Curriculum Vitae
Lead UM Neuroscience Research Group (NeuroRG), a group of multi-disciplinary based researchers focusing on the Nervous System. The focus of each research with its approach specifically suited to its nature:
a) laboratory based researches; eg, comparative neurobiology of non-mammalian vertebrates nervous system; animal behavioral model for memory; neurohistological characterization
b) non-laboratory based researches; eg, comparison of issues from Islamic and Neuroscience established perspectives on learning and related factors like sleep for normal and autistic children; coping strategies of Muslim parents with autistic children
One of the works being conducted by NeuroRG team is on substances/food that are encouraged by Islam; eg, Prophetic substances -- food like Habbatus Sauda (Nigella sativa) and honey.
Specifically, studies are on the effects of consumption on spatial and/or non spatial memory, neurohistology of specific brain structures and neurocytology of the neurons, and their neuroprotective effects.
Also have collaborated researches on the effects of these substances on other physiological systems, e.g. reproductive physiology, wound healing to skin.
Have received grants from government bodies and the University of Malaya for related researches.
Outputs of grants include publications in journals and books, and presentations at local and international scientific meetings.
In addition, have successfully supervised students at both the undergraduate and post-graduate levels (MSc, MPhil, MBiotech, PhD).
Teaching include subjects/modules such as Neurobiology, Diseases of the Central Nervous System, Histology, and Animal Use and Care Bioethics.
- PhD(Neurobiology)(1989) (Kent State University), (Comparative Neurobiology)Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
- BA(1983) (US), ((Minor: Psikologi))California State University, Chico
- Fellow22 Mar 2022 - 21 Mar 2025 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Bersekutu/ Associate Member (Pusat Dialog Peradaban/ Centre for Civilisational Dialogue)08 Feb 2021 - 07 Feb 2022 (University Malaya)
- Panel Temu Duga Biasiswa MyBrainSC Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia04 Apr 2019 - 31 Dec 2021 (National)
- Wakil UM10 Sep 2019 - 10 Sep 2019 (National)
- Committee Member of Taskforce iCGPA Faculty of Science25 Aug 2017 - 24 Aug 2019 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Programme Coordinator01 Jul 2017 - 30 Jun 2018 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Panel Penilai Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) Fasa 1/2018 Peringkat Institut Pengurusan dan Pemantauan Penyelidikan (IPPP)01 Jun 2018 - 01 Jun 2018 (University Malaya)
- Jawatankuasa Pemilihan Kemasukan Sesi 2017/201822 Jun 2017 - 28 Feb 2018 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Panel Penasihat Akademik, Fakulti Sains16 Nov 2016 - 17 Nov 2017 (Faculty)
- Reviewer for University of Malaya Research Grant (UMRG) Programme 201719 Oct 2017 - 27 Oct 2017 (University Malaya)
- Facilitator for Writing A Review Paper Workshop29 Aug 2017 - 29 Aug 2017 (University Malaya)
- AJK Kurikulum Fakulti Sains Sesi 2015/16-2016/1707 Sep 2015 - 31 Jul 2017 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Programme Coordinator01 Jul 2016 - 30 Jun 2017 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Peringkat Jabatan17 Jun 2016 - 19 Jun 2017 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Evaluator for The Biosymposium 201719 May 2017 - 19 May 2017 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Auditor Audit Kualiti Dalaman Universiti Malaya Bil. 18/201724 Apr 2017 - 19 May 2017 (University Malaya)
- Organizing Committee, Workshop on Advanced Characterization Techniques: New Horizons for Microscopy and Elemental Analysis29 Mar 2017 - 30 Mar 2017 (National)
- Penceramah bagi Program "Supervision Basic Course for New Lecturers"25 Jan 2017 - 25 Jan 2017 (University Malaya)
- Journal Editor01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2016 (National)
- Chairperson for Session, 25th Scientific Conference of the Microscopy Society Malaysia07 Dec 2016 - 08 Dec 2016 (International)
- Scientific & Publication Committee, 25th Scientific Conference of the Microscopy Society Malaysia07 Dec 2016 - 08 Dec 2016 (International)
- Chairman01 Oct 2014 - 30 Sep 2016 (University Malaya)
- Programme Coordinator04 Feb 2015 - 30 Jun 2016 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Auditor Dalaman Institut Sains Biologi (ISB), Fakulti Sains21 Apr 2014 - 20 Apr 2016 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- AJK Kerja Audit Pengekalan Swaakreditasi Universiti Malaya10 Mar 2015 - 31 Mar 2016 (University Malaya)
- AJK Peruntukan Penyelidikan Pascasiswazah (PPP) & Bantuan Kecil Penyelidikan (BKP) UM01 Aug 2013 - 31 Dec 2015 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa untuk Permohonan Penebusan Gred C- kepada C bagi Peperiksaan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Semester 1, Sesi 2015/201602 Mar 2015 - 30 Jun 2015 (Academy of Islamic Studies, Academy of Islamic Studies)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Kokurikulum15 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2014 (Faculty)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Kurikulum04 Aug 2011 - 31 Dec 2014 (Faculty)
- Chairperson UM IACUC01 Oct 2012 - 30 Sep 2014 (University Malaya)
- Hakim Pengadilan Pertandingan Poster Penyelidikan Minggu Terbuka Akademik (MITA 2014)23 Apr 2014 - 23 Apr 2014 (Academy of Islamic Studies, Academy of Islamic Studies)
- Penilai bagi Pertukaran Taraf Pencalonan Sarjana Falsafah kepada Doktor Falsafah10 Apr 2014 - 10 Apr 2014 (University Malaya)
- Chief Invigilator of Sem 1, Academic Session 2013/201409 Jan 2014 - 09 Jan 2014 (University Malaya)
- MQA Audit (Graduate Studies Programme) - Representative of Senior Supervisors Category (Institute of Graduate Studies: Co-supervisor of MPhil student)22 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013 (Institute of Postgraduate Studies, Institute of Postgraduate Studies)
- MQA Audit (Graduate Studies Programme) -- Representative of Senior Supervisors Category (Faculty of Science)22 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- AJK Kerja Akta Allied Health Profession (AHP) bagi Profesion Pegawai Sains (Biomedikal)29 Mar 2012 - 28 Mar 2013 (National)
- AJK Penilai Permohonan Skim Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) Peringkat Universiti Malaya - Fasa 1/2013 & 2/2013 Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT)01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (University Malaya)
- Facilatator (ISB, Faculty of Science) for MOU of Academic Cooperation between ICCBS-UM - visits by ISB graduate/undergraduate students & staff01 Jan 2013 - 01 Jan 2013 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Akreditasi, Fakulti Sains bagi Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Pendidikan11 Oct 2011 - 10 Oct 2012 (Faculty)
- Deputy Chairperson UM IACUC01 Aug 2011 - 31 Aug 2012 (University Malaya)
- Programme Coordinator01 Jul 2011 - 30 Jun 2012 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Panel untuk Sesi Candidature Defense Ijazah Sarjana Falsafah Semester 1 2011/2012 Institut Pengajian Siswazah02 Feb 2012 - 02 Feb 2012 (University Malaya)
- Panel untuk Sesi Candidature Defense Ijazah Sarjana Falsafah Semester 1, Sesi 2011/2012 Institut Pengajian Siswazah02 Feb 2012 - 02 Feb 2012 (University Malaya)
- Auditor Dalaman Universiti Malaya 201108 Apr 2011 - 31 Dec 2011 (University Malaya)
- Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti (Peringkat Jabatan)29 Nov 2010 - 30 Nov 2011 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Jawatankuasa Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti (Peringkat Jabatan)29 Nov 2010 - 28 Nov 2011 (Faculty)
- Jawatankuasa Peperiksaan Program bagi Program Sains Biokesihatan27 Sep 2010 - 26 Sep 2011 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Programme Coordinator01 Jul 2010 - 30 Jun 2011 (University Malaya)
- Jawatankuasa Spesifikasi dan Penilaian Teknikal bagi Membekal, Memasang, Menguji, dan Mentauliah 'Freezing Michrotome' di ISB, UM23 Jun 2010 - 22 Jun 2011 (Faculty)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Kecil Assessment Manual Universiti Malaya09 Aug 2010 - 31 Dec 2010 (University Malaya)
- Auditor Dalaman Universiti Malaya25 Jun 2010 - 16 Jul 2010 (University Malaya)
- Programme Coordinator01 Jul 2009 - 30 Jun 2010 (University Malaya)
- Auditor Audit Kualiti Dalaman Universiti Malaya 200911 May 2009 - 10 May 2010 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Panel Audit Pusat Penyelidikan01 Apr 2009 - 31 Mar 2010 (University Malaya)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Program Sains Gunaan dengan Pengajian Islam, Akademi Pengajian Islam24 Aug 2009 - 24 Aug 2009 (University Malaya)
- Programme Coordinator03 Jul 2008 - 02 Jul 2009 (University Malaya)
- Penyelia Latihan Mengajar Program Sarjana Muda Sains dengan Pendidikan05 May 2008 - 11 Jul 2008 (University Malaya)
- QAMU25 May 2001 - 31 Dec 2006 (University Malaya)
- Chief Auditor09 Jun 2003 - 31 Dec 2006 (University Malaya)
- Jawatankuasa Induk Anugerah Perdana Menteri (AKPM)01 Sep 2005 - 30 Sep 2005 (University Malaya)
- Deputy Chief Auditor10 Jun 2002 - 01 Jun 2003 (University Malaya)
- Assistant Chief Auditor01 Jun 2001 - 07 Jun 2002 (University Malaya)
- Deputy Head01 Oct 1998 - 01 May 2001 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- Ahli Senat01 Jan 1996 - 31 Dec 1997 (University Malaya)
- Coordinator01 Jan 1996 - 31 Dec 1996 (Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science)
- MICROSCOPY SOCIETY MALAYSIA (2014-2016), EXCO MEMBERSince 2014 (National)
- SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE (SFN), MEMBER1984 to 2020 (International)
- Best Poster (Gold) "Coping With Parenting Challenges: from The Perspectives of Muslim Parents of Person With Autism (a Preliminary Study)" in The 9th Annual International Quranic Conference 20192019, Centre of Quranic Research University of Malaya & Qaf Group for Research, Translation, Publication, and IT solutions, (International)
- Stem Mentor-Mentee 2019 Golden Award: "Innovation in Stem Education Through Scientists-Teacher-Student Partnership (Stsp) for Stem Education"2019, MALAYSIAN TECHNOLOGY EXPOSITION (MTE) 2019, (National)
- Second Place Oral Presentation (Life Science) At 27th Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society of Malaysia (Msm) 2018. Morphometric Study of Hippocampal Ca1 Pyramidal Neurons After Tualang Honey Administration. (Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Nur Lisa Mohd Yusoff, Mohd. Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi, Sheena Tiong Yin Xin)2018, UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA & MICROSCOPY SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA, (National)
- Bronze Award for Poster Presentation in International Muslim Mental Health Conference 2018 (Mental Health Studies On Muslim Parents of Children With Autism and Their Coping Strategies: a Narrative Review) Siti Patonah Mohamad, Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli & Karen Jennifer Golden2018, Universiti Putra Malaysia, (International)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2017, Universiti Malaya
- Anugerah Khidmat Bakti2016, MICROSCOPY SOCIETY MALAYSIA, (National)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2016, Universiti Malaya
- Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang2015, Universiti Malaya, (University)
- Open Category I-Inova '14 (Project: Quranic Sleep Therapy: Using Visual Hybrid Mobile Apps, ICT O-04)2014, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, (International)
- Anugerah Khidmat Bakti2013, Persatuan Mikroskopi Malaysia / Microscopy Society Malaysia, (National)
- Best Poster Award - 2nd Place. 3rd International Conference On The Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products (Tualang Honey Consumption Improves Spatial Memory Performance and Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons Cell Count in Adult Male Rats) Mohd Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff and Durriyah Sharifah Hasan Adli.2013, Universiti Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia, (International)
- Best Poster Award - 1st Place. 3rd International Conference On The Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products (Hippocampal Neuronal Count After Tualang Honey and Nicotine Chronic Treatments: a Premilinary Study) Muhd Zulshamalin Nasrullah Musa, Noorhafiza Rozali, Noor Hashida Hashim and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli2013, Universiti Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia, (International)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2012, Universiti Malaya
- Best Paper. International Seminar On Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (Sq2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu (Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Al-Quran Bagi Golongan Kelainan Upaya Mental: Analisis Dari Sumber Tradisi Islam) Siti Patonah Mohamad, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli.2012, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNiSZA), (International)
- Best Paper. International Seminar On Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (Sq2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu (Konsep Ganjaran Dalam Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya Di Sebuah Sekolah Agama Di Terengganu) Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Prof. Madya Rohaida Mohd Saat, Prof. Dato. Dr. Zulkifli Haji Mohd Yusoff, Prof. Datin Dr. Naemah Abd Rahman dan Prof. Madya Duriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli.2012, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNiSZA), (International)
- Best Poster. International Seminar On Research in Islamic Studies Ii (Isris Ii): (Pengamalan Aktiviti Hukuman Dalam Pembelajaran: Kajian Di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Aliran Agama) Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Assoc. Prof. Rohaida Mohd Saat, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd Yakub@Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Assoc. Prof. Datin Dr. Noor Naemah Abd. Rahman2012, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, (International)
- Best Poster. Simposium Biologi Malaysia 2009 (Simbiomas 2009): (Diversity of a Central Nervous System Structure : Spinal Cord of a Terrestrial Frog in Comparison to An Aquatic Fish) Joan Tang, Kwong Soke Chee, Mahassan Mamat, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli2009, Universiti Putra Malaysia, (National)
- Bronze Medal Sains Sosial & Kemanusiaan (Poster). Ekspo Penyelidikan Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2009 : (Poster: Apa Kata Neurosains dan Islam Tentang Kemerosotan Mental?)2009, UNIVERSITI MALAYA, (University)
- Bronze Medal Biosciences & Biotechnology (Poster). Ekspo Penyelidikan Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2009: (Histological Development of Selected Neural Structures of Dark-Sided Chorus Frog, Microhyla Heymonsi (Amphibia: Anura). Presenters: Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Joan Tang May Yin and Daicus Belabut2009, UNIVERSITI MALAYA, (University)
- Certificate of Excellent Service2006, Universiti Malaya
- Khidmat Setia 20 Award2006, Universiti Malaya
- Excellence Service Award2004, Universiti Malaya
- Certificate of Excellent Service2003, Universiti Malaya
- Ibro Workshop Grant for Asian Fellow (to Participate in 4th Ibro World Congress of Neuroscience, Kyoto, Japan)1995, International Brain Research Organization (IBRO -Workshop Grant), (International)
- Ibro Travel Grant for Young Scientist (to Participate in 4th Ibro World Congress of Neuroscience, Kyoto, Japan)1995, International Brain Research Organization (IBRO -Travel Grant), (International)
- Toray Science & Technology Award1993, Malaysia Toray Science Foundation, (International)
Article in Journal
Yusoff, Nur Lisa Mohd; Adli, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan; Tiong, Sheena Yin Xin (2024). Nigella sativa Supplementation Attenuates Recognition Memory and Cellular Morphometric Impairments Induced by Toluene Administration in Mice, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 53(3), 561-573. doi:10.17576/jsm-2024-5303-07
Draman, S. U. H. A. I. M. I.; Kabir, N. U. R. U. L.; Adli, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan (2023). Cytoskeletal Morphological Changes of Mesenchymal Stem Cells after Oxidant Damage and its Prevention by Thymoquinone, SAINS MALAYSIANA. 52(1), 35-46. doi:10.17576/jsm-2023-5201-03
Ishaque, Aisha; Salim, Asmat; Simjee, Shabana Usman; Khan, Irfan; Adli, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan (2023). Alpha terpineol directs bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells toward neuronal lineage through regulation of wnt signaling pathway, CELL BIOCHEMISTRY AND FUNCTION. 41(2), 223-233. doi:10.1002/cbf.3775
Din, Jaffar Ud; Bari, Fathul; Ali, Hussain; Rehman, Ejaz ur; Adli, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan; Abdullah, Nurul Ashikin; Norma-Rashid, Yusoff; Kabir, Muhammad; Hameed, Shoaib; Nawaz, Doost Ali; Nawaz, Muhammad Ali (2022). Drivers of snow leopard poaching and trade in Pakistan and implications for management, NATURE CONSERVATION-BULGARIA. (46), 49-62. doi:10.3897/natureconservation.46.76036
Din, Jaffar Ud; Hameed, Shoaib; Ali, Hussain; Norma-Rashid, Yusoff; Adli, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan; Nawaz, Muhammad Ali (2022). On the snow leopard Trails: Occupancy pattern and implications for management in the Pamir, SAUDI JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 29(1), 197-203. doi:10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.08.071
Ishaque, Aisha; Khan, Irfan; Salim, Asmat; Qazi, Rida-e-Maria; Malick, Tuba Shakil; Adli, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan (2022). Effect of alpha-pinene and thymoquinone on the differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into neuroprogenitor cells, BIOIMPACTS. . doi:10.34172/bi.2021.23634
Din, J. U., Nawaz, M. A., Norma-Rashid, Y., Ahmad, F., Hussain, K., Ali, H., & Adli, D. S. H. (2020). Ecosystem Services in a Snow Leopard Landscape: A Comparative Analysis of Two High-elevation National Parks in the Karakoram-Pamir. Mountain Research and Development, 40(2), R11-R19. doi: 10.1659/mrd-journal-d-19-00047.1
Din, J. U., Nawaz, M. A., Mehmood, T., Ali, H., Ali, A., Adli, D. S. H., Norma-Rashid, Y. (2019). A transboundary study of spatiotemporal patterns of livestock predation and prey preferences by snow leopard and wolf in the Pamir
Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M., Awang, K., Adli, D. S. H. (2019). STUDENTS PERCEPTION OF LEARNING STEM-RELATED SUBJECTS THROUGH SCIENTIST-TEACHER-STUDENT PARTNERSHIP (STSP). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), 537-548. doi:10.33225/jbse/19.18.537
Tumiran, M. A., Rahman, N. N. A., Saat, R. M., Ismail, A. Z., Ruzali, W. A. W., Bashar, N. K. N., Adli, D. S. H. (2018). Senile Dementia from Neuroscientific and Islamic Perspectives. Journal of Religion Health, 57(1), 1-11. doi:10.1007/s10943-015-0079-5
Tumiran, M. A., Rahman, N. N. A., Saat, R. M., Kabir, N., Zulkifli, M. Y., Adli, D. S. H. (2018). The Concept of Qailulah (Midday Napping) from Neuroscientific and Islamic Perspectives. Journal of Religion Health, 57(4), 13. doi:10.1007/s10943-015-0093-7
Kamarulzaidi, M. A., Yusoff, M., Mohamed, A. M., Adli, D. S. H. (2016). Tualang Honey Consumption Enhanced Hippocampal Pyramidal Count and Spatial Memory Performance of Adult Male Rats, Sains Malaysiana. 45(2215-220), Article
Khanabdali, R., Saadat, A., Fazilah, M., Bazli, K. F. K., Qazi, R. E. M., Khalid, R. S., Adli, D. S. H., Moghadamtousi, S. Z., Naeem, N., Khan, I., Salim, A., Shamsuddin, S. A., Mohan, G. (2016). Promoting effect of small molecules in cardiomyogenic and neurogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, Drug Design Development and Therapy. 10(1177-8881. )
Sahak, M. K. A., Kabir, N., Abbas, G., Draman, S., Hashim, N. H., Adli, D. S. H. (2016). The Role of Nigella sativa and Its Active Constituents in Learning and Memory, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 6(Review), 1741-427X.
