber Laser with Tungsten Ditelluride (WTe2) Saturable Absorber. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
- Ahmad, H; Albaqawi, HSM; Yusoff, N; Chong, WY; Yasin, M 2020. Q-Switched Fiber Laser at 1.5 mu m Region Using Ti3AlC2 MAX Phase-Based Saturable Absorber. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Ahmad, H; Azmy, NF; Azmi, AN; Zulkifli, MZ; Ismail, MF 2020. Configurable triple wavelength semiconductor optical amplifier fiber laser using multiple broadband mirrors. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
- Ahmad, H; Kamely, AA; Samion, MZ 2020. S/S+-band tunable dual-wavelength thulium doped fluoride fiber laser. INFRARED PHYSICS TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Kamely, AA; Samion, MZ 2020. S/S+-band tunable dual-wavelength thulium doped fluoride fiber laser. INFRARED PHYSICS TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Ramli, R; Yusoff, N; Samion, MZ; Ismail, MF; Bayang, L; Aidit, SN; Zamzuri, AK; Thambiratnam, K 2020. 155 nm-wideband and tunable q-switched fiber laser using an MXene Ti(3)C(2)T(X)coated microfiber based saturable absorber. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS
- Ahmad, MT; Muhammad, AR; Zakaria, R; Ahmad, H; Harun, SW 2020. Electron beam deposited silver (Ag) saturable absorber as passive Q-switcher in 1.5-and 2-micron fiber lasers. OPTIK
- Almukhtar, AA; Al-Azzawi, AA; Cheng, XS; Reddy, PH; Dhar, A; Paul, MC; Ahmad, H; Harun, SW 2020. Enhanced triple-pass hybrid erbium doped fiber amplifier using distribution pumping scheme in a dual-stage configuration. OPTIK
- Chong, WS; Gan, SX; Lai, CK; Chong, WY; Choi, D; Madden, S; De La Rue, RM; Ahmad, H 2020. Configurable TE- and TM-Pass Graphene Oxide-Coated Waveguide Polarizer. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
- Ismail, N; Hafizi, ZM; Ooi, CW; Bin Zaini, MKA; Nizwan, CKE; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H 2020. Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Fabry-Perot Interferometer Sensor for Damage Detection on Thin Aluminum Plate. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL
- Nazal, NAM; Tan, D; Lim, KS; Yang, HZ; Ahmad, H 2020. Regenerated Chirped Grating-Michelson Interferometer as a Laser Beam Intensity Profiler for CO2 Laser. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT.  (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 5.744)
- Sharbirin, AS; Ahmad, H; Ismail, MF 2020. Q-switched Thulium-doped fiber laser at 1860 nm and 1930 nm using a Holmium-doped fiber as an amplified spontaneous emission filter. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY.  (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.319)
- Siddiq, NA; Chong, WY; Pramono, YH; Muntini, MS; Asnawi, A; Ahmad, H 2020. All-Optical Humidity Sensor Using SnO2 Nanoparticle Drop Coated on Straight Channel Optical Waveguide. PHOTONIC SENSORS
- Udos, W; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Ong, ZC; Zaini, MKA; Ahmad, H 2020. Signal enhancement of FBG-based cantilever accelerometer by resonance suppression using magnetic damper. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
- Zaini, MKA; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Nazal, NAM; Yang, HZ; Ahmad, H 2020. Thermal characterization of phase difference among the LP modes in two-mode fibers based on numerical approach. OPTIK
- Zamzuri, AK; Ariannejad, MM; Samion, MZ; Tan, CL; Ismail, MF; Bayang, L; Ahmad, H 2020. Narrow bandwidth optimization using a polymer microring resonator in a thulium-holmium fiber laser cavity. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
- Zamzuri, AK; Ariannejad, MM; Samion, MZ; Tan, CL; Ismail, MF; Bayang, L; Ahmad, H 2020. Narrow bandwidth optimization using a polymer microring resonator in a thulium-holmium fiber laser cavity. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
- Ahmad, H; Ahmed, MHM; Samion, MZ; Kamely, AA; Ismail, MF; Harun, SW; Thambiratnam, K 2019. Generation of sub-nanosecond pulse in dual-wavelength praseodymium fluoride fibre laser. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Ahmed, MHM; Samion, MZ; Kamely, AA; Ismail, MF; Harun, SW; Thambiratnam, K 2019. Generation of sub-nanosecond pulse in dual-wavelength praseodymium fluoride fibre laser. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Ahmed, MHM; Samion, MZ; Kamely, AA; Ismail, MF; Harun, SW; Thambiratnam, K 2019. Generation of sub-nanosecond pulse in dual-wavelength praseodymium fluoride fibre laser. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Ahmed, MHM 2019. Multiwavelength operation in praseodymium fiber laser using polarization maintaining fiber and nonlinear polarization rotation in ring cavity. OPTICAL ENGINEERING
- Ahmad, H; Ahmed, MHM 2019. Multiwavelength operation in praseodymium fiber laser using polarization maintaining fiber and nonlinear polarization rotation in ring cavity. OPTICAL ENGINEERING
- Ahmad, H; Al-Alimi, AW 2019. Wide-band multiwavelength Brillouin-Raman fiber laser based on feedback optimization. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
- Ahmad, H; Sharbirin, AS; Ismail, MF 2019. 1.8 mu m passively Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Thandavan, TMK; Thambiratnam, K 2019. Dual characteristics of molybdenum disulfide based PN heterojunction photodetector prepared via drop-cast technique. OPTIK
- Dutta, D; Paul, MC; Dhar, A; Das, S; Farid, MFM; Latiff, AA; Ahmad, H; Harun, SW 2019. Nanosecond pulse laser generation at 1.55 and 2 mu m regions by integrating a piece of newly developed chromium-doped fiber-based saturable absorber. APPLIED OPTICS
- Tan, CL; Wei, HM; Thandavam, TMK; Ramli, R; Park, M; Ahmad, H 2019. Broadband high responsivity large-area plasmonic-enhanced multilayer MoS2 on p-type silicon photodetector using Au nanostructures. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS
- Ahmad, H; Aidit, SN; Mohanraj, J; Sivabalan, S; Thambiratnam, K; Ooi, SI; Tiu, ZC 2018. Mixed Transition Metal Dichalcogenide as Saturable Absorber in Ytterbium, Praseodymium, and Erbium Fiber Laser. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Ahmad, H; Aidit, SN; Ooi, SI; Tiu, ZC 2018. Supercontinuum Micrometer-Displacement Sensor Using Single-Multi-Air-Gap-Single Mode Fiber as Sensing Probe. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL
- Ahmad, H; Aidit, SN; Ooi, SI; Tiu, ZC 2018. Tunable passively Q-switched erbium -doped fiber laser with Chitosan/MoS2 saturable absorber. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Aidit, SN; Ooi, SI; Tiu, ZC 2018. Tunable passively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser with mechanically exfoliated GaSe saturable absorber. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS
- Ahmad, H; Aidit, SN; Ooi, SI; Tiu, ZC 2018. Wide-band, passively Q-switched Yb- and Tm-doped fibre laser using WSSe saturable absorber. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Aidit, SN; Tiu, ZC 2018. Multi-wavelength Praseodymium fiber laser using stimulated Brillouin scattering. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Faruki, MJ; Jasim, AA; Ooi, SI; Thambiratnam, K 2018. Poly (N-vinyl Carbazole) - Polypyrrole/graphene oxide nanocomposite material on tapered fiber for Q-switched pulse generation. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Karim, MR; Rahman, BMA 2018. Modeling of dispersion engineered chalcogenide rib waveguide for ultraflat mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion regime. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Ooi, SI; Tiu, ZC; Rahman, BMA 2018. Q-switched laser generation using MoWS2-rGO in Erbium-doped fiber laser cavity. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
- Ahmad, H; Reduan, SA; Ooi, SI; Ismail, MA 2018. Mechanically exfoliated In2Se3 as a saturable absorber for mode-locking a thulium-doped fluoride fiber laser operating in S-band. APPLIED OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Reduan, SA; Yusoff, N 2018. Chitosan capped nickel oxide nanoparticles as a saturable absorber in a tunable passively Q-switched erbium doped fiber laser. RSC ADVANCES
- Ahmad, H; Reduan, SA; Yusoff, N 2018. Nickel oxide nanoparticles grafted with Chitosan as saturable absorber for tunable passively Q-switched fiber laser in S plus /S band. INFRARED PHYSICS TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Reduan, SA 2018. Passively Q-switched S-band thulium fluoride fiberlaser with multi-walled carbon nanotube. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS
- Ahmad, H; Reduan, SA 2018. S plus /S band passively Q-switched thulium-fluoride fiber laser based on using gallium selenide saturable absorber. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Reduan, SA 2018. Spooling diameter dependent Q-switched output in depressed cladding erbium doped laser with MoWS2 saturable absorber. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Reduan, SA 2018. Tunable Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser (TDFL) in 2.0 mu m region based on gallium selenide saturable absorber. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Samion, MZ; Sharbirin, AS; Norizan, SF; Aidit, SN; Ismail, MF 2018. Graphene-PVA saturable absorber for generation of a wavelength-tunable passively Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser in 2.0 mu m. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Soltani, S; Thambiratnam, K; Yasin, M; Ismail, MF; Tiu, ZC 2018. Passive mode-locking in erbium-doped fibre laser based on BN-GO saturable absorber. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Tajdidzadeh, M; Reduan, SA 2018. Passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser using coated reduced graphene oxide on arc-shaped single mode optical fiber as a saturable absorber. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Tajdidzadeh, M; Thambiratnam, K; Yasin, M 2018. Hydrothermally synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticle based photodetector for blue spectrum detection. OPTIK
- Ahmad, H; Tajdidzadeh, M; Thambiratnam, K; Yasin, M 2018. Infrared photodetectors based on reduced graphene oxide nanoparticles and graphene oxide. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Tajdidzadeh, M; Thandavan, TMK 2018. Heterojunction photodetector based on graphene oxide sandwiched between ITO and p-Si. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Tamil, T 2018. High responsivity, self-powered carbon-zinc oxide hybrid thin film based photodetector. APPLIED NANOSCIENCE
- Ahmad, H; Thambiratnan, K; Faruki, MJ; Azzuhri, SR 2018. Single longitudinal mode laser generation using coupled microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer filter. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Thandavan, TMK 2018. Planar hybrid carbon-decorated zinc oxide nanowires for infrared photodetection. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH
- Ahmad, H; Tiu, ZC; Ooi, SI 2018. Passive Q-switching in an erbium-doped fiber laser using tungsten sulphoselenide as a saturable absorber. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS
- Ahmad, H; Zulkhairi, AS; Azzuhri, SR 2018. Temperature sensor and fiber laser based on optical microfiber knot resonator. OPTIK
- Ahmad, H; Zulkifli, AZ; Tiu, ZC 2018. Acrylate polymer coated side-polished fiber with graphene oxide nanoparticles for ultrafast fiber laser operation. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Zulkifli, AZ; Yasin, M; Ismail, MF; Thambiratnam, K 2018. In2Se3 saturable absorber for generating tunable Q-switched outputs from a bismuth-erbium doped fiber laser. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS
- Ahmad, NA; Dahlan, SH; Cholan, NA; Ahmad, H; Amiri, IS; Tiu, ZC 2018. Dual-Wavelength Thulium Fluoride Fiber Laser Based on SMF-TMSIF-SMF Interferometer as Potential Source for Microwave Generation in 100-GHz Region. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Ahmad, NAB; Dahlan, SH; Cholan, NA; Ahmad, H; Tiu, ZC 2018. Switchable 10, 20, and 30 GHz region photonics-based microwave generation using thulium-doped fluoride fiber laser. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
- Al-Azzawi, AA; Almukhtar, AA; Reddy, PH; Dutta, D; Das, S; Dhar, A; Paul, MC; Zakaria, UN; Ahmad, H; Harun, SW 2018. Compact and flat-gain fiber optical amplifier with Hafnia-Bismuth-Erbium co-doped fiber. OPTIK
- Amiri, IS; Ariannejad, MM; Ghasemi, M; Ismail, MF; Azzuhri, SR; Nafarizal, N; Ahmad, H 2018. Visible Wireless Communications Using Solitonic Carriers Generated by Microring Resonators (MRRs). IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSACTION A-SCIENCE
- Amiri, IS; Hassan, NA; Ahmad, H 2018. Multiple supercontinuum generation based on a single mode-locked seed fiber laser. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
- Azzuhri, SR; Amiri, IS; Zulkhairi, AS; Salim, MAM; Razak, MZA; Khyasudeen, MF; Ahmad, H; Zakaria, R; Yupapin, P 2018. Application of graphene oxide based Microfiber-Knot resonator for relative humidity sensing. RESULTS IN PHYSICS
- Ding, XZ; Yang, HZ; Qiao, XG; Zhang, P; Tian, O; Rong, QZ; Nazal, NAM; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H 2018. Mach-Zehnder interferometric magnetic field sensor based on a photonic crystal fiber and magnetic fluid. APPLIED OPTICS
- Jaddoa, MF; Odah, JF; Ahmad, H; Amiri, IS; Tiu, ZC 2018. Dual-wavelength Q-switched pulse generation using D-fibre and MoS2 saturable absorber. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OPTICS
- Jaddoa, MF; Odah, JF; Ahmad, H; Amiri, IS; Tiu, ZC 2018. Dual-wavelength Q-switched pulse generation using D-fibre and MoS2 saturable absorber. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OPTICS
- Karim, MR; Ahmad, H; Ghosh, S; Rahman, BMA 2018. Design of dispersion-engineered As2Se3 channel waveguide for mid-infrared region supercontinuum generation. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
- Karim, MR; Ahmad, H; Rahman, BMA 2018. Design and modeling of dispersion-engineered all-chalcogenide triangular-core fiber for mid-infrared-region supercontinuum generation. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
- Latiff, AA; Cheng, XS; Rusdi, MFM; Paul, MC; Harun, SW; Ahmad, H 2018. Molybdenum disulfide saturable absorber for eye-safe mode-locked fiber laser generation. JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS MATERIALS
- Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Zaini, MKA; Ahmad, H 2018. Mode Splitting Based on Polarization Manipulation in Few-Mode Fiber. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Lu, K; Yang, HZ; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H; Zhang, P; Tian, Q; Ding, XZ; Qiao, XG 2018. Effect of two annealing processes on the thermal regeneration of fiber Bragg gratings in hydrogenated standard optical fibers. APPLIED OPTICS
- Safaei, R; Amiri, IS; Rezayi, M; Ahmad, H 2018. A stable dual-wavelength Q-switch using a compact passive device containing photonics crystal fiber embedded with carbon platinum. LASER PHYSICS
- Safaei, R; Amiri, IS; Sorger, VJ; Azzuhri, SRB; Rezaei, M; Ahmad, H; Yupapin, P 2018. S Generation of four-wave mixing with highly sharp idlers using 2 mm home-made side-polished fiber deposited by ZnO nanorod. LASER PHYSICS
- Siddiq, NA; Chong, WY; Yap, YK; Pramono, YH; Ahmad, H 2018. Tin(IV) oxide nanoparticles as a saturable absorber for a Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser. LASER PHYSICS
- Tan, D; Lim, KS; Zaini, MKA; Yeong, CH; Wong, YH; Yang, HZ; Ahmad, H 2018. Phase derivative thermo-spatiogram for distributed temperature sensing based on chirped grating-Michelson Interferometer. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
- Yusoff, SFAZ; Lim, CS; Azzuhri, SR; Ahmad, H; Zakaria, R 2018. Studies of Ag/TiO2 plasmonics structures integrated in side polished optical fiber used as humidity sensor. RESULTS IN PHYSICS
- Zaini, MKA; Lai, MH; Islam, MR; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H 2018. Cancellation of birefringence in DBR laser through principal axis offset by a rotation of 90 degrees. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
- Zaini, MKA; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Nazal, NAM; Yang, HZ; Ahmad, H 2018. Enhanced Optical Delay Line in Few-Mode Fiber Based on Mode Conversion Using Few-Mode Fiber Bragg Gratings. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Zhang, P; Yang, HZ; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H; Rong, QZ; Tian, Q; Ding, XZ 2018. Temperature-independent hygrometry using micromachined photonic crystal fiber. APPLIED OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Aidit, SN; Ooi, SI; Rezayi, M; Tiu, ZC 2017. Passively Q-switched and mode-locked erbium doped fiber laser based on N-doped graphene saturable absorber. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Aidit, SN; Ooi, SI; Rezayi, M; Tiu, ZC 2017. Passively Q-switched and mode-locked erbium doped fiber laser based on N-doped graphene saturable absorber. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Amiri, IS; Soltanian, MRK; Narimani, L; Zakaria, R; Ismail, MF; Thambiratnam, K 2017. High sensitivity surface plasmon resonance (SPR) refractive index sensor in 1.5 mu m. MATERIALS EXPRESS
- Ahmad, H; Hassan, H; Safaei, R; Thambiratnam, K; Amiri, IS 2017. Q-switched fiber laser using carbon platinum saturable absorber on side-polished fiber. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS
- Ahmad, H; Jasim, AA 2017. Stable C-band fiber laser with switchable multi-wavelength output using coupled microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer. OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Jasim, AA; Faruki, MJ; Rahman, MS; Thambiratnam, K 2017. Poly (N-vinylcarbazole)-polypyrrole/graphene oxide nanocomposites based microfiber interferometer for high stability temperature sensor. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
- Ahmad, H; Jasim, AA 2017. Fabrication and Characterization of 2 x 2 Microfiber Coupler for Generating Two Output Stable Multiwavelength Fiber Lasers. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Ooi, SI; Razak, MZA; Azzuhri, SR; Jasim, AA; Thambiratnam, K; Ismail, MF; Ismail, MA 2017. Investigation of ellipticity and pump power in a passively mode-locked fiber laser using the nonlinear polarization rotation technique. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS
- Ahmad, H; Reduan, SA; Hassan, NA; Ooi, SI; Tiu, ZC 2017. S-band Q-switched thulium fluoride fiber laser using graphene saturable absorber. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Safaei, R; Rezayi, M; Amiri, IS 2017. Novel D-shaped fiber fabrication method for saturable absorber application in the generation of ultra-short pulses. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS
- Ahmad, H; Sakeh, SNA; Muda, Z; Zulkifli, MZ; Harun, SW 2017. Multiwavelength Brillouin fibre laser in two-mode fiber. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Salim, MAM 2017. TiO2-Based Q-Switched Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Laser. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Ahmad, H; Sharbirin, AS; Muhamad, A; Samion, MZ; Ismail, MF 2017. 2 mu m mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser using Mach-Zehnder interferometer tuning capability. LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H; Sharbirin, AS; Muhamad, A; Samion, MZ; Reduan, SA; Zulkifli, AZ; Ismail, MF 2017. Aluminized Film as Saturable Absorber for Generating Passive Q-Switched Pulses in the Two-Micron Region. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
- Ahmad, H; Sharbirin, AS; Samion, MZ; Ismail, MF 2017. All-fiber multimode interferometer for the generation of a switchable multi-wavelength thulium-doped fiber laser. APPLIED OPTICS
- Ahmad, H; Tahrin, RAA; Azman, N; Kassim, S; Ismail, MA; Maah, MJ 2017. 1.5-micron fiber laser passively mode-locked by gold nanoparticles saturable absorber. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
- Ahmad, H; Tahrin, RAA; Azman, N; Kassim, S; Ismail, MA; Maah, MJ 2017. 1.5-micron fiber laser passively mode-locked by gold nanoparticles saturable absorber. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
- Ahmad, H; Tajdidzadeh, M; Rezayi, M; Amiri, IS 2017. Passive mode-locking at S-band by single-mode thulium-doped fluoride fiber using a thin film PtAg/N-G saturable absorber. JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS
- Ahmad, H; Thandavan, TMK; Ariannejad, MM; Yi, CW; Nor, RM; Amiri, IS 2017. Enhanced Photoresponsivity From Hybrid-ZnO Nanowires With White LED 400-700-nm Illumination. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Ahmad, H; Zulkifli, AZ; Ooi, SI; Tiu, ZC 2017. Stable dual-wavelength thulium-doped fluoride fiber laser at S-band region with WS2 as birefringence element. OPTIK
- Amiri, IS; Hindia, MN; Reza, AW; Ahmad, H; Yupapin, P 2017. LTE smart grid performance gains with additional remote antenna units via radio over fiber using a microring resonator system. OPTICAL SWITCHING AND NETWORKING
- Babar, IM; Harun, SW; Yasin, M; Ahmad, H 2017. Mode-locking pulse generation in cladding pumped Erbium-Ytterbium co-doped fiber laser with graphene PVA film. OPTIK
- Chew, SP; Zulkifli, AZ; Masnan, SEF; Akib, SM; Harun, SW; Adikan, FRM; Ahmad, H 2017. Water wave gauge based on singlemode-multimode-singlemode fiber structure. OPTIK
- Harith, Z; Batumalay, M; Irawati, N; Harun, SW; Arof, H; Ahmad, H 2017. Relative humidity sensor employing tapered plastic optical fiber coated with seeded Al-doped ZnO. OPTIK
- Hisamuddin, N; Jusoh, Z; Zakaria, UN; Zulkifli, MZ; Latiff, AA; Yasin, M; Ahmad, H; Harun, SW 2017. Q-switched Raman fiber laser with titanium dioxide based saturable absorber. OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS
- Irawati, N; Isa, NM; Mohamed, AF; Rahman, HA; Harun, SW; Ahmad, H 2017. Optical Microfiber Sensing of Adulterated Honey. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL
- Irawati, N; Rahman, HA; Yasin, M; Al-Askari, S; Hamida, BA; Ahmad, H; Harun, SW 2017. Relative Humidity Sensing Using a PMMA Doped Agarose Gel Microfiber. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
- Jasim, AA; Ahmad, H 2017. A highly stable and switchable dual-wavelength laser using coupled microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer as an optical filter. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Karim, MR; Ahmad, H; Rahman, BMA 2017. All-Normal Dispersion Chalcogenide PCF for Ultraflat Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
- Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Islam, MR; Lai, MH; Ahmad, H 2017. Dynamic LP01-LP11 Mode Conversion by a Tilted Binary Phase Plate. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
- Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Zaini, MKA; Ahmad, H 2017. LP11-LP01 Mode Conversion Based on an Angled-Facet Two-Mode Fiber. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
- Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Zaini, MKA; Ahmad, H 2017. LP11-LP01 Mode Conversion Based on an Angled-Facet Two-Mode Fiber. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
- Liu, H; Yang, HZ; Qiao, XG; Wang, YQ; Liu, XC; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H 2017. Curvature and Temperature Measurement Based on a Few-Mode PCF Formed M-Z-I and an Embedded FBG. SENSORS
- Liu, H; Yang, HZ; Qiao, XG; Wang, YQ; Liu, XC; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H 2017. Curvature and Temperature Measurement Based on a Few-Mode PCF Formed M-Z-I and an Embedded FBG. SENSORS
- Liu, H; Yang, HZ; Qiao, XG; Wang, YQ; Liu, XC; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H 2017. Curvature and Temperature Measurement Based on a Few-Mode PCF Formed M-Z-I and an Embedded FBG. SENSORS
- Liu, H; Yang, HZ; Qiao, XG; Wang, YQ; Liu, XC; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Ahmad, H 2017. Curvature and Temperature Measurement Based on a Few-Mode PCF Formed M-Z-I and an Embedded FBG. SENSORS
- Shaharuddin, RA; Azzuhri, SA; Ismail, MA; Rashid, FAA; Samion, MZ; Razak, MZA; Ahmad, H 2017. Tunable Q-switched ytterbium-doped fibre laser by using zinc oxide as saturable absorber. OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW
- Soltanian, MRK; Amiri, IS; Ariannejad, MM; Ahmad, H; Yupapin, P 2017. A simple humidity sensor utilizing air-gap as sensing part of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Zaini, MKA; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Nazal, NAM; Zohari, MH; Ahmad, H 2017. Axial stress profiling for few-mode fiber Bragg grating based on resonant wavelength shifts during etching process. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
- Zaini, MKA; Lee, YS; Lim, KS; Nazal, NAM; Zohari, MH; Ahmad, H 2017. Axial stress profiling for few-mode fiber Bragg grating based on resonant wavelength shifts during etching process. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS
- Zakaria, R; Kam, W; Ong, YS; Yusoff, SFAZ; Ahmad, H; Mohammed, WS 2017. Fabrication and simulation studies on D-shaped optical fiber sensor via surface plasmon resonance. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS
- Zhang, P; Yang, HZ; Wang, YP; Liu, H; Lim, KS; Gunawardena, DS; Ahmad, H 2017. Strain measurement at temperatures up to 800 degrees C using regenerated gratings produced in the high Ge-doped and B/Ge co-doped fibers. APPLIED OPTICS
- Zulkifli, AZ; Kadir, NAA; Ismail, EI; Yasin, M; Jusoh, Z; Ahmad, H; Harun, SW 2017. Dual-wavelength fiber laser with a bent single-mode multimode single-mode fiber structure. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS
- abd Manaf, A; Ghadiry, M; Soltanian, R; Ahmad, H; Lai, CK 2017. Picomole Dopamine Detection Using Optical Chips. PLASMONICS
- Ahmad, H., Aidit, S. N., Hassan, N. A., Ismail, M. F., Tiu, Z. C. 2016. Generation of mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser using MoSe2 as saturable absorber Optical Engineering
- Ahmad, H., Amiri, I. S., Soltanian, M. R. K., Latif, A. A., Norizan, S. F., Alavi, S. E. 2016. Multi dual-wavelength generation using InGaksP/InP passive microring resonator with two sides apodized gratings Materials Express
- Ahmad, H., Hassan, N. A., Aidit, S. N., Tiu, Z. C. 2016. Generation of tunable multi-wavelength EDFL by using graphene thin film as nonlinear medium and stabilizer Optics and Laser Technology
- Ahmad, H., Hassan, S. N. M., Ahmad, F., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2016. Broadband tuning in a passively Q-switched erbium doped fiber laser (EDFL) via multiwall carbon nanotubesipolyvinyl alcohol (MWCNT/PVA) saturable absorber Optics Communications
- Ahmad, H., Ismail, M. A., Suthaskumar, M., Tiu, Z. C., Harun, S. W., Zulkifli, M. Z., Samikannu, S., Sivaraj, S. 2016. S-band Q-switched fiber laser using molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) saturable absorber Laser Physics Letters
- Ahmad, H., Lee, C. S. J., Ismail, M. A., Ali, Z. A., Reduan, S. A., Ruslan, N. E., Harun, S. W. 2016. Tunable Q-switched fiber laser using zinc oxide nanoparticles as a saturable absorber Applied Optics
- Ahmad, H., Lee, C. S. J., Ismail, M. A., Ali, Z. A., Reduan, S. A., Ruslan, N. E., Ismail, M. F., Harun, S. W. 2016. Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles as saturable absorber in passively Q-switched fiber laser Optics Communications
- Ahmad, H., Rahman, M. T., Sakeh, S. N. A., Razak, M. Z. A., Zulkifli, M. Z. 2016. Humidity sensor based on microfiber resonator with reduced graphene oxide Optik
- Ahmad, H., Rashid, F. A. A., Azzuhri, S. R., Salim, M. A. M., Shaharuddin, R. A., Ismail, M. A., Razak, M. Z. A. 2016. The generation of passive dual wavelengths Q-switched YDFL by MoSe2 film Laser Physics Letters
- Ahmad, H., Reduan, S. A., Ali, Z. A., Ismail, M. A., Ruslan, N. E., Lee, C. S. J., Puteh, R., Harun, S. W. 2016. C-Band Q-Switched Fiber Laser Using Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) As Saturable Absorber Ieee Photonics Journal
- Ahmad, H., Ruslan, N. E., Ali, Z. A., Reduan, S. A., Lee, C. S. J., Shaharuddin, R. A., Nayan, N., Ismail, M. A. 2016. Ag-nanoparticle as a Q switched device for tunable C-band fiber laser Optics Communications
- Ahmad, H., Ruslan, N. E., Ismail, M. A., Ali, Z. A., Reduan, S. A., Lee, C. S. J., Harun, S. W. 2016. Silver nanoparticle-film based saturable absorber for passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) in ring cavity configuration Laser Physics
- Ahmad, H., Ruslan, N. E., Ismail, M. A., Reduan, S. A., Lee, C. S. J., Sathiyan, S., Sivabalan, S., Harun, S. W. 2016. Passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser at C-band region based on WS2 saturable absorber Applied Optics
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Ali, Z. A., Ismail, M. F., Thambiratnam, K., Latif, A. A., Nayan, N., Harun, S. W. 2016. Titanium dioxide-based Q-switched dual wavelength in the 1 micron region Chinese Optics Letters
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Azzuhri, S. R., Harun, S. W. 2016. Highly stable and tunable narrow-spacing dual-wavelength ytterbium-doped fiber using a microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer Optical Engineering
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Azzuhri, S. R., Jaddoa, M. F., Harun, S. W. 2016. Tunable dual-wavelength ytterbium-doped fiber laser using a strain technique on microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer Applied Optics
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Azzuhri, S. R., Soltanian, M. R. K., Harun, S. W., Yasin, M. 2016. Generation of an ultra-stable dual-wavelength ytterbium-doped fiber laser using a photonic crystal fiber Laser Physics
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Soltanian, M. R. K., Azzuhri, S. R., Harun, S. W., Yasin, M. 2016. Generation of stable and narrow spacing dual-wavelength ytterbium-doped fiber laser using a photonic crystal fiber Journal of Modern Optics
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Thambiratnam, K., Norizan, S. F., Harun, S. W. 2016. A black phosphorus-based tunable Q-switched ytterbium fiber laser Laser Physics Letters
- Ahmad, H., Suthaskumar, M., Tiu, Z. C., Zarei, A., Harun, S. W. 2016. Q-switched Erbium-doped fiber laser using MoSe2 as saturable absorber Optics and Laser Technology
- Ahmad, H., Tiu, Z. C., Zarei, A., Suthaskumar, M., Salim, M. A. M., Harun, S. W. 2016. Domain-wall dark pulse generation in fiber laser incorporating MoS2 Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, A. Z., Yasin, M., Thambiratnam, K. 2016. Q-switched dual-wavelength fiber laser using a graphene oxide saturable absorber and singlemode-multimode-singlemode fiber structure Laser Physics Letters
- Ahmed, M. H. M., Latiff, A. A., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Soliton mode-locked erbium-doped fibre laser with mechanically exfoliated molybdenum disulphide saturable absorber Iet Optoelectronics
- Ahmed, M. H. M., Latiff, A. A., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Femtosecond mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser based on MoS2-PVA saturable absorber Optics and Laser Technology
- Alavi, S. E., Amiri, I. S., Soltanian, M. R. K., Penny, R., Supaat, A. S. M., Ahmad, H. 2016. Multiwavelength generation using an add-drop microring resonator integrated with an InGaAsP/InP sampled grating distributed feedback Chinese Optics Letters
- Alavi, S. E., Soltanian, M. R. K., Amiri, I. S., Khalily, M., Supaat, A. S. M., Ahmad, H. 2016. Towards 5G: A Photonic Based Millimeter Wave Signal Generation for Applying in 5G Access Fronthaul Scientific Reports
- Amiri, I. S., Ahmad, H., Ghasemi, M., Ismail, M. F., Aidit, S. N., Soltanian, M. R. K., Nafarizal, N. 2016. Silicon-based microring resonators for multi-solitons generation for THz communication Optical and Quantum Electronics
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Soltanian, M. R. K., Penny, R., Supaat, A. S. M., Fisal, N., Ahmad, H. 2016. 2 x 2 MIMO-OFDM-RoF generation and transmission of double V-Band signals using a microring resonator system Optical and Quantum Electronics
- Azzuhri, S. R., Ahmad, H., Portmann, M., Ahmedy, I., Pathak, R. 2016. An Efficient Hybrid MANET-DTN Routing Scheme for OLSR Wireless Personal Communications
- Cheong, Y. K., Lim, W. H., Lee, S. H., Pua, C. H., Chong, W. Y., Ahmad, H. 2016. 405 nm laser processing of thin SU-8 polymer film Optik
- Chong, W. Y., Lim, W. H., Yap, Y. K., Lai, C. K., De La Rue, R. M., Ahmad, H. 2016. Photo-induced reduction of graphene oxide coating on optical waveguide and consequent optical intermodulation Scientific Reports
- Ghadiry, M., Ahmad, H., Hivechi, A., Tavakoli, F., Abd Manaf, A. 2016. Exploiting Edge Effect to Control Generation Rate and Breakdown Voltage in Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistors Plasmonics
- Ghadiry, M., Ahmad, H., Yi, C. W., Abd Manaf, A. 2016. New device structures for graphene nanoribbon field effect transistors Materials Express
- Ghadiry, M., Gholami, M., Kong, L. C., Yi, C. W., Ahmad, H., Alias, Y. 2016. Nano-Anatase TiO2 for High Performance Optical Humidity Sensing on Chip Sensors
- Ghadiry, M., Gholami, M., Lai, C. K., Ahmad, H., Chong, W. Y. 2016. Ultra-Sensitive Humidity Sensor Based on Optical Properties of Graphene Oxide and Nano-Anatase TiO2 Plos One
- Ghasemi, M., Amiri, I. S., Ariannejad, M. M., Ahmad, H. 2016. Semiconducting subwavelength and nonsubwavelength grating microring resonator as a femtosecond time delayer: a comparative analysis Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics
- Gunawardena, D. S., Lai, M. H., Lim, K. S., Malekmohammadi, A., Ahmad, H. 2016. Fabrication of thermal enduring FBG sensor based on thermal induced reversible effect Sensors and Actuators a-Physical
- Gunawardena, D. S., Mat-Sharif, K. A., Lai, M. H., Lim, K. S., Tamchek, N., Omar, N. Y. M., Emami, S. D., Muhamad-Yasin, S. Z., Zulkifli, M. I., Yusoff, Z., Yang, H. Z., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Ahmad, H. 2016. Thermal Activation of Regenerated Grating in Hydrogenated Gallosilicate Fiber Ieee Sensors Journal
- H Ahmad, M Ghadiry and A Abd Manaf (2016). A new approach to study the effect of generation rate on drain-source current of bilayer graphene transistors. Indian J Phys, 90(10), 1127 1132.
