Professor Dr. Sabri Musa was appointed as Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs), Universiti Malaya from July 2021. Prior to this appointment, he was the Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya (August 2019-June 2021). Professor Dr. Sabri Musa pursue his studies in 1982 at the Science Foundation Centre, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In 1989, he graduated from Universiti Malaya with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and joined the Faculty of Dentistry. His clinical and research training was conducted at the Eastman Dental Institute, University of London, where he received his Master of Science in Paediatric Dentistry with a 3M Prize Award in 1993. In 2020, he received his doctorate degree (PhD) from Universiti Malaya. Professor Dr. Sabri Musa was appointed as a lecturer and professor in Paediatric Dentistry at Universiti Malaya in 1993 and 2016, respectively. Since 2000, he has held various positions such as Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Deputy Dean Postgraduate, Principal of the Universiti Malaya Residential College, and Head of the Regenerative Dentistry Research Group, Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya. His publications have focused on his main area of research in paediatric dentistry and dental stem cells. As an academician, he also practices his specialty in paediatric dentistry at the faculty and the Universiti Malaya Specialist Centre. Professor Dr. Sabri Musa has been appointed as an external examiner in paediatric dentistry by various public and private dental universities. He has also been invited to deliver a speech and present papers at local and international conferences. He has also been appointed as a consultant for private companies due to his expertise in dental stem cells. Since 2015, he has served as a panel member for the Malaysian Qualifications Agency in the field of dentistry. He was recently appointed as a member for the Malaysian Dental Council. Outside of the classroom, Professor Dr. Sabri Musa is very active and has served as an advisor for student activities at the faculty and university levels. He has represented Universiti Malaya in athletics, tenpin bowling, and volleyball at the Malaysian Intervarsity Staff Games. In athletics, he has been represented Universiti Malaya at the ASEAN Intervarsity Games level since his student days, and he is still competing in the veteran category at the Malaysian Intervarsity Staff Games.
Department of Paediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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