Curriculum Vitae
Dr Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed was born in Göttingen, Germany in 1980. He is an Egyptian and was graduated from Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University (ASU), Egypt, with a Bachelor's Degree in Dental Sciences (B.D.S.) in 2002. He started his clinical postgraduate program in Endodontics with a Higher Dental Diploma (H.D.D.) degree in 2006, and he is registered as a Dental Specialist in the field of Endodontics by the Egyptian Dental Syndicate in 2012. Dr. Ahmed continued his postgraduate studies, and joined a Master Degree program (M.Sc.D.) at the School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 2009 which was converted to Ph.D. in 2011. In July 2023, he has been promoted to Consultant of Endodontics by the Egyptian Dental Syndicate.
Dr. Ahmed has been granted a number of awards for his research on the application of Portland cements in Endodontics including the IADR (SE Asian division) for the best laboratory research in 2014. He has also been granted several awards, in Malaysia and Singapore, as a supervisor for several elective research projects. Dr. Ahmed has published more than 120 articles in recognized international journals such as Journal of Endodontics and International Endodontic Journal. In 2012, Dr. Ahmed has introduced a new classification for endoperio lesions, which was published in ENDO, and with experts from Brazil and UK, he has also introduced a new system for classifying the root and root canal morphology in 2016, in addition to accessory canals and dental anomalies in 2018. With an expert from Australia, he has also introduced the PROUD guidelines (Preferred reporting items for root canal morphology in the human dentition), published in the European Endodontic Journal. Dr Ahmed has delievered a number of scientific and clinical lectures and workshops in several countries such as Australia, Austria, Italy, Vietnam, Thailand and Egypt. He was also invited as a Keynote Speaker by the European Society of Endodontology which was held in Vienna, 2019, Budapest 2022 and Helsinki 2023, and he also lead a number of workshops related to root and canal morphology.
Currently, he is an associate professor of Endodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya, and he leads a number of grants in Malaysia related to root canal morphology and endodontic bio-materials. He has received two awards from the UM - Excellent service certificate (2019) and Excellent service award (2022). In 2021, he has obtained the membership diploma from the Faculty of Dental Trainers, Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh), and he became a fellow of the International College of Dentists, USA. Dr Ahmed has also been listed in the top 2% Scientists worldwide, Stanford university report, 2022, 2023, USA. He is a scientific reviewer and editorial board member in national and international journals. He is an editorial board member of the International Endodontic Journal (The official publication of the British Endodontic Society). He also is the Deputy Editor-In- Chief of the European Endodontic Journal. He is one of the editors for the book entitled "Endodontic Advances and Evidence Based clinical guidelines" published by Wiley in 2022.
- MFDS RCPS, (Dental Surgery)Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow
- FICD (USA), (Dentistry)International College of Dentists, Usa
- FADI (USA), (Dentistry)Academy of Dentistry International (Adi)
- FPFA, (Dentistry)Pierre Fauchard Academy
- MDTFed RCS, (Dentistry)Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, (Philosophy)Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
- Head Coordinator01 Aug 2019 - 01 Aug 2021 (Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry)
- Coordinator01 Aug 2019 - 01 Aug 2021 (Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry)
- Deputy Head01 Sep 2018 - 01 Sep 2019 (Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry)
- Coordinator01 Sep 2018 - 01 Sep 2019 (Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry)
- Coordinator01 Sep 2017 - 01 Sep 2018 (Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry)
- Excellence Service Award2023, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2020, Universiti Malaya