- Hamida, B. A., Azooz, S. M., Jasim, A. A., Eltaif, T., Khan, S., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Flat-gain wide-band erbium doped fiber amplifier with hybrid gain medium Optik
- Harith Ahmad, Mahdiar Ghadiry, and Asrulnizam Abd Manaf. (2016). A new approach to study carrier generation in graphene nanoribbons under lateral bias. American Scientific Publishers, 6(3), 283-288.
- Harun, S. W., Shamsudin, H., Ahmad, H., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2016. Development of CW and Pulsed Thulium Ytterbium Co-doped Fiber Lasers Using Nano-engineered Yttria-alimina-silica Based Gain Medium in Conjunction with Cladding Pumping Technique Current Nanoscience
- Hisamuddin, N., Zakaria, U. N., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latiff, A. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Q-Switched Raman Fiber Laser with Molybdenum Disulfide-Based Passive Saturable Absorber Chinese Physics Letters
- Islam, M. R., Gunawardena, D. S., Lee, Y. S., Lim, K. S., Yang, H. Z., Ahmad, H. 2016. Fabrication and characterization of laser-ablated cladding resonances of two different-diameter photosensitive optical fibers Sensors and Actuators a-Physical
- Ismail, E. I., Kadir, N. A., Latiff, A. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Black phosphorus crystal as a saturable absorber for both a Q-switched and mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser Rsc Advances
- Jaddoa, M. F., Faruki, M. J., Razak, M. Z. A., Azzuhri, S. R., Ahmad, H. 2016. Passively Q-switched fibre laser based on interaction of evanescent field in optical microfibre with graphene-oxide saturable absorber Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics
- Jaddoa, M. F., Jasim, A. A., Razak, M. Z. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2016. Highly responsive NaCl detector based on inline microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer Sensors and Actuators a-Physical
- Lai, M. H., Gunawardena, D. S., Lim, K. S., Machavaram, V. R., Lee, S. H., Chong, W. Y., Lee, Y. S., Ahmad, H. 2016. Thermal activation of regenerated fiber Bragg grating in few mode fibers Optical Fiber Technology
- Latiff, A. A., Dhar, A., Harun, S. W., Babar, I. M., Das, S., Paul, M. C., Ahmad, H. 2016. Dual-Wavelength Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser Pumped by Thulium-Ytterbium Co-Doped Fiber Laser Chinese Physics Letters
- Latiff, A. A., Shamsudin, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser operating at 1940 nm region using a pencil-core as saturable absorber Journal of Modern Optics
- Latiff, A. A., Shamsudin, H., Aziz, N. S. A., Hashim, A. M., Irawati, N., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Mode-locked generation in thulium-doped fiber linear cavity laser Optik
- Lim, K. S., Islam, M. R., Lee, Y. S., Yang, H. Z., Ahmad, H. 2016. LP01-LP11 Cross-Mode Interference in a Chirped Grating Inscribed in Two-Mode Fiber Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Liu, H., Yang, H. Z., Qiao, X. G., Hu, M. L., Feng, Z. Y., Wang, R. H., Rong, Q. Z., Gunawardena, D. S., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2016. Strain measurement at high temperature environment based on Fabry-Perot interferometer cascaded fiber regeneration grating Sensors and Actuators a-Physical
- Markom, A. M., Paul, M. C., Dhar, A., Das, S., Yasin, M., Apsari, R., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. L-band mode-locked fiber laser delivering adjustable bright and dark pulses with erbium zirconia yttria aluminum co-doped fiber Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Nodehi, S., Mohammed, W. S., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Realization of spectral tunable filter based on thermal effect in microfiber structure Optical Fiber Technology
- Nodehi, S., Mohammed, W. S., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Demonstration of a Periodic Passband Filter Based on Coupled Microfiber Knots Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Nodehi, S., Mohammed, W. S., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Fabrication and characterization of high order filter based on resonance in hybrid multi-knots microfiber structure Optics and Laser Technology
- Qazi, H. H., Mohammad, A. B., Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z. 2016. D-Shaped Polarization Maintaining Fiber Sensor for Strain and Temperature Monitoring Sensors
- Qazi, H. H., bin Mohammad, A. B., Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2016. Single-mode D-shaped optical fiber sensor for the refractive index monitoring of liquid Journal of Modern Optics
- Rashid, F. A. A., Azzuhri, S. R., Salim, M. A. M., Shaharuddin, R. A., Ismail, M. A., Ismail, M. F., Razak, M. Z. A., Ahmad, H. 2016. Using a black phosphorus saturable absorber to generate dual wavelengths in a Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser Laser Physics Letters
- Rifin, S. N. M., Zulkifli, M. Z., Hassan, S. N. M., Munajat, Y., Ahmad, H. 2016. Broadband supercontinuum generation with femtosecond pulse width in erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) Laser Physics
- Saidin, N., Zen, D. I. M., Ahmad, F., Haris, H., Ahmad, H., Dimyati, K., Harun, S. W., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2016. Q-switched 2 mu m thulium bismuth co-doped fiber laser with multi-walled carbon nanotubes saturable absorber Optics and Laser Technology
- Samion, M. Z., Ismail, M. F., Muhamad, A., Sharbirin, A. S., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2016. Tunable passively Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser operating at 1.9 mu m using arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) Optics Communications
- Shamsudin, H., Latiff, A. A., Razak, N. N., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Multi-wavelength thulium-doped fiber laser operating at slope efficiency of 16.57% in linear cavity configuration Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Soltanian, M. R. K., Sharbirin, A. S., Ariannejad, M. M., Amiri, I. S., De La Rue, R. M., Brambilla, G., Rahman, B. M. A., Grattan, K. T. V., Ahmad, H. 2016. Variable Waist-Diameter Mach-Zehnder Tapered-Fiber Interferometer as Humidity and Temperature Sensor Ieee Sensors Journal
- Tiu, Z. C., Ahmad, H., Zarei, A., Harun, S. W. 2016. Generation of multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser by using MoSe2 thin film as nonlinear medium and stabilizer Chinese Optics Letters
- Tiu, Z. C., Aidit, S. N., Hassan, N. A., Bin Ismail, M. F., Ahmad, H. 2016. Single and Double Brillouin Frequency Spacing Multi-Wavelength Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser With Micro-Air Gap Cavity Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics
- Tiu, Z. C., Zarei, A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Generation of Q-Switched Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Operating in Dark Regime Chinese Physics Letters
- Tiu, Z. C., Zarei, A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2016. Multi-wavelength mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with photonic crystal fiber in figure-of-eight cavity Optik
- Ab Razak, M. Z., Reduan, S. A., Sharbirin, A. S., Jamaludin, N., Zulkifli, M. Z., Ahmad, H. 2015. Noncontact Optical Displacement Sensor Using an Adiabatic U-Shaped Tapered Fiber Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.762)
- Afroozeh, A., Amiri, I. S., Pourmand, S. E., Zeinalinezhad, A., Alavi, S. E., Ahmad, H. 2015. Comparison of Control Light Using Kramers-Kronig Method by Three Waveguides Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
- Ahmad, H., Dernaika, M. 2015. Stabilized single longitudinal mode fibre ring laser based on an inline dual taper Mach Zehnder interferometer filter coated with graphene oxide Optics Communications
- Ahmad, H., Hamdan, K. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Harun, S. W., Zulkifli, M. Z. 2015. Switchable dual-wavelength CNT-based Q-switched using arrayed waveguide gratings (AWG) Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics
- Ahmad, H., Kutty, N. A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2015. Effect of the doped fibre length on soliton pulses of a bidirectional mode-locked fibre laser Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.633)
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Azzuhri, S. R., Soltanian, M. R. K., Harun, S. W. 2015. A passively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on a few-layer Bi2Se3 saturable absorber Laser Physics
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Azzuhri, S. R., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2015. Dual wavelength single longitudinal mode Ytterbium-doped fiber laser using a dual-tapered Mach-Zehnder interferometer Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
- Ahmad, H., Salim, M. A. M., Soltanian, M. R. K., Azzuhri, S. R., Harun, S. W. 2015. Passively dual-wavelength Q-switched ytterbium doped fiber laser using Selenium Bismuth as saturable absorber Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.008)
- Ahmad, H., Semangun, J. M., Azzuhri, S. R., Zulkifli, M. Z., Awang, N. A., Harun, S. W. 2015. Passively mode-locked laser using an entirely centred erbium-doped fiber Laser Physics
- Ahmad, H., Soltanian, M. R. K., Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Othman, A. R., Supaat, A. S. M. 2015. Carriers Generated by Mode-Locked Laser to Increase Serviceable Channels in Radio Over Free Space Optical Systems Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.209)
- Ahmad, H., Soltanian, M. R. K., Narimani, L., Amiri, I. S., Khodaei, A., Harun, S. W. 2015. Tunable S-Band Q-Switched Fiber Laser Using Bi2Se3 as the Saturable Absorber Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.209)
- Ahmad, M. T., Latiff, A. A., Shamsudin, H., Zakaria, Z., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Wavelength-tuneable thulium-doped fiber laser based on fiber Bragg grating stretching Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Alavi, S. E., Amiri, I. S., Ahmad, H., Fisal, N., Supaat, A. S. M. 2015. Optical Amplification of Tweezers and Bright Soliton Using an Interferometer Ring Resonator System Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
- Ali, M. M., Islam, M. R., Lim, K. S., Gunawardena, D. S., Yang, H. Z., Ahmad, H. 2015. PCF-Cavity FBG Fabry-Perot Resonator for Simultaneous Measurement of Pressure and Temperature Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.762)
- Ali, M. M., Jung, Y. M., Lim, K. S., Islam, M. R., Shaif-Ul, A., Richardson, D. J., Ahmad, H. 2015. Characterization of Mode Coupling in Few-Mode FBG With Selective Mode Excitation Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Ahmad, H. 2015. Analytical Treatment of the Ring Resonator Passive Systems and Bandwidth Characterization Using Directional Coupling Coefficients Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Ahmad, H. 2015. Radio Frequency Signal Generation and Wireless Transmission Using PANDA and Add/Drop Systems Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Ahmad, H., Supaat, A. S. M., Fisal, N. 2015. Numerical computation of solitonic pulse generation for terabit/sec data transmission Optical and Quantum Electronics
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Bahadoran, M., Afroozeh, A., Ahmad, H. 2015. Nanometer Bandwidth Soliton Generation and Experimental Transmission Within Nonlinear Fiber Optics Using an Add-Drop Filter System Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Soltanian, M. R. K., Ahmad, H., Fisal, N., Supaat, A. S. M. 2015. Experimental Measurement of Fiber-Wireless Transmission via Multimode-Locked Solitons From a Ring Laser EDF Cavity Ieee Photonics Journal
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Soltanian, M. R. K., Fisal, N., Supaat, A. S. M., Ahmad, H. 2015. Increment of Access Points in Integrated System of Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Radio over Fiber Scientific Reports
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Soltanian, M. R. K., Supaat, A. S. M., Fisal, N., Ahmad, H. 2015. Generation of Femtosecond Soliton Tweezers Using a Half-Panda System for Modeling the Trapping of a Human Red Blood Cell Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
- Amiri, I. S., Soltanian, M. R. K., Alavi, S. E., Ahmad, H. 2015. Multi wavelength mode-lock soliton generation using fiber laser loop coupled to an add-drop ring resonator Optical and Quantum Electronics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.987)
- Azooz, S. M., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., Hamida, B. A., Khan, S., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2015. Mode-locked 2 mu m fiber laser with a multi-walled carbon nanotube as a saturable absorber Chinese Optics Letters
- Azooz, S. M., Ahmed, M. H. M., Ahmad, F., Hamida, B. A., Khan, S., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Passively Q-switched fiber lasers using a multi-walled carbon nanotube polymer composite based saturable absorber Optik
- Azooz, S. M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Bhadra, S. K. 2015. A Q-switched fibre laser operating in the 2 mu m region based on nonlinear polarization rotation technique Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics
- Azooz, S. M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2015. Mode-Locked Thulium Ytterbium Co-Doped Fiber Laser with Graphene Oxide Paper Saturable Absorber Chinese Physics Letters
- Babar, I. M., Sabran, M. B. S., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Paul, M. C., Halder, A., Das, S., Bhadra, S. K. 2015. Q-switched thulium-ytterbium co-doped fibre laser using newly developed octagonal shaped inner cladding double-clad active fibre and multi-walled carbon nanotubes passive saturable absorber Iet Optoelectronics
- Babar, I. M., Sabran, M. B. S., Rahman, A. A., Manaf, M., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Multi-lobed double-clad Erbium-Ytterbium co-doped Q-switched fiber laser based on nonlinear polarisation rotation technique Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials
- Batumalay, M., Harun, S. W., Irawati, N., Ahmad, H., Arof, H. 2015. A Study of Relative Humidity Fiber-Optic Sensors Ieee Sensors Journal
- Chong, W. Y., Yap, Y. K., Ahmad, H. 2015. Low-Threshold Q-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Using Molybdenum Disulphide Saturable Absorber Prepared Through Evaporitic Formation Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.209)
- Emami, S. D., Khodaei, A., Gandan, S., Penny, R., Lim, K. S., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Ahmad, H. 2015. Thulium-doped fiber laser utilizing a photonic crystal fiber-based optical low-pass filter with application in 1.7 mu m and 1.8 mu m band Optics Express. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.488)
- Emami, S. D., Soltanian, M. R. K., Attaran, A., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Penny, R., Moghavvemi, M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Mohammed, W. S. 2015. Application of Fano resonance effects in optical antennas formed by regular clusters of nanospheres Applied Physics a-Materials Science Processing
- Gunawardena, D. S., Lai, M. H., Lim, K. S., Ali, M. M., Ahmad, H. 2015. Measurement of grating visibility of a fiber Bragg grating based on bent-spectral analysis Applied Optics
- Gunawardena, D. S., Mat-Sharif, K. A., Tamchek, N., Lai, M. H., Omar, N. Y. M., Emami, S. D., Muhamad-Yasin, S. Z., Zulkifli, M. I., Yusoff, Z., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2015. Photosensitivity of gallium-doped silica core fiber to 193 nm ArF excimer laser Applied Optics
- Hamida, B. A., Azooz, S. M., Jasim, A. A., Eltaif, T., Ahmad, H., Khan, S., Harun, S. W. 2015. Flat-gain wide-band erbium doped fiber amplifier by combining two difference doped fibers Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
- Harith, Z., Irawati, N., Rafaie, H. A., Batumalay, M., Harun, S. W., Nor, R. M., Ahmad, H. 2015. Tapered Plastic Optical Fiber Coated With Al-Doped ZnO Nanostructures for Detecting Relative Humidity Ieee Sensors Journal
- Hmood, J. K., Emami, S. D., Noordin, K. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., Shalaby, H. M. H. 2015. Optical frequency comb generation based on chirping of Mach-Zehnder Modulators Optics Communications
- Hmood, J. K., Harun, S. W., Emami, S. D., Khodaei, A., Noordin, K. A., Ahmad, H., Shalaby, H. M. H. 2015. Performance analysis of an all-optical OFDM system in presence of non-linear phase noise Optics Express
- Hmood, J. K., Noordin, K. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Performance improvement of all-optical OFDM systems based on combining RZ coding with m-array QAM Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
- Ibrahim, S. A., Rahman, N. A., Abu Bakar, M. H., Girei, S. H., Yaacob, M. H., Ahmad, H., Mahdi, M. A. 2015. Room temperature ammonia sensing using tapered multimode fiber coated with polyaniline nanofibers Optics Express
- Irawati, N., Harun, S. W., Adwan, S., Alnowami, M., Ahmad, H. 2015. PMMA MICROFIBER COATED WITH AL-DOPED ZNO NANOSTRUCTURES FOR DETECTING URIC ACID Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.568)
- Irawati, N., Suthaskumar, M., John, V., Ali, N. M., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. FABRICATION OF POLYMER MICROFIBER BY DIRECT DRAWING Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Islam, M. R., Ali, M. M., Lai, M. H., Lim, K. S., Gunawardena, D. S., Machavaram, V. R., Ahmad, H. 2015. Wide-range in-fibre Fabry-Perot resonator for ultrasonic sensing Iet Optoelectronics
- Islam, M. R., Bagherifaez, M., Ali, M. M., Chai, H. K., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2015. Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for Reinforcement Corrosion Measurement in Marine Concrete Structure Ieee Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
- Ismail, M. F. B., Dernaika, M., Khodaei, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2015. Tunable dual-wavelength thulium-doped fiber laser at 1.8 mu m region using spatial-mode beating Journal of Modern Optics
- Jasim, A. A., Dernaika, M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2015. A Switchable Figure Eight Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Inter-Modal Beating By Means of Non-Adiabatic Microfiber Journal of Lightwave Technology
- Kharraz, O. M., Ahmad, H., Mohammad, A. B., Forsyth, D. I., Dernaika, M., Harun, S. W. 2015. Performance enhancement of pre-spectrum slicing technique for wavelength conversion Optics Communications
- Kharraz, O. M., Mohammad, A. B. B., Forsyth, D. I., Jasim, A. A., Ahmad, H. 2015. Polarization-independent ASE four-wave mixing in a fast semiconductor optical amplifier Optics Communications
- Lai, M. H., Gunawardena, D. S., Lim, K. S., Yang, H. Z., Ahmad, H. 2015. Observation of grating regeneration by direct CO2 laser annealing Optics Express
- Lai, M. H., Lim, K. S., Gunawardena, D. S., Yang, H. Z., Chong, W. Y., Ahmad, H. 2015. Thermal stress modification in regenerated fiber Bragg grating via manipulation of glass transition temperature based on CO2-laser annealing Optics Letters
- Lai, M. H., Lim, K. S., Islam, M. R., Gunawardena, D. S., Yang, H. Z., Ahmad, H. 2015. Effect of CO2 Laser Annealing on Stress Applying Parts Contributing Toward Birefringence Modification in Regenerated Grating in Polarization Maintaining Fiber Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.209)
- Lim, K. S., Gunawardena, D. S., Lai, M. H., Islam, M. R., Yang, H. Z., Qiao, X. G., Mohammadi, A. M., Ahmad, H. 2015. Characterization of phasemask interference visibility and the evolution of grating visibility during grating formation Measurement
- Markom, A. M., Roslib, N. S., Hamzah, A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Q-switched Erbium-doped fiber laser with solid state saturable absorber fiber Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Nodehi, S., Mohammed, W. S., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Investigation of thermal effects in a resonance condition of microfibre double-knot resonators as high-order filter Micro Nano Letters
- Paul, M. C., Dhar, A., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K., Markom, A. M., Rosli, N. S., Hamzah, A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Enhanced Erbium-Zirconia-Yttria-Aluminum Co-Doped Fiber Amplifier Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.209)
- Qiao, X. G., Wang, Y. P., Yang, H. Z., Guo, T. A., Rong, Q. Z., Li, L., Su, D., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2015. Ultrahigh-Temperature Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating Through Thermal Activation Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Razak, N. F., Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Munajat, Y., Harun, S. W. 2015. Single mode EDF fiber laser using an ultra-narrow bandwidth tunable optical filter Indian Journal of Pure Applied Physics. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.766)
- Razak, N. F., Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Munajat, Y., Harun, S. W. 2015. Single mode EDF fiber laser using an ultra-narrow bandwidth tunable optical filter Optik
- Rong, Q. Z., Qiao, X. G., Yang, H. Z., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2015. Fiber Bragg Grating Inscription in a Thin-Core Fiber for Displacement Measurement Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Saidin, N., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Ali, S. M. M., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2015. ENHANCEMENT OF THULIUM-YTTERBIUM DOPED FIBER LASER EFFICIENCY USING DUAL-PUMPING METHOD Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.568)
- Sathiyan, S., Ahmad, H., Chong, W. Y., Lee, S. H., Sivabalan, S. 2015. Evolution of the Polarizing Effect of MoS2 Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.209)
- Shirazi, M. R., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2015. Effective use of an EDFA and Raman pump residual powers via a Bi-EDF in L-band multi-wavelength fiber laser generation Laser Physics
- Shirazi, M. R., Taib, J. M., De La Rue, R. M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2015. Dynamic characteristics of a multi-wavelength Brillouin-Raman fiber laser assisted by multiple four-wave mixing processes in a ring cavity Optics and Laser Technology
- Soltanian, M. R. K., Ahmad, H., Khodaie, A., Amiri, I. S., Ismail, M. F., Harun, S. W. 2015. A Stable Dual-wavelength Thulium-doped Fiber Laser at 1.9 mu m Using Photonic Crystal Fiber Scientific Reports
- Soltanian, M. R. K., Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Ahmad, H. 2015. All optical ultra-wideband signal generation and transmission using mode-locked laser incorporated with add-drop microring resonator Laser Physics Letters
- Soltanian, M. R. K., Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Ahmad, H. 2015. Dual-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser to Generate Terahertz Radiation Using Photonic Crystal Fiber Journal of Lightwave Technology. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.965)
- Soltanian, M. R. K., Amiri, I. S., Chong, W. Y., Alavi, S. E., Ahmad, H. 2015. Stable Dual-Wavelength Coherent Source With Tunable Wavelength Spacing Generated By Spectral Slicing a Mode-Locked Laser Using Microring Resonator Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.209)
- Tan, S. J., Tiu, Z. C., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2015. Sideband-controllable soliton pulse with bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber Chinese Optics Letters
- Tiu, Z. C., Ahmad, F., Tan, S. J., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Multi-wavelength Q-switched Erbium-doped fiber laser with photonic crystal fiber and graphene - Polyethylene oxide saturable absorber Optik
- Tiu, Z. C., Suthaskumar, M., Zarei, A., Tan, S. J., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Generation of switchable domain wall and Cubic-Quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation dark pulse Optics and Laser Technology
- Tiu, Z. C., Zarei, A., Tan, S. J., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Harmonic Dark Pulse Emission in Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Chinese Physics Letters
- Yang, H. Z., Ali, M. M., Islam, M. R., Lim, K. S., Gunawardena, D. S., Ahmad, H. 2015. Cladless few mode fiber grating sensor for simultaneous refractive index and temperature measurement Sensors and Actuators a-Physical
- Yang, H. Z., Qiao, X. G., Wang, Y. P., Ali, M. M., Lai, M. H., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2015. In-Fiber Gratings for Simultaneous Monitoring Temperature and Strain in Ultrahigh Temperature Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Zarei, A., Tiu, Z. C., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2015. Q-switched Brillouin fibre laser with multi-wall carbon nanotube saturable absorber Iet Optoelectronics
- Ahmad, F (Ahmad, F.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Nor, RM (Nor, R. M.); Zulkepely, NR (Zulkepely, N. R.); Muhammad, FD (Muhammad, F. D.); Arof, H (Arof, H.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.). 2014. Mode-locked soliton erbium- doped fiber laser using a single-walled carbon JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICSnanotubes embedded in polyethylene oxide thin film saturable absorber
- Ahmad, F., Harun, S. W., Nor, R. M., Zulkepely, N. R., Muhammad, F. D., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2014. Mode-locked soliton erbium-doped fiber laser using a single-walled carbon nanotubes embedded in polyethylene oxide thin film saturable absorber Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.166)
- Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Dernaika, M (Dernaika, M.); Kharraz, OM (Kharraz, O. M.); Alimadad, M (Alimadad, M.); Ibrahim, MF (Ibrahim, M. F.); Lim, KS (Lim, K. S.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.. 2014. A tuneable, power efficient and narrow single longitudinal mode fibre ring laser using an inline dual-taper fibre Mach- Zehnder filter LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Razak, NF (Razak, N. F.); Zulkifli, MZ (Zulkifli, M. Z.); Muhammad, FD (Muhammad, F. D.); Munajat, Y (Munajat, Y.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.. 2014. Closely spaced dual-wavelength fiber laser using an ultranarrow bandwidth optical filter for low radio frequency generation APPLIED OPTICS
- Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Soltanian, MRK (Soltanian, M. R. K.); Pua, CH (Pua, C. H.); Alimadad, M (Alimadad, M.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.). 2014. Photonic crystal fiber based dual-wavelength Q-switched fiber laser using graphene oxide as a saturable absorber
- Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Thambiratnam, K (Thambiratnam, K.); Paul, MC (Paul, M. C.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.. 2014. Single-longitudinal-mode operation in tunable novel zirconia-yttria-alumina-erbium-doped fiber laser LASER PHYSICS
- Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Zulkifli, AZ (Zulkifli, A. Z.); Muhammad, FD (Muhammad, F. D.); Zulkifli, MZ (Zulkifli, M. Z.); Thambiratnam, K (Thambiratnam, K.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.). 2014. Mode-locked L-band bismuth-erbium fiber laser using carbon nanotubes APPLIED PHYSICS B- LASERS AND OPTICS
- Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith); Thambiratnam, K (Thambiratnam, Kavintheran); Muhammad, FD (Muhammad, Farah Diana); Zulkifli, MZ (Zulkifli, Mohd Zamani); Zulkifli, AZ (Zulkifli, Ahmad Zarif); Paul, MC (Paul, Mukul Chandra); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi). 2014. Q- Switching and Mode-Locking in Highly Doped Zr2O3-Al2O3-Er2O3- Doped Fiber Lasers Using Graphene as a Saturable Absorber IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith); Zulkifli, AZ (Zulkifli, Ahmad Zarif); Kiat, YY (Kiat, Yap Yuen); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi). 2014. Q-switched fibre laser using 21 cm Bismuth-erbium doped fibre and graphene oxide as saturable absorber OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
- Ahmad, H., Azhari, N. S., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Harun, S. W. 2014. S-band SLM distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser Laser Physics
- Ahmad, H., Azhari, N. S., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Harun, S. W. 2014. S-band SLM distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.025)
- Ahmad, H., Dernaika, M., Kharraz, O. M., Alimadad, M., Ibrahim, M. F., Lim, K. S., Harun, S. W. 2014. A tuneable, power efficient and narrow single longitudinal mode fibre ring laser using an inline dual-taper fibre Mach-Zehnder filter Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.025)
- Ahmad, H., Muhammad, F. D., Pua, C. H., Thambiratnam, K. 2014. Dual-Wavelength Fiber Lasers for the Optical Generation of Microwave and Terahertz Radiation Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.465)
- Ahmad, H., Razak, N. F., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Munajat, Y., Harun, S. W. 2014. Closely spaced dual-wavelength fiber laser using an ultranarrow bandwidth optical filter for low radio frequency generation Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.649)
- Ahmad, H., Soltanian, M. R. K., Pua, C. H., Alimadad, M., Harun, S. W. 2014. Photonic crystal fiber based dual-wavelength Q-switched fiber laser using graphene oxide as a saturable absorber Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.649)
- Ahmad, H., Thambiratnam, K., Muhammad, F. D., Zulkifli, M. Z., Zulkifli, A. Z., Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W. 2014. Q-Switching and Mode-Locking in Highly Doped Zr2O3-Al2O3-Er2O3-Doped Fiber Lasers Using Graphene as a Saturable Absorber Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.465)
- Ahmad, H., Thambiratnam, K., Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W. 2014. Single-longitudinal-mode operation in tunable novel zirconia-yttria-alumina-erbium-doped fiber laser Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.025)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, A. Z., Kiat, Y. Y., Harun, S. W. 2014. Q-switched fibre laser using 21 cm Bismuth-erbium doped fibre and graphene oxide as saturable absorber Optics Communications. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.542)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, A. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Zulkifli, M. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2014. Mode-locked L-band bismuth-erbium fiber laser using carbon nanotubes Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.634)
- Al-Masoodi, A. H. H., Ismail, M. F., Ahmad, F., Kasim, N., Munajat, Y., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2014. Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser operating at 1073 nm using a carbon nanotubes saturable absorber Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.623)
