ENGLISH VERSION Dr. Siti Arni Basir is an Associate Professor in the Department of  Siasah Syar'iyyah (Islamic Governance),  Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. She hails from Batu Pahat, Johor and lives in USJ Subang Jaya. She obtain  her early education at Seri Mulia Primary School and Seri Mulia Religious School at Batu Pahat. She then went on to study at the  Permata Jaya Secondary School and   Tun  Saa'don  Secondary School, Batu Pahat, Technical Institute of Johor Bahru, Johor Bahru,  and Dato’ Bentara Luar School, Batu Pahat. She holds a Bachelor of Economics with Honors  (UM), Master of Public Administration  (UM), and Doctor of Philosophy (ISO 9000 Quality Management System) from Salford Business School, University of Salford, (UK). Her areas of expertise are 1. ISLAMIC QUALITY SYSTEM ( Shariah-Based Quality Management System MS 1900);  2. ISLAMIC ADMINISTRATION  (Administration in Islamic Institutions, and Islamic Work Ethics and Values;  3. QUALITY MANAGEMENT (Total Quality Management, Quality Management System ISO 9000 and Innovation) She is the Associate Member of Malaysia's National Professor Council. She is also the Assiociate Member of Centre for Civilisational Dialogue at University of Malaya. In addition, she is the member of Center of Excellence for Halal Training and Education at University Malaya. Siti Arni has been involved in teaching for over 20 years. She actively supervises higher degree students. Over 20 students have completed their Masters and PhD theses under her supervision. She is actively conducting research related to her expertise. The focus of her research is on the implementation of ISO 9000 and quality  programs,  and their relationship with excellence and innovation in the public and corporate sectors. In addition to the technical aspects, her research focuses on the aspects of value and soft factors underlie the success and effectiveness of quality management. Her research has been extensively conducted on high performing public and corporate institutions to ascertain the good practices practiced at the institutions. In addition, she has been active in researching the implementation of   Islamic Quality Management System MS 1900, Halal Management and Islamic Work Ethics at administrative and service institutions. In addition to public and corporate institutions, she is also active in research at Islamic administration institutions and institutions of higher learning. In 2016, she and her team were conducting research program  funded by UMRG-Program entitled ' Wasatiyyah practices in Malaysian Service Sector'. Then, the program have cooperated with   JAKIM and Institute of Wasatiyyah, Prime Minister Department in conducting  Seminar of Wasatiyyah and Governance in 2017. Currently, he is conducting a study under the UMCares Research Grant entitled Green Mosque Project as Sustainable Development Initiatives in Mosques in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. An MOU was sealed with JAWI in an effort to implement the Green Mosque concept in the mosques involved. She is also conducting research on the development of halal DNA detection instrument at  Malaysian major halal food producer of Ramly Group. She is qualified Halal Executive.  Siti Arni has published over 170 publications including books, chapters in book, journals, proceedings,  and article in newspapers. 22 of her articles have been published in high impact journals that is ISI  and SCOPUS Indexed Journals. Another 2 articles have been accepted and will be published soon in SCOPUS indexed journal.  Her articles have been published in various local and international journals such as Journal of Shariah, Journal of Management, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, International Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, International Journal of Technology, Humanomics and Advance Science Letter. Her articles have also been published in the Journal of Asian Social Science, JAKIM Research Journal, Civilization Journal of UMRAN, International Journal of Business Management and Global Journal of al-Thaqafah. She is currently with  RG Score of 16.0 on Researchgate, European  social networking site for scientists and researchers. She was previously the Head of the Syar'iyyah Syariah Department. She has held various administrative positions such as UM Internal Auditor, Member of Work Ethics Committee,  Member of UM Entrepreneurial Culture Committee and Member of the UM Teaching Evaluation Committee.  