(Doctor of philosophy)
Short biography Dr. Mohammad Ismath Ramzy is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundation & Humanities, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur. He has more than 10 year’s experience in teaching, research and Academic thesis supervision He is the Chair of Education for Humanism and Social Advancement Research Centre (EHSAn), Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya, and he served as an Editor of the Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management (MOJEM-Scopus indexed)- ( for more than four years. Dr Ramzy's background is in Intercultural and interreligious education. He obtained a Licentiate Certificate in Islamic studies from Jaamiah Nalemiah, Sri Lanka and completed undergraduate studies in Arabic linguistics at the Peradeniya University of Sri Lanka in 2001. He received a Master's in Comparative Religion from the International Islamic University Islamabad. He studied Shavism of Hinduism for his Master's thesis. Ramzy completed his PhD in Comparative Religion in 2012 at the International Islamic University, Malaysia (IIUM), where he studied the legacy of Ven. Prof. Walpola Rahula Thera of Sri Lanka to peaceful coexistence. Upon completing his PhD, Ramzy joined the Universiti Malaya (UM) as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in October 2012 in the Center for Cilivizational Dialogue, University of Malaya (CCD-UM). He was promoted to Research Fellow in 2013 at the same place. In 2015, Dr. Ramzy joined the Faculty of Education, UM, based on the merits of his research and publications. He is actively involved in research on Intercultural Competence. He has published over 60 research articles in reputed academic review Journals including social science indexed journals in educating different level of people on intercultural studies and governing the cultural and religious diversity. In addition, he has written several chapters of books and contributed seven entries to the Encyclopedia of Indian Religions (Springer Publication). He also co-authored a book published by UM Press in 2023.  Dr Ramzy supervises more than 26 PhD and 12 Master thesis and have evaluated more than 36 MA and PhD Thesis. Further he served as editor of Scopus indexed journal and reviewer of social science and other indexed journals. Dr. Ramzy has been awarded seven international honours for research and coordination and received a Southeast Asia Fellowship from The King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) in Lisbon, Portugal. In addition, he was recently bestowed a 'Senior Fellowship' at the Global Peace Institute in the U.K. Dr Ramzy served as visiting scholar in Prince Songkla Unviersity (PSU), Patttani from 24 April to 05th of May 2023 and the Research Scholarship Centre, King Khalid Unviersity (KKU), Abha, Saudi Arabia from 14-27 February 2024. He has been invited as a keynote speaker in many international seminars and conferences and has participated as a guest speaker at many international forums, including Britain, Australia, South Korea, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. He has presented research papers at various international conferences, including Australia, the U.K., South Korea, Qatar, Turkey, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. In addition, Dr. Ramzy has conducted more than seven international webinars on research. Dr. Ramzy is not only a researcher but also a peace activist. He is involved in Organizing interfaith initiatives in Malaysia and Sri Lanka and has also participated in programs conducted by the UNESCO Activity Club and various youth interfaith programs. He actively involves in Muslim-Buddhist dialogue and coexistence. He can be reached at  
Department of Educational Foundations and Humanities, Faculty of Education Office of The, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Orcid id
Researcher id
Scopus id
Doctoral Degree (Phd), Usuluddin, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),
Master Degree, Arabic, Al-Madina International University Malaysia,
Bachelor Degree, Arabic, University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka,
Master Degree, Religion Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad,
Research Areas
Intercultural Competence, Cultural Values
H Index: 3.00
Total Journal Publication: 21
Sum of Citation: 15.00
Books: 1
Proceedings: 0
Research Grants: More than RM Two hundred and fifty three thousand four hundred and twenty one