Curriculum Vitae


  • Department of Computer System & Technology
    Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
  • fidah
  • 0379676346


Professor Ts. Dr. Rafidah Md Noor currently serves as the Director at the Quality Management and Enhancement Center (QMEC) at Universiti Malaya, holding the position from June 2022 till present. Previously, she was the Head of the Centre of Research (COR) for Mobile Cloud Computing (C4MCCR) from 2016 to 2023. Her prior roles include Deputy Dean (Science) at the Institute for Advanced Studies from December 2019 to November 2021, Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology from August 2014 to July 2016, and Head of the Department of Computer System and Technology at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya, from February 2011 to July 2014.

Rafidah received her BIT from Universiti Utara Malaysia in 1998, and MSc in Computer Science from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2000, and PhD in Computer Science from Lancaster University, United Kingdom in 2010. Throughout her career, she has mentored 1 Postdoctoral Fellow, guided 20 PhD students, supervised 5 Master of Computer Science (by Research) candidates, and over 30 Master of Computer Science (Mixed Mode) students, as well as taught various courses. 

Rafidah’s research is related to a field of transportation system in computer science research domain. For many computer scientists, her research interests related to Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), improving the road traffic system and safety for urban environments. Her research interests include vehicular networks, mobile and wireless networks, Internet-of-Things, Cloud and Fog computing, Quality of Service (QoS), and Energy Management. She is actively involve in research grant's evaluation at University and Ministry Level.

Rafidah has successfully secured over 2.5 million Ringgit Malaysia in research grants from both internal and external sources, with 1.3 million Ringgit Malaysia attributed to her role as the Principal Investigator. She is also a co-researcher grants with other local universities such as Sunway University, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, UCSI, and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). To contribute her research ideas into a community, she has designed and patent a novel framework, System and Method for Relieving Traffic Congestion (PT/5503/UM/14) (granted 23 June 2020 until 12 November 2034) for emergency rescue operations. She has filed and granted several copyrights from her research works since 2012 to current. Rafidah’s efforts are driven by the courage to implement the framework that challenges the existing protocol/standard. 

She is actively publishing journals in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE - with Cumulative Impact Factor (CIF) more than 200) and Scopus. She has published more than 100 SCIE indexed journals (50% published in Tier 1), H-index (25 in Publons and 29 in Scopus), and 2498 Scopus Citation. She involves in International journal and textbook reviewers, and national research grant assessors (Ministry of Higher Education, Private Universities and International Institutions). Rafidah is an Associate Editor in Connected Mobility and Automation (Specialty Section), Frontiers in Future Transportation Journal, Guest Editor for a Special Issue, SCIE indexed journal reviewers, served as advisory and technical committee for International conferences, Distinguished lecture for IEEE VTS Summer School (Malaysia), and Keynote speakers for International conferences. 

Rafidah won 14 awards (GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE Medals) from Research Innovation, Exhibition and Competition at National and International Level for her works on Urban Transportation and Computing Solutions (since 2012 until present). She served as external examiners for PhD thesis for public and private universities locally and internationally.  

She is actively involve in curriculum development and monitoring, therefore her skills is recognised and has been appointed as the Panel Assessor/External Examiner for Existing Academic Programme and Programme Accreditation (Bachelor, Master and PhD Degrees) at Sunway University, Taylor's University, Monash University, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Rafidah also served as a Panel Assessor for Academic Promotion at Private University in Malaysia and overseas institution.


    Applied Science And Technology, Information And Communication Technology (ict), Next Generation Networking And Internet Of Thing (iot) Infrastructure
    Applied Science And Technology, Information And Communication Technology (ict), Next Generation Networking And Internet Of Thing (iot) Infrastructure
    Applied Social Science And Humanities, Logistics, Transport And Transportation Management, Specialist Topics In Logistics, Transport And Transportation Management


    Malaysia Board of Technologists (Mbot)
    Malaysia Board of Technologists (Mbot)
  • PhD (Computer Science), (Mobile Networks)
    Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  • MSc (Computer Science), (SAINS KOMPUTER)
    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
    Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)


  • Director
    01 Jan 2025 - present (Quality Management and Enhancement Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Committee for Postgraduate Research Excellence (PGReS)
    01 Jun 2011 - present (Faculty)
  • Director
    01 Feb 2024 - 31 Dec 2024 (Quality Management and Enhancement Centre, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International))
  • Director
    16 Jun 2022 - 31 Jan 2024 (Quality Management and Enhancement Centre, Associate Vice-Chancellor (Corporate Strategy))
  • Task Force Leader
    05 Aug 2024 - 31 Dec 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    08 Aug 2022 - 31 Dec 2024 (National)
  • Committee Members
    02 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2024 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Committee Members
    18 Feb 2022 - 17 Feb 2024 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Committee Members
    27 Jan 2022 - 26 Jan 2024 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members
    01 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2023 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Members for the Academic Appointment Screening
    02 Jan 2022 - 17 Aug 2023 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Head, Center for Mobile Cloud Computing Research (C4MCCR), Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
    01 Jul 2019 - 30 Jun 2023 (University Malaya)
  • Member, Center for Transport Research (CTR), Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
    18 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2022 (University Malaya)
  • Curriculum Steering Committee Member (University Level)
    01 Nov 2018 - 02 Nov 2022 (University Malaya)
  • Taskforce Member for Digitalization Improvement in UMSItS Systems
    03 Mar 2022 - 31 Aug 2022 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member of Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (MJCS) (ISI-Indexed)
    01 Sep 2020 - 31 Aug 2022 (International)
  • Member, Action Lab 4.1 Rules and Regulation UM Processes (Student LifeCycle), UM Transformation Plan
    08 Apr 2021 - 07 Apr 2022 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Dean
    02 Dec 2019 - 30 Nov 2021 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Penilaian Dana Penyelidikan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (DP KPT)
    01 Mar 2020 - 31 Dec 2021 (National)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Task Force Program Sarjana Keselamatan Siber Secara Kerja Kursus
    07 Feb 2020 - 31 Dec 2021 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Quality Manager
    02 Dec 2019 - 30 Nov 2021 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
  • Risk Manager, Institute for Advanced Studies
    02 Dec 2020 - 30 Nov 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Continuous Improvement Project Evaluation Committee Members, Center for Quality Management and Improvement (QMEC)
    01 Apr 2021 - 30 Nov 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Head of Taskforce for Assessment Rubrics on Research Activities for Postgraduate Program
    09 Dec 2020 - 30 Apr 2021 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Task Force Kajian Semula Yuran Program Ijazah Pertama dan Ijazah Tinggi
    24 Jun 2020 - 31 Dec 2020 (University Malaya)
  • Ahli Jawatankuasa Taskforce Pengemaskinian Dasar Pengurusan Program Akademik Universiti Malaya
    18 Aug 2020 - 31 Dec 2020 (University Malaya)
  • Cyber Security Program Curriculum Committee Member
    07 Aug 2017 - 06 Aug 2020 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Faculty Research Grant Appraisal Assessor (GPF)
    01 Aug 2018 - 31 Jul 2020 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Acting Dean for Institute for Advanced Studies
    21 Jul 2020 - 28 Jul 2020 (Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS))
  • Head of Research Management, Quality Assurance Committee, FSKTM
    01 Oct 2017 - 01 Aug 2019 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Chief of Think Tank for Research Productivity and Impact
    31 Oct 2017 - 31 Jul 2019 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Curriculum Committee Member (Curriculum Review) for Diploma Executive Information Technology Executive, UMCCED
    01 Jun 2018 - 30 Jun 2018 (University Malaya)
  • Head of Task Force (Grant Funding), Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
    01 Feb 2017 - 01 Feb 2018 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Member of Task Force APEL C University of Malaya
    06 Jan 2017 - 30 Sep 2017 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Dean of Undergraduate
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Jul 2016 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Advisor, Persatuan Komputer Universiti Malaya (PEKOM)
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Jul 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Secretary for Task Force Teachning and Learning (Majlis Dekan ICT - MaDICT)
    11 Mar 2015 - 31 Jul 2016 (National)
  • Quality Manager
    01 Aug 2014 - 31 Jul 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Committee of Undergraduate Appeal,FCSIT
    02 Jan 2012 - 30 Jul 2016 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Semester System University Committee (JISS)
    01 Aug 2014 - 30 Jul 2016 (University Malaya)
  • Member of the University Malaya Self-Accreditation Audit Committee
    01 Mar 2015 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Member of the Student Representative Council Student Election Committee UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA 2015/2016
    24 Aug 2015 - 30 Nov 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Deputy Dean of Undergraduate
    01 Jun 2015 - 06 Sep 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Chairman for Faculty Orientation Week Commitee, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016
    01 Jun 2015 - 06 Sep 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Task Force Committee Members Joint / Dual Degree Program & Internationalization Curriculum DVC (A&I) Strategic Planning (Internationalization)
    11 May 2015 - 31 Aug 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Bright Sparks Student Progressing Report Panel
    02 Apr 2012 - 30 Jul 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Coordinator for Master of Information Security (Proposed Programme)
    01 Feb 2012 - 30 Jul 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Committee of Audit Quality for Human Resource Matter
    01 Feb 2011 - 30 Jul 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Co-Chair Postgraduate Research Excellence (PGReS), Faculty Of Computer Science & Information Technology, 2015
    08 Jun 2015 - 08 Jun 2015 (University Malaya)
  • Co-Advisor, Majlis Anugerah Pelajar, FSKTM
    05 Jan 2015 - 29 May 2015 (Faculty)
  • Co-Advisor for Industry Bootcamp for Second Year Students
    02 Mar 2015 - 30 Apr 2015 (Faculty)
  • Dean's Cup Advisor, 2015
    05 Jan 2015 - 30 Apr 2015 (Dean Office, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jul 2014 - 31 Jul 2014 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Head of Department
    01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2014 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Co-Advisor, Cyber Crime Arts
    03 Nov 2014 - 31 Dec 2014 (University Malaya)
  • Head of Department, Computer System and Technology
    16 Feb 2011 - 31 Jul 2014 (University Malaya)
  • Committee Member for Postgraduate Studies
    21 Feb 2011 - 30 Jun 2014 (Faculty)
  • Committee Member for Undergraduate Studies
    01 Feb 2011 - 30 Jun 2014 (Faculty)
  • Entry Interview Panel for SPM & STPM Candidate to University of Malaya
    01 Apr 2013 - 30 Jun 2013 (National)
  • University Representative, National Imagine Cup Competition
    01 Mar 2012 - 31 Dec 2012 (National)
  • Evaluation Committee for Faculty Canteen Tender
    01 Mar 2012 - 31 May 2012 (Faculty)
  • Acting Deputy Dean of Higher Degree
    19 Dec 2011 - 02 Jan 2012 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Head of Department
    16 Feb 2011 - 30 Jun 2011 (Department of Computer System & Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology)
  • Committee for INFORMATICS International Conference, organized by FCSIT, 2011
    01 Jun 2011 - 30 Nov 2011 (International)
  • Committee for FCSIT Writing Retreat Series 2
    24 Jan 2011 - 28 Jan 2011 (Faculty)


    Since 2021 (National)
    2020 to 2023 (International)
    2021 to 2022 (International)
    2020 to 2022 (International)
    2020 to 2021 (International)
    2018 to 2020 (International)
    2018 to 2020 (University)