- Al-Masoodi, AHH (Al-Masoodi, A. H. H.); Ismail, MF (Ismail, M. F.); Ahmad, F (Ahmad, F.); Kasim, N (Kasim, N.); Munajat, Y (Munajat, Yusof); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi). 2014. Q-switched Yb- doped fiber laser operating at 1073 nm using a carbon nanotubes saturable absorber MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
- Alavi, S. E., Amiri, I. S., Ahmad, H., Supaat, A. S. M., Fisal, N. 2014. Generation and transmission of 3 x 3 w-band multi-input multi-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-radio-over-fiber signals using micro-ring resonators Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.649)
- Alavi, S. E., Amiri, I. S., Khalily, M., Fisal, N., Supaat, A. S. M., Ahmad, H., Idrus, S. M. 2014. W-Band OFDM for Radio-over-Fiber Direct-Detection Link Enabled by Frequency Nonupling Optical Up-Conversion Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.33)
- Ali, M. M., Lim, K. S., Becir, A., Lai, M. H., Ahmad, H. 2014. Optical Gaussian Notch Filter Based on Periodic Microbent Fiber Bragg Grating Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.33)
- Ali, MM (Ali, M. M.); Lim, KS (Lim, K. S.); Becir, A (Becir, A.); Lai, MH (Lai, M. H.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.). 2014. Optical Gaussian Notch Filter Based on Periodic Microbent Fiber Bragg Grating IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL
- Amiri, I. S., Alavi, S. E., Fisal, N., Supaat, A. S. M., Ahmad, H. 2014. All-Optical Generation of Two IEEE802.11n Signals for 2 x 2 MIMO-RoF via MRR System Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.33)
- Amiri, I. S.; Alavi, S. E.; Fisal, N.; Supa'at, A. S. M.; Ahmad, H. 2014. All- Optical Generation of Two IEEE802.11n Signals for 2 x 2 MIMO-RoF via MRR System IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL
- Attaran, A (Attaran, A.); Emami, SD (Emami, S. D.); Soltanian, MRK (Soltanian, M. R. K.); Penny, R (Penny, R.); Behbahani, F (Behbahani, F.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Abdul-Rashid, HA (Abdul-Rashid, H. A.); Moghavvemi, M (Moghavvemi, M.). 2014. Circuit Model of Fano Resonance on Tetramers, Pentamers, and Broken Symmetry Pentamers PLASMONICS
- Attaran, A., Emami, S. D., Soltanian, M. R. K., Penny, R., Behbahani, F., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Moghavvemi, M. 2014. Circuit Model of Fano Resonance on Tetramers, Pentamers, and Broken Symmetry Pentamers Plasmonics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.738)
- Azooz, S. M., Hamida, B. A., Khan, S., Eltaif, T., Jasim, A. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2014. All-fibre dual-wavelength thulium-doped fibre laser based on spatial filtering effect Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.88)
- Azooz, S. M., Jasim, A. A., Hamida, B. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2014. All-fiber dual-wavelength fiber laser operating at 1950 nm region based on multimode interference effect Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.449)
- Azooz, SM (Azooz, S. M.); Hamida, BA (Hamida, B. A.); Khan, S (Khan, S.); Eltaif, T (Eltaif, T.); Jasim, AA (Jasim, A. A.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.). 2014. All-fibre dual-wavelength thulium-doped fibre laser based on spatial filtering effect UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OPTICS
- Babar, I. M., Sabran, M. B. S., Jusoh, Z., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Bhadra, S. K. 2014. Double-clad thulium/ytterbium co-doped oetagonal-shaped fibre for fibre laser applications Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.88)
- Babar, IM (Babar, I. M.); Sabran, MBS (Sabran, M. B. S.); Jusoh, Z (Jusoh, Z.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Halder, A (Halder, A.); Paul, MC (Paul, M. C.); Das, S (Das, S.); Bhadra, SK (Bhadra, S. K.). 2014. Double clad thulium/ytterbium co doped oetagonal shaped fibre for fibre laser applications UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OPTICS
- Batumalay, M (Batumalay, M.); Rahman, HA (Rahman, H. A.); Kam, W (Kam, W.); Ong, YS (Ong, Y. S.); Ahmad, F (Ahmad, F.); Zakaria, R (Zakaria, R.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.). 2014. Evaluation of the tapered PMMA fiber sensor response due to the ionic interaction within electrolytic solutions JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS
- Batumalay, M (Batumalay, Malathy); Ahmad, F (Ahmad, F.); Lokman, A (Lokman, Asiah); Jasim, AA (Jasim, A. A.); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.). 2014. Tapered plastic optical fiber coated with single wall carbon nanotubes polyethylene oxide composite for measurement of uric acid concentration SENSOR REVIEW
- Batumalay, M., Ahmad, F., Lokman, A., Jasim, A. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2014. Tapered plastic optical fiber coated with single wall carbon nanotubes polyethylene oxide composite for measurement of uric acid concentration Sensor Review. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.616)
- Batumalay, M., Rahman, H. A., Kam, W., Ong, Y. S., Ahmad, F., Zakaria, R., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2014. Evaluation of the tapered PMMA fiber sensor response due to the ionic interaction within electrolytic solutions Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.166)
- Cheong, Y. K., Chong, W. Y., Chong, S. S., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2014. Regenerated Type-IIa Fibre Bragg Grating from a Ge-B codoped fibre via thermal activation Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.649)
- Cheong, YK (Cheong, Y. K.); Chong, WY (Chong, W. Y.); Chong, SS (Chong, S. S.); Lim, KS (Lim, K. S.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.). 2014. Regenerated Type-IIa Fibre Bragg Grating from a Ge-B codoped fibre via thermal activation OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
- Emami, S. D., Muhammad, A. R., Muhamad-Yasin, S. Z., Mat-Sharif, K. A., Zulkifli, M. I., Adikan, F. R. M., Ahmad, H., Abdul-Rashid, H. A. 2014. S-Band Gain Improvement Using a Thulium-Aluminum Co-Doped Photonic Crystal Fiber Amplifier Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.33)
- Emami, SD (Emami, S. D.); Muhammad, AR (Muhammad, A. R.); Muhamad-Yasin, SZ (Muhamad-Yasin, S. Z.); Mat-Sharif, KA (Mat- Sharif, K. A.); Zulkifli, MI (Zulkifli, M. I.); Adikan, FRM (Adikan, F. R. M.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Abdul-Rashid, HA (Abdul-Rashid, H. A.). 2014. S-Band Gain Improvement Using a Thulium-Aluminum Co-Doped Photonic Crystal Fiber Amplifier IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL
- Halder, A., Saidin, N., Zen, D. I. M., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Dimyati, K., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Bhadra, S. K. 2014. Thulium Bismuth Co-Doped Fiber Lasers at 1901 nm by 802 nm Pumping Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.465)
- Ismail, M. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2014. Soliton Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Using Non-Conductive Graphene Oxide Paper Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.113)
- Ismail, MA (Ismail, Mohd Afiq); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi). 2014. Soliton Mode- Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Using Non-Conductive Graphene Oxide Paper IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
- Jusoh, Z (Jusoh, Z.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Shahabuddin, NS (Shahabuddin, N. S.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Paul, MC (Paul, M. C.); Das, S (Das, S.); Dhar, A (Dhar, A.); Pal, M (Pal, M.). 2014. Dual-wavelength erbium-ytterbium co-doped fibre laser operating at 1064 and 1534 nm UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OPTICS
- Jusoh, Z (Jusoh, Z.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Shahabuddin, NS (Shahabuddin, N. S.); Arof, H (Arof, H.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.). 2014. Q-switched in-band pumped erbium doped fiber laser operating at L-band region
- Jusoh, Z (Jusoh, Z.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Ali, SMM (Ali, S. M. M.); Ali, NM (Ali, N. M.); Arof, H (Arof, H.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.. 2014. Erbium Ytterbium doped fiber amplifier and laser based on 927 nm multimode pumping OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS
- Jusoh, Z (Jusoh, Z.); Kasim, N (Kasim, N.); Munajat, Y (Munajat, Y.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Halder, A (Halder, A.); Paul, MC (Paul, M. C.); Pal, M (Pal, M.); Bhadra, SK (Bhadra, S. K.. 2014. New octagonal shape double-clad Thulium-Ytterbium Co-doped fiber for generation of multi-wavelength and Q-switched lasers in 2 micron region
- Jusoh, Z., Harun, S. W., Ali, S. M. M., Ali, N. M., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2014. Erbium Ytterbium doped fiber amplifier and laser based on 927 nm multimode pumping Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.449)
- Jusoh, Z., Harun, S. W., Shahabuddin, N. S., Ahmad, H., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Dhar, A., Pal, M. 2014. Dual-wavelength erbium-ytterbium co-doped fibre laser operating at 1064 and 1534 nm Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.88)
- Jusoh, Z., Harun, S. W., Shahabuddin, N. S., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2014. Q-switched in-band pumped erbium doped fiber laser operating at L-band region Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.449)
- Jusoh, Z., Kasim, N., Munajat, Y., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2014. New octagonal shape double-clad Thulium-Ytterbium Co-doped fiber for generation of multi-wavelength and Q-switched lasers in 2 micron region Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.563)
- Kharraz, O. M., Ahmad, H., Forsyth, D. I., Dernaika, M., Mohammad, A. B. B., Zulkifll, M. Z. B., Ismail, M. F. B., Supaat, A. 2014. Four-wave mixing analyses for future ultrafast wavelength conversion at 0.64 Tb/s in a semiconductor optical amplifier Optical Engineering. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.958)
- Lim, W. H., Yap, Y. K., Chong, W. Y., Ahmad, H. 2014. All-Optical Graphene Oxide Humidity Sensors Sensors. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.048)
- Lokman, A., Nodehi, S., Batumalay, M., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2014. OPTICAL FIBER HUMIDITY SENSOR BASED ON A TAPERED FIBER WITH HYDROXYETHYLCELLU LOSE/POLYVINYLIDENEFLUORIDE COMPOSITE Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.623)
- Rahman, H. A., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Irawati, N., Musirin, I., Ibrahim, F., Ahmad, H. 2014. Classification of reflected signals from cavitated tooth surfaces using an artificial intelligence technique incorporating a fiber optic displacement sensor Journal of Biomedical Optics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.752)
- Rahman, HA (Rahman, Husna Abdul); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi); Arof, H (Arof, Hamzah); Irawati, N (Irawati, Ninik); Musirin, I (Musirin, Ismail); Ibrahim, F (Ibrahim, Fatimah); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith). 2014. Classification of reflected signals from cavitated tooth surfaces using an artificial intelligence technique incorporating a fiber optic displacement sensor JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS
- Saidin, N (Saidin, Norazlina); Zen, DIM (Zen, Dess Iskandar Md); Ahmad, F (Ahmad, Fauzan); Damanhuri, SSA (Damanhuri, Siti Sarah Ahmad); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith); Dimyati, K (Dimyati, Kaharudin); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi. 2014. Q-switched thulium-doped fibre laser operating at 1900 nm using multi-layered graphene based saturable absorber IET OPTOELECTRONICS
- Saidin, N., Zen, D. I. M., Ahmad, F., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Ahmad, H., Dimyati, K., Harun, S. W. 2014. Q-switched thulium-doped fibre laser operating at 1900 nm using multi-layered graphene based saturable absorber Iet Optoelectronics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.966)
- Shirazi, M. R., De La Rue, R. M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2014. Multi-wavelength fiber laser generation by using optical wavelength conversion Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.025)
- Shirazi, M. R., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2014. Multi-wavelength Brillouin Raman erbium-doped fiber laser generation in a linear cavity Journal of Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 2.01)
- Shirazi, MR (Shirazi, M. R.); De La Rue, RM (De La Rue, R. M.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.. 2014. Multi-wavelength fiber laser generation by using optical wavelength conversion
- Shirazi, MR (Shirazi, M. R.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.). 2014. Multi-wavelength Brillouin Raman erbium-doped fiber laser generation in a linear cavity JOURNAL OF OPTICS
- Sulaiman, A (Sulaiman, Azlan); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi); Ahmad, F (Ahmad, F.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith. 2014. Nonadiabatic microfiber based mode-locked erbium- doped fiber laser using graphene
- Sulaiman, A (Sulaiman, Azlan); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith). 2014. Ring microfiber coupler erbium-doped fiber laser analysis CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2014. Ring microfiber coupler erbium-doped fiber laser analysis Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.073)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, H. 2014. Nonadiabatic microfiber based mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser using graphene Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.623)
- Tiu, Z. C., Ahmad, F., Tan, S. J., Zarei, A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2014. Multi-wavelength Q-switched Erbium-doped fiber laser with photonic crystal fiber and multi-walled carbon nanotubes Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.166)
- Tiu, Z. C., Tan, S. J., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2014. Dark pulse emission in nonlinear polarization rotation-based multiwavelength mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.073)
- Tiu, Z. C., Zarei, A., Tan, S. J., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2014. Q-Switching Pulse Generation with Thulium-Doped Fiber Saturable Absorber Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.924)
- Tiu, ZC (Tiu, Zian Cheak); Ahmad, F (Ahmad, Fauzan); Tan, SJ (Tan, Sin Jin); Zarei, A (Zarei, Arman); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith); Harun, SW (Harun, Sulaiman Wadi). 2014. Multi-wavelength Q-switched Erbium-doped fiber laser with photonic crystal fiber and multi-walled carbon nanotubes JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS
- Tiu, Zian Cheak; Tan, Sin Jin; Ahmad, Harith; Harun, Sulaiman Wadi. 2014. Dark pulse emission in nonlinear polarization rotation-based multiwavelength mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS
- Yang, H. Z., Chong, W. Y., Qiao, X. G., Lim, M. J., Lim, K. S., Islam, M. R., Ali, N. M., Ahmad, H. 2014. 1.3 and 1.55 mu m Thermally Regenerated Gratings in Hydrogenated Boron/Germanium Co-Doped Photosensitivity Fiber Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.852)
- Yang, H. Z., Qiao, X. G., Lim, K. S., Harun, S. W., Chong, W. Y., Islam, M. R., Ahmad, H. 2014. Optical Fiber Sensing of Salinity and Liquid Level Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.176)
- Yang, H.; Qiao, X.; Lim, K.S.; Harun, S.W.; Chong, W.Y.; Islam, R.; Ahmad, H., "Optical fiber sensing of salinity and liquid level," Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1
- Yang, HZ (Yang, Hang-Zhou); Chong, WY (Chong, Wu-Yi); Qiao, XG (Qiao, Xue-Guang); Lim, MJ (Lim, Mei-Jane); Lim, KS (Lim, Kok-Sing); Islam, MR (Islam, Md. Rajibul); Ali, NM (Ali, Norfizah M.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith). 2014. 1.3 and 1.55 mu m Thermally Regenerated Gratings in Hydrogenated Boron/Germanium Co-Doped Photosensitivity Fiber IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL
- Yanga, H. Z., Qiao, X. G., Rajibul, I. M., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2014. Simultaneous measurement of aliphatic alcohol concentration and temperature based on etched taper FBG Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.84)
- Yanga, HZ (Yanga, Hang Zhou); Qiao, XG (Qiao, Xue Guang); Rajibul, IM (Rajibul, Islam Md); Lim, KS (Lim, Kok-Sing); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, Harith). 2014. Simultaneous measurement of aliphatic alcohol concentration and temperature based on etched taper FBG SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B- CHEMICAL
- Zarei, A (Zarei, A.); Rosdin, RZRR (Rosdin, R. Z. R. R.); Ali, NM (Ali, N. M.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.). 2014. Brillouin Lasing with a Reduced Self-Pulsing Characteristic Using a Short- Length Erbium-Doped Fiber as the Nonlinear Gain Medium CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS
- Zarei, A., Jasim, A. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2014. Investigation of spontaneous Brillouin scattering generation based on non-adiabatic microfibres Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.964)
- Zarei, A., Rosdin, R., Ali, N. M., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2014. Brillouin Lasing with a Reduced Self-Pulsing Characteristic Using a Short-Length Erbium-Doped Fiber as the Nonlinear Gain Medium Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.924)
- Zarei, A.; Jasim, A. A.; Harun, S. W.; Ahmad, H. 2014. Investigation of spontaneous Brillouin scattering generation based on non-adiabatic microfibres LASER PHYSICS LETTERS
- Zen, DIM (Zen, D. I. M.); Saidin, N (Saidin, N.); Damanhuri, SSA (Damanhuri, S. S. A.); Harun, SW (Harun, S. W.); Ahmad, H (Ahmad, H.); Ismail, MA (Ismail, M. A.); Dimyati, K (Dimyati, K.); Halder, A (Halder, A.); Paul, MC (Paul, M. C.); Das, S (Das, S.); Pal, M (Pal, M.); Bhadra, SK (Bhadra, S. K.). 2014. Mode-locked thulium bismuth codoped fiber laser using graphene saturable absorber in ring cavity: reply APPLIED OPTICS
- Ahmad H, Thambiratnam K, Zulkifli AZ, Lawrence A, Jasim AA, Kunasekaran W, Musa S, Gnanasegaran N, Vasanthan P, Jayaraman P, Abu Kasim NH, Govindasamy V, Shahrir MS, Harun SW. Quantification of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Rates through Secretory and Excretory Biomolecules in Conditioned Media via Fresnel Reflection. Sensors 2013, 13(10), 13276-13288
- Ahmad, F., Harun, S. W., Nor, R. M., Zulkepely, N. R., Ahmad, H., Shum, P. 2013. A Passively Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Based on a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Polymer Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.811)
- Ahmad, F.; Harun, S. W.; Nor, R. M.; et al. 2013. A Passively Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Based on a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Polymer. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 30 Issue: 5
- Ahmad, H., Abd Latif, A., Harun, S. W. 2013. CLOSELY SPACED, DUAL-SLM FIBER LASER FOR MICROWAVE GENERATION WITH A SINGLE FBG Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.585)
- Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Khudus, M., Zulkifli, A. Z., Zulkifli, M. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2013. Highly stable graphene-assisted tunable dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.689)
- Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Taib, J. M., Harun, S. W. 2013. Tunable, low frequency microwave generation from AWG based closely-spaced dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode fibre laser Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.930)
- Ahmad, H., Muhammad, F. D., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2013. Graphene-Based Mode-Locked Spectrum-Tunable Fiber Laser Using Mach-Zehnder Filter Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.356)
- Ahmad, H., Muhammad, F. D., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2013. Q-switched pulse generation from an all-fiber distributed Bragg reflector laser using graphene as saturable absorber Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.968)
- Ahmad, H., Muhammad, F. D., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2013. Wideband tunable Q-switched fiber laser using graphene as a saturable absorber Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.163)
- Ahmad, H., Razak, N. F., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Munajat, Y., Harun, S. W. 2013. Ultra-narrow linewidth single longitudinal mode Brillouin fiber ring laser using highly nonlinear fiber Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 7.714)
- Ahmad, H., Soltanian, M. R. K., Pua, C. H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2013. Narrow Spacing Dual-Wavelength Fiber Laser Based on Polarization Dependent Loss Control Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.356)
- Ahmad, H., Thambiratnam, K., Zulkifli, A. Z., Lawrence, A., Jasim, A. A., Kunasekaran, W., Musa, S., Gnanasegaran, N., Vasanthan, P., Jayaraman, P., Kasim, N. H. A., Govindasamy, V., Shahrir, M. S., Harun, S. W. 2013. Quantification of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Rates through Secretory and Excretory Biomolecules in Conditioned Media via Fresnel Reflection Sensors. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.953)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, A. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2013. 2.0-mu m Q-Switched Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser With Graphene Oxide Saturable Absorber Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.356)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, A. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2013. Q-switched Zr-EDF laser using single-walled CNT/PEO polymer composite as a saturable absorber Optical Materials. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.918)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Hassan, N. A., Muhammad, F. D., Harun, S. W. 2013. S-C-L triple wavelength superluminescent source based on an ultra-wideband SOA and FBGs Quantum Electronics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.823)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Jemangin, M. H., Harun, S. W. 2013. Distributed feedback multimode Brillouin-Raman random fiber laser in the S-band Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 7.714)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Samangun, J. M., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Harun, S. W. 2013. Temperature-Insensitive Bend Sensor Using Entirely Centered Erbium Doping in the Fiber Core Sensors. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.953)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Taib, J. M., Harun, S. W. 2013. Tunable S-band output based on Raman shift in dispersion shifted fiber Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.163)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Muhammad, F. D., Zulkifli, A. Z., Harun, S. W. 2013. Tunable graphene-based Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser using fiber Bragg grating Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.163)
- Ahmad, H.; Latif, A. A.; Taib, J. M.; et al. 2013. Tunable, low frequency microwave generation from AWG based closely-spaced dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode fibre laser. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS Volume: 8
- Ahmad, H.; Muhammad, F. D.; Zulkifli, M. Z.; et al. 2013. Graphene-Based Mode-Locked Spectrum-Tunable Fiber Laser Using Mach-Zehnder Filter. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL Volume: 5 Issue: 5
- Ahmad, H.; Muhammad, F. D.; Zulkifli, M. Z.; et al. 2013. Q-switched pulse generation from an all-fiber distributed Bragg reflector laser using graphene as saturable absorber. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 11 Issue: 7
- Ahmad, H.; Razak, N. F.; Zulkifli, M. Z.; et al. 2013. Ultra-narrow linewidth single longitudinal mode Brillouin fiber ring laser using highly nonlinear fiber. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 10 Issue: 10
- Ahmad, H.; Zulkifli, A. Z.; Thambiratnam, K.; et al. 2013. 2.0-mu m Q- Switched Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser With Graphene Oxide Saturable Absorber. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL Volume: 5 Issue: 4
- Ahmad, H.; Zulkifli, A. Z.; Thambiratnam, K.; et al. 2013. Q-switched Zr- EDF laser using single-walled CNT/PEO polymer composite as a saturable absorber. OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 35 Issue: 3 Pages: 347-352
- Ahmad, H.; Zulkifli, M. Z.; Hassan, N. A.; et al. 2013. S-C-L triple wavelength superluminescent source based on an ultra-wideband SOA and FBGs. QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 43 Issue: 10 Pages: 923- 926
- Ahmad, H.; Zulkifli, M. Z.; Jemangin, M. H.; et al. 2013. Distributed feedback multimode Brillouin-Raman random fiber laser in the S-band. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 10 Issue: 5
- Ahmad, H.; Zulkifli, M. Z.; Muhammad, F. D.; et al. 2013. Tunable graphene-based Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser using fiber Bragg grating. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 202- 212
- Ahmad, H; Zulkifli, MZ; Muhammad, FD; Taib, JM; Harun, SW. 2013. Tunable S-band output based on Raman shift in dispersion shifted fiber. Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS Volume: 60 Issue: 9 Pages: 737- 740 DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2013.807945 Published: MAY 1 2013
- Ahmad, Harith; Latif, Amirah Abdul; Khudus, Muhammad Imran Mustafa Abdul; et al. 2013. Highly stable graphene-assisted tunable dual- wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser. APPLIED OPTICS Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Pages: 818-823
- Ali, M. M., Lim, K. S., Yang, H. Z., Chong, W. Y., Lim, W. S., Ahmad, H. 2013. Direct period measurement for fiber Bragg grating using an optical imaging technique Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.689)
- Ali, M. M.; Lim, K. S.; Yang, H. Z.; et al. 2013. Direct period measurement for fiber Bragg grating using an optical imaging technique. APPLIED OPTICS Volume: 52 Issue: 22 Pages: 5393-5397
- Author(s): Damanhuri, Siti Sarah Ahmad; Halder, Arindam; Paul, Mukul Chandran; et al. 2013. Effects of Yb/Tm Concentration and Pump Wavelength on the Performance of Ytterbium-Sensitized Thulium- Doped Fiber Laser. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 49 Issue: 1 Pages: 95-99
- Author(s): Rahman, H. A.; Rahim, H. R. A.; Ahmad, H.; et al. 2013. Fiber optic displacement sensor for imaging of tooth surface roughness. MEASUREMENT Volume: 46 Issue: 1 Pages: 546-551
- Awang, N. A., Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2013. S plus C plus L BAND TUNABLE WAVELENGTH CONVERSION USING FWM DUAL-WAVELENGTH FIBER LASER IN A HIGHLY NONLINEAR FIBER Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.585)
- Batumalay, M., Lokman, A., Ahmad, F., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2013. Tapered Plastic Optical Fiber Coated With HEC/PVDF for Measurement of Relative Humidity Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.475)
- Batumalay, Malathy; Lokman, Asiah; Ahmad, Fauzan; et al. 2013. Tapered Plastic Optical Fiber Coated With HEC/PVDF for Measurement of Relative Humidity. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL Volume: 13 Issue: 12
- Damanhuri, S. S. A., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Ali, S. M. M., Saidin, N., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2013. Effects of Yb/Tm Concentration and Pump Wavelength on the Performance of Ytterbium-Sensitized Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.830)
- Hamzah, A., Paul, M. C., Awang, N. A., Ahmad, H., Pal, M., Das, S., Ismail, M. A., Harun, S. W. 2013. Passively mode-locked erbium doped zirconia fiber laser using a nonlinear polarisation rotation technique Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.365)
- Hamzah, A.; Paul, M. C.; Awang, N. A.; et al. 2013. Passively mode-locked erbium doped zirconia fiber laser using a nonlinear polarisation rotation technique. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY Volume: 47 Pages: 22-25
- Harun, S. W., Jasim, A. A., Rahman, H. A., Muhammad, M. Z., Ahmad, H. 2013. Micro-Ball Lensed Fiber-Based Glucose Sensor Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.475)
- Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Tio, C. K., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2013. Theoretical analysis and fabrication of tapered fiber Optik. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.524)
- Harun, S. W., Saidin, N., Zen, D. I. M., Ali, N. M., Ahmad, H., Ahmad, F., Dimyati, K. 2013. Self-Starting Harmonic Mode-Locked Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser with Carbon Nanotubes Saturable Absorber Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.811)
- Harun, S. W.; Lim, K. S.; Tio, C. K.; et al. 2013. Theoretical analysis and fabrication of tapered fiber. OPTIK Volume: 124 Issue: 6 Pages: 538- 543
- Harun, S. W.; Saidin, N.; Zen, D. I. M.; et al. 2013. Self-Starting Harmonic Mode-Locked Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser with Carbon Nanotubes Saturable Absorber. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 30 Issue: 9
- Harun, Sulaiman Wadi; Jasim, Ali Abdulhadi; Rahman, Husna Abdul; et al. 2013. Micro-Ball Lensed Fiber-Based Glucose Sensor. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Pages: 348-350
- Ismail, M. A., Ahmad, F., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2013. A Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser with a graphene saturable absorber Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 7.714)
- Ismail, M. A.; Ahmad, F.; Harun, S. W.; et al. 2013. A Q-switched erbium- doped fiber laser with a graphene saturable absorber. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 10 Issue: 2
- Jasim, A. A., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2013. Inline Microfiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for High Temperature Sensing Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.475)
- Jasim, A. A., Harun, S. W., Muhammad, M. Z., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2013. Current sensor based on inline microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.841)
- Jasim, A. A., S. W. Harun, et al. (2013). "Current sensor based on inline microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer." Sensors and Actuators a- Physical 192: 9-12.
