Dr. Hashim Ismail was an academician in the field of Malay Studies. He has extensive teaching experience in higher learning institutions in Malaysia, ended up his services at the Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya in 1988, and held the position as Head of Department and Deputy Director. Currently, he is Director of the Center for Malay Excellence, University Malaya. He also has been appointed as the University Malaya Senate’s Member. At the same time, he was involved in several consulting and institutional development work in the country. Dr. Hashim served as an affiliate fellow at the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS), University of Leiden, Netherland in 2008. With the expertise and experiences, Dr. Hashim was recognized and awarded by several institutions such as the Gold Medal awarded the Malay Teachers' Union of West Malaysia, East Research Prize, Guest Writer Award at the National Library, Criticism Essay Prize for Kelantan, Kencana DBP Literary Prize and Critics Prize Essay Malaysia's Premier Literary Prize. As a result of his involvement, Dr. Hashim has published books such as Sastera Melayu Mutakhir (2000), Permuafakatan dan Kerukunan – Teras Peradaban Malaysia (2009), Tinta Di Dada Naskhah (2010), Hermeneutik – Reaksi Reformasi Kaum Muda(2010), Dekonstruksi Identiti Dalam Teks Melayu (2018), Paradigma Melayu (2017), Kebudayaan Kebangsaan Dicabar (2017), and a large number of articles published in journals, magazines and newspapers. He has also been a member of the Southeast Asian Literary Council (MASTERA) since 2007 and been a jury member of the SEA Write Award (Malaysia), MASTERA Literary Prize Panel, Utusan Group Literary Prize Panel, Malaysia Premier Literary Prize Panel, One Malaysia Essay Prize Panel, Sarawak State Literary Awards Panel, Selangor Literary Awards, Johore Literary Awards, Negeri Sembilan Literary Awards, and several other Literary Prizes in the country.
Dean Office, Academy of Malay Studies Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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