- Iadr Malaysian Division2019, IADR, (International)
- 2nd Place Best Oral Presentation, Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation (Apec)2017, Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation (APEC), (International)
- 1st Place Best Oral Presentation, Malaysia International Dental Exhibition and Conference (Midec)2016, MDA, (International)
- Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung2015, USM, (University)
- Best Paper in Dental Materials (Laboratory Research), International Association for Dental Research (Iadr) (Southeast Asian Division)2014, International Association for Dental Research (IADR) (Southeast Asian division), (International)
- 3rd Place Best Oral Presentation.2012, Commonwealth Dental Association joint International Scientific Convention and Trade Exhibition Conference, (National)
- 1st Place Best Poster Presentation, International Dental Exhibition and Meeting, Singapore,2012, Singapore, (International)
- 2nd Place Best Poster Presentation, 9th Student Scientific Conference, USM.2011, USM, (University)
- 1st Place Best Poster Presentation, 16th National Conference On Medical and Health Sciences, USM.2011, USM, (University)
Article in Journal
Aljawhar, Abdullah Mohammed; Ibrahim, Norliza; Aziz, Azwatee Abdul; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Azami, Noor Hayati (2024). Characterization of the root and canal anatomy of maxillary premolar teeth in an Iraqi subpopulation: a cone beam computed tomography study, ODONTOLOGY. . doi:10.1007/s10266-023-00870-5
Arnold, Michael; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly (2024). Detection, characterisation and management of complex root canal configurations in the mesiobuccal roots of maxillary first molars: A case series, AUSTRALIAN ENDODONTIC JOURNAL. . doi:10.1111/aej.12842
Islam, Md Refat Readul; Islam, Rafiqul; Liu, Yunqing; Toida, Yu; Yoshida, Yasuhiro; Sano, Hidehiko; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Tomokiyo, Atsushi (2024). Biological evaluation of novel phosphorylated pullulan-based calcium hydroxide formulations as direct pulp capping materials: An in vivo study on a rat model, INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL. 57(9), 1247-1263. doi:10.1111/iej.14083
AL-Rammahi, Hasan M.; Chai, Wen Lin; Nabhan, Mohamed Shady; Ahmed, Hany M. A. (2023). Root and canal anatomy of mandibular first molars using micro-computed tomography: a systematic review, BMC ORAL HEALTH. 23(1). doi:10.1186/s12903-023-03036-5
Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; El-karim, Ikhlas; Duncan, Henry F.; Krastl, Gabriel; Galler, Kerstin (2023). Implications of root, pulp chamber, and canal anatomy on pulpotomy and revitalization procedures, CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS. . doi:10.1007/s00784-023-05284-9
Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Nagendrababu, Venkateshbabu; Duncan, Henry F.; Peters, Ove A.; Dummer, Paul M. H. (2023). Developing a consensus--based glossary of controversial terms in Endodontology, INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL. 56(7), 788-791. doi:10.1111/iej.13918
Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Rossi-Fedele, Giampiero; Dummer, Paul Michael Howell (2023). Critical analysis of a new system to classify root and canal morphology - A systematic review, AUSTRALIAN ENDODONTIC JOURNAL. . doi:10.1111/aej.12780
Islam, Rafiqul; Islam, Md Refat Readul; Tanaka, Toru; Alam, Mohammad Khursheed; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Sano, Hidehiko (2023). Direct pulp capping procedures-Evidence and practice, JAPANESE DENTAL SCIENCE REVIEW. 59, 48-61. doi:10.1016/j.jdsr.2023.02.002
Karobari, Mohmed Isaqali; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly; Bin Khamis, Mohd Fadhli; Ibrahim, Norliza; Noorani, Tahir Yusuf (2023). Application of two systems to classify the root and canal morphology in the human dentition: A national survey in India, JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION. . doi:10.1002/jdd.13236