- Jasim, A. A., Zulkifli, A. Z., Muhammad, M. Z., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2013. A new compact micro-ball lens structure at the cleaved tip of microfiber coupler for displacement sensing Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.841)
- Jasim, A. A.; Zulkifli, A. Z.; Muhammad, M. Z.; et al. 2013. A new compact micro-ball lens structure at the cleaved tip of microfiber coupler for displacement sensing. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL Volume: 189 Pages: 177-181
- Jasim, Ali Abdulhadi; Harun, Sulaiman Wadi; Arof, Hamzah; et al. 2013. Inline Microfiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for High Temperature Sensing. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 626-628
- Jusoh, Z., Shahabuddin, N. S., Ali, N. M., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2013. Nanosecond Pulse Generation Using the Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Effect in a Photonic Crystal Fiber Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.811)
- Kok-Sing Lim et al, "Axial contraction in etched optical fiber due to internal stress reduction," Opt. Express 21, 2551-2562 (2013)
- Kok-Sing Lim, Hang-Zhou Yang, Ahmed Becir, Man-Hong Lai, Muhammad M. Ali, Xueguang Qiao, and Harith Ahmad, "Spectral analysis of bent fiber Bragg gratings: theory and experiment," Opt. Lett. 38, 4409-4412 (2013)
- Lim, K. S., Chiam, Y. S., Phang, S. W., Chong, W. Y., Pua, C. H., Zulkifli, A. Z., Ganesan, I., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2013. A Polyaniline-Coated Integrated Microfiber Resonator for UV Detection Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.475)
- Lim, K. S., Yang, H. Z., Becir, A., Lai, M. H., Ali, M. M., Qiao, X. G., Ahmad, H. 2013. Spectral analysis of bent fiber Bragg gratings: theory and experiment Optics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.385)
- Lim, K. S., Yang, H. Z., Chong, W. Y., Cheong, Y. K., Lim, C. H., Ali, N. M., Ahmad, H. 2013. Axial contraction in etched optical fiber due to internal stress reduction Optics Express. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.546)
- Lim, Kok-Sing; Chiam, Yeong-Siang; Phang, Sook-Wai; et al. 2013. A Polyaniline-Coated Integrated Microfiber Resonator for UV Detection. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Pages: 2020-2025
- Mirnia, S. E., Zarei, A., Emami, S. D., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Shalaby, H. M. H. 2013. Proposal and Performance Evaluation of an Efficient RZ-DQPSK Modulation Scheme in All-Optical OFDM Transmission Systems Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.433)
- Mirnia, Seyed E.; Zarei, Arman; Emami, Siamak D.; et al. 2013. Proposal and Performance Evaluation of an Efficient RZ-DQPSK Modulation Scheme in All-Optical OFDM Transmission Systems. JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Volume: 5 Issue: 9 Pages: 932- 944
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2013. Stability analysis in a soliton fiber ring laser with a hybrid saturable absorber Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.585)
- Moghaddam, M. R. A.; Harun, S. W.; Lim, K. S.; et al. 2013. Stability analysis in a soliton fiber ring laser with a hybrid saturable absorber. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Pages: 164-170
- Muhammad, M. Z., A. A. Jasim, et al. (2013). "Non-adiabatic silica microfiber for strain and temperature sensors." Sensors and Actuators a- Physical 192: 130-132.
- Muhammad, M. Z., Jasim, A. A., Ahmad, H., Arof, H., Harun, S. W. 2013. Non-adiabatic silica microfiber for strain and temperature sensors Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.841)
- Muhammad, M. Z., Lokman, A., Batumalay, M., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2013. Tapered Fiber Coated with Hydroxyethyl Cellulose/Polyvinylidene Fluoride Composite for Relative Humidity Sensor Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.500)
- Parvizi, R., Shahabuddin, N. S., Ali, N. M., Harun, S. W., Emami, S. D., Vaseghi, B., Ahmad, H. 2013. Generation of efficient 20 GHz optical combs in a Brillouin-erbium fiber laser Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.545)
- Parvizi, R.; Shahabuddin, N. S.; Ali, N. M.; et al. 2013. Generation of efficient 20 GHz optical combs in a Brillouin-erbium fiber laser. LASER PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 1
- Pua, C. H., Chong, W. Y., Ahmad, H. 2013. Instantaneous Response of Wide Area Intrusion Sensor With Long Haul Monitoring Capability Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.038)
- Pua, Chang Hong; Chong, Wu Yi; Ahmad, Harith. 2013. Instantaneous Response of Wide Area Intrusion Sensor With Long Haul Monitoring Capability. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS Volume: 25 Issue: 23 Pages: 2255-2258
- Rahman, H. A., Harun, S. W., Batumalay, M., Muttalib, F. A., Ahmad, H. 2013. Fiber Optic Displacement Sensor Using Multimode Plastic Fiber Probe and Tooth Surface Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.475)
- Rahman, H. A., Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Ahmad, H. 2013. Fiber optic salinity sensor using beam-through technique Optik. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.524)
- Rahman, H. A., Rahim, H. R. A., Ahmad, H., Yasin, M., Apsari, R., Harun, S. W. 2013. Fiber optic displacement sensor for imaging of tooth surface roughness Measurement. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.130)
- Rahman, H. A., Rahim, H. R. A., Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Apsari, R., Ahmad, H., Abas, W. 2013. Detection of stain formation on teeth by oral antiseptic solution using fiber optic displacement sensor Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.365)
- Rahman, H. A.; Harun, S. W.; Yasin, M.; et al. 2013. Fiber optic salinity sensor using beam-through technique. OPTIK Volume: 124 Issue: 8 Pages: 679-681
- Rahman, H. A.; Rahim, H. R. A.; Harun, S. W.; et al. 2013. Detection of stain formation on teeth by oral antiseptic solution using fiber optic displacement sensor. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY Volume: 45 Pages: 336-341
- Rahman, Husna Abdul; Harun, Sulaiman Wadi; Batumalay, Malathy; et al. 2013. Fiber Optic Displacement Sensor Using Multimode Plastic Fiber Probe and Tooth SurfaceSource: IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Pages: 294-298
- Saidin, N., Halder, A., Ghosh, D., Pal, M., Paul, M. C., Bhadra, S. K., Ali, S. M. M., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2013. 1.9 m lasing with Tm3+/Yb3+co-doped air-clad fiber and 931 nm pumping Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.585)
- Saidin, N., Harun, S. W., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Ali, S. M. M., Ahmad, H., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2013. A Tm-Bi Co-Doped Fiber Laser with Dual Pumping Operation Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.811)
- Saidin, N., Zen, D. I. M., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Ahmad, F., Dimyati, K., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2013. Self-starting harmonic mode-locked Tm-Bi co-doped germanate fiber laser with carbon nanotube-based saturable absorber Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.968)
- Saidin, N., Zen, D. I. M., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Dimyati, K., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2013. All-Fiber Dual-Wavelength Thulium-Bismuth Codoped Fiber Laser Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.585)
- Saidin, N., Zen, D. I. M., Hamida, B. A., Khan, S., Ahmad, H., Dimyati, K., Harun, S. W. 2013. A Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser with a graphene thin film based saturable absorber Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.545)
- Saidin, N.; Halder, A.; Ghosh, D.; et al. 2013. 1.9 m lasing with Tm3+/Yb3+co-doped air-clad fiber and 931 nm pumping. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS Volume: 55 Issue: 5 Pages: 1124-1126
- Saidin, N.; Harun, S. W.; Damanhuri, S. S. A.; et al. 2013. A Tm-Bi Co- Doped Fiber Laser with Dual Pumping Operation. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 30 Issue: 3
- Saidin, N.; Zen, D. I. M.; Damanhuri, S. S. A.; et al. 2013. All-Fiber Dual- Wavelength Thulium-Bismuth Codoped Fiber Laser. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS Volume: 55 Issue: 10 Pages: 2324- 2326
- Saidin, N.; Zen, D. I. M.; Damanhuri, S. S. A.; et al. 2013. Self-starting harmonic mode-locked Tm-Bi co-doped germanate fiber laser with carbon nanotube-based saturable absorber. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 11 Issue: 6
- Saidin, N.; Zen, D. I. M.; Hamida, B. A.; et al. 2013. A Q-switched thulium- doped fiber laser with a graphene thin film based saturable absorber. LASER PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 11
- Shirazi, M. R., Taib, J. M., Dimyati, K., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2013. Multi-wavelength Brillouin-Raman fiber laser generation assisted by multiple four-wave mixing processes in a ring cavity Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.545)
- Shirazi, M. R.; Taib, J. Mohamed; Dimyati, K.; et al. 2013. Multi- wavelength Brillouin-Raman fiber laser generation assisted by multiple four-wave mixing processes in a ring cavity. LASER PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 7
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, F., Muhammad, M. Z., Jasim, A. A., Ahmad, H. 2013. Demonstration of microfiber hybrid Mach-Zehnder and knot resonator structure Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.585)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Muhammad, M. Z., Ahmad, H. 2013. Compact Dual-Wavelength Laser Generation Using Highly Concentrated Erbium-Doped Fiber Loop Attached to Microfiber Coupler Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.830)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Norizan, S. F., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2013. EFFECT OF LOOP DIAMETER ON THE PERFORMANCE OF MKR-BASED DUAL-WAVELENGTH ERBIUM-DOPED FIBER LASER Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.585)
- Sulaiman, A., Muhammad, M. Z., Ahmad, H., Ahmad, S., Harun, W. 2013. Erbium-doped fibre ring laser based on microfibre coupler Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.704)
- Sulaiman, A., Muhammad, M. Z., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2013. Demonstration of acoustic vibration sensor based on microfiber knot resonator Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.585)
- Sulaiman, A.; Harun, S. W.; Ahmad, F.; et al. Demonstration of microfiber hybrid Mach-Zehnder and knot resonator structure. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Pages: 100-102
- Sulaiman, A.; Muhammad, M. Z.; Ahmad, H.; et al. 2013.Erbium-doped fibre ring laser based on microfibre coupler. UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OPTICS Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Pages: 196-199
- Sulaiman, A.; Muhammad, M. Z.; Harun, S. W.; et al. 2013.Demonstration of acoustic vibration sensor based on microfiber knot resonator. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS Volume: 55 Issue: 5 Pages: 1138-1141
- Sulaiman, Azlan; Harun, Sulaiman Wadi; Muhammad, Mohd Z.; et al. 2013. Compact Dual-Wavelength Laser Generation Using Highly Concentrated Erbium-Doped Fiber Loop Attached to Microfiber Coupler. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 49 Issue: 7 Pages: 586-588
- Tan, S. J., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2013. Controllable stretched pulse and dissipative soliton emission using non-linear polarisation rotation and cavity loss tuning mechanism Iet Optoelectronics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.849)
- Tan, S. J., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, F., Nor, R. M., Zulkepely, N. R., Ahmad, H. 2013. A Q-switched multi-wavelength Brillouin erbium fiber laser with a single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.545)
- Tan, S. J., Harun, S. W., Ali, N. M., Ismail, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2013. A Multi-Wavelength Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser With Double Brillouin Frequency Spacing and Q-Switching Characteristics Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.830)
- Tan, S. J., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2013. Switchable Q-switched and mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser operating in the L-band region Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.968)
- Tan, S. J., Jusoh, Z., Ali, N. M., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2013. Investigation of Q-Switching Characteristics in Single- and Double-Spacing Multi-Wavelength Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.356)
- Tan, S. J.; Harun, S. W.; Ahmad, F.; et al. 2013. A Q-switched multi- wavelength Brillouin erbium fiber laser with a single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber. LASER PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 5
- Tan, S. J.; Jusoh, Z.; Ali, N. M.; et al. 2013. Investigation of Q-Switching Characteristics in Single- and Double-Spacing Multi-Wavelength Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL Volume: 5 Issue: 4
- Tan, Sin Jin; Harun, Sulaiman Wadi; Ahmad, Harith. 2013. Controllable stretched pulse and dissipative soliton emission using non-linear polarisation rotation and cavity loss tuning mechanism. IET OPTOELECTRONICS Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Pages: 38-41
- Tan, Sin Jin; Harun, Sulaiman Wadi; Ali, Norfizah M.; et al. 2013.A Multi- Wavelength Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser With Double Brillouin Frequency Spacing and Q-Switching Characteristics. IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 49 Issue: 7 Pages: 595-598
- Tan, Sin Jin; Harun, Sulaiman Wadi; Arof, Hamzah; et al. 2013. Switchable Q-switched and mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser operating in the L-band region. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 11 Issue: 7
- Yang, H. Z., Chong, W. Y., Cheong, Y. K., Lim, K. S., Pua, C. H., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2013. Thermal Regeneration in Etched-Core Fiber Bragg Grating Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.475)
- Yang, H. Z., Lim, K. S., Qiao, X. G., Chong, W. Y., Cheong, Y. K., Lim, W. H., Lim, W. S., Ahmad, H. 2013. Reflection spectra of etched FBGs under the influence of axial contraction and stress-induced index change Optics Express. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.546)
- Yang, H.; Chong, W.Y.; Cheong, Y.K.; Lim, K. S.; Pua, C.H.; Harun, S.W.; Ahmad, H., "Thermal Regeneration in Etched-Core Fiber Bragg Grating," Sensors Journal, IEEE , vol.13, no.7, pp.2581-2585, 2013
- Yang, Hang-Zhou; Lim, Kok-Sing; Qiao, Xue-Guang; et al. 2013. Reflection spectra of etched FBGs under the influence of axial contraction and stress-induced index change. OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 21 Issue: 12 Pages: 14808-14815
- Yap, Y. K., Huang, N. M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2013. Graphene Oxide-Based Q-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.811)
- Yap, Y. K.; Huang, N. M.; Harun, S. W.; et al. 2013. Graphene Oxide-Based Q-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 30 Issue: 2
- Yasin, M., Ahmad, H., Thambiratnam, K., Jasim, A. A., Phang, S. W., Harun, S. W. 2013. Design of multimode tapered fibre sensor for glucose detection Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.402)
- Yasin, M.; Ahmad, H.; Thambiratnam, K.; et al. 2013. Design of multimode tapered fibre sensor for glucose detection. OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 7 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 371-376
- Zen, D. I. M., Saidin, N., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Ismail, M. A., Dimyati, K., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2013. Mode-locked thulium-bismuth codoped fiber laser using graphene saturable absorber in ring cavity Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.689)
- Zen, D. I. M.; Saidin, N.; Damanhuri, S. S. A.; et al. 2013. Mode-locked thulium-bismuth codoped fiber laser using graphene saturable absorber in ring cavity. APPLIED OPTICS Volume: 52 Issue: 6 Pages: 1226-1229
- Zulkifli, A. Z., Jasim, A. A., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2013. Coupling characteristics of two uniform microfibers Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.402)
- Zulkifli, A. Z.; Jasim, A. A.; Harun, S. W.; et al. 2013. Coupling characteristics of two uniform microfibers. OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 7 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 244-247
- Zulkifli, M. Z., Ahmad, H., Taib, J. M., Muhammad, F. D., Dimyati, K., Harun, S. W. 2013. S-band multiwavelength Brillouin/Raman distributed Bragg reflector fiber lasers Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.689)
- Zulkifli, M. Z., Chong, W. Y., Melloni, A., Morichetti, F., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2013. Extraction of a single Stokes line from a Brillouin fibre laser using a silicon oxynitride microring filter Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.545)
- Zulkifli, M. Z.; Chong, W. Y.; Melloni, A.; et al. 2013. Extraction of a single Stokes line from a Brillouin fibre laser using a silicon oxynitride microring filter. LASER PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 9
- Zulkifli, Mohd. Zamani; Ahmad, Harith; Taib, Jaffar Mohamed; et al. 2013. S-band multiwavelength Brillouin/Raman distributed Bragg reflector fiber lasers. APPLIED OPTICS Volume: 52 Issue: 16 Pages: 3753-3756
- A. A. Jasim, K. S. Lim, M. Z. Muhammad, H. Arof, H. Ahmad, and S. W. Harun, "Transmission characteristic of multi-turn microfiber coil resonator," Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 44, pp. 1791-1795, Sep 2012.
- A. Sulaiman, S. W. Harun, F. Ahmad, H. Arof, and H. Ahmad, "Dual- wavelength laser generation using highly concentrated erbium-doped fibre coupling with microfibre knot resonator," Electronics Letters, vol. 48, pp. 278-U1578, Mar 1 2012.
- A. Sulaiman, S. W. Harun, H. Arof, and H. Ahmad, "Compact and Tunable Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser With Microfiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer," Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 48, pp. 1165-1168, Sep 2012.
- Ahmad, H., Aryanfar, I., Lim, K. S., Chong, W. Y., Harun, S. W. 2012. Thermal response of chalcogenide microsphere resonators Quantum Electronics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.832)
- Ahmad, H., Awang, N. A., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W. 2012. Generation of high power pulse of Bi-EDF and octave spanning supercontinuum using highly nonlinear fiber Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.618)
- Ahmad, H., Awang, N. A., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W. 2012. All fiber passively mode locked zirconium-based erbium-doped fiber laser Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.515)
- Ahmad, H., Awang, N. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Harun, S. W. 2012. Supercontinuum from Zr-EDF using Zr-EDF mode-locked fiber laser Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 9.970)
- Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Awang, N. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2012. Wide-band fanned-out supercontinuum source covering O-, E-, S-, C-, L- and U-bands Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.515)
- Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Awang, N. A., Harun, S. W. 2012. High power dual-wavelength tunable fiber laser in linear and ring cavity configurations Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.967)
- Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Awang, N. A., Harun, S. W. 2012. Temperature Sensing Using Frequency Beating Technique From Single-Longitudinal Mode Fiber Laser Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.520)
- Ahmad, H., Muhammad, F. D. B., Zulkifli, M. Z., Abd Latif, A., Harun, S. W. 2012. Tunable Radio Frequency Generation Using a Graphene-Based Single Longitudinal Mode Fiber Laser Journal of Lightwave Technology. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.784)
- Ahmad, H., Muhammad, F. D., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2012. Graphene-Oxide-Based Saturable Absorber for All-Fiber Q-Switching With a Simple Optical Deposition Technique Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.320)
- Ahmad, H., Paul, M. C., Awang, N. A., Harun, S. W., Pal, M., Thambiratnam, K. 2012. Four-Wave-Mixing in Zirconia-Yttria-Aluminum Erbium Codoped Silica Fiber Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.019)
- Ahmad, H., Thambiratnam, K., Awang, N. A., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2012. Four-wave mixing in zirconia-erbium doped fiber - a comparison between ring and linear cavities Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 9.970)
- Ahmad, H., Thambiratnam, K., Awang, N. A., Jemangin, M. H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Stable zirconia-erbium doped multiwavelength fiber laser by precise control of polarization states Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Ahmad, H., Thambiratnam, K., Paul, M. C., Zulkifli, A. Z., Ghani, Z. A., & Harun, S. W. (2012). Fabrication and application of zirconia-erbium doped fibers. Optical materials express, 2(12), 1690-1701
- Ahmad, H., Yasin, M., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2012. Fiber optic displacement sensor for micro-thickness measurement Sensor Review. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.595)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Hassan, N. A., Harun, S. W. 2012. Enhancement of Brillouin Stokes generation in the S-band region using a combination S-band Depressed Cladding Erbium Doped Fiber and Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Hassan, N. A., Harun, S. W. 2012. S-band multiwavelength ring Brillouin/Raman fiber laser with 20 GHz channel spacing Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.748)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Jemangin, M. H., Chong, S. S., Harun, S. W. 2012. Tunable single longitudinal mode S-band fiber laser using a 3 m length of erbium-doped fiber Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.170)
- Ali, N. M., Harun, S. W., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2012. Tuneable high output power Brillouin fiber laser Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.457)
- Aryanfar, I., Lim, K. S., Chong, W. Y., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Add-Drop Filter Based on Microfiber Mach-Zehnder/Sagnac Interferometer Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.879)
- Cheng, X. S., Hamida, B. A., Naji, A. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Compact and wide-band bismuth-based erbium-doped fibre amplifier based on two-stage and double-pass approaches Iet Optoelectronics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.029)
- Chong, S. S., Chong, W. V., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Regenerated fibre Bragg grating fabricated on high germanium concentration photosensitive fibre for sensing at high temperature Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.515)
- Chong, W. Y., Lim, K. S., Lim, W. H., Harun, S. W., Adikan, F. R. M., Ahmad, H. 2012. Spreading profile of evaporative liquid drops in thin porous layer Physical Review E. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.255)
- Emami, S. D., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Ahmad, H., Ahmadi, A., Harun, S. W. 2012. Effect of transverse distribution profile of thulium on the performance of thulium-doped fibre amplifiers Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.851)
- Emami, S. D., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Yasin, S. Z. M., Shariff, K. A. M., Mirnia, S. E., Parvizi, A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. S-band gain and noise figure improvements in thulium-doped fiber amplifier by using macro-bending approach Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.189)
- Emami, S. D., Rashid, H. A. A., Yasin, S. Z. M., Shariff, K. A. M., Zulkifli, M. I., Yusoff, Z., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. New Design of a Thulium-Aluminum-Doped Fiber Amplifier Based on Macro-Bending Approach Journal of Lightwave Technology. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.784)
- Emami, S. D., Rashid, H. A. A., Zarifi, A., Zarei, A., Soltanian, M. R. K., Yasin, S. Z. M., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Micro-bending based optical band-pass filter and its application in S-band Thulium-doped fiber amplifier Optics Express. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.587)
- Fatehi, H., Emami, S. D., Zarifi, A., Zahedi, F. Z., Mirnia, S. E., Zarei, A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Analytical Model for Broadband Thulium-Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.879)
- Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Huri, N. A. D., Hamzah, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2012. Upconversion luminescence in Tm3+/Yb3+ co-doped double-clad silica fibers under 980 nm cladding pumping Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.170)
- Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W., Ali, S. M. M., Saidin, N., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Ahmad, H., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2012. 1880-nm Broadband ASE Generation With Bismuth-Thulium Codoped Fiber Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.320)
- Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Shahabuddin, N. S., Harun, S. W., Saidin, N., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Ahmad, H., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2012. Wideband Spectrum-Sliced ASE Source Operating at 1900-nm Region Based on a Double-Clad Ytterbium-Sensitized Thulium-Doped Fiber Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.320)
- Hamida, B. A., Cheng, X. S., Harun, S. W., Naji, A. W., Arof, H., Al-Khateeb, W., Khan, S., Ahmad, H. 2012. Wideband and flat-gain amplifier based on high concentration erbium-doped fibres in parallel double-pass configuration Quantum Electronics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.832)
- Hamida, B. A., Cheng, X. S., Harun, S. W., Naji, A. W., Arof, H., Khan, S., Alkhateeb, W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Wideband and compact erbium-doped fiber amplifier using parallel double-pass configuration Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.618)
- Hamida, B. A., Cheng, X. S., Naji, A. W., Ahmad, H., Al-Khateeb, W., Khan, S., Harun, S. W. 2012. OPTICAL AMPLIFIER WITH FLAT-GAIN AND WIDEBAND OPERATION UTILIZING HIGHLY CONCENTRATED ERBIUM-DOPED FIBERS Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.379)
- Harun, S. W., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Ali, S. M. M., Saidin, N., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Ahmad, H., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2012. Ytterbium-sensitized thulium-doped fiber laser with a single-mode output operating at 1 900-nm region Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.967)
- Harun, S. W., Ismail, M. A., Ahmad, F., Ismail, M. F., Nor, R. M., Zulkepely, N. R., Ahmad, H. 2012. A Q-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser with a Carbon Nanotube Based Saturable Absorber Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.731)
- Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2012. MICROFIBER STRUCTURES FOR SENSOR APPLICATIONS Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.379)
- Harun, S. W., Saidin, N., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Ahmad, H., Halder, A., Paul, M. C., Das, S., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2012. Fiber laser at 2 micron region using double-clad thulium/ytterbium co-doped yttria-alumino-silicate fiber Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 9.970)
- Harun, S. W., Yang, H. Z., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2012. Theoretical and experimental studies on coupler based fiber optic displacement sensor with concave mirror Optik. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.510)
- Ismail, M. A., Harun, S. W., Zulkepely, N. R., Nor, R. M., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, H. 2012. Nanosecond soliton pulse generation by mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser using single-walled carbon-nanotube-based saturable absorber Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.748)
- Ismail, M. A., Tan, S. J., Shahabuddin, N. S., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2012. Performance Comparison of Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser with Nonlinear Polarization Rotation and Saturable Absorber Approaches Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.731)
- Jasim, A. A., Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Rahman, B. M. A., Ahmad, H. 2012. Microfibre Mach-Zehnder interferometer and its application as a current sensor Iet Optoelectronics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.029)
- Jasim, A. A., Lim, K. S., Muhammad, M. Z., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Transmission characteristic of multi-turn microfiber coil resonator Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.515)
- Jasim, A. A., Muhammad, M. Z., Zulkifli, A. Z., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Fabrication and characterization of 2 x 2 microfiber coupler Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.304)
- Jasim, A. A., Zulkifli, A. Z., Muhammad, M. Z., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Fabrication and Characterization of a 2 x 2 Microfiber Knot Resonator Coupler Chinese Physics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.731)
- Lim, K. S., Aryanfar, I., Chong, W. Y., Cheong, Y. K., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Integrated Microfibre Device for Refractive Index and Temperature Sensing Sensors. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.739)
- Lim, K. S., Yoo, S., Paul, M. C., Ahmad, H., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K., Sahu, J. K. 2012. Tunable Laser in Ytterbium-Doped Y2O3 Nanoparticle Optical Fibers Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.191)
- M. A. Ismail, S. J. Tan, N. S. Shahabuddin, S. W. Harun, H. Arof, and H. Ahmad, "Performance Comparison of Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser with Nonlinear Polarization Rotation and Saturable Absorber Approaches," Chinese Physics Letters, vol. 29, May 2012.
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Shahi, S., Ahmad, H. 2012. Broadband amplifier and high performance tunable laser with an extinction ratio of higher than 60 dB using bismuth oxide-based erbium-doped fiber Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.170)
- Muhammad, F. D., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Graphene-Based Saturable Absorber for Single-Longitudinal-Mode Operation of Highly Doped Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.320)
- N. S. Shahabuddin, N. A. Awang, H. Ahmad, H. Arof, K. Dimyati, Z. Yusoff, and S. W. Harun, "Supercontinuum generation using a passive mode- locked stretched-pulse bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber laser," Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 44, pp. 741-743, Jun 2012.