Ping, N. C., Hashim, N. H., Adli, D. S. H. (2014). Effects of Nigella sativa (Habbatus sauda) Oil and Nicotine Chronic Treatments on Sperm Parameters and Testis Histological Features of Rats, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (7), Article
Sahak, M. K. A., Mohamed, A. M., Hashim, N. H., Adli, D. S. H. (2013). Nigella sativa Oil Enhances the Spatial Working Memory Performance of Rats on a Radial Arm Maze, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (5), Article
Tan, M. K., Adli, D. S. H., Tumiran, M. A., Abdulla, M. A., Yusoff, K. M. (2012). The Efficacy of Gelam Honey Dressing towards Excisional Wound Healing, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (Article), 1741-427X.
Syazana, N. S., Hashida, N. H., Majid, A. M., Sharifah, H. A. D., Kamaruddin, M. Y. (2011). Effects of Gelam Honey on Sperm Quality and Testis of Rat, Sains Malaysiana. 4011(1243-1246), Article
Stuesse, S. L., Adli, D. S. H., Cruce, W. L. R. (2001). Immunohistochemical distribution of enkephalin, substance P, and somatostatin in the brainstem of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, Microscopy Research and Technique. 54(4), 229-245
Adli, D. S. H., Stuesse, S. L., Cruce, W. L. R. (1999). Immunohistochemistry and spinal projections of the reticular formation in the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens, Journal of Comparative Neurology. 404(3), 387-407
Draman S., Kabir N., Adli D.S.H. (2023). Cytoskeletal Morphological Changes of Mesenchymal Stem Cells after Oxidant Damage and its Prevention by Thymoquinone, Sains Malaysiana. 52(1), 35-46. doi:10.17576/jsm-2023-5201-03
Ishaque A., Salim A., Simjee S.U., Khan I., Adli D.S.H. (2023). Alpha terpineol directs bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells toward neuronal lineage through regulation of wnt signaling pathway, Cell Biochemistry and Function. 41(2), 223-233. doi:10.1002/cbf.3775
Ishaque A., Khan I., Salim A., Qazi R.-E.-M., Malick T.S., Adli D.S.H. (2022). Effect of -pinene and thymoquinone on the differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into neuroprogenitor cells, BioImpacts. 12(2), 147-154. doi:10.34172/bi.2021.23634
Saat, R. M., Fadzil, H. M., Adli, D. S. H., & Awang, K. (2021). Stem teachers professional development through scientist-teacher-students partnership (Stsp). Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 10(3), 357-367. doi: 10.15294/JPII.V10I3.27845
Din, J. U., Nawaz, M. A., Mehmood, T., Ali, H., Ali, A., Hasan Adli, D. S., Norma-Rashid, Y. (2019). A transboundary study of spatiotemporal patterns of livestock predation and prey preferences by snow leopard and wolf in the Pamir. Global Ecology and Conservation, 20. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00719
Fadzil H.M., Saat R.M., Awang K., Adli D.S.H. (2019). Students perception of learning stem-related subjects through scientist-teacher-student partnership (STSP), Journal of Baltic Science Education. 18(4), 537-548. doi:10.33225/jbse/19.18.537
Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M., Awang, K., Adli, D. S. H. (2019). Students perception of learning stem-related subjects through scientist-teacher-student partnership (STSP). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), 537-548. doi: 10.33225/jbse/19.18.537
Mohamad S.P., Yusoff M.Y.Z.M., Adli D.S.H., Golden K.J. (2019). Mental health studies on the coping strategies of Muslim parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in Malaysia (a narrative review), Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences. 15, 168-177
Mohd Yusoff, N. L., Kamarulzaidi, M. A., Tiong, S. Y. X., Hasan Adli, D. S. (2018). Morphometric Study of Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons after Tualang Honey Administration. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 14(1), 80-87.
Tumiran, M. A., Abdul Rahman, N. N., Mohd. Saat, R., Ismail, A. Z., Ruzali, W. A. W., Bashar, N. K. N., Hasan Adli, D. S. (2018). Senile Dementia from Neuroscientific and Islamic Perspectives. Journal of Religion and Health, 57(1). doi: 10.1007/s10943-015-0079-5
Tumiran, M. A., Rahman, N. N. A., Saat, R. M., Kabir, N., Zulkifli, M. Y., Adli, D. S. H. (2018). The Concept of Qailulah (Midday Napping) from Neuroscientific and Islamic Perspectives. Journal of Religion and Health, 57(4), 1363-1375. doi: 10.1007/s10943-015-0093-7
Mohd Yusoff, N. L., Sahak, M. K. A., Tiong, S. Y. X., Hasan Adli, D. S. (2017). Neuronal cell count and morphometric study of hippocampal ca1 pyramidal neurons after chronic nigella sativa administration. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 13(1), 1-7.
Adli, D. S. H., Zulbadri, B. S., Ramli, R. (2016). Spinal cord of flying and flightless local birds: Motor neurons analysis. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 12(1), 1-6.
Kamarulzaidi, M. A., Yusoff, M. Y. Z. M., Mohamed, A. M., Adli, D. S. H. (2016). Tualang honey consumption enhanced hippocampal pyramidal count and spatial memory performance of adult male rats, Sains Malaysiana. 45(2215-220), Article
Khanabdali, R., Saadat, A., Fazilah, M., Bazli, K. F. K., Qazi, R. M., Khalid, R. S., . . . Mohan, G. (2015). Promoting effect of small molecules in cardiomyogenic and neurogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 10, 81-91. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S89658
Sahak, M. K. A., Kabir, N., Abbas, G., Draman, S., Hashim, N. H., Hasan Adli, D. S. (2016). The role of Nigella sativa and its active constituents in learning and memory, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2016, Review
Ping, N. C., Hashim, N. H., Hasan Adli, D. S. (2014). Effects of Nigella sativa (Habbatus sauda) oil and nicotine chronic treatments on sperm parameters and testis histological features of rats, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2014(17414288 (ISSN). )
Sahak, M. K. A., Mohamed, A. M., Hashim, N. H., Hasan Adli, D. S. (2013). Nigella sativa oil enhances the spatial working memory performance of rats on a radial arm maze, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013( )
Tan, M. K., Hasan Adli, D. S., Tumiran, M. A., Abdulla, M. A., Yusoff, K. M. (2012). The efficacy of Gelam honey dressing towards excisional wound healing, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012(1741427X (ISSN). )
Saat, R. M., Hashim, Z. I. M., Bajuri, M. K., Yusoff, M. Y. Z., Rahman, N. N. A., Adli, D. S. H. (2011). Memorization activity and use of reinforcement in learning: Content analysis from neuroscience and Islamic perspectives, Journal of Applied Sciences. 11(7), 1113-1120
Syazana, N. S., Hashida, N. H., Majid, A. M., Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A., Kamaruddin, M. Y. (2011). Effects of Gelam honey on sperm quality and testis of rat, Sains Malaysiana. 40(11), 1243-1246
Yin, J. T. M., Adli, D. S. H., Belabut, D. (2010). Histological development of selected neural structures of Dark-sided Chorus Frog, Microhyla heymonsi (Amphibia: Anura), Malaysian Journal of Science. 29(1), 30-3613943065
Stuesse, S. L., Adli, D. S. H., Cruce, W. L. R. (2001). Immunohistochemical distribution of enkephalin, substance P, and somatostatin in the brainstem of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, Microscopy Research and Technique. 54(4), 229-245
Ud Din, J., Hameed, S. , Ali H., Norma-Rashid, Y., Hasan Adli, D.S., Nawaz, M.A. (2021). On the Snow Leopard Trails: Occupancy Pattern and Implications for Management in the Pamir, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (in press)
Jaffar Ud Din, Hussain Ali, Shoaib Hameed, Yusoff Norma-Rashid, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Muhammad Ali Nawaz (2020) On the Snow Leopard Trails: Occupancy Patterns and Implications for Management in the Pamir. Landscape Ecology
Jaffar Ud Din, Muhammad Ali Nawaz, Yusoff Norma-Rashid, Farid Ahmad, Kamran Hussain, Hussain Ali, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli (2020) Ecosystem services and the Snow Leopard Landscapes: A comparative analysis of two high altitude National Parks in the Karakoram-Pamir. Mountai Research and Development, 40(2)
Othman, J., Mohd Saat, R., Hasan Adli, D. S., & Senom, F. (2020). DUAL LANGUAGE PROGRAMME: TEACHERS BELIEFS AND PRACTICES IN TEACHING SCIENCE THROUGH ENGLISH. Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS), 5(1), 255-269. https://doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol5iss1pp255-269
Asmat Salim, Aisha Ishaque, Irfan Khan, Rida-e-Maria Qazi, Tuba Shakil Malick, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli (2019) Do -Pinene and Thymoquinone Induce Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Neuroprogenitor Cells? Neurochemical Research (under review)
Fadzil, H. M., Saat, R. M., Awang, K., & Hasan Adli, D. S. (2019). Students' perception of learning STEM related subjects through Scientist-Teacher-Student Partnership (STSP). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4), 537-548.
Bibi Shazwani Zulbadri, Rosli Ramli, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli (2017). Comparison of selected brain structures in strong and weak flying birds. Sains Malaysiana
Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A., Ramin, K., Zaidah, S., Nabilah, H. K., Siti Mariam, A. G., Shamsul Azlin, A.S., Wan Safwani, W. K., & Noor Hayaty, A. K. (2014). The effects of -mercaptoethanol on neurogenic differentiation ability of adult human stem cells: A visual confirmation. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 10, 1-5.
Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd Yakub@Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2014). Pendekatan peneguhan bagi aktiviti hafalan Al-Quran dalam kalangan murid di peringkat menengah rendah. Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 8, 113-135.
Mohd Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi, Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2014). Quranic advocation of honey consumption and its application towards memory enhancement. QURANICA-International Journal of Quranic Research, 6(1), 17-32.
Siti Patonah Mohamad, Mohd Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2014). Pengajaran dan pembelajaran Al-Quran bagi golongan kelainan upaya mental: Analisis dari sumber tradisi Islam. Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 8, 153-168.
Mohd Amzari, T., Siti Patonah, M., Rohaida, M. S., Mohd Yakub Zulkifli, M. Y., Noor Naemah, A. R. & Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A.(2013). Addressing sleep disorder of autistic children with Qur'anic sound therapy. Journal of Health, 5, 73-79.
Noorezatey, M., Khairul Fidaa, K. B., Ramin, K., Shamsul Azlin, A. S., Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A., & Asmat, S. (2013). Visual confirmation of isolated bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and differentiated cardiomyocyte-like cells. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 9, 145-148.
Sahak, M. K. A., Mohamed, A. M., Hashim, N. H., & Hasan Adli, D. S. (2013). Nigella sativa oil enhances spatial working memory performances of rats on radial arm maze. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013, 1-5.
Siti Patonah Mohamad, Mohd Yakub Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2013). Terapi bunyi melalui bacaan Al-Quran bagi masalah emosi dan kemahiran motor pertuturan kanak-kanak autistik (Sound therapy through Quranic recitation in dealing with emotional and verbal motor skills problems of children with autism). QURANICA,International Journal of Quranic Research, 5(2), 53-72.
Cho Ping, N., Samsuddin, L., Sahak, M. K. A., Hashim, N. H., & Hasan Adli, D. S. (2012). Preliminary study on the effect of Nigella sativa (Habbatus sauda) oil on body weight of nicotine treated male Sprague-dawley rats. Journal of Community Health, 18, 75.
Asiyah, H. A., Syazana, N. S., Hashida, N. H., Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A., & Kamaruddin, M. Y. (2011). Effects of nicotine and Gelam honey on testis parameters and sperm qualities of juvenile rats. Scientific Research and Essays, 6 (26), 5471-5474.
Bibi S. Z., N. Wahida C. M. Z., M. Amzari T., M. Amiruddin K., M. Noor M., N. Naemah A. R., Zulkifli M. Y., Rohaida M. S., Rosli R., Duriyyah S. H. A. (2011). Kelakuan burung: Analisis perbandingan dari perspektif rujukan berteraskan Al-Quran dan neurosains. International Journal on Quranic Research,1,1,139-164. (ISSN 2180-4893)
Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2010). Sleep from neuroscience and Islamic perspectives: Comprehension and practices of Muslims with science background In Malaysian education system. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 560-564 (ISSN: 1877-0428).
Mohd Nuruddin, A., N H P Siti Aishah, M., Nurul Wahida, C., Tan, M. K. & Hasan Adli, D. S., & Mohd Yusoff, K. (2010). The efficacy of Apis mellifera venom towards inflammation on rat's paw and its effects on selected internal organs: A preliminary histological analysis. Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science.
Tan Mui Koon, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli & Kamaruddin Mohd Yusoff. (2010). Sequence of wound healing process in honey treated wound: A preliminary study. Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science.
Nooraain, H., Abdullah, R. B. & Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A.(2009). Fluorescence imaging of in vivo and in vitro matured oocytes in the different strains of mice. Malaysian Applied Biology Journal, 38(2), 55-60.
Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Rohaida Mohd Saat, & Mohd Amzari Tumiran. (2008). Sleep from the neuroscience perspective: A comparative study with revelation from Al-Qur'an and Al-Sunnah. Tazkiya Journal of Psychology, 8(1), 412-427. ISSN:1412-1735
Mamat, M., Hasan Adli, D. S., & Tiong, Y. X. S. (2008). Morphological characterization of the brain of catfish, Clarias macrocephalus. Jurnal Sains.
Mamat, M. & Hasan Adli, D. S. (2007). Localization of enkephalin in the visual primary processing center of snakehead fish, Channa striata, using immunohistochemical technique. Jurnal Sains, 15(1), 30-35.
Nooraain, H., Abdullah, R. B. & Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A. (2006). Detection of acrosome in mouse sperm incubated in vitro using fluorescence staining technique. Journal of Malaysian Applied Biology, 35(1), 43-48.
Maria, M., Abd Niefaizal, A. H., Huzwah, K., Mohd Sokhini, A. M., Mahdy, Z. A. , Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A., & Sanusi, J. (2004). The effect of maternal intake of palm viteE on the brain vitamin E level of newborn rats. Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 9, 66.
Stuesse, S. L., Hasan Adli, D. S., & Cruce, W. L. R. (2001). Immunohistochemical distribution of enkephalin, substance P and somatostatin in the brainstem of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Microscopy Research and Technique, 54, 229-245.(IF 2.117)
Abdul Halim Sulaiman, Abdul Aziz Hj. Kechil, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (1998). Perkembangan zoologi. Jurnal Kesturi Akademi Sains Islam Malaysia, 8(2), 23-36.
Hasan Adli, D. S. & Cruce, W. L.R. (1995). Immunohistochemical localization of serotonin in the brain stem of Rana pipiens (Amphibia). Malaysian Journal of Science, 16A, 69-75.
Hasan Adli, D. S. & Cruce, W. L.R. (1995). Neural circuitry revealed by immunohistochemistry. Journal of Mal. Medical Laboratory Sciences, 12(1), 15-19.
Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Roslimah Saat, & Mohd Zakaria Ismail. (1994). Neural structures of two freshwater fishes, Notopterus notopterus (Notopteridae) and Hampala macrolepidota (Cyprinidae). Journal of Malaysian Applied Biology, 23(1&2), 89-92.
Hasan Adli, D. S. & Cruce, W. L.R. (1993). Delineation of brain stem reticular groups using fluorogold retrograde tract-tracing technique. Malaysian Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences, 10(2), 54-57.
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- Saat, R.M., & Fadzil, H. M. (Eds.). (2019). Introduction to stem cell: (Student s module). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Faculty of Education, University of Malaya.