Majeed, Rabia; Elnawawy, Hoda Mohamed; Kutty, Muralithran Govindan; Yahya, Noor Azlin; Azami, Noor Hayati; Abu Kasim, Noor Hayaty; Nabhan, Mohamed Shady; Cooper, Paul Roy; Camilleri, Josette; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly (2023). Physicochemical, mechanical and biological properties of nano-calcium silicate-based cements: a systematic review (Mar 2023, 10.1007/s10266-023-00786-0), ODONTOLOGY. . doi:10.1007/s10266-023-00818-9
Majeed, Rabia; Elnawawy, Hoda Mohamed; Kutty, Muralithran Govindan; Yahya, Noor Azlin; Azami, Noor Hayati; Kasim, Noor Hayaty Abu; Nabhan, Mohamed Shady; Cooper, Paul Roy; Camilleri, Josette; Ahmed, Hany Mohamed Aly (2023). Physicochemical, mechanical and biological properties of nano-calcium silicate-based cements: a systematic review, ODONTOLOGY. . doi:10.1007/s10266-023-00786-0
Abraham S.B., Al-Marzooq F., Samaranayake L., Hamoudi R.A., Himratul-Aznita W.H., Ahmed H.M.A. (2024). Molecular analyses indicate profuse bacterial diversity in primary and post- treatment endodontic infections within a cohort from the United Arab Emirates-A preliminary study, PLoS ONE. 19(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0305537
Ahmed H.M.A., Keles A., Wolf T.G., Nagendrababu V., Duncan H., Peters O.A., Dummer P.M.H. (2024). Controversial terminology in root and canal anatomy: A comprehensive review, European endodontic journal. 9(4), 308-334. doi:10.14744/eej.2024.20981
Ahmed H.M.A., Keles A., Wolf T.G., Rossi-Fedele G., Dummer P.M.H. (2024). A Proposal to Develop a New Classification for Pulp Chamber Anatomy, European endodontic journal. 9(1), 1-7. doi:10.14744/eej.2023.82713
Ahmed H.M.A., Wolf T.G., Rossi-Fedele G., Dummer P.M.H. (2024). The Study and Relevance of Pulp Chamber Anatomy in Endodontics - A Comprehensive Review, European Endodontic Journal. 9(1), 18-34. doi:10.14744/eej.2023.76598
Arnold M., Ahmed H.M.A. (2024). Detection, characterisation and management of complex root canal configurations in the mesiobuccal roots of maxillary first molars: A case series, Australian Endodontic Journal. . doi:10.1111/aej.12842
Islam M.R.R., Islam R., Liu Y., Toida Y., Yoshida Y., Sano H., Ahmed H.M.A., Tomokiyo A. (2024). Biological evaluation of novel phosphorylated pullulan-based calcium hydroxide formulations as direct pulp capping materials: An in vivo study on a rat model, International Endodontic Journal. . doi:10.1111/iej.14083
Mustafa M., Batul R., Karobari M.I., Alamri H.M., Abdulwahed A., Almokhatieb A.A., Hashem Q., Alsakaker A., Alam M.K., Ahmed H.M.A. (2024). Assessment of the root and canal morphology in the permanent dentition of Saudi Arabian population using cone beam computed and micro-computed tomography a systematic review, BMC Oral Health. 24(1). doi:10.1186/s12903-024-04101-3
Singh A., Elsewify T., Elemam R., Eid B., Ahmed H.M.A. (2024). Root canal treatment of a maxillary first molar with unusual anatomy, Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia. 38(1), 110-116. doi:10.32067/GIE.2023.37.01.32
AL-Rammahi H.M., Chai W.L., Nabhan M.S., Ahmed H.M.A. (2023). Root and canal anatomy of mandibular first molars using micro-computed tomography: a systematic review, BMC Oral Health. 23(1). doi:10.1186/s12903-023-03036-5
El Karim I.A., Duncan H.F., Fouad A.F., Taha N.A., Yu V., Saber S., Ballal V., Chompu-inwai P., Ahmed H.M.A., Gomes B.P.F.A., Abushouk S., Cushley S., O'Neill C., Clarke M. (2023). Effectiveness of full Pulpotomy compared with Root canal treatment in managing teeth with signs and symptOms indicative of irreversible pulpitis: a protocol for prospectiVE meta-analysis of individual participant data of linked randomised clinical trials (PROVE), Trials. 24(1). doi:10.1186/s13063-023-07836-6
Islam R., Islam M.R.R., Tanaka T., Alam M.K., Ahmed H.M.A., Sano H. (2023). Direct pulp capping procedures Evidence and practice, Japanese Dental Science Review. 59, 48-61. doi:10.1016/j.jdsr.2023.02.002
Sharawy W.W., Ahmed H.M.A., Cohen S. (2023). Management of necrotic teeth with apical periodontitis using sonically activated irrigation, Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia. 37(1), 111-119. doi:10.32067/GIE.2023.37.01.02
Ahmed HMA. A critical analysis of laboratory and clinical research methods to study root and canal anatomy. Int Endod J. 2022 Apr;55 Suppl 2:229-280. doi: 10.1111/iej.13702. Epub 2022 Mar 31. PMID: 35124829.