- Parvizi, R., Ali, N. M., Harun, S. W., Emami, S. D., Ahmad, H. 2012. Multi-wavelength Brillouin fiber laser generation using dual-pass approach Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Parvizi, R., Harun, S. W., Ali, N. M., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2012. Investigation on threshold power of stimulated Brillouin scattering in photonic crystal fiber Optik. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.510)
- Pua, C. H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., De La Rue, R. M. 2012. Study of Dual-Wavelength Mode Competition in an Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser (EDFL) Produced by Acoustic Waves Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.879)
- Pua, C. H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., De la Rue, R. M. 2012. Direct airborne acoustic wave modulation of Fabry-Perot fiber laser (FPFL) over 100 kHz of operating bandwidth Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.748)
- Rahman, H. A., Ani, A. I. C., Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Apsari, R., Ahmad, H. 2012. Feasibility of fiber optic displacement sensor scanning system for imaging of dental cavity Journal of Biomedical Optics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.157)
- Rahman, H. A., Harun, S. W., Saidin, N., Yasin, M., Ahmad, H. 2012. Fiber Optic Displacement Sensor for Temperature Measurement Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.520)
- Rahman, H. A., Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Ahmad, H. 2012. Fiber-Optic Salinity Sensor Using Fiber-Optic Displacement Measurement With Flat and Concave Mirror Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.780)
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Ahmad, H., Yusoff, Z., Harun, S. W. 2012. Spacing-Switchable Multiwavelength Fiber Laser Based on Nonlinear Polarization Rotation and Brillouin Scattering in Photonic Crystal Fiber Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.320)
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Awang, N. A., Ahmad, H., Arof, H., Dimyati, K., Yusoff, Z., Harun, S. W. 2012. Supercontinuum generation using a passive mode-locked stretched-pulse bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber laser Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.515)
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Ismail, M. A., Paul, M. C., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K. 2012. Multi-wavelength ytterbium doped fiber laser based on longitudinal mode interference Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Mohamad, H., Mahdi, M. A., Yusoff, Z., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Broad spectral sliced multiwavelength source with a mode locked fiber laser Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Mohamad, H., Mahdi, M. A., Yusoff, Z., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Passively mode-locked soliton fiber laser using a combination of saturable absorber and nonlinear polarization rotation technique Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.618)
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Tan, S. J., Ismail, M. A., Ahmad, H., Yusoff, Z., Harun, S. W. 2012. Multi-wavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation in semiconductor optical amplifier and photonic crystal fiber Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser With a Microfiber Coupled to Silica Microsphere Ieee Photonics Journal. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.320)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Thermally tunable microfiber knot resonator based erbium-doped fiber laser Optics Communications. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.486)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, F., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2012. Dual-wavelength laser generation using highly concentrated erbium-doped fibre coupling with microfibre knot resonator Electronics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.965)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, F., Norizan, S. F., Ahmad, H. 2012. Electrically Tunable Microfiber Knot Resonator Based Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.879)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, F., Norizan, S. F., Ahmad, H. 2012. Tunable laser generation with erbium-doped microfiber knot resonator Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2012. Compact and Tunable Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser With Microfiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.879)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Aryangar, I., Ahmad, H. 2012. DC current sensing capability of microfibre Mach-Zehnder interferometer Electronics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.965)
- Sulaiman, A., Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, H. 2012. Microfiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer embedded in low index polymer Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.515)
- Tan, S. J., Harun, S. W., Shahabuddin, N. S., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2012. Dual-cavity dual-output multi-wavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation effect Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Tan, S. J., Ismail, M. A., Shahabuddin, N. S., Ahmad, H., Arof, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Effect of doped fiber length on the stretch pulses of a mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser Laser Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.605)
- Yahya, N. A. M., Lim, W. H., Dambul, K. D., Phang, S. W., Ahmad, H., Zakaria, R., Adikan, F. R. M. 2012. Fabrication and characterization of a dual layer multiple refractive index benzocyclobutene polymer platform for integrated optical devices Optical Materials. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 2.023)
- Yap, Y. K., De La Rue, R. M., Pua, C. H., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Graphene-based Q-switched pulsed fiber laser in a linear configuration Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.967)
- Yasin, M., Rahman, H. A., Bidin, N., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2012. Fiber optic displacement sensor using fiber coupler probe and real objects Sensor Review. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.595)
- Zarifi, A., Emami, S. D., Zahedi, F. Z., Fatehi, H., Mirnia, S. E., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2012. Quantitative analysis of energy transfer processes in Thulium-Bismuth germanate co-doped fiber amplifier Optical Materials. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 2.023)
- Ahmad, H., Awang, N. A., Harun, S. W. 2011. Fiber optical based parametric amplifier in a highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) by using a ring configuration Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.988)
- Ahmad, H., Awang, N. A., Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2011. Wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear fiber in ring configuration Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 6.01)
- Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Norizan, S. F., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2011. Flat and compact switchable dual wavelength output at 1060 nm from ytterbium doped fiber laser with an AWG as a wavelength selector Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.616)
- Ahmad, H., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Arof, H., Harun, S. W. 2011. High output power, narrow linewidth Brillouin fibre laser master-oscillator/power-amplifier source Iet Optoelectronics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.105)
- Ahmad, H., Norizan, S. F., Awang, N. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2011. TUNABLE MICROWAVE PHOTONIC FREQUENCIES GENERATION BASED ON STIMULATED BRILLOUIN SCATTERING OPERATING IN THE L-BAND REGION Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.656)
- Ahmad, H., Norizan, S. F., Zulkifli, M. Z., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2011. Operation of brillouin fiber laser in the O-band region as compared to that in the C-band region Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Ahmad, H., Norizan, S. F., Zulkifli, M. Z., Pua, C. H., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2011. Investigation of the effects of SOA locations in the linear cavity of an O-band Brillouin SOA fiber laser Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.988)
- Ahmad, H., Parvizi, R., Ali, N. M., Shahabuddin, N. S., Arof, H., Harun, S. W. 2011. INVESTIGATION ON STIMULATED BRILLOUIN SCATTERING EFFECT IN PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBER Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.656)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Hassan, N. A., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W. 2011. High gain S-band semiconductors optical amplifier with double-pass configuration Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Norizan, S. F., Jemangin, M. H., Harun, S. W. 2011. S-band multiwavelength Brillouin Raman Fiber Laser Optics Communications. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.517)
- Awang, N. A., Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2011. Four-wave mixing in dual wavelength fiber laser utilizing SOA for wavelength conversion Optik. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.454)
- Awang, N. A., Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2011. Wavelength conversion based on FWM in a HNLF by using a tunable dual-wavelength erbium doped fibre laser source Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.988)
- Awang, N. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. Stable power multi-wavelength fibre laser based on four-wave mixing in a short length of highly non-linear fibre Journal of Optics
- Cheng X. S.; Hamida B. A.; Naji A. W.; et al. 2011, 67 cm long bismuth-based erbium doped fiber amplifier with wideband operation, LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 8(11) : 814-817
- Cheng, X. S., Hamida, B. A., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2011. Highly efficient short length Bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber amplifier Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Cheng, X. S., Hamida, B. A., Naji, A. W., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2011. 67 cm long bismuth-based erbium doped fiber amplifier with wideband operation Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 6.010)
- Cheong, Y. K., Lim, K. S., Lim, W. H., Chong, W. Y., Zakaria, R., Ahmad, H. 2011. Note: Fabrication of tapered fibre tip using mechanical polishing method Review of Scientific Instruments. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.601)
- Hamzah, A., Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W., Huri, N. A. D., Lokman, A., Pal, M., Ahmad, H., et al. 2011. Compact fiber laser at L-band region using Erbium-doped Zirconia fiber Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Harun, S. W., Akbari, R., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2011. Mode-locked bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber laser with stable and clean femtosecond pulses output Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 6.01)
- Harun, S. W., Akbari, R., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2011. Supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fiber using femtosecond pulses Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2011. Investigation of dispersion characteristic in tapered fiber Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Ahmad, H. 2011. Microfiber loop resonator based temperature sensor Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 1.044)
- Harun, S. W., Yang, H. Z., Ahmad, H. 2011. Theoretical and experimental studies on liquid refractive index sensor based on bundle fiber Sensor Review. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.475)
- Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Ahmad, H. 2011. Micro-displacement sensor with multimode fused coupler and concave mirror Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Hamzah, A., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2011. Temperature sensor based on lifetime measurement of Erbium fluorescence Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.412)
- Huri, N. A. D., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Hamzah, A., Saidin, N., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., et al. 2011. Temperature sensor based on fluorescence measurement of Cerium Ytterbium doped fiber Optics and Spectroscopy. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.571)
- Huri, N. A. D., Hamzah, A., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2011. Hybrid flat gain C-band optical amplifier with Zr-based erbium-doped fiber and semiconductor optical amplifier Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Latif, A. A., Ahmad, H., Awang, N. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Pua, C. H., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W., et al. 2011. Tunable high power fiber laser using an AWG as the tuning element Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Latif, A. A., Awang, N. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W., Ghani, Z. A., Ahmad, H. 2011. Dual-wavelength tunable fibre laser with a 15-dBm peak power Quantum Electronics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.805)
- Lim K. S.; Harun S. W.; Damanhuri S. S. A.; et al. 2011, Low-cost spectral tunable microfibre knot resonator, IET OPTOELECTRONICS, 5(6) : 281-284.
- Lim Kok Sing; Jasim Ali A.; Damanhuri Siti S. A.; et al. 2011, Resonance condition of a microfiber knot resonator immersed in liquids, APPLIED OPTICS 50(30) : 5912-5916
- Lim, K. S., Harun, S. W., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Jasim, A. A., Ku, H. H., Ahmad, H. 2011. Low-cost spectral tunable microfibre knot resonator Iet Optoelectronics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.105)
- Lim, K. S., Harun, S. W., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Jasim, A. A., Tio, C. K., Ahmad, H. 2011. Current sensor based on microfiber knot resonator Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.941)
- Lim, K. S., Harun, S. W., Jasim, A. A., Ahmad, H. 2011. FABRICATION OF MICROFIBER LOOP RESONATOR-BASED COMB FILTER Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.656)
- Lim, K. S., Jasim, A. A., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Harun, S. W., Rahman, B. M. A., Ahmad, H. 2011. Resonance condition of a microfiber knot resonator immersed in liquids Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.707)
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Akbari, R., Ahmad, H. 2011. Flatly broadened supercontinuum generation in nonlinear fibers using a mode locked bismuth oxide based erbium doped fiber laser Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 6.01)
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Akbari, R., Ahmad, H. 2011. Stable mode-locked fiber laser using 49 cm long bismuth oxide based erbium doped fiber and slow saturable absorber Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Parvizi, R., Salleh, Z. S., Arof, H., Lokman, A., & Ahmad, H. 2011. Experimental and theoretical studies on ytterbium sensitized erbium-doped fiber amplifier Optik. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.454)
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Shahi, S., Ahmad, H. 2011. DUAL WAVELENGTH HIGH POWER DOUBLE-CLAD ERBIUM/YTTERBIUM-DOPED FIBER LASER Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.553)
- Norizan S. F.; Chong W. Y.; Harun S. W.; et al. 2011, O-Band Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier With Double-Pass Configuration, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 23 (24) : 1860-1862
- Norizan, S. F., Chong, W. Y., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. O-Band Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier With Double-Pass Configuration Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.989)
- Ooi, C. H. R., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. Quantum coherence effects in a Raman amplifier Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.988)
- Parvizi, R., Ali, N. M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. Architecture of a Dual-Wavelength Brillouin Fibre Laser Based on a Photonic Crystal Fibre with Dual-Pass Amplification Configuration Lasers in Engineering. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.156)
- Parvizi, R., Ali, N. M., Harun, S. W., Moghavvemi, M., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2011. Multi-wavelength Brillouin fiber laser using dual-cavity configuration Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Parvizi, R., Arof, H., Ali, N. M., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2011. 0.16 nm spaced multi-wavelength Brillouin fiber laser in a figure-of-eight configuration Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.616)
- Parvizi, R., Harun, S. W., Ali, N. M., Shahabuddin, N. S., Ahmad, H. 2011. Photonic crystal fiber-based multi-wavelength Brillouin fiber laser with dual-pass amplification configuration Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.694)
- Phang, S. W., Yang, H. Z., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2011. Simple fiber optic sensor based on tapered fiber for aliphatic alcohol detection Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.412)
- Pua, C. H., Norizan, S. F., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. Non-membrane optical microphone based on longitudinal modes competition Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.941)
- Rahman H. A.; Harun S. W.; Yasin M.; et al. 2011, Tapered plastic multimode fiber sensor for salinity detection, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, 171(2) : 219-222 [ View abstract ]
- Rahman, H. A., Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Ahmad, H. 2011. Non-contact refractive index measurement based on fiber optic beam-through technique Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.477)
- Rahman, H. A., Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Phang, S. W., Damanhuri, S. S. A., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., et al. 2011. Tapered plastic multimode fiber sensor for salinity detection Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.941)
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Ahmad, H., Othman, M., Ali, S., Yusoff, Z., Harun, S. W. 2011. An Efficient Photonic Crystal Fiber-Based Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser Using a Fiber Bragg Grating for Multi-Wavelength Generation Fiber and Integrated Optics. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.506 )
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Yusoff, Z., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2011. Multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser using four-wave mixing effect in doped fiber Chinese Optics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.694)
- Yang, H. Z., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. Theoretical and experimental studies on concave mirror-based fiber optic displacement sensor Sensor Review. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.475)
- Yang, H. Z., Harun, S. W., Arof, H., Ahmad, H. 2011. ENVIRONMENT-INDEPENDENT LIQUID LEVEL SENSING BASED ON FIBER-OPTIC DISPLACEMENT SENSORS Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.656)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. Fiber optic displacement sensor based on micro-thickness measurement using bundled fiber and concave mirror Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.412)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Tan, C. F., Phang, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. FIBER OPTIC CHEMICAL SENSOR USING FIBER COUPLER PROBE BASED ON INTENSITY MODULATION FOR ALCOHOL DETECTION Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.656)
- Yasin, M., Jusoh, Z., Rahman, H. A., Ashadi, M. D., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. Fiber optic angle sensor based on flat and concave mirror using a multimode fused coupler Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.412)
- Zulkifli, M. Z., Ahmad, H., Hassan, N. A., Jemangin, M. H., Harun, S. W. 2011. An ultra-wideband tunable multi-wavelength Brillouin fibre laser based on a semiconductor optical amplifier and dispersion compensating fibre in a linear cavity configuration Quantum Electronics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.805)
- Zulkifli, M. Z., Jemangin, M. H., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2011. Gain-flattened S-band depressed cladding erbium doped fiber amplifier with a flat bandwidth of 12 nm using a Tunable Mach-Zehnder Filter Laser Physics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.319)
- Abd-Rahman, M. K., Selvakennedy, S., Ahmad, H. 2010. NUMERICAL MODELING OF EDFL AND BRILLOUIN ERBIUM FIBER LASER Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.549)
- Ahmad, H., Cheng, X. S., Tamjis, M. R., Harun, S. W. 2010. EFFECTS OF PUMPING SCHEME AND DOUBLE-PROPAGATION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ASE SOURCE USING DUAL-STAGE BISMUTH-BASED ERBIUM-DOPED FIBER Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.551)
- Ahmad, H., Parvizi, R., Dimyati, K., Tamjis, M. R., Harun, S. W. 2010. FWM-Based Multi-Wavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Using Bi-EDF Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Ahmad, H., Parvizi, R., Shahabuddin, N. S., Yusoff, Z., Harun, S. W. 2010. EFFECT OF GAIN MEDIUM ON THE PERFORMANCE OF BRILLOUIN FIBER LASER Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.682)
- Ahmad, H., Shahi, S., Harun, S. W. 2010. Bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber as a gain medium for L-band amplification and Brillouin fiber laser Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W. 2010. Novel O-band tunable fiber laser using an array waveguide grating Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 5.502)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W. 2010. O-BAND MULTI-WAVELENGTH FIBER LASER Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.549)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Hassan, N. A., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2010. 120 nm wide band switchable fiber laser Optics Communications. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.316)
- Awang, N. A., Ahmad, H., Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W. 2010. O-band to C-band wavelength converter by using four-wave mixing effect in 1310 nm SOA Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.942)
- Awang, N. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Norizan, S. F., Harun, S. W., Ghani, Z. A., Ahmad, H. 2010. Highly Efficient and High Output Power of Erbium Doped Fiber Laser in a Linear Cavity Configuration Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Cheng, X. S., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2010. BROADBAND ASE SOURCE USING BISMUTH-BASED ERBIUM-DOPED FIBERS IN DOUBLE-PASS SET-UP Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.682)
- Emami, S. D., Hajireza, P., Abd-Rahman, F., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2010. Application of high concentration thulium-doped fiber for achieving S-band gain flattened hybrid optical amplifier Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.433)
- Emami, S. D., Hajireza, P., Abd-Rahman, F., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2010. WIDE-BAND HYBRID AMPLIFIER OPERATING IN S-BAND REGION Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.763)
- Emami, S. D., Harun, S. W., Abd-Rahman, F., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Daud, S. A., Ghani, Z. A., Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. A theoretical study of double-pass thulium-doped fiber amplifiers Optik. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.378)
- Hamzah, A., Harun, S. W., Huri, N. A. D., Lokman, A., Arof, H., Paul, M. C., Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Multi-wavelength fiber laser with erbium doped zirconia fiber and semiconductor optical amplifier Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.451)
- Hamzah, A., Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W., Huri, N. A. D., Lokman, A., Sen, R., Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Dual-wavelength Erbium-doped fiber laser based on Erbium-doped Zirconia fiber Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.451)
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Lim, E. L., Alam, S. U., Richardson, D. J. 2010. SINGLE MODE ERBIUM YTTERBIUM-DOPED FIBER LASER WITH MULTIMODE PUMPING Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.549)
- Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Jasim, A. A., Ahmad, H. 2010. Dual wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser using a tapered fiber Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.942)
- Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Jasim, A. A., Ahmad, H. 2010. Fabrication of Tapered Fiber Based Ring Resonator Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Harun, S. W., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Ahmad, H. 2010. High Output Power Erbium-Ytterbium Doped Cladding Pumped Fiber Amplifier Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Harun, S. W., Parvizi, R., Cheng, X. S., Parvizi, A., Emami, S. D., Arof, H., Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Experimental and theoretical studies on a double-pass C-band bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber amplifier Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 0.981)
- Harun, S. W., Parvizi, R., Shahabuddin, N. S., Yusoff, Z., Ahmad, H. 2010. Semiconductor optical amplifier-based multi-wavelength ring laser utilizing photonic crystal fiber Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.942)
- Harun, S. W., Paul, M. C., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Das, S., Sen, R., Dhar, A., Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Diode-pumped 1028 nm Ytterbium-doped fiber laser with near 90% slope efficiency Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Harun, S. W., Paul, M. C., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Das, S., Sen, R., Dhar, A., Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Efficient diode pumped ytterbium-doped fibre laser Electronics Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.97)
- Harun, S. W., Shahi, S., Ahmad, H. 2010. Brillouin fiber laser with a 49 cm long Bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 5.502)
- Harun, S. W., Yang, H. Z., Yasin, M., Ahmad, H. 2010. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE FIBER OPTIC DISPLACEMENT SENSOR WITH TWO RECEIVING FIBERS Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.682)
- Harun, S. W., Yasin, M., Yang, H. Z., Kusminarto, Karyono, Ahmad, H. 2010. Estimation of metal surface roughness using fiber optic displacement sensor Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Kow, S. T., Yap, Y., Pua, C. H., Chong, W. Y., Law, A. W. P., Adikan, F. R. M., Haseeb, A. S. M. A., Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Selective area rare-earth doping of planar glass samples for monolithic integration of optically passive and active waveguides Optik. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.378)
- Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Awang, N. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2010. A simple linear cavity dual-wavelength fiber laser using AWG as wavelength selective mechanism Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Latif, A. A., Zulkifli, M. Z., Hassan, N. A., Harun, S. W., Ghani, Z. A., Ahmad, H. 2010. A compact O-plus C-band switchable quad-wavelength fiber laser using arrayed waveguide grating Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 5.502)
- Lim, K. S., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2010. Tunable-Spacing Multi-wavelength Yb-Doped Fiber Laser (YDFL) Based on Temperature Sensitive Loop Mirror Lasers in Engineering. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.179)
- Lim, K. S., Pua, C. H., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2010. Temperature-sensitive dual-segment polarization maintaining fiber Sagnac loop mirror Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 0.981)
- Lokman, A., Hamzah, A., Huri, N. A. D., Arof, H., Ahmad, F., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., et al. 2010. Single frequency erbium doped fiber laser with a highly doped erbium-doped fiber Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.451)
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Shahi, S., Lim, K. S., Ahmad, H. 2010. Comparisons of Multi-Wavelength Oscillations Using Sagnac Loop Mirror and Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for Ytterbium Doped Fiber Lasers Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Parvizi, R., Harun, S. W., Ali, N. M., Ahmad, H. 2010. Investigation on stimulated Brillouin scattering characteristics in a highly doped Bismuth-based Erbium-doped fiber Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Parvizi, R., Harun, S. W., Shahabuddin, N. S., Yusoff, Z., Ahmad, H. 2010. Multi-wavelength bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber laser based on four-wave mixing effect in photonic crystal fiber Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 0.981)
- Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W., Huri, N. A. D., Hamzah, A., Das, S., Pal, M., Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Wideband EDFA Based on Erbium Doped Crystalline Zirconia Yttria Alumino Silicate Fiber Journal of Lightwave Technology. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.185)
- Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W., Huri, N. A. D., Hamzah, A., Das, S., Pal, M., Ahmad, H..et al. 2010. Performance comparison of Zr-based and Bi-based erbium-doped fiber amplifiers Optics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.059)
- Shahi, S., Harun, S. W., Dimyati, K., Tamjis, M. R., Ahmad, H. 2010. MULTIPLE BRILLOUIN STOKES GENERATION WITH BISMUTH-BASED ERBIUM-DOPED FIBER Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.682)
- Shahi, S., Harun, S. W., Norizan, S. F., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Ahmad, H. 2010. BRILLOUIN-RAMAN MULTI-WAVELENGTH LASER COMB GENERATION BASED ON Bi-EDF BY USING DUAL-WAVELENGTH IN DISPERSION COMPENSATING FIBER Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.549)
- Sua, Y. M., Chong, W. Y., Tan, C. C., Ahmad, H., Adikan, F. R. M. 2010. Effect of using aqueous/alcohol solution during solution doping on the physical and chemical characteristics of pre-sintered silica soot and the resultant native glass species concentration Materials Chemistry and Physics. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 2.015)
- Yang, H. Z., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2010. DISPLACEMENT SENSING WITH TWO ASYMMETRICAL INCLINED FIBERS Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.682)
- Yang, H. Z., Lim, K. S., Harun, S. W., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2010. Enhanced bundle fiber displacement sensor based on concave mirror Sensors and Actuators a-Physical. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.674)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Apsari, R., Suhariningsih, Kusminarto, Karyono, Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Detection of tea concentration macerated onto the artificial teeth using fiber optic displacement sensor Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.451)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Kusminarto, Ahmad, H. 2010. A simple design of vibration sensor using fiber optic displacement sensor Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.451)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Kusminarto, Karyono, Lelono, D., Samian, Ahmad, H., et al. 2010. Effect of tilting angles on the performance of reflective and transmitting types of fiber optic-based displacement sensors Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Pujiyanto, Ghani, Z. A., Ahmad, H. 2010. Performance Comparison between Plastic-Based Fiber Bundle and Multimode Fused Coupler as Probes in Displacement Sensors Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.676)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Yang, H. Z., Ahmad, H. 2010. Fiber optic displacement sensor for measurement of glucose concentration in distilled water Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.451)
- Zulkifli, M. Z., Hassan, N. A., Awang, N. A., Ghani, Z. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2010. Multi-wavelength fiber laser in the S-band region using a Sagnac loop mirror as a comb generator in an SOA gain medium Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 5.502)
- Ahmad H, Sulaiman AH, Shahi S, Harun SW. 2009. SOA- based multi-wavelength laser using fiber Bragg gratings. Laser Physics 19(5):1002-1005.
- Ahmad, H., Chong, W. Y., Thambiratnam, K., Zulklifi, M. Z., Poopalan, P., Thant, M. M. M., Harun, S. W. 2009. High Sensitivity Fiber Bragg Grating Pressure Sensor Using Thin Metal Diaphragm Ieee Sensors Journal. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.61)
- Ahmad, H., Norizan, S. F., Hamzah, A., Harun, S. W. 2009. Double-pass Raman amplifier for gain enhancement and gain clamping Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.224)
- Ahmad, H., Norizan, S. F., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2009. Dual-Wavelength Erbium Fiber Laser in a Simple Ring Cavity Fiber and Integrated Optics. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.421)
- Ahmad, H., Shahabuddin, N. S., Harun, S. W. 2009. Multi-wavelength source based on SOA and loop mirror Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.224)
- Ahmad, H., Shahi, S., Harun, S. W. 2009. Multi-wavelength laser generation with Bismuth-based Erbium-doped fiber Optics Express. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.88)
- Ahmad, H., Sulaiman, A. H., Shahi, S., Harun, S. W. 2009. SOA-based multi-wavelength laser using fiber Bragg gratings Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.777)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W. 2009. Tunable dual wavelength fiber laser incorporating AWG and optical channel selector by controlling the cavity loss Optics Communications. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.552)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2009. 17-channels S band multiwavelength Brillouin/Erbium Fiber Laser co-pump with Raman source Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.777)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2009. Bidirectional S-band continuous wave operation in a depressed-cladding erbium doped fiber amplifier Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.577)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Latif, A. A., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2009. Dual wavelength fibre laser with tunable channel spacing using an SOA and dual AWGs Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.062)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Latif, S. F., Harun, S. W. 2009. High power and compact switchable bismuth based multiwavelength fiber laser Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.779)
- Ahmad, H., Zulkifli, M. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Latiff, A. A., Harun, S. W. 2009. Switchable semiconductor optical fiber laser incorporating AWG and broadband FBG with high SMSR Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.779)
- Ahmad, H; Zulkifli, MZ; Latif, AA; Thambiratnam, K; Harun, SW
- Ahmad, H; Zulkifli, MZ; Latif, AA; Thambiratnam, K; Harun, SW
- Harun, S. W., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2009. The performance of double-clad ytterbium-doped fiber laser with different pumping wavelengths Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.779)
- Harun, S. W., Parvizi, R., Shahi, S., Ahmad, H. 2009. Multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser assisted by four-wave mixing effect Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.779)
- Harun, S. W., Shahi, S., Ahmad, H. 2009. Bismuth erbium-doped fiber based multi-wavelength laser assisted by four-wave mixing process Ieice Electronics Express. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.482)
- Harun, S. W., Shahi, S., Ahmad, H. 2009. Compact Brillouin-erbium fiber laser Optics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.772)
- Harun, S. W., Yang, H. Z., Lim, K. S., Tamjis, M. R., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2009. Fiber optic displacement sensor based on concave mirror Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.224)
- Leong, W. C., Tho, S. Y., Law, A. W. P., Chong, W. Y., Pua, C. H., Ahmad, H., Haseeb, A., Adikan, F. R. M. 2009. Spreading profile of dopant solution on pre-sintered silica layers for selective area doping of integrated optic planar glass samples Thin Solid Films. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.884)
- Lim, K. S., Harun, S. W., Yang, H. Z., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2009. Analytical and experimental studies on asymmetric bundle fiber displacement sensors Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.062)
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Dhar, A., Sen, R., Das, S., Bhadra, S. K., Ahmad, H. 2009. MULTIWAVELENGTH YTTERBIUM-DOPED FIBER RING LASER Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.743)
- Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Tamjis, M. R., Ahmad, H. 2009. Double-clad erbium/ytterbium-doped fiber laser with a fiber Bragg grating Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.779)
- Parvizi, R., Emami, S. D., Shahi, S., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2009. Experimental and theoretical studies on C-band bismuth-based erbium doped fiber amplifier Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.224)
- Paul MC, Harun SW, Moghaddam MRA, Das S, Sen R, Dhar A, Pal M, Bhadra SK, Ahmad H. 2009. 1028 nm single mode Ytterbium-doped fiber laser. Laser Physics 19 (5):1021-1025.
- Paul, M. C., Harun, S. W., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Das, S., Sen, R., Dhar, A., Pal, M., Bhadra, S. K., Ahmad, H. 2009. 1028 nm single mode Ytterbium-doped fiber laser Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.777)
- Shahi, S., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2009. Multi-wavelength Brillouin fiber laser using Brillouin-Rayleigh scatterings in distributed Raman amplifier Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.779)
- Shahi, S., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2009. Multi-wavelength Brillouin fiber laser using a holey fiber and a bismuth-oxide based erbium-doped fiber Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.779)
- Shahi, S., Harun, S. W., Lim, K. S., Naji, A. W., Ahmad, H. 2009. ENHANCED FOUR-WAVE MIXING EFFICIENCY OF BI-EDF IN A NEW RING CONFIGURATION FOR DETERMINATION OF NONLINEAR PARAMETERS Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.134)
- Shahi, S., Harun, S. W., Shahabuddin, N. S., Shirazi, M. R., Ahmad, H. 2009. Multi-wavelength generation using a bismuth-based EDF and Brillouin effect in a linear cavity configuration Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.892)
- Shahi, S., Harun, S. W., Sulaiman, A. H., Thambiratnam, K., Ahmad, H. 2009. MULTIWAVELENGTH SOURCE BASED ON SOA AND EDFA IN A RING-CAVITY RESONATOR Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.743)
- Shahi, S., Moghaddam, M. R. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2009. THE COMPARISON NONLINEARITY BEHAVIORS OF PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBER BY TWO REDUCED LENGTHS OF BI-EDF IN RING CAVITY Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.667)
- Suhailin, F. H., Ali, J., Yupapin, P. P., Fujii, Y., Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2009. Stopping and storing light pulses within a fiber optic ring resonator Chinese Optics Letters
- Tamchek, N., Harun, S. W., Chong, W. Y., Ahmad, H. 2009. Study on bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber for optical amplification Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.224)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Fawzi, W. A., Kusminarto, Karyono, Ahmad, H. 2009. LATERAL AND AXIAL DISPLACEMENTS MEASUREMENT USING FIBER OPTIC SENSOR BASED ON BEAM-THROUGH TECHNIQUE Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.743)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Kusminarto, Karyono, Warsono, Zaidan, A. H., Ahmad, H. 2009. Study of bundled fiber based displacement sensors using theoretical model and fitting function approaches Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.577)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Kusminarto, Karyono, Zaidan, A. H., Thambiratnam, K., Ahmad, H. 2009. Design and Operation of a Concentric-Fiber Displacement Sensor Fiber and Integrated Optics. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.421)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Samian, Kusminarto, Ahmad, H. 2009. Simple design of optical fiber displacement sensor using a multimode fiber coupler Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.777)
- Zulkifli MZ, Tamchek N, Latif AA, Harun SW, Ahmad H. 2009. Flat output and switchable fiber laser using AWG and broadband FBG, Optics Communications 282(13):2576- 2579.
- Zulkifli, M. Z., Tamchek, N., Latif, A. A., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2009. Flat output and switchable fiber laser using AWG and broadband FBG Optics Communications. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.552)
- Ahmad, H., Aziz, S. N., Harun, S. W. 2008. Brillouin fiber laser with Raman amplification Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W., Chong, W. Y., Zulkifli, M. Z., Thant, M. M. M., Yusof, Z., et al. 2008. High-sensitivity pressure sensor using a polymer-embedded FBG Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.631)
- Ahmad, H., Ooi, H. C., Sulaiman, A. H., Thambiratnam, K., Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W. 2008. SOA BASED FIBER RING LASER WITH FIBER BRAGG GRATING Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.631)
- Ahmad, H., Shahabuddin, N. S., Dimyati, K., Jusoh, Z., Harun, S. W. 2008. An enhanced bismuth-based Brillouin/erbium fiber laser with linear cavity configuration Fiber and Integrated Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 0.952)
- Ahmad, H., Shahabuddin, N. S., Rahman, A. A., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2008. SOA-based multi-wavelength source Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.074)
- Ahmad, H., Shirazi, M. R., Biglary, M., Harun, S. W. 2008. Linear cavity brillouin fiber laser using a fiber Bragg grating Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.631)
- Ahmad, H., Thambiratnam, K., Sulaiman, A. H., Tamchek, N., Harun, S. W. 2008. SOA-based quad-wavelength ring laser Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.918)
- Ahmad, H., Thanmiratnam, K., Harun, S. W., Sulaiman, A. H., Aziz, S. N. 2008. A compact dual wavelength ring laser using a semiconductor optical amplifier and array waveguide grating Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Daud, S. A., Emami, S. D., Mohamed, K. S., Yusoff, N. M., Aminudin, L., Abdul-Rashid, H. H., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Mokhtar, M. R., Yusoff, Z., & Rahman, F. A 2008. Gain and noise figure improvements in a shorter wavelength region of EDFA using a macrobending approach Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.696)
- Dimyati, K., Harun, S. W., Muhd-Yassin, S. Z., Abd-Rahman, M. K., Ahmad, H. 2008. Compact and efficient Er-Yb-doped fiber amplifier Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.474)
- Emami, S. D., Harun, S. W., Abd-Rahman, F., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Ahmad, H. 2008. Effects of an auxiliary pump on the performance of TDFA Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.696)
- H. Ahmad, Multi-wavelength generation using a Bismuth-based EDF and Brillouin Effect in linear cavity configuration, accepted to be published in Optics and Laser Technology, 2008
- H. Ahmad, N. S. Shahabuddin, K. Dimyati, Z. Jusoh, S. W. Harun An Enhanced Bismuth-Based Brillouin/Erbium Fiber Laser with Linear Cavity Configuration , Fiber and Integrated Optics, Volume 27, Issue 1 January 2008 , pages 35-40
- H. Ahmad, H.C. Ooi, A.H. Sulaiman, K. Thambiratnam, M.Z. ZUlkifli and S. W. Harun, SOA based Fibre Ring Laser with Fibre Bragg Grating , accepted for publication in Microwave and Optic Technol., 2008
- H. Ahmad, K. Thambiratnam, A.H. Sulaiman, N. Tamchek and S.W. Harun, SOA-based Quad-Wavelength Ring Laser , Laser Phys. Lett., 2008
- H. Ahmad, K. Thambiratnam, S. W. Harun, A. H. Sulaiman, S. N. Aziz, A compact dual wavelength ring laser using a semiconductor optical amplifier and array waveguide grating, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Rapid Communications, vol.2, no.1, pp.1-3, Jan 2008.