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- Hassan Adli, D.S. Musa, S. Aminudin,N. Kamaruddin, A. Mohamad Wali, H.A. Murphy, B. Hashim, N.H. Mohd Noor, S. Noor, S.N.M. Kaur, S. Abdul Halim, H. (2016). Panduan Penjagaan dan Penggunaan Haiwan Makmal (Trans. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals). UMIACUC, University of Malaya Press
- Azizan Baharuddin, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Saadah Abd Rahman and Zanariah Abdullah. 1994. Women's Involvement in Science and Technology in the Universities of Malaysia. Institute for Policy Research, Kuala Lumpur.
Chapter in Books
- Azizan Baharuddin, Chang Lee Wei, Ahmad Mohamad (2022). COVID-19: DIALOGICAL REFLECTIONS (ISBN 9789833070541 / e-ISBN 9789833070558), eds.
- Mohd Yusoff, N.L., Sahak, M.K.A., Kamarulzaidi, M.A., Cho Ping, N., Tiong, S.Y.X., Hashim, N.H., Mohd Yusoff, M.Y.Z. & Hasan Adli, D.S. (2018). Benefits of consumption of two sunnah food: Scientific support from behavioural performance and cellular morphometrics. In M.Y.Z. Mohd Yusoff & A. Bamba (Eds.) Membahagiakan manusia dengan petunjuk Al-Quran. (pp. 105-118). Malaysia: Centre of Quranic Research.
- Siti Patonah Mohammad, Mohd Yusoff @ Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Karen Jennifer Golden (2018). Kajian perpustakaan tahap psikososial dan kesihatan mental ibu bapa Muslim yang mempunyai anak dengan autisme di Malaysia . In MY Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Adama Bamba (Eds.), Membahagiakan manusia dengan petunjuk al-Quran (pp. 27-40). Kuala Lumpur, KL: Centre of Quranic Research (CQR)
- Aminudin, N., Musa, S., Kamaruddin, A., Mohd Wali, H.A., Abdul Halim, H., Murphy, B., Hashim, N.H., Mohd Noor, S., Abd Aziz, N.A., Mohd Noor, S.N., Singh, S.K.G., Omar, H., Mokhtar, M. I., Zulbadri, B.S., Sahak, M.K.A. & Hasan Adli, D.S. (2017). Translation of a global reference on care and use of animals by a group of novice translators. In. Ja'afar, S., Abdul Wahid, P.R., Tengku Mohd Ali, T.I.M., Gurdial Singh, K.K., Awab, S., Wolf, H.V., Suffian Sahuri, S.S., Shunmugam, K., Yi, C.S. & Rajah Kumaran, S. (Eds). Nilai Penterjemahan dalam Masyarakat. (737-748). The 16th International Conference on Translation (ICT-16).
- Azmi, F., Abdul Rahman, N.N. & Hasan Adli, D.S. (2016). Buah-Buahan dalam Al-Quran sebagai Sebahagian Diet Kanak-Kanak dengan Autisme. Dlm. Mohd Yusoff, M.Y.Z & Norasid, M.A (pnyt). Quranic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science and Civilization. (145-156). Malaysia: Centre of Qur anic Research.
- Azmi, F., Mohamad, S.P, Jomhari, N., Abdul Rahman, N.N., Mohd Yusoff, M.Y.Z. & Hasan Adli, D.S. (2016). Preliminary report on suitability of Sunnah Nabawi food in fulfilling the criteria of conventional diets for children with autism. In. Mohd Yusoff, M.Y.Z., Ahmad, K. & Abd Razzak, M. (Eds). Penyelidikan tentang Makanan: Perspektif Nabawi dan Saintifik (Research on Foods: Nabawi and Scientific Perspective). (107-115). Malaysia: Academy of Islamic Studies & CENAR.
- Mohamad, S.P, Mohd Yusoff. M.Y.Z & Hasan Adli, D.S. (2016). Pengaruh Tingkah Laku Pelajar Autisme Berfungsi Tinggi dalam Ujian Bacaan Surah Fatihah, Dlm. Mohd Yusoff, M.Y.Z & Norasid, M.A (pnyt). Quranic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science and Civilization. (187-198). Malaysia: Centre of Qur anic Research.
- Muhammad Alimin, A.F., Draman, M.S., Nurul Kabir, Ahmad Shamsuddin, S.A., Ali, A.K., Haji Abdullah, L. & Hasan Adli, D.S. (2016). Ethical Issues Related to Adult Stem Cells Sources from the Islamic Perspective. In Mohd Yusoff, M.Y.Z & Norasid, M.A (Eds). Qur anic Research: Interaction of Knowledge, Science and Civilization. (129-143). Malaysia: Centre of Qur anic Research.
- Siti Patonah, M., Zulkifli, M.Y., and Durriyyah Sharifah, H.A. (2015). Displayed features of a student with high functioning autism during Quranic learning. In Kemali, M. H., Bakar, O., Batchelor, D. A. F. (Eds) Islamic perspectives on science & technology selected papers from the DSIST 2014 Conference. Springer Verlag (DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-778-9_24)
- Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Mohd Yakub Zulkifli, Nazean Jomhari & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2014. Intervensi Tidur menggunakan Terapi Al-Quran dalam Menangani Gangguan Tidur Kanak-kanak Autistik Muslim. Dalam: Sedek Ariffin, Khadher Ahmad & Ishak Suliaman(pnyt.). Tajdid in Quranic Studies, hlm. 225-238.Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya ISBN 978- 967-5534-42-3
- Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2012). Penggunaan Ganjaran dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Tradisi Islam: Suatu Perbandingan. Dalam Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh & Mohd Rezuan Masran (Eds.) Dimensi Islam dalam wacana sains. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuan dan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. p. 257-279
- Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli.(2012). Kepentingan Tidur bagi Kesihatan dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Sains dan Islam. Dalam Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh & Mohd Rezuan Masran (Eds.) Dimensi Islam dalam Wacana Sains. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuan dan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. p.335-365
- Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim Rohaida Mohd. Saat, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli.(2012). Penghafazan Al-Quran dalam Sistem Pendidikan: Suatu Perbandingan Teori dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam. Dalam Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh & Mohd Rezuan Masran (Eds.) Dimensi Islam dalam Wacana Sains. Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Ilmuan dan Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. p.281-299
- Durriyyah Sharifah, H. A. & Mahassan, M. (2011). Diversity of central nervous system of local freshwater fishes. In Kementerian Pengajian Malaysia (Ed.), Directory of research projects: Fundamental research grant scheme (FRGS) phase 1/2007: Natural science and national heritage (pp.3-8). Putrajaya: Department of Higher Education Ministry of Higher Education.
- Musa, M.N., Zulbadri, B.S., Ramli, R. and Durriyyah, S.H.A. 2009. Diversity of Central Nervous System of Local Birds: A Preliminary Study. In Hee et al. (eds). Harnessing the Potential of Biodiversity, pg. 296-299. Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia. (ISBN 978-983-2519-03-4)
- Shaharudin, S.A., Ngui, S.T., Jiram, A.I., Chia, W.L., Yu, K.X., Mamat, M., and Durriyyah, S.H.A. 2009. Diversity of Cerebellum in Relation to Swimming Movements of Local Freshwater Fishes. In Hee et al. (eds). Harnessing the Potential of Biodiversity, pg. 319-322. Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia.(ISBN 978-983-2519-03-4)
- Tang, J.M.Y., Kwong, S.C., Mamat, M., and Durriyyah S.H.A. Diversity of a Central Nervous System Structure: Spinal Cord of a Terrestrial Frog in Comparison to an Aquatic Fish. In Hee et al. (eds). Harnessing the Potential of Biodiversity, pg. 300-303. Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia. (ISBN 978-983-2519-03-4)
- Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 1997. Mudskippers - Spread 40, Yong Hoi Sen (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Malaysia - Vol. III - Animals of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur : Editions Didier Millet.
Article in Proceeding
- Hashida NH, Aisyah S, Azia Amira Putri B dan Durriyyah Sharifah HA. Peranan air kelapa (Cocos nucifera L.) terhadap kualiti sperma. Seminar Perubatan Integratif, Kampus Kesihatan USM, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. 14 15 Ogos 2018
- Cho Ping, N., Hashida, NH and Durriyyah Sharifah, HA. Level of testosterone, luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone of nicotine and habbatus sauda treated rats. 8th International Traditional and Complementary Medicine (INTRACOM). Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre, Malaysia. 30 Oct-2 Nov 2014. pp. 78
- Sahak, M. K. A., Hashim, N. H. and Hasan Adli, D. S. (2014). Behavioral based evaluation of the effects of chronic Nigella sativa oil administration on spatial memory performance. Proceedings of the 3rd Thailand-Malaysia Graduate Forum in Life sciences, Food Science and Agriculture. (pp. 64). Bangkok, Thailand: Kasetsart University.
- Abdul Razak, M. F., Shamsuddin, S. A., Hasan Adli, D. S., Salim, A., & Saadat, A. (2013). Identification of neuronal morphology and neuronal specific proteins in neuronal-like cells differentiated from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells treated with -mercaptoethanol. Proceedings of the World Conference in Regenerative Medicine (WCRM) (pp. 98). Leipzig, Germany.
- Anbarieh S., Maizatul Fazilah A. R., Ramin K., Shamsul Azlin A. S., Durriyyah Sharifah H. A. & Asmat S. (September 2013). Preliminary study: Differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into neuronal-like cells by mercatoethanol and confirmation through morphological features. 4th International NeuroMalaysia Society Symposium. Monash University Sunway Campus, Malaysia.
- Bajuri, M. K., Mohd Saat, R., Mohd. Yusoff, Z., Abd Rahman, N., & Hasan Adli, D. S. (2013). Amalan ganjaran dan hukuman serta pengaruhnya dalam aktiviti hafazan Al-Quran di sebuah sekolah aliran agama peringkat menengah rendah. Paper presented at The 3rd Annual International Quranic Conference, Universiti Malaya.
- Mohd Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff and Durriyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2013. Tualang Honey Consumption Improves Spatial Memory Performance and Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons Cell Count in Adult Male Rats. 3rd International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products. Makassar, Indonesia. 20-22 Nov 2013.
- Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd Saat, Noor Naemah Abd Rahman, & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli (2013, Mar). Qiamullail dan gangguan tidur dari perspektif neurosains. Paper presented at The 3rd Annual International Quranic Conference, University Malaya.
- Muhd Zulshamalin Nasrullah Musa, Noorhafiza Rozali, Noor Hashida Hashim and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. Histological analysis of rat hippocampus after Tualang honey and nicotine chronic treatments: A preliminary study. 3rd International Conference on The Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products. Makassar, Indonesia. 20-22 Nov 2013.
- Ng Cho Ping, Noor Hashida Hashim and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. Preliminary Study on the Effect of Nigella sativa (Habbatus sauda) Oil on Sperm Parameters in Rats. International Conference on Natural Products 2013. Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC), 4 - 6 Mac 2013. pp. 97. (proceedings)
- Ng Cho Ping, Noor Hashim Hashida, Hasan Adli Durriyyah Sharifah. Effects of Nigella sativa (Habbatus sauda) Oil on Sperm Parameters of Nicotine Treated Rats. The 5th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 8-12th Dec 2013, Miri, Sarawak.
- Noorezatey M, Khairul Fidaa K.B., Ramin K. Maizatul Fazilah AR, Anbarieh S, Shamsul Azlin AS, Durriyyah Sharifah HA. and Asmat, S. Visual Confirmation of Isolated Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Differentiated Cardiomyocyte-like Cells. 22nd Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia (MSM 2013). Primula Beach Hotel, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia. 26-28 November 2013.
- Ramin Khanabdali, Noorezatey Mohamed, Khairulfidaa Khairulbazli, Maizatul Fazilah Abdul Razak, Anbarieh Saadat, Durriyyah Sharifah Haji Hasan Adli, Shamsul azlin Ahmad Shamsuddin, Asmat Salim. Differentiation Potential of Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Bm-Mscs) into Cardiomyocyte-like Cells After Zebularine and 5-Azacytidine Treatments. 38th Annual Conference Of The Malaysian Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (MSBMB). 28th-29th August 2013 at the Putra Jaya Marriot & Spa, Putra Jaya, Malaysia.
- Siti Patonah Mohamad, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2013). Bacaan Al-Quran sebagai terapi bunyi (sound therapy) bagi masalah emosi dan kemahiran motor pertuturan kanak-kanak autistik. The 3rd Annual International Quranic Conference 2013.
- Tan, M. K., Sahak, M. K. A., Hasan Adli, D. S., Tumiran, M. A., Abdulla, M. A., and Mohd Yusoff, K. (2013). The efficacy of Nenas honey dressing towards excisional wound healing. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products. (pp. 20-22). Makassar, Indonesia. .
- Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, 2012. Pendekatan Peneguhan bagi Aktiviti Hafalan Al- Quran dalam Kalangan Murid di Peringkat Menengah Rendah, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
- Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, 2012. Konsep Ganjaran dalam Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Agama di Terengganu, ms 56-70. Wisma R & D, Universiti Malaya. (ISBN: 978-967-5534-20-1)
- Mohamad Khairul Azali Sahak, Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Noor Hashida Hashim & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2012). Saranan Penggunaan Habbatus Sauda' dalam Tradisi Islam dan Aplikasinya dalam Kajian Sains Kesihatan. International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu,
- Mohamad Khairul Azali Sahak, Ng Cho Ping, Fatma Abdulrahim Mohamud, Noor Hashida Hashim and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. Preliminary Study on the Effects of Nigella Sativa (Habbatus sauda/Black Seed) and Exposure of Cigarette Smoke on Spatial Memory of Male Adults Rats. Malaysia International Biological Symposium 2012. 11 & 12 July 2012. pp 133 (Proceedings).
- Mohamad Khairul Azali Sahak, Noor Hashida Hashim and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. Evaluation of the Effect Of Chronic Administration of Nigella Sativa Oil on Spatial Memory Performance of Rats Using Behavioral Model.. International Neuroscience Symposium. School of Medicine, Univ Malaysia Sabah. 23-25 July 2012. pp 42 (Proceedings)
- Mohd Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff & Durriyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, 2012. Saranan Penggunaan Madu oleh Al-Quran dan Sokongan Saintifik mengenai Khasiatnya untuk Memori, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
- Mohd Amirudin, K., M.Y. Zulkifli, M.Y. ,Mohamad Khairul Azali,S. and Durriyyah Sharifah,H.A. 2011. Effects of Tualang Honey Intake on Spatial Memory of Adult Rat. International Neuroscience Symposium 2012, School of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, p.43
- Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2012). Tidur untuk Kerehatan Minda dan Tubuh berteraskan Al- Quran dan Neurosains. Hotel Permai Inn, Terengganu, Anjuran Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). (ISBN: 978-983-9842-59-3)
- Noorhafiza, R., Hashida, NH and Durriyyah Sharifah, HA. Preliminary Study on the Effect of Co- administration of Nicotine and Tualang Honey on Testis Histological Features. Malaysia International Biological Symposium 2012. 11 12 July 2012. pp 42 (Proceedings).
- Siti Patonah Mohamad, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, 2012. Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Al-Quran bagi Golongan Kelainan Upaya Mental: Analisis dari Sumber Tradisi Islam, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
- Tengku Nur Aishah Tengku Seman, Noorhafiza Rozali, Lim Huey Chee, Noor Hashida Hashim and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. Histological Demonstration of Honey and Nicotine Chronic Administration Effects on Lung Tissue of Adult Rats.. Malaysia International Biological Symposium 2012. 11 & 12 July 2012. pp 134 (Proceedings).
- Zul Izza Mohamed @ Hashim, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Rohaida Mohd. Saat & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, 2012. Analisis Kritikal terhadap Kaedah-kaedah Penghafazan Al-Quran dari Perspektif Neurosains Kognitif, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), 1-2 December 2012, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
- Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. Konsep Uqubah dan Pengukuhan Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya dalam Sistem Pendidikan di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Agama di Terengganu. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Islamic Education 2011 (ICIEd2011), pp. 323
- Mohamad Khairul Azali Sahak, Fatma Abdulrahim Mohamud, Noor Hashida Hashim, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli and Kamaruddin Mohd Yusoff. Effects of Malaysian Nenas Honey Intake on Spatial Memory of Male Adult Rats: A Preliminary Study. Int Conf of Natural Product. IOI Golf Resort, Putra Jaya. 14 - 16 Nov 2011. pp.103
- Mohd Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff & Durriyah Sharifah Hasan Adli.2011. The Islamic and Science Perspectives on the Positive Effects of Honey on Cognitive Functions. Prosiding International Conference on Traditional Medicine (CONTRAMED), hlm. 385-397
- Mohd Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi, MY Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff, Nabilah Ismail, Nor Syazana Sufian, Tan Mui Koon, Kamaruddin Mohd Yussof, Noor Hashida Hashim and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2011. Saranan Penggunaan Madu oleh Al-Quran dan Aplikasinya dalam Kajian Sains Kesihatan. The Annual International Quranic Conference. Akademik Pengajian Islam, UM. 11 - 12 Jan 2011. pp 515 - 534
- Noor Juliyana, R., Hashida, NH, and Durriyyah Sharifah, HA. Preliminary Study on the Effect of Habbatus sauda Oil on Sperm Parameters and Testis Histology of Rats. 10th UMTAS International Annual Conference, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. 11 13 July 2011. pp. 160
- Bibi Shaswani Zulbadri, Rosli Ramli & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2010. Analysis of Neurons in Representative Sections of Spinal Cord of Selected Local Bird. Proceedings of the International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference, page 117
- D.S.H. Adli. Neurohistological Studies of Non- mammalian Neural Tissue Microscopy Society of Malaysia. Bayview Hotel, Langkawi. 14-16 Dec 2010. (Proceedings)
- Hashida, N.H., Syazana, N.S., Durriyyah Sharifah, H.A. and Kamaruddin, M.Y. Effects of Gelam Honey on Sperm Quality and Testis Histology of Rats. 24th Malaysian Society of Pharmacology and Physiology (MSPP) Scientific Meeting. SACC Shah Alam, Selangor. 2 - 3 June 2010. (Proceedings)
- Joan Tang May Yin and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2010. Histological Characterization of Frog (Fejervarva limnocharis) Spinal Cord Tissue Architecture. Proceedings of the International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference, page 116
- Kwong Soke Chee, Mahassan Mamat & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2010. Spinal Cord Cytoarchitecture of Two Fishes with Long and Continuous Dorsal Fins: Juvenile Channa micropeltes (Toman) and Clarias sp. (Keli) with Emphasis on Motorneuronal Organization. Proceedings of the International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference, page 118
- Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saad, M. Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2010. Penggunaan Ganjaran dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Tradisi Islam: Suatu Perbandingan. Prosiding Seminar "Islam, Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa". Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, hlm. 199-217.
- Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2010. Kepentingan Tidur bagi Kesihatan dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Sains dan Islam. Prosiding Seminar "Islam, Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa". Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, hlm. 123-146
- S.Y. Low., W.M. Loh., N.H. Hashim and D.S.H. Adli. Histological Analysis of the Effect of Nicotine on Rat Heart and Hepatocytes: A Preliminary Study. 19th Scientific Conference of Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia. Bayview Hotel, Langkawi. 14-16 Dec 2010. (Proceedings)
- Shamiza Ahmad Shaharudin, Mahassan Mamat and Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli (2010). Histological Characterization of Caudally Directed cerebellum of Oreochromis sp. (Tilapia) and Leptobarbus hoeveni (Jelawat). Proceedings of the International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference, page 116.
- Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim, Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, (2010). Memorization Activity and Use of Reinforcements in Learning: Content Analysis from Neuroscience and Islamic Perspectives. Universiti Teknologi Petronas. (ISBN: 978-983-2271-19- 2)
- Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. 2010. Penghafazan Al-Qur'an dalam Sistem Pendidikan: Suatu Perbandingan Teori dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam. Prosiding Seminar "Islam, Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa". Akademi Pengajian Islam Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, hlm. 219-234
- Tan Mui Koon, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli and Kamaruddin Mohd. Yusoff. 2009. The Gross Morphology and Histology of Wound Healing with and Without Honey Treatment: A Preliminary Study. Proceeding of the 3rd Regional Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics (NRTrop3), pg.709-716
- Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Ahmad Zuhdi Ismail, Mohd Amzari Tumiran, dan Wan Adriyani Wan Ruzali. 2008. Nyanyuk (Dementia) dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam, Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Kecemerlangan Tamadun Islam dalam Agro, Sains dan Teknologi. Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya.
- Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Che Zarinna Sa'ari and Mimi Aspahani Hamat. (2008). Sleep from neuroscience and Islamic perspectives. Proceeding of International Seminar on Islamic Science and Technology. Putra World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur.
- Kwong Soke Chee, Durriyyah S.H. Adli and Mahassan Mamat. (2008). Anatomy of spinal cord of Clarias macrocephalus (Keli) and Pangasius pangasius (Patin). Prosiding Seminar Penyelidikan PASUM. Pusat Asasi Sains, Universiti Malaya.
- Lai Sieaw Ching, Durriyyah S.H. Adli and Mahassan Mamat. 2008. The Development of Central Nervous System of Oreochromis sp. (Red Tilapia), Prosiding Seminar Penyelidikan PASUM. Pusat Asasi Sains, Universiti Malaya.
- N.H. Hashida, H.C. Lim and H.A. Durriyyah Sharifah. Effects of Goat Milk on Rat Testis Histology: A Preliminary Study. 29th Malaysian Society of Animal Production (MSAP) Annual Conference. Bayview Beach Resort, Penang. 25 - 27 May 2008. (Proceedings)
- Shamiza Ahmad Shaharudin, Durriyyah S.H. Adli and Mahassan Mamat. 2008. Anatomical Characterization of the Cerebellum of Pangasius pangasius (Patin) and Clarias macrocephalus (Keli), Prosiding Seminar Penyelidikan PASUM. Pusat Asasi Sains, Universiti Malaya.
- Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim, Bibi Shazwani Zulbadri, Durriyyah S.H. Adli dan Mahassan Mamat. 2008. Pencirian Sistem Saraf Pusat Ikan Kaloi (Osphronemus sp.). Prosiding Seminar Penyelidikan PASUM. Pusat Asasi Sains, Universiti Malaya.
- Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, and Zulkifli Yusoff. (2003). Issues in the field of neurosciences and its Islamic perspectives. Proceeding of International Seminar: Islam and the Challenges of Science and Technology in the 21st Century, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
- D. S. H. Adli, A. B. Azlinda, K. R. Anita, S. Rohani, L.E. Puah & S. Junedah. (1998). Histological effects of anatomy on spinal cord motor neurons of Bufo melanostictus. Proceedings 7th Scientific Conference of the Electron Microscopy Society Malaysia,194-196.
- D.S.H. Adli, M. Mahassan, I. Hamidah and L.E. Puah. (1997). Characterization of the optic tectum lamination using histological techniques. Proceedings of the First ASEAN Microscopy Conference, 234-236.
Other Publications
- Prof. Madya Dr. Durriyyah Sharifah Hj. Hasan Adli (12.15 tgh, 24 Julai 2020). Etika Penggunaan Haiwan Sebagai Bahan Ujikaji. Program Radio IKIM SAINS DAN ISLAM. . - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2013). Sains dan Islam: Kaitan otak, jasad, kepercayaan & akhlak (Part 3 - 8 Nov 2013) http://www.ikimfm.my/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=242&Itemid=54 - Mass Media(Newspaper,Radio,Tv,Popular Magazine)
- Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Mohd. Yakub@Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2010). Use of reinforcement in learning: Content analysis from behavioural science and Islamic perspectives. http://crcs.ugm.ac.id/wednesday-forum-news/294/Konsep- Proses-Belajar-Dalam-Timbangan-Sains-Dan-Islam.html - Internet
- Mohd Amzari Tumiran, Rohaida Mohd. Saat, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli. (2010). Sleep from neuroscience and Islamic perspectives: Comprehension and practices of Muslim with science background in Malaysia education system. http://crcs.ugm.ac.id/wednesday-forum-news/290/Tidur- dalam-Wilayah-Agama-dan-Sains.html - Internet
- Maria, M., Huzwah, K., Mohd. Sokhini, A. M., Mahdy, Z. A., Durriyyah, S. H. A and Sanusi, J. (2002). The effect of maternal intake of palm Vite E on neurologic reflexes of newborn rats. Abstract Book of 5th Scientific Congress Federation of Asian & Oceanian Physiological Societies. University of Malaya Centre for Continuing Education. - Extended Abstract
- Maria, M., Junedah, S., Niefaizal, A. A. H., Huzwah, K., Sokhini, M. A. M., Zaleha, A. M. and Durriyyah, S. H. A. (2002). The effects of maternal palm Vite E on the brain weight of newborn rats. Abstract Book of Scientific Conference on Food Antioxidants, Nutrition, Health and Consumer Perspectives. Universiti Putra Malaysia. - Extended Abstract
- M. Mahassan & D. S. H. Adli. (1996). Neuroanatomy of the visual system of a local fish, Channa striata. 1st FAONS Congress & 1st IBRO Regional Congress Abstracts A106: 207. - Extended Abstract
- 2015 - 2018, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Effects of Nigella sativa and its constituents on memory and its mechanisms: Neurobehavioral, neurohistological and cell biological approaches ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2017 - 2018, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Attenuation of aromatic compounds mediated apoptosis of stem cells by natural products in vivo and in vitro ( Consultant)
- 2016 - 2018, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Cellular cytoskeletal changes after oxidant injury and the possible healing by the compounds from Nigella sativa ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2014 - 2015, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Prevention of Alzheimer's disease with mitochondria-targeted antioxidants from Nigella sativa in-vitro ( Consultant)
- 2014 - 2015, RU OperationInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2015, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Effects of Nigella sativa on spatial memory and related brain regions of nicotine treated male adult rats ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2009 - 2014, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Aktiviti Berkaitan Proses Pembelajaran yang dianjurkan oleh Islam dari Perspektif Neurosains (RG059/09AFR - extended) ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Role of Vitamin E from Malaysian Palm Oil as Neuroprotective and Antioxidant Therapy in Acute Spinal Cord Injury: A Behavioural, Electrophysiological, Immunohistochemistry and Real Time-polymerase Chain Reaction Study ( Consultant)
- 2011 - 2014, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Penggunaan Bahan-bahan yang Digalakkan dalam Tradisi Islam: Tatacara Penggunaannya dan Kesan Melalui Kajian Saintifik ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2013 - 2014, Projek Libatsama Universiti-Komuniti Flagship USM 2013/2014Projek Libatsama Universiti-Komuniti Flagship USM 2013/2014 - Projek Jujukan Timbal Balas Minda ( - Group Member)
- 2009 - 2011, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Local Freshwater Fishes as Models to Delineate Diversity of Central Nervous System Motor Control over Different Appendages ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2011, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Using Central Nervous System Structures of Local Amphibian as Model to Delineate Cytoarchitectonic Basis of Nociceptive System ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2010 - 2011, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Penggunaan ganjaran dalam pengukuhan pembelajaran di peringkat menengah rendah sekolah menengah agama rakyat dari perspektif sains kelakuan ( Consultant)
- 2009 - 2010, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Histology of Wound Healing Treated with Selected Malaysian Honey ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2009 - 2010, Geran Penyelidikan Universiti Malaya (UMRG)Efficacy of Selected Malaysian Honey for Wound Healing: Histological Approach ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2009 - 2010, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Spinal Cord Cytoarchiteconic Organization of Fervarya limnocharis in Relation Nociceptive System ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2009 - 2010, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Kaedah Penghafazan Al-Quran dan Persepsi Mengenainya dari Perspektif Neurosains: Kajian di Kalangan Pelajar Menengah Rendah Sebuah Sekolah di Kuala Terengganu ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2009, Peruntukan Geran Khas Universiti Penyelidikan Universiti MalayaDiversity characterisation of the central nervous system of local freshwater fishes (Pencirian diversiti sistem saraf pusat ikan air tawar tempatan) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2009, KPTDiversity characterisation of the central nervous system of local freshwater fishes (Pencirian diversiti sistem saraf pusat ikan air tawar tempatan) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2009, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Spinal motor innervation of a few selected local fresh water fishes with differently distributed fins ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2009, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)Characterisation of diversity of local birds central nervous system (Pencirian diversiti sistem saraf pusat burung tempatan) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2008 - 2009, Postgraduate Research Grant(PPP)Characterization of Cerebellum with Different Rostra-caudal Axis Orientations of Selected Freshwater Fishes ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 2007 - 2008, Peruntukan Geran Khas Universiti Penyelidikan Universiti MalayaBenefits of nervous system related information in addressing health & well being issues from neuroscience & Islamic perspectives (Permanfaatan maklumat neurosains & maklumat dari perspektif Islam dalam menangani isu kesihatan dan kesejahteraan manusia yang berkaitan sistem saraf) ( Consultant)
- 2000 - 2001, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Kajian Status Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran di Kolej Matrikulasi Angkat UM (Research on the Status of Teaching and Learning in UM's Adopted Matriculation Colleges) ( Consultant)
- 1993 - 1993, United Nations (Population Studies) GrantPenglibatan Wanita dalam Sains di Universiti Tempatan ( Consultant)
- 1990 - 1990, Short Term Research Fund (Vote F)(PJP)Characterisation of the Central Nervous System of the Crow, Corvus splendens (Viellot) ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- 1993 - 1993, Toray Science Foundation 4th. International Research GrantThe Neural Control of the Movements of Mudskippers ( Principal Investigator(PI))
- Penceramah Bagi Program "Emerald Supervision", University of Malaya01 Apr 2018 - 01 Apr 2018 (National)
- Muzakarah Pakar Pengajian Islam Integrasi: Kearah Penyepaduan Ilmu Agama dan Sains, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia01 Mar 2018 - 01 Mar 2018 (National)
- Muzakarah Pakar Pengukuhan Pendidikan Stem: Pendekatan Nilai dan Budaya, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia01 Nov 2017 - 01 Nov 2017 (National)
- Development of Scientist-Teacher-Student Partnership (Stsp) Model to Enhance Secondary Science Learning, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya01 Nov 2016 - 01 Nov 2017 (National)
- Muzakarah Pakar Kesihatan Mental: Perspektif Islam dan Neuropsikiatri, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia01 Nov 2017 - 01 Nov 2017 (National)
- Penceramah Bengkel Pembentangan Lisan dan Poster, Persatuan Juruteknologis Universiti Malaya01 Dec 2016 - 01 Dec 2016 (National)
- Tenaga Pengajar Kursus Teknik Asas Histologi Bagi Tisu Haiwan (Basic Histological Technique for Animal Tissue Course), Universiti Malaya01 Feb 2016 - 01 Feb 2016 (National)
- Program Tinjauan Aspirasi Masyarakat Untuk Kajian Semula Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (Psptn): Perbincangan Awam, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia01 Oct 2014 - 01 Oct 2014 (National)
- Persidangan Meja Bulat Sehari -- Umat Islam dan Neurosains: Antara Tuntutan dan Kewaspadaan, Institut Kefahaman Malaysia (IKIM)01 Jan 2014 - 01 Jan 2014 (National)
- Advisor to Seminar Pembentangan Kertas Kerja Staf Makmal UM 2012 Organised by University of Malaya Laboratory Technologist Association (No. Pendaftaran:1900/94[Wp]) & Bahagian Sumber Manusia, UM, University of Malaya Laboratory Technologist Association (no. pendaftaran:1900/94[WP])01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012 (National)
- Jk Pengajian Bagi Mengkaji Penawaran Program Berinterasi Bagi Ijazah Sarjana Neurosains & Ijazah Dokotr Neurosains Secara Mod Campuran Oleh Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan, USM, USM01 Oct 2011 - 01 Oct 2011 (National)
- Audit Pusat Penyelidikan, Universiti Malaya01 Oct 2009 - 01 Oct 2009 (National)
- Frgs Study: a Study of Outcome Based Teaching and Learning, Standards & Qualifications Reference Division, Malaysian Qualifications Agency01 Sep 2009 - 01 Sep 2009 (National)
- Kursus Latihan Kakitangan Makmal Siri 11: Tekinik Asas Histologi Tisu Haiwan (18-22 Jun 2007) - Coordinator & Facilitator, Institut Sains Biologi, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya01 Sep 2007 - 01 Sep 2007 (National)
- Biological based researches on selected food from Sunnah Nabawi: An experience of University if Malaya, The International Conference on Food Research based on Sunnah Nabawiah (ICFRS 2016), University of Malaya Academy of Islamic Studies & CENAR (International) (12 Apr 2016 - 12 Apr 2016)
- Microscopy, 19th Scientific Conference of Electron Microscopy Society Malaysia 2010 (EMSM 2010), Electron Microscopy Society Malaysia (EMSM) (National) (14 Dec 2010 - 16 Dec 2010)
- An IACUC approach to encouraging comprehension and practice of laboratory animal welfare in Malaysia, 6th National Conference on Laboratory Animal Science (NCLAS), Laboratory Animal Society Malaysia (LASAM) (National) (01 Aug 2018 - 02 Aug 2018)
- Amalan dan Etika Penyelidikan terhadap Haiwan di Makmal UM, Simposium Penyelidikan: Penggunaan Haiwan dalam Penyelidikan, Fakulti Syariah & Undang-Undang, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) (National) (16 Mar 2017 - 16 Mar 2017)
- Supporting Students during Their Final Stages, Basic Course in Supervision, EMERALD, ADEC (University) (25 Jan 2017 - 25 Jan 2017)
- The Thesis, Supervision Basic Course for New Lecturers, EMERALD, ADEC (University) (23 Nov 2016 - 23 Nov 2016)
- The Thesis, Supervision Basic Course for New Lecturers, Emerging Scholars Leadership Advancement (EmeraLd, ADEC) (University) (25 Aug 2016 - 25 Aug 2016)
- The Thesis, Supervison Basic Course for New Lecturers , EmeraLd, ADeC (University) (22 Dec 2015 - 22 Dec 2015)
- Topic 1: Introduction to Responsible Animal Care and Use; Topic 3: University of Malaya Animal Care and Use Policy (UM ACUP); Topic 4: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Responsible Animal Care and Use Workshop Series 2/2013: Upskill Biology Based Graduate Students, UM Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (UM IACUC) & Institute of Graduate Studies (IGS) (University) (01 Jul 2013 - 02 Jul 2013)
- Implementation of UM Animal Care and Use Policy (ACUP), Implementation of UM Animal Care and Use Policy (ACUP), Museum of Zoology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science  (University) (26 Jun 2013 - 26 Jun 2013)