Article in Journal
  1. Fatovatikhah, Farnaz; Ahmedy, Ismail; Noor, Rafidah Md (2024). Waste Prediction Approach Using Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory with Support Vector Machine, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS. 17(1). doi:10.1007/s44196-024-00485-w
  2. Nandy, Tarak; Noor, Rafidah Md; Kolandaisamy, Raenu; Idris, Mohd Yamani Idna; Bhattacharyya, Sananda (2024). A review of security attacks and intrusion detection in the vehicular networks, JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY-COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES. 36(2). doi:10.1016/j.jksuci.2024.101945
  3. Sang, Bin; Aghamohammadi, Nasrin; Md Noor, Rafidah (2024). The Effects of Dynamic Strategy and Updating Network Structure Towards Customer Participation Innovation Performance, JOURNAL OF THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY. . doi:10.1007/s13132-023-01297-7
  4. Sang, Bin; Noor, Rafidah Md; Ghazali, Ezlika Mohd; Aghamohammadi, Nasrin (2024). How does supply chain collaboration improve innovation performance of SMEs? The roles of absorptive capacity and business environment, JOURNAL OF INNOVATION & KNOWLEDGE. 9(4). doi:10.1016/j.jik.2024.100607
  5. Sharmin, Sharmin; Ahmedy, Ismail; Md Noor, Rafidah (2023). An Energy-Efficient Data Aggregation Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Hybrid PSO, ENERGIES. 16(5). doi:10.3390/en16052487
  6. Aghamohammadi, Nasrin; Ramakreshnan, Logaraj; Fong, Chng Saun; Noor, Rafidah Md; Hanif, Noor Rosly; Sulaiman, Nik Meriam (2022). Perceived impacts of Urban Heat Island phenomenon in a tropical metropolitan city: Perspectives from stakeholder dialogue sessions, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 806. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150331
  7. El-Sayed, Hesham; Alexander, Henry; Kulkarni, Parag; Khan, Manzoor Ahmed; Noor, Rafidah Md; Trabelsi, Zouheir (2022). A Novel Multifaceted Trust Management Framework for Vehicular Networks, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 23(11), 20084-20097. doi:10.1109/TITS.2022.3187788
  8. Raj, Bryan; Ahmedy, Ismail; Idris, Mohd Yamani Idna; Md. Noor, Rafidah (2022). A Survey on Cluster Head Selection and Cluster Formation Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING. 2022. doi:10.1155/2022/5322649
  9. Raj, Bryan; Ahmedy, Ismail; Idris, Mohd Yamani Idna; Noor, Rafidah Md (2022). A Hybrid Sperm Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for Unimodal and Multimodal Optimization Problems, IEEE ACCESS. 10, 109580-109596. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3208169
  10. Rasheed, Faizan; Yau, Kok-Lim Alvin; Noor, Rafidah Md; Chong, Yung-Wey (2022). Deep Reinforcement Learning for Addressing Disruptions in Traffic Light Control, CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA. 71(2), 2225-2247. doi:10.32604/cmc.2022.022952
  11. Ahmad, I., Noor, R. M., Ahmed, Z., Umm e, H., Akram, N., & Marquez, F. P. G. (2021). A cooperative heterogeneous vehicular clustering framework for efficiency improvement. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 22(9), 1247-1259. doi: 10.1631/fitee.2000260
  12. Ahmad, I., Noor, R. M., Alroobaea, R., Talha, M., Ahmed, Z., Umm e, H., & Ali, I. (2021). Aiding Traffic Prediction Servers through Self-Localization to Increase Stability in Complex Vehicular Clustering. Complexity, 2021, 11. doi: 10.1155/2021/6627539
  13. Chamran, M. K., Yau, K. L. A., Noor, R. M., & Wu, C. (2021). An Experimental Study on D2D Route Selection Mechanism in 5G Scenarios. Electronics, 10(4), 23. doi: 10.3390/electronics10040387
  14. Fatovatikhah, Farnaz; Ahmedy, Ismail; Noor, Rafidah Md; Kolandaisamy, Raenu; Sabri, Aznul Qalid Md; Othman, Fazidah; Noor, Noorzaily Mohd (2021). A hybrid flood waste classification model using 3D-wavelet transform and support vector machines techniques, JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING. . doi:10.1007/s12652-020-02674-9
  15. Hamid, H., Noor, R. M., Omar, S. N., Ahmedy, I., Anjum, S. S., Shah, S. A. A., . . . Tamil, E. M. (2021). IoT-based botnet attacks systematic mapping study of literature. Scientometrics, 126(4), 2759-2800. doi: 10.1007/s11192-020-03819-5
  16. Hossain, M. A., Noor, R. M., Azzuhri, S. R., Z'Aba, M. R., Ahmedy, I., Yau, K. L. A., & Chembe, C. (2021). Spectrum sensing challenges & their solutions in cognitive radio based vehicular networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 34(7), 23. doi: 10.1002/dac.4748
  17. Hossain, M. A., Noor, R. M., Yau, K. L. A., Azzuhri, S. R., Z'Aba, M. R., Ahmedy, I., & Jabbarpour, M. R. (2021). Machine Learning-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Dynamic Segmentation Enabled Cognitive Radio Vehicular Network. Energies, 14(4), 30. doi: 10.3390/en14041169
  18. Hossain, M. A., Noor, R. M., Yau, K. L. A., Azzuhri, S. R., Z'Abar, M. R., Ahmedy, I., & Jabbarpour, M. R. (2021). Multi-Objective Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm Based 2-Hop Routing Algorithm for CR-VANET. IEEE Access, 9, 58230-58242. doi: 10.1109/access.2021.3072922
  19. Iqbal, S., Noor, R. M., Malik, A. W., & Rahman, A. U. (2021). Blockchain-Enabled Adaptive-Learning-Based Resource-Sharing Framework for IIoT Environment. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(19), 14746-14755. doi: 10.1109/jiot.2021.3071562
  20. Kolandaisamy, R., Noor, R. M., Kolandaisamy, I., Ahmedy, I., Kiah, M. L. M., Tamil, M. E. M., & Nandy, T. (2021). A stream position performance analysis model based on DDoS attack detection for cluster-based routing in VANET. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 12(6), 6599-6612. doi: 10.1007/s12652-020-02279-2
  21. Nandy, T., Idris, M. Y. I., Noor, R. M., Das, A. K., Li, X., Ghani, N. A., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2021). An enhanced lightweight and secured authentication protocol for vehicular ad-hoc network. Computer Communications, 177, 57-76. doi: 10.1016/j.comcom.2021.06.013
  22. Nandy, T., Idris, M. Y. I., Noor, R. M., Wahab, A. W. A., Bhattacharyya, S., Kolandaisamy, R., & Yahuza, M. (2021). A Secure, Privacy-Preserving, and Lightweight Authentication Scheme for VANETs. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(18), 20998-21011. doi: 10.1109/jsen.2021.3097172
  23. Noor, R. M., Rasyidi, N. B. G., Nandy, T., & Kolandaisamy, R. (2021). Campus Shuttle Bus Route Optimization Using Machine Learning Predictive Analysis: A Case Study. Sustainability, 13(1), 24. doi: 10.3390/su13010225
  24. Zayet, T. M. A., Ismail, M. A., Varathan, K. D., Noor, R. M. D., Chua, H. N., Lee, A., . . . Singh, S. K. J. (2021). Investigating transportation research based on social media analysis: a systematic mapping review. Scientometrics, 126(8), 6383-6421. doi: 10.1007/s11192-021-04046-2
  1. Rasheed, Hira; Noor, Rafidah Md; Ghani, Norjihan Abdul; Ahmad, Iftikhar (2024). Preserving location-query privacy in location-based services: A review, SECURITY AND PRIVACY. . doi:10.1002/spy2.412
  1. Anjum S.S., Iqbal J., Keoy K.H., Kumar P., Shibghatullah A.S., Natarajan E., Noor R.M., Ahmedy I. (2024). An Internet of Things-based integrative safety framework of autonomous vehicles for special needs society, Machine Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering. , 137-148. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-18644-8.00006-X
  2. Aghamohammadi N., Ramakreshnan L., Fong C.S., Noor R.M., Hanif N.R., Sulaiman N.M. (2022). Perceived impacts of Urban Heat Island phenomenon in a tropical metropolitan city: Perspectives from stakeholder dialogue sessions, Science of the Total Environment. 806. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150331
  3. Raj B., Ahmedy I., Idris M.Y.I., Md. Noor R. (2022). A Survey on Cluster Head Selection and Cluster Formation Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2022. doi:10.1155/2022/5322649
  4. Rasheed F., Yau K.-L.A., Noor R.M., Chong Y.-W. (2022). Deep reinforcement learning for addressing disruptions in traffic light control, Computers, Materials and Continua. 71(2), 2225-2247. doi:10.32604/cmc.2022.022952
  1. Iqbal, Sarah; Md Noor, Rafidah; Malik, Asad; Rahman, Anis, Blockchain-enabled Adaptive Learning-based Resource Sharing Framework for IIoT Environment, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021 (IF=9.936, Q1), (Accepted)
  2. Abdullah Yousafzai, Yaqoob, Ibrar, Imran, Muhammad, Gani, Abdullah, Md Noor, Rafidah, "Process migration-based computational offloading framework for IoT-supported mobile edge/cloud computing", IEEE Internet of Things (IF=9.515, Q1)
  3. Ali Hussain, Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Nor Badrul Anuar, Rafidah Md Noor and Muneer Ahmad, Performance and Security Challenges Digital Rights Management (DRM) Approaches using Fog Computing for Data Provenance: A Survey, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics (IF=0.499, Q4), Accepted, 2020
  4. Chamran, M.K.; Yau, K.-L.A.; Noor, R.M.D.; Wong, R. A Distributed Testbed for 5G Scenarios: An Experimental Study. Sensors 2020, 20, 18 (IF=3.031, Q1)
  5. Faizan Rasheed, Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, Rafidah Md Noor, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control: A Review", IEEE Access (Accepted), 2020.
  6. Khan, F. A., Noor, R. M., Kiah, M. L. M., Ahmedy, I., Yamani, M., Soon, T. K., & Ahmad, M. (2020). Performance Evaluation and Validation of QCM (Query Control Mechanism) for QoS-Enabled Layered-Based Clustering for Reactive Flooding in the Internet of Things. Sensors, 20(1), 283.
  7. Khan, M.F.; Yau, K.-L.A.; Noor, R.M.; Imran, M.A, Survey and Taxonomy of Clustering Algorithms in 5G, Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA) (IF=5.273, Q1), Accepted 2020.
  8. Khan, M.F.; Yau, K.-L.A.; Noor, R.M.; Imran, M.A. Routing Schemes in FANETs: A Survey. Sensors 2020, 20, 38. (IF=3.031, Q1)
  9. Mohammad Asif Hossain, Rafidah Md Noor, Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, Saaidal Azzuhri Razalli, Muhammad Reza Z aba, and Ismail Ahmedy, Comprehensive Survey of Machine Learning Approaches in Cognitive Radio-based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 78054-78108, 2020
  10. Mohammad Kazem Chamran, Yau Kok-Lim Alvin *, Rafidah Md Noor, Celimuge Wu, An Experimental Study on D2D Route Selection Mechanism in 5G Scenarios, Electronics (IF=2.412, Q=2)
  11. Raenu Kolandaisamy, Rafidah Md Noor, Indraah Kolandaisamy, Ismail Ahmedy, Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Mohd Emran Mohd Tamil, Tarak Nandy, "A stream position performance analysis model based on DDoS attack detection for cluster based routing in VANET", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
  12. Rahman, A., (2020), "DistB-Condo: Distributed Blockchain-based IoT-SDN Model for Smart Condominium", IEEE Access.
  13. Sarah Iqbal, Anis U. Rahman, Asad W Malik, Rafidah Md Noor, Blockchain-based Reputation Management for Task Offloading in Micro-level Vehicular Fog Network, IEEE Access (IF=4.098, Q1) (Accepted), 2020
  14. Shaik Shabana Anjum, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy, Mohammad Hossein Anisi, Saaidal Razalli Azzuhri, Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Jaime Lloret, Pradeep Kumar, An Optimal Management Modelling of Energy Harvesting and Transfer for IoT-based RF-enabled Sensor Networks, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (F=0.948, Q4), 2020 (Accepted)
  15. Z. Sharmin, A. W. Malik, A. Ur Rahman and R. MD Noor, "Toward Sustainable Micro-Level Fog-Federated Load Sharing in Internet of Vehicles," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 3614-3622, April 2020, doi:10.1109/JIOT.2020.2973420.
  16. Abubakar Bello Tambawal, Rafidah Md Noor, Rosli Salleh, Christopher Chembe, Mohammad Hossein Anisi, Oche Michael, Jaime Lloret, Time Division Multiple Access Scheduling Strategies for Emerging Vehicular Ad hoc Network Medium Access Control Protocols: A Survey, Telecommunication Systems (Q3, IF = 1.527), DOI 10.1007/s11235-018-00542-8
  17. Abubakar Bello Tambawal; Rafidah Md Noor; Rosli Salleh; Christopher Chembe; Oche Michael, "Enhanced Weight-based Clustering Algorithm to provide Reliable Delivery for VANET Safety Applications", PLOS ONE (Q1, IF=2.766) April 4, 2019
  18. Christopher Chembe, Douglas Kunda, Ismail Ahmedy, Rafidah Md Noor, Aznul Qalid Md Sabri, Md Asri Ngadi, Infrastructure based Spectrum Sensing Scheme in VANET using Reinforcement Learning, Vehicular Communications (IF 3.289, Q1), Accepted May 2019.
  19. Christopher Chembe, Ismail Ahmedy, Rafidah Md Noor*, Douglas Kunda, Michael Oche, Abubakar Bello Tambawal, Cooperative Spectrum Decision in Cognitive Vehicular Network based on Support Vector Machine, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, MJCS VOL. 32, NO. 2, 2019 (IF= 0.625, Q4)
  20. Fawad Ali Khan, Rafidah Md Noor*, Miss Laiha Binti Mat Kiah, Noorzaily Mohd Noor, Saleh M. Altowaijri, Atiq Ur Rahman, QoS Enabled Layered based Clustering for Reactive Flooding in Internet of Things, Symmetry (IF = 1.256 Q2), (2019) (Accepted)
  21. Iftikhar Ahmad, Rafidah Md Noor*, Muhammad Reza Z aba, Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Shoaib, A Cooperative Heterogeneous Vehicular Clustering Mechanism for Road Traffic Management, International Journal of Parallel Programming (Q3, IF= 0.897),
  22. Iftikhar Ahmad, Rafidah Md Noor, Muhammad Reza Z'aba, "LTE Efficiency When Used in Traffic Information Systems: A Stable Interest Aware Clustering", International Journal of Communication Systems (Q3, IF=1.717), Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Pages: e3853 Published: 2019/01/25,
  23. Mohammad Asif Hossain, Rafidah Md Noor*, Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, Ismail Ahmedy, Shaik Shabana Anjum, , "A Survey on Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer with Cooperative Relay and Future Challenges", IEEE Access (Q1, IF= 3.557) Volume 7, Issue 1, December 2019, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2895645
  24. Raenu Kolandaisamy, Rafidah Md. Noor, Muhammad Reza Z aba, Ismail Ahmedy and Indraah Kolandaisamy, "Adapted Stream Region for Packet Marking based on DDoS Attack Detection in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks", The Journal of Supercomputing,, 2019 (IF=2.157, Q1)
  25. Ramakreshnan, L., Aghamohammadi, N., Fong, C. S., Ghaffarianhoseini, A., Wong, L. P., Noor, R. M., Hanif, N. R., Aziz, W. N. A. W. A., Sulaiman, N. M., & Hassan, N. (2019). A qualitative exploration on the awareness and knowledge of stakeholders towards Urban Heat Island phenomenon in Greater Kuala Lumpur: Critical insights for urban policy implications. Habitat International (Q1, IF=3.846), 86, 28-37.
  26. Shaik Shabana Anjum, Rafidah Md Noor, Nasrin Aghamohammadi, Ismail Ahmedy, Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Nornazlita Hussin, Mohammad Hossein Anisi and Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, Modelling Traffic Congestion based on Air Quality for Greener Environment: An Empirical Study, Vol. 7, Issue 1, December 2019, IEEE Access (IF=3.557,Q1)
  27. Syed Adeel Shah, Ejaz Ahmed, Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, Rafidah Md Noor, Sadeeq Jan, "An Effective Back-off Selection Technique for Reliable Beacon Reception in VANETs", International Journal of Communication Systems, (Accepted May 2019) IF=1.717 (Q3)
  28. Tarak Nandy, Mohd Yamani Idna Bin Idris, Rafidah Md Noor, Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Lau Sian Lun, Nor Badrul Annuar Juma'at, Ismail Ahmedy, Norjihan Abdul Ghani and Sananda Bhattacharyya, Review on Security of Internet of Things Authentication Mechanism, IEEE Access (IF=4.098, Q1), Volume: 7, Issue:1, DECEMBER 2019, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947723
  29. Anjum, Shaik Shabana, Md Noor, Rafidah*, Anisi, Mohammad Hossein, Ahmedy, Ismail, Othman, Fazidah, Alam, Muhammad, Khan, Muhammad Khurram, "Energy Management in RFID-Sensor Networks: Taxonomy and Challenges", Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2728000, 1st July 2017. (IF=7.596, Q1)
  30. Iftikhar Ahmad, Rafidah Md Noor*, Ismail Ahmedy, Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Ejaz Ahmed, Muhammad Imran, Ibrar Yaqoob, "VANET-LTE based Heterogeneous Vehicular Clustering for Driving Assistance and Route Planning Applications", Computer Networks, Volume 145, 9 November 2018, Pages 128-140 (IF=2.522, Q1)
  31. Khalil, Fahim Khan; Khan, Samiullah; Faisal, Farooq; Nawaz, Mahmood; Javed, Farkhanda; Khan, Fawad Ali; Noor, Rafidah M.; Matiullah; Ullah, Zia; Shoaib, Muhammad; Masood, Faqir Usman, Quality of Service Impact on Deficit Round Robin and Stochastic Fair Queuing Mechanism in Wired-cum-Wireless Network, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Pages: 287-293, FEB 2018
  32. Khan, Samiullah; Faisal, Farooq; Nawaz, Mahmood; Javed, Farkhanda; Khan, Fawad Ali; Noor, Rafidah M; Matiullah; Ullah, Zia; Shoaib, Muhammad; Masood, Faqir Usman, Effect of Increasing Number of Nodes on Performance of SMAC, CSMA/CA and TDMA in MANETs, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Pages: 294-299, FEB 2018
  33. Michael Oche, Abubakar Bello Tambuwal, Christopher Chembe, Rafidah Md Noor, Salvatore Distefano, "VANETs QoS-Based Routing Protocols Based on Multi-Constrained Ability to Support ITS Infotainment Services", Wireless Networks (2018) (IF=1.981, Q2)
  34. Raenu Kolandaisamy, Rafidah Md Noor*, Ismail Ahmedy, Iftikhar Ahmad, Muhamad Reza Z'aba, Muhammad Imran and Mohammed Alnuem, "A Multi Variant Stream Analysis Approach to Detect and Mitigate DDoS Attacks in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IF=0.869, Q3), 2018
  35. Saaidal Razalli Azzuhri, Muhammad Badri Mhd Noor, Jafferi Jamaludin, Ismail Ahmedy and Rafidah Md Noor. Towards a better approach for link breaks detection and route repairs strategy in AODV protocol. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2018, Article ID 9029785, 9 pages (IF=0.869, Q3)
  36. Said Bakhshad, Rafidah Md Noor*, Adnan Akhunzada, Tanzila Saba, Ismail Bin Ahmedy, Faisal Haroon, Babar Nazir, A Dynamic Replication Aware Load Balanced Scheduling for Data Grids in Distributed Environments of Internet of Things, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol. 40, Issue 3-4, pp. 275 296, 2018.(IF=0.753, Q4)
  37. Shah, Syed Adeel; Ahmed, Ejaz; Rodrigues, Joel; Ali, Ihsan; Md Noor, Rafidah, "Shapely Value Perspective on Adapting Transmit Power for Periodic Vehicular Communications", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IF=3.724, Q1), Vol. 19, Issue. 3, March 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2775965
  38. Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Ejaz Ahmed, Feng Xia, Ahmad Karim, Muhammad Shiraz, Rafidah Md Noor, Adaptive Beaconing Approaches for Vehicular ad hoc Networks: A Survey. IEEE Systems Journal, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, June 2018, (IF=4.337, Q1)
  39. Zahra Moghaddasi, Hamid Jalab, Rafidah Md Noor, Image Splicing Forgery Detection Based on Low Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition of Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients, Neural Computing and Applications, (IF=2.505, Q1), 2018
  40. Abdullah Yousafzai, Abdullah Gani, Rafidah Md Noor, Mehdi Sookhak, Raja Wasim Ahmad, Muhammad Shiraz, Muhammad Khurram Khan, "Cloud Resource Allocation Schemes: Review, Taxonomy, and Opportunities", Knowledge and Information Systems Journal (IF= 1.782, Q1), Volume: 50 Issue: 2 Pages: 347-381 Published: FEB 2017
  41. Christopher Chembe, Rafidah Md Noor*, Ismail Ahmedy, Micheal Oche, Douglas Kunda, Chi Harold Li, Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Vehicular Network: State-of-Art, Challenges and Open Issues, Computer Communications, Volume 97, 1 January 2017, Pages 15-30 (IF = 2.099, Q1)
  42. Ehsan Mostajeran, Rafidah Md Noor*, Mohammad Hossein Anisi, Ismail Ahmedy and Fawad Ali Khan, A Realistic Path Loss Model for Real-time Communication in the Urban Grid Environment for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 11, Issue.10, October 2017. (IF=0.452, Q4)
  43. Erfan Shaghaghi, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Rafidah Md Noor, Hwasoo Yeo, Jason J. Jung, Adaptive Green Traffic Signal Controlling for Vehicular Communications, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, Volume 18, Issue 3, 1 March 2017, Pages 373-393
  44. Iftikhar Ahmad, Rafidah Md Noor*, Ihsan Ali, Muhammad Imran, Athanasios Vasilakos, Characterizing the Role of Vehicular Cloud Computing in Road Traffic Management, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 13(5), Doi: 10.1177/1550147717708728 (IF=1.239, Q2), 2017
  45. Michael Oche, Rafidah Md Noor*, Chembe Christopher, "Multivariate Statistical Approach for Estimating QoE of Real-Time Multimedia Applications in Vehicular ITS Network", Computer Communications,, January 2017. (IF=3.338, Q1)
  46. Shabana Shaik Anjum, Rafidah Md Noor, Mohammad Hossein Anisi, Review on MANET based Communication for Search and Rescue Operations, Wireless Personal Communications, May 2017, Volume 94, Issue 1, pp 31 52 (Q4) (IF=0.951)
  47. Abdullah Yousafzai, Abdullah Gani, Rafidah Md Noor, Anjum Naveed, Wasim Raja, Victor Chang, "Computational Offloading Mechanism for Native and Android Runtime-based Mobile Applications", Journal of Systems and Software (IF=1.424, Q1), Accepted July 2016.
  48. Abdullah Yousafzai, Victor Chang, Abdullah Gani, Rafidah Md Noor, "Directory-based Incentive Management Services for Ad-hoc Mobile Clouds", International Journal of Information Management, (IF=1.550, Q1), Volume 36, Issue 6, 1 December 2016, Pages 900-906, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.05.019
  49. Abdullah Yousafzai, Victor Chang, Abdullah Gani, Rafidah Md Noor, Multimedia Augmented M-Learning: Issues, Trends and Open Challenges, International Journal of Information Management (IF = 1.550, Q1), Volume 36, Issue 5, 1 October 2016, Pages 784-792, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.05.010
  50. Alireza Marefat, Rafidah Md Noor, Nor Badrul Anuar and Nornazlita Hussin. 2016. The Feasibility of Employing IEEE802.11p in Electronic-Based Congestion Pricing Zone: A Comparative Study with RFID. Vol. 29, No. 4, 2016, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science. (Q4)
  51. Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Rafidah Md Noor, Mohsin Iftikhar, Muhammad Imran, Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, and Rashid H Khokhar, "A Framework and Mathematical Modeling for the Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network Routing", Mobile Information Systems, (IF = 0.949, Q3), Accepted in April 2016. Article in press
  52. Qureshi, M.A., Mostajeran, E., Noor, R.M., Shamim, A., Ke, C.-H. "A Computationally Inexpensive Radio Propagation Model for Vehicular Communication on Flyovers and Inside Underpasses", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Volume 10, Issue 9, 30 September 2016, Pages 4123-4144 (IF=0.452)
  53. Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Ejaz Ahmed, Feng Xia, Ahmad Karim, Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, Rafidah Md Noor, Coverage Differentiation based Adaptive Tx-Power for Congestion and Awareness Control in VANETs, Mobile Networks and Applications, 1 December 2016, Pages 1-12, DOI: 10.1007/s11036-016-0777-6 (Q2, IF= 1.53)
  54. Hamid A Jalab, Yahya AL-Nabhani, Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab, Rafidah Md Noor, Robust Watermarking Algorithm for Digital Images Using Discrete Wavelet and Probabilistic Neural Network, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
  55. Karim, Ahmad, Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Rosli Bin Salleh, Muhammad Arif, Rafidah Md Noor, and Shahaboddin Shamshirband. 2015. Mobile Botnet Attacks an Emerging Threat: Classification, Review and Open Issues. KSII Transactions On Internet And Information Systems. Vol. 9, No. 4.
  56. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Ali Jalooli, Erfan Shaghaghi, Alireza Marefat, Rafidah Md Noor and Jason J. Jung, Analyzing the Impacts of Velocity and Density on Intelligent Position-based Routing Protocols, Journal of Computational Science (IF=1.567, Q2)(Doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2014.11.003)
  57. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Alireza Marefat, Ali Jalooli, Rafidah Md Noor, Rashid Hafeez Khokhar and Jaime Lloretc, Performance Analysis of V2V Dynamic Anchor Position-based Routing Protocols, Wireless Networks Journal (IF= 1.055, Q3) Volume 21, Issue 3, Pages 911-929, April 2015.
  58. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Rafidah Md Noor, Rashid Hafeez Khokhar, "Green Vehicle Traffic Routing System using Ant-based Algorithm", Journal of Network and Computer Applications (IF=2.229, Q1) (Accepted August 2015)
  59. Oche Michael, Rafidah Md Noor, Johnson Ihyeh Aghinya, "Network Centric QoS Performance Evaluation of IPTV Transmission Quality over VANETs", Computer Communications, Vol. 61, pp: 34-47, 1 May 2015. (IF=1.695, Q1) Doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2014.12.001
  60. Rabha W. Ibrahim, Zahra Moghaddasi, Hamid A. Jalab, and Rafidah Md Noor, "Fractional Differential Texture Descriptors Based on the Machado Entropy for Image Splicing Detection", Entropy, 2015, 17, 4775-4785; doi:10.3390/e17074775 (IF=1.502)
  61. Arsalan Emami, Ali Jalooli, Oche Michael, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy, and Rosli Salleh, Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Velocity- Based Handoff Algorithm for VANET, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol.27, No.2, 2014. (IF=0.161, Q4)
  62. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Hossein Malakooti, Rafidah Md Noor, Nor Badrul Anuar, Norazlina Khamis, Ant Colony Optimization for Vehicle Traffic Systems: Applications and Challenges, Int. J. of Bio-Inspired Computation, 2014 Vol.6, No.1, pp.32-56. (IF= 1.351, Q1) DOI: 10.1504/IJBIC.2014.059970
  63. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Ali Jalooli, Erfan Shaghaghi, Rafidah Md Noor, Leon Rothkrantz, Rashid Hafeez Khokhar and Nor Badrul Anuar, "Ant- based Vehicle Congestion Avoidance System using Vehicular Networks", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol.35, pp: 303-319, November 2014. (IF = 1.962, Q1), Doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2014.08.001
  64. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Rafidah Md Noor, Rashid Hafeez Khokhar, Chih-Heng Ke, Cross-layer Congestion Control Model for Urban Vehicular Environments, Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Accepted May 2014) (IF= 1.467, Q1).
  65. Mostofa Kamal Nasir, M.A.Kalam, B.M. Masum and Rafidah Md Noor, "Reduction of Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Pollutant Using Intelligent Transport System", Scientific World Journal, (IF=1.730, Q1) (Accepted April 2014).