- H. Ahmad, M. M. Shirazi, M. Biglary and S. W. Harun, Linear cavity Brillouin fiber laser using a fiber Bragg grating , Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 50, Issue 2 , Pages 265 266, 2008.
- H. Ahmad, S. W. Harun, W. Y. Chong, M. Z. Zulkifli, M. M. M. Thant, Z. Yusof and P. Poopalan, High-sensitivity pressure sensor using a polymer embedded FBG, Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett , Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 60-61, 2008.
- H. Ahmad, W.Y. Chong, K. Thambiratnam, M.Z. Zulkifli, P. Poopalan, M.M.M. Thant and S.W. Harun, High Sensitivity Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor using Thin Metal Diaphragm, accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Journal, 2008
- H. Haoken, S. W. Harun, P. Poopalan, H. Ahmad, All-optical Gain-clamped Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier with Narrowband Amplified Spontaneous Emission Feedback, accepted at Journal of Optical Communications, 2008.
- Harun, S. W., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Muhd-Yassin, S. Z., Abd-Rahman, M. K., Jayapalan, K. K., Ahmad, H. 2008. 37.2 dB small-signal gain from Er/Yb Co-doped fiber amplifier with 20 mW pump power Optics and Laser Technology. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 0.872)
- Harun, S. W., Aziz, S. N., Tamchek, N., Shahabuddin, N. S., Ahmad, H. 2008. Brillouin fibre laser with 20 m-long photonic crystal fibre Electronics Letters. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.009)
- Harun, S. W., Paul, M. C., Pal, M., Dhar, A., Sen, R., Das, S., Bhadra, S. K., Shahabuddin, N. S., & Ahmad, H. 2008. An efficient and flat-gain Erbium-doped fiber amplifier in the region of 1550 nm to 1590 nm Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Harun, S. W., Shahi, S., Sulaiman, A. H., Ahmad, H. 2008. Multi-wavelength source based on SOA and EDFA in a ring cavity resonator Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Harun, S. W., Shiraz, M. R., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Ahmad, H. 2008. Multiwavelength source using a Brillouin fiber laser Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials. (Tier 4, Impact Factor = 0.474)
- Harun, S. W., Shirazi, M. R., Ahmad, H. 2008. A new configuration of multi-wavelength Brillouin fiber laser Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.918)
- Harun, S. W., Zulkifli, M. Z., Tamjis, M. R., Ahmad, H. 2008. Gain improvement in a dual-stage S-band EDFA by filtration of forward C-band ASE Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.074)
- M. R. Shirazi, H. Ahmad and S. W. Harun, Effects of Different Raman Pumping Scheme on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in a Linear Cavity, Applied Optics, Vol. 7, No. 17, pp. 3088-3091, 2008.
- M. R. Shirazi, N. S. Shahabuddin, S. N. Aziz, K. Thambiratnam, S. W. Harun and H. Ahmad, A linear cavity Brillouin fiber laser with multiple wavelength output , Laser Phys. Lett., Vol.5, No.5, pp. 361-363, 2008.
- M. R. Shirazi, S. W. Harun, M. Biglary and H. Ahmad, Linear cavity Brillouin fiber laser with improved characteristics, Optics Letters, Vol.33, No.8, pp. 770- 772, 2008
- M. R. Shirazi, S. W. Harun, M. Biglary, K. Thambiratnam and H. Ahmad, Effect of Brillouin Pump Linewidth on the performance of Brillouin Fiber Laser, ISAST Transaction on electronics and signal processing, accepted for publication 2007.
- M. Yasin, S. W. Harun, H. A. Abdul-Rashid, Kusminarto, Karyono, and H. Ahmad, The Performance of a Fiber Optic Displacement Sensor for Different Types of Probes and Targets, Laser Physics Letters, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 55-58, 2008.
- M. Z. Zulkifli, S. W. Harun, K. Thambiratnam, and H. Ahmad, Self-Calibrating Automated Characterization System for Depressed Cladding EDFA Applications using LabVIEW Software with GPIB, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, accepted for publication, 2007.
- Moh, Yasin, S. W. Harun, Kusminarto Karyono and H. Ahmad, Fiber-optic displacement sensor using a multimode bundle fiber Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 50, Issue 3 , Pages 661 663, 2008.
- Ooi, H. C., Ahmad, H., Sulaiman, A. H., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W. 2008. High-power single-wavelength SOA-based fiber-ring laser with an optical modulator Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.696)
- S. W. Harun, H. Ahmad, N. S. Shahabuddin, M. K. Abd Rahman, K. Thambiratnam, SOA-based Multi-wavelength Source, accepted to be published in Journal of Modern Optics, 2008.
- S. W. Harun, H.A. Abdul-Rashid, S.Z. Muhd-Yassin, M.K. Abd-Rahman, K.K. Jayapalan and H. Ahmad, 37.2 dB small-signal gain from Er/Yb Co-doped fiber amplifier with 20mW pump power, Optics and laser technology, No. 40, pp. 88-91, 2008.
- S. W. Harun, K. Thambiratnam, A. H. Sulaiman, S. N. Aziz and H. Ahmad, SOA-based Triple-Wavelength Ring Laser, accepted to be published at The Open Applied Physics Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 1-4, 2008.
- Shahabuddin, N. S., Harun, S. W., Zulkifli, M. Z., Thambiratnam, K., Ahmad, H. 2008. Bismuth-based Brillouin/erbium fiber laser Journal of Modern Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.074)
- Shahabuddin, N., Harun, S., Shirazi, M., Ahmad, H. 2008. A linear cavity brillouin/bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber laser with enhanced characteristics Laser Physics. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.696)
- Shirazi, M. R., Biglary, M., Harun, S. W., Thambiratnam, K., Ahmad, H. 2008. Bidirectional multiwavelength Brillouin fiber laser generation in a ring cavity Journal of Optics a-Pure and Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.752)
- Shirazi, M. R., Biglary, M., Harun, S. W., Thambiratnam, K., Ahmad, H. 2008. Effects of different Raman pumping schemes on stimulated Brillouin scattering in a linear cavity Applied Optics. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 1.701)
- Shirazi, M. R., Harun, S. W., Biglary, M., Ahmad, H. 2008. Linear cavity Brillouin fiber laser with improved characteristics Optics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 3.711)
- Shirazi, M. R., Shahabuddin, N. S., Aziz, S. N., Thambiratnam, K., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2008. A linear cavity Brillouin fiber laser with multiple wavelengths output Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.918)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Kusminarto, Karyono, Ahmad, H. 2008. The performance of a fiber optic displacement sensor for different types of probes and targets Laser Physics Letters. (Tier 1, Impact Factor = 1.918)
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Karyono, K., Ahmad, H. 2008. Fiber-optic displacement sensor using a multimode bundle fiber Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. (Tier 3, Impact Factor = 0.631)
- Zulkifli, M. Z., Harun, S. W., Thambiratnam, K., Ahmad, H. 2008. Self-Calibrating Automated Characterization System for Depressed Cladding EDFA Applications Using LabVIEW Software With GPIB Ieee Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. (Tier 2, Impact Factor = 0.832)
- Cheng, X. S., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2007. Effects of output coupler reflectivity on the performance of a linear cavity Brillouin/erbium fiber laser Pramana-Journal of Physics
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2007. Gain and noise figure improvements in double-pass S-band EDFA Optics and Laser Technology
- Harun, S. W., Cheng, X. S., Ahmad, H. 2007. An efficient S-band brillouin erbium fiber laser with additional EDFA Optics and Laser Technology
- Harun, S. W., Cheng, X. S., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2007. Self-excited brillouin-erbium fiber laser for DWDM applications Optics and Laser Technology
- Harun, S. W., Dimyati, K., Jayapalan, K. K., Ahmad, H. 2007. An overview on S-band erbium-doped fiber amplifiers Laser Physics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Emami, S. D., Rahman, F. A., Muhd-Yassin, S. Z., Abd-Rahman, M. K., Ahmad, H. 2007. Multiwavelength Brillouin/Erbium-Ytterbium fiber laser Laser Physics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Shirazi, M. R., Ahmad, H. 2007. Multiple wavelength Brillouin fiber laser from injection of intense signal light Laser Physics Letters
- Hong, P. C., Harun, S. W., Yi, C. W., Jayapalan, K. K., Ahmad, H. 2007. Dynamic dispersing technique for PR coating process in planar lightwave circuit fabrication Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- M. A. Mahdi, F. R. M. Adikan, T. Subramaniam and H. Ahmad, "Characterization of lasing-oscillation direction in optical gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifiers," Optics and Laser Technology, Vol.39, pp. 1020-1024, 2007.
- M. R. Shirazi, S. W. Harun, K. Thambiratnam, M. Biglary and H. Ahmad, "New Brillouin Fiber Laser Configuration with High Output Power," Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett , No. 49, pp. 2656-2658, 2007.
- M. Yasin, S. W. Harun, H. A. Abdul-Rashid, Kusminarto, Karyono, A. H. Zaidan, H.Ahmad, Performance of optical displacement sensor using a pair typed bundled fiber from a theoretical and experimental perspective, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, Vol.1, no.11, pp.549-553, Nov 2007.
- Mahdi, M. A., Adikan, F. R. M., Subramaniam, T., Ahmad, H. 2007. Characterization of lasing-oscillation direction in optical gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifiers Optics and Laser Technology
- Muhd-Yassin, S. Z., Harun, S. W., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Abd-Rahman, M. K., Rahman, F. A., Ahmad, H. 2007. An efficient EYDFA with a 54 dB small signal gain Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Muhd-Yassin, S. Z., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H., Abd-Rahman, M. K. 2007. Highly saturated EDFA for gain clamping operation Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- N. S. Shahabuddin, S. W. Harun, M. Z. Zulkifli, K. Thambiratnam and H. Ahmad, Bismuth-based Brillouin/Erbium fiber laser, J. Modern Optics, VO. 55, No. 8, pp. 1345-1351, 2007.
- Pua Chang Hong, Sulaiman Wadi Harun, Chong Wu Yi, Kanesh Kumar Jayapalan and Harith Ahmad, "Dynamic Dispersing Technique for PR Coating Process in Planar Lightwave Circuit Fabrication," Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett , No. 49, pp. 1993-1995, 2007.
- S. W. Harun and H. Ahmad, Gain and noise figure improvements in double-pass S-band EDFA , Optics and Laser Technology, Vol.39, pp. 935-938 , 2007.
- S. W. Harun, K. Dimyati, K. K. Jayapalan and H. Ahmad, "An overview on S-band erbium-doped fiber amplifiers," Laser Phys. Lett., vol. 4, No. 1 , pp. 10 15, 2007.
- S. W. Harun, M.R. Shirazi and H. Ahmad, Multiple wavelength Brillouin fiber laser from injection of intense signal light, Laser Physics Letter, vol. 4, pp. 678-680, 2007.
- S. W. Harun, S. D. Emami, F. A. Rahman, S. Z. Muhd-Yassin, M. K. Abd-Rahman and H. Ahmad "Multiwavelength Brillouin / Erbium-Ytterbium Fiber Laser" Laser Physics Letter, vol. 4, pp. 601-603, 2007.
- S. W. Harun, X. S. Cheng and H. Ahmad, An Efficient S-band Brillouin-Erbium Fiber Laser with Additional EDFA, Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 616-618, 2007.
- S. W. Harun, X. S. Cheng, P. Poopalan and H. Ahmad, Self-Excited Brillouin-Erbium Fiber Laser for DWDM Applications, Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 94-97, 2007.
- S. Z. Muhd-Yassin, S. W. Harun, H. A. Abdul-Rashid, M. K. Abd-Rahman, F. Abd Rahman and H. Ahmad , \"An efficient EYDFA with a 54 dB small signal gain, Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett , Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 2337-2339, 2007.
- S. Zen Muhd-Yassin, S. W. Harun, H. Ahmad and M. Kamil Abd-Rahman, "Highly Saturated EDFA for Gain Clamping Operation" Microwave & Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 1815-1816, 2007.
- Shirazi, M. R., Harun, S. W., Thambiratnam, K., Biglary, M., Ahmad, H. 2007. New brillouin fiber laser configuration with high output power Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- X. S. Cheng, S. W. Harun and H. Ahmad, Effects of coupling ratio on performance of a linear cavity Brillouin/erbium fiber laser, PRAMANA Jounal of Physics, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 451-456, 2007.
- Yasin, M., Harun, S. W., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Zaidan, A. H., Ahmad, H. 2007. Performance of optical displacement sensor using a pair type bundled fiber from a theoretical and experimental perspective Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
- Ahmad, H., Harun, S. W. 2006. Double pass S-band EDFA Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials
- F. R. M. Adikan, C. B. E. Gawith, P. G. R. Smith, I. J. G. Sparrow, G. D. Emmerson, C. Riziotis, and H. Ahmad, Design and demonstration of direct UV-written small angle X couplers in silica-on-silicon for broadband operation, Appl. Opt., Vol.45, Issue 24, pp.6113-6118, 2006.
- H. Ahmad and S. W. Harun, "Double-Pass S-Band EDFA," J. Nonlinear Optic. Phys. and Material, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 303-307, 2006.
- Harun, S. W., Abdul-Rashid, H. A., Muhd-Yassin, S. Z., Abd-Rahman, M. K., Tamjis, M. R., Ahmad, H. 2006. Dual-stage Er/Yb doped fiber amplifier for gain and noise figure enhancements Ieice Electronics Express
- Harun, S. W., Rahman, F. A., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2006. An efficient gain-flattened C-band Erbium-doped fiber amplifier Laser Physics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Rahman, F. A., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2006. An efficient multiwavelength light source based on ASE slicing Laser Physics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Samsuri, N. M., Ahmad, H. 2006. Gain-clamping techniques in two-stage double-pass L-band EDFA Pramana-Journal of Physics
- Harun, S. W., San, C. X., Ahmad, H. 2006. S-band Brillouin/erbium fiber laser for DWDM application Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials
- Harun, S. W., Zulkifli, M. Z., Ahmad, H. 2006. A linear cavity S-band Brillouin/Erbium fiber laser Laser Physics Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Adikan, F. R. M., Ahmad, H. 2006. Single-mode pumping scheme for EDFA with high-power conversion efficiency using a 980-nm Ti : S laser Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- S. W. Harun, F. A. Rahman, K. Dimyati and H. Ahmad, "An efficient multiwavelength light source based on ASE slicing," Laser Phys. Lett., vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 495-497, Oct. 2006.
- S. W. Harun, F. Abd Rahman, K. Dimyati and H. Ahmad, "An efficient gain-flattened C-band Erbium-doped fiber amplifier," Laser Phys. Lett., vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 536-538, 2006.
- S. W. Harun, H. A. Abdul-Rashid, S. Z. Muhd-Yassin, M. K. Abd-Rahman, M. R. Tamjis and H. Ahmad, Dual-stage Er/Yb doped fiber amplifier for gain and noise figure enhancements, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 3, No. 23, pp. 517-521, 2006.
- S. W. Harun, M. Z. Zulkifli and H. Ahmad, "A linear cavity S-band Brillouin/erbium fiber laser," Laser Phys. Lett., vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 369-371, 2006.
- S. W. Harun, N. Md Samsuri and H. Ahmad, Gain Clamping technique in two-stage double-pass L-band EDFA, PRAMANA Jounal of Physics, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. 539-545, Mar 2006.
- S. W. Harun, X. S. Cheng and H. Ahmad, "S-Band Brillouin/Erbium Fiber Laser For DWDM Application," J. Nonlinear Optic. Phys. and Material, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 309-313, 2006.
- S.W. Harun, W. Y. Chong, T. Subramaniam and H. Ahmad, Effect of the output coupling reflectivity on performance of L-band erbium-doped fiber laser, J. Opt. Commun., vol.27, no.1, pp.8-10, 2006.
- Ahmad, H., Saat, N. K., Harun, S. W. 2005. Effect of doped-fibers spooling on performance of S-band EDFA Laser Physics Letters
- Ahmad, H., Saat, N. K., Harun, S. W. 2005. Effect of doped-fibers spooling on performance of S-band EDFA Laser Physics Letters
- Ahmad, H., Saat, N. K., Harun, S. W. 2005. S-band erbium-doped fiber ring laser using a fiber Bragg grating Laser Physics Letters
- Ahmad, H., San, C. X., Harun, S. W. 2005. An enhanced S-band brillouin/erbium fiber laser with an additional EDFA in sub-loop Ieice Electronics Express
- Haoken, H., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2005. Channel ADD/DROP response in narrowband ase feedback GC-EDFA Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Haoken, H., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2005. Narrowband ASE feedback gain-clamped EDFA characterization Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Cheng, X. S., Saat, N. K., Ahmad, H. 2005. S-band Brillouin erbium fibre laser Electronics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Rahman, M. S. A., Ahmad, H. 2005. Gain-clamped double-pass S-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier Ieice Electronics Express
- Harun, S. W., Saat, N. K., Ahmad, H. 2005. A partial double-pass S-band erbium-doped fibre amplifier Chinese Physics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Saat, N. K., Ahmad, H. 2005. An efficient S-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier using double-pass configuration Ieice Electronics Express
- Harun, S. W., Saat, N. K., Ahmad, H. 2005. Effect of a midway isolator on the performance of two-stage S-band EDFA Laser Physics
- Harun, S. W., Saat, N. K., Ahmad, H. 2005. Gain control in S-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier using a fiber bragg grating Ieice Electronics Express
- Harun, S. W., Saat, N. K., Ahmad, H. 2005. Two-stage S-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier using a depressed-cladding fiber Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Samsuri, N. M., Ahmad, H. 2005. Gain enhancement in partial double-pass L-band EDFA system using a band-pass filter Laser Physics Letters
- Chong, W. Y., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. Enhancement of gain in L-band bismuth-based erbium-doped fibre amplifier using an Un-pumped EDF and midway isolator Chinese Physics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. Efficient and low-noise gainflattened double-pass L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. Gain clamped double-pass L-band EDFA with incorporation of FBG at the input end of the optical amplifier Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. Gain clamped two-stage double-pass L-band EDFA with a single fibre Bragg grating Chinese Physics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. Gain clamping in double-pass L-band EDFA using a broadband FBG Pramana-Journal of Physics
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. Gain clamping in single-pass and doublepass L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifiers Acta Physica Slovaca
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. Gain-clamped double-pass L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier using a ring laser and fiber Bragg grating Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters Express Letters
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. L-band EDFA with injection of C-band ASE Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. L-band gain clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifier incorporating a C/L-band WDM coupler Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Samsuri, N. M., Ahmad, H. 2004. Gain clamping in double-pass L-band EDFA using a ring resonator Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Samsuri, N. M., Ahmad, H. 2004. Tunable and low noise gain-clamped double-pass L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters Express Letters
- Harun, S. W., Samsuri, N. M., Poopalan, R., Ahmad, H. 2004. Gain control in double-pass L-band EDFA using a ring resonator and two-stage configuration Optik
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2004. Gain clamping in two-stage L-band EDFA using a broadband FBG Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Poopalan, P., Haoken, H., Tamchek, N., Harun, S. W., Subramaniam, T., Ahmad, H. B. 2004. ASE spectral slice gain-clamping of EDFA Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Samsuri, N. M., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2004. Comparison of performances between partial doublepass and full double-pass systems in two-stage L-band EDFA Laser Physics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2003. A new gain-clamped L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier with highly efficient gain Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2003. Gain-clamped two-stage L-band EDFA with a FBG laser in second stage Optics and Laser Technology
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2003. Gain-clamping in two-stage L-band EDFA using an unwanted backward ase from second stage Optics and Laser Technology
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2003. L-band erbium-doped fibre amplifier with clamped- and flattened-gain using FBG Electronics Letters
- Harun, S. W., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. Double pass L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier with enhanced gain characteristics Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science-Part B
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Ahmad, H. 2003. Gain and noise performances of an L-band EDFA utilizing a ring laser cavity with fiber Bragg grating Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Ahmad, H. 2003. Gain clamped L-band EDFA using a fiber Bragg grating in two stage configuration Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Ahmad, H. 2003. Gain clamped L-band EDFA with injection of C-band ASE Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science-Part B
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Abd-Rahman, M. K., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. 10-GHz optical comb in L-band region with brillouin/erbium-doped fibre laser Optical Review
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. Double-pass L-band EDFA with enhanced noise figure characteristics Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. Dual-stage L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier for gain enhancement Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. Effect of injection of C-band ASE on L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier Jetp Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. Effect of injection of C-band amplified spontaneous emission on two-stage L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier Acta Physica Slovaca
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. Gain improvement in L-band EDFA using unpumped EDF in a double pass system Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. Gain-clamped L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier with co- and counter-propagating lasers Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. High gain L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier with two-stage double-pass configuration Pramana-Journal of Physics
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2003. L-band Brillouin-erbium fiber laser Laser Physics
- Mohamed, Z., Ahmad, R., Yoke, N. S., Zakaria, Z., Ahmad, H., Yew, T. H. 2003. A nonsense mutation in exon 8 of the APC gene (Arg283Ter) causes clinically variable FAP in a Malaysian Chinese family Cancer Science
- Teyo, T. C., Shah, N. S. M., Ahmad, H. 2003. Injection locking of an erbium-doped fiber laser-amplifier Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2002. Multiwavelength laser comb in L-band region with dual-cavity Brillouin/erbium fiber laser Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Harun, S. W., Low, S. K., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Gain clamping in L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier using a fiber Bragg grating Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Gain enhancement in L-band EDFA through a double-pass technique Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Gain enhancement in L-band EDFA using a fiber Bragg grating Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Highly efficient L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier with unpumped erbium-doped fiber in double pass configuration Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamcek, M., Abd-Rahman, M. K., Ahmad, H. 2002. Hybrid Brillouin/Erbium fibre laser operating at long wavelength band Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Abd-Rahman, M. K., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Brillouin/erbium-doped fibre laser with multiple wavelength generation in L-band Ieice Transactions on Communications
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. A gain-clamped L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier using ring laser cavity with a fiber Bragg grating Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Gain control in L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier incorporating broadband fiber Bragg grating Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Harun, S. W., Tamchek, N., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Gain control in L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier using a ring resonator Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2002. A novel ASE self-pumping technique for gain-enhanced L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifiers Optical Fiber Technology
- Shah, N. S. M., Teyo, T. C., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Unidirectional and bidirectional feedback regenerative erbium-doped fiber amplifier Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Teyo, T. C., Leong, M. K., Ahmad, H. 2002. Lasing wavelength dependence of gain-clamped EDFA performance with different optical feedback schemes Optics and Laser Technology
- Teyo, T. C., Leong, M. K., Ahmad, H. 2002. Noise characteristics of erbium-doped fiber amplifier with optical counter-feedback Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes Review Papers
- Teyo, T. C., Leong, M. K., Ahmad, H. 2002. Noise characteristics of erbium-doped fibre amplifier with different optical feedback schemes Optics Communications
- Teyo, T. C., Shah, N. S. M., Ahmad, H. 2002. A study of laser SNR in an erbium-doped fiber laser subject to external injection Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Teyo, T. C., Shah, N. S. M., Leong, M. K., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Comparison between regenerative-feedback and cofeedback gain-clamped EDFA Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Teyo, T. C., Shah, N. S. M., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Regenerative erbium-doped fibre amplifier subject to external injection Optics Communications
- Teyo, T. C., Shah, N. S. M., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2002. Saturation characteristics of regenerative erbium-doped fiber amplifier Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters
- Abd-Rahman, M. K., Selvakennedy, S., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2001. Operating wavelength of erbium-doped fiber-ring laser Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Abd-Rahman, M. K., Selvakennedy, S., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2001. Wavelength-tuning analysis of erbium-doped fiber-ring laser Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2001. Gain enhanced L-band Er3+-doped fiber amplifier utilizing unwanted backward ASE Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2001. Gain-enhanced L-band EDFA employing a 1550 nm band ring laser Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2001. Highly efficient L-band EDFA for DWDM systems employing a self-generated seed signal Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2001. Long-wavelength-band Er3+-doped fiber amplifier incorporating a ring-laser as a seed signal generator Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
- Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2001. Low-noise and high-gain L-band EDFA utilising a novel self-generated signal-seeding technique Optics Communications
- Mahdi, M. A., Adikan, F. R. M., Poopalan, P., Selvakennedy, S., Ahmad, H. 2001. A novel design of bi-directional silica-based erbium-doped fibre amplifier for broadband WDM transmissions Optics Communications
- Mahdi, M. A., Adikan, F. R. M., Poopalan, P., Selvakennedy, S., Ahmad, H. 2001. Effects of signal seeding on long-wavelength-band Er3+-doped fiber amplifiers Optical Engineering
- Subramaniam, T., Mahdi, M. A., Poopalan, P., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2001. All-optical gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber-ring lasing amplifier with laser filtering technique Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Subramaniam, T., Mahdi, M. A., Poopalan, P., Harun, S. W., Ahmad, H. 2001. Gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifier using a single fiber Bragg grating Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Abd-Rahman, M. K., Abdullah, M. K., Ahmad, H. 2000. Multiwavelength generation of dual-cavity Brillouin/erbium fiber laser Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics Materials
- Abd-Rahman, M. K., Abdullah, M. K., Ahmad, H. 2000. Multiwavelength, bidirectional operation of twin-cavity Brillouin/erbium fiber laser Optics Communications
- Adikan, F. R. M., Mahdi, M. A., Poopalan, P., Dimyati, K., Ahmad, H. 2000. Gain-flattened fiber amplifier from 1560 to 1580 nm wavelengths using an erbium-doped fiber amplifier Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Adikan, F. R. M., Poopalan, P., Selvakennedy, S., Ahmad, H. 2000. A novel wideband erbium-doped fiber amplifier design Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Adikan, F. R. M., Poopalan, P., Selvakennedy, S., Ahmad, H. 2000. High-gain bidirectional Er3+-doped fiber amplifier for conventional- and long-wavelength bands Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Adikan, F. R. M., Poopalan, P., Selvakennedy, S., Chan, W. Y., Ahmad, H. 2000. Gain-clamped fibre amplifier using an ASE end reflector Optics Communications
- Mahdi, M. A., Adikan, F. R. M., Poopalan, P., Selvakennedy, S., Chan, W. Y., Ahmad, H. 2000. Long-wavelength EDFA gain enhancement through 1550 nm band signal injection Optics Communications
- Selvakennedy, S., Mahdi, M. A., Abdullah, M. K., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2000. Behavioral investigations of an erbium-doped fiber ring laser through numerical simulations Optical Fiber Technology
- Selvakennedy, S., Mahdi, M. A., Abdullah, M. K., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2000. Erbium-doped fiber ring laser cavity in transient and steady states studied by a numerical approach Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics
- Selvakennedy, S., Mahdi, M. A., Abdullah, M. K., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2000. Study of mode selection in erbium-doped fiber ring laser cavity through a numerical approach Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Selvakennedy, S., Poopalan, P., Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2000. A novel gain-clamped erbium doped fiber amplifier for wavelength division multiplexed systems Optical Review
- Selvakennedy, S., Poopalan, P., Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, H. 2000. Gain-clamped erbium-doped fibre amplifier for wavelength division multiplexed systems Journal of Modern Optics
- Teyo, T. C., Madhi, M. A., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 2000. Properties of laser and amplified signal in a gain-clamped Er3+-doped fiber amplifier system Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
- Mahdi, M. A., Poopalan, P., Selvakennedy, S., Ismail, N., Ahmad, H. 1999. All optical gain-locking in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers using double-pass superfluorescence Ieee Photonics Technology Letters