- Review of Neurohistological Studies of Non-Mammalian Neural Tissue , 19th Scientific Conference of Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia (EMSM), Sirim and Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia (EMSM) (National) (14 Dec 2010 - 16 Dec 2010)
- Pengalaman Bersama Agensi Pelaksana MS ISO 9001:2000 - Universiti Malaya, Seminar Mempertingkatkan Sistem Penyampaian Perkhidmatan Melalui Pelaksanaan MS ISO 9001:2000 di Peringkat Pentadbiran Daerah & Tanah Serta Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan, MAMPU (National) (13 Jul 2006 - 13 Jul 2006)
- -, Microscopy & Imaging Workshop: Cell Biological Applications of Fluorescence Microscopy, Neuroscience Research Group & Biohealth Science Division (ISB) (University) (05 Sep 2014 - 05 Sep 2014)
- None, Seminar Kemahiran Kaunseling (Tahap 1), Bimbingan Khas Sains, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya (Others) (27 Aug 1996 - 28 Aug 1996)
- Morphometric Study of Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons after Tualang Honey Administration, 27th Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia & Microscopy Society Malaysia (National) (03 Dec 2018 - 04 Dec 2018)
- Memahami Ciri Pembelajaran Al-Quran oleh Seorang Pelajar Autisme Berfungsi Tinggi: Kajian Rintis (Siti Patonah Mohamad, M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff dan Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli), International Conference on Developing Synergies Between Islam and Science & Technology for Mankind's Benefit, IAIS MALAYSIA (International) (01 Oct 2014 - 02 Oct 2014)
- Bacaan Al-Quran sebagai Terapi Bunyi (Sound Therapy) bagi Masalah Emosi dan Kemahiran Motor Pertuturan Kanak-kanak Autistik, The 3rd Annual International Quranic Conference 2013, Universiti Malaya (International) (01 Jun 2013 - 01 Jun 2013)
- Qiamullail dan Gangguan Tidur dari Perspektif Neurosains, The 3rd Annual International Quranic Conference 2013 (International) (01 Jun 2013)
- Amalan Ganjaran dan Hukuman serta Pengaruhnya dalam Aktiviti Hafazan Al-Quran di Sebuah Sekolah Aliran Agama Peringkat Menengah Rendah, The 3rd Annual International Quranic Conference 2013, Centre of Quranic Research (CQR, UM (International) (13 Mar 2013 - 14 Mar 2013)
- Analisis Kritikal terhadap Kaedah-kaedah Penghafazan Al-Quran dari Perspektif Neurosains Kognitif, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (International) (01 Dec 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
- Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Al-Quran bagi Golongan Kelainan Upaya Mental: Analisis dari Sumber Tradisi Islam, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (International) (01 Dec 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
- Tidur untuk Kerehatan Minda dan Tubuh Berasaskan Al-Quran dan Neurosains, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (International) (01 Dec 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
- Pendekatan Peneguhan bagi Aktiviti Hafalan Al-Quran dalam Kalangan Murid di Peringkat Menengah Rendah, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (International) (01 Dec 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
- Saranan Penggunaan Habbatus Sauda' dalam Tradisi Islam dan Aplikasinya dalam Kajian Sains Kesihatan, International Seminar on Al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ2012), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (International) (01 Dec 2012 - 02 Dec 2012)
- Konsep Ganjaran dalam Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Agama di Terengganu., The 2nd Annual International Quranic Conferences 2012, Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), UM (International) (22 Feb 2012 - 23 Feb 2012)
- Konsep Uqubah dan Pengukuhan Aktiviti Pembelajaran: Pengamalannya dalam Sistem Pendidikan di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Agama di Terengganu, 2nd International Conference on Islamic Education 2011 (ICIEd2011), International Islamic University College Selangor (KUIS) & Association of Malaysian Muslim Intellectuals (PIMM) (International) (19 Dec 2011 - 21 Dec 2011)
- The Islamic and Science Perspectives on the Positive Effects of Honey on Cognitive Functions , International Conference on Traditional Medicine (CONTRAMED), USM (International) (29 Nov 2011 - 30 Nov 2011)
- Spinal Motor Innervations of Caudal Fins with Different Morphology: Rounded Caudal Fin of Keli (Clarias sp.) & Forked Caudal Fin of Patin (Pangasius sp.), Women in World Neuroscience Conference, Internation Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) & University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) (International) (10 Oct 2011 - 11 Oct 2011)
- Comparison of Spinal Cord Motor Neurons Cytoarchitecture of Aerial and Terrestrial Birds, Women in World Neuroscience Conference, Internation Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) & University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) (International) (10 Oct 2011 - 11 Oct 2011)
- Histological Characterization of Rostrally Directed Cerebellum of Clarias sp. (Keli) and Caudally Directed Cerebellum of Oreochromis sp. (Tilapia Merah), Women in World Neuroscience Conference, Internation Brain Research Organisation (Ibro) & University Brunei Darussalam (Ubd) (International) (10 Oct 2011 - 11 Oct 2011)
- Histological Characterization of Fejervarya limnocharis (Grass Frog) Spinal Grey Cytoarchitecture, Women in World Neuroscience Conference, Internation Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) & University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) (International) (10 Oct 2011 - 11 Oct 2011)
- Pemberian Ganjaran dan Hukuman Berasaskan Al-Qur'an: Pengamalan dalam Sistem Pendidikan Berteraskan Islam di Yogyakarta, Indonesia, The Annual International Quranic Conference 2011, Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), University of Malaya (International) (11 Jan 2011 - 12 Jan 2011)
- Pelaksanaan Konsep Pendidikan Berteras Al-Qur'an oleh Muhammadiyah dan Nahdatul Ulama: Kajian Perbandingan di Pesantren Sekitar Yogyakarta, Indonesia, The Annual International Quranic Conference 2011, Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), University of Malaya (International) (11 Jan 2011 - 12 Jan 2011)
- Sleep From Neuroscience And Islamic Perspectives: Comprehension And Practices Of Muslims With Science Background In Malaysian Education System., World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration, Academic World Education & Research Center (International) (29 Oct 2010 - 31 Oct 2010)
- Use of Reinforcement in Learning: Content Analysis from Behavioural Science and Islamic Perspectives, Weekly Wednesday Forum, Centre for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (University) (20 Oct 2010 - 20 Oct 2010)
- Sleep from Neuroscience and Islamic Perspectives: Comprehension and Practices of Muslim with Science Background in Malaysia Education System, Weekly Wednesday Forum, Centre for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (University) (29 Sep 2010 - 29 Sep 2010)
- Penghafazan Al-Quran Dalam Sistem Pendidikan: Suatu Perbandingan dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam, Seminar Islam, Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya (APIUM) & Yayasan Ilmuan (YI) (University) (04 Aug 2010 - 05 Aug 2010)
- Pengunaan Ganjaran Dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Tradisi Islam: Suatu Perbandingan , Seminar Islam Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya (APIUM) & Yayasan Ilmuan (YI) (University) (04 Aug 2010 - 05 Aug 2010)
- Kepentingan Tidur Bagi Kesihatan dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Sains dan Islam, Seminar Islam, Sains dan Teknologi: Kupasan Beberapa Isu Semasa, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya (APIUM) & Yayasan Ilmuan (YI) (University) (04 Aug 2010 - 05 Aug 2010)
- Memorization Activity and Use of Reinforcement in Learning: Content Analysis from Neuroscience and Islamic Perspectives, International Conference on Fundamental of Applied Sciences , Universiti Teknologi Petronas (International) (15 Jun 2010 - 17 Jun 2010)
- Pencirian Sistem Saraf Pusat Osphronemus sp., Seminar Penyelidikan Pasum, Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya (University) (12 Nov 2008 - 14 Nov 2008)
- Anatomical Characterization of the Cerebellum of Pangasius Pangasius (Patin) and Clarius Macrocephalus (Keli), Seminar Penyelidikan Pasum, Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya (University) (12 Nov 2008 - 14 Nov 2008)
- The Development of Central Nervous System of Oreochromis sp. (Red Tilapia), Seminar Penyelidikan Pasum, Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya (University) (12 Nov 2008 - 14 Nov 2008)
- Anatomy of Spinal Cord of Clarius Macrocephalus (Keli) and Pangasius pangasius (Patin), Seminar Penyelidikan Pasum, Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya (University) (12 Nov 2008 - 14 Nov 2008)
- Nyanyuk (Dementia) dari Perspektif Neurosains & Islam, Seminar Kebangsaan Kecemerlangan Tamadun Islam Dalam Agro, Sains & Teknologi, Jabatan Sejarah & Tamadun Islam, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya (National) (01 Apr 2008 - 02 Apr 2008)
- Sleep from Neuroscience and Islamic Perspectives, International Seminar on Islamic Sciences & Technology 2008 (InSIST08), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (International) (18 Mar 2008 - 19 Mar 2008)
- Issues in the Field of Neurosains and its Islamic Perspectives , International Seminar: Islam and the Challenges of Science and Technology in the 21st Century, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (International) (01 Sep 2003 - 02 Sep 2003)
- Histological visualization of toluene toxicity on selected vital organs, 28th Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia, Microscopy Society Malaysia (National) (18 Dec 2019 - 20 Dec 2019)
- Mental Health Studies on Muslim Parents of Children with Autism and Their Coping Strategies (A Narrative Review), International Muslim Mental Health Conference 2018, Universiti Putra Malaysia (International) (03 Jul 2018 - 06 Jul 2018)
- Preliminary Study: Comparing Different Explant Methods of Isolating Human Wharton's Jelly Stem Cell, 22nd Biological Sciences Graduate Congress, National University of Singapore (International) (19 Dec 2017 - 21 Dec 2017)
- Establishment of a Model for Oxidant Injury in Stem Cells, 21st Biological Sciences Graduate Congress (BSGC), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya. (International) (15 Dec 2016 - 16 Dec 2016)
- Explant Method of Wharton's Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells Isolation, 21st Biological Sciences Graduate Congress (BSGC), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya (International) (15 Dec 2016 - 16 Dec 2016)
- Spinal Cord of Flying and Flightless Local Birds: Motor Neurons Analysis, 25th Scientific Conference Microscopy Society of Malaysia (SCMSM 2106-Silver Jubilee), Microscopy Society of Malaysia (National) (07 Dec 2016 - 08 Dec 2016)
- Spinal Cord of Flying and Flightless Local Birds: Motor Neurons Analysis, 25th Scientific Conference of the Microscopy Society Malaysia, Persatuan Mikroskopi Malaysia (International) (07 Dec 2016 - 08 Dec 2016)
- Visual Confirmation of Differentiated Human Adipose and Teeth Pulp Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Neuronal-Like Cells , 23rd Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Petronas & Microscopy Society Malaysia (National) (10 Dec 2014 - 12 Dec 2014)
- Factors Affecting Quality of Sleep of Children with Low Functioning Autism Revealed by CSHQ: A Preliminary Study, International Conference for Autism/INCA 2014 (All Facets of Autism: From Research to Practice), Anadolu University. Turkey (International) (14 Nov 2014 - 16 Nov 2014)
- Case Study: Comparison of Reading Efficiency between Two Common Quranic Arabic Typography Types by an Autistic Non-Arab Student, International Conference for Autism/INCA 2014 (All Facets of Autism: From Research to Practice), Anadolu University, Turkey (International) (14 Nov 2014 - 16 Nov 2014)
- Effects of Nigella sativa (Habbatus sauda) Oil on Sperm Parameters of Nicotine Treated Rats. , 5th Global Summit on Medicinal and Aromatics Plants (GOSMAP-5). (International) (08 Dec 2013 - 12 Dec 2013)
- Visual Confirmation of Isolated Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Differentiated Cardiomyocyte-like Cells., 22nd Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia (MSM 2013)., Microscopy Society Malaysia (International) (26 Nov 2013 - 28 Nov 2013)
- The Efficacy of Nenas Honey Dressing towards Excisional Wound Healing, 3rd International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products., Universiti Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia (International) (20 Nov 2013 - 22 Nov 2013)
- Tualang Honey Consumption Improves Spatial Memory Performance and Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons Cell Count in Adult Male Rats., 3rd International Conference on The Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products., Universiti Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia (International) (20 Nov 2013 - 22 Nov 2013)
- Hippocampal Neuronal Count after Tualang Honey and Nicotine Chronic Treatments: A Preliminary Study., 3rd International Conference on The Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products., Universiti Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia (International) (20 Nov 2013 - 22 Nov 2013)
- Identification of Neuronal Morphology and Neuronal Specific Proteins in Neuronal-like Cells Differentiated from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Treated with -mercaptoethanol. , World Conference on Regenerative Medicine., Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology and the Translational Center for Regenerative Medicine of the University of Leipzig. (International) (23 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013)
- Effect of Nigella sativa Oil Administration on Working Memory Performance and Choice Accuracy using Radial Arm Maze in Male Adult Rats, 4th International NeuroMalaysia Society Symposium, NeuroMalaysia Society (International) (28 Sep 2013 - 28 Sep 2013)
- Effect of Tualang Honey Intake on Hippocampal Pyramidal Neuronal Numbers. , 4th International NeuroMalaysia Society Symposium, NeuroMalaysia Society  (International) (28 Sep 2013)
- Preliminary Study: Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Neuronal-like Cells by -mercatoethanol and Confirmation through Morphopogical Features , 4th International NeuroMalaysia Society Symposium, NeuroMalaysia Society  (International) (28 Sep 2013 - 28 Sep 2013)
- Teaching of Neurohistology: Intracardiac Perfusion for Neural Tissue Fixation, Seminar Kebangsaan Teknologi Makmal Ke-11 (SKETMA11) 2013, Persatuan Staf Makmal USM & Gabungan Persatuan Penolong Pegawai Sains (GPPPS) IPTA SeMalaysia (National) (25 Sep 2013 - 28 Sep 2013)
- Differentiation Potential of Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM-MSCs) into Cardiomyocyte-like Cells after Zebularine and 5-Azacytidine Treatments., 38th Annual Conference of the Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (National) (28 Aug 2013 - 29 Aug 2013)
- Histological Features of the Purkinje Neuronal Cells Bodies in Flying and Flightless Birds, 21st Scientific Conference of the Microscopy Society Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Microscopy Society Malaysia (International) (22 Nov 2012 - 24 Nov 2012)
- The Effects of Habbatus sauda Oil and Nicotine on Testis Histological Features of Male Sprague dawley , 21st Scientific Conference of the Microscopy Society Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Microscopy Society Malaysia (International) (22 Nov 2012 - 24 Nov 2012)
- Evaluation of the Effect of Chronic Administartion of Nigella sativa Oil on Spatial Memory Performances of Rats Using Behavioral Model, International Neuroscience Symposium 2012, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (International) (23 Jul 2012 - 25 Jul 2012)
- Effects of Tualang Honey Intake on Spatial Memory of Adult Rat., International Neuroscience Symposium 2012 (International) (23 Jul 2012 - 25 Jul 2012)
- Pengamalan Aktiviti Hukuman dalam Pembelajaran: Kajian di Sebuah Sekolah Menengah Aliran Agama, International Seminar on Research in Islamic Studies 2 (ISRIS 2), Universiti Malaya (International) (15 Feb 2012 - 16 Feb 2012)
- Comparison of Spinal Cord Motor Neurons Cytoarchitecture of Aerial and Terrestrial Birds, Women in World Neuroscience Conference, International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) & University Brunei Darussalam (UBD) (International) (10 Oct 2011 - 11 Oct 2011)
- Histological Characterization of Rostrally Directed Cerebellum of Clarias sp. (Keli) and Mystus Nemurus (Baung), Biological Sciences Graduate Congress (BSGC), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (International) (15 Dec 2010 - 17 Dec 2010)
- Diversity of Gross Brain Morphology of Four Selected Local Birds: Comparison Between Aerial and Terrestrial Birds, Biological Sciences Graduate Congress (BSGC), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. (International) (15 Dec 2010 - 17 Dec 2010)