Ahmed HMA, Hashem AAR, Dummer PMH. Application of a new System for Classifying Root and Canal Anatomy in Clinical Practice - Explanation and Elaboration. Eur Endod J. 2021 Aug;6(2):132-142. doi: 10.14744/eej.2021.38257.
Beltran HS, Torres J, Pauro J, HMA Ahmed. A new coding system for root and canal morphology An online survey from Peru. International Endodontic Journal. Jan 2021.
H.M.A. Ahmed N. Ibrahim N.S. Mohamad P. Nambiar R.F. Muhammad M. Yusoff P.M.H. Dummer. Application of a new system for classifying root and canal anatomy in studies involving micro computed tomography and cone beam computed tomography Explanation and elaboration. International Endodontic Journal. First published: 02 February 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/iej.13486
Karobari MI, Noorani TY, Halim MS, Ahmed HMA. Root and canal morphology of the anterior permanent dentition in Malaysian population using two classification systems: A CBCT clinical study. Aust Endod J. 2021 Aug;47(2):202-216. doi: 10.1111/aej.12454.
Abbas et al. Histopathological evaluation of different regenerative protocols using Chitosan-based formulations for management of immature non-vital teeth with apical periodontitis: In-vivo study. Australian Endodontic Journal
Abraham SB, Abdulla N, Himratul-Aznita WH, Awad M, Samaranayake LP and Ahmed HMA. (2020). Antibiotic prescribing practices of dentists for endodontic infections; a cross-sectional study. PLOS One. 15(12): e0244585. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244585 (ISI Web of Science)
Dawood et al. Properties of A Modified Quaternary Ammonium Silane Formulation as a Potential Root Canal Irrigant in Endodontics. Dental Materials
Gianluca Plotino, Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Frederic Bukiet, Nicola M. Grande, kSajesh K. Veettil, Gustavo De-Deus, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed. Influence of Negotiation, Glide Path, and Preflaring Procedures on Root Canal Shaping Terminology, Basic Concepts, and a Systematic Review
HMA Ahmed, G Rossi-Fedele (2020). Preferred Reporting Items for Root and Canal Anatomy in the Human Dentition (PROUD 2020) A Systematic Review and a Proposal for a Standardized Protocol September 2020 European Endodontic Journal. 5(3): 159-176.
I Capar, HMA Ahhmed. Editorial: A New Achievement to the European Endodontic Journal and Appreciation to Editors and Reviewers
Karobari I, Noorani T, Halim S, HMA Ahmed. Root and Canal Morphology of the Anterior Permanent Dentition in Malaysian Population Using Two Classification Systems: A CBCT Clinical Study. Australian Endodontic Journal.
Sheela BA, Farah AM, Himratul Aznita WH, AhmedHMA and Samaranayake LP. (2020). Prevalence, virulence and antifungal activity of C. albicans isolated from infected root canals. BMC Oral Health. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12903-020-01347-5 (ISI Web of Science)
Acupuncture reduces the postoperative pain in teeth with symptomatic apical periodontitis: a preliminary randomized placebo-controlled prospective clinical trial. Hakan Arslan, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, Ezgi Doganay Y ld z, Eyup Candas Gundogdu, E. Seckin, S Arslan. Quintessence International. 2019
Karobari MI, Noorani T, Halim MS, PMH Dummer, Ahmed HMA (2019). Should inter-canal communications be included in the classification of root canal configurations?. International Endodontic Journal
Letter to Editor: The abilities of three Nickel Titanium mechanized systems to negotiate and shape MB2 canals in extracted maxillary first molars a Micro Computed Tomographic study HMA Ahmed (2019)
Neelakantan P, Ahmed HMA, Chang J, Nabhan MS, Wei X, G Cheung, B Gomes (2019). Effect of instrumentation systems on endotoxin reduction from root canal systems: A systematic review of clinical studies and meta-analysis. Australian Endodontic Journal.