In 2022, she was appointed as a Taskforce member to improve the QMS ISO 9000 implementation procedures at UM. She was also appointed as a member of another Taskforce to develop guidelines for  accreditation process for academic programs at UM. Siti Arni is a panel of Malaysian Quality Agency (MQA) and is actively involved in accreditation of academic programs at various Malaysian public and private higher  institutions. She has been involved in accrediting 50 academic programs at various HEIs. She is also involved in the review of the accreditation standards for local and international MQA programs. Siti Arni is a Lead Auditor since 2015 for academic program accreditations conducted by MQA and UM. She is appointed as Academic Program Quality Assurance Expert (ProQAE) in 2018.  As a ProQAE, she is a Consultant in designing and accrediting of Academic Programs at UM. She was also involved as a Member of the Committee designing new Roadmap for Islamic Studies Program in Malaysia. In addition, she has been appointed as Advisory Board and Reviewer of articles for local and international journals.  As a Quality Management System expert, she have delivered training on ISO 9000 at Malaysian Islamic Training Institute. Currently, she is  involved in consultancy work with Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change (MGTC) to develop Islamic Based Environmental Ethics to foster Pro-Environmental Behavior to make Green Programs in mosques and house of worship successful in line with Malaysia's Environmental Sustainability Plan 2020-2030. Dr. Siti Arni was awarded the Associate Fellow of the Quality Management Enhancement Unit (QMEC), University of Malaya in 2019. In 2022, she was appointed as Research Fellow at Islamic Department  in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.  She was alos awarded the Honorary Appointment from the University of Salford as Visiting Lecturer in 2014. She was nominated as a recipient of the Hitachi Scholarship Foundation, Japan, in 2014. She is the recipient of the Certificate and Award of Excellent as well as Gratitude  in 2012, 2015, 2016 and 2018 from UM and UPNM. She was also nominated for the UM Distinguished Lecturer in 2013. In addition, she and her team have won numerous local and international research awards including award of diamond, gold, silver and bronze medals. Her 3 research posters have been selected as the Best Posters in the research competitions. Her research has received awards and recognition from prestigious competitions such as the Expo and Creation Competition (PECIPTA) and the International Technology Expo (ITEX). In 2016, her work's Quality and Innovation Manual was selected as The Top 10 Finalists in the National Innovation Award Competition organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI).  In 2017, The Manual was listed in The Top 7 Finalists of The National Competition of Intellectual Property Award, organized by  Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia, MyIPO. The Quality  and Innovation    Manual has also been listed in the Book of  Universities R & D product published by the Ministry of Higher Education. In 2018, she received the Loyalty Service Award from UM. The ISO 9000 Quality and Innovation Manual  won the Silver Medal from the prestigious Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE), PWTC, organized by the Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS) in February 2019. Based on her outstanding performance, she is accepted as a member of British Publishing House in 2019. She is also listed in BritishPedia: Successful Person in Malaysian, 2nd edition (2020), which is published by British Publishing