- Morphology and Distribution of Neurons in the Spinal Cord Upper Half Grey Matter of Grass Frog (Fejervarya limnocharis), Biological Sciences Graduate Congress (BSGC), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. (International) (15 Dec 2010 - 17 Dec 2010)
- Spinal Cord Cytoarchitecture of Fishes with Short and Non-Continuous Median Fins: Mystus Nemurus (Baung) and Pangasius Pangasius (Patin) with Emphasis on Motor Neuronal Organisation , Biological Sciences Graduate Congress (BSGC), Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (International) (15 Dec 2010 - 17 Dec 2010)
- Histological Analysis of the Effect of Nicotine on Rat Heart and Hepatocytes: A Preliminary Study, 19th Scientific Conference of Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia (EMSM), Sirim and Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia (EMSM) (National) (14 Dec 2010 - 16 Dec 2010)
- Effects of Gelam Honey on Sperm Quality and Testis Histology of Rats, 24th Malaysian Society of Physiology & Pharmacology Scientific Meeting , Malaysian Society of Physiology & Pharmacology (National) (01 Jun 2010 - 02 Jun 2010)
- Histological Characterization of Caudally Directed Cerebellum of Oreochromis sp. (Tilapia) and Leptobarbus Hoeveni (Jelawat), International Anatomical Sciences & Cell Biology Conference, Department of Anatomy (A Member of National University Health System), Microscopy Society Singapore, Singapore Neuroscience Association (International) (26 May 2010 - 29 May 2010)
- Spinal Cord Cytoarchitecture of Two Fishes With Long and Continuous Dorsal Fins: Juvenile Channa micropeltes (Toman) and Clarias sp. (Keli) With Emphasis on Motor Neuronal Organization, International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference, Department of Anatomy (A Member of National University Health System), Microscopy Society Singapore, Singapore Neuroscience Association (International) (26 May 2010 - 29 May 2010)
- Analysis of Neurons in Representative Section of Spinal Cord of Selected Local Birds, International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference, Department of Anatomy (A Member of National University Health System), Microscopy Society Singapore, Singapore Neuroscience Association (International) (26 May 2010 - 29 May 2010)
- Histological Characterization ff Frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) Spinal Cord Tissue Architecture, International Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology Conference , Department of Anatomy (A Member of National University Health System), Microscopy Society Singapore, Singapore Neuroscience Association (International) (26 May 2010 - 29 May 2010)
- Effects of Gelam Honey on Sperm Quality and Testis Histology of Rats, 24th MSPP Scientific Meeting , MSPP (International) (01 May 2010 - 02 May 2010)
- Diversity of Cerebellum in Relation to Swimming Movements of Local Freshwater Fishes, Innovation & Creativity Expo 2010 University Of Malaya, University Of Malaya Centre of Innovation & Commercialization (UMCIC) (University) (01 Apr 2010 - 03 Apr 2010)
- The Gross Morphology and Histology of Wound Healing With and Without Honey Treatment: A Preliminary Study, Innovation & Creativity Expo 2010 University Of Malaya, Centre of Innovation & Commercialization (UMCIC) (University) (01 Apr 2010 - 03 Apr 2010)
- Aktiviti Penghafalan dan Penggunaan Ganjaran dalam Pembelajaran: Analisis Kandungan dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Islam, Innovation and Creativity Expo 2010 University of Malaya (UMEXPO 2010), University of Malaya (University) (01 Apr 2010 - 03 Apr 2010)
- Diversity of Central Nervous System of Local Birds in Relation to Feeding Guilds: A Preliminary Study, Innovation & Creativity Expo 2010 University of Malaya, University of Malaya Centre of Innovation & Commercialization (UMCIC) (University) (01 Apr 2010 - 03 Apr 2010)
- Sequence of Wound Healing Process in Honey Treated Wound: A Preliminary Study, 2nd International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey (Honey:Agent for Sustainable Health), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Fama, Mardi (International) (13 Jan 2010 - 15 Jan 2010)
- The Efficacy of Apis mellifera Venom Towards Inflammation on Rat'S Paw and Its Effects on Selected Internal Organs: A Preliminary Histological Analysis, 2nd International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey (Honey:Agent for Sustainable Health), Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Fama, Mardi (International) (13 Jan 2010 - 15 Jan 2010)
- Diversity of Cerebellum In Relation to Swimming Movements of Local Freshwater Fishes, Simposium Biologi Malaysia 2009 (Symbiomas), Universiti Putra Malaysia (National) (17 Nov 2009 - 18 Nov 2009)
- Diversity of Central Nervous System of Local Birds: A Preliminary Study (Physiology), Simposium Biologi Malaysia 2009 (Symbiomas), Universiti Putra Malaysia (National) (17 Nov 2009 - 18 Nov 2009)
- Diversity of a Central Nervous System Structure: Spinal Cord of a Terrestrial Frog in Comparison to an Aquatic Fish, Simposium Biologi Malaysia 2009 (Simbiomas), Universiti Putra Malaysia (National) (17 Nov 2009 - 18 Nov 2009)
- The Gross Morphology and Histology of Wound Healing With and Without Honey Treatment: A Preliminary Study, The 3rd Regional Conference on Natural Resources in The Tropics (NRTrop3), Faculty of Resource Science & Technology, Unimas (International) (03 Aug 2009 - 05 Aug 2009)
- Histological Development of Selected Neural Structures of Dark-Sided Chorus Frog, Microhyla heymonsi (Amphibia: Anura)., Ekspo Penyelidikan Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2009, IPPP, Universiti Malaya (University) (13 Jan 2009 - 15 Jan 2009)
- Apa Kata Neurosains dan Islam Tentang Kemerosotan Mental?, Ekspo Penyelidikan Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2009, IPPP, Universiti Malaya (University) (13 Jan 2009 - 15 Jan 2009)
- Effects ff Goat Milk on Rat Testis Histology : A Preliminary Study, 27th Malaysian Society of Animal Production Conference, Malaysian Society of Animal Production (International) (17 May 2008 - 18 May 2008)
- Characterization of the Optic Tectum Lamination Using Histological Techniques , First Asean Microscopy Conference, Electron Microscopy Malaysia (International) (15 Mar 1997 - 15 Mar 1997)
- To Be Completed, First Congress of Federation of Asian Oceanian Neuroscience Societies and the First Regional Congress of International Brain Research Organizaion, IBRO & Thai Neuroscience Society (International) (20 Oct 1996 - 23 Oct 1996)
- Neuronal Cell Count and Morphometric Study of Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons after Chronic Nigella sativa Administration, Regional Conference on Materials and ASEAN Microscopy Conference (RCM & AMC) 2017, Microscopy Society Malaysia (International) (12 Dec 2017 - 13 Dec 2017)
- Potensi Program Akademik Sains Biokesihatan, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya Menyumbang kepada Usaha Mewujudkan Program Akademik Perubatan Melayu, Persidangan Antarabangsa Perubatan Melayu "Perubatan Melayu dari Pelbagai Perspektif", Akademi Pengajian Melayu & Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya (International) (15 Nov 2017 - 16 Nov 2017)
- Translation of A Global Reference on Care and Use of Animals by A Group of Novice Translators , The 16th International Conference on Translation, Malaysian Translators Association (MTA) (International) (08 Aug 2017 - 10 Aug 2017)
- LS 011-Visual confirmation of differentiated human adipose and teeth pulp derived mesenchymal stem cells into neuronal-like cells, 23rd Scientific Conference of the Microscopy Society Malaysia (SCMSM 2014), Microscopy Society Malaysia (National) (10 Dec 2014 - 12 Dec 2014)
- Recommendation on Use of Honey by Al-Quran & Its Application in the Study of Health Sciences, The Annual International Quranic Conference 2011, Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), University of Malaya (International) (11 Jan 2011 - 12 Jan 2011)
- Aplikasi Kaedah-kaedah Penghafazan al-Quran oleh Murid Menengah Rendah dan Kesannya Terhadap Pencapaian Hafazan dari Perspektif , The Annual International Quranic Conference 2011, Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), University of Malaya (International) (11 Jan 2011 - 12 Jan 2011)
- The Islamic and Science Perspectives on the Positive Effects of Honey on Cognitive Functions, International Conference on Traditional Medicine (CONTRAMED), CONTRAMED (International) (01 Jan 2011 - 01 Jan 2011)
- Penggunaan Ganjaran dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dari Perspektif Neurosains dan Tradisi Islam: Suatu Perbandingan., Seminar Islam, Sains dan Teknologi (01 Jan 2010)
- Histological Effects of Anatomy on Spinal Cord Motor Neurons of Bufo melanostictus, 7th Scientific Conference of the Electron Microscopy Society Malaysia (National) (01 Oct 1998)
- To be Completed, Fourth Ibro World Congress of Neuroscience  (International) (09 Jul 1995 - 14 Jul 1995)
- Science Teacher's View of Scientist-Teacher-Student Partnership (STSP) for STEM Education, The 1st National STEM Seminar 2018, Centre for Foundation Studies in Science University Malaya and The National STEM Movement (National) (31 Jul 2018 - 01 Aug 2018)
- Protective Effect of Thymoquinone against Induced Oxidant Injury by Toluene on Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells, 22nd Biological Sciences Graduate Congress, National University of Singapore (International) (19 Dec 2017 - 21 Dec 2017)
- -, Supervising the Unsupervisable Student & Fixing the Near-failing Thesis , Research, Supervision and Mentoring Unit, ADeC (University) (30 Oct 2015 - 30 Oct 2015)
- Quranic Sleep Therapy: Using Visual Hybrid Mobile Apps, Ekspo Inovasi Islam 2014 (i-INOVA '14) http://i-inova2014.usim.edu.my/, USIM (National) (28 Nov 2014 - 30 Nov 2014)
- -, Pre-International Conference for Autism/INCA 2014 Workshop of William L.Heward (Helping School-Age Students with Autism Succeed in Regular Classes), Anadolu University, Turkey (International) (14 Nov 2014 - 14 Nov 2014)
- -, Pre-International Conference for Autism/INCA 2014 Workshop of Svein Eiekesth (Discrete Trial & Naturalistic Teaching to Children with ASD), Anadolu University, Turkey (International) (14 Nov 2014 - 14 Nov 2014)
- -, Pre-Conference Workshop of AFLAS Congress 2014 (Workshop IACUC Function: The AAALAC International Perspective), AAALAC International (International) (10 Oct 2014 - 10 Oct 2014)
- -, Seminar Pendidikan Anak-anak Istimewa dalam Islam, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM)  (National) (20 Aug 2014 - 21 Aug 2014)
- -, Cell Culture & Flow Cytometry Workshop , Institut Biosains, UPM (National) (09 Sep 2013 - 12 Sep 2013)
- -, Workshop on Microscopy & Microanalytical Analysis: Transforming & Harnessing Microscopy & Microanalytical Laboratory Analysis, USM & Microscopy Society Malaysia (National) (21 Mar 2013 - 22 Mar 2013)
- -, Workshop on the Use of Rodents and Rabbits in Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) (National) (26 Feb 2013 - 28 Feb 2013)
- -, Pre-Congress Workshop: IACUC Training - International Standard Approaches , Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International) (International) (09 Oct 2012 - 09 Oct 2012)
- -, Basic IACUC Training Workshop, IACUC UM and Laboratory Animal Center, Fac of Medicine (University) (05 Sep 2012 - 05 Sep 2012)
- None, Neuroscience Seminar 2010, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (National) (22 Oct 2010 - 22 Oct 2010)
- None, ACMS Conference 2006: Globalising Higher Education in Malaysia (Towards World Class Universities), The Star (National) (18 Aug 2006 - 19 Aug 2006)
- None, Bengkel Sempadan Bioteknologi dari Perspektif Islam, IKIM & JHEAI Negeri Sembilan (National) (10 Aug 2004 - 11 Aug 2004)
- -, Malaysia / Australia Seminar on University Management, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (International) (05 Mar 2002 - 06 Mar 2002)
- (2022) Reviewer for The Article "The Construction of Fundamental Values of Islamic Economics: Learning from Ulul Alb B Verses", University, (Reviewer)
- (2021) Reviewer for Article "Religious Approach Practices in Malaysia to Supplement The Handling of Sexuality Issues of Adolescents With Autism", International, (Reviewer)
- (2021) MMedSc (2021) Biomarkers in traumatic brain injury and Hericium erinaceus extract as a neuroprotectant against glutamate-induced secondary brain injury in zebrafish larval model (by Ainur Azmira Zainuddin/ MGN180040) , (External Examiner)
- (2020) Reviewer for Article "Evaluation of Sleep Disturbances, Gastrointestinal Problems and Eating Behaviours in Turkish Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders", International, (Reviewer)
- (2020) Panel Evaluation for Impact Oriented Interdisciplinary Research Programme (IIRG) Cycle 3/2020 (19-25 August 2020), (Reviewer)
- (2020) Review Manucript No. MS#56 for Neuroscience Research Notes : "Arab-Muslims Legacy in Neuroscience: The Yin-Yang Concept" , (Reviewer)
- (2020) PhD (2020) PHYTOHAEMAGGLUTININ-INDUCED A EXPRESSION IN SH-SY5Y CELLS: AN IN VITRO MODEL TO STUDY ALZHEIMER S DISEASE (by Kinza Rafi / University of Karachi, Pakistan), (External Examiner)
- (2018) Reviewer of Article, International, (Reviewer)
- (2018) PhD (2018) THE MORPHOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR EFFECTS OF THYMOQUINONE ON SPERM OF NICOTINE TREATED MALE RATS (by Farah Dayana binti Rosli / HHC150002) , (Evaluation Panel Member)
- (2017) Manuscript Reviewer of : Ultrastructural Observation of three Stingless Bees species of Borneo for MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY, (Reviewer)
- (2017) UTM PhD (2017): Kesan Zikrullah terhadap Gelombang Otak berdasarkan Tarekat Mufarridiyah (by Iskandar) , (External Examiner)
- (2016) Reviewer manuscript no. 525172 for Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: "Application of the Extract of Ginkgo biloba (EGb) to Protect the Learning and Memory Damage of Rats under Repeated High Sustained +Gz Exposure." , (Reviewer)
- (2016) PhD (2016): Neuro-protection and Neuritin Expression by Lignosus rhinocerotis and Hericium erinaceus in PC12 Cells (by Tan Yong Hui/SHC140022) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2016) IPT Evaluation Panel for FRGS Grant Applications, (Evaluation Panel)
- (2016) PhD (2016) Research Ethics Review in Malaysia: Situational Analysis and for Continuous Improvement (by See Hooi Yan/SHB140007), (Panel of Examiners)
- (2015) MMedSc (2015) Effect Of Spirulina Platensis Supplementation On Behavioral And Histological Changes After Spinal Cord Injury In Rats (by IZZUDDIN BIN AZIZ / MGN110047), (Internal Examiner)
- (2015) Evaluate Poster Presentations in SKETMA 2015 , (Jury Member)
- (2014) Select a Qualified Candidate from the Academy of Islamic Studies to Compete at the University Level , (Jury Member)
- (2014) Frontier Science Research Cluster, (Science Fund Institutional Screening Panel Member)
- (2014) Programme of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Oral Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Medicine (DClinDent OMFPOM) , (Member of Internal Evaluating Panel)
- (2014) Sarjana Pengajian Media, (Member of Internal Evaluating Panel)
- (2014) Review Manuscript No. 2014_IJBcRR_13480 for International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review , (Reviewer)
- (2014) Selecting winners from presenters at the 5th International Neuroscience Symposium (27 September 2014), (Judge )
- (2013) UiTM MSc Applied Science (2013): Intracellular Calcium Release during In Vitro Mammalian Embryonic Development in the Presence of Kalanchoe Pinnata Extract (by Nor Azila Md Ludin) , (External Examiner)
- (2013) MSc (2013) The Anti-proliferative effect of Selected Medicinal Plants on Selected Carcinoma Cells Lines (by Shafinah Ahmad Suhaimi / SGR1101119) , (Evaluation Panel Member)
- (2013) MSc (2013) Effect of Extracts from Fruiting Bodies of Pleurotus pulmonarius on Mechanism of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)(by Mohamad Hamdi Zainal Abidin / SGR110125) , (Evaluation Panel Member)
- (2013) RMC Panel: Biotechnology and Bioproducts , (RMC Panel)
- (2012) MPhil: Candidature Defence Ijazah Sarjana Falsafah Semester 1, Sesi 2011/2012, Institut Pengajian Siswazah: Healing Effects of Goat Milk On Nicotine Treated Rat's Testis (by Anum Fairuz Ahmad Mazlan/ HGA 090011) , (Panel member)
- (2012) PhD: Development of Intra- and Interspecies Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Protocols Using Ear Fibroblast Cells and Donor Karyoplasts for Production of Cloned Caprine Embryos (by Kwong Phek Jin/ SHC070043) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) Rancangan Penyelidikan Skim Biasiswa National Science Fellowship (NSF) , (Reviewer)
- (2012) MSc: Lectin Based Proteomic Study of Urinary Proteins from Patients with Ovarian, Cervical and Endometrial Cancer (by Alan Mu KAng Wai/ SHC090080) , (Panel member)