Regenerative Endodontic Procedures in Necrotic Mature Teeth with Periapical Radiolucencies: A Preliminary Randomized Clinical Study. H Arslan, HMA Ahmed, Y Sahin, E Yildiz, E Gundogdu, Y Guven, R Khalilov. 2019. Journal of Endodontics
Saber SEDM, Ahmed MHM, Obeid M, Ahmed HMA (2018). Root and canal morphology of maxillary premolar teeth in an Egyptian subpopulation using two classification systems: A cone beam computed tomography study International Endodontic Journal.
Venkateshbabu N, Ahmed HMA (2019). Shaping properties and outcomes of nickel titanium rotary and reciprocation systems using micro computed tomography A systematic review. Quintessence international
Ahmed HMA, Dummer PMH (2017) A new system for classifying tooth, root and canal anomalies. International Endodontic Journal. In press
Ahmed HMA, J Kottoor, Hashem AAR (2018). Supernumerary teeth - A review on a critical endodontic challenge. European Journal of General Dentistry 7(1), 1-6.
Ahmed HMA, PMH Dummer (2018). Advantages and Applications of a New System for Classifying Roots and Canal Systems in Research and Clinical Practice. European Endodontic Journal 3(1), 9-17
Capar I, Ahmed HMA (2018). Editorial European Endodontic Journal: From a dream to an indexed journal. European Endodontic Journal 7.
Fen SC, Lek LW, Kannan TP, Abdullah SF, Husein A, Nabhan MS, Ahmed HMA (2018). Analysis of pH and cytotoxic activity of locally produced radiopaque white Portland cement. European Journal of General Dentistry 7:51-5.
HMA Ahmed, P Neelakantan, PMH Dummer. A new system for classifying accessory canal morphology. International Endodontic Journal. 2017 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/iej.12800/full
P Neelakantan, Ahmed HMA, Wong M, Matinlinna J, G Cheung. Effect of root canal irrigation protocols on dislocation resistance of mineral trioxide aggregate based root canal sealers: A systematic review of laboratory studies. International Endodontic Journal 2018 - Early view
Ahmed HM, Luddin N, Kannan TP, Mokhtar KI, Ahmad A. Dentinogenic differentiation potential of fast set white portland cements of a different origin on dental pulp stem cells. Eur J Gen Dent 2017;6:115-22
Ahmed HMA, (2017). Endodontics and Forensic Personal Identification: An update, European Journal of General Dentistry. 6(1):5-8.
Ahmed HMA, Luddin N, Kannan TP, Mohktar K, Ahmad A (2017). White mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with calcium chloride dihydrate: Chemical analysis and biological properties. Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics.
G Nocca, Ahmed HMA, GE Martorana, C Call , G Gambarini, S Rengo, G Spagnuolo (2017). Chromographic Analysis and Cytotoxic Effects of Chlorhexidine and Sodium Hypochlorite reaction mixtures. Journal of Endodontics. In Press
Guivarc'h M, Ordioni U, Ahmed HMA, Cohen S, Catherine J-H, Bukiet F (2017). Sodium hypochlorite accident: A systematic review, Journal of Endodontics. 43(1):16-24.
