Dr. Nurshamimi was awarded a Malaysia-Imperial Doctoral Programme to study HPV regulation at the Department of Virology, St. Mary’s Campus, Imperial College London, upon graduating with an M.Med.Sc from the University of Malaya in 2008. She joined the Department of Molecular Medicine as a Senior Lecturer in 2014 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2021. She was a three-time travel award winner for attending HKU-Pasteur workshops at the University of Hong Kong. She also received travel awards from the International Papillomavirus Society in 2017 for the HPV conference in South Africa and a travel award from the EMBL Advanced Training Centre Corporate Partnership Program Fellowship in 2015 for the EMBO Conference in Heidelberg, Germany. She is also a member of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and the European Society for Virology. In 2020, she won the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Young Investigator Award for her work on the Chikungunya virus, and in 2022, she received a travel award from Keystone Symposia, Global Health Travel Award, USA. In 2024, she was selected by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA, to present her work entitled "Morindone from Morinda citrifolia—A promising agent targeting DNA replication and key mutations in colorectal cancer" at their conference 'Mechanisms and Models of Cancer'. Dr. Nurshamimi also holds several patents in the field of anti-aging and colorectal cancer. Her current research is geared toward phase 1 clinical trials for diabetic foot ulcer treatment and investigating potential leads for colorectal cancer targets. She is an Ambassador for Bentham Science Publisher, one of the most renowned ISI publishers in the world. Currently, she is a principal investigator for research projects on colorectal cancer, Zika and dengue viruses, anti-aging, and diabetic foot ulcers.
Department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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