- Selvakennedy, S., Mahdi, M. A., Abdullah, M. K., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 1999. Design optimisation of erbium-doped fibre ring laser through numerical simulation Optics Communications
- Teyo, T. C., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 1999. Regenerative erbium-doped fibre ring laser-amplifier Electronics Letters
- Teyo, T. C., Sinivasagam, V., Abdullah, M. K., Ahmad, H. 1999. An injection-locked erbium-doped fibre ring laser Optics and Laser Technology
- Sinivasagam, V., Abdullah, M. K., Isnin, F., Poopalan, P., Ahmad, H. 1998. Stokes signal saturation in tunable BEFL system Electronics Letters
- Hooi, Y. C., Ahmad, H. B. 1996. Self-mode-locking in a Q-switched Nd3+:doped silica fibre laser Optics and Laser Technology
- Lee, K. F., Ahmad, H. B. 1996. Fractional photon model of three-photon mixing in the nonlinear interaction process Optics and Laser Technology
- Ahmad, H. B., McKinnie, I. T. 1995. Chromium doped forsterite ring laser Optics and Laser Technology
- McKinnie, I. T., Ahmad, H. B., Berry, A. J., King, T. A. 1992. PERFORMANCE-CHARACTERISTICS OF PULSED SINGLE-FREQUENCY TUNABLE LASEROSCILLATORS Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
Chapter in Books
- S. W. Harun, S. D. Emami, H. Arof, P. Hajireza and H. Ahmad, LabVIEW Applications for Optical Amplifier Automated Measurements, Fiber-Optic Remote Test and Fiber Sensor Systems, "Modeling, Programming and Simulations Using LabVIEW Software" edited by Riccardo De Asmundis, ISBN 978-953-307-521-1, InTech, January 1, 2011
- Optical Amplifiers
- Planar Lightwave Circuits
- 2011 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)Femtosecond Laser and Terahertz Generation for Photonics Applications ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2015, High Impact Research (HIR)Graphene Based Ultrafast Photonics Devices ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Advanced Fibre Optic Sensors Based on Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2013, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Advanced Fiber Optic Sensors based on Fiber Bragg Gratings ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2013, PPPPhotonic Application of Graphene as Saturable Absorber in Erbium- Doped Fiber Laser ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2013, PPPStudy of Non-Linear Effects in Zirconia Erbium Doped Silica Fibers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2013, PPPDesign and Fabrication of Metamaterial for Terahertz Wave Applications via Microtens Arrayed Direct Writing ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2013, Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS)Optical Amplifier with Multiple Wavelength Bidirectional Transmission at 1310 nm for Access Network Applications ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2011 - 2013, High Impact Research (HIR)Ultrafast Laser Nanoprocessing of Large Area Plasmonic and Metamaterials - Design, Fabrication and Characterization ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2013, Geran HiCoE KPTGeran KPT - Dana One-Off KPT ( Director)
- 2008 - 2012, MOSTI (IRPA)Optical Amplifiers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2012, Technofund (MOSTI)Planar lightwave circuit 1X8 and 1X32 splitter modules for fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) application ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2012 - 2012, Peruntukan Perbelanjaan MengurusPeruntukan Perbelanjaan Mengurus untuk PTj (Photonics Research Centre) ( Director)
- 2012 - 2012, PRC GRANTOPEX PRC 2012 ( Director)
- 2010 - 2011, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)S-band Thulium Based Fiber Laser ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2010 - 2010, UMPhotonics Research Centre ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008Planar Lightwave Circuits
- 2016 - 2017, Global Challenges Research FundCenter of Excellence in Frugal Innovation of Technologies Through partnerships with Developing Countries to Promote Better Healthcare, Wellbeing and Lifestyle ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2014, Private funding from TSCOM companyResearch and Development of Planar Ligthwave Circuits (PLC) splitter chip based on Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2010, Prime Minister Initiative 2 (British Council)Advanced planar photonic devices in silica: design, fabrication and optimisation ( Consultant)
- Innovative Landslide Detection Using Advanced Distributed Optical Sensor, MIGHT-BRITISH COUNCIL, Consultant25 Jan 2021 - 24 Jan 2023 (International)
- 1. Fibreq Optical Power Meter Frm-20a, 3A Sepakai Resources01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Calibration - 190131 20190001-Ols Jdsu Ols-55 Optical Light Source, Leader Cable Industry Berhad01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- 191127 20190010-Opm Rifocs 555b Opm, Three OPP Sdn Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- 190429 20190018 Anritsu Mt9081d Otdr, Electroscon Sdn. Bhd.01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Calibration - 191211 20190039 Afl Noyes Ofl280 Otdr, Waycom Sdn. Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Calibration - 190129 20190003 Anritsu Mt9083a2 Otdr, Zubina Enterprise01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Consultation - 191107 20190009-Opm Noyes Opm, IPSEC Engineering Sdn. Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Consultation - 190718 20190013-Olt Exfo Maxtester Fot-930, SPS Corporation Sdn Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Consultation - 191107 20190034 Anritsu Mt9083a2 Otdr, IPSEC Engineering Sdn Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- 191107 20190007-Ols Noyes Laser Source, IPSEC Engineering Sdn. Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Calibration - 191112 20190038-B Anritsu Mt9083a2 Otdr, Amtel Resources Sdn Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Consultation - 190718 20190005-Ols Fibreq Laser Source Dls-3 Optical Light Source, 3A Sepakai Resources01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Consultation - 190923 20190029-B Anritsu Mt9090a Otdr, Mat Sulaiman Trading Sdn Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Calibration - 191211 20190020-Olt Exfo Fot-930 Olts, Zubina Enterprise01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- 191107 20190034-B Anritsu Mt9083a2 Otdr, IPSEC Engineering Sdn. Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Consultation - 190903 20190006-Ols Afl Ft-Ls20 Optical Light Source, M S ICT Solution Sdn. Bhd.01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- Calibration - 191211 20190019-Olt Exfo Fot-930 Olts, Zubina Enterprise01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- 190429 20190017 Exfo Maxtester Otdr, Electroscon Sdn. Bhd01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2020 (National)
- 10th Task Force Meeting On Establishment of Techmat - 6th August 2019, Academy of Sciences Malaysia01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (National)
- Calibration of Jdsu Mts4000, BAKER HUGHES01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (National)
- Calibration of Exfo Ftb-735c/ Exfo Ftb-1, BAKER HUGHES01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (National)
- 9(B) Penilai Untuk Penilaian Permohonan Kenaikan Pangkat Pensyarah Universiti Gred Khas a (Vk5), UNIMAP01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (National)
- 9(C) Pelantikan Penilai Luar Bagi Permohonan Ke Jawatan Profesor Gred Vk7 Di Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (Usim), UNIVERSITI SAINS ISLAM MALAYSIA (USIM)01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (National)
- Consultation - 190903 20190008-Opm Afl Ft-Pm Optical Power Meter, M S ICT Solution Sdn. Bhd.01 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (National)
- 9(D) International Advisory Committee for Isphoa 2020, ISPhOA 202001 Dec 2019 - 01 Dec 2019 (International)
- Collaboration Agreement Between Green Lights Sdn Bhd and University of Malaya Photonics Research Centre (Prc), Green Lights Sdn Bhd01 Dec 2018 - 01 Dec 2018 (National)
- Reviewer - Sensor Review (Sr 01 2016 0004: Application of The Laser Displacement Sensor in The Large-Diameter Aspheric Paraboloid Mirror Detection), Sensor Review01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Reviewer - Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (5028285: Properties of Portland-Cement and Calcium-Aluminate-Cement Based Composited After High Temperature Exposure), Hindawi Publishing Corporation01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Jemputan Ke Mesyuarat Pemantauan Projek Projek Scienefund Di Bawah Bahagian Teras Sains dan Teknologi Mosti, MOSTI01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
- Reviewer -Journal of Sensors (6158132 -The Simulation Analysis of Effect With Particles in Different Sizes On Ultrasonic Measurement of Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow), Hindawi Publishing Corporation01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Review - Applied Optics (274182: Combined Numerical Model for Pulsed Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser), OSA The Optical Society01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Reviewer - Journal of Sensors (2760139: Manuscript Submitted for Consideration - Adaptive Regulation of The Weights of Request Used to Mimu Based On Hmm), Hindawi Publishing Corporation01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Reviewer - Transactions On Mechatronics (Tmech-09-2016-5865: Modeling and Inverse Compensation for Coupled Hysteresis in Piezo-Actuated Fabry-Perot Spectrometer), IEEE01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Reviewer - Electronics Letters (Ell-2016-4080: Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser With Nickel Oxide Saturable Absorber), IET01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Reviewer - Sensors and Actuators a: Physical (Sna-D-16-00708: Temperature Insensitive Long Period Gratings in Highly Birefringent Microfibres), Elsevier B. V.01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Mesyuarat Pemantauan Kali Kedua Bagi Projek Sciencefund (06-01-05-Sf0719) Di Bawah Bahagian Teras Sains & Teknologi Mosti, MOSTI01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
- Reviewer - Journal of Sensors (9684648: Performance Analysis of 802.11 Dcf Considering Spatio-Temporal Uncertainty for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks), Hindawi Publishing Corporation01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (International)
- Mentoring Workshop: Developing and Commercialising Scientific Research to Relevant Industry, Akademi Kepimpinan Pengajian Tinggi (AKEPT)01 Dec 2013 - 01 Dec 2013 (National)
- Consultation On Planar Optical Splitter Fabrication Technology, T&S Communication01 Dec 2011 - 01 Dec 2012 (International)
- Calibration of Otdr, Opm and Light Source, Mikimoto Communications01 Apr 2012 - 01 Apr 2012 (National)
- External Evaluator - Penilai Luar Bagi Jawatan Profesor Vk7 Bagi Pm Dr. Mohd Wazir Bin Mustafa, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Mesyuarat Penilaian Sciencefund Bil 19/2012 Di Bawah Bahagian Teras Sains & Teknologi, MOSTI01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Project Director, Implementing Impactful Scientific Research & Getting it Published, Akademi Kepimpinan Pengajian Tinggi01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Innocert Auditor - Testhub, SIRIM01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Mesyuarat Penilaian Sciencefund Bil 20/2012 Di Bawah Bahagian Teras Sains & Teknologi, MOSTI01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Innocert Auditor - Jf Microtechnology Sdn Bhd, SIRIM01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Photonics Workshop, Southampton, UK, City University of London01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- External Evaluator - Penilai Luar Bagi Jawatan Profesor Vk7 Bagi Pm Dr. Mohd Wazir Bin Mustafa, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Senior Associate, Malaysian Industrial Government Group for High Technology01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Bengkel Penilaian Teknikal dan Kewangan Bil. 3/2012 Bagi Permohonan Projek Sciencefund (Bahangian Teras Sains dan Teknologi, Mosti), MOSTI01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Bengkel Penilaian Teknikal dan Kewangan Bil. 6/2012 Bagi Permohonan Projek Sciencefund (Bahangian Teras Sains dan Teknologi, Mosti), MOSTI01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Innocert Auditor - Romstar R&D Sdn Bhd, SIRIM01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- External Evaluator - Penilai Luar Bagi Tujuan Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Profesor Madya (Dr. Hanif), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- External Evaluator - Penilai Luar Bagi Jawatan Profesor Vk7 Bagi Pm Ir Dr Abu Samah B Mohd Supa'At, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Auditor, 1-Innocert, Sigma Setia Sdn Bhd, SIRIM Berhad01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
- Auditor, 1-Innocert, Transient Resources Sb, SIRIM Berhad01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
- Project Director, Commercializing Scientific Research to Relevant Industry & Global Market (Master I Leap), Akademi Kepimpinan Pengajian Tinggi01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
- Auditor, 1-Innocert, Malaysia Microelectronics Solutions Sdn Bhd, SIRIM Berhad01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
- Auditor, 1-Innocert, Sigma Setia Sdn Bhd, SIRIM Berhad01 Apr 2011 - 01 Apr 2011 (National)
- Coordinator, Academy of Sciences Malaysia01 Apr 2010 - 01 Apr 2010 (National)
- GENERATION IN FIBER LASERS AT THE S+/S BAND REGION, ICFAS2020, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) (National) (14 Jul 2021 - 14 Jul 2021)
- Keynote Speaker - 2nd International Conference on Condensed Matters and Advanced Materials organized by Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, 2nd International Conference on Condensed Matters and Advanced Materials, Universitas Negeri Malang (International) (27 Oct 2020 - 27 Oct 2020)
- Keynote Speaker - Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics In The Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 Toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) In The 3rd International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics (ICASMI) organized by Universitas Lampung, Indonesia, The 3rd International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics (ICASMI), Universitas Lampung, Indonesia (Virtual Conference) (International) (03 Sep 2020 - 05 Sep 2020)
- Plenary Speaker - Innovative Science Towards Sustainability and Industrial Revolution 4.0 (6th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences) organized by Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Universiti TeknologI PETRONAS (Not available to attend due to covid-19), 6th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences (ICFAS 2020), Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Universiti TeknologI PETRONAS (National) (14 Jul 2020 - 16 Jul 2020)
- 4th ISTEC 2020 Exploring Materials for Future (4th International Sciences, Technology and Engineering Conference), 4th ISTEC 2020 Exploring Materials for Future (4th International Sciences, Technology and Engineering Conference), UITM (National) (30 Dec 2019 - 31 Dec 2019)
- 9th International Conference on Theoriticaland Applied Physics (ICTAP), 9th International Conference on Theoriticaland Applied Physics (ICTAP), University of Lampung (International) (26 Sep 2019 - 28 Sep 2019)
- Quantum & Nonlinear Optics Conference QNO2019, Quantum & Nonlinear Optics Conference QNO2019, UM (University) (17 Jun 2019 - 21 Jun 2019)
- Invitation for keynote/invited talk, Invitation for keynote/invited talk, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (International) (26 Dec 2015 - 28 Dec 2015)
- LATOS 2015, LATOS 2015, Laser Center, UTM Skudai (International) (13 Oct 2015 - 14 Oct 2015)
- Invited Guest - 7th Scientific and Technological Collaboration Facing Coronavirus Challenges organized by Mustafa Science and Technology Foundation (Not available to attend due to covid-19), 7th Scientific and Technological Collaboration Facing Coronavirus Challenges, Mustafa Science and Technology Foundation (International) (10 May 2020 - 10 May 2020)
- The 8th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2020), Invitation to The 8th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2020), IEEE/ICICN 2020 (International) (01 Jul 2019 - 01 Jul 2019)
- Fourth International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization (ICPPC - 2016), Fourth International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization (ICPPC - 2016), Mahatma Gandhi University (International) (09 Dec 2016 - 11 Dec 2016)
- Invited Speaker - Global Summit and Expo on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (GSEMMM2021) organized by The Scientist (in 2021), Global Summit and Expo on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (GSEMMM2021), The Scientistt (International) (17 Nov 2020 - 17 Nov 2020)
- Invited Speaker - Insights and Innovations In Materials Science and Engineering: Progressing To The Future (Global Webinar on Materials Science and Engineering) organized by Materials Science Webinar, Global Webinar on Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science Webinar (International) (16 Nov 2020 - 16 Dec 2020)
- Invited Speaker - Title: 2-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMD) Next Generation of Saturable Absorber Material for Pulsed Laser Generation In 2nd International Conference on Graphene & Novel Nanomaterials (GNN 2020) organized by NPU-NCP Joint International Research Centre on Advanced Nanomaterials and Defects Engineering, 2nd International Conference on Graphene & Novel Nanomaterials (GNN 2020), NPU-NCP Joint International Research Centre on Advanced Nanomaterials and Defects Engineering (International) (01 Nov 2020 - 04 Nov 2020)
- Invited Speaker - International Conference On Nano Materials (ICN 2020) organized by Mahatma Gandhi University (Not available to attend due to covid-19), International Conference On Nano Materials (ICN 2020), Mahatma Gandhi University (International) (11 Sep 2020 - 13 Sep 2020)
- Invited Speaker - Recent Trends and Future Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICEEE) Seoul 2021) organized by ICEEE Seoul 2021 Leadership & Committees (2021), International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICEEE) Seoul 2021, Leadership & Committees (International) (05 Sep 2020 - 05 Sep 2020)
- Invited Speaker - Functional Semiconductor Nanomaterials Spectroscopic Applications & Engineered Nanomaterials In Biomedical Aspects: Promises, Limitations and Applications In Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Conference (Nano Flagship 2020) organized by Pacsram Inc, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Conference (Nano Flagship 2020), Pacsram Inc (International) (23 Jul 2020 - 24 Jul 2020)
- Invited Speaker - 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM-2020) organized by Malatya Turgut Ozal University (Not available to attend due to covid-19), 3rd International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM-2020), Malatya Turgut Ozal University (International) (22 Jun 2020 - 26 Jun 2020)
- Penceramah Jemputan - Program Pemantapan Kualiti Akademik Bumiputera anjuran Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya, Pemantapan Kualiti Akademik Bumiputera, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya (University) (07 Mar 2020 - 07 Mar 2020)
- Invited Speaker - Thriving To Change The Research Cycle In Optics, Photonis and Lasers (SCON World Congress on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies - SCON Optics 2020-2020) organized by SconOnline (Not available to attend due to covid-19), SCON Optics 2020-2020, SconOnline (International) (17 Feb 2020 - 18 Feb 2020)
- Thulium, Thulium-Holmium and Holmium: The three laser sources in 2 um and their applications, 1st National Taiwan University - University of Malaya Joint Physics Seminar, Physics Department, University of Malaya (University) (05 Aug 2019 - 06 Aug 2019)
- Application of 2D materials in optical fibre lasers in 2 micron region, PHOTONICS AND SENSOR WORKSHOP , CITY, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (International) (27 Jun 2019 - 27 Jun 2019)
- Research Innovation or Future Outlook for Research Industry -Sesi Perkongsian Mengenai Penyelidikan Bersama Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Sesi Perkongsian Mengenai Penyelidikan Bersama Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), UNITEN (National) (17 Apr 2019 - 17 Apr 2019)
- Fabrication of Nano-Engineered Zirconia Yttria Aluminosilicate Glass Co-doped with Erbium and its Applications , 9th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA 2013), Indonesian Optical Society (InOs) Physics of Magnetism and Photonics Group Institut Teknologi Bandung (International) (24 Jun 2013 - 27 Jun 2013)
- Mode-locked 1900 nm Fiber Laser Based Graphene Saturable Absorber , 9th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA 2013) , Indonesian Optical Society (InOS) Physics of Magnetism and Photonics Research Group of ITB (International) (24 Jun 2013 - 27 Jun 2013)
- Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser Generation in a Figure-of-Eight Configuration with Double Brillouin Frequency Spacing, 2013 SAUDI INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND PHOTONICS CONFERENCE (SIECPC), IEEE; KACST  (International) (27 Apr 2013 - 30 Apr 2013)
- High resolution interrogation system for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor application using radio frequency spectrum analyser, National Conference on Physics (PERFIK 2012) , Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Malaysian Institute of Physics Akademi Sains Malaysia  (National) (19 Nov 2012 - 21 Nov 2012)
- Supercontinuum generation by graphene based mode locked Zr-EDF fiber laser in standard single mode fiber , 9th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA 2013) , Indonesian Optical Society (InOS) Physics of Magnetism and Photonics Research Group of ITB  (International) (24 Jun 2013 - 27 Jun 2013)
- Q-switched Multi-wavelength Brillouin Erbium fiber laser , 9th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA 2013) , Indonesian Optical Society (InOS) Physics of Magnetism and Photonics Research Group of ITB (International) (24 Jun 2013 - 27 Jun 2013)
- Presenter - Towards High Pulse Energy Q-Switched Fiber Laser (Joint Poster Session II), Laser Congress 2020 organized by The Optical Society, Laser Congress 2020, The Optical Society (International) (14 Oct 2020 - 14 Oct 2020)
- Presenter - Nanotube Mode-Locker with Tuneable Wavelength In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE) organized by Institut Mikroelektronik dan Nanoelektronik, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 2020 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National) (28 Jul 2020 - 29 Jul 2020)
- Presenter - Advanced Photonics Congress 2020, Mode-locked Erbium-doped Fiber Laser Using Tin (IV) Oxide Nano-composite Saturable Absorber (Lasers & Laser Materials) In Advanced Photonics Congress 2020 organized by The Optical Society, Advanced Photonics Congress 2020, The Optical Society (International) (16 Jul 2020 - 16 Jul 2020)
- Lawatan, Mesyuarat dan Presentation Kolaborasi Penyelidikan di Universitas Indonesia, Lawatan, Mesyuarat dan Presentation Kolaborasi Penyelidikan di Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (International) (26 Dec 2016 - 30 Dec 2016)
- Lawatan, Mesyuarat dan Presentation Kolaborasi Penyelidikan Antara Universiti di City University London, Lawatan, Mesyuarat dan Presentation Kolaborasi Penyelidikan Antara Universiti di City University London, City University London (International) (20 Sep 2016 - 30 Sep 2016)
- Lawatan, Mesyuarat dan Presentation Kolaborasi Penyelidikan Antara Universiti di City University London, Lawatan, Mesyuarat dan Presentation Kolaborasi Penyelidikan Antara Universiti di City University London, City University, London (International) (08 Jun 2016 - 18 Jun 2016)
- Mesyuarat, Lawatan dan Presentation Penyelidikan di City University, UK dan University Limerick, Ireland., Mesyuarat, Lawatan dan Presentation Penyelidikan di City University, UK dan University Limerick, Ireland., City University, UK dan University Limerick, Ireland (International) (06 Apr 2016 - 18 Apr 2016)
- Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers - Talk 2 Qingdao, International Training Course on Laser Intelligent Manufacturing Technology and Equipment, Qingdao University of Technology (International) (17 Sep 2024 - 20 Sep 2024)
- Optical Fiber Technology for Landslide and Landslip Monitoring - Talk 1 Qingdao, International Training Course on Laser Intelligent Manufacturing Technology and Equipment, Qingdao University of Technology, China (International) (17 Sep 2024 - 20 Sep 2024)
- Optoelectronics and Photonics - Principles and Practices - Chapter 4 - Talk 3 Qingdao, International Training Course on Laser Intelligent Manufacturing Technology and Equipment, Qingdao University of Technology (International) (17 Sep 2024 - 20 Sep 2024)
- The Use of Optical Fiber Waveguides as a Mean of Detecting Soil Movement in Landslide Monitoring, 2024 3rd International Symposium n Semiconductor and Electronic Technology (ISSET 2024), Xi'an University of Technology (International) (23 Aug 2024 - 25 Aug 2024)
- Landslides monitoring using Fiber Bragg Gratings, The 15th International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2024), Academic Communications, PTE. LTD (International) (09 Aug 2024 - 11 Aug 2024)
- The Study of Pristine Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and its Alloys for Application as Saturable Absorber in Pulsed Laser System, The 13th International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2021), Wuhan University (International) (17 Aug 2021 - 19 Aug 2021)
- Recent Progress in Newton-Ungku Omar Fund Landslide Project, International Conference on Innovative Optical Sensors 2021, Photonics Research Centre (National) (16 Aug 2021 - 17 Aug 2021)
- Panel - Kecemerlangan Akademia Pasca 2020 (Program Sharing Session Bersama PERKASA UTHM) organized by Persatuan Pensyarah dan Pengajar Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (PERKASA UTHM) , Program Sharing Session Bersama PERKASA UTHM (Kecemerlangan Akademia Pasca 2020), Persatuan Pensyarah dan Pengajar Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (PERKASA UTHM)  (National) (26 Oct 2020 - 26 Oct 2020)
- (2025) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemilih Bagi Maksud Pelantikan dan Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Profesor Kanan Atau Yang Bersamaan Dengannya Di Bawah Mana-Mana Skim Perkhidmatan Yang Diterima Pakai Oleh Universiti, University, (Internal Evaluator)
- (2024) Jemputan Sebagai Wakil Senat Bagi Mesyuarat Viva Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial, University, (Internal Assessor)
- (2024) Wavelength Tunable Erbium - Doped Fiber Laser Based On All-Fiber Bitaper Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Incorporating Photonic Crystal Fiber in Ring Cavity, International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Dmso-Ti 3 C 2 T X -Based Saturable Absorber for Long-Term Stability of Ultrafast Fiber Laser Using Etched Fiber, International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Unveiling The Modulation Potential: Comparison of Mos2 and Mose2 as Saturable Absorbers in Ultrafast Fiber Lasers, International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) As Reviewer for Advanced Optical Materials in 2023, International, (Reviewer)
- (2024) Pelantikan Sebagai Penilai Luar Kepada Dr. Fauzan Bin Ahmad Bagi Tujuan Kenaikan Pangkat Jawatan Profesor Madya Gred Ds54 Di Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (Mjiit), UTM Kl, National, (External Evaluator)
- (2024) Research On Underwater Acoustic Sensor Based On Microfiber Knot Resonator, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Q-Switched Er-Doped Fiber Laser Using An Aqueous Solution of Gold Nanorods and Polyvinyl Alcohol, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Q-Switched Yellow Dysprosium Laser Based On Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Saturable Absorbers, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Effect of Space Volume On Thermal Regeneration of Hydrogen Loaded Fiber Bragg Gratings, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Review of Manuscript Id Tmop-2022-0196 for Journal of Modern Optics, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Frgs Evaluation Assignment from Utar, University, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Nomination as Evaluator for Bsc Program of Physics in Saudi University, International, (External Assessor)
- (2023) Journal of Modern Optics - Invitation to Review Manuscript Id Tmop-2022-0196, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Fabrication and Applications of Heterostructure Materials for Broadband Ultrafast Photonics, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Dynamic Large Strain Measurement Under High-Temperature Environment Using Modified Fbg Sensor and Plasma Surface Treatment, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Machine Learning Based Techniques for Addressing and Estimating Four Wave Mixing Nonlinear Distortions in Optical Communication Networks, International, (Reviewer)
- (2023) Tungsten Trioxide Integrated All-Fiber Phase Shifter, National, (Reviewer)
- (2020) 2. Visiting Professor at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia , (Visiting Professor)
- (2020) [Reviewer] - Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications (OAM-RC) (Dec 2020) , (Reviewer)
- (2020) [Reviewer] - Journal of Luminescence, Generation of Q-switched-mode-locked operations in Er-doped fiber laser based in dispersion compensating fiber saturable absorber, Dec 2020 , (Reviewer)
- (2020) 1. Profesor Adjung di Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia (02/1/2020-31/12/2020) , (Visiting Professor)
- (2019) IOP Publishing - A request to referee for 2D Materials - 2DM-104499, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Chulalongkorn Bangkok University , (Visiting Researcher)
- (2019) Review for the Photonics Journal - PJ-009604-2019, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Visiting Researcher at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia , (Visiting Lecturer)
- (2019) Task Force Meeting on the establishment of National Centre for Material Sciences (TechMat) , (ASSOCIATIONS)
- (2019) Review for IEEE Access, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Optical and Quantum Electronics (OQEL) - OQEL-D-19-00567 for review, (Reviewer)
- (2019) A Universitas Airlangga, Faculty of Science and Technology , (Adjunct Professor)
- (2019) Review for Infrared Physics and Technology INFPHY_2019_562, (Reviewer)
- (2019) IEEE - Invitation to Review for IEEE Access Access-2019-36886, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Optics Express manuscript review: 376142, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Invited Speaker for the Optoelectronics Research Seminar, Kuliyyah of Science, IIUM Kuantan, (Visiting Professor)
- (2019) Reviewer Invitation for OM-D-19-01622, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Educational Visit to University of Tokyo , (Visiting Lecturer)
- (2019) Review manuscript SNA_2019_1561 for journal Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, (Reviewer)
- (2019) Research Visit to Nelson Mandela University, South Africa , (Visiting Researcher)
- (2019) Visiting Researcher to University of Basel, Switzerland , (Visiting Researcher)
- (2019) Review manuscript SNA_2019_1304 for journal Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical , (Reviewer)