- (2012) MSc: Production of Caprine and Bovine In Vitro-fertilised as well as Parthenogenetic Embryos and an Attempt to Vitrify In Vivo and In Vitro-derived Embryos (by Tan Wei Lun/ SGR080107) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) MSc: Using Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast (MEF) as Feeder Cells for Production of Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) Line in the Murine and Caprine (by Goh Siew Ying/ SGR080108) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2012) MPhil: Candidature Defence Ijazah Sarjana Falsafah Semester 1, Sesi 2011/2012, Institut Pengajian Siswazah: Effect of the Synthetic Hormone Stimulation on the Maturity and Reproductive Performance of Female Catfish, Clarias gariepinus (by Ahmad Junaidi Mohd Shukri/ HGA 100006) , (Panel member)
- (2011) Jawatankuasa Pengajian Bagi Mengkaji Penawaran Program Berintegrasi bagi (a) Ijazah Sarjana Neurosains dan Ijazah Doktor Neurosains Secara Mod Campuran oleh Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan, (Advisory Committee)
- (2011) MSc: Production of Goat Offspring from In Vivo-derived Embryos Through Embryos Transfer Technique (by Xiao Zhi Chao / SGR090154) , (Panel member)
- (2011) MMedSc: Fate of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Human Bone Marrow After Transplantation into Acutely Injured Rat Spinal Cord (by Masro Mohamad @ Puad/ MGN070002) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2011) PhD: Peripheral Nerve Regeneration and Repair by Aqueous Extract of Lion's Mane Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (BULL.:FR) Pers -- by Wong Kah Hui. , (Internal Examiner)
- (2010) MSc: Immunomodulatory Activity of Selected Solanaceae (by Rebecca Ng Fang Ling / SGR080068) , (Panel member)
- (2010) MSc. Bioactivity and Chemical Investigations of Ervatamia coronaria and Tinospora crispa (by Heida Nadia Zulkefli / SGR090019) , (Panel member)
- (2008) M.Sc. (2008) Developmental Competence of In Vitro Fertilized Embryos Following Hyperstimulation Procedure and Vitrification of In Vitro Produced Caprine Embryo (by Chan Wai Kit) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2007) Ph.D. (2007): Goat Embryo Production from In Vitro Matured Heterogenous Oocytes Fertilised by Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Technique (by Abu Nasar Md Aminoor Rahman) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2007) M.Sc. (2007): Production of Caprine Embryos Through In Vitro Maturation, Fertilization & Culture (IVMFC) Techniques (by Anna Aryani Amir) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2007) M.Sc. (2007): Antimicrobial Antioxidant and Stimulation of Neurite Outgrowth Activities of Hericium erinaceus (BULL.:FR) Pers (by Wong Kah Hui) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2006) Ph.D. (2006): IVF Performance of Different Qualities of Oocyte using Co-culture and Chemically-defined Medium in Malaysian Cattle (by Habsah Bidin) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2006) M.Sc. (2005/06): Development of a PCR-based Method for Sex Determination of Caprine Embryos Produced FRO In Vitro Maturation, Fertilization and Culture Technique (by Alice Phua Choon Yen) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2006) Ph.D. (2006): Movement Characteristic and Ultrastructural Images of Goat Sperm in Relation to Sperm Penetration Assay (by Noor Hashida Hashim) , (Internal Examiner)
- (2004) UKM M.Med. (2003/04): Morfologi Neuron Motor yang Mensarafi Otot Hamstring dan Kajian Feasibiliti Pemindahan Saraf Interkosto-lumbasarkal pada Kera Makan-Ketam (Macaca fascicularis) (by Dr. Tengku Azam Shah Tengku Mohamad), (External Examiner)
- (2001) M.Sc. (2000/01): Assessment of Fresh and Frozen Semen Quality by Computer Automated Semen Analyzer (CASA) in Malaysian Men (by Khaniza Hasliza Abdul Khalil) , (Internal Examiner)
- (1997) M.Sc. (1996/97): Penyejukbekuan Embrio Mencit Pada Berbagai Peringkat Perkembangan yang Diperolehi Secara Persenyawaan In Vitro and In Vivo Dengan Menggunakan Alat Sejukbeku Terprogram (by Noor Hashida Hashim) , (Internal Examiner)
- (1996) Ph.D. (1995/96): In Vitro Studies of Maturation and Fertilization of Oocytes and Subsequent Culture of Embryos in Goats (by Mohd. Hamim Rajikin) , (Internal Examiner)
Contribution to external organisation
- (2021) Webinar Muzakarah Pakar :Analisis Terhadap Pengharmonian Sains dan Islam di Malaysia (Siri 3) : Aplikasi Kaedah Integrasi Islam dan Sains", PUSAT KAJIAN SAINS & ALAM SEKITAR, INSTITUT KEFAHAMAN ISLAM MALAYSIA (IKIM)
- (2019) TRANSLATOR OF QUESTIONNAIRE FORM ABEER CHILDREN DENTAL ANXIETY SCALE (ACDAS) FOR RESEARCH PROJECT IIRG026A-2019 / Dental Approaches for Paediatric Oncology Patients: Characteristics of the Population Treated at the Paediatric Dentistry Clinic, University of Malaya , DENTAL FACULTY, UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
- (2018) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Standard Program Diploma Perubatan Tradisional Melayu (PTM), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)
- (2018) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Standard Program Diploma Perubatan Melayu (PTM), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM)
- (2017) Ahli Jawatankuasa Persidangan Antarabangsa Perubatan Melayu 2017 "Perubatan Melayu dari Pelbagai Perspektif", Akademi Pengajian Melayu Dan Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya
- (2017) Panel Pembentang Sesi Perkongsian Isu-isu Pematuhan dan Etika di Universiti Malaya, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science
- (2017) Chairperson for Session, International Conference on Malay Medicine 2017 (ICMM2017, Academy Of Malay Study (APM) and Faculty Of Science and Institute Of Physical Science, Culture And Art and Heritage Association Of Malay Massage
- (2016) Ketua Panel Penilai bagi permohonan pengakreditasian penuh program Diploma Teknologi Makmal Perubatan, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science
- (2016) Teaching Facilitator for Basic Histological Technique for Animal Tissue Course, Biohealth Science Programme, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya
- (2015) Penyediaan Handbook for Assessment Untuk Staf Akademik UM, University of Malaya
- (2014) Responsible for ISB Activities (4 Undergrade Students Industrial Training Attachments) Under Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Academic Corporation, University of Malaysa and University of Brunei Darussalam , International
- (2014) Responsible for ISB Activities (1 Graduate Student Inbound Program Research Attachment) Under Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Academic Corporation, University of Malaya and Brawijaya University, Indonesia , International
- (2014) Responsible for CQR Activities (1 Graduate Student Outbound Program/ Research Attachment) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Academic Corporation, Center for Quranic Research (CQR), University of Malaya and Research Institute for Individuals with Disabilities (RIND), University of Anadolu (Turkey) , International
- (2014) Jawatankuasa Pemetaan Penyelidikan al-Quran dan Sains, Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM)
- (2013) Responsible for ISB Activities (3 Staff visits, 4 Undergraduates & 1 Graduate Students Research Attachments, 5 Undergraduate Students Industrial Training Attachments) Under Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Academic Corporation, University of Malaya and International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi, Pakistan, International
- (2008) Penyediaan Program Latihan Jurulatih (Training of Trainers for gifted in Science) Bagi ASEAN+3 Centre for the Gifted in Sciemce (ACGS), Korea , Bahagian Pendidikan Guru, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
- (1990) Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemeriksa Program Ijazah Pertama, Fakulti Sains Level (Department, Faculty)Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya
Under Graduate Students
- (2019) Preliminary study on the effect of tender Coco nucifera l. water consumption on non-spatial memory performance of adult female sprague dawley rats -- by Nabilah binti Rumainor (IIS160017/17181854)
- (2019) Prelimanary study on the effect of tender Cocos nucifera l. on non-spatial memory performance of adult male sprague dawley rats by -- Wan Nurazween Izatee binti Wan Hasnan (SIK170029/17114940)
- (2019) Prelimanary study on the effect of mature coconut water (Cocos nucifera l.) on non-spatial memory performance of adult male sprague dawley rats -- by Noor Zaimah binti Rubaai (17100547)
- (2019) Industrial Training in Biohealth Science -- Seentusha A/P K. Balakrishnan (SIK160051)
- (2019) Industrial Training in Biohealth Science -- Nabilah binti Rumainor (IIS160017/17181854)
- (2019) Effects of matured Cocos nucifera l. water on non-spatial performance of adult female Sprague dawley rats -- by Nur Shaheera Aidilla binti Sahrizan (SIK160043/17195869)
- (2018) Preliminary Study on the Effects of Gamma-Terpinene, A Bioactive Compuond of Nigella Sativa, on Non-Spatial Memory of Adult Mice -- Noor Najihah Ibrahim (IIS150014)
- (2018) Preliminary Study on the Effects of Carvacrol, A Bioactive Compound of Nigella Sativa on Non-Spatial Memory of Adult Mice -- Nur Aimi Zohari (SIK160020)
- (2018) Industrial Training in Biohealth Science -- Sukchinda Nai Chuan (SEK150057)
- (2018) Industrial Training in Biohealth Science -- Sabrina Ameera binti Mahd Sharipuddin (SEK150044)
- (2017) Protection from toluene induced stem cell death by thymol -- Wardah Othman (IIS140030)
- (2017) Protection from toluene induced stem cell death by carvacrol -- Nurhusna Abd Samad (IIS140017)
- (2017) Preliminary study on the effects of Nigella sativa oil on non-spatial memory of adult mice -- Noorul Syahirah Aimi Mohd Nazri (SEK150033)
- (2017) Effects of Nigella sativa oil on Wharton s jelly mesenchymal stem cells -- Nurul Athirah Zulkifli (SEK150043)
- (2017) Effects of Nigella sativa crude extract on Wharton s jelly mesenchymal stem cells -- Nurul Amalina Mohamad Nor (IIS140019)
- (2017) Cytotoxicity effect of thymoquinone on Wharton s jelly mesenchymal stem cells -- Leong Xin Wei (SEK150011)
- (2016) Protective effects of thymoquinone against oxidant injury on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell by toluene -- Najihah Najwa Binti Rahmat (SEK140017)
- (2016) Protective effects of carvacrol against oxidant injury on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell by toluene -- Nur Ashiqen Binti Mohd Noh (SEK130008)
- (2016) Penggunaan ubatan alternatif / komplementari yang mengandungi Nigella sativa -- Nor Farhanim Binti Zainol (IIS130008)
- (2016) Optimising beta-mercaptoethanol induction of Wharton s jelly mesenchymal stem cell to neuronal-like cell with thymoquinone -- Siti Najiehah Binti Zainuddin (SEK140039)
- (2016) Effect of thymoquinone in Nigella sativa on the crushed sciatic nerve injury of Fejervarya limnocharis -- Liang Qing Xiao (SEK140703)
- (2016) Effect of carvacrol in Nigella sativa on the crushed sciatic nerve injury of Fejervarya limnocharis -- Nur Athirah Bt Hamzah (SEK140020)
- (2015) Research on oxidant injury effects due to toluene treatment -- Nor Suliana Mustafa
- (2015) Derivation of Wharton's Jelly Stem Cell and Attempt to Differentiate into Neuronal-like Cell -- by Nurul Farah Aina Md. Fauzi
- (2015) Comparative Morphometric Study of Hippocampal Neurons after Nigella sativa or Tualang Honey Treatments -- by Nur Lisa Mohd Yusoff
- (2013) Perincian Pola Tidur dan Gangguan Tidur Kanak-Kanak: Kajian Kes Autisme Berfungsi Rendah (Low Functioning Autism) -- by Fakrul Rozie Musa (IES110007)
- (2013) Industrial Training: Institute of Public Health (Noorul Nadia Azizi)
- (2013) Industrial Training: Institute of Public Health (Hanina Zulaikha Mohd Redzuan)
- (2013) Face Processing in Children with Low Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Facial Expression and Facial Identity -- by Asiyath Fathimath (SES100742)
- (2013) Face Processing in Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Facial Identity Based on Facial Features -- by AlMarri Haifa Mohammad (SES100713)
- (2013) Establishment of Human Teeth Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiation Protocol into Neuronal-Like Cells Using β-mercaptoethanol -- by Nabilah Husna Kamaruddin (SEK110007)
- (2013) Differentiation Protocol of Human Wharton's Jelly Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell into Neuronal-Like Cells Induced by β-mercaptoethanol -- by Siti Mariam Abd Gani (SEK110018)
- (2013) Differentiation of Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Celss into Neuronal-Like Cells by Optimized Concentration β-mercaptoethanol -- by Zaidah binti Shabudin (SEK110023)
- (2012) The Differentiation Potential of Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BMSCs) Into Cardiac-Like Cells Following Zebularine Treatment -- by Khairul Fidaa Khairul Bazli (SEK090010)
- (2012) Pengambilan Madu dan Habbatus Sauda sebagai Perubatan Tradisi Komplementari dalam Kalangan Pelajar Muslim Antarabangsa di Universiti Malaya -- by Nurul Atiqah Mahdom (IES100024)
- (2012) Neurotoxicity of Immunosuppressant and Food as Complementary Medicine: Case study of Heart Recipient in Malaysia -- by Mohd Noor Musa
- (2012) Identification of Neuronal Morphology and Neuronal Specific Proteins in Neuronal-like Cells Differentiated from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Treated with B-Mercaptoethanol -- by Maizatul Fazilah Abdul Razak (SES100164)
- (2012) Histological Analysis of Rat Hippocampus after Honey and Nicotine Chronic Treatments -- by Muhd Zulshamalin Nasrullah Musa (SES 100165)
- (2012) Characterizations of Isolated Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Differentiated Neuronal-like Cells Induced by β-mercaptoethanol -- by Anbarieh Saadat (SEK110007)
- (2012) Characterization of Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Their Potential to Differentiate into Cardiomyocyte-like Lineage after 5-azacytidine Treatment -- by Noorezatey Mohamed (SES100166)
- (2011) Histological Study of Effects of Honey and Nicotine on Hippocampus of Rats -- by Munira Abdullahi Mohamed (SEK090701)
- (2011) Factors Affecting Feeding Behaviour of Granivorous Bird (Streptopelia chinensis) -- by Saharul Kasim (SEK090018)
- (2011) Effects of Honey and Nicotine on the Brain of Adult Rats -- by Hanim Zakaria (SEK090006)
- (2011) Effect of Honey and Nicotine on Lungs of Adult Rats -- by Tengku Nur Aishah Tengku Seman (IES090054)
- (2010) The Effects of Nigella Sativa Oil on Spatial Memory of Male Adult Rats: A Preliminary Study -- by Fatma Abdulrahim (SEK080701)
- (2010) The Effect of Habbatus Sauda Oil on Sperm Parameters and Testis Histology of Adult Rats -- by Noor Juliyana Razmi (IES080050)
- (2010) Effects of Nenas Honey Intake on Spatial Memory of Male Adult Rats -- by Mohamad Khairul Azali Bin Sahak (SEK080014)
- (2009) Nicotine Effects on Sperm and Testis of Rats -- by Asiyah Hasanah Aizuddin (IES070016)
- (2009) Morphological and Histological Characterization of Brain of Munia (Lonchura maja) and Pigeon (Columba livia) -- by Hani Shuhaireen Mohd Hanafiah (SEK070008)
- (2009) Morphological and Histological Analysis of Effects of Gelam Honey and Nicotine on the Cardiopulmonary Organs of Juvenile Rats -- by Ong Siew Ling (SEK070021)
- (2009) Kesan Pengambilan Madu dalam Tempoh Pendek terhadap Memori Spatial dan Prestasi Tikus Juvenil -- by Nabilah Ismail (IES070058)
- (2009) Kesan Madu Gelam terhadap Sperma dan Testis Tikus -- by Nor Syazana (IES070070)
- (2009) Initial Effects of Crushed Sciatic Nerve of Asian Grass Frog: Behavioural and Histological Aspects -- by Ng Yee Ching (SEK070016)
- (2009) Initial Effects of Crushed Injury to Brachial Nerve of Fejervarya limnocharis: Behavioural, Gross morphological and Histological -- by Munirah Ibrahim (SEK070014)
- (2009) Effects of Nicotine on Working and Reference Memories in Juvenile Rats: A Preliminary Study -- by Khalilah Haris (IES070032)
- (2008) Kajian sistem saraf pusat ikan sepat, Trichogaster sp. -- by Khairunnisa Mansor (IES060021)
- (2008) Hubungan kelakuan dan ciri-ciri sistem pusat ikan toman bunga (Channa lucius) dan ikan daun (Acrossocheilus deuratus) -- by Siti Fatimah Ab Ghaffar (SES060641)
- (2008) Histological study of nicotine treatment effects on lung of rats -- by Lim Huey Chee (SES060825)
- (2008) Histological analysis of the effect of nicotine on rat testis -- by Lim Hui Fern (SES060275)
- (2008) Histological analysis of the effect nicotine on rat heart: A preliminary study -- by Loh Wei Mee (SES060848)
- (2008) Histological analysis of nicotine-treated hepatocytes of rats -- by Low Shee Ying (SES060305)
- (2008) Database Development of Central Nervous System Rostral Structures for Selected Local Freshwater Fishes -- by Samihah Mohd Nor
- (2008) Database Development for Central Nervous System (CNS) Caudal Structures of Selected Local Freshwater Fishes -- by Siti Nur Azlinda Suhada Mohamad Sabri
- (2008) Analisa histologi kesan anti-inflamasi bisa lebah Malaysia (Apis mellifera) terhadap tisu tapak kaki dan paru-paru tikus -- by Siti Aishah Mohd Noor Haq Poh (IES060087)
- (2008) Analisa histologi kesan anti-inflamasi bisa lebah Malaysia (Apis mellifera) ke atas tisu tapak kaki, jantung dan hati tikus -- by Nurul Wahida Che Mat Zuki (IES060073)