  66. Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Rafidah Md Noor and Sharmin Parveen, "A Comparative Study and Stepwise Approach for Routing In Vanets", Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 8(4) April 2014, Pages: 244-253. ISSN:1995-0772
  67. Oche Michael, Rafidah Md Noor, Ali Jalooli, "Quality of Service Management for IPTV services support in VANETs: A Performance Evaluation Study", Wireless Networks (IF=1.055, Q3), SpringerLink (Accepted Aug 2014). DOI: 10.1007/s11276-014-0787-x.
  68. Shahriary, Saeed; Shahriari, Mohsen; Md Noor, Rafidah, "A Community Based Approach For Link Prediction in Signed Social Networks", Computational Aspects of Social Network Analysis, Scientific Programming, IF=0.667 (Q3), DOI:10.3233/SPR-140400. Accepted Sept 2014. Online Date (8th Oct 2014)
  69. Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Muhammad Shiraz, Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Rafidah Md Noor, Unicast Routing Protocols for Urban Vehicular Networks: Review, Taxonomy and Open Research Issues, Journal of Zhejiang University- SCIENCE C (Computers & Electronics), In-press, Doi:10.1631/jzus.C1300332, (IF=0.297, Q4)
  70. Chembe Christopher, Rafidah Md. Noor, Ehsan Mostajeran "Optimizing Wireless Channel Using Adaptive Modulation To Improve QoS In VANET", Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (ISSN 0127-9084), Vol.26, No.1, 2013 (IF=0.167)
  71. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Saeid Ghahremani and Rafidah Md Noor, "Dynamic Congestion Control Algorithm for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks", Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, Vol.7, No.3, pp.95-108, 2013
  72. Sajad Khorsandroo, Rafidah Md Noor, Sayid Khorsandroo, "A Generic Quantitative Relationship to Assess Interdependency of QoE and QoS", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (IF=0.372), Vol 7(2), pp. 327-346, 2013 DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2013.02.009
  73. Mehdi Jahanirad, Yahya AL-Nabhani, Rafidah Md.Noor, Comprehensive Network Security Approach: Security Breaches at Retail company- A Case Study, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 12 No. 8 pp. 107-112, ISSN : 1738-7906
  74. Mehdi Jahanirad, Yahya Al-Nabhani, Rafidah Md Noor, Security Measures of VoIP Application: A State-of-The- Art Review, Scientific Research Essays, Vol.6(23), pp.4950- 4959, 2011.
  75. Rafidah Md Noor and Christopher Edwards, A Comparative Performance Analysis on NEMO-QoS and MIPv6-QoS in Heterogeneous Environments, Journal of Applied Sciences, July 2011
  76. Rafidah Md Noor and Sajad Khorsandroo, Quality of Experience Key Metrics Framework for Network Mobility User, International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol. 6(28), pp. 6521-6528, 9 November, 2011
  77. Rafidah Md Noor, Christopher Edwards, Evaluating User Class Approach for Network Mobility Protocol, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 24(3), pp. 131-145, 2011 (IF=0.364)
  78. Rashid Hafeez Khokhar, Rafidah Md Noor, Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Chih-Heng Ke, and Md Asri Ngadi, Fuzzy-assisted social-based routing for urban vehicular environments, Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, SpringerOpen, November 2011 (IF=0.815)
  79. Hamdan.O.Alanazi, Rafidah Md Noor, Intrusion Detection System: Overview, JOURNAL OF COMPUTING, VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, FEBRUARY 2010, ISSN 2151-9617
  80. Noor, R.M. and Edwards, C. User class mechanisms for quality of service in network mobility. Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5(24), pp. 3926 3931, 18 December, 2010, ISSN 1992- 2248
  81. The Guide of Implementing Chat Protocol: Study Case on Using the Socket Programming Concept and Object Oriented Programming, Journal of Computing, Vol. 2, Issue. 10, October, 2010.
  82. Rafidah Md.Noor, and Nornazlita Hussin. 2004. First experience in implementing PBL for network design and management course. Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 2 (1). pp. 11-18.
  1. Buku Teks : Pengenalan Kepada Pangkalan Data, Pengarang Bersama : Fariza Hanum Md. Nasaruddin, Maizatul Akmar Ismail, Norizan Mohd Yasin, Rohana Mahmud, Hannyzzura Pal @ Affal, Norazlina Khamis, Rafidah Mohd Noor: Edisi Pertama 2002 , McGraw-Hill (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Chapter in Books
  1. Hee, L.V., Khamis, N., Noor, R.M., Abdul Karim, S.A., Puspitasari, P. (2024). Predicting Fatality in Road Traffic Accidents: A Review on Techniques and Influential Factors. In: Abdul Karim, S.A. (eds) Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation III. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 553. Springer, Cham.
  2. Shaik Shabana Anjum, Javid Iqbal, Kay Hooi Keoy, Pradeep Kumar, Abdul Samad Shibghatullah, Elango Natarajan, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy (2024). An Internet of Things-based integrative safety framework of autonomous vehicles for special needs society, In Woodhead Publishing Reviews: Mechanical Engineering Series, Machine Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering, Academic Press, 2024, Pages 137-148
  3. Md Noor, R., et al (2021). The 5th International Innovation, Design and Articulation, i-IDeA, Vol 1 (2021) 334-341, e ISBN 978-967-19269-1-8
  4. Mohammad Asif Hossain, Rafidah Md Noor, Saaidal Azzuhri Razalli, Muhammad Reza Z aba, Ismail Ahmedy, Shaik Shabana Anjum, Wahidah Md Shah and Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, Faster Convergence of Q-Learning in Cognitive Radio-VANET Scenario , Advances in Electronics Engineering, Springer, vol. 619, pg. 171-181, 2020, Online ISBN 978-981-15-1289-6
  5. Aziz, Mohd Norafizal Abd; Khamis, Norazlina; Noor, Rafidah Md, Cloud Services Evaluation for NonFormal Learning Implementation, Advanced Science Letters, Volume 24, Number 2, February 2018, pp. 1460-1463(4)
  6. Shaik Shabana Anjum, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy, Mohammed Hossein Anisi and Norazlina Khamis, "Energy Management Techniques for RFID Sensor Networks based on Internet of Things", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 488, pp. 53-63, 2018
  7. Ahmad I., Noor R.M., Ali I., Qureshi M.A., The role of vehicular cloud computing in road traffic management: A Survey, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 185pp.123-131
  8. Shah S.A.A., Ahmed E., Ahmad I., Noor R.M., Adaptive contention window design to minimize synchronous collisions in 802.11p networks, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 185pp.34-45, 2017.
  9. Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz, Rafidah Md Noor, Norazlina Khamis, Cloud-Based Mobile Learning Adaptation in Nonformal Learning: A Review, Regional Conference on Science, Technology and Social Sciences, July 2016. Springer Singapore.
  10. Mohamed Ahmed, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Saeid Ghahremani, Sajad Khorsandroo, Syed Adeel Shah Ali, and Rafidah Md Noor, "Vehicle Adhoc Sensor Network Framework to Provide Green Communication for Urban Operation Rescue," Lecture Notes on Information Theory, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 77-82, March 2013. doi:10.12720/lnit.1.1.77-82
  11. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Hossein Malakooti, Ali Jalooli, Rafidah Md Noor, "A Dynamic Vehicular Traffic Control Using Ant Colony and Traffic Light Optimization", Advances in Systems Science, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 240, 2014, pp 57-66, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01857-7_6
  12. Maizatul A. Ismail, Rafidah Md-Noor, Mazliza Othman, "Short Message Service (SMS) and Its Applications" in "Mobile Commerce Applications", Nan Si Shi (Ed.), Idea Group Inc, 2004, pp.179-202.
Article in Proceeding
  1. Iqbal, S., Noor, R. M., Malik, A. W., & Ieee. (2021). A Review of Blockchain Empowered Vehicular Network: Performance Evaluation of Trusted Task Offloading Scheme.
  2. Sharmin, Zeseya; Noor, Rafidah Md; Soon, Tey Kok; Ahmedy, Ismail; Abdullah, Nor Aishah; Poh, Yap Soon (2021). IoT Based Multidimensional Mushroom Waste Management System in Urban Area, 2021 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 (STI). . doi:10.1109/STI53101.2021.9732609
  1. Sharmin S., Ahmedy I., Noor R.M., Ismail H. (2024). Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the 2024 18th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, IMCOM 2024. . doi:10.1109/IMCOM60618.2024.10418358
  2. Sharmin S., Ahmedy I., Noor R.M., Ismail H. (2023). Clustering Mechanism in Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Data Aggregation, 13th IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics, ISCAIE 2023. , 72-77. doi:10.1109/ISCAIE57739.2023.10165458
  3. Uddin M., Noor R.M., Kolandaisamy R. (2023). A three tier access control architecture for IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) based networks, AIP Conference Proceedings. 2756(1). doi:10.1063/5.0159673
  4. Anjum S.S., Iqbal J., Keoy K.H., Kolandaisamy R., Noor R.M., Ahmedy I. (2022). Secured Localization on the Drone Networks for Search and Rescue operations, International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering, ICECCME 2022. . doi:10.1109/ICECCME55909.2022.9988710
  5. Iqbal, S., Noor, R. M., & Malik, A. W. (2021). A review of blockchain empowered vehicular network: Performance evaluation of trusted task offloading scheme. 367-371. doi: 10.1109/ISCAIE51753.2021.9431834
  1. Ismail, N., Hossain, M.A., Md.Noor, R., Wahid Abdul, A.W. (2021, Dec 16-17). Enhanced Congestion Control Model Based on Message Prioritization and Scheduling Mechanism in Vehicle-to- Infrastructure (V2I). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing Technologies (ICE4CT)
  2. Mohammad Asif Hossain, Ismail Ahmedy, Muhammad Zar M. Z. Harith, Mohd Yamani Idna Idris, Tey Kok Soon, Rafidah Md Noor, and Sumiani Binti Yusoff, "Route Optimization by using Dijkstra s Algorithm for the Waste Management System", In Proceedings of the 2020 The 3rd International Conference on Information Science and System (ICISS 2020). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, USA, pp.110 114, 2020. DOI:
  3. Shaik Shabana Anjum, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy, Norazlina Binti Khamis, Mohammad Hossein Anisi, Development of Portable Air Quality Index (AQI) and Emergency Vehicles Preemption Prototype Based on Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT), ICISS 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 The 3rd International Conference on Information Science and System, March 2020, Pages 158 161, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, USA
  4. Tarak Nandy, Mohd Yamani Idna Bin Idris, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy, Sananda Bhattacharyya, "An Enhanced Two-factor Authentication Protocol for V2V Communication in VANETs", Proceedings of the 2020 The 3rd International Conference on Information Science and System, March 2020 Pages 171 176 ACM Digital Library
  5. Tarak Nandy; Rafidah Md Noor; Mohd Yamani Idna Bin Idris; Sananda Bhattacharyya, T-BCIDS: Trust-Based Collaborative Intrusion Detection System for VANET, 2020 National Conference on Emerging Trends on Sustainable Technology and Engineering Applications (NCETSTEA), India, 7-8 February 2020.
  6. Muhammad Zar Mohd Zaid Harith et al, Prototype Development of IoT Based Smart Waste Management System for Smart City, 202, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 884 012051
  7. Shaik Shabana Anjum, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy, Mohammad Hossein Anisi, Nasrin Aghamohammadi, Norazlina Binti Khamis and Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, "Performance evaluation of energy autonomous sensors for air quality monitoring in Internet of Vehicles", 1st International Workshop on Internet of Autonomous Vehicles (INAVEC) held in conjunction with IEEE 89th Vehicular technology Conference, 28 April- 1 May 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  8. Christopher Chembe, Ismail Ahmedy, Rafidah Md Noor and Douglas Kunda, Impact of multipath fading on spectrum sensing in vehicular communication environment, 6th International Conference on Communications and Broadband Networking (ICCBN 2018), Singapore.
  9. Rafidah Md Noor, Shaik Shabana Anjum, Ismail Ahmedy, Miss Laiha Mat Kiah, Nornazlita Hussin, and Norazlina Khamis, "A Cross-Platform Mobile Application to Mitigate Traffic-Induced Air Pollution for Sustainable Traffic Development", 5th Regional Conference on Campus Sustainability 2018: Climate Action and Campus Sustainability, 20th till 21st March 2018, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
  10. Siti Sabariah Salihin, Liyth A. Nissirat, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy, Handover Schemes for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Over Long Term Evolution Advanced: A Survey, 2018 International Conference on Computational Approach in Smart Systems Design and Applications (ICASSDA), DOI: 10.1109/ICASSDA.2018.8477612
  11. Zahra Moghaddasi, Hamid A. Jalab, Rafidah Md Noor. 2017. Image Splicing Detection Using Singular Value Decomposition. The second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing (ICC 2017), Churchill College. University of Cambridge, Cambridge city, United Kingdom. 22-23 March 2017.
  12. Iftikhar Ahmad, Rafidah Md Noor, Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, Ihsan Ali, The Role of Vehicular Cloud Computing in Road Traffic Management: A Survey, The 1st EAI International Conference on Future Intelligent Vehicular Technologies, 15 Sept 2016, Portugal
  13. Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz, Norazlina Khamis, Rafidah Md Noor, Cloud Services Evaluation For NonFormal Learning Implementation, International Conference on Information Systems and Technology, 28-30 November 2016, Sabah, Malaysia
  14. Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Ejaz Ahmed and Rafidah Md Noor, Adaptive Contention Window Design to Minimize Synchronous Collisions in 802.11p Networks, The 1st EAI International Conference on Future Intelligent Vehicular Technologies, Sept 15, 2016, PORTO, PORTUGAL.
  15. Hussain, M., Wahab, A.W.A., Anuar, N.B., Salleh, R., Noor, R.M., "Pixel value differencing steganography techniques: Analysis and open challenge", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, ICCE-TW 2015, 20 August 2015, Article number 7216859, Pages 21-22
  16. Moghaddasi, Z., Jalab, H.A., Noor, R.M., A comparison study on SVD-based features in different transforms for image splicing detection, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, ICCE-TW 2015, 20 August 2015, Article number 7216815, Pages 13-14
  17. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Ali Jalooli, Alireza Marefat and Rafidah Md Noor, "A Taxonomy-based Comparison of Vehicle Cloud Architectures", The 3rd International Conference on Information and Computer Networks (ICICN 2015), 19-20 March 2015, Florence, Italy.
  18. Shaik Shabana Anjum, Rafidah Md Noor, Mohammad Hossein Anisi, "Survey on MANET-based Communication Scenarios for Search and Rescue Operations", The 5th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, 24-27 August 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  19. Zahra Moghaddasi, Hamid A. Jalab, Rafidah Md Noor,2015. A Comparison Study on SVD -based Features in Different Transforms for Image Splicing Detection. Special session in "Intelligent service technology for wearable consumer electronics"- "Multimedia Security and its Applications for Consumer Electronics". IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics- Taiwan 2015(IEEE 2015 ICCE TW)
  20. Ali Jalooli, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Hossein Malakooti, Erfan Shaghaghi, Alireza Marefat, and Rafidah Md, NoorIntelligent Speed Limit Information Dissemination in Highways Using Vehicular Ad-hoc Network, Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), 28- 30 August 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
  21. Alireza Marefat, Rozita Aboki, Ali Jalooli, Erfan Shaghaghi and Rafidah Md Noor, "An Intelligent Overtaking Maneuver Assistant System using VANET", Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), 28- 30 August 2014, Bali, Indonesia
  22. Erfan Shaghaghi, Ali Jalooli, Rozita Aboki, Alireza Marefat, Rafidah Md Noor, Intelligent Traffic Signal Control for Urban Central Using Vehicular Ad-hoc Network, Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), 28-30 August 2014, Bali, Indonesia.
  23. Hossein Malakootikhah, Mohammadreza Jabbarpour, Ali Jalooli, Alireza Marefat Vayghani and Rafidah Md Noor, Opportunistic XOR-Coding Content Propagation in VANET, 6th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2014), 10-11 April 2014, Seoul, South Korea,
  24. Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz, Rafidah Md Noor, Norazlina Khamis, Cloud-based Mobile Learning Adaptation in Non- formal Learning: A Review, Regional Conference on Science, Technology and Social Science (RCSTSS 2014), Cameron Highlands, Pahang, 23-25 November 2014.
  25. Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, Michael Oche and Rafidah Md Noor, Adapting Geographical DTN Routing for Enhanced Connectivity in Partitioned VANETs on Highways, 2014 IEEE TENSYMP - IEEE Region 10 Symposium - Communications Technologies, 14-16 April 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  26. Abubakar Bello Tambuwal, Rafidah Md Noor, and Oche Michael, "Improvement of DSR Routing Protocol using TTL-Based Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, Johor, 4-5 Sept 2013.
  27. Ali Jalooli, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Hossein Malakooti, Rafidah Md Noor, and Nornazlita Hussin, "Intelligent Speed Limit Information Dissemination in Highways Using VANET", The 10th IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS), Seoul, 22-23 August 2013.
  28. Hossein Malakooti, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Ali Jalooli, Rafidah Md Noor, "Network Coding-Aware Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks", The 10th IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS), Seoul, 22-23 August 2013.
  29. Michael Oche, Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Abubakar Bello Tambawal, Rafidah Md Noor, Securing VoIP Network: An Overview of Applied Approaches and Analysis, The Pan African Conference on Science, Computing and Telecommunications (PACT) 2013, 15-18 July 2013, Lusaka, Zambia
  30. Mohamed Ahmed, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Saeid Ghahremani, Sajad Khorsandroo, Syed Adeel Shah Ali, and Rafidah Md Noor, "Vehicle Adhoc Sensor Network Framework to Provide Green Communication for Urban Operation Rescue", 3rd International Conference on Information and Network Technology (ICINT 2013), 1-2 April 2013, Singapore.
  31. Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour, Hossein Malakooti, Masumeh Taheri, Rafidah Md Noor, The Comparative Analysis of Velocity and Density in VANET Using Prediction-Based Intelligent Routing Algorithms, The Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT 2013), 12-14 December 2013, London, United Kingdom.
  32. Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi and Rafidah Md. Noor, Towards Improving Vehicular Communication in Modern Vehicular Environment, 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT) , 16-18 Dec 2013, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  33. Norazlina Khamis, Azrinsyah Mirza Misfian and Rafidah Md Noor, Towards Sustainable Software Criteria: Rescue Operation and Disaster Management System Model, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 10th ICNSC, April 10-12, 2013 Paris-Evry University, France
  34. Oche Michael, Rafidah Md Noor, Alaa Saleh Al-jawfi, Andrew Thomos Bimba, Mostofa Kamal Nasir, "An Automatic Speed Violation Detection Framework For VANETs", IEEE International Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, 4-5 September 2013, Johor.
  35. Rozita Aboki, Erfan Shaghaghi, Parand Akhlaghi, Rafidah Md Noor, "Predictive Location Aided Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Network", IEEE 11th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC 2013), 26- 28 November 2013, Kuala Lumpur
  36. Saeid Ghahremani, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari, Sajad Khorsandroo, Mohamed Ahmed and Rafidah Md Noor, "A Traffic Control Model on VANET Environment for Minimum Road Risk in a Shortest Way", International Conference on Green High Performance Computing (ICGHPC'13), 14 - 15 March 2013, Tamilnadu, India.
  37. Aref Hassan Poor, Hooman Hoodeh, Amirhossein Zarrinnegar, Arsalan Emami and Rafidah Md Noor, "Comparing QoS of DSDV and AODV Routing Protocols in Vehicular Network", Third International Conference on Network Applications, Protocols & Services (NetAPPS 2012), 19-20 September 2012, UUM Sintok, Kedah
  38. Chembe Christopher and Rafidah Md Noor, Wireless Channel Optimization in VANET by using Adaptive Modulation, 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 5-8 Nov 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
  39. Ehsan Mostajeran & Rafidah Md Noor, "Performance Comparison of AODV Based on Link Layer Feedback and Neighbor Discovery Methods in MANET", IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA), 23-26 SEPT 2012
  40. Hassan Keshavarz & Rafidah Md Noor, "Beacon-Base Geographic Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Survey and Taxonomy" 2012 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA), Bandung, Indonesia, 23-25 SEPT 2012
  41. Hassan Keshavarz, Mohammad Reza Jabbarpour Sattari and Rafidah Md Noor, Session Initiation Protocol Attacks and Challenges, 2012 International Conference on Security Science and Technology (ICSST 2012), March 10-12, 2012, Hong Kong
  42. Khorsandroo, S., Noor, R. M., & Khorsandroo, S. (2012). A Generic Quantitative Relationship between Quality of Experience and Packet Loss in Video Streaming Services,The Fourth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks 2012 (ICUFN 2012),4-6 July 2012, Phuket Thailand
  43. Khorsandroo, S., Noor, R. M., & Khorsandroo, S. (2012). A Mobility Framework to Enhance Quality of Experience through Quality of Service. International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research, 21-22 May 2012, Melaka, Malaysia
  44. Khorsandroo, S., Noor, R. M., & Khorsandroo, S. (2012). Stimulus-Centric versus Perception-Centric Relations in Quality of Experience Assessment, Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS2012), 18-20 April 2012, London, UK
  45. Khorsandroo, S., R.M. & Khorsandroo, S. The Role of Psychophysics Laws in Quality of Experience Assessment - A Video Streaming Case Study. International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications, and Informatics (ICACCI), Chenai, India, 3- 5 Aug 2012. (ACM Indexed)
  46. Rafidah Md Noor, Rashid H. Khokhar, Reza Jabbarpour, Sajad Khorsandroo, Norazlina Khamis, and Oche Michael, Using VANET to Support Green Vehicle Communications for Urban Operation Rescue, 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 5-8 Nov 2012
  47. Rafidah Md Noor, Sharifah Noor Sahila Syed Jamil and Khairil Hafizzee Zakaria, Parental Mobile Control System for Children's Internet Use, International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2012), 25-28 June 2012, London, United Kingdom
  48. Jhonny Tay and Rafidah Md Noor, A Hybrid TCP Congestion Mechanism to Improve Mobile WiMAX Networks, IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics, Kuala Lumpur, 20-23 March 2011.
  49. Mohsen K.E, Somayeh G., Rafidah M.N., A Review on Spam over Internet Telephony: Prevention and Detection Mechanisms, BEST PAPER AWARD, UMIES 2011, 12-13 July 2011, Kuala Lumpur
  50. Raenu K. & Rafidah Md Noor, Capacity and Resource Reservation in Broadband Internet, IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics, Kuala Lumpur, 20-23 March 2011.
  51. Seyedeh Ghazal Ghalebandi, Rafidah Binti Md Noor, Arash Habibi Lashkari, "A survey on P2P Botnets Detection", 2011 International Conference on Communication and Broadband Networking, June 17-19, 2011
  52. Noor, R.M. and Edwards, C. 2010. QoS-Enabled Improvements for the Network Mobility Protocol, IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 06-09 September 2010.
  53. R.M. Noor & Edwards, C. 2009. Using NEMO to Support Network Mobility using Railway Infrastructures, The 9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 20-22 October 2009, Lille, France
  54. Rafidah Md. Noor, Christopher Edwards. 2006. A Dynamic QoS Provisioning Model for Network Mobility, The 7th Annual PostGraduate Symposium on The Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
  55. Nornazlita Hussin & Rafidah Md Noor. 2004. PBL Tools: Bridging By The Technology. The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Problem-Based Learning, 16-17 March 2004, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
  56. Rafidah Md Noor. 2004. Distribution of Multimedia Data over a Wireless Network: An Introduction. Proceeding of National Seminar of Science Technology and Social Sciences 2004, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.
  57. Rafidah Md.Noor & Husin Dieh Ung Teck. 2003. Wireless Application Converter. Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in ASIA, Kuching Sarawak.
  58. Rafidah Md.Noor. 2003. Implementing A Problem-Based Learning For Undergraduate Course: A First Experience. Proceeding of The International Learning Conference, London, United Kingdom.
  59. Rafidah Md.Noor & Nornazlita Husin. 2002. Map Interactive Guide Using Wireless Palm. Proceeding of National Conference on Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Malacca.
  60. Rafidah Md.Noor & Nornazlita Husin. 2002. Migration of Wired Network to Wireless Network Technologies. Proceeding of National Conference on Science, Technology and Social Science.
  61. Rafidah Md.Noor. 2002. Is E-Business Ready for Wireless Technology?. Proceeding of Pan Pacific Conference XIX on E-Globalization and The Pacific Age, Bangkok Thailand.
Other Publications
  1. Christopher Chembe, Rafidah Md Noor, Ismail Ahmedy, Douglas Kunda, "Spectrum Sensing in Licensed Channels to Increase Channel Capacity for ITS Applications", Intelligent Transport System Seminar and Exhibition, 21-23 February 2017, Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur. - Technical Report
  2. Georgopoulos, Panagiotis; Rocha Sa e Moura, Jose Andre; Md Noor, Rafidah; McCarthy, Ben; Edwards, Christopher, "Theoretical and Practical Survey of Backhaul Connectivity Options" JANET, 2010. - Technical Report