HMA Ahmed, N Luddin, TP Kannan, K Mokhtar, A Ahmad. (2017) Calcium Chloride Dihydrate Affects the Biological Properties of White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate on Dental Pulp Stem Cells: An in vitro Study. Saudi Endodontic Journal. Accepted
Hakan Arslan, Ezgi Do anay, Ertu rul Karata ,Mehmet Ali nl , Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed. Effect of low-level laser therapy on postoperative pain following root canal retreatment: A preliminary placebo controlled, triple-blind, randomized clinical trial. Journal of Endodontics: In press
Hashem AAR, Ahmed HMA (2017). Endodontic Management of a Mandibular First Molar with Unusual Canal Morphology, European Endodontic Journal. :1-4.
Mahgoub M, Hashem AAR, Ahmed HMA (2017). Endodontic management of maxillary lateral incisor with an unusual root dilaceration diagnosed with the cone beam computed tomography. Saudi Endodontic Journal. 7(1): 50-53.
Rossi-Fedele G, Ahmed HMA (2017). Assessment of Root Canal Filling Removal Effectiveness Using Micro computed Tomography: A Systematic Review, Journal of Endodontics. 43(4):520-526.
Sharawy W, Ahmed HMA (2017) Endodontic Management of a Three Rooted Mandibular Third Molar with a Dilacerated Distal Root and Close Approximation to the Inferior Alveolar Canal: A Case Report. International Dental Research. 7:42-45
Sharma G, Ahmed HMA, Zilm P, Rossi-Fedele G. Antimicrobial properties of calcium hydroxide dressing when used for long-term application: A systematic review. Australian Endodontic Journal. Accepted.
Ahmed HMA (2016). Nano-computed tomography: Current and future perspectives. Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics. 41(3): 236-238.
Ahmed HMA, Fadhli MF, Gutmann JL (2016). Seven root canals in a deciduous maxillary molar tooth detected by the dental operating microscope and micro-computed tomography. Scanning. 38(6) 554-557
Ahmed HMA, Hashem AAR (2016). Accessory roots and root canals in human anterior teeth: A review and clinical considerations. International Endodontic Journal. 49(8): 724-36.
Ahmed HMA, Luddin N, Kannan TP, Mohktar K, Ahmad A (2016). Chemical analysis and biological properties of two different formulations of white Portland cements. Scanning. 38(4): 303-316.
Ahmed HMA, MA Versiani, G De-Deus, PMH Dummer (2016). A new system for classifying the root and canal morphology. International Endodontic Journal. In press.
Arslan H, Seckin F, Capar ID, Ahmed HMA, Gundogdu EC (2016). A survey on clinicians preferences in reducing postoperative pain in endodontic practice. Turkish Endodontic Journal 1(2): 67-72.
Grande N, Plotino G, Ahmed HMA, Cohen S, Bukiet F (2016). The reciprocating movement in endodontics. Endodontic Practice Today (2): 28-33.
MA Versiani, Ahmed HMA, G De-Deus, PMH Dummer (2016). Unusual Deviation of the Main Foramen from the Root Apex. Brazilian Dental Journal. 27(5):589-591.
Madarati A, Sammani A, Zafar S, Bni-Younes H, Ahmed HMA. (2016) Usage of NiTi rotary files systems for root canal retreatment procedures: Experience and practice of dental practitioners and endodontists. ENDO Endodontic Practice Today 10(4):213-223.
Mohan K, Ben Hmida SAA, Alshehadat SA, Halim MS, Ahmed HMA. (2016) Management of a mandibular first molar with three separate root canals in the distal root. Journal of Restorative Dentistry. 4(1): 22-25.
Abidin RMZ, Luddin N, Omar NS, Ahmed HMA (2015). Cytotoxicity of fast-set conventional and resin modified glass ionomer cements polymerized at two different times on SHED. Journal of Clinical Paediatric Dentistry. 39(3): 234-239.
Ahmed HMA (2015). Guidelines to enhance the interpretation of periapical radiography in endodontics. European Journal of General Dentistry. 4(3): 106-112.
Ahmed HMA (2015). Thoughts on modern access cavity preparation techniques. ENDO Endodontic Practice today. 9(4): 187-188.