House. In June 2021, she received 'The Best Paper Award' in International Conference On Contemporary Islamic Studies (ICIS 2021), UiTM, co-authored with Dr. Musaiyadah Ahmadun. In September 2021, she  received "The Best Paper Award" in International Conference at USIM, co-authored with Professor Dr. Hj. Hasan Al-Banna Mohamed from UPNM. She and her team from UPNM & UNITEN have also received Sliver Award  from International Shariah Compliant Idea, Invention, Innovation & Design Expo 2021, from UiTM for her Poster entitled  'The Noble Value of Cooperation During the Pandemic Covid-19 in Sustaining the Implementation of QMS Shariah-Based (MS 1900) in a Private University'. In Feb 2022, she is receiving Certificate of Excellence as Reviewer from International Knowledge Press. In June 2022, she received Gold Award from USIM for the Research Poster entitled 'The implementation of Shariah-based Quality Management System through Caring Values among employees in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institution'.  In the year 2024,  she has published two  articles in SCOPUS indexed journal.  In addition, her new book will be published in the near future. Recently, Siti Arni's research poster and her group won the Gold Award in a research competition organized by the Academy of Islamic Studies, UM. Additionally, her reseach was acknowledged as the best paper during the presentation at the international seminar organised by Malaysia's National Defence University.     BM VERSION Dr. Siti Arni Basir merupakan Profesor Madya di Jabatan Siasah Syar’iyyah, Akademi Pengajian Islam, UM. Beliau berasal dari Batu Pahat Johor dan menetap di USJ Subang Jaya. Mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Mulia dan Sekolah Agama Seri Mulia. Seterusnya melanjutkan pelajaran ke Sekolah Menengah Rendah Kebangsaan &  Sekolah Tun Sri Saa'don Rengit, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Johor Bahru dan Sekolah Dato' Bentara Luar, Batu Pahat. Beliau berkelulusan Sarjana Muda Ekonomi dengan Kepujian   (UM), Sarjana Pentadbiran Awam  (UM), dan Doktor Falsafah (Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti ISO 9000) dari Salford Business School, University of Salford, (UK). Bidang kepakaran beliau ialah 1. SISTEM KUALITI  ISLAM (Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti Berasaskan Syariah MS 1900; 2.  PENTADBIRAN ISLAM  (Pentadbiran Institusi Islam dan, Etika Kerja Islam dan Nilai ); 3. PENGURUSAN KUALITI (Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh, Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti ISO 9000 dan Inovasi). Beliau ialah Ahli Bersekutu Majlis Profesor Negara. Beliau juga merupakan Ahli Bersekutu Pusat Dialog Peradaban di Universiti Malaya. Selain itu, beliau adalah ahli Pusat Kecemerlangan Latihan dan Pendidikan Halal di Universiti Malaya. Siti Arni terlibat dalam pengajaran selama lebih 20 tahun. Beliau aktif menyelia pelajar Sarjana dan PhD. Lebih 20 orang pelajar telah berjaya menamatkan pengajian dibawah seliaan beliau.  Beliau aktif menjalankan penyelidikan berkaitan dengan kepakarannya. Tumpuan kajian beliau ialah mengenai pelaksanaan ISO 9000 dan program kualiti dan kaitannya dengan kecemerlangan dan inovasi di sektor awam dan korporat. Selain aspek teknikal, kajian beliau banyak  memfokuskan kepada aspek nilai dan insaniah yang mendasari kejayaan  pengurusan kualiti. Kajian beliau banyak dijalankan ke atas institusi awam dan korporat  berprestasi tinggi untuk mengetahui amalan-amalan baik yang dilaksanakan di institusi tersebut. Selain itu, juga  beliau aktif  menjalankan kajian mengenai pelaksanaan Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti Islam MS 1900, Pengurusan Halal dan Etika Kerja Islam di institusi pentadbiran mahupun institusi perkhidmatan. Selain institusi awam dan korporat, beliau turut aktif menjalankan kajian di institusi  pentadbiran Islam dan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Pada tahun 2016, beliau dan pasukannya telah menjalankan program penyelidikan yang dibiayai oleh UMRG-Program bertajuk 'Amalan Wasatiyyah dalam Sektor Perkhidmatan