  1. 2024 - 2027, University Grant Research Program - Research Cluster
    Enhancing Intelligent Resource Management and Optimization in 5G Networks through Federated Learning and Cloud Computing Integration ( Co-Researcher)
    Enhancing SME Competitiveness in Malaysia through AI-Driven 5G Network Innovations ( Co-Researcher)
  3. 2022 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Access Control Model For Intelligent Transportation System Using Information-centric Edge Computing ( Co-Researcher)
  4. 2022 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    A Vehicle Routing Mechanism Based On Adaptive Priority Scheduling Algorithm For Route Planner In Smart Transportation ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  5. 2022 - 2025, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Maritime Cybersecurity: Formulating A Legal And Risk Management Framework In Malaysia ( Co-Researcher)
  6. 2023 - 2025, UM International Collaboration Grant
    A Time - Based Energy - Aware Model For Optimized Collaborative Fog Computing In Internet Of Drones Search And Rescue Operations ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  7. 2020 - 2024, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    6g: The Terahertz Communication For Wireless Backhaul Network (opportunities And Challenges For Planning And Design) ( Co-Researcher)
  8. 2021 - 2024, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    A Faster Convergent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm For Smart Transportation System: Cognitive Radio Perspectives ( Co-Researcher)
  9. 2019 - 2023, Long Term Research Grant Scheme (LRGS)
    Mrun : Route Optimization Design And Predictive Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques For Efficient Waste Management System ( Co-Researcher)
  10. 2020 - 2023, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-IISS
    A Smart Waste Management Ecosystems For Mushroom Waste Collection Using Multidimensional Internet-of-things ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  11. 2020 - 2023, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-FNW
    An Enhance Optimization Algorithm For Internet Of Things (iot) Quality Of Service (qos) Using Swarm Techniques In Plant Growth Assessment Monitoring ( Co-Researcher)
  12. 2021 - 2023, Others MOHE
    Data And Platform Democratization Using Self-serve Intelligent Integrated Data Wrangling Sandbox And Platform For Organizational Big Data Adoption ( Co-Researcher)
  13. 2019 - 2022, UM Community Campus-Manage by UMCARES
    Iot Monitoring & Management System On Campus Sustainable Transportation: Phase 2 ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  14. 2019 - 2022, Others MOHE - Top 100 (IIRG)-IISS
    Secure Localization By Drones (slbd): Mitigating Localization Error Attacks On The Internet Of Drones (iod) For Search And Rescue (sar) Operations ( Co-Researcher)
  15. 2019 - 2021, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Profiling Foreign Students Using Social Network Analysis For Security Surveillance ( Co-Researcher)
  16. 2018 - 2020, Partnership Grant
    Smart And Security Enhanced Transportation Ecosystem For A Future Sustainable Smart City ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  17. 2019 - 2020, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    A Hybrid Approach For Flood Waste Detection And Classification Algorithm ( Co-Researcher)
  18. 2018 - 2019, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    Greenhouse Classification Approach Using Optimization Algorithm For Smart Agriculture Monitoring Network ( Co-Researcher)
  19. 2018 - 2019, UM Community Campus-Manage by UMCARES
    Smart Waste Management System Using Internet-of-things ( Co-Researcher)
  20. 2018 - 2019, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    Real-Time Water Channel Remote Monitoring Based on Internet of Things ( Co-Researcher)
  21. 2018 - 2019, RU Geran - Fakulti Program
    Energy Optimization of Cognitive Radio Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Spaces ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  22. 2015 - 2018, Grand Challenge - SUS (Sustainability Science)
    Modelling And Governing Traffic Congestion: Air Quality,emission, & Traffic Use ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  23. 2015 - 2018, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    Image Authentication For Detection And Localization Of Image Forgery ( Co-Researcher)
  24. 2023 - 2025, FRGS
    Enhanced Opportunistic Device-to-device Routing Protocol for Real-time Disaster Communications based on a Density-Based Clustering Approach., Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM) ( Co-Researcher)
  25. 2021 - 2023, Others MOHE
  26. 2020 - 2022, Geran Penyelidikan Jangka Pendek, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)
    Smart Navigation System Through GIS Network Traffic Routing for Travelers, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM) ( Co-Researcher)
  27. 2019 - 2021, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    A Novel Clustering Algorithm based on Reinforcement Learning for the Optimization of Global and Local Network Performances in Mobile Networks ( Consultant)
  28. 2019 - 2020, Skim Geran Dana NIC 1/2019 (SDN0062-2019)
    KK Smart City: Modelling and Governing Traffic Congestion Towards Sustainable Traffic Development in Kota Kinabalu ( Consultant)
  29. 2012 - 2016, High Impact Research (HIR)
    High-Impact Research, MoE-UM, "Efficient Green Operational Rescue Using Vehicle Ad Hoc Technology" (2012-2015) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  30. 2013 - 2016, ScienceFund
    Secure Group Communication for Critical National Information Infrastructure ( Consultant)
  31. 2012 - 2015, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    A Fundamental Research on Botnet Phenomenon: Detection, Response, And Mitigation ( Consultant)
  32. 2012 - 2014, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
    FRGS MoE "Realistic Radio Propagation Model to Handle Obstacles in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks" (Completed) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  33. 2012 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    UM Research Grant, "Quality of Experience Model for VANET", Completed ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  34. 2010 - 2012, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)
    UM Research Grant, "Internet Broadband Charging QoS Model for Network Mobility", Completed ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  35. 2003 - 2004, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    VOT-F UM Grant, "A Research of University s Student Representative Council Voting System Based on Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Technology", Completed ( Consultant)
  36. 2001 - 2002, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)
    VOT-F UM Grant, "Designing a Wireless Network Architecture for Campus-Scale", 2001 CYCLE-3 ( Principal Investigator(PI))
  1. 2021 - 2023, UCSI University Research Excellence & Innovation Grant (REIG)
    Road safety fuelled by vehicular communication with guaranteed location privacy: A Strategy for Ecological Transportation, UCSI University ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2020 - 2021, Institute of Computer Science and Digital Innovation, UCSI Kuala Lumpur
    A Mathematical Model for Vehicle Positioning System Using Statistical Analysis (REIG-ICSDI-2020/026), UCSI University ( Co-Researcher)
  1. 2021 - 2025, International Funding
    Modernisation, Development And Capacity Building Of Master Curriculum In Traffic Safety In Asian Universities (asiasafe) ( Co-Researcher)
  2. 2021 - 2024, Erasmus+
    Erasmus+ Project Modernisation, Development and Capacity Building of Master Curriculum in Traffic Safety in Asian Universities , University of Malaya (UM) ( Co-Researcher)
  1. 2025 - 2025, University Grant
    Penambahbaikan Indeks Kecemerlangan Kualiti Universiti Malaya ( Principal Investigator(PI))