Ahmed HMA, (2015). A paradigm evolution shift in the endodontic map. European Journal of General Dentistry. 4(2): 98.
Ahmed HMA, (2015). Rubber dam application in Endodontics: Evidence and practice. European Journal of General Dentistry. 4(3): 161.
Ahmed HMA, (2015). The foremost challenges in Endodontics and Pediatric Dentistry. Aperito Journal of Oral Health and Dentistry. 1(1): 103.
Ahmed HMA, Gutmann JL (2015). Education for prevention: A viable pathway for minimal endodontic treatment intervention. ENDO Endodontic Practice Today. 9(4): 183-185.
Grande N, Ahmed HMA, Cohen S, Bukiet F, Plotino G (2015). Current assessment of reciprocation in endodontic preparation: A comprehensive review Part I: History and classification. Journal of Endodontics. 41(11): 1778-1783.
Plotino G, Ahmed HMA, Grande N, Cohen S, Bukiet F (2015). Current assessment of reciprocation in endodontic preparation: A comprehensive review Part II: Properties and effectiveness. Journal of Endodontics. 41(12): 1939-1950.
Ab Rahman A, Husein A, Ahmed HMA, Mohamad D, Bakar WZW, Farea M, Luddin N (2014). A survey on light intensity outputs of QTH, cabled and cordless LED light curing units. Archives of Orofacial Sciences. 9(2): 85-90.
Ahmed HMA (2014). Pulpectomy procedures in primary molar teeth. European Journal of General Dentistry: 3(1): 3-10.
Ahmed HMA (2014): Elective root canal treatment: A review and clinical update. ENDO Endodontic Practice today: 8(2): 139-145.
Ahmed HMA, Cohen S, Levy G, Steier L, Bukiet F (2014). Rubber dam application in endodontic practice: An update on educational and ethical dilemmas. Australian Dental Journal. 59(4): 457-463.
Ahmed HMA, Luddin N, Kannan TP, Mohktar K, Ahmad A (2014). Cell attachment properties of Portland cement based endodontic materials: Biological and methodological considerations. Journal of Endodontics. 40(10): 1517-1523
Ahmed HMA (2013). Anatomical challenges, electronic working length determination and current developments in root canal preparation of primary molar teeth. International Endodontic Journal. 46(11): 1011-1022
Luddin N, Ahmed HMA (2013). The antibacterial activity of sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine against Enterococcus faecalis: A review on agar diffusion and direct contact methods. Journal of Conservative Dentistry. 16(1): 7-14
Tapsir Z, Ahmed HMA, Luddin N, Husein A (2013). Sealing ability of various restorative materials as coronal barriers between endodontic appointments. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. 14(1): 47-50.
Ahmed HMA (2012). Different perspectives in understanding the pulp and periodontal intercommunications with a new proposed classification for endo-perio lesions. ENDO -Endodontic Practice Today. 6(2):87-104
Ahmed HMA (2012). Management of third molar teeth from an endodontic perspective: A review. European Journal of General Dentistry. 1(3): 148-160.
Ahmed HMA, Abbott PV (2012). Accessory roots in maxillary molar teeth: a review and endodontic considerations. Australian Dental Journal. 57(2):123-131.
Ahmed HMA, Abbott PV (2012). Continuing professional development self-assessment quiz: Accessory roots in maxillary molar teeth: a review and endodontic considerations. Australian Dental Journal. 57(2):248.
Ahmed HMA, Abbott PV (2012). Discolouration potential of endodontic procedures and materials: a review. International Endodontic Journal. 45(10):883-897.
Ahmed HMA, Al Rayes MH and Saini D (2012). Management and prognosis of teeth with trauma induced crown fractures and large periapical cyst like lesions following apical surgery with and without retrograde filling. Journal of Conservative Dentistry. 15(1): 77-79.
Ahmed HMA, Cheung GSP (2012). Accessory roots and root canals in maxillary premolar teeth: A review of a critical endodontic challenge. ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today. 6(1):7-18.