- (2007) The effects of goat milk on the histology of prostate gland
- (2007) The development of central nervous system of Oreochromis sp. (red tilapia) -- by Lai Sieaw Ching (SES050309)
- (2007) Studies on the effects of goat milk on the histology of rat testis -- by Lau Hooi Chin (SES050315)
- (2007) Pencirian sistem saraf pusat ikan kaloi (Osphronemus sp.) -- by Zulfa Izza Mohamed@Hashim (SES050983)
- (2007) Morphology and histology of prostate gland in different mice strains (CBA/ca, C57BL/6J, ICR) -- by Tan Ching Ching (SES050820)
- (2007) Morphological and histological study of the brain of Corvus splendens (house crow)
- (2007) Histology of spinal cord of different mice strains
- (2007) Histological development of selected neural structures of dark-sided Chorus frog, Microhyla heymonsi (Amphibia: Anura)
- (2007) Histological Characterization of the Cerebellum of Pangasius pangasius (Patin) and Clarias macrocephalus (Keli) -- by Shamiza Ahmad Shaharudin (SES050749)
- (2007) Gross morphology and histology of wound healing with honey and without honey treatment -- by Tan Mui Koon (SES050837)
- (2007) Central Nervous System of a Selected Local Fish (Belida)
- (2007) Anatomy of spinal cord of Clarias macrocephalus (keli) and Pangasius pangasius (patin) -- by Kwong Soke Chee
- (2007) Anatomical characterization of the cerebellum of Pangasius pangasius (patin) and Clarias macrocephalus (keli)
- (2006) Studies On The Central Nervous System Of Channa Micropeltes -- by Tan Woon Chean
- (2006) Studies of the central nervous system of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) -- by Adela Ida Anak Jiram (SES040006)
- (2006) Kajian sistem saraf pusat (Mysius nemurus) ikan baung sungai -- by Ngui Saim Tung (SES040542)
- (2006) Kajian sistem saraf pusat ikan lampam jawa (Puntius gonionotus) -- by Khor Chiw Zyee (SES040295)
- (2006) Kajian sistem saraf pusat ikan ketutu, (Oxyeleotris marmorata) -- by Normasliha Ismail (SES040640)
- (2006) Kajian sistem saraf pusat ikan jelawat, (Leptobarbus hoeveni) -- by Chia Wan Ling (SES040099)
- (2005) Tidur Dari Perspektif Islam & Neurosains -- by Mimi Aspahani Hamat (IEJ020035)
- (2005) Studies on the Central Nervous System of Freshwater Catfish (Clarius macrocephalus) -- by Tiong Yin Xin, Sheena
- (2005) Studies on the Central Nervous System of Anabas testudineus (Climbing Perch) -- by Tan Kia Hooi
- (2005) Studies of the central nervous system of swamp eel, Monopterus albus -- by Koh Kae Ling (SES030251)
- (2005) Penuaan: Dari Perspektif Islam dan Neurosains -- by Mohd Amzari Tumiran (IEJ020013)
- (2005) Kajian Sistem Saraf Pusat Ikan Tilapia (Cichlidae) -- by Foo Cheau Yee (SES030146)
- (2005) Kajian Sistem Saraf Pusat Ikan Patin, Pangasius pangasius -- by Wong Hooi Yee (SES030738)
- (2005) Kajian sistem saraf pusat ikan lee koh, Cyprinus carpio -- by Yu Ke Xin (SES030796)
- (2005) Development of a database for (neuronal) reticular groups of the brain stem
- (2004) Kajian status kesihatan kalangan warga emas kes Rumah Ehsan Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor Darul Ehsan
- (2002) Kajian pengambilan bahan mengandungi kafeina di kalangan pelajar Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya -- by Aisyah Hasyila Jahidin (SES990686)
- (2002) Kajian kecederaan yang dialami oleh pelajar UM dan UKM ahli Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia -- by Suriati Rashidi (SES98470)
- (1999) Kajian kes pengambilan produk tambahan untuk kecerdasan otak di kalangan pelajar Tahap IIII Universiti Malaya -- by Muslaini Abd. Manaf (SES97009)
- (1999) Kajian kes pengambilan produk makanan tambahan bagi pengurangan berat badan di kalangan pelajar Tahap III Universiti Malaya -- by Suzaini Badrudin (SES97433)
- (1997) Kromatolisis ke atas Neuron Motor Korda Spina di Aras Lumbar Pada Katak Tempatan, Bufo melanostictus
- (1997) Korda Spina Mus musculus : Pencirian dan Kesan Aksotomi Saraf Siatik
- (1996) Pencirian Korda Spina Bufo melanosticus Menggunakan Teknik-teknik Neuroanatomi
- (1995) Perkembangan S.S.P. katak tempatan, Polypedates leucomystax (Boie) dari peringkat berudu hingga ke peringkat dewasa -- by Rohaya Mamat
- (1995) Perbandingan Korda Spina Antara Dua Spesies Haiwan, Bufo melanosticus dan Periophthalmodon schlosseri
- (1994) Sistem visual (Komponen sistem saraf pusat) ikan haruan, Channa striata -- by Mahassan Mamat
- (1994) Pencirian tektum optik ikan sebarau, Hampala macrolepidota -- by Hamidah Ismail
- (1994) Pencirian sistem saraf pusat dua spesies ikan tembakul, Periophthalmus chrysospilos dan Periophthalmodon schlosseri -- by Mohamad Ijaz Shaik Mohamed Mohiyaddin
Postgraduate Student
(2022) Preconditioning of mesenchymal stem cells with small molecules for neuronal regeneration: Role of signaling pathways, Aisha Muhammad Ishaque (International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi)
(2022) Ecology and Conservation of Snow Leopards (Panthera uncia) in the Pamir Mountain Range, Central Asia, JAFFAR UD DIN
(2018) Use of Nigella sativa in addressing memory of neurodegenerative diseases in animal model, Kumararoobini A/P Poobalan
(2017) Development of a biopsychospiritual model of coping in Muslim families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Siti Patonah Mohamad
(2016) Kesan terapi praktikal ibadah Ramadhan dan rangsangan auditori menggunakan surah Al-Quran terpilih terhadap gangguan tidur kanak-kanak autistik, Mohd Amzari bin Tumiran
(2015) Ecology and conservation of snow leopard in Pakistan, Jaffar Ud Din
(2008) Comparisons of feeding ecology in Macaca fascicularis within fragmented forest habitats (Appointed as caretaker for student), Arab Suhair Hassan A
(2005) Kajian mikroskop elektron ke atas sistem saraf pusat (sistem visual) ikan air tawar tempatan terpilih, Mahassan Mamat
(2000) Factors affecting selected cytoplasmic and nuclear structure of mouse gametes and embryo using ICC technique with reference to fertilizing competency, Nooraain Hashim
(2023) Neurobehavioral and Neurohistological Effects of Nigella sativa after Neurotoxicant Toluene Administration in Mice, NUR LISA BINTI MOHD YUSOFF
(2017) Neurobehavioral and neurohistological effects of Nigella sativa after toluene administration in mice, Nur Lisa Mohd Yusoff
(2017) Effects of Nigella sativa on the culture of human wharton jelly mesenchymal stem cells and their differentiation to neuronal-like cells, Ainul Fatihah binti Muhammad Alimin
(2017) Cellular cytoskeletal changes produced after oxidant injury and the possible healing by compounds from Nigella sativa, Mohd Suhaimi bin Draman
(2017) Effect of monoterpenes derived from Nigella sativa on the neuronal lineage differentiation of MSCs, Aisha Muhammad Ishaque (International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi)
(2014) Project of inbound program: Prevention of Alzheimer's disease with mitochondria-targeted antioxidants from Nigella sativa in-vitro, Nur Hidayati Azhar
(2013) Morphological, histological and cytological comparison of selected brain and spinal cord regions of strong flying Passeriformes and weak flying Galliformes, Bibi Shaswani binti Zulbadri
(2012) The effects of Nigella sativa (Habbatus sauda) oil on sperm and testis of nicotine treated rats, Ng Cho Ping
(2012) Kajian kanak-kanak autistik dalam mempelajari Al-Quran: Dari perspektif neurosains, Siti Patonah Mohamad
(2012) Effects of Nigella sativa oil on spatial memory and related brain regions of nicotine treated male adult rats, Mohamad Khairul Azali Sahak
(2011) Differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into cardiac-like cells, Ramin Khanabdali
(2010) Madu dan kaitannya dengan memori dari perspektif sains dan tradisi Islam, Mohd Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi
(2010) Konsep tidur dari perspektif neurosains dan Islam: Pemahaman dalam kalangan guru dan murid serta implikasinya dalam pendidikan, Mohd Amzari bin Tumiran
(2009) Penggunaan ganjaran dalam pengukuhan pembelajaran di peringkat menengah rendah sekolah agama rakyat dari perspektif neurosains, Mohamad Khairudin Bajuri
(2008) Spinal motor neuronal organisation of selected local freshwater fishes in relation to median fin innervations, Kwong Soke Chee
(2008) Spinal motor innervation of selected local freshwater fishes with differently distributed fins, Kwong Soke Chee
(2008) Spinal cord organization spinal of a local amphibian through neurohistogical stainings and immunohistochemistry, Joan Tang May Yin
(2008) Penghafazan Al-Quran dari perspektif neurosains kognitif: Kajian di kalangan murid menengah rendah di Kuala Terengganu, Zulfa Izza Mohamed @ Hashim
(2008) Histology of wound healing treated with selected Malaysian honey, Tan Mui Koon
(2008) Characterization of CNS of selected local tree roosting and ground birds, Bibi Shaswani Zulbadri
(2008) Characterization of cerebellum with different rostro-caudal axis orientations of selected local freshwater fishes, Shamiza Ahmad Shaharudin
(1997) Neuroanatomy of the Visual System of a Local Fish, MAHASSAN BIN MAMAT
(1995) Characterization of the visual input primary processing center of Channa Striata, Mahassan Mamat
- (2018) SIX1002 - Ethics and Safety
- (2017) SIX1002 - Ethics and Safety
- (2017) SSGS6111 - Research Methodology
- (2017) SXX7001 - Research Methodology in Science
- (2016) SIX1002 - Ethics and Safety
- (2018) SHEK2103 - Histology
- (2018) SHEK2273 - Biohealth Science Practical 1
- (2018) SHEK3201 - Neurobiology
- (2018) SIK2002 - Fundamental Research Skills in Biohealth Science
- (2018) SIK2007 - Histology
- (2017) SHEK2103 - Histology
- (2017) SHEK3304 - Diseases of Central Nervous System
- (2017) SIK3006 - Neurobiology
- (2016) SHEK2103 - Histology
- (2016) SHEK3201 - Neurobiology
- (2013) SHEK2103 - Histology
- (2013) SHEK3201 - Neurobiology
- (2013) SHES2430 - Neurobiology
- (2012) SHES2134 - Histology
- (2012) SHES3330 - Diseases of The Nervous System
- (2011) SHES2134 - Histology
- (2011) SHES2134 - Histology
- (2011) SHES2430 - Neurobiology
- (2010) SHES2134 - Histology
- (2010) SHES2134 - Histology
- (2010) SHES2430 - Neurobiology
- (2010) SHES3330 - Diseases of The Nervous System
- (2009) SHES2134 - Histology
- (2009) SHES2139 - Human Anatomy
- (2009) SHES2430 - Neurobiology
- (2008) SHES2134 - Histology
- (2008) SHES2430 - Neurobiology
- (2008) SHES3330 - Diseases of The Nervous System
- (2007) SHES2004 - Human Biology
- (2006) SHES2004 - Human Biology
- Literary Work: Tidur Menurut Perspektif Sains Moden dan Sains IslamCopyright (National)
- Literary Work: Panduan Penjagaan dan Penggunaan Haiwan MakmalCopyright (National)
- Literary Work: Women's Involvement in Science and Technology in the Universities of Malaysia.Copyright (National)
- Committee of 28th Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia, (18 Dec 2019 - 20 Dec 2019)
- Chairperson of The 28th Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia, (18 Dec 2019 - 20 Dec 2019)
- Head of Committee of Exhibition Poster in The 9th Annual International Quranic Conference, (26 Nov 2019 - 27 Nov 2019)
- Host a Forum (Forum Inspirasi Muslimat: Lembut Di Mata Kental Di Hati With Cik Nur Heliza Helmi and Puan Roszie Amir) At Muslimah Fair 2019, Masjid Jamek Sultan Abdul Aziz (Mjsaa), Petaling Jaya --- Https://Youtu.Be/Ns4vzyohnei, (05 Oct 2019 - 05 Oct 2019)
- Penyelaras Zon (Zon-C) Untuk Pertandingan Malaysian Brain Bee Challenge (Mbbc) 2016 Untuk Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Bagi Ke Pertandingan International Brain Bee (Ibb) 2018, (02 Jan 2018 - 28 Dec 2018)
- Organize Workshop On Advanced Characterization Techniques: New Horizons for Microscopy and Elemental Analysis, (29 Mar 2017 - 30 Mar 2017)
- Penilai Luar Bagi Urusan Kenaikan Pangkat Staf Akademik Ke Jawatan Profesor Madya Gred Dm54, (16 Feb 2017 - 16 Feb 2017)
- Chairperson of The 25th Scientific Conference Microscopy Society of Malaysia (Scmsm 2016-Silver Jubilee), (07 Dec 2016 - 08 Dec 2016)
- Penyelaras Zon (Zon-C) Untuk Pertandingan Malaysian Brain Bee Challenge (Mbbc) 2016 Untuk Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Bagi Ke Pertandingan International Brain Bee (Ibb) 2016, (10 Jan 2016 - 05 May 2016)
- Chairperson of Organizing Committee- Current Issues in Laboratory Animal Care and Use Symposium, Organized by UM Iacuc and Mosti, (08 Oct 2015 - 08 Oct 2015)
- Malaysian Brain Bee Challenge Assistant to International Brain Bee Challenge 2015 (Cairns, Australia), (20 Aug 2015 - 26 Aug 2015)
- Penasihat Seminar Kebangsaan Teknologi Makmal Ke-12, (09 Feb 2015 - 11 Feb 2015)
- Ahli Jawatankuasa Kecil Penerbitan & Juri Pembentangan Poster Seminar Kebangsaan Teknologi Makmal Ke-12, (09 Feb 2015 - 11 Feb 2015)
- Organising Committee Member of Sri Aman Musical Colours, (23 Jan 2015 - 24 Jan 2015)
- Penyelaras Zon (Zon-C) Untuk Pertandingan Malaysian Brain Bee Challenge (Mbbc) 2015 Untuk Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Bagi Ke Pertandingan International Brain Bee (Ibb) 2015, (10 Jan 2015 - 05 May 2015)
- Committee Member of Microscopy Society Malaysia for The 23rd Scientific Conference of The Microscopy Society Malaysia, (10 Dec 2014 - 12 Dec 2014)
- Chairperson of The 23rd Scientific Conference of The Microscopy Society Malaysia (Scmsm 2014), (10 Dec 2014 - 12 Dec 2014)
- Judge in The 23rd Scientific Conference of The Microscopy Society Malaysia (Scmsm 2014), (10 Dec 2014 - 12 Dec 2014)
- Scientific Contribution to Eco Fresh Innovation Project: Projek Inovasi 'Eco Repel' 2014, (02 Jun 2014 - 31 Jul 2014)
- AJK Induk Persatuan Alumni SMK(P) Sri Aman, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, (08 Mar 2014 - 31 Mar 2017)
- AJK Induk Pibg SMK (P) Sri Aman, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, (08 Feb 2014 - 07 Feb 2015)
- Penyelaras Zon (Zon- Central) Untuk Pertandingan Malaysian Brain Bee Challenge (Mbbc) 2014 Untuk Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Bagi Ke Pertandingan International Brain Bee (Ibb) 2014, (10 Jan 2014 - 05 May 2014)
- Judge for Best Photomicrograph Competition in 22nd Scientific Conference of Microscopy Society Malaysia (Msm 2013), (26 Nov 2013 - 28 Nov 2013)
- Invited Guest in Talk Show of Radio Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (Ikimfm), Slot Sains & Islam: Kaitan Otak, Jasad, Kepercayaan & Akhlak (3), (08 Nov 2013 - 08 Nov 2013)
- Invited Guest in Talk Show of Radio Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (Ikimfm), Slot Sains & Islam: Kaitan Otak, Jasad, Kepercayaan & Akhlak (2), (01 Nov 2013 - 01 Nov 2013)
- Ahli Kumpulan Projek Libatsama Universiti-Komuniti Flagship USM 2013/2014 - Projek Jujukan Timbal Balas Minda, (01 Oct 2013 - 01 Oct 2014)
- Facilitator of Visit by Delegates (Local & International) of Sri Aman Environmental Youth Leadership Summit (Saeyls) 2012 to Fac of Science and Rimba Ilmu, (03 Apr 2013 - 03 Apr 2013)
- Committee Member of Alumni Sek Men (P) Sri Aman 2013-2021, (02 Mar 2013 - 01 Mar 2021)
- Chairperson & Facilitator to Visit by Delegates (Local & International) of Sri Aman Environmental Youth Leadership Summit (Saeyls) 2012 to Rimba Ilmu, (05 Apr 2012 - 05 Apr 2012)
- Committee Member of Alumni Sek Men (P) Sri Aman 2012-2013, (03 Mar 2012 - 02 Mar 2013)
- Chairperson Program Alumni (Sri Aman) Sireh Pulang Ke Gagang, (01 Nov 2011)
- Vice President Sm (P) Sri Aman Alumni, Selangor, (26 Mar 2011 - 03 Mar 2012)
- Session Chairman in The 19th Scientific Conference of Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia 2010 (Emsm 2010), (14 Dec 2010 - 16 Dec 2010)
- Judge for Posters and Micrographs Competition At The 19th Scientific Conference of Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia (Emsm 2010), (14 Dec 2010 - 16 Dec 2010)
Internal/ External Course
BENGKEL MICROSCOPY & IMAGING, Bilik Teori Sa1 dan Amali Sbk 3,Institut Sains Biologi (05 Sep 2014 - 05 Sep 2014)
WORKSHOP: SPECTRUM (INTERMEDIATE), Fakulti Sains UM (09 Dec 2015 - 09 Dec 2015)
QALB-GUIDED LEADERSHIP: LEADING BY HEART, Cube, Akademi Pengajian Islam UM (15 Jun 2017 - 15 Jun 2017)
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR AUTISM 2014 (INCA 2014) -- ALL FACETS FOR AUTISM:FROM RESEARCH TO PRACTICE , Miracle Resort Hotel, Lara, Antalya, Turkey. (13 Nov 2014 - 17 Nov 2014)
PENGURUSAN JENAZAH, Blok B, Bilik Kuliah Utama, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya. (20 Jun 2016 - 20 Jun 2016)
PRA PERSARAAN 2021, Secara Dalam Talian (18 Jan 2021 - 19 Jan 2021)
ETHICS TEACHERS' TRAINING COURSE OF UNESCO, Kuala Lumpur (07 Nov 2016 - 11 Nov 2016)
WORKSHOP ON THE WORKINGS OF AN IACUC, Grand Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur (25 Jul 2016 - 26 Jul 2016)
KURSUS PSIKOSPIRITUAL ISLAM, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya (28 Jul 2018 - 28 Jul 2018)
2ND LASAM WORKSHOP ON IACUC, Avenue Garden Hotel Bangi, Kajang Selangor (30 Jul 2018 - 31 Jul 2018)
"WORKSHOP ON COLLABORATION WITH CHINA" PADA 29 HINGGA 30 JANUARI 2018, Nexus Hotel, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur (29 Jan 2018 - 30 Jan 2018)
SEMINAR MIKROSKOPI, Auditorium, Bangunan High Impact Research (Hir), Universiti Malaya (20 Mar 2019 - 20 Mar 2019)
KURSUS TEKNIK ASAS HISTOLOGI BAGI TISU HAIWAN, Kursus Teknik Asas Histologi Bagi Tisu Haiwan (15 Jul 2019 - 18 Jul 2019)