  • Kajian Pendigitalan Aktiviti Promosi Export Bagi Pembangunan Integrated Trade Event Platform (Itep), MATRADE, Project Leader/Lead Consultant
    20 Jan 2023 - 19 Sep 2023 (National)
  • External Advisory Committee for The Department of Computing and Information Systems, Sunway University, Sunway University
    01 Nov 2019 - 01 Nov 2021 (National)
  • Co-Investigator for Frgs Project "a Novel Clustering Algorithm Based On Reinforcement Learning for The Optimization of Global and Local Network Performances in Mobile Networks" Frgs/1/2019/Ict03/Syuc/01/1 Sept 2019 - Aug 2021, Sunway University
    01 Jan 2019 - 01 Jan 2021 (National)
  • Kk Smart City: Modelling and Governing Traffic Congestion Towards Sustainable Traffic Development in Kota Kinabalu, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
    01 Oct 2019 - 01 Oct 2020 (National)
  • Vehicle Positioning System (Campus Bus Case Study), UCSI University
    01 Oct 2019 - 01 Oct 2020 (National)
  • Panel Temuduga Program Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan dan Cuti Belajar Bergaji Penuh Tanpa Biasiswa, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA)
    01 Oct 2017 - 01 Oct 2017 (National)
  • Panel Reviewer for The Journal of Information and Communication Technology (Jict), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM Press)
    01 Sep 2016 - 01 Sep 2016 (National)
  • Ksii Journal Reviewer, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
    01 May 2016 - 01 May 2016 (International)
  • Reviewer Journal Article, IEEE Systems Journal
    01 Apr 2016 - 01 Apr 2016 (International)
  • Technical Reviewer, South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering (SAISE)
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2015 (International)
  • Article Reviewer for Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal
    01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2015 (International)
  • Panel for Bachelor of Computer Science, Monash University, Sunway Campus
    01 Jul 2015 - 01 Jul 2015 (National)
  • Chair for Mobile Web and Information Systems, The 12th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems
    01 Jun 2014 - 01 Jun 2015 (International)
  • Ccent Certification Trainer, UTEM
    01 Jun 2015 - 01 Jun 2015 (National)
  • Research Collaborator On 'Cross-Layer Approach for Resource Management Over Geo Satellite Networks', Ergs Project., Universiti Putra Malaysia
    01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2015 (National)
  • Technical Reviewer for I-User 2014, UiTM Shah Alam
    01 Oct 2014 - 01 Oct 2014 (International)
  • Reviewer, International Journal of Communication Systems
    01 Feb 2014 - 01 Feb 2014 (International)
  • International Conference On Computer & Information Sciences 2014 (Iccoins2014), Universiti Teknologi Petronas
    01 Feb 2014 - 01 Feb 2014 (International)
  • Panel Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Program Diploma Eksekutif Teknologi Maklumat, University of Malaya Centre for Continuing Education (UMCCeD)
    01 May 2013 - 01 May 2013 (National)
  • Pelantikan Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Program Diploma Eksekutif Teknologi Maklumat, UMCCed
    01 Feb 2013 - 01 Feb 2013 (National)
  • Internal Examiner Ph.D Thesis, University of Malaya
    01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (National)
  • Technical Reviewer for IEEE Symposium On Wireless Technology and Applications, IEEE
    01 May 2012 - 01 May 2012 (International)
  • Technical Reviewer IEEE Symposium On Industrial Electronics and Applications (Isiea2012), IEEE
    01 May 2012 - 01 May 2012 (International)
  • Technical Reviewer for Open Systems and Technologies, Open Systems Applications (Icos2012), IEEE
    01 May 2012 - 01 May 2012 (International)
  • Technical Reviewer for Malaysian Journal Computer Science, FCSIT
    01 May 2011 - 01 May 2012 (National)
  • University Representative for Huawei Academy Program, 2011, Huawei Corporation
    01 May 2012 - 01 May 2012 (National)
  • Executive Diploma in Information Technology, UMCCed
    01 May 2003 - 01 May 2012 (National)
  • Member of The Technical Program Committee for IEEE Tencon 2012 in Cebu City, Philippines, On November 19-23., IEEE Philiphines Section
    01 Apr 2012 - 01 Apr 2012 (National)
  • International Advisory Committee for 1st ICT Senior Project Conference, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 2012, Mahidol University
    01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (International)
  • Reviewer for Iccsit 2011 International Conference On Computer Science and Information Technology, International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology
    01 Aug 2011 - 01 Aug 2011 (International)
  • Reviewer, 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology
    01 Aug 2011 - 01 Aug 2011 (International)
  • Co-Author, Personal Area Network - European Project
    01 Jun 2010 - 01 Jun 2010 (International)
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Elsevier Editorial for Future Generation Computer Systems
    01 May 2008 - 01 May 2008 (International)
  • Co-Researcher, European China Grid Internetworking
    01 Sep 2007 - 01 Sep 2007 (International)
  • Pegawai Pemeriksa & Moderator, Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia
    01 Jan 2003 - 01 Jan 2005 (National)