Ahmed HMA, Luddin N (2012). Accessory mesial roots and root canals in mandibular molar teeth: Case reports, SEM analysis and literature review. ENDO Endodontic Practice Today. 6(3):195-205.
Ahmed HMA, Saini D (2012). Management of a maxillary first molar tooth with unusual mesiobuccal root anatomy. Archives of Orofacial Sciences 7(2): 101-106.
Ming RO, Luddin N, Ahmed HMA, Omar NS (2012). Cytotoxicity of accelerated white MTA and Malaysian white Portland cement on Stem cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth (SHED): An in vitro study. Singapore Dental Journal. 33: 19-23
Ahmed HMA, Luddin N (2011). Endodontic management of a maxillary molar using a modified incremental instrumentation technique. International Journal of Dental Clinics. 3:78-79.
Ahmed HMA, Omar NS, Luddin N, Saini R and Saini D (2011). Cytotoxicity evaluation of a new fast set highly viscous conventional glass ionomer cement with L929 fibroblast cell line. Journal of Conservative Dentistry. 14(4): 406-408.
Ahmed HMA, Saini R, Ab. Rahman I, Saini D (2011). Effect of bee products on the setting properties of mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with calcium chloride dihydrate. A preliminary study. Journal of ApiProduct & ApiMedical Science. 3(3):123-127.
- Hany M. A. Ahmed (Editor), Paul M. H. Dummer (Editor) Endodontic Advances and Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines. ISBN: 978-1-119-55389-2 September 2022 Wiley-Blackwell 832 Pages
Chapter in Books
- 1)CHAPTER 4: Ahmed HMA, MA Versiani, G De-Deus, PMH Dummer (2017). New Proposal for Classifying the Root and Root Canal Morphology IN Root Canal Anatomy in Permanent Dentition Edited by Bettina Basrani, Marco Versiani, Manoel Sousa Neto Published by Springer Science & Business Media Inc. (IN PRESS)
Other Publications
- Poster presentation ESE, Vienna: Prevalence of the fungal pathogen Candida in infected root canals of an Emirati Cohort: a preliminary investigation. S. B. Abraham, F. Al Marzooq, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, W. Aznita, L. P. Samaranayake - Extended Abstract
- Deputy Editor In Chief, European Endodontic Journal , (Editor)
Postgraduate Student
(2017) Cone beam computed tomography study, Mohmed Isaqali Karobari (M0100104)
(2016) Assessment of Different Techniques in the Removal of a Bioceramic based filling Material in Long Oval Canals A Micro-CT Study, WA'EL ALI SALEEM ALAWNEH
- (2017) DCGC6180 - Restorative Dentistry in Conservative
- Invited Speaker by The Malaysian Endodontic Society - 10 July 2020, (10 Jul 2020 - 10 Jul 2020)
- Invited Speaker by The Adelaide University - Australia 31 March 2020, (31 Mar 2020 - 31 Mar 2020)
- International - “Face to Face” Meeting With 23 Experts in The Field of Endodontics for The Final Round of The Project for Developing Guidelines for Reporting Clinical Case Reports in Endodontics - 13 September 2019, Vienna, (13 Sep 2019 - 13 Sep 2019)
- Speaker for a Webinar to Vietnamese Dentists - Managing of Curved Root Canals - April 2020, (23 Apr 2019 - 23 Apr 2019)
- International - Keynote Speaker - Thailland - Songkhla University - Feb 2019, (13 Feb 2019 - 13 Feb 2019)
- Senarai Volunteer Daripada Fakulti Pergigian, Universiti Malaya. Program Bersempena Minggu Terbuka Akademik Apium (Mita) 2018, (13 Mar 2018 - 15 Mar 2018)
- Moderator - Facebook - International Association of Endodontic Research and Practice. Teaching Platform Https://WWW.Facebook.Com/Groups/871341449604944 - Members - 36k., (01 Jul 2016 - 01 Feb 2021)