Malaysia'. Kemudian, program ini telah bekerjasama dengan JAKIM dan Institut Wasatiyyah, Jabatan Perdana Menteri dalam menjalankan Seminar Wasatiyyah dan Tadbir Urus pada tahun 2017. Pada masa ini, beliau sedang menjalankan kajian di bawah Geran Penyelidikan UMCares bertajuk Green Mosque Project as Sustainable Development Initiatives di Masjid-masjid di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. MOU telah dimeterai dengan JAWI dalam usaha untuk melaksanakan konsep Green Mosque di masjid-masjid terlibat. Beliau juga sedang menjalankan kajian berkenaan dengan pembangunan instrumen pengesanan DNA halal di syarikat pengeluar utama makanan halal di Malaysia iaitu Ramly Group. Beliau adalah Eksekutif Halal dan ahli kepada Pusat Kecemerlangan Latihan dan Pendidikan Halal di Universiti Malaya. Siti Arni  telah menghasilkan lebih 170 penerbitan meliputi penerbitan berbentuk buku, bab dalam buku, jurnal berwasit, prosiding dan artikel dalam suratkhabar. 22   artikel beliau telah diterbitkan dalam jurnal berimpak tinggi, iaitu Jurnal Indeks ISI dan SCOPUS. 2 lagi artikel beliau telah diterima dan akan diterbitkan dalam waktu terdekat dalam jurnal berindeks SCOPUS.  Artikel-artikel beliau telah diterbitkan dalam pelbagai  jurnal tempatan mahupun antarabangsa seperti Jurnal Pengurusan, Jurnal Syariah,  Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, International Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, International Journal of Technology, Humanomics dan Advance Science Letter. Artikel-artikel beliau turut diterbitkan dalam Journal of Asian Social Science, Jurnal Usuludin, Jurnal Penyelidikan JAKIM, Jurnal Tamadun, International Journal of Business Management dan Global Journal of  al-Thaqafah.  Beliau kini memperolehi RG Skor 16.0 ResearchGate, network sosial Eropah untuk saintis dan penyelidik. Beliau pernah menjadi Ketua Jabatan Siasah Syar’iyyah. Beliau  telah memegang pelbagai jawatan pentadbiran iaitu Auditor Dalaman UM, Ahli Jawatankuasa Etika Kerja,  Ahli Jawatankuasa Pembudayaan Keusahawanan dan  Ahli  Jawatankuasa Penilaian Pengajaran.  Pada tahun 2022, beliau telah dilantik sebagai ahli Pasukan Petugas (Taskforce) untuk menambah baik prosedur pelaksanaan QMS ISO 9000 di UM. Beliau juga dilantik sebagai ahli sebuah lagi Pasukan Petugas (Taskforce)  untuk membangunkan garis panduan untuk proses akreditasi untuk program akademik di UM. Siti Arni merupakan panel Malaysian Quality Agency (MQA) dan terlibat aktif dalam akreditasi program-program akademik di pelbagai IPTA dan IPTS Malaysia. Beliau telah terlibat dalam proses mengakreditasi 50 program akademik di pelbagai IPT. Beliau juga terlibat dalam semakan terhadap naiktaraf standard-standard akreditasi MQA untuk program tempatan mahupun antarabangsa. Siti Arni dilantik sebagai Ketua Auditor semenjak 2015 untuk akreditasi program akademik yang dijalankan MQA dan UM. Beliau dilantik sebagai  Pakar untuk Jaminan Kualiti Akademik - Programme Quality Academic Expert  (ProQAE) pada 2018 yang berperanan sebagai Pakar Rujuk dalam membangun dan mengakreditasi Program-program Akademik di UM. Beliau juga pernah terlibat sebagai Ahli JawatanKuasa Semakan Hala Tuju Program Pengajian Islam di Malaysia. Selain itu, beliau sering dilantik sebagai Lembaga Penasihat dan  Penilai artikel untuk jurnal-jurnal tempatan mahupun antarabangsa.  Sebagai pakar Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti, beliau telah memberikan latihan mengenai ISO 9000 di Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia. Pada masa ini, beliau terlibat dalam kerja perundingan dengan Malaysian Green Technology & Climate Change (MGTC)   untuk membangunkan Etika Alam Sekitar Berasaskan Islam bagi memupuk Tingkah Laku Pro-Alam Sekitar untuk menjayakan Program Hijau di masjid dan rumah ibadat selaras dengan Pelan Kelestarian Alam Sekitar Malaysia 2020- 2030. Dr. Siti Arni dianugerahkan  Fellow Bersekutu Quality Management Enhancement Unit (QMEC), Universiti Malaya pada 2019. Pada 2022, beliau telah dilantik sebagai Felow Penyelidik di Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Beliau juga telah dianugerahkan Perlantikan Kehormat dari University Salford sebagai Pensyarah Pelawat  pada 2014. Beliau telah dicalonkan sebagai penerima Hitachi Scholarship Foundation, Japan, pada 2014. Beliau merupakan penerima Sijil dan Anugerah  Cemerlang serta Penghargaan pada 2012, 2015, 2016 dan 2018 dari UM dan UPNM. Beliau juga  telah dicalonkan sebagai Pensyarah Cemerlang UM pada 2013. Selain itu, beliau telah memenangi banyak anugerah penyelidikan di peringkat tempatan mahupun antarabangsa iaitu pingat intan, emas, perak dan gangsa. 