  1. Strategic Research Alignment: From Problem Formulation to Research Design, Postgraduate Webinar, UTEM (National) (23 Oct 2024 - 23 Oct 2024)
  2. Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Smart and Security Enhanced Transportation EcoSystem For A Future Sustainable Smart City, Universiti Malaya and Sunway University (National) (21 Dec 2020 - 21 Dec 2020)
  3. Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad hoc Network, Webinar Partnership Grant on Smart and Security Enhanced Transportation Ecosystem For A Future Sustainable Smart City, 21 December 2020, Universiti Malaya and Sunway University. , Universiti Malaya and Sunway University (University) (21 Dec 2020 - 21 Dec 2020)
  4. Sustainable Transport and Mobility Tips, UMSLLS Sustainability Webinar Special Series 2020 CMCO- Sustainability By UM Living Lab Experts , UMSLLS Sustainability Ecocampus UM (University) (03 Dec 2020 - 03 Dec 2020)
  5. Publishing Strategies in ISI Indexed Journal, Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI) Research Day Session, Faculty of Computing and Informatics, UMS, Sabah (National) (06 Nov 2019 - 06 Nov 2019)
  6. Modeling Traffic Congestion based on Air Quality for Greater Kuala Lumpur, Knowledge Exchange on Smart Cities Initiatives and Challenges in Malaysia, Taylor's University., Taylor's University (National) (04 Sep 2019 - 04 Sep 2019)
  7. Spectrum Sensing in VANET Using Reinforcement Learning, 2019 IEEE VTS ASEAN Summer School, IEEE Malaysia (International) (02 May 2019 - 02 May 2019)
  1. Automated Fleet Task Coordination and Scheduling System, The 5th International Conference on Emerging Electrical Energy, Electronics and Computing Technologies 2024 (ICE4CT 2024), UNIMAP (International) (02 Dec 2024 - 03 Dec 2024)
  1. An Optimized Anti Traffic Spill-Over Congestion Pricing Zone Model Using VANET (OVB-CPZ), Sustainability Science Exhibition, Sustainability Science Research Cluster (SuSci) Symposium 2016 (#UM111@SuSci 2016), 21 22nd April 2016, Sustainable Science Cluster (University) (21 Apr 2016 - 22 Apr 2016)
  1. Impact of multipath fading on spectrum sensing in vehicular communication environment, 6th International Conference on Communications and Broadband Networking (ICCBN 2018), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (International) (24 Feb 2018 - 26 Feb 2018)
  2. Energy Management techniques for RFID Sensor Networks based on Internet of Things, The Fourth International Conference on Computational Science and Technology 2017 (ICCST2017), UMS and MDEC (International) (29 Nov 2017 - 30 Nov 2017)
  3. Spectrum Sensing in Licensed Channels to Increase Channel Capacity for ITS Applications, Intelligent Transport System Seminar and Exhibition, ITS Association of Malaysia (National) (21 Feb 2017 - 23 Feb 2017)
  4. Intelligent Guardrails, 14th International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA 2015), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) (National) (04 Dec 2015 - 06 Dec 2015)
  5. Shaik Shabana Anjum, Rafidah Md Noor, Mohammad Hossein Anisi, "Survey on MANET-based Communication Scenarios for Search and Rescue Operations", The 5th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, 24-27 August 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia., THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IT CONVERGENCE AND SECURITY 2015 IN KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, IEEE Computer Society (International) (24 Aug 2015 - 27 Aug 2015)
  6. Vehicle Adhoc Sensor Network Framework to Provide Green Communication for Urban Operation Rescue, 3rd International Conference on Information and Network Technology (ICINT 2013), IACSIT and Lecture Notes on Information Theory (LNIT) (International) (01 Apr 2013 - 02 Apr 2013)
  1. Keynote Speaker, THE RISE OF MOBILE AND INTERNET TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND REMOTE LEARNING , The 2nd International Conference on Internet Technology and Educational Informatization (ITEI 2022), 23-25 December, Herbin, China, AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center (International) (23 Dec 2022 - 25 Dec 2022)
  2. An Optimized Routing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Vehicular AdHoc Networks, The International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks (ICISN 2022), Swinburne University of Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam (International) (19 Mar 2022 - 19 Mar 2022)
  3. An Optimized Routing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN DATA MINING AND INFORMATION SECURITY, School of Information Technology (Ashram Campus), Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata (International) (23 Feb 2022 - 25 Feb 2022)
  4. Challenges Promoting Campus Sustainability Transport: Universiti Malaya Case Study, 3rd One Week Online Faculty Development Program on Recent Advances in Computer Science and Allied Domains , Sharda University, Greater Noida, India (International) (06 Jul 2021 - 06 Jul 2021)