- (2019) Review for Microwave and Optical Technology Letters MOP-19-0403.R1 , (Reviewer)
- (2018) B Visiting Professor at UTeM , (Visiting Professor)
- (2018) Visiting Lecturer at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia , (Visiting Lecturer)
- (2018) Visiting Lecturer for Program Pra Syarat Kenaikan Pangkat Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) , (Visiting Lecturer)
- (2018) Visiting Lecturer at IIUM , (Visiting Lecturer)
- (2018) Adjunct Professor at Universitas Airlangga , (Adjunct Professor)
- (2011) Three channel-spacing switchable multi-wavelength fiber laser with two segments of polarization maintain fiber, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , (Reviewer)
- (2011) Seyededriss Mirniaharikandi, Study of Coupler-Based All-Optical OFDM TRansmission System against Self-Phase Modulation, (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Rajib Chakraborty, IConTOP2011, Optical Properties of Nanostructure Polypropylene Induced by Ar plasma irradiation, (Reviewer)
- (2011) Numerical simulations of THz emission from the laser wake fields through linear mode conversion, Optics & Laser Technology , (Reviewer)
- (2011) Microchannel Interrogation with Twyman Green Interferometer, Wan Mokhdzani Bin Wan Nor Haimi, UniMAP, (External Examiner)
- (2011) Examiner for M.Sc Student, Fitriah Hassan (SGR070210) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Independent Reviewer for Promotion to Assoc. Prof. (UPM), Dr. Zulkifly Abbas, (External Examiner)
- (2011) A Proxy Assisted Routing for Efficient Data Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, May Zin Oo (WHA070002), (Senate Representative)
- (2011) Koh Meng Hock (SGR080125), (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Shanti a/p K. Navaratnam (SHA030009), (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) Seyed Reza Sadoghchi, (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) HIR Grant - Doped Silica Optical Fiber as Thermoluminescence Radiation Dosimeter, (Reviewer)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2025) Adjunct Professor At Department of Physic, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, International, (Adjunct/Visiting Professors)
- (2024) Landslide Monitoring System Based On Fbg Sensors for Postgraduate Students, Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Malang, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Application of Photonics for Undergraduate Students (Material Science Program), Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Malang, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Application of Optical Fiber for Undergraduate Students, Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Malang, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Keynote Speaker of Isset 2024, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Technical Review Committee Member-Reg for IEEE-International Conference On Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Penceramah Bagi Program Bicara Eksekutif 2024: Inovasi Kreatif Teknologi Madani, University, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Jemputan Sebagai Wakil Senat Bagi Mesyuarat Viva Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosia, University, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Sesi Temubual Sejarah Lisan Pum, University, (Resource Person)
- (2024) As a Webinar Chair At V-Sensors2024, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) 2024 Merdeka Award Nomination Committee Sitting, National, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Pensyarah Jemputan Di Pasum (Fad1014 Matematik Ii), University, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Keynote Speaker At The 7th Edition of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Virtual (V-Ntnm2024), International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Keynote Speaker and Committee Chair of Oioe 2024, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Keynote Speaker At The 5th Malaysia-Japan International Conference On Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, and Nanoengineering 2024 (Mjic 2024), National, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Invited Speaker "Photonic Research Today " for Graduate Students and Lectures, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Invited Speaker "How to Write Scientific Paper" for Student, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Invited Speaker "Laser" for Under Graduate Students, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Fgd Research and Writing Collaboration With Physics and Physics Education Lecturers, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Guest Lecture At Universitas Negeri Malang "Light and Its Interaction " for Students, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Adjunct Professor At Department of Physic, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, International, (Resource Person)
- (2024) Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Khas Penilaian Kenaikan Pangkat Naib Canselor Universiti Sains Malaysia Ke Gred Khas Turus III Siri Ii, National, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Invitation Speaker for Ummc Medical Physics Seminar & Idmp 2023, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Invitation to Be Ucas's Peer Assessment Expert to Evaluate The Academic Performance of Dr. Tianzhuo Zhao, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemilih Bagi Jawatan Pendaftar, Universiti Malaya - Bil 1 Tahun 2023, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Invitation to Be Invited Speaker for Elops2023, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Sopo 2023 Conference, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Guest Lecture International Class, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Guest Lecture Future of Photonics, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemilih Cuti Belajar dan Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputera (Slab) / Skim Latihan Akademik Ipta (Slai) Bil.6/2023, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Presentation At 14th Asia-Pacific Conference On Near-Field Optics (Apnfo 14), International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Jemputan Sebagai Pembentang Kerta 'Costam -Mranti Seminar On Integrating The Sciences With Technology for Stem Educators, National, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Conference of India-Asean Dynamics in The Emerging Indo-Pacific Order: Pathways to Cooperation Beyond The Third Decade, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Speaker in Journal Writing Wokshop Unikl Bmi, National, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Keynote Speaker of Lopet2023, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Jemputan Ke Bengkel Governance dan Nomenklatur Portfolio (P&I), University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Sesi Libat Urus Naib Canselor Bersama UM Research Centre, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Appointment for Distinguished Visiting Professor At Universiti Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute (Unikl Bmi), University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemilih Cuti Belajar dan Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputera (Slab) / Skim Latihan Akademik Ipta (Slai) Bil.4/2023, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemilih Bagi Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Pegawai Gred Q54 dan Q44, Pegawai Perubatan Gred U48 dan Pustakawan Gred S44, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemilih Kenaikan Pangkat Bagi Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional (Eksekutif) Untuk Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Di Atas, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Salinan Memorandum Persefahaman (Mou) Di Antara Universiti Malaya Dengan Qingdao University of Technology, China, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Doctoral Viva-Voce Session as Senate Representative, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Boards of Examiner/Viva-Voce Committee Meeting for Doctor of Philosophy Candidate : Mohamad Hilman Bin Nordin, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Viva-Voce for Doctor of Philosophy Candidate : Pitchayada Mekhirunsiri (Thailand) (17013623/1|Ava180002), University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Pelantikan Sebagai Pengarah Projek Pintas Utama, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pemilih Bagi Pelantikan Penyandang Kursi dan Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Profesor Kanan, University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Keynote Speaker for The 4th Malaysia-Japan International Conference On Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering 2023 (Mjic 2023) On Feb 24-26, 2023, National, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Jemputan Sebagai Wakil Senat Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa/Viva Doktor Falsafah Fakulti Kejuteraan : Mohamad Hilman Bin Nordin (17055592/3 / Kha140064), University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemilih Bagi Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Pegawai Tadbir Gred Utama C ( Vu7), University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Invitation to Medical and Health Sciences (Mhs) Discipline Vetting Committee Meeting for 2023 Cycle, National, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Jemputan Sebagai Wakil Senat Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa / Viva-Voce Doktor Falsafah Fakulti Kejuruteraan : Zulfikar (17058208/1 | Kva170052), University, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Cssp 2023 Selection Comittee, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Jemputan Sebagai Pembentang Kerta 'Costam -Psn Seminar On Integrating The Sciences With Technology for Stem Educators', National, (Resource Person)
- (2023) The Confederation of Scientific and Technological Associations (Costam), National, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Scientific Committee Member for 7th Global Congess and Expo On Laser Optics & Photonics (Gcelop-2023), International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Organizing Committee Member At 2nd International Conference and Expo On Lasers, Optics & Photonics (Optics2023), International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Scientific Committee for 2nd Edition for Global Conference On Nano Technology, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Committee for International Summit On Sensors and Sensing Technology, International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Committee At 3rd Global Summit and Expo On Lasers, Optics and Photonics (Gselop2023), International, (Resource Person)
- (2023) Ahli Jawatankuasa Majlis Pusat Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Tinggi (Hicoe Council), National, (Resource Person)
- (2022) Advisory Committee Member 43rd World Conference On Applied Science Engineering and Tehcnology, International, (Resource Person)
- (2022) Program Committee for 11th International Conference On Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (Photoptics2023), International, (Resource Person)
- (2022) Penceramah Program Forum: Research Talk @Ios, National, (Resource Person)
- (2022) Keynote for 3rd International Conference On Optics, Photonics and Lasers, International, (Resource Person)
- (2022) Committee Chair Person for 2022 in Ternational Conference On Optical Technology, Semiconductor Materials and Devices, International, (Resource Person)
- (2022) Keynote Speaker for 2nd International Conference On Condensed Matters and Advanced Materials At Universitas Malang, International, (Resource Person)
- (2022) Jemputan Sebagai Penceramah Bagi Sesi Syarahan Profesor Ulung Anjuran Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi (Fast), Uthm, National, (Resource Person)
- (2022) Adjunct Professor At Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, International, (Adjunct/Visiting Professors)
- (2020) 9(k). [Expert Advisor] - Board of Study Workshop Fakulti Sains 2020, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya
- (2020) 9(j). [Expert Advisor] - Bengkel Kecemerlangan Pensyarah Melayu Fakulti Sains, 20 Feb 2020, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya dan Pusat Kajian Kecemerlangan Melayu (PKKM)
- (2019) 9(h). Ahli Jawatankuasa Lembaga HICoE, HICOE
- (2019) 3. ASM Selection Committee Meeting to Interview the Candidates to Participate in the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Academy of Sciences Malaysia
- (2019) 4. Fourth International Conference on Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications (ICN 2019), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, National Advisory Committee of ICN 2019
- (2019) Malaysia Technology Ecosystem, MIDA
- (2019) 9(i). Ahli Majlis Pusat Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Tinggi (HICoE Council) , HICOE
- (2019) 5. Invitation as Panel Member and Mentor, UTM Mentorship Program, UTM
- (2019) ICFM - Technical Committee Invitation Cavtat, Croatia, June 10 - 14, 2020, The 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials
- (2019) 2. 8th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology, PHOTOPTICS 2020 - Program Committee
- (2019) 9(e) International Advisory Committee , 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO12)
- (2019) 1. 1st Meeting of MyCIE (Malaysia CIE) for 2019, NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF CIE (NCCIE) MALAYSIA
- (2018) Panel Penapis Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Madya - Ir. Dr. Micheal Tan Loong Peng, UTM
- (2018) Technical Advisory Committee in the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advancement in Science and Technology (ICORAST2019), ICORAST2019
- (2018) Panel Penapis Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor - Prof. Madya Dr. Hazlina bt Selamat, UTM
- (2018) Panel Penapis Kenaikan Pangkat ke Jawatan Profesor Madya - Dr. Mohamad Shukri bin Zainal Abidin, UTM
Contribution to event
- (2021) Penceramah Jemputan, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
- (2021) Guest Speaker, University, (Panelist/Moderator)
- (2021) Jemputan Sebagai Penceramah, National, (Panelist/Moderator)
Media appearance
- (2023) Newton Interview Via Zoom, National, (Interview)
- (2023) Jemputan Sebagai Tokoh Paparan Dalam Program Ilmuan Islamiah Yang Bakal Disiarkan Di Saluran Radio Televisyen Malaysia, National, (Discourse)
- (2024) High Energy Ultrafast Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Laser (Tertiary (Science and Technology)), International, (Academic Advisor)
Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
(2023) The Development of Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Tilt Sensor for Ground Movement Monitoring, MUHAMMAD SYAMIL BIN MOHD SA'AD
(2023) Direct Laser Writing of Optical Waveguides in Transparent Materials Using a High Repetition Rate Femtosecond Laser, NG KOK BIN
(2015) planar lightwave circuit, Nur Afiqah Mohd Ariffin
(2015) Planar Lightwave Circuit, Lai Choon Kong
(2015) Graphene based ultrafast photonic devices, Siti Nabila Aidit
(2015) Generation of Q-switched and Mode-locked pulses in Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser for 2 um Operation, Muhamad Zharif Samion
(2015) FBG and its application, Lee Yen Sian
(2015) Development Of Polymer Microfiber For Bio-sensor Applications, Ninik Irawati
(2015) A Novel Study In The Effects Of Heavy Metal Oxide For Thulium-doped Fibre Lasers, Muhammad Taufiq Ahmad
(2015) 2um Fiber Laser and Its Application, Anir Syazwan Sharbirin
(2015) 1.55 um Fiber Laser and Its Application, Siti Aisyah Reduan
(2014) The Effects Of Heavy Metal Oxide On The Performance Of Thulium-doped Fibre Lasers, Anas bin Abdul Latiff
(2014) 2 um fiber laser, Hanafiah Shamsuddin
(2013) Ytterbium doped fiber laser, Muhammad Aizi Mat Salim
(2013) Thulium doped fiber laser operating at 2um, Ibrahim Muhammad Babar
(2013) Theoretical And Experimental Study Of 3D Plasmonic Nanoparticles With Application In Optical Meatamaterial, SEYEDEDRISS MIRNIAHARIKANDI
(2013) The Generation Of Dual-Wavelength Fiber Lasers And Their Applications, AMIRAH BINTI ABD LATIF
(2013) Tapered fiber, MUNESWARAN SUTHASKUMAR
(2013) Optical fiber Sensor, Zuraidah binti Harith
(2013) Modelling And Fabrication Of Multimode Fiber Bragg Gratings And Their Applications, MUHAMMAD MAHMOOD ALI
(2013) Microfiber and its Applications, Muwafaq Fadhil Jaddoa
(2013) Fiber Bragg grating and its applications, Dinusha Serandi Gunawardena
(2013) FBG and its applications, Md Rajibul Islam
(2013) Dual-wavelength Fiber Lasers Covering The Regions Of 1.0, 1.5 And 2.0 Micron And Their Applications, Seyed Mohammad Reza Khalifeh Soltanian
(2013) Distributive Bragg Reflector, Lai Man Hong
(2013) Development Of Nano-Fibers Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based Optical Modulator Using Zno Nanoparticle Doped Liquid Crystal, ARNI MUNIRA BINTI MARKOM
(2013) Development Of Multiwavelength Source Based On Nonlinear Effects, NURUL SHAHRIZAN BINTI SHAHABUDDIN
(2013) Development Of Multi-Wavelength, Q-Switched And Mode-Locked Erbium Doped Fiber Lasers Based On Nonlinear Effects, TAN SIN JIN
(2013) Brillouin Fiber Laser And Its Applications In Multiwavelength Generation And Sensor, NORFIZAH BINTI MD. ALI
(2013) An Analysis Of Barriers To Nanotechnology Commercialization In Malaysia, KASTHOORY A/P RAJALINGAM
(2012) Ytterbium doped fiber laser, Ahmed Hasan Hamood Al-Masoodi
(2012) Thulium doped fiber laser, SALAM MAHDI AZOOZ
(2012) Optical Microfiber Knot Resonators Design And Application In Optical Sensors, NORHAKIMAH BINTI MD SAMSURI
(2012) Optical Filters Based On Microfiber Knot Resonator Structures, Somayeh Nodehi
(2012) Growth Of Zinc Oxide Nano-Rods On &Nbsp;Optical Fiber For Optical Interconnects And Side Coupling Applications, HOORIEH FALLAH
(2012) Development Of Pulsed Fibre Lasers And Supercontinuum Light Source Based On Nonlinear Effect, Arman Zarei
(2012) 2 um Fiber Laser and Its Application, MOHAMMAD FAIZAL BIN ISMAIL
(2011) Tapered Plastic Optical Fiber Sensors For Chemical Detection And Relative Humidity Measurements, MALATHY A/P BATUMALAY
(2011) Graphene based saturable absorber for Photonics Applications, Farah Diana bt Muhammad
(2011) Fabrication And Characterisation Of Graphene Oxide Saturable Absorber For Q-Switched Fiber Laser Generation, Ahmad Zarif bin Zulkifli
(2011) Development Of Passive Q-Switched And Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers Using Carbon-Based Saturable Absorbers, MOHD AFIQ BIN ISMAIL
(2011) Development Of Microfiber Structures And Their Laser Applications, AZLAN BIN SULAIMAN
(2010) Wide Band Optical Amplifier, Belal A Ahmad
(2010) Performance Enhancement Of Thulium Doped Fiber Amplifier, SIAMAK DAWAZDAH EMAMI
(2010) Fabrication Of Microfiber Resonators And Interferometers Structures For Sensor Applications, ALI ABDULHADI JASIM
(2010) Development Of Pulsed Ytterbium Co-Doped Fiber Lasers Operating In 1.5 And 2.0 Micrometer Region, ZULZILAWATI BINTI JUSOH
(2010) Development of Pulsed Fiber Lasers Using Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Based Passive Saturable Absorbers, FAUZAN BIN AHMAD
(2010) Development Of Fiber Optic Displacement Sensors For Dental Applications, HUSNA ABDUL RAHMAN
(2010) Design And Characterization Of Multiwavelength Fiber Laser In O-Band Transmission Window, Siti Fatimah Bnti Norizan
(2010) Chemical Synthesis And Characterization Of Graphene Oxide For Use As Saturable Absorber And Broadband Polarizer, Yap Yuen Kiat
(2009) Study of S-Band Optical Amplifiers and Its Applications, Mohd Zamani Zulkifli
(2009) Erbium-Doped Zirconia Based Fiber Amplifiers And Lasers, Azura Hamzah
(2009) Development And Applications Of Intensity Modulation Based Fiber Optic Displacement Sensors, Yang Hang Zhou
(2009) Acousto-Optic Sensor Based On Fibre Laser Dynamics, PUA CHANG HONG
(2008) Multi- Wavelength Laser Generation Based On Nonlinear Effects In Pcf And Bi-Edf, Roghaieh Parvizi
(2008) Investigation On Fabrication Techniques, Characteristics And Applications Of Microfiber Devices, Lim Kok Sing
(2007) Using Selective Area Doping Method In Fabricating Silica Based Waveguide Laser, Chong Wu Yi
(2007) Nonlinear fiber lasers using Bismuth based Erbium doper fiber amplifier, Sharifeh Shahi
(2007) Bismuth-Based Erbium Doped Fiber For Mode Locking And Nonlinear Applications, Mohammad Reza Abdolhosseini Moghaddam
(2006) Multiwavelength brillouin fiber lasers, Mohammadreza Rezazadeh Shirazi
(2005) Characterisation of bismuth-based erbium-doped fibre and its application in wide-band optical amplifiers, Nizam bin Tamchek
(2002) Fiber Optic Technologies / Designs of Enhanced L-Band Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier, Sulaiman Wadi Harun
(2000) Fiber Optic Technologies / Narrowband ASE Feedback Technique for Gain-Clamping of an EDFA, Prabakaran Poopalan
(2000) Fiber Optic Technologies / Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Amplifier with Optical Feedback, Teyo Tuan Chin
(1999) Fiber Optic Technologies/ Novel Broadband Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier for WDM Transmission System, Mohd Adzir Mahdi
(1999) Fiber Optic Technologies / Multiwavelength Fiber Lasers for DWDM System, Ahmad Kamil Abdul Rahman
(1999) Fiber Optic Technologies / Gain-Clamped Erbium-Doped Fibre Amplifier, Thirumeni Subramaniam
(1996) Fiber Optic Technologies / Active Optical Fiber Devices: Fiber Lasers, Brillouin Lasers and Laser Amplifiers, Mohd Khazani Abdullah
(1993) Optical Coherent Communication System using Phase Shift Keying, Syed Javaid Iqbal
(2015) Zinc oxide nanoparticle as saturable absorber for passively q-switched fiber in S and C band, Cherrie Lee Sue Jing
(2015) Tunable Q-switched Ytterbium Doped Fiber Laser, Rabiatul Adawiyah Shaharuddin
(2015) Random Brillouin Fiber Laser, Najwa binti Hisamuddin
(2015) Polymer Waveguide Integrated Circuit, Lee Say Hoe
(2015) Passive Q-switched fiber laser operating in C and S band using silver nanoparticles as SA, Nur Ezzati Ruslan
(2015) Microfiber sensing and lasing application employing evanescent field interaction with 2D materials, Md Jahid Faruki
(2015) Dual wavelength q-switched ytterbium doped fiber laser using d-shaped and 2D nanomaterial, Farhana Athirah Ahmad Rashid
(2014) Thulium doped fiber laser, Aisah Muhammad
(2013) Ultra-Wideband Soa Fiber Laser, NOR AHYA HASSAN
(2013) Tapered Fibre Based Biosensor For Medical Applications, NINIK IRAWATI
(2013) Tapered Fiber for Sensing and Photonics Applications, Zulkarnaini binti Muda
(2013) Radio Frequency Generation using Butt Coupling Technique, Bahdwidth, Pulse Width And Spectrum Tunability In Passively Pulse Fiber Laser
(2013) Multiwall Carbon Nanotube (mwcnt) As A Saturable Absorber For Generation Of High Q-factor In Erbium Doped Fiber Laser, Siti Nadhirah Mohamed Hassan
(2013) Fabrication Of Tapered Fibre Using Mechanical Polishing Method For Nanoscopic Application, CHEONG YEW KEN
(2013) Erbiumd odped fiber laser, Siti Nur'ain Sakeh
(2013) Entirely Centered Erbium Doping in the Fiber Core for Sensing Applications, Julian binti Md Samangun
(2013) Development Of Ytterbium Thulium Co-Doped Fiber Laser For Operation In 1.9 Micron Region, SITI MUNIRAH BINTI MUHAMMAD ALI
(2013) Characterization Of Pulse Operation In Depressed-cladding Erbium Doped Fiber Laser, Nur Sabirah binti Azhari
(2013) Carbon Nanotubes (Cnt) Based Photonic Device, AHMED HASAN HAMOOD AL-MASOODI
(2013) Brillouin DBR fiber laser, Nur Azlin binti Alwi Kutty
(2013) Bahdwidth, Pulse Width And Spectrum Tunability In Passively Pulse Fiber Laser, Khalilah Zatiliman Hamdan
(2009) Zirconia based erbium doped fiber laser, Asiah Lokman
(2009) Fabrication of chalcogenide microsphere resonator and its application, Iman Aryanfar
(2009) Development of apodized fiber Bragg grating for application in tunable fiber laser and as a high temperature sensor, Chong Seng Sean
(2008) Optimization of inductively coupled plasma dry etching for planar waveguide fabrication, Lim Weng Hong
(2008) Fabrication of rare earth doped glass thick film via flame hydrolysis deposition and solution doping, Sua Yong Meng
(2008) Automated waveguide alignment and direct UV writing systems for integrated optical devices fabrication and characterization, Tan Chin Chong
(2007) Reflective and beam-through types of fiber optic sensor for displacement measurement, Al Masri, Walaa Fawzi
(2007) Non-selective Area Doping Of Rare-earth Material With Codoping, Yap Yen
(2007) . Monolithic integration of glass-based optical devices via solution doping of erbium rare-earth material, Kow Siew Ting
(2007) Fiber optic sensor based on Fresnel reflection, Saleem Hamed Alhinai
(2007) Design and simulation of silica-on-silicon pump/signal multiplexer for hybrid passive-active optical devices, Alvin Law Wen Pin
(2007) A multi-wavelength source based on sagnac loop and semiconductor optical amplifier, Kavintheran Thambiratnam
(2006) S band multiwavelength fiber laser, Mohd Zamani Zulkifli
(2006) Enhanced Brillouin fiber laser, Mozhgun Biglary
(2005) . Inductively coupled plasma dry etching process on planar lightwave circuit fabrication, Chuah Khoon Seah
(2004) Investigations of s-band erbium-doped fibre amplifier, Nor Kamilah Sa'at
(2004) Enhanced Brillouim Erbium Fiber Lasers For Dense Wavelenght Division Multiplexing System, Cheng Siau Xian
(2003) L-band bismuth-base erbium-doped fibre amplifier, Chong Wu Yi
(2003) C-band gain-clamping EDFA by passive reflection from multiple FBGs, Huoermaiti Haoken
(2003) C-band Edfa Gain-clamping By Passive Reflection From Multiple Fbg's, Huoermaiti Haoken
- (2013) SMGS6342 - Optoelectronics
- High efficient Light Trapping structure using hybrid plasmonic enhanced 2D materialPatent (National)
- Dynamic focusing of Gaussian beam for efficient laser ablation and cuttingPatent (National)
- FBG Accelerometer based on magnetic damped cantilever configurationPatent (National)
- Apparatus for Emitting Laser Beam of the Wavelength of 1.53 to 1.63 micronPatent (International)
- Dynamic focusing of Gaussian beam for efficient laser ablation and cuttingPatent (International)
- Graphene Oxide Functionalised all-optical waveguide switchPatent (International)
- S-Band Multi-wavelength Brillouin/Raman DBR Fiber LaserPatent
- 40 MHz wide-band fanned-out supercontinuum source from O-band to U-bandPatent
- Add and Drop Filter based on Microfiber Mach-Zehnder / Sagnac InterferometerPatent
- New Design of S-band optical amplifier based on thulium-aluminum co-doped photonic crystal fiberPatent
- Four-Wave-Mixing (FWM) based Multi-Wavelength Source using Zirconia-Erbium Doped FiberPatent
- High Resolution Temperature Sensor by Single-Longitudinal Mode Fiber Laser with Frequency Beating TechniquePatent
- High thermal sensor probe of Regenerated Fibre Bragg GratingPatent
- Dynamic tracking Fiber Tapering WorkstationPatent
- Optical Integrated Microfibre Device for Refractive Index and Temperature SensingPatent
- Silica Glass Etching Process With High Aspect Ratio and Etch SelectivityPatent
- Sebagai Ahli Panel (Panelist) Forum Kemerdekaan Sempena Majlis Sambutan Hari Malaysia Peringkat Universiti Utara Malaysia, (15 Sep 2015 - 15 Sep 2015)
- Might Senior Associate Roundtable With Datuk Dr Mohd Yusoff, President & Ceo of Might, (11 Aug 2015 - 11 Aug 2015)
- Sebagai Panel Bagi Program Jejak Ilmuan, (28 May 2015 - 28 May 2015)
- Sebagai Penceramah Untuk Seminar Staf Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektronik dan Kejuruteraan Komputer (Fkekk) Utem, (27 May 2015 - 26 May 2016)
- Tawaran Menjalani Latihan Industri, (22 May 2015 - 22 May 2015)
- Jemputan Sebagai Ahli Panel Sempena Pameran dan Persidangan Inovasi Kebangsaan 2015 (Nice 2015) Anjuran Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, (21 May 2015 - 21 May 2015)
- Pcr Malaysia / Short-Term Consultancy Assignment, (21 May 2015 - 21 May 2015)
- Jemputan Menjadi Panel Juri Untuk Pertandingan University Malaya Three Minute Thesis (Um3mt), (19 May 2015 - 19 May 2015)
- Jemputan Menghadiri Mesyuarat Mengenai Kongres Profesor Negara III, Majlis Profesor Negara, (15 May 2015 - 15 May 2015)
- Request to Do a Feature of Professor Datuk Dr Harith Ahmad Fasc for The 2015 Asm Journal, (08 May 2015 - 08 May 2015)
- Selamat Menonton Wacana Akademia, (03 May 2015 - 31 May 2015)
- Invitation to Become The Facilitator in Bengkel Penyediaan Grant Fkee, Uthm, (15 Apr 2015 - 16 Apr 2015)
- Jemputan Ke Majlis Pelancaran Kelab Fotonik Di Sm Imtiaz Besut Oleh Menteri Pendidikan 2, (11 Apr 2015 - 11 Apr 2015)
- Pengesahan Slot Mhi Khas Tv3 - Pppm (Pt), (07 Apr 2015 - 07 Apr 2015)
- Temubual Pppm (Pt) Bersama Profesor Ulung 2014, (05 Apr 2015 - 07 Apr 2015)
- Famelab Competition - Judging Guidelines, (04 Apr 2015 - 04 Apr 2015)
- Yayasan Terengganu and Imtiaz School of Excellence Visit to Photonics Research Centre, (25 Mar 2015 - 25 Mar 2015)
- Jemputan Ceramah Bersama Profesor Ulung, (25 Mar 2015 - 25 Mar 2015)
- Pelantikan Sebagai Penilai Luar Bagi Urusan Permohonan Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Profesor - Calon Prof. Ir. Dr. Abdul Halim, (17 Mar 2015 - 16 Mar 2016)
- Guest Speaker - Ios Colloquium Series 15/2013 (Exposing Photonics to UiTM), (15 Nov 2013 - 15 Nov 2013)
- UM Phonics Research Group Briefing and Interaction in Monash, (25 Sep 2013 - 25 Sep 2013)
- Research Opportunity At Photonics Research Centre, University of Malaya (Exposing Photonics to The Academic Community), (30 May 2013 - 30 May 2013)
- Reviewer - Optic. Comm. Nb191, (26 Dec 2012 - 26 Dec 2012)
- Reviewer - Sensors 7431-2012, (26 Dec 2012 - 26 Dec 2012)
- Reviewer - Jolt-D-12-01134, (21 Dec 2012 - 21 Dec 2012)
- Lawatan Kerjasama Penyelidikan Ke UTM, (17 Dec 2012 - 19 Dec 2012)
- Reviewer - Sensors - 7180-2012, (12 Dec 2012 - 12 Dec 2012)
- Local Organizing Committee, Photonics 2012, (09 Dec 2012 - 12 Dec 2012)
- Reviewer - Jolt-D-12-00850, (17 Nov 2012 - 17 Nov 2012)
- Reviewer - Scientia-D-12-00640, (17 Oct 2012 - 17 Oct 2012)
- Reviewer - Ptl-25630-2012, (11 Oct 2012 - 11 Oct 2012)
- Reviewer - Jolt-D-12-00929, (08 Oct 2012 - 08 Oct 2012)
- Akademi Sains Malaysia - Colloquium On Emerging Technologies Report, (02 Oct 2012 - 02 Oct 2012)
- Reviewer - Jolt-D-12-00829, (01 Oct 2012 - 01 Oct 2012)
- Reviewer - Optic. Comm. Nb142-R1, (24 Sep 2012 - 24 Sep 2012)
- Penceramah Sempena Syarahan Perdana, (13 Aug 2012 - 13 Aug 2012)
- Panel Penilai Bagi Bengkel Penilaian Permohonan Baru Technofund Klasterindustri Bil. 12/2011, (21 Dec 2011 - 21 Dec 2011)
- Panel Member, Bengkel Penilaian Permohonan Baru Technofund Klaster ICT, (21 Dec 2011 - 21 Dec 2011)
- Evaluator of Technofund Project Applications Under Nrsc for Cycle 3/2011, (09 Nov 2011 - 09 Nov 2011)
- Penilai Bebas Untuk Kenaikan Pangkat Ke Jawatan Profesor Madya, UPM, (09 Nov 2011 - 01 Nov 2014)
- Ahli Kumpulan Kerja Pakar Sains Bahan Termaju Di Bawah Majlis Sains dan Penyelidikan Kebangsaan (Mpsk), (09 Aug 2011)
- Inaugural Merdeka Award Roundtables, (06 Jul 2011 - 06 Jul 2011)
- Evaluator for Industry Cluster Technofund Applications, Cycle 6/2011 (Tf0108d007), (17 Jun 2011 - 17 Jun 2011)
- Evaluator for Industry Cluster Technofund Applications, Cycle 6/2011 (Tf0511d141), (17 Jun 2011 - 17 Jun 2011)
- Evaluator for Industry Cluster Technofund Applications, Cycle 6/2011 (Tf0211d107), (17 Jun 2011 - 17 Jun 2011)
- Academic Visit, Nus, (01 May 2011 - 01 Oct 2011)
- Working Visit to Iran, (17 Apr 2011 - 25 Apr 2011)
- Working Visit to Mekah, Jeddah, Madinah and Riyadh, (25 Feb 2011 - 04 Mar 2011)
- Member of The Phd Supervisory Committee (Belal Ahmad Hamida / Matric No: G0827093 / Phd in Engineering), (20 Oct 2010)
- Ahli Panel Penilai Pakar Untuk Penilaian Pembiayaan Dana, R,D&C Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, (25 May 2010 - 24 May 2012)
- Penilai Hasil Penulisan Urusan Kenaikan Pangkat Profesor Madya (Dm54) Ke Profesor Gred Khas C - Prof Madya Dr. Hj. Mohd Kamil Abd. Rahman, (26 Mar 2010 - 26 Mar 2010)
- Evaluator for Industry Cluster Technofund Applications, Cycle 6/2011 (Tf0411d125), ( - )