Research Areas
1. Streptococcus pneumoniae pathogenesis, 1. Two tests, a rapid test for serodiagnosis and an ELISA for monitoring of infected patients on maintenance therapy have been developed and commercialized in collaboration with PanBio Labs, Australia, 2. A range of secretory products, which include protease, lecithinase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, catalse-peroxidase, nitric oxide, and other, related enzymes have been purifies and characterized. Using hybridoma technology, monoclonal antibodies have been developed to these secretory products and studies on the use of these for immunoprophylaxis have been initiated, 2. Burkholderia cepacia in vivo survival genes, 3. Burkholderia psedomallei in vivo survival genes, 3. Development of animal models for melioidosis., 4. Characterisation and detection of influenza virus, 4. Characterisation of capsular polysaccharide, which was demonstrated using EM is
being evaluated as a potential candidate vaccine, 5. Epitope mapping using the phage display system to design peptides for diagnostics and vaccines., Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics. Currently a number of microbial genomes have been sequenced and data is available through the Sanger Centre and NCBI. Grant applications to obtain funding to study the functional genomics of virulence genes of microbial pathogen is underway, Cholera.In brief, molecular epidemiology and the role of the environment on the survival and virulence of Vibrio cholerae, Human melioidosis; pathogenesis and vaccine development
H Index: -
Total Journal Publication: 340
Sum of Citation: -
Books: 7
Proceedings: 0
Research Grants: More than RM Twelve million eight hundred and thirty six thousand seven hundred and thirty five