3 poster penyelidikan beliau telah terpilih sebagai Poster Terbaik dalam pertandingan penyelidikan yang disertai. Penyelidikan beliau telah menerima anugerah dan pengiktirafan daripada pertandingan berprestij seperti Pertandingan Ekspo dan Ciptaan (PECIPTA) dan International Technology Expo (ITEX). Pada 2016, Manual Kualiti dan Inovasi karya beliau telah terpilih sebagai 10 Finalis Terbaik  dalam Pertandingan Anugerah Inovasi Kebangsaan anjuran Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI).     Pada  2017, Manual tersebut telah tersenarai dalam 7 Finallis Terbaik dalam Pertandingan Anugerah Harta Intelek Peringkat Kebangsaan yang dianjurkan oleh  Perbadanan Harta Intelek  Malaysia, MyIPO. Manual Kualiti dan Inovasi tersebut juga telah  tersenarai dalam Buku Produk R & D Universiti oleh Kementerian Tinggi pada 2017.  Pada 2018, beliau telah menerima Anugerah Perkhidmatan Setia dari UM. Manual Kualiti ISO 9000 dan inovasi yang beliau bangunkan  memenangi Pingat Perak daripada pertandingan berprestij iaitu Malaysian Technology Expo (MTE), PWTC, anjuran  Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS) pada Februari 2019.  Berdasarkan pencapaian cemerlang, beliau diterima  sebagai ahli British Publishing House pada 2020. Beliau juga tersenarai dalam BritishPedia: Successful Person in Malaysian, edisi ke 2 (2020), yang diterbitkan oleh British Publishing House. Pada Jun 2021,  beliau menerima  'The Best Paper Award' in International Conference On Contemporary Islamic Studies (ICIS 2021), UiTM, yang ditulis bersama Dr. Musaiyadah Ahmadun. Pada Ogos 2021, beliau telah menerima "The Best Paper Award" in International Conference, USIM, yang ditulis bersama Profesor Dr. Hj. Hasan Al-Banna  Mohamed dari UPNM. Beliau dan pasukannya dari UPNM & UNITEN juga telah menerima Sliver Award daripada International Shariah Compliant Idea, Invention, Innovation & Design Expo 2021, daripada UiTM untuk Posternya bertajuk 'Nilai Unggul Kerjasama Semasa Pandemik Covid-19 dalam Melestarikan Pelaksanaan Sijil Pengurusan Kualiti Berasaskan Syariah (MS 1900) di Universiti Swasta'. Pada Feb 2022, beliau menerima Sijil Kecemerlangan sebagai Penilai  daripada International Knowledge Press. Pada Jun 2022, beliau menerima Gold Award daripada USIM untuk Poster Penyelidikannya yang bertajuk 'The implementation of Shariah-based Quality Management System MS 1900 through Caring Values among employees in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institution'. Pada tahun 2024,  beliau telah menerbitkan dua artikel dalam  jurnal berindeks SCOPUS. . Manakala sebuah buku beliau akan terbit dalam masa terdekat. Terkini, poster penyelidikan Siti Arni dan kumpulannya telah memenangi Gold Award dalam pertandingan penyelidikan anjuran Academy of Islamic Studies, UM. Selain itu, kertas kerja  beliau  menerima pengiktirafan sebagai kertas kerja terbaik dalam pembentangan dalam Seminar Antarabangsa anjuran Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia.
Department of Siasah Syar'Iyyah, Academy of Islamic Studies Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
QR Code
Orcid id
Researcher id
Scopus id
Doctoral Degree (Phd), Pengurusan Kualiti, Salford University, Salford, UK, 2008
Master Degree, Pengurusan dan Pentadbiran, Universiti Malaya (UM), 1997
Bachelor Degree, Pentadbiran Awam, Universiti Malaya (UM), 1995
Research Areas
H Index: -
Total Journal Publication: 29
Sum of Citation: -
Books: 7
Proceedings: 3
Research Grants: More than RM Seven hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and twenty one