  1. (2025) Pemeriksa Luar Program Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer(Rangkaian Komputer dan Keselamatan Siber), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), National, (External Examiner)
  2. (2025) Jawatankuasa Semakan Modul Certified Officer in Quality Assurance of Higher Education Programme -Tier 2 & Tier 3, National, (External Assessor)
  3. (2025) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pengajian Program Akademik (Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Rangkaian Komputer)), Utem, National, (External Assessor)
  4. (2025) Ahli Jawatankuasa Peer Committee Bagi Kolej Komputeran dan Informatik UNITEN (Kenaikan Pangkat Skim Pengajaran dan Profesional), National, (External Assessor)
  5. (2025) External Examiner (International) for Academic Programme Ba/Bsc (Hons) Information System, Information Technology, Lancaster University (Sunway Campus), International, (External Examiner)
  6. (2024) External Assessor for Academic Promotion At Universiti Teknologi Brunei, International, (External Assessor)
  7. (2024) Panel: Universiti Malaya Research Excellence Grant (Umreg) 2024, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  8. (2023) Panel Penilai Luar (Pakar Bidang) Bagi Tujuan Semakan Kurikulum Program Pascasiswazah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Johor, National, (External Evaluator)
  9. (2023) External Examiner for Phd Thesis "a Coalision Strategy for Efficient Resource Allocation for Device to Device (D2d) Communication Under Cellular Network ", Visvesvaraya Technological University, India, International, (External Examiner)
  10. (2023) Phd Thesis Examiner (Monash University), International, (External Examiner)
  11. (2022) Academic Promotion for Professorship, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, National, (External Assessor)
  12. (2022) Panel Assessor for European Science Foundation Science Connect Research Project from University of Luxembourg, International, (External Evaluator)
  13. (2022) Panel Grant Assessor for Research Proposal Peer Review for Wellcome Trust: Career Development Award Application, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  14. (2022) Trgs Grant Evaluator (University), University, (Internal Evaluator)
  15. (2022) Panel Assessor for Digital Society Research Grant Cycle 1/2022, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  16. (2022) Frgs Grant Evaluator for Ums (2022), National, (External Evaluator)
  17. (2022) Frgs Grant Evaluator (University) 2022, University, (Internal Evaluator)
  18. (2022) External Examiner for Phd Thesis - Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (Utem) (2022), National, (External Examiner)
  19. (2022) Technical Programme Committee Member / Reviewer for International Conference On Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering Solutions, May 2022., International, (Reviewer)
  20. (2022) External Examiner for Phd Thesis - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) (2021-2022), National, (External Examiner)
  21. (2022) Technical Committee, The 5th International Conference On Information Science and Systems (Iciss 2022), International, (Reviewer)
  22. (2022) Pemeriksa Luar Program Pra Siswazah Program Sains Komputer (Teknologi Web), Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Uthm), Johor., National, (External Assessor)
  23. (2022) External Assessor for Master of Applied Computing Programme for Taylor's University, Malaysia., National, (External Assessor)
  24. (2021) External Examiner Phd Thesis, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, National, (External Examiner)
  25. (2021) External Assessor for Text Book: Maritime Logistic and Transport Research Volume 2 (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu UMT), National, (External Assessor)
  26. (2021) Technical Review Panel (Trp) for Academic Promotion, Department of Computer Science, Comsats University Islamabad (Pakistan), Lahore Campus, International, (External Assessor)
  27. (2020) External Assessor Academic Promotion for Monash University , (External Examiner)
  28. (2020) External Examiner for Master in Applied Computing Programme, Taylor's University., (External Examiner)
  29. (2020) PhD Thesis (External Examiner), Monash University, Selangor, Malaysia. , (External Examiner)
  30. (2020) FRGS Grant Reviewer for Taylor's University , (Reviewer)
  31. (2020) External Assessor for Transdiscipline Research Grant (TRGS). Taylor's University , (External Assessor)
  32. (2019) External Reviewer for Periodic Quality Review (PhD Programmes) for the Department of Computing and Information Systems, Sunway University. , (Advisory Committee)
  34. (2019) External Examiner for PhD Thesis (Computer Science), Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Peshawar Pakistan , (External Examiner)
  35. (2019) PhD Thesis, Management Platform For Reliable-Integrating Solution Between Wireless Sensor Network And Cloud Computing Infrastructures, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM), 2019-2020, (External Examiner)
  36. (2019) PhD Thesis External Examiner for Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM) , (External Examiner)
  37. (2018) Confirmation Defence - Fong Chng Saun (HHC160018), SIMULATION OF URBAN DESIGN INFLUENCE TOWARDS ENHANCEMENT OF URBAN MICROCLIMATE AND PUBLIC THERMAL PERCEPTION, Institute of Graduate Studies, UM , (Reviewer)
  38. (2018) PROPOSAL DEFENCE, Logaraj A/L Ramakreshnan (HGA160008), Institutes of Graduate Studies, UM, (Reviewer)
  39. (2018) External ICT Panel FRGS Grant for Taylor's University, (External ICT Panel for FRGS)
  40. (2018) External ICT Panel FRGS Grant for Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), (External ICT Panel FRGS)
  41. (2018) Urban Greening and Design Simulation For The Enhancement of Urban Outdoor Microclimate And Public Thermal Perception, Confirmation Defence (PhD) for Institute of Graduate Studies (IGS), University of Malaya, , (Assessor)
  42. (2017) External Examiner for Master Degree Computer Science "Optimize Sensor Network Lifetime with Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks", FCSIT, Universiti Putra Malaysia. , (External Examiner)
  43. (2017) PANEL for Postgraduate Research Excellence Symposium (PgRES) 2017 , (Panel )
  44. (2017) Master Degree by Research External Examiner for Kulliyah of Information and Communication Technology (IIUM), Congested Network Environment (VANET), 2017., (External Examiner)
  45. (2017) PhD Thesis Internal Examiner for "A Lightweight Key Management Framework for Secure Dynamic Group Based Applications"., (Internal Examiner)
  46. (2017) PhD External Examiner for "ENHANCING COMPUTER NETWORK PERFORMANCE THROUGH PROTOCOL", Open University,, (External Examiner)
  47. (2017) PhD Thesis "A Security Framework For Mobile Health Application on Android Platform", (Internal Examiner)
  48. (2012) Ph.D Thesis, (Internal Examiner)
  49. (2011) Master Degree of Computer Science, (Internal Examiner)
  50. (2010) Internal Examiner for Master Degree Dissertation, (Internal Examiner)
  51. (2003) Internal Examiner for Master Degree Dissertation, (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
  1. (2025) Guest Professor, National, (Adjunct/Visiting Professors)
  2. (2022) External Advisory Committee (Eac) for The Department of Computing and Information Systems, Sunway University, National, (Academic Appointment )
  3. (2021) International Advisory Board Committee, International Conference On Cyber Technologies and Emerging Sciences (Icctes), Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal Campus, Uttarakhand, India, International, (Expert Advisor)
  4. (2020) Co-Researcher, Research Grant, Smart Navigation System Through GIS Network Traffic Routing for Travelers., Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM), National
  5. (2020) Panel Assessor for Special Research Grant Post COVID-19 2020 (Impact on Transportation and Mobility), Special Fund and Coordination Section, Ministry of Higher Education
  6. (2020) TRGS Panel Assessor for Taylor's University, Taylor's University
  7. (2020) Ahli Jawatankuasa Penilaian Dana Penyelidikan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (2020-2021), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
  8. (2020) FRGS Grant Asssessor for Taylor's University , Taylor's University
  9. (2019) Grant Project Consultant (SKIM DANA NIC), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, National
  10. (2019) Distinguished Lecture Speaker on "Spectrum Sensing in VANET Using Reinforcement Learning", 2019 IEEE VTS Asean Summer School, IEEE Malaysia
  11. (2019) Technical Program Committee for International Workshop on Internet of Autonomous Vehicles (INAVEC), IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference
  12. (2018) Matching Research Grant Collaboration, Sunway University, National
  13. (2018) Jawatankuasa Semakan Kurikulum (Diploma Eksekutif Teknologi Maklumat) UMCCED, UMCCED
  14. (2018) External ICT Panel FRGS Grant for Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Universiti Malaysia Pahang
  15. (2018) External ICT Panel FRGS Grant for Sunway University, Sunway University
  16. (2018) Ahli Jawatankuasa Induk Kurikulum (JKIK), Universiti Malaya
  17. (2018) Advisory Board for Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology), Open University Malaysia, Open University Malaysia (OUM)
  18. (2018) Jawatankuasa Penyaringan Soalan Peperiksaan UMCCED, UMCCED
  19. (2018) Reviewer for Conference Paper (International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Auckland, NZ), International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Auckland, NZ
  20. (2017) Internet of Things (IoT) Research Group Member, FSKTM
  21. (2016) Scientific Research Collaboration, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), International
  22. (2016) Program Committee, MobiWis 2017 (The 14th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems)., University of Bradford, UK
  23. (2016) Specification and Technical Assessment Procurement Committee (RM50,000 to RM200,000), Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Malaya
  24. (2016) Technical Reviewer, 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT), 2017, IEEE ComSoc
  25. (2015) Program Committee, 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computers, Communication and Electronic Engineering.
  26. (2014) Technical Reviewer for The 3rd International Conference on User Science and Engineering 2014 (i-USEr 2014), Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia,
  27. (2014) Technical Reviewer, The 16th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT2014)
  28. (2013) Research Collaboration for PingER Project, Stanford University-Pakistan-UTM-UNIMAS, International
  29. (2013) Research Collaboration, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, National
  30. (2013) Technical Reviewer for Mobile Networks and Applications Journal, 2013, Springer
  31. (2013) Technical Reviewer for Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier
  32. (2013) Technical Reviewer for Malaysian Journal Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
  33. (2013) Technical Reviewer for International Journal of Communication Systems, John Wiley
Contribution to event
  1. (2024) Chairperson, National, (Event Organiser)
  2. (2023) Speaker for Postgraduate Webinar, Utem., National, (Course Facilitator)
  3. (2022) Moderator for Tips & Sharing Session Trgs 2022 Call for Proposals, University, (Panelist/Moderator)


Postgraduate Student
PhD/ Doctoral
  2. (2024) IoT security, HIRA RASHEED
  3. (2024) IoT-Based Real-Time Fouling Factor Prediction Model Using Machine Learning: An Industry 4.0 Approach, ABDUL WAHID SOOMRO
  4. (2024) Research on a semi-supervised learning algorithm for vehicle anomaly detection, CHEN JU
  5. (2024) The Interactive Effects of Absorptive Capacity, Degree Centrality and Business Environment on Innovation Performance of SMES, BIN SANG
  11. (2024) A Computational Intelligent Mechanism for Flood and Waste Production Based on Hybrid Approaches, FARNAZ FOTOVVATIKHAH
  13. (2022) Novel Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Architecture Incorporating Vehicular Mobility for Intelligent Transportation System, Muhammad Danish Khan
  15. (2021) Message authentication mechanisms for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) based on device-to-device (D2D) technology in 5G environment, Jupeng Zhao
  16. (2021) person re-identification, Zhihao Su
  21. (2018) A Joint Clustering and Routing Scheme in 5G-based Flying Ad-hoc Networks, Muhammad Fahad Khan (Co-supervision from Sunway University)
  22. (2015) Cooperative VANET-LTE based Heterogeneous Vehicular Clustering for Road Traffic Management, Iftikhar Ahmed
  3. (2024) Quantum Computing Inspired Traffic Optimization, DILLON LEONG LON ZAN
  7. (2024) A Vehicle Routing Mechanism Based On Adaptive Priority Scheduling Algorithm For Route Planner In Smart Transportation, ZHAO WEIHAO
  8. (2024) Self-Adaptive Traffic Control System., MD KANON AHMED
  9. (2021) Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning and Decision Making of Autonomous Vehicles, Meng Meng
  14. (2020) Priority Based Multi-Stage Laxity-Aware Workload Distribution for Collaborative Vehicular Edge Computing, ZESEYA SHARMIN
  16. (2018) Optimizing Campus Shuttle Bus using Data Analytics, Nadia Bella Gustiani Rasyidi
  17. (2018) Identity The Behaviour of Motorcyclist Travelling on Emergency lane using Object Detection with Deep Learning on Aerial Image, Kak D-Wing
  18. (2018) An Enhanced Energy Efficient Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, JACKY EVEN JUNIS
  19. (2017) Social Networking-Based Cooperation Mechanism in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network, LING CHAU HUA
  20. (2017) Dynamic Replication Aware load Balanced Scheduling in Distributed Environment, SAID BAKHSHAD
  22. (2015) Dynamic Traffic Light Flow Control System Using on-Road Sensor Technology, MOHAMED IRFAN
  23. (2015) An Optimized Congestion Pricing Zone Management Model for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, ALIREZA MAREFAT VAYGHANI
  24. (2014) A Path Loss Modelling in Grid Urban Environment for Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks, EHSAN MOSTAJERAN
  25. (2014) Integrated Safety Method for Collision Avoidance in Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks, ROZITA ABOKI
  26. (2013) Enhancement of Beaconing Mechanism for Unicast Geographic Routing in Vehicular Networks, MUSTAPHA ABUBAKAR AHMED
  27. (2013) Adaptive Traffic Signal Controlling System Using Vehicular Communication, ERFAN SHAGHAGHI
  28. (2013) An Adaptive Advisory Speed Limit System for Intelligent Transportation, ALI JALOOLI
  29. (2010) Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, Mohsen Kharazi Esfahani
  30. (2010) Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, AREF HASSAN POOR
  31. (2010) QoS Support for IPTV Service in VANET, Micheal Oche
  32. (2010) Improving DSR Routing Protocol using TTL-based in MANET, Abubakar Bello
  33. (2010) Immune System in Detection Mechanism, Mehdi Jahanirad
  34. (2010) Handover Performance in V2I, Arsalan Emami
  35. (2010) Handover Performance in V2I, Amirhossein Zarrinnegar
  36. (2010) Congestion Control in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, MOHAMMAD REZA JABBARPOUR SATTARI
  37. (2010) AODV Improvement in VANET, Hooman Hoodeh
  38. (2010) Adaptive Modulation Scheme using SNR in VANET, Chembe Christopher
  39. (2009) Quality of Experience in Network Mobility, Sajad Khorsandroo (Master Mixed Mode)
  40. (2008) Improving Chat System Spam Bot Detection by Using Behavior-based Analysis System, Seyedehghazal Ghalebandi (Master Mixed Mode)
  41. (2007) WiMAX QoS, Jhonny Tay (Master Mixed Mode)
  43. (2003) WAP Voting System, Jacky Cheong Hong Chai (Master by Research)
  44. (2002) WAP Indentification, Lai Siew Cheng (Master by Research)
Under Graduate Students
  1. (2017) Final Year Project - Secure Data Transmission for Lab Sensors
  2. (2017) Final Year Project - Mobile Apps for Digital ASU Dashboard Malaysia Airlines
  3. (2016) Vehicle Classification System (VeClass)
  4. (2015) Teaching Load Management System


  • A Secure And Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Model For Vehicle Ad-Hoc Network
    Copyright (National)
  • Promoting Sustainable Transportation for University Campus: UM Share Ride
    Copyright (National)
  • Smart and Security Enhanced Transportation Ecosystem For A Future Sustainable Smart City Framework
    Copyright (National)
    Copyright (National)
  • Spectrum Sensing Framework for Cognitive Vehicular AdHoc Networks
    Copyright (National)
  • An Optimized WAVE Protocol (OWP)
    Copyright (National)
    Copyright (National)
  • VANET-Based Congestion Pricing Zone Management Model
    Copyright (National)
    Patent (National)
  • System and Method For Relieving Traffic Congestion
    Patent (International)
  • A Novel Green Car Navigation System for Vehicle Congestion Avoidance using Ant-based Algorithm